Hakizimana 2017
Hakizimana 2017
Hakizimana 2017
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Electrocoagulation process (EC) has been the subject of several reviews in the last decade, and is still a very active
Received 20 April 2016 area of research. Most published works deals with applications for treatment of drinking water and urban, indus-
Received in revised form 17 October 2016 trial or agricultural wastewaters so as to enhance the simultaneous abatement of soluble and colloidal pollution.
Accepted 19 October 2016
These also include contributions to theoretical understanding, electrode materials, operating conditions, reactor
Available online xxxx
design and even techno-economic analysis. Even though, the numerous advantages reported in the literature,
and the pros and cons of EC in comparison to alternative processes, its industrial application is not yet considered
Electrocoagulation process as an established wastewater technology because of the lack of systematic models for reactor scale-up. This paper
Water treatment presents a comprehensive review on its development and design. The most recent advances on EC reactor model-
Mechanisms ing are summarized with special emphasis on four major issues that still constitute the cornerstone of EC: the
Modeling theoretical understanding of mechanisms governing pollution abatement, modeling approaches, CFD simula-
Electrochemical cell design tions, and techno-economic optimization. Finally, outlooks for future research and developments are suggested.
Operating cost © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2. Theoretical background on electrocoagulation process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.1. Electrocoagulation mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.2. Specificity of Al electrodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.3. Specificity of iron electrodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3. Key parameters influencing the EC process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.1. Effect of current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
⁎ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (B. Gourich).
0011-9164/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 J.N. Hakizimana et al. / Desalination 404 (2017) 1–21
3H2 O þ 3e− → H2 þ 3OH− E ° ¼ 0:00V=ENH ð5Þ
m¼ϕ M ð6Þ
Table 2
Equilibrium reactions of metal hydroxides with soluble pollutants in the bulk.
Table 3
Equilibrium constant and standard reduction potential of aluminum species.
Reaction pK
Al3+ 2+ +
(aq) + H2O= Al(OH)(aq) + H(aq) 4.997
Al3+ + +
(aq) + 2H2O = Al(OH)2 (aq) + 2H(aq) 10.094
Al3+ +
(aq) + 3H2O = Al(OH)3 (aq) + 3H(aq) 16.791
Al3+ +
(aq) + 3H2O = Al(OH)3 (s) + 3H(aq) (amorphous) 8.578
Al3+ +
(aq) + 2H2O = AlO(OH)(s) + 3H(aq) (boehmite) 10.800
Al3+ +
(aq) + 4H2O = Al(OH)4 (aq) + 4H(aq) 22.688
Reaction E° (V)
(aq) + 3e = Al(s) −0.41
(aq) + 3e = Fe(s) −0.04
Fe3+ 2+
(aq) + 2e = Fe(aq) +0.77
4 (aq) + 3e + 8H+ = Fe3+
(aq) + 4H2O +2.20
Fig. 3. Main mechanisms of insoluble colloidal pollution abatement using EC.
J.N. Hakizimana et al. / Desalination 404 (2017) 1–21 5
nAlðOHÞ3 →Aln ðOHÞ3n ð13Þ The electrochemical reactions taking place at iron electrodes or in
aqueous medium during Fe-EC are more complex than with aluminum,
Secondary reactions may occur at the electrodes due to a purely as anode oxidation could lead either to ferrous or ferric cations:
chemical attack of aluminum under acid or alkaline conditions, respec-
Fe→Fe2þ þ 2e− ð19Þ
tively [8,37]:
Ferrous and ferric ions hydrolyze in water and form various mono-
2Al þ 6H2 O þ 2OH− →2AlðOHÞ−
4 þ 3H2 ð15Þ
meric and polymeric species whose proportions depend on the ferric
ion concentration and on the pH: Fe(OH)2+,Fe(OH)+ 4+
2 ,Fe(OH)2 ,-
The consequence is that the amount of dissolved Al released during Fe(OH)− 2+
,Fe(H2O)4(OH)+ 4+
4 ,Fe(H2O)5(OH) 2 ,Fe(H2O)8(OH)2 ,-
EC exceeds the expected concentration predicted by Faraday's law. The Fe2(H2O)6(OH)24 + and Fe(OH)3. This complexity also emerges from
faradic yield ϕ is, therefore, higher than 100% and can reach 200% [8]. Table 4 that summarizes the acid/base and equilibrium constants and
A key problem of EC process is the passivation of the cathode as it in- standard reduction potentials of monomeric species.
creases cell voltage and energy consumption. The passivation mecha- Despite some ambiguities in various papers on the mechanism of
nism can be avoided by optimization of the current reversal frequency Iron EC, recent studies usually assume that the anode oxidation releases
[38] or NaCl addition so as to promote pitting corrosion with a chemical Fe2+ because it has been proved that the dissolution rate of Fe3+ is neg-
reaction between Cl− adsorbed on the aluminum oxide film with Al3+ ligible [41–43]. The oxidation of Fe2+ ions to Fe3+ ions depends strongly
species in the oxide lattice. The rate of chemical corrosion of soluble alu- on pH and the dissolved oxygen concentration [41,44]. In acidic media,
minum anodes depends mainly on two mechanisms [14]: Fe2+ cations oxidize very slowly in contact with dissolved oxygen (Eq.
• The formation and build-up of a passive aluminum-oxide layer; (21)), while in neutral or alkaline media, Fe2+ is immediately trans-
• The subsequent partial destruction of this layer through pitting. formed into ferrous hydroxide (Eq. (22)) which is quickly oxidized by
dissolved oxygen to iron(III) hydroxide (Eq. (23)).
The pitting corrosion depends strongly on the initial pH, the nature Fe2þ þ O2 þ 2H2 O→Fe3þ þ 4OH− ð21Þ
and the concentration of supporting electrolyte and the current density.
The positive effect of anions on passive aluminum-oxide layer in the de- Fe2þ þ 2OH− →FeðOHÞ2 ð22Þ
scending order [39] is: Cl−, Br−, I−, F−, ClO− − 2−
4 , OH , SO4 . The pitting
corrosion can largely affect the overall dissolution of sacrificial alumi- 4FeðOHÞ2 þ O2 þ 2H2 O→4FeðOHÞ3 ð23Þ
num anode. The pitting potential Epit (V) decreases with the logarithm
of chloride concentration (ppm), as shown in Eq. (16) [8]. The consequence is that, on one hand, some studies report that the
iron dissolution follows Faraday's law with a faradic yield between 80
Epit ¼ 1:75−0:72 Ln½Cl ð16Þ and 100% [12,13,45]. On the other hand, others state that there is a dif-
ference between the amount of iron theoretically dissolved estimated
by Faraday's law and the amount of observed dissolved iron based on
Table 4
Z = 2 [41]. In acidic media, ϕ is higher than 100%, whereas in alkaline
Equilibrium constant and standard reduction potential of iron species. media, the opposite is true. At lower pH values, possible explanations
are similar to those reported for Al: chemical corrosion and pitting cor-
Reaction pK
rosion at both electrodes in the presence of some ionic compounds, such
Fe2+ + +
(aq) + H2O = Fe(OH)(aq) + H(aq) 9.397 as chloride anions [41,45]. At higher pH values, the dissolution efficiency
(aq) + 2H2O = Fe(OH)2 (aq) + 2H(aq)
decreases below the Faraday's law values because secondary reactions
(aq) + 2H2O = Fe(OH)2 (s) + 2H(aq)
Fe2+ −
(aq) + 2H2O = Fe(OH)3 (aq) + 2H(aq)
28.991 occur near the anode, including oxygen evolution (Eq. (2)). For alkaline
(aq) + H2 O = Fe(OH)2+
(aq) + H +
(aq) 2.187 pH, iron oxidation leads to Fe(III) formation through Eq. (20) as oxide or
Fe3+ +
(aq) + 2H2O = Fe(OH)(aq) + 2H(aq)
4.594 hydroxide species. This decreases the iron concentration produced, be-
Fe(aq) + 3H2O = Fe(OH)3 (aq) + 3H+
(aq) 12.56 cause Fe(III) formation requires 3 electrons instead of 2 for Fe(II) and so,
Fe2+ 3+ +
(aq) + 2Fe(aq) + 8H2O = Fe3(OH)8 (s) + 8H(aq) 20.222
Fe(aq) + 2H2O = αFeO(OH)(s) + 3H+
a higher current value for achieving the same iron concentration is re-
(aq) + 2H2O = γFeO(OH)(s) + 3H(aq)
1.371 quired [41,42]. The various monomeric and polymeric species finally
(aq) + 4H2O = Fe(OH)4 (aq) + 4H(aq)
21.588 turn into amorphous Fe(OH)3 precipitates that are efficient for a rapid
2Fe3+ 4+
(aq) + 2H2O = Fe2(OH)2 (aq) + 2H(aq)
13.771 adsorption of soluble organic compounds and trapping of colloidal par-
3Fe3+ 5+
(aq) + 4H2O = Fe3(OH)4 (aq) + 4H(aq)
ticles [37,46].
