Car-Doh MCNH Mop PDF
Car-Doh MCNH Mop PDF
Car-Doh MCNH Mop PDF
December 2012
1st Edition localized version is adopted from the 2nd Edition copy of DOH in March 27, 2011
National Center for Disease Prevention and Control, Department of Health
San Lazaro Compound, Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz, Manila, 1003 Philippines
Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center (BGHMC) Compound, Baguio City
Telephone +6374-442-8098
The mention (if any) of specific companies or of certain manufacturer’s products does not
imply that these are endorsed or recommended by the DOH over other products of a similar
Not-for-profit or private organizations may use any of the material in this publication freely
without prior permission, as long as it is not for commercial purposes. CHD-CAR would
appreciate acknowledgement and copies of any reproduction when possible.
This localized MNCHN Manual of Operation was funded by the Japan International
Cooperation Agency (JICA) through the Project for Cordillera-wide Strengthening of the
Local Health System for Effective and Efficient Delivery of Maternal and Child Health
Services. The content of this manual are solely the responsibility of the Center for Health
Development-Cordillera Administrative Region.
December 2012
Map of Cordillera Administrative Region
Table of contents
Annex A: A.O.#2008-0029 (Implementing Health Reforms for Rapid Reduction of
Maternal and Neonatal Mortality ...................................................................................... 89
Annex B: MNCHN Core Package of Services and the Service Delivery Network ........................... 102
Annex C: Data Validation of MNCHN Service Coverage Indicators ................................................ 106
Annex D: Assessment of Health Risks and Needs of the Family by CHTs ........................................119
Annex E: Health Plans ........................................................................................................................ 135
Annex F: Monitoring Adherence to Health Plans .............................................................................. 145
Annex G: Sample on Current Status on MNCHN Provider Competencies Necessary for
Adequate Delivery of MNCHN Core Package of Services (Selected
Municipalities from the Province of Abra, Cordillera Administrative Region) .............. 148
Annex H: Sample Current Status of selected Target BEmONC-CEmONC Facilities on
Standard Infrastructure Requirements (Province of Abra, Cordillera
Administrative Region) ................................................................................................... 165
Annex I: Current status of selected BEmONC-CEmONC Facilities on Logistics and
Supplies Necessary for Adequate Delivery of MNCHN Core Package of
Services (Province of Abra, Cordillera Administrative Region) ..................................... 166
Annex J: Stock and Inventory Management System at the Municipal Level .................................... 185
Annex K: Contracting Private Providers ............................................................................................ 206
Annex L: Annual Operational Plan Matrix......................................................................................... 208
Annex M: Sample Current Status of MNCHN Service Delivery Network (Province of
Ifugao, Cordillera Administrative Region, October 2012) ............................................. 210
Annex N: Child Injury Assessment Policy and Tool ...........................................................................211
Annex O: DOH-A.O.# 2011-0014 (Guidelines on the Certification of Health Facilities
with basic Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (BEmONC) Capacity ................... 222
Annex P: Micronutrients Supplementation – Highlights from the Manual of Operation .................. 226
Annex Q: DOH-A.O. 34-A s. 2000 – Adolescent and Youth Policy .................................................. 234
List of Tables
Table 1: Points of Localization 3
Table 2: Evaluation of LGU Performance Using MNCHN Service Coverage Indicators 24
Table 3: Evaluation of LGU Performance Using MNCHN Health Outcome Indicators 24
Table 4: Shortlist of CEmONC-capable Facilities 33
Table 5: Checklist of Core Services for CEmONC-capable Providers 34
Table 6: Assessment of Clients’ Utilization of Services 40
Table 7: Service Delivery Gaps and Proposed Interventions for CHT 47
Table 8: Service Delivery Gaps, Proposed Interventions for CEmONC-capable facility
or network of facilities 49
Table 9: Service Delivery Gaps, Proposed Interventions for BEmONC-capable
network of facilities and providers 51
Table 10: Areas for Negotiations for the Service Delivery Network 52
Table 11: MNCHN Monitoring Tool for CHD Provincial Health Team 85
Table 12: MNCHN Monitoring Tool for CHD 86
Table 13: MNCHN Monitoring Tool for DOH-NCDPC 87
List of Figures
Figure 1: Maternal Mortality Ratio, Philippines, 1990-2015 7
Figure 2: Infant Mortality Rate, Philippines, 1990-2015 7
Figure 3: Under-five Mortality Rate, Philippines, 1990-2015 8
Figure 4: Maternal Mortality, CAR, 2008-2010 8
Figure 5: Infant Mortality, CAR, 2008-2010 9
Figure 6: Flowchart of LGU-wide MNCHN Implementation 20
List of Boxes
Box 1: Hospital in the MNCHN Service Delivery Network ................................................................ 17
Box 2: MNCHN Health Indicators ....................................................................................................... 22
Box 3: Data Quality Check ................................................................................................................... 23
Box 4: Community Health Team (Ayod) in Ifugao .............................................................................. 32
Box 5: Special Considerations in BEmONC Designation .................................................................... 37
Box 6: Patient Navigation..................................................................................................................... 42
Box 7: Public Private Partnership ......................................................................................................... 60
Box 8: Inter-local Cooperation ............................................................................................................. 69
Box 9: MDR Reporting in Capiz .......................................................................................................... 74
Box 10: MNCHN Grant Facility .......................................................................................................... 78
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Health
The National Demographic Health Survey results on Maternal Mortality Ratio from 1993
(209/100,000 live births), 1998 (172/100,000 LB), 2006 (162/100,000 LB), and 2008 (140/100,000
LB) show a declining trend at a very slow rate. These data indicate that the country has not yet
achieved Millennium Development Goal 5 target which is 52/100,000 LB by 2015.
The MDG 5 target by 2015 is to reduce infant deaths by two thirds with an Infant Mortality Rate of
17/1,000 LB. Based on 2008 NDHS, the Philippines had 25/1,000 IMR. In the 2010 Field Health
Service Information System, there were 21 maternal deaths in the region with uterine atony and
pre-eclampsia as the leading causes of death.
While the data of Cordillera Administrative Region reflect with low maternal mortality ratio at
55/100,000 LB in 2010, doubling effort is still needed to save the lives of the mother and newborn
towards better maternity, newborn and child care within the cultural practices and beliefs of the
Indigenous Peoples.
The MNCHN policy was formulated by the Department of Health to rapidly reduce maternal and
neonatal deaths. This addresses health risks that lead to maternal and especially neonatal deaths,
which comprise half of the reported infant deaths. Supporting this public health problem will improve
coverage of prenatal care, facility-based delivery, fully immunized child, and contraceptive
prevalence rate.
This Localized MNCHN Strategy-Manual of Operations reflect the DOH policy and provides for
the steps in identifying at risk populations in a given locality, the service packages essential to
addressing the MNCHN needs of the target population, the steps in establishing a functional MNCHN
service delivery network, the steps to ensure quality of care in delivering MNCHN services, the
various financing options to sustain implementation of the strategy, and the mechanisms by which to
monitor and evaluate performance within the context of cultural integrity of the Cordillerans. It also
defines the roles of the DOH central office units, the CHDs, LGUs, NCIP and other partners in
implementing the strategy.
Project for Cordillera-wide Strengthening of the Local Health
System for Effective and Efficient Delivery of
Maternal and Child Health Services
Project Office of Japan International Cooperation Agency
/ System Science Consultants (JICA-SSC)
One of the three strategic thrusts of the Aquino Health Agenda: Achieving Universal Health Care for
all Filipinos is to improve the provision of public health services to achieve health related Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs). To achieve MDG 4 (reduce child mortality) and 5 (improve maternal
health), the Center for Health Development – Cordillera Administrative Region has been scaling up
the implementation of the MNCHN strategy.
Through the support of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), scaling up the
implementation of the MNCHN strategy will be facilitated by the dissemination of this Manual of
Operations (MOP) – Cordillera Version to guide Local Government Units (LGUs) in implementing
local MNCHN interventions. This Localized MNCHN MOP updates the protocols, standards, and
recommended steps to guide local implementation of the MNCHN strategy within the framework of
Indigenous People’s Republic Act of 1997.
In recognition of the differences in local conditions and constraints in the region, this MOP was
revised based on the local context—geographical condition and cultural beliefs and tradition of
Indigenous People. Being addressed to provincial, municipal, and city health officers, program
managers and other implementers of the MNCHN program, the MOP also serves as a roadmap in
navigating through the various technical guidelines and tools produced by the DOH and its partners
for the implementation of the MNCHN strategy.
This localized manual was identified to further move forward the regional initiatives in saving the
lives of the mothers and children as reflected to the current JICA-supported project for
“Cordillera-wide Strengthening of the Local Health System for Effective and Efficient Delivery of
Maternal and Child Health Services”—a project formulated by CHD-CAR to expand the experiences
and learning of the former JICA-supported projects in CAR to other provinces in the region: Maternal
and Child Health project in Ifugao (2006-2010), which developed Family Health Diary (Cordillera
version of Mather and Child Book) as well as strengthened Women’s Health Teams activities; and
Local Health System Strengthening project in Benguet Province (2006-2011), which enhanced inter
LGU cooperation thru Inter Local Health Zone (ILHZ) system.
Basically, this manual highlights the four points in accordance to the need of CAR: (1) Harmonization
of the Indigenous People’s Republic Act of 1997 to the MNCHN Strategy; (2) Underlining the
inter-LGU cooperation as one among the important support mechanisms in implementing the
MNCHN; (3) Integration for the use of Family Health Diary and putting more emphasis on the role of
Community Health Team; and (4) Strengthening the Barangay Health Station as service provider for
birthing services at the community level.
List of Acronyms
ANC Antenatal Care
AOP Annual Operations Plan
ARMM Autonomous Region for Muslim Mindanao
BCC Behavioural Change Communications
BEmONC Basic Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care
BHS Barangay Health Station
BTL Bilateral tubal ligation
CEmONC Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care
CHD Center for Health Development
CHO City Health Officer
CHT Community Health Team
CPR Contraceptive prevalence rate
CIPH City-wide Investment Plan for Health
CSR Contraceptive Self-Reliance
EPI Expanded program on immunization
ENC Essential Newborn Care
FBD Facility-Based Delivery
FIC Fully-Immunized Children
FP Family Planning
GIDA Geographically Isolated and Disadvantaged Areas
IEC Information, education, communication
ILHZ Inter-local health zones
IMCI Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses
IMR Infant Mortality Rate
IPRA Indigenous People’s Republic Act
IUD Intrauterine device
LAM Lactation Amenorrhea Method
LGU Local Government Unit
MMR Maternal Mortality Ratio
MDFO Municipal Development Fund Office
MNCHN Maternal, Newborn and Child Health and Nutrition
MOA Memorandum of Agreement
MWR Married Women of Reproductive Age
A NBS Newborn Screening
NMR Neonatal mortality rate
NSV No-Scalpel Vasectomy
NCIP National Commission for Indigenous Peoples
PhilHealth Philippine Health Insurance Corporation
PHO Provincial Health Officer
PIPH/CIPH Province-Wide/City-Wide Investment Plan For Health
PPC Post-partum care
RHU Rural Health Unit
SBA Skilled Birth Attendants
SDM Standard Days Method
TBA Traditional Birth Attendants
UFMR Under-Five Mortality Rate
VSC Voluntary Surgical Contraception
Definition of Terms
Antenatal Care (ANC) coverage is an indicator of access and use of health care during
pregnancy. It constitutes screening for health and socioeconomic conditions likely to
increase the possibility of specific adverse pregnancy outcomes, providing therapeutic
interventions known to be effective; and educating pregnant women about planning for safe
birth, emergencies during pregnancy and how to deal with them (WHO; Indicator
definitions and metadata 2008).
Community level providers refer primarily to Rural Health Units (RHUs), Barangay Health
Stations (BHS), private outpatient clinics and its health staff (e.g. midwife) and volunteer
health workers (e.g. barangay health workers, traditional birth attendants) that typically
comprise the Community Health Team (CHT). This team implements the MNCHN Core
Package of Services identified for the community level.
low birth weight or preterm newborn; and (5) other specialized newborn services. These
facilities can also serve as high volume providers for IUD and VSC services, especially tubal
ligations. It should also provide an itinerant team that will conduct out-reach services to
remote communities. The itinerant team is typically composed of 1 physician (surgeon), 1
nurse and 1 midwife.
Contraceptive Prevalence Rate (CPR) is the proportion of married women aged 15-49
reporting current use of a modern method of family planning, i.e. pill, IUD, injectables,
bilateral tubal ligation, no scalpel vasectomy, male condom, mucus/Billings/ovulation,
Standard Days Method (SDM), and Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM).
Early initiation of breastfeeding refers to initiating breastfeeding of the newborn after birth
within 90 minutes of life in accordance to the essential newborn care protocol
Facility-Based Deliveries (FBD) is the proportion of deliveries in a health facility to the total
number of deliveries.
Fully Immunized Children (FIC) is the ratio of children under 1 year of age who have been
given BCG, 3 doses of DPT, 3 doses of Hepa B, 3 doses of OPV and measles vaccine to the
total number of 0-11 month’s old children.
Health Outcome Indicators are parameters which reflect impact or outcomes. For MNCHN
Strategy, the following health outcome indicators are monitored: maternal mortality ratio,
neonatal mortality rate, infant mortality rate, and under-five mortality rate.
Health systems gaps refer to the absence or lack of instruments needed to support and
sustain the provision and utilization of core MNCHN services. These instruments may
include accreditation of health facilities and enrolment of population groups to PhilHealth,
local budget for health, private and public partnership for health, procurement and logistics
management system, inter- LGU arrangements, functional referral and feedback system.
High volume providers for IUD and VSC are RHUs (for IUDs) and hospitals (for IUDs and
VSCs) and private clinics that have a sufficient case load to maintain a certain level of
Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) refers to the number of infants dying before reaching the age
of one year per 1,000 live births in a given year. It represents an important component of
under-five mortality rate.
Maternal Mortality Ratio ( M M R ) refers to the number of women who die from any
cause related to or aggravated by pregnancy or its management (excluding accidental or
incidental causes) during pregnancy and childbirth or within 42 days of termination of
pregnancy, irrespective of the duration and site of the pregnancy, per 100,000 live births.
Maternal, Newborn and Child Health and Nutrition (MNCHN) Core Package of
Services refer to a package of services for women, mothers and children covering the
spectrum of (1) known appropriate clinical case management services including emergency
obstetric and newborn care in preventing direct causes of maternal and neonatal deaths which
are or will be within the capacity of the health system to routinely provide; and (2) known
cost-effective public health measures capable of reducing exposure to and the severity of risks
for maternal and newborn deaths that are routinely being provided by LGUs.
MNCHN Service Delivery Network (MNCHN-SDN) refers to the network of facilities and
providers within the province-wide or city-wide health system offering the
MNCHN core package of services in an integrated and coordinated manner. It includes the
communication and transportation system supporting this network. The following health
providers are part of the MNCHN Service Delivery Network: community level providers,
BEmONC-capable network of facilities and providers and CEmONC-capable facilities or
network of facilities.
Neonatal Mortality Rate (NMR) refers to the number of deaths within the first 28 days
of life per 1000 live births in a given period.
Post-partum Care (PPC) encompasses management of the mother, newborn, and infant
during the postpartal period. This period usually is considered to be the first few days after
delivery, but technically it includes the six-week period after childbirth up to the mother's
post-partum checkup with her health care provider.
Province-wide or city-wide health system refers to the default catchment area for delivering
integrated MNCHN services. It is composed of public and private providers organized into
systems such as inter-local health zones (ILHZ) or health districts for provinces and
integrated urban health systems for highly- urbanized cities. Service arrangements with other
LGUs may be considered if provision and use of MNCHN core package of services across
provinces, municipalities and cities become necessary. Unless otherwise specified, LGUs
refer to provinces or independent cities.
