McCormick Et Al
McCormick Et Al
McCormick Et Al
of the
9Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ)
Itrepared for
Report No. 5
tlle 9Pr
Contract Nonr-l100(28)
Report No. 5
June 1969
Table Page
All together there are 189 job elements In Form A and 194 in Form
B. Some of the elements are of a checklist nature, whereas most provide
for the use of ratirg Rcales. Various ratinp scales (such as "time,"
"importance," etc.) are used for different elements or groups 3f elements,
the rating scale used In each case being the one that logically seems to
be most appropriate. in the case of certain elements special rating scales
are provided.
The PAQ was developed with the hope that it could be used with a
minimum of training on the part of the Individual who uses it in analyz-
ing a job. In general, vhe experience with it has indicated t-iat it can
be readily used by job analysts, supervisors, employment and personnel
officers, and even by some incumbents.
The early predecessor of the present PAQ was a Check List of Worker
Activities developed by McCormick and Palmer (Palmer, 1958, Appendix A).
It consisted of 178 elements organized into sections corresponding some-
what with those of the PAQ. Various rating scales and special codes
were to be useI with individual elements or groups of elements. It was
used as the basiL for the ana.-,i. of 950 Jobs in the steel industry. A
principal components analysis of the resulting data was carried out,
this analysis resulting in the identification of 14 initial factors
(Palmer and McCormick, 1961). These 14 factors, in turn, were subject-
ed to a higher order principal components analysis, resulting in four
more general factors.
Within each of these areas there was then developed a list of more
specific variables (activities, behaviors, etc.) that might ultimately
be developed into items of the Worker Activity Profile. Although some
of these variables were not actually "behavioral" in nature (such as
those characterizing physical aspects of the environment) the varia-
bles so listed generally were those that, if incorporated in a job,
mould have some implications in terms of the human characteristics
that an incumbent should possess. Various potential source materials
were reviewed in the process of developing these variables; the sources
included: the Check List of Worker Activities; the USES Training and
Reference Manual for Job Analysis (1944); the USES Work Performed
Manual (1954); the USES Worker Trait Requirements for 4000 jobs (un-
datedX the J-Coefficient (Primoff, 1953, 1955); Jaspen (1949); Mosel,
Fine, and Boling (1960); Norris (1957); and Palmer (1958). All together
138 such elements were listed.
I. Discrimination activities
2. Mental activities
3. Body and limb activities
4. Supervisory activities
5. communicatiors and interpersonal relations
6. Rhythm of work activit t es
7. General characteristics of the lob activities
8. Physical environment
9. Psychological and social aspects of the job.
Coeffficient Frequency Proportion
.96-1.00 24 13.4
.4l- qs 16 8,0
.86- .90 20 11.2
.81- .85 12 6.7
.76- .80 14 7.8
.71- .75 11 6.1
.66- .70 21 11.7
.61- .65 12 6.7
.56- .60 9 5.0
.51- .55 12 6.7
.46- .50 1 .6
.41- .45 6 1.4
.36- .40 2 I1
.31- .35 2 1.1
.26- .30 1 .6
.21- .25 5 2.8
16- .20 4 2.2
.11- .15 2 1.1
.06- .10 2 [.1
.00- .05 3 1.7
Table 2
The possible ultimate use of the PAQ for such purposes as the develop-
ment of job attribute requirements or job evaluation would require the es-
tablishment of appropriate sets of norms for use in relating data on any
given job to jobs in general. For any given type of data to be generated
(such as job dimension scores, attribute scores, job evaluation points,
ctc.) it would then be possible to reidae values for any given job to those
of other jobs. For this purpose, it is expected that such nortas would
be based on an arbitrary mean of 100 and a standard deviation of 20.
McCormick, E.J., Cunningham, J.W., & Gordon, G.G. Job dimensions based
on factorial analyses of worker-oriented job variables. Personnel
£RYLhoigy, 1967, 20, 417-430.
McCormick, E.J., Cunningham, J.W., & Thorton, G.C. The prediction of Job
requirements by a structured job analysis procedure. Personnel Psy-
chology, 1967, 20, 431-440.
Mosel, J.N., Fine, S.A., & Boling, J. The scalability of estimated work-
er requirements. Journal of Applied Psychology, 1960, 44, 156-160.
PaLner, G.J., Jr., & McCormick, E.J. A factor analysis of job activities.
Journal of Applied Psychology, 1961, 45, 289-294.
Peters, D.L., & McCormick, E.J. The experimental use of various types of
scales in rating job activities. Occupational Research Center, Purdue
University, 1962. (Prepared for Office of Naval Research under con-
tract Nonr-1100 (19), Report No. 2.)
Table 3
Table 3 (continued)
a PAQ elements of an open-ended nature (i.e. elements 20, 43, 48, 60,
70, 86, 99, 112, 127, and 185 ) as well as element 147 were eliminated
from this analysis.
bCoefficients rounded to two places.
3. Work Output (What are the overt physical s,1.vitles that the incumbent narries
out as the consequence of the intervening mediation processes ?)
4. Interpersonal Activities (What are the interpersonal activities and relationships
of the position?)
5. Work Situation and Job Context (In what physical and social situation does the
incumbent work? And what are some of the sociological and psychological con-
comnitants of the work?)
In analyzing a position It may be hclptul to keep the above frame of reference in mind, as
a means of providing "smtructure' to the analYs is.
A few Items, those ideptified by a box preceding the item are considered "universal" and
apply to all Jobs. For these items, the information requested should always be provided
when analyzing any Job. If the item is not identified by a box, the analyst is to determine
whether che Item does, or does not, apply to the job, When an item does not apply to the
Job analyzed, enter a dash (-) and proceed to the next item.
Code Importance (D
-- Does not apply
I Very minor (is an incidental, minor aspect of the job)
2 Low (is of below average importance to the job)
3 Moderate (is a moderately important aspect of the job)
4 High (is an aspect of substantial importance to the job)
5 Extreme (is a very important aspect of the job--one of the
most important)
An abbreviated version of the Importance scale appears in the upper
right-hand corner of every page containing an item that uses this scale.
T or [ Time) Where "T" or "U" identify iterns, the codc to be used appears
in the upper corner of the page. These refer to the Time for
which the behavior or situation is applicable, or the extent of
U or[ Use JUse of the specified information sources on the job. Each of
these scales applies to items on the page in question.