Reaction E° (V) Two other differences with Al electrodes can also be drawn. The first
Fe2+ −
(aq) + 2e = Fe(s) −0.41 one is that the buffer effect reported for Fe is weaker than for Al. Final pH
(aq) + 3e = Fe(s) −0.04 usually achieved is 9 or 10 with Fe electrodes even when the initial pH is
Fe3+ 2+
(aq) + 2e = Fe(aq) +0.77 acidic [44,47]. The second is that Fe2+ is highly soluble and therefore,
4 (aq) + 3e + 8H+ = Fe3+
(aq) + 4H2O +2.20
not capable of an efficient colloid destabilization by Fe(OH)3, hereby
6 J.N. Hakizimana et al. / Desalination 404 (2017) 1–21
causing poor EC performance [12]. Consequently, an efficient operation 3.1. Effect of current
of Fe-EC requires one or more of the following optimization techniques
for the Fe3+ production [41,44]: Current I is a key parameter of EC. EC is often designed as a function
of current density i defined as the ratio of current over electrode surface
(a) aerating the water to increase the dissolved oxygen concentra-
area S. The continuity equation imposes current conservation between
tion and Fe2+ oxidation;
the anode and the cathode, current density may differ between elec-
(b) increasing the pH to 7.5 or higher to promote the Fe2+ oxidation
trodes where
(c) introducing an alternative oxidant such as chlorine that may be I ¼ iA SA ¼ iC SC ð26Þ
produced by oxidization of the chloride ions present in water/
wastewater on the iron anode or in an additional electrolysis
Current density determines the coagulant dosage at the anode and
cell, for example using a Ti/RuO2 anode and a Ti cathode [48].
the hydrogen gas (H2) evolution at the cathode governed by Faraday's
Thereafter, ferrous oxidation takes place in the bulk solution, as
law. The bubble density affects the system hydrodynamics, which in
shown below:
turn influences mass transfer between pollutants, coagulant and gas
micro-bubbles, and finally dictates collision rate of coagulated particles
that results in flocs formation [49]. Current density affects as well hy-
Cl2 þ H2 O→ClOH þ Cl þ Hþ ð24Þ drolyzed metal species through pH evolution during EC process as a
function of water alkalinity. The current appears, therefore, to create a
2Fe2þ þ 2HOCl→2Fe3þ þ 2OH− þ Cl2 ð25Þ dynamic physical/chemical environment that governs directly the coag-
ulation/flocculation mechanism [33,50] and favors the electromigration
Taking into account the electric current consumed by chloride ions of ions and charged colloids [51].
oxidation, this process is not efficient unless the water/wastewater to Cell voltage is correlated as a function of equilibrium potential,
treat contains above 600 mg Cl−/L. anode and cathode overpotential as postulated by Eq. (35). Electric en-
ergy consumption can then be deduced as a function of operation time t
(d) increasing the residence time to achieve complete Fe2+
P ¼ ∫ 0 U:I:dt ð27Þ
Iron presents also two additional advantages over aluminum: iron is
nontoxic thus it can be used for potable water, even though Moroccan As electric energy required for the EC process is linked to the electric
guideline is 200 ppb for aesthetic and organoleptic reasons, which is ex- current and potential as shown in Eq. (27), EC can be driven either
actly the same value as for aluminum. The second one is the lower price under the galvanostatic or potentiostatic mode. For the galvanostatic
of iron, about 0.5–0.8 US$/kg, while aluminum cost lies between 1.5 and mode, EC process is carried out by controlling and/or varying the cur-
3 US$/kg. rent applied through electrodes while for the potentiostatic mode, it is
the applied cell voltage that is controlled and/or varied as a function of
3. Key parameters influencing the EC process amount of coagulant desired to be released in EC reactor. The
potentiostatic mode is rarely used for EC [52] and often used for other
The parameters affecting EC effectiveness are related to the operat- electrochemical methods such as electro-oxidation and electro-reduc-
ing conditions such as current or voltage and operation time, to water/ tion when sacrificial electrodes are not used [53,54].
wastewater features such as pH, alkalinity and conductivity and to the However, very high current values may negatively affect the EC effi-
geometry of the EC reactor and the EC electrodes (electrode surface, ciency. For instance, secondary reactions may occur chiefly, and
electrode spacing). overdosing can reverse the charge of the colloids and redisperse them
Applied current
Non-optimal Non-optimal Optimal
Lower surface charge Higher surface charge Higher surface charge Higher surface charge
Higher mass Lower mass Lower mass higher mass
Higher bubble generation Higher bubble generation Lower bubble generation Lower bubble generation
Fig. 5. Conceptual model predicting floc evolution rate and structure with α as collision efficiency and β as collision frequency [33].
J.N. Hakizimana et al. / Desalination 404 (2017) 1–21 7
leading thereby to a decrease of the coagulant efficiency and to a reduc- absent above the latter pH value . For Fe electrode, the quantity of insol-
tion of the electrode lifetime. For instance, in their work, after finding uble iron hydroxide drastically increases with pH ranging from 4 to 7. At
that size and structure evolution of flocs in EC of suspended colloid (ka- this latter pH value, iron hydroxide ions are absent on the predomi-
olin) depend strongly on the current, Harif and Adin [33] suggested a nance diagram. These predominance diagrams were obtained from
model that describes also how applied electric current governs the the theoretical calculation based on equilibrium constants and pH for
rate, the structure and the features of flocs formed, their collision effi- a concentration of 10−2 M for both electrode metals.
ciency α and frequency β in the EC process (Fig. 5). It is worth noting that effluent pH after EC treatment would increase
The values of the current density range may widely vary according to for acidic influent but can decrease for alkaline effluent, which is due to
the features and the amount of pollutants to be removed from water/ the buffering effect of EC [57]. The increase of pH in acidic medium is
wastewater, for instance from 0.01 A·m−2 [55] to 880 A·m−2 [56]. Op- due to hydrogen evolution at the cathode while the decrease of pH is
timum current density should be determined considering other operat- due firstly to the formation of hydroxide precipitates that release H+
ing parameters. To operate the EC system for a long period without cations at the anode vicinity and the secondary reactions such as
maintenance, current density is suggested to be between 20 and water oxidation and chlorine production and its hydrolysis. This high-
25 A·m−2 [39]. High current also increases voltage and ohmic drop be- lights the buffering effect of EC that acts in addition to that of water al-
tween anode and cathode; ohmic drop or IR drop results from the ohmic kalinity. This effect is particularly high with Al electrodes because of the
resistance of the electrolyte R, which can be expressed as follows: formation of aluminate anions at high pH [9].
The bicarbonate alkalinity has been reported to improve slightly the
d1 pollutants removal efficiency [58] and in addition it allows to remove
R¼ ð28Þ
Sk the hardness by precipitation of CaCO3 thanks to the hydroxyl anions
produced by water reduction at the cathode vicinity [59].
where d denotes the inter-electrode distance and k the water conduc-
tivity. Indeed, when i increases, and U tends to the IR drop term RI de- 3.3. Effect of cell geometry and electrodes design
duced from Eq. (28), which means that electric power varies as RI2.
Consequently, power input can be reduced by decreasing the distance The EC device is mainly made of electrodes and enclosure. The elec-
between the electrodes and increasing the electrode surface area and trodes are arranged in an enclosure that is a non-conductive tank in
the water/wastewater conductivity [32]. Using current reversal which the treatment of water/wastewater takes place.
(switching anode and cathode electrically) is useful to reduce mainte-
nance cost, but its effect on pollution removal is not ascertained up to 3.3.1. Electrodes arrangement
now. EC process can be affected by electrode system through electrodes
arrangement and inter-electrode distance. Electrodes arrangement can
3.2. Effect of water pH and alkalinity
Current power supply + -
pH is another key factor influencing the performance of EC, especial-
ly the coagulation mechanism because it governs the hydrolyzed metal
species generated in reactive media and influences the prevailing mech-
anisms of EC [43]. A study of Al and Fe speciation resulting from hydro-
lysis of their corresponding cations governed by thermodynamic a)
equilibrium is primordial to unravel how pH contributes to dictate the
EC mechanisms, as already discussed in Section 2. Adsorption and coag- Anodes
ulation particularly depend on pH. The superficial charge of the Al or Fe CathodesCathodes
either be simply composed of an anode and a cathode or be composed of flotation/settling characteristics [38]. EC reactors have been designed
many anodes and cathodes complexly settled in EC cell. The complex following some key criteria, chiefly the operating mode and the goals
electrodes arrangement can be classified in monopolar and bipolar to be reached. EC reactor design can be classified on the basis of three
electrodes. major distinctions according to literature survey [4,39]. The first one is
whether a reactor is configured as a batch or a continuous system, i.e.
