Pca - Ingles - 8vo - Ayudadocente

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Facilitado por www.ayudadocente2017.blogspot.com

Area: Lengua Extranjera Subject: English
Grade/ Course: 8vo EGB EducationLevel: A1.1

Weeklyhours Number of weeks of LearningAssessmentWeeks Total Weeks of class Total of periods
5 Hours work
36 weeks 4 weeks 40 weeks 200 Hours

Objectives of theArea Objectives of the Grade/Course

OG.EFL 1 O.EFL 4.1

Encounter socio-cultural aspects of their own and other Identify the main ideas, some details and inferences of written
countries in a thoughtful and inquisitive manner, maturely, texts, in order to produce level-appropriate critical analysis of
and openly experiencing other cultures and languages from familiar subjects and contexts.
the secure standpoint of their own national and cultural
identity. O.EFL 4.2
Appreciate and value English as an international language and a
OG.EFL 2 medium to interact globally.
Draw on this established propensity for curiosity and
tolerance towards different cultures to comprehend the role O.EFL 4.3
of diversity in building an intercultural and multinational Independently read A2.1 level text in English as a source of enter-
society. tainment and interpersonal and intrapersonal interaction.

OG.EFL 3 O.EFL 4.4

Access greater flexibility of mind, creativity, enhanced Develop creative and critical thinking skills when encountering

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Av. Amazonas N34-451 y Av. Atahualpa, PBX (593-2) 3961322, 3961508
Quito-Ecuador www.educacion.gob.ec


linguistic intelligence, and critical thinking skills challenges in order to promote autonomous learning and decision
through an appreciation of linguistic differences. Enjoy an making.
enriched perspective of their L1 and of language use for
communication and learning. O.EFL 4.5
Introduce the need for independent research as a daily activity by
OG.EFL 4 using electronic resources (ICT) in class while practicing ap-
Deploy a range of learning strategies, thereby increasing propriate competences in the four skills.
disposition and ability to independently access further
(language) learning and practice opportunities. Respect O.EFL 4.6
themselves and others within the communication process, Write short descriptive and informative texts related to personal
cultivating habits of honesty and integrity into information or familiar topics and use them as a means of com-
responsible academic behavior. munication and written expression of thought.

OG.EFL 5 O.EFL 4.7

Directly access the main points and important details of Use spoken and written literary text in English such as poems, short
up-to date. English language texts, such as those published stories, comic strips, short magazine articles and oral interviews
on the web, for professional or general investigation, on familiar subjects in order to inspire oral and written production
through the efficient use of ICT and reference tools where at an A2.1 level.
O.EFL 4.8
OG.EFL 6 Integrate written and spoken text in order to identify cultural
Through selected media, participate in reasonably extended differences and similarities within a range of local, national and
spoken or written dialogue with peers from different L1 global contexts familiar to the learner.
backgrounds on work, study, or general topics of common
interest, expressing ideas and opinions effectively and O.EFL 4.9
appropriately. Create a sense of awareness in terms of accuracy when learners
interact in English using high-frequency and level-appropriate
OG.EFL 7 expressions in order to reach an effective command of spoken
Interact quite clearly, confidently, and appropriately in a language.
range of formal and informal social situations with a
limited but effective command of the spoken language (CEFR
B1 level).

Intercultural awareness, tolerance, respect, multiculturalism,
responsibility, solidarity, responsibility, honesty, respect, love,
peace, justice, innovation, etc.

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Av. Amazonas N34-451 y Av. Atahualpa, PBX (593-2) 3961322, 3961508
Quito-Ecuador www.educacion.gob.ec


Nº Title of UnitSpecificObjectives Contents/skills ** Methodological Evaluation*** Weeksdur
theunit Orientations ation
(Skills and strategies)

1 People You will learn how to EFL 4.1.9 Communication CE.EFL.4.2. 6

Around Us Recognize the andCultural Awareness Recognize and demonstrate an
• greet formally and consequences of one’s appreciation of
informally. actions by Creating a poster of commonalities between
• ask and answer demonstrating class rules. cultures as well as the
personal responsible decision- consequences of one’s
information questions. making at school, Collaborating on a actions while exhibiting
• introduce someone. online, at home and in group project. socially responsible
the community, while behaviors.
considering ethical Completing group work
standards, safety con- in a fair and honest I.EFL.4.2.1.
cerns, social norms and manner and accepting Learners can name similar-
mutual respect. the group’s decisions. ities and differences
between different aspects of
EFL 4.1.10 Helping learners in the cultural groups. Learners
Recognize and class who have a can demonstrate socially
appreciate individual different skill set. responsible behaviors at
and group similarities school, online, at home and
and differences by Sharing ideas freely in the community, and
establishing and and without jealousy. evaluate their actions by
maintaining healthy and ethical, safety and social
rewarding online and Making positive remarks standards. (J.3, S.1, I.1)
face-to-face to other learners in
relationships based on class. CE.EFL.4.5.
communication and Display an appreciation of
cooperation. Encouraging classmates and demonstrate respect for
to stay motivated when individual and group
EFL 4.2.1 needed. differences by establishing

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Av. Amazonas N34-451 y Av. Atahualpa, PBX (593-2) 3961322, 3961508
Quito-Ecuador www.educacion.gob.ec


Understand phrases and Giving assistance to and maintaining healthy and

expressions related to those who are rewarding relationships
areas of most immediate struggling, even when based on communication and
priority within the not directly asked to. cooperation.
personal and
educational domains, OralCommunication: I.EFL.4.5.1.
provided speech is Listening and Speaking) Learners can appreciate and
clearly and slowly show respect for individual
articulated. (Example: Listening to another and group differences by
daily life, free time, learner’s answers in establishing and maintaining
school activities, class and responding healthy and rewarding online
etc.) appropriately. (Ex- and face-to-face
ample: giving praise, interactions. Learners can
EFL 4.2.6 correcting an error, communicate and cooperate in
Use other students’ asking a follow-up a respectful, empathetic
contributions in class question, etc.) manner. (J.3, S.1, S.4)
as models for their
own. Listening to a dialogue CE.EFL.4.6.
and completing a chart Listening for Meaning:
EFL 4.3.1 with key information. Understand and follow the
Understand main points (Example: Name, main idea in spoken texts
in short simple texts country, nationality, set in familiar everyday
on familiar subjects. language, etc.) contexts, provided speech is
(Example: news about clear and articulate, and
sports or famous Reading deduce the meanings of
people, descriptions, unfamiliar words and phrases
etc.) Reading a text and using context clues and/or
answering information prior knowledge.
EFL 4.4.5 questions.
Recognize that various I.EFL.4.6.1.
types of writing Choosing from a list of Learners can grasp the gen-
require different lan- words to complete gaps eral meaning of spoken texts
guage, formatting and from a reading. set in familiar everyday
special vocabulary. contexts and infer changes
(Example: a recipe, a Predicting main ideas in the topic of discussion,
letter, etc.) by reading the title as well as deduce the
and using other meanings of unfamiliar words

