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CIRED 19th International Conference on Electricity Distribution Vienna, 21-24 May 2007

Paper 0729



André Luiz P. de OLIVEIRA Volker HENN

SIEMENS Ltda. - Brazil SIEMENS AG. - Germany
[email protected] [email protected]

Nowadays, CEMIG has almost 21.000 km of transmission

ABSTRACT lines and more than 300 substations, with a transformation
capacity of 28.000 MVA [1]. CEMIG has been worked on
The purpose of this article is to present a performance the expansion and modernization of the transmission
analysis of the distance protection applied on short and system, building new transmission lines and big substations
long transmission lines of Companhia Energética de Minas to add more security and reliability to one of the most
Gerais – CEMIG (a Brazilian Electrical Company). The organized power systems of Brazil.
analysis was based on the simulations results of numeric One of these great endeavors was the Vespasiano 2 –
protective relay on power transmission lines, in September 500kV/600MVA Substation, constructed around the city of
02 to 06, 2002, at SIEMENS AG's facilities (Erlangen – Belo Horizonte (capital of the Minas Gerais state) that starts
Germany), using Real Time Digital Simulator (RTDS™). the operation in March 2003. This new substation parted the
Several types of faults simulations were accomplished, in 500kV transmission line between the Mesquita and Neves 1
several conditions of the electrical power system where the substations, resulting in two new transmission lines: one
protective relays would be installed. The results are short (23,9km) and one long (148,6km).
presented not only with the times of faults elimination, but
also with all functionality and advantages that these The Neves 1 SS – Vespasiano 2 SS Short 500kV
modern devices make possible to the electrical power Transmission Line (23,9 km)
system. This Short 500kV Transmission Line is a single circuit line
Key words: Distance Protection, Teleprotection, Digital and has the length of 23,9km, with a normal loadflow of
Simulation, Transmission Lines. 1.150A, from the left strong source (Neves 1: 6,06GVA) to
the right weak source (Vespasiano 2: 1,56GVA).
The Vespasiano 2 SS – Mesquita SS Long 500kV
The CEMIG (Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais) is Transmission Line (148,6 km)
one of the most important energy utilities of Brazil, located
in the Minas Gerais state, southeast region of the country. It This Long 500kV Transmission Line is a single circuit line
is responsible for the operation of one of the biggest and and has the length of 148,6km, with a normal loadflow of
most complex extra-high voltage transmission systems, 1.050A, from the left strong source (Vespasiano 2:
occupying a critical position on the Brazilian National 5,20GVA) to the right weak source (Mesquita: 2,60GVA).
Integrated Energy System. A simplification of CEMIG
Transmission System is presented on Figure 1. THE REAL TIME DIGITAL SIMULATION
The simulations were done in September 2002, at
SIEMENS AG's facilities in Erlangen (Germany). CEMIG
was responsible for supplying the necessary power
transmission lines parameters and other elements of the
electrical power system in which the new distance
protection system were installed.
A Real Time Digital Simulator (RTDS) was used in a
closed loop simulation. So the tripping and reclosing
commands for the circuit breakers were sent directly to the
simulator. The simulation system setup, using the given data
provided great fidelity to the real power system for these
tests and simulations.
The Fault Simulation System
The modeling of the fault simulation system is presented in
Figure 2, which presents the transmission lines real
conditions where the numeric protective relays were
Figure 1 – CEMIG Transmission System

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CIRED 19th International Conference on Electricity Distribution Vienna, 21-24 May 2007

Paper 0729

installed: single-circuit with high voltage circuit breakers on The digital simulations documentation (presented in Figure
the line ends, with one of the substations as a strong source 4) contains all the faults and alarms registers, also the
and other as weak source. numeric relays commands and reactions through the process
of sending and receiving signals to the system. Also current
and voltage analogical signs were registered together with
the numeric protective relays binary inputs and outputs,
supplying the fault detection and tripping commands times.

Figure 2 – Faults Simulation System modeling with

the faults simulations positions
The faults (short-circuits) were simulated using resistor
values that could be changed from a very high to a low
value. Since zero fault resistance is not possible due to
numeric reasons, the value of 0,04Ω was used [2, 3]. The
internal and external (susbstations busbar) fault types and
nomenclature were:
● Single Pole Fault (SPF)
● Double Pole Fault (DPF)
● Double Pole Fault with Ground (DPFG)
● Three Pole Fault (TPF)
● Three Pole Fault with Ground (TPFG)
In these faults simulations, power transmission lines
conditions with or without load, high impedance faults,
circuit breaker switch onto faults and behavior on evolving
faults were analyzed.
The Real Time Digital Simulator (RTDS™)
The Real Time Digital Simulator (RTDS™) is a digital
TNA, flexible, accurate and with great Electrical Power
System and components representation capacity [2]. Figure
3 presents an example of one RTDS™`s rack (the Figure 4 – Events Sequence and Oscillograph example
simulation system uses more than one rack, depending of of a fault simulation on the RTDS™
the system size that is been simulated in each case). The Numeric Distance Protective Relay 7SA612
The protection systems to be installed in the Brazilian
Electrical Power System should follow the Minimum
Requirements of Protection, Supervision/Control and
Telecommunications Systems of the National Operator of
the Electrical System – ONS [4]. Besides, CEMIG
elaborated a rigorous technical specification.
Aiming to reach all the power system protection
requirements, SIEMENS presented the distance protection
7SA612 (Software Version V4.22.03), a numeric protective
relay (presented in Figure 5) of digital microprocessor
technology with multifunction, oscillograph routines,
Figure3 – Example of one Real Time Digital internal time synchronization by GPS satellite sign, local
Simulator (RTDS™)’s rack and remote settings, self diagnostic, self tests and
serial/optical outputs for communication with
The numeric protective distance relays are connected to the microcomputers. Besides the non-switched distance
Real Time Digital Simulator (RTDS™) via current protection with 6 measuring systems (21/21N), this
amplifiers (5, 20 or 40Arms) and voltage amplifiers (0 to protective relay also has directional overcurrent function for
130Vrms). The tripping commands were realized by the three phases and neutral (67/67N), additional
segregated phase, alowing the test of single pole auto- complementary protection functions (overcurrent backup
reclosure. (50/51 and 50/51N), circuit breaker failure (50BF), power

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Paper 0729

swing blocking (68), undervoltage (27)/overvoltage (59), TABLE I

synchronization check(25)) and selection of single Simulations Results: Metallic Faults with Load
pole/three pole auto-reclosure. It has also logics that permit FAULTS Trip [ms] Trip [ms]
the application of several protection schemes like: (Short Line) (Long Line)
Permissive Overreaching Transfer Trip (POTT), Permissive Phases, TL Position
Underreaching Transfer Trip (PUTT), (%), R (Ω)/Ang (˚) NEV VES VES MES
Unblocking/Blocking, Weak Infeed Protection, etc. [5].
A-G/100%/0,04Ω/0˚ 16,5 31,9 16,3 41,1

A-B/100%/0,04Ω/30˚ 13,8 38,5 14,1 43,4

B-G/50%/0,04Ω/60˚ 16,6 16,7 16,3 16,5
A-B-C/50%/0,04Ω/30˚ 16,3 16,2 17,8 17,8
B-C-G/0%/0,04Ω/60˚ 38,3 15,8 40,4 15,8
A-B-C/0%/0,04Ω/90˚ 42,8 20,2 40,1 16,6
A-G/B-L/0,04Ω/0˚ ------ 317,3 ------ 318,4
Figure 5 – Numeric Distance Protective Relay 7SA612
A-B-C/B R/0,04Ω/90˚ 317,4 ------ 322,3 ------
The network simulations are also perfect training for the High Resistive Faults with Load
customers that will work with the protective relays. The ● Conditions: Load 100% / High Resistive Faults (5 to
fault analysis gives deep understanding of the behaviour of 20Ω).
the network and the relays. This improved capability helps ● To Observe: Distance Protection, Phase Selection, Zone
the customer to study and find suitable settings for future Selection and Trip Times.
projects and the correct solution in case of real network TABLE II
faults. Simulations Results: High Resistive Faults with Load
FAULTS Trip [ms] Trip [ms]
ANALYSIS Phases, TL Position
(%), R (Ω)/Ang (˚) NEV VES VES MES
The main purpose of the analysis of numeric distance
protection performance is to validate the relay that will be A-G/100%/5,0Ω/0˚ 18,5 42,3 17,6 43,7
used in the transmission lines protection project, also
proving the effectiveness of the schemes and protection A-G/100%/20,0Ω/0˚ 16,2 39,3 18,2 43,4
settings. The 7SA612 numeric protective relays settings and B-C-G/50%/10,0Ω/60˚ 16,5 18,1 19,0 18,6
the protection schemes were defined together with
SIEMENS and CEMIG. B-C-G/50%/20,0Ω/60˚ 16,2 16,4 18,3 18,5
The results analysis was accomplished with oscillographic
fault recording, the sequence of the events and the defects Close onto Faults
elimination times. All the situations here presented were ● Conditions: Without Load / Metallic Faults (0,04Ω) / CB
chosen for the tests and simulations in both transmission Right is open and CB Left closes onto fault.
lines (short and long). A total of 134 simulations were ● To Observe: Close onto fault detection and Trip Times.
realized, all present in a specific report [3]. Some of the TABLE III
most important results will be presented, with Internal Simulations Results: Close onto Faults
Transmission Lines (TL Position (%): from the Weak FAULTS Trip [ms] Trip [ms]
Source/Right Side to the Strong Source/Left Side) and (Short Line) (Long Line)
Busbar Right (B-R) and Busbar Left (B-L) faults, validating Phases, TL Position
all the remaining work realized. The triping times are (%), R (Ω)/Ang (˚) NEV VES VES MES
presented for each protective relays: (Neves 1 = NEV, A-G/100%/0,04Ω/0˚ 14,9 ------ 13,9 ------
Vespasiano 2 = VES and Mesquita = MES).
B-C-G/100%/0,04Ω/0˚ 14,4 ------ 14,2 ------
Metallic Faults with Load
● Conditions: Load 100% / Metallic Faults (0,04Ω). A-G/0%/0,04Ω/30˚ 19,5 ------ 18,3 ------
● To Observe: Distance Protection, Phase Selection, Zone B-C-G/0%/0,04Ω/0˚ 18,5 ------ 18,8 ------
Selection and Trip Times.

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Paper 0729

sampling, with the purpose to cover the most common cases

Echo Function that occur in the power transmission lines of Brazilian
● Conditions: Without Load / Metallic Faults (0,04Ω) / CB Electrical Power System. Real time digital simulation is
Right is open and an internal fault occour. recommended for performance analysis of numeric
● To Observe: Echo Function and Trip Times. protective relays to be used in power transmission lines.
Simulations Results: Echo Function REFERENCES
FAULTS Trip [ms] Trip [ms] [1] A. L. P. de Oliveira, M. L. C. Gabino, A. M. Silva, A.
(Short Line) (Long Line) L. M. Costa, 2003, “Numeric Protection Analysis
Phases, TL Position
using Real Time Digital Simulation” (in Portuguese),
(%), R (Ω)/Ang (˚) NEV VES VES MES
VII Protection and Control Technical Seminar, Rio de
A-G/100%/0,04Ω/0˚ 14,3 ------ 15,2 ------ Janeiro – Brazil.
[2] A. L. P. de Oliveira, 2003, “Transmission Lines
A-C-G/0%/0,04Ω/60˚ 20,5 ------ 21,2 ------ Numeric Protection Performance Analysis using Real
Time Digital Simulation” (in Portuguese), Monograph
A-B-C/0%/0,04Ω/90˚ 20,8 ------ 21,8 ------
of Power Systems Protection Specialization Course –
CEPSE, Federal University of Itajubá (UNIFEI).
Evolving Faults
[3] V. Henn, 2002, “System Planning Vespasiano 2
● Conditions: Load 100% / Metallic Faults (0,04Ω) at 7SA612 TNA Test – Relay Test with digitl Ral Time
100% of TL / One fault evolve to another after XX ms (5 or Simulation”, SIEMENS PTD SE NC5 / sk0498 / VH,
25ms). Erlangen – Germany.
● To Observe: Distance Protection, Phase Selection, Zone [4] National Operator of the Electrical System – ONS,
Selection and Trip Times. 2002, Minimum Requirements of Protection,
TABLE V Supervision/Control and Telecommunications Systems-
Simulations Results: Evolving Faults Submodule 2.5 –Rev.1, Brazil.
FAULTS Trip [ms] Trip [ms] [5] SIEMENS AG, 2002, SIPROTEC – Distance
(Short Line) (Long Line) Protection 7SA6 v4.2 – Manual, Germany.
Phases+ XXms =
A-G +5ms= A-B-G 19,5 43,1 20,0 44,6 André Luiz Pereira de Oliveira was born
in 1978 (Brazil). He received his BSEE
B-G +5ms= A-B-C-G 19,8 43,8 20,4 45,7 degree in electrical engineering from the
A-G +25ms= A-B-G 15,1 38,5 18,7 42,4 Itajubá Federal School of Engineering
(EFEI), Brazil, in 2001. Obtained
B-G +25ms= A-B-C-G 16,5 39,5 16,1 41,7 Specialist's title in Power Systems
Protection and MSc in electrical
The simulations results were all satisfactory. The trip times engineering, in 2004 and 2006, respectively, from Itajubá
were effective even whem the relay operates as a backup Federal University (UNIFEI), Brazil. Project Management
protection (busbar faults). The same simulations were Professional (PMP®) certified by the Project Management
accomplished for the short and long lines and were not Institute® - PMI® (USA) since 2004. He works at
found significant differences on the protective relay selected SIEMENS Ltda. as a Project Manager (PM) since 2001 at
for the project, demonstrating the equipment’s versatility. PTD H (Power Transmission and Distribution - High
Voltage Department). Responsible for the supplying of
CONCLUSIONS "turn-key" High Voltage Substations and Power
Real Time Digital Simulation (with the use of RTDS™) to Compensation Systems, managing contracts with industrial
analyze the performance of distance protection applied to sector and Brazilian Electrical Power System utilities.
short and long transmission lines demonstrates to be a very Volker Henn, born 1959 in Germany,
powerful tool. It is possible to simulate infinite situations received his Dipl.-Ing. degree from the
that can happen in the electrical power system and to obtain University of Karlsruhe in 1985. From
the best performance of the numeric protective relay that is 1985 to 1990 he worked at Siemens AG,
being analyzed for future installation in the electrical power Power Transmission and Distribution,
system. Also permits the protective relays training together Protection Department. In 1991 he joined
with specialists. the System Planning Department, were he
The choice of the faults to be simulated was made through is working in the field of real time
simulation and protection testing.

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