• Monopolar electrodes in parallel connection (MP-P) are described in the feed mode. For a continuous system, reactors are continuously fed
Fig. 6a. It corresponds to an electrode arrangement that consists of in water/wastewater and operate, while the operation is carried out
cathodes and anodes placed alternatively at the same anodic or ca- with a fixed wastewater volume per treatment cycle in a batch process
thodic potential, respectively. Each pair of cathode/anode corresponds [4]. The second distinction is the method used to separate the aggregat-
to a small electrolytic cell in which the voltage is the same. The reactor ed pollutants, as discussed in Section 2.1 and in illustrated Fig. 4. The last
consists, therefore, of electrolytic cells in parallel. Consequently, the one is the design of the electrodes geometry that defines the current dis-
current of each electrolytic cell is additive. tribution in the cell: typical EC cells have been reviewed by Mollah et al.
• Monopolar electrodes in series connections (MP-S) are described in [32] and have not significantly change in the last decade. In practice,
Fig. 6b. Each pair of internal sacrificial electrodes is internally connect- rectangular cells still dominate, as planar rectangular electrodes can
ed with each other, and has no interconnections with the two outer be used, and the most common design in typical applications is the
electrodes. In this case, the electric current passing through all the open vertical-plate cell, usually followed by a settler (Fig. 7). This
electrodes is the same, whereas the global voltage is the sum of volt- means that it is open at the top, which avoids submerged contacts and
age in each individual electrolytic cell. make maintenance easier; vertical anodes and cathodes are equally
• Bipolar electrode in series connections (BP-S) comprises two outer spaced in parallel; any vertical/horizontal length ratio can be used,
electrodes connected to electric power supply and the sacrificial elec- which makes scale-up easy, but maintenance is facilitated by values
trodes placed between the two outer electrodes (Fig. 6c). Outer elec- lower than 2. If current reversal is applied, the symmetry of the
trodes are monopolar and the inner ones are bipolar. The bipolar anode-cathode electrodes reduces maintenance, in particular in com-
electrodes are not interconnected and each of their sides acts simulta- parison to cylindrical EC cells. Described as the most versatile design
neously as an anode and a cathode. This means that opposite sides of in terms of flow rate, mixing is usually the main weakness of this cell ge-
each bipolar electrode are oppositely charged, the anodic dissolution ometry (Fig. 7b).
takes place on the positive side while the negative side is prone to ca- Alongside electrodes arrangement and electrodes spacing, EC reac-
thodic reactions [5]. tor design affects EC through the reactor working volume that inter-
venes to define electrode area/volume ratio (A/V) and through EC
geometry. Electrode A/V ratio is the only key scale-up parameter in
Overall, monopolar electrodes require a low voltage and a higher plant design that allows developing EC full-scale equipment from labo-
current contrary to the bipolar electrodes that operate under a high ratory experiments keeping the same inter-electrode distance when
voltage and a lower current. It is so difficult to conclude which elec- using electrode plates. The typical range of electrode A/V ratio varies be-
trodes arrangement is better than the other considering only EC yield tween 15 m2/m3 and 45 m2/m3. An increase of the A/V ratio results in a
given that it has been proved that equally BP-S could display a high EC decrease of both treatment time and the optimum current density [40].
efficiency [60,61]. Taking into account the ratio effectiveness-cost, When the electrode area is high enough, the major parameter is the cur-
monopolar electrodes may be deemed interesting because in many rent concentration I/V. This parameter combines the current density
cases this electrodes arrangement offers a high pollutant removal with and the electrode area/volume ratio and allows defining the concentra-
a lower energy consumption [62,63], knowing that bipolar electrode al- tion of coagulants released in water at a given treatment time using Eq.
ways consumes a high energy [64–66]. This last mode which is easy to (29) under batch conditions. Under continuous system, the reactor vol-
handle, needs less maintenance cost during operation, thus the impact ume allows defining the residence time for a considered flow rate of
of maintenance cost on overall operation cost should equally be consid- water/wastewater and thus the released coagulant quantity can be de-
ered to choose an appropriate electrode mode [7]. duced.
Besides the popular rectangular electrodes, there are other geomet-
rical shapes such as circular, cylindrical. Electrodes can be settled either M I
C¼ t ð29Þ
vertically or horizontally in EC cell [30]. Despite being rarely used, hor- ZF V
izontal electrodes in EC batch reactor may have a higher mixing efficien-
cy [67]. where C and V are the theoretical concentration of metallic cations (g/
m3) and the working volume of the EC device (m3), respectively.
3.3.2. Effect of inter-electrode distance The usual reactor geometry, such as cylindrical, cubic and rectangu-
The IR-drop increases as the distance between electrodes increases. lar parallelepiped, has a slight effect on EC performance, except from a
Thus, energy consumption decreases with decreasing the gap between non-conventional shaped EC reactor known as an electrochemically-
electrodes (Eqs. (27) and (28)). As the distance between electrodes be- driven airlift reactor. Essadki et al. [72] studied the decolorization of
comes lower, more electrochemically generated gas bubbles bring textile dye wastewater by EC/electroflotation in an external-loop airlift
about turbulent hydrodynamics, thereby leading to a high mass transfer reactor, usually used to carry out chemical and biochemical oxidations.
as well as to a high reaction rate between the coagulant species and pol- The use of optimal current density and electrode position allowed re-
lutants [68]. In addition, inter-electrode gap defines the residence time moving 80% COD (chemical oxygen demand) and color from the textile
between the anode and the cathode for a continuous system and the dye wastewater. This highlights the key role that can be played by the
time of treatment for a batch reactor for reaching a desirable EC efficien- EC reactor geometry in terms of hydrodynamic and mixing properties
cy. For a complex electrode arrangement, Inter-electrode distance de- [72].
termines also the number of electrodes to place in electrocoagulation
cell, once its volume is defined [69]. 3.4. Effect of water conductivity
3.3.3. EC reactor design The current density efficiency depends strongly on conductivity and
EC reactor design is of great importance since it affects the overall ionic strength of water/wastewater. The current density efficiency in-
performances of the EC process through its influence on the operating creases with increasing electrolytic conductivity due to the decrease of
parameters namely, flow regime, flocs formation, removal yield and ohmic resistance of water/wastewater. Conductivity also decreases the
J.N. Hakizimana et al. / Desalination 404 (2017) 1–21 9
Fig. 7. Experimental setup of a) batch EC cell [70] b) continuous EC cell [71] (1: wastewater tank; 2: peristaltic pump; 3: effluent input to the first compartment; 4: electrodes; 4: EC cell /
first compartment treatment; 6: sludge; 7: second compartment treatment; 8: sludge evacuation; 9: treated effluent evacuation; 10: treated water tank; 11: outfall; 12: mechanical
treatment time required to reach a given removal yield [74]. Conse- This section reviews EC models already reported and discussed in
quently, the energy consumption (UI) is reduced. NaCl is frequently the literature and that can help to gain more insights in EC reactors de-
used to increase the electrolytic conductivity. Chloride anions take sign. There are two main classes of EC modeling: statistical modeling
part as well in the reduction of the adverse effects of other anions to and modeling based on knowledge. Statistical modeling generally
avoid the precipitation of calcium carbonate in hard water that could aims at seeking optimum operating conditions in which EC efficiency
form an insulating layer on the surface of the electrodes [57]. For very will be improved. EC being a complex process, modeling based on
high current density, chloride anions can also be oxidized to active chlo- knowledge encompasses some models that consider EC as one process
rine forms, such as hypochlorite anions, that can oxidize organic com- and some others that are used to describe a given physical or chemical
pounds [7] and ferrous ions [48] or contribute to water/wastewater phenomenon occurring during the process. Special attention is also de-
disinfection. In order to ensure a normal operation of EC in wastewater voted to computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling, where compu-
treatment, it is recommended that 20% of the anions present should be tational techniques have been applied to study fluid flow and current
Cl− [39]. density inside EC reactors and predict complex inherent phenomena,
However, there are the constraints imposed on conductivity in- especially in case where an experimental approach is restricted by tech-
crease in wastewater treatment and particularly in potable water treat- nical constraints.
ment. For wastewater treatment, besides a secondary pollution that
could be produced by an increase of conductivity, there are the norms 4.1. Statistical modeling
to be respected depending on whether the treated wastewater is devot-
ed either to the reuse or to be flowed out in ecosystem. Conductivity in- Considering many physical/chemical phenomena involved in EC, the
crease during the treatment of drinking water by EC is highly limited in pollutants removal efficiency complexly depends on the single and
accordance with the standard norms that define the maximum chloride combined effects of the main process variables (factors). To date, in
concentration in industrial effluents at 250 mg/L [73]. most studies on water/wastewater treatment by EC, optimization has
been performed by varying a single factor while keeping all other factors
4. EC modeling fixed at a specific set of conditions. This habitual way for optimization of
EC process requires many experimental runs and results in poor optimi-
The literature review demonstrated the relative lack of systematic zation, such as underestimation or overestimation of the effect of the
approach of EC reactor design and scale-up. The necessary improve- process parameters on EC performances due to disregarding the inter-
ments in EC cell performances and operation demand better design, ma- actions among those variables [75].
terials, and optimization. These require a deep understanding of the To solve this issue, response surface methodology (RSM) has been
interactions between many processes involved in EC, including electro- used as a tool in several works to display the effects of major process pa-
chemical mechanisms, coagulation, flotation, and settling [32]. EC rameters and their interactions. RSM has many forms namely the full or
modeling is significantly helpful to improve the design and reduce partial factorial design (FD) [76–77], central composite design (CCD)
both equipments and operating costs. It can quickly provide us robust [78–83], D-optimal design (DOP) [75], and Box-Behnken design (BBD)
and accurate solutions to EC problems, and thus enable us to predict [84–87], among others. FD is used to determine the principal effects of
EC cell performances under a wide range of operating conditions. independent variables and their interactions while CCD, DOP and BBD
10 J.N. Hakizimana et al. / Desalination 404 (2017) 1–21
are used to estimate the optimum operating conditions and to generate kinetic model [91,92].
the empirical model represented by a second-order polynomial regres-
sion model given below: dC
¼ KC n ð31Þ
k X
k k X
X k
where C, K and n are the initial concentration of the pollutant, the reac-
Y ¼ b0 þ bi X i þ bii X 2i þ bij X i X j ð30Þ
i¼1 i¼1 j¼1 i¼1
tion rate constant and the order of reaction.