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Av. Amazonas N34-451 y Av. Atahualpa, PBX (593-2) 3961322, 3961508
Quito-Ecuador www.educacion.gob.ec


EFL 4.5.1 contextual clues (e.g., and exchanges through the

Make use of main points illustrations, use of context clues,
in literary texts subheadings, etc.) provided speech is given
(authentic and semi-au- slowly and clearly and there
thentic, oral and Writing is sufficient visualsupport.
written) to understand (I.3, S.1, J.4)
short simple everyday Writing your own
stories, especially if answers to interview CE.EFL.4.7.
there is visual questions. Listening for Information:
support. Follow and identify some
Language throughthe main ideas and details in
EFL 4.5.9 Arts short and straightforward
Engage in collaborative spoken or audio texts set in
activities through a Looking at the title of familiar contexts, when
variety of student a text and accompanying delivered slowly and with
groupings to create and illustrations and visuals to provide
respond to literature writing three questions contextual support. Use
and other literary about the topic. Then spoken contributions in
texts. (Example: small reading to find the class as models for one’s
groups, cooperative answers to the own speech.
learning groups, lit- questions.
erature circles, I.EFL.4.7.1.
process writing groups, Listening to a song and Learners can identify the
etc.) inferring if it is main idea and some details
happy, sad, etc.
in short straightforward
Participating in spoken audio texts set in
classroom games in familiar contexts when the
which problem-solving message is delivered slowly
as a team is important. and there is other
contextual support. (Ex-
Comparing answers in ample: rules for a game,
pairs in order to help
classroom instructions, a
each other understand
errors or concepts. dialogue in a scene from a
cartoon or movie, etc.)
Learners can use other

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Av. Amazonas N34-451 y Av. Atahualpa, PBX (593-2) 3961322, 3961508
Quito-Ecuador www.educacion.gob.ec


classmate’s contributions in
class as models for their
own. (I.2, I.3, S.4)

Demonstrate comprehension of
main ideas and some details
in short simple texts on
familiar subjects, making
use of contextual clues to
identify relevant
information in a text.

Learners can understand main
ideas and some details in
short simple online or print
texts on familiar subjects,
using contextual clues to
help identify the most
relevant information.
(Example: title,
illustrations, organization,
etc.) (I.2, I.4)

Express information and
ideas and describe feelings
and opinions in simple
transactional or expository
texts on familiar subjects
in order to influence an
audience, while recognizing
that different texts have
different features and

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Av. Amazonas N34-451 y Av. Atahualpa, PBX (593-2) 3961322, 3961508
Quito-Ecuador www.educacion.gob.ec


showing the ability to use

these features appropriately
in one’s own writing.

Learners can convey infor-
mation and ideas and
describe feelings and
opinions in simple
transactional or expository
texts on familiar subjects
in order to influence an
audience, while recognizing
that different texts have
different features and
showing the ability to use
these features appropriately
in one’s own writing. (I.3,
I.4, S.3, J.2)

Use main ideas in order to
understand, predict, infer
and deduce literal and
implied meanings in short,
simple, everyday literary
texts (online, oral or in

Learners can understand,
predict, infer and deduce
literal and implied meanings
in short, simple, everyday
literary texts (online, oral
or in print), especially
when visual support is

Educamos para tener Patria

Av. Amazonas N34-451 y Av. Atahualpa, PBX (593-2) 3961322, 3961508
Quito-Ecuador www.educacion.gob.ec


provided. (I.2, I.3, I.4)

Show the ability to work
collaboratively and to
participate effectively in a
variety of student groupings
by employing a wide range of
creative thinking skills
through the completion of
activities such as playing
games, brainstorming and
problem solving.

Learners can collaborate and
participate effectively in a
variety of student groupings
by employing a wide range of
creative thinking skills
through the completion of
activities such as playing
games, brainstorming and
problem solving. (S.2, S.4,
J.1, J.2, J.3, J.4)

2 People I You will learn how to EFL 4.1.9 Communication and CE.EFL.4.2. 6
love Recognize the Cultural Awareness Recognize and demonstrate an
• describe people’s consequences of one’s appreciation of
physical actions by Creating a poster of commonalities between
appearance. demonstrating rules cultures as well as the
• ask and answer responsible decision- consequences of one’s
questions making at school, Collaborating on a actions while exhibiting
about physical online, at home and in group project. socially responsible
description. the community, while behaviors.
considering ethical

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Av. Amazonas N34-451 y Av. Atahualpa, PBX (593-2) 3961322, 3961508
Quito-Ecuador www.educacion.gob.ec


standards, safety con- Completing group work I.EFL.4.2.1.

cerns, social norms and in a fair and honest Learners can name similar-
mutual respect. manner and accepting ities and differences
the group’s decisions. between different aspects of
EFL 4.1.10 cultural groups. Learners
Recognize and Helping learners in the can demonstrate socially
appreciate individual class who have a responsible behaviors at
and group similarities different skill set. school, online, at home and
and differences by in the community, and
establishing and Sharing ideas freely evaluate their actions by
maintaining healthy and and without jealousy. ethical, safety and social
rewarding online and standards. (J.3, S.1, I.1)
face-to-face Making positive remarks
relationships based on to other learners in CE.EFL.4.5.
communication and class. Display an appreciation of
cooperation. and demonstrate respect for
Encouraging classmates individual and group
EFL 4.2.6 to stay motivated when differences by establishing
Use other students’ needed. and maintaining healthy and
contributions in class rewarding relationships
as models for their Giving assistance to based on communication and
own. those who are cooperation.
struggling, even when
EFL 4.3.1 not directly asked to. I.EFL.4.5.1.
Understand main points Learners can appreciate and
in short simple texts Oral Communication: show respect for individual
on familiar subjects. Listening and Speaking) and group differences by
(Example: news about establishing and maintaining
sports or famous Listening to another healthy and rewarding online
people, descriptions, learner’s answers in and face-to-face
etc.) class and responding interactions. Learners can
appropriately. (Ex- communicate and cooperate in
EFL 4.4.5 ample: giving praise, a respectful, empathetic
Recognize that various correcting an error, manner. (J.3, S.1, S.4)
types of writing asking a follow-up
require different lan- question, etc.) CE.EFL.4.7.
guage, formatting and Listening for Information:

