Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of General Surgeons Regarding Paediatric Inguinal Hernia and Hydrocele
Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of General Surgeons Regarding Paediatric Inguinal Hernia and Hydrocele
Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of General Surgeons Regarding Paediatric Inguinal Hernia and Hydrocele
Background: Inguinal herniotomy in children is a commonly preformed elective procedure. Early
herniotomy saves a significant number of patients from complications which may occur due to
obstruction or strangulation of intestine. Even in developing areas of the world, morbidity and mortality
related to complications are high in children especially in neonates.
Aim: To assess the knowledge, attitude and practices of general surgeons (GS) regarding pediatric
inguinal hernia & hydrocele
Methods: This study was conducted at services hospital Lahore over a period of two months from
October 2016 to November 2016 at different teaching hospitals in Lahore and sheikhupura. A
questionnaire was offered to GS which was divided into two parts: i. basic demographic data, ii: (a)
knowledge (b) attitude and practice. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 20.
Results: A total of 196 GS filled the proforma. The mean age of respondents was found to be
36.08±9.36 years. Among them, 172 respondents (87.8%) were male while 24 (12.2%) were females.
Among responders 53 %of the GS were right about the timing of intervention in hernia while 47%
suggest to with for 2 or 5 years.
Conclusion: On the bases of study we conclude herniotomy, although as simple procedure, its proper
management is still unknown to GS, particularly the young surgeons. We need to train young GS
regarding the proper management of hernia & hydrocele in pediatric population.
Keywords: Herniotomy; complications; morbidity; neonates.
knowledge, attitude and practices of general
Inguinal hernia and hydrocele in pediatric age group surgeons towards pediatrics inguinal hernia and
are most frequently seen conditions. Recommended hydrocele.
procedure in both surgical conditions is herniotomy .
In case of inguinal hernia, early herniotomy saves a
significant number of patients from complications
which may occur due to obstruction or strangulation . This cross-sectional study was conducted at Services
Even in developing areas of the world morbidity and Hospital. Lahore over a period of 2 months, from
mortality related to complications are high in children October, 2016 to November, 2016. All available
especially in neonates. In developing countries like consultant GS and residents working at teaching
us, the risk of incarceration and complications is hospitals of Lahore and sheikhupura were asked to
much higher . Delayed treatment is to due poverty be included in the study. After approval from ethical
and lack of awareness among parents and lack review board, the questionnaire was offered to GS
proper knowledge of general practitioners and even which was divided into two parts: i. first portion
general surgeons about the timings of surgery for contains the basic demographic data (age, gender,
inguinal hernia in neonates and children. In routine year of graduation, year of post graduation, total
practice diagnosis of both inguinal hernia and experience after graduation, present working post
hydrocele is made on the history, parent’s and exposure to department of paediatric surgery.
observation, and clinical examination . Some of the Part ii: again included of two parts (a) knowledge (b)
investigation are also tried previously to confirm the attitude and practice. First part included basic
diagnosis like x- ray with contrast. Inguinal ultrasound questions regarding hernia and hydrocele
2 nd
is useful tool in asymptomatic cases . This cross management while 2 part included the simple
sectional study was planned to assess the questions and information about their personal
----------------------------------------------------------------------- experience and level of difficulty according to age.
Department of Paediatric Surgery, Services Institute of Medical All the data was analyzed using SPSS version 20.
Sciences, Lahore
Correspondence to Dr. Asif Iqbal Email: [email protected]
The quantitave variables like age were as presented
Cell: 0331-4838518 mean±SD. Qualitative variables like gender and other
demographic variables were presented as frequency children below the age of one year is much higher
and percentages. P-value ≤ 0.05 was considered as when compared with older children . However the
significant procedure can be delayed if there are any ongoing
respiratory tract infections, ear infections or evidence
RESULTS of dermatological lesions in the area of operation . In
our study half of GS (53%) were right about the
A total of 196 GS filled the proforma. The mean age timing of intervention in hernia while 47% suggest to
of respondents was found to be 36.08±9.36 years. with for 2 or 5 years.