Upon the key findings of recent works, the kinetic law of the
defluoridation by EC process should be a pseudo-first-order reaction
where the Xi and Xj terms are the factors that influence the predicted re- since the kinetic constant K was found to be dependent on initial fluo-
sponse Y, b0 is the average of the experimental response, bi, bii and bij are ride concentration [93,94]. These authors attempted to model the fluo-
the regression coefficients for linear, quadratic and interaction terms, ride removal by expressing the kinetic rate constant K using an
respectively. empirical model that fits the experimental data based on a first-order
The determination of the optimal operating conditions should con- kinetics (Eqs. (33) and (34)) and the time necessary tN to reach a
sist of seeking the ceiling and/or the bottom of the depicted response targeted fluoride concentration was deduced using Eq. (32).
surface of process performance criterion according that this latter is to
be maximized or minimized. The performance of EC process may be ap- 1 C0
tN ¼ ln ð32Þ
praised by the efficiency removal of one or more of the parameters such K Ct
as TOC (total organic carbon), COD, TDS (total dissolved solids), turbid-
ity and specific pollutant. Several responses can be combined in a desir- I
ability function for multiple response optimization, including process K ¼ 10−5 5:9 −37:1C 0 −82:1d þ 2746:4 ð33Þ
costs. Therefore, optimization of EC using RSM will be carried out by
maximizing the indicators of process performances while minimizing
K ¼ 10−3 −1:68i2 þ 36:4i−12:6 pH−0:5C 20 −7:61k þ 250 ð34Þ
adequately the parameters related to the operating costs. According to
the literature survey, RSM as a statistical experiment design turned
out to be a powerful tool to effectively optimize the operating condi- where C0 and Ct denote the initial and final concentration, k the conduc-
tions, despite EC complexity, and generates second-order polynomials tivity, V the working volume and d the inter-electrode distance.
that represent well the quantitative relationship between responses In the work of Essadki et al. [94], the defluoridation kinetics was
(EC performance) and the critical process variables [78–89]. Fig. 8 sum- studied in an external-loop airlift reactor. The similar critical variables
marizes the main factors that affect EC process; their interactions under- in both empirical models were current concentration or current density
line the vectors through which EC performances could be affected. and initial fluoride concentration. Kinetic constant in both equations in-
creased with increasing electric current (current concentration or cur-
4.2. Modeling based on knowledge rent density), contrary to the initial fluoride concentration. In some
works on EC, kinetic law was defined by postulating a rate constant in
4.2.1. Phenomenological models Arrhenius form as for an ordinary chemical reaction to account for tem-
EC kinetics has been studied in many works to model and to simu- perature dependence [95,96].
late EC process as well as designing EC system using classical kinetic
law (Eq. (31)). Mameri et al. [40] were among the first researchers to at- 4.2.2. Modeling detailed mechanisms
tempt to model EC kinetics of the abatement of fluoride anions. In their
works, kinetics of defluoridation was found to follow an exponential Electrochemical phenomena: Among the fundamental sciences on
law with time, so that it turned out to be first-order with respect to fluo- which EC is based, electrochemistry is the main one given that the elec-
ride concentration. Equally, the removal of some pollutants such as ni- trochemical phenomena are the triggering core of the whole
trates [24,90] and heavy metals by EC turned out to follow a n-order process. Electrochemistry should be considered as a complex science
accompanied by charge transport, electrochemical kinetics, knowledge −αZFη
i ¼ −i0 exp ð43Þ
of electrodes interface and thermodynamics. RT
Once there is a potential applied across electrodes, it results in an en-
tropy creation that puts the system out of equilibrium. Applied potential
must overcome the equilibrium potential difference, anode and cathode Positive or negative overpotential can be written in a logarithmic
overpotential and ohmic potential drop of the solution as shown in Eq. form, known as Tafel equation:
(35) [97].
η ¼ α þ β ln i ð44Þ
U ¼ Eeq þ ηa;a þ ηa;c þ ηa;p þ ηc;a þ ηc;c þ ηc;p þ i ð35Þ
k These above (anodic and cathodic) constants of the Tafel equation
ηa,a, ηa,c and ηa,p are the anode activation overpotential, concentration are determined on the basis of the curve of overpotential plotted as a
overpotential and passivation overpotential, respectively. ηc,a, ηc,c function of logarithm of current density [14,98]. Thereafter, the poten-
and ηc,p are the cathode activation overpotential concentration tial in Eq. (35) can be described in detail as follows:
overpotential and passivation overpotential, and the last term defines
the IR drop of the solution, while Eeq is the equilibrium potential differ- d
U ¼ Eeq þ i þ ðβa þ βc Þ lni þ ηa;c þ ηc;c þ K m ð45Þ
ence calculated between the anode and the cathode, respectively, using k k
the Nernst equation with assumption of ideality given below:
where the last term corresponds to the global passivation overpotential.
ΔG0 RT X Ci Cell potential U required by non-passivated and passivated electrodes
E¼− þ νi ln ð36Þ
ZF ZF C° when diffusion in the mass transfer boundary layer of the electrodes is
not limiting can be modeled in the simple forms reported below [97]:
where ΔG0 denotes the standard Gibbs free energy, C the concentra-
tions, T the temperature and R the ideal gas constant. Application of d
electric current is ensued by electrolytic reactions; thus, there is a U ¼ K 0 þ i þ K 1 ln i ð46Þ
charge exchange on electrode interface. The electrochemical reaction
rate is defined below:
d K2
U ¼ K 0 þ i þ K 1 ln i þ m in ð47Þ
Ox þ Z e− ↔Red ð37Þ k k
ð1−α ÞZFη −αZFη muir–Freundlich model that combines the two previous ones. The Lang-
i ¼ i0 exp − exp ð40Þ
RT RT muir isotherm assumes a monolayer deposition of the adsorbate on a
homogenous adsorbent surface, while the Freundlich isotherm de-
scribes reversible adsorption that may be accompanied by multilayer
where i0 is the exchange current density and α a transfer coefficient formation [100]. The various isotherm models are given below:
• For the low values of overpotential, η that are close to equilibrium po-
tential difference, the current density can be written as: KLCe
Langmuir isotherm : qe ¼ qmax ð48Þ
1 þ K L Ce
i ¼ i0 ð41Þ
Freundlich isotherm : qe ¼ K F C 1=p
e ð49Þ
• For the high values of overpotential η, the current density can be writ- K LF C ne
Langmuir‐Freundlich : qe ¼ qmax ð50Þ
ten as 1 þ K LF C ne
- Cathodic current density:
where qe is the amount of adsorbed molecules per amount of adsorbent
at equilibrium, Ce is the equilibrium adsorbate concentration in water,
ð1−α ÞZFη qmax is the adsorption capacity of adsorbed molecules per amount of
i ¼ i0 exp ð42Þ
RT metal cations, KL is the Langmuir constant, KF and p are the Freundlich
parameters and KLF and n are the Langmuir-Freundlich parameters.