Educamos para tener Patria

Av. Amazonas N34-451 y Av. Atahualpa, PBX (593-2) 3961322, 3961508
Quito-Ecuador www.educacion.gob.ec


special vocabulary. Reading Follow and identify some

(Example: a recipe, a main ideas and details in
letter, etc.) Reading a text and short and straightforward
answering information spoken or audio texts set in
EFL 4.5.1 questions. familiar contexts, when
Make use of main points delivered slowly and with
in literary texts Choosing from a list of visuals to provide
(authentic and semi-au- words to complete gaps contextual support. Use
thentic, oral and from a reading. spoken contributions in
written) to understand class as models for one’s
short simple everyday Predicting main ideas own speech.
stories, especially if by reading the title
there is visual and using other I.EFL.4.7.1.
support. contextual clues (e.g., Learners can identify the
illustrations, main idea and some details
EFL 4.5.9 subheadings, etc.) in short straightforward
Engage in collaborative
spoken audio texts set in
activities through a Writing
variety of student familiar contexts when the
groupings to create and Looking at a picture message is delivered slowly
respond to literature and writing a and there is other
and other literary description of what you contextual support. (Ex-
texts. (Example: small see or how it makes you ample: rules for a game,
groups, cooperative feel, then comparing classroom instructions, a
learning groups, lit- descriptions in pairs.
dialogue in a scene from a
erature circles,
process writing groups, Language through the cartoon or movie, etc.)
etc.) Arts Learners can use other
classmate’s contributions in
Looking at the title of class as models for their
a text and accompanying own. (I.2, I.3, S.4)
illustrations and
writing three questions CE.EFL.4.11.
about the topic. Then Demonstrate comprehension of
reading to find the main ideas and some details
answers to the in short simple texts on

Educamos para tener Patria

Av. Amazonas N34-451 y Av. Atahualpa, PBX (593-2) 3961322, 3961508
Quito-Ecuador www.educacion.gob.ec


familiar subjects, making

Listening to a song and use of contextual clues to
inferring if it is identify relevant
happy, sad, etc. information in a text.

Participating in I.EFL.4.11.1.
classroom games in Learners can understand main
which problem-solving ideas and some details in
as a team is important. short simple online or print
texts on familiar subjects,
Comparing answers in using contextual clues to
pairs in order to help
each other understand help identify the most
errors or concepts. relevant information.
(Example: title,
illustrations, organization,
etc.) (I.2, I.4)

Express information and
ideas and describe feelings
and opinions in simple
transactional or expository
texts on familiar subjects
in order to influence an
audience, while recognizing
that different texts have
different features and
showing the ability to use
these features appropriately
in one’s own writing.

Learners can convey infor-
mation and ideas and
describe feelings and

Educamos para tener Patria

Av. Amazonas N34-451 y Av. Atahualpa, PBX (593-2) 3961322, 3961508
Quito-Ecuador www.educacion.gob.ec


opinions in simple
transactional or expository
texts on familiar subjects
in order to influence an
audience, while recognizing
that different texts have
different features and
showing the ability to use
these features appropriately
in one’s own writing. (I.3,
I.4, S.3, J.2)

Use main ideas in order to
understand, predict, infer
and deduce literal and
implied meanings in short,
simple, everyday literary
texts (online, oral or in

Learners can understand,
predict, infer and deduce
literal and implied meanings
in short, simple, everyday
literary texts (online, oral
or in print), especially
when visual support is
provided. (I.2, I.3, I.4)

Show the ability to work
collaboratively and to
participate effectively in a
variety of student groupings
by employing a wide range of

Educamos para tener Patria

Av. Amazonas N34-451 y Av. Atahualpa, PBX (593-2) 3961322, 3961508
Quito-Ecuador www.educacion.gob.ec


creative thinking skills

through the completion of
activities such as playing
games, brainstorming and
problem solving.

Learners can collaborate and
participate effectively in a
variety of student groupings
by employing a wide range of
creative thinking skills
through the completion of
activities such as playing
games, brainstorming and
problem solving. (S.2, S.4,
J.1, J.2, J.3, J.4)

3 Leisure You will learn how to EFL 4.1.6 Communication and CE.EFL.4.2. 6
Activitie Seek and provide Cultural Awareness Recognize and demonstrate an
s • ask and answer information and appreciation of
questions assistance, orally or Comparing answers in commonalities between
about schedules. in writing and in pairs or small groups. cultures as well as the
• ask for and give online or face-to-face consequences of one’s
dates. interactions, for Working in small groups actions while exhibiting
• ask for and give the personal, social and to complete a cultural socially responsible
time. academic purposes. project. (Example: behaviors.
different musical
EFL 4.1.9 genres in Ecuador, I.EFL.4.2.1.
Recognize the traditional food in Learners can name similar-
consequences of one’s Latin America, etc.) ities and differences
actions by between different aspects of
demonstrating Researching through the cultural groups. Learners
responsible decision- Internet about other can demonstrate socially
making at school, cultures and ways of responsible behaviors at
online, at home and in life and presenting school, online, at home and

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Av. Amazonas N34-451 y Av. Atahualpa, PBX (593-2) 3961322, 3961508
Quito-Ecuador www.educacion.gob.ec


the community, while them to the class using in the community, and
considering ethical digital tools. evaluate their actions by
standards, safety con- ethical, safety and social
cerns, social norms and Collaborating on a standards. (J.3, S.1, I.1)
mutual respect. group project.
EFL 4.1.10 Completing group work Demonstrate the ability to
Recognize and in a fair and honest ask for and give information
appreciate individual manner and accepting and assistance using
and group similarities the group’s decisions. appropriate language and
and differences by interaction styles in a
establishing and Helping learners in the variety of social
maintaining healthy and class who have a interactions.
rewarding online and different skill set.
face-to-face I.EFL.4.4.1.
relationships based on Sharing ideas freely Learners can demonstrate an
communication and and without jealousy. ability to give and ask for
cooperation. information and assistance
Making positive remarks using level-appropriate
EFL 4.2.6 to other learners in language and interaction
Use other students’ class. styles in online or face-to-
contributions in class face social and classroom
as models for their Encouraging classmates interactions. (J.2, J.3,
own. to stay motivated when J.4, I.3)
EFL 4.3.1 CE.EFL.4.5.
Understand main points Giving assistance to Display an appreciation of
in short simple texts those who are and demonstrate respect for
on familiar subjects. struggling, even when individual and group
(Example: news about not directly asked to. differences by establishing
sports or famous and maintaining healthy and
people, descriptions, Oral Communication: rewarding relationships
etc.) Listening and Speaking) based on communication and
EFL 4.4.5 Listening to another
Recognize that various learner’s answers in I.EFL.4.5.1.
types of writing class and responding Learners can appreciate and