Among them, 172 respondents (87.8%) were male Bilateral hernia surgery is preferred approach
while 24(12.2%) were females. Most of them had among pediatric surgeons in healthy patients. This
experience less than 10 years and 111 participants approach reduces the risk of contralateral hernia
(56.5%) had worked at paediatric surgery complications. In this modern era of laparoscopy
department. All the details about biodata are given in bilateral herniotomy is the procedure of choice
2, 10
. It
table 1. is only contraindicated when there is obstruction/
We had 6 questions related to knowledge and 4 strangulation for which emergency surgery is
questions regarding attitude and practice of GS required. Most of responder agreed upon bilateral
towards patients with inguinal hernia. All the herniotomy in a single setting while 41% disagreed
questions and their answers are summarized in table and 10% of them not sure what to do.
2. Also we had stratified the correct answers of All pediatric surgical centers including ours,
respondents regarding age for inguinal herniotomy reduces the hernia under sedation and keep admitted
for inguinal hernia and age for surgery for hydrocele the patient for couple of days for elective surgery.
and are summarized in table 3 and table 4. The thought behind this delay is gave time for
settlement of edema. In the presence of edema the
DISCUSSION risk of complication can be higher. If the manual
Pediatric inguinal herniotomy is one of the most reduction did not work or signs of strangulation
commonly performed procedures. Historically appear emergency surgery is recommended.
considered as an “intern case”; at occasions it can be Responder above 50% of our study was advised
very challenging even for an expert pediatric emergency surgery. Thirty eight percent agreed with
surgeon. In experienced hands, repair can often be pediatric surgeon and 29% think if manual reduction
performed rapidly and with a low complication rate .
4 fails than emergency surgery.
In our study we assessed the knowledge, If no visible swelling is present, then the older
attitude and skills of GS about pediatric inguinal child should be allowed to stand, while infant is
hernia & hydrocele. Most of the participants were restrained so that he strains or cries to enable the
male 87% which may be attributed to less prevalence examiner to determine the presence of an inguinal
of female general surgeons in Pakistan. Major group swelling. Despite increasing intra-abdominal
of responders were having experience less than 10 pressure, a swelling cannot be demonstrated. In this
years & above 60% worked in pediatric surgery situation the cord is palpated to determine its
department. thickening . On the affected side the cord structures
Six basic questions were asked from GS. Most feel thicker when compared with the unaffected side.
imported question was age of surgical intervention in If the parents sure about the swelling while no
hernia& hydrocele. sign are present some surgeons prefer to do the
Herniotomy is recommended for inguinal hernia herniotomy. Ultrasonography is gaining popularity
soon after diagnosis . Early herniotomy saves a now a days in these small set of patient where no
significant number of patients from complications visible swelling seen. According to Erez et al.
which may occur due to obstruction or strangulation reported that diameter of inguinal canal above
of hernia . In order to prevent incarceration and 7.2±2mm is an indication of true hernia . In our
strangulation, hernia surgery is indicated immediately study 58% thing re-vist or re examination 25% wants
after diagnosis . Half of the patients with complicated to rely on parents while 16% recommend
hernia present before six months of age .According ultrasonography of the inguinal canal for diagnosis.
to a recent study, 79% of premature infants with Among pediatric surgeon hydrocele needs
inguinal hernia in neonatal intensive care units had observation till 12 to 24 months of life. If it remains
repair done just before discharge . Safety of modern unresolved by 2 years of life, surgical correction is
anesthesia has made this a practical approach. recommended is performed electively. Early surgery
Another study conducted by Özdemir & Arıkan is indicated when there associated hernia or any
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Table 4: Stratification of correct answer regarding age for inguinal herniotomy for hydrocoele
Age for surgery for hydrocoele in children P-Value
Right Answer Wrong Answer
<10 years 49 60
10-20 Years 32 22 0.008
>20 Years 16 4
Trainee 49 56
Senior Registrar 28 21 0.334
Consultant 29 22
Experience in Paediatric Surgery
Yes 65 46 0.150
No 41 44
Do you perform inguinal herniotomy? 0.844
Yes 86 74
No 20 16