- Anodic current density: The amount of removed adsorbate by adsorbent at equilibrium in a
12 J.N. Hakizimana et al. / Desalination 404 (2017) 1–21
batch system is estimated as shown below: rate with Al electrodes. Similarly, Essadki et al. [94] studied the
defluoridation kinetics of drinking water treated by EC in stirred tank
C 0 −C e reactor where the fitting isotherm was Langmuir-Freundlich. The dis-
qe ¼ V M MðOHÞ3 ð51Þ
mMðOHÞ3 crepancy with the results obtained by Hu et al. [11] was explained by
the different operating conditions in terms of stirring conditions and
Alongside adsorption isotherms, there are adsorption kinetics electrode A/V ratio. Essadki et al. [94] used a A/V ratio extremely lower
models also used in EC process to predict the pollutant removal namely, than the conventional range of A/V values in a large mechanically stirred
the pseudo first-order and the pseudo-second-order kinetic models reactor (20 L). The corresponding mathematical expressions of the re-
[101–104]. The pseudo-first-order adsorption kinetic model assumes tention time for the removal of a given residual fluoride concentration
that the rate of occupation of the adsorption sites is proportional to defined by VOK based on Langmuir isotherm [11] and on Langmuir-
the number of unoccupied sites while the pseudo-second-order kinetic Freundlich isotherm [94], are:
model describes the adsorption equilibrium. Their respective mathe-
matical expressions are: ZFV 1 Co
tN ¼ ðC o −C e Þ þ ln ð59Þ
ϕM ϕIqmax k Ce
¼ k1 ðqe −qt Þ ð52Þ
dt ZFV 1
tN ¼ ðC o −C e Þ þ ln C ð1−nÞ
o −C ð1−nÞ
e ð60Þ
ϕM ϕIqmax K KL ð1−nÞ
¼ k2 ðqe −qt Þ2 ð53Þ
Essadki et al. [94] outlined where the difference comes if EC followed
where qe and qt are the amounts of adsorbate adsorbed on the adsorbent either the VOK model coupled with the adsorption isotherm or the
at equilibrium at any time t, respectively, and k1 and k2 are the rate con- pseudo-order kinetics after performing the defluoridation of drinking
stants. Other adsorption kinetic models, such as the Elovich and water in stirred tank reactor and in external-loop airlift reactor. In
intraparticle diffusion model, have been used in EC process as well view of their results in the stirred tank reactor, the authors stated that
[104]. when mixing is enhanced, an increase in mass transfer rate results,
A new approach known as a variable-order-kinetic model (VOK) de- hence the limiting step is the adsorption capacity of the adsorbent.
rived from adsorption isotherm models combined with Faraday's law Thus, the VOK model associated with isotherms could be used to
was first introduced by Hu et al. [11]. A VOK model that has been used model EC process. The pseudo-order empirical kinetic which fitted the
in the defluoridation, turned out to be efficient to estimate the required experimental data in the external-loop airlift reactor, could be
time for fluoride removal by EC using Al electrode [11,94]. VOK assumes employed elsewhere, when poor mixing conditions prevailed, the limit-
that the defluoridation rate is related to the amount of Al3+ electrolyti- ing step being mass transfer.
cally generated. The latter is the rate-determining step of defluoridation,
especially when EC operates under lower current density (under Flocculation modeling: Flocculation is a process whereby two or
200 A/m2 [11]). Spontaneous hydrolysis of Al3+ leads to coagulant for- more colliding destabilized particles adhere together and form a floc.
mation and the suitable adsorption isotherm serves to define the max- Mechanisms occurring during flocculation can be split into two steps:
imum adsorption capacity of a mole of Al(OH)3. Thereafter, the kinetic transport leading to the collision and attachment. The former is induced
law of fluoride removal can be expressed as follows: by (a) Brownian motion of the particles (perikinetic flocculation), (b)
fluid motion (orthokinetic flocculation) and (c) differential settling ve-
dC t dMtot locities due to gravity (differential sedimentation). Attachment results
− ¼ ϕM qe ð54Þ
dt dt from the interparticle forces. The rate of successful collision between
particle I and j can be expressed as follows [105]:
where ϕM is the efficiency of hydro-fluoro-aluminum formation, Mtot
represents the total aluminum dosage liberated from the anode and r f loculation ¼ αβði; jÞni n j ð61Þ
its rate can be deduced from Faraday's law with ϕ as the current yield:
where α is the collision efficiency, β(i,j) is the collision frequency be-
dMtot I tween particles of size i and j, and ni and nj are the particles concentra-
¼ϕ ð55Þ
dt Z FV tions of particles of size i and j respectively.
The classical equation proposed by Smoluchowski has formed the
VOK model assumptions combined with various isotherms lead to
core of subsequent research into flocculation modeling [105]. The over-
the following equations:
all equation defines the rate of change in the number concentration of
• Langmuir isotherm: particles of size k:
dC t
¼ ϕM :ϕ
ð56Þ dnk 1 X X ∞
• Freundlich isotherm: β(i,j) and β(i,k) are the collision frequency between the particles of size i
and j, and between the particles of size I and k, respectively. ni, nj and nk
dC t I
− ¼ ϕM :ϕ K F C 1=p
e ð57Þ are the particle concentrations for particles of size i, j and k, respectively.
dt ZFV
The first summation defines the increase of particles of size k by floccu-
lation, whereas the second one defines the loss of particles of the same
• Langmuir-Freundlich:
dC t I K LF C n; Although Smoluchowski approach made the simplifying assump-
− ¼ ϕM :ϕ qmax e
ð58Þ tions to render his equation applicable to the flocculation process, the
dt ZFV 1 þ K LF C n;
successful applications of that equation are limited to the idealized sys-
tems. Thomas et al. [105] concluded that the application of the floccula-
Hu et al. [11] reported that a VOK model based on Langmuir iso- tion modeling to real system requires renewed efforts in experimental
therm was an appropriate kinetic model to represent defluoridation work, based on advanced techniques. The fractal theory that allows
J.N. Hakizimana et al. / Desalination 404 (2017) 1–21 13
quantifying a disordered system, has been used to characterize floccula- and sedimentation where the balancing parameter is the electric cur-
tion kinetics by describing the fractal dimension associated with aggre- rent:
gate growth and structural properties of aggregate. Fractal aggregates
are self-similar and the concept of the fractal theory based on power k1
Pollutant C poll → SurfaceðC surface Þ ð64Þ
law behavior can be expressed as follows [106,107]:
M∝r D f ð63Þ Pollutant C poll → BaseðC Base Þ ð65Þ
where M is the mass, r the radius of a particular aggregate and Df the dC poll
mass fractal dimension. The latter can take values that range from 1 to r poll ¼ − ¼ k1 C poll þ k2 C poll ¼ ðk1 þ k2 ÞC poll ð66Þ
3. The minimum value corresponds to a line of particles and the maxi-
mum corresponds to a solid sphere of particles. The fractal dimension where k1 and k2 are flotation rate constant and settling rate constant, re-
measurement has been performed using scattering, image analysis spectively, determined from experimental runs.
and sedimentation velocity [106]. Flocculation may occur following par- Once the flocs/sludge become heavier than aqueous media, they are
ticle-cluster aggregation and/or cluster-cluster aggregation [108]. Con- prone to settle at the terminal velocity and are consequently entrained
sidering cluster-cluster and irreversible perikinetic aggregation, two to the bottom of EC reactor. The sludge settling velocity models found
limiting regimes have been identified, namely diffusion-limited cluster in the literature (Eqs. (67)–(72)) have been used to correlate this quan-
aggregation (DLCD) and reaction-limited cluster aggregation (RLCD) tity to the sludge solids concentration in EC process [110]. For instance,
[106]. DLCD takes places once there are little repulsive forces between third-order, fourth-order and Cho's models fitted the experimental data
particles and the particles stick to each other, thereby resulting in the of the sludge settling velocity for the treatment of chemical mechanical
formation of tenuous structure. The limiting step is the time required polishing wastewater by EC [110] and the first three models were used
for the particles or clusters to approach each other. RLCD occurs when to characterize settling of the sludge obtained from the treatment of
there are substantial repulsive force between particles; thus, the suc- textile wastewaters [111]. Although they have been used, these models
cessful collision requires many collision frequencies to form a stable are not really precise enough to correlate the sludge settling velocity in
floc [30]. On the basis of computer simulations on cluster-cluster aggre- the EC process due to the presence of hydrogen bubbles that is not taken
gation, two limits have been pointed out: a low mass fractal dimension into consideration.
(Df b 1.8) that corresponds to DLCD and a high mass fractal dimension
• Power:
(Df N 2.1) that corresponds to RLCD [106].
Flocculation modeling has not been applied in EC, apart in Ofir's V ¼ kSc −x ð67Þ
work where the overall kinetic model of flocculation that embeds the
floc break-up rate in turbulent mixing developed by Argaman and Kauf-
man was used [109]. However, the fractal dimension has been increas- • Exponential:
ingly used in EC process to study the floc growth, the geometrical
characteristics of the flocs and to deduce which aggregation regime gov- V ¼ k expð−nSv Þ ð68Þ
erns the flocculation [6,30,33]. Flotation and settling: The aggregated flocs resulting from the • Cho's exponential:
water/wastewater treatment by EC may be removed by diverse physical
methods, as described in Fig. 4. Electroflotation occurs due to buoyancy
forces and settling due to gravity. Electroflotation depends on current expð−nSc Þ
density, hydrogen micro-bubbles size (20–50 μm) and particle collec- V ¼k ð69Þ
tion efficiency by the micro-bubbles [4]. Although the current density
dictates an appropriate pollutant removal path, especially in batch sys-
tems, it is impossible to completely avoid either settling or
electroflotation in favor of the other mechanisms, whatever the current • Third order:
density that may be used.
ð1−nSc Þ3
Holt et al. [4] pointed out why the dissolved air flotation models de- V ¼k ð70Þ
scribed in the literature comprised of the population model balance and
the white water collision model could not be fitly applicable to
electroflotation. These consider two distinct zones, the reaction zone
• Fourth order:
that favors the contact between the gas bubbles and the particles and
the separation zone where the particles or aggregated pollutants at- ð1−nSc Þ4
tached on bubbles and float to the surface, while in batch EC reactor, V ¼k ð71Þ
the reaction zone and separation zone are one. These authors tried to
adopt the white water collision model to the EC process where a hydro-
gen bubble was considered as a collector of particles/flocs and this
• Cho's complex exponential:
model was extended from single bubble collector to a swarm of bubbles.