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Av. Amazonas N34-451 y Av. Atahualpa, PBX (593-2) 3961322, 3961508
Quito-Ecuador www.educacion.gob.ec


require different lan- appropriately. (Ex- show respect for individual

guage, formatting and ample: giving praise, and group differences by
special vocabulary. correcting an error, establishing and maintaining
(Example: a recipe, a asking a follow-up healthy and rewarding online
letter, etc.) question, etc.) and face-to-face
interactions. Learners can
EFL 4.5.1 Reading communicate and cooperate in
Make use of main points a respectful, empathetic
in literary texts Reading a text and manner. (J.3, S.1, S.4)
(authentic and semi-au- answering information
thentic, oral and questions. CE.EFL.4.7.
written) to understand Listening for Information:
short simple everyday Choosing from a list of Follow and identify some
stories, especially if words to complete gaps main ideas and details in
there is visual from a reading. short and straightforward
support. spoken or audio texts set in
Predicting main ideas familiar contexts, when
EFL 4.5.9 by reading the title delivered slowly and with
Engage in collaborative and using other visuals to provide
activities through a contextual clues (e.g., contextual support. Use
variety of student illustrations, spoken contributions in
groupings to create and subheadings, etc.) class as models for one’s
respond to literature own speech.
and other literary Writing
texts. (Example: small I.EFL.4.7.1.
groups, cooperative Identifying the text Learners can identify the
learning groups, lit- type according to main idea and some details
erature circles, writing features and in short straightforward
process writing groups, vocabulary. (Example: spoken audio texts set in
etc.) recognizing that a familiar contexts when the
recipe has a section message is delivered slowly
called “ingredients” and there is other
and one called “direc- contextual support. (Ex-
tions”, identifying the ample: rules for a game,
introduction, body and classroom instructions, a
conclusion in a news dialogue in a scene from a
article, etc.) cartoon or movie, etc.)

Educamos para tener Patria

Av. Amazonas N34-451 y Av. Atahualpa, PBX (593-2) 3961322, 3961508
Quito-Ecuador www.educacion.gob.ec


Learners can use other

Language through the classmate’s contributions in
Arts class as models for their
own. (I.2, I.3, S.4)
Listening to or reading
stories and drawing an CE.EFL.4.11.
important scene. Demonstrate comprehension of
main ideas and some details
Participating in in short simple texts on
classroom games in familiar subjects, making
which problem-solving use of contextual clues to
as a team is important. identify relevant
information in a text.
Comparing answers in
pairs in order to help I.EFL.4.11.1.
each other understand Learners can understand main
errors or concepts. ideas and some details in
short simple online or print
Brainstorming ideas for texts on familiar subjects,
a writing project in using contextual clues to
small groups, using a help identify the most
graphic organizer. relevant information.
(Example: title,
illustrations, organization,
etc.) (I.2, I.4)

Express information and
ideas and describe feelings
and opinions in simple
transactional or expository
texts on familiar subjects
in order to influence an
audience, while recognizing
that different texts have
different features and
showing the ability to use

Educamos para tener Patria

Av. Amazonas N34-451 y Av. Atahualpa, PBX (593-2) 3961322, 3961508
Quito-Ecuador www.educacion.gob.ec


these features appropriately

in one’s own writing.

Learners can convey infor-
mation and ideas and
describe feelings and
opinions in simple
transactional or expository
texts on familiar subjects
in order to influence an
audience, while recognizing
that different texts have
different features and
showing the ability to use
these features appropriately
in one’s own writing. (I.3,
I.4, S.3, J.2)

Use main ideas in order to
understand, predict, infer
and deduce literal and
implied meanings in short,
simple, everyday literary
texts (online, oral or in

Learners can understand,
predict, infer and deduce
literal and implied meanings
in short, simple, everyday
literary texts (online, oral
or in print), especially
when visual support is
provided. (I.2, I.3, I.4)

Educamos para tener Patria

Av. Amazonas N34-451 y Av. Atahualpa, PBX (593-2) 3961322, 3961508
Quito-Ecuador www.educacion.gob.ec


Show the ability to work
collaboratively and to
participate effectively in a
variety of student groupings
by employing a wide range of
creative thinking skills
through the completion of
activities such as playing
games, brainstorming and
problem solving.

Learners can collaborate and
participate effectively in a
variety of student groupings
by employing a wide range of
creative thinking skills
through the completion of
activities such as playing
games, brainstorming and
problem solving. (S.2, S.4,
J.1, J.2, J.3, J.4)

4 Street You will learn how to EFL 4.1.9 Communication and CE.EFL.4.2. 6
Life Recognize the Cultural Awareness Recognize and demonstrate an
• express what people consequences of one’s appreciation of
are doing actions by Making a useful object commonalities between
at the moment of demonstrating out of recycled cultures as well as the
speaking. responsible decision- materials. consequences of one’s
• describe what people making at school, actions while exhibiting
are online, at home and in Collaborating on a socially responsible
wearing. the community, while group project. behaviors.
considering ethical
standards, safety con- Completing group work I.EFL.4.2.1.
cerns, social norms and in a fair and honest Learners can name similar-