Service Coverage Indicators are parameters which reflect coverage or utilization of services.
For MNCHN Strategy, the following indicators are monitored: contraceptive prevalence rate,
prenatal care, facility-based deliveries, early initiation of breastfeeding, fully immunized
children, and skilled- birth attendant / skilled health professional deliveries.
Service utilization gaps refer to the factors that prevent population groups from
accessing and utilizing the MNCHN core package of services such as
capacity to pay, availability of information, cultural preferences and distance from health
Skilled health professionals are providers such as midwives, doctors or nurses who were
educated, licensed, and trained to proficiency in the skills needed to manage pregnancies,
childbirth and the immediate newborn period, and in the identification, management and
referral of complications in mothers and newborns.
Traditional birth attendants (TBA) are independent, non-formally trained and
community-based providers of care during pregnancy, childbirth, and neonatal period.
Under the MNCHN Strategy, they are made part of the formal health system as members of
the Community Health Teams and serve as advocates of skilled health professional care.
Under-five Mortality Rate (UFMR) is the probability (expressed as a rate per 1,000 live
births) of a child born in a specified year dying before reaching the age of five if subject to
current age-specific mortality rate.
Unmet need for modern family planning is the number or rate of all women of
reproductive age who want to stop having children or to postpone the next pregnancy for at
least three years but are not using modern contraceptive methods.
1. What is the MNCHN Localized MOP?
The rate of decline in maternal and newborn mortality has decelerated in the past decades to
a point where Philippine commitments to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) may
not be achieved. This situation has also been observed in the Cordillera Administrative Region
(CAR) despite with intervention and effort made by the heath sector. The Field Health Service
Information System (FHSIS) of the region shows with more than 20 mothers still died each
year since 2007 and recorded with 21 maternal deaths in 2010. In response, the Center for
Health Development -Cordillera Administrative Region (CHD-CAR) has issued
this localized manual of operation in implementing the Maternal, Newborn and
Child Health and Nutrition (MNCHN) in accordance to the Indigenous People’s
Republic Act of 1997 (or R.A. 8371) and the Administrative Order 2008-0029 of the
Department of Health, otherwise known as “Implementing Health Reforms for Rapid
Reduction of Maternal and Neonatal Mortality”. This policy issuance provides the strategy for
rapidly reducing maternal and neonatal deaths through the provision of a package of maternal,
newborn, child health and nutrition (MNCHN) services. The goal of rapidly reducing maternal
and neonatal mortality shall be achieved through effective population-wide provision and use
of integrated MNCHN services as appropriate to any locality in the country. The strategy aims
to achieve the following intermediate results:
1. Every pregnancy is wanted, planned and supported;
4. Every mother and newborn pair secures proper post-partum and newborn care with
smooth transitions to the women’s health care package for the mother and child
survival package for the newborn.
This localized Manual of Operations (MOP) is a guidebook prepared by the CHD-CAR, with
technical assistance of JICA Experts, based on the result of Consultative Workshops conducted by
the Family Health Cluster of CHD-CAR in all six provinces in the region last August-September
2012 using the provisions of R.A. 8371, specifically on delivering basic social services, and most
updated version of MOP issued by the DOH through Department Memorandum 2009-0110 dated
May 10, 2009 “Implementing Health Reforms towards Rapid Reduction in Maternal and Neonatal
Mortality”. This is also in accordance with Administrative Order 2009-0025 known as Adopting
New Policies and Protocol on Essential Newborn Care, Administrative Order 2010-0001 known
as Policies and Guidelines for the Philippine National Blood Services (PNBS) and the Philippine
Blood Services Network (PBSN), Administrative Order 2010-0010, and Administrative Order
2010-0014 known as Administration of Life Saving Drugs and Medicines by Midwives to Rapidly
Reduce Maternal and Neonatal Morbidity and Mortality. It aims to guide LGUs as well as
national agencies in the implementation of AO2008-0029 also known as the MNCHN Strategy.
1.1. What are the objectives and scope of the MOP?
The Localized Manual of Operations (MOP) for the Rapid Reduction of
Maternal and Neonatal Mortality aims to guide and support efforts for an LGU-wide
implementation of the MNCHN Strategy in accord to the geographical situation as well as
protection to the cultural integrity of the people in Cordillera Administrative Region. The MOP
provides a set of instructions for ensuring the provision of the core package of MNCHN
services being provided by a service delivery network and supported by appropriate health
systems instruments. It defines the standard package of services that should be delivered for
each life event as well as the standards for each type of facility such as appropriate
infrastructure and equipment, adequate and capable staff, adequate logistics and supplies,
available source of safe blood supply as well as available transportation and communication
systems. These standards shall be the bases of interventions that LGUs can propose and
implement to improve delivery of MNCHN services in the localities.
Moreover, this manual harmonizes the Republic Act No. 8371, otherwise known as
Indigenous People’s Republic Act of 1997, to protect the cultural integrity of indigenous
community as well as provision of full access to maternal, newborn and child health care and
While the MOP describes the standard package of services for each level of care, it does not
contain specific clinical and treatment standards and procedures for services such as Family
Planning, Essential Newborn Care (ENC), Active Management of the Third Stage of Labor
(AMTSL), Micronutrient Supplementation, Expanded Program for Immunization (EPI) and
other MNCHN services. The MOP also does not provide the specific steps to continuously
improve the quality of care being delivered. The MOP does not also discuss the step by step
process in logistics management, implementing a contraceptive self-reliance (CSR) strategy,
PhilHealth enrolment for members of the community and accreditation of facilities, financial
systems and the like. The MOP refers the reader to the specific guidelines, protocols and
issuances pertaining to the preceding subjects whenever necessary. Some of these protocols,
guidelines and issuances include the Clinical Practice Pocket Guide on Newborn Care until the
First Week of Life, Manual of Operations for Micronutrient Supplementation, and the
Philippine Clinical Standards Manual on Family Planning.
The Localized MOP is organized into three major parts with integration of all points for
localization as summarized below:
Areas for Integration Summary Points
facility. Specifically, it will be integrated in the following
Continual right of the indigenous people on their cultural
practices, belief and tradition within the education,
promotion and advocacy work of community health team
and service delivery of MNCHN services at the health
Involvement of community leaders and elders in the
implementation process of MNCHN at the community
level; and
Participation of National Commission of Indigenous
People (NCIP), the sole government organization who
oversee on carrying out the IPRA 8371, in the MNCHN
Integration of the Family To fully maximize the use of Family Health Diary (Cordillera
Health Diary version of Mother and Child Book) at the local level, the material
will be introduce in all aspect of Service Delivery Network
component of the MNCHN manual of operation. Purposely, it will
be highlighted in the following:
As one of the major reference on educating and informing
the community on preventive, promotion and full access of
MNCHN services from the professional health personnel at
the facility;
Assisting the families on formulating their birth and
emergency plan;
Assisting the professional health personnel and the
community on developing interventions for the women’s
MNCHN need;
Assisting information sharing on mothers and children
among health workers; and
Monitoring on the utilization of quality MNCHN services
by the community at the health facility, especially the
expectant mothers.
Areas for Integration Summary Points
Basically, it will function as inter-LGU cooperation to provide
continuous MNCHN services effectively an efficiently.
Strengthening Barangay It will highlight the use of BHSs as Birthing Centers, manned by the
Health Station as Birthing midwives and trained on Harmonized BEmONC, which are
Centers strategically located in areas with pocket of identified priority
population. Specifically, the role of the BHS and the midwife will
be extensively described in the MNCHN Service Delivery Network.
Monitoring This will include a suggestions on setting up of monitoring / spot
map board for identified priority population and provided with close
intervention as part of the monitoring management, inclusion of
post-partum care in the service coverage indicators and monitoring
arrangement between CHD, PHO and MHOs in the implementation
of MNCHN Strategy at the local level.
This manual begins with the description of the overall process in implementing the integrated
MNCHN Strategy. The second part deals with the detailed steps how the MNCHN strategy is
to be implemented in each province or city. The last part deals with how the assistance and
support from the DOH, its attached agencies and development partners and
National Commission of Indigenous People (NCIP) are to be designed and channeled
to support local implementation. If needed, checklists, worksheets and guidelines are annexed
at the end of the MOP.
Part I. Introduction
This chapter describes the objectives and structure of the Manual of Operations which include
the summary points of localization. Chapter 2 provides an overview of the situation of
women’s and children’s health in both country-wide and Cordillera Administrative Region
specific, the past strategies implemented to improve their health outcomes and the MNCHN
Strategy, goals, desired outcomes, approaches and guidelines as stipulated in Administrative
Order 2008-0029.
Part II. LGU-Wide Implementation of the MNCHN Strategy
Part II guides the LGU in the process of establishing or reviewing the capability of health
providers in the Service Delivery Network to provide the Core Package of MNCHN Services
as well as identifying the proper health systems instruments that would sustain provision of
services. It is divided into 5 chapters which correspond to the different steps that LGUs have
to go through to set-up or review delivery of MNCHN services. A chapter is devoted for the
following topics: overview and preliminary activities (Chapter 3) where the involvement of
NCIP is highlighted, identifying priority population groups (Chapter 4), determining the
service delivery network and core package of services that should be provided (Chapter 5),
strengthening the MNCHN service delivery network (Chapter 6), improving local health
systems (Chapter 7) and implementation and monitoring of the MNCHN Strategy (Chapter 8).
Whenever applicable implementing the MNCHN Strategy in special areas like Geographically
Isolated and Disadvantaged Areas (GIDA), conflict affected areas and areas with unique
cultural attributes like indigenous people’s communities and the Autonomous Region in
Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) which are still be mentioned.
When possible, examples of interventions done by other LGUs on MNCHN are included in
the text.
To show support of national agencies in the implementation of the MNCHN Strategy, this part
outlines the roles of the Department of Health (DOH), National Commission of Indigenous
People (NCIP) and the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) to support LGUs
in implementing the MNCHN Strategy (Chapter 9). The last chapter (Chapter 10) discusses
the monitoring framework and process for DOH.
This Localized MOP is developed to guide local authorities (chief executives, health officers
and staff) of Cordillera Administrative Region and other concerned stakeholders in
implementing the MNCHN strategy. It aims to guide local officials, local health managers
from both public and private sectors and other concerned groups and professionals to establish,
implement and sustain a responsive MNCHN service delivery network in identified priority
areas and population groups needing most assistance.
Although the DOH, PhilHealth and NCIP are not the primary target users, the MOP shall be
their guide in extending technical assistance and other support to LGUs in the implementation
of the MNCHN Strategy.
2. MNCHN Strategy
Although the Under-Five Mortality Rate (UFMR) and Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) have
considerably declined (UFMR from 61/1,000 LB in 1990 to 32/1,000 LB in 2008; IMR 42
percent in 1990 to 26 percent in 2006)3, the rates of decline have decelerated over the last ten
years. The deceleration is driven largely
by the high neonatal deaths and slow
decline of infant deaths. 4 Neonatal
Mortality Rate (NMR) is still high, with
17 infants dying per 1,000 LB within the
first 28 days of life. In 2000-2003,
newborn deaths accounted for 37 percent
of all Under-5 mortalities. 5 Most
neonatal deaths occur within the first
week after birth, half of which occur in
the first two days of life.
National Statistics Office, 2006 Family Planning Survey
United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Philippines, Report on the Millennium Development Goals, 2007-2011
UNICEF, WHO, World Bank, 2010, Level and Trends in Child Mortality Report
WHO, 2006, Newborn and Perinatal Mortality: Country, Regional and Global Estimates
WHO, 2006, Newborn and Perinatal Mortality: Country, Regional and Global Estimates
With the slow decline in MMR for the past two decades and the loss of momentum in rate of
decrease in newborn, infant, and child deaths, the Philippines is at risk of not attaining its MDG
targets of lowering maternal deaths
to 52/100,000 LB and child deaths
to 20/1,000 LB in the next five
In CAR, the region have consistently recorded with 28 maternal deaths from 2008 to 2009 and it
only reduces in 2010 to 21 maternal deaths or 65.41/100,000 live births as reflected at Figure 4
below and detailed for each province at footnote no. 6 (CHD-CAR FHSIS, 2010). It is most high
in both provinces of Apayao and Mountain Province with 6 maternal deaths. The figures indicate
that significant number of cordilleran women still suffering to life threatening events during the
birth of their baby.
The report further shows that uterine atony and post-partum hemorrhage remain as the leading
causes of maternal death. All other causes include eclampsia, placenta retention, placenta accreta
and gestational hypertension or pregnancy-induced hypertension.
80.00 83.89
or 78.76
28 Mat. or 65.41
Death 28 Mat. or
Death 21 Mat.
2008 2009 2010
Figure 4: Maternal Mortality, CAR, 2008-20106
On infant mortality, a fluctuating trend of death is observed in CAR from 2008 to 2010 and it is
most high in 2009 with 391 infant deaths (or 11 deaths per 1,000 live births) as shown in Figure 5
Detailed Maternal Mortality per Province, 2008-2010
Abra Apayao Benguet Ifugao Kalinga Mt. Province Baguio City CAR
Year Death LB Death LB Death LB Death LB Death LB Death LB Death LB Death LB
2008 5 4816 3 2529 3 6567 3 3608 7 4621 3 3068 4 8168 28 33377
2009 2 4862 2 2195 1 6334 4 4191 8 4349 3 3506 8 10114 28 35551
2010 1 5033 6 2277 1 6817 1 4107 3 3592 6 3427 3 6851 21 32104
Source: CHD-CAR FHSIS, 2006-2010
below. However, the rate decreases with almost 2 deaths per 1,000 live births in 2010 making the
region with total infant deaths of 290.
Accordingly, prematurity remains the prevailing top cause of death among the infant for over
three years and followed with sepsis. All other causes of death are pneumonia, asphyxia,
congenital anomaly and heart disease.
8.00 or 9.03
7.85 or
6.00 391
or 290
4.00 262 Infant
Infant Deaths
2.00 Deaths
2008 2009 2010
Neonatal deaths within the first week of life are often due to asphyxia, prematurity, severe
infections, congenital anomalies, newborn tetanus, and other causes.
Specific in CAR, these direct causes of maternal and neonatal deaths require care by skilled
health professionals in well-equipped facilities. However, almost 32 percent of births are delivered
at home, of which 13.4 percent are attended to by TBAs or hilots and others.8 This contributes
to the three delays that lead to maternal and neonatal deaths such as delay in identification of
complications, delay in referral, and delay in the management of complications. This could explain
why TBAs, even if trained, has had little impact on reducing maternal and neonatal mortality.
Detailed Infant Mortality per Province, 2008-2010
Abra Apayao Benguet Ifugao Kalinga Mt. Province Baguio City CAR
Year Death LB Death LB Death LB Death LB Death LB Death LB Death LB Death LB
2008 31 4816 35 2529 29 6567 40 3608 34 4621 56 3068 37 8168 262 33377
2009 53 4862 19 2195 63 6334 61 4191 27 4349 49 3506 119 10114 391 35551
2010 17 5033 20 2277 54 6817 45 4107 31 3592 42 3427 81 6851 290 32104
Source: CHD-CAR FHSIS, 2006-2010
CHD-CAR FHSIS Annual Health Report, 2010
The likelihood of maternal and neonatal deaths is further magnified with the critical accumulation
of four risks such as (1) mistimed, unplanned, unwanted and unsupported pregnancy9; (2) not
securing adequate care during the course of pregnancy; (3) delivering without being attended to
by skilled health professionals (i.e. midwives, nurses and doctors) and lack of access to emergency
obstetric and newborn services; and (4) not securing proper post-partum and newborn care for the
mother and her newborn, respectively.