S or SpxeciaI Code. When an "S" identifies an item. there is a special code
for use with that particular item: this special code appears immediately
below the item. This code does not apply to any other item.
X or[ Check items. Where nin "X" identifies an item, simply check the
space if the item applies to the job.
Occupational Research Center
Department of Psychology
Purdue University
-- nee Dot qp U
Dnote e
Rate the followlng Items in terms of the extent to which 2 000M,0,1
thy a*o used by the worker as sources of information 3 iodenta
In performing his job. 4 Oomlft bis
1. 2. 1 Discrimination Activities
21 Near visual discrimination (indicate by code the degree of precision rEquired to
(38 . discriminate objects, events, or detailed features within arm's reach)
-- Degree of Precision
1 Gross (very little precision in near visual discrimination is re-
quired of the worker, c.g., crating products, farming, etc.)
2 Intermediate (moderate precision in near visual discriminatica is
requi red of the worker, e.g., reading dials and gauges, sorting
mail, etc.)
3 Substantial (extensive precision in near visual discrimination i
required of the worker, e. g., using microscope, repairing watches, etc.)
1.2~~~~~ ATV ~~~
a A
1.3?.1 Diucrkmlalon Activities (cont.)
36 3 Inspecting (irpoUng one's own w.'ork or the work of others for quality, e.g.,
(62) Ideutitylng defects, claesifynr by grade, eta.)
36 [J Decision making (indicate by code the level of decision making (typically)
(53 involved in the job, considering: the number and complexity of the factors
that are taken into account; the variety of alternatives available; the
consequences and importance of the decisions; the background experience,
education, and training required; the precedents available for guidance;
and other relevant considerations. The examples given for the following
codes are only suggestive )
Code Level of Decision
1 Low ("decisions" in selecting parts in routine assembly, shelving
items in a warehouse, pasting labels on cartons, tending automatic
machines, etc.)
2 Below average ("decisions" in operating a wood planer, dispatching
a taxi, lubricating an automobile, etc.)
3 Average ("decisions" in setting-up machine tools for operation,
diagnosing mechanical disorders of aircraft, ordering office supplies
several months in advance, etc.)
4 Above average ("decisions" in determining production quotas, making
personnel decisions such as promoting and hiring, etc.)
5 High ("decisions" in approving corporation annual budget, recommend-
ing surgery, selecting the location for a new plant, etc.)
41 a_._ Using matthematics (indicate by rods the highest level of ma/thmticst used In
the position)
I n this section are included various classes of devices that people use or operate on their jobs.
Rate the following items ii terms of how important the use of each type of device is to the
completion of the job.
3.1.1 Hand Tools
50 Precision tools (manually-powered instruments for fine precision work, e. g.,
(67) engraver's tools, etc.)
UL I Gross tools (manually-powered hand tools, e.g., hammers, pliers, etc.)
52 I Long-handle tools (hoes, rakes, shovels, brooms, mops, etc.)
5..I . Handling devices (tongs, ladles, etc., used for moving or handling objects
(70) and materials)
54 I Precision tools (powered instruments for fine precision work, e. g.,
(71) dentist's drills, glass-etching devices, etc.)
55 1 Gross tools (powered tools and devices, e.g., hand-held drills and saws,
(72) buffing wheels, etc.)
Does not apply
Very minor
Amount of Time (T)
Does not apply
Under 1/3 ofte "me
3 Average 3 Between 1/3 an' /3
4 High of the time
5 Extreme 4 Over 2/3 of the . ie
5 Almost continual
b7 I Mobility (frequent changes in body p<sition a.-. required by the work to be done,
(41 e.g. , kneeling, stooping, craxkling, and crouching; such positions usually being
uncomfortable or ;twk%%ard)
88 1 Agility (activities involving cxtensive, iad typically highly-learned body
('12 coordination activities, v.g ,, athictic , dancing, etz.
Indicate by code the approximate proportion Af working ti e during which the worker
is engaged in the following activities (nos. K9, 90, !), 92)
Code Importance.1)
I I Very mino4
3 Average
93 IS _ Moving actions (indicate by code the maximum amount ol weight the worker is
(47 required to move manually)
L. Code Amount of Weight
I Lifting or carrying less than 10 lbs
2 Liffing up to 20 lbs or carrying up to 10 lbs.
3 Lifting up to 50 lbs or carrying up to 25 lbs.
4 Lifting up to 100 lbs or carr)ing up to 50 ibs.
5 Lifting over 100 lb.s. or carrying over 50 lbs.
Mate the follo"ing ,t'ins in turin,sol hox iiv -porlant the activity is to completion of the job.
Code Importan 01
- Do" not Ipply
-2 Low
dtvls with dilf2r i asxts of inter-
This t .etion
of 1
personal rc ationship ,ivolved in vo rbOuS; k
work. Including commtunic-:4, i ns
Rate the following items in terms ofl h,, irmxlrrtanl the ctity is to the completion
of the job.
102 1 Perbuading (dealing with other., in order to intluenc? them toward some action
(56) or point ot view, e.g. sr]t-1 ig,
n pijitical cariixigning, etc.)
105 1 Exchanging info rmatitn (pr.',lit{. intorifmatio,, for iid/or receiving information
(59 from other individual(s) ;suchi :t.N
1 . xs, urdering materials,
nialjiig appolntinf-,nts, tlc. )
10S 1 Public spkiiklng (ni:ihmng ,Uc-chem or Im-rmal p- cI* ;tt-a ns b'fore relatively
(60) large audincc., . , rxditical :thzr-,ct . radio,/TV broidcasting, delivering
a sermon. elc.)
107 1 Writing (e.g. , composing letter.-,, reports, ,ritthig Copy for ads,
(61) writing articles, eL;.)
Other communiealions
108 1 Signaling (con-muni,::tiiig U.) .o ic ',.lie ol s.gral t . g. , hand -sigrnls. semaphore,
lig ,
.hts (t -)
b cll.s,
62) whistles, horns.
109 1 Code cunktxunicatons (telt_) lc, telcgraph, cryptography, etc.)
Code _mPoirjM -
- Doese t apply
1 Very minor
5 Extreme
113i Job-related personal contact (Indicate by code the extent of job-related contact
(6 with others, individually or in groups, roquired by the job, e. g., contact with
customers, patients, students, the public, superiors, subordinates, fellow
employees, etc. Conside- only personal contact which is definitely part of the
job. For example. entertaining customers during or following regular working
hours is frequently considered to be part of the job.)