The total single collector bubble efficiency was considered as the sum of ð1−n1 Sc Þ4 expð−n2 Sc Þ
a combination of Brownian diffusion interception, interception of the V ¼k ð72Þ
Sc Sc
particle by bubble, sedimentation of the particle onto the bubble and in-
ertial driven contact [4]. where V is the sludge settling velocity, Sc the solid concentration, k, n, n1
In his study, Holt [6] proposed an EC model whose main aim was to and n2 are the model parameters that have to be determined
highlight the pollutants removal paths that consider the competitive experimentally.
process between settling and flotation in pollutants removal. Assuming
the removal of pollutant in the bulk solution (Cpoll) follows first-order Complexation: Complexation model is a recent phenomenologi-
kinetics, the latter is defined as the resulting kinetics of electroflotation cal model describing adsorption equilibrium that results from
14 J.N. Hakizimana et al. / Desalination 404 (2017) 1–21
complexation of suspended matter by iron or aluminum hydroxides for the textile wastewater respectively.
COD abatement. EC proceeds by complexation of suspensions by metal
species that can be characterized by chemical equilibrium postulated sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
½Alt 1 ½Alt 1 2 4 Z o −Z f
below [112]: − − Z o −Z f þ þ n3 − Z o −Z f þ K3 þ
n3 K3 K3
Z ¼ Zf þ
M þ nS→M−S ð73Þ 2
where n is the overall coefficient expressed in mg of dissolved metal
over mg of oxygen (unit of the considered parameter). The overall equi- where Zo = (Xo + Yo), Z = (X + Y), k3 and n3 are adsorption equilibrium
librium constant of this complexation reaction is expressed as: parameters.
The second model, known as the “contribution model”, is based on
½M−S the separated contributions. The two “species” S and T are considered
K¼ ð74Þ
½M ½SC to adsorb on metal hydroxide independently, with parameters K1 and
n1 and K2 and n2, respectively.
[M] is the concentration of free metal species, [M − S] the concentration
of the complexed form and [S]C the concentration of matter that can be
complexed. The mass balance of suspended matter that can be treated is K 1 X 0 −X f
X ¼ Xf þ ð83Þ
given by: n1 þ K 1 ½Al
½Sc;t¼0 ¼ ½S0 −½S f ¼ ½Sc þ ð75Þ K 2 Z 0 −Z f
n Z ¼ Zf þ ð84Þ
n2 þ K 2 ½Al
with [S]0 the initial concentration of suspended matter, and [S]f the con-
centration of suspended matter that cannot be treated by EC after addi- The two models fitted adequately the experimental data for turbid-
tion of large excess of coagulant. Mass balance of metal species can be ity and TOC, but the contribution model was found more reliable due to
written as: shortage of interactions of the two effluents in terms of turbidity and
TOC in the mixed effluent. In contrast, the contribution model could
½Mt ¼ ½M þ ½M−S ð76Þ
not be applied to the absorbance and COD given that the absorbance
measurements of the separate liquids were carried out at different
After replacement of [M − S] and [M] using Eqs. (75) and (76), Eq.
wavelengths and the sum of COD of two effluents was higher than
(74) leads to the following equation:
that of the mixed effluent COD.
It has been inferred from the treatment of mixed effluent consider-
½Mt 1 ½Sc;t¼0
½S2c þ ½Sc −½Sc;t¼0 þ − ¼0 ð77Þ ing turbidity and TOC that the treatment of several pollutants contained
n K K
in wastewater from various effluents by EC could be considered the su-
perimposition of the various treatments of single-species effluents, pro-
At a given treatment time, the suspension concentration is given by
vided that the mixture of these effluents does not induce the
the expression bellow:
destabilization of the suspensions formed by the mixed effluent or pro-
½Sc ¼ ½S f duce a chemical reaction in this medium.
½M t 1 ½M t ½Sc;t¼0
− −½Sc;t¼0 þ þ n −½Sc;t¼0 þ K
−4 4.3. Modeling by means of computational fluid dynamic (CFD)
n K K
Nowadays, as in many research areas, CFD simulations have an im-
portant part to play in understanding and improving EC reactors design
½Sc;t¼0 for future applications. There are some studies on various aspects of
½S ¼ ½S f þ ð79Þ flows through electrochemical cells [115–117]. CFD turns out to be
½M t
1þK helpful and attractive in understanding the hydrodynamic and resi-
dence time distribution to characterize the flow pattern and can be ad-
This empirical model was found to accurately fit experimental data vantageously employed to predict the main local features of the process,
[112,113]. In the case of a lower COD, Eq. (77) may be simplified in like velocity profiles, the reaction rate distribution at the electrodes, the
the first-order polynomial, Eq. (78) leads to Eq. (79) [113]. cell voltage, etc. In a recent work, CFD has been used to study the distri-
Merzouk et al. [114] developed two models, namely the overall bution of potential and current density since the latter determines the
model and the contribution model on the basis of a single-waste treat- distribution of attack on electrode surface during its dissolution and
ment model previously established within the framework of assessing can be useful in the EC reactor design for energy efficiency [115].
the efficiency of EC treatment of two mixed effluent formed by addition Simulations of the phenomena in an EC process involve the numer-
of the red dye solution to the textile wastewater. For the treatment of ical solution of equations of motion (mass, momentum) and of energy,
mixed wastes, two different “species” S and T may be complexed by Al electric potential and current distribution in the flow geometry, togeth-
(III) species, as follows: er with other sets of equations related to the problem at hand (concen-
trations, turbulence…). In particular, the other set of equations are
AlðIIIÞ þ n1 S→AlS ð80Þ usually used to describe the transport mechanics, such as diffusion
and migration in the presence of an electric field, and reactions of chem-
AlðIIIÞ þ n2 T→AlT ð81Þ ical species.
The flow pattern in EC cells may be either laminar or turbulent. In
The first model called the “overall model” assumes that the EC treat- complex geometries, the velocity field includes a random turbulent
ment of mixed waste occurs regardless of the origin of the effluent. This component, which generates jet flows and turbulent eddies [118]. In
model is represented by Eq. (82) based on the analogy of the above many cases, turbulence models can be used to simulate accurately the
depicted Eqs. (73)–(78), and knowing X and Y (instead of [S]C) may be flow pattern. The governing equations for an incompressible turbulent
the absorbance, the turbidity, the COD and the TOC of the red dye and flow can be stated as follows. Mass balance in Cartesian coordinate
J.N. Hakizimana et al. / Desalination 404 (2017) 1–21 15
system is given by: For the secondary current distribution (Wa ≫ 1), the activation
overpotential adds an equalizing effect on the current distribution,
∂ρ ∂u since the charge transfer resistance at the interface becomes large in
þρ i ¼0 ð85Þ
∂t ∂xi comparison to the resistance of the solution. The calculation principle
remains the same as for the primary distribution [119]. However, the
where ρ is the fluid density and u is the mean-averaged velocity vector. boundary condition of the equation is no longer valid because of the po-
The momentum equation is usually described by the general RANS tential jump at the interface that must be known. Tafel equation is usu-
(Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes) equation: ally applied on both electrodes. Tertiary current distribution accounts
! for ohmic effects, charge transfer effects in electrode kinetics, and the ef-
∂ðρui Þ ∂ ρui u j ∂p ∂ ∂u ∂
fects of concentration variations on the performance of the cell, in par-
μ i
0 0
þ ¼− þ þ −ρui u j þ ρg i ð86Þ
∂t ∂x j ∂xi ∂x j ∂x j ∂x j ticular mass transfer boundary conditions.
