Initial Evidence CSTP 5

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Standard Element Source of Evidence Evidence that demonstrates

5.1 Applying knowledge of the Classroom Observation *Teacher observes students
purposes, characteristics, and uses feedback to posed questions and
of different types of assessments Lesson Plan adjusts instruction with received
Level: Emerging *Teacher incorporates entry level
Class Profile
assessments, multiple styles of
April 2018 formative assessment, and
summative assessment to receive
data and inform instruction
*Student assessment data is
reviewed and analyzed over the
course of the unit to identify
individual academic strengths and
areas for growth

5.2 Collecting and analyzing Classroom Observation *Students show evidence of

assessment data from a variety of understanding the learning goals
sources to inform instruction. Analyzing Student Work before, during and after the lesson
*Teacher assesses student
Level: Emerging understanding at the end of a
Data Analysis
lesson in order to inform planning
April 2018 of the next lesson
*Teacher reflects on the success of
each lesson and success is
determined by the level of student
*Teacher identifies and uses
multiple sources of information to
inform his or her understanding of
student progress toward meeting
learning goals
-Student responses to teacher
-Teacher observation of student
-Performance tasks
5.3 Reviewing data, both Data Analysis *Teacher evaluates and analyzes a
individually and with colleagues, class set of student work to
to monitor student learning Grade Level Team Collaboration determine next steps for
Level: Emerging *Teacher reviews data from
lessons and supplies specific
April 2018 students with appropriate
*Teacher meets with grade level
teachers to help collaborate on
monthly Lions Roar Award
5.4 Using assessment data to Entry Level Assessment *Teacher selects learning goals that
establish learning goals and to are appropriate for all students
plan, differentiate, and modify based on entry level assessment
instruction Lesson Plan data
*Teacher differentiates or modifies
Level: Emerging learning goals to meet the
knowledge, skills and abilities of
Student Work
April 2018 individual students
*Learning goals are updated
frequently based on periodic
assessment of student progress
*Student Work is analyzed to
determine next steps for
instruction; students are grouped
for targeted instruction

5.5 Involving all students in self- Class Assignments *Students are provided with
assessment, goal-setting, and substantial support when they are
progress monitoring Classroom Observation learning the strategies for self-
Level: Emerging *Students are provided with clear
learning goals and performance
April 2018 criteria
*Teacher teaches students how to
critique their own work and direct
their own learning
*Teacher models and teaches
students to revise their work in
response to their self-critique so
they learn how to improve
*Teacher provides routines
opportunities for students to
examine, reflect on, and revise
their own work
5.6 Using available technologies to Communication Documents *Teacher clearly communicates
assist in assessment, analysis, and information about academic
communication of student progress to students and their
learning families
Level: Emerging -Report Cards
-Report Card Comments
April 2018
5.7 Using assessment information Parent/Family Communication *Teacher communicates students’
to share timely and learning to assist families, support
comprehensible feedback with teachers, instructional aides in
students and their families providing appropriate support to
improve student achievement
Level: Exploring *Communication with families is
handled in a non-threatening way
April 2018 that is respectful of the cultural
and socio-economic diversity in the
-Email & Conference with parent

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