Bruker: 2D NMR Spectroscopy Overview
Bruker: 2D NMR Spectroscopy Overview
Bruker: 2D NMR Spectroscopy Overview
PLEASE NOTE: This document assumes the user has a basic understanding of how to
run 1H and 13C experiments on the Bruker 400 and 401.
3. Reacquire 1D 1H spectra with reduced sweep width, and then determine the
number of scans required. Record parameter values.
7. Load prosol parameters and setup the reference, sweep width, transmitter
frequency, number of scans, and the number of points.
Experiment 1 (EXPNO)
Type the parameter in the command line, hit enter, and TopSpin will display the value
for you.
Experiment 2
In the upper right corner of the Parameter Sets window, click the arrow next to Source,
and make sure /opt/topspin3.1/exp/stan/nmr/par/ is selected. This will open the master
list of all the Bruker standard parameter sets. Select the one you want, then click Set
selected item in editor.
If you check the Show Recommended box, this will display a list of Bruker’s most
commonly used small molecule experiments.
Suggested parameter sets and pulse programs
PLEASE NOTE that these are suggestions only. These may or may not work for your
particular sample.
COSY experiments
COSYGPSW (cosygpppqf)– magnitude mode COSY (qf) with gradients (gp) and purge
pulses (pp).
NOESY experiment
NOESYPHSW (noesygpphpp) – NOESY with gradient pulses during mixing time, phase
sensitive (ph), and purge pulses (pp).
ROESY experiment
HSQC experiments
HMBCGP (hmbcqplpndqf) – Gradients for coherence selection (gp), low pass filter (lp),
no decoupling during acquisition (nd), and magnitude mode (qf). Simple and no 180°
TOCSY experiments
3. Check pulse program (in AcqPar tab) and make sure the correct pulse program
(PULPROG) has be loaded (see above table). If you click the button with the
three periods (…) next to the PULPROG window, it will open the list of available
pulse programs.
5. Edit the basic parameters based on the information from the 1D experiments
(the values you recorded in step #2).
Homonuclear Experiments
ns Number of Scans
p1 Pulse width (us) (90 degree Pulse)
o1p F2 Transmitter frequency (ppm)
sw Sweepwidth (ppm). Enter the value for F2 and F1 dimensions.
sr Reference (Hz). Enter the value for F2 and F1 dimensions.
Check these parameters, loaded during getprosol. Adjust as needed (eg. if you
measured the 90 o pulse).
pl1 Power Level p1
pl2 Power Level for p2
6. Check Experiment Specific Parameters (listed below) and adjust as needed.
9. Data Processing
TopSpin’s 2D display buttons. If you want to know what a button does, hover your
mouse over the button, without pressing, and the software will tell you what the button
10. Load the 1D projections. Right click in the 2D spectrum window, at the top OR
on the left side, and select External Projection. Fill in the name of the 1D
experiment you want as that projection.
11. To edit the contour lines, you can right click in the middle of the 2D spectrum
and select Edit Contour Levels. Edit as desired. .
12. When finished, remember to ro off, lock off, and eject (ej) your sample.
Experiment Specific Parameters
(step #9)
p1 90 degree pulse
pl1 power level for p1 pulse
d8 Mixing time. Default = 0.3 seconds. Recommend 400-500 ms for small
molecules, 100-200 ms for larger
p15 mixing time for dipolar or through-space interactions. Default = 200
ds dummy scans to establish thermal equilibrium
d1 Delay time
CNST2 (average value for 1J(XH) will affect d24 1/(8 * 1J(XH))
d9 Mixing time. Default = 0.08 seconds.