Brown and Cliff (2004)

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Journal of Empirical Finance 11 (2004) 1 – 27

Investor sentiment and the near-term stock market

Gregory W. Brown a,*, Michael T. Cliff b
Kenan-Flagler Business School, Campus Box 3490, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, CB 3490,
McColl Building, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3490, USA
Krannert Graduate School of Management, Purdue University, 1310 Krannert Building, West Lafayette,
IN 47907, USA
Accepted 20 December 2002


We investigate investor sentiment and its relation to near-term stock market returns. We find that
many commonly cited indirect measures of sentiment are related to direct measures (surveys) of
investor sentiment. However, past market returns are also an important determinant of sentiment.
Although sentiment levels and changes are strongly correlated with contemporaneous market returns,
our tests show that sentiment has little predictive power for near-term future stock returns. Finally,
our evidence does not support the conventional wisdom that sentiment primarily affects individual
investors and small stocks.
D 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

JEL classification: G12; G14

Keywords: Investor sentiment; Return predictability

1. Introduction

For decades, an obvious schism has divided the field of finance: The success of the
efficient market hypothesis (EMH) in explaining the lack of predictability in liquid asset
returns has clashed with the traditional ‘‘search for value’’ undertaken by many finance
practitioners. Only since the mid-1980s has there been a serious attempt to explore the
possibility that liquid financial markets are not always as orderly as might be suggested by
the efficient market advocates. For example, as the ‘‘noise trader’’ theories of Black (1986)
and DeLong et al. (1990a) suggest, if some investors trade on a ‘‘noisy’’ signal that is
unrelated to fundamentals, then asset prices will deviate from their intrinsic value.

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-919-962-9250; fax: +1-919-962-2068.

E-mail address: [email protected] (G.W. Brown).

0927-5398/$ - see front matter D 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2 G.W. Brown, M.T. Cliff / Journal of Empirical Finance 11 (2004) 1–27

Unfortunately, most evidence supporting the noise trader theory is, at best, controversial.1
Other recent empirical work also documents stock market anomalies such as market under-
and over-reaction.2
More recently, attempts have been made to measure to what extent historical stock prices
have reflected underlying fundamentals. Lee et al. (1999) calculate the intrinsic value for
the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) from 1963 to 1996 and are able to predict
subsequent market returns. Bakshi and Chen (2001) propose a model for the price of stocks
(and stock indices) and present estimates showing persistent deviations from fair value for
Dow 30 stocks, several technology stocks, and the Standard and Poor’s 500 Index.
It is well known that market imperfections lead to observed prices deviating from
underlying value (see Grossman and Stiglitz, 1980). Perhaps, the most important of these
frictions for large US stocks is the costly nature of value-relevant information. Because so
much of the information regarding the distribution of future stock returns is costly (or even
impossible) to obtain and even then subject to interpretation, prices almost certainly trade
inside a band around their value given perfect information. This judgment is supported by
many empirical findings. For example, Seyhun (1986) shows that corporate insiders
trading in their own stock earn superior returns. Donaldson and Kim (1993) find the DJIA
is subject to ‘‘support’’ and ‘‘resistance’’ levels at multiples of 100. Siegel (1992) shows
that neither changes in interest rates nor changes in future earnings account for the
dramatic valuation changes around the October 1987 crash. He concludes that shifts in
investor sentiment are correlated with market returns around the crash.
None of this is news to finance practitioners. It is hard to open a financial paper or turn
on a market news program without hearing of an analyst having turned bullish or bearish
on the market. In fact, for as long as markets have existed, pundits have had opinions
concerning their relative value. Included in this group are esteemed economists and
respected government officials. For example, Adam Smith (1776, p. 24) noted that, ‘‘The
actual price at which any commodity is sold is called its market price. It may be either
above, or below, or exactly the same as its natural price.’’ More recently, Alan Greenspan
(who spent 30 years on Wall Street) made news with his ‘‘irrational exuberance’’ speech,
voicing his opinion that stock prices were too high.
In short, market watchers and participants seem to believe in ‘‘sentiment.’’ But, what
exactly is sentiment? Intuitively, sentiment represents the expectations of market partic-
ipants relative to a norm: a bullish (bearish) investor expects returns to be above (below)
average, whatever ‘‘average’’ may be. While there is no doubt such expectations exist,3 the
primary goal of this research is to investigate the role (if any) of sentiment in the price
formation process for stock portfolios.4 We conduct our analysis in two main steps.
First, we determine the relations between survey data for investor sentiment and other
commonly cited ‘‘sentiment measures’’ such as the advance-decline ratio, short interest, and
closed-end fund discounts. Many of these measures contain related information. Conse-
See, among others, Lee et al. (1991) and Chen et al. (1993).
See Daniel et al. (1998, Appendix A) or Hirshleifer (2001) for a summary of this literature.
There are even services that collect the sentiments of market soothsayers and resell the data as a market
indicator (favorable or contrarian depending on your view).
Avery and Chevalier (1999) show that sentiment affects point spreads in the football betting market and that
betting against these point movements is marginally profitable.
G.W. Brown, M.T. Cliff / Journal of Empirical Finance 11 (2004) 1–27 3

quently, we employ the Kalman filter and principal component analysis as means of
extracting composite unobserved sentiment measures. We also separate potential sentiment
measures into two groups, institutional and individual, to see if there are different classes of
investor sentiment.
Next, we examine the ability of these sentiment measures to predict returns. Specifically,
we explore the bi-directional relation between investor sentiment and near-term stock
returns in a vector autoregression (VAR) framework using the composite sentiment
measures discussed above.
Overall, our findings are consistent with many of the anecdotes regarding investor
sentiment. Specifically, we document strong relations between many disparate measures of
investor sentiment. This probably explains why certain indicators have developed a
reputation as sentiment measures. Furthermore, we document that changes in the survey
and our composite measures of investor sentiment are highly correlated with contempo-
raneous market returns. The empirical sticking point is that this correlation does not directly
reveal the causal relation between sentiment and the market.5 The more sophisticated VAR
analysis reveals that market returns clearly cause future changes in sentiment. However,
very little evidence suggests sentiment causes subsequent market returns. This is bad news
for investors trying to use sentiment measures for short-term market timing. It appears that
such strategies are not profitable during our reasonably long sample period.
Our paper is not the first to explore the role of investor sentiment in the stock market,
but it is the most comprehensive study to date. A series of papers has debated about
closed-end fund discounts as a measure of sentiment. Lee et al. (1991), Swaminathan
(1996), and Neal and Wheatley (1998) claim closed-end fund discounts measure investor
sentiment, while Chen et al. (1993) and Elton et al. (1998) provide evidence to the
contrary. Neal and Wheatley (1998) also find that net mutual fund redemptions are useful
in predicting the size premium. Brown (1999) shows that sentiment is closely related to
closed-end fund price volatility. Barber (1994) shows that the behavior of Prime and Score
premiums is consistent with a noise trader model. Finally, Clarke and Statman (1998),
Otoo (1999), Simon and Wiggins (1999), and Fisher and Statman (2000) examine the
usefulness of a variety of technical variables in predicting short-horizon market returns.
Our analysis expands upon these and other papers by considering a more comprehensive
set of sentiment proxies, using direct (survey) data on sentiment, examining the (statistical)
causal relation among the variables, and finally by investigating the relation between
sentiment and subsequent market returns. In a companion paper, Brown and Cliff (2004)
explore long-run effects and find that optimism is associated with overvaluation and low
subsequent returns as the valuation level returns to its intrinsic value.