Code Extent of Personal Contact
I Very Infrequent (almost no contact with others is required)
2 Infrequeijt (limited contact with others is required)
3 Occasional (moderate contact with others Is required)
4 Frequent (considerable contact with others Is required)
5 Very Frequent (almont continual contact with others is required)
This section ibsts types of individuals with whom the worker may have personal
contact. Check (X) those types of individuals with whom the worker has personal coatact,
if such contact is frequen and i mporta,,t to the Job Do not chock if contact is incidental.
125 X Clients/patients
126 X Special interest groups (stockholders, lobbyists, fraternal organizations, etc.)
127 X Othcr individuals (specify)
4. 5. I Supervision Given
128 S Line management/supervision (use this category for those who are responsible,
(19 in a line management relationship, for the management or supervision of personnel
or of groups of personnel in an organization, and who have such responsibilities
as a M!Jo aspect of their position; indicate the level of the activity using the
code below)
-ode Level of Line Managemqt!Supervlilon
- Does not apply
1 Immediate supervision (supervises work group, giving "close" or "im-
mediate" supervision, typically making specific work assignments,
indicating methods of work, maintaining frequert supervising contacts
2 with subordinates, etc.)
2 General supervision (supervises work group, typically giving more
general supervision, usually indicating general work assignments,
allowing subordinates considerable latitude in methods, scheduling, etc.)
3 General direction (directs and integrates activities of several work
groups, each of which has Its own supervisor; is not a "first-line"
supervisor, himself, but accomplishes job objectives through directing
acti'vities of supervisors)
4 Manages operations (manages an entire organization, or a very major
phase of it)
4.5.1 Supervision Given (cont.)
Cloc (1) the following Items if they apply:
129 5 uperviss fellow workers (straw boss, etc. ; this Item would not apply If the
(30 above item, 128, has boon used)
130 , Supervises assistants (supervision im incidental to the job, ,S., secretary,
(21 lab tehnician., etc.)
121 L Supervise non-employees (students, patients, campers, tc.)
- 1110es8net apl
1 Les than 5
2 6-10
a 11-20
4 21-50
a 51-100
6 More than 100
4. 5.2 Supervision Received
ISO [[ Supervsion received (indicate by code the level of supervision typioally received)
(Sol --- Code- Lel of.Superision
I Immediate supervision (receives olose supervision r@la;ibg to specific
work activities, including assgnments, methods, etc.; isually reelves
frequent surveillance over job activities)
2 Genera; supervision (receives general supervision rel to work
3 General direction (receives only very general guidance 'elating to jot,
activities, primarily guidance with respect to general objectives; rather
broad latitude for determining how to achieve objectives, methods, work
scheduling, etc., e.g. first-line supervisors, lower anuagement indi-
viduals, most staff personnel, people whose work is q Indepe dent of
others, etc.)
4 Nominal d!rection (receives only very nominal direction or guidance in
job, if Lany. as in case of manager of organizations or major subdivision
thereof, and therefore eubject only to very broad polioy guIdeline, e. g.,
owner-manager. free-lance writer, some research solentista who are
given virtually free reign, etc.)
t 'p
This section lists various working conditions. Check (X) those conditions to which
the worker is frequently exposed and are considered part of the work location 4n
vironment. Do not check if such exposure is incidental.
136 X Out-of-door environment (susceptible to changing weather conditions)
Ind,.or (do not consider indoor temperature conditions related to weathor, e.g.,
heat in summer)
137 X High temperature (boiler rooms, steel furnaces, etc.)
138 X Low temperature (refrigerated rooms, etc.)
139 X High humidity (hothouse, etc.)
140 X Air pollution (dust, fumes, toxic conditions, etc.)
141 X Vibration (vibration of whole body. e. g., driving a tractor or truck, or of
(32) body limbs, e.g., operating a pneumatic drill, etc.)
142 X Improper illumination (inadequate lighting, excessive glare, etc.)
143 X Dirty environment (garage, coal mine, foundry, etc.)
144 X Awkward or confining work space
1,15 X Physical hazards
146 X Noise (disturbing/loud)
Noise intensity
147 S Noise intensity (indicate by code the dominant level during exposure to
(38) unsatisfactory noise levels; rate this item if Ite 146 above wu ratd)
-- e Nolie Intensity
- Does not apply
1 Moderate (noisy office, light traffic, etc.)
2 Loud (factory, heavy traffic, etc.)
3 Very loud (boiler room, riveting, etc.)
1 Very 1mr
3' Average
'Tbs otion. includes various psychological mnd 4 Hig
soctological aspects of jobs. Indicate by code the 5 Extreme
iaMra of these aspects as a part of the job.
It W Rtm does not apply, leave it blank.
148 L--- Civic obligations (asuming certain civic obligations or reepo oulb lww
This section includes categories relating to work schedulj, method of pay, and apparel
worn during work. Check (X) those that apply to the position.
Continuity of work (as relevant to total year; check one of these two)
I Regular work
157 X Variable shift work (work shift varies from time to time)
188 X Irregular hours (works variable or irregular hours, depending on r"uremAs
(49) of employer, ccnveniencoe of customers, etc., e.g., insuranoo agnU, etc.)
161 X Typical day and night hours (depending on job demands, sonhdules, or a i
(52) job factors, e.g. , some truck drivers, etc.)
In this section are listf various types of demands that the job situation may impose
ipn the worker, usually rcquiring that he adapt to these in order to perform his work
satisfactorily. Rate the following itenis in terms of how important they are on the job.
17 L. Specified work pae (on continuous assembly line. etc.)
176 1 Time pressure of situation (rush hours in a restaurant, urgent time deadlineti,
(6 rvsh jobs, Utc.)