Prevention of maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality entails the provision and use of the
MNCHN core package of services within the cultural integrity of the region. This will require
informed decisions by mothers and their families and a health system that is responsive to their
needs. However, informed decisions on utilization are prevented by low awareness and poor
recognition of health risks, lack of information on available services and providers in the area, lack
of options to finance health services due to poverty, lack of education, and staying in
Geographically Isolated and Disadvantaged Areas (GIDA). On the other hand, responsiveness of
the health system is limited by the insufficiency in scope, scale and quality of delivered health
services; disparity between provided interventions and allocated budget; lack of harmony and
coordination between public and private service providers; and financial support that is
unresponsive to the needs of patients and their families.
Women and their newborns who may survive the threats posed by abnormalities during the course
of pregnancy and delivery could still suffer from long standing adverse consequences if
appropriate health services and care are not received. Furthermore, maternal deaths have
detrimental health and socio-economic effects on the family and orphaned child.
As support, policy and strategic responses have been geared toward a range of strategies involving
the entire health system – from individuals and households, communities, frontline health service
providers, local governments, regional agencies, up to national agencies and other stakeholders.
Ensuring universal access to and utilization of an MNCHN Core Package of services and
interventions directed not only to individual women of reproductive age and newborns at
different stages of the life cycle10, but also to the community.
Establishment of a Service Delivery Network at all levels of care to provide the package of
services and interventions. This network shall include private hospitals and clinics.
Analysis of the NDHS 2008 by Health Policy Development Program “An Evaluation of Factors Affecting the Use of Modern
Family Planning and Maternal Care Services” place the estimate of unplanned, mistimed and unwanted pregnancies at 500,000 as a
result of the unmet need for modern FP services that affect six million women.
Stages of life cycle refer to events during pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, birth and delivery, post-delivery, and newborn periods.
Organized use of instruments for health systems development to bring all localities to
create and sustain their service delivery networks, which are crucial for the provision of
health services to all.
Rapid build-up of institutional capacities of DOH and PhilHealth, being the lead national
agencies that will provide support to local planning and development through appropriate
standards, capacity build-up of implementers, and financing mechanisms.
The role of the regional office and provincial offices of National Commission for
Indigenous People shall be boosted to ensure the full implementation of MNCHN Strategy
within the context of IPRA.
Given the limited resources, areas with poor MNCHN performance in terms of service coverage
indicators such as contraceptive prevalence rate, prenatal care, skilled-birth attendant / skilled
health professional deliveries and facility- based deliveries, early initiation of breastfeeding, fully
immunized children, and, and those areas that have large populations with poor and less educated
mothers, and GIDAs will be prioritized. These areas are at higher risk from adverse maternal and
neonatal outcomes.
A desired outcome for the integrated MNCHN Strategy is to make the least progressive and most
vulnerable areas to move more rapidly and catch-up with the rest of the localities in the country. It
is critical for DOH to always be reminded and for localities to understand that as the local
conditions differ, the approach, pathway, and pace towards reaching this goal also vary. However,
any action towards this desired endpoint is a step to the right direction even if it is short of the
ideal and should be encouraged.
The MNCHN Core Package of Services consists of interventions that will be delivered for each
life stage: pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, delivery, and the post- partum and newborn periods. Most of
these services require minimal cost and can be delivered by health workers as part of their routine
functions with some that may require additional training and minimal investments in facilities.
The intervention in the MNCHN core package of services that were found effective in preventing
deaths and in improving the health of mothers and children include the following:
Donnay, F. 2000. “Maternal Survival in Developing Countries: What HasBeen Done; What Can Be Achieved in the
Next Decade.” International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 70 (1): 89–97; Kurjak, A., and I. Bekavac. 2001.
“Perinatal Problems in Developing Countries: Lessons Learned and Future Challenges.” Journal of Perinatal Medicine 29
(3): 179–87; UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund). 1999. “World Summit for Children Goals: End of Decade
Indicators for Monitoring Progress.” Executive Directive EXD/1999-03, New York; Guttmacher Institute Report, 2009.
“Meeting Women’s Contraceptive Needs in the Philippines.”
Specific to adolescent health services, the RHUs and BHSs should have the following as
stipulated at the DOH-Administrative Order No. 34-A (known as Adolescent and Youth
Health Policy) signed last April 10, 2000 as presented at Annex Q:
Rural Health Midwives who shall screen and refer adolescents and youth in the
proper level of care;
Doctor and nurses who shall screen and provide basic intervention and refer client
when necessary to higher level of care;
Records that must be kept confidential; and
Install the following features:
o A counseling room/area where indigenous-friendly, privacy and
confidentiality will be ensured. It must be free from physical barriers like
office table, telephone, etc. to minimize and avoid distractions;
o Attractive promotional IEC materials posted on the wall and take home
reading materials;
o Available trained professional health care providers;
o Equipped with necessary logistics and supplies; and
o Open from 9:00AM until 5:00PM from Monday to Friday.
2. Pregnancy: first antenatal visit at first trimester, at least 4 antenatal visits throughout the
course of pregnancy to detect and manage danger signs and complications of pregnancy,
provision of iron and folate supplementation for 3 months, iodine supplementation and 2
tetanus toxoid immunization, counseling on healthy lifestyle and breastfeeding, prevention
and management of infection, as well as oral health services. While the contribution of
prenatal care in anticipating and preventing maternal and newborn emergencies is unclear,
components of prenatal care remain effective in reducing perinatal deaths12and serves as a
venue for birth planning and promotion of facility based deliveries.
This recommendation is in line with the global consensus that the best way to address high
levels of MMR and NMR is to “ensure that all women and newborns have skilled care
Bale, J., B. Stoll, A. Mack, and A. Lucas, eds. 2003. Improving Birth Outcomes: Meeting the Challenges in the Developing
World. Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences and Institute of Medicine.
Campbell O, Graham W and the Lancet Maternal Survival Series Steering Group, 2006 Strategies for reducing maternal
mortality: getting on with what works, Lancet, 368:1284-1299.
during pregnancy, child birth and the immediate post-partum period”.14
4. Post-Partum: visit within 72 hours and on the 7th day post-partum to check for
conditions such as bleeding or infections, Vitamin A supplements to the mother, and
counseling on family planning and available services. It also includes maternal nutrition
and lactation counseling and post-partum care visit of the newborn together with her visit.
5. Newborn care until the first week of life: Interventions within the first 90 minutes such as
immediate drying, skin to skin contact between mother and newborn, cord clamping after
1 to 3 minutes, non-separation of baby from the mother, early initiation of breastfeeding,
as well as essential newborn care after 90 minutes to 6 hours, newborn care prior to
discharge, after discharge as well as additional care thereafter as provided for in the
“Clinical Practice Pocket Guide, Newborn Care Until the First Week of Life.”
Moreover, newborn screening should be done to all babies on day two after birth or no less
than 78 hours in accordance to R.A. 9288 or the “Newborn Screening Act in 2004”. The
service is intended to the baby with treatable conditions before they present clinically, or
suffer irreversible damage. Basically, the following are the NBS panel of disorders
including the latest updates as specified at DOH-Department Memorandum No.
2012-0154 dated May 15, 2012:
Congenital hypothyroidism (CH)
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH)
Galactosemia (GAL)
Phenlyketonuria (PKU)
Glocuse-6-Phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD)
Maple Syrup Urine Disease (MSUD).
No single facility or unit can provide the entire MNCHN Core Package of Services. It is
important that different health care providers within the locality are organized
into a well-coordinated MNCHN service delivery network to meet the varying needs of
populations and ensure the continuum of care. This is the reason for establishing the province as
the basic unit for planning and implementation of the MNCHN Strategy.
The MNCHN SDN can be an Inter-local Health Zone (ILHZ) or province or city-wide network of
Reducing maternal mortality, a joint statement by WHO, UNFPA, UNICEF, WB, Geneva, 1999.
public and private health care facilities and providers capable of giving MNCHN services,
including basic and comprehensive emergency obstetric and essential newborn care. It also
includes the communication and transportation system supporting this network.
There are three levels of care in the MNCHN SDN: (1) Community level service providers; (2)
Basic Emergency Obstetrics and Newborn Care (BEmONC)- capable network of
facilities and providers; and (3) Comprehensive Emergency Obstetrics and Newborn Care
(CEmONC) - capable facility or network of facilities.
1. Community level providers give primary health care services. These may include
outpatient clinics such as Rural Health Units (RHUs), Barangay Health Stations (BHS),
and private clinics as well as their health staff (i.e., doctor, nurse and midwife) and
volunteer health workers (i.e., barangay health workers, traditional birth attendants).
For the MNCHN Strategy, the Community Health Team (CHT) shall be organized and
deployed to implement the MNCHN Core Package of Services identified for the
community level. The CHTs provide both navigation and basic service delivery functions.
Using the Family Health Diary, the navigation function will include informing families
of their health risks, assisting
families in health risks and needs
assessment; assisting families
develop health use plans such as
Birth and Emergency Plan and
facilitating access by families to
critical health services (e.g.
emergency transport, carrying the
patient by foot to nearest facilities
and communication) and financing
sources (e.g. PhilHealth). Their
basic service delivery functions
will involve on. advocating for
birth spacing and counseling on
family planning services; tracking
and master listing of pregnant women, women of reproductive age, children below 1 year
of age; early detection and referral of high-risk pregnancies; and reporting maternal and
neonatal deaths. The team shall also facilitate discussions of relevant community health
issues especially those affecting women and children.
CHTs should be present in each priority population area to improve utilization of services,
ensure provision of services as well as follow-up care for post- partum mothers and their
Specific to areas where pocket of identified priority population located, a birthing center
will be installed at the BHS to provide the normal deliveries including other functions as
detailed at page 31.
facilities operate on a 24-hour basis (either on-manned or on-call) with staff complement
of skilled health professionals such as doctors, nurses, midwives and medical
A BEmONC based in RHUs, BHS, or birthing centers can either be a stand-alone facility
or composed of a network of facilities and skilled health professionals capable of
delivering the six signal functions. A stand- alone BEmONC-capable facility is typically
an RHU which has the complement of skilled health professionals such as doctors, nurses,
midwives and medical technologists. BEmONCs operating as a network of facilities and
providers can consist of RHUs, BHS, lying-in clinics, or birthing centers operated by
skilled health professionals (doctor, nurse and midwife) . At the minimum, this can be
operated by a midwife who is either under supervision by the rural health physician or has
referral arrangements with a hospital or doctor trained in the management of maternal and
newborn emergencies. Under this arrangement, a midwife can provide lifesaving
interventions within the intent of A. O. 2010-0014.
These facilities can also serve as high volume providers for IUD and VSC services,
especially tubal ligations and no-scalpel vasectomy.
Alternatively, the SDN can also designate a CEMONC-capable network of facilities that
has the necessary staff, equipment and resources coming from a network in order to
provide the full range of CEmONC services. For example, a designated facility capable of
doing caesarean sections may not have incubators within its physical facility but can
secure this equipment either from other providers or assign care of premature neonates to
another facility within the network.
The CEmONC capable facility or network of facilities should organize an itinerant team
that will conduct out-reach services to remote communities. A typical itinerant team is
composed of at least 1 doctor (surgeon), 1 nurse and 1 midwife.
These consist of technical, organizational and human resource, regulatory, monitoring and
reporting, financing, and governance mechanisms necessary to effectively implement and sustain
the MNCHN strategy. These instruments are developed to enable localities to set up and sustain
the delivery of core package of MNCHN services through the network of service providers in the
community. These include coordination mechanisms among LGUs and health providers, human
resource management, logistics management, policies affecting utilization and provision of
services, among others.
Moreover, instruments developed and initiated by the LGUs will be highlighted for possible
replication to other areas that are found effective and efficiently implemented at the local level.
This include policy on Strengthening Facility-based delivery in the municipality of Pudtol
(Apayao province), strengthening maternal and child health (MCH)-related activities in the
province of Benguet, ensuring availability of MCH-related supplies and medicines in an ILHZ of
Benguet province and policy on male involvement in the province of Ifugao.
2. Administrative Order 2010-0001 known as Policies and Guidelines for the Philippine
National Blood Services (PNBS) and the Philippine Blood Services Network (PBSN),
issued on 06 January 2010.
Annex A is a copy of the Administrative Order 2008-0029 for the Implementation of Health
Reforms to Rapidly Reduce Maternal and Neonatal Mortality. For copies of Administrative Orders
on MNCHN and other issuances, please refer to or contact the nearest CHD.
Annex B shows the list of services that should be given for each life event by providers in the
service delivery network.
Box 1: Hospital in the MNCHN Service Delivery Network
What is the role of hospitals in MNCHN Strategy?
Hospitals are among the key players in operationalizing the MNCHN Strategy. The role they
assume is mostly clinical in nature, with tertiary hospitals serving as end-referral facilities for
cases that cannot be adequately managed by other facilities. However, with numerous other
obligations and concerns, their operations tend to overlook the setting, demands, and limitations of
the community. Being experts in maintaining health, looking at hospitals as mainly referral
facilities is a great loss to the community.
To maximize the gains from participation of hospitals, the following are the roles that they can take
on in the implementation of MNCHN Strategy:
(1) Model of health care practice. They can exemplify and influence other providers regarding
correct, recommended, and good MNCHN practices in caring for patients. Hospitals, especially
government facilities, could serve as training centers for new treatment protocols and guidelines.
(2) Advocate of area-wide networking. They can provide support in the operation of service delivery
network. For example, they can assist in facilitating referrals to and from facilities within the
network, as well as in providing referring facilities or concerned localities data regarding reportable
cases (e.g., number of maternal and child deaths, infectious diseases, etc.)
(3) Adviser to network stakeholders. Having better facilities and more resources, hospitals can
generate data and information regarding the effectiveness of the network to help enhance it.
Hospitals will respond to calls for their involvement because the MNCHN strategy provides for
effective and beneficial services and interventions that a good hospital performs. These practices
are also well within their capacities and resources. The costs are reasonable and affordable.
With full implementation, their participation may even be financially rewarding (e.g., increased
PhilHealth reimbursements, income from training other facilities/providers). Most importantly,
being part of the health system and community that they serve, hospitals have a social obligation to
provide clinical care that has impact on public health.
Illustrated below is a general process by which hospitals can initiate moving into their roles:
Provision of incentives for responding and moving towards the direction of improving
maternal and child health in the country
Ensure availability of technical resources that hospitals may need and access on demand as they
assume their role in the MNCHN strategy
Establishment of central and regional focal points to guide and monitor hospitals
Implementation of the
MNCHN Strategy
Chapter 3: Overview
3. Overview
3.1. Introduction
The LGU has to take note of the following in addressing MNCHN gaps and issues:
1. MNCHN gaps and problems vary from one area to another, from one municipality to
another municipality, from one barangay to another barangay. There is a need to customize
interventions according to the peculiarities and needs of the different communities or areas;
2. Not all the gaps and issues can be addressed all at the same time given limited resources.
Interventions should be guided by the results of the assessment of the health situation of
mothers and children. Evidence should guide the LGU in identifying gaps that need to be
prioritized, population areas that would merit focused attention and interventions that are
most appropriate to the situation;
3. Reforms in service delivery, governance, regulation, and financing are needed for the
sustained improvement of the health status of mothers and children.
In the implementation of an LGU-wide MNCHN strategy, the LGU should have a team that will
oversee the activities for the province and component municipalities. Building the MNCHN SDN
and ensuring its sustainability would entail analysis of the existing situation in the locality and
assessment of gaps in service delivery, utilization and health systems in general as well as
identifying and planning appropriate interventions to address these gaps.
To begin this process, the LGU can organize a team coming from the Provincial Health Office,
different Municipal Health Offices and other relevant members of the locality like DOH Center
for Health Development, development partners, donors, non-government organizations (NGOs),
civil society groups and the like. From this team, the LGU can assign a coordinating body to
oversee the direction and progress of implementation of the MNCHN Strategy after assessment
and initial planning. Existing committees or task groups from the LGU may perform these tasks
to avoid creation of too many groups within the province.
