Acknowledgement: Annamacharyainstitute of Technology & Sciences

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It is our privilege and honor to extend our profound gratitude and express indebtness
to our guide Mr. A.V.N.S KIRAN, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical
Engineering.A.I.T.S, Rajampet for his valuable guidance at every step and sustained
encouragement in the course of execution of our project.
We are grateful to our beloved Dr. N.VENKATA CHALAPTHI, HOD of
Mechanical Engineering Department, for his co-operation extended during the project work.
We would like to offer our sincere gratitude to Dr. S.M.V. NARAYANA, Principal,
Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences.
With immense pleasure, we regard my deep sense of gratitude to our
belovedDirectorDr.G.PRABHAKARARAO, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and
Sciences, Rajampet for providing the necessary facilities to carry out the project work.
We will be grateful to project review committee and staff of the Department of
Mechanical Engineering, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and sciences, Rajampet,
Who have provided the most cooperative assistance to our project work.
Finally we would like to thanks our friends, parents and programmers, one and all who
helped us to complete this project successfully.
Of course no words can express my heartfelt gratitude to my institute,
AnnamacharyaInstitute of technology & Sciences.


K.GURU MAHESH 14701A0329
V.GOWTHAM 14701A0327

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