Educamos para tener Patria

Av. Amazonas N34-451 y Av. Atahualpa, PBX (593-2) 3961322, 3961508
Quito-Ecuador www.educacion.gob.ec


mutual respect. manner and accepting ities and differences

the group’s decisions. between different aspects of
EFL 4.1.10 cultural groups. Learners
Recognize and Helping learners in the can demonstrate socially
appreciate individual class who have a responsible behaviors at
and group similarities different skill set. school, online, at home and
and differences by in the community, and
establishing and Sharing ideas freely evaluate their actions by
maintaining healthy and and without jealousy. ethical, safety and social
rewarding online and standards. (J.3, S.1, I.1)
face-to-face Making positive remarks
relationships based on to other learners in CE.EFL.4.5.
communication and class. Display an appreciation of
cooperation. and demonstrate respect for
Encouraging classmates individual and group
EFL 4.2.10 to stay motivated when differences by establishing
Sustain a needed. and maintaining healthy and
conversational exchange rewarding relationships
on a familiar, everyday Giving assistance to based on communication and
subject when carrying those who are cooperation.
out a struggling, even when
collaborative/paired not directly asked to. I.EFL.4.5.1.
learning activity in Learners can appreciate and
which there are Oral Communication: show respect for individual
specific instructions Listening and Speaking) and group differences by
for a task. establishing and maintaining
Working in pairs to healthy and rewarding online
EFL 4.3.1 complete an information and face-to-face
Understand main points gap activity. interactions. Learners can
in short simple texts communicate and cooperate in
on familiar subjects. Asking for help in a respectful, empathetic
(Example: news about class when necessary. manner. (J.3, S.1, S.4)
sports or famous (Example: What’s the
people, descriptions, answer? How do you say CE.EFL.4.10.
etc.) ___? Do you have an Interaction – Interpersonal:
eraser? Can you help me Participate effectively in
EFL 4.3.9 with ____?, etc.) familiar and predictable

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Av. Amazonas N34-451 y Av. Atahualpa, PBX (593-2) 3961322, 3961508
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Demonstrate an ability conversational exchanges by

to interact and engage Establishing a clear asking and answering follow-
with a wide range of expectation of English up questions, provided there
ICT and classroom use for classroom are opportunities to use
resources in order to functions. (Example: repair strategies (e.g.
strengthen literacy greeting, requesting, asking for clarification)
skills and strategies. thanking, asking for and sustain conversational
repetition / exchanges in pairs to
EFL 4.4.1 clarification, giving complete a task, satisfy a
Convey information and instructions, offering need or handle a simple
ideas through simple help, comparing transaction.
transactional or answers, taking leave,
expository texts on etc.) Informal I.EFL.4.10.1.
familiar subjects using assessment could Learners can effectively
ICT tools and con- involve personal notes participate in familiar and
ventions and features from the teacher to predictable everyday
of English appropriate learners who use L2 conversational exchanges in
to audience and regularly. order to complete a task,
purpose. satisfy a need or handle a
Reading simple transaction, using a
EFL 4.5.9 range of repair strategies.
Engage in collaborative Reading a text and (Example: asking for clari-
activities through a answering information fication, etc.) (I.3, J.3,
variety of student questions. J.4)
groupings to create and
respond to literature Choosing from a list of CE.EFL.4.11.
and other literary words to complete gaps Demonstrate comprehension of
texts. (Example: small from a reading. main ideas and some details
groups, cooperative in short simple texts on
learning groups, lit- Predicting main ideas familiar subjects, making
erature circles, by reading the title use of contextual clues to
process writing groups, and using other identify relevant
etc.) contextual clues (e.g., information in a text.
EFL 4.5.11 subheadings, etc.) I.EFL.4.11.1.
Participate in creative Learners can understand main
thinking through Reading a text about ideas and some details in

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Av. Amazonas N34-451 y Av. Atahualpa, PBX (593-2) 3961322, 3961508
Quito-Ecuador www.educacion.gob.ec


brainstorming, working how to find reliable short simple online or print

in groups, games and and relevant online texts on familiar subjects,
problem-solving tasks resources and under- using contextual clues to
by showing the ability lining key information. help identify the most
to accept a variety of relevant information.
ideas and capitalize on Recommending an (Example: title,
other people’s informational web site illustrations, organization,
strengths. to another learner. etc.) (I.2, I.4)

Creating a class list CE.EFL.4.14.

of reliable sources of Display an ability to
information and interact and engage with a
publishing it online or wide range of ICT and
displaying it on a classroom resources and
poster in class. texts by selecting and
evaluating them in order to
Writing strengthen literacy skills
and promote acquisition.
Identifying the text
type according to I.EFL.4.14.1.
writing features and Learners can interact and
vocabulary. (Example: engage with a wide range of
recognizing that a ICT and classroom resources
recipe has a section and texts by selecting and
called “ingredients” evaluating them in order to
and one called “direc- strengthen literacy skills
tions”, identifying the and promote acquisition.
introduction, body and (I.2, I.4, S.3, J.2, J.3)
conclusion in a news
article, etc.) CE.EFL.4.15.
Express information and
ideas and describe feelings
Language through the and opinions in simple
Arts transactional or expository
texts on familiar subjects
Participating in in order to influence an
classroom games in audience, while recognizing

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Av. Amazonas N34-451 y Av. Atahualpa, PBX (593-2) 3961322, 3961508
Quito-Ecuador www.educacion.gob.ec


which problem-solving that different texts have

as a team is important. different features and
showing the ability to use
Comparing answers in these features appropriately
pairs in order to help in one’s own writing.
each other understand
errors or concepts. I.EFL.4.15.1.
Learners can convey infor-
Brainstorming ideas for mation and ideas and
a writing project in describe feelings and
small groups, using a opinions in simple
graphic organizer. transactional or expository
texts on familiar subjects
in order to influence an
audience, while recognizing
that different texts have
different features and
showing the ability to use
these features appropriately
in one’s own writing. (I.3,
I.4, S.3, J.2)

Show the ability to work
collaboratively and to
participate effectively in a
variety of student groupings
by employing a wide range of
creative thinking skills
through the completion of
activities such as playing
games, brainstorming and
problem solving.

