2nd Observation Lesson Plan - Economics

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USD Daily Full-Time Teaching Lesson Plan Spring 2018

Teacher Candidate: Allison Gurrera Lesson Date: 4/11/18

Cooperating Teacher: Hueramo School: Mira Mesa High School Grade: 12
Subject: Economics Lesson/Unit Title: Financial
Literacy: Income and Careers
Lesson Observation Time: Period 5 Classroom #: 206
CCSS and CA SS /Standards: (What are the skills being taught? Which Agenda: (What is the snapshot of my class flow?)
standards are being specifically addressed in this lesson?) Opener- introduction of assignment and review of
Principles of Economics yesterday’s work
12.4.3: Discuss wage differences among jobs and Guided practice- modeling the assignment for the
professionals, using the laws of demand and supply and the students
concept of productivity. Independent practice- release students to complete
their own budgets
Reflection- students reflect on learning that took
place by filling out a reflection worksheet
Closure- students will contribute to class poster to
create a visual representation of their career goals
and the barriers to achieving their goals

Lesson Objective: (What will my students KNOW by the end of the lesson? What will they DO to learn it?)
i) By the end of the lesson, students will understand the four factors (meaning, status, quality of life, and pay) that
contribute to choosing a particular career and will reflect upon which is the most important factor for their personal
decision. Students will create budgets based upon their chosen occupation and will reflect upon the reality of the cost
of living, the necessary salary to accomplish their perceived needs, the level of education required to acquire their
dream job, etc. Students will become aware of the barriers hindering their goals and will reflect upon the actions
necessary to bypass these barriers.
ii) Success criteria: Students will examine two career choices, one a “job” obtained without extensive training and the
other a “career”, a passionate choice of employment that requires extensive training and/or education. Students will
create a budget for each career choice and will fill out a worksheet calculating budget percentages and monthly
income. Students will answer reflection questions in which they will address changes in conceptions surrounding their
career path or any insights regarding the barriers to accomplishing their career goal/ obtaining the standard of living
that they desire. Finally, students will write their desired career on a poster at the front of the class and will write a
challenge to achieving their career goal on a separate poster. This will serve as a visual representation of their goals
and will be a source of motivation for them to finish out the semester strong to achieve their goal.

Key vocabulary and phrases:

Gross income, net income, Community College, vocational education, Associate’s Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree,
Doctorate, University, salary, budget

Context of Lesson (what happened previous to lesson and how does this lesson build on that)
i) This is a two-day lesson situated in a unit on financial literacy. In the previous lesson, there was a lecture PowerPoint
presentation informing students on the key terms of the unit, the four factors in choosing a career, and personal
anecdotes from me regarding the process of choosing my career and the barriers and complications involved in the
process. Students would have had time at the end of class to start researching different careers as preparation for the
next day’s activities.


E ASSESSMENT Note: A Technology
variety of formative
assessments should be used at
key points throughout the

Get started/Drill/Do Now + Engage/Motivation: (How will Informal assessment by N/a

student interest be sparked? Is there prior knowledge that should be listening to the conversations
5 tapped? Is there vocabulary that must be cleared? Is there held by the students as they
min brainstorming that student need to complete before the lesson think/pair/share to review the
begins?) previous days content.
Students will think/pair/share about what they learned the previous
day, calling out the four factors that contribute to choosing a career
as well as their ideas about what career they want to choose. One
student will then be called on to remind the class of what we learned
the previous day which will set up the group instruction. It will also
activate their interest because it will get them thinking on what
career they want to choose to create their budget for.

Whole Group Instruction: (Focus lessons [explicit Informal assessment through Computer
teaching/modeling, strategy demonstration, activate prior checks for understanding. I Budget worksheet
knowledge], shared reading, shared writing, discussion, writing will ask questions to make sure Calculator
process.) that the students are following Pencil/Pen
Modeling. I will go through the budget worksheet that the students along and understand the math
will be asked to fill out and use my career as an example to them. I and protocol for completing
20 will fill out the entire worksheet, modeling the formulas to complete the worksheet.
min the math involved with forming the budgets. This will provide the
students the scaffolding necessary to complete the worksheet
themselves during independent practice and will be a place for
checking for understanding by ensuring that the students do not have
any questions before beginning the assignment.

Group Practice/Small Group Instruction: (teacher-facilitated Informal assessments. I will Computer

(Ong group discussion, student or teacher-led collaboration, student make sure that the students in Budget worksheet
oing conferencing, re-teaching or intervention, writing process) the groups are on task and are Calculator
throu Students will be given the opportunity to work on the assignment discussing the topics based Pencil/Pen
gh collaboratively with partners, as long as they fill out their own around the assignment. If I see
class worksheets and personal reflections. If students need that the students are not being
perio accommodations and prefer to work on assignment with instructor, productive by working in
d) Mr. Hueramo and I will be available to provide more scaffolding and groups, I will ask them to work
support to students. independently.

Independent Practice: (individual practice, discussion, writing Informal assessments. I will Computer
process.) circle the classroom looking at Budget worksheet
Students will be released to fill out the worksheets for their own two student work, answering any Reflection
chosen careers. Students will fill out reflection worksheets after questions that may arise, and worksheet
completing their budgets. listening to conversations Calculator
among students to make sure Pencil/Pen
they are on task.
(Ong Evaluate Understanding/Assessment: (How will I know if students Formal assessment. Students Worksheets
oing have achieved today’s objective?) will have work checked by Pencil/Pen
throu Students will complete and get their budgets and reflection instructor.
ghout worksheets stamped by instructor before end of class period or will
class finish the work for homework and get it stamped the next day.

Closing Activities/Summary: (How will I tie up loose ends, Informal assessment. I will Poster boards
reinforce/revisit the objective and connect the lesson to the unit?) listen to student conversations Markers
Students will write down their careers and barriers to achieving their to hear what terms they used
careers on a poster at the front of the class throughout the lesson (as from the lecture and activities
5 to not have a traffic jam at the end of the class). We will end the and if any conceptions had
min class discussing their different careers and the barriers towards been changed from the
achieving their careers. This will cement the learning that took place beginning of the unit to the
as it will look towards connecting the course content to their future present moment.
lives. This will allow students to reflect on what courses of action
they need to do to achieve their goals in the future.
ELL Strategies/Enrichment/Extension/Re-teaching/Accommodations: (How will my lesson satisfy the needs of all learners,
including IEP, 504 plans, high ability learners, etc.?)
I will provide students choice in working independently or collaboratively which will appeal to the students’ various learning styles
and accommodate all learners’ needs. I will model the protocol for filling out the budget forms as well as provide the opportunity to
work one-on-one or in small groups to provide more hands-on accommodations for students if needed. I will fill out the worksheet
on the smart board so the visual students will see how I fill out the worksheet while the auditory students will hear my mental
processes as I explain them out loud. I will have a poster for students to fill out at the end of the class to serve as a visual
representation of the learning that took place to help the visual learners.
There are two students with IEPs and one ELL in the class so these supports can be implemented for the aid of the entire class and I
will have the freedom to work more closely with the three students who might need extra support. The students with IEPs have
Specific Learning Disabilities and typically need more time to complete assignments so I will make sure to explain to them that they
can finish the work for homework so they do not feel anxious about finishing it all on time. My ELL is quite high level and has a
good grade in the course. Typically, he may need individual explanation of the assignment or help finding the web page to find
research about the salary of his chosen career so I will need to make sure I help him receive the help he needs.

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