2. Motivation

We start our analysis by providing an informal discussion of the ways in which we

expect sentiment to affect market valuations and returns. These predictions provide a
framework for the empirical analysis and interpretation of the results. A number of

By causality, we mean in the statistical sense of Granger.
4 G.W. Brown, M.T. Cliff / Journal of Empirical Finance 11 (2004) 1–27

researchers, such as Grossman and Stiglitz (1980), Black (1986), DeLong et al. (1990a),
Campbell and Kyle (1993), Barberis et al. (1998), Daniel et al. (1998), and Hong and Stein
(1999) have more formally modeled the role of sentiment or investor behavior. However,
these models are difficult to test directly since they typically involve sources of noise
(sentiment), which are difficult to measure. Since the overall goal of the paper is an
empirical examination of the importance of sentiment, our approach focuses more on
practical implementation rather than on testing formal economic models.
Suppose there are two types of traders, fundamentalists, and speculators. The funda-
mentalists are characterized by the fact that, as a group, they have unbiased expectations of
an asset’s value. The group of speculators has a bias in its valuation of the asset. When the
speculators believe that intrinsic value is greater (less) than the current price, they are
bullish (bearish). From a theoretical viewpoint, bullishness measures the extent of the
discount from intrinsic value. A bullish investor would expect not only a positive return,
but also a return greater than the fundamentalists’ required rate of return. In other words,
an investor expecting a small return on the market, say one percent, would be viewed as
bearish, even though they expect a slight gain. Unfortunately, measuring the deviations
from intrinsic value or the return in excess of the required return are difficult tasks.
Therefore, in our empirical work, we follow the conventional usage where bullish means
an expected price increase and bearish means an expected price decline.
Conceptually, the speculators’ bias, or excessive optimism or pessimism, is what we
think of as sentiment. Since the two groups attach different values to the asset, the market
price will be a weighted average differing from the intrinsic value. To have an equilibrium,
we can appeal to a number of frictions, such as transactions costs, arbitrageur risk-
aversion, or learning.6 Lintner (1969) presents a model which formally describes the
weighted-average valuation we have in mind.
So far, we have assumed that there is only one type of speculator. Anecdotal evidence
suggests that market participants believe there are multiple types. For example, Solt and
Statman (1988) describe the contrarian nature of the Investors Intelligence Bearish
Sentiment Index (which measures the percentage of market newsletters that are bearish).
By the nature of a contrarian strategy, the contrarians must believe that another group of
investors is swayed by sentiment in the opposite (wrong) direction. In terms of our
framework, we can describe two distinct types of speculators, institutions and individuals,
that may have different systematic misvaluations.7 For convenience, we can think of
institutions as speculators who participate in the market for a living, and individuals as
speculators whose primary line of business is outside the stock market.8

Note that, because the relative holdings of investors and speculators are indeterminant and investors need
not know their type, speculators need not lose their wealth to fundamentalists (see DeLong et al. (1989, 1990b),
for a more thorough analysis). Since we have not specified the source of the bias for speculators, they can be
viewed as acting rationally given their information set.
We do not take a stand on which of the two make more serious errors. In this context neither institutions nor
individuals are viewed as having superior information. Indeed, both are speculators in our framework, meaning they
have incorrect assessments of the risky asset’s value. To include informed agents into our framework, you could
consider them as a subset of the fundamentalists with low (or no) variability in their (unbiased) valuation errors.
This is consistent with many of the interpretations of contrarian indicators. See, for example, Fosback
G.W. Brown, M.T. Cliff / Journal of Empirical Finance 11 (2004) 1–27 5

To the extent that institutions and individuals respond differently to signals in the
formation of their sentiments, we may be able to identify them (and any effects they have on
prices) empirically. For example, it may be the case that both institutions and individuals
exhibit significant bouts of sentiment but that only institutions have enough market power
to affect prices. Similarly, since institutional investors make up a disproportionately larger
part of the market for large stocks relative to individuals, perhaps institutional sentiment
primarily affects large stocks and individual sentiment affects small stocks.
The intuition developed above implies that sentiment and contemporaneous returns
should be positively related. Within a period, if investors are particularly optimistic, that
should drive up prices. Of course, it is also possible that good returns during the period
drive optimism, a ‘‘bandwagon’’ effect. Another interpretation is that the speculators do
not affect prices. When they see stocks becoming a bargain (proxied in our empirical work
as a negative return), they see a buying opportunity and become bullish. Thus, the
‘‘bargain shopper’’ effect predicts a negative relation between sentiment and contempo-
raneous returns.9 Of these three alternatives, our evidence supports the ‘‘bandwagon’’
hypothesis: Returns and contemporaneous sentiment are strongly positively related,
returns predict future sentiment, but sentiment does not predict future returns.

3. Data

In implementing our analysis, we have chosen to concentrate on market aggregates

instead of individual stocks. While the effects of sentiment will aggregate across stocks to
the market level, we run the risk that roughly as many stocks are affected by bullish
sentiment as bearish sentiment and thus the aggregate affect is negligible. Our choice of
market aggregates is primarily driven by data limitations. Many of the measures we
examine are available only for the market as a whole (i.e., the surveys, closed-end fund
discounts, advance-decline ratio, etc.) and without the benefits of the subsequent results,
there are no assurances that stock-specific indicators of sentiment actually contain
information about views.10
The subsequent empirical analysis is performed at both the monthly and weekly
frequencies. Most of the monthly data range from March 1965 through December 1998,
giving a total of 406 observations. A few variables are not available for the full sample so
some of the analysis is performed on slightly shorter subsamples. Weekly data consist of
596 observations spanning July 24, 1987 through December 18, 1998. As we discuss
below, not all the same data items are available in both samples. Univariate summary
statistics for the data are in Table 1 and important features are mentioned in the data
description below. Table 2 shows contemporaneous pairwise correlations for our primary
variables. In few cases are the correlations larger than 0.50. However, as will be discussed
in Section 4.1, more complicated linear relations among the data are prevalent.

We thank the referee for pointing out this issue.
However, our results suggest it may be possible to construct good stock-specific sentiment measures, an
idea we leave to future research.
6 G.W. Brown, M.T. Cliff / Journal of Empirical Finance 11 (2004) 1–27

Table 1
Summary statistics
Mean S.D. Skewness Kurtosis q1 N
Panel A: monthly data
SENTp 9.1426 22.3928 0.1609  0.2146 0.72 406
DSENTp  0.0563 16.7228  0.1969 0.7562  0.22 405
RBIG 1.0206 4.2960 0.3255 2.1417  0.00 406
RSML 1.2413 5.9250  0.4145 2.9609 0.17 406
RSOB 0.0000 3.2698 0.4127 1.4895 0.08 406
ADV/DEC 1.0166 0.1976 0.4878 1.1139 0.16 406
ARMS 0.9763 0.1353 2.6239 20.7747 0.41 406
HI/LO 6.7005 14.8590 5.3098 34.4822 0.55 406
DMARGIN 0.0093 0.0329  0.4671 0.9142 0.56 406
DSHORTIR 0.0065 0.0776  0.0588 0.2520  0.09 406
SPECIAL 0.4527 0.0860 0.6969  0.3538 0.87 406
ODDLOT 1.6063 0.5097 0.4647  0.4120 0.90 406
CEFD  16.8767 12.6714  0.3197  1.3447 0.99 406
IPORET 16.2448 18.6725 1.8828 5.2946 0.57 406
IPON 30.9606 25.7443 0.8295 0.0620 0.86 406
FUNDFLOW 0.2858 0.9426 0.1957 0.8810 0.67 406
FUNDCASH 7.4902 2.4287 1.3343 2.4067 0.94 336

Panel B: weekly data

SENTp 5.3027 14.3575  0.3154  0.3614 0.94 596
SENT a 7.3767 17.1369  0.3606 0.2252 0.69 596
DSENTp  0.0007 4.9402  0.3730 1.5728 0.31 595
DSENT a 0.0034 13.5715  0.1672 0.6207  0.32 595
RBIG 0.2428 1.9750  0.6565 3.7154  0.05 596
RSML 0.1669 2.1298  1.9438 16.6542 0.23 596
RSOB  0.0000 1.3593  0.8087 7.6520 0.09 596
ADV/DEC 1.3108 0.7632 1.6875 5.9121 0.16 596
ARMS 0.9830 0.2321 4.7191 40.9120 0.34 596
HI/LO 4.0786 4.8566 2.2420 6.4354 0.80 596
SPECIAL 0.3939 0.0482 0.5743 1.6205 0.64 596
ODDLOT 1.3535 0.3617 0.8556 0.4958 0.85 596
SHORTSLS 0.4123 0.0983 0.5398 0.8286 0.38 596
MKTVANE 49.9413 9.6534 0.2428  0.2983 0.80 596
PUT/CALL 1.1171 0.1915 0.5461 2.7002 0.54 596
VOL 1.4327 0.3406 0.4971 0.1911 0.29 596
FUTp 3.7768 4027.6334 0.3672 1.6122 0.14 596
FUT a 126.8490 3989.1772 0.4295 3.0840 0.11 596
CEFD  6.5985 3.2134 0.1316  0.8184 0.99 596
This table shows summary statistics for the data used in the analysis. The full monthly sample contains 406
observations from March 1965 through December 1998. The full weekly data consist of 596 observations from
July 1987 through December 1998. See the text for variable descriptions.