177 I ROpatItive activiUcs (performance of the same physical or mental activities,
(68' repetit:vely, without interruption, for periods of time)
1.8 I Precision (need to bL" moroe than normally precise and accurate)
179 1 Attention to dotail (need to give careful attention to various details of
(70 one's work, being sure that nothing is left undone)
ISO I Speed of discrimination (need to make discrimination more rapidly than normal)
181 I Vigilance. infrequent ever.t. (need to continually search for very infrequently
(72 occurring but relevant ever,n in the job bituation, e.g. , forest lookout,
observing instrumunt pane)Ll to tdeutily infrequent change from "normal," etc.)
mI ml m= •I
T m IV
Rods_ nM1 __ __ _
18s X Special talent (checit (X) thia item to Indicate if a job requires some particularly
('76 unique talent or okfll that Is not coverod by other Items; typically t.1s Item
would spply to Jobs in which the very uni1que skill or characteristic of the worker
is clearly dominant, as In certal i entertainment activitie, the item may be
used however, in certain other kinds of aituations, but only where there is some
distinctly unlqt a or sppsel skill or talent involved) BpeciM1. taent:______
186 T Travel (Indicate by code the proportion of time the worker Is required to spend
(77)1 away fromn his home because of his job)
This section inoludes types of responsiblity which may be amsootated with the
decisions anM action# of the worker. Indicate hy code the degree of eacb type of
responsibility involved In the job
187 8 Responsibility for the safety of otherA (Indicate by code the degree to whic'
(78t the work roquires diligence and effort to prevent Injury to others. Do irntA
consider haz.ards beyond the control of Ohe individual cowiernod with U;he -ob.
g2§1- 22M Ora nsinubiitt for the WS.t ofOt
- Does notaply
1 Ve=y ILMIlod *=Ployea has mini tuim responsibility for tM SAafy
of others, e -g. use of eit I hand tools, operation of saf~y
188 : Responsibility for assets (indicate by code the degree to which the worker is
(79 1 directly responsible for waste, damage, defects, or other loss of value to
sAsuets, such as materials, products, parts, equipment, cash, etc. , that might
be causaed by inattention or inadequate job performance)
Codte Degree of ResV(nsilibltv foi Assets
A Very limited (e. g. , a few dollars)
2 Limited (c.g. , up to abooit one hundred dollars)
3 Intermediate (e. g. , a few hundred dollarsi
4 Substantial (e. g., (,ne or two thousai dollars)
5 Very substantial (e.g., more than two thousand dollars)
18 Job structure (indicate by code the amount of "structure" of the Job.that is, the
(80, degree to which the 3 ob a,:tivities are "pre-determined" for the worker by the
intrinic nature of the work, the procedures, or other job characteristics; the
more highly-structured Jobs permit less detvation from pre-determined patterns,
and little if any need for innovation, decision making, or adaptation to changing
Optional: Please enter In the appropriate blank, the wage, salary, or other
remuneration paid for this job. (Fill in those that apply).
If the job title e not aelf-explanatory, please enter a brief job description
Itotbz* four or five of the principle duties performed.
GonerI E se
Thim questioanaire is used for dasoribing certain job activities and certain ampectc
of situatioas In which jcbs are performed. before beginning a job analysis using
this qaustionnair, carefully read tho explanatory uaterial which follows. Once yv.
have the instructions clearly in mind, re,.d through the remainder of the questioazai1'e
to tfalliarise yourself with its contents.
Ater you md satand v'wiat is --c:u';ro, you should faaliarize yourself with the Job
yor &!e going to analyze (in the event this has not already been &ne). In this
coAnsotion, it is suggeste4 that you tsl% to the workcr and/or supervisor about
wat the worker does, and watch him perform as rany aspects of the job as possible.
In additioi you may find it helpful to ask the worker and/or his supervisor questios'
similar to tbose founa in the queationzaire.
1he questionnaire is divided into the six major divisions listed belerl. In adItIO
to the division titles, a "qustion" is included which you can keep in mind when
oiang through each division.
1. U tormtio it (Where and how does the worker get the information that h
uses In performing his job?) Pages 1-4
5. pSCntext (In vhat physical and oeial contexts is the work performed?)
prqapwd under provisions of Office of Nwal lresearch Contract on, 1100 (28),
Z2 1L_ Qutstionnaire
lor each job element, provision is made for using a "rating scale." Several different
rating scales are used througout the questionnaire and are located on those pages to
which they pertain. Zn general they look like this t
At the beginning of each job element you will find an answer blank that begins with
a capital letter indicatin the "scale" to be used for that element. For ex ple,
answer blank number one looks like this: 1 U . The "U" refers to the "Extent of
Use (U)" rating scale which Li shown above. Other rating scal are arked with the
letters which follow:
P Pbsibility of Occurrence
Caution: For each statement use 9 the rating scale identified by the capital
letter in the answer blank. Each -pecial (S)" rating scale applies only to the job
element of which it is a part.
Other instructions will be given as you go through the questionnaire. Please read
and follow them carefully.
-- e aXnot q ..y
B~z2 oi ab Zpa/gtigq 12 oo
Nomias/vq iafequeat
1~~ mU ~2 Occasional
late each or the following items In terms of the 3 Moderate
~4 Cosideamble
exteat to Alch it Is used by the worker
source of Information In performing his job. 5 Very substatia
9 U Materials not in process (parts, materials, objects, etc., not in the process 9
of being changed or modified, which are sources of information when being
inspected, handled, packaged, distributed, or selected, etc., such as ites
or materials in inventory, storage, or distribution channels, items being
inspected, etc.)
18 U Odor (odors which the worker needs to smell in order to perform his job; do 12
not include odurs simply he'ause "hey happen tn exist in the work environment)
19 U Taste (bitter, sour, sweet, or salty qualities which are sources of job 19
information, for example, wine taster, candy taster, etc.)
1.2 Sensory and Pen.eptua-l Procesres
20 8
Near visual differeatlatisin (uoing the code below, rate the amount of detail
the worker must see to adequately obtain ob iziformation from objects,
events, features, etc, within arm's reach)
Each of the items in the questionnaire which uses Code Importance to This Job (I)1
the "b'portane to This Job (I)" scale is to be - Does not apply I
rated in terms of how important the activity 1 Very minor
described in the item is to the completion or the 2 Low
Job, as compared with the other activities which 3 Average
are att of this ob. Consider such factors as 4 High
amount of time spent, the possible influence on 5 Extreme
overall job performance if the worker does not
properly perform this activity, etc.)
22 1 Depth perception (Judging the distance from the observer to objects, or ;he
distance& between objects aG they are positicned in space, as in operating
a crane, operating a dentist's dill, handlijia taid ,ualtioning objects, etc.)
27 1 Body balance (s.nsini the n and balance of the body when body balance 2"
is crltictl to job performance, as when waLinr on "I" beams, climbing high
poles, worAJng kn steep r(oofs, ws-ikint on slippery floors, etc.)
