Cantor Set

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The Cantor set C has mesure zero.


Recall C is obtained from the closed interval [0, 1] by first removing the open middle third interval
I1,1 = (1/3, 2/3). Next, from the two remaining closed intervals we remove the open middle third
I2,1 = (1/9, 2/9) and I2,2 = (7/9, 8/9), and so on. Hence at the n−th step, we remove from the remaining
closed 2n−1 intervals their open middle thirds In,1 = (1/3n , 2/3n ), · · · , In,2n−1 = (3n − 2/3n , 3n − 1/3n ),
each of length 1/3n , n = 1, 2, · · · . The Cantor set is the set remaining after the sequence of open intervals
{In,k }2k=1 , n = 1, 2, · · ·

has been removed from [0, 1]. In particular the total length of the intervals removed is

2n−1 /3n = (1/3)1/(1 − 2/3) = 1,

the infinite series being geometric.

Next, let us prove that C has measure zero. Let epsilon > 0 be given. Clearly, we can take N so large
2n−1 /3n > 1 − 

Now the complement of C in [0, 1] contains the union of the finite collection of intervals In,k corresponding
to this finite sum. Thus C itself is covered by the remaing countable family of intervals In,k for which
the lengths has total sum less than . Since  was an arbitrary positive number, it follows that C has
measure zero.

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