Lesson Plan 1 Handwashing

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Developmental Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Victoria, Aubrey and David Date: 2/26/18

Group Size: 3-4 students Allotted Time: 60 minutes Grade level: 3rd
Subject or Topic: Health/hygiene

Common Core/PA Standard(s):

10.2.3.A Identify personal hygiene practices and community helpers that promote
health and prevent the spread of disease.

Learning Targets/Objectives:
1. The third grade students will be able to identify healthy/effective hand
washing techniques by learning to wash hands correctly.

Assessment Approaches: Evidence:

1. Complete inquiry sheet regarding 1. Students will complete the inquiry
what the children saw prior to sheet
washing hands using a checklist 2. Students will complete the venn
(informal) diagram comparing/contrasting
2. Using a venn diagram students hand washing methods
will compare and contrast 2 hand 3. Students will draw and label the
washing methods using a handwashing process in small
checklist (informal) group
3. Draw and label the hand washing
process use this as exit ticket

Assessment Scale: Assessment number 3

Distinguished, Proficient, Apprentice, Novice

Subject Matter/Content: Hygiene
● Understanding that germs are everywhere
● Understanding why it is important to wash our hands
● Understanding how germs affect us
Key Vocabulary:
● Germs- organisms that make you sick
● Illnesses- period of sickness affecting the body or mind
● Hygiene- keeping yourself clean
● Prevention- stopping something from happening
● Germs are everywhere
● Germs are so small that you cannot see them
● Germs cause illnesses like the cold and flu
● Washing hands is the best way to get rid of germs
● Germs get into our bodies when we touch our food or face
● Washing hands with warm soap and water is the best way to get rid of germs
● Once germs are inside your body, they grow and make you sick
● Germs hide under our fingernails and between our fingers

Introduction/Activating/Launch Strategies:
● Place children in small groups
● Show the students the germs on our hands using a black light
● Ask the children questions regarding hand washing
○ Do you use warm or cool water to wash your hands?
○ How long do you typically wash your hands for?
○ What do you use to dry your hands?
○ How often do you wash your hands? When?
○ Do you think handwashing is important? Why/why not?

Development/Teaching Approaches
Mini lesson:
1. Using a PowerPoint Presentation discuss how and why we should wash our
hands regularly.
a. Slide 1: Title
b. Slide 2: Why we wash our hands
i. We wash our hands in order to prevent spreading germs to the
other people around us.
ii. We also wash out hands to prevent contracting illnesses.
iii. Washing our hands helps prevent the germs from getting
inside our bodies and infecting them.
c. Slide 3: When we wash our hands
i. We wash our hands before and after any meal we eat.
ii. We wash our hands after going to the bathroom.
iii. We wash our hands after blowing your nose, coughing, or
iv. We wash our hands after being outside playing.
v. We wash our hands after touching any animal.
d. Slide 4: How do we wash our hands?
i. First, wet your hands with clean, running water.
ii. Second, put soap on your hands.
iii. Next, rub your hands together thoroughly for at least 20
iv. Then, rinse the soap off your hands well under clean, running
v. Finally, Dry your hands with a clean towel, or let them air dry.
Guided Practice:
2. The teacher will demonstrate putting their hand under the black light and
show them what the germs look like using the light
Independent Practice:
3. Have the children place their hands under a blacklight to see the germs
a. Have the children draw what they see
4. Give the students a choice of 2 choices (hand soap with either hot or cold
5. After the students wash their hands, have them place them under the black
light again.
a. Draw what they see
6. Allow students to compare with a child who chose the opposite technique as
they did
7. Hand out the Venn Diagram
8. Ask the children to fill out the venn diagram comparing and contrasting the
use of cold water vs. hot water when washing their hands.
9. Have a class discussion about what the children saw

Closure/Summarizing Strategies:
1. Lastly, have each individual student draw and label the handwashing process
(as an exit slip)

● A student with ASD has sensory deficits does not like the feeling of the soap
we provided on his hands therefore we allowed him to observe and record
one of his classmates data.
● Different worksheets for students who need more scaffolding.

● Hand soap
● Sink
● PowerPoint
● Computer
● Venn Diagram (23)
● Construction paper (23)
● Crayons/markers (5 sets of 5)
● Inquiry sheet (23)
● Blacklight

Swain, G. (2002). Wash up!Minneapolis: Carolrhoda Books.

Inquiry Worksheet:
Worksheet World. (2017). Scientific Inquiry Worksheets. Retrieved from
Venn Diagram
Lucidchart. (n.d.). Venn Diagram. Retrieved from

Reflective Response:
Report of Student Learning Target/Objectives Proficiency Levels

Remediation Plan (if applicable)

Personal Reflection Questions

Additional reflection/thoughts

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