Item Wise Boq: Validate Print Help
Item Wise Boq: Validate Print Help
Item Wise Boq: Validate Print Help
Name of the
Bidding Firm /
Company :
(This BOQ template must not be modified/replaced by the bidder and the same should be uploaded after filling the relevant columns, else the bidder is liable to be rejected for this tender. Bidders are allowed to enter the Bidder
Name and Values only )
1 2 3 4 5 7 15 16 17
1 Boring/drilling bore well of required dia (27”) for
casting/stainer pipe by suitable method prescribed in IS:2800
(part-1) including collecting samples from different strata chart/
bore log, including hire and running charges of all equipments
tools, plants & machineries required for the job, all complete as
per the direction of the Engineer Incharge upto 305 mtr depth
below ground level.
3 Lowering in vertical position in bore well ERW 12” I/d (300 0.00 0.00 #VALUE!
mm) nominal bore & (323.90 mm) o/d steel pipe (housing pipe
as per IS:4270-1992) upto date amendments duly ISI marked item3 125 mtr
4 Supplying, assembling & fixing in vertical position in bore well 0.00 0.00 #VALUE!
8" dia (203.20 mm) I/d (219.10 mm) EWR steel pipe (blind
pipe)as per IS:4270-1992 duly ISI marked blind pipe 8mm thick
etc including hire and labour charges, fitting & accessories, etc item4 130 mtr
all complete as per the direction of the Engineer Incharge.
5 Lowering in vertical position in bore well 8” I/d (203.20 mm) 0.00 0.00 #VALUE!
I/d & (219.10 mm) EWR steel pipe (blind pipe) as per
IS:4270-1992 duly ISI marked blind pipe 8 mm thick etc item 5 130 mtr
including hire and labour charges, fitting & accessories, etc all
complete as per the direction of the Engineer Incharge.
16 P/f of MS clamp 12” I/d 15 mm thick as per IS:2800 (part- 0.00 0.00 #VALUE!
1):1991 to the top of casing/housing pipe of tube well including item16 1 each
necessary bots and nuts of required size complete
17 Development and stabilizing of the tube well with the help of a 0.00 0.00 #VALUE!
sub pumping set/boring unit of required capacity as directed by item17 15 hour
Total in Figures 0.00 0.00 #VALUE!
6 Supplying,item6 20 mtr
17 Developmen
item17 15 hour
Total in Figures Constructi item5 10 Nos