The potential equations with corresponding boundary conditions
where u′ is the fluctuating or turbulence velocity, p is the pressure and μ are solved in order to find the electric potential and current density in
is the dynamic viscosity. The last modeled term is the turbulence stress the electrolyte. The Navier-Stokes equation (Eqs. (85) and (86)), mass
0 0
ð−ρui u j Þ. The simple model used by many authors is the standard k-ε conservation equations for each species (Eq. (88)) can be solved in the
model [115]. The governing equations for turbulent kinetic energy k computational domain using some commercial software package like
and the energy dissipation rate ε can be inferred from reference [118]. the finite-element COMSOL Multiphysics or the finite-volume ANSYS
The conservation of species and charge is given by: software package. As an illustration, Fig. 9b depicts the velocity field
and secondary potential distribution inside an EC rector, while Fig. 9a
∂C i displays the flow pattern inside the cell including different hydrody-
¼ −∇Ni þ Ri ð87Þ
∂t namic phenomena like short-circuiting, recirculation and dead zones
that can affects formation of flocks and aluminum concentration.
where Ci is the averaged concentration and Ni is the flux of chemical CFD was used successfully to describe the hydrodynamics and the
species due to convection, electromigration and diffusion and is complex flow pattern in the flow cell [116]. Several hydrodynamic phe-
expressed with the Nernst-Planck equation: nomena were observed inside EC cells such as channeling, internal re-
circulation or dead zones. This complex behavior is inherent to cell
Ni ¼ C i u−Z i um;i FC i ∇ϕ−Di ∇C i ð88Þ
geometry. CFD simulations and calculations of secondary- and tertia-
ry-current distribution can be used to analyze the mass transfer in the
here, Zi is the charge number, u velocity, um,i is mobility of species i, and
electrolyte and reaction kinetics at the electrodes, and as a starting
Di is the diffusion coefficient.
point to develop experimental-theoretical studies to improve the cell
There are three types of distribution of current and potential. Prima-
design, arrangement of electrodes as well as other modifications that in-
ry current/potential distribution does not take into consideration the
crease their performance. CFD is theoretically able to address multi-
charge transfer on electrode due to the negligible overpotential and
phase flows, e.g. those involving a dispersed solid and a dispersed gas
negligible concentration gradient. Secondary current/potential distribu-
phase, and even to account for particle and bubble size distributions
tion considers the overpotential of activation whereby charge transfer
through a population balance approach [121].
takes place on electrode surface. Overpotential of concentration is
CFD presents, however, serious drawbacks and limitations. First, CFD
neglected since the current density is still low in comparison to the lim-
requires expertise, in particular for mesh generation and critical analysis
iting current defined by diffusional mass transfer in the mass transfer
of the simulations. Simulations may be time-consuming, due to the
boundary layer of the electrodes. Tertiary current/potential distribution
complex coupling between the electrical field, species transport equa-
is obtained when there is a concentration gradient close to the elec-
tions and Navier-Stokes equations, especially if tertiary current distribu-
trodes due to an increase of current above the limiting current. There
tion is accounted for. In addition, recent studies on EC involving CFD use
is thus a superimposition of overpotential of concentration on
rough approximations on the physics of the process, neglecting the in-
overpotential of activation [119].
fluence of hydrogen microbubbles and solid particles on the flow, be-
In the absence of mass transfer limitation, the uniformity of the cur-
cause of the CPU and memory requirements of multiphase flow
rent distribution is a function of the Wagner dimensionless number:
K dη
Wa ¼ ð89Þ 4.4. Discussion
L di
∇2 Φ ¼ 0 ð90Þ The past and recent approaches devoted to EC modeling have been
summarized in details in this review. On the one hand, statistical model-
is the slope of anodic polarization (Ω·m2), K the electrolyte conduc- ing using RSM helps improve the effectiveness of EC by finding the op-
tivity (S·m−1) and L the characteristic length of the system (m). timum operating conditions, considering the possible interactions
Primary current distribution (Wa ≪ 1) depends only on system ge- between different variables, but this methodology is obviously inade-
ometry and is calculated using the Laplace equation of the electric po- quate for scale-up purpose. On the other hand, modeling based on
tential (Eq. (90)) where its integration provides the spatial knowledge comprises more and more models that can be divided into
distribution of potential when the boundary conditions are known those considering EC as a global process, and others that describe
[119]. Generally, an electrochemical cell is completely enclosed by at more or less precisely the various physical or chemical phenomena oc-
curring aside, which requires a good knowledge of the mechanisms re-
least an anode, a cathode and insulated walls on which (a) dΦ dη
¼ 0 and
sponsible for pollution removal. In EC, the electrochemical phenomena
(b) potential or current are constant on the surface of the electrodes. involved in the process have a vital role and run under the science of
In the bulk, the actual distribution of current is deduced from that of electrochemistry added to charge transport, electrochemical kinetics,
the potential by means of Ohm's law, as follows: knowledge of electrode interface and thermodynamics. Their descrip-
I ¼ −K∇Φ ð91Þ tion is compulsory to estimate power requirements, but this may be
more complex if electro-reduction/electro-oxidation processes take
The gradient of potential that is perpendicular to the electrode is place, which is ascertained with nitrate anions and Cr(VI) cations,
used to estimate the current density on the electrodes [120]. among others. However, if adsorption or complexation is the prevailing
16 J.N. Hakizimana et al. / Desalination 404 (2017) 1–21
Fig. 9. a) Flow pattern b) velocity magnitude and secondary potential distributions throughout an EC cell at a flow rate 0.5 L min−1.
mechanisms for pollution removal, only the amount of coagulant re- evolution with time or space, respectively in batch and continuous EC
leased is of utmost importance to estimate the removal yield. cells.
Common adsorption and complexation models are usually based on In practice, flocculation modeling has been only hardly addressed.
the assumption of instantaneous equilibrium. Adsorption models pres- Smoluchowski's equation is the most common approach in the litera-
ent the advantage that they can use various adsorption isotherms, ture. This has been barely used in EC, first due to its unsuccessful appli-
three of which are the most common: namely, Langmuir, Freundlich cation to real system, even though fractal dimension has been
and Langmuir-Freundlich isotherm. Complexation models can more successfully used to elucidate the flocculation regime occurring during
easily be applied to describe parallel mechanisms of pollution removal, EC. Thus, this point deserves further investigation, as the effective pollu-
as in the contribution model. However, only adsorption models have tion is achieved only after flocculation, followed by flotation or settling,
been applied as dynamic models, such as VOK, in which adsorption iso- which are also usually disregarded in EC modeling. CFD should be able
therm or adsorption kinetics can be combined to Faraday's law. A strong to fill the gap between all these mechanisms because this method is
weakness of all these models is that they usually do not account for pH able to account for the influence of hydrodynamics both on species
J.N. Hakizimana et al. / Desalination 404 (2017) 1–21 17
Table 5 Operating costs OC as portrayed by Eq. (92) take into account major
Advantages and limitations of the different methods of EC modeling. cost items including energy, electrode material, chemical costs and
Model Advantages Limitations sludge handling costs. Besides the continuous EC system, batch EC sys-
RSM Easy to couple with Inadequate for scale-up
tem especially at industrial or pilot scale may use the pumps to feed
techno-economic or No physical background the reactors in water or/and to outpour the treated wastewater from
environmental analysis Not efficient for process the reactor. For the accurate electrode material consumption, Faraday's
Very efficient for process control law should take into consideration the electric current yield. Electrode
material consumption and energy consumption are summarized in
Phenomenological Easy to use for scale-up Poor fit with complex
purpose pollution Table 6.
Analogy with Usually includes
kinetically-controlled pseudo-kinetic constants
chemical reactions Assumes perfect mixing
OC ¼ aC þ b W þ W þ cK þ dD ð92Þ
and settling/flotation
Electrochemical Estimation of power input and Prediction of a
coagulant released zeroth-order mechanism if In Eq. (92), K (kg/m3) measures the amount of chemicals consumed to
Accounts for no other limiting step treat 1 m3 of water/wastewater, D (kg/m3) is the sludge quantity gener-
electro-oxidation/reduction (occurs usually only at ated by 1 m3 of water/wastewater, and a ($/kg), c ($/kg), and d ($/kg)
short time)
are electrode material unit price, unit price of chemicals and costs asso-
Assumption of perfect
mixing and ciated with sludge handling and disposal, respectively. Finally, b ($/
settling/flotation kWh) is the electrical energy unit price per kWh. Maintenance cost
Adsorption Simple and versatile Assumption of perfect can be reduced if current reversal between anode and cathode is
(isotherm) settling/flotation applied.
Analogy with conventional Valid only if adsorption is
Table 7 gives us a general insight on EC operating cost as a function
adsorption governing
Equilibrium assumed of electrode material and electrode configuration and the comparison
Complexation Simple and versatile Assumption of perfect of operating cost of EC process with alternative treatments. Operating
(sequential/parallel reactions) settling/flotation cost of EC using aluminum electrodes is higher than that using iron elec-
Analogy with Equilibrium assumed
trodes and this is due to their respective prices of each metal (about 0.5–
thermodynamically-controlled The complex mechanisms
chemical reactions assumed do not
0.8 US$/kg for iron and 1.5–3 US$/kg for aluminum). As for electrodes
necessarily describe the configuration, monopolar electrode configuration especially MP-P of-
actual mechanism fers the high ratio of efficiency over operating cost thanks to its lower
VOK Dynamic model Assumption of perfect energy consumption. Overall EC is cost-effective process in comparison
Versatile: may account from settling/flotation
with other chemical processes. Even though the operating cost of both
equilibrium and kinetic One limiting step must be
limiting steps chosen processes is of the same magnitude, disregarding the process efficiency,
Flocculation/settling Orthokinetic flocculation EC can be cheaper that chemical coagulation and vice versa depending
needs the description of on the range of current/current density used, but generally, when EC
operates under lower current density, its operating cost is lower than
CFD Based on first principles Simulations may be
Accounts for mixing and mass time-consuming
that of chemical coagulation, as current is used as a chemical reactant.