Learners can collaborate and
participate effectively in a

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Av. Amazonas N34-451 y Av. Atahualpa, PBX (593-2) 3961322, 3961508
Quito-Ecuador www.educacion.gob.ec


variety of student groupings

by employing a wide range of
creative thinking skills
through the completion of
activities such as playing
games, brainstorming and
problem solving. (S.2, S.4,
J.1, J.2, J.3, J.4)

5 Amazing You will learn how to EFL 4.1.6 Communication and CE.EFL.4.2. 6
Places Seek and provide Cultural Awareness Recognize and demonstrate an
• identify places in information and appreciation of
the city. assistance, orally or Playing games that commonalities between
• ask for and give in writing and in practice classroom cultures as well as the
information online or face-to-face language, turn-taking, consequences of one’s
about location. interactions, for being polite, etc. actions while exhibiting
• give and follow personal, social and socially responsible
instructions to academic purposes. Participating in short behaviors.
get to a place. dialogues and role
EFL 4.1.9 plays to practice I.EFL.4.2.1.
Recognize the target language. (Exam- Learners can name similar-
consequences of one’s ple: thanking others, ities and differences
actions by apologizing, asking for between different aspects of
demonstrating help, greeting cultural groups. Learners
responsible decision- authorities, etc.) can demonstrate socially
making at school, responsible behaviors at
online, at home and in Choosing pictures that school, online, at home and
the community, while demonstrate in the community, and
considering ethical responsibility (helping evaluate their actions by
standards, safety con- an elder cross the ethical, safety and social
cerns, social norms and sidewalk, stopping two standards. (J.3, S.1, I.1)
mutual respect. children from throwing
rocks at a dog, being CE.EFL.4.4.
EFL 4.1.10 respectful of people Demonstrate the ability to
Recognize and who dress differently, ask for and give information
appreciate individual being open to accepting and assistance using

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Av. Amazonas N34-451 y Av. Atahualpa, PBX (593-2) 3961322, 3961508
Quito-Ecuador www.educacion.gob.ec


and group similarities new ideas/foods, etc.) appropriate language and

and differences by and identifying why interaction styles in a
establishing and each is desirable and variety of social
maintaining healthy and what consequences the interactions.
rewarding online and irresponsible actions
face-to-face would have. I.EFL.4.4.1.
relationships based on Learners can demonstrate an
communication and Collaborating on a ability to give and ask for
cooperation. group project. information and assistance
using level-appropriate
EFL 4.2.1 Completing group work language and interaction
Understand phrases and in a fair and honest styles in online or face-to-
expressions related to manner and accepting face social and classroom
areas of most immediate the group’s decisions. interactions. (J.2, J.3,
priority within the J.4, I.3)
personal and Helping learners in the
educational domains, class who have a CE.EFL.4.5.
provided speech is different skill set. Display an appreciation of
clearly and slowly and demonstrate respect for
articulated. (Example: Sharing ideas freely individual and group
daily life, free time, and without jealousy. differences by establishing
school activities, and maintaining healthy and
etc.) Making positive remarks rewarding relationships
to other learners in based on communication and
EFL 4.2.10 class. cooperation.
Sustain a
conversational exchange Encouraging classmates I.EFL.4.5.1.
on a familiar, everyday to stay motivated when Learners can appreciate and
subject when carrying needed. show respect for individual
out a and group differences by
collaborative/paired Giving assistance to establishing and maintaining
learning activity in those who are healthy and rewarding online
which there are struggling, even when and face-to-face
specific instructions not directly asked to. interactions. Learners can
for a task. communicate and cooperate in
Oral Communication: a respectful, empathetic
EFL 4.3.1 Listening and Speaking) manner. (J.3, S.1, S.4)

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Av. Amazonas N34-451 y Av. Atahualpa, PBX (593-2) 3961322, 3961508
Quito-Ecuador www.educacion.gob.ec


Understand main points

in short simple texts Listening to and CE.EFL.4.6.
on familiar subjects. following class Listening for Meaning:
(Example: news about commands. Understand and follow the
sports or famous main idea in spoken texts
people, descriptions, Listening to a simple, set in familiar everyday
etc.) straightforward story contexts, provided speech is
and correcting false clear and articulate, and
EFL 4.3.9 statements. (Example: deduce the meanings of
Demonstrate an ability Veronica climbed a unfamiliar words and phrases
to interact and engage mountain on her using context clues and/or
with a wide range of vacation – True, prior knowledge.
ICT and classroom Veronica saw gray
resources in order to dolphins – False, she I.EFL.4.6.1.
strengthen literacy saw pink dolphins, Learners can grasp the gen-
skills and strategies. etc.) eral meaning of spoken texts
set in familiar everyday
EFL 4.4.1 Working in pairs to contexts and infer changes
Convey information and complete an information in the topic of discussion,
ideas through simple gap activity. as well as deduce the
transactional or meanings of unfamiliar words
expository texts on Asking for help in and exchanges through the
familiar subjects using class when necessary. use of context clues,
ICT tools and con- (Example: What’s the provided speech is given
ventions and features answer? How do you say slowly and clearly and there
of English appropriate ___? Do you have an is sufficient visual
to audience and eraser? Can you help me support. (I.3, S.1, J.4)
purpose. with ____?, etc.)
EFL 4.5.9 Establishing a clear Interaction – Interpersonal:
Engage in collaborative expectation of English Participate effectively in
activities through a use for classroom familiar and predictable
variety of student functions. (Example: conversational exchanges by
groupings to create and greeting, requesting, asking and answering follow-
respond to literature thanking, asking for up questions, provided there
and other literary repetition / are opportunities to use
texts. (Example: small clarification, giving repair strategies (e.g.

Educamos para tener Patria

Av. Amazonas N34-451 y Av. Atahualpa, PBX (593-2) 3961322, 3961508
Quito-Ecuador www.educacion.gob.ec


groups, cooperative instructions, offering asking for clarification)

learning groups, lit- help, comparing and sustain conversational
erature circles, answers, taking leave, exchanges in pairs to
process writing groups, etc.) Informal complete a task, satisfy a
etc.) assessment could need or handle a simple
involve personal notes transaction.
EFL 4.5.11 from the teacher to
Participate in creative learners who use L2 I.EFL.4.10.1.
thinking through regularly. Learners can effectively
brainstorming, working participate in familiar and
in groups, games and Reading predictable everyday
problem-solving tasks conversational exchanges in
by showing the ability Reading a text and order to complete a task,
to accept a variety of answering information satisfy a need or handle a
ideas and capitalize on questions. simple transaction, using a
other people’s range of repair strategies.
strengths. Choosing from a list of (Example: asking for clari-
words to complete gaps fication, etc.) (I.3, J.3,
from a reading. J.4)

Predicting main ideas CE.EFL.4.11.

by reading the title Demonstrate comprehension of
and using other main ideas and some details
contextual clues (e.g., in short simple texts on
illustrations, familiar subjects, making
subheadings, etc.) use of contextual clues to
identify relevant
Reading a text about information in a text.
how to find reliable
and relevant online I.EFL.4.11.1.
resources and under- Learners can understand main
lining key information. ideas and some details in
short simple online or print
Recommending an texts on familiar subjects,
informational web site using contextual clues to
to another learner. help identify the most
relevant information.