3.1. Direct sentiment measures

To empirically test our hypotheses, we require measures of investor sentiment.

Fortunately, there are two surveys that directly measure the sentiment of market
participants. The first is a survey conducted by the American Association of Individual
G.W. Brown, M.T. Cliff / Journal of Empirical Finance 11 (2004) 1–27 7

Investors (AAII). The association polls a random sample of its members each week,11
beginning in July 1987. The sample size of the survey has varied between 125 and 500
with the number of weekly respondents varying between 26 and 422. The average number
of respondents is 137 with a standard deviation of 69. The average response rate is 51%
with a standard deviation of 15%. The association asks each participant where they think
the stock market will be in 6 months: up, down, or the same. AAII then labels these
responses as bullish, bearish, or neutral, respectively. On average the responses are almost
evenly split with 36% of all responses bullish, 28% bearish, and 36% neutral. Since this
survey is targeted towards individuals, we interpret it as primarily a measure of individual
investor sentiment.
Investors Intelligence (II) compiles another weekly bull-bear spread by categorizing
approximately 150 market newsletters. Each week, the newsletters are read and marked as
bullish, bearish, or neutral again based on the expectation of future market movements.
Since the newsletters are not written with the survey in mind, they may differ somewhat in
forecast horizon and thus may require interpretation in the categorization.12 Many of the
newsletters are issued less than once a week, in which case the most recent edition of each
newsletter is included. This causes the Investors Intelligence series to have high
autocorrelation (0.94 at one lag for the weekly sample). Since many of the authors of
these newsletters are current or retired market professionals, we interpret the Investors
Intelligence data as a proxy for institutional sentiment. The II data are also available on a
monthly basis starting in 1965.
We use the surveys measures of the percentage of bullish investors minus the
percentage bearish (bull-bear spread) to measure investor sentiment. For notational
convenience, let SENTa denote the sentiment of amateurs (individuals) as measured by
the AAII bull-bear spread and let SENTp represent the sentiment of professionals
(institutions) as proxied by the II data. Fig. 1 shows the Investors Intelligence series is
much smoother than the AAII series in the weekly data. Inspection of the figure shows that
the two series share many features, but they are not identical. Indeed, the correlation
between the two is 0.43.

3.2. Indirect sentiment measures

Stock market commentators often refer to certain financial variables as market weather
vanes. We examine a number of these indicators, which we categorize into four main
groups. Although many of these variables can be interpreted as bullish or bearish signals
depending on whether you believe in a momentum or contrarian strategy, our primary
interest is in establishing any relation between these variables and sentiment. A few of the
variables have implications for other research areas (e.g., closed-end funds, IPOs, and

Surveys are mailed to investors and returned by mail to AAII. Each week, AAII compiles the responses
received during the week. There is a potential timing issue due to the delay between respondent’s filling out the
form, mailing, and tabulation by AAII. These data are shifted by a week to accommodate this delay.
Investors Intelligence indicates that there are a relatively small number of people involved in categorizing
the newsletters so there should not be a large problem associated with differing interpretations.
G.W. Brown, M.T. Cliff / Journal of Empirical Finance 11 (2004) 1–27
Table 2
Contemporaneous correlatations
Panel A: monthly data
SENTp 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
2 DSENT 0.36
3 RBIG 0.29 0.41
4 RSML 0.32 0.46 0.83
5 RSOB 0.15 0.20 0.00 0.55
6 ADV/DEC 0.36 0.49 0.82 0.89 0.38
7 ARMS  0.36  0.26  0.54  0.53  0.15  0.40
8 HI/LO 0.31 0.11 0.24 0.36 0.29 0.39  0.15
9 DMARGIN 0.40  0.16 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.00  0.28 0.18
10 DSHORTIR  0.01 0.21 0.13 0.10  0.01 0.07  0.13  0.02  0.13
11 SPECIAL 0.22  0.00  0.04 0.06 0.17  0.04  0.16 0.15 0.08  0.16
12 ODDLOT 0.17 0.09 0.12 0.13 0.06 0.15  0.16 0.21 0.11 0.07  0.24
13 CEFD  0.07  0.01 0.09  0.00  0.14 0.08  0.02 0.00 0.04 0.01  0.61 0.02
14 IPORET  0.00  0.06 0.14 0.21 0.18 0.10  0.28 0.13 0.27  0.07 0.20  0.00 0.05
15 IPON 0.12  0.01 0.03  0.08  0.19  0.03  0.08  0.03 0.27  0.00  0.22  0.06 0.58 0.00
16 FUNDFLOW 0.14 0.19 0.33 0.27  0.02 0.27  0.25 0.09 0.10 0.01  0.19  0.32 0.58 0.01 0.51
17 FUNDCASH  0.36 0.01  0.02 0.02 0.06  0.02  0.07  0.11  0.20  0.01  0.14 0.40  0.06 0.24  0.33  0.33
Panel B: weekly data
SENTp 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
2 SENT 0.43
3 DSENTp 0.17 0.20
4 DSENT a  0.08 0.40 0.03
5 RBIG  0.06 0.17 0.14 0.22

G.W. Brown, M.T. Cliff / Journal of Empirical Finance 11 (2004) 1–27

6 RSML  0.02 0.21 0.23 0.19 0.77
7 RSOB 0.04 0.13 0.18 0.03  0.00 0.64
8 ADV/DEC  0.04 0.20 0.15 0.24 0.78 0.73 0.21
9 ARMS 0.03  0.08  0.20  0.12  0.64  0.60  0.16  0.40
10 HI/LO 0.44 0.44 0.22 0.07 0.18 0.29 0.23 0.32  0.14
11 SPECIAL 0.28 0.12 0.12  0.09  0.05  0.00 0.06  0.03 0.07 0.09
12 ODDLOT  0.47  0.22  0.02  0.01  0.04 0.03 0.09  0.04  0.11  0.24  0.13
13 SHORTSLS 0.17 0.07 0.10  0.05 0.02 0.10 0.13 0.00  0.04 0.09 0.13  0.23
14 MKTVANE 0.37 0.43 0.28 0.01 0.12 0.19 0.15 0.14  0.15 0.49 0.08  0.07 0.21
15 PUT/CALL 0.06 0.08 0.04  0.04  0.09  0.08  0.02  0.17  0.10  0.02  0.06  0.20 0.10 0.16
16 VOL  0.00 0.22 0.11 0.03 0.06 0.13 0.14 0.01  0.18 0.03  0.09 0.07 0.25 0.31 0.18
17 FUTp 0.09 0.13 0.14  0.03 0.01 0.06 0.09 0.05  0.03 0.14  0.04  0.01  0.02 0.10  0.07 0.07
18 FUT a 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.04 0.12 0.16 0.10 0.16  0.08 0.14 0.02 0.01 0.06 0.15  0.03 0.01 0.06
19 CEFD 0.20  0.01  0.02  0.01  0.01 0.02 0.04  0.02  0.02 0.07 0.11  0.57 0.01  0.24 0.13  0.18 0.00  0.04
Pairwise correlations for selected variables used in the analysis. Most correlations use 406 observations from March 1965 to December 1998 for the monthly sample and
596 observations from July 1987 through December 1998 for the weekly sample. Correlations involving DSENT a, DSENTp, or FUNDCASH use fewer observations as
indicated in Table 1. See the text for variable descriptions.

