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553 Justinian Letter

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Our zeal was and is to protect from disturbance the holy, catholic and apostolic church
of God and to condemn whatever springs up in any way that is contrary to the orthodox
faith. Since therefore it has become known to us that there are indeed some monks at
Jerusalem who follow Pythagoras, Plato, Origen the Adamantine and their impiety and
error and teach accordingly, we have thought it necessary to take thought and carry out
an investigation concerning them, lest through their pagan and Manichaean deceit they
utterly destroy many. For, to mention a few things out of many, they assert that there
were minds without any number or name, with the result that there was a henad54 of all
the rational beings through identity of substance and operation and through power and
their union with and knowledge of God the Word, and that when they reached satiety
with divine love and contemplation, corresponding to the turning of each to what is
worse, they clothed themselves with more subtle or denser bodies and were allotted
names, and that this is the origin of the existence of the heavenly and ministering
powers. Moreover, [they assert] that the sun, the moon and the stars, belonging
themselves to the same henad of rational beings, became what they are through turning
to what is worse, while the rational beings who for the greater part grew cold in divine
love were named souls and were decked in our more dense bodies, and those who had
reached the acme of evil were bound to cold and dark bodies and became and are
named demons; and that from the state of the angels originates that of the soul, and
from that of the soul that of demons and human beings, and from the whole henad of
rational beings one mind alone remained undeviating and constant in divine love and
contemplation, and it became Christ and King and a human being; and that there will
be a total destruction of bodies with the Lord himself first shedding his own body and
[then] of all the others; and that all will be raised again to the same henad and become
minds (as they were in their pre-existence), when indeed the devil himself and the other
demons are restored to the same henad, and when impious and godless human beings
will be with godly and
53 The text is preserved in the Byzantine chroniclers Georgius Monachos (or Hamartolus) and Cedrenus.
CPG 6886 refers to editions in Migne, but the best text is that in de Boor’s edition of Georgius Monachus’
Chronicon, II, 630–3. The heading I give is based on that in Georgius and does not go back to the original
despatch of the letter. The date of the letter must be the spring of 553.

54 A ‘henad’ is a unity distinct from, and dependent on, the unity of God himself, the ‘monad’ (Wallis 1972,
inspired men and the heavenly powers and will enjoy the same union with God that
Christ too enjoys, just as in their pre-existence, with the result that there will be no
difference at all between Christ and the remaining rational beings, neither in substance
nor in knowledge nor in power nor in operation. For Pythagoras said that the origin of
everything was the monad;55 and again Pythagoras and Plato, after asserting there is a
whole company of bodiless souls, say that those who fall into some sin or other are
made to descend into bodies as a punishment. Plato in consequence called the body a
fetter and a tomb, since the soul is (as it were) fettered and buried in it.56 Then about the
coming judgement and retribution of souls he says again, ‘The soul of one who has
been a lover of boys and lived guilelessly with philosophy is set free in a third
thousand-year cycle,57 and having thereby grown wings is released and departs in the
thousandth year, while as for the others, when they end this life, some will enter the
places of punishment under the earth and pay the reckoning and penalty, while others,
raised by justice into a place in heaven, will lead a life worthy of how they have lived.’
It is easy to realize the absurdity of this account; for who taught him the cycles of
thousands of years, and that after the elapse of a thousand years each of the souls then
departs to its own place? As for what is said incidentally, it would be unsuitable for the
utterly licentious, let alone such a philosopher; for to those who had achieved pure
philosophy he united the dissolute and lovers of boys and declared that both would
enjoy the same rewards.58 So Pythagoras, Plato, Plotinus and their followers, who
agreed that souls are immortal, declared that they exist prior to bodies and that there is
a great company of souls, of which those that transgress descend into bodies, as I said
above, the vindictive and wicked into leopards, the ravenous into wolves, the
treacherous into foxes, and those mad after women into horses.59 But the church,
55 The preceding sentence comes verbatim (doubtless via the plaint presented by the Palestinian monks)
from Theodoret, Cure of Hellenic Maladies II. 22 (SC 57.1, p. 144, 13–14).

56 The preceding two sentences are taken verbatim from Theodoret, Cure of Hellenic Maladies V. 13 (SC
57.1, 229–30). Plato, Gorgias 493a mentions as a traditional saying that the body (Fä:") is a tomb (F−:").

57 The Byzantine writers who preserve Justinian’s letter, incredulous that even Plato could have been so
favourable to pederasty, give the text, ‘The soul of one who has been a lover of boys and lived wickedly with
philosophy is set free after being punished in a third thousand- year cycle.’ But it is likely that the original
text followed Theodoret more closely (see the following note) and I emend accordingly.

58 The quotation from Plato (Phaedrus 249AB) and the comment that follows are taken almost verbatim
from Theodoret, Cure of Hellenic Maladies XI. 40–1 (SC 57.2, 405–6).

59 The preceding sentence (save for the final phrase, ‘and those mad after women...’) comes verbatim from
Theodoret, Epitome of Heretical Myths V. 9 (PG 83. 480C).
the divine scriptures, affirms that the soul is created together with the body, not first
one and the other later, according to the insanity of Origen.

On account of these wicked and destructive doctrines, or rather ravings, we bid you
most sacred ones to assemble together, read the appended exposition attentively, and
condemn and anathematize each of these articles together with the impious Origen and
all those who hold or have held these beliefs till death.

The Acts of the Council of Constantinople, trans. Richard Price (Liverpool University Press,
2009), II:282-284

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