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Av. Amazonas N34-451 y Av. Atahualpa, PBX (593-2) 3961322, 3961508
Quito-Ecuador www.educacion.gob.ec


Creating a class list (Example: title,

of reliable sources of illustrations, organization,
information and etc.) (I.2, I.4)
publishing it online or
displaying it on a CE.EFL.4.14.
poster in class. Display an ability to
interact and engage with a
Writing wide range of ICT and
classroom resources and
Identifying the text texts by selecting and
type according to evaluating them in order to
writing features and strengthen literacy skills
vocabulary. (Example: and promote acquisition.
recognizing that a
recipe has a section I.EFL.4.14.1.
called “ingredients” Learners can interact and
and one called “direc- engage with a wide range of
tions”, identifying the ICT and classroom resources
introduction, body and and texts by selecting and
conclusion in a news evaluating them in order to
article, etc.) strengthen literacy skills
and promote acquisition.
(I.2, I.4, S.3, J.2, J.3)
Language through the
Arts CE.EFL.4.15.
Express information and
Participating in ideas and describe feelings
classroom games in and opinions in simple
which problem-solving transactional or expository
as a team is important. texts on familiar subjects
in order to influence an
Comparing answers in audience, while recognizing
pairs in order to help that different texts have
each other understand different features and
errors or concepts. showing the ability to use
these features appropriately
Brainstorming ideas for in one’s own writing.

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Av. Amazonas N34-451 y Av. Atahualpa, PBX (593-2) 3961322, 3961508
Quito-Ecuador www.educacion.gob.ec


a writing project in
small groups, using a I.EFL.4.15.1.
graphic organizer. Learners can convey infor-
mation and ideas and
Creating a crossword describe feelings and
puzzle in groups about opinions in simple
an Ecuadorian story, transactional or expository
region, celebrity, etc. texts on familiar subjects
in order to influence an
audience, while recognizing
that different texts have
different features and
showing the ability to use
these features appropriately
in one’s own writing. (I.3,
I.4, S.3, J.2)

Show the ability to work
collaboratively and to
participate effectively in a
variety of student groupings
by employing a wide range of
creative thinking skills
through the completion of
activities such as playing
games, brainstorming and
problem solving.

Learners can collaborate and
participate effectively in a
variety of student groupings
by employing a wide range of
creative thinking skills
through the completion of
activities such as playing

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Av. Amazonas N34-451 y Av. Atahualpa, PBX (593-2) 3961322, 3961508
Quito-Ecuador www.educacion.gob.ec


games, brainstorming and

problem solving. (S.2, S.4,
J.1, J.2, J.3, J.4)

Communication and
6 Daily You will learn how to EFL 4.1.6 Cultural Awareness CE.EFL.4.2. 6
Routines Seek and provide Recognize and demonstrate an
• talk about routines information and Singing songs that appreciation of
andlifestyles. assistance, orally or practice helpful commonalities between
in writing and in language. cultures as well as the
online or face-to-face consequences of one’s
interactions, for Reading a list of actions while exhibiting
personal, social and actions people take and socially responsible
academic purposes. evaluating and behaviors.
discussing the
EFL 4.1.9 consequences on others. I.EFL.4.2.1.
Recognize the Learners can name similar-
consequences of one’s Collaborating on a ities and differences
actions by group project. between different aspects of
demonstrating cultural groups. Learners
responsible decision- Completing group work can demonstrate socially
making at school, in a fair and honest responsible behaviors at
online, at home and in manner and accepting school, online, at home and
the community, while the group’s decisions. in the community, and
considering ethical evaluate their actions by
standards, safety con- Helping learners in the ethical, safety and social
cerns, social norms and class who have a standards. (J.3, S.1, I.1)
mutual respect. different skill set.
EFL 4.1.10 Sharing ideas freely Demonstrate the ability to
Recognize and and without jealousy. ask for and give information
appreciate individual and assistance using
and group similarities Making positive remarks appropriate language and
and differences by to other learners in interaction styles in a
establishing and class. variety of social
maintaining healthy and interactions.
rewarding online and Encouraging classmates

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Av. Amazonas N34-451 y Av. Atahualpa, PBX (593-2) 3961322, 3961508
Quito-Ecuador www.educacion.gob.ec


face-to-face to stay motivated when I.EFL.4.4.1.

relationships based on needed. Learners can demonstrate an
communication and ability to give and ask for
cooperation. Giving assistance to information and assistance
those who are using level-appropriate
EFL 4.2.1 struggling, even when language and interaction
Understand phrases and not directly asked to. styles in online or face-to-
expressions related to face social and classroom
areas of most immediate Oral Communication: interactions. (J.2, J.3,
priority within the Listening and Speaking) J.4, I.3)
personal and
educational domains, Listening to and CE.EFL.4.5.
provided speech is following class Display an appreciation of
clearly and slowly commands. and demonstrate respect for
articulated. (Example: individual and group
daily life, free time, Listening to a simple, differences by establishing
school activities, straightforward story and maintaining healthy and
etc.) and correcting false rewarding relationships
statements. (Example: based on communication and
EFL 4.2.10 Veronica climbed a cooperation.
Sustain a mountain on her
conversational exchange vacation – True, I.EFL.4.5.1.
on a familiar, everyday Veronica saw gray Learners can appreciate and
subject when carrying dolphins – False, she show respect for individual
out a saw pink dolphins, and group differences by
collaborative/paired etc.) establishing and maintaining
learning activity in healthy and rewarding online
which there are Asking for help in and face-to-face
specific instructions class when necessary. interactions. Learners can
for a task. (Example: What’s the communicate and cooperate in
answer? How do you say a respectful, empathetic
EFL 4.3.1 ___? Do you have an manner. (J.3, S.1, S.4)
Understand main points eraser? Can you help me
in short simple texts with ____?, etc.) CE.EFL.4.6.
on familiar subjects. Listening for Meaning:
(Example: news about Establishing a clear Understand and follow the
sports or famous expectation of English main idea in spoken texts