The LGU would have to take the following steps to implement the MNCHN Strategy:
3. Strengthen the MNCHN SDN and improve local health systems;
The flowchart below describes tasks in each step in implementing the MNCHN Strategy.
To begin the process of implementing an LGU-wide MNCHN Strategy, the province and its
component municipalities and cities can organize a team coming from the Provincial Health
Office, different Municipal Health Offices, Center for Health Development-Cordillera
Administrative Region as well as hospitals o f both from public and private sectors to assess and
define interventions needed to improve the delivery of MNCHN services. It is important for
provinces and cities to guarantee the participation of practitioners from the Rural Health Units
(RHU) or City Health Units (CHO) to Inter-Local Health Zone or provincial hospitals or even
private health facilities/hospitals for women, mothers and children to have access to a continuum
of care.
1. Representatives from partners, non-government organizations (NGOs) and civil society may
be invited to be part of the team; and
2. Representative from the Office of Education, Culture and Health of the National Commission
of Indigenous People (NCIP)-Regional Office shall be involved to guarantee respect of the IPs’
cultural integrity while providing full opportunities for health and nutrition as stipulated at
IPRA15. Specifically, NCIP will ensure the following in the implementation of MNCHN
a. Integration of MNCHN services at the Indigenous People Development Plan as an
immediate measure to all Indigenous women, children and their families for full
access of maternal and child health and nutrition;
b. Mainstream the social and cultural spheres of life of the indigenous peoples in the
MNCHN Strategy; and
c. Involvement of the Indigenous people in the implementation of the MNCHN
strategy in their respective locality.
Existing committees in the province and its component municipalities and cities may be tapped to
lead the assessment of the MNCHN situation and strengthening the service delivery network. The
province does not have to organize a new team for MCNHN but ensure that issues and concerns of
women, mothers and children are tackled by the existing body.
From this team, the province and its component municipalities and cities and independent
component cities can assign a coordinating body to oversee the direction and progress of
implementation of the MNCHN Strategy.
Chapter I, sec. 2.e –”The State shall take measures, with the participation of the ICCs/IPs concerned, to protect
their rights and guarantee respect for their cultural integrity, and to ensure that members of the ICCs/IPs benefit on
an equal footing from the rights and opportunities which national laws and regulations grant to other members of the
Chapter V, sec. 25 – “The ICC/IP have the right to special measures for the immediate, effective and continuing
improvement of their economic and social conditions, including in the areas of employment, vocational training and
retraining, housing, sanitation, health and social security. Particular attention shall be paid to the rights and special
needs of indigenous women, elderly, youth, children and differently-abled persons. Accordingly, the State shall
guarantee the right of ICCs/IPs to government 's basic services which shall include, but not limited to water and
electrical facilities, education, health and infrastructure.”
Chapter V, sec. 26 - The State shall provide full access to education, maternal and child care, health and nutrition,
and housing services to indigenous women. Vocational, technical, professional and other forms of training shall be
provided to enable these women to fully participate in all aspects of social life. As far as possible, the State shall
ensure that indigenous women have access to all services in their own languages.
Chapter VII, sec. 39 - The NCIP shall protect and promote the interest and well-being of the ICCs/IPs with due regard
to their beliefs, customs, traditions and institutions.
4. Prioritize Population Groups
The MNCHN Team’s initial work would be to assess the MNCHN situation in the LGU.
Assessing the LGUs’ current level of performance against national or regional data would provide
the province and component LGUs an idea of their performance in reducing maternal and neonatal
deaths. The MNCHN Management Team can use Health Outcome Indicators or Health Service
Coverage Indicators to assess the LGUs’ situation.
Health indicators are used to monitor the health status of a population. These health
indicators either (1) reflect impact or outcomes or (2) coverage or utilization of
Health Outcome Indicators:
1. Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR),
2. Newborn Mortality Rate (NMR),
3. Infant Mortality Rate (IMR),
4. Under-five Mortality Rate (UFMR); and
5. Proportion of underweight 6 to 59-month old children
Since health outcome indicators are consolidated yearly, it might be difficult to get an
accurate picture of the situation especially if data is collected midyear. Service
coverage indicators are used to determine the reach of health services in a given
As a reminder, LGUs should validate the data or report received from local health sources.
If the health information system has not been revisited or revised to comply with standards,
available data may not reflect an accurate health situation of the locality16. Annex C is a set of
instructions that the LGU can refer to validate data for MNCHN service coverage indicators.
The DOH recommends standards, procedures and protocols to ensure validity of data through the Field Health Servicee and
Information System (FHSIS).
Following are some indicators that data may NEED validation for its accuracy:
1. Determine national targets and latest available national levels for MNCHN indicators.
Table 2 shows MNCHN Service Coverage indicators while Table 3 shows MNCHN Health
Outcome indicators.
2. Determine the latest MNCHN indicators of the province and fill up Column 3 of any of
the tables below.
The following provinces have already completed data quality check on FP current users
and have consolidated the results for all of its municipalities: Tarlac, South Cotabato,
Misamis Oriental, Zamboanga del Norte, Zamboanga Sibugay, Nueva Ecija, Bukidnon
Results of the data quality check for FP current users revealed that provincial CPR, as
well as for most of the municipalities/cities, decreased. The extent of decrease varies
across the municipalities, approximately ranging from 20% to 60% difference.
Over-reporting was mainly due to lost to follow-up of clients, not following the drop-out
criteria and counting of new acceptor numbers without names.
Results of data quality check show that ANC4 has the most significant change (decrease).
Over-reporting for ANC4 was mainly due to the health staff’s inability to follow the
“1-1-2 rule” (i.e. at least one pre-natal visit of the pregnant woman during the 1st and
2nd trimester and at least 2 during the third trimester). For SBA and FBD, aside from
manual computational errors in addition, the decrease was also due to confusion of
midwives on the definition of the indicators. For FIC and EBF, among the reasons for the
decrease are manual computational errors, confusion on the operational definition of
the indicator and lack of dates of immunization/visits.
3. Assess performance of the LGU by comparing its current MNCHN indicators with
national data. Use Table 2 if the MNCHN Management Team is using Service Coverage
Indicators and Table 3 if Health Outcome Indicators are used.
4. In indicating performance, the team may use appropriate symbols to denote increase or
decrease in performance or if targets are met. For example, if Service Coverage
Indicators are used, put a green shade if the LGU performance is equal to or above
national targets or current national levels and a red shade if otherwise. A red shade
indicates that the LGU is not providing adequate services to a majority of its population
and the LGU would need to improve its service provision.
If Health Outcomes Indicators are used, put a red shade if the LGU’s performance is equal
to or above the national targets or current national levels and a green shade if otherwise.
A red shade indicates that the LGU is performing poorly compared to national data and
would need to improve its service provision to improve health outcomes.
Following the concept of the LGU scorecard, color codes maybe used to denote increase
or decrease in performance or if targets are met or not. For service coverage indicators, put
a green shade if the LGU performance is above the targets or current national levels, a
yellow shade if equal and a red shade if below the national targets.
A red shade indicates that the LGU is performing poorly compared to national
data and would need to improve its service provision to attain the desired health
Information to assess performance should be obtained from the most updated source.
LGUs may use the performance indicators cited in their Province-wide Investment Plan
for Health or in the Annual Operational Plans.
The MNCHN Team should compare the performance of municipalities and cities with the
province using the MNCHN Health Outcome Indicators and MNCHN Service Coverage
Indicators as indicated in the Tables 2 and 3 above.
Moreover, MNCHN situation varies from one municipality to another or from one barangay to
another. Assessing performance of each municipality or city will allow the LGU to prioritize areas
for interventions to improve MNCHN Health Outcomes. This can be done through identifying
areas with most number of maternal deaths.
Follow the procedure below in identifying priority population groups in the locality:
1. Women incurring the highest risks during pregnancy (based on the result of the National
Demographic health Survey of 2008):
Pregnant women less than 18 years old
Pregnant women above 35 years old
Women who had received only up to elementary education
Women in the 20 percent poorest households
Women in areas of armed or tribal conflict
Women who are victims of domestic violence
Pregnant women with concurrent chronic illness (iron-deficiency, anemia,
tuberculosis, cardio vascular disease, diabetes mellitus, etc)20
National Statistics Office [NSO] & ORC Macro, National Demographic and Health Survey 2008.
DBM-DILG-DSWD-NAPC Joint Memorandum Circular No. 1, series of 2012 signed March 8, 2012
Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) and National Anti-Poverty Commission
(NAPC). Specifically, these are:
Boliney Luba
Bucay Malibcong
Bucloc Pidigan
Daguioman Pilar
Dolores Sallapadan
La Paz San Juan
Lacub Tayum
Lagangilang Tubo
Conner Pudtol
Bakun Kibungan
Aguinaldo Hingyon
Alfonso-Lista (Potia) Hungduan
City of Tabuk Pinukpuk
Lubuagan Tanudan
Pasil Tinglayan
Mountain Province:
Bontoc Sadanga
Paracelis Sagada
Areas at the border/s of LGU which are not usually reached by services;
Female adolescents (high cases of pregnant women age 19 and below and with
high cases of abortions among adolescents)22;
Highly urbanized and densely populated areas (e.g. Baguio City, La Trinidad of
Benguet, Tabuk City of Kalinga, Bontoc of Mountain Province, Lagawe of Ifugao
and Bangued of Abra).
It is advisable that areas where population groups reside such as name of municipality, barangay
and purok to identify their location on a map of the province which will assist the MNCHN Team
identifying the most appropriate health facilities in the MNCHN Service Delivery Network that
they could be referred or linked to.
“Of the reported 473,000 abortions per year, 36% of these involve young women, making the female adolescents at greatest risk
to maternal deaths and complications”, Juarez et al The incidence of induced abortion in the Philippines: Current level and recent
trends. Int Fam Plan Perspect, 31(2005): 140:9.
5. Determine the MNCHN Service Delivery
This chapter complements the existing plans for the service delivery networks of province- and
city-wide health systems as reflected in their PIPH, rationalization plans and facility mapping by
allowing the LGUs to go through the process of updating the matching of existing public and
private capacities with demand for the MNCHN Core Package of Services by their constituents.
After the LGU has identified the priority populations in the province and municipalities, it will
now have to define the network of facilities and/or providers that shall deliver the MNCHN Core
Package of Services. The following principles shall guide LGUs in identifying providers in the
service delivery network (SDN):
Health providers, professionals and facilities that already exist in the area shall be designated as
part of the network. As much as possible, LGUs are advised against developing or establishing
new facilities to provide MNCHN services.
Defining the SDN shall not be restricted within political boundaries of the province.
Collaboration across provinces is considered in order to serve priority populations better.
To ensure that priority populations shall have access to all MNCHN services, the following steps
are suggested:
Step 1: It is necessary to identify and designate facilities and providers that will deliver services
during pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, delivery, post-partum and newborn periods. This step will be
followed by verifying if those identified in the network can provide services such as family
planning, micronutrient supplementation, and newborn care.
Step 2: It is important to ensure that mothers and their children would have access to the
complete package of services for MNCHN from the community level, BEmONC–capable network
of facilities and providers, up to the end referral facility which is the CEmONC-capable facility or
network of facilities. Note that at this stage, the MNCHN Team shall not assess gaps and strengths
of designated providers in the service delivery network. At this point, the goal of the MNCHN
Team will only be identifying health providers that can give MNCHN core package of services
especially to the priority population group.
Similar to the section “Know the MNCHN Situation in the LGU” in Chapter 4, some LGUs,
with assistance from the DOH, may already have a facility mapping or Rationalization Plan that
identified facilities to be designated, developed or upgraded to provide particular services. For
LGUs with existing facility mapping or Rationalization Plan, the following sections can be
useful in:
(1) Showing access of priority populations to facilities that are being upgraded or developed;
(2) Updating the matching of facilities with demand for services; and
(3) Facilitating a review of current capacities of these facilities especially if the facility mapping or
Rationalization Plan was done some years ago.
5.1. Define the MNCHN Service Delivery Network
Defining the MNCHN SDN would involve organizing the Community Health Team (CHT) as part
of the Community-Level Health Providers, designating the CEmONC-capable facility or network
of facilities, and designating the BEmONC- capable network of facilities and providers.
Under the MNCHN Strategy, the first level of service delivery occurs at the household or
community level. This involves largely the delivery of public health services across the various
life stages including outpatient clinical services such as family planning, prenatal care as well as
post-partum and newborn care and nutrition. This also includes sharing of information to empower
clients and assisting in the setting up of support systems such as transport and communication
The MNCHN core package of services are to be made available through a network of BHS,
RHUs, private clinics and Community Health Teams (CHT) organized in each barangay or purok
of the locality. It is essential that every community identified as a priority group should have a
The community-level MNCHN providers as part of the overall MNCHN SDN are comprised of
the following:
1. At the barangay level, a Community Health Team (CHT) led by the midwife or any
barangay official identified carries out the task of providing information and basic health
services to households. The team maybe composed of Barangay Health Workers (BHWs),
Traditional Birth Attendants (TBAs), Barangay Nutrition Workers/Scholars and other
volunteer workers including barangay officials and representatives from people’s
organizations or non-government organizations (NGOs).
While there are areas defined as remote isolated and can be accessible only by foot before
reaching either to the facility or vehicle passable areas, it is suggested that male population
will form part of CHT. They can take and carry the pregnant women on foot to the nearest
health facility or ambulance, where they can receive much needed maternal care. Example
is presented in Box 4.
Community Health Teams provide preventive, promotive and clinical MNCHN services to
community members. The navigation role of CHTs is
critical in improving utilization of services by families.
Navigation functions include assessment of health risks,
assistance in developing health plans for the families,
informing families of available services and where they
could access these services, giving appropriate health
messages depending on families’ needs and discussing
financing options for health services.
be used by CHT as medium in informing and educating the community as well as
monitoring the utilization of services by the mother and children. The diary consists of
three parts: Mother’s Record, Child’s Record and Key Health Messages.
The Barangay Health Stations, manned by the midwife who serves as CHT leader, shall
provide the following services:
Prenatal care
Post-partum care
Vaccination and Immunization
Child care
Family planning
Micronutrient supplementation
Moreover, in areas where the pocket of identified priority population is located, birthing
service should be installed in nearby BHS making the facility as Birthing Center. The
midwife should receive a skills- training on harmonized BEmONC and shall be assisted by
her CHT member. Specifically, the BHS shall provide the following services23 that do not
necessarily require BEmONC or CEmONC referral:
Provision of safe care to a woman in labor including the use of Partograph;
Active management of the third stage of labor (oxytocin);
Under the supervision of a Physician, magnesium sulfate be provided for
Use of initial dose of antibiotics in prolonged labor, premature rupture of
Repair of first and second degree perineal lacerations to control bleeding;
Internal examination except when the woman has antepartum bleeding;
Management of retained placenta and uterine atony;
Intravenous fluid infusion during obstetric emergencies;
Referral of emergencies that need management by the higher facilities (RHUs
and BEmONC or CEmONC hospital);
Prenatal steroids in preterm labor;
Newborn care: newborn resuscitation, giving vitamin K and Hepatitis B,
oxygen support
The skilled birth attendant (Doctor, Nurse and Midwife) may allow the mothers in their
preferred position during labor but taking high consideration the safety of both
women-in-labor and baby and provision of support system. Facility should be kept clean
and sanitized.
Community leaders such as barangay leaders should also be given regular feedback on t h e
implementation of health services by CHTs to ensure access of families to resources for
transportation and communication, outreach services, health information campaigns and
the like. Barangay officials should be involved in securing local funding for CHT-related
DOH, “Harmonized BEmONC Training for Midwives Trainor’s Guide”, October 2010.