10 G.W. Brown, M.T. Cliff / Journal of Empirical Finance 11 (2004) 1–27

Fig. 1. The bull-bear spread from the sentiment survey data are shown here. Individual sentiment comes from the
AAII; institutional sentiment is from II.

liquidity). The direction of the relation between sentiment and these variables is examined
more closely.

3.2.1. Market performance

In the first group are variables which are based on recent market performance. One of
the most common technical indicators is the ratio of the number of advancing issues to
declining issues (ADV/DEC). We calculate this measure using data for NYSE issues. The
G.W. Brown, M.T. Cliff / Journal of Empirical Finance 11 (2004) 1–27 11

ARMS index is a modification of ADV/DEC, which incorporates volumes. This measure

is the ratio of the number of advances to declines standardized by their respective

Advt =Adv Volt

Dect =Dec Volt

The number of new highs to new lows (HI/LO) is also designed to capture the relative
strength of the market. The three variables in this group are in both the weekly and
monthly samples. Because the numerator and denominator of these variables tend to move
in opposite directions, these data are truncated at zero and have a few extreme positive

3.2.2. Type of trading activity

A second category of indicators includes variables that relate to particular types of
trading activity. At the monthly level, we have the percent change in margin borrowing
(DMARGIN) as reported by the Federal Reserve. This measure is frequently cited as a
bullish indicator since it represents investors using borrowed money to invest. Also
available on a monthly basis, the percent change in short interest (DSHORTIR) is viewed
as a bearish indicator. In the weekly sample, we have the ratio of short sales to total sales
(SHORTSLS). For both weekly and monthly samples, we have the ratio of specialists’
short sales to total short sales (SPECIAL). The argument is made that the specialists are
well-informed and relatively savvy investors, so when their short-selling becomes
relatively large, the market is likely to decline. Finally, the ratio of odd-lot sales to
purchases (ODDLOT) is a bearish measure.14

3.2.3. Derivatives variables

The third category of variables relates to derivatives trading activity. Since the
derivatives markets have become sizeable after the start of the monthly sample, these
data are only available for the weekly analysis. The ratio of CBOE equity put to call (PUT/
CALL) trading volume is widely viewed as a bearish indicator. The Commodities Futures
Trading Commission (CFTC) reports the change in the net position in SPX futures by
trader type. We use these data on non-commercial traders (FUTp) as a proxy for
institutional sentiment and activity by small traders (FUT a) as a proxy for individual
sentiment. As defined by the CFTC, non-commercial traders are essentially market
professionals excluding financial and trading companies. Monthly forecasts of commodity
market returns collected by Market Vane (MKTV ANE) are an alleged bullish predictor of
futures market behavior that ‘‘is derived by tracking the buy and sell recommendations of

In the subsequent regression analysis, we have reproduced the results after taking the log of all three ratios
in order to make the data more normally distributed and the results are qualitatively similar. As inputs to the
Kalman filter and principal component analysis, we use log transformations.
Weekly data for ODDLOT is only available after February 24, 1989; consequently, we set weekly values
equal to the monthly values for this period. This results in 66 interpolated values in the weekly sample of 596
12 G.W. Brown, M.T. Cliff / Journal of Empirical Finance 11 (2004) 1–27

leading market advisers’’ (see Last, we construct a

measure of expected volatility relative to current volatility. This is

VOLt ¼ lnðVIXt =SIGt Þ

where VIX is the S&P 100 Index option volatility and SIG is the realized volatility
calculated from Open-High-Low-Close data on the S&P 100 Index.15 Thus, a positive
VOL measures higher anticipated volatility and can be interpreted as bearish. Except for
FUT a, we view these variables as primarily a measure of institutional sentiment because of
institutions’ larger presence in the derivatives markets.

3.2.4. Other sentiment proxies

A few other variables do not fall neatly within one of the above three categories. The
closed-end fund discount (CEFD) is measured by taking the weekly or monthly equal-
weighted average of all domestic equity fund discounts. A small literature has developed
around the controversy over the closed-end fund discount as a measure of individual
sentiment (see, for example, Lee et al. (1991)).
We also have monthly data on the net purchases of mutual funds (FUND FLOW). Neal
and Wheatley (1998) find that this is useful in predicting the premium of small stocks over
large stocks. In addition, we have data on the proportion of fund assets held in cash
(FUNDCASH).16 Presumably, a fund’s cash holdings will be negatively related to its
optimism about the market, ceteris paribus. We expect the cash holdings to be more
correlated with institutional sentiment than with individual sentiment. Indeed we find that
FUNDCASH has a correlation of  0.36 with SENTp and  0.25 with SENT a.
Finally, we include monthly data on initial public offering first day returns (IPORET)
and the number of offerings (IPON) as reported by Ritter (see
IPO activity is often associated with market tops and is considered a measure of sentiment
because of information asymmetries between managers and investors.17

3.3. Market variables

In addition to the sentiment measures, we collect data on several market factors. In both
samples we use a return on large stocks (RBIG) and the part of small stock returns
orthogonal to large stock returns (RSOB). We do this orthogonalization as opposed to small
minus big (SMB) to make sure the results are driven by the ‘‘small’’ component, not the
‘‘minus big’’ part. Since the SOB portfolio is not tradeable, we also use the small stock
portfolio return RSML in a portion of the analysis. For the weekly sample, we use the
Standard and Poor’s 500 Index as the portfolio of large stocks and the Russell 2000 Index
as the portfolio of small stocks. For the monthly data, the returns are from the Center for

We use the method of Parkinson (1992) to calculate daily volatilities, then take the weekly average to
avoid biases associated with differing numbers of weekly trading days.
These data were kindly provided by Greg Kadlec. FUNDCASH is available at the monthly frequency
beginning in 1970.
See Ibbotson and Ritter (1995) for a discussion and citations on related literature.
G.W. Brown, M.T. Cliff / Journal of Empirical Finance 11 (2004) 1–27 13

Research in Securities Prices. The large stock portfolio is the largest quintile of NYSE/
AMEX/NASDAQ stocks with breakpoints based on the NYSE stocks. The small stock
portfolio is CRSP deciles 6 –8.
For the weekly sample, all the data are combined as of Friday of each week. Weekly
returns are based on Friday prices when possible. In cases where Friday prices are not
available due to holidays, etc., the most recent previous price is used instead. For both
samples, data on counts (e.g., highs and advances) are averages of daily observations in
the period.

4. Methodology and results

The contemporaneous relations between changes in many measures of investor

sentiment and market returns are strong. For example, correlations between survey
measures and returns reported in Table 2 are consistently positive and significantly
different from zero especially at the monthly frequency. Univariate regressions (not
tabulated here) with returns as the dependent variable consistently reveal statistically
and economically significant coefficients on changes in sentiment measures.18 However,
the problem of analyzing the relation between investor sentiment and market returns is of
course not this straightforward —correlation is not causality. Similarly, it is likely that
there exists feedback between market returns and sentiment measures further complicating
the causal relations. Anecdotal evidence supports this: When the market is on a bull run, as
it was in the late 1990s, investors appear to become more bullish. For this reason, we
subsequently undertake more sophisticated tests to determine the causal relation between
sentiment and returns.
As a starting point, we explore this issue by regressing one period ahead returns on the
sentiment proxies. The returns we consider are those on the large stock portfolio and the
orthogonalized small stock portfolio. The sentiment survey variables are included in both
levels and changes.19 Since autocorrelation in returns is relatively small and dies out
quickly, we only include one lag of each return in the regressions. The analysis is
performed for both the monthly and weekly frequencies. The results (available on request)
are largely as one would expect in an informationally efficient market. The sentiment
variables offer little ability to predict short-horizon returns. The few variables that are
significant do not seem to show a reliable pattern across the four regressions. The variable
with the most evidence of some ability to predict future returns is the level of institutional
sentiment. The statistically negative coefficient suggests that high levels of optimism push
current prices up, lowering subsequent returns. However, the results from this analysis are
subject to an important caveat: collinearity is a problem. Consequently, isolating exactly
which variables are providing the explanatory power is difficult. In a way, the collinearity

For example, at the monthly frequency with RBIG as the dependent variable, the coefficient on changes in
SENTp has an associated t-statistic of 9.34 ( p-value < 0.0001) and an R2 of 0.176.
As a robustness check, we also examined unexpected sentiment defined as residuals from both univariate
ARMA models and the residuals from the VAR equation subsequently discussed in Section 4. Results using these
measures are very similar.
14 G.W. Brown, M.T. Cliff / Journal of Empirical Finance 11 (2004) 1–27

is heartening since it suggests strong relations between our sentiment measures. Ideally, we
would like to efficiently include all of the information about the true unobservable
sentiment in an analysis of the relation between sentiment and market performance. Thus,
we turn to identifying composite measures of sentiment.

