Screenplay Writing The Picture 2nd Edition PDF
Screenplay Writing The Picture 2nd Edition PDF
Screenplay Writing The Picture 2nd Edition PDF
Note on Ebook Version
2 Format
Formatting and Formatting Software
Setting Up Your Script
5 Character
Which Came First, Honey of the Bee?
Geez, You Act like You’re in a Movie
What on Earth Is He Doing Here?
What’s the Situation? (Character and Context)
Turn On the Spotlight (Character Elements)
The Arc or the Covenant (Character Arc vs. Catalytic Character)
Write You Are (Building Characters)
A Piece of Sugar (The Shorthand of Dogs, Cats, Children and
Tucking in Blankets)
Final Thoughts
9 Scene Cards
It’s in the Cards
Final Thoughts
13 Dialogue
The Role of Dialogue
How Can I Say This? (Dialogue Techniques)
I Was Born in a Log Cabin I Built with My Own Hands...
Technical Do’s and Don’t’s
For Crying Out Loud!
Final Thoughts
14 Rewriting
It’s Great! Now Let Me Fix It
Taking It Apart and Putting It Back Together
Final Thoughts
16 The Pitch
To Pitch or Not to Pitch
Getting in the Door
Final Thoughts
18 Writing Webisodes
Final Thoughts on Becoming a Screenwriter
Appendix A: Templates
Appendix B: Suggested Reading
Appendix C: A Few Clichés to Avoid like the Plague
Appendix D: Graduate (MFA) Screenwriting Programs
About the Authors
Lew Hunter, Howard Suber, Richard Walter, Hal Ackerman, Bill
Froug, Stirling Silliphant, Jerzy Antczak and all the others at UCLA
film school, for showing us the way; Steve Peterman, for putting up
with our asking him how to be funny; Derek Burrill, Jeff Kunzler and
Patrick Seitz for helping us navigate the mysteries of video gaming;
Val Stulman, John Shannon and Rob Rinow for being great students
and now teaching us a bit about writing for the web; Lou Anne Wright
for her long months of editing and advice; Todd McCullough for
letting us use his webisode script; Sandra J. Payne, Ken Jones,
Cathlynn Richard Dodson and Rich Burlingham for their careful
reading of the manuscript and thoughtful suggestions, which helped
make this a better book. Barbara Rosenberg, David Hall and Matt Ball
for getting us into this mess in the first place; Michelle Vardeman for
making sure we cleaned it up; and lastly to Gwen Feldman and Jim
Fox at Silman-James Press, for seeing the merit in this book and, more
importantly, publishing it.
R. U. Russin
W. M. Downs
Robert and Adele Russin, for raising me with the belief that I could
live the life of an artist, because they lived it themselves; Sarah Russin
and my kids Olivia and Ben, for putting up with me no matter what;
James and Cookie Goldstone, for being my first and dearest film-world
mentors; my colleagues at the University of California, Riverside; and
Milah Wermer, patron saint of all that is dramatic, ecstatic and
Lou Anne Wright—the love of my life.
Note on Ebook Version
Be aware, that formatting may vary in the ebook version of this book
dependent upon your reading device and/or your user settings. This
may affect screenplay format examples. The fixed image below is an
example of correct screenplay format, and is detailed in Chapter 2 and
Appendix A.
“What’s all this business of being a writer? It’s just
putting one word after another.”
—Irving Thalberg
Welcome to the second edition of Screenplay: Writing the Picture.
What’s new? Well, a lot is the same; the principles of great
screenwriting remain the same. We’ve also kept references to classic
films that we consider worth your checking out if you don’t know them
already. But we’ve trimmed references to things that no longer apply
(or exist, for that matter), and included dozens of revised and updated
examples. Newly included are chapters on writing webisodes and
video games, but we no longer include a playwriting chapter because
we’ve now written a complete guide, Naked Playwriting (also
published by Silman-James), which we modestly believe is the best
book on the subject out there, and which should answer all your
playwriting questions.
As we said before, this book is not written by screenwriting gurus.
We are not trying to sell you special formulas, secret methods, tapes,
computer programs or gung-ho three-day seminars. We are not going
to show you how to write a screenplay in twenty-one days or twenty-
one steps. Nor are we going to tell you there is only one true path to
success; we offer no easy how-to formulas. Rather, this is a down-to-
earth guide written by two writers who came from the heartland of
America, moved to Hollywood, were lucky enough to get into UCLA
film school, struggled for years, made many mistakes, wrote every day
and in the end, against all odds, succeeded. Both of us are “produced”
writers (something akin to being “made men” in the Cosa Nostra),
meaning we’ve actually sold screenplays and had movies or television
shows produced from them, and we’ve both made our livings as
writers. And we preach only what we’ve learned and practiced
ourselves—every day. There are no shortcuts in screenwriting, no
magical recipes besides talent, an understanding of the basics and
then some very, very hard work. We wrote this book to help you find
your talent and understand the basics. The hard work is up to you.
We will not cheerlead or sugar-coat how difficult it will be for you—
for anyone—to succeed in writing for “Hollywood.” In fact, we have
some good advice for anyone who isn’t absolutely driven to write
movies or television: think long and hard before you commit yourself
to it. To paraphrase a line from Scent of a Woman, it’s just too damn
hard. Writing itself is too hard; or as Gene Fowler (journalist,
screenwriter and author of the John Barrymore biography Good
Night, Sweet Prince) put it, “Writing is easy. All you do is sit staring at
a blank sheet of paper until the drops of blood form on your forehead.”
And writing for Hollywood is worse. Movies and television are the Big
Game for writers these days, and everyone wants to play. Not that
there aren’t enormous satisfactions and rewards, both artistic and
financial, if you do succeed. There are. But only a tiny fraction of you
will make it. That’s just a fact, and anyone who says different couldn’t
give you directions to Warner Brothers Studios if he were standing on
Warner Boulevard. Of course any- thing really worth doing is hard,
success in any truly challenging endeavor is a long shot, and the fact of
the matter is that you’ll never know whether or not you have what it
takes if you don’t try.
Do you have the talent to succeed? Only time and hard work will
tell. Talent is something neither you nor we have any control over,
anyway, so forget about it. Focus instead on the various techniques
that screenwriters must master in order to write exciting, entertaining,
well-structured screenplays, so that if you do have talent, you can
make the most of it.
That’s what this book is all about. We’ve included detailed chapters
on techniques and fundamentals that many screenwriting books and
gurus gloss over or skip completely. We’ve divided it into five easy-to-
use sections so that you can treat it as a textbook, a reference guide, or
something to read from cover to cover. The first section covers the
basics: who is going to read your script and how to impress them. If
you can’t get by the readers in Hollywood all your effort is for nothing.
You impress readers by giving your script a proper, professional
format, choosing interesting themes, finding the world and developing
effective characters. We’ll show you how.
The second section tackles structure. Rather than trying to sell you
on one theory or approach, we examine storytelling methods from
Aristotle to modern computer programs. We take you through the
principles of power and conflict and how they grow from scenes to
sequences to a well-structured screenplay. We include chapters on
how to design your screenplay using scene cards and how to structure
the beginning of your screenplay so that it grabs everyone’s attention.
We finish the structure section with an advanced chapter on genres.
Each genre arises from certain emotional sources and expectations,
and each has its own unique demands. Identify these and you’ll solve
many of your structural challenges before you begin.
The third section reveals the nuts and bolts of writing the script.
We detail techniques to help you write strong, visual narrative and
powerful dialogue. After you have pounded through the first draft,
what follows naturally is rewriting. How do you know what needs to be
fixed, saved or thrown away? How many drafts are needed? How can
you test what you’ve written? When is your script ready for the
market? We give real-world methods and advice to answer all these
Marketing is the fourth section of the book. It’s a sad fact, but most
screenplays that are submitted—after the months of brain-wracking
effort that went into writing them—get rejected. Once your screenplay
is done, you must plunge into the market and self-promote. We show
you how to approach agents and producers, take meetings, do pitches
—in short, how to start the process of becoming a professional. Is any
of it easy? No, it’s all really, really hard. But we’ll give you the tools you
need to attempt it.
The last section of this book covers related fields, including writing
for television, webisodes and video games.
In short, this book is intended to help you choose, develop, and
perfect your stories, avoid common mistakes, and get you up to speed
as a professional screenwriter so that you’ll look like you’ve already got
a dozen screenplays under your belt rather than only one or two.
What’s more, you’ll have some idea of what to do next. It is said that
people make their own luck by searching out opportunity and being
prepared when opportunity appears. We’ve written this to help you
make your own luck; you’re going to need it.
One other thing. We each have our MFA in screenwriting from the
UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television, and we’re mighty proud
of it. Under the stewardship of Lew Hunter, Richard Walter, Hal
Ackerman, Bill Froug, Howard Suber, Cynthia Whitcomb and the rest
of the fine faculty, past and present, UCLA has achieved recognition as
the premier screenwriting school in the world, and counts hundreds of
successful (that is, working) screen and television writers among its
alumni. At a recent awards ceremony for UCLA screenwriting
graduates, honoree James Cameron noted (with typical reserve) that
now that he’d received the approval of UCLA’s film school, the critics
could all go to hell. Although this book of course reflects our own views
and experiences, we owe a huge debt to what we learned at UCLA, and
to these wise mentors. They taught us well.
Looking Good
The first thing a reader looks for is proper format. You may think that
formatting the script is a pointless (if required) chore, but one that has
little to do with the larger concerns of your screenplay. In fact, proper
format, having evolved out of years of production and reading
demands, is as essential to the craft and conception of screen stories as
meter is to poetry. You don’t start writing a sonnet or a lyric until you
have an understanding of the form. Screenplays are not formless; they
are demandingly structured, and their format both reflects and helps
to create that structure.
Improper format is the surest way to get your script tossed in the
rejection pile. You may think that “technical” errors having “nothing to
do with story” will be forgiven, but they won’t. When an experienced
reader comes across a script that doesn’t look professional, her
assumption is that the writing isn’t professional either, because that’s
usually the case. Typos, punctuation errors and poor grammar will
also annoy readers and get scripts tossed. If a writer doesn’t know the
correct format, can’t spell or construct a sentence intelligently, why
should readers assume he can construct a proper story? The old saying
“You can’t judge a book by its cover” doesn’t apply to screenwriting.
Producers, directors and readers always judge a script by its
What follows are the basics of how to format a spec screenplay (as
stated in Chapter 1, “spec” is short for speculation script). This format
also applies to spec MOW (Movie of the Week) and spec hour-length
television (one-camera) shows like House, Breaking Bad and
Homeland. Sitcoms (threecamera shows) have a unique format that is
covered in Chapter 17.
A caution: Most of the scripts you can buy are either bound books
and re-formatted for that form, which is different than your script
format should be; or if you can actually find actual drafts of
screenplays at rare specialty stores like Book City Script Shop or Script
City, they’ll likely be shooting scripts, and again will have a slightly
different format from a spec (speculation or show) script. Nowadays
with a little effort you can also locate thousands of downloadable
scripts from various websites as well, but it’s a crapshoot as to which
draft may have been uploaded and whether the format has been
preserved properly in transmission. More often than not it hasn’t.
Achieving the proper format no longer requires tabbing and spacing to
get your character names, dialogue and narrative all lined up. There
are software programs designed to help screenwriters (and television
writers). The industrystandard screenwriting programs are Final
Draft, Movie Magic Screenwriter and SceneWriter Pro, which are all
pricey, and offer features you may not yet need. All of them can be
ordered online or found at a specialty store, if you’re in a city large
enough to have one. There are also two pretty good free programs as of
now that you can download from and Any of
these will automatically provide the correct format templates for you,
but even so these can be confusing to use—most of our students still
get things wrong at first, even using a specialized program. So pay
attention here: stick to the spec format we’ve laid out for you, and
you’ll look professional.
If you don’t have the money for one of these programs, you can
usually achieve similar results with your own word processor, if you
don’t mindspending a little time. On PCs, the format-creating feature
is usually called “templates,” and on Macintosh it’s often listed under
“styles” or “style sheets.” Crack open that word-processing manual and
learn how to program your computer so that with a push of a button
you can format narrative, dialogue, character titles, slug lines and all
the rest of it. If you use the “Macros” feature you can also program
your computer to enter an entire scene header or character name with
the push of a single button.
Title Page
The title page is a simple white sheet of paper that usually doubles as
the front cover. Just as with covers, the title page should not have any
fancy graphics, pictures, wacky typefaces or other distractions. Some
beginning screenwriters think that an eye-catching title page will help
separate their script from the pack, and it does: it practically shouts at
the reader that this is a script by a rank amateur. We know you can
find counterexamples, mostly horror scripts with “bleeding letter”
typefaces and/or graphics, but keep in mind that most unusual title
pages you see on shooting scripts were probably put on by the
production company after the film was produced or when it was going
into production as a shooting script.
All that’s needed on the title page is the following:
1. An exciting title, all caps and centered, about a third of the way
down the page. The title can be plain, or it can be underlined or in
quotation marks, but not both.
2. Your name, centered and double-spaced below the title, but not
in caps. It’s acceptable to write “by” or “An Original Screenplay
By” (if the story is wholly original) beneath the title and above
your name.
3. Your contact information (agent, manager, your own phone,
address and e-mail address), not in caps, placed in the lower
righthand corner.
4. If the script is based on secondary material (adapted from a
book, true story, short story or play you have permission to adapt,
or someone else’s story in some other form) describe such
collaboration or material below your name, centered and not in
Your title page should look something like the example on page 20.
Title Page No-No’s
Avoid the following common mistakes. Just because you’ve seen them
doesn’t make them correct.
1. Don’t use fancy typeface. Courier 12 point is preferred, although
New York, Bookman and Times will do—on the title page only.
2. Don’t announce a copyright or WGA registration number on your
title page. This is a waste of ink. Your work is legally considered
copyrighted as soon as it’s written, and if someone’s really going
to steal your idea a WGA registration number isn’t going to stop
them. (Complete WGA registration and copyright information is
covered in Chapter 15.)
3. Don’t try to make your script appear more legitimate by adding
statements like “Property of Harry Johnson and Associates,”
“Owned by Johnson Films” or “A Harry Johnson Production.”
This fools no one. The film business is a pretty tight community,
and anyone actively working in it is probably familiar with most of
the real companies in the business. Even if you have incorporated
yourself as a “production” loan-out company for tax purposes,
putting such information on the title page still does nothing for
you as far as selling your script. In fact, it may create the
assumption that the script is already burdened with attached
producers, and most companies prefer a script with no producers
attached, unless they’re very experienced and well connected,
because they have their own production team and don’t want to
pay extra salaries or percentages of profit. So trying to appear
“professional” in this manner may actually hurt your chances at a
4. Don’t indicate on your title page whether this is the “First Draft,”
“Second Draft” or “Final Draft.” These listings are for your own
personal use and shouldn’t appear on a spec script. No one cares
which draft it is; all they know is that it’s the draft they’re being
asked to read. Any other information is unnecessary. In fact, if you
place “First Draft” on the title page you may raise the concern that
you haven’t taken the time to send a well-developed script, and if
you put “Second” or “Third Draft” on it, it may look like it’s been
shopped around and had something wrong with it. It’s like selling
sausages. You don’t want or need your buyer to see the process of
how they’re made—or if the sausages look like they might be old…
Screenplay binding is simple. Scripts are three-hole-punched and
bound with brass brads or lesser-used Chicago screws. Plastic ring-
binders, fancy clamps, metal strip couplers, embossed leatherette
spring-notebooks or any other form of binding you can think of are
unacceptable. The industry standard is brass brads or Chicago screws
only. The best brass brads are made by ACCO. Use their No. 5 or No. 6
industrial, heavy-duty style fasteners. They come in boxes of a
hundred and are typically available (or can be ordered) at stationery or
office supply stores. The cheap, brass-colored brads you get at
discount stores are too flimsy. Most professional screenwriters use
only two brads per script, one in the top hole and one in the bottom,
the middle hole left empty. It’s just cooler that way, more Zen.
Covers are optional. Some writers use them, most professionals don’t.
If there is a cover or jacket on a screenplay, it’s usually added by an
agency or manager. Each agency has its own special cover that proudly
identifies it as the submitter of the screenplay. If you do want to use
covers, they should be simple, three-hole-punched card stock, in a
single color. Never write, print or glue anything on the cover; no
designs, drawings, quotes, decorations, family photos, not even the
title or your name. Simplicity is the rule.
No Character Page, Quotations or Dedications
A cast of characters page, where each character is described, is a
standard feature on a play script but is never done on a screenplay.
After the title page the script begins. Although there have been notable
exceptions to this, there also usually should not be any “meaningful
quotations” to set the reader in the right mood nor any dedications.
These are clutter.
The Basic Page
Use plain, white, 8½-by-11-inch, three-hole-punched paper. No
colors, no borders, no onion skin, just regular old 20 lb. bond paper.
Only one side of each sheet is used. (Some agencies or production
companies will make their own double-sided copies to save paper. You
may come across a double-sided script from time to time, but it is
never correct for a spec script.)
Fonts, Printers and PDFs
In spite of all the fancy typefaces your computer can do, the text of
your screenplay should look typewritten, meaning simple Courier 12-
point pica font. Period. No boldface, italics or bigger or smaller fonts
for emphasis. Real writers don’t get fancy with their typeface. They let
their story, not their font, carry the drama. The font should also be
extremely readable, so use a good quality printer if you’re sending a
hard copy. Most places like screenplay competitions and those rare
agencies that are willing to look at new writers usually accept PDF
copies via email or online upload, which can save on printing costs.
Your screenwriting program will either offer an option to Save, or
Export, or Print to PDF.
One inch on the top, bottom and right-hand sides of the page is the
norm. The left margin is larger (1½ inch) to allow for the three-hole
punch and brads. You can get away with cheating the right margin
down to ¾ inch if you need to, but not more.
White Space
The first impression is important. A properly formatted script tends to
have a lot of white space. This means the white of the paper, not the
ink, seems to dominate the page. When directors, producers and
readers open a screenplay and see lots of tight paragraphs, poor
spacing and hard-to-read fonts, they are immediately turned off. A
well-formatted script gives the reader breathing room.
Page Numbers
Page numbers appear in the upper-right corner. The title page is not
Page One / Fade In
You do not put the title on the first page, only on the title page. Page
one begins with the words FADE IN: or FADE UP: or the less common
OPEN ON:. These words, followed by a colon, are capitalized and
placed flush with the far-left margin:
Scene Headers
Scene headers (also known as slug lines or the more formal master
scene headings) are captions that identify where and when a scene
takes place. The scene header begins with either INT. meaning
“Interior” or EXT. for “Exterior.” Then it states the location, followed
by a dash ( — ) and the time of day (almost always DAY or NIGHT,
very occasionally DAWN, DUSK, MAGIC HOUR, or CONTINUOUS in
the event that the scene follows a continuous action from the previous
scene). Scene headers are placed flush with the far left margin (1½
inches from the left edge of the page). They are always in caps and
followed by a double space (hard return). Here are examples of various
scene headers:
In a spec screenplay, the scene headers are not numbered. Scene
numbers are a production concern, and are added only when the script
is sold and being readied for production; in other words, when it’s
being turned into a shooting script. However, it is important that,
when you return to certain locations in your screenplay more than
once, your scene headers for each recurring location should appear
identical, other than time of day, if that variable has changed. This too
is a production concern because it alerts the production crew in a
clear, economical fashion as to the number of locations, days and
nights required to schedule the production. But it is also a reading
concern because scene headers help the reader easily recognize a new
or recurring location and see the transition from scene to scene
without having to work at it. Recently it’s become fashionable to
boldface your scene headers, and some programs are auto-set to do
that. But it’s neither a requirement nor that commonplace, so do it if
you like, or don’t. We prefer the cleaner, nonboldface look.
The scene header is followed by a double space, then what is known as
the narrative, narration or business. Screenplay narrative describes
the physical action as well as the location and mood. The purpose of
narrative is to make your reader see the movie. Narrative is single-
spaced and aligned to the widest paragraph margin, 1½ inches from
the left edge of the page and 1 inch from the right. Do not justify the
right margin.
Here is a scene heading followed by narrative:
A chain of old Chicago row houses, shackled
together with common walls and porches. A
solid sequence of Sears siding and shutterless
windows stretches to the horizon, a dank
cutout of the city’s nightline.
Narrative is kept brief, written in present tense and broken into short,
readable paragraphs. (Chapter 12 is devoted to writing good
narrative.) Within the narrative there are two elements that are
usually capitalized. Character names are written in caps the first time
the character appears in the screenplay, but not in subsequent scenes,
unless the character is actually going to be played by another actor.
For instance, if we meet SAM as a child, and later we come back to him
as an adult (second actor), we would again write SAM in caps.
Secondly, sounds (music or sound effects) may also be capitalized in
the narrative:
KONIGSBERG closes his eyes and with a flinch
squeezes the trigger. CLICK! A dud.
Capping sounds can serve to give them emphasis, but in fact the
practice survives from the old studio days, when contract writers sent
their scripts straight into production. Capping quickly alerted the
production and postproduction sound crews to music and sound
effects in the script, and it remains a standard feature on all shooting
scripts. While it is not necessary in a spec, many older writers still
capitalize sounds out of habit. Many younger writers do not. This one’s
your choice.
Character Headings
Character names are placed on the line immediately preceding the
dialogue, and are capped and indented 4 inches from the left-hand
side of the page. They are never centered. Character names are
followed by a single space, after which comes either the dialogue or a
Dialogue is indented and left-justified 3 inches from the left edge of
the page and approximately 2 inches from the right. It’s single-spaced
below the character heading and is not right-justified. Here is an
example of character heading and dialogue:
Today the U.S. Court of Appeals set
aside the conviction of Dr. Benjamin
Spock, author of ‘The Common Sense
Book of Baby and Child Care.’ Dr.
Spock was arrested and convicted of
conspiracy to counsel draft
Hey, Mark. Come on, buddy. It’s
Hey, Mark. Come on, buddy. It’s
Mark, they’re closing up. Let’s go.
_________________________Page Break
You do not want a page break to interrupt a sentence; the break should
occur at the end of a sentence. If you have a very long sentence and
have no choice but to interrupt it, add an ellipsis to the end of the last
line on the bottom of the outgoing page and to the beginning of the
dialogue at the top of the next page:
Today the U.S. Court of Appeals set
aside the conviction of Dr. Benjamin
Spock, author of ‘The Common Sense
Book of Baby and Child Care’. . .
_________________________Page Break
Widow Control
A “widow” is a character heading or scene header that is left by itself at
the bottom of a page, while the dialogue or narrative continues on the
next. This is a widowed scene header:
_________________________Page Break
Guards inspect Frederick Shapiro’s briefcase.
His starched collar and gold tie-pin set him
apart from the usual public defenders who use
this gate.
Widows make a script look unprofessional, and can easily be avoided,
if you’re writing on a computer, by creating a format style in which the
scene header or character heading is always kept with the following
narrative or dialogue. (In Microsoft Word, for instance, there is a
“Keep With Next” command.) In any event, always check your script’s
pagination. If a scene header or character heading falls at the bottom
of a page and is separated from the narrative or dialogue on the
following page, move the character heading or scene header to the
next page.
A parenthetical, also known in slang as a “wryly,” is a small stage or
acting direction placed in parentheses between the character heading
and the dialogue. Parentheticals are usually indented 3½ inches from
the left edge of the paper. They are single-spaced and set one line
below the character heading:
Jim hugs Sam in an overly affectionate
embrace. Betty watches, annoyed.
I love you, man.
(to Betty, in French)
And of course, you too, my sweet.
Come on, buddy. It’s over.
Mark, they’re closing up. Let’s go.
Hey, Mark. Come on, buddy. It’s
Mark, they’re closing up. Let’s go.
It was the worst moment of my life.
I’d just lost the Superbowl. Not my
team. Me.
Telephone Calls
If you need to indicate a phone conversation in which the audience
does not hear the party on the other end of the phone, then use ellipses
to mark the moments when the off-camera party is speaking:
(on the phone)
No, you’re lying. He really asked
you to marry him? When?. . . You’re
joking!. . . What?
If we hear the other party speaking then indicate this by using O.S.
(Off Screen):
(on the phone)
No, you’re lying. He really asked
you to marry him? When?
SUE (O.S.)
This morning. In bed.
You’re joking!
SUE (O.S.)
I said no.
Seeing both characters talking can become clumsy, as you cut back
and forth between each scene. Instead you can shorthand the location
shifts by indicating an INTERCUT in the scene header, and describing
the action as if it were a single scene:
Bill dashes across the street to a corner
phone booth. He jams coins into the slot and
dials frantically, pressing his palm to his
free ear to shut out the traffic noise.
Come on, come on, pick up!
Joe? Joe, you gotta help me!
Who is this?
It’s your brother—who the hell do
you think? Joe, I’m in trouble.
Joe sits up, pushing the chips aside.
Bill? Where are you?
Foreign Languages
When a character speaks a foreign language, which you are in fact
writing in English so the reader can understand it, you indicate that
it’s a foreign language in the narrative or in parentheticals. If you are
going to use subtitles, then point this out in the narrative or in the
parentheticals as well:
The Nazi slaps Meyer, shouting at him in
German (subtitled):
I should kill you right now, but
that would be too easy. Stupid Jew,
you don’t even understand what I’m
saying, do you?
I understand you perfectly. And I
know you understand me. So why don’t
you take a look behind you?
(in German, subtitled)
I should kill you right now, but
that would be too easy. Stupid Jew,
you don’t even understand what I’m
saying, do you?
(in English)
I understand you perfectly. And I
know you understand me. So why don’t
you take a look behind you?
“Where am I?” is one of the first questions readers ask when they start
a novel or audience members wonder when the lights dim and a new
movie begins. Like emerging from a long tunnel or the effects of
anesthetic, we are disoriented, suddenly immersed in the light of a
new and unfamiliar place. This is especially true of movies, where we
sit in darkness while an immensely magnified “reality” unfolds before
us. A movie’s “world” includes the story’s season, geographic location,
physical environment and historical period. The world is as large as
outer space and as small as a candle flame. It can be as simple as
beginning a children’s fable, “Once upon a time, long ago,” or as
complex as the vast milieu of War and Peace. In many ways, the world
is like another character, with a distinctive appearance and identity,
acting upon and defining the course of the story. The world creates the
mood and defines the protagonist, the stakes and the antagonist.
(Sometimes the world is the antagonist, as in Alive or in disaster
movies.) There should be a sense that in this world, this story is the
essential conflict, and that your characters are the essential people;
conversely, we must feel that for this particular story and characters,
this is the essential world. A screenplay’s world is a critical part of its
characterization and exposition. Yet it is also the one element that is
most often taken for granted by beginning screenwriters.
Years ago, set designers for the theater simply painted the
background environment on two-dimensional flats or backdrops.
Doors, handles, windows, even furniture and trees were drawn or
painted on, and the actors performed in front of them without
interacting with them. These flats were made as generic as possible, so
that they could be used time and again, no matter which play was
being performed. Some screenwriters seem to approach the world of
their story the same way. They treat the environment as decoration or
ornamentation, not as a critical part of the story. They rely on dialogue
to tell us the emotions and journey of the characters, almost ignoring
the enormous emotional potential that the huge, glowing canvas of the
screen presents.
Yet every story and every character would change if we picked them
up and deposited them in a new environment. Imagine the Christmas
classic Miracle on 34th Street placed in the steamy South, or the chilly
moral fable Fargo or the ice-bound vampire scarefest 30 Days of
Night set in sunny Hawaii. Their stories, characters and possibly even
their themes would be transformed. Change the world and you change
the story and characters. Look at how even the most well-known and
dialogue-driven plays by Shakespeare are transformed when turned
into movies, set in new and unexpected locations: the politics of
medieval England become the harsh threats of modern fascism in the
Ian McKellen version of Richard III, and the early Renaissance feudal
struggle of Romeo and Juliet is transformed into an ultra-
contemporary gang war in the Leo DiCaprio version. The plots and
most of the dialogue are kept unchanged, and yet the change in world
drastically alters the tone and character of the stories. So these are the
critical questions a screenwriter must ask, right from the start: Have I
chosen the right world for my story and the right characters for that
world? How does this world affect and reflect my story and characters;
how do my story and characters affect and reflect the world?
Audiences want to be transported to someplace new and wonderful, or
be shown the familiar in an unfamiliar way. Obviously, a movie that
takes place in a visually stimulating environment will be more eye-
catching than one that does not. But spectacular settings alone do not
create a meaningful world. A screenplay full of wild parties, stadiums
jammed full of screaming fans and wonderful island sunsets might
dress the scenes, but will not necessarily make for an interesting story.
The setting of each scene must reflect an overall sense of the larger
world of the story, and work to advance the latent emotions and
thematic possibilities that world presents. Some films go so far as to
get their title from their world: Titanic, Halloween, Journey to the
Center of the Earth, Escape from New York, The Abyss, The Hills
Have Eyes, Wall Street. The world is the playing field that defines the
rules and the nature of the game.
When the world reflects the story, it assists by providing important
ambiance, perspective, tone and context in which each particular
scene takes place. In Sling Blade, for instance, each scene—from
mental hospital to small southern town—strongly affects how Karl
Childers talks, lives his life and makes decisions. The same is true for
Forrest Gump, or for Bad Blake in Crazy Heart. In Sense and
Sensibility, Slumdog Millionaire, Winter’s Bone, and The King’s
Speech, for instance, the worlds dictate a code of behavior that directly
influences each character’s ability to speak and take action—and the
consequence of each action is made clear by the setting within which
the characters live. Their social life is visible in the texture of their
surroundings (in other words, their environment), and everything
from the carefully maintained homes to the rolling seaside vistas or
crowded slums or bleak, rural Appalachia tell us what is and is not
possible for them.
The world can also affect a story by supplying sources of conflict,
throwing traps or roadblocks in the path of a character’s success. And
only the perfect character, with just the right abilities, can overcome
them or reflect their larger meaning. In Avatar, the alien planet forces
the hero to literally inhabit a different physical body, which in turn
transforms his inner nature as the story progresses. In Dog Day
Afternoon, the police corner two incompetent robbers in a Brooklyn
bank. The mundane environment of the bank is simultaneously the
source of their hopes (to get money) and of their despair: they are as
securely sealed inside as the money they came to steal. The world here
is a claustrophobic snare that forces the characters to confront
themselves and their desires. In Alfred Hitchcock’s Rear Window,
Jimmy Stewart’s character is trapped by a broken leg, which reduces
his world to what he can see from his window. This limitation forces
him to become a voyeur and distorts and enlarges his judgment and
imagination until he isn’t sure what is real any more. In The Last
Picture Show, teenagers are entangled by the small minds and limited
expectations of a tiny Texas town. The dusty streets, drab houses,
cheap amusements and limitless, barren plains that surround them
define the frustrations and futility of their lives. In The Poseidon
Adventure and Titanic, a wrecked luxury ocean liner literally turns the
characters’ world upside down and forces them to fight their way to
freedom. In Saw, the world is reduced to a single, abandoned
bathroom in which the terror plays itself out. In each of these
examples the world is the background for, as well as the source of, the
essential conflict, trapping the characters into confronting their
desires and limitations in a way they would not normally do. Without
their worlds, their stories simply would not exist.
Characters grow out of a specific environment, which they understand
and which defines and reveals their personalities. This is particularly
true of the character’s personal surroundings: their home, office, car,
room, or any location directly related to one particular personality.
Characters’ tastes, lifestyles, incomes, jobs, educations and
temperaments can be seen in their environment, the elements of
which create a kind of indirect characterization. We know who they
are because we see where and how they live.
Consider sound as part of your characters’ world, as well. Where
Blow-Up and One Hour Photo are intensely visual stories about
voyeuristic protagonists, The Conversation, Children of a Lesser God
and Blow-Out are about characters whose lives are defined by sound
(or its absence). In Woody Allen’s Annie Hall, the constant roar from
the Coney Island rollercoaster above the protagonist’s childhood home
creates a funny metaphor for the noisy circus of his life.
You want to find those few significant details that depict and
individualize the character. How is the personal environment in or out
of harmony with the character? Look at Joan Wilder’s apartment in
Romancing the Stone: It is feminine, with a pampered cat, little
bottles of airplane booze and Post-it notes reminding her of other
Post-it notes to remind her of what she has forgotten to do. From this
environment we can guess many particulars of her personality and life
—that Joan Wilder lives alone (the pampered cat), she is a romantic
(the feminine features of the apartment, contrasting with the
masculine, elusive poster illustration of her book), she travels a lot
(the tiny airplane liquor bottles) and has a hectic schedule and
nonlinear mind (the Post-it notes on Post-it notes). And not a word
needs to be spoken to give us all this. In 50/50, right at the start we
see Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s character, Adam, decide not to cross the
street when the Don’t Walk light is on. He’s a careful young man who
takes good care of himself, which creates the irony of the situation
when he’s diagnosed with cancer.
A Stranger in a Strange Land
Often the world is a major source of conflict by being in direct contrast
to the characters: rather than reflecting them, it clashes with them.
When the protagonist finds herself a stranger in a strange land,
suddenly ill-equipped to understand or handle its challenges, it is
known as a fish-out-of-water story. Characters may travel to
unfamiliar territory, or realize they don’t really understand the place
they’ve considered home, in which case they find themselves lost, “fish
out of water.” The whole premise of these pictures is to take a
particular character and place her or him in an environment that is in
direct contrast to his or her personality. In Romancing the Stone, the
exotic and dangerous world of Wilder’s dreams (hinted at by the
poster) becomes real when she goes into the South American jungle.
By leaving her cozy New York environment, she’s become a fish out of
water. But she’s still exactly the right character for the story, because
we’ve been clued in to her romantic personality—even her name
indicates that there is a “wilder” side of her that will ultimately
emerge. In 50/50, Adam becomes a fish out of water when illness
changes every aspect of his previously normal world; his girlfriend
cheats on him, his intolerable and ignored mother becomes essential,
and his sloppy, crude best friend turns out to be the most sensitive
soul around. Beverly Hills Cop made a star out of Eddie Murphy with
his turn as a tough Detroit cop pursuing a criminal to toney Beverly
In The Devil’s Advocate, Keanu Reeves’ character is a successful
southern lawyer who takes his small-town wife to live in an expensive
New York apartment building that just happens to be owned by the
Devil. Not only is their apartment foreign to her, but the whole world
of upscale New York, with its corrupt sensualism and deal-making
parties, comes into direct conflict with her innocent personality. Her
new world—the world of the Devil—literally causes her to lose her
mind. The same is true of the foolishly idealistic American actress
played by Diane Keaton in The Little Drummer Girl, who finds herself
lost and betrayed in the labyrinthine world of Middle Eastern
espionage. In Crocodile Dundee a big city reporter is plunked down in
the strange environment of the rugged Australian outback, while the
backwoods hero she meets there is later equally out of place in the
urban world of New York City; similarly, Coogan’s Bluff took Clint
Eastwood’s cowboy sheriff from Arizona into the wilds of the Big
Apple. In Being There an illiterate, childlike gardener enters the
foreign world of Washington, D.C., politics. In Pretty Woman a hooker
finds herself in the contrasting world of the Beverly Hills ultra-rich.
The most obvious fish-out-of-water story is of course Splash, which
places a mermaid on dry land. In each of these, the screenwriter has
created a character and a world that are in direct conflict; this is the
lifeblood of a screenplay.
The world of the story, therefore, can have a variety or combination
of effects. When you ask, “Is this the best location for a scene or
story?,” you’re really asking a number of questions:
How does this world affect my characters?
How do my characters affect this world?
Does this world reveal the nature of my characters?
How is my story affected by this world?
How is this world affected by my story?
Does this world reflect the theme of my story?
How does this world affect the theme of my story?
Is this world visually interesting?
If you have a good answer to each of these questions, then you’ve
probably found your world.
Contrast is at the heart of all art—in fact, of all perception. Put your
hand in water and slowly warm it, and you may end up boiling yourself
without realizing it. Thrust your hand into hot water and you take
immediate notice, in the form of pain. We don’t take notice of the
myriad small sounds that drone around us constantly as “noise”—but
when a sharply contrasting sound like a doorbell or a voice appears, it
creates “information” and we take notice. The same thing goes for
what we see. We crave contrast; without it, there is no way to establish
perspective, boundaries or imagery. Contrasting objects define one
another, create positive and negative space, foreground and
background, information. How this information is presented defines
the mood and effect of the image. Rembrandt and Caravaggio used
exaggerated light sources to cast deep shadows, their dark
backgrounds in sharp contrast to their subjects, in order to intensify a
mood of mystery and contemplation. Picasso often flattened space and
defined his subjects with hard outlines and bold color elements to
emphasize design and subvert natural perspective. Rodin gave his
bronze sculptures shimmering, faceted surfaces to intrigue the eye and
emphasize the underlying form. Magritte and Dali used extremely
naturalistic techniques to paint impossible or dreamlike images that
challenged rational assumptions about our perception of the world. A
screenwriter can create the same kinds of effects by contrasting the
characters and/or the actions of the scene with each other, and with
the world in which they exist. Visual—and aural—contrast can make a
rather bland scene interesting. A man reading a book in a quiet room
is bland. A man reading a book in a noisy construction site is
When the screenwriter draws a sharp and deliberate contrast
between apparent and intended meaning, we have visual irony. The
most uninteresting scene can become powerful, even memorable. In
Harold and Maude, a rather bland scene in which a casket is loaded
into a hearse after a funeral is made extraordinary by having it take
place while a marching band booms past. In Jaws, the fun of a summer
beach contrasts with the terror of a shark attack only a few yards away.
In Blues Brothers, a rather generic car chase is made original by
having it take place inside a mall crowded with shoppers. All of these
contrasts reflect what the movies are about. The contrast between the
sorrow of a funeral and the inappropriate exuberance of the marching
band perfectly reflects Harold and Maude’s theme of life’s joy
overcoming death’s shadow. The element of danger lurking beneath
the surface of everyday life reflects the theme of Jaws, that human
control is an illusion, masking a deeper, primordial chaos in the world
and in our own subconscious. The Blues Brothers’ car chase in the
mall reflects the theme of joyous anarchy, of inspired insanity
puncturing the humdrum commercialism of everyday life. In Avatar, a
paraplegic soldier in a hyper-mechanistic mercenary unit is given the
freedom to run again by becoming his Avatar in an alien, primordial
world that he ironically at first helps to attack, and then in another
ironic twist helps to defend by becoming the kind of legendary
primitive warrior who can, essentially, tame the most terrifying of
flying dinosaurs.
A student of ours wrote a screenplay about two medical students
who fall in love. The writer had a scene in which one student asks the
other for a first date. This scene occurred in a mental hospital hallway,
and was rather bland; he asks her out, she says no. There was nothing
to make the scene unique. While the world of the scene—the mental
hospital—held possibilities, they were not used to full advantage. The
environment did not reflect or affect the characters or action and so it
did not help tell the story:
Richard sees Leslie near the water cooler. He
confidently strides up.
So, how would you like to go out
tonight? We’ll start off with a mud
bath, maybe play some laser tag.
You’re not my type.
Why’s that?
I don’t date patients.
So, how would you like to go out
tonight? We’ll start off with a mud
bath, maybe play some laser tag.
You’re not my type.
Why’s that?
I don’t date patients.
Just let me have Kevin. I’ll leave
you alone.
Oh, demands.
Unmarked gun. Good-bye, asshole.
Be good to my kid.
I’ve been screwing your wife since
you married her! What the hell makes
you think Kevin is yours?
I’ll leave you alone.
Oh, demands.
Unmarked gun. Good-bye, asshole.
Be good to my kid.
I’ve been screwing your wife since
you married her! What the hell makes
you think Kevin is yours?
Where are you going? You have no
money. No place to stay. Kasey,
you’re just a child in a grownup’s
Do me a favor and get that bastard.
Why didn’t you speak up? Why did you
stand there and not say a word?
I don’t know. I’m scared of him,
Screw off, Norman.
Kasey, I don’t think you should do
Are you trying to tell me I can’t
take care of myself?
I didn’t say that.
But you thought it.
You do act a little young for your
I do not. I am an adult!
You still play with dolls.
I collect them!
I’m sorry.
Do me a favor and get that bastard.
Kill him if you have to!
Why didn’t you speak up? Why did you
stand there and not say a word?
I don’t know. I’m scared of him,
Screw off, Norman.
Meet John Doe
All right, you have a great premise, your “world” is well thought-out,
the story is coming along, and you have all sorts of exciting scenes in
mind. And yet you can’t help feeling that something is wrong.
More than likely, your problem is character. Not your own—the
ones you didn’t develop well enough in the beginning to carry your
story. Often, new screenwriters spend too much time plotting out the
events of a script without thinking much about the characters who
create those events. They worry, “What happens next?” rather than,
“Who is this guy, and what would he make happen next?”
“But wait,” you say, “how do I even know who my characters ought
to be until I know my story? Or is it vice versa? Is story more
important than characters, or are the characters more important than
the story?” Good questions all.
Aristotle argued 2,300 years ago in Poetics (required reading at all
film schools) that character is less important than story. He felt that a
story should be conceived first and then characters fabricated to carry
it out. His logic was that a dramatic story is an imitation of a course of
action in life, not of any particular person: “The drama interests us,
not predominantly by its depiction of human nature, but primarily by
the situations and only secondarily by the feelings of those therein
involved.” More recent writers tend to feel that Aristotle put the cart
before the horse. Without great characters, the argument goes, you
don’t have a story worth caring about. Early screenwriter John
Howard Lawson pointed out that a story “may contain a duel in every
scene, a pitched battle in every act, and the spectator be sound asleep,
or be kept awake only by the noise.” Or even worse, be heading for the
In The Art of Dramatic Writing (also required reading in all film
schools), Lajos Egri grumbles, “What would the reader think of us if
we were to announce that we had come to the conclusion that honey is
beneficial to mankind, but that the bee’s importance is secondary, and
that the bee is therefore subsidiary to its product?” According to Egri,
the bee is the character, and its product the story.
The question for Aristotle is, how can a story be interesting without
multi-dimensional characters to make us care what happens in it? And
yet Egri seems to forget that without a well-constructed story, even the
best characters will wander around as aimlessly as, well, bees. Both
methods—putting story ahead of character, or character ahead of story
—can lead to critical failure. Go too far one way and you end up with a
formula Hollywood plot machine whose characters are mere puppets
in the action; go too far the other way, and you get a French film (at
least, the kind in which people meander through their day, talking
endlessly, without any apparent point). Somewhere in the middle
lurks the unique, involving story for which you’re hoping.
So what’s a writer to do? If they’re both of equal importance, which
do you concentrate on first? This is more than just a chicken-and-egg
argument, it is at the heart of the storytelling process.
The answer must be to create both story and character
simultaneously. They are forever tied together and define one another
in the process of their creation. At its most basic, a story is characters
in action, while characters are defined by the actions they take. You
must know your characters as you plot their action, in order to know
what actions they would naturally take in any given circumstance. And
you must simultaneously know what you want your story to be about,
because it provides the circumstances that motivate your characters’
Characters differ from one type of storytelling to another. In novels,
short stories, cartoons, sitcoms and operas, not only does the writer
approach a character differently, but the characters are different in
kind. Each form of storytelling has limits and approaches as to how
the characters are revealed. The novelist can delve into the personal
history and thoughts of a character through inner monologue or third-
person description. Operatic characters are revealed by the role of
their voices—tenor as hero, basso as villain—and are allowed long
expository arias.
Screen characters must reveal themselves through action, the
outward manifestation of that which is within. They come to life not
when they feel and think, but when they act—when they say and do
things that reveal their thoughts and feelings. It is not enough for
them to be, or to merely contemplate—at least not if they are major
characters whose purpose is to push the story forward. For thousands
of years playwrights have used the word “action” to define character
and story. In a broad sense, action means simply “to do.” Actions are
the characters’ deeds, their response to the existing circumstances of
the story, which in turn affect the future course of the story. Therefore,
the character who does the most defines that course.
But action alone is not enough to create a gripping story: it must
have a goal, and it must encounter opposition. In other words, it must
be dramatic action. There must be conflict and important stakes
hanging on its outcome. There is no interest in watching someone run
a race alone. The character—a young woman, let’s say—is taking
action, but there are no stakes unless someone is pursuing her, or she
is pursuing someone else, or she is desperate to outrun her own best
time for some reason with which we can empathize (in which case she
is in conflict with herself). If there is inner conflict, dramatic action is
its outward expression. Dramatic action can mean fighting to
overcome the inertia of one’s own fears or limitations, or it can mean
resisting the flow of other characters’ desires and actions. Dramatic
action can mean acting when action is not allowed, taking a stance
against authority, expressing an unpopular opinion. It can be shown in
an armed encounter or a quiet kiss, as long as it is an act of intention
and as long as it has consequences.
Dramatic action, then, occurs when a character decides to do
something either because of or in spite of the consequences. This is
also the problem with trying to write your characters as “real people.”
While everyone takes dramatic action now and then, most of us go
about most of our lives trying to avoid conflict. We receive an
unjustified parking ticket and we pay rather than go to court. Our boss
insults us and we bear it rather than confront him. We stay at home
rather than face the raging storm outside. Most real people try to
maintain the status quo, occasionally want or feel deeply about
something, but only rarely do anything about it. This is deadly on
screen, because until we can see characters do or say something that
changes their circumstances or their world, there is no way to get a
handle on them, or care about them. Unlike real people, screen
characters are willing to force the issue, to engage in conflict, to take
dramatic action—which is why we pay to watch them. They are
metaphors. They do what we only dream.
Therefore, screen characters shouldn’t necessarily feel like real
people, but rather they should feel real within the context of the world,
the theme, the goals and the conflicts you’ve created for them. All
characters are abstracts from reality, and in movies their personalities,
actions and placement within the story reflect and are determined by
the function they serve.
It’s not enough to ask, “Who are your characters?” You must also ask
why they’re in the story at all. How do they—who they are, what they
are—reflect and express the central theme? What drives them? What
are the sources of conflict between them? How much do we really need
to know about them? Most importantly, are they essential to the story?
Why are these the best, indeed the only, characters with which to
populate this particular story? A character without a function does not
belong in your screenplay. Each must serve a unique purpose, and
have a unique temperament and focus, a reason why the story would
be less effective, or even collapse, without him or her.
The Tweedledee and Tweedledum Problem
In acting there is a movement known as a double gesture. This is when
an actor gestures with both hands in exactly the same way: both hands
pointing, both hands pleading, both accusing. This is considered a
weak gesture, because both hands are expressing the same emotion.
One of the first things actors learn is that a single gesture or two
contrasting gestures are more powerful than a double gesture. The
same is true in writing. If two characters have similar functions and
personalities, then a strong case can be made for eliminating one,
combining them into a single character or figuring out how to
differentiate them (unless you’re creating a specific, usually comic
effect, like having twins who always speak at the same time, but these
are usually really one character). For example, suppose you’re writing
a Western. You’ve got two bad guys, train robbers. Both are mean,
quick to kill and cunning. Because they are similar, chances are you
could eliminate one train robber and in the process make the story
stronger, or you could give each a unique function and temperament.
This could be done by making one of the bad guys the chief antagonist
and the other his sidekick. Now the chief bad guy becomes the brains
of the operation, while the other does the dirty work. This leads to
conflict because one wants to hit the train and get out fast, while the
other is having too much fun intimidating the passengers. Now both
bad guys have separate purposes and temperaments; they come into
conflict and move the story forward in unique ways.
Another important reason why no two characters should have
similar temperaments, desires or functions is that such characters are
not apt to clash, so there will be less conflict (see Chapter 7, Power and
Conflict). In order to avoid this problem, make sure that there are
never two characters who consistently sympathize or agree. Again,
such conflict should not be arbitrary or imposed upon them, but grow
out of their natural differences and the different purposes they serve in
the screenplay.
When determining the differences and functions of each of your
characters, think about what actions they will take to move the story
forward, and why. Is the character a mentor, who provides advice and
wisdom to your protagonist? Is she an ally who helps carry out the
protagonist’s (or antagonist’s) plan? Is he a false ally who appears to
act on the protagonist’s behalf, but in fact is betraying her to the
antagonist? Is he a “threshold guardian,” whose purpose is to warn the
protagonist away from his course of action, or even impede it? Does
the character drive a subplot? Or does the character represent us, the
audience, as a “fly on the wall,” watching and interpreting the actions
of the protagonist? (Many of these functions apply across genres. See
Chapter 11 for more on specific character functions in different kinds
of stories. For another excellent and much more complete analysis of
character functions in a “hero’s journey” or quest story, see Chris
Vogler’s The Writer’s Journey.)
The Main (Wo)man (Protagonist)
The protagonist is the central character, the hero, the Big Enchilada,
the principal figure around whom the screenplay is written and the
one with whom the audience can identify or empathize. The word
“protagonist” comes from ancient Greek drama and referred to the
first actor to engage in dialogue or action (literally, the first
combatant), but it soon came to mean the principal player. This
remains true today. Because of this, the protagonist is introduced early
on, although many movies actually start with the antagonist instead, to
set up the stakes and the problem that the protagonist must face.
Some movies also keep the audience waiting on purpose, to create a
sense of suspense or anticipation: when will we finally meet the guy
everyone’s been talking about? In such cases, even though absent
physically, the protagonist may be present in the form of the
anticipation his impending approach inspires in others. This is a
classic technique in Westerns, detective and action movies. Others
may introduce the protagonist as a surprise: the world is in chaos, no
one knows what to do, when suddenly the hero rides into town.
The vast majority of movies have a single protagonist, but
occasionally there are two who work in tandem, as in Butch Cassidy
and the Sundance Kid or Thelma & Louise. These are known as
“buddy movies.” Even more rare are “ensemble movies” such as The
Big Chill, Gosford Park, Love Actually or Crash, in which there are
many protagonists. Buddy and multi-protagonist movies generally
have one protagonist who is more important than the others. For
example, in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Butch is the more
important of the two because he is the main decision-maker. Sundance
is the muscle. In Lethal Weapon, Danny Glover’s character is more
important than Mel Gibson’s because the enemy is from Glover’s
(Murtaugh’s) own Vietnam war past, and it’s his daughter’s life at
stake. Buddy and ensemble movies can be difficult to write, so if you
are writing your first screenplay, you may want to start simple, with a
single protagonist story.
Often (almost always in crime or action thrillers) the antagonist will
initiate the conflict or create the situation that forces the protagonist
to respond. In other words, the protagonist enters a situation created
by the antagonist: for instance, in a detective story the killer may
already have taken action by committing a murder, and now the
detective reacts by determining to solve the crime. The antagonist may
or may not specifically target the protagonist, but once the conflict is
engaged it becomes personal. The murderer may not even know about
the detective, but once he does, the story focuses on their conflict.
James Bond only takes action in reaction to a plot already initiated by
the evil mastermind, who usually does not start out by targeting Bond,
but is forced to do so once Bond goes after him. In Avatar, the
corporation’s plan to rape Pandora of its natural resources is already
underway when Jake gets recruited, and at first he’s fighting for the
wrong side. It isn’t until halfway through that he switches sides and
takes the fight to his former commander.
It’s often said, inaccurately, that the protagonist has to drive the
conflict from the start. This is occasionally true, but more often the
protagonist needs to be forced into reacting, may (often does) have
second thoughts about getting involved, and then eventually drives the
conflict. For instance, in Casablanca, usually considered one of the
two or three greatest films of all time, Rick (Humphrey Bogart)
famously refuses to take action or “stick his neck out for anyone” until
two-thirds of the way into the film. It takes him that long to react to
what’s happening and overcome his personal demons, which represent
an internal conflict he’s fighting rather than the external confrontation
with Major Strasser and the Nazis. However, by the time Rick does
decide to enter the fray, the audience is cheering for him and, having
defeated his internal antagonist (himself), he is the one who drives the
conclusion of the larger conflict against Major Strasser. Other
characters may make the situation intolerable, they may abuse or
prod, but the main action, and therefore main conflict, is ultimately
the protagonist’s. What you do not want is a protagonist who remains
passive or reactive throughout.
Even when the protagonist’s main action seems to be running away
from something, he or she should also eventually be running toward
something. In The Fugitive, although Dr. Richard Kimble is running
away from the federal marshal, he is simultaneously running back to
Chicago, acting to solve the murder of his wife and prove his own
innocence. In North by Northwest, the classic Hitchcock thriller about
a businessman who is mistaken for a spy, Cary Grant is not just
running away from James Mason and his thugs, but pursuing his goal
of freeing Eva Marie Saint. In Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind,
Jim Carrey’s character is running away from the pain of his past
relationship with Kate Winslet, but also running toward trying to
recover what he’s erased from his mind (their love). The difference
may seem subtle, but it can distinguish an interesting protagonist from
one who seems to be nothing but a victim. A protagonist may be a
victim or at least an underdog, and often is; this is often how the folks
in the audience feel and why they relate to the protagonist. But the
whole point of the story is for the protagonist to eventually be willing
to fight back, seek revenge or move toward a definite goal, so that the
audience is empowered by vicariously participating in the
protagonist’s action.
Lastly, the audience must be able either to identify, or at least
empathize with or relate to, the protagonist. You want them to root for
the protagonist. If the protagonist is too headstrong, aggressive,
powerful or self-absorbed, the audience will lose interest unless you
give them a reason to remain engaged, some deeper merit to the
character that shines through. Then, even apparently despicable
protagonists such as Steve Buscemi’s Nucky Thompson in Boardwalk
Empire, Jane Fonda’s prostitute in Klute or even Jack Nicholson’s
loathsome writer in As Good as It Gets will engage the audience’s
sympathies and they will root for them. Even if you are writing about
an extraordinary hero, there must be something to which everyday
people can relate. This is done by giving the protagonist a
vulnerability: he or she is an underdog in the contest with the
antagonist. This vulnerability may reveal itself as a comic or character
flaw, or it may be shown in the virtue of the protagonist’s goal or the
difficulty of the struggle to attain it.
But this is only half the equation: the audience must feel the same
emotional investment in the protagonist’s success as the protagonist
does, and this investment comes from understanding and approving
the protagonist’s struggle. Empathy comes when the protagonist’s
motivation is clear, laudable and plausible. The audience should be
able to say, “If I were the protagonist, in this situation I would have
similar feelings and wish I would have the courage, strength or
motivation to take the same actions.”
When the protagonist takes dramatic action—as he or she must—it
must be action with consequences, especially for the protagonist, but
that also affect others. Your protagonist should have more to lose or to
gain than anyone else in the screenplay, except for those who depend
on him or perhaps the antagonist. Only a weak or selfish protagonist
fights for his life or well-being alone; these are low stakes, unless
you’re writing a light comedy, or the character is alone in his or her
jeopardy (as in The Naked Prey, 127 Hours, or The Most Dangerous
Game). The protagonist should also fight on behalf of others whose
lives or well-being will suffer without his taking action. Obviously,
these others have as much to lose as the protagonist, but the
responsibility is the protagonist’s alone, and his or her success or
failure is proportionately increased by the stakes that the other
characters represent. In the classic Western High Noon, the
townspeople are faced with having their town overrun by a gang of
outlaws, but it’s Gary Cooper, the protagonist, who puts his life at
stake to stand between the opposing forces and save the townspeople.
Even in a light comedy like Liar, Liar, Jim Carrey’s stakes (he might
lose his family) are multiplied by the potential unhappiness of others
(his family might lose him). In Dodgeball, Vince Vaughn’s need to
triumph over Ben Stiller is not only personal, but affects the happiness
of the entire community of his gym. The protagonist who takes action
against a sea of troubles but has nothing personally at stake in the
outcome is not as interesting as the protagonist who stands to lose his
own life, love or honor. The protagonist who fights only on his own
behalf is less interesting than one who risks sacrificing herself on
behalf of others.
The Heavy (Antagonist)
The antagonist is the person, place or thing standing in opposition to
the protagonist, in the way of his or her achieving the goal. The
antagonist can be a human, animal, an act of nature or can even be
something supernatural. It can also be the protagonist’s inner conflict
or character flaw, such as alcoholism or self-doubt (see Power and
Conflict, Chapter 7). The antagonist must appear more powerful than
the protagonist and be in a position in which compromise is
impossible. If the antagonist is weak, the conflict will also be weak.
A common mistake young screenwriters make is not fully
developing the character of the antagonist. An undeveloped antagonist
is boring. In good scripts, the antagonist (or the circumstance of
conflict) is at least as complex as the protagonist, if not more so, which
is what makes their contest so involving. As noted, the antagonist’s
plan is often what sets the stage for the central conflict. Professor
Moriarty is more than the equal of Sherlock Holmes, and more
complex in his motives. In The Hurt Locker, Jeremy Renner’s
addiction to the adrenaline rush of war is really his “antagonist,” and
its seduction is what drives and defines him. The screenwriter must
find the antagonist’s character arcs, dominant emotions, history, traits
and “positive” motivations (the rationale by which he or she justifies
his or her actions), or else fully define the circumstances that create
the conflict for your protagonist. The antagonist is most effective when
he is the dark doppelgänger of the protagonist, his shadow self, and
whom he is necessarily forced to confront because of his own nature:
in Star Wars, for instance, Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker’s father. In
Casablanca, Rick is his own worst enemy, his inner shadow-self
created by heartbreak and self-pity. The antagonist is often the one
character who reflects the personal aspects of the screenwriter that she
likes least about herself, and therefore is the most difficult to create—
unless the writer can look into her darkest and most contrary
impulses. So get inside what’s hidden in your own heart and mind, and
then have fun with it. And remember—that shadow self has its own
reasons for being there. From the shadow’s (the antagonist’s) point of
view, it’s acting correctly. Even Darth Vader or Goldfinger—even the
shark in Jaws—all think they’re doing the right thing from their point
of view. If the screenwriter does not find the strong motivations
behind the antagonist’s actions (or the rationale for the antagonistic
circumstances confronting the protagonist), the end result will be a
cheap, dull stereotype. A great screenplay always has a fully developed,
interesting antagonist.
Right Hand (Wo)man (Supporting Roles)
Supporting roles are exactly that: characters who support the main
characters. They are intrinsic to the story, but are not the main focus
or as fully explored as the protagonist or antagonist. However, even
though supporting characters are not the main focus, considerable
time should still be spent in developing them. The same steps taken to
develop a protagonist or antagonist must be taken with the main
supporting roles, although their motivations and actions can be less
complex. Supporting roles take action to support the protagonist or
antagonist, or act within a subplot that supports or contradicts the
main plot. A good example of the former is found in The Sting, where
all the supporting roles have unique characteristics and all have a part
in helping Robert Redford and Paul Newman pull off their elaborate
caper. Even the thugs who work for the antagonist are colorful and
complete. Steve Carell’s pals all conspire to help get him get laid in The
40 Year Old Virgin. Another example of characters who create a
subplot that mirrors the main story is found in Casablanca, where the
young Bulgarian bride is willing to sacrifice herself (by sleeping with
Captain Renault) in order to gain safe passage to America for herself
and her unwitting husband.
A Cast of Thousands (Minor and Background Characters)
Not all screen characters must be fully developed. The function of
minor characters is either to fill the world of the story, or to push the
story forward at a given moment and then disappear. Full character
development is not needed because it would pull attention away from
the main characters and upset the balance of your story. But that
doesn’t mean they should be faceless; even a walk-on should be given
one simple dominant trait or emotion to individualize him, keep the
story interesting on all levels and provide a specific visual description.
Minor characters are like the spice in the meal of the story; if they
aren’t individualized and entertaining, they and the story will become
flat. They might have a particular mannerism, special look, skill or
speech pattern, anything to make them unique.
It could be argued that in crowd scenes or scripts with large
numbers of cops or soldiers or students, there are plenty of minor
characters who seem interchangeable. But in such instances, they are
in fact there to fill the world with a single recognizable human
element, and can be thought of as a single character. For example, the
generic (non-starring) crew members in Star Trek are “expendables”
with no real personality or contact with the main characters; they’re all
pretty much the same, except insofar as their deaths or the threat to
their lives increases the stakes. But they fill the world and create a
revenge or hostage-saving motivation for the central characters. They
represent a life that must be saved or avenged.
Keeping Focused
When determining how much detail or emphasis to give any particular
character, an analogy may be helpful: movies are pictures, and in every
picture there are areas that are in focus and others that are less so. The
same is true of the characters within the movie. The leading roles
(protagonist and antagonist) are in sharp focus; they are the clear focal
points of the movie. The supporting roles are slightly less in focus, the
minor roles begin to look fuzzy, and finally the background characters
stand on the perimeter and are barely discernible. Or you can look at it
from the point of view of complexity, starting from the protagonist and
antagonist as the most complex and well-rounded characters and
going down to the simple and uncomplicated presence of the
background characters or extras. The point is that each character must
be clear and lively for the reader, but the secondary characters cannot
pull the focus away from the main characters, just as extras should not
“steal the scene” from the stars.
Whatever their function, in order for characters to take dramatic
action, they must be in a situation (story) in which something is at
stake, and also in which there is more than one option for them, so
they can make decisions. Dramatic action can only happen when the
characters have choices and are willing to make those choices. The
more important the choices, the higher the stakes, and the more
important and interesting the character. A character who is faced with
and makes difficult social, moral or ethical choices can’t help but be
Let’s look at character Bob Jones, a forty-year-old businessman.
Average height, middle class, decent, Bob has three young kids, a
mortgage, a receding hairline and is stuck in a rut. He can’t advance in
the company because he can’t work weekends. His routine is set, and
he lives with it. Bob is not a worthy screen character. Why? Because he
just exists, he doesn’t take action.
But what if one day Bob is robbed. After filing the police report,
he’s late for work. His boss reads him the riot act for being late. What
does Bob do? He goes back to his cubicle and finishes his work. He
swallows his pride, glad that at least he didn’t lose his job. He is safe.
How about now? Is Bob a worthy screen character? The answer here
is, “It depends.” True, he takes action, he keeps his job, but he makes
no decision to take dramatic action, or action that will change his
circumstances. This kind of character only works if his refusal to take
action is limited and later reversed (as in the sequence from Saving
Private Ryan where the young translator’s fears paralyze and prevent
him from rescuing his friend from a German soldier; his cowardice
later leads him to take action by executing the German). Or,
alternatively, the refusal to take dramatic action over the course of the
entire story might reflect the theme of the film. For instance, in
Remains of the Day, the butler’s tragic inability to seize the
opportunity for love condemns him to a life of loneliness. These
passive characters are tragic and express life’s limitations, which is
why they usually turn up in subplots, their lack of courage to act
contrasting with the protagonist’s willingness to do so. They are
reasonably common as protagonists in European films (La Dolce Vita,
for instance), but are rare as protagonists in American movies (other
than in small independents like The Low Life) because they express a
distinctly “can’t do,” and therefore un-American, attitude.
Going back to poor old Bob—what if, after being humiliated by his
boss, he quits on the spot, just up and quits? Tells his boss where he
can go, cleans out his cubicle and walks. Now Bob is looking more like
an American protagonist. He has taken action, but more, he has taken
a dramatic action that has great consequences. Notice that in either
case, what Bob does (his action) or doesn’t do defines his character
more than the fact that he is forty, a businessman with a mortgage and
a receding hairline. A perfect example of this kind of character is found
in The Truman Show, where a boring businessman suspects that his
whole world is a fraud. He quickly begins to take dramatic action,
investigating his house, setting up verbal traps for his wife and
neighbors. Eventually, he uncovers the truth and takes the most
dramatic action of all, leaving everything he knows in order to find the
real world outside.
Don’t Just Stand There! (Action/Reaction)
The necessities that make for good dramatic action are that the
character must eventually initiate action, not simply react to others or
the environment, and the action should cause circumstances to change
or another character to take action. While most characters, even the
protagonist, may start out by reacting to what’s going on around them,
strong characters at some point will instigate their own courses of
action to change their world; weak characters will remain merely
reactive to changes caused by others. For example, let’s take Sally, a
young woman on her way to her father’s funeral. Her father, a
respected leader in the community, molested her as a child. Her
mother never believed her. Sally enters the funeral parlor alone,
breaks down in tears, beats on his dead carcass and, sure that no one
else can hear her, spits out her pitiful accusation at the corpse. Unless
this leads to some later determination to change her life, Sally remains
a weak screen character, because she is simply reacting to the situation
in a way that has no consequences. We may feel sorry for her, but not
care much beyond that because she isn’t doing anything about her
pain. But what if, as the funeral starts, Sally insists on giving a eulogy
in which she tells the entire congregation about what her respected
father did? Or what if Sally walks up to the casket, but this time her
mother is with her? What if Sally opens her purse and takes out a large
set of scissors and, to her mother’s horror, slowly unzips his trousers,
performs a postmortem amputation and hands the item to her
mother? Her action fundamentally changes her father’s corpse as well
as her relationship with her mother. In these last scenarios, Sally
doesn’t merely react. She makes a conscious decision to take dramatic
action with deep consequences. Note that the final one is more
visceral, visual and personal, and therefore—although definitely more
objectionable—it is stronger cinematically. (It can be funnier, too, as in
graphically disgusting comedies such as There’s Something About
Mary.) It is important to have your characters take dramatic action,
and the more gripping, even visceral, the better.
Let’s look at another example. Let’s say Jack is a hard-working cop,
who one day finds out through the grapevine that his wife is sleeping
with his best friend and partner, Larry. Jack beats up Larry and then
divorces his wife. While his reaction of anger leads him to alter his life,
Jack is still a less-than-interesting screen character, because what he
does is mundane and predictable. Beating up Larry and divorcing his
wife are both reflexive reactions, more than decisive actions. But what
if Jack decides to seek a calculated revenge. He sets out to wine, dine
and sleep with Larry’s wife. True, now Jack acts, but it still isn’t very
inventive. But what if Jack—without letting Larry know he’s aware of
the affair—finds some excuse to move in with Larry; maybe he
arranges with their captain to have them both assigned to a long
stakeout. And then, by “casually” talking about how he met his wife,
how much he loves her, what they’ve planned to do when they retire,
Jack slowly talks Larry out of the affair. And then Jack returns to his
wife, never mentioning what he knows or has done. This character not
only acts decisively, but in an unpredictable and therefore fascinating
way. Or, what if—let’s say they live in Miami—Jack invites Larry to
join him and his wife scuba diving off his boat one day. He rigs their
regulators so they’ll run out of air without knowing it, and then, while
they are down in the water, he gets back on the boat and leaves them
there, miles from shore? What if, for good measure, he knows there
are sharks in the area, and pours buckets of blood he’s hidden onboard
into the water to attract the sharks to his unwitting victims before he
leaves? Not very noble or pleasant, but it is a conscious and inventive
plan. In short, the most compelling screen characters move under
their own power, they don’t only react to the power of others.
Made You Look! (Cause and Effect)
The strongest dramatic actions from a story point of view are those
that cause another character to take action. Cause and effect, stimulus
and response are the building blocks of any story. For example, let’s go
back to our businessman Bob with the receding hairline. What if Bob
went home and told his wife that he quit and she accepts it. His act
stands alone, it is a cause without an effect. On the other hand, if Bob
goes home, tells his wife, and she sets out to sleep with his boss
because his boss still has an income, or applies for Bob’s old job
herself, now it is a more effective dramatic action on the wife’s part.
Bob’s action has motivated her to take action. Action causing action
(as opposed to reaction) is at the heart of all stories.
Yet, an action will not be credible unless there is a deep, personal
and understood motivation behind it. Emerson said, “Cause and effect,
means and end, seed and fruit, cannot be severed; for the effect
already blooms in the cause, the end pre-exists in the means, the fruit
in the seed.” In story terms, this means that there must be a strong
foundation within the character that makes this particular action
possible, justifiable, even inevitable. In order to know the causes, you
must not only look to the circumstances surrounding your characters,
but to their own personal reasons for acting the way they do. Like
seeds awaiting rain and sunlight, the characters’ personalities and
needs are the origins of motivation, which grow into dramatic action
when the situation is right.
There are countless motivations: revenge, injustice, ambition,
haunting memories, sick relatives; that’s the easy part. The hard part
is knowing why one character will act upon the motivation while
another will not—why does one of two brothers seek revenge for the
murder of their father, while the other just wants to let it go? If you,
the writer, do not understand why your characters act upon their
motivations in the ways they do, then their actions will never appear
integral or justified. You’ll have one-dimensional characters who take
action, but for no compelling reason. This is just as pointless as a
character with plenty of motivation who does nothing. (Unless you are
after exactly those qualities, in which case you’d have created either a
hopeless scatterbrain or a resolutely passive-aggressive character, and
neither is attractive.) More often in novice screenplays, characters
appear and do things for no reason because the novice writer hadn’t
bothered to set one up. In other words, the writer didn’t really get to
know the characters. In order to do so, you’ve got to spotlight those
elements that define and differentiate your characters.
The spotlighted elements of a screen character are those that reveal
unique personality, and the needs and desires that cause the character
to take action. You have to get inside your character’s head and figure
out why she is doing what she’s doing in the context of this particular
conflict. To know a character well enough to make a strong evaluation,
we have to know all the elements that cause the character to make
decisions and take action. In order to gain that understanding, a
screenwriter can make a list of the character’s traits by asking a series
of questions about the general qualities of the character: physical,
sociological and psychological. The list creates a thumbnail sketch of
the character. A list of questions might look something like this:
What are the character’s hobbies?
What are the character’s mannerisms?
What are the character’s tastes?
What are the character’s political views?
What is the character’s career?
What is the character’s education?
What is the character’s occupation?
What is the character’s financial situation?
What are the character’s medical problems?
What does the character wear?
What are the character’s age and sex?
What is the character’s appearance?
What is the character’s health?
What are the character’s hopes, ambitions, fears?
What are the character’s morals?
What is the character’s class or status?
What are the character’s family relationships?
What is the character’s nationality?
What is the character’s religion?
What are the character’s ambitions?
What are the character’s disappointments?
What are the character’s inhibitions?
What are the character’s obsessions?
What are the character’s phobias?
What are the character’s superstitions?
What are the character’s talents?
What is the character’s philosophy?
What is the character’s temperament?
What was the character’s childhood like?
There are some screenwriting teachers who even recommend writing
long and detailed biographies of their characters, all the way back to
their birth, histories that take every facet into account. The problem is
that such lists or biographies can go on indefinitely, each question
leading to new ones, one past event suggesting another. But it’s all
wasted time if it doesn’t somehow affect your screenplay. Making a list
or biography ceases to be helpful if it becomes overwhelming; it can
paralyze and deflect you. And, frankly, an exhaustive biography is
neither realistic nor necessary. The sum total of a character is too
much for any writer or audience member to completely comprehend.
Even a commonplace character is too complex to be presented
effectively and convincingly in his or her entirety; perhaps James
Joyce’s great novel Ulysses came closest, and it isn’t even remotely
filmable (just check out the one attempt that was made).
We do not recommend this approach to anyone. Sure, it sounds
convincing theoretically to say, “When you know what your character
did in first grade, you’ll know why he’s doing something now.” But in
practice it’s utter nonsense—unless one specific and still powerfully
present thing happened back then, such as your character having
accidentally shot his father’s head off with what he thought was a toy
gun. That might be worth including if it affects his current state of
mind, but not whether he’d finally gotten potty-trained before
kindergarten. The goal of a screenwriter is not to reproduce a total
living person, but to create characters who give the impression that
they are living people within the confines of a particular story. You
must be selective.
The litmus test is simple. If a particular element of a character’s
history directly affects the character’s actions during the two-hour
course of the story—during the present—then it is important and
should be included. Everything in a movie is present tense: the action,
the narrative, even flashbacks are told as if they are happening now.
The same is true of your characters. If something in the past is
haunting a character, then it is present tense, because it is currently
haunting and affecting him and will be referenced either in a scene or
line of dialogue.
On the other hand, if a part of the character’s history—no matter
how colorful—isn’t directly affecting the here and now, then it doesn’t
belong and must be cut. For example, a recent student screenplay had
an important speech in which a lawyer regrets that years ago, during
his first case, he failed to get a conviction. The murderer left the jail
and murdered again. Yet, at no time in the screenplay did this memory
affect his judgment, give him pause or make him take a different
course of action than he would have without it. It was a fine little
speech, well written, but it did not affect the present course of the
story and so should have been cut, not only from the screenplay, but
from the character. It was useless clutter.
A screenwriter must turn the spotlight only on those characteristics
critical to the story, those things that create a unique identity and set
of needs and desires. So once you’ve begun your list or biography,
exercise your judgment and ask only those questions whose answers
will show up in your script.
Character vs. Characteristics
One important distinction to make, however, is between what your
characters appear to be, and who they are on a deep level.
Characteristics and character are two different things. Sometimes the
two coincide: the friendly old grandpa is just that, he looks like a
friendly old grandpa, and guess what, that’s who he is. However, what
if he has all the characteristics of the friendly old grandpa—white hair,
kind face, nice old pocket-watch, and so on—but in fact it turns out
he’s a ruthless, even evil mastermind? Max von Sydow plays this kind
of character in Minority Report, as does James Cromwell in L.A.
Confidential. In Gremlins and other similar fantasy comedies, what at
first appear to be sweet, cuddly little critters turn out to be horrible
little monsters. In other words, the characteristics are the surface
appearance, which can either accurately reflect the inner self or be a
mask disguising it. The more a character’s true self is hidden or
distorted by the mask she wears, often the more complex she can be
and the more interesting the revelations as the story progresses.
Something’s Missing (Needs, Motivations and Goals)
In order for desire or needs to exist—something that predisposes a
character to act upon a given motivation—there must be something
emotionally important missing from the character’s life, something
either taken away or not yet attained, but greatly desired in either case.
What is missing ties directly into the character’s goals and what the
character is willing to do (action) in order to achieve them. The greater
the missing element, the greater the need. The greater the motivation,
the greater the resulting action.
The key to understanding motivation is to look at it from the
character’s point of view and not the writer’s. A strong character is
always attempting to change a negative into a positive from his or her
perspective. In other words, the character is energized by certain
specific needs and desires, which motivate him or her to try and find a
positive action to counter a negative situation. Whether an event,
action or situation is “negative” or “positive” reflects the character’s
beliefs, not necessarily the writer’s. This applies to the protagonist,
antagonist, in fact all the characters.
This means that a character can commit an evil act based on a
strong “positive” motive. For example, you’re writing the role of an
antagonist, a terrorist who hijacks an airliner. A weak writer simply
makes the terrorist “evil” just because he is. Reason, desire, need,
motivation are glossed over in some brief exposition about him being
insane, or wanting to make a vague and clichéd religious/political
statement, or by showing him taking random cruel actions. A stronger
writer attempts to find the negative that the character hopes to turn to
a positive through the terrorist act. What has happened to the
character to make him think that hijacking a plane was the right thing
to do? Instead of being a cliché, the character acquires emotional
weight and reality when he has an exact and comprehensible reason
for an action, however misguided, which he believes will positively
affect the world from his point of view.
One classic example of such a character is found in Medea, the
great Greek tragedy about a woman who murders her children because
her husband has abandoned her for a younger princess. In Medea’s
mind, there are several positive reasons for murdering her children:
(1) it is better than letting her children starve to death in exile, and so
it is actually a loving act; (2) it will punish her husband, which is better
than having him go unpunished; and (3) it is better than letting her
children live and be a constant reminder of what their father did to
her. It is perhaps the most horrible action a person can take—to
murder one’s own children—but in Medea’s mind, it is a positive
action taken in the face of a negative situation.
Of course, such actions usually result in other negative
consequences. Although characters may believe that their destructive
means will justify their hoped-for ends, they may in fact discover that
they reach an end more in keeping with their chosen means: they are
themselves destroyed. More recently (by 2,500 years or so), in what is
generally considered to be one of the two or three greatest films of all
time, Orson Welles’ Citizen Kane, the protagonist destroys himself and
poisons his relationship with everyone for whom he cares through his
vanity and ambition. In the Godfather series, Michael Corleone has
first his brother-in-law and then his brother killed for betraying “the
family.” It is an intensely ironic, even perverse enforcement of family
loyalty, but in Michael’s world, it’s better than letting a disloyal family
member go unpunished. In the end, Michael discovers that his wife
has had an abortion rather than give him another son, his young
daughter is shot to death in front of him, and he eventually ends up
alone, without any family at all. Many of the best films noir feature
this kind of self-destructive protagonist, such as The Asphalt Jungle,
Out of the Past, and Night and the City. In It’s a Wonderful Life,
George Bailey attempts to kill himself rather than face the
disappointment of his family and a jail sentence for bank fraud; on a
deeper level it is his disappointment with his own life and the
unrealized dreams that he has subordinated to his responsibilities to
his family. Now he feels he has failed even in those. It’s his response to
a negative situation of unbearable pain. But here there’s a difference:
he isn’t really guilty of the bank fraud and he hasn’t failed in either his
responsibilities or his life. In fact, he’s a great guy, and his motivations
are later altered by seeing how valuable, how wonderful, his life really
has been. On a more comic note, in My Best Friend’s Wedding, Julia
Roberts’ character aims to prevent her best friend (a man) from
marrying another woman, which appears better to her than letting her
own long-denied love for him go unrealized. Finally she realizes that
her course of action is wrong: it’s too late, she blew it, and she’s only
brought pain to everyone and made a fool of herself. The Diablo Cody–
scripted Young Adult has a similar, though darker, plot: Charlize
Theron’s beautiful but unhappy Mavis becomes a near-psychotic
stalker when she learns that her high school boyfriend, now happily
married to someone else, is about to become a father.
All well-written characters, at any given moment—even when they
know they’re doing something wrong—think their action, given the
situation, is the right or only thing to do. They may be totally
misguided, they may end up doing more harm than good, even
bringing destruction down upon themselves, but their original impulse
comes from a desire to turn what they perceive as a wrong into what
they perceive as a right, a negative into a positive.
This brings up an important truth that flies in the face of a lot of
screenwriting “musts”: It is not necessary for us to “like” your
characters. Rather, we need to be fascinated by them, to understand
why they’re taking the actions they do, and that we get caught up in
their story because we want to know what on earth will happen.
That Can’t Be Me! (The Limits of Self-Knowledge)
Aristotle speaks of a character flaw as being an “error,” a “defect in
judgment” or “shortcoming in conduct,” especially in the greatest (i.e.,
tragic) characters. Similarly, screenplays are not about well-rounded
people who have perfect 20/20 vision concerning their lives, the lives
of others or their situations. The character’s point of view, like that of
the camera angle, is always limited and clouded by personal prejudice,
fears, hopes and desires. The characters are flawed, and too immersed
in their own life to have any objective perception. Characters must feel
their way, learn, adjust, fail and grow. Hamlet is capable of revenge,
but he doesn’t know that about himself; Charlie Sheen’s character in
Wall Street is greedy, but again (at least in the beginning) he is not
aware of it; Bill Murray’s character in Groundhog Day thinks of
himself as a hotshot reporter who doesn’t need anyone else—and who
goes to great lengths to let everyone around him know as much,
regardless of their feelings—but soon learns to despise himself and
tries to become worthy of love. Even Superman overestimates his
power, underreacts and makes mistakes. These mistakes are caused by
a lack of self-knowledge, overcoming which is at the heart of the story.
The key is to find the most critical, appropriate and characteristic
flaw or blindness. In the case of your protagonist, this flaw is an
exception to the character’s more dominant traits, at odds with them.
For example, John is a loving husband, an insightful stockbroker and
fair businessman, but he loses his temper behind the wheel of a car.
Valerie is a good lawyer, a strong advocate of women’s rights, but is
intimidated by her father. A mother may be a good provider and a
caring wife, but she is a workaholic. A cop may enjoy his work, be fair
and understanding, but he takes great risks. People do not know their
own limits. All characters have limits: limited self-endurance, limited
mental power, limited understanding. These limitations are known to
the author but not to the characters, or else they do secretly know
them but are afraid to confront them. In other words, the screenwriter
must know the characters better than the characters know themselves
and force them to confront their flaws. If a flaw is great enough to
destroy all hope of success, it is called a tragic flaw. When it is a
comical and/or harmless shortcoming, then it is called a comic flaw. In
the antagonist, however, the flaw may in fact be the most extreme
example of the character’s dominant traits, and the source of his
undoing: for instance, he may suffer from overwhelming pride, that
blinds him to defects in his plan, or be insanely jealous, which
compromises his judgment in taking action.
The actions that the characters take and the results they get
eventually reveal their own true natures to themselves and expose
what has been motivating, crippling or nurturing them. Once this is
known, the character flaw can be recognized and corrected and the
character made whole (or, in the case of a tragedy or of an antagonist,
the revelation may bring only pain and defeat). With this the conflict
ends, the goal is attained or lost forever and resolution quickly follows.
Getting Your Ghost (Unfinished Business)
A common variation on or aspect of the character flaw is what John
Truby and others have called the “ghost.” This is something that
haunts the character from his or her past, some baggage or unfinished
business that is so compelling that it cripples the character until it is
addressed. In Hamlet, for example, there is a literal ghost—the ghost
of Hamlet’s father—and the need to avenge his murder is what both
causes the action of the story and cripples Hamlet, who is torn by the
conflicting desire to take murderous action and his own gentle,
irresolute nature. In modern dramas (including comedies) the ghost
may also be the unresolved death of a loved one (Marathon Man, The
Fugitive, The Descendants), but it can also be an unhappy breakup
(Liar, Liar), a lost opportunity for love or success (Jerry MacGuire,
Dumb and Dumber, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind), having
been humiliated or disgraced (Rambo, The Verdict, The Fugitive
again) or some other debilitating factor from the past that preoccupies
the character until, over the course of the story, he or she is able at last
to put it to rest. In Ghost, what haunts the protagonist is why he was
turned into a ghost himself and how to resolve his interrupted
relationship with the woman he loves. The Sixth Sense and The Others
offer variations on this concept of the protagonists as their own ghosts.
Sometimes the ghost is known only through exposition; sometimes
there may be a prologue in which we see the ghost created (as in
Cliffhanger, Braveheart or The Fugitive). Usually it is part of your
protagonist’s makeup, but good antagonists may also have ghosts,
such as Captain Ahab having lost his leg to Moby Dick, or the Phantom
of the Opera having had his music, his physical appearance and his
lover stolen away from him. This element can make an antagonist
more complex and understandable, even sympathetic, to an audience.
Whatever your character’s ghost may be, it must relate both to the
central conflict faced by the character and to the theme of your story,
or it will not feel integral or even necessary.
Characters that do not have a flaw and/or a ghost are as interesting
as distilled water. Understand the characters’ positive motivations and
negative situations in relation to their character flaws and past
baggage, and you are well on your way to creating an interesting
Should I Stay or Should I Go? (Internal Conflict)
Internal conflict is a contradiction in a character’s life that he or she
must work out, overcome or rise above. Conflict with oneself comes
from a moral struggle, a debate over which action to take, anything
that makes the character doubt him or herself (for more on internal
conflict, see Chapter 7, Power and Conflict). The internal conflict is
most effective when caused by two powerful, positive desires of nearly
equal strength, but which are opposed to each other. For example, in
Baby Boom Diane Keaton wants to be a good mother, but also feels
that she must work hard to shatter the glass ceiling at work. These two
desires, to be a good mother and to be a success, are opposed to each
other and cause internal conflict. In Donnie Brasco and The Departed,
both about undercover cops, the protagonists find themselves in the
dilemma of being committed to wiping out the Mob, but also of
betraying those criminals to whom they’ve become attached in their
undercover lives or else facing their own destruction.
Like the ghost and character flaw, internal conflicts must grow
naturally from the characters’ own natures, or those conflicts will not
be strong enough to motivate them. For instance, say Jack is a good
cop. He voluntarily works in a dangerous neighborhood because he
feels that there he does the most good. Jack also desperately wants
children, but his wife refuses to have them until he quits the force or
takes a safer desk job. Jack knows she’s right, yet the good citizens of
the neighborhood need him. Jack has an internal conflict between two
positives: helping the neighborhood or having children. He is also the
cause of the conflict: because he is a good man, he chooses to work in a
bad neighborhood.
Internal conflict can also occur when characters’ needs and goals
come into conflict with their flaws. Suppose that when Jack was a
child, he and his mother were homeless. The experience never left
him, making him fear losing his job. His wife wants him to transfer to
a safer job so they can have children, but he is afraid to ask, afraid that
he will be fired and lose his security. Maybe his wife makes him feel
guilty because he grew up homeless and should know better than to
keep working at a job where he might be killed and leave his new
family homeless. The internal conflict is brought on by several
positives (or at least what the character perceives as positives): his
desire for a child, his need to keep his job, and his concern about not
wanting to leave his family homeless.
Just to up the stakes, let’s give poor Jack a drinking problem. His
wife won’t have children now until he also stops drinking. This would
appear to be a conflict between a positive and negative: having
children or drinking. But Jack’s alcoholism is not the internal conflict,
it is a result of it. The conflict of fear and desire motivates his drinking,
which only compounds his problem. But even the drinking makes
sense to him. It’s how he escapes his pain. So once again it is a
positive. It is important that the screenwriter not confuse a character’s
action with the internal conflict. The character’s action is often the
result of the internal conflict, not the conflict itself.
You Can’t Always Get What You Want (Need vs. Desire)
As John Truby has pointed out, a powerful source of internal conflict
can come from the fact that often what the protagonist consciously
desires may be something quite different from what he subconsciously
needs. A good example of this is As Good as It Gets, where Mel’s
crabby desire to be left alone is in conflict with his deeper, romantic
nature and need for love and human contact. Or say a protagonist
begins with a burning desire to get rich in order to prove himself and
win the affections of a beautiful but materialistic woman (because of
his ghost or initial character problem: that his father died a poor,
unloved man). But what he really needs is to be happy with who he is,
with or without riches, and to marry the unselfish girl next door. His
realization of what he needs will come after he’s foolishly pursued the
false goal of his desire and found it lacking. Along the way he acquires
the self-empowering understanding that his father died unloved
because he was unloving, not because he was poor. Once his illusions
and misleading desires have been stripped away, he is free to find the
true happiness that has been under his nose all along. The result is a
happy ending. This, by the way, is why the guy always ends up with
someone like Doris Day when he’s been distracted all along by
someone like Veronica Lake. Though more beautiful, Veronica
represents the fool’s gold of desire. Doris—pure and virginal—is what
the hero really needs to be happy (again, Hollywood is into moral
tales). Turn this around, have the protagonist never achieve wisdom or
achieve it too late, and you have a darker ending, as in Basic Instinct,
where the hero ends up taking lust over love (clearly the wrong “pick”)
or is destroyed, as in Dangerous Liaisons.
The conflict of need and desire can be one of the most powerful
tools you have in constructing your character, creating new levels of
psychological depth, but it always depends on the story you’re telling.
Sometimes need and desire coincide, as in Rocky, where his desire to
survive a title fight on his feet mirrors his need to prove he’s not just a
SWF, 30–40, Loves Long Walks in the Park (Character
Along with determining your character’s internal conflicts, positive
motivations and self-knowledge issues, you must define a dominant
trait and emotion. Listen to people describe other people. Almost
always they will describe one dominant trait and/or emotion.
“Emily, the wacky pregnant woman in the office.”
“Tybalt, the hothead who’s always picking a fight.”
“Beth, the basket case who can never find her purse.”
“George, the quiet guy who never says good morning.”
“Wanda, the spaz who’s good with numbers.”
When we describe a person it comes naturally to hit upon a dominant
emotion and/or trait. The key for a screenwriter is to find the traits
and emotions that are essential to pushing the story forward.
A dominant character trait is the defining quality that makes this
character unique in your story, and also makes the character
appropriate for his/her role in the screenplay. It can be that the
character is a real problem-solver, silly, clever or cool; it can be
something subtle or even extraordinary. But this trait always
differentiates the character from all the others and defines his/her
purpose. Look at Jaws: each of the characters has a dominant trait.
Quint (Robert Shaw), the old shark chaser, is independent, self-reliant
and obsessed; Hooper (Richard Dreyfuss), the academic, is cocky and
self-assured; Brody (Roy Scheider), the sheriff, is a down-to-earth man
of the people forced to take action against the danger posed by the
shark in order to save swimmers from death and his community from
financial ruin—and he’s afraid of water. Each is unique, and perfectly
suited to tell this particular story.
The dominant emotion is the overall mental state of the character.
All characters have a wide range of emotions, but there is usually one
strong feeling that defines each character. A character’s dominant
emotion could be jumpiness, depression, coolness, defensiveness,
rage, etc. In A Time to Kill, Matthew McConnaughy’s defense lawyer is
cool and business-like, while Samuel Jackson’s vengeful father is
impassioned and cunning. In Adaptation, Nicolas Cage plays the dual
roles of Charlie Kaufman and his twin brother Donald. Charlie is
tormented and self-doubting, while Donald is cheerful and optimistic;
in the end, when Donald dies, Charlie’s character transforms to
incorporate his brother’s better qualities. About the only dominant
emotion that doesn’t work well in a movie is self-pity. Characters who
indulge in self-pity generally take no action and, as we know, a screen
character who takes no action is boring and undefined. An exception
might be a subplot or comic character whose self-pity affects the
actions of others by negative example—for instance, the long-suffering
Jewish mother or jilted girlfriend who appears in some Woody Allen
films, who drives the protagonist to exasperation. Remember, we’re
talking dominant emotion: George Bailey is surely self-pitying at the
beginning of It’s a Wonderful Life, but is forced to snap out of it and
revert to his dominant emotion, which is love for others.
Change is a fundamental law in nature. Everything is in motion: the
seasons change, the fields die and are reborn, mountains are washed
away. The same is true with human beings. Lovers come together and
divorce, children become adults, the weak grow strong and the strong
weak. The change or growth in a character during the two-hour course
of a motion picture is called a character arc, which dramatizes the
writer’s thematic attitudes about life’s journey. Emotionally,
intellectually and spiritually, such characters grow, learn and
“become,” and in the process express some truth about human
experience. Lajos Egri says, “There is only one realm in which
characters defy natural laws and remain the same—the realm of bad
writing.” Notwithstanding this pronouncement, not all good
characters, or even good protagonists, have an arc. There is a class of
characters, sometimes known as “traveling angels,” whom we call
“catalytic” characters: they do not change, but their steadfast presence
and the unbending moral covenant they represent changes or affects
the world around them. We’ll examine each in turn.
The Irresistible Force (Change)
A character arc is almost always caused by conflict. People seldom
grow without ripping themselves apart, questioning and reinventing
themselves and their world. For example, the college years are often a
time of tremendous growth because college is a competition. It is a
time full of highly charged circumstances, anxiety, excitement,
deadlines, mental and physical tests and discoveries and sheer
exhaustion. There is seldom time for meditation, reflection or revision.
College is full of conflict, both positive and negative, and when there is
conflict there can be growth; students go in as teenagers, as kids, and
come out (hopefully) as informed adults. Other stressful situations
that can transform people are war, marriage, divorce—in short, many
of the situations you find in the movies, because screen characters also
grow through conflict. When you build a character you must create not
only who the character “is” at the start, but who the character will
“become” after living through the conflict of your story.
Here are a few examples of characters with an arc: In Shine, David
Helfgott starts as a shy, odd man who in the end performs in front of
huge crowds. In Cop Land, Sylvester Stallone starts off as a quiet cop
who turns a blind eye to corruption but in the end proves himself a
good policeman interested in equal justice. Over the course of the
terrific Argentine film, The Secret in Their Eyes, Ricardo Darin’s
Detective Esposito goes from being too intimidated by his own low
social class to confess his love for beautiful, upper-class prosecutor
Irene Hastings, to being at last confident and capable of wooing her. In
Men in Black, Tommy Lee Jones begins as a dedicated alien hunter
and in the end wants his memories erased so that he can forget about
the aliens and have a normal life. In Animal House, John Belushi
starts as a drunk fraternity member and ends as a U.S. Senator. (Of
course, whether this is really an arc or just a change of clothes might
be debatable.)
The kind of story you’re telling will determine the extent and speed
of the characters’ arc—their change—and how it occurs. We don’t all
change at the same rate, or to the same degree. Sometimes change
occurs at a moment of great crisis, and other times steady conflict
brings on a gradual transition. Change can be as broad as a pig
becoming a hero in Babe or as subdued as John Lithgow’s hardline
local preacher in Footloose, who, after first condemning dancing,
quietly, privately, ends up slow-dancing with his wife. Sometimes the
smallest change is the most powerful.
At the end of the movie we should be able to look back and see why
and how this character became who he is now. It should all make
sense. Although not always obvious in the beginning, the small seeds
that make the arc possible must be planted early on in the character’s
development, so that by the end the change is not only possible, but
appears to have been inevitable.
The Immovable Object (Conviction)
Characters who do not change—well-written characters, at any rate—
must also appear to have an inevitable quality to their natures. This
comes from the fact that they live by an unshakable covenant, a set of
beliefs or a code of honor that allows them to persist as rocks of
stability in the face of a morally unstable, ever-changing universe.
They are the immovable objects who turn the tide one way or the other
by their presence and conviction. Sometimes these changeless
characters have important secondary roles, such as being allies or
mentors (Yoda, for example) who cause growth in the protagonists
they are assisting or teaching. But often they are the protagonist. Most
of Clint Eastwood’s classic characters—Dirty Harry, the Man With No
Name in the Sergio Leone Westerns, Blondie from The Good, the Bad
and the Ugly—are the same from beginning to end. The same is true
for (among others) many John Wayne, Humphrey Bogart and Sly
Stallone characters—Rooster Cogburn, Sam Spade, Philip Marlowe,
Rambo—as well as characters in the superhero mold such as James
Bond, Superman and Batman. These protagonists cause change in the
world around them and in those with whom they’re in conflict by
preventing their wrongdoing, bringing them to justice, getting them
killed, showing them the error of their ways or by doing all of the
above. These characters are usually loners who rarely age or die
because they are more icons than real people. They may be put
through hell, beaten up or nearly killed, their new lover slaughtered in
front of them, but in the end they survive with their world and world
view intact, thanks to their efforts. This is why, under the grateful gaze
of the townsfolk, the heroic cowboy rides off alone into the sunset;
there’s no way to imagine him settling down.
This is also why these kinds of characters work well in sequels,
because their essential nature remains intact. Some attempts have
been made to take catalytic characters and have them age or change
(such as Philip Marlowe in Poodle Springs, Robin Hood in Robin and
Marian, Peter Pan in Hook or James Bond as a senior citizen in
Casino Royale or showing a soft side in License to Kill), but these were
doomed to failure because they betrayed the essential expectations
and nature of the protagonist. Such characters have a kind of contract
with the audience: we are comfortable because we know who they are,
what they are and what they will and will not do. That’s why we go to
see them, to have a predictable wish-fulfillment. If you break the
contract, you alienate your audience. This is also why characters with
strong arcs usually don’t fare as well the second time around: because
the “contract” with the audience from the previous film, which was the
satisfying completion of their arc, must now be denied or undone in
order for them to have another one.
The unchanging character is a staple of television shows as well,
because they allow a recognizable, ongoing situation or franchise to
continue over tens or hundreds of episodes. The character you know
and love this show or this season isn’t going to change on you; look at
Seinfeld, Perry Mason, The Simpsons, M*A*S*H, The Mentalist,
House—take your pick.
Building a character is an arduous process. It begins with the first
inkling of an idea, grows through research, exploration of motivations,
and continues unabated to the last draft of the script, as the story
nourishes the characters and as the characters enact the story. But all
this work can still lead to weak characters if they lack believability.
Believability comes only when a character—any character in the
screenplay—comes from the screenwriter’s own makeup. The writer
must invest a part of him or herself in every character in order to make
them real. Their life comes from yours, so you must have a level of
intimacy with your characters. You must recognize them as aspects of
yourself and listen to their voices from within. This is true no matter
how different from you the character might be; as with theme, the
character wouldn’t have occurred to you if there wasn’t something in
you that responded to him or her, positively or negatively. If you’re
honest with yourself, you know that inside you are a hundred different
fantasies or tendencies, not all of which you’d boast about publicly, but
which you can tap to create believable characters. Inside everyone are
memories or fantasies of power, revenge, sexual irresistibility, past
humiliations and so on. This is what we mean by writing from yourself
—not that all your characters should be imitations of the person you
show to the world, but that they should reflect some facet of the rich
cast of inner characters who make up your complete identity. Even if
it’s some part of your personality that appalls you, you must find and
draw on that part of yourself that will bring reality to the character.
One excellent technique for discovering the part of yourself who is
to become a character is to ask the “magic if”: What would I do if I
were this character in this situation? Constantin Stanislavski, the great
Russian director and acting teacher, proposed the “magic if” as the key
to all great characterizations. It works for writers, too; after all,
screenwriters “act” on the page. If you can find the similarities
between your own impulses and those of your characters, you can
make the characters more real, because no matter how large the
difference between you, there is common, human, shared experience.
The shy writer must find within himself the tragic lover in order to
write a Romeo. The passive writer must find the bully within herself in
order to create a wife beater. The headstrong writer must recall his
tentative childhood in order to write about the first day of grade
school. No worthwhile character ever came from a writer whose inner
life was withheld from the character’s creation.
There comes a point in writing a screenplay when the characters
become personalities. Writers often say that after long hours of
struggling to find the right words to put in their characters’ mouths,
the characters begin to speak for themselves. A line of dialogue is
written and the screenwriter wonders where it came from. It is almost
as if someone else took control of the keyboard and wrote the line.
This is the magic moment when the characters come alive. Of course,
it’s still the writer who creates that life, but this is the moment of true
connection with one of those inner voices.
Precisely because of this connection, it is imperative that the writer
should never lose aesthetic distance. The screenwriter creates
characters, but he doesn’t live their lives. One young screenwriter,
while receiving critical notes about his protagonist, became more and
more frustrated until he blurted out, “But that’s not what I would do!”
With this statement he confirmed that he had fallen into a classic
pitfall of beginning screenwriters. On the surface it would seem that
this was good, that a “magic if” had come up and the writer was
appropriately defending his character’s actions. But, in fact, the
problem was that he had created a protagonist who was exactly like
himself, although the character’s world and situation was nothing the
student would ever have experienced himself. He had not connected
with the right parts of his personality to create a separate character,
and therefore the character didn’t work in the situation. The
sympathetic/empathetic emotional rapport between the writer and the
protagonist was so great that the character, for all practical purposes,
had become the writer. When this happens, the screenwriter is no
longer writing characters, but recording diary entries. Diary entries
may be fascinating to the writer, but they will bore the audience.
Screenplays are not diary entries. A producer we know was once
invited to a college writing class; asked what advice she’d give the
young writers, she declared with real passion, “Just remember, no one
gives a damn about your life story.” What she was saying was not that
you shouldn’t write what you know, but you shouldn’t slavishly depend
on it. No one cares about your life story unless it’s really, really
interesting, or unless you can alter the truth until it becomes truly
entertaining. After years of reading bland, pointless “my girlfriend
broke up with me in high school and boy did it hurt” screenplays, this
producer was giving some valuable advice. Use that hurt, but create a
story a wide audience would care to see.
Time and again, young screenwriters create secondary characters
who are more interesting than the main characters. This is because
they are so close to the main characters that they lose their sense of
proportion and balance. They see the story through their protagonist’s
eyes, and since from the writer’s perspective, he or she is normal, the
protagonist will become bland and normal as well. The writer feels
more free to change and develop secondary characters, who are less
like the writer and seen from an outside perspective. Screenwriters
must try to achieve a similar distance from their protagonists, because
judgment is only possible when one regards the characters from a
distancing frame of reference. In short, it is acceptable to imagine
yourself to be the characters in your story, to use the “magic if,” as long
as you never lose perspective about your characters, especially your
protagonist. If you discover that one of your secondary characters—an
ally, say—is not only more interesting but also better carries the
thematic material of the story, you might decide you’ve got the wrong
protagonist in the first place and that this other character is really
whose story you’re telling. In this case you might consider recasting
the story from the point of view of the better character.
However, it should also be noted that being the “most interesting”
character is not what defines a good protagonist. Often, secondary
characters are more interesting because they can be more oddball or
extreme: In Star Wars, Han Solo and Yoda are more interesting than
Luke Skywalker; in Jaws, Robert Shaw’s shark-hunter Quint is more
interesting than Roy Scheider’s Chief Brody; in Inglorious Basterds,
Christoph Waltz’s “Jew Hunter” is more interesting than Melanie
Laurent’s Shoshana (who is actually the protagonist); in The
Terminator, Kyle Reese is more interesting than Sarah Conner; in
Lethal Weapon, Gibson’s Riggs is more interesting than Glover’s
Murtaugh (who is, again, the protagonist). This is not always the case;
in Terminator 2, for instance, Sarah Connor now becomes more
interesting than any of the other characters. What makes a good
protagonist is less how distinctive he is, but instead whether his need
and desire and willingness to engage in the central conflict is the most
compelling, and whether his success or failure has the largest
consequences for the world of the story.
Name That Character
Characters’ names can provide insight—often humorous—into their
nature, and reflect their attitude, class and heritage. A name provides
a first impression that can influence the reader’s attitude about a
character. Name a character Adolph and we will immediately think of
Adolph Hitler; name her Jacqueline and we’ll associate her with
Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis. The Bond movies have great fun with
their character names: Oddjob, Pussy Galore, Plenty O’Toole,
Goldfinger, Dr. No and so forth. In most cases the associations are
subtler. In Unforgiven, the protagonist is named Will Munny,
reflecting his active nature (he will take action) and the source of his
dilemma and motivation (money), while the antagonist is named Little
Bill, suggesting that he is the protagonist’s flip side (both are named
William) as well as his own connection to money (dollar bill). Jason
Bourne evokes the idea of rebirth, as The Bourne Identity is about his
recovering his memory and his past. Sometimes a name suggests
rugged strength, like Shane or Matt Helm; sometimes it evokes other
qualities: Scarlett O’Hara, Hans Kreuger, Tinkerbell. What you want to
do is find just the right name to evoke your characters’ inner nature in
the same way that your narrative describes their appearance, so make
sure you pick exactly the right handle. Find a unique combination of
words and sounds that are easy to remember and fit the character—or
contrast with him or her, creating an ironic distinction. Look to
popular culture, song titles, people in the news, anything that might
have created a larger social association for a particular and
appropriate name. Phone books and graveyards are all great sources of
inspiration, but baby-name books are even better. One last caution: do
not, ever, give two characters names that are so similar that the reader
gets them confused with each other, like Garry and Barry, or Jim and
Tim, or even Harriet and Hazel. There are enough names out there for
you to create some variety. (The best baby-name book is The Baby
Name Personality Survey by Bruce Lansky and Barry Sinrod,
published by Meadowbrook Press. This book not only lists thousands
of possible character names but identifies the images that are often
associated with those names. Another wonderful baby-naming book is
Proud Heritage: 11,000 Names for Your African-American Baby by
Elza Dinwiddle-Boyd, published by Avon Books.)
Screenplays often have an abundance of characters, too many for a
reader to keep straight. If you name the minor characters, readers tend
to think these characters are important or are going to resurface later
as a twist in the plot. Soon they become confused by having to keep up
with all the names. When readers get confused, they seldom take the
time to go back and reread; they just throw the script in the rejection
pile. Therefore, it’s best to refrain from naming characters who appear
only once or twice. For example, a scene takes place in a mini-mart.
The protagonist is drilling the night shift clerk about a recent murder.
If this is the only scene in which the clerk appears and/or he is not
central to the understanding of the story, you might give the character
a descriptive nickname rather than a real name. Nicknames like
CARROTHEAD or NIGHTSHIFT LOSER will give a good picture of
the clerk while also letting the reader know she won’t have to keep
track of this character later.
On the other hand, it is best not to give minor characters generic
names like COP #1 and COP #2, which can drain the emotional charge
of your story by making the characters seem like items on a laundry
list. Instead, give each minor character a name that will place an image
into the reader’s mind. FAT COP, SMILING COP, BULLDOG COP are
better names for distinguishing such minor characters.
Casting Call
If I were to refer to Karl Childers in Sling Blade or Randall P.
McMurphy in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, few people would
know who I was talking about, but if I said Billy Bob Thornton in Sling
Blade or Uma Thurman in Kill Bill or Jack Nicholson in One Flew
Over the Cuckoo’s Nest or Chinatown, the reference is clear. It is often
the case in Hollywood that the actor makes the role. Therefore, one
trick to creating a realistic character is to write with a specific actor in
mind. Directors often talk of “casting to type.” This means that they
are trying to find the actor who exactly fits the needs of the role.
Casting to type can also work in reverse; when creating a character,
you can “cast” to your mental image of the character. The person you
cast should be close to the age, style and temperament of the character
you’ve created. If the character is soft-spoken and easy going, you
might cast a young Jimmy Stewart in the role. If the character is
manipulative and vindictive you may think of Richard Nixon. If you
are writing the role of a mobster, you might imagine Harvey Keitel
playing the role and/or scene. In the end, whether Harvey Keitel plays
the role is unimportant; the substitution was effective in creating a
vivid image of the character for the writer.
As suggested in the paragraph above about character vs.
characteristics, often the best way to create surprising and unique
characters is to invert this strategy: cast someone “against type.” This
means that instead of modeling your firefighter character after a
ruggedly handsome actor like Brad Pitt, you might cast Jonah Hill or
Zach Braff, and imagine how aspects of their personality might still
work for your story. Instead of casting Kristen Stewart as the vampish
“black widow” in your thriller, you instead cast Kristen Wiig as an
unlikely—and therefore more dangerous—antagonist. James Woods
was the original casting choice for Rambo, not Sylvester Stallone; Tom
Hanks was originally pursued for the roles of the twin writers in
Adaptation before Nicolas Cage was cast; imagine how different and
surprising they would have been. Remember, both Napoleon and
Alexander the Great were little guys; it didn’t stop them from being
great warriors, and in fact, being short might have fueled their fire.
Look beyond the obvious and you might get a much more interesting
set of characters. Of course, there’s also a danger in doing so: look at
how terribly miscast Seth Rogen and Jay Chou were in The Green
In order for either approach to work, the writer must have a vivid
image of an actor’s look and personality, and be able to hear how that
particular actor talks. This technique works not only with stars but
also with real people. Character models are all around us. Every
person is a potential model for a screen character. Life is full of raw
Tall, Dark and Handsome (Stereotypes)
F. Scott Fitzgerald observed, “Begin with an individual and you find
that you have created a type; begin with a type, and you find that you
have created—nothing.” The danger of casting to type with actors
familiar from other roles, or even with people you know in only a
superficial way, is that you can end up not with a type, but with a
stereotype. A stereotype is a character that reflects a common
prejudice or attitude towards a certain type of person, without adding
to or improving it. Such characters reiterate generalized clichés and
are tagged with stock conventions. In short, they are the result of lazy
writing. To avoid stereotypes you must ask: how can I make this
character distinctive? How and why is this character different from his
or her type? The difference between a stereotype and a real character
is that between a character you have borrowed without alteration and
one you have re-created. The existing character from another film that
you are using for a model may fulfill the same functions you are after
in your screenplay, but you shouldn’t reproduce exactly his or her
actions or mannerisms. This is plagiarism, not borrowing. Find or
create those elements that can make your character fresh and unlike
any other, including your model.
Know Your Characters
You’ve seen enough real people and movie characters that you can
hear them, see them, imagine them playing the role you are writing,
but that isn’t the same as knowing them. It all goes back to investing
your own emotions and inner self in a character. When you create
characters, you must synthesize different parts of people you have met,
known or studied, with elements of your own nature. It is this that
allows you to really know the character. One student screenwriter
created a rather plain, stereotypical character. When questioned
whether he really knew the character, he answered, “Oh sure, I’m
using my roommate from college.” The problem is that you can live in
the same room with someone for years and not really know them.
Knowing a character is more than understanding their mannerisms,
moods or traits. Knowing a character means that you do not have to
stop and think about what they will do or say in a given circumstance;
there is no moment of doubt about the next action, because the
character is acting as you would. As we’ve discussed, this isn’t to say
that you should turn the character into a copy of your normal self,
doing what you would normally do; rather, you should think of what
you would do if you were that character in that situation, taking into
account the traits, desires and flaws you’ve given him or her.
One last thing. There are certain techniques and character traits that
screenwriters use to make their characters likable, no matter how
apparently awful. These techniques are so familiar that they verge on
cliché, but they work, and there’s always a way to reinvent them and
find a way to make them feel unique and fresh. Basically, they boil
down to associating your character with innocence.
One technique is to have your character like dogs and/or children
(or come to like them, as in Jurassic Park). Other unusual animals will
do, such as apes, elephants, even iguanas (in Free Willy, you have the
double whammy of a child liking an unusual animal). Even better,
have a dog or other animal like your protagonist, proving that
underneath it all there is something in his/her character worthy of
selfless love.
Another technique is to have the character “nurture” others, caring
for others even when they stand no chance of being thanked. This is
the purpose of that hoary cliché of having the protagonist tuck in
someone’s blanket while they sleep—usually a child, certainly someone
without power, thereby doubling the “nurturing” message that the
protagonist is a good egg. Again, this effect is intensified by flipping it
around: the small child will tuck in the snoring and exhausted brute
warrior who has to look after the tyke, although he professes hating to
do so. This shows that the big guy isn’t such a brute after all, if a little
kid can warm to him. Even better if it’s a sickly child. A classic
example of this appears in As Good as It Gets, where the apparently
loathsome protagonist, Melvin, unaccountably attracts the affection of
a small dog, even after Melvin has dropped him down a trash chute.
Later, Melvin arranges medical care for a sickly child. The same
strategy is used in The Accidental Tourist, where the affections of a
dog and a sick child humanize William Hurt’s icy protagonist.
The reason these techniques work is because dogs and children
usually represent innocence, while nurturing represents altruism or
selfless love. While dogs or children are vulnerable (powerless), they
bestow moral power upon those they care for, or who care or sacrifice
for them.
This does not work with cats. Cats are usually seen as knowing,
sexual and selfish, distinctly not innocent, so a character who likes cats
is usually despicable (see Blofeld in the Bond movies) or at any rate
suspicious. For another example, look at the cat character in Babe. If
the protagonist has a cat, even when it isn’t explicitly evil, it will
usually get him or her into trouble, as with Ripley’s cat in Alien,
Cinderella’s stepmother’s cat Lucifer in Disney’s Cinderella, Mr. Jinx
in Meet the Parents, or Julianne Moore’s cat in Assassins; this may
serve the plot, but does not help to humanize the character. This does
not apply, by the way, to kittens, which are just cute, or big cats such
as lions or tigers, which are generally associated with nobility and
power. Additionally, anyone who owns an evil or aggressive dog is
necessarily a villain, because the subtext is that he/she has corrupted
the innocence of the animal.
A character can’t kick a dog or a child unless he’s a villain or unless
the dog is a corrupted agent of the antagonist, but cats are fair game.
Especially snotty, fluffy ones. Small, yappy dogs are an exception, but
then the character must feel badly and do something to make amends,
like adopt the beasty.
What a Character! One of the first books on screenwriting was The
Photoplay Handbook of Scenario Construction. It was published in
1923, in the time of silent films, a time before the word “screenwriter”
had even been invented. The advice given in this early screenwriting
book still applies:
“Our ultimate purpose, as a photoplaywright, is to arouse the
emotions of the audience—to make them weep, to grip their
hearts with pity, to thrill them, to make them laugh, and fear,
and shed tears of joy. We strive to do these things by means of
the actions of the people we create. We make our characters
struggle and suffer and win and lose in their fight for happiness.
Every act of every character may be regarded as an effect.”
This was true in 1923 and it is still true today. Strong, well-developed
characters who take action make the story. There may be a limited
number of stories out there, but character is inexhaustible.
Use the following headings to create a character worksheet for leading
and supporting roles. Provide each element fully and with specificity,
in order to create an interesting, well-developed character.
Some page count outlines suggest that a major plot point or twist
should occur every fifteen pages, others say it should be every ten
pages. We may be fortunate because these page count methods of
structuring a screenplay have not yet become so specific that they tell
you whether the particular plot point should happen at the top, bottom
or middle of a given page. All of this leads to the question: Should all
movies follow the exact same formula, right down to the same page
count? If so, can’t computers do the job?
For the last few thousand years, technology has played a minor role in
storytelling. Quills, paper, typewriters and computers have slowly
replaced the oral tradition, but until recently they have not played a
role in the building of a story. This is no longer the case. In the last few
years, story creation software has evolved at an amazing pace. Some
programs are designed to simply spark a writer’s creative juices, others
are designed to actually structure a story. Among the many
proliferating programs designed to help screenwriters are:
• Plots Unlimited, which is inspired by William Wallace Cook’s
• Collaborator, which is based on Aristotle’s six elements of drama.
• StoryLine Pro and Blockbuster, which are based on the teachings
of story consultant and script doctor John Truby, who uses a 22-
step plot, a deviation from the basic three-act structure.
• Dramatica, which is derived from a unique story-building theory
called “story mind,” which has a four-act structure and is extremely
• StoryCraft, which is based on the ideas of Aristotle and Joseph
• StoryWeaver, which is meant to be an intuitive approach based
on Dramatica.
Where will all this formula structuring lead? Recently scientists have
built computers that can structure stories on their own. One example
is Brutus, the joint creation of Selmer Bringsjord of Rennselaer
Polytechnic Institute and David Furuchi of IBM Research. Brutus is a
story computer that pushes the limits of artificial intelligence. Brutus
is coded with a number of plot structures, story tricks and a working
database of literature that allow it to build a basic short story. Brutus,
like some screenwriting theorists, reduces plot/structure to pure
reason and logic. The result is a less-than-inspiring, computer-
generated, formula story, but Brutus is only round one. Computers can
now beat humans at Jeopardy, so how long will it be until they can
construct a better story? The answer is never. Computers lack the
human passion, love, talent and self-awareness that allow for the
interesting, unpredictable structure of a good, human story. The late
great Davey Marlin Jones, playwriting professor at UNLV, said, “A
computer could never write as well as a human—it didn’t have a bus
door slammed in its face this morning.”
Form vs. Formula So which of the story structure gurus are right?
The answer is. . .none of them. Or all of them might be, if their models
or systems help you to organize the morass of shapeless information
with which you begin. Aristotle, Campbell, Cook, Polti, Egri or their
modern counterparts Field, Truby, McKee, Vogler and all the others
have perceptive ideas and helpful suggestions, and all are worth a look.
But the problem remains that a system that works for one story might
not work for another. There’s no easy, paint-by-numbers, onesize-fits-
all formula when it comes to creating a strong, original story, and the
unfortunate reliance on formulaic thinking in Hollywood is largely
responsible for the current lack of structural innovation and the
cookie-cutter quality of so many American studio movies. This is not
to say that standard formulas should not be studied, but no one
formula or theory will answer all your storystructuring questions. The
same is true of the various story design applications: These programs
can be useful if they actually help you get into the writing of your
script, and if the formulas they use are right for your kind of story.
They may not be, and often they become just another form of
procrastination, where the would-be writer gets caught up in fooling
around with the program’s elements and never actually gets to writing
the script. There’s a great moment in The Sopranos where Christopher
(Michael Imperioli) has decided to become a filmmaker and buys
some screenwriting software, then becomes frustrated when it won’t
write his script for him. You know who never had the advantage of
these programs? Shakespeare, Orson Welles, Billy Wilder, the Epstein
brothers, Frank Capra. . .you get the point.
It’s interesting to note that few Hollywood screenwriting gurus
have ever sold a movie (even Aristotle never wrote a play, but rather
based his Poetics on existing tragedies such as Sophocles’ Oedipus
Rex). This is because the ability to structure a story and the ability to
analyze the structure of a story are two totally different talents. They
come from different parts of the brain. Plato pointed out in his
Apology that writers are unable to give an exact account of their
process. The same is true with top-notch screenwriters; unlike the
story computer Brutus or screenwriting gurus, good writers seldom
have an analytical understanding of what they do or how they do it.
Instead they have a practical understanding of dramatic techniques,
the basics of several different storytelling methods (like Aristotle,
Campbell and the others), and the ability to use a technique or follow a
formula if it works, or to abandon all formulas if they don’t.
Isn’t there one basic overall guide to help a young writer structure a
movie? Isn’t there one general theory that will show the common
structural elements that all movie plots have? Yes, there is. It’s not a
cold formula, but rather the natural order that comes from characters
and their conflicts. These conflicts organically build in the form of
beats, scenes and scene sequences, the natural building-blocks of a
good story. In the next two chapters we’ll examine how these elements
combine to create a natural, nonformulaic approach to structure.
1. Try working out your story idea using the three-act formula. Add
one short sentence to each part of the structure.
3. Try working out your idea by chaptering and titling each sequence,
with no fewer than seven and no more than sixteen sequences.
The stakes in a film work when the characters and premise contain
enough potential conflict to justify them and when the conflict is
orchestrated with progressive levels of complexity and intensity.
The Trap
The trap is the way you ensure the impossibility of compromise.
Publisher’s Weekly once released a list of children’s book titles that
were rejected. One of the titles was The Little Train that Could but
Chose Not To. Inherent in this title is the reason it was rejected. The
story lacked a “trap” to force the essential power struggle. In other
words, the premise did not contain potential for conflict, because the
protagonist was not motivated to engage in any; he was willing to
compromise. Once the antagonist is in a position of power over the
protagonist, once the protagonist is even aware of the antagonist
(internal or external), they must be put on a collision course. This is
set up with a trap: a situation, environment, time lock (an unavoidable
deadline) or character trait that makes it impossible for the
protagonist and antagonist to leave or back down to avoid conflict.
They must act.
Often the trap is implied in the title. In Jurassic Park, the scientist
physically cannot escape from an island full of cloned dinosaurs,
although he might like to. In Not Without My Daughter, Sally Field’s
character cannot leave Iran (leave the conflict) until she rescues her
daughter—not because it isn’t physically possible, but because she is
trapped by her love and moral responsibilities. The most famous
example of a title expressing the trap is High Noon. In this movie, the
trap is time: the bad men are arriving on the noon train and the sheriff
is driven by his own moral code to confront them. Every good
dramatic story has a trap. In the ancient Greek tragedy Oedipus Rex,
the city of Thebes is racked by plagues, forcing the king to act now to
find its cause and end it. In Ibsen’s A Doll’s House, Nora must act
before her husband discovers the forgery, or face disgrace. In Walt
Disney’s Bambi, there’s the fire, in Alive there’s the threat of
starvation, in Juno and Young Adult there’s the impending birth of a
child. The trap is an event, situation, time lock or character trait that
forces a character to stand and take action.
The ultimate trap is character. Powerful conflicts grow out of
characters who have strong motivations and are not willing to
compromise. Often, beginning screenwriters arbitrarily put their
characters in direct opposition to each other without creating a reason.
But coldly manipulating the characters into opposite corners of a
boxing ring means that you are puppeteering them into conflict rather
than generating the conflict out of deep motivations and needs. Say
you’re writing about a young daughter who wants to marry the boy she
loves; she’s our protagonist and it’s a match made in heaven. A
simplistic way to create conflict would be to turn the girl’s father into
an evil, power-hungry guardian who wants to control and perhaps
destroy his daughter’s life. And she just loves the boy because she
does. Juliet in this mold would have been kept from Romeo because of
simple, controlling selfishness by her father, and she would have no
idea why she was in love with Romeo. It’s the same as in old,
programmed Westerns where the pure, honorable homesteader fights
off the wicked land baron whose soul is as dark as midnight. This form
of conflict descends directly from the Miracle and Mystery Plays of the
Middle Ages, in which pure good faced pure evil. It’s true that great
conflict can be drawn this way, but a more satisfying conflict comes
when two opposing characters both see themselves, their goals and
desires as righteous, honorable and worthy of the good fight (whether
they are or not is another question). This is how Shakespeare,
although coming out of the Miracle and Mystery Play tradition,
developed some of the elements even plays where it’s not so obvious.
For instance, in Romeo and Juliet, Juliet’s father is a good man, trying
to do the best for her within the confines of his prejudices and social
constraints. Romeo has won Juliet over with his declarations of
selfless passion and his claims that he is her soulmate. Her father’s
angry insistence that she marry the man of his choice rather than hers
leads to her death, but this fact is not a reflection of his evil nature, but
rather of his very human nature. The fact that she chooses Romeo
reflects her trap: she cannot deny her own passion. Now instead of
good vs. evil, Shakespeare has the most powerful form of conflict of
all: good vs. good.
Good writers create powerful motivations that cause their
characters to act, and draw them inevitably into opposition. The
characters oppose each other not because the writer forces them to,
but because the characters both desperately want the same thing or
want to prevent each other from achieving their goals. They are not
manipulated into conflict. Rather, because of the way the writer has
created their backstory, orchestrated their needs and desires and
motivated their conflicts, they simply cannot avoid it. The more
complex your characters’ motivations, the more interesting they and
the jour- ney of your story will be.
1. Protagonist—He, she or it must be in a weakened, inferior and
threatened position at the beginning of the screenplay as a result
of some internal failing or ghost. But the protagonist must also be
capable of generating or eventually acquiring the power to over-
come the obstacles presented by the antagonist.
2. Antagonist—He, she or it must not be weak or your conflict will
be weak. The antagonist must be in a position of power from the
start and unwilling to surrender power easily.
3. Motivation—There must be a strong reason(s) behind the
characters’ desire(s) and a definite need that must be fulfilled.
4. Compromise—Your protagonist and antagonist must be trapped
in a situation in which there is no possibility of mutual agreement.
5. Obstacles—There must be a sufficient number of obstacles to
thwart the protagonist, and they must grow in intensity.
6. Emotion vs. Conflict—The story must be built on one or more of
the basic conflicts, not just on a string of emotional moments.
Other Aspects of Conflict (Conflict and Scene)
Every scene up to the resolution must contain conflict, immediate or
imminent, which is related to the action or theme of the overall story.
If the scene doesn’t contain immediate conflict, there must be implied
conflict waiting around the next bend. This threat can be used to
charge an entire movie or a single scene with suspense. Let’s look at a
problem scene from a student screenplay about life on the home front
during the Vietnam War. It’s 1969 and Jon, Gina, George and Idemary
are going to Lover’s Lane:
Jon’s Volkswagen follows a two-rutted road.
Here the road widens and splits into several
parking spots. Each occupied with cars and
high school kids at different stages of the
mating ritual.
In the front seat, Gina is passionately, if
not rather professionally, kissing Jon. He’s
too cool to respond.
In the back, Idemary leans in to kiss George.
They are less experienced. She takes careful
aim. Docking procedure commences. It’s almost
that romantic. George is the Apollo
spacecraft. Idemary is the Lunar Module. One
slip up and they’ll crash into each other and
tumble into the sun.
I love you, George.
I love you, too. But I’m not ready
for this.
I totally understand.
Nobody breathe!
Relax, enjoy the view.
Perhaps if we all lean to this side,
we’ll live.
Isn’t this romantic?
I love you, George.
I love you too, I think...
kiss me.
I’m not ready for this.
I am.
George pulls back. The car shifts slightly as
more dirt crumbles under its wheels, spilling
down the cliff. Jon and Gina don’t notice, but
George throws open the door opposite and jumps
In the first scene, there is no conflict. Idemary wants it, George
doesn’t, and she understands. The scene is over before it begins. In the
second scene, Idemary wants it, is not willing to compromise, and this
produces immediate conflict. But more, there is also imminent conflict
—the symbolic as well as real possibility that they may go over the
edge. There is suspense as to what will happen next. The imminent
conflict idea of going over the edge relates to the immedi- ate conflict
idea of going all the way, and it adds voltage to the scene.
Core Conflict
As we’ve said, economy is the rule in screenwriting. Enter a scene as
late as possible, focus on the essentials and exit as soon as possible.
The screenwriter must cut to the core conflict. All unnecessary
elements must be lost—and the unnecessary elements are usually the
non-conflicts. In the following scene, the writer wants to show that the
father has a nasty temperament, but rather than cutting to the core
conflict, he weighs the scene down with unneces- sary details.
We have crossed out everything that does not advance the conflict.
Norman looks out from the front seat at the
remains of Flint. Beside him, Father’s
vitriolic chin dominates the front seat. In
the back, Caroline and Belle are silent.
How is school?
JR. Fine.
I’ve got a “C” in botany, but I
think I can bring that up by
And the football team is doing well
Yes, son?
What did you get in Botany?
I had a “C” at midterm, too.
Norman’s P.O.V.-- A car full of OLD LADIES
from the Saturday night Senior Citizen BBQ at
the Episcopal Center cuts them off.
Father slams on the brakes harder than he has
to. The HORN BLARES. Unconcerned, the guilty
car drives off.
Wouldn’t you know they’d be coming
out of a church!
(to Norman)
Roll your window down.
Dad don’t do this.
Roll Your Window Down!
(yelling out the window)
You’re a very lucky person!
... I say, you’re a very lucky
person! Because of me, you’re still
alive! Or do you believe your God
saved you just then?
Jesus loves you!
I doubt that very much!
Piece of paper and pencil!
These people really think they’ll
get away with this.
Is everyone buckled in?
Good, because there are a lot of
jerks on the road tonight.
So true.
Yes, so true.
We’re Reaaaady!
Mother places the coffee mug in front of
Terry, why don’t you tell us a
little about yourself.
First, my name is Larry and I’ve got
a paper route and I’m a member of my
Sunday School bowling team and...
Oh! You play against other teams,
like the PTA. Blue Devils?
Sure do. We call our team “The
You’re such a busy child, with your
paper route and bowling team.
I’m also a junior member of the
Oh, Michelle, he even has time to
advocate for women’s rights!
This is such a special occasion. Why
don’t we make it even more special?
Norman Junior, say grace.
You heard me, say grace!
But... I don’t know...
Father grunts and begins to eat.
Well, I’m not. Pass the salt!
Humiliated, the Daughter begins to cry. She
avoids her boyfriend’s eyes as she chokes out
the words.
Dear God, thank you for this food we
are about to receive. Forgive our
sins as we forgive those who sin
against us. Make us thankful for our
family, friends and those we love.
How you doing, chief--?
How’s Octavius?
Well... it’s hard to know exactly—
Don’t screw with me.
A week. Maybe two.
Have you made the arrangements I
asked for?
Yeah. But I gotta tell you, it’s a
risky set up. I don’t see how we can
pull it off.
You let me worry about that. Bring
your car around front. keep the
engine running.
All right, visit’s over. Let’s go.
I said--
All right. Walk me out of here.
You got a family? Wife, couple of
So did he, I bet. Let’s go.
Open the door!
This gun has a fifteen round clip. I
still have thirteen left. Not a
lucky number. Maybe I should make it
Let me out and I’ll let him go. But
I even think I’m being followed, his
wife and kids’ll see him next at the
I thought... you was an angel.
(embarrassed, getting up)
You ain’t dead.
Some big guy beat the shit out of
(feeling his sore face)
I guess I must look a lot like you,
(angry, hurt)
You don’t look nothin’ like me,
I didn’t mean no offense.
(she doesn’t answer)
I guess you’re the one them cowboys
(no answer)
Ned and the kid, my partners, are
they. . .?
They went out scouting when they saw
your fever broke.
On the Bar T... looking for... them.
Oh... How long I been here?
(still cold)
Three days. Are you hungry?
Three days? I must be.
I thought I was gone. See them
birds? Most times I wouldn’t even
notice them birds much. But I’m
noticin’ ’em real good ’cause I
thought I was dead.
I brought your hat. You... left it
down at Greely’s.
That big guy lookin’ for me?
Little Bill? He thinks you went
Are you really going to kill them?
Yeah, I guess.
There’s still payment, ain’t there?
Them other two, they been takin’
advances on the payment.
Free ones.
Free ones?
Alice an’ Silky gave them... free
(understanding, embarrassed)
Oh. Yeah.
(shy, timid)
You want... a free one?
(looking away, embarrassed)
Me? No. No, I guess not.
(covering her hurt)
I didn’t mean... with me. Alice and
Silky, they’ll give you one... if
you want.
I... I guess not.
(unusually perceptive suddenly)
I didn’t mean I didn’t want one
’cause of you bein’ cut up. I didn’t
mean that.
(trying to get up)
It ain’t that at all. You’re a
beautiful woman. What I said before,
how I might look like you... I
didn’t mean you was ugly, like me,
hell no... I only meant how we both
have scars.
You’re a beautiful woman an’... if I
was to want a free one, I guess I’d
want you more than them others. It
ain’t... See... I can’t have no free
one on account of my wife...
Your wife?
Yeah. See?
(after a pause)
I admire that, you being true to
your wife. I’ve seen a lot of... of
men... who weren’t.
(pleased and embarrassed)
Yeah, I guess.
She back in Kansas?
Uh... yeah. Yeah. She’s uh...
watchin over my little ones.
knock knock knock! Hands are full!
I’m sorry I’m late, I ran over some
dog between the funeral and the
shopping mall.
Your son is here.
You only got one son.
NORMAN! Look at you!
Oh, crushables! Crushables!
What’s in here, a bowling ball?
As a matter of fact, yes. She opens
a package and hauls out a blue and
white swirly Lady Bowler II.
They’ve got this new PTA bowling
team. It gets me out of the house on
Tuesday nights and Saturday
mornings. Now all I’d need is
something to occupy me on Friday
nights and I’d be able to avoid your
father in his retirement completely.
Oh! You won’t believe it! They’ve
changed the supermarket again. Three
times in as many years. Meat against
the back wall now. Canned products
where the vegetables were. You know
what I just don’t understand? The
milk is right back to the same place
it was two years ago!
What is it? Your father home?
Norman, did you tell your parents
that I was... Hi.
You brought someone with you.
Mom, I’d like you to meet Caroline.
Mrs. Burnand, I’ve heard so much
about you.
Like what?
Like... ah.
I didn’t give away any family
Well, it’s... ah...
... It’s nice to meet you.
Right. It’s nice to meet you. What’s
your name?
Caroline... Chrisler.
Where did you meet my son?
At the Campus Suicide Prevention
This brings an anxious pause as Belle attempts
to cover her shock.
... I work there as a counselor. I’m
getting my Master’s in psychology.
Norman used to do volunteer work
My Norman did volunteer work at a
suicide prevention center?
Yes. It’s very rewarding.
Well... that’s interesting.
Kasey! Pick up your sister at
Yeah right.
Don’t tell me, she’s pregnant!
2. Write a scene in which the location reveals the larger world of the
story, and in which the character has an action that has a beginning,
middle and end, and which reveals something about his/her character
without telling us everything about his/her intentions.
3. If you are currently working on a screenplay, divide it into scenes
and sequences. Give each sequence a title.
Scene Cards
Mapping the Journey
New writers are often so anxious to start that they dive in with a basic
idea, hoping to find their way as they go. This method might work for
screenwriters with long years of experience who have developed an
instinctive sense of how to create scenes and sequences into a coherent
structure, but it’s almost a surefire path to failure for beginning
screenwriters. Finding your way as you go will only lead to wasted
scenes, wasted rewrites and wasted time. Although it may seem
frustrating and even painful, you have to take the time to work out a
detailed step outline before you even think of typing the words “Fade
Think of your screenplay as a cross-country trip you want to take;
you’ve only got a few days and you want to see as much as possible
while still arriving at your destination on time. If you start driving with
only a general sense of where you’re going, you’ll likely spend a lot of
time getting lost, having to stop and ask directions, or doubling back
because you missed a turnoff or a landmark you wanted to see. You
might even run out of gas in the middle of nowhere, never getting
where you wanted to go in the first place. If you don’t want to take
twice as long to see half as much as you’d hoped, you need to have a
map and plan things out before you get into your car.
Your map in screenwriting is your step outline. It lets you plan the
overall journey so that you can be sure you’re traveling in the right
direction and covering all the ground you need to, before you get lost
in the details of the actual narration and dialogue. Once you’re into the
beats and scenes you’re writing, it’s hard to keep the larger plan in
mind, and it’s impossible if you haven’t formulated the larger plan.
You’ll tend to wander from scene to scene, hoping your characters will
more or less lead you to your story. They won’t, they’ll just wander
with you.
The step outline also helps you maintain objectivity. At this stage,
your story isn’t locked in, and you can more easily make decisions
about what is important and what can be done without. Once you’ve
truly written a scene and given your world and characters a reality
within it, it becomes much more difficult to change or eliminate them.
You become emotionally attached to that brilliant bit of description or
choice line of dialogue, whether or not it (or the character saying it)
belongs in the script. The inevitable tendency— since everything to
come is still vague and ill-defined—is to then warp the whole course of
the story in order to keep these few cherished details, a classic case of
the tail wagging the dog.
This is a particular trap for new writers who have not yet
internalized the fact that a great scene or line of dialogue that doesn’t
fit the story only hurts the screenplay. Your story must track easily;
each scene must tie directly into it, growing properly out of the
preceding scene, and leading inevitably into the following scene.
Perhaps the simplest way to think of it is that creating your step
out- line is in fact writing your screenplay. In fact, the outline is where
you do most of the hard work and where you should spend a great deal
of your time. The more complete and polished your outline, the faster
and easier your first draft will be. Instead of staring at the screen,
tormented over what to write next or how to resolve the situation
you’ve gotten yourself into, you’ll already know the answers, and you’ll
breeze on through. Your step outline details the various destinations
that together form the map of your journey. Once this is done—and
not until it is done—the journey of the screenplay can begin.
The most common way to compose a step outline is to use scene cards.
These are nothing more than 3” × 5” index cards on which the writer
jots a brief description of each scene, one scene per card. The cards are
then pinned on a bulletin board or spread on the floor, arranged,
rearranged, rewritten and modified until they form sequences so that,
eventually, the full structure of the movie is realized. The number of
scenes and sequences changes for every screenplay, but usually you’ll
need between forty and sixty scene cards and eight or more sequences
to plot out your entire screenplay. Some gurus insist that there are
only eight sequences in any good script, that break down to three acts:
two for Act One, four for Act Two, and two for Act Three. Some insist
there are seven sequences. Some insist there are twelve. We insist that
each script is different, and you should write what works for your
story. If you have less than eight sequences, however, your script will
probably either be too short or will feel play-like because you’ve
limited your location and scene changes; more than sixteen or so and
the script will probably be too long.
The advantage of using scene cards instead of simply outlining
scenes on a page is that they’re easier to rearrange, they force you to
keep descrip- tions brief and essential (there isn’t much room on a
card), and they allow you to step back and actually see the flow of the
story. There are now a variety of writing and screenwriting programs
that include a “corkboard” function with virtual “scene cards”; some of
them allow you to export these into screenplay format as well. These
virtual corkboards aren’t bad, but you’ll be limited by the size of your
monitor, and so may sacrifice the ability to see the whole layout of
your story, and so we still recommend old-school outlining with
physical scene cards.
You’ll need a place to display your scene cards. You don’t want to
have to take out your cards and lay them down every time you begin
work. Instead, pin them up on a large bulletin board, ready to be
worked on at a moment’s notice. You never know when a thought or
inspiration will strike, so scene cards should be ready twenty-four
hours a day. Your finished scene cards board should look something
like this:
How Much Is Enough?
So, what exactly should be on the cards? Well, at first that depends on
how much you know about the scenes you think you’ll want. Scene
cards are the map, but sometimes you may not have a clear idea of
where you’re going. If you are not sure (few screenwriters are at first),
scene cards can be used to explore the story, as a brainstorming
exercise. You don’t need to start from the beginning. Just write out the
scenes that you think you’ll want, put them roughly in the order you
think they’ll go, and then start filling in the gaps both on and between
the cards you have. If you only know that a certain event is going to
take place, but haven’t figured out exactly which characters will be
there or what they’ll say, you might simply write down the event:
“Titanic hits iceberg,” for instance. If you’re still searching for your
characters—as we all are—you might want to concentrate only on the
action and conflict, and how they move the story forward. This will
allow you to discover the characters as you go so that they will justify
the action. But leave room going to take place, but haven’t figured out
exactly which characters will be there or what they’ll say, you might
simply write down the event: “Titanic hits iceberg,” for instance. If
you’re still searching for your characters—as we all are—you might
want to concentrate only on the action and conflict, and how they
move the story forward. This will allow you to discover the characters
as you go so that they will justify the action. But leave room for more
information, which you’ll add as you fill in the rest of the scenes and
get a clearer idea of the story as a whole.
Some writers spend more time on their scene cards than they do
writing the script. Through weeks of working, creating and
rearranging, eventually you’ll have all your scenes on cards and in
proper order. A finished scene card contains the information needed
to actually write the scene: information about where and when the
scene takes place, who is involved, the event or action, the central
conflicts, perhaps a thumbnail of the dialogue that will occur, and how
the scene ties into the thematic arc of the story. You may also want to
note whether certain characters or events relate to the main plot or the
subplot. (Some writers indicate the subplot elements and characters in
a different color, so they can get a visual sense of going back and forth
between plot and subplot.) The scene cards should end up containing
all the relevant information that will go into the scenes themselves.
Think of them as rough first drafts of your scenes.
Your scene cards might include:
Location and Time It’s a good idea to top each finished scene card
with a scene header (such as INT. LUNCH ROOM — DAY). This
header forces you to think of each card as representing a scene that
will happen at a particular location and a particular time. Locations
are the larger world of the story (see Chapter 4), and you want to be
sure that each scene uses the world to best effect. By indicating NIGHT
or DAY on the outline cards (occasionally DAWN or DUSK, etc.) you
can see at a glance whether the timeline flows logically, or whether
there are too many consecutive scenes happening at night or during
the day. (Robin once had a student whose script covered a week’s
worth of action, but somehow it all took place during what seemed to
be the course of a single night.) Once you get into actually writing the
scene, you’ll use your narrative to amplify your descriptions of time
and place; for example, you might describe the quality of the night or
the golden light of the setting sun to create the proper visual
impression and mood.
Characters Obviously, you’ll need to know who appears in the scene.
It isn’t necessary to indicate every single character, just those central
to the action. Some writers jot each name in a color specific to that
character, so they can see just by looking at their scene cards if they’ve
left a central player out of the action for too long. We’ve both seen
many student screenplays in which either the protagonist or
antagonist mysteriously vanishes for twenty or thirty pages because
the writer got lost in a subplot or irrelevant series of scenes and forgot
whose story it was. Your story is about your main characters. Make
sure they actually show up every so often.
Event/Action Each scene card should describe at least one
significant event essential to the arc of the story, keeping in mind how
the event involves the actions or reactions of your characters. In his
wonderful little book Backwards & Forwards, David Ball states,
“When one event causes or permits another event, the two events
together comprise an action.” Each event flows into the next and
defines or triggers a new action. This event-triggering action forms the
step outline, which defines the journey of your screenplay. Instead of
“the murder takes place,” you’ll eventually put something like, “Bill
shoots Jenny in a jealous rage. Herbert runs for his life, shouting that
he’ll get even with Bill if it’s the last thing he does.” (Hopefully your
card will say some- thing more original than this, but you get the idea.)
And this event, triggering Herbert’s flight and threat, will in turn result
in another event and action—in a new scene card. Events are what
happen in the scene; the action is the characters’ deeds, the tactics
they use to obtain their goals and objectives.
Conflict Try to note the basic conflicts in the scene. If you can’t find
any, then you need to rethink or cut the scene. The outline is the place
to figure this out, before you’ve lost sight of the problem in the
wondrous camouflage of your narrative and dialogue. Recently, a
student writer penned a screen- play in which the middle of the story
was occupied by two lovers, who read poems to each other, ran
barefoot on the beach and proclaimed their love, without any
underlying conflict between them or from outside sources. The fact
that the couple was in love was clear within the first eighth of a page,
but since nothing dramatic (nothing that threatened or challenged
their happiness) occurred for the next fifteen or so, there was no
conflict and the story was dead. This could have been solved early on if
the writer had attended to the issue of conflict in his outline. We’re not
saying he should have tossed in a fistfight for no reason; rather, he
needed to work out the story better, both what happened in the scenes
and how they related to one another, so that the love affair became an
essential and exciting part of the larger dramatic (or comedic) arc—in
other words, the ebb and flow of power and the conflicts that result.
You Don’t Have to Include Minor Scenes Not all scenes must be
included in a step outline. Most screenwriters do not include scene
cards for establishing shots (interstitial scenes that reveal locations or
simple transitions between locations). For example, if you need a short
scene in which the characters walk from the car into a house, or get on
to the airplane, it’s usually not necessary to make a scene card. These
are not true scenes, but rather extensions of other, more significant
scenes. Only scenes that define action and the thematic arc of the story
need to be included in the step outline.
The Whole deck
Flexibility George Pierce Baker, Eugene O’Neill’s professor at
Harvard, said, “He who steers by the compass knows how with safety
to change his course. He who steers by dead reckoning is liable to
error and delay.” Scene cards are the compass, but they are not the
finished screenplay, so don’t feel trapped by your first arrangement of
cards. This is where you have the freedom to move things around and
see how they work best. Even after you’ve begun writing you’ll
occasionally discover that a scene doesn’t work or you get a better
idea. So go back to the cards and try your changes out there before
committing to them.
Below is an example of how the scene cards for an entire movie
might look, in this case derived from the comedy/drama Juno by
Diablo Cody (who won the Academy Award for Best Original
Screenplay for this script). Note that in some places where there’s a
continuous action, even though the exact location may change within
the house (for instance), we’ve counted it as a single scene. We’ve also
“chaptered” each sequence of scenes with a title. Chaptering and titling
sequences can help you sort out what happens where in the script, in a
way that’s more precise and relevant than abstract labels like “plot
point one” or “the beginning of Act Two.” It’s not an exact science, but
each sequence, like each scene, should have a beginning, middle, and
end in which something important has changed for the characters.
Sequence #1 – Sex and the Overstuffed Chair and Girl
Sequence #2 – How Can a Boy Be a Father?
Sequence #3 – The Life of a Pregnant Sixteen-Year-
Sequence #4 – Juno Decides to Keep the Baby
Sequence #5 – Old Parents, New Parents
Sequence #6 – Babies Who Made a Baby
Sequence #7 – Juno Bonds with Mark and Bleeker
Sequence #8 - Will the Baby Kick for Neurotic
Sequence #9 – Bleeker and Mark Both Mess Up
Sequence #10 – Juno and Vanessa Hit Rock Bottom
Sequence #11 – Can Two People Love Each Other
Sequence #12 – Juno Gets Her Man, Vanessa Gets Her
One Step at a Time. At UCLA film school, students have to turn out
a first draft of a new screenplay every ten weeks (UCLA is on a
trimester rather than semester system). Writing a 100- to 120-page
screenplay in such a short time is a daunting challenge. After almost
missing their deadlines on their first scripts, most students quickly
discover that they are diving into their screenplays too quickly and
spending too little time on their step outlines. Their panic over time—
and the subsequent headlong rush into writing before their stories are
thought out—usually leads to many false starts, endlessly rewritten
first pages, and even failure to finish their first drafts at all. Robin once
had a student who was confident in his ability to write quickly and who
thought wasting time on a step outline would only slow him down. At
the end of eight weeks the student came to Robin’s office, distraught.
He’d written almost 250 pages and still had no idea how (or when) he
was going to end his screenplay. Finally beaten into submission, he
retreated, spent a sleepless week coming up with a step outline that
worked, and was able to go back and finish a 110-page first draft by the
end of the term, one week later.
Perhaps the most important scene sequence is that which opens the
screenplay. To this we’ve devoted the next chapter.
1. Study the structure of an existing movie similar in genre or theme to
what you want to write. Find one you can rent and watch it with pen in
hand. Write down every important scene as you watch it on scene
cards until you have “step outlined” the entire movie. When the cards
are done, pin them up on a board and study how the story is
organized. How many scenes are there? Are they all necessary, and if
so, why? Why not? How do plot and sub- plot map out? Does the story
follow a three-act structure, or does it employ another model? What
structural lessons can it show you that might help you build your
2. Looking at the scene cards for Juno, identify a specific scene
sequence and describe why it is a scene sequence and how it works
within the larger story. Then write out a scene sequence for your
screenplay, using scene cards. Do the scenes flow into each other
properly and create a discrete unit within the larger story?
This is a fact of life: if your first ten pages—roughly the first ten
minutes of the movie—aren’t what they need to be, your script has very
little chance of being taken on by an agent or bought by a producer.
“Hey, that’s not fair!” you say. “That’s less than ten percent of what
I’ve written here!” True, but it’s the most important less-than-ten-
percent in terms of how your script will be read.
We reiterate—there are literally hundreds of thousands of scripts
out there that need to be analyzed quickly and economically by tired
readers, agents and producers; so don’t hope they’ll get to the good
stuff on page 23. They won’t unless there’s good stuff on the preceding
22 pages.
“But,” you complain, “you said a reader is paid to provide a
complete synopsis of my script to his boss, so he’ll have to read the
great stuff on page 23!” Yes, but he won’t read it carefully or with
much enthusiasm. You’ll have lost him. Not because he’s a jerk (well,
okay, he might be), but because he’s looking for a good MOVIE for his
boss to make. And he knows that a movie must have a gripping,
irresistible opening, or it will lose its audience. If a movie based on
your script would have people heading for the exits after ten or twenty
boring or confusing opening minutes, your reader is going to assume
you don’t know what you’re doing. And guess what? He’ll be right.
The world, the protagonist, the antagonist, the tone, the theme, the
stakes and the nature of the conflict all must be there within the first
ten pages or so and in such a complete and compelling fashion that the
reader simply must read on. As if that isn’t hard enough, you must also
make clear in the first few pages that, in this world, this story is the
essential conflict, and your characters are the essential people to
resolve it.
In order to see how so much can be done in such a seemingly short
amount of time, let’s take a look at two very different but effective
movies, The Terminator and Big Night (the hit of the 1996 Sundance
Film Festival) and examine how their first ten minutes work.
The Terminator is a Frankenstein story set in an action/adventure,
science- fiction framework. (Mary Shelley’s original Frankenstein was
itself a kind of science fiction, in its own time.)
The world is the “normal,” present-day city of Los Angeles, set in
contrast to a potentially horrific future society in which machines have
nearly wiped us out. The protagonist is an average, present-day
working girl, assisted by a brave but virginal soldier from that future.
The antagonist is an unstoppable robotic killing machine from this
hellish future, disguised as a man. The tone is ominous and
frightening, with moments of dark humor. The stakes are both global
(if our heroes don’t succeed, humanity will be wiped out) and also
intensely personal (if our heroes don’t succeed, they and their unborn
child, the hope of the future, will die).
The nature of the conflict in The Terminator is the survival of the
human race vs. the prospect of its complete annihilation. It is also
about living, breathing people vs. a soulless killing machine. In the
near future, government scientists (hubristic, faceless members of
society) will create a “Frankenstein”—an intelligent, computerized
defense system that will turn on its makers. Now, other fallible but
courageous human beings—an every- day woman and a soldier who
loves her—must fight their way back from the brink of this apocalypse.
And all this is set up in the first few pages.
Let’s see how The Terminator does this.
MINUTE ONE/TWO: The movie begins at night in
the blighted future, with human bones strewn
among the wreckage of a ruined city.
Terrifying machines crunch human skulls under
caterpillar treads or fly through the sky
shooting lasers at desperate human resistance
fighters. A “crawl” (a written message
superimposed on the screen) informs us that
this is Los Angeles, 2029, but also that the
battle of this story does not take place in
the horrendous future we are looking at, but
MINUTE THREE: The next scene, also at night,
returns us to the present day. It takes us
behind a schoolyard, where a dump truck is
pulling in. Suddenly, flashes of static
electricity frighten away the truck driver.
There’s a bright blast of light and a
thunderclap, out of which appears a naked,
perfect, muscular man, who kneels in fetal
position on the pavement: the Terminator. He
shows no pain or emotion. He stands up and
walks to a view overlooking the lights of the
city below.
MINUTE FOUR/FIVE: He hears noise from several
punk teenagers nearby and goes to them. They
make fun of his nakedness; he repeats their
words in a monotone, and then demands their
clothes. They refuse and attack him. One punk
stabs him in the stomach, to no effect. The
Terminator plunges his fist into the punk’s
chest, effortlessly lifting him off his feet
and killing him. The others quickly give the
Terminator their clothes.
MINUTE SIX: Down in a seedy alley, a bum is
disturbed by a similar electrical disturbance.
Another naked man, Reese, appears—but this
time he drops hard to the pavement, in agony.
He is muscular, but smaller than the
Terminator. His hair is ragged, his skin
MINUTE SEVEN: Reese steals some filthy clothes
from the bum. A police car appears, its
searchlight finding him. The cops order Reese
to stop, but he runs away. They chase him
through the trash-strewn alley. He’s fast,
MINUTE EIGHT: More cops chase him; Reese runs
into one who has his gun drawn and shoots, but
misses. Reese snatches the gun away and points
it at the cop, demanding to know what date and
year it is. He escapes the cops by breaking
into a department store. He’s momentarily
confused by the plastic mannequins. Then he
steals some shoes and moves on. Coming back
into the alley, Reese goes to an empty police
car left behind in the pursuit, and steals the
shotgun. Then he disappears into the night.
MINUTE NINE: Reese finds a phone booth and
scans it for the name of Sarah Connor. He
finds several, rips out the page. We then meet
SARAH on her moped, a typical young woman, not
gorgeous, but appealing. She’s late for work
as a waitress at a diner. We see her name
again on her time card. She’s harassed from
the first moment, trying to get to all the
complaining customers, knocking over a glass
of water. A little boy makes her life even
more miserable by dumping his scoop of ice
cream into her apron pouch. Her coworker
whispers to her, “Look at it this way: in a
hundred years, who’s gonna care?”
MINUTE TEN/ELEVEN: The Terminator, wearing the
punks’ clothes, punches out a car window and
gets in. He rips open the steering column with
his bare hands and hot- wires the car. He goes
to a huge pawn shop/gun shop, and after
selecting a huge arsenal of weapons, kills the
owner. Then he, too, finds the list of “Sarah
Connors” in a phone book, after first
effortlessly yanking out the big bruiser who
was using the phone booth.
Let’s go back over this and see if we have our essentials: the best
“world” for the story, an essential protagonist, an essential antagonist,
a strong tone, a clear theme, high stakes and plenty of conflict.
In the first minute we see that the stakes are a future ruined by
machines gone amuck, but that the conflict will take place today. The
world of our story is clearly presented, as is the central conflict. The
theme begins to emerge; the tone is appropriately dark and ominous.
It’s interesting to note that this prologue was not in the original script,
but was added later. As the film progressed, it became clear that the
audience would need to better understand both the two worlds and the
stakes of the story early on, in order to fully identify with the dilemma
of the characters.
Three minutes in we meet the Terminator, our antagonist. He is
huge, perfect, without pain or emotion, though at this point we don’t
know he’s a machine. He is shown to us in a superior position, looking
down from a height over the sleeping city. And he kills the first human
he encounters. Right away we know the Terminator is powerful, lethal
and unstoppable. And he gets some cool, heavy-metal clothes.
By six minutes in, we meet our chief ally, Reese, in a roughly
parallel way. Reese is fearless, but clearly human, battle-scarred and
on the run. He does not emerge in painless perfection from the
mysterious electrical cocoon or calmly look down on the sprawling
city. Reese drops right into the city, into an alley no less, right into the
grime of humanity. He looks as if he belongs there, too, especially
when he puts on the bum’s clothes. Unlike the Terminator, who seems
to know exactly what date it is, Reese is unsure. He is a skilled fighter,
but not superhuman. And he kills no one. His character is clear and
distinct from the Terminator’s.
The parallel structure is repeated as both Reese and the Terminator
acquire weapons (the Terminator again killing to get them, while
Reese doesn’t), and both find Sarah Connor in the phone book. The
comparison shows us that this ally, though tough and capable, is
definitely up against a more powerful and ruthless antagonist. They
think alike, and are both after the same thing: Sarah Connor. The
larger, somewhat abstract stakes of a destroyed future are therefore
made personal: one young woman’s life is in danger.
But Reese is not the main protagonist. Sarah is. Although at first
she seems to be the object of salvation, the “princess in the tower,”
Sarah is the one who undergoes the greatest transformation, from
waitress to warrior to mother of the future. Reese and the Terminator
are both outsiders to our “world,” two sides of the same problem for
Sarah—whether she will die or live to fulfill her destiny. Importantly,
when we first meet her, she is “one of us,” an ordinary person just
trying to get by, someone in whom we can invest our feelings.
The conflict is clear. Two people must rise above themselves (gain
power) and destroy (deprive of power) the flawless robotic emissary of
a futuristic war machine if the human race is to survive. The imagery
rein- forces this conflict. From the death machines in the future, we
cut to the seemingly innocuous machinery of the dump truck, and then
the Terminator
appears. The dump truck, with its frightened human driver,
prepares us for the garbage-strewn alley into which Reese is “dumped”
and alludes to the terror humanity is about to face. These, in turn, tell
us that our human champions are severely outmatched—it’s going to
take every resource Reese and Sarah can muster simply to stop the
By the tenth minute (page nine of the script), the dialogue subtly
reiterates the stakes: “In a hundred years, who’s gonna care?” The
prologue has shown us that in a hundred years, the world may be a
living hell. The first ten pages vividly present all the needed elements
and leave us in no doubt that Sarah and Reese, in all their fallible
humanity, are somehow uniquely indispensable in preventing that
future from happening. We identify with Sarah, admire Reese, and are
genuinely terrified by the Terminator.
All of the above clearly expresses and reinforces the theme, that is,
by giving away power and responsibility to the machines we create, we
may unleash the terrible forces of our own destruction. Only by
retaining our own humanity can we survive. And it’s all there in the
first ten minutes: the best “world” for the story, an essential
protagonist (plus a great ally), an essential antagonist, a strong tone, a
clear theme, high stakes and plenty of conflict. What reader could put
it down?
Stanley Tucci and Joseph Tropiano’s award-winning Big Night is
about as different from The Terminator as it can be. It’s a small,
intimate character drama about two immigrant Italian brothers in the
1950s who are trying to open their own restaurant. The older brother,
Primo, is the chef, a true artist unwilling to compromise his vision of
what food should be to suit their middle-brow American customers.
Primo longs to go back to the old country and hasn’t learned much
English yet. Secondo, the younger brother, speaks English better and
longs to achieve the American dream of financial success, even if it
means compromise. Serious tensions arise between the brothers
because of their different visions and desires.
Such a film, about ordinary people living their lives, is perhaps the
hardest kind of film to write because there are no special effects,
gunfights, lurid sex or violence to juice up the conflict and distract
from lack of character. There is nothing but character interaction to
create the drama and stakes of the story. Because of this, such scripts
often tend to wander, following their protagonists through the
minutiae and random conversations of their day in an attempt to be
“honest” and true to life. The problem, as we’ve said, is that movies are
not true to life; they are true to its essence, as defined by the film-
maker. A character drama must be as concise and compelling in its
first ten pages as any other kind of screenplay. So let’s see how the first
ten pages of Big Night accomplishes this. First we’ll go over the main
The world is a small New Jersey town in which the brothers have
opened a restaurant, an ordinary slice of America in the 1950s. The
protagonist is Secondo, the younger of the two brothers. Driven,
ambitious, he longs for the kind of success that, to him, defines the
American dream. The antagonist (not the bad guy, but the
oppositional character) is his older brother, Primo, a brilliant chef who
resents the crassness of America, longs for the Old World, and defines
success in terms of artistic purity. It may at first seem that Pascal—the
ruthless, successful restaurateur across the street—is the antagonist,
but in fact he is a false ally, someone who pretends friendship while
actually sabotaging Secondo. Pascal forces Secondo to recognize the
truths that Primo represents. He is an example of the success Secondo
thinks he wants, without realizing that such success comes at a terrible
cost, a cost that Primo is unwilling to pay.
The tone is quiet and intimate, defined by the sleepy restaurant and
the streets of this small town. Both the drama and the humor come
from the complex reality of the characters, their immigrant
background and their hopes and dreams. These also define the stakes:
will Secondo succeed in achieving the American Dream? If he does,
will it be at the cost of his own dignity and Primo’s integrity? Such
personal stakes are not heroic or larger than life; they do not affect the
world at large. Rather, they represent the challenge common people
face as they struggle to make a success of their own lives. The stakes
are compelling not because we are in awe of them, but because we can
identify with them.
Let’s look at the first ten pages (minutes) and see how all of this is
introduced, minute by minute.
MINUTE ONE: The film opens at dusk. The
restaurant’s Spanish busboy, Cristiano, sits
looking at the ocean, quietly eating a piece
of homemade bread. He goes back to the
restaurant; the kitchen entrance faces the
MINUTE TWO: Cristiano enters to find Primo and
Secondo in the kitchen, cooking risotto. He
picks up some plates and goes through the
doors to the restaurant. Primo asks Secondo to
try it: “Prova?” (“Try it?” in Italian)
Secondo tries it and approves. Primo asks in
Italian if it needs more salt. Secondo insists
he ask again, in English. They discuss the
finer points of the ingredients, Primo
cautioning his little brother to cut up the
garlic the right way. He reverts to speaking
Italian, and cleans the garlic smell from his
fingers with a slice of lemon.
As Cristiano comes back into the kitchen,
Secondo tells him to get ready—the restaurant
opens in five minutes. Cristiano comments in
Spanish that it’s a lot of work for not much
money. He goes to wash the ashtrays, but the
plumbing doesn’t work well.
Secondo, nervous about the opening, gets
dressed up in a suit and tie. He picks up
menus, labeled “Paradise Restaurant.” In the
restaurant, he goes around fussing,
straightening the silverware, perfecting every
table setting. Original and interesting
paintings hang on the walls.
MINUTE THREE: Secondo downs an espresso (in
the film it’s a shot of vodka). Then he
carefully turns the “Closed” sign to “Open.”
Stepping out the front door to the street, he
carefully adjusts the placement of the potted
plants outside. For a moment in the script we
see his dream of some wealthy patrons arriving
in a Cadillac, dressed in all their finery.
But it’s just a daydream, and he goes back
MINUTE FOUR: Later; Primo is still perfecting
his seafood risotto. Secondo is urging him to
serve it already, as the sole customers in the
restaurant have been waiting an hour. They
smoke as they eat; as Secondo brings out their
dishes, they say it took so long they thought
he had to go all the way back to Italy to get
it. Woman isn’t sure this is what she ordered:
she doesn’t see the seafood in it. Then she
asks for a side order of spaghetti. Secondo
tries to explain to her that they’re both
starch, but she insists. She wants spaghetti
with meatballs. Secondo tells her they don’t
make meatballs; exasperated, she finally just
orders a side of plain spaghetti. But she
isn’t happy.
MINUTE FIVE: Primo argues with Secondo about
making a side order of spaghetti: “Who are
these people in America?” Primo asks. Secondo
insists that “This is what the customer asked
for--make it, make it, make it.” These are
their only customers. Primo counters that the
woman is a criminal, a philistine. Secondo is
sick of having this argument every night.
Furious, Primo throws a pot at the door.
(The next five minutes contain roughly the same scenes in both the
script and the finished film, but their order has been changed around a
bit. For the purpose of this analysis we’ll stick to the film, since that is
what the filmmakers, who were also the screenwriters, eventually
determined was the best way to open the film.)
MINUTE SIX: There’s a brief scene of the two
brothers silently going to bed, side by side
in their little apartment bedroom.
MINUTE SEVEN/EIGHT: The next day, Secondo
visits his banker, PIERCE. He tries to seem
cool and collected, talking about their
renovation plans. Pierce abruptly tells him
he’s going to have to change the direction of
the conversation right now: Secondo is behind
on his loan payments. He’ll have to do
something, maybe sell his car. He worries that
Secondo may not understand him; Secondo
responds “I speak English.” He tries to
explain the situation, that he’s doing
everything he can, but Pierce insists there’s
no more time. They’ll foreclose if they don’t
get a payment that month.
MINUTE NINE: That night while Cristiano puts
the chairs on the tables, Secondo compares the
day’s meager receipts with the bills he must
pay. STASH, a painter and friend, sits with
Primo and finishes a meal. He compliments them
on being the only restaurant where he can get
rabbit, and apologizes that he can’t pay with
money; instead he gives them another painting.
Primo laughs it off: “Please, money. What
would I do with money?” Secondo hopes that
someday Stash will become rich and famous so
he can pay them with money. Primo is
enthusiastic about the painting. Secondo just
says, “Great, put it with the rest of them.”
MINUTE TEN/ELEVEN: Secondo approaches Primo,
who’s alone in the restaurant, reading an
Italian newspaper. He asks “How do you feel if
we take risotto off the menu?” Primo pretends
not to hear him, forcing him to repeat the
question. Secondo tries to make it seem
sensible: risotto costs them a lot to make and
the customers don’t really understand it.
Primo at first seems to agree. Then he says,
maybe they could instead serve “...what do
they call them? You dogs? Hot dogs,
hot dogs, hot dogs. I think people would like
that. Those.” It’s an unkind dig at his
brother, and he retreats: “If you give people
time, they learn.” Secondo angrily answers
that they don’t have time, and this is a
restaurant, not a school.
Are all of our essentials present here in the first ten minutes? In the
first two minutes, the world, tone and characters are clearly defined.
We start with an immigrant worker, eating food and looking at the
ocean over which the immigrants have come. We then meet our
protagonist and antagonist in the restaurant itself, which forms the
largest part of their world, the setting for the conflict between art and
commerce, sustenance and failure. It’s almost night, which is when the
restaurant comes to life. The tone is set by the quiet location, the
careful skill and clear tensions between the brothers as they prepare to
open. The themes of becoming an American and preserving one’s
integrity are clear from the very first lines of dialogue, where Secondo
insists that Primo speak English and Primo cautions Secondo to
prepare the garlic correctly. The stakes of potential failure are quickly
indicated by the failure of the plumbing and Cristiano’s comment
about working so hard for so little money. We also quickly see that
while Primo is focused on the quality of the food, Secondo is focused
on appearances: how the restaurant looks. They have called their little
place “Paradise”—their piece of heaven.
By minute three, we see that the town is a typical small town, the
period reminding American audiences (themselves mostly descended
from immigrants within the last century) of their own families’
experience. We also see that Secondo’s dream of wealthy patrons is
just that: a dream. Not long after we’ll see it come true, but only for the
crass restaurant across the street.
Four minutes in we see the essence of the brothers’ conflict with
each other and with the larger world, as Primo’s labor of love takes
second place to Secondo’s desire to please the customers. Secondo
wants desperately to fit in and succeed, while Primo couldn’t care less
and resents wasting his skills on “philistines.”
In the next few minutes we see the source of Secondo’s anxiety: he’s
going to lose the restaurant. The hard reality that he needs money
contrasts with his brother’s willingness to trade food for art—an even
exchange for him, because he is an artist himself. It all comes to a head
when Secondo suggests compromising their menu and Primo
responds with bitter humor that instead of his masterful risotto,
perhaps they should serve hot dogs. But throughout we can see that
under the struggle there is a deep current of love between the brothers
as they try to get along and help each other’s dreams come true.
The script strongly and quickly brings a special world to life, gives
us an intimate protagonist–antagonist relationship that reflects both
the world and theme, and creates an appropriate tone with its loving
details in the kitchen and hard realities outside the kitchen. The stakes
are high within the context of the story: success in the new world or
humiliation and bankruptcy. Each scene is filled with the conflict
generated by those two potential outcomes.
These two examples, though wildly different in kind, are similar in
how their first ten minutes are used to set up the rest of the story. “But
wait,” you say—“I’ve seen great films where we don’t meet the
protagonist or antagonist until well after the first ten minutes!” This is
only apparently the case. It is true that not all stories require the actual
presence of the protagonist or antagonist early on. In detective stories,
for instance, we may not meet our antagonist in person until well into
the story, even at the end. But we will encounter evidence of the
antagonist, in the form of his or her crimes. In Chinatown, we don’t
meet Noah Cross until an hour into the film. But we do see a photo of
him in the first ten minutes and, of course, we see plenty of evidence of
his machinations, though we don’t yet know he’s behind them. In
Seven, the horrible, perversely moralistic murders represent the
antagonist—his presence is felt in every gruesome detail—though we
don’t meet him in person until better than halfway in, and even then
we don’t see his face. It isn’t until near the end of the story that we
meet him face-to-face, but the accumulation of details regarding his
identity have kept him very much present in every preceding scene.
So the fact remains that whatever the genre, within the first ten
minutes each element still needs to be addressed: world, essential
protagonist and antagonist (or evidence of his work or crime, in place
of his actual presence), tone, theme, stakes and conflict. No matter
what kind of script you are writing, your main objective as you open
your story must be to introduce all these elements in a clear, concise
and compelling fashion so that after finishing your first ten pages, the
reader’s only thought will be to keep on reading and find out what
happens next.
1. Look at the first ten pages of your favorite movie if you can get the
script, or view the first ten minutes if you can’t. Can a short statement
about each of the following be drawn?
2. Look at the first ten pages of your favorite movie and describe what
hap- pens minute by minute to draw the audience into the story and
characters. (Remember one page equals one minute of screen time.)
3. Scene-card the first ten pages of your screenplay. Make sure each
scene has a location that works with your “world,” the right characters,
a central event or action, conflict and something to indicate how the
scene advances the thematic arc of the story.
Writing the Picture
The narrative describes the action and imagery with economy, so
simple sentences (subject, verb, object) should dominate the text.
Complex grammar will only slow the read and lessen the impact.
These simple sentences should be written in present tense, in an active
voice and with a minimum of adverbs and adjectives.
Present Tense
Keeping verb tenses consistent is never a problem for screenwriters
because all narrative is written in present tense. Even flashbacks take
place in the here and now: everything is written as if it were happening
now, in front of our eyes, just as the film will be. This might seem
rather elementary, yet a surprising number of beginning screenwriters
make this simple mistake. As a reminder, here are several lines of
narrative the wrong and right way.
Samuel staggered up the blurred stairs. The
floorboards creaked in the dark. He inched his
way towards the closed bedroom door.
Samuel staggers up the blurred stairs. The
floorboards CREAK in the dark. He inches his way
towards the closed bedroom door.
Jack watched for unwanted eyes. The coast was
clear. He took the duffel bag from the trunk,
walked over to the edge and dropped it into the
slow-moving river.
Jack watches for unwanted eyes. The coast is
clear. He takes the duffel bag from the trunk,
walks over to the edge and drops it into the
slow-moving river.
Even in (what should be rare) moments of poetic license indicating a
character’s internal state, such as “Beauty was in the eye of the
beholder,” the narrative should read, “Beauty is in the eye of the
An even worse problem is for a screenwriter to mix tenses. Here,
the screenwriter suddenly switches from present to past tense.
They kiss. And again. More passionate. Grace
presses Andy against the refrigerator. Barnyard
animal magnets fall on them. CRASH, a jar of
pennies rains down. They didn’t notice, they were
too busy enjoying each other’s company.
Remember, present tense only. There is no exception to this rule.
Active Voice
Narrative should also be written in active voice. Active voice is easier
to understand and more immediate than passive voice (present
progressive, technically, but we’ll call it passive for simplicity). It also
conveys the sense of—guess what—action! The subject of the sentence
performs the action of the verb on the object:
Jill slaps Jack.
Jill, the subject, performs the action “slaps.” When the sentence is
written in passive voice, the object receives the action of the verb from
the subject:
Jack is slapped by Jill.
An active voice energizes the narrative by concentrating on verbs that
emphasize the performer of the action. It is more direct and dramatic.
And, of equal importance, it uses fewer words.
Right (Active Voice) Wrong (Passive Voice)
Sam slams the car into reverse. The car is slammed into reverse by Sam.
Oswalt takes aim. The gun is aimed by Oswalt.
Sandra kisses her Mother. Mother is kissed by Sandra.
As noted, screenplay narrative can only describe what the audience
can see or hear. Unlike the novelist, who can describe a character’s
thoughts, past events and future considerations, a screenwriter is
limited to the present, and to what can be filmed. For example, in the
following narrative, a student screen- writer describes a character’s
thoughts. How can this be filmed?
The stone-faced members of the PAROLE BOARD
huddle behind a huge oak table. Nearby, Nick
waits for the verdict. He misses his wife and
child. He wants to forget all this and relive
happier times. He loved his wife and son so
much; they were the light of his existence.
Now they seem a world away.
From what we can see, how can we know that Nick is thinking all these
things? We see an actor sitting there thinking, perhaps upset or
wistful, but how does the audience know that he is thinking in
particular about his wife, son and happier times? This is poor
narrative because it describes elements that no director could possibly
shoot, no actor could reasonably be expected to act. Both require
specifics to shoot or play. Now here’s the same narrative with visuals
to help the audience “see” what Nick is thinking.
The stone-faced members of the PAROLE BOARD
huddle behind a huge oak table. Nick’s haunted
eyes drift down to his manacled hands; he
clutches the tattered photo of himself with
Kevin and Sally in happier times.
Notice that if the visual is strong, it’s not necessary to even hint at
what Nick is thinking. His thoughts are clear by the action alone. Or
the context of a scene, in relation to the scenes preceding and
following it, may provide the crucial information. For instance, a man
may be staring wistfully out at the ocean and we know what he’s
thinking because in the previous scene his wife left him, in spite of his
begging her not to. Or you could achieve a comic effect by having a
chubby man in a running outfit staring soulfully across a park, and
then cut to what he’s looking at (a thin fellow on a bench, devouring a
candy bar), at which point the chubby man’s belly growls audibly
(something we can hear).
The same goes for exposition. In the following, the screenwriter
includes information we cannot see or hear.
BETH enters; she is John’s long-lost sister.
Nearby, SALLY and JILL wave, they were once
roommates in college and have remained close
friends ever since.
If Beth is John’s long-lost sister, that information must come out in
the dialogue or be somehow revealed by the context or visual clues,
and not be stated in the narrative. If Sally and Jill are best friends, you
might write that they hug and treat each other like old chums, but the
fact they were room- mates and have remained close since college
must come out in the dialogue or be shown visually.
When introducing a new character, a screenwriter is allowed few
words of description in the narrative. You don’t want to stop the action
with a long delineation. For example, you could write, “CAPTAIN
BARTS is five-feet-five, two hundred and twenty pounds, dark hair,
blue eyes, short stubby features, etc...” and bore to death everyone who
reads it, or you could just state, “CAPTAIN BARTS looks too fat to be a
cop.” Let the brief description be a stepping-off point. Just give the
reader a first impression; any further character information will come
from the dialogue and action. One way to do this is to contrast two
character traits. For example, “SAM is a handsome man in spite of the
burn marks on his cheeks”; “age is catching up with pretty SALLY”;
“JUDD, a tall yet drooping basketball player, enters.”
It’s also best to concentrate on a character’s visual appearance
rather than digging into personality or character analysis. For
example, you don’t want to say “Beth is a strong woman with frank
insights” or “Johnny treats people as if they were all his best friend,
and he loves children even more.” The problem here is that these
elements of character must be shown to the audience rather than
explained to the reader in the narrative. If Beth is a strong woman,
show us: have her do something that lets us see that she is strong, or
have her express a frank opinion. If Johnny treats people well, let his
actions or words speak for his character. Here are some good examples
of character description:
The man facing him is lean, hollow-cheeked and
dressed in gray. Detached and efficient, he looks
like a cop or an accountant. His name is HOLDEN
and he’s all business, except for the sweat on
his face.
She is tense, sweaty, wide-eyed with
concentration. This is CLARICE STARLING--mid-
20’s, trim, very pretty. She wears Kevlar body
armor over a navy windbreaker, khaki pants. Her
thick hair is piled under a navy baseball cap. A
revolver, clutched in her right hand, hovers by
her ear.
The man is in his late thirties, tall and
powerfully built, moving with graceful precision.
His facial features reiterate the power of his
body and are dominated by the eyes, which are
intense, blue and depthless. His hair is military
short. This man is the TERMINATOR.
There are several mistakes beginning screenwriters make when
describing the location. First, as we’ve seen, they overemphasize
details of the environment at the expense of story or action. Second,
they ignore it altogether. True, the description of the environment
must be kept brief, but it can’t be omit- ted. If the location is
nonspecific, not only will the story appear generic, but it will be
difficult for the reader to visualize. When the screenwriter doesn’t
tempt the reader’s imagination, build a sense of illusion, the reader
remains outside the story and reads it as if it’s an essay, not a
screenplay. Third, as a result of not having done proper research,
inexperienced screenwriters create clichéd descriptions of locations
that are instantly recognizable as having been cadged from other
movies. Lack of research is the mother of cliché. If you really know
your world, you’ll be able to describe those things that make it unique
and original.
So how much is too little description and how much is too much?
The key is story and character. If a detail ties directly into the story, if
it is needed to advance the audience’s understanding of the characters
and actions within the story, then it must be included. If it does not
apply to character or story, it is extraneous and must be cut, no matter
how dear it is to the writer’s heart. Robin once had a student who
spent six pages describing a location, without ever introducing
characters or what the story was about. Each facet of the world was
lovingly described and it was agony for the rest of the class (who were
listening to it being read) to get through because everyone was waiting
for the story to begin. Worse, once it did, very little of what had been
described had any bearing on the specific actions of the characters.
Chekhov, the great Russian playwright, said, “If you describe a gun
hanging on the wall in the first scene, by the final scene that gun had
better go off.” In other words, if a detail of the scene is described, it
must have some relevance to the story: it must be useful. If it isn’t,
then you’ve set up an expectation that is never met, disappointing the
audience and muddling the story. Sometimes a whole world can be
conveyed with a single word. The most famous example of this comes
from the late, great Stirling Silliphant, author of such movies as In the
Heat of the Night and The Towering Inferno. Once, when describing
the environment of a bar, he simply wrote “shitty.” While not strictly
visual, no other description was necessary.
Picture-Making Words
The environment should have an effect on the reader. You don’t just
want the reader to understand your world, you want her to see and
experience it, to lose herself in it. The best way to do this is to use
picture-making words, words that place specific images in the reader’s
imagination. Picture-making words appeal to the senses, not to the
intellect. Here is an example of a description lacking in picture-making
An eccentric lives here. There is a door into
the kitchen and windows to the front porch.
It’s an old scary place.
This description is made of up generalizations and gives the reader
very little to see. For example, does the word “old” mean that the room
is physically falling apart or is it of older style? The word “scary” tells
readers what to feel rather than allowing them to feel it. The
description informs the reader that an eccentric person lives here, but
gives no indication of what might lead to that conclusion. It also
consumes precious resources (words) by providing unimportant
details like where doors and windows are located. It’s a living room;
we can pretty much assume there are doors and windows.
Strong descriptions of the environment allow the reader to see,
hear and feel. Readers derive great satisfaction from creating their
own mental pictures, drawing on their own memories and
associations, but it’s your job to guide them. This reader/writer
collaboration happens when the writer feeds the reader’s imagination.
Rewritten with picture-making words and cut- ting unimportant
particulars, the description might read like this:
A faded shell of its former glory. Thin sunset
light leeches through the crud on the cracked
windows. In the shadows sits Spike, the family
dog, fangs bared. But he’s dead and dusty.
Stuffed, like the furniture.
From this description we can guess that the living room is scary and
that whoever lives here is an eccentric. The writer concentrates on
strong, specific picture-making words/images that allow the reader to
feel the environment rather than coolly examine it.
Here is another example. This narrative was actually handed in
during a graduate-level screenwriting class at UCLA. (The names have
been changed to protect the innocent.)
The Judge sits at his desk with several file
folders open in front of him. Jack is seated
at a table, facing the Judge. Tom, Jack’s
attorney, sits beside him. Dick sits at
another table facing the Judge. Dick’s
attorney sits beside Dick.
We don’t know about you, but we couldn’t care less about what’s going
to happen next. The screenwriter wastes valuable words detailing the
seating arrangement for the reader, but says nothing about the
courtroom. How does the courtroom look? Is it packed with press-
hounds and onlookers, or bleak and unattended? How does the room
reflect what’s about to happen? How do the characters look?
Confident? Tired? Afraid? What do we see and feel? Anything would
be better than this uninteresting laundry list of place set- tings. To give
the screenwriter credit, he redeemed himself on the rewrite:
Dark. Military. Cold. Flanked by his attorney,
Jack faces his Judge. On one side a door to
freedom, on the other, the door leading to
We’re not saying that all adverbs should be cut. Skillfully chosen, they
can add a great deal to any read. But the majority of adverbs are
crutches for unimaginative choices of verb, are not needed and should
be eliminated... quickly and expeditiously.
Trim Adjectives
Just as with adverbs, too many adjectives will weaken the narrative.
Adjectives modify nouns: they answer the questions “which one,” “how
many” or “what kind.” In the following sentences the adjectives are
italicized and the nouns they modify are underlined:
Jack peers at the expensive, brilliant
She smiles at the dark-haired, blue-eyed
Adjectives are a necessary part of any narrative, but beginning
screenwriters tend to pile them on, as in the following example:
LAGATTUTA, an old fuddy-duddy, trudges from
his generic door to retrieve the thin evening
newspaper. His fidgety, liver-spotted hands
shake in the gripping, cutting December cold.
His old-man pants droop, barely held up by
timeworn, deteriorating, slim suspenders. His
long, flaccid ears look red and chapped in the
icy, midwinter sun.
The abundance of adjectives here slows the read and hampers the
simple action of the scene, which is that Mr. Lagattuta walks out on his
porch and picks up his newspaper. The rest is all mood and
environment, most of it overwritten and redundant. The clutter of
adjectives has also led the writer into using passive voice in the
description of the pants and suspenders, further slowing things down.
Mood and environment are important, but could be established with
one-third the adjectives used above, allowing the action to dominate:
MR. LAGATTUTA, an old fuddy-duddy, trudges out
to retrieve the evening newspaper. His liver-
spotted hands shake in the cold. Timeworn
suspenders barely hold up his old-man pants.
His flaccid ears look red and chapped.
One way to eliminate redundant or numerous adjectives is to find
more descriptive nouns. A precise or colorful noun can reduce or
completely eliminate the need for an adjective. In the following
examples, the left column is burdened with adjectives, while in the
right column, the adjectives and nouns have been reduced or replaced
with stronger, more descriptive nouns (and stronger verbs, which can
also help).
Jerry saunters into his
Jerry enters his cool, masculine, sexy apartment.
bachelor pad.
May, an old, ugly and witchlike woman, looks angrily at the
May, a crone, scowls at the
abusive young gang members who are yelling obscene insults at
gang, who sling curses her.
Stuck in the jalopy, the
Inside the old Studebaker, the fidgety kids squirm on the stark,
toddlers squirm on the
barren and flat seats.
You Don’t Say
William Strunk, Jr., the great writing tutor, said, “Vigorous writing is
concise. A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph
no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should
have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts.”
Nowhere is this more appropriate than when it comes to screen
dialogue. While stage plays depend almost exclusively on dialogue to
tell and advance their stories, film is primarily a visual medium, as we
emphasized in the previous chapter. The first filmed dramas were
silent, of course, and contained no dialogue at all, at best a few
interspersed cards to fill us in on the conversations. Dialogue is almost
equally sparse in many of the most expensive contemporary block-
busters, whose huge set-pieces and elaborate special effects take the
visual (nonverbal) storytelling side of the medium to new extremes.
Words seem barely necessary, almost vestigial. In fact, many big-
budget action movie screenwriters (such as Sylvester Stallone) have
prided themselves on how little their characters actually say.
But this is a simplistic attitude. Film is about what we see, certainly,
but it’s also about what we hear. Not all screen dialogue can or should
be reduced to the grunts, expositional fillers and ironic asides you find
in action- adventure flicks. It all depends on what kind of movie you
are writing. Many of the best dramas, especially those with lower
budgets, depend heavily on dialogue to tell their stories. Dialogue is
cheap. It’s the least expensive special effect, although even in big
action movies it can be the most memorable element: “Go ahead,
make my day”; “Hasta la vista, baby”; “... you’ve got to ask yourself one
question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?”; “Who are those guys?”
Dialogue is how we hear the mind, nature and feelings of the
characters expressed (“Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the
world, she walks into mine . . .”; “Show me the money!”; “You’re not
too smart, are you? I like that in a man.”). Both old masters like the
Epstein brothers (Casablanca), Billy Wilder and I. A. L. Diamond (The
Apartment, Some Like It Hot), Robert Benton (Kramer vs. Kramer)
and Robert Towne (Chinatown), as well as those from more recent
generations of screenwriters like Quentin Tarantino (Pulp Fiction,
Inglorious Basterds), Diablo Cody (Juno, Young Adult) and the Coen
brothers (Raising Arizona, Fargo, A Serious Man), luxuriate at length
in the humor and texture of their characters’ voices. And Stallone’s
best screenplay, Rocky, is also his talkiest. However...
In screenwriting, the role of dialogue is much more limited and
subjugated to other aspects of storytelling than it is in playwriting.
Screen dialogue serves three chief, simultaneous purposes:
1. It advances the story.
2. It reveals the characters.
3. It plays off of the visual world of the film.
To advance the story, dialogue reflects immediate circumstances and
needs, addresses future considerations, and perhaps recounts events
in the past. It reveals the characters by showing us their personalities
through their unique voices. And it reinforces or provides contrast to
what we are actually seeing happen on the screen.
In a movie, most information can be conveyed without dialogue.
We can focus in on a newspaper article, show a particular scar or
follow the smoke from a hidden gun. What we see can be more
powerful than what any- one says, so a screenwriter should always try
to show rather than tell. James Cameron’s Titanic was much criticized
for its mediocre dialogue, but became the most successful movie in
history, until his equally dialogue-impaired Avatar came out.
Reflecting on this, no less an authority than screenwriter William
Goldman (winner of two Oscars and writer of Butch Cassidy and the
Sundance Kid, All the President’s Men, and Marathon Man) wrote
that movie dialogue “is among the least important parts of a
screenplay. Sure, intelligent talk is always better than dumb stuff
[especially in witty comedies or dramas]. But for the most part, the
public and critics have come to believe that screen- plays are dialogue.
Wrong. If movies are story, and they are, then screenplays are
structure” (Goldman’s italics). It’s Cameron’s storytelling, his
arrangement of character and story events and his use of astonishing
visual imagery to convey the drama, that makes Titanic a good
screenplay, in spite of some lousy dialogue. That said, however, it
would have been a better screenplay with better dialogue.
One student screenplay concerned some college kids who discover
that their weird professor has invented a time machine. In the first
scene, at a bar, the students recounted the previous night’s adventure,
talking about how they broke into the professor’s office and attempted
to start the machine. The problem was that there was no need to
express these events through dialogue. Since this was the event that
started the story, the answer was to create an exciting scene in which
the students crawled in the window, discovered the time machine and
tried to start it, letting the audience see the action rather than hearing
about it.
There are times in which dialogue can be used effectively to recount
past events, such as the scene in Jaws in which Quint expresses his
hatred of sharks by telling his experience of watching thousands of
sailors being eaten alive when their ship sank in the Second World
War. But in general, it is better to show us the scene, not tell us the
story. In the following, the student screen- writer allows the characters
to talk about the action rather than showing it.
Karoline and Casey walk up to the old Buick
Roadmaster parked in the driveway.
So this is a Buick.
The American Dream gone to pieces. I
swear this thing is held together by
Boy, it’s old.
Yeah, how do you like those fins?
We’ve had it for years.
Does it run?
Dad still drives it to work
You’re kidding.
The man lives in the past. He
actually thinks this car is cool.
It’s junk.
If you want him to like you, say
something nice about it.
What do we learn from this scene? That Dad owns an old junky
Buick Roadmaster he’s had for years. The car still runs, Dad thinks the
car is cool, and Casey wants Dad to like Karoline. Little of this needs to
be expressed directly in dialogue:
BANG, a backfire: Casey and Karoline wait as
Dad approaches in an ancient, rusted 1950s
Roadmaster, trailed by a glutinous cloud of
smoke. BANG.
If you want him to like you, say
something nice about the car.
Nice car. Cool fins!
Yep. They just don’t make ’em like
they used to.
Maybe. When the sky is red ... you
know, what’s that rhyme?
Oh, yeah. When is the good one?
Red sky at morning means it will
rain outside.
What about rain inside?
No, what do you mean?
You say, “rain outside,” and I think
for you to say the word “outside” is
Because it can’t rain inside.
I didn’t say “inside.”
I know.
I say “outside.”
No, I know.
So where is the problem?
Yeah, I don’t get it.
No, it’s just you don’t have to say
“outside” ... because it can’t rain
What the fuck--
I know it can’t rain inside.
Forget it. Forget. Forget.
What the fuck is he talking about?
I am confused.
No, no ... I make fun.
You make fun of your brother?
No. It was a joke. I make like a
I don’t hear the joke.
How’s Herman? Is he still writing
that novel?
Oh, he’s dead.
Oh. I’m so sorry.
He had prostate cancer. He died
almost five years ago now.
I haven’t kept in touch. I should
have at least written. I’m a
terrible person.
I found him here. Slumped over a
copy of Bartlett’s Familiar
Quotations. Sixteenth edition.
I’m all grown-up now, I can make
basic decisions, like who I invite
to stay in my house.
Are you sure about this?
You’re not uncomfortable sleeping in
the room where Herman bought it, now
are you?
No. Not at all. I’m fine with that.
He was a good husband, I miss him
horribly, although he did have a bad
case of testosterone poisoning. Men
have that, you know. It’s quite
Yes, I know.
You know, once in my life I’d like
to be shot full of testosterone so
that I’ll know what it’s like to be
totally right!
I have to admit I often feel the
same way.
Now, here is the same scene with over fifty words cut from the
A Victorian bedroom, warm light, wood tones, a
high ceiling and the feeling of history. A
perfect place to read the New York Times Book
Review. EMMA enters with Jill, who carries an
overnight bag.
Jill spots a writing pad, inkwell and ink pen
on the desk. She opens the inkwell; it’s dried
out and crusted. Emma notices.
Herman’s dead. Cancer. Five years
ago. I left his things as they were.
Oh, I’m sorry. I’m so terrible, I
haven’t kept in touch.
I found him here. Slumped over this.
Emma, I should have called, before--
It’s okay, I’m a big girl now. You
don’t mind sleeping in here?
No. Not at all. I’m fine with that.
He was a good husband ... but ...
You know, just once I’d like to be
shot full of testosterone so I’d
know what it’s like to be totally
right all the time.
Oh, he’s dead.
Oh. I’m so sorry.
He had prostate cancer.
Herman died. Cancer, five years ago.
I’m so terrible, I haven’t kept in
You’re okay sleeping here?
He was a good husband ... but just
once I’d like to know what it’s like
to be totally right!
I’m a fool. She hates me.
She doesn’t hate you.
No. She hates me. It’s over.
The statements, “I’m a fool” and “She hates me” are both
conclusionary, telling us what the character thinks in generalized
language. They don’t allow the audience to see or understand what
brought the character to those conclusions. But the dialogue can
become more interesting, without sacrificing understanding, by
concentrating on details:
A sweltering hole-in-the-wall pub. A bored
COUNTRY BAND plays a tired TUNE. Nick and
Buddy suck down lifeless beers.
I got her a humidifier.
For Valentine’s Day?
She went home to her mother.
From this bit of dialogue we can assume that she hates him and that
he feels like a fool (or is a fool). The dialogue is still written in
headlines (it actually uses fewer words), but the conclusionary
statements have been replaced with details that provide the time
frame, specific characterization and context.
Let’s look at a second example. Here’s a sample of dialogue that is
full of on-the-nose, conclusionary statements:
Henry calmly sucks down another Lone Star.
Darla slams in while juggling her purse,
several heavy, disintegrating grocery bags and
keys. She makes it to the counter just as the
bag rips open.
Christ, no wonder everyone hates
Haven’t you heard, I’m loved by
Says who? You can’t name a single
person who’s read your books.
That’s not true.
I never see them in stores. I’ve
looked and looked and no one carries
them. You’re so self-important.
Drop it or I’ll get mad!
You just think you’re popular, but
you’re not. No one has read your
work. No one!
This is horrible dialogue. Now, the same scene with the conclusionary
statements replaced with dialogue that leads the reader to the same
conclusions without openly stating them.
Henry calmly sucks down another Lone Star.
Darla slams in while juggling her purse,
several heavy, disintegrating grocery bags and
keys. She makes it to the counter just as a
bag rips open.
Christ, what were you thinking?
Writing an attack on Miss America?
No one’s going to buy it!
I have a hundred thousand books in
Self-publishing doesn’t count.
I have never self-published!
Who are you trying to kid? You’ve
got a basement full of books that no
one’s ever going to read.
Just drop it. Drop it now!
I’m sick of how you look at Sally
all the time.
Why do I get this feeling that you
think I’m after your wife?
I can’t prove anything, but it’s
just tearing me up inside.
Relax, I got a wife.
You don’t love Amelia.
Maybe not, but I don’t hate her.
God, sometimes you piss me off.
Again, this is horrible, on-the-nose dialogue that stops the story dead
in its tracks. Because Nick and Buddy speak their emotions rather
than revealing them through an action or subtextually charged
dialogue, the story stops. Also as a result, their characters are
undifferentiated. Here is the same scene, but now the emotions are
made clear through action and indirect dialogue:
A sweltering hole-in-the-wall pub. A bored
COUNTRY BAND plays a tired TUNE. Nick and
AMELIA, Buddy’s wife, suck down lifeless
Nick glances gloomily at the dance floor:
Buddy spins SALLY around, cheek to cheek.
They’re not Fred & Ginger, but she’s the type
of woman men love to dance with and Buddy is
loving it, all right.
DRUNK OLD-TIMERS watch Sally. She teases them
with a flip of her skirt as she sails past.
They like that.
Nick tries to catch her eye, but she avoids
him as they dance nearby. He overhears Buddy’s
flirtatious banter.
... then this taxi comes flying
around the corner, misses the
mother, but hits the baby carriage.
Proceeds to drive ten blocks with
the carriage lodged between the oil
pan and the street. It was like the
4th of July, sparks shootin’
Ooh. I like sparks.
Buddy pulls Sally in close, pressing his chest
against her breasts.
Nick can’t take it anymore. He walks out and
taps Buddy’s shoulder.
I’m cuttin’ in with my wife.
We’re partners, Nick. Supposed to
share things.
...So what happened to the baby...?
Baby’s fine. No big deal.
Honey, where’s the coffee?
In the fridge.
And sugar?
Right beside it, on the left.
This is boring dialogue. Why? Both John and Sally hear each other
perfectly and respond obviously. The conversation is nothing more
than an information exchange. But look what happens when the
obvious is used to express the hidden:
John pokes around in the kitchen cabinet,
frustrated. Sally doesn’t appear to notice.
Honey, where’s the coffee?
You don’t think I know, do you.
What, about the sugar?
Are you testing me?
Or perhaps:
John pokes around in the kitchen cabinet,
frustrated. Sally doesn’t appear to notice.
Honey, where’s the coffee?
The doctor said no more caffeine.
That’s not what I asked.
Did you take your medication?
Well, I’m late for work.
Well, I think you should. You need
to end this part of your life.
So, are you telling me or asking me?
Oh, Clara. He thinks I’m brilliant
at stretching the budget.
Thank you for paying the marriage
counselor, Sally.
No problem, Clara.
Fillers indicate that the writer is still fishing for what the dialogue
ought to be, or worse, obfuscating it. The English author George
Orwell said that too many vague words will cloud a work and “fall
upon the facts like soft snow, blurring the outlines and covering up all
the details.”
Speech, Speech! Monologues may be wonderful on the stage but
they generally don’t work in a movie. Some exceptions are voice-over
narration or actual speeches being given in context, such as a lawyer
giving her summation at the end of a trial, or William Wallace rallying
his troops before the battle. Another example from the same movie
—Braveheart—comes when
Edward Longshanks, having killed his son’s lover, meditates on the
best plan of action to follow to defeat Wallace. But these are the
exception, and even these kinds of speeches must be approached with
caution. In real life, people generally don’t go on at great length
without interruption, so monologues are a bit unnatural. This is true
in screenplays as well. Long monologues often slow the pace because
there is little interaction with other characters or little action being
taken by the character who is speaking. Monologues are also visually
boring. Whenever possible, try to break monologues up into shorter,
more manageable dialogue passages. There’s a famous story of a
producer who took a ruler, slapped it down on a screenwriter’s script,
measured the length of a monologue written there, and said, “Three
inches long! Cut it by two.” This is a bit extreme, but you get the point.
Another “speech” problem occurs when the character works out his
problems in complete, extended thoughts rather than through
exploration and interaction with other characters. This form of
dialogue (sometimes called a “false monologue”) turns characters
inward; it causes them to feed off themselves rather than relate to or
act off of other characters. In the following example, two lawyers argue
over evidence. Notice that they are not interacting but thinking
everything out in complete thoughts.
That was twenty years ago. People
change. What’s the truth today? I
mean, you should’ve said something.
Demanded proof. You can’t blame
someone today for how they acted
twenty years ago. You should’ve
Thank you for telling me how to do
my job, but we adjourned before I
could do so. They asked the
question. A question I couldn’t
answer because I’m afraid the
prosecution has exactly what I have.
I stole it from the county records
when the trial began. Was bein’ a
good little lawyer-man, coverin’ my
client’s ass. I’m good at that.
Now here is the same scene, broken into dialogue rather than
speeches. Notice that it is more realistic and allows the characters to
play off each other rather than feed off themselves.
That was twenty years ago. People
change. What is the truth today? You
should’ve said something--
Thank you for tellin’ me how to do
my job--
Demanded proof.
We adjourned before I--
You can’t blame someone today for
how they acted twenty years ago...
You should’ve objected!
I couldn’t! I’m afraid the
prosecution has exactly what I have.
I stole it from the county records
when the trial began. Was bein’ a
good little lawyer-man, coverin’ my
client’s ass. I’m good at that.
Now there’s some reality to the scene, some believable conflict, and
some energy.
Touché ... Cliché! A cliché is a commonplace phrase that has
become overused and trite. “Beyond the shadow of a doubt,” “beat
swords into plow- shares,” “It’ll all come out in the wash,” “water
under the bridge,” “as close as peas in a pod,” “You’ll never get away
with this,” are all obvious clichés both on and off the screen. In movie
talk, there are many more: “I’m too old for this [pick your expletive],”
“Are you all right?” “Let’s do it,” “Run for it!” are examples of overused
and essentially meaningless phrases which should be avoided. People
do occasionally talk in clichés, but a screenplay deals with heightened
language. A screenwriter should try to come up with new ways to re-
express a familiar sentiment, rather than resort to shopworn phrases.
The only exception is if you have a character like Polonius in Hamlet,
whose superficial character is revealed by his reliance on clichéd truths
and sentiments.
Get Off the Soapbox Characters who speak from a soapbox
(unless, as in the case of Polonius, this is their nature) are usually the
result of inexperienced writers who wish to convey a “message.” This
results in didactic or propagandistic speeches. Your message (which is,
of course, your theme) should be subtextual, suggested rather than
openly stated, dialectic rather than pedantic. If you must have a
character talk about the theme, then it should come as a revelation, a
discovery based on the action of the story. But allow the action to
“speak first” and lead the character to his or her dialogue, as for
instance, when Dorothy finally realizes that “There’s no place like
home,” or when Jules explains the meaning of his salvation at the end
of Pulp Fiction. Show and persuade your audience (and your
characters), don’t brow- beat them. Dialogue is exploration and
communication, not indoctrination.
Exposition is dialogue that sets up or explains the story; it is like the
getting- to-know-you conversation on a first date. It relates action that
has happened, is happening or will happen outside the frame of the
movie: everything that happens between the words FADE IN and
FADE OUT. Most exposition is handled visually—we see what is
happening, or what happened, through flashback or prologue scenes—
but occasionally a screenwriter must use dialogue. Contrary to popular
opinion, there’s nothing wrong with verbal exposition if it’s handled
properly, but there are many pitfalls.
If the sole purpose of the dialogue or scene is to provide exposition,
to “fill the audience in,” then it will fail, because the scene becomes
static; the action of the story pauses while we get information.
Exposition must be woven into the action, so that it contributes to the
forward motion of the story, or at any rate doesn’t hinder it. Problems
also occur when exposition is too obvious (relating things that are
already clear to the audience, or having characters tell each other
things they already know in order to inform the audience), or is too
extended, containing unnecessary details.
You’re So Obvious Phrases like “As you can see,” “As you
know...,” or “As I told you...,” “...remember?” and “Like I told you
yesterday...” are sure signs that obvious or on-the-nose exposition
lurks nearby. The characters aren’t talking to each other, they’re
simply filling in the reader. Many novice writers fall into this trap, not
knowing how else to reveal the information they feel the reader needs
to know. Years ago a friend of ours at the Second City improvisation
company did a skit called the Obvious Exposition Players. It went
something like this:
SON #1
How’s Mom?
SON #2
Considering the fact that she’s
nearly seventy, she’s doing just
SON #1
If only she hadn’t had that heart
attack last year.
SON #2
That was a bad one. Left her in the
hospital for three months.
SON #1
I took care of her, remember? I was
there every night till the nurse
kicked me out.
SON #2
What about me? I was there every
SON #1
You were. She’s been a good mother.
Remember the time she lied about
your age so that you could join
Little League?
SON #2
How could I forget? I’d never be a
big league pitcher if it wasn’t for
SON #1
And I’d never be a barber if she
hadn’t let me experiment on her
Shut up and get out!
But neither italics nor capitalization are really necessary to these (or
most other) lines:
You mean me? You are talking about
me? Me! In front of my face? Fine!
You can all go to blazes!
I’m back here. In the microfilm
They want to see you, now.
Why now?
You’re in big trouble with the
higher ups.
The Captain. The Chief of Police.
The Mayor. They’re all upset.
So, what are you trying to tell me?
They don’t like my article?
Well, you name it, they’re pissed
about it. They want to see you now.
Send ’em in.
You’re flunking.
I know, but that doesn’t mean I’m
I think you’re stupid. So does your
I hate my mother.
I’m so tired of you, George. When
are you going to grow up?
I am grown up.
You act like a child. You even look
like a child! You’re never going to
get anywhere until you learn to be
more mature.
3. The following scene has characters talking about their emotions
rather than showing them. Rewrite the scene so that characters never
talk about their emotions, yet allow how they feel to be clear.
MARY, an assistant professor in her thirties,
sits nervously waiting for GEORGE, her
department chairman, in his sixties, to look
up from her class evaluations. Finally he
looks over his silly half glasses.
I know you’re nervous about this.
Oh, terribly. All morning I’ve been
feeling touchy.
My daughter took an “Intro to
Theatre” class from you. She says
she really enjoyed it.
I liked her. She always made me feel
appreciated for what she learned in
my class.
Well, I’ve always felt that “Intro
to Theatre” was superficial. I never
had the patience for it. Too easy to
teach. I like something more
It’s not that easy. I only have
fifteen students, but I’m
A Working mother with two kids; you
must be tired
Tired and sick. Half the time I
don’t what I’m doing.
I thought as much. Did you know what
you were doing when you gave my
little sweetheart an “F”? That
really pissed me off.
What a pleasant thought.
My father was always filled with
grand delusions about me. Then one
day I decided to come straight with
him. I told him the truth about
myself. Suddenly, all the games were
stripped away. We really looked at
each other for the first time.
Naked! Only our true emotions on the
table. He immediately grabbed his
chest, fell back in his Craftmatic
adjustable bed and died. How’s that
for a guilt trip?
You told him you were gay?
No, I told him I was an actor.
And he believed you?
Why shouldn’t he?
If I knew I’d get the same result
you did, I might try the same
approach with my dad. Wonderful guy-
-not! When I was a kid, from the
time I was five, I asked him for a
baseball glove. Finally he got me
one when I graduated from high
school. It was for the wrong hand!
No! Just because he wants a drink,
that doesn’t mean you have to leap
up, dump everything and run to get
it. He’s got legs. He doesn’t even
ask for the drink, he just sits
there and stares at you. I’ll never
marry a man like that.
He’s a man of few words. But he’s
very sensitive. For instance, his
drink has to be just perfectly mixed
or he won’t enjoy it. He has
wonderful taste buds. Never smoked.
You remember how much I smoked, for
five years. Thank God your father
beat that out of me.
Mom, we all get lonely. And Dad was
a pig; I hated the way he abused
you. I suppose his death was hard on
all of us, but you can’t marry this
man just because he reminds you of
dad. Mom, you may think this is
love, but this isn’t, and it never
was. This is being a maid.
Or a prostitute. Am I right? Oh come
on now, you can say it if you want
to. I’ve heard the word before. It’s
in the dictionary. Prostitute. Well,
maybe there are some practical
considerations. He’s got money ...
and did I tell you that he is a
practical man? Nothing wrong with
that. You’re just upset because I
found happiness. Learned to love
again. In my own way. Sounds like
the title of one of those trashy
supermarket books doesn’t it? But
that’s how life is sometimes.
6. Now take your rewrite of the previous scene and leapfrog as many
words and thoughts as you can. Turn the dialogue into “headlines.”
7. The following scene is full of obvious exposition. Rewrite the scene
using conflict, humor or a confidant to replace obvious exposition:
So, when did you move to Cleveland?
Almost two years ago.
You are kidding. I moved here two
years ago myself.
What are you doing now?
I work for a large investment
I’m a successful umpire.
I love baseball. But I have no time
to go anymore, let alone play. I
used to be pitcher on the bank’s
softball team.
I’m getting a little bored with it,
How could you? Everyone loves
baseball. My kids especially do.
I have no kids.
I thought you were married.
I was. We divorced. My wife was very
selfish; she didn’t want to ruin her
figure with children.
I have three great kids.
That’s great.
One from each of my marriages. But
the third time is a charm; my new
wife is a wonderful woman.
Not So Fast, Bub
All right, you’ve finished your first draft and it’s a thing of beauty. It’s
so hot that it’s burning your fingers, and you just can’t wait to send it
out to agents, producers and anyone else you can think of, sure that
big bucks and a major studio release are soon to follow. Of course
there might be a detail or two that needs work, a few nagging doubts
about that problem section in the middle; but no one’s really going to
care about those, if they notice any problems at all. So basically it’s
ready to go! Right?
Wrong. Really wrong. Do not delude yourself into thinking that
your first draft is good enough. It almost certainly is not. There’s an
old saying: “All writing is rewriting.” While this is an exaggeration, it
contains a great deal of truth. The first and purest reason to rewrite is
that, no matter how talented you are or how careful you’ve been with
your outline and first draft, there are always things that need to be
altered, cut or improved, things you forgot you wanted, things you
were sure you needed but really didn’t. No first draft is ever ready to
be seen by anyone other than yourself and a few trusted readers, who
will hopefully help point out all the various, previously unnoticed
failings of your precious creation. And it’s likely you won’t catch all the
problems on your second pass, either. Most professional screenwriters
go through three to five drafts before they send their scripts out.
There is a practical reason for this as well: you will ruin your
chances with your script in the real world if you send it out
prematurely. Remember, you have exactly one shot with whomever
you send it to. If they pass on it, that’s it. Forever. Once you submit a
script to a producer, studio or agency, it gets covered by the reader
(see Chapter 1) and “goes into the system,” which means that the
reader’s synopsis and recommendation are entered into a computer
database. If you later realize that you needed to fix some things and try
to resubmit it, whoever gets it—even years later—will simply type in
both the title and your name (in case you get the tricky idea of
changing the title) and take a look at the prior review. If it was a pass—
which it probably was, or you wouldn’t be resubmitting it—that’s as far
as it’ll go. If they’re friends of yours they may lie and tell you they’ll
look at it again, but they won’t. No one is going to read your belated
new draft unless Leonardo DiCaprio personally insists they do because
he’s dying to star in it even if it means working for scale. Ain’t gonna
happen. You blew your chance, at least at that place. And there aren’t
that many places.
So take a deep breath, take that brand-new, virgin first draft and
give it to a few trusted friends to read. Then try to forget you ever
wrote the thing for the next couple of weeks. Once you’ve had time to
get a little distance from your writing, gather whatever comments and
criticisms you can, reread the script carefully along the lines described
in this chapter, and get back to work. Then rinse and repeat, until your
script is as good as you are capable of making it, if not better. Take the
extra time and effort or you will simply be throwing away all the time
and effort you’ve already spent in writing the first draft.
There’s a joke that goes: “A writer and a producer are lost in the
desert, dying of thirst. The writer begins to hallucinate a beautiful
oasis, with gorgeous, shady trees and a pristine pool of water. His
imagination is so powerful that even the producer sees the
fact, it becomes real. The writer, over- joyed, runs to the water to
drink, when the producer shouts, ‘Wait!’ He shoves the writer aside,
unzips and relieves himself in the water. The producer then steps back.
‘There,’ he says, ‘now it’s perfect.’” The point is that even when you’ve
written a fantastic script, even when it’s been purchased and is set for
production, it’s still going to be messed with. Hollywood, a land of
infinite ego and insecurity (two sides of the same coin), loves to
rewrite. Movies are rewritten at every stage of the process, from the
writer’s many drafts, through development, during pre-production, on
the set just before a shot, and even in post-production. (Editing the
film is sometimes called the final rewrite and, in any event, scenes are
often reshot or new ones added.) And usually the person, or persons,
doing the rewriting is not the original writer. Some Hollywood
screenwriters have made their reputation and a very good living on
their ability to rewrite other people’s scripts. These script doctors,
some- times called closers, can receive huge sums (as high as
$200,000 per week) to whip a script into final shape just before or
during production.
There is a serious debate among working writers as to whether this
is a valuable and necessary aspect of the business or an immoral act of
cannibalism, in which some writers, driven by money and the desire
for credit, glom onto and deform other writers’ work. Some writers
have gone so far as to actually sign a pledge not to rewrite another
person’s script. Others laugh happily all the way to the bank.
The fact is that many good scripts—and the resulting films—are
harmed by this process. But this doesn’t always result in an inferior
product. Sometimes the script just isn’t quite there and no matter how
hard the original writer has tried, it needs a fresh perspective. If you
are that original writer, your only defense against having your project
taken away is to figure out how to gain that perspective yourself, so
that the producers do not feel another rewrite—or another writer—is
Don’t Object (Be Objective)
Producers are continually hiring new writers to rewrite the scripts they
have in development. A movie may have several dozen writers, but due
to complicated arbitration rules set up by the WGA, only a few will
receive screen credit. The rest will remain what might be called
ghostwriters. Why do producers demand so many rewrites? Put
simply, they lack objectivity. “The biggest problem is so many
producers today are less sure of what they think and believe,” says
Lucy Stille, a Hollywood screenwriting agent. “...It’s hard to stay with
one writer if you don’t know what you want.” These producers are
making one of the most basic mistakes when rewriting (whether you’re
doing it or hiring someone else to do it): they’re trying to rewrite
before they know what they want.
What do they want? They want what all producers, directors, actors
and writers want, a great script. What makes a great script? How do
you know that what you’ve got isn’t already a great script? It’s hard to
know, to be objective. This is where craft, where knowing what belongs
structurally and thematically, comes in. There’s a story about three
Hollywood script doctors who were doing an emergency group rewrite
on a children’s movie. They had been working on it for days, the
deadline was closing, but they just couldn’t make the story work. The
problem was that the original script contained the character of an
enchanting little horse, which no longer seemed to fit. They were
pulling another all-nighter, it was getting near dawn, when one of the
writers suddenly said, “What horse?” It occurred to them that they
were trying to adhere to a scenario that no longer worked. The story
had grown; the little horse, no matter how enchanting, was no longer
needed. The solution had always been obvious, but they’d been too
mired in the rewrite to see it. They cut the horse and finished the
Good rewriting is a special talent. Writing the first draft can be
magical and creative, but rewriting—whether your own work or
someone else’s—is more analytical. Rewriting is repair work; it is like
editing a novel. It’s asking the question, “What horse?” It demands
objectivity, problem-solving skills and a detailed knowledge of
technique. If you have these abilities, then you might be suited for this
kind of work. But even if you’re only interested in rewriting your own
work, you must learn to be objective and capable of problem solving
after the hard work of your first, second, or eighth draft is done. Being
objective means that before beginning a new draft you have a clear
idea of what needs to be repaired. Only when you are armed with a
solid understanding of the script’s problems and possible solutions
should your next draft begin.
In this way, rewriting is much like writing in the first place: it
requires a plan of attack. The problem is, after weeks or months of
work on the same story and characters, a screenwriter’s vision can
become narrowed and weary, the creative answers elusive. What a
screenwriter needs is “new eyes.” This is the ability to see a script
fresh, as if for the first time. There are three ways to gain objectivity:
time, readings and notes.
Gimme a Break! (Time Is Your Friend)
Have you ever found an old short story or poem you wrote years ago,
read it and disliked it? Here is something you thought was wonderful
when you conceived it but now you see all its faults. Distance is one of
the best ways to achieve new eyes. Heraclitus (ca. 470 B.C.), the Greek
philosopher, said, “You can’t step in the same river twice.” Events
move along, the world changes, and you’re constantly changing and
growing, too. This change and growth happens much faster than most
of us realize. Parmenides (ca. 515–440 B.C.), Heraclitus’ successor,
was even more to the point when he said, “You can’t step in the same
river even once.” The present is no sooner here than it’s become the
past. We’re all being rewritten, all the time. And when you come back
to your script, you’ll be a slightly different person, with new eyes.
Take advantage of this. Once you’ve finished your first draft, totally
divorce yourself from the screenplay, lock it up, don’t even think about
it. It doesn’t take years; in fact it seldom takes more than a few weeks.
You’ll be surprised how quickly you’ll have changed perspective and
achieved a new objectivity. Between drafts, some writers work on
another project, others simply take a vacation (even writers deserve
vacations). Whatever your choice, this intermission will recharge your
mind, reset the breakers on your imagination and let you work or play
at something different while your sub- conscious works on your script.
Then, perhaps two weeks later, open the script and read it. Suddenly
faults will reveal themselves, hidden problems will become obvious,
and the strong/weak elements of the script will no longer be cloudy.
All those little nagging doubts you dismissed, the problems you hoped
weren’t there and just skipped over, will declare themselves and
demand to be addressed. And probably you’ll have come up with the
solutions. Time is the best editor, distance the best way to achieve
Hear, Hear! (Readings)
Objectivity can also be gained though a reading. Readings are easy;
gather a few friends (actors are nice but not necessary), make copies,
assign roles and listen as the script is read out loud, in your living
Here are a few tricks that will help you stage a successful reading.
First, make it a party, treat everyone to pizza. Then, since screenplays
have many roles, you’ll want to double-cast. This doesn’t mean having
two people read the same lines at the same time, which only creates an
unpleasant echo effect. Double-casting means that one reader will play
multiple roles, unless you have a great many friends whom you can get
in one room all at the same time. One way to do this is to assign the
leading roles (protagonists and antagonists) to an individual while
other readers will play multiple smaller roles. Next, do your readers a
favor and highlight their lines for them; this way there won’t be any
uncomfortable pauses when someone doesn’t pick up their cue or
searches for their part. It’s best to cast two readers for the narrative so
they can switch off and keep it fresh. Also, your script should be read
cold; in other words, without rehearsals. This is because the script
should be clear and easy to understand on the first reading. Rehearsal
will only hide problems. When a line goes wrong, when a scene fails,
don’t be tempted to blame the readers. The screenwriter who thinks,
“It really does work, they’re just not reading it right” is more than
likely simply finding excuses for a script’s faults.
During the reading, don’t read anything yourself, not even the
narrative. With your copy of the script in front of you, just listen, and
make notes, right there on the script page: what works, what doesn’t.
When a reader stumbles on lines, note the line so it can be checked.
Don’t try to rewrite it on the spot or stop the readers so you can
discuss a problem that has arisen. You’ll lose the flow of the reading.
Just jot down a few key words to remind yourself of what and where
the problem lies. It’s also a good idea to tape-record the reading, so
that you can go back over it for anything you may have missed.
Basically, readings allow you to hear the script interpreted by
some- one other than yourself; everything sounds different in
someone else’s mouth than it does in your own mind when you’re
writing. Flaws, unintended but happy accidents, not-so-happy
accidents, poorly written narrative, unclear plot points, boring
stretches and rushed passages, all will become much more clear to
At some point during the evening, should one or more of the
readers need to take a break or go to the bathroom, mark the place in
the script where they feel they can put it down and take that break. It’s
probably a spot where the story has slowed down. A script should be a
page-turner; there should never be a lull where readers feel it’s okay to
stop. During a reading, if possible, use the squeakiest chairs you can
find. When readers become bored they will shift in the chairs. You can
tell how bored they are by the number of squeaks. If no squeaking is
possible, then just notice how many times they yawn and re-cross their
legs. Mark which pages seem to take forever to read. Where does the
action slow down? When are the characters inconsistent? Where does
the story fail?
By the end of the reading, your script should be full of notations
(use red ink—it’s easier to spot your notes) and you’ll be ready for the
next draft. If you loved the reading, if you wouldn’t change a thing,
then more than likely you were not listening critically—so ask for and
pay careful attention to the (hopefully constructive) criticisms of your
readers. Invite people to stay and talk about the script. Friends will
have a tendency to be kind, so let them know that they should not
sugarcoat their comments. Promise them you won’t be offended—and
then keep that promise. Don’t argue with them or justify your choices
—just listen, and learn. Remember, this isn’t about you, it’s about the
screenplay. Better to hear it now than in a rejection letter from an
agent or producer. Sometimes they’ll all agree that something is wrong
and if that happens, they’re probably right. (There’s an old expression,
“If everyone tells you you’re drunk, then hand over the keys whether
you agree with them or not.”) More often, there will be some
disagreements among your readers, and then you’ll have to decide
who’s right.
But remember one important point—often people can sense a
problem in a certain part of the story without being able to pinpoint
the exact cause. They may agree something’s wrong, but each of them
points to a different part of the scene or line of dialogue as the culprit,
when in fact the problem may be the scene’s relationship to a scene
just preceding or following it, or to some other unidentified flaw in the
vicinity. In a scene with three beats (A, B and C), for instance, one
reader may point to beat A, another to C, when in fact the problem is
with beat B. It’s all a matter of the context. Again, be objective.
Acknowledge that something here needs work, whether or not it’s the
exact line or scene someone has identified. Then, when you’re
rewriting, step back and look over the problem area for the true cause
of people’s misgivings.
All of this may seem painful, but it is actually a positive experience
because the problems you and your friends discover are also guide
posts that will help point your rewrite in the right direction. (By the
way, playwrights have been using readings to test their writing for
thousands of years. Many theatre companies do weekly readings of
new scripts, and some will even consider screenplays.)
Notes from the Underground
Where to find an honest opinion? Whom can you trust? Young writers
spend much time trying to find mentors to guide them through the
process. They want an authoritative voice to tell them they did well, or
how to improve. The internet is now full of such advice, usually for a
price; but who are those guys, anyway? Most of them have never
written a thing. Everyone is willing to make suggestions, but a true
mentor is difficult to find.
Once, during a class at UCLA film school, a professor made an
offhand suggestion concerning a student’s script. The student
desperately seized the suggestion and rewrote. A week later the
student returned to class, haggard and exhausted; he had pulled
several all-night writing sessions to completely incorporate the
professor’s notion. The class read the new script aloud. It was worse.
The professor said, “Naw, that doesn’t work either.” The student was
stunned. Not all suggestions are gold. Just because someone makes a
suggestion, even someone with years of experience, doesn’t mean
they’re right. But how do you know who’s right and who isn’t? Exactly
what will work, what will sell, what makes a script great? No one really
knows. One reader will call you brilliant; the next will label you an
amateur. As valuable as other people’s opinions are, ultimately you
must become your own mentor. Remember, it’s your story, your
inspiration—and your responsibility. Have confidence in what
genuinely excites you about your script, because if it truly pleases you,
it will likely please others.
Warning! Warning! Danger, Will Robinson!
An important caution: before you ask people for notes, be very clear
with them that this is not an offer to share authorship with them. If
they even hint at shared credit should you use their idea, don’t listen!
Your work is your work and you must never share authorship because
someone has given a good note. This doesn’t arise in classroom
situations, but it can in the real world. It’s a fact that until a
screenwriter sells his work, he retains the copyright and all rights
therein are guaranteed. This means that if someone makes a
suggestion on how to improve your script and you incorporate the
suggestion, they cannot legally demand joint authorship. But that
doesn’t mean they won’t try. There have been several court cases
related to this situation. The courts have ruled that the only way an
individual can claim to be a collaborator is if his or her additions to
your script are independently copyrightable and the two parties (you
and the actor, director, producer, any note giver) intended to be joint
authors at the time the screenplay was created. This conflict doesn’t
arise often, but if an unscrupulous note giver confronts you regarding
sharing credit because of a suggestion, stand your ground. The law is
on your side. But it’s always better to establish the ground rules first.
(Of course, once you sell your script, this no longer applies.)
Hearing the problems with your script is, of course, only half the
battle. Now you have to figure out how to fix them. When a writer has
trouble solving problems, it’s usually because she is trying to solve too
many problems at once. A rewrite is made up of hundreds of small
obstacles and choices. So start your rewrite by attempting to separate
and identify each problem so that you can solve them one at a time.
Here are the steps to try:
To Be Precise (Specify the Problems)
This is really a matter of organizing and focusing what you’ve learned
from your own perspective and the notes or comments of others. Once
you’ve got- ten all the input you can, it’s time to sit down and organize
all the consistent comments and problems others have mentioned, as
well as those you’ve come up with yourself. If your notes seem vague,
take the time now to figure out exactly what problem they’re
indicating. Statements like “the middle is boring” or “the character
doesn’t work” will not do. Which parts are boring— and where exactly
does the script lose energy? Which beats? What aspect of the character
is creating the problem? Exactly when is the character not working?
What aspect of the character has inconsistencies or seems under-
developed? Make lists of everything that occurs to you, in discreet
Track Your Man (Isolating each Component)
Basically, tracking means unweaving the various elements of the story
into separate strands so you can examine each one independently and
see more clearly where each problem lies. With tracking, the
screenwriter checks to see if story, images, characters and dialogue are
consistent from beginning to end, as well as if there are any
unintended lapses or gaps. This is done by isolating the one element
being tracked from everything else.
1. Add a piece of “sugar.” Give Bill a dog, some homeless mutt who keeps
The protagonist following him around until he accepts it.
doesn’t seem very
2. Weak motivation, not enough positive reasons for his actions. Related
to the stakes, put Bill’s life in danger.
1. Add a character flaw or “ghost.” Internal conflict: Bill wasn’t there for
The protagonist his brother when his brother died in a similar situation.
seems shallow, 2. The character has too much self- awareness; rewrite dialogue so that
one-dimensional. he isn’t so sure of why he’s doing what he’s doing. Give him a false
motivation or excuse, hiding the deeper reason.
1. Make the antagonist more powerful than the protagonist. Right now
The conflict Bill gets the upper hand too quickly.
seems weak. 2. Increase the consequences of the protagonist’s actions. Have what he
tries to do create more problems.
1. Use the environment to reflect the exposition rather than having them
The exposition is talk about it.
too obvious 2. Add conflict to the moments where the exposition becomes obvious.
overall. Bill tells Jill his life story while they’re running from the cops, rather
than over dinner.
1. Edit. Look at every scene and subplot. The ones with Jill’s fiancé are
The script is 130 all dispensable; don’t need his character anyway. Cut them.
pages, too long. 2. Check the narrative; is it too wordy? Can the same thing be said with
fewer words?
1. Redo scene cards and track the entire movie. Study the structure; does
The story seems it follow a logical cause-and-effect structure?
to be all over the 2. What is the protagonist’s objective; does each scene of the movie
place. follow the spine of that objective?
3. Does the story follow the correct strategies for its genre?
FADE OUT--THE END. It’s taken months to reach these words and
many more to rewrite and polish what came before them. Finishing
your mega-smash- hit screenplay is a great achievement, yet it’s only
half the battle. Selling a screenplay can take years of work, countless
letters, contacts, networking and an intimate knowledge of the
crowded Hollywood market. It’s estimated that 300 times per day,
some screenwriter types the words FADE OUT--THE END and a new
would-be, mega-smash-hit enters the world. There are tens of
thousands of screenplays written each year, yet less than 2,000 will
sell, and only 300 or 400 will be made into movies.
Faced with such severe competition, the first step is to make sure
that your screenplay is ready. Just like any product you want to sell,
yours must be as marketable as possible. This means that you have an
original, catchy premise, good structure, strong characters, proper
format and, of course, it’s been proofread. First impressions are
important, so the script must have an impressive look as well as an
impressive hook, a jump-started story and commercial appeal. In
short, it must be a “page-turner.” A page-turner is a story so exciting,
so well-written, that the reader can’t put it down. A page-turner is a
script that’s easily read in one sitting.
Once you have a solid product to sell, it’s time to find an agent, to
approach studios and/or independent production companies, to
network and hustle. In order to do this, a writer must have a basic
understanding of the WGA, registration, copyright, agents, producers
and the market.
Hollywood is a union town. There are unions that represent actors
(SAG—the Screen Actors Guild; and AFTRA—the American Federation
of Television and Radio Artists) and directors (DGA—the Directors
Guild of America). There is even a union for extras (Background
Actors Union). Just about everyone who works in television or motion
pictures—other than in very low-budget productions—in front or
behind the camera, is a union member. The union that represents
writers is the WGA (Writers Guild of America). The WGA is a closed-
shop union. This means that you must be a member of WGA in order
to write for a signatory company. A signatory company is any film or
television producer, studio or show that has signed a Minimum Basic
Agreement with the WGA. The list of signatories is very long. It
includes all the major networks and studios like NBC, ABC, CBS,
Paramount, Columbia, Fox, Warner Brothers and hundreds of other
studios and film companies. Only very small companies are
occasionally not signatories and are usually fly-by- night operations or
produce low-quality, straight-to-video product. Signatory companies
agree to hire only WGA writers, and WGA writers agree to write for
only signatory companies.
Unfortunately, you can’t just walk in and join the Writers Guild of
America. WGA rules state that you can’t write for a signatory company
unless you’re a member of the union, yet you can’t become a member
of the union unless you write for a signatory company. It’s a Catch-22,
but there is a way in. To become a member, you must sell a screenplay
or teleplay to a signatory company or compile twenty-four “units of
credit.” The rules on compiling these units of credit are rather
complicated. Each writing job is worth so many units. For example,
selling a story you’ve pitched to a signatory television program that is
less than thirty minutes long is worth four units. If you sell a story to a
television program that is ninety minutes long, or a story for a feature-
length theatrical motion picture, then you get twelve units. If you write
and sell a feature-length screenplay to a signatory company, it’s worth
a full twenty-four units. For more detailed information about units of
credit check out the Writers Guild website at
What the WGA Is, What It does and Why You Should Care
Once you’ve succeeded in selling a script (or compiling enough units),
you must join the union. You’ll automatically receive a bill from the
WGA for your membership fee of $2,500.00. Next, you will be
required to pay 1.5 percent of your yearly writing income to the union.
Both are expensive, but worth it, for the union keeps wages high, looks
out for the writer’s interests, and provides health insurance and
pension plans (if you meet wage and time requirements). The WGA
also monitors and collects both domestic and foreign residual
payments, conducts arbitration, maintains a credit union, library,
work rules and calls strikes.
When the WGA strikes (which doesn’t happen that often), all its
members stop work, technically shutting down network television and
movie production companies. Soap operas are the first to feel the
pinch; sitcoms and hour-length dramas go into reruns, and eventually
film companies grind to a halt because they can’t buy new scripts or
get rewrites on scripts in development. The WGA is a powerful union
and they come down hard on strikebreakers. If the WGA is on strike,
all writers are expected to honor its picket lines. If you write for a
signatory company during a strike, you’ll be blackballed from
membership in the WGA for life—even if you’re not yet in the union.
There have been stories about talented college writers who cross picket
lines only to find, after the strike is over, that they can never again
write for Hollywood.
The WGA was formed in 1933 during the Great Depression. Before
this, all screenwriters had was a loosely knit group called the Screen
Writers Guild, which was more a social club than union. It had a
clubhouse, activities, exchanged professional information, but it did
not defend writers’ economic and creative rights. When Louis B.
Mayer, the head of MGM, tried to use the Depression as an excuse to
cut writers’ wages by 50 per- cent, the WGA was born. This was a time
of great anti-union sentiment. The studios attempted to block the
creation of the WGA by forming their own company-controlled union
called the Screen Playwrights Guild. The battle between these Guilds
lasted almost a decade. It was not a clean fight. Early WGA organizers
and members were accused of being left-wing “Commies.” It wasn’t
until 1942 that the Screen Playwrights Guild died and the Writers
Guild of America was officially recognized as the sole collective
bargaining representative for motion picture writers. In the years
since, the WGA has also come to represent television, cable and
interactive writers. It will soon represent animation writers as well
(they have their own guild, but it has little clout).
Today, there are over 12,000 members of the Writers Guild. More
than half are retired or are writers who’ve sold perhaps one script and
never worked again. This means that there are relatively few full-time,
working writers in Hollywood. The vast majority of films, sitcoms,
soap operas and dramatic shows are written by about 4,000 people
(2,500 write for television, 1,500 for the movies). It’s an exclusive club,
but membership in the Writers Guild does not guarantee employment
or riches. Of its members, less than half are employed during any
given year. The average union member’s yearly earnings is only
$60,000 overall and $130,000 a year for those lucky or talented
enough to be employed. This is your reality check.
For more information about the WGA, explore their Web site,
located at This site has valuable advice,
interviews, lists of agents and agencies, research links and databases.
Written By—The WGA Journal
The WGA’s official monthly magazine is called Written By and is a
must-read for all screen and television writers. Each issue contains
articles by WGA members that cover the art, craft and business of
writing in Hollywood, as well as TV market contacts, which shows are
open to new submissions, and reference information, such as research
sites. WGA members get their subscription for free, but nonmembers
can also subscribe. You can subscribe by calling (323) 782-4699 or
going to Written By is also available at most larger
bookstores and some newsstands in big cities.
Copyright vs. WGA Registration
Before you market a script you may want to copyright it or get a WGA
registration number. Copyrighting and WGA registration are not the
same. When you copyright a script, you are guaranteeing yourself
exclusive rights to your creation. A copyright is a form of protection
provided by the laws of the United States to the authors of original
works. WGA registration is only a legal record of the date you
completed your screenplay.
All screenplays are technically copyrighted from the moment of
their creation, but this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t prove ownership
through the Copyright Office of the Library of Congress. Copyrighting
is easy. All you need is a form “PA.” Write to:
Register of Copyrights
Copyright Office
Library of Congress
Washington, DC 20540
Or you can call the Library of Congress Forms Hotline at (202) 707–
9100 (24 hours a day). It’ll take several weeks for the form to arrive (or
you can also download these forms from their website, which is listed
below). Send the completed form and script, along with a $40.00
money order to cover the specified nonrefundable filing fee, to the
Register of Copyrights. Be sure to mail the form, your check and the
script in the same envelope. It may take up to sixteen weeks, but
eventually you’ll receive a Certificate of Registration, which is your
official record of the copyright. For detailed recorded information on
copyrights call (202) 707–3000 (24 hours a day). To speak with an
information specialist, call (202) 707–3000 from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Eastern Time, Monday through Friday. Better yet, check out the
Library of Congress copyright Web site at
You can copyright plays, books, articles, screenplays, and even
treatments. You cannot copyright titles, character names, short
phrases or bits of dialogue. You also cannot copyright ideas, but the
expression of an idea (i.e., a script) can be copyrighted.
WGA registration is not a copyright, it’s a service provided to
writers to assist them in establishing the completion date of particular
pieces of their literary property. In other words, registration is merely
evidence of the writer’s claim to authorship. What the WGA means is
that their registration is merely evidence of the writer’s claim to
authorship and a date of completion. The date is important because if
someone should attempt to plagiarize or steal your script, with a WGA
registration number you can prove that you were the original creator.
Unlike a copyright, which is good for the writer’s lifetime plus seventy
years, WGA registration lasts only five years (it can be renewed for an
additional five years). At the end of five years, if it’s not renewed, the
material is destroyed without notice. So why do screenwriters often
use WGA registration when a copyright does everything a registration
does plus more? Because WGA registration is quicker and easier and,
for WGA members, cheaper.
You can register scripts, treatments, synopses, outlines, television
and theatrical motion picture scripts, video cassettes/discs, interactive
media, plays, novels, short stories, poems, commercials, lyrics and
drawings, but as with copyright, you cannot register a title.
The WGA registers well over 30,000 works annually. This service is
available to members and non-members. Registration can be done in
person, by mail or, most conveniently, through their website. You can
find information on exact formatting requirements, addresses, etc. at
their registration website:
FAQ (Copyright and Registration)
A: Only when the script has been significantly altered, meaning that
there is at least thirty percent new material (characters, events,
dialogue) should you bother with re-registration or re-copyrighting.
A: This is an unofficial way to copyright. The writer takes his script
and mails it to himself. The writer then puts the unopened envelope
into storage. This way he can prove he wrote the script by that
particular postmarked date. A poor man’s copyright is neither legally
defensible nor recommended. You can also send it to yourself certified
or registered mail, which provides another measure of protection.
A: There are a few celebrated cases, such as Buchwald vs. Paramount,
but it is not a frequent occurrence. If you’re worried, be sure to
copyright or register your script, send dated follow-up letters referring
to the script by name to any- one to whom you’ve shown the script,
with a copy sent to yourself by registered or certified mail. (This
“reminds” them that what they’ve seen is yours, and creates a “paper
trail” to prove who had access to your material and when, if you ever
go to court.) Also, keep all rejection letters. There is, however, no
cause to be paranoid. For one thing, if your script is good enough to be
plagiarized, the producer will still have to pay someone to do so, and
most will simply buy what they like in the first place. For another,
studios and production companies are very wary of lawsuits. Most
professional writers don’t worry too much about this and many who
have agents don’t even bother to register their scripts, because the
agency will maintain a paper trail on every script it submits.
A: No. The only organization that copyrights a manuscript is the
Library of Congress.
A: No. Registration is just a service the WGA provides; it will not help
you become a member. Nor will the Guild provide any legal advice or
assistance beyond providing proof of registration.
A: No. You are wasting your money if you get both.
Few Hollywood studios, production companies or producers will
consider work that is not submitted through an agent or manager. The
days of young writers pounding out a script, folding it under their arm
and bumping into just the right person at Schwab’s drugstore are
pretty much over. Today, you need an agent, but it’s a waste of time
looking for one if you are not ready. How do you know you’re ready?
First, you should have at least two complete, wonderfully written
screenplays. These scripts should be so good that you have a hard time
telling which one is better. You need several scripts because agents are
not in the business of nursing young writers, they want to rep- resent
talented, professional, prolific writers, not one-script wonders. They
want to be sure you can do it again. The other reason you want more
than one script is because agents will often ask for a second sample. If
they like your writing, but this particular script is not what they’re
looking for, they’ll often ask “What else ya got?” You want to be ready
with a second script. This is not to say that it can’t be done with only
one script, but the more you write, the greater your chances for
We’re not just saying this to sound coldly professional. It used to be
that it wasn’t that hard to get an agent if you had a pretty well-written
script, but this has changed. With the higher profile of the film
industry and the exponential increase in scripts being written, it is
now extremely difficult to find representation, at least good
representation (and bad representation is worse than none at all). Put
yourself in the agent’s shoes. They receive hundreds of scripts and
query letters a week. They are overworked and inundated by people
who think they can write, as well as people who actually can. And the
business has become much more competitive. In recent years, the
costs and expectations for movies have made it almost impossible for
an unproduced writer to get a writing assignment, once the bread and
butter of lower-level writers; unless your spec looks like a no-brainer,
sure-thing sale, a good agent—meaning a busy one—will not want to
waste his time on it. He already represents many other proven writers
who are easier to sell to the studios. Agents simply do not have the
time or inclination to nurture talent. It must be there, full-blown, or
they will not consider representing you. Their goal is to make money,
pure and simple. It’s not personal, it’s a business; if your script can’t
make them money they aren’t interested.
Once you have several great scripts and make the effort to understand
the agent’s point of view, you’ll need a list of agents and a dynamite
query letter.
The WGA does not assist writers in finding an agent, nor does it
recommend individual agents, but it will provide any writer (member
or non- member) with a list of signatory agencies that can serve as a
good starting point. A signatory agency is one that agrees to abide by
WGA rules, which are designed to protect writers. For example,
signatory agencies agree not to charge a reader’s fee. Some unsavory
agencies will charge you a fee just to read (and reject) your script. To
avoid this, use only WGA signatory agencies. You can find the list at The WGA list no longer tells
you if a particular agency is open to new writers, so you may have to
explore a bit. Many agencies limit from whom they will accept
submissions. Some have all the writers they need and are not
interested in new submissions, others will consider submissions only
through referral or only if the writer is a member of the WGA. Of the
agencies that are open to all writers, some want the full script, while
others will accept only a query letter, based on which they’ll decide
whether or not they’ll read your script. The WGA list gives you the
information you need so that you will not waste your time and postage
mailing to agencies that are disreputable, closed or limited to new
submissions. The WGA list gives the names, phone numbers and
addresses of agencies, but not names of individual agents. Each agency
has from one to a hundred agents working for it, and you’ll want to do
some homework to find the right individual to contact—write to a
particular agent, not just the agency. “To Whom It May Concern” is
usually the death of a great query letter, unless you the writer happen
to have a story that’s been in the news or have the rights to a
bestselling novel—in which case, agencies most likely will already have
contacted you.
Using these sources, you should be able to compile a list of a few
dozen agents; some may be at the same agency (but you’ll only want to
contact one at any given agency at a time). The next step is to write a
query letter and mail it or email it to everyone on your list. In
Hollywood, simultaneous submissions (submitting to more than one
agency at a time) are perfectly acceptable.
Query Letters
Few agents have time for unsolicited scripts. An unsolicited script is
one that shows up in the mail, no one asked for it, no one requested it,
and most of the time no one will read it. However, many agents will
read a short, well-written query letter. A query contains a sentence or
two of introduction, a dynamite pitch of your screenplay, a little about
yourself, and any information that might make them want to read your
script. If you’re sending a query by snail mail, you can add to this
succinct letter is a SASE (self-addressed stamped envelope) that the
agent can use to request your script. If they say yes, your script
becomes a solicited script and will be read, if not by the agent, then at
least by an assistant.
Introduction The introduction of your query letter should contain a
hook, something to make the agent stop and say, “Maybe this writer is
different.” A hook can be that you both know somebody in common,
even better if that someone has recommended you: “I was talking to
your client J. J. Abrams and he said I’m the type of writer you’re
looking for”—but don’t make this information up, because the agent
would rather spend five minutes calling the person up to confirm it (on
the chance you are lying) than waste two hours reading your script.
The hook can be something you’ve done: “I’m a graduate of the UCLA
film school,” a professional success, “My screenplay was a finalist in
the Nicholls Fellowship contest,” your job (especially if it’s related to
your screenplay), “I am the lawyer who represented Jeffrey Dahmer,
and I’ve written a screenplay based on the case,” or something else
that makes you special, such as, “I was Jeffrey Dahmer’s cellmate in
prison.” The hook must be short, clear and to the point.
Pitch Next you want to pitch your idea. You are only allowed a few
sentences to tell the story. You want a crisp pitch that states a
compelling premise in a short paragraph or two, of not more than
three or four sentences each—not much longer than the brief movie
descriptions on Netflix, Amazon or film guidebook/websites (see
Chapter 16 on the art of pitching in person).
Closing In a short sentence, thank the agent for his or her time and
invite a reply to your letter. If snail-mailed, point out that there is a
SASE enclosed and all the agent has to do is write the word “Yes” on
this letter. Some writers use a postcard rather than a SASE and invite
the agent to place their response on the back of the card.
On the next page is a sample of how a query letter might look.
If 5 percent of the agents you’ve contacted ask to see your script, you
are doing great! The vast majority of your queries will be rejected.
Most queries are never even answered, they simply disappear into the
great circular time- space continuum that is Hollywood. Some will
come back with a form letter containing the standard rejection lines:
“It’s not something we’d be interested in.”
“We’re too busy.”
“We’re not taking new clients at this time.”
“It’s not right for us.”
“Our slate is full.”
If you should be lucky enough to get an invitation, then send the script
with a short note thanking them for reading it, reminding them of the
pitch, and telling them how much you’re looking forward to their
response. When you send the script, you might want to place the
words “REQUESTED MATERIAL” on the envelope or email header, so
that the agent knows this is something that was actually asked for, not
just another of the hundreds of unsolicited scripts that crowd their
mailbox/trashbin. If you send a hard copy of your script and want it
back you’ll have to include a large self-addressed envelope with return
postage. If you don’t want the script back, place a note on the script
and in your letter stating that it’s perfectly acceptable to toss it, but do
enclose a small letter-sized SASE so they can send their comments or
rejection. Don’t hold your breath, though. And if you’re one of the five
or six writers on the planet who actually still uses a typewriter, send a
copy—never, ever, under any circumstances send your only copy of
your script! Even with a SASE you more than likely won’t get it back.
Most scripts that are sent to agents are rejected without comment.
Never call an agent demanding feedback or an explanation as to why
your script was rejected. Most agents don’t have time to explain their
decisions, and you’ll only irritate them if they take your call at all.
Don’t expect a quick response. Most agencies will take several weeks to
respond to a query, and as much as three months to respond to a
screenplay submission. If you haven’t heard by then (assuming your
script was requested) you can make a polite follow-up call or email to
be sure your script or query hasn’t been mislaid. If you don’t hear after
that, you won’t. They’ve rejected it and simply forgotten to tell you.
Occasionally a rejection will come back saying that they are not
interested in this idea, but they like the writing, and to “keep them
informed should you write another script.” This is an opportunity.
Keep a list of all the agents to whom you’ve sent scripts or queries,
which scripts were sent, the contact person (agent or assistant), their
reaction, and any other information that will help you next time you
submit. Database programs like Filemaker are perfect for this. Then,
either send along your second script or start working on a new one. By
the time you get your last rejection letter on this script, you should be
well on your way to finishing your next.
Ten Ways to Increase Your Chances of Getting an Agent
1. Write a remarkable script.
2. Write a good query letter with a great pitch.
3. Polite, gentle persistence.
4. Professional credits.
5. Live in Los Angeles (or New York).
6. Attend film school.
7. Win or place in a screenwriting contest.
8. Endorsements, recommendations and comments from friends of
the agent, especially if anyone is a producer.
9. Already have an agent while looking for a new one.
10. Get a director, producer or actor interested in your script.
Ten Ways to Reduce Your Chances of Getting an Agent
1. Write a long, complex query letter that makes you sound more
like a philosophy professor or used car salesman than a writer.
2. Ignore typos and horrible grammar.
3. Write a generic, uninteresting or silly pitch, “Star Wars meets
4. Use faint dot matrix printing, 10 point type or smeared
5. Send crude or inappropriate material.
6. Constantly phone the agent to ask what’s taking so long.
7. Apologize for the letter and pitch.
8. Be defensive and overly cautious about the agency stealing your
exceptional idea.
9. Lie: State that a director, producer or actor no one knows (or
every- one knows) is interested in your script.
10. Submit a script that isn’t ready.
Tricks to Getting an Agent
Beginning writers are always looking for schemes to manipulate an
agent into saying “Yes.” The best scheme is to have a great script, but
there are little ways some writers do increase their chances of getting a
First, look for new, young agents. Almost every agency has a few
agents who have just moved up from the mailroom, are just starting
out and are therefore more likely to be receptive to new clients. If you
politely ask the secretary, he might just give you the name of the
newest agent. When you call an agency, always be kind to the secretary
or assistants; they have been known to help polite young writers by
giving inside information or moving their scripts to the top of the pile.
There’s a saying in Hollywood, “This week’s secretary is next week’s
agent (or studio head).” Be polite to them now, as they may remember
you later.
Other writers try to get an endorsement. Agents are naturally more
interested in scripts that have been recommended by someone they
know. Young writers in Hollywood are constantly networking,
pressing the flesh, trying to get professional writers, directors and
producers to read and recommend their work to their agents. It can be
hard to find these endorsements because, when someone does
recommend it, he is putting his reputation on the line. But remember,
the least impressive endorsement is that of another writer. Agents
need writers, but don’t listen to them, even those they represent.
Writers are a mysterious and often unruly lot whose lives seem to be
devoted to making life difficult for them. Directors aren’t much better,
unless the director has the power to get a movie made and wants to
make yours. But agents do listen very carefully to producers and
development executives at production houses and studios. Why?
Because agents are sellers and these people are their buyers. So if a
buyer tells the seller, “Hey, I think you should sell this product,” the
seller listens. So if you can get a development person or producer to
read your script—and if they like it—that’s the person to ask for an
introduction to an agent.
Many writers get introduced to agents by hiring an entertainment
attorney first, if they’ve already landed a job that requires a contract to
be worked out; see below for more on lawyers.
Another thing to look for is an agent who has had success with your
particular kind of screenplay. For example, if you’ve written a science-
fiction thriller, go to the movies (or video store) and write down the
name of the writer(s) on this year’s science fiction hits. Next, call the
WGA and ask for the “agency department.” They will connect you with
an assistant who will give you the name of each particular writer’s
agent. You are allowed to ask for only three writer’s agents per day.
Now write a dynamite query to an agent you select, pointing out that
your screenplay may interest her because you share the sensibilities of
another writer she represents.
Does Size Matter?
Big Agencies The advantage to signing with a big agency (WME or
CAA) is that they have clout. The disadvantage is that a young writer
can get lost in the shuffle. Your agent may be too busy with more
important clients to return calls or give you the personal attention you
Packaging Agencies Packaging agencies attempt to attach their
directors and actors to a script and then sell it to a studio as a
“package,” thereby collecting several commissions. If your script meets
the needs of their directors and actors, great; if not, they couldn’t be
less interested. Most big agencies are also packaging agencies.
Boutique Agencies These are smaller agencies that have specialized
in, or are known for, one particular type of writer: those that specialize
in television, or animation, or reality, or indie features--and have
become players in that specific market.
Small Agencies With fewer clients, smaller agencies can give the
writer more personal attention, but they might not have the clout you
need. Be careful not to sign with any agent or agency that is not a
signatory with the WGA. It’s a sure sign that they are either unethical
or ineffective. As a general rule, no agent is better than a bad agent.
Once They Want You
It may take several scripts and a few years, but your persistence and
talent may pay off. When an agency wants you, they will ask you to
sign a contract guaranteeing they are your exclusive agency for a
period of (generally) two years. This exclusivity may be in regard to
writing only, or it may include directing, producing or other kinds of
work. This means they not only rep- resent you in those areas, but will
take 10 percent of whatever you earn in them, too. So if, say, you’re an
established freelance writer for magazines and don’t want to have to
pay the agency a percentage of your earnings from that source, you’ll
want specifically to exclude it in your contract so there’s no ambiguity.
The contract must be carefully read. If you are signing with a WGA
signatory agency—the only kind of agent with whom you should sign—
then you know the agent agrees to follow WGA rules. These are
designed to protect you. (For example, if you sign with a WGA
signatory agency, there must be a ninety-day clause in the contract
stating that if they do not make a sale in ninety days, you can leave the
agency.) If you are not sure if an agency is signatory, call the WGA.
Once you’ve signed with an agent, there is generally a honeymoon
period in which the agent will send you out on various meet-and-greet
or pitch meetings. If you’re lucky enough to sell or option a script, the
agent will take 10 percent and pay a lot of attention to you. Agents
make their living by getting paid a percentage. The standard WGA
approved rate is 10 percent, no more. But if you don’t sell quickly,
Hip-Pocketing Occasionally an agent will “hip-pocket” a young
writer. This means that he will send the script to various producers
and production companies, but he does not sign the writer officially.
In other words, he agrees to market an individual script, not the
writer. When the script comes back rejected, the writer is cut loose, in
the cold, with nothing, not even an agent. Hip-pocketing isn’t all bad;
it will get your script to the readers at various production companies.
But it isn’t the same as having an agent—a person who is pushing for
your success, interested in all your scripts and constantly looking for
an opening where your style, your talent, your writing is exactly what
they’re looking for.
If an agent wants to hip-pocket you, it should be taken as a
compliment—the agent feels that your script is worth sending out. But
you should seriously consider the consequences. If the script is
accepted, the agent will sign you immediately and everyone will live
happily ever after, but if and when the script is rejected (as most
scripts are), you won’t have an agent and often won’t even know where
your script was submitted or who rejected it. The script is now dead
and the writer loses. By the way, agents seldom call it “hip-pocketing;”
this is a writer’s term. If an agent wants to hip-pocket you, he’ll say
something like, “I’d like to send it around, see what happens,” or “Let
me fly it up the flagpole and see if anyone salutes.” You want them to
say, “I like your writing; I want to sign you.”
Agents—The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
There’s an old joke concerning agents. It goes: One day a young writer
comes home to find his house in flames. He runs up to a fireman and
gasps, “What happened?” The fireman replies, “Your agent came by,
killed your whole family, took your car and set fire to your house.”
Stunned, the writer smiles joyfully and says, “My agent came to my
house?!” Agents have a tendency to be rather remote. Occasionally, a
writer finds an agent who is also a kind, caring friend, but this rare
and special relationship doesn’t occur often. Most agents are all
business, and every moment spent talking to you is one they aren’t
spending talking to someone who might buy something. And even so,
most writers never think their agent is doing enough to sell them. Ask
most writers and they’ll tell you they lined up the majority of their jobs
But after all, it’s your career, so you should be active in promoting
it. Get out there. Just because an agent signs you does not mean you’ve
arrived. Agents can’t do it all; they can only open doors for you that
would remain firmly shut without their help. And that’s a lot. But the
writer must still hustle, promote, pitch and, most importantly, write
new scripts.
A growing alternative to having an agent is getting a manager. Some
writers have both. Managers have long been commonplace for actors
and are supposed to take a more active role in helping their clients
guide and shape their careers. Theoretically, managers can provide the
same access to producers and studios as agents and are in general
more approachable. They will also usually try to help their clients get
agency representation as well. There are some drawbacks, however.
For one thing, they may charge a greater commission (up to 20
percent, although 10 or 15 is more common). For another, because
managers are not required to be WGA signatories, there is more room
for abuse. They are not legally allowed to negotiate deals for their
clients, but many will do so informally. They may require you to hire
an attorney to cut the deal after they’ve made a successful submission,
and this will cost you an additional fee. Also, although agents are not
allowed to attach themselves as producers to their clients’ work, this is
common practice among managers. This means that when submitting
your script, they may present themselves (and their fees as producers)
as being included in the deal. Many agents and producers have
recently created their own management companies and are more open
to new writers for exactly this reason—they can get more out of a
potential sale. And most—though not all—managers will agree not to
charge the writer a commission if they succeed in getting a producer’s
fee of equal or greater value, an arrangement that can be attractive to
the writer. If your manager is powerful and well-connected, he or she
can be a great asset in protecting the project in their role as producer.
But more often than not, the potential buyer will view their
attachment (and fees) as unwanted “baggage;” the buyer may want to
get the script without any encumbrance and be free to produce it
themselves or attach another producer of their choice. With this
caveat, in today’s extremely difficult and competitive market, a
manager may be your best alternative when seeking representation.
Another common alternative (or addition) to getting an agent or
manager is to hire an entertainment attorney. Attorneys can be hired
for an hourly fee or for a 5 percent commission of anything you sell.
Some attorneys will act as surrogate agents and charge the agent’s 10
percent. Since they are legally empowered to negotiate contracts and
deals, and are also somewhat more approachable (because it’s a simple
business relationship), they may be a good way to enter the business.
They can also provide access to the buyers (though usually on a more
limited basis, since agenting is not their primary activity and they’ll
have fewer contacts and less time to devote to it) and they’ll try to help
you get an agent if you want. At some point, you’re going to need an
attorney anyway, since even agents will want to have them look over
the complex legal documents attending any script purchase. Only big
agencies use their own legal staff. So this is another attractive gateway
to representation.
We aren’t going to talk much about the studios or “mini-majors”
(large, independent production companies that are either owned by or
associated with one or more of the studios), because these are largely
inaccessible to anyone without good representation; and if you’ve got
an agent or manager, they’ll help you to navigate those waters.
But there are also a host of small independent companies, or
“indies.” This is both good news and bad news. While the ability of the
independents to produce and distribute films waxes and wanes on a
cyclical basis over the years, with some managing to carve out a niche
for themselves and stay afloat, most are in business for just a year or
two until their financing runs out. Most of these companies produce
very low-budget films and are not Guild signatories, which means that
they are not bound by WGA standards of payment or other obligation.
They are much more open to new writers, and many young
screenwriters get their start this way, but usually these companies try
to acquire scripts for as little as possible. For example, it’s common for
them to offer to pay one dollar to option the rights (see below) to the
script for a year; and even if the movie is produced (full payment for
the screenplay usually happens at the start of principal photography,
when the cameras are actually rolling), the writer may make only
several thousand dollars. Collecting residuals is almost unheard of,
again because they do not have to abide by Guild rules on ancillary
payments (such as video sales). Roger Corman was famous for
underpaying—but giving a break to—many beginning filmmakers,
some of whom went on to become very famous (such as Jim
But this is rare, and the world has changed. It used to be possible to
theatrically distribute marginal films in the days before cineplexes and
then to sell them to a product-hungry video market. But now the
major distributors have a virtual lock on the theaters and the video
market is glutted. So most small companies struggle, trying now to
figure out how to make money over the internet, and most do not
survive. However, with cable and satellite and some growing
sophistication on how to monetize websites, there are still
opportunities out there.
There are basically three kinds of independent production
Art House
One is the art house company, which produces eclectic, higher quality,
low- budget films aimed at the festival circuit and theaters specializing
in the unusual or offbeat. Most of these companies concentrate on
acquiring finished films that have been privately financed, but they do
occasionally finance films themselves. They are also reasonably
approachable, but have very little money and are extremely picky. If
they buy your script you’ll get peanuts, but if the film is made it’ll
probably be something you’ll be proud of.
The second type is the exploitation company. Exploitation means they
exploit a certain well-worn genre, such as horror, violent action or
erotic thrillers. Again, these are produced nonunion and on a
shoestring, as movies go, and the producers have no intention or
illusion of creating quality films. They simply provide salable product
to cable, video and the foreign market, which has a surprisingly large
appetite for junk. These companies will also pay you peanuts and the
product will reflect the quality of what they buy. (Hint: They’re not
looking for art, just for inexpensive-to-make formula scripts.)
Cable and Television
The third kind of independent feeds the better cable networks. These
companies produce a wide range of films and limited series exclusively
for television. The range of quality is equally wide, but the pay is
better, because most of them are Guild signatories. However, they are
rarely, if ever, open to new writers, preferring to work with
experienced writers who are on approved network or cable lists. It can
happen that you’ll sell them an original script, but more often they’ll
buy an idea or the rights to a story and hire someone else to write it.
Release Forms
If your script is not being submitted by an agent, you’ll almost always
be asked to sign a release form. This is a short contract that basically
says you give the producers permission to read your work, that they
are not responsible should the script be stolen, lost or destroyed in
transit, that there is no implied obligation to you of any kind, and that
you will not sue them if they produce something similar. (They need to
protect themselves before they even take a look at your story, because
they may have a similar story in development.) Release forms are
standard operating procedure. Read the contract, and if you are
comfortable, then sign. Probably you won’t be, but if you don’t sign,
they won’t read your script. It’s that simple.
Purchases, Options and the Right to Shop
While this isn’t a book about the details of selling your script, you
should be aware of the three basic approaches a producer has to
acquiring material (screenplays). First, and least common, is an
outright purchase, negotiated with your agent or lawyer and involving
a whole raft of clauses devoted not only to the purchase price, but to
secondary payments such as residuals or performance bonuses, the
potential to write a sequel, scales of payment if the movie is used as
the basis of a TV series, and so on. It’s very rare to sell a script outright
except to a studio, because it’s a large initial outlay of money that the
producer either may not have or may want to devote to overhead and
organizing pre-production of the film. And even studios like to hedge
their bets.
It used to be more common for a producer or studio to option the
screenplay for a percentage of an agreed-upon purchase price, but this
is rare now. If your script is optioned, WGA signatories must pay at
least 10 percent of the basic minimum purchase price. What this
means is that for a certain period of time (usually one year or eighteen
months) and a small fraction of the purchase price, the producer
essentially owns the rights to the screenplay; more precisely, the
producer owns an exclusive option to buy those rights and can
therefore pursue other financing or stars and directors without
worrying about having the script “shopped around” by anyone else.
This makes good sense from their point of view, because even after
laying out money for the option, the producer or studio knows that,
more often than not, the film will not be made. So it’s better to spend a
smaller sum on the gamble.
The eventual purchase price of the script is often not fixed, but tied
to the production budget of the film, with a “floor” and a “ceiling.” For
instance, you might be paid a $10,000 option toward a purchase price
equaling 3 per- cent of the production budget, but with a floor of
$100,000, meaning they will not pay any less than this (even if 3
percent of the eventual budget is less than this), and a ceiling of, say,
$300,000, meaning they will not pay more than this (even if 3 percent
of the eventual budget is higher). Most scripts are bought for between
2 percent and 5 percent of the budget. Sometimes, to sweeten the deal,
a bonus clause will be added to promise the writer some more money
if the budget is enormously higher than anticipated, or if the profits
are. Payment does not commence when the film is green-lighted, or
approved for production, but upon “principal photography,” meaning
when the cameras are actually rolling.
Producers and studios know that anything can go wrong, right up
to the last day before production begins (and sometimes after), so they
still hedge their bets. Normally, there is a negotiated right to renew the
option for another period of time, for an additional option payment.
The first option payment is commonly additional to the purchase price
(so the writer eventually will get 110 percent of the purchase), with any
subsequent option payments being applied toward it.
Nowadays, with the escalating costs of movies and the glut of
screenplays, an interesting change has been taking place.
Straightforward, 10 percent options have become a rarity. Rather, if a
studio or major producer perceives a screenplay to be an obvious
blockbuster, they’ll “option” it for perhaps 75 percent of the final price,
with the remaining 25 percent being paid upon principal photography
to seal the purchase. Although it’s not an outright purchase, it’s a large
enough upfront percentage to persuade the writer to accept the offer,
while still somewhat reducing the studio’s exposure. Conversely, if the
script is something a producer (not a studio) wants to try and make,
but doesn’t perceive as a surefire home run, these days he’ll simply ask
your agent for permission to “shop it around”—for free. Often an agent
will give several producers the right to shop, each one limited to
bringing it to a particular studio with which they have a deal or good
relationship. No purchase price is suggested or negotiated; it’s all left
up in the air until one of the studios bites. While some producers will
still option a script if they want to bring it around to all the studios and
other financing sources without competition, most—who realistically
have only a few places to take it—much prefer not having to pay at all
for the right to do so. This growing practice has meant that fewer and
fewer writers get the small, but still significant, payments that options
used to provide.
Networking is more than just schmoozing, it’s the art of meeting
people and being in the right place at the right time. Everyone knows
someone who knows someone else who just happens to be the perfect
contact. Networking means keeping an organized log of every person
in the industry you have ever met (including descriptions, so you can
later put a face to the name), sending out holiday and thank-you cards,
never turning down a party invitation, never leaving a bar mitzvah
without someone’s business card, staying after and meeting the guest
speaker at seminars, taking classes, making contacts and creating
opportunities. In short, networking is treating your screenwriting
career as a business and your social life as an aspect of it.
There are a few general rules when networking. First, never seem
desperate or overconfident. We know that’s easier said than done, but
people in this high-stakes, high-stress business are suspicious of the
latter and detest the former. Remember, you’re just a good writer with
a good idea. Let your own personality and wonderful short pitch speak
for themselves. Desperate writers are like the homeless guy begging
for change that you wish would just go away. Overconfident writers
are obnoxious, overwhelming and suspect. So don’t slam into that
startled producer with, “I’ve got the best script you’ve ever seen, a lot
better than that piece of crap chick-flick that came out last week.” For
one thing, you come off as a jerk. For another, this guy might have
produced that chick-flick. Which leads us to...
Knowledge Is Power
Listen before you speak; find out about the people you’re meeting, get
to know them and their work. You must be up on who’s who in
Hollywood. It is imperative that you subscribe to and study the trade
magazines and websites—Variety, The Hollywood Reporter, and (any or all of which might have gone
out of business or been replaced by the time you’re reading this); in
short, the daily industry journals known as “the trades.” These are
where the subtle seismic shifts in the business are noted on a day-to-
day basis: which company bought which script, who brokered the deal,
which development exec has moved from one company to another.
These are far more important than knowing the weekend grosses or
your favorite actor’s intimate thoughts on love and dieting. At first it
will all seem like gibberish, a bunch of names and companies that
mean nothing to you. But as you clip and note those that are making
the kinds of films you’d like to make and that seem to be attracted to
your kind of material, you’ll begin to see that in the ever-flowing, ever-
changing currents of Hollywood, the same major players keep
cropping up again and again. These are the people who will hopefully
be your colleagues and buyers. The trades also publish constantly
updated lists of movies and TV shows in or going into production, lists
that can be enormously valuable. Say you are about to sit down and
write that great Joan of Arc script, when you open Variety and see that
not one, not two, but four Joan projects are in active development or
production. Still think that’s how you want to spend the next six
months of your life? Get to know the names, know what’s going on. At
a recent Hollywood party, a gentleman walked up to an Academy
Award–winning actress and asked her if she had ever been in a movie.
This is not a good opening line when you want to get a script read.
Remember, however, not to overdo it when introducing yourself.
You want to keep your name in their memory, but you want that
memory to be positive. It’s a good idea to send out thank-you cards
and follow-up correspondence, but some writers go too far and end up
defeating themselves. One writer we know sends out a bi-monthly
newsletter to keep everyone he has ever met informed of his progress.
Mom and Dad are thrilled, but for others it has become an
Also, never make excuses for your script. You’re at a party, you
meet a producer, you start talking about your script. You say, “I don’t
know, it’s sorta not ready yet, and not very good, but would you read
it?” How appealing! Busy producers just can’t wait to read something
that isn’t finished and is not very good. The meek may inherit the
earth, but they don’t sell screenplays.
Finally, networking can be done almost anywhere connections are
made, at the laundry, the gym, funerals, but you’re obviously more
likely to find success if you live where the action is—Hollywood. But, in
the end, net- working is no substitute for writing a great script. Once
you’ve met the right person, you must have the right product.
Networking on the WWW and in Magazines
There are organizations, magazines and sites on the internet that allow
screenwriters to pitch or even upload parts of their scripts—for a price.
The idea is that producers and agents will read these showcased ideas
and request the full script. Some organizations claim incredible
success rates for screenwriters who subscribe to their particular
service. The only problem with pitching your screenplay on these open
billboards is that anyone can see them (the loglines at any rate, if not
the entire scripts). The writer has no record of who has read the idea,
what they thought, or who might lift the idea. Remember, ideas cannot
be copyrighted. Secondly, you’re paying for this access. It might be
worth it, but then again these sites are run by people who make their
money by signing up subscribers—not by selling scripts. Before you
subscribe to one of these services, be sure to check them out and know
the risks. And do some homework; investigate to be sure their claims
are accurate.
Don’t Get Hustled!
Perhaps the best word of advice we can give you is this: Don’t do any
work for anyone else for free (unless you have a long, pre-existing and
productive relationship with that person). If you’re a member of the
WGA, you are for- bidden to do free work for producers, and signatory
producers are prohibited from asking you to. But in the course of
meeting people in Hollywood, you will inevitably come across would-
be producers who have a killer idea they’d like you to work on with
them. The pitch is something like this: “Listen, you sound like
someone I’d like to work with. I’ve got this great story (fill in the story)
and I have a hot actor (or financier, distributor, director) who is really,
really interested. And I have half the money in place. But I need a
screen- play (or treatment) to clinch the deal. So won’t you sit down
and write it for me? I can’t pay you anything now, but we can work out
a good back-end arrangement.” Back-end means you don’t get paid
until the movie is actually financed or, more often, actually produced.
This is a great thing if the film is already greenlit, and many stars and
top directors will take lower upfront fees if they’re guaranteed a high
percentage of the film’s earnings. But what it almost always means
with these hustlers is that you’ll never see a dime, because their
contacts are tenuous or nonexistent. They’re all hoping to come up
with something they can sell, and they’re only too happy to ask you to
spend months of your life giving it to them. They will present
themselves as extremely real, well-connected and on the verge of huge
success, and you will be very tempted. They seem bright, honest,
aggressive...what if this is your chance? It isn’t, ever. If you agree to
write something for them based on their story, they and not you will
control the rights to it because they own the underlying material, and
so you can’t even try to sell the script when their contacts dry up and
the house of cards they’re building falls apart. Instead, spend the time
writing your own screenplay.
The same goes for doing free rewrites for producers who have
optioned or bought your screenplay (again, this is expressly prohibited
for WGA writers and signatory producers, but that doesn’t mean they
won’t occasionally ask). Usually a purchase price will include a set of
rewrites and a polish as part of the deal. But if a rewrite isn’t in your
contract, don’t do it unless you’re paid. You’ll feel guilty and obligated
—after all, they did pay you something, and you want to be a team
player—but you must resist. Hollywood often seems to run on guilt.
But if a producer is for real, he’ll pay for any additional work. If he
doesn’t want to, then be grateful for what you’ve already made, politely
tell him you’d love to rewrite it if in the future he’s willing to pay you to
do so, and move on. Your time and your skills have value—so value
It may seem odd to include film schools in a chapter on marketing, but
in fact they are trade schools and geared to help you enter the
business. Film schools came into prominence in the 1970s when a
group of alumni suddenly hit it big. The success of Francis Ford
Coppola (UCLA), Steven Spielberg (Cal State Long Beach), George
Lucas (USC) and many others put film schools on the map. Today, the
competition to get into them is fierce. The number of schools offering
degrees has doubled and doubled again, but so have the number of
people wanting to attend. Most major film schools have hundreds of
applications for only a few dozen positions. A list of film schools is
located in Appendix D, but on everyone’s list of top films schools are:
UCLA (University of California, Los Angeles)
USC (University of Southern California)
NYU (New York University)
Columbia University
Chapman University
Florida State University
We used to include AFI (the American Film Institute) on this list, but
recently it’s been so wracked by staff and faculty turnover and internal
problems that we can only now recommend it with the warning that
you check it out very carefully and be sure you know with whom you’ll
be studying and what you’ll be getting out of the experience. Come to
think of it, however, that’s not bad advice no matter where you’re
thinking of applying. We also, perhaps immodestly, would recommend
the writing programs where we teach, at the University of California,
Riverside, and the University of Wyoming.
Most major film schools offer an MFA (Master of Fine Arts) in
directing, criticism and screenwriting (each usually as a separate
degree program). These degrees take two to three years to earn. Film
school can be expensive, but it offers screenwriters an opportunity to
spend several years perfecting their craft by studying with other
screenwriters; at the better schools, these are almost without
exception seasoned industry professionals. Film school graduates do
have an edge in Hollywood. Not only do agents actively look for new
graduates, but graduates tend to be well-connected, as their years in
school are also spent networking with current and future players in the
industry. Film school isn’t a replacement for talent and luck (in fact,
you’ll need both just to get in to any of the five schools listed above),
but if you get into a film school, your road to success may be a lot
That’s Showbiz There’s an old saying that screenwriters succeed not
by ability, but by persistence. They don’t fail, they quit. And most of
them do quit, even after going to film school, figuring (correctly) that
there must be easier ways of making a living. It’s tough; no matter how
hard you work at it, rejection is an integral part of being a
screenwriter. Lots and lots of rejection. You may write ten or fifteen
scripts for every one you sell, and you’ll probably have that one
rejected by dozens of companies before it finds a home. And that’s
only if you manage to get an agent—the rejection process starts long
before you get that far. One reader will call you brilliant, the next will
label you an amateur, without any apparent rhyme or reason. You’ll
have to learn to deal with it and keep going. There are two reasons a
screenplay doesn’t sell; the script isn’t good enough or the script can’t
find its market. The blame for the former is the writer’s alone, of
course. But even though blame for the latter can be laid at many
doorsteps, it’s still up to the writer to advance his or her own career
and see that the script gets to the proper people. A writer in Hollywood
must be part artist, part real-estate salesman. First you must build the
property, and then you must sell it.
For a list of books on how to market your script see Appendix B.
Write a query letter to an agent, pitching yourself and your screenplay.
Read it aloud to your class and see how your fellow students respond
to it.
The Pitch
“Godzilla” Meets “Titanic”
“... it’s totally high-concept! The big crazy lizard wrecks the ship in an
act of insane rage—but then he falls in love with this beautiful chick
who’s actually a herpetologist—what? No, it doesn’t mean she has
herpes, it means she studies reptiles—and together they end up saving
everybody—even though the lizard dies facing off against the
sharks...or DOES HE?! It’s four-quadrant with huge tentpole and
sequel potential!” what does that all mean? “High concept”
means there’s a clear, simple premise that will hook a large audience.
Obviously the writer is drawing upon two big, well-known movies to
sell his idea. “Four-quadrant” means it will appeal to every “quadrant”
of the audience: old, young, male and female. A “tentpole” is a huge
blockbuster that may support the studio even if all its other, less high-
concept movies fail. And obviously if it’s that successful, it should be
designed to spawn a line of sequels. But let’s take a step back and look
at what we’re doing here.
“Pitching” means going to a producer’s office and telling them a
story idea you hope they’ll buy. It’s selling ideas rather than scripts. If
a producer likes your spec script, they might invite you in for a meet-
and-greet and ask you to pitch a few of your story ideas. If the
producer likes an idea, she might buy it and hire you to write it.
However, sometimes the producer buys it and hires another writer to
write it. Pitching is a common way to get a job in television, but it only
accounts for a small percent of movie sales; for information on
pitching for television, see Chapter 17). Even with such a small
percentage of sales based on pitches, taking meetings and pitching is
still a regular practice for Hollywood writers.
There are basically two schools of thought about pitching. School One:
It’s a worthless waste of time and energy that could be better spent
actually writing a script, instead of talking about what you’d like to
write. Some writers feel that talking about their story actually drains
the psychic energy from it, so that it becomes stale and flaccid before
there’s a chance to capture its essential juices on paper. School Two:
Pitching is an essential way to try to sell more story ideas than you’d
ever have time to sit down and actually spec. Also, far from draining
your story, telling it again and again helps to refine it, and forces you
to address problems that may arise. Hey, it sure didn’t hurt Homer;
the Iliad and Odyssey where both spoken poems before they were ever
written down.
We come down in the latter camp. Yeah, we know that many
writers are shy, delicate creatures who may rupture an artery if put in
a room and forced to talk to people. They’re wonders on the page, but
incapable of condensing their long narratives into easily digested
verbal presentations. We know many producers who feel that writers
are often the worst people to pitch their own stories for that very
reason. But that doesn’t change the fact that pitching is a valuable tool
in a competitive business where every advantage must be pursued.
And if you’re hoping to write for television you simply cannot avoid
pitching, because it’s how that market works (see Chapter 17). So no
matter what your reservations, our advice is to get over them, suck it
up and get out there. Here’s why:
More Irons in the Fire
It takes a minimum of several months to complete a screenplay worth
sending out. The most prolific writers rarely manage as many as four
scripts a year; most are happy if they complete two. But most also have
many other good ideas in reserve, and Hollywood buys ideas, as well
as finished screen- plays. If you don’t want to sit on those ideas until
you have time to write them (some time in the next decade) then
there’s only one way to see if some- one might want to buy them. You
have to go out and pitch. In fact, there are those (like the legendary
Bob Kosberg) who do nothing but sell pitches to studios, attaching
themselves as producers, while farming the stories out to other writers
who actually write the screenplays. Such pitch-meisters may sell up to
a dozen stories a year. So, if you’re good at it, pitching can be the most
time-efficient way to get paid for your stories. Of course, as a writer
you’d probably want to write the story you’re pitching yourself, and
while a pitch usually doesn’t sell for as much as a completed script—
it’s still just an idea that the script may or may not be able to deliver—
it’s nice to be writing for real money right up front.
Know and Be Known
It’s important to make yourself known to those who are in a position
to buy your material and to advance your career. Film is a social
business—who you know and who knows you are important. So if a
producer or development executive can attach a friendly, intelligent
person to that otherwise faceless screenplay submission, you’re in a
stronger position to be remembered and considered. Most agents want
their writers to have a pitch to go out with along with a new spec
screenplay submission so that if the producer likes the writing, but
doesn’t go for the script, he or she might buy another story from the
same writer. Some agents have their writers actually pitch their
completed screenplays while submitting them, to ensure that the busy
producer or development exec will remember this particular project
and writer.
Who Wants What?
By getting out and meeting people, you’ll also get a much better sense
of what the buyers are looking for. You need to follow your own muse
and be true to your personal vision, but if you want to sell, you also
need to know what people want to buy. There are trends and currents
in the business, a general sense that “teen comedies are going to be hot
next year” or “big-budget action films are losing steam.” You can tap
into these trends only by talking with people who swim in these
currents. You might learn that you’d be better off developing that
romantic comedy and letting that period drama you were about to
spend six months writing sit for a while. You’ll also certainly get a
better sense of the individual tastes of the people you’re meeting for
future reference.
Say It Again, Sam
Pitching is a great way to refine your outline. When you tell somebody
a story, you quickly become aware of what feels essential and
entertaining and what feels like it’s off the point, dragging or slowing
the story down. You may find that you never seem to recount scenes or
whole sections that you’ve put into your outline; if so, there’s a good
chance you won’t need those scenes or sections in your screenplay.
You may discover that you need to know more about your story’s
world, or that you don’t really know why your characters are doing
what they’re doing. When you tell someone a story, character
motivations or their absence become much more obvious. So do
problems with theme, event sequences, even lines of dialogue. A good
producer or executive will often ask hard questions that you may not
have thought about. That doesn’t mean you won’t need to answer them
sooner or later. Far from draining the energy from your story, pitching
it can hone, reinforce and revitalize it in ways you might never have
accomplished had you never gone and tried it out on somebody.
Don’t Waste Your Time
The worst waste of time for a screenwriter is writing a screenplay no
one wants. You probably don’t want to hear this, but it’s valuable
advice. If you eventually find that no one seems interested in the story
you’re pitching— because it actually isn’t that interesting a story—
you’ll have saved yourself months of time you would have spent
writing it. We don’t mean that you should lose confidence after the
first “no thanks”; take it around to everyone who’ll agree to hear it. But
if you’re getting nowhere—especially if the reasons for your story being
rejected seem consistent from meeting to meeting—then you should
seriously think about pursuing a different story. There’s an old
expression which goes, “If everyone tells you you’re drunk, you’re
Of course, those who’ve failed to respond to your story may all be
wrong, and if you truly believe in it so strongly that you simply can’t let
go of it, then you should write it anyway. It may come across much
better on the page than in the pitch. You may not be capable of
pitching as well as you write. But you need to hear what the people to
whom you’re pitching are saying. They are your buyers and, if they
aren’t buying, you need to re-evaluate what you’re selling. You may
resent this paragraph now, thinking we’re crassly telling you to
abandon your original vision. We’re not. But the fact remains that your
screenplay must appeal to a very limited group of people and, if it
doesn’t, after all the hard work you’ve done to write it, it will simply
end up occupying space in a drawer or on your computer hard drive.
We promise you that at that point you’ll remember this section and
wish you’d paid attention.
One Is the Loneliest Number
Last, but not least: writing is the loneliest part of the filmmaking
business. You are the only one who sits in a room by yourself, month
after month, trying to create a new world that, hopefully, will be
translated into a movie. If you want to feel connected to the world
outside—the one you’ve chosen to live in—and to the people who may
actually bring your written world to the screen, then you need to get
out and meet them.
Without an agent, getting a pitch is hard, just as it’s hard to get a
producer to read your script without an agent or some other
meaningful introduction. Your agent, if you have one, will set up the
pitch with the executive highest up the ladder that is possible to reach
(see Chapter 15 on getting an agent). If you don’t have an agent,
however, all is not lost. You just have to look a few rungs lower on the
ladder. Do some homework: learn which companies seem to be
producing which kinds of movies. By companies, we mean production
companies, not the major studios themselves. Studio executives
usually only take pitches from well-known writers with whom they
already want to do business. Production companies—often with studio
deals and offices on the studio lots—are where most new material is
found and generated. So look for the names of these production
companies in the credits of recent movies that are in the ballpark of
your story type. Get a subscription to or and learn who is the production company’s
“Director of Development” or “Creative Executive.” Disregard anyone
with a “Vice President” or “President” title, unless they’re the only one
listed at the company with a “development” or “creative” tag. They’re
usually too high up the ladder to consider meeting with an
unrepresented writer. What you want is someone young, hungry and
Once you’ve got a name, do some more homework: what else has
the company produced? Lots of info is available at the above sites and
elsewhere on the internet. Visit last year’s online archives from
Variety and The Hollywood Reporter and (as of this moment—these
sites are bound to change, so stay current by doing your own searches)
for references to the company and to the person you’re hoping to meet.
See if that individual has expressed a particular story preference in
print, or if the person’s boss has. Knowledge is power, so learn all you
can about your prospective buyer. Usually, this will be a bright twenty-
something who is working at his first or second job, and who is full of
energy and passion to find the undiscovered project that will impress
his boss and make his career.
When you’ve done your homework, call that person and see if he
will meet with you. Your phone call should be brief and to the point.
Let’s say you’re approaching John Smith, the Director of Development
at Hot Tamale Pictures, on the Foxx lot. You’ve found his email and/or
phone number and are ready to get in touch. Email is the easiest and
least traumatic way to go about it, if you’re timid. But calling has its
advantages: When talking to a real person (you), the secretary or
assistant on the other end of the line (them) can’t simply hit “delete”
and may in fact display a glimmer of humanity by giving you a chance.
First of all, don’t call at 9:00 a.m. No one gets to the office in
Hollywood before 10:00. Then they’re usually in meetings until
around noon. Lunch is between 1:00 and 3:00, so call between noon
and one, or after three. A secretary or assistant will answer. The
conversation will go something like this:
Hello, Hot Tamale Pictures, please
Yes, my name is Jim Beam. I’d like
to speak with John Smith, please.
Will he know what this is regarding?
(If you were referred to him personally by someone you know, state
that now, as well).
I see. Please hold.
Hi, this is John Smith from Hot
Tamale Pictures. Returning your
Oh, hi, John!