2. At the clinic, BHS or RHU level, the doctor acts as head of the health facility and is
supported by a team composed of nurses, medical technologists, midwives, sanitary
officers and other types of health staff. While provision of services usually occurs in the
fixed facility (e.g. clinics, RHUs, BHS) and during regular office hours, these providers
also do outreach services especially in remote areas where a number of indigent families
do not have access to health care.
It is essential that every community identified as a priority group should have a CHT and
each member of CHT can handle at most 20 households.
Herewith are the specific major functions of CHT as specified at the CHT Guidebook
(DOH, 2011):
a. Profiling
Basic information on each family member will be collected using the Form 1 from
CHT Guidebook to identify which persons in the household are most in need of health
b. Orient
As navigator, the catchment families will be oriented on the available sources of
information that they can get and how they can directly benefit. This will include
Family Health Guide and Family Health Diary.
c. Assess
Guided with the CHT Manual and Family Health Diary, the navigators will make a
health risk assessment of each member of the families in their respective catchment
areas. Assessment shall be done specifically on:
• Prenatal care;
• Post-partum care;
• Newborn, infant and child health;
• Family planning; and
• Chronic cough management.
d. Inform
Using the Family Health Diary, CHT will share key health messages and helpful tips
for the families that enable them make decisions about their health as well as
accessing services in the health facilities from the professional health personnel.
These messages shall include:
• Development of the baby in mother’s womb and reminders to the expectant
• Things to prepare for birth of the baby including the formulation of Birth and
Emergency Plan;
• Routine baby care;
• Newborn screening;
• Common problems when breastfeeding;
• Feeding recommendations especially to children with diarrhea;
• Vitamin A supplementation and deworming;
• Child developmental milestone;
• An early childhood screening tool;
• Oral health care of pregnant women and children and tooth eruption schedule
• Practical tips to ensure child’s safety; and
• Rights of a child.
Moreover, CHT shall ensure that indigenous women have access the appropriate
MNCHN Core Package of services in their own languages while protecting their
cultural integrity.
e. Plan
CHT shall assist their catchment families in planning their health goals and use of
health services. Using the reference materials in the Family Heath Guide and Family
Health Diary, CHT member will help choose health service providers in the health
facilities and transport options
f. Monitor
Regular monitoring to all catchment families shall be done to check if all identified
member of the family have accessed appropriate services in accordance to their need.
Specifically to: pregnant women for pre-natal care, new mother for post-partum care
and newborn for vaccination, newborn screening and breastfeeding.
This can also help the CHT update the profiling and pregnancy / post-partum tracking.
g. Report
CHT shall periodically accomplish and submit the summary forms in a monthly basis
as specified at the CHT Guidebook including the pregnancy and post-partum tracking.
The information is very essential in monitoring the overall health status of their
communities and making decisions in improving the implementation of health
Specifically, the CHT shall submit the accomplished CHD Mobilization Forms No. 1
to 5 as scheduled below, regardless if it fall on Sundays, Saturdays and Holidays :
CHT to Midwife: every 26th of the month
Midwife to PHN for validation: every 29th of the month
PHN to MHO for approval: every 29th of the month
MHO to PHO and PHTO for consolidation: every 30th of the month
PHO and PHTO to CHD for consolidated report: every 3rd of succeeding
CHD to DOH Central Office: every 5th of succeeding month
It is suggested that community leaders or elders should be involve in organizing, identifying gaps
and strengths among CHTs and planning process for specific activities affecting the
developmental lives, beliefs, institutions and spiritual well-being of the indigenous community.
Box 4: Community Health Team (Ayod) in Ifugao
The Community Health Teams (Ayod) in Ifugao
Guided by the DOH overall direction to organize community based teams to provide primary
level preventive and promotive care for mothers and children, and with support from the Council
for the Welfare of Children and various development partners* the Province of Ifugao organized
community health teams called AYOD . The use of the term AYOD which means hammock in
English and the was derived from the customary practice in remote isolated areas like Ifugao
to make use of the hammock (being held by about 4 men) in transporting sick members to the
nearest health facility. Thus, the AYOD Team is seen as mainly responsible for bringing women
who are about to deliver to the nearest birthing clinic or area. More than just a personification
as a „transport system,‟ the PHO of the province also expands its meaning to
a ”bayanihan‟, proactive, and holistic approach in reducing maternal,-neonatal and child
deaths in the province.
The AYOD Teams have no fixed honorarium/incentives. Their honoraria can range from as low
as PhP50 to PhP200/month. However, as an additional incentive, the provincial government
gives them Php1,000.00 once a year. They are also entitled to free health services at the
provincial hospital and RHU including their immediate family members. Outstanding or high
performing teams are given awards and incentives.
To continuously provide support to AYOD Teams, weekly meetings are conducted by the BHS
midwife and a monthly conference is held by RHU to share experiences and discuss issues and
concerns. According to the AYOD Satisfaction Survey done in 2009, the AYOD members are
highly satisfied with their involvement and their greatest motivation was to be able to save lives
of their loved ones and community members.
A CEmONC-capable facility provides the highest level of care to women, mothers and children
especially during labor and delivery, post-partum and newborn stages. A CEmONC-capable
facility must have the following characteristics:
a) capable of managing maternal emergencies, including caesarean sections, as well as
handling basic and emergency newborn care and providing blood transfusion and storage
b) has a set of sophisticated equipment, special infrastructure and highly skilled health staff
to deliver said services;
c) strategically located to ensure wide accessibility to clients, substantial caseloads to
maintain skill proficiency and adequate financing for operational viability; and
d) has the responsibility to serve its target population, provide quality care and reduce
financing barriers to access.
By default, the provincial hospital can be the designated CEmONC-capable facility.
To guarantee that mothers have a facility that can provide the highest level of care in case of
emergencies, the MNCHN Team shall first identify a CEmONC- capable facility that would cater
to the needs of identified priority population groups.
Follow these steps in designating the CEmONC-capable facility in order to update the designation
of facilities in the PIPH/Facility Rationalization/Facility Mapping:
1. Identify and list all hospitals, both private and public, located near target populations
within and outside the jurisdiction of the LGU.
Average travel time using the most common form of travel from the residence
of population groups to the facility using the farthest household as reference. The
MNCHN Team can perform key informant interviews to determine travel time.
Inpatient case load can be obtained from the annual hospital report submitted to
the PHO. Case load can also be verified through key informant interviews.
The MNCHN Team would have to repeat this process for every priority
population identified.
2. Based on the list of facilities, come up with a short list of hospitals to be designated as
CEmONC provider by applying the following criteria:
Select those with existing capacity to provide for both caesarean operations and
Blood Transfusion;
Determine which of these licensed hospitals are within one hour travel time from
the residence of the targeted population using the most common mode of
transportation. Specify the modes of transportation;
Next, rank hospitals which are within 2 hours from the residence of the identified
priority population groups; and
3. Assess if the hospitals in the short list meet the CEmONC core services. Core services
refer to services that only a CEmONC-capable facility can provide. The Management
Team can use the Table 5 below as guide.
which is within 1 hour of travel accessible to most of the priority population and
preferably government-owned facilities.
If only private facilities can be designated as providers, the LGU would have to
enter into a Memorandum of Agreement with the facility. There is also a possibility
that the nearest and most appropriate CEmONC-capable facility is in another LGU
or a DOH-retained hospital. The LGU would have to enter into an agreement
similar to that of the private sector.
There is also a possibility that a facility may lack a doctor who can perform
caesarean operations. The LGU can also negotiate with a private practitioner to
provide CEmONC services to their clients as needed.
Basic Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (BEmONC) service package is the set of
interventions that aim to treat/manage complications of pregnancy which are the major causes of
maternal deaths namely haemorrhage, severe infection, hypertension and complications of
abortions including septic abortion and dystocia. The MNCHN Strategy calls for the
designation/establishment and/or upgrading of facilities in order to provide BEmONC services to
all clients in addition to the MNCHN and other service package that they currently deliver.
2. Provide newborn screening and emergency newborn services, which include at the
minimum: (1) newborn resuscitation; (2) treatment of neonatal sepsis/infection; and (3)
oxygen support. Except for RHU BEmONC-functional facilities, blood transfusion should
be made available in all hospital-based BEmONC if the facility is found capable.
Otherwise, an agreement should be enter with any nearby hospital (public and private) for
referral to ensure the availability and accessibility of blood transfusion service in the
3. Act as bridge facilities that allow immediate clinical interventions and stabilization of
maternal and newborn emergency cases for referral to CEmONC-capable facilities; and
4. Provide screening/diagnostic services for mothers and newborns and referral to CEmONC
providers of cases needing higher level of care.
5. Provide population based maternal and child health services to priority populations.
The MNCHN Team can follow the below steps to designate the BEmONC-capable network of
facilities and providers to update the designation of facilities in the PIPH/Facility
Rationalization/Facility Mapping. However, the Local Government Units still have an option to
establish, make functional and sustained operation of their existing Rural Health Units, Hospitals
and Lying-in Clinic / Barangay Health Units for BEmONC, regardless of distance, to ensure that
all areas in the community especially for identified priority population have an access of available
and equitable safe pregnancy, full facility-based delivery and post-partum care.
1. Identify priority areas for the designation and establishment of BEmONCs. Based on the
results of the assessment done on the access to CEmONC services by the priority
population groups, classify the population groups that have high, good or poor access to
CEmONC services.
Confirm the distances of each health facility from the identified population
Complete their characteristics and features such as addresses, licensing and
accreditation status, ownership, modes of transportation, client volume, etc. Refer
to list in shortlisting CEmONC-capable facilities.
Among the pool of potential facilities as BEmONC service providers, assess their
suitability in terms of using core BEmONC capacities as basis.
Designate BEmONC facility/ies from among those that are considered capable. Take note
of the following in designating: (a) level of priority according to the identified priority
populations’ access to the designated BEmONC facility; and (b) recommended type of
BEmONC facility for the particular population group.
If the Municipal LGU, with at most 5,000 populations, has identified two or more
BEmONC facilities, the following steps are suggested to select with only ONE BEmONC
If there is a public owned BEmONC facility with blood services, designate the
facility; OR
If the public owned facility is not capable of providing BEmONC plus blood
services, but a private facility can, designate the private facility; OR
If the public owned facility cannot provide all BEmONC services, but a private
facility can, designate the private facility; OR
If the public owned facility can provide BEmONC services through a network
arrangement, designate the facility; OR
If the public owned facility cannot provide BEmONC services even in a network
arrangement, but a private facility can, designate the private facility.
1. If there is need for additional designated BEmONCs as in the case of densely populated
urban areas, review the list of facilities that meet the standards and then choose from the
list to designate the additional BEmONC.
2. If there is no qualified BEmONC within half an hour of travel time from the priority
population to the facility, relax the rule to include facilities within a one hour radius and
then assess for suitability and designate if qualified.
3. If there is no qualified BEmONC or CEmONC within an hour of travel time, the LGU is
advised to undertake any if not all of the following in order of priority:
3.1 Review list of facilities that did not meet the suitability factors. If no facility meets the
minimum criteria, a BEmONC or CEMONC from outside the 2-hour radius will have
to be identified as referral facility.
3.2 Set up emergency transport and communication system to serve priority populations by
facilitating referral to BEmONCs and CEmONC facilities;
3.3 Develop alternative transport and accommodation arrangements for mothers about to
deliver (e.g. set up dormitories or lodging facilities for expectant mothers and their
care providers close to BEmONCs or CEmONCs where they can be accommodated
while waiting for delivery)
For those areas that have already undergone the facility mapping and
needs assessment exercise and/or the facility rationalization planning, it is suggested that the
LGU reviews its findings to update the said plans given the current demand for the MNCHN Core
Package of Services.
There is a need to verify services that can be delivered by the service delivery network since these
services will also require a certain level of competency by providers. Follow these steps in
verifying capacity to deliver other services in the MNCHN package:
1. Check which of the health providers identified as part of the service delivery network can
perform the following services:
IUD insertion and removal
No-scalpel vasectomy
Bilateral tubal ligation
Management of complications due to defective insertion of IUD or abortion
2. If any of the services above cannot be provided, consider the following options:
Improve capacity of providers in the service delivery network
Collaborate with providers in another LGU that is accessible to the priority
population group
Negotiate with a private provider such as a physician, non-government
organization that can provide any of these services
Annex K is a short discussion on contracting private providers to render services for MNCHN.
6. Strengthen the MNCHN Service Delivery
After the SDN has been designated, there is need to assess gaps and strengths in the utilization of
services by clients, in the delivery of services by providers as well as in the availability of health
systems instruments to sustain delivery of services. This will be the basis of interventions to
improve services for priority population groups.
LGUs can use this chapter to review their progress towards improving delivery of services.
1. Assess gaps
Gaps in clients’ utilization of services are factors that prevent priority population groups from
accessing the core package of MNCHN services. The following factors shall be assessed:
Time - refers to lack of time of clients including their companions to avail of existing
services (e.g., spare time of clients do not match operating hours of facilities)
Distance - refers to conditions where distance and/or rugged terrain or topography that
make it difficult for families to access care.
Capacity to Pay - refers to ability to pay for user fees, including the cost of transportation
and costs of other related goods and services (e.g., WRA unable to pay for transportation).
Peace and Order – refers to aggression, ethnic and other types of conflicts that hinder the
women and families to access a quality health care.
Use Table 6 in assessing clients’ utilization of services. Assess utilization of services for each
priority population group.
Table 6: Assessment of Clients’ Utilization of Services
Population Group
Barangay: Remarks
1. Is there a process to assess health needs of population Yes
groups? No
2. Are members of the population groups assisted in Yes
preparing health plans that are most appropriate for their No
health needs?
3. Are population groups informed as to where to avail of Yes
services whether from private or public health providers? No
4. Is there a system that would provide population groups Yes
information on good health practices? No
5. Can clients send their feedback about the type and quality Yes
of service that they receive from providers? No
Cultural Preferences
6. Are there any cultural/ethnic group beliefs that prevent the Yes
priority population from seeking care for health No
7. Can clients avail of services at a time that is most Yes
convenient for them? No
8. Is the distance or terrain from place of residence of Yes
priority population to the nearest health facility a barrier to No
seeking care?
Capacity to Pay
9. Are members of the population groups able to pay for the Yes
cost of outpatient services from the BHS/RHU/ Hospital? No
10. Are members of the population groups able to pay for the Yes
cost of inpatient services from BEmONC or No
CEmONC-capable facilities?
11. Are members of the priority population capable of paying Yes
for other expenses related to seeking care such as No
transportation cost, food during confinement and the like?
Peace and Order
12. Are there any plan of action to protect from coercion/conflict Yes
and assist the families to access quality health care from the No
professional health personnel in the facility?
Determine interventions that are most appropriate to improve utilization of services. The MNCHN
Team should note practices or systems that already exist to ensure that clients utilize services.
Assess how these practices can be improved. It is necessary to note these practices to ensure that
funding for these activities by the LGUs, either by municipality or by the province, are continued
and sustained.
Community Health Teams (CHTs) are instrumental in assisting priority population groups in
assessing health risk and needs, preparing health plans such as reproductive health plan, birth
plan, well-baby or sick-baby plan, providing information on available services including the cost
of these services and information on available support from the community like transportation and
communications systems.
While the Indigenous People’s Republic Act clearly state that Indigenous community have the
right to practice and revitalize their own cultural traditions and custom (Chap. VI, sec. 31 of IPRA
8371), CHTs should intensified the information and education activities at the community level on
the opportunities and benefits on accessing quality health care from the Professional Health
Personnel within the appropriate standard of health service delivery towards saving their lives.
Community leader or elders should be involved from planning phase of IEC activities to
implementation to ensure that cultural integrity is well protected.
The CHT could also facilitate the conduct of regular outreach services for remote areas and
organize the emergency transportation and communication systems in a community.