4.1. Identifying unobserved sentiment measures

By examining correlations and regression results, it is clear that many of the popular
sentiment proxies we consider are related to the survey data and to each other. For
example, when regressing survey sentiment on the indirect sentiment proxies, many of the
proxies are significantly related to the survey data. These results are summarized in Table
3. In many cases, these relations are of a contrarian nature. In the monthly sample, high
sentiment is associated with increases in short interest and relatively high specialist short-
selling. Odd-lot selling is positively related to sentiment, in conflict with the conventional
interpretation. The closed-end fund discount (measured here as a premium to net asset
value) is significantly negatively related to survey sentiment. The negative coefficient
indicates that when the discount widens investors are optimistic, counter to the argument
in Lee et al. (1991). The results are consistent with the claim that IPOs tend to occur during
bullish periods. The mutual fund data suggest that during times of high sentiment investors
are putting money into mutual funds and the funds are holding relatively little cash. The
weekly results also show significant relations between sentiment measures but are
somewhat less strong, perhaps because timing issues and collinearity problems are more
Conceptually, it is appealing to extract the common component(s) of the sentiment
measures and hope that it represents a cleaner measure of investor sentiment. In order to
exploit as much information as possible, we combine the various sentiment measures and
use two well-established methods to extract common features of the data: the Kalman filter
and principal component analysis. Appendix A provides details on the methodology and
some robustness checks.
In brief, we extract our measures of investor sentiment by identifying a single state
variable using the Kalman filter and the first two principal components of the selected
series. We will refer to these as the filtered sentiment, principal component one, and
principal component two. We do this once for the monthly data and repeat the
procedure in the weekly sample. We then split the inputs to the estimation procedures
for the weekly analysis into institutional and individual groups based on the previous
analysis and our subjective priors. Fig. 2 shows the survey data for the institutional
series along with the filtered estimate and the first principal component. The three
series have the same general pattern, although differences in each arise at high
frequencies. We also perform a number of diagnostic tests to assess the quality of
these estimates.
We find that the extracted signals are nearly perfectly explained by their inputs (as
expected), yet no single input dominates the others. The Kalman filter estimate tends to
be highly correlated with the first principal component and less correlated with the
second principal component. Correlations between market return series and the filtered
estimate and first principal component are consistently positive in both the monthly and
G.W. Brown, M.T. Cliff / Journal of Empirical Finance 11 (2004) 1–27 15

Table 3
Survey sentiment and technical variables
Monthly Weekly
Trading volume ADV/DEC 48.5813***  0.8145* 0.9775
ARMS  13.9606* 0.8817 6.3919
HI/LO  0.0567 0.0802* 0.3499***
Type of trade DMARGIN  0.0279
DSHORTIR 19.0383***
SPECIAL 24.5495* 12.1160** 5.8992
ODDLOT 6.1902***  2.2866***  4.9089***
SHORTSLS 1.1186  10.1899
Derivatives PUT/CALL  0.4326 0.6284
VOL  0.5776 3.9741**
FUTp 0.0000  0.0000
FUT a 0.0000 0.0001
MKTVANE 0.0177 0.0864
Other CEFD  0.2481***  0.1096  0.2508
IPORET  0.0620
IPON 0.0572**
FUNDFLOW 3.1082***
FUNDCASH  0.9419***
Control variables RBIG  0.8269* 0.4876*** 1.4093***
RBIG,t  1 0.2638 0.7444*** 0.9913***
RBIG,t  2 0.9747***  0.1523
RBIG,t  3 0.4899*** 0.4056
RSOB  0.2286 0.1158  0.0208
RSOB,t  1 0.2239  0.0273 0.5448
RSOB,t  2 0.0742  0.0614
RSOB,t  3 0.1289 0.3544
CONST  51.2297***  2.5817  10.3119
R̄2 0.7105 0.9261 0.5475
Regressions of survey sentiment data on the technical variables. The monthly regression uses 336 observations
from January 1970 to December 1997. The weekly regressions use 596 observations from July 1987 through
December 1998. Newey and West (1987) standard errors use four and eight lags for the monthly and weekly
regressions, respectively.
* Indicate significance at the 10% level.
** Indicate significance at the 5% level.
*** Indicate significance at the 1% level.

weekly samples.20 The correlation between the filtered estimates from the institutional
and individual samplesis only 0.59 despite the fact that they share several common

The correlation with RBIG is low to moderate for the filtered estimates (0.05 – 0.41) and moderate for the
first principal components (0.33 – 0.65). The correlation with RSOB is consistently positive for both the filtered
estimates and the first principal components (0.18 – 0.35). The correlations between the return series and the
second principal components are positive for the monthly sample but generally negative for the weekly sample.
The correlation with RBIG is 0.09 for the monthly estimate and ranges from  0.26 to  0.47 for the weekly
estimates. The correlation with RSOB is 0.28 for the monthly sample and ranges from 0.02 to  0.14 for the
weekly sample.
16 G.W. Brown, M.T. Cliff / Journal of Empirical Finance 11 (2004) 1–27

Fig. 2. Plot of the monthly institutional sentiment survey (solid line) along with the sentiment estimates from the
Kalman filter (dashed line) and the first principal component (dotted line).

As a robustness check on our method, we can compare the monthly averages of our
weekly estimates with the estimates from the monthly analysis. For the filtered estimates
and first principal components, these correlations are large and positive (0.64 and 0.78,
respectively). This suggests that the methods are capturing similar primary features in the
monthly and weekly samples. However, the correlation between second principal
components is  0.39 implying a more cautious interpretation of this series is in order.
In sum, it appears we have been able to successfully extract measures of unobserved
sentiment (or some other common signal) from the various indicators.

4.2. Sentiment and market returns as a system

Some of our earlier analysis suggests that market returns and sentiment may act as a
system. For this reason, we estimate a set of VAR models with the sentiment series and
market returns. The goal is to see how sentiment and market returns interact and identify
the (statistical) causality between sentiment and the market.
The general model is

Yt ¼ l þ Ui Yti þ et ð1Þ
G.W. Brown, M.T. Cliff / Journal of Empirical Finance 11 (2004) 1–27 17

where Yt = [Kalat Kalpt RBIG,t RSOB,t] for the weekly VAR and Yt =[DKalpt RBIG,t RSOB,t] for
the monthly VAR. Model selection metrics such as AIC and BIC suggest p = 2 in the
monthly data and p = 4 in the weekly data. Likelihood ratio tests for the model order
indicate several additional lags are needed. In the interest of parsimony, we stick to the
smaller model orders. The results with larger parameterizations and with models including
volume and volatility are very similar with respect to the sentiment results.
We estimate the models using both levels and changes in sentiment measures since it is
not easily determined which specification should reveal the primary effects of sentiment.
From an econometric viewpoint, differencing the sentiment series will mitigate some of
the problems with outdated newsletters entering into the current observation. From a
theoretical standpoint, both levels and changes in sentiment may affect market returns. For
example, suppose investor sentiment decreases from very bullish to bullish. Because
sentiment is still bullish, one might anticipate a positive return, but on the other hand, since
sentiment has decreased one might also expect a reduction in the return.
Table 4 reports the results from estimating the monthly sample VAR using sentiment
levels. The blocks of rows indicate the contribution of each independent variable at lags one
and two. The p-values from an F-test in each column indicate the joint significance of the
lagged values of a given independent variable using White (1980) heteroskedastic-consist-
ent standard errors. The first block of rows and the first column are of primary interest here.
The first block of rows shows that the level of our filtered sentiment variable is a
powerful predictor of itself. Both the 1- and 2-month lags are positive and significant at the