29 Estimating speed of moviz.- .bJects (estimating the speed of' mov ng .ets 2,j
or materials relative to e fixed point or to other moving objects, for
example, the speed of vehicles, materials on a conveyor belt, flow ef
liquids In transparent pipes, etc.)
35 Estimating time (esatiaat.z* th-, time required for past or future events or 35
work activities, for exa~le, judging the eount of time to make a delivery,
estimating the time required - cervice a worn machine part or piece of
equipment, judging the leg.-th of time required to change a production line
procedure, etc.)
36 Decision mzaing (indU.cate, using the code below, the level of decision T'
making typicely involved in the job, considering: the number and complex-
ity of the factorn that are taken into account; the variety of alternativen
available; the consequences and importance of the decisions; the background
esperience, education, aid training required; the precedents available for
guidance; end other relevant considerations. The examples given for the
following codes are p suggestive.)
37 a_ RsoiAng in problem solving (iadicate, using the code below, the level of 3
A &&oinig that is required of 'he worker in applying his kncwledge, experience,
a Ji nt to problems)
iANnt of ?Iwa-ift
Wes not ply (has no opportunity to plan even his ow actiVitie-
the 8 1fAic activities of the worker are virtuall.pprdetmine.'
1 Very limited (has lited opportunity to plan or soob*We hs own
activities, tor exampl, ticket @*llow at a theater, "t~YpifeJ'
aaambly line worker, eto.) t ge a f
2 Limited (sme planning is required but not a great deals for
exasple, the planning that weould be dons by a mIlknan, janitor, r
3 Vdato (a moderate amount or planning or hus m or other s.etivi ".
iS required, for example, a carpenter who mut plan the best w..
to build a structure, a taxi dispatbesr, .et.)
Ooniderable (m fairly large amount of planaingf/sadvIlng Is rql Q.
for exmle, a foreman wbo must plan the activities or his sutb-
ordinates, a teacher who must prepare lectures or loss= plum,-Z
a Material co-.ordinator who must pla/*oedalA the auTivaia e
distribution of mterisls, etc.)
5 Utweivt (substantial mout of pla!ning/sebodlai is req Urex,
for exmle, a depeatment store aApr. an wseutie vim uat
plan the activitie* of different work gm x, an archieat, ,
scientist who must make comprehensive and detadted. pla. to We '
experiments, etc.)
- Iws wt apfly
In this section hum
are vious of operatonsVery mior
inlving the "poessing" infoxuation or 2 O
data. Rate each of the follving ita In term 3 Avr
of how ot__5
-~~the activity Is to the completion 4 Jktraw
45 1 Short-term memory (leorning and retainina jr.b related irai1*r'r.ution and reca1l.- 45_
Ing that information itcr a brief period of time, for exarp.e, waitress,
short-order cook, teiephone operator, etc.)
46 Education (Indicate, .,,Ig the coqe te-, w, tl.e l(cal L^ edueation generaIJy
or typically requirea by peruon6 who are selected fc(r this job; include
education in eiemcntary, high school. cQL"cge5, etc.; do nct include
technical or vL.catinai .chu,.J traning - nec iter, 40)
47 _ Job-refLted experience (imilcate, using the code below, the amount of all 41
previouh job-reii.t,!a exper.ence in other related cr Jowr-level jobs
generwily require by per.oo 9 siected for the ,b; do not include formal
e. cation a described In iten 1(,)
48 s Training (indicate, using the code belov, the total amount of trainiLS 4P
generaly requirad for persons who have had no prior job training to learn
hto perform adequately on this Job; consider a11 types of required job-ral2ed
S training except for education described In item 46; include training at
barber schools, technical and vocatiouzd sohools, business schools, e
as well as appientice, on-the-job-, off-the-Job and orientation trainag, etc.)
L-Code Tratnag
Does not apply or very limited (no more than one day's training
I Over I day up to and including 3 days
2 Over 30 dayn up to and Including 6 montha
3 Over b months up to and Including I year
4 Over I year up to and including 3 years
5 Over 3 Years
49 Using uathamatica (indicate, using the code below, the highest level of 4c
mathematics required by the job)
Lcode Level of Yithematics
Does not apply
I Simple basic (counting, addition and subtraction of 2-digit numbers
or le1)
2 Basic (addition and subtraction of ninbera Gf 3-digits or more,
multiplication, divicion, etc.)
3 Intermedial e ( atlons and conctts 1nvc..vlr, fractiins, decimas,
percentages, etc.)
4 Advanced (agehaic, geometric, trigonometric, and statistical
concepts, techniques, and procedures, usually applied in standard
practica situations)
5 Very advanced (advanced mathematical and statistical teory, concept3,
and tecnilquea, for example, calculus, topology, vector analysis,
factor analysis, probability theory, etc.)
. oaJp Importnrceto Tij~b (TI
- IADe nc(t apply
1 Very minor
3 WCRK OUrPUr 2 Low
3 Average
3.1 Use of Devlcei; un Ejxa nt 4 HIgh
5 Extreme
.i rHand-held Todes or Instruments
Consider in thlu category thove devices which are used to move or Pcdlfy work pieces,
materials, products, or objects. Do not connider meesurine devices h,re.
Manual ly-powered
',] I No. )recJnIo, too: i/':istzuerits (tools or Inrl' p,. cred by the ;ier t A
perfcr m c-peratiotr. n(.t reqtjlr~ron LrT:.t ac.:urLcv (.r .)recI i I n. for examp e,
wrcrjc er. , ti.we-J:i, k,'.V,','., u'1 .'A~r.. Ch ' , Lty i ve';, P.trf, ,- ,
hanu I !re,'
-,unt;, oeL.f. dc inot In. ule iWhK-1, 1A t" L t,ere)
52 1 Long-handle tools (hoes, rakes, shovels, picks, axes, brooms, ops, etc.) 52
6b I Othe, h als
oJd. devices (specify)_ 6"
3.1.3 Stationary evicer
mater~w L;, eL,.;,
(ued to process, fabricate, or otherwise modify parts,
use ti da category in adldition to ind~cating the
controlt uced in t[ue 3As(.ctIhn which folJuwS)
Code Imnortarce to This Jo. (I)
Does nopt. aply
I Very minor
2 low
3.1.4 Control Devices (on any aquipment 3 Average
operated or used) 4 Heigh
5 Xxtreme
63 1 Fixed setting controls (hand or foot operated devices with distinct positions, 63
detente, or definite settings, for example, 'M selector switcb, gear-shift,
64 Variable setting controls (hand or foot operated devices that can be met at 64
the beginning of operation, or infrequently, at any position along a scale,
for example, TV volume control, roo thermostat, rheostat, etc.)