On intervention for time of the client to access quality health care from the health service
providers, the CHT can assist the concerned family on formulating and finalize the Emergency
and Birth Plan (page 13 of Family Health Diary) where a line is clearly indicated on “person to
care to look after the other children while the mother is in the health facility”. This will also serve
for other concerns of the clients such as livestock, farm and others.
Moreover, the Emergency and Birth Plan also outlined the preparation for mode of payment of the
expectant mother. If the mother is identified as indigent but not enrolled to PhilHealth, the family
concern shall be indorsed to the Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office (MSWDO) for
possible inclusion to the PhilHealth Sponsorship Program. Other possibilities on financing
preparation of the clients are daily savings, community-based cost sharing through PESO for
Health, and other mechanism that identified by the local level.
CHTs are part of the MNCHN Service Delivery Network and the process of organizing, improving
capacity and delivering services is discussed in succeeding sections of the manual.
The availability of transportation and communications system to support the functionality of the
MNCHN SDN especially in remote areas is critical considering the terrain and distance to
facilities. The following is a set of suggested procedures that communities can follow to provide
transportation and communication services for priority population groups.
1. Difficulty in reaching health facilities can be identified using the form to assess the
utilization of services by clients. Solutions to the problem shall be discussed by the CHT
together with community leaders or barangay officials who have the capacity to mobilize
resources in the area.
h) tricycles with platform
i) Any other publicly operated vehicles.
2.2 Communication:
a) Mobile phone/Cellphone
b) 2-way radio; and
c) Other mode of communication identified by the locality.
3. Map out the availability of the different transportation and communication systems for the
From households to the primary level of care such as BHS, RHU, outpatient clinics
From BEmONC capable facility to CEmONC capable facility
4. Negotiate with owners of vehicles for the use of the vehicle by members of the
community especially during emergencies, and other arrangements that need to be made to
ensure safety during travel.
services and facilitated availment of services with the help of volunteer health navigators. The
use of health navigators was adopted from the experience in developed countries like the US
(i.e. cancer and HIV treatment navigators) and UK (care navigators) in helping patients
choose treatment options, providers and financing sources as well as promote compliance to
treatment. A total of 441 volunteer health navigators (mostly BHWs) were recruited, trained
and deployed to groups of families. Navigators also assisted in organizing MNCHN focused
outreach activities as well as in linking families with an emergency transport and
communication system that utilized existing community resources (e.g. available ambulances,
private and public vehicles, mobile phones).
Results from the FHB Operations Research showed that the combination of the book
(information) and navigator-assisted-health use planning by mothers and families increased
utilization of critical MNCHN services. Modern FP use increased by 23 percentage points. The
timing of prenatal care visits by the first trimester improved by five percent while the likelihood of
completing 4 prenatal visits increased by 11 percentage points. Moreover, full immunization of
children increased by 10 percentage points. More importantly, deliveries with skilled attendance
and facility based births increased by 25 percentage points. Modern FP use also improved by an
additional 10 percentage points from those that availed of MNCHN outreach services.
5. Determine how the community or barangay can provide resources to support the
transportation and communication systems. Some possible sources are as follows:
Provincial and/or Municipal IRA
Barangay IRA – the barangay council can allocate funds for transportation cost
health emergencies
Companies with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Programs – some
telecommunications companies offer this assistance to remote communities
Contributions from the community through a local financing system
Outreach Services
Outreach services should be regular and targeted towards hard-to-reach communities. Since these
areas are not frequently visited by health providers and health facilities are not available,
outreach activities can bring the needed services closer to priority population groups, ensuring
their accessibility to health services and adherence of the families to their health use plans. The
following steps may be followed in conducting outreach services:
1. Organize a team that will plan, prepare, conduct and monitor outreach activities: a) the
planning team to be headed by the MHO, with MLGU budget officer, procurement officer,
PHO representative and the concerned barangay captains; b) the medical team composed
of the PHO, MHO and health workers of participating NGOs; c) the support team
composed of the CHT and barangay officials/volunteers, and NGOs; and d) the
monitoring team from PHO.
3. Provide services based on health needs identified in the health plans of families. Health
plans should be consolidated and request for appropriate services will be relayed to the
municipal health office by the midwife in- charge of the barangay assisted by the CHT.
Services may include prenatal/neonatal care (tetanus immunization, iron-folate
supplementation, hypertension screening, etc.), child care services (immunization, nutrition
counselling) and reproductive health services (counselling and provision of FP
commodities). Birth registration and PhilHealth orientation can also be provided.
4. The Municipal Health Officer (who heads the planning and medical team) will schedule,
identify the venue and the participants, and prepare the logistical requirements for the
outreach. Depending on the availability of budget, the MHO could procure and/or request
the assistance of other agencies (Provincial Health Office/Department of Health/ other
GO’s and NGO’s) to ensure that services and commodities will be available during the
5. The support team headed by the barangay captain prepares the venue and conducts
promotional activities to ensure that families will attend and avail of the health services
offered during the outreach.
6. On the day of the outreach, the medical team with the assistance of the support team
shall provide the different health services. A suggested patient flow shall be followed to
ensure that services will be provided adequately and in an orderly manner. Aside from the
core MNCHN services and ancillary services, information support to families can also be
provided (e.g. updating of health plans, health education, and referrals to appropriate
providers). Patient and provider feedbacks should be gathered to improve subsequent
outreach activities.
The capacity to provide services by each health provider in the network shall be assessed by
looking at:
a) Adequacy and capacity of health personnel;
b) Appropriateness of equipment and infrastructure; and
c) Adequacy of logistics and supplies.
Appropriate interventions based on these gaps can be implemented by the province and its
component municipalities and cities or by independent cities.
A critical component of the MNCHN Service Delivery Network is the Community Health Teams
(CHTs). The LGU should therefore ensure that each priority population group has access to a CHT
that provide women, mothers and children the right information on health including where and
when they could avail of services and how much are they supposed to pay for services that they
receive; provide basic services in nutrition, family planning, prenatal care and follow-up care;
facilitate access to services through outreach services; ensure availability of emergency
transportation and communication systems; guide and assist families in preparing birth plans and
other health plans such as well-baby and sick-baby plans, limiting or spacing children and the
like; and tracking and active master listing of women, mothers and children in the community.
Functions of the CHT
1. Assess health needs of families especially women, mothers and children and assist
mothers fill-up health plans to respond to families’ health needs. These health plans include
the following: reproductive health plan, birth plan, well- baby and sick-child plans.
Annex D is a set of instructions on how to conduct a health risk assessment using the
health risk assessment tool. Annex E contains samples of health plans and instructions on
how to assist mothers and families in preparing or developing their health plans. Annex F
is a tool that CHTs could use to monitor adherence to the different health plans and
follow-up families as needed.
2. Actively master list women of reproductive age especially those with unmet need for
family planning, women who are pregnant or post-partum, and children 0 to 11 months old
and those 6 to 59 months old.
3. Inform families and other community members of available services and the
corresponding fees of the different health providers in the area.
4. Inform families of the need to know their registration status with PhilHealth and the
benefits of being covered by the National Health Insurance Program.
5. Advocate for prenatal care, facility-based deliveries, post-partum and newborn care as well
as provide health information such as self-care to address common health problems during
6. Guide women in choosing the appropriate providers of the MNCHN Core Package of
7. Reports maternal and neonatal deaths to RHU and participate in maternal death reviews if
8. Track and follow-up clients such as those that were already given initial service. For
example, FP users who need replenishment and follow-up check- up must be encouraged
to consult the facility. Pregnant women who have had their initial consults should be
followed up at home to ensure that they follow advice given by the health staff and to
continue seeking consults up to their third trimester of pregnancy. Children that need
follow up immunization services should also be reminded to go back to the health
facility. Post- partum women must also be followed up to avail of services and have
follow- up check-up after delivering their babies. In some areas, follow-up and tracking is
systematically done by the BHWs or other volunteer workers. In other areas, notes
reminding them of their follow-up visits are sent by health staff to other community
10. Facilitate access of families to transportation and communication systems especially during
11. Serve as link between families, communities and local authorities and providers of
MNCHN health services.
Assess Gaps
The following service ratios shall be followed in assessing adequacy of health volunteers,
midwives and RHU in the community:
2. Using Annex G, assess competency of health personnel and other members of the CHT
5. Using Table 7 worksheet below, fill up the gaps that were identified in terms of adequacy
of staff, competencies not met, equipment needed, infrastructure that need to be improved
or developed, equipment for repair and for procurement, needed logistics and supplies
under Column 1.
6. If there are several CHTs in the municipality, the municipality/city or province may
consolidate and cluster similar gaps identified.
7. Assess the sustaining functionality of the CHTs due to lack of incentives and disincentives.
Considering the community-based health workers are volunteer-in-nature, a mechanism on
taking their motivation to continue their work is robust support from the local government
units, local health managers and the community. Example incentives for CHTs:
a. Monetary
Honorarium from the Provincial Government Unit, Municipal Government
Unit and Barangay;
Share from user’s fee; and
Share from PhilHealth-capitation fund and MCP reimbursement.
b. Free access of medical care from the government-owned health facilities;
c. Attendance to training, seminars and workshops specifically designed for the CHT
Table 7: Service Delivery Gaps and Proposed Interventions for CHT
Proposed Resource Requirements
Intervention e.g. Description
training, Time of Needed Unit
Gaps renovation, Quantity Cost
Frame Resources Cost
procurement of
Training needed
Equipment and
Logistics and
Based on the above assessment, identify key interventions that need to be done in order to
establish the community-level MNCHN service delivery network. The following measures are
Expand the base of BHWs or other similar community volunteer workers to provide
promotive and preventive MNCHN services at the household level
Recruit and deploy or reassign health staff (e.g. midwife) to adequately cover the priority
population groups
Increase capacity to render services. The DOH has developed several training packages,
manual and guidebooks that can assist CHTs in performing their duties such as the Family
Health Diary, CHT Manual, Caring for Mothers and Newborn. Training on Family
Planning such as Family Planning Competency-Based Training Level 1 and Level 2, NSV
and BTL can also be availed from accredited DOH training facilities. Training is also
available concerning the navigation functions of the CHTs.
Undertake regular outreach activities to meet the MNCHN needs of those in isolated/hard
to reach areas
Expand the coordination of MNCHN service provision with the private health care
Establish and strengthen linkage with other health care facilities for the provision of
MNCHN core package of services. The process for referral to other facilities in the service
delivery network and back should be clearly mapped out. A two-way referral system is
needed to ensure continuity of service and follow-up of clients in the community.
o Next, determine the target time frame for the start and completion of proposed
interventions in Column 3 of Table 7 above.
o Identify resources needed for proposed interventions (Column 4), including the
number of resource needed (Column 5), unit cost (Column 6) and total financial
requirements (Column 7).
The highest level of care in the MNCHN core package of services should be available to priority
population groups and the public in general. Follow these steps to assess gaps and propose
interventions in the delivery of CEmONC services.
Assess Gaps
Itinerant team composed of 1 doctor (surgeon), 2 nurses (or 1 nurse &1 midwife)
2. Using Annex G, assess competency of health personnel of the CEmONC
5. Using the Table 8, fill up the gaps that were identified in terms of adequacy of staff,
competencies not met, equipment needed, infrastructure that need to be improved or
developed, needed logistics and supplies under Column 1.
Table 8: Service Delivery Gaps, Proposed Interventions for CEmONC-capable facility or network
of facilities
Gaps Proposed Resource Requirements
Intervention e.g.
training, Time Description
renovation, Frame of Needed Quantity Cost
procurement of Resources
Training needed
Equipment and
Logistics and
2. Next, determine the target time frame for the start and completion of proposed
interventions in Column 3 of Table 8 above.
3. Identify resources needed for proposed interventions (Column 4), including the number of
resource needed (Column 5), unit cost (Column 6) and total financial requirements
(Column 7).
4. Consult and negotiate the terms of use of the CEmONC facility with the head of the
designated CEmONC hospital and agree on the following:
Propose an arrangement for service use to govern the terms of accessing the
CEmONC services. This may include the definition of a special
service package for the target population, provision for subsidized or discounted
user fees, compliance to minimum quality of care levels, referral arrangements and
in the social marketing and promotion of the facility as the designated CEmONC;
Negotiate the terms of service use with the head of the CEmONC facility, and
formalize these agreements and arrangements through an Executive order (if owned
by LGU within the province) or a Memorandum of Agreement (if private or owned
by adjacent LGU);
Use these agreements and arrangements as basis for estimating investments and in
the allocation of resources. Compliance to the terms of service use will form part of
these formal agreements as basis for mobilizing resources by the province and
component LGUs or independent cities in support of the CEmONC.
Assess Gaps
A typical BEmONC-capable facility and birthing Center has the following human resource
3 BEmONC teams per hospital (1 team per 8 hour shift) composed of 1 doctor, 1
nurse, 1 midwife, 1 medical technologist on call
BHS /birthing center should at least have 1 midwife or nurse with a physician on
2. Using Annex G, assess competency of health personnel of the BEmONC and Birthing
3. Using Annex H, assess suitability of equipment and infrastructure for BEmONC and
Birthing Center.
5. Using the Table 9, fill up the gaps that were identified in terms of adequacy of staff,
competencies not met, equipment needed, infrastructure that need to be improved or
developed, needed logistics and supplies under Column 1.
Table 9: Service Delivery Gaps, Proposed Interventions for BEmONC-capable network of facilities and providers
Training needed
Equipment and
Logistics and
1. After assessing gaps in terms of adequacy and capacity of personnel, functional equipment
and infrastructure, and adequacy of logistics and supplies, identify appropriate
interventions to address these gaps and fill up Column 2 of Table 9 above.
The Department of Health has developed and made available training packages to improve
capacity of designated BEmONCs such as training of midwives in the active management
of the third stage of labor and essential newborn care. The DOH also provides BEmONC
Training for a team composed of physicians, nurses and midwives. To avail of these
training packages and materials, the LGU is advised to contact the CHD.
2. Next, determine the target time frame for the start and completion of proposed
interventions in Column 3 of Table 9 above.
3. Identify resources needed for proposed interventions (Column 4), including the number
of resource needed (Column 5), unit cost (Column 6) and total financial requirements
(Column 7).
4. Consult and negotiate the terms of use of the designated BEmONC with the head of the
facility and agree on the following:
Propose an arrangement for service use to govern the terms of accessing the
BEmONC services. This may include the definition of a special service package
for the target population, provision for subsidized or discounted user fees,
compliance to minimum quality of care levels, referral arrangements and in the
social marketing and promotion of the facility as the designated BEmONC;
Negotiate the terms of service use with the head of the BEmONC facility, and
formalize these agreements and arrangements through an Executive order (if
owned by LGU within the province) or a Memorandum of Agreement (if private
or owned by adjacent LGU);
Use these agreements and arrangements as basis for estimating investments and in
the allocation of resources. Compliance to the terms of service use will form part
of these formal agreements as basis for mobilizing resources by the province and
component LGUs or independent cities in support of the BEmONC.
Table 10 shows a summary of areas that should be negotiated for the service delivery network
by provinces and its component LGUs and independent cities.
Table 10: Areas for Negotiations for the Service Delivery Network
Negotiation Terms Negotiation Outputs
Service Scope and coverage of Estimated number and location of the assigned priority
delivery priority population population
Service package Facility-specific service package consistent with
core MNCHN package for BEmONCs
Projected service loads and proportion of target population
to general population in patient census
Mechanisms of access Operating hours, transportation and communication
arrangements for routine and emergency referrals, basic
documents to bring on consult and admission,
designation of action officer/helpdesk in facility
Subsidy Annual budget allocations from LGU, share from donated
commodities, mode and timing of releases
7. Improve Local Health System
The MNCHN Strategy should be supported by health system instruments to sustain its
implementation. These instruments may fall under governance and regulatory measures which
should be put in place by the province and all its component municipalities and cities.
