Teamwork Interview Questions and Answers
Teamwork Interview Questions and Answers
Teamwork Interview Questions and Answers
1 :: When your team encounters a problem, such as irritation with another co-
worker, how do you reach a good resolution?
Applicant should values working relationships, understand how important working
relationships are for the company, and be prepared to work at making the relationship
function well.
2 :: Have you ever had a role in a team project where your role was not clearly
defined? How do you handle this?
Applicant should have the skills to confront and clarify without being confrontational. They
should be actively prepared to make a full contribution to the project.
3 :: When you receive positive feedback about the completion of a project do you
give your team any credit?
Applicant should be prepared to nurture and recognize team efforts and not behave in a
narcissistic manner.
4 :: When you are part of a team that is working exceptionally well, what do you
think the reasons are for its success?
Applicant should be aware of the recognition of a shared purpose, should understand the
importance of collaboration, and be able to pool his/her resources.
5 :: When you have worked on a team, and your role was crucial, what was that
role? In what way was this team effort different or similar to working on your
Applicant should have the capacity to work as a team member and as an individual. They
should also recognize the importance of their contributions.