Educamos para tener Patria

Av. Amazonas N34-451 y Av. Atahualpa, PBX (593-2) 3961322, 3961508
Quito-Ecuador www.educacion.gob.ec


people, descriptions, use for classroom set in familiar everyday

etc.) functions. (Example: contexts, provided speech is
greeting, requesting, clear and articulate, and
EFL 4.3.9 thanking, asking for deduce the meanings of
Demonstrate an ability repetition / unfamiliar words and phrases
to interact and engage clarification, giving using context clues and/or
with a wide range of instructions, offering prior knowledge.
ICT and classroom help, comparing
resources in order to answers, taking leave, I.EFL.4.6.1.
strengthen literacy etc.) Informal Learners can grasp the gen-
skills and strategies. assessment could eral meaning of spoken texts
involve personal notes set in familiar everyday
EFL 4.4.1 from the teacher to contexts and infer changes
Convey information and learners who use L2 in the topic of discussion,
ideas through simple regularly. as well as deduce the
transactional or meanings of unfamiliar words
expository texts on Conducting a role play and exchanges through the
familiar subjects using between two students on use of context clues,
ICT tools and con- a given topic. provided speech is given
ventions and features (Example: talking about slowly and clearly and there
of English appropriate routines, finding is sufficient visual
to audience and common free time support. (I.3, S.1, J.4)
purpose. activities, playing a
guessing game, etc.) CE.EFL.4.10.
EFL 4.5.9 Interaction – Interpersonal:
Engage in collaborative Reading Participate effectively in
activities through a familiar and predictable
variety of student Reading a text and conversational exchanges by
groupings to create and answering information asking and answering follow-
respond to literature questions. up questions, provided there
and other literary are opportunities to use
texts. (Example: small Choosing from a list of repair strategies (e.g.
groups, cooperative words to complete gaps asking for clarification)
learning groups, lit- from a reading. and sustain conversational
erature circles, exchanges in pairs to
process writing groups, Predicting main ideas complete a task, satisfy a
etc.) by reading the title need or handle a simple

Educamos para tener Patria

Av. Amazonas N34-451 y Av. Atahualpa, PBX (593-2) 3961322, 3961508
Quito-Ecuador www.educacion.gob.ec


and using other transaction.

EFL 4.5.11 contextual clues (e.g.,
Participate in creative illustrations, I.EFL.4.10.1.
thinking through subheadings, etc.) Learners can effectively
brainstorming, working participate in familiar and
in groups, games and Reading a text about predictable everyday
problem-solving tasks how to find reliable conversational exchanges in
by showing the ability and relevant online order to complete a task,
to accept a variety of resources and under- satisfy a need or handle a
ideas and capitalize on lining key information. simple transaction, using a
other people’s range of repair strategies.
strengths. Recommending an (Example: asking for clari-
informational web site fication, etc.) (I.3, J.3,
to another learner. J.4)

Creating a class list CE.EFL.4.11.

of reliable sources of Demonstrate comprehension of
information and main ideas and some details
publishing it online or in short simple texts on
displaying it on a familiar subjects, making
poster in class. use of contextual clues to
identify relevant
Writing information in a text.

Identifying the text I.EFL.4.11.1.

type according to Learners can understand main
writing features and ideas and some details in
vocabulary. (Example: short simple online or print
recognizing that a texts on familiar subjects,
recipe has a section using contextual clues to
called “ingredients” help identify the most
and one called “direc- relevant information.
tions”, identifying the (Example: title,
introduction, body and illustrations, organization,
conclusion in a news etc.) (I.2, I.4)
article, etc.)

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Av. Amazonas N34-451 y Av. Atahualpa, PBX (593-2) 3961322, 3961508
Quito-Ecuador www.educacion.gob.ec


Language through the Display an ability to

Arts interact and engage with a
wide range of ICT and
Participating in classroom resources and
classroom games in texts by selecting and
which problem-solving evaluating them in order to
as a team is important. strengthen literacy skills
and promote acquisition.
Comparing answers in
pairs in order to help I.EFL.4.14.1.
each other understand Learners can interact and
errors or concepts. engage with a wide range of
ICT and classroom resources
Brainstorming ideas for and texts by selecting and
a writing project in evaluating them in order to
small groups, using a strengthen literacy skills
graphic organizer. and promote acquisition.
(I.2, I.4, S.3, J.2, J.3)
Creating a crossword
puzzle in groups about CE.EFL.4.15.
an Ecuadorian story, Express information and
region, celebrity, etc. ideas and describe feelings
and opinions in simple
transactional or expository
texts on familiar subjects
in order to influence an
audience, while recognizing
that different texts have
different features and
showing the ability to use
these features appropriately
in one’s own writing.

Learners can convey infor-
mation and ideas and
describe feelings and

Educamos para tener Patria

Av. Amazonas N34-451 y Av. Atahualpa, PBX (593-2) 3961322, 3961508
Quito-Ecuador www.educacion.gob.ec


opinions in simple
transactional or expository
texts on familiar subjects
in order to influence an
audience, while recognizing
that different texts have
different features and
showing the ability to use
these features appropriately
in one’s own writing. (I.3,
I.4, S.3, J.2)

Show the ability to work
collaboratively and to
participate effectively in a
variety of student groupings
by employing a wide range of
creative thinking skills
through the completion of
activities such as playing
games, brainstorming and
problem solving.

Learners can collaborate and
participate effectively in a
variety of student groupings
by employing a wide range of
creative thinking skills
through the completion of
activities such as playing
games, brainstorming and
problem solving. (S.2, S.4,
J.1, J.2, J.3, J.4)

Educamos para tener Patria

Av. Amazonas N34-451 y Av. Atahualpa, PBX (593-2) 3961322, 3961508
Quito-Ecuador www.educacion.gob.ec



Herrera, S. (2011). Crossing the Vocabulary Bridge. New York, United States:
Teachers College Press.
Herrera, S. (2011). Mastering ESL/EFL Methods. Kansas, United States: Pearson
MINISTERIO DE EDUCACION DEL ECUADOR. (2017). English as a Foreign Language
Curriculum for Educación General Básica Elemental. Quito, Ecuador: MinEdu.
Munoz, J. (2017). English A1.1. Quito, Ecuador: Grupo Editorial Norma SA



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Date:Junio 02, 2017 Date: Date:

Facilitado por www.ayudadocente2017.blogspot.com

Educamos para tener Patria

Av. Amazonas N34-451 y Av. Atahualpa, PBX (593-2) 3961322, 3961508
Quito-Ecuador www.educacion.gob.ec

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