67 j Foot-operated controls (controls operated by foot or leg for making fe_ _ ne, 67
! but not continuous, adjustments, for example, automobile brakes, etc.)
72 I_ Powered mobile equipment (movablL vehicles not primarily intended for highway 72
use, for example, warehouse trucks, fork lifts, self-propelled lawn mowers,
road graders, tractors, combines, etc.)
blades, hand trucks, wheel barrows, floor volishers and buffers, etc.)
This section describes manual activities in which tools may or may not be used.
87 S Level of physical exertion (indicate, using the code below, the general level 87
L of body activity, considering the frequency and effort required to perform Job
tasks involving pushing, pulling, carrying, lifting, etc., during an average
work day)
Code Level of Physical Exertion
1 Very light (occasionally walking or standing and/or occasionally
moving light objects, materials, etc., such as secretary, draftsman,
watchmaker, telephone operator, etc. )
2 Light (frequently walking or standing and/or frequently exerting
force equivalent to lifting up to approximately 10 pounds and/or
occasionally exerting force equivalent to lifting about 20 pounds,
for exaxple, sales clerh, bans: teller, etc.)
3 Moderate (frequently exerting forces equivalent to lifting up to
approximately 25 pounds and/or occasionally exerting forces
equivalent to lifting up to approximetely 50 pounds, for example
auto mechanic, coin vending machine serviceman, bus driver, etc.S
4 Heavy (frequently exerting forces equivalent to lifting up to
approximately 50 pound.s and/or occasionally exerting forces
equiv-alent to liftIng up to approxLmately 100 pounds, for
example, general laborer, millwright, bulldozer operator, baggage
porter, etc.)
5 Very heavy (frequently -:xcrting forces equivalent to lifting over
50 pounds and/or occb;lonally exerting forces ove_ that required
to lift 100 pou-nds, for example, hod carrier, qualry miner, etc.)
Under 1/10 of the time
1 7
35 2 Under 1/3 of the time
3 Between 1/3 and 2/3 of
the time)
4 Over 2/3 of the time
5 Almost continually
95 L__. 1Hand-arm
steadiness (maintaining a uniform, controlled hand-arm posture or
for exaxple, using a welding torch, performing surgery, etc.)
2 LOw
This section deals with different aspects of 3 Average
between people involved in variouo 3 Aege
kinds of work. 4 High
1 5 Extr ems_
4.l Ccmuunications
Rate the following in terms of how important the activity is to the completion of the
job. Some Jobs may involve several or all of the items In this section.
100 11 Negotiating (dealing with others in order to reach an agreement or solution, l01
for example, labor bargaining, diplomatic relations, etc.)
101 __ Persuading (dealing with others in order to influence them toward some action 101
or point of view, for example, selling, political campaigning, etc.)
103 I Interviewing (conducting interviews directed toward some specific objective, 103
for example, intervIewIng job applicants, census taking, etc. )
104 I Routine information exchange (the giving and/or receiving of information of i04
a routine or simple nature, for exaiple, ticket agent, tazd-cab dispatcher,
receptionist, etc.)
105 I Son-routine information exchange (the giving and/or receiving of information 105
of a non-routine or complex nature, ror example, professional committee
meetings, engineers discussing product design, etc.)
106 I Public speaking (making speeches or formal presentations before relatively 106
large audiences, for example, political addresses, radio/TV broadcasting,
delivering a sermon, etc.)
107 1 Writing (for example, writing or dictating letters, reports, etc., writing 2.07
copy for ads, writing ne';spapr. articles, etc.; do not include transcribing
activities described in Item 42)
i08 I Signaling (communicating by *Aome type of signal, for example, hand signals, l0
semaphore, whistles, hurs, bells, lights, etc.)
112 Job-required persona]l contact (i-.4cate, using the code below, the extent ol
a 1_12
Job-required contact with others, individually or in groups, for exap"
contact wiA' customers, patients, students, the public, superiors, sub-
ordinates, fellow employees, prospective employees, official visitors, etc.;
consider ony personal r.ontact which is definitely part of the lob)
This section lists types of individu&lc with whom the worker must have personal contn,:
in order to perform his job. Indlcatc by code the importance of contact with each of
the types of individuals listed below. Consider personal contact not only with per-
sonnel within the organization or company, but also with personnel from other organ-
izationa, if contact with them ir iprL. of the Jot).
113 Executives/officials (corporation vice-presidents, government administrate ,, i1
plant superintendents, etc.)
114 1 Middle management/staff perrsonnel
115 1 Supervisors (those perL nel who have imediate repponsibility for a ,iorl II
group, for example, forcmen, office managers, etc. )
116 1 Professional personnel (doctors, lawyers, scientists, engineers, professor 11
teachers, consultants, etc. )
117 Semi-professional personnel. (technicians, draftsm~ien, designers, photogrsT,. ;'
surveyors, and other per.iorniel who are engaged in activities requiring fe] ?.v
extensive education or prnctical experierce but which typically involve e
more restricted area of cperatic~n "An that of professional personnel)
118 1 Clerical personnel (personnel engaged in office work, such as clerics booi 2
keepers, receptioniLtr, etc.)
119 1 Manual arci ,t'v.ce wor'ers personnel i.n skilled, seml-skilled, Unskilled I,,
agricultural, r.i. fnresry, service, and related types of occupa 'ol
Code ImutnetoTi o
4.4 Types of Job-required Personal Contact (cont.) D
Does not apply
. Very minor
2 Low
3 Average
123 The public (not including customers or persons in other specified categories; 123
include the 'public" as contacted by, for example, park attendants, police
officers, etc.)
127 1 Other individuals (include here types of persons not described in items 113- 127;
126 above, but, whenever possible, use one of the above categories)
4.5 Supervision and Coordination
4.5.1 Supervision/Direction Given
i28 s Supervision of non-supervisory personnel (irdcate, using the code below, the .12b3
number of persons directl., supervised who Ere ectually involved in the pro-
A apl foof eaplto
duction goods and services and do
most "first uupervise others;
linJnotsupervisors, this item
most foremen andwould
section heads, service managers in garages, beau butchers in meat depart-
ments of grocery stures, head phar-macists, plumbers with assistants, etc.)