transfer, coupled with Influence of microbubbles In addition, EC offers some advantages over chemical coagulation,
electrochemistry and particles usually such as the buffer effect that allows to avoid final acidic pH, the disinfec-
Adapted to scale-up purpose disregarded tion effect, the high removal efficiency of dissolved pollutants and the
Correlations can be deduced Flotation/settling models −
avoidance of some anions (SO2− 4 , Cl ) usually added during chemical
for techno-economic analysis still to be coupled with
hydrodynamics coagulation. Operating costs of chemical coagulation are composed of
Coupling with cost the cost of chemicals and the sludge handling and disposal. Considering
estimation more complex that EC process is a low-sludge producing technique that does not use of
than with simpler models
additional chemicals with no secondary pollution, these operating ex-
penses should be reduced when EC is used, as sludge composition and
disposal procedures should be similar. However, maintenance costs
transport, orthokinetic flocculation for pollution removal and electro- may be higher with EC. Finally, in comparison with chemical coagula-
chemical phenomena. However, present research is still limited to the tion, EC usually appears as an eco-friendly and cost-effective process, es-
coupling between single-phase hydrodynamics and electrochemical pecially when it is operated below 20 mA/cm2. In addition, sludge
processes, which means that further work is necessary to account for produced during EC is often less toxic than that in chemical coagulation,
the formation of the solid phase, the role of hydrogen bubbles and the especially due to the lack of additive agents. However, sludge disposal
local change of pH during EC. Finally, the advantages and drawbacks may become an issue. In this case, recycling sludge or coagulant recov-
of these methodologies for scale-up of EC process are summarized in ery from sludge could be an attractive option. Coagulant recovery can be
Table 5. achieved either by acidification or by alkalization; unfortunately, these
can lead to the solubilization of pollutants contained in the sludge in ad-
5. Techno-economic evaluation of EC dition to metal hydroxides [132,133]. Recycling may be more interest-
ing. First, the sludge retrieved after EC process can be effectively used
A use of EC process in industry as a water/wastewater treatment as a coagulant or as an adsorbent for subsequent wastewater treatment
process depends on its cost-effectiveness. An economic analysis of EC [134], provided adsorbed pollutants are not released. Otherwise, sludge
process would take into consideration fixed capital and operating can also be used as a building material.
costs [34]. The fixed capital cost comprises mainly the total purchase As shown by Eq. (92), cost estimation requires a model describing
equipment cost (electrolytic cell, pumps) and the cost of their set up. electrodissolution, usually based on Faraday's law, another for the pre-
The operating cost comprises mainly the costs of chemicals, electrodes diction of pollution removal, and an electrochemical model able to esti-
and energy consumptions, but for an accurate cost evaluation of EC pro- mate electrical power consumption. For process design or optimization,
cess, costs pertaining to labor, maintenance, sludge dewatering and dis- this means that cost estimation is strongly coupled to removal yield and
posal should be equally considered [122–124]. power input, i.e. to the models described in Section 4, with a constraint
18 J.N. Hakizimana et al. / Desalination 404 (2017) 1–21
Table 7
Comparison of operating cost of EC, CC (chemical coagulation), CP (chemical precipitation) and (AD) adsorption processes (tst: ton of soil treated, CS: cocoa shell).
Synthetic wastewater (red dye (100 mg/L, pH 6.1)) Al-EC 80%–95% 1.5–3.5 kWh/kg dye (208– 0.34–0.52 US$/kg dye Continuous
310 A/m2) [125]
CC 87% 0.32 US$/kg dye
Synthetic wastewater (acid dye (50 mg/L, pH 7)) Al-EC 87.5–93.4% 27.8–99.0 kWh/kg dye 7.04–17.4 US$/kg dye Batch [47]
(155–350 A/m2) (0.31–0.8 US$/m3)
Fe-EC 90.7–98.1% 26.7–76.6 kWh/kg dye 4.01–13.8 US$/kg dye
(155–350 A/m2) (0.19–0.68 $/m3)
Coal mine drainage wastewater (various metals) Fe-EC 28.7–99.96% 1.32–5.6 kWh/m3 (200– 1.09–2.184 US$/m3 Batch [126]
500 A/m2) (0.91–1.93 £/m3)
CP(NaOH) 1.173–7.49 US$/m3
(1.0364–6.6177 £/m3)
Textile dye wastewater (3422 mg/LCOD) Al-EC 15–62% 50–200 A/m2 0.32–0.58 US$/kg COD Batch [34]
Fe-EC 57–78% 50–200 A/m2 0.7–0.175 US$/kg COD
Textile wastewater (2031 mg/L COD) Al-EC(MP-P) 0.72–3 kWh/m3 0.4–0.65 US$/m3 Batch [60]
(30–60 A/m2)
Al-EC(MP-S) 3–10 kWh/m3 0.6–1.3 US$/m3
(30–60 A/m2)
Al-EC(BP-S) 3.2–12.2 kWh/m3 0.7–1.55 US$/m3
(30–60 A/m2)
Fe-EC(MP-P) 0.68–2.5 kWh/m3 0.25–0.4 US$/m3
(30–60 A/m2)
Fe-EC(MP-S) 3–8.5 kWh/m3 0.42–0.85 US$/m3
(30–60 A/m2)
Fe-EC(BP-S) 3.3–12 kWh/m3 0.46–1.08 US$/m3
(30–60 A/m2)
Comparison of EC and CC under their optimum conditions Al-EC(MP-P) 63% 0.72 kWh/m3 (30 A/m2) 0.4 US$/m3
Fe-EC(MP-P) 65% 0.68 kWh/m3 (30 A/m2) 0.25 US$/m3
CC(FeCl3·6H2O) 71% 0.67 US$/m3
CC(Fe2(SO4)3·7H2O) 68% 0.75 US$/m3
CC(AlCl3·6H2O) 68% 0.96 US$/m3
CC(Al2(SO4)3·18H2O 59% 0.75 US$/my
Waste metal cutting fluids(3155 mg/L(TOC)17,312 Al-EC 93%(COD) 60 A/m2 0.036 US$/kg COD Batch [127]
mg/L(COD)) (0.768 US$/m3)
Under optimum conditions 80% (TOC) 0.228 US$/kg TOC
(0.768 US$/m3)
Fe-EC 92% (COD) 60 A/m2 0.023 US$/kg COD
(0.479 $/m3)
82% (TOC) 0.144 US$/kg TOC
(0.479 $/m3)
Rinse water from zinc phosphate coating(phosphate and zinc) Al-EC 99.9–9.683% 13.75–4 kWh/m3 (60 A/m2) 14.5–4.2 US$/m3 Continuous
under continuous mode (flow rate 50–400 mL/min) (PO3−
4 ) [123]
99.8–99.2% 13.75–4 kWh/m3 (60 A/m2) 14.5–4.2 US$/m3
Fe-EC 99.6–85.5% 12.6–5.45 kWh/m3 12.9–5.6 US$/m3
4 ) (60 A/m2)
(Zn )
12.6–5.45 kWh/m3(60 A/m2) 12.9–5.6 US$/m3
Removal of Pb2+ and Zn2+ from acidic soil leachate Fe-EC 99.4%(Zn2+) 18.5 kWh/tst (68 A/m2) 35.38 US$tst-1 Batch [128]
CP(Ca(OH)2) 98.9% 88.7 kg Ca(OH)2/tst 38.29 US$tst-1
99% (Pb2+)
CP(NaOH) 97.2% 65 kg NaOH/tst 50.98 US$tst-1
AD (CS) 91.6% 100 kg CS/tst 39.15 US$tst-1
J.N. Hakizimana et al. / Desalination 404 (2017) 1–21 19
scale are not necessarily robust against scale-up and that Eq. (92) on OC processes. As discussed above, two main research paths emerge from
per m3 water does not ensure a constant pollution abatement in this this review. The first one involves the application of CFD to EC cells
case. In practice, attempts to couple models other than RSM to tech- that is still to be developed and must include more and more physics,
no-economic analysis, and in particular scale-up models, lack in the lit- and the second one aims the separation step of EC, by flotation or set-
erature. The authors hope that this review will stimulate further work in tling, in the presence of an electric that both requires experimental
this field because this constitutes one of the main challenges that EC and theoretical analysis. The authors hope that this review paper will
process has to face with, together with the improved theoretical model- stimulate investigations in these fields.
ing of the mechanisms of pollution abatement.
6. Closing remarks and perspectives
This work was supported by the National Center for Scientific and
EC process is still the subject of an intensive research activity be- Technological Research (CNRST, Morocco) and the National Center for
cause of its various advantages: it is simple, low-cost, eco-friendly, ver- Scientific Research (CNRS, France) within the framework of the PICS
satile, efficient, and it is also a nonspecific technique, able to remove ECOSEAD program, and by financial grants from the Moroccan Ministry
almost all types of pollutants simultaneously. In practice, current is the of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Executive Training, High
only operating parameter once pH/conductivity have been adjusted, School of Technology, Hassan II University and the Francophone Univer-
which means that the design of the cell must be robust. Consequently, sity Agency (AUF).
this design is complex, because it encompasses cell and electrode geom-
etries, feed mode and mixing conditions, which may affect current den-
sity distribution, settling/flotation conditions, and, therefore, pollution
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