The following instruments or mechanisms should be present in the local health systems to support
and sustain the provision of MNCHN core package of services.
4. Accreditation of hospitals and facilities such as RHUs, BHS, lying in clinics or birthing
centers or other outpatient clinics and health providers by the PhilHealth;
5. Certification of health facilities (hospitals, RHUs and Lying-in clinics) for BEmONC by
the Center of Health Development
6. Licensing of Birthing Facilities (Barangay Health Stations and Private Birthing Clinics) by
the Center of Health Development;
8. Public-Private partnership exists when a collaboration between the public health facility
and the private sector which may include service delivery, monitoring and evaluation,
health promotion, technical support and the like
10. Emergency transport and communication systems especially for priority populations
11. Plan which will indicate vision, target priority population and medium-term performance
indicators for the MNCHN Strategy
After assessing the presence of local health systems instruments, determine the mechanisms that
need to be enhanced or improved to sustain delivery of MNCHN services. Health systems
instruments can be classified into governance, regulations and financing.
Broadly defined, health governance concerns the actions and measures adopted by the government,
health providers and the community to organize itself in the promotion and the protection of the
health of its population. For the implementation of the MNCHN Strategy, in particular, or health,
in general, governance is translated to having a:
a) vision of what the LGU wants to achieve such as reducing maternal death;
b) involvement of all stakeholders in the locality and coordination mechanism to synchronize
their actions;
c) monitoring system to assess progress;
d) health information system to gather necessary data;
e) system that would continuously improve capacity of health human resource;
f) functional procurement and logistics management system to ensure availability of supplies in
health facilities;
g) health promotion and BCC to increase demand, improve feedback and sustain support for
h) support for the MNCHN strategy as shown by commitments to use local funds interventions
for services such as contracting or hiring personnel, enrolling members to NHIP, upgrading
facilities for accreditation and procurement of logistics, drugs and supplies.
1. MNCHN Plans
LGU shall develop the MNCHN Plan within the Inter-local Health Zone Plan,
Provincial-wide Investment Plan for Health Plan (PIPH) and their corresponding Annual
Operational Plan (AOP). The MNCHN Plan should be incorporated into the PIPH which is
the medium plan for health of the LGU. The MNCHN Plan should clearly identify its goals
of reducing maternal and neonatal deaths, interventions to achieve this goals, indicators of
performance to let LGUs appreciate their progress and financial requirements to sustain
operations and generate resources for new investments.
The plan should at least ensure the development and implementation of the MNCHN
Service Delivery Network particularly CHTs as well as its support services such as safe
blood supply, transportation and communication services, and demand generation
2. Coordination mechanism
The MNCHN Strategy cannot be implemented by a single entity alone. Its implementation
requires the participation of all component LGUs in the locality, health providers,
community members as well as civil society groups. Coordination mechanism across
LGUs and other stakeholders should be defined to harmonize and maximize available
resources. There are two levels of coordination for MNCHN Strategy; one is among local
chief executives and health managers and second is among health providers.
The coordination mechanism among local chief executives, health managers and
representatives of health providers should be the venue share resources, decide on
issues for the province and all component LGUs, define responsibilities of LGUs
for the implementation of the MNCHN Strategy, and define protocols for referrals,
among others. Below is a list of concerns that can be tackled:
3. Capacity Building Program for Health Providers
LGUs shall conduct a regular assessment of the capacity of MNCHN providers such as
adequacy of staff with appropriate training such as BEmONC, upgrading health facilities to
provide a safe environment for service delivery and care, procurement of equipment and
logistics and supplies like delivery kits, drugs and medicines, FP commodities, vaccines,
etc., and adoption of standards and protocols in service delivery. The checklist of standards
for human health resource, equipment and infrastructure, basic supplies, drugs, and FP
commodities in the previous chapter can be used by the LGU to regularly check capacity
of health providers.
c. Distribute drugs, commodities and supplies to all LGUs following standards in cold
chain maintenance, and the like;
The DOH has been providing and can provide drugs, commodities and other supplies to
the LGUs. It is therefore important to coordinate with DOH on the availability of stocks
and provide feedback on the distribution of goods to clients to allow DOH to plan its
support to LGUs.
Annex J is a guide for stock and inventory management that municipalities could use to
manage logistics and supplies. The DOH has issued guidelines on reporting and recording
of FP commodity stock at the provincial level. The “Philippine Clinical Standards
Manual on Family Planning” has included these forms as well as instructions on filling
them up. These reports can be used by the province to determine any commodity support
that municipalities/cities may need.
5. Monitoring System
facilities and communities, reporting mechanisms to local officials and community
(d) conduct review and planning to assess progress yearly or semi-annually; and
(e) prepare and implement revisions in the MNCHN plans depending on current situations
in the locality.
Working with several health providers coming from both the public and private sector
requires the following:
b. Validate information being collected by health providers in the field and put- up or
enhance existing data collection system to ensure that valid and accurate data are
reported by health providers.
c. Develop a unified reporting form and system within the service delivery network.
d. Set-up an entity that would serve as the repository and processing unit of all data
collected from the different providers. Regularly review data being collected and
validate information if necessary. This information can be used in planning
activities yearly or in procurement of goods and supplies.
7. Strengthen Public-Private-Partnership
Strengthen public and private collaboration particularly for MNCHN service delivery,
logistics and equipment sharing, reporting and recording of service coverage or reports on
maternal and neonatal deaths. LGUs shall enter into a MOA with private providers that
are capable of delivering MNCHN services such as BEmONC or CEmONC for hospital
LGUs may have to initially assist private midwife practitioners in their locality to improve
their facilities, increase their capacity to provide services and meet service standards to
qualify as an accredited provider of PhilHealth and as part of the BEmONC network.
LGUs should also develop mechanisms to allow private midwife practitioners to receive
goods such as drugs, supplies and commodities from public sources.
The LGU and private health providers should agree on the following:
Services to be provided
Recording and reporting of cases including frequency of reporting to the LGU
Annex K is a set of instructions that LGUs may use in contracting private practicing
midwives in their locality for the provision of MNCHN core package of services.
Box 7: Public Private Partnership
The IMAP Lying in Clinics in Bohol
In 2007, the contraceptive prevalence rate in Bohol was below the national average at 27
percent. More importantly, 74 percent of births were delivered at home although 85 percent
were attended to by skilled birth attendants. In order to expand access to MNCHN services,
particularly facility based deliveries; the Integrated Midwives Association of the Philippines
(IMAP) in the Province of Bohol established a network of lying in clinics under the IMAP Lying
In Clinic, Inc. (ILC).
The ILC started operating its first lying in clinic in 1997 with just two beds. It has now expanded
into an 8 bed facility, handling 55 deliveries a month and operates on 24 hour basis. In
partnership with the Province of Bohol and its component municipalities with support from the
Private Sector Mobilization for Family Health Project supported by USAID, the ILC now
operates a network of nine lying in clinics strategically-located to serve the 30 municipalities of
Bohol. Eight of these clinics are already accredited for the Maternal Care and Newborn
The ILC Lying In clinics provide services such as family planning, prenatal care and attend to
uncomplicated (normal) deliveries. In the event of maternal or newborn emergencies, midwives
refer cases to their partner physicians for co-management. Patients needing CEMONC level care
are referred usually to the Gov. Celestino Gallares Memorial Hospital, a DOH-retained tertiary
facility. To establish a working relationship with this hospital, IMAP Bohol and the hospital
entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). IMAP has already referred about 695
cases to the Gallares Hospital since 2006.
To market their services, midwives conduct regular visits to partner companies for free seminars
on FP and MCH, FP counseling, and pre-natal check-ups. This was pioneered by the Calceta
branch of the ILC that has provided reproductive health services to the employees of the Bohol
Quality Corporation and the Alturas Group of Companies since 2008. As a result, more than 20
deliveries from 2008-2009 were from employees of these companies.
The ILC also entered into joint ventures with the local governments in Bohol. This is the case of
the ILC Lying In clinic in Barangay Tinago Health Station in the Municipality of Dauis, where the
Barangay LGU and the Tinago Multipurpose Cooperative entered into a joint partnership with
ILC to transform a previously non-functional BHS into a PhilHealth accredited birthing home
operating on a 24-hour basis.
In addition, the ILC also provides additional employment opportunities for government midwives,
with the Mayor allowing private practice after office hours in the ILC Lying In clinic in Barangay
Katagbacan in the Municipality of Loon.
The ILC also provides business opportunities to midwives and their families such as the Calape
branch of the ILC Lying In clinic which is owned by an IMAP member who turned the clinic
operation into a family business.
As the lying in clinics are commercial operations, IMAP sustains service provision by charging
minimal user fees and offer package rates for its services. Since the ILC Lying In clinics are also
PhilHealth accredited, those covered do not have to pay out of pocket for delivery services.
To maintain quality, the ILC Lying In clinics institute a quality assurance system for its services
(including conduct of public-private case conferences). The ILC also contributes to health
system strengthening by regularly submitting service statistics to the government health
information system and by actively participating in the development of LGU contraceptive self-
reliance plans as well as the Bohol Province Wide Investment Plan for Health (PIPH).
Source: Private Sector Mobilization for Family Health (PRISM) 2, a USAID-supported project.
The adoption of the MNCHN Strategy in each identified priority province or city requires a
number of executive issuances and/or legislations to facilitate and sustain its implementation. The
following areas are identified as areas that require policy issuance support and/or legislation:
The policy directive will promote and enforce regulations supportive of MNCHN goals
and objectives, such as:
(a) promotion of facility-based deliveries, and prohibition of TBA-assisted deliveries;
(b) promotion and adoption of FP services as part of the package of interventions, which
would result to adoption of the CSR policies and guidelines; and
(c) reiteration of existing laws/legislation to promote MNCHN interventions such as
exclusive breastfeeding, and adherence to Milk Code provisions; immunization of
children, use of fortified foods, micronutrient supplementation and the like.
There is a need for the PHO/CHO to come up with an official issuance (Memorandum,
Executive Order) regarding the establishment of the MNCHN Service Delivery Network
that would cater to the needs of the identified priority population groups. The PHO/CHO
also needs to enter into Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with health facilities and
providers that have been selected and designated as providers of CEmONC and
BEmONC services particularly those that are privately owned or retained hospitals of the
DOH or owned by another LGU.
LCE shall enter into a Memorandum of Agreement with the local League of Barangays and
the LCEs of component LGUs, if applicable, to designate Community Health Teams.
LCEs should likewise issue a Memorandum directing the Local Health Office to conduct
orientation seminars for component LGUs and/or barangays on the steps in establishing
Community Health Teams, their roles and responsibilities and financing CHTs.
Financing measures are critical for the continuous and sustained operations of the network of
MNCHN health care facilities in the LGU. After identifying MNCHN interventions appropriate
to the needs of the target population groups in Chapter 6, the LGU should:
a) Generate resources to fund critical investment requirements; and
b) Develop schemes that would minimize cost of implementation.
This section discusses options that LGUs can consider to generate resources for new investments
as well as operational costs and minimize expenses in the delivery of the core MNCHN package
of services.
LGUs must assess the applicability of the following options in mobilizing additional
Increase in LGU budget allocation
PhilHealth reimbursements
Mobilization of external resources
Cost recovery schemes
Local financing schemes.
a) Local Budget
The LGU can put up funds using local budget of the province and component
municipalities and cities, to fund one-time investment requirements for delivery of
MNCHN services.
Funds can also be pooled through Inter-local Heath Zone through their Common
Health Trust Fund. It will serve as funding source to comply the requirements for
MNCHN Strategy for the health facilities within the member LGUs of the zone such
as purchase of equipment, infrastructure to meet the standard for BEmONC and
DOH Licensing for birthing centers and PhilHealth-MCP accreditation.
b) Special Loans for Health from the MDFO and Development Banks
At least two types of loan facilities are available to LGUs that desire to borrow
money to finance investments for MNCHN. These loans can be obtained from the
The MDFO was created by virtue of Executive Order no. 41 to assist LGUs in
financing development projects (including health infrastructure), help establish
LGUs credit worthiness, and promote fiscal discipline. Interested LGUs can
inquire directly with MDFO through this address:
Podium Level, DOF Bldg., BSP Complex
Roxas Boulevard, Manila
Telephone Nos.: (632) 525-9186 or 523-9936 to 37 or 5259186-87
email address: [email protected] .
Development banks such as the Development Bank of the Philippines and the
Land Bank of the Philippines also provide loans to LGUs that wish to invest in
upgrading their MNCHN capacity. Interested LGUs may get in touch directly
with the local branches of these banks for specific loan instructions and
If the LGU decides to acquire a loan from lending institutions, it may have to
prepare detailed architecture and engineering design, and a feasibility study
indicating projected income and expenses of planned development to allow the
bank to assess the LGUs capacity to repay the loan being acquired. The
DOH-CHD can also assist the LGU in complying with these requirements.
If the loan is approved, the LGU needs to ensure revenue inflow by:
LGUs can access available grants from the Department of Health and
development partners. The following is a description of available external
MNCHN Grants from the Department of Health
Based on the above requirements, the LGU should develop a reliable health
information system which should have been identified as one of the
interventions that have to be undertaken in the implementation of the MNCHN
The DOH will issue guidelines every year to identify requirements for LGUs
to access the MNCHN Grants.
DOH also provides Health Facility Grants for LGUs to upgrade rural health
units, barangay health stations and hospitals to become BEmONC or
CEmONC capable network.
Development partners like the World Bank (WB), European Union (EU), Japan
International Cooperation Agency (JICA), and United Nations (UN) agencies
are assisting several provinces nationwide. These development partners provide
several forms of assistance that LGUs can access to fund or support investment
requirements for MNCHN implementation.
LGUs should:
(1) Determine if the LGU is a recipient of grants from development partners;
(2) Study available grants of development partners for the LGU; and
(3) Comply with conditions set by development partners to access grants.
Access grants from the PCSO by identifying investments that the organization
can fund such as transportation or communication equipment, equipment that
could be used for the prevention of death from complicated cases. As a rule,
the PCSO would fund interventions that can respond to or minimize
catastrophic cases. Prepare a proposal for the PCSO identifying recipients of
the grants, how the grants will be used and its impact to the target population.
2. Generate Resources for Operational Expenses
PhilHealth Reimbursements
The Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) is the national agency
mandated to manage the National Health Insurance Program (NHIP). Through an
insurance system, health providers are reimbursed expenses, up to a certain limit,
for services rendered to a PhilHealth member or beneficiary. LGUs can receive
reimbursements provided that they undergo the following process:
3. Apply for accreditation of health facilities in the catchment areas
LGUs can impose a user fee mechanism as a cost recovery measure to ensure
continuous funding source for recurring expenses. Caution must always be
observed in designing and implementing user fees to ensure that the poor are not
deprived of services if they are unable to pay the cost. Alternative mechanisms
must be ready to fully subsidize the poor.
For LGUs that have not set-up or would want to enhance an existing socialized
user fee mechanism, the following steps may be considered:
i. Conduct a survey in the locality to segment the market according to
income class. LGUs can use the means testing tool of PhilHealth for
market segmentation;
ii. Develop a tool to screen clients at the points of service like RHUs, BHS,
or hospitals. Health facilities can utilize the means testing tool as well
for screening clients;
iii. Establish the fees to be charged to clients. As a rule, indigent clients
should not pay any fees for using available services or be charged a
minimal fee for drugs and medicines.
Drugs and medicines usually constitute a major cost item in most health
interventions. LGUs can consider the following programs to ensure continuous
supply of drugs and medicines within the catchment area of target populations:
i. Establish a Revolving Drug Fund in the LGU. These steps shall be taken
by the LGU:
Identify needed supplies, drugs, medicines and commodities for
delivery of MNCHN services to target populations.
Determine investments needed to fund initial requirements;
Establish price of supplies, drugs, medicines and commodities
taking into consideration the baseline cost, and additional cost of
personnel, operation of pharmacy.
Install an inventory and financial system to monitor stocks,
revenues generated and expenses incurred.
ii. Establish the P100 Program on Essential Drugs. LGUs can access low
cost quality drugs through the P100 program of the DOH. Hospitals of
LGUs with a functioning Therapeutics Committee and are accredited by
PhilHealth can participate in the P100 program.
iii. Establish Pop Shops in the LGU. Coordinate with the CHD-Family
Planning Coordinator regarding the installation of Pop Shops in your LGU.
LGUs can also contact directly the office and sales representatives of DKT
for this purpose.
iv. Assistance from DOH for drugs, commodities, logistics and supplies DOH
provides assistance to LGUs in the form of EPI vaccines, micronutrient
supplements such as Vitamin, iron, folate and zinc, MNCHN emergency
drugs such as antibiotics, steroids and oxytocin or FP commodities, drugs
and supplies. Although these drugs and supplies are transferred to the
LGU regularly, it is good practice to:
(a) determine requirements of the LGU based on needs;
(b) inquire from DOH through the CHD the volume or quantities that
will be transferred;
(c) develop a system to manage logistics such as warehousing and
inventory management, distribution to component LGUs and
service points, reporting of utilization of these drugs, commodities
and supplies; and
(d) establish a reporting and monitoring system linked to the DOH
which will provide the DOH the information for re-supply.
Minimize Cost
LGUs must explore strategies that would minimize cost in provision of services.
Possible options are:
(1) Cost sharing among LGUs in the locality or even with those outside its
(2) Pooled procurement for drugs, commodities and supplies;
(3) Rational drug use; and
(4) Installation of a functional logistics management system.
In 2005, Surigao del Sur* reported around 3 maternal deaths per 1,000 live births. This high
rate of maternal mortality was due to the lack of skilled attendance during delivery with 80% of
mothers delivering at home. More than half of these births were handled by traditional birth
attendants (TBAs). To improve maternal health outcomes, the LGU improved access to skilled
attendance in health facilities by mobilizing resources from its Local Area Health Development
Zones (LAHDZ).
The LAHDZ which are composed of clusters of municipalities facilitated the sharing of funds,
equipment and personnel to upgrade facilities and improve delivery of health services. Through
the LAHDZ, the eight LGU hospitals were able to acquire ambulances, provide incentives to on-
call midwives, train health staff on emergency obstetric and neonatal care and capacitate
women’s health teams working with families and communities. The province also passed
ordinances prohibiting deliveries by TBAs and promoting facility-based deliveries. To finance
health services, the LGUs increased budget allocations to health particularly for premiums to
enroll indigent families to PhilHealth. The hospitals also allowed in kind payments for their
services. In 2008, the province took out a P32M loan from LOGOFIND for the upgrading of
hospitals and birthing facilities and the construction of half-way houses for expectant mothers
and their families who come from far flung areas.
In 2009, the province reported 204% increase in facility-based deliveries. Maternal mortality
was also reduced to 1 per 1,000 live births. By attaining “good health through good
governance”, the Province of Surigao del Sur received the Galing Pook Award for 2010.
8. Monitoring Progress
Part of planning for the implementation of the MNCHN Strategy is defining the monitoring and
reporting process to assess the LGUs’ progress in achieving its target outputs and health indicators.
The following questions shall guide LGUs to define the monitoring and reporting system
for the implementation of the MNCHN Strategy:
LGUs should at least track the following to assess their progress in reducing maternal and neonatal
deaths in the locality:
In the development of the MNCHN Service Delivery Network and development of health
systems instruments, LGUs are asked to develop a plan that would identify
interventions needed for:
(a) Improving capacity of personnel;
(b) Enhancement of infrastructure and equipment of facilities; and
(c) Develop health systems instruments that will sustain provision of MNCHN
Progress should be assessed in terms of accomplishment against target outputs and actual
expenses against projected financial requirements.
8.2. Determine activities that could be done to collect
1. Field Health Service Information System (FHSIS)
All public health facilities collect health data regularly and it is submitted to the Provincial
Health Office (PHO) on a quarterly basis which is consolidated and submitted to the DOH
Center for Health Development (CHD). Information on CPR, ANC, FBD, PPC, early
initiation of breastfeeding and FIC can be provided monthly by all public health facilities.
The Maternal and Newborn Death Review (MNDR) is a process that will identify the
causes of maternal and neonatal deaths. Investigation of the causes of deaths aims to
identify interventions that can be done to prevent or reduce occurrence of a similar
situation. The following processes can be followed in the conduct of MNDR in accordance
to the protocol:
3. Client Feedback
Establish a client feedback mechanism where the opinions and reactions of the
beneficiaries to services provided and on how they were managed and treated by health
providers can be obtained. Client feedbacks could assist LGUs in identifying
improvements in service which could encompass training of health providers, enhancement
of health facilities and the like.
members that availed and did not avail of any health service. The Community
Health Team (CHT) may lead the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) in its own
community or a CHT from another community may conduct the FGD.
4. Progress Review
The LGU should conduct a monthly review to assess progress against target outputs
specified in the MNCHN plan. Since the implementation of the MNCHN Strategy would
need coordination across several LGUs and health providers, the monthly progress review
can regularly inform implementers on what is being done in the LGU. Results or findings
in the progress review will allow managers and implementers to modify their plans,
interventions or processes according to the actual situation of the locality.
Aside from the regular progress review, the LGU should conduct Program Implementation
Review (PIR) where the MNCHN program achievements are comprehensively reviewed
and assessed by the health staff and other stakeholders providing support to the program.
The PIR is usually undertaken on a semi-annual or annual basis, using data routinely
collected and validated with those involved in the implementation and the beneficiaries of
the interventions. Coverage of the PIRs include the MNCHN status based on agreed-upon
set indicators, the extent of service coverage as well as the list of factors that influenced the
program achievements. Results of the PIRs are used by health managers and heads of
health offices in redesigning interventions, and developing plan anew.
The MNCHN Management Team shall lead in tracking the progress of the LGU in implementing
the MNCHN Strategy. The following procedures should be followed by the MNCHN
Management Team:
In some areas, the Mayor leads the team at the municipal level while the Governor for the
provincial level.
Define reporting structure. Updates on progress and decisions taken during MNCHN
Management Team meetings should be submitted to the local chief executives for
appropriate action.
5. The LGU should issue an Executive Order authorizing the MNCHN Management Team to
oversee implementation of the MNCHN Strategy which should contain the following
For an LGU that has an existing or functional Local Health Board or Committee on Health, the
existing group may be assigned to perform the above functions. The LGU may also opt to assign
a team that would do initial assessment and propose plans to Local Health Boards or Health
In 2006, maternal mortality ratio of Capiz was 119/100,000 live births. Alarmed by the high MMR
in the province, the PHO redesigned the Maternal Death Review (MDR) process. Compared to
previous years when MDRs were conducted by health personnel in the RHU where the mother
used to reside, the PHO convened MDRs involving providers from hospitals where the deaths
occurred, and health providers assigned to where the mother lived. The PHO agreed on the
following: (i) public hospitals will notify the PHO at once of any maternal death, (ii) to allow the
PHO to look into their hospital records relative to the deaths, (iii) the PHO will inform the MHO
of the area where the mother lived, and (iv) for the concerned midwives/municipality to undertake
the investigation.
The PHO expanded the reporting of maternal deaths to the private health facilities by inviting
them to participate in one of the maternal death review meetings to learn the process. These
include members of the Capiz Medical Society, the practicing OB-Gyne in the locality and all
chiefs of hospitals from the private sector. That started the comprehensive reporting of maternal
deaths in the whole province, which became an essential process in the regular MDRs
Because of more reports coming from the public and private facilities, MMR increased to
155/100,000 in 2007. This improved reporting system enabled Capiz to come up with several
interventions to address maternal deaths. At present, the Province of Capiz boasts of being able
to present the true status of maternal health in the province. They also take pride in being able to
show that despite the increasing number of maternal deaths after institutionalizing the reporting
system, they became more focused and were able to address the different concerns that have
caused these deaths among mothers. As a result, the LGU is now more confident that the number
of maternal deaths and its subsequent decline in succeeding years provided a more accurate
picture of the maternal death situation in the province.
PART III: Support of
National Agencies
9. Role of National Agencies
There are at least three national agencies that directly provide LGUs support for the
implementation of the Localized MNCHN Strategy, especially in areas with IPs community:
Department of Health
Philippine Health Insurance Corporation; and
National Commission for Indigenous People.
The Department of Health (DOH) shall provide leadership in the implementation of the MNCHN
Strategy by:
(1) Promoting the MNCHN Strategy for nationwide adoption and building coalitions of several
(2) Provision of technical support, logistics and financial assistance to LGUs, and
(3) Monitoring progress of nationwide implementation.
The National Center for Disease Prevention and Control (NCDPC) shall be the overall
coordinator for the implementation of the MNCHN Strategy. It shall:
1. Re-organize its systems and processes to ably support the delivery of an integrated core
package of MNCHN services;
3. Provide policy directions for the implementation of the MNCHN Strategy as well as
develop implementation guides for LGUs and health providers; develop MNCHN service
protocols and standards based on evidence such as active management of the third stage
of labor (AMTSL), essential newborn care (ENC), child health and nutrition,
micronutrient supplementation, family planning service standards, emergency obstetrics
and newborn care; and develop and promote strategies, interventions and approaches such
as Reaching Every Barangay (REB) Strategy, Maternal and Newborn Death Review
5. With inputs from the CHDs, provide logistics and financial assistance to LGUs and
national health facilities. Assistance may be in the form of logistics support such as EPI
vaccines, micronutrient supplements such as Vit. A, iron, folate, and zinc, MNCHN
emergency drugs and supplies such as antibiotics, steroids, oxytocin, FP commodities,
drugs and supplies; financial support through the MNCHN Grants provided for LGUs
implementing the MNCHN Strategy and for upgrading of facilities to become
6. Develop a reporting and monitoring framework and system from points of service to
LGUs to CHDs and to the central office;
The MNCHN Grants Facility is a fund allocated by the DOH to support LGU implementation of
the MNCHN Strategy. Designed as a performance-based grant (PBG), LGUs can access the
grants by showing performance in terms of achieving MNCHN outcome indicators such as CPR,
ANC, FBD and FIC as well as process and operational indicators such as the presence of a
MNCHN plan, coordination mechanism among LGUs and ensuring financial sustainability of the
initiative through PhilHealth enrolment of members and accreditation of facilities. LGUs may
use the grants to develop the service delivery network of providers which can include training of
health personnel, improvement of facilities and repair/maintenance of equipment; partnership
with private providers for services; information, education and communication campaigns to
increase demand and utilization of services by clients, improve services of providers and sustain
support of local legislators and managers; development of a reliable health information system;
installation of a functional logistics management system and the like.
The DOH shall issue grants guidelines yearly that shall describe allocation of each LGU
(province and independent component/highly urbanized city), conditions for access, guide for
LGUs in utilization of grants and reporting and monitoring arrangements.
7. Coordinate with other national centers and bureaus in the central office for the
implementation of the MNCHN Strategy such as:
HHRDB shall develop the strategy and program to retool national and regional DOH personnel in
order to perform functions in the MNCHN Strategy, explore contracting-out of training functions
to qualified training institutions, and design accreditation standards.
9.1.3. National Center for Health Promotion
NCHP shall advocate the availability and delivery of the MNCHN core package of services as
well as design Behavioral Change Communication schemes addressing various groups of
stakeholders such as hospitals, LGUs, service providers and communities, considering both the
supply and demand sides of the MNCHN Services to ensure increased access and utilization of
said services.
The NCHFD shall identify, assess and capacitate BHS, RHUs, lying in clinics, birthing centers
and other facilities as well as hospitals to become community level service providers as well as
BEmONC/CEmONC service providers. It will also enhance the public health functions of
hospitals such as the Mother-Baby Friendly Health Initiative criteria, use of the Mother and Child
Book, promote compliance of hospital staff to public health program protocols and the like.
The NEC shall require accurate, timely and complete data as basis for policy decisions, strategic
actions and prioritization of resources and efforts to enhance the FHSIS as a reliable source for
tracking maternal mortality and other childhood health outcomes and design tools to improve data
analysis skills for regional and local health managers and staff.
The DOH Centers for Health Development serve as the Regional Coordinator of the MNCHN
Strategy. The roles of the CHDs are summarized as follows:
1. Build local coalitions composed of hospital practitioners, civil society, education and
training institutions, local government and the like that would support implementation of
the MNCHN strategy at the local level and reduce maternal and neonatal deaths;
2. Promote the adoption of the MNCHN Strategy to LGUs in the region and establishment of
a province-wide or city-wide health systems in the region;
3. Link hospitals, DOH-retained, public and private hospitals, to LGUs for the provision of
MNCHN services as well as technical expertise to local health providers;
5. Identify and develop local technical assistance providers that would serve as extensions of
CHD services to LGUs;
6. Identify and develop local training institutions to facilitate capacity building of health
providers in the region;
7. Assist LGUs in accessing available financial grants and support of the DOH,
development partners and donors;
8. Assist LGUs in the procurement of FP commodities, drugs and supplies and MNCHN
emergency drugs and commodities; including purchase FP commodities, drugs and
supplies for and in behalf of LGUs as provided for in the MNCHN grants guidelines;
9. Assist and provide certification for identified BEmONC-functional facilities in the locality
as guided in DOH-A.O.#2011-0014 (Guidelines on the Certification of Health Facilities
with basic Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care Capacity) as reflected at Annex O
a. Promotion to apply certification for their BEmONC-functional facilities;
b. Assess the identified BEmONC-functional facilities within the acceptable standard
requirements of DOH;
c. Coordinate with DOH-recognized BEmONC training centers for BEmONC
Post-Training Evaluation;
d. Provide technical assistance to LGUs to meet and comply the standard for
BEmONC Certification in accordance with DOH requirements;
e. Facilitate the approval of LGUs application to BEmONC Certification for their
identified health facilities.
In order to ensure the smooth and effective operation of the MNCHN service delivery network,
the following support shall be provided by PhilHealth:
Facilitate the accreditation of facilities involved in the MNCHN service delivery network;
Assist facilities in improving the management of claims, payments and reimbursement; and
PhilHealth shall advocate for the enrolment of indigents especially target population groups to
the Sponsored Program of the National Health Insurance Program (NHIP). It shall provide the
proper information on enrolment and discuss benefits for LGUs and target population to
ensure “buy in” of Local Chief Executives.
PhilHealth shall assist LGUs to promote enrolment of the informal sector by conducting
activities that will be able reach them where they are. These include orientation in the
workplace/community, posting and distribution of appropriate IEC materials in the
workplace/community, and tapping community volunteers to promote PhilHealth enrolment.
PhilHealth shall develop alternative mechanisms to ensure easier payment scheme
particularly for the informal sector.
PhilHealth shall assist LGUs to involve as many stakeholders to contribute to the pool of
resources to finance the enrolment of poor families. This shall include the province/city down
to the barangay levels and the participation of other government/non-government groups
which may have the capacity and interest to share resources for the payment of premiums.
It will also facilitate the enrolment process by coordinating with and assisting local social
welfare and development offices in the identification of true indigents. It shall also ensure
that the national counterpart for the premium for the Sponsored program can match the
demand for enrolment at the local level. Commitments made by the priority LGUs must be
realized through adequate allocation from the national government.
2. Facilitate the accreditation of facilities involved in the MNCHN service delivery network
PhilHealth shall encourage all health facilities that provide MNCHN services to apply for
accreditation to ensure greater access of services of the target population groups. It shall
conduct orientation on the different PhilHealth benefits for facilities including the quality
assurance program offered by PhilHealth.
To facilitate compliance of facilities for accreditation, PhilHealth shall assist LGUs and
health facilities to assