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Construction Management Plan For Bund Wall

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CIJE Date:12th april,18

Bund wall project ( CPF )

Location: Abdalli- north Kuwait Mobilization period: 6 days

Duration : 4 month.



1.1 Site Preparation:

1.1.1 Access:

Suitable access from adjoining road is required.

1.1.2 Clearing, grubbing and stripping

For new bund construction, the dike area shall be properly cleared, grubbed and stripped. Initially the
extent of the bund footprint and any additional berms shall be surveyed and marked for the exact
boundaries required to do the work.

The typical extent of clearing, grubbing and stripping is given below:


The entire bund right/left-of-way including the bund footprint, and any proposed berm footprints shall
be cleared prior to any further construction operations. Clearing consists of complete removal of all
objectionable and/or obstructional matter above the ground surface which includes all trees, fallen
timber, brush, vegetation, loose stone, abandoned structures, fencing, and similar debris. All cleared
material must be disposed of by approved means.

Grubbing ( If required )

The entire dike footprint shall be grubbed following clearing operations.

Grubbing is usually not necessary beneath additional berms. Grubbing consists of the removal of all
stumps, roots, buried logs, old piling, old paving, drains, and other objectionable matter. Roots or other
intrusions over 50 mm in diameter within the Bund foundation area shall be removed to a depth of 1 m
below natural ground surface. All holes and depressions caused by grubbing shall be flattened and then
backfilled and well-compacted to avoid “soft spots” under the dike and maintain the continuity of the
natural blanket. All grubbed material must be disposed of by approved means.

The entire Bund footprint shall be stripped following foundation clearing and grubbing. Stripping is
usually not necessary beneath additional berms. Stripping consists of the removal of low growing
vegetation and organic topsoil. The depth of stripping is determined by local conditions and typically
varies from 150 to 300 mm. In preparation of new bund fills, the ground shall be scarified following
stripping. All stripped material suitable for use as topsoil shall be stockpiled for later use on the slopes
of the embankment and berms. Unsuitable material must be disposed of by approved means.

1.1.3 Dewatering : ( General )

Areas where minor seepage inflow is expected during sub-excavation of materials or trench excavation
can likely be treated using conventional ditching and sumping techniques which are relatively
inexpensive. Areas with moderate to major seepage will likely require more extensive and costly
dewatering methods such as well point dewatering.

If settlements around the construction site are expected due to dewatering, consideration may be given
to groundwater control methods such as recharge wells, infiltration ditches, or other approved
alternatives to avoid lowering of water levels beyond the construction site.

To avoid expensive dewatering, consideration may be given to designing the bund with seepage control
measures situated above the water table (such as berms), or some degree of under seepage may need
to be accepted. If significant dewatering is expected to be required during placement and compaction
of fills due to sub-excavation from stripping, consideration may be given to using fill materials that can
be more readily compacted under saturated conditions.

Note: No soil profile provided by main contractor.

1.2 Construction

1.2.1 Excavation:

Stable excavation below the existing ground surface is highly dependant on foundation soil and
groundwater conditions. Any proposed excavations shall be reviewed by a qualified professional
geotechnical engineer. during the construction stages of a project.

Note: Not mentioned in the BOQ / No data given from Main contractor regarding excavation activity
in project area.

1.2.2 Excavation adjacent to or through existing works (Tanks foundation / dyke wall)

Excavation adjacent to or through existing structures shall be avoided, but where necessary, expert
advice shall be obtained to ensure that the excavation is compatible with stability of the works.

If excavation is necessary, suitable support to any critical utilities and structures will need to be provided
to minimize the potential vertical and/or lateral deformation of the critical structures associated with
the construction operations. Typically, any excavation slopes shall be set-back at least 1 m horizontally
from the existing critical structures and the slopes cut at 1.5H:1V, or flatter under dewatered conditions
and subject to review by a qualified geotechnical engineer. Alternatively, suitably designed shored
systems shall be used to prevent ground movements and deformation of the existing critical structures.
If it is considered acceptable for some of the critical structures (such as utilities) to be repaired if broken,
shoring systems may not be required.

It is also recommended that monitoring gauges be installed on the existing critical structures to permit
measurement of any vertical and lateral deformations. Gauges shall be monitored prior to, during, and
after construction which is located close to any critical structures. The readings shall be forwarded to a
qualified geotechnical engineer for review and analysis.

In many cases drainage ditches are proposed near bund. Ditches close to the landside toe of the bund
can lead to both seepage and/or slope stability problems. The location, depth, and feasibility of any
proposed ditch shall be determined by seepage and stability analyses.
1.2.3 Fill Placement/Compaction:

Compaction Fundamentals

Soils containing fines can be compacted to a specific maximum dry density with a given amount of
energy; however, maximum density can be achieved only at a unique water content called the optimum
water content. Maximum dry density and optimum water content are determined in the laboratory by
carrying out Proctor testing on collected samples.

Compactive effort can be increased by increasing contact pressure of the roller on the soil, increasing
the number of passes, or decreasing the lift thickness. Combinations of these procedures to increase
and control compaction on a job will depend on difficulty of compaction, degree of compaction
required, and economic factors.

Compaction of Dike Fills

Requirements of the more important compaction features, such as water content limits, layer thickness,
compaction equipment, and number of passes will be contained in the specifications and must be
checked closely by the inspector to ensure compliance. Specifications will generally state the type and
size of compaction equipment to be used.

Uncompacted or loose lift thickness will be specified. Lift thickness specified will be based on type of
material and compacting equipment used. Impervious or semi pervious materials are commonly placed
in 150 to 200 mm loose lift thicknesses and compacted with six to eight passes of a sheep foot roller, or
an approved alternative.

When using any roller that leaves a smooth surface after compaction, scarification of the compacted lift
prior to placing the next lift is specified to ensure a good bond between the lifts. Pervious materials, less
than about 10 per cent fines, are commonly placed in 300 mm loose lift thicknesses and compacted with
four to five passes of a vibratory steel-wheel rollers in the weight range of 5 to 15 tons, or an approved

In-place water content and density must be related to optimum water content and to maximum dry
density to judge whether a compacted soil is suitable or unsuitable. Minimum acceptable field density is
normally established in design as a percent of maximum dry density , and an allowable range of
placement water contents is given in the specifications relative to optimum water content of the soil
being compacted . Commonly, the specification calls for a minimum 95 percent of the Standard Proctor
Maximum Dry Density (ASTM D698, Method C). Each soil type has a different maximum dry density and
optimum water content for a given compactive effort, and it is necessary that in-place field densities and
water contents be compared with laboratory determined optimum water contents and maximum
densities of the same soil. Because mixing different soil strata in borrow areas can result in materials
with unexpected compaction characteristics, if a material being compacted in the field cannot be related
to available laboratory compaction data, a laboratory compaction test shall be performed on that
material. Check companion tests shall be performed by field personnel before fill placement to ensure
consistency with target values for a given soil.
Compaction of Drainage Layers

Placement and compaction of drainage layers must ensure that adequate density is attained, but shall
not allow segregation and contamination to occur. Vibratory rollers are probably the best type of
equipment for compaction of cohesionless material although crawler tractors and rubber-tired rollers
have also been used successfully. Saturation or flooding of the material as the roller passes over it will
aid in the compaction process and in some cases is the only way specified densities can be attained.
Care must always be taken to not overcompact to prevent breakdown of materials or lowering of

Permeability’s. Loading, dumping, and spreading operations shall be observed to ensure that
segregation does not occur. Gradation tests shall be run both before and after compaction to ensure
that the material meets specifications and does not contain too many fines.

Rapid Impact Compaction

Rapid impact compacting involves the use of a high speed compacting unit that maintains continued
contact with the soil surface, to improve the engineering properties of a wide range of fills. It has
demonstrated improvements in miscellaneous fills. Advantages include:

• Speed of operation;

• Lack of introduction of other materials such as water; and

• No time lapse before the fills can be built upon.

2.0 Construction sequence

After following what`s mentioned in the general construction, Sub-contractor can proceed with the
working package ( Building of Bund wall ).

2.1 Ref drawings example:

Dwg.No: 15050901-710-12-CI-DFN-0151-7

Tank farm Name: PW DE-OILING (AREA-12 / TRAIN 2) .

2.2 Working Strategy & starting locations:

# Layout breakdown structure Priority Strategy Notes

Heavy & light Mechanical
1 One side inside the tank 2nd priority
Heavy & light Mechanical
2 Two side inside the tank 1st priority
Heavy & light Mechanical
3 Tank farm 1st priority
Manual & light mechanical
4 Near existing concrete dyke 2nd priority
Heavy & light mechanical
5 Access Ramp Low

2.2.1 Working location ( Two side of the bund inside the tank ) along with construction of Ring beam:

Light mechanical

Light equipment

Near existing
Part No.1:

Starting point 5m


Slope for the roller compactor/ Up to minimum width 3.0 m

Part A
102.215 102.215

As per Drawings For the bund

Note: The FGL is varies.

Height = 2.035 , Bed width = 7.005 m , Berm width = 0.9 m ( Slope 1:1.5 )

Length = 94 m

A) Part A: 103.45 Berm = 3.3 m

To start construction of Part A as per the drawings

Part A
Week spot on the end of the slope will be a 102.215
Common issue. Bed = 7.005 m

We will increase the width of the Bed & berm for better working quality by following:

From both side

Bed modified width = Bed width + 4 layer * 1.5 = 7.005 + ( 4 * 0.2 * 1.5 ) = 8.205 m.

After finishing the work we will cut the surplus materials by grader or by excavator with smooth bucket.

Note : up to this level we can use the roller compactor with vibration to compact the layers.

Note2: the carrier pipe must be installed if exist.

To be cut Week spot

B ) Trench key part:

Option 1:

Along with building part ( A ) With suitable filling materials. This activity must start

With building part ( A ) as a precast. Only mentioned on the drawings the dimension.

Note: the Hazgard geomembrane must be installed underneath the trench key. Trench key

Option 2:

As a CIS ( Lower cost ).

C) Filling around the Trench key:

After installing the trench key / Cast it in site

Light mechanical compaction will be used for this filling ( plate compactors / rammers )

D ) Cutting the extended part:

By grader or by excavator ( Smooth bucket ).

Part A

Final Production

Building the remaining layers from lower to higher using light mechanical compaction equipment’s:

# Layer Resources ( Dump truck is essential )

1 17.5 cm compacted gatch Wheel loaders + labors + compaction
2 7.5 cm sand Wheel loaders + labors + water
3 Hazgard HT Excavator for lifting the roll + labors + Joint
4 MACGRID T20 Steel fixers/labors (the materials will be supplied
by PIL)
5 20 CM COMPACTED Wheel loaders + labors + compaction
GATCH equipment’s
6 Stair case (C30) if exists SF + C + H + Concrete
7 Asphalt lining Sub-contractor
Part No.2:

The work around the tank area must be started with the working on part 1


Sec-A ( DWG: 15050901-710-15-CI-DFN-0163-1)

# Sequence of work Notes

1 Blinding concrete beam around the tank with Critical activity.
2 25 Minus crushed gravel mixed with gatch
3 Compacted sand with Hazgard
4 Installing HDPE Drain with the pipe Critical activity.
5 Backfilling area above the hazgard & near HDPE
6 Finish Asphalt work (7.5cm/Subcontractor )
Sequence of Building Bund walls :

4 1


6 1

Note: HAZGARD Lining will start from inside to outside toward the dotted area.

Note: The backfilling will start from outside to inside toward the dotted area.
3.0 CIJE Resources & men-power:

Men power
# Designation Total Nos
1 Civil Engineers 3
2 Civil foremen 6
3 Helpers 16
4 Carpenters 5
5 Steel fixtures 6
T Total 36
Equipment’s details
1 Excavators 10
2 Graders 1
3 Roller compactors 3
4 Wheel loader 4
5 Bob-cat 1
6 JCB’s 2
7 Forklift 1
8 Plate compactors 3
T Total 22
4.0 Productivity Rate:

Men power
# Designation Total Productivity rate Overall productivity
1 Civil Engineers 3 Supervision Supervision
2 Civil foremen 6 Supervision Supervision
3 Helpers 16 50 m2 / day compaction 150 m2 / day compaction
56 RM / day sealant 896 RM / day ( if applicable )
90 m2 / day HDPE 1440 m2 / day HDPE
4 Carpenters 5 70 L.M / d Ring beam 350 L.M / d Ring beam
14 m2 / d Trench key 70 m2 / d Trench key
12 m2 / d Staircase 60 m2 / d Staircase
5 Steel fixtures 6 400 kg/ d trench key 2400 kg/ d trench key
250 kg / d Stair case 1500 kg / d Stair case
300 m2 / d Macgrid 1800 m2 / d Macgrid
T Total 36 N/A N/A
Equipment’s details
1 Excavators 10 320 m3 / day 3200 m3 / day
2 Graders 1 3150 m² /Day 3150 m² /Day
(20 cms thick layer) (20 cms thick layer)
3 Roller compactors 3 400 m2 / day 1200 m2 / day
4 Wheel loader 4 1200 m3 / day 4800 m3 / day
5 Bob-cat 1 Small work ( Berm )
6 JCB’s 2 200 m3 / day 400 m3 / day
7 Forklift 1 -
8 Plate compactors 3 50 m2 / day 150 m2 / day
T Total 22 N/A N/A
5. Planning, Cost Estimation & Resources requirements:

* Project duration: 1 week mobilization period + 4 months.

* Balance to be finished: Primavera plan & resources requirements.

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