Table 4
Monthly VAR-returns and filtered sentiment levels
Independent variable Lag Dependent variable
Kal 1 0.5089*** 0.2598  0.5837*
2 0.2385***  0.1089  0.0032
p-value 0.0000*** 0.8017 0.0118**
RBIG 1 0.0452***  0.0183 0.2079***
2  0.0099  0.0683 0.0158
p-value 0.0000*** 0.4815 0.0002***
RSOB 1 0.0193* 0.1470** 0.1061*
2  0.0071  0.0814 0.0486
p-value 0.1839 0.0879* 0.0657*
Constant  0.0364 1.1078***  0.2334
Block exogenity 0.0000*** 0.0296** 0.0000***
R̄2 0.5981 0.0037 0.0592
Variables are the Kalman filter estimate of sentiment (Kal), returns on large stocks (RBIG), and the return on small
stocks orthogonal to large stocks (RSOB). Large stock returns are the first two deciles of CRSP stocks; the small
stocks used to create the SOB portfolio are CRSP deciles 6 – 8. White (1980) standard errors correct for
heteroskedasticity. p-value indicates joint significance of all lags of an explanatory variable. Block exogenity
reports the p-value of an F-test that the coefficients on all lags of all independent variables (other than own-lags)
are jointly zero. The data are 406 monthly observations from March 1965 through December 1998.
* Indicate significance at the 10% level.
** Indicate significance at the 5% level.
*** Indicate significance at the 1% level.
18 G.W. Brown, M.T. Cliff / Journal of Empirical Finance 11 (2004) 1–27

1% level. The next column reveals that sentiment does not predict large stock returns.
However, in the last column, the sentiment variable is negatively related to the small stock
returns (at the 10% level with a 1-month lag and the 5% level in the joint test). Looking
down the first column, the impact of both large and SOB stock returns on sentiment is
evident. Large stock returns Granger-cause sentiment at the 1% level and the 1-month lag
RSOB return is significant at the 10% level. These results confirm that speculators are
swayed by recent market performance. If bullish speculators act on their beliefs by trading,
this is consistent with momentum in returns. Lagged levels of sentiment and market returns
explain substantial variation in sentiment as indicated by the high R̄2 of 0.60. However,
lagged sentiment and market returns explain very little of either large or small stock returns.
Estimating the system using the change in sentiment (Table 5) shows that a change in
the level of sentiment is also a powerful predictor of itself. Conversely, there is no
evidence that changes in sentiment influence either of the return variables. The R̄2 for each
equation reveals that lagged sentiment changes and market returns explain roughly 10% of
the variability in SENTp but very little of the variability in the returns (though more for
RSOB than for RBIG).
The results from estimating the weekly sample VAR with sentiment levels are presented
in Table 6. Here, we have included both our estimates for individual (Kala) and
institutional (Kalp) filtered sentiment in the system. The results for the sentiment series
resemble those reported in Table 4 for the monthly sample. Individual sentiment is
strongly positively related to its past levels and positively related to recent large stock

Table 5
Monthly VAR-returns and filtered sentiment changes
Independent variable Lag Dependent variable
DKal 1  0.3404*** 0.0813  0.1266
2  0.1399**  0.2279 0.0737
p-value 0.0000*** 0.8162 0.8706
RBIG 1 0.0315***  0.0004 0.1651***
2  0.0212**  0.0346  0.0462
p-value 0.0005*** 0.8622 0.0016***
RSOB 1 0.0192* 0.1526** 0.0998*
2  0.0078  0.0633 0.0254
p-value 0.2090 0.0938* 0.1519
Constant  0.0113 1.0588***  0.1245
Block exogenity 0.0004*** 0.0303** 0.0002***
R̄2 0.0847 0.0036 0.0388
Variables are the changes in the Kalman filter estimate of sentiment (DKal), returns on large stocks (RBIG), and the
return on small stocks orthogonal to large stocks (RSOB). Large stock returns are the first two deciles of CRSP
stocks; the small stocks used to create the SOB portfolio are CRSP deciles 6 – 8. White (1980) standard errors
correct for heteroskedasticity. p-value indicates joint significance of all lags of an explanatory variable. Block
exogenity reports the p-value of an F-test that the coefficients on all lags of all independent variables (other than
own-lags) are jointly zero. The data are 406 monthly observations from March 1965 through December 1998.
* Indicate significance at the 10% level.
** Indicate significance at the 5% level.
*** Indicate significance at the 1% level.
G.W. Brown, M.T. Cliff / Journal of Empirical Finance 11 (2004) 1–27 19

Table 6
Weekly VAR-returns and filtered sentiment levels
Independent variable Lag Dependent variable
Kal 1 0.3477*** 0.0535 0.1843  0.0765
2 0.0700  0.0199 0.0556 0.0960
3  0.0106 0.0060  0.1687 0.0832
4 0.1492*** 0.0285  0.0440 0.0003
p-value 0.0000*** 0.5791 0.3727 0.4302
Kalp 1 0.1282** 0.5195***  0.1780  0.0659
2 0.0368  0.0080  0.2687  0.0729
3  0.1245** 0.0831 0.2970*  0.0966
4 0.0645 0.1431*** 0.1510 0.1048
p-value 0.0044*** 0.0000*** 0.0261** 0.2495
RBIG 1 0.1353*** 0.1023***  0.0613 0.2779***
2 0.0504** 0.0819*** 0.0510 0.0615
3 0.0495** 0.0495*** 0.0170 0.0220
4 0.0209 0.0016  0.0097 0.0240
p-value 0.0000*** 0.0000*** 0.4620 0.0000***
RSOB 1 0.0118  0.0222 0.0702 0.0699
2  0.0273  0.0348 0.0526  0.0201
3 0.0187  0.0300 0.0163 0.0561
4  0.0020  0.0392*  0.0487 0.0262
p-value 0.7813 0.0412** 0.6953 0.2911
Constant  0.0627*  0.0552* 0.2363***  0.0881
Block exogenity 0.0000*** 0.0000*** 0.0070*** 0.0000***
R̄2 0.4986 0.5982 0.0039 0.1697
Variables are the Kalman filter estimates of individual and institutional sentiment (Kala and Kalp), returns on large
stocks (RBIG), and the return on small stocks orthogonal to large stocks (RSOB). Large stock returns are the first
two deciles of CRSP stocks; the small stocks used to create the SOB portfolio are CRSP deciles 6 – 8. White
(1980) standard errors correct for heteroskedasticity. p-value indicates joint significance of all lags of an
explanatory variable. Block exogenity reports the p-value of an F-test that the coefficients on all lags of all
independent variables (other than own-lags) are jointly zero. The data are 596 weekly observations from July
1987 through December 1998.
* Indicate significance at the 10% level.
** Indicate significance at the 5% level.
*** Indicate significance at the 1% level.

returns. Similarly, strong relations are found for institutional sentiment. Institutional
sentiment is a significant predictor of individual sentiment but there is no evidence of
the individual sentiment measure influencing institutional sentiment (despite the signifi-
cant pairwise correlation).
Only limited evidence suggests that sentiment might predict subsequent market returns.
The Granger-causality tests fail to reject the null hypothesis of no predictability in returns
for all but one variable: Institutional sentiment appears positively related to subsequent
large stock returns at about the 3% level. Note that this is counter to conventional wisdom
that it is more likely that individual investors would be most easily swayed by sentiment
and their effect would be most felt in small stocks. This significance is driven by the third
lag of Kalp. The reliability of this relation is called into question by the absence of an effect
from the first two lags.
20 G.W. Brown, M.T. Cliff / Journal of Empirical Finance 11 (2004) 1–27

Estimates from the weekly data using changes in the sentiment measures (Table 7) are
consistent with the results in levels. Both (DKala) and (DKalp) are very significant predictors
of their own lagged changes and there is again evidence that institutional sentiment affects
individual sentiment but not the converse. Large stock returns are strong positive predictors
of changes in sentiment where as there is a some what weaker negative relation between
small stock returns and changes in each type of investor sentiment. Overall, these variables
are able to explain about 25% of the variation in each of the sentiment measures.
The effects of investor sentiment on subsequent returns are again quite limited. As
before, the only significant relation is between institutional sentiment and large stock
returns. Specifically, changes in institutional sentiment are negatively related to future
large stock returns at about the 1% level. Though the coefficients are negative for each lag,

Table 7
Weekly VAR-returns and filtered sentiment changes
Independent variable Lag Dependent variable
DKal 1  0.5230*** 0.0684 0.2059  0.0923
2  0.3574*** 0.0558 0.2876**  0.0136
3  0.2856*** 0.0523 0.1292 0.0522
4  0.0788* 0.0695 0.1273 0.0391
p-value 0.0000*** 0.2801 0.2174 0.5679
DKalp 1 0.1325**  0.4177***  0.2149  0.0351
2 0.1453**  0.3962***  0.5095***  0.0880
3  0.0142  0.2766***  0.2316  0.1613
4  0.0061  0.1410***  0.1672  0.0356
p-value 0.0066*** 0.0000*** 0.0111** 0.4920
RBIG 1 0.1237*** 0.0981***  0.0650 0.2787***
2 0.0257 0.0693*** 0.0434 0.0613
3 0.0188 0.0366** 0.0179 0.0216
4  0.0114  0.0112  0.0034 0.0220
p-value 0.0000*** 0.0000*** 0.4795 0.0000***
RSOB 1  0.0169  0.0312 0.0685 0.0699
2  0.0575**  0.0372 0.0559  0.0161
3  0.0066  0.0300 0.0228 0.0597
4  0.0353  0.0407*  0.0387 0.0284
p-value 0.0836* 0.0169** 0.7082 0.2427
Constant  0.0381  0.0417 0.2372**  0.0858
Block exogenity 0.0000*** 0.0000*** 0.0027*** 0.0000***
R̄2 0.2511 0.2361 0.0077 0.1672
Variables are the changes in the Kalman filter estimates of individual and institutional sentiment (DKala and
DKalp), returns on large stocks (RBIG), and the return on small stocks orthogonal to large stocks (RSOB). Large
stock returns are the first two deciles of CRSP stocks; the small stocks used to create the SOB portfolio are CRSP
deciles 6 – 8. White (1980) standard errors correct for heteroskedasticity. p-value indicates joint significance of all
lags of an explanatory variable. Block exogenity reports the p-value of an F-test that the coefficients on all lags of
all independent variables (other than own-lags) are jointly zero. The data are 596 weekly observations from July
1987 through December 1998.
* Indicate significance at the 10% level.
** Indicate significance at the 5% level.
*** Indicate significance at the 1% level.
G.W. Brown, M.T. Cliff / Journal of Empirical Finance 11 (2004) 1–27 21

the result is driven by the coefficient on the second lag. Even with this significant relation,
sentiment has almost no explanatory power for returns as indicated by the R̄2 of 0.008.
None of the coefficients (or joint tests) reveal a significant relation between changes in
sentiment and small stock returns.
Replacing the filtered sentiment with the survey and principal component estimates
(results not reported) yields very similar results. The sentiment surveys do not show any
statistically significant predictive power with the exception of the change in SENTp being
significantly negatively related to RSOB at the 5% level in the monthly sample.
In summary, this section reveals that market returns are a strong predictor of subsequent
levels and changes of both individual and institutional sentiment. In contrast, there is only
weak evidence that even our composite sentiment measures are useful in predicting future
stock returns over short horizons.

4.3. Abnormal performance

It is possible that even the limited predictability of our composite sentiment measures
could be used as a profitable trading strategy. As a consequence, we perform a final test
using sentiment as an indicator for trading. Intuitively, the sentiment measures can be used
to determine the optimal level of investment in the market. This strategy is much like any
other managed portfolio such as a mutual fund, and the fund’s performance can be tested.
Of course, it is necessary to determine whether a fund does better or worse than expected.
Parametric asset pricing models are often used in this exercise (e.g., Jensen’s alpha).
However, we steer away from parametric models because of the joint hypothesis problem.
To test performance non-parametrically, we use the techniques of Chen and Knez
(1996). The basic idea is to extract the stochastic discount factor from a set of basis assets,
use this to calculate the ‘‘fair’’ price of the asset, then see if this price is significantly
different from the market price (normalized to one). Let zt be the sentiment signal,
standardized to have the same standard deviation as RBIG and a mean of 1. At each period,
zt dollars are invested in RBIG so the payoff will be Rz,t u ztRBIG,t. The normalization of the
trading signal means zt ranges between 0.86 and 1.15, with 80% of the values between
0.93 and 1.07 so extreme positions are not considered. The basis assets are the 25 Fama
and French (1993) portfolios, which are formed on the basis of size and book/market.
Appendix B provides additional details on this analysis.
The results from the GMM estimation (reported in the text only) using RBIG do not
suggest any abnormal performance to the sentiment-based trading strategy. The v2 statistic
is 0.86 ( p-value of 0.35), and the t-statistic for the mispricing moment condition is also
insignificant. Repeating the analysis with the return on small stocks the conclusions are
similar. The p-value for the test of over-identifying restrictions is 0.25 and the t-statistics
for the abnormal performance moment condition remains insignificant. We also perform
the analysis using the Kalman filter and principal components estimates in place of the
survey data. Overall, the results are very similar. The only signal that yields a significant
v2 statistic (at the 10% level) is using the first principal component as a trading strategy
for small stocks. Given that we performed eight of these experiments (two types of stocks
for four signals), one test significant at the 10% level cannot be regarded as strong
22 G.W. Brown, M.T. Cliff / Journal of Empirical Finance 11 (2004) 1–27

In summary, the non-parametric performance measures provide no evidence of

abnormal returns to a sentiment-based trading strategy at short (monthly) horizons. This
is consistent with Graham and Harvey (1996), who find no evidence that the asset
allocation recommendations of a collection of investment newsletters is useful in
forecasting future market returns.

5. Conclusions

In summary, we have demonstrated that surveys measuring investor sentiment are

related to other popular measures of investor sentiment and recent stock market returns. By
using signal extraction techniques, we have been able to isolate common features of these
indicators for a long monthly time period (34 years) and a shorter weekly time period (11
years). In the weekly sample, we have generated two separate measures that we believe
represent institutional and individual investor sentiment.
For all of the aggregate sentiment measures, we find strong evidence of co-movement
with the market but little evidence of short-run predictability in returns (using a variety of
methods). Using the limited predictability of sentiment as a trading strategy does not
appear to be profitable. Finally, our research does not suggest that sentiment is limited to
individual investors. To the contrary, it appears that the strongest relations exist between
our measures on institutional sentiment and large stocks. This has implications for existing
research, which typically assumes ‘‘noise’’ traders are individuals who affect small stocks.


Funding from the Cato Center for Applied Business Research is gratefully acknowl-
edged. We thank Kent Daniel, Greg Kadlec, Steve Slezak, Kent Womack, seminar
participants at the University of North Carolina, Virginia Tech, the 1999 Western Finance
Association meeting (especially the discussant, Bhaskaran Swaminathan), the 1999
Financial Management Association meeting, and the 2000 Batten Young Scholars
Conference at William and Mary for their comments and suggestions. We also thank Greg
Kadlec for providing data. This paper is based on a working paper previously titled
‘‘Sentiment and the Stock Market’’.

Appendix A . Unobserved components

A.1 . Methodology

We posit a single unobservable state variable, investor sentiment (S), which follows an
AR(1) process

Stþ1 ¼ l þ cSt þ wt ðA:1Þ

G.W. Brown, M.T. Cliff / Journal of Empirical Finance 11 (2004) 1–27 23

The N observable proxies for investor sentiment are collected into a vector yt =[S1t . . .StN]V.
These observables are modeled as a linear function of the state variable

yt ¼ a þ HSt þ vt ðA:2Þ

The scalar error from the state equation (Eq. (A.1)) has variance r2 and the error
covariance matrix from the measurement equation (Eq. (A.2)) is Av = r2I. If these errors
are normally distributed and E[wtvt] = 0, the Kalman filter provides optimal linear forecasts
of the state variable.
Since the parameters c and H are unknown, we estimate them by maximum likelihood.
With ĉ, Ĥ, and r̂2 in hand the Kalman filter can produce estimates of the state variable
through time. This is done by iterating the equations

Ŝtþ1jt ¼ ĉŜtjt1 þ Kðyt  ĤSt Þ ðA:3Þ


Ŝtjt ¼ Ŝtjt1 þ ĉ1 Kðyt  ĤŜtjt1 Þ ðA:4Þ

ˆ Þ1 is known as the gain matrix and P

where K ¼ ĉPtjt1 ĤVðĤPtAt1 ĤVþ A v tjt  1 denotes
the mean squared error of the one step ahead forecast of the state variable. The notation
ŜsjsV indicates the forecast of Ss made at time sV. Refer to Hamilton (1994) for a more
detailed discussion of the Kalman filter.
As an alternative to the Kalman filter, we also employ principal components analysis.
This method allows us to identify a specific number of time series that explain the most
variation in a set of data series. By construction, the components will be orthogonal to
each other. Since we may examine multiple components for a given set of data, this
method may provide insight into the question of whether multiple sentiment measures are
present in our data. Additional details are provided in references such as Morrison

A.2 . Diagnostics

We first apply these methods to the monthly time series. As discussed above, it is
possible that sentiment indicators that are not significant explanatory variables for the
sentiment surveys still contain valuable information. Consequently, we include all of
the indicators presented in the last two columns of Table 3 as well as the II survey
data.21 To prevent having to weight each series for the Kalman filter and to facilitate
subsequent analysis, we normalize each of the series to mean zero and unit standard
We refer to the output from the Kalman filter as filtered sentiment. To test the properties
of this series, we regress the filtered sentiment on the input sentiment indicators. All of the

Excluding any single indicator has little effect on the resulting time series.
24 G.W. Brown, M.T. Cliff / Journal of Empirical Finance 11 (2004) 1–27

indicators are significant explanatory variables at the 1% level. This combined with an R2
of 0.98 reassures us that the method is in fact capturing common features of all of the
inputs. Furthermore, the filtered sentiment, while closely correlated with nearly all of the
inputs, is not dominated by any one. The highest pairwise correlation is with HI/LO (0.79)
and the second highest is with SENTp (0.61). The only correlation with a magnitude less
than 0.13 is with SPECIAL (0.01). All correlations are positive with the exception of the
ARM index (  0.40).
For the principal component analysis, we examine only the first two components in
detail.22 SENTp, HI/LO, MARGIN, FUNDFLOW, ARMS, and IPON have the largest
factor loadings for the first component. SPECIAL and CEFD have the largest loadings for
the second component. The only indicator with a low factor loading in both components is
Next, we estimate market sentiment series using the weekly data. First, we construct
overall sentiment measures analogous to the monthly measures. As inputs, we use both
sentiment surveys and all of the weekly indicators in Table 3. The results are very similar
to those reported above for the monthly data. Specifically, for filtered sentiment, all
variables are significantly related to the resulting sentiment measure. In the principal
component analysis, only the change in CEFD and FUTp do not have a factor loading
greater than 0.2 for either component.
The similarity of the weekly and monthly results provides an encouraging indicator
suggesting the methods are fairly robust to different inputs, sample periods, and data
frequencies. This result is particularly heartening given the subjective task of separating
indicators into individual and institutional groups. For this task, we rely on the analysis
reported in Table 3 and our prior beliefs discussed in Section 3.1. Specifically, we select
inputs for institutional sentiment. For individual sentiment indicators, we select SENT a,
FUT a.
The resulting institutional filtered sentiment series shows similar properties to the
aggregate filtered sentiment series. All of the included indicators are significant explan-
atory variables for the filtered series. Likewise, in the principal component analysis, all of
the indicators have large (>0.2) factor loadings for at least one of the first two components
with the exception of put/call trading volume. The institutional filtered sentiment and the
first two principal components appear to capture many of the same effects (correlations of
0.65 and 0.63, respectively).
Repeating the analysis for individual sentiment indicators yields, once again, similar
results. All inputs are significantly related to the resulting filtered sentiment series. Similar
results hold when considering the magnitude of the factor loadings for the first two

In general, the absolute and relative magnitudes of the eigenvalues indicate that there are two important
principal components. Occasionally, diagnostic tests (at both the monthly and weekly frequencies) indicate that
more components may be required to properly capture relevant common features in the data. In the subsequent
analysis, adding more components did not change the qualitative results so they are omitted from the analysis to
facilitate exposition.
G.W. Brown, M.T. Cliff / Journal of Empirical Finance 11 (2004) 1–27 25

principal components. It is still the case that filtered sentiment and the first principal
component capture similar information (correlation of 0.76). For individual sentiment, the
filtered series is only slightly positively correlated with the second principal component
(correlation of 0.13).
Most importantly, it appears that the institutional and individual sentiment series
resulting from these procedures are capturing at least some different intertemporal data
features. The correlation between institutional and individual filtered sentiment is only
0.59 despite the fact that they share some common inputs. Likewise, the correlation
between the two first principal components is 0.61 and the two second principal
components is 0.49. Market returns are not an important explanatory variables for the
new institutional and individual sentiment measures. The correlations between each
filtered measure and lagged large stock returns averages only 0.11. The correlations with
SOB returns are slightly higher, averaging about 0.25. For the large stocks, there are larger
positive correlations with the first principal component (averaging 0.49) and negative
correlations with the second principal components (averaging  0.40).For RSOB, the
correlations are similar but closer to zero.

Appendix B . Abnormal performance estimation

Following Hansen and Jagannathan (1991), a pricing kernel mt that prices all the basis
assets Xt must satisfy

i½25 ¼ E½mt Xt  ¼ E½Xt Xt Va: ðB:1Þ

The last equality follows from the fact that the pricing kernel can be expressed as a
portfolio of the basis assets, whose weights are given by a.
We then want to see whether mt also prices Rz,t

1 ¼ E½mt Rz;t  ¼ E½Rz;t Xt Va: ðB:2Þ

Let gn,t = Rn,tXtVa  1 be the pricing error at time t for each asset n. Stacking these
together into gt, the 25 elements of a are parameters to estimate, while Eqs. (B.1) and (B.2)
represent 26 restrictions. The system is estimated using the generalized method of
moments from Hansen (1982), which minimizes the quadratic

" #V " #
1X T
1X T
JT ¼ g WT g : ðB:3Þ
T t¼1 t T t¼1 t

Under the null hypothesis of no abnormal performance, TJT f v2(1). Of course,

nothing is for free, so the downside of this approach is in the choice of basis assets. If
the basis assets do not span the payoff space, then the abnormal performance may in fact
just represent spanning enhancements. Given the spanning assumption, finding abnormal
26 G.W. Brown, M.T. Cliff / Journal of Empirical Finance 11 (2004) 1–27

performance may be interpreted as an arbitrage opportunity. As a result, it is necessary to

rely on frictions and measurement errors for a sensible application of this approach.


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