(Yes, call him by his first name; only a total newbie would say “Mr.
The reason I called is that I loved
Hot Tamales’ last film, The Big Hoo-
Hah, and I have a story I’d like to
pitch along those lines.
Oh, really? Do you have an agent?
(Another, perhaps fatal roadblock. But not necessarily. You knew he’d
ask, so you’re prepared. As prepared as you can be. Contain that
nervous chuckle and push on.)
No, not at the moment. But I do know
(fill in the blank if there’s anyone
even conceivably known to this
person) who thought I should bring
my pitch in to you; he/she speaks
most highly of you.
(This is, of course, probably a lie. He knows it, you know it, but it’s still
a nice touch. Try not to make it too much of a lie, since he may call you
on it.)
John, I know you must be very busy,
but I’d love to have a chance to
come in and pitch you my story. I
really believe it’s something Hot
Tamale might like.
At this point, John will either tell you they don’t take unsolicited
pitches, or he’ll ask you for a brief description of your story. Have this
prepared, written out in front of you if you need to. Don’t stammer,
denigrate it, mumble or make excuses. Keep it to one sentence, two at
the most, and make it sound like the greatest thing he’s going to hear
this year, or any other. If you sound intelligent, reasonable and
enthusiastic, without being desperate, John will chew his eraser for a
second or two, then probably decide he might as well meet you—who
knows, you might really have something, and it’ll help fill his calendar.
If you have a choice, schedule your appointment early. Avoid late
afternoon, when John will be tired, behind schedule and cranky
because he’s anxious to get out of there. Most likely, you’ll be given a
5:30 p.m. slot.
Okay, you’ve got your appointment, next Thursday. Time to get to
work. Although John may have slotted you in for half an hour or even
forty-five minutes, in fact you’ll have about ten minutes of grace time
(roughly equivalent to the first ten pages rule, see Chapter 10) to catch
his interest. After that, he’ll either find a way to excuse himself and get
rid of you, or he’ll want to hear more. What you need to come up with
versions of your story: a short pitch to hook him, and a longer pitch,
richer in detail, in case the short one works and you get that far.
How Do You Get to Carnegie Hall? Practice, Practice!
Before you go to your meeting, be sure to practice your pitch on
everyone who will tolerate you, friends, family, and especially people
who are in the business and can give you informed opinions. Don’t be
defensive: listen. Are you taking too long to get to the point? Are you
confusing them? Are you maintaining eye contact and confident sense
of your story, or are you mumbling into your navel? Does your story
make sense? Are your characters interesting and consistent? Are there
plot holes, where the logic falls apart? Try to locate and solve as many
of these problems as you can (in effect, you’re re-outlining your story).
You won’t catch them all, but you’ll greatly improve your pitch going
in. By the way, if you find that you keep losing your place or having to
backtrack to fill in details you forgot to mention, it’s a good sign that
your scenes don’t grow naturally and inevitably out of each other, that
your story may be too episodic (see Chapters 7 and 8), or that you
simply don’t know your story well enough to pitch it yet. Don’t go into
a meeting unless and until you know your pitch cold.
Anatomy of a Pitch Meeting
Pitch meetings only seem informal. In fact, they are ritualized
performances that follow roughly the same script every time. First of
all, you want to look right. Writers in Hollywood dress with studied
Next, be punctual, in case John is ready to see you at the appointed
time (he won’t be, but miracles do happen), so plan to get there in
plenty of time to enter the studio lot and find parking. John or his
assistant will have told you on the phone how to get onto the studio
lot, and that they’ll have a pass waiting for you at the guard gate.
However, they may forget or the computers may be down, and the
guard will have to call in and confirm your appointment. The guard
will hand you a pass and tell you where to park. Since you’re a nobody,
you’ll probably have to park in a visitor area a good ten-minute walk
away from the office you’re going to, so plan for it.
Once you arrive at the proper office and identify yourself, an
assistant—perhaps the one you spoke with—will tell you that John’s
running just a few minutes late, but will be right with you. You’ll be
offered a seat in the waiting area and something to drink. By all means
accept it, even if you’re not thirsty. It’ll help calm your nerves and give
you something to do while you wait. But keep it simple. Don’t ask for a
can of peach nectar, just a Coke or water or coffee. But don’t drink it
all, keep some for the meeting. For one thing, you don’t want the call
of nature suddenly interrupting you. More importantly, your drink is a
prop. More on this in a moment.
After between ten and twenty-five minutes (depending on how
important you’re perceived to be), either an assistant or John himself
will appear, apologize for the delay, then lead you back to his office.
Usually John’s assistant will join you. This person is there to take
notes and will rarely speak. Don’t let it get to you. Take a comfortable
seat that isn’t facing a window, so you won’t have to squint to read
John’s expression as you tell your story. Avoid the deep leather couch,
because you’ll sink in and feel silly.
There are a requisite four or five minutes of chitchat, during which
you praise the view from his office as well as the last film Hot Tamale
produced, and John apologizes for the messy state of his office (they’re
in the process of moving) and finds out a little more about you. You
might want to ask (if you’ve learned a bit about him) how he likes the
change from Cold Fish Productions, where he used to work. He’ll be
flattered that you’ve followed his career, such as it is, and may be more
receptive. Then he’ll say something like, “So what have you got?” It’s
time to pitch. Start off with your short one.
The Short Pitch A short pitch clocks in at not more than ten
minutes. There are differences of opinion as to how a writer should
approach this. Some feel that you should just dive into some early,
exciting moment in the story, with- out any hint as to where you’re
going; the mystery itself will engage interest. Others, including the
authors of this book, feel that producers and executives take pitches
because they want to know what your story is and anything you can do
to help them follow the narrative is a good thing. So we advocate
beginning your pitch by telling them what genre it’s in, and perhaps
identifying a couple of other (successful) films that it might resemble,
as per the example that led off this chapter—but obviously better
thought out. This may seem almost cartoonishly hackneyed, but it’s
how producers generally lock onto a new idea. For instance: “My story,
High Tide, is a futuristic action- thriller set in the world of the Coast
Guard’s drug interdiction operations in the Caribbean. It’s kind of like
The French Connection meets To Have and Have Not.” (These are
very old references and if you can find more recent ones, use them—
for instance, you might try: “It’s kind of like Avatar meets Fast Five,
set in an alien paradise a lot like the Caribbean.” But stick to old
classics if they’re the best comparisons you have.)
Then go into a brief, visual description of your exciting opening,
complete with a brief, visual description of your exciting hero,
antagonist and central conflict. It’s okay to refer to major stars that
you think might be perfect for the role—especially if your research has
told you that this company is looking for a “vehicle” for a certain movie
star. You’d never want to do this in your screenplay, but in a
conversational pitch it can be useful. Then outline the general course
of the story, stopping to highlight two or three more of your most
exciting scenes with a brief, visual description (getting the point?), and
perhaps a few cool lines of dialogue, if you’ve got them.
When you pitch the story you should be passionate. There is no rule
that says you have to stay seated; some writers get up and pace the
room as they sell the story. They are moved by the spirit of the
characters as the story’s dramatic tension manifests itself within them.
It’s a performance. Some writers in Hollywood actually take acting
classes so that they can learn how to tell a wonderful exciting story.
Whichever way you tell the story, the one thing you don’t want to be is
Until you become practiced at pitching, you’re going to be nervous,
and you may get lost in your story. You should always have a small crib
sheet with a list of a few key words written down so you don’t lose the
thread of your story. By the way, this is where your drink may come in
handy. If you do lose your place, pause to clear your throat and take a
sip of your Coke or coffee—just enough to recapture the thread and get
back on track. Or, your throat may just be dry.
Throughout, maintain eye contact with the person or people to
whom you’re pitching. First of all, you’re telling them a story and want
to keep them interested. Secondly, you can see if their attention is
flagging, if their eyes are drifting off to that report they still need to
write, or if they’re checking their watches in anticipation of clocking
out. If that’s what you see, you’re being too windy—and probably
you’ve gone longer than ten minutes. So cut out anything but the most
exciting, salient parts of your story and try to reel them back in. Then
bring it to a dramatic, satisfyingly emotional conclusion—emotional in
that you focus on how your central characters end up. You may also
want to include some reference to the thematic point of the story and
how your protagonist’s journey exemplifies it.
Here is an example of one writer’s pitch that worked. In this case,
he dove right in.
(on the phone.)
Hold my calls. Thanks.
We come up on a Porsche. In the
passenger seat is Brad (Johnny
Depp). The driver is a woman who’s
not good enough for him- -too many
Abraham Lincoln moles. He says
“Shall we do it?” She agrees, starts
up the car and drives into a huge,
gated estate. Inside we find the
library and the girl’s old fart
father behind a tank of a desk. He
asks his daughter to step outside,
he wants to have a private word with
Brad. Once she leaves, he says,
“You’re not going to marry my
daughter.” Brad argues, “I’ve asked
her to marry me, she loves me.” The
old man takes 20,000 dollars out of
the desk and spreads it out in front
of Brad; “You’re not going to marry
my daughter.” Brad’s totally
insulted; “She’s old enough, we
don’t need your permission.” Another
20,000 is added to the pile. Brad is
more righteous, “How dare you sir!
You can’t buy love!” The old man
shoves another heap of bills onto
the pile; “You’re not going to marry
my daughter.” Brad looks at the
mountain of bills, glances out to
the cobblestone drive, thinks a
moment and says, “Throw in the
Porsche.” Cut to the autumn leaves
flying as Brad Hawk pulls out of
town in the Porsche.
Sorry about that. Go on.
This is a movie about a handsome kid
who’s got the perfect con ... he
goes into a town, finds the richest
girl, gets her to fall in love with
him, makes sure the parents hate him
and gets paid off not to marry into
the family. It’s Don Juan DeMarco
meets The Music Man.
Sorry, crisis on the set. Go on.
Okay, so Brad’s in the islands,
enjoying his loot. Pool bar--Oprah’s
on television. Suddenly he sees a
composite picture of himself and
Oprah interviewing his last “love”
victims. They’re all happy that they
knew him, for they all learned about
men and love through him. But they
want his nuts. He realizes the game
is up and decides to pull one last,
major con before retirement. He has
to find the one place in the country
where the women aren’t that
attractive, their fathers are
wealthy and no one watches Oprah.
The answer Stanford. His goal, the
daughter of the President of the
United States.
Debbie, will you please hold my
calls! Sorry about that. Go on.
There’s nothing Brad can do but go
through with the nuptials. After one
last attempt to tell his grad
student sweetheart how he feels, he
apologizes for his actions and heads
for the church. It’s a huge church,
thousands of people are there. He
walks out in front of the crowd,
there are TV cameras and klieg
lights and then Oprah Winfrey struts
out, turns to the cameras and says,
“Ladies and gentleman, we caught
him!” From the back of the
auditorium, the President gives Brad
the finger. Brad faces the music.
Two hours later, Brad finds himself
penniless, carless and dateless as
he attempts to hitchhike out of
town. He’s cold and tired, when a
small V.W. bug pulls up. It’s the
graduate student. And for the first
time, he’s able to express his love;
“Love is infatuation with knowledge.
If you know someone, know all of
their idiosyncrasies and
shortcomings and you’re still
infatuated, then you’re in love.”
The grad student admits that she,
too, must be in love. They ride off
into the sunset together.
At this point, given this description of events, John will either want to
hear more, or ask you when you can come back and pitch to his boss.
He really liked it. And you’re really going to meet his boss. You’re
halfway there.
The Long Pitch If he wants to hear more, this is where your longer
pitch comes in. You should have a reasonably clear idea of all the
major scenes, characters and thematic issues, so you can pick up on
any part of it that he chooses to ask about. But this is still just a pitch,
so if John asks some- thing you really can’t answer, don’t try. You’ll
start digging a hole for yourself that you can’t get out of. Just tell him
you haven’t worked that out yet, but you will.
The Real World
More likely, after your short pitch, he’ll thank you very much and
usher you out with the sad news that this just isn’t for them, or they’ve
got something too similar in the works, perhaps add a cruelly
optimistic promise to talk to those higher up, and they’ll get back to
you (they won’t). If he’s ending the meeting, don’t try to keep it going.
It’s over, and you lost. (Yes, meetings are won and lost, as Lynda Obst
points out in her essential, insider account Hello, He Lied.) So don’t
overstay your welcome; leave John with the sense that you gave it a
good shot, and maybe he’d like to hear what else you come up with in
the future. Don’t drag it out and annoy him.
Let’s not sugarcoat it: getting a job writing for a television show is not
easy. The jobs are few and the competition is fierce; in fact, there are
far more writers trying to break into television than into features. Yet
writing for television can seem less daunting (writing a half-hour or
hour script rather than a two-hour feature) and more lucrative: a
working TV writer can have a regular gig with a high salary and
attractive benefits. However, there is a price. The pace and pressure
are relentless, and because there are often so many writers involved in
the process of developing each produced episode, it can sometimes
(depending on the kind of show) bear only a passing resemblance to
the original writer’s script.
There are two types of television writers: staff and freelance. Staff
writers are full-time employees who work all or part of a show’s season
and receive a weekly salary. Their title can be Staff Writer (sometimes
called Term Writer), Story Editor, Associate Producer, Producer or
Executive Producer. Freelance writers are self-employed writers who
sell spec scripts or are hired by a show to write individual episodes.
They may write episodes for several different shows in the same
season. Ordinarily a television show hires between eight and twelve
staff writers (from term to producer) per season. Staff writers write the
vast majority of episodes but sometimes they also hire freelance
writers to write individual episodes. This means that there are only a
few hundred jobs available. Thousands of writers fight for their piece
of this very small pie.
The strong competition for jobs is well justified when we look at
salary. Staff writers earn from $5,000 to $10,000 a week (some who
have reached the executive producer level make a great deal more). On
top of this weekly salary, the writer sometimes gets a payment for each
episode written; that fee currently stands at about $18,000 for one
episode of a sitcom and $27,000 per episode of an hour-length show.
There can also be residuals. Residuals are a type of royalty payment a
television writer receives every time an episode airs. If a show goes
into syndication, the residuals through the years can add up to more
than the original fee. Landing a job with this kind of salary requires a
long-term commitment, setting goals, the stamina to write every day
and, of course, talent.
There are three forms of television writing (sometimes called
teleplays) that we’ll cover: sitcoms (short for situation comedies),
hour-length dramas, and movies of the week (known as MOWs). We
will not cover skit writing (such as for Saturday Night Live or other
late night shows that include sketch comedy) or writing for soap
operas or reality television. At this writing, reality show writers are not
members of the WGA (for more on the WGA see Chapter 15), although
the union is hoping that someday they will be included. With soap
operas only head writers are members of the WGA. The head writers
decide on the storylines for the entire season and then the episodes are
divvied up between a throng of non-WGA episode writers who are paid
only a few thousand dollars to knock out scripts. Skit writing depends
more on writing gags than formal storytelling, the subject of this book.
And besides, most of these writers got their jobs by being successful
writers in other fields (e.g., as playwrights, standup comedians, hour-
length television writers, and so on).
In Hollywood, everyone has a story about how they were
“discovered.” From chance meetings, to knowing the right person, to
wild coincidence, each story is really about being in the right place at
the right time. Unfortunately, luck does play an important role in
getting a job, but there are many things writers can do to increase the
chances of luck invading their lives. Louis Pasteur, the great French
chemist and microbiologist, said, “Chance favors the prepared mind.”
Preparing for a writing job in television means learning how to write
“spec” scripts (written on speculation), moving to Hollywood, getting
an agent, writing more spec scripts and pitching.
The first step in landing a job is to write several great spec scripts
(remember “spec” is short for speculation, see Chapter 1). Specs are
the writer’s calling card; they show that the writer has talent. Writing
one spec is never enough. It takes several specs to learn how to write
for television in the first place and perhaps many more before agents
begin paying attention. Spec scripts rarely sell; they are written
primarily to prove that you can write. They are the television writer’s
Spec scripts rarely sell because producers seldom respond well to a
spec for their own show. The reason is that the producers (who are the
writers) are very possessive about their particular show. They feel they
know everything there is to know about their characters and situations
and so they’re hyper- critical. Therefore, even if a spec writer thinks
she’s caught the exact tone of the show and voices of the characters,
the producers will automatically sense something slightly askew, or
see that the spec story is at variance with a direction they intend to
take their show in future episodes, so they’ll reject the spec. Instead,
producers want to see a spec script for a different show, one in which
they are not invested, and therefore can read without prejudice or
While there are occasional lucky exceptions, it’s not uncommon for
struggling TV writers to pound out between ten and thirty spec scripts
before they get their first job. Here are a few things to keep in mind
when writing a spec:
They Are Not Looking for a Pilot (or Maybe They Are) A pilot
is the first episode of a brand-new series. The conventional wisdom
used to be that writing spec pilots was a waste of time. For one thing, a
spec pilot is a poor example of how well you can write for an existing
show, because the producers can’t compare it to anything they’ve read
or seen. For another, no matter how good it is, agents and producers
are usually not interested in pilots written by beginners. New shows
are usually developed and written only by writers who have paid their
dues with years of experience, or who are being courted by networks
because they’ve had great success in standup comedy or features. After
you’ve worked your way up from staff writer to story editor to
producer, then you can think about creating a pilot. So for now, write
specs for successful shows that are already on the air. HOWEVER:
Partly due to a number of studio initiatives and the spread of
competitions allowing for pilot entries, in recent years a number of
spec pilots scripts have in fact been bought, if not actually produced
and/or brought to completion. Ideas have also been generated by web
blogs and posts (for instance, $#*! My Dad Says was a comedy series
developed from Justin Halpern’s hilarious Twitter feed. It only lasted
one season or so, but still).
Pick a Winner When you write a spec, choose only those well-
known, successful, established shows that earn good ratings and
critical acclaim, and are going to be around for a while. Occasionally
writers create specs for hot new shows, hoping that agents and
producers have not yet been inundated by scripts for them and are not
yet sick of reading them (spec scripts arrive in Hollywood by the
truckload). This isn’t a bad idea if you already have several great specs
for more popular shows, but be assured that the producers of any new
show already have an arsenal of scripts to last at least one and
probably two seasons, so you’re not really much more likely to sell it to
them than to a more established show. Above all avoid shows that
have gone off the air. This means that those wonderful Seinfeld,
Cheers or Frasier specs you wrote are now worthless.
You know a show is popular when, at the proverbial water cooler
the next morning, everyone is discussing last night’s episode. The
national water cooler test for television shows is called the Nielsen
rating. Nielsen numbers are listed by rating point and share. For
example, a show will have a rating of 11.9 and a share of 20. One rating
point is equal to 1 percent of the total number of U.S. households that
have TVs (in other words, everyone). So if a show has a rating of 11.9
that means that of all the households in the United States
(approximately 103 million of them) 11.9 percent watched that
particular show. Share is the percentage of households that have their
TV sets turned on and tuned to that particular show (not all
households have their TVs on all the time, it only seems that way). If
the show’s share is 20, that means that of all the households watching
television at that particular moment, 20 percent of them are tuned
into that show. Show ratings are listed in most major newspapers, in
trades like Variety and The Hollywood Reporter or elsewhere on the
web. The value of these ratings continues to be debated as channels
multiply and other internet outlets continue to be explored.
Few Outside Characters Generally you don’t want to create a spec
for an existing series in which a new or outside character dominates
the story, so that wonderful episode idea you have about the main
character’s eccentric great aunt coming for a visit is dead on arrival.
Producers and agents want to see how well you can write existing
characters, not those of your own creation.
Involve the Main Characters Directly in the Story You want
to focus the story on the stars of the show. Make sure that the main
characters are at the center of every conflict and resolution.
Don’t Mess with the Premise All television shows have a premise,
a fundamental situation and assumption that never changes from
episode to episode. Characters begin and end in essentially the same
place. They might learn a lesson about life, but the premise of their
lives remains the same (this is why it’s called episodic television). In
other words, writing an episode in which a character’s mother dies is
not a good idea. The mother can go into the hospital, but in the end
she must be home so that everything can turn back to the status quo.
Yes, occasionally shows do change the premise, but these decisions are
made by the networks and/or the executive producer and should never
be done in a spec.
Use Existing Sets Try to use the standard locations of the show.
This is particularly true of sitcoms, unless they are in the Seinfeld,
Bored to Death or Hung mold, and even then they primarily rely on
standard sets. You want to show that you can create a story that uses
the standard, existing sets.
Get the Story Rolling Competition is fierce. When agents read
specs, they generally give you a few minutes. If you haven’t snagged
their interest by page four or five, it’s off to the rejection pile, so state
the major problem and begin the conflicts as close to page one as
Getting a Good Idea
How often have you watched a really awful episode and thought, “I
could write something better than that.” The truth is that you’re right,
maybe you could. Unlike television writers, you have time to go back,
rewrite, put it down for a while, come back to it and knock off a dozen
drafts. Network television writers, on the other hand, must operate
under a crushing deadline. They turn out material at a frantic pace. In
television there is an old saying, “I don’t want it good, I want it
Tuesday!” Sitcom writers, for example, are given only one week to
write an episode. There’s a famous story of a young staff sit-com writer
who was asked how long he needed to write his first episode and he
sheepishly answered, “two weeks?” The stunned producer leaned
forward and said, “Son, in two weeks, I could rewrite the Bible, with
jokes.” The les- son here is that when you write a spec, it must be
better than anything on the air. You have the time to make your
audition script perfect.
That perfection starts with a wonderful story idea, an idea that’s
new and distinct, yet does not deviate from the show’s style. All shows
have established structures, storylines and characters that cannot be
altered or you change the essence of the show. After a show has been
on the air for a while, unique story ideas can be hard to come by. You
certainly don’t want to write something they’ve already done, so you
must seek the rarest of all commodities in television, a new idea—or at
least a good one that hasn’t been seen for a while.
The small screen eats up original ideas so fast that it’s often forced
to re-hash, spit-shine and reinvent old ideas. An original, new idea is
always best, but it’s also perfectly acceptable to use an old idea, as long
as you disguise it and make it appropriate for and unique to whichever
show you’re writing. Story ideas come from watching television,
reading the show descriptions (sometimes called slugs or log lines) on or the series’ own web- sites, and from studying old movies
and plays. The test is how good you are at inventing (or re-inventing)
an idea that feels original and new but fits the show exactly. As a
producer once said, “I want the same thing, only different.”
Start by writing down one idea after another as they come into your
head. At first, don’t allow yourself to be critical. Creative and critical
thinking come from opposite sides of the brain and seldom operate in
unison. Constantly judging your ideas as they occur will cause the
creative grid- lock known as writer’s block. Ask “what if”: What if this
happened, what if that happened?
Once you have a list of story ideas, go back and allow your critical
side to judge each one logically. Does it fit the show? Have they done it
before? Is it consistent with the show’s style? Does the situation you’ve
created contain enough surprise and conflict to sustain the comedy or
drama of the show?
Once you have a good idea, it must be tailored to fit the unique
structure of the show. Each television show has a singular structure.
The best way to understand a show’s structure is to stop watching it
for enjoyment and start dissecting it. Dissecting a show is done by
scene-carding several episodes, or “breaking them down” (scene cards
are discussed in detail in Chapter 9). When breaking an episode down,
the scene card process is reversed. Record an episode and then play it
back, one scene at a time. After each scene, hit pause and briefly write
out on a scene card what the scene was about, where it took place, how
long it took, who was involved, how it moved the story for- ward and
what comprised the major conflict.
Once you have scene-carded an episode, the show’s structure (or
skeleton) should become clear. Lay it out in order, indicating teasers,
tags and acts. A teaser, sometimes called a “cold opening,” is a short
scene just before the opening credits. For example The Office and
Breaking Bad start with a teaser. A tag is a short scene or epilogue
that falls after the last commercial and right before the closing credits
or sometimes during the closing cred- its. Some shows have teasers,
some have tags, some have both or neither. In television, an act is
everything that happens after the teaser and before the tag, and
between commercials. Today there are no set rules when it comes to
how many acts a sitcom has, some have two acts, some three, some
more. Hour-length shows usually have five acts, but again there are
many exceptions. The only way you’ll know is to watch and scene card
several episodes.
With your scene card breakdowns laid out in front of you, study the
show’s structure. Notice that almost all acts end with a plot twist. The
writers know that the audience members clutch remotes, their fingers
on the but- ton, ready to change to any one of 500 other channels, so
they end acts on a moment of suspense, revelation or with a dramatic
question that will hope- fully make the audience endure the
commercial without touching the button. You want to structure your
story with these same end-of-act cliffhangers.
Some shows have more than one story within the same episode.
These are known as “A” and “B” stories; occasionally there will be a
“C” and even a “D” story, too. The “A” story is the main plot of the
episode, the “B” story is a secondary or smaller plot, the “C” story, a
running gag. For example, the “A” story might be that (Name Your
Protagonist) has found a new love but keeps having a recurring dream
that “she” is really a “he,” while the “B” story is that (Name Your First
Regular Character) must attend a tractor pull with his father. The “C”
story might be the fact that someone keeps drinking (Name Your
Second Regular Character)’s soft drink and he doesn’t know who until
the end. Each story is complete, with a beginning, middle and end.
Sometimes the two stories start separately, but by the end of the
episode they collide into one ending (Name Your Protagonist’s new
love wins the tractor pull). A good “B” story will have some thematic
relationship to the “A” story; for instance, both “A” and “B” stories
could deal with the issue of characters nervously trying to prove their
heterosexuality. You want your spec to match exactly the number of
acts, “A-B-C” story, teaser/tag configurations and over- all structure
that are the standard for that particular show.
Once you’ve dissected a few episodes, you should have a clear idea
of the show’s overall formula. You want to take your story idea and
structure it using the same formula. Deviation from formula is not
what television is about and will not look inventive to the producers,
only incompetent.
You must also keep in mind that television is a fluid medium, and
things keep changing. In an interview with Robin, Steve Peterman, the
producer and/or executive producer of enormously successful shows
from Murphy Brown to Hannah Montana to Blah, Blah, Blah with
Boys, described the state of sitcom this way:
What’s happened in a combination of a whole lot
of outlets for people to watch, a lot of alternatives, which means
the attention span is shorter, which means you have to hook
people faster. Along with that is the fact that you have an
audience that is so much more sophisticated in terms of the
vocabulary of television that they know the shorthand, so you
don’t have to spend as much time setting up a story as you used
to. Seinfeld is the classic example. . .it went from a show that
told one story primarily, maybe two. But it soon began telling
four main stories, around its four main characters...they’d have
four different stories going on, and multiple scenes, and what
had started as a show with two acts of three scenes in one and
four scenes in the second, by the time you got to the later years
had twenty-two, twenty-five scenes. It turned television into a
more cinematic way of telling a story. You came into a story
much closer to a climactic moment. You’d sometimes see
Seinfeld start an episode with something like George in a taxi
with a woman he’d obviously been dating for a while. You’d
never seen the woman before, you hadn’t seen them meet, you
hadn’t seen their first date, you hadn’t seen him talk about her
to the others. In the old days you would have seen all that in the
setup to the story. Now they don’t bother with that. They say,
let’s get into the relation- ship right near the crisis point. This is
becoming more true for all sitcoms. We hear from the network,
“Don’t feel you have to tell your story in such a traditional way,
find a more unusual way, give the audience credit for being
When dissecting a show, you must also analyze the characters,
understand their style, motivation and idiosyncrasies. All the
questions asked when creating a character (Chapter 5) must now be
asked when dissecting an existing character. The key to writing a
preexisting character is to know how they speak and behave. Each has
trademark speech patterns and modes of behavior that result from
their own unique thoughts, logic, comedy, education, history and
environment, but most of all because of the particular actor who plays
the role. Personality is revealed by analyzing what people say and how
they say it, as well as by how they physically act and react to particular
situations. Television writers must take it one step further and be able
to reproduce these patterns.
To successfully match a character’s speech, it’s necessary to listen
to the actor play the role over and over again. This can be very time-
consuming. One trick is to record an episode and play it back on that
long drive to work everyday. Listening to the voice will train your brain
to hear the particulars of the character and actor’s voice. Once the
voice is firmly implanted in your mind, you should be able to write
dialogue that closely matches it. Once you’ve written your spec, the
reader should be able to cover up the character’s name in the script
and know exactly which character is speaking by the dialogue alone.
Test this by whiting-out all the character names and having a friend
who knows the show identify each character’s lines. If she can’t tell
which character is which, the script is not ready. The challenge is to
catch the character’s nuances and still have them say something fresh
and surprising.
Even though TV relies more on dialogue than features do, teleplay
dialogue is lean. Every line must present the immediate conflict, reveal
the characters, advance the plot (or in the case of sitcoms, be funny). If
a line does not satisfy one of these needs, then it is excess fat and must
be cut.
There are basically two formats when it comes to television writing:
one-cam- era and three-camera. One-camera television shows are shot
on location or on sound stages without an audience. They are just like
movies, only produced on a much smaller budget and with commercial
breaks. Homeland and Mad Men are examples of one-camera shows.
The traditional definition of a three-camera is a show is one that is
confined to a sound stage, and seldom, if ever, goes on location.
Sitcoms like King of Queens and Two and a Half Men are traditional
three-camera shows. The term “three camera” came from the 1950’s
when sitcoms like I Love Lucy were taped using only three cam- eras.
Modern sitcoms actually use more cameras. Similarly, many cameras
are rolling on a one-camera show like Homeland, but the handles have
In the old days three-camera shows were taped in front of a live
audience, had few characters, and were limited to three or four sets.
Today three-camera shows have no limits. Some have dozens of sets;
some shoot on location (as does a one-camera show) and some are
even animated. There are also no industry wide consistent rules when
it comes to formatting. Some sitcoms use one-camera format, some
three camera. The only way to know if you are using the right format is
to get a copy of the script.
Getting a Script There are still some mail-order bookstores that sell
sitcom and hour-length scripts, but you can also download many from
a variety of websites. In contrast to feature scripts you may download
or order, with TV you want to make sure you’re getting the genuine
article, the final script of a produced episode, not some writer’s first
draft or spec. Real scripts usually have a show number on the title
page, a cast of characters page and a list of sets needed for that
particular episode.
They also often have little asterisks (*) in the margins of the script
to indicate where line changes have been made. In production
rewrites, instead of giving the actors, director and crew a totally new
script every time lines are changed, they are given only the pages with
changes. Each round of rewrites is marked by a new page color.
Monday’s changes, for example, might be on yellow paper, Tuesday’s
on green and so on. By the end of the week, a television script is a
rainbow of colors. (The same is true, by the way, of feature film
production scripts.)
Next, an asterisk is placed in the margin next to each change so that
everyone knows exactly what’s new on that particular page. If you have
a photocopy, the pages will, of course, no longer be colored, but the
revision key on the title page and the asterisks in the margins should
still be there, and you’ll know whether you have a genuine script.
Often, rewrite pages will appear partial, because they are inserts
dealing only with a portion of a pre-existing page. This is not how the
original draft looked.
Formatting Software The same advice we gave for formatting
software for feature films applies here as well. A program like Final
Draft or Movie Magic contains standard formats for all forms of screen
and television writing. Once you have the program installed you can
even go to their websites and download templates for specific shows.
These programs aren’t cheap, but can cost less if you can use their
student discounts. If you are really strapped for cash and you have the
time, you can create your own formatting templates (Check your word-
processing program under “templates” or “style” for more
information.) You can also download screenplay and sitcom templates
for both Macintosh and PC from the web, but as you know, when you
download anything you are taking a chance. (See Appendix A for one-
and three-camera, i.e., sitcom, templates.)
Title Page A spec television script has a simple title page. You don’t
want a fancy, clear plastic or colored cover, just a plain white sheet of
paper. About three inches from the top of the page, type the name of
the series in caps and underline it (TWO AND A HALF MEN, CSI:
MIAMI). Centered and double- spaced under it place the title of your
particular episode. Although these titles seldom appear on the air, all
television episodes are given a title. Give your spec a fun, funny,
dramatic or intriguing title. This title should be in lowercase and in
quotation marks (“Why Singers Don’t Get Nose Jobs,” “Shy Kidneys”).
Put your name about an inch under the title (Written By Bill Smith).
In the lower right-hand corner, put your address, e-mail and phone
number(s), or those of your agent if you have one. That’s it, nothing
else is needed.
Things to Leave Out On the very next page, after the title page,
start the first page of your script. Production scripts will often have
several pages of casting and production notes, but these should not be
included in a spec script.
Binding Television scripts use the same type of binding used on a
screen- play: three-hole punch with metal brads in the first and third
holes. Again, nowadays any place that has actually agreed to read your
script will probably accept an emailed PDF.
Length One-hour shows are generally fifty to sixty pages long, while
MOWs have around 100 to 105 pages. Length is important in a
teleplay because each episode must fit into an exact time slot (though
precise running time is handled partly in editing, and is not the
writer’s responsibility alone). When you cut out all the commercials
and credits, hour-length dramas are only about forty-six minutes long.
The scripts are longer than forty-six pages because of the act breaks.
Unlike a feature screenplay, where one page generally equals one
minute of air time, for a sitcom, each page equals only thirty seconds,
so a script is anywhere from forty-five to sixty pages long. When you
cut out all the commercials and credits, sitcoms are only about twenty-
three minutes long.
All the usual elements of good storytelling apply to sitcoms: character,
conflict, complication, suspense, crisis and climax. Of course, the key
to writing a good sitcom spec is that it must be funny, but more, it
must match a show’s particular style of humor. Some shows deal with
controversy, some have a nine o’clock time slot and have hard-hitting
or sexual humor, some have eight o’clock (family hour) time slots and
don’t even allow sexual innuendo. You must match each show’s sense
of humor, not your own.
There are three ways of testing to see if your script is funny enough.
First, draw a big red line across each page about halfway down. Then
check to make sure that there’s at least one funny bit above the line
and one below. In other words, you don’t want to go more than a half a
page (fifteen seconds) without something funny happening or being
said. Second, have a reading of the script (see Chapter 14, Rewriting).
Remember that, in most cases, humor does not come from
characters telling jokes, but rather from their comic reactions to or
commentary on the situation—it’s a situation comedy, not a joke
comedy. If your script isn’t funny but your premise and situation is,
your problem may be overwritten dialogue: too many words can cloud
the humor. Comedy is lean; dialogue must be sharp and punchy.
Here is an example of comic dialogue that fails because of too many
words. First read the scene with all the lines, then re-read, leaving out
the crossed-out words. Notice that with fewer words, it still makes
sense, and it’s funnier.
Settle down everyone, I have an
important announcement to make. It’s
no secret our ratings are slipping;
it’s time to take action.
What happened to ratings with
dignity that you were so hot about?
I hate to admit this but it didn’t
I’ve been trying to figure out how
to tell you this. This isn’t easy. I
came up with three different ways.
How about telling the truth.
I hadn’t thought of that. All right,
four ways. I’ve made an executive
decision. I signed Jerome Reardon as
a new member of the FYI team.
Not that malicious little columnist
for the New York Times?
Oh, I know him. Wasn’t he a theatre
Yes, but he gave that up after the
assassination attempt. They missed.
You hired Satan and you didn’t check
with us first!
I only had a small window of
opportunity before 20/20 grabbed
Remember Lanford Benley? That
talented young man who wrote “Gay
Nam Vet”? Great writer.
Incredible play.
Well, Reardon panned it. Poor
playwright was so upset he ended it
He killed himself over a review? I
don’t believe it.
No, he sold it to Danny DeVito for
two point five mil, moved to Crete
and never wrote again.
On that is tragic. Most tragic.
I was a consultant on the Viet Nam
aspect of the play. Yes, we put
those actors though hell. Made them
sleep in foxholes behind the
theatre, get up at four a.m. and go
to the bathroom in a hole in the
ground. The actors just couldn’t
take it. Three of the cast members
actually suffer from flashbacks. Now
that’s real acting.
Writing Webisodes
Doing It Yourself
Hey, buddy, whatcha doing?
Hey, remember when you said we
should be doing more to further our
acting careers?
And that we should make our own
And that you’d do anything to help
Don’t remember that.
I need three hundred dollars.
Excuse me?
I wanna buy a video camera so I can
start shooting my own stuff.
You have a camera--
I need an HD camera. People need to
see this shit times ten. I just need
to put three hundred down.
I was trying to save you some time.
I You forged my signature!
You gotta admit, it’s pretty good.
(tearing up the check)
No. This is not happening.
That’s fine. Cash works.
What makes you think I have three
hundred dollars just lying around?
You’re working that big party at the
restaurant tonight, right? You’ll
make three hundo in tips, easy.
Why would I give you money when you
still owe me for rent?
Here we go again. Dude, how many
times do I have to tell you? This is
America. People don’t just get
kicked out of their homes because
they don’t pay their rent.
Yes, they do! Every day! The fact
that my parents own this place
doesn’t mean we get to live here for
Well, it’s not my fault your parents
don’t love you. Now, are you gonna
give me the money?
No! Now clear the driveway.
Reach in there and get it.
Come on. You want your money, don’t
you? Reach in there.
Wallet, motherfucker!
Here! Here!
The mugger takes it, runs off.
Todd, still shaken, sits on the couch in his
robe, holding a mug of hot cocoa. Mike enters
with a shopping bag.
Where have you been?
Why? What happened?
I got mugged.
Mugged? Like, by a mugger?
I’d just gotten back from work and
this guy jumped out with a knife and
took my wallet. He got all my tip
What? Aw, shit. That sucks. Did you
call the cops?
I’m gonna go to the station. They
Hey, they’re gonna get him. They’re
gonna get this piece of shit.
God, my heart’s still pounding. I’ve
never been mugged before. I was just
getting out of the car, and then--
What is that?
Where did you get it?
Store, dumb shit.
No, I mean where did you get the
money to buy it?
From an actor friend of mine.
You don’t know him.
Did you rob me?
You robbed me!
What are you talking about?
Well, it’s just very strange. I
mean, you needed money for a new
camera, you knew I was working that
party tonight, I just so happen to
get mugged, you just so happen to
get a new camera....
I can’t believe this. You actually
think I would rob you at knifepoint?
If I was gonna rob you, I’d use a
gun. Bam! Glock to the clock. Dead
bitches mean no snitches.
I wanna know where you got the money
to buy that camera. Look me in the
eye and tell me.
Where’d you get the money?
From. A. Friend.
Which. Friend?
“George.” George what?
George Wash...
. . .burn.
“George Washburn.” You got the money
from your good chum, George
Washburn. Ol’ Georgie Washburn gave
you the money for that camera. Ol’
That’s right.
I’m going down to the police station
to file my report.
What’re you gonna tell ’em?
I’m gonna tell ’em the truth.
Todd exits.
Todd comes out of the local police station.
Returning from the police station, Todd parks
in the driveway. The mugger jumps out. Same
outfit, same knife.
Gimme your money!
Oh, what the hell...?
Now, bitch!
You already took my money, remember?
Then gimme your phone!
Screw you, Mike, take the mask off.
Bitch, I will cut you!
(tilts his head back)
Okay, cut me. Go ahead and cut me.
I’m waiting. . ..
Get outta here! Call the cops!
Ow! Fuck, man! Stop it!
You didn’t say you were gonna kick
Sorry, man. I got carried away.
I’ve got an underwear commercial
tomorrow and I’m gonna look like
Tina fuckin’ Turner.
Here. For your trouble.
I have sensitive skin. Dick.
I owe you one, George!