Code Number cf Nn-supervisory personnel Supervised
- Does not apply
or 2
2 3 to 5 wor-ern
3 6 to 6 workr!
4 9 to 12 workers
5 13 or more workers
i29 S Direction of supervisory peruonnel (indicatc, using the code below, the 129
number of supervisory pcr:,onnel -- tnose :ho have responibility for the
, supervision or directio.r (f .thers - vno report directly to the person
holding this po;;iti n: item would apply to, many middle and upper
mansers, but would also apply to manaveri of many small businesses or
other actIvities dele#ate cupervisry authority tc others, etc.)
Code Number cf Supervsory personnel Directed
- Does not upply (d. cs not direct supervisors)
1 i or 2 supervisory perronnei
2 . to superviuory personnel
3 6 io supervisour.' personnel
4 t'tt, 22 5urervir;r pers9r
.[ ij or rm.rc .t;pjervioscry personnel
Total number of personnel for whom responsible (indicate, using the code 130
below, the total number of personnel for whom the person holding this job
Is either directls or indirectly responsible, for example, the president of
a corporation would be responsible for all corporation employees, the branch
manager would be responsible for personnel in his branch, a foreman for
personnel he supervises, a plumber for his assistant, etc.; use this item
in addition to 128 and/or 129)
133 Staff functions (advises, consults, or gives other types of assistance to 133
line management personnel, for example, legal adviser, administrative
assistant, etc.)
134 s Supervision received (indicate, using the code below, the level of super- 134
vision the worker typically receives)
Code Level of Supervision Received
1 Immediate supervision (receives close supervision relating to specific
work activities, including assignments, methods, etc.; usually
receives frequent surveillance over job activities)
2 General supervision (receives general supervision relating to work
3 General direction (receives only very general guidance relating to job
activities, primarily guidance with respect to general objectives;
has rather broad latitude for determining methods, work scheduling,
how to achieve objectives, etc., for example, first-line supervisors,
lower management individuals, mnost staff personnel, people whose
work is quite independent of others, etc.)
4 Nominal direction (receives only nominal direction or guidance in job,
as in the case of a manager of an organization or a major subdivicion
thereof, and is therefore subject only to very broad policy guide-
lines, for ea:mple, some research scientists who are giving virtually
free reign, many plant superintendents, etc.)
5 No supervision (this category is applicable to those personnel who
function independently, for example, ouner-managers of stores,
independent physicians, independent consultants, etc.)
Code AmontoTim T
5 JO EvIRomT AND wSK SIUON - Does not apply (or is very
5.1 by icalWorking Conditions 1 Under 1/10 of the time
2 Under 1/3 of the time
This section lists various working conditions. 3 Between 1/3 and 2/3 of the
Rate the averle amount of time the worker is time)
exposed to each condition during a typical 5 O
work period. 5 Almost continually
5.1.2 Indoor temperatures (do not consider indoor temperature conditions that are
simply a function of the weather, for example, heat in summer; consider
only those conditions which are associated with this Job regardless of the
natural climate in which it might be performed.)
136 T High temperature (conditions in which the worker might experience severe 136
discomfort or heat stress, such as in boiler rooms, around furnaces, etc.;
typically this would occur in a dry atmosphere at about 900 F. and in a
humid atmosphere at about 800 F. or 85° F.)
137 Low temperature (conditions in which the worker is exposed to low temperatures 137
which are definitely uncomfortable even though clothing appropriate for the
conditions may be worn, such as in refrigerated rooms, etc.)
138 T Air contamination (dust, fumes, smoke, toxic conditions, disagreeable odors, 138
etc.; consider here air contamination or pollution which is an irritating or
undesirable aspect of the job)
139 T Vibration (vibration of whole body or body limbs, for example, driving a 139
tractor or truck, operating an air hammer, etc.)
143 S .Noise intensity (indicate, ucing the code below, the typical noise level the 143
worker is exposed to)
144 P First-aid caces (xinor injuries or illnessez which typically result in n day 144
or less of "lost" tme and are usually reedied, with first-aid procedures)
J4h5 P Temporary disability (enaporsry Injuris or illnesses which prevent the wc:hcr 145
from performing his job fro, one full dry up to extended periods of time but
which do not resa1L in permnnent disability or Juipairment)
146 P Permanent partial izpairment (injuries or illnesses resulting in the ampu- 146
tation or permanent loss of use of any body :.reber or part thereof, or
permanent impalrment of certain body f.nctions)
147 P Permanent total disnbi2.ity/denth (injuries or illnesses which totally dJ.snbl".e 1)17
the worker and permanently prevent hs fiuther gainful employment, for
example, loss of life, -.34ht, limbs, hands, radiation sickness, etc.)
148 I Civic obligationa (because of the Job the worker asstmes, or is expected to J.48
assume, certain cit;ie obli! tions or responsibilitics)
149 I Frustrating situations (job situration." in "Aich attempts to deal with probln. . 2'9
or to achieve job objec,,ives are obstructed or hindered, and may thius
contribute to fruutraticn n:n the p',rt of the worker)
150 1 Strained personm, contacts (dealing with individuals or groups in "unpleasant" 150
or "strained" .3ituntionn for e,:ample, certain aspects of police work
certain types of nv@ot!ations, nandling certain mental patients, etc. S
151 I_ ersonal sacrifice (beinC wi~ling to mak- certain personal sacrifices while 1'1
being of service to other people or the objectives of an organization, for
example, policemen, mini3try, social work, etc.; do not consider physical
hazards here)
152 I Interpersonal conflict situations (Job situations in which there are virtu- 152
ally inevitable differences in objectives, opinions, or viewpoints between
the worker and other persons or groups of persons, and which may "set the
stage" for conflict, for example, persons involved in labor negotiations,
supervisorn who must enforce an unpopular policy, etc.)
153 S Non-job-required social contact (indicate, using the code below, the 153
opportunity to engage in informal, non- ob-reiuired conversation, social
interaction, etc. with others while on the job, for example, barber, taxi
driver, receptioni,,t, journeyman and apprentice, etc.; do not include here
the personal contacts require by the job as described in item 112)
154 A Business suit or dress (expectei to wear presentable clothing such as tie 151
156 A Work clothing ("blue collar" apparel worn in factories, construction work, 156
157 Protective clothing or gear (clothing or equipment worn as a regular part of 157
the job to protect the worker, for example, safety helmets, goggles, noise
suppressors, safety shoes, insulated gloves or clothing, protective masks,
etc.; this item does not apply if only worn occasionally or rarely)
6.2 Licensing
162,1 Irregular work (depending or. wether, season, production changes, etc.) 162
163 A Regular hours (same basic work schedule every week) 163
164 A Variable shift work (work shift varies from time to time) 16h
169 L Specified work pace (on continuoun assembly line, etc.) 169
172 I Following set procedures (need to follow specific set procedures or routines 172
in to obtain satisfactory outcomes for example, following check-out
list to inspect equipment or vehicles, following procedures for changing a
tire, performing specified laboratory tests, etc.)
173 I Time pressure of situation (rush hours in a restaurant, urgent time dead- 173
lines, rush jobs, etc.)
71 I Precision (need to be more than normally precise and accurate) 174
175 I Attention to detail (need to give careful attention to various details or 175
one's work, being nitre that nothing is left undone)
177 1 Vigilance: infrequent events (need to continually search for veM inf entl " 177
occurring but relevant events in the job situation, for example, forest loot-
out watching for forest fires, worker observing instrument panel to identify
infrequent change from "normal" etc.)
180 Updating job knowl.edge (need to keep job knowledge current, being informed 18O
of new developments related to the job)
A Special talent (lising the code above Ind-cate if a job requires some aLc- i.
u unique talent or skill that Js not covered by other items; typically
this item urould apply to jobs in which the very unique skill or characteristic
of the worker is clearly 1wminant, as in certain entertainment activities;
the item may be used however, in certain other kinds of situations, but onl
where there is some distLinctly unique or special skill or talent involvea)
Special talent:
Code Amount of Time (T)
- Does not apply tor is very
1 Under 1/10 of the time
2 Under 1/3 of the time
6.4 Job Demands (cont.) 3 Between 1/3 and 2/3 of the
4 Over 2/3 of the time
5 fAlost continually
182 L__ Travel (indicate by code the proportion of time the worker is required to 12
spend away from his home because of his job-
6.5 Responsibllity
This section includes types of responsibility which may be associated with the
decinions ard actions of the worker. Indicate by code the degree of each type of
responsibility involved in the job.
- Responsibility for the safety of others (indicate,using the code below,the
degree to which the work requires diligence and effort to prevent injury to
do not include hazards beyond the control of the Individual con-
cerned with the job)
184 s Responsibility for material assets (indicate, using the code belo the degree 184
to which the worker is directy responsible fo: waste, damage, defects,
or other loss of value tc materia assets or property, such as materials,
products, parts, equipment, cash, livestock, etc., that might be caused
by inattention or Inadequwte job performance)
Code Degree of Reoponsibility for Assets
1 Very limited (for example, a few dollars)
2 Limited (for example, up to about one hundred dollars)
3 Intermediate (for example, a few hundred dollars)
4 Substantial (for example, one or two thousand dollars)
5 Very subatantii.l (for example, morn. than two thougand dollars)
6.5 Egowspvibility (cont.)
1 Very linaited
3 Interme(Uite
4 Substantial
5 Very- substantial
__Job structure (IndJicute, ;),skng -41be ood bclov, the ani~ovt v-t
of the job, that is, tt-a degre to wtt the job activl .1ss &r *"
4~detem. Inei" fer vki w-rkor by the a~%r *f' tca vok tho px_duQ ,
or other job re Mghly-str.eturo4 jvo
Uvi moeiei~;
~ego de-11etion fltx pr-~er o yette'rns, ax'd 1-tt-c If a- xr
for inw~vat_' n, dacielna or & J tiMOb We ibawl sat5'
The follo4.'g items art. used to r-crcribe the typice2. noC. or w.iy in which tJ~e worker
receives -/ay/income and tho amount he receives.
Me'.hod of Receiving Pay/Inccme oit of PLx/D,come (Opftional)
On this side of the ps. e, enter a dash (-) On this sico of tho page, Write in the
if the item does not apply, a one (1) if it approxiJrAto wiout of pay/iucoM* for each
AmU. corremponditz3 It
t which 'ed. on tie
ltft ji. of th 'age. .)Ir;inc~ a.
'_ _-ailit y LAI only be rA-.orteO for ore time period in
each case. (J . cia optional inrorwticn
iDoes Does not apply
apply on amount of p&//irccme is forwarded to
Purdue Unl';crsiy Cor ',eaoarchpurponan,
it will b3 held 14a at..ictost confidearce.
Salary~ 1(YWekA y sulary, or18
(bSalary ',ve~y 2 weeks, or
1i~nhiiy talary, or
Moz c
-; Hourly wage
. 9()
Yearly unlary
ap~r hu
2. Seniority of worker;
b. liow long has the worker been with the orj mnzation? Yr.. so.
3. Any additional Information you wiab to include regarding the use of the FAQ,
this job, or any cc-entm:
Unclassif ied
4 -1S ' .
,'VE ES (Type of rpot and tnclo.tFc dates)
McCoruick, Ernest J.
Jeanneret, Paul R.
J_)e~h&K Robert C_
63 16
lot Applicable
This document has been approved for public release and sale; its listribution
is unlimited. eproduction in whole or in part is permitted for any purpose
of the United States Goverrmeat.
I Personnel and Training Res. Programs Off-
Not Applicable Office of Naval Research, Code 458
Washington, D. C.
This report deals with thie background and the development of the Position
AnaMlysi Questionnaire (PAQ), which was used as the basic job analysis instrument
in the research program.covered by this contract. The PAQ (Form A) used in the
study includes 189 job elements of an essentially "worker-oriented" nature, these
elements generally characterizing work activities of a behavioral nature (or
that have strong implications in behavioral terms), and elements that characterize
certain aspects of the context within which human work is perforaed,6The job
elements of the PAQ have been used as the basis for deriving various sets of
-cb dimensicns, and for studies of an exploratory nature that deal with the
.tential use of the PAQ as the basis for developing synthetically-derived Job
attribute requlrements, and for job evaluation purposes. This particular report
lescribet the development of the PAQ, Form A, from earlier job analysis
instruments, and the more recent dlevelopment of a modified version of the PAQ,
Y~r B.
73c r~*d 473Unclassified
C-sfi4 n
Securitty Classification
r nO C H ~
Job analysis
Job deccription
Job quantificatiJon
Job variables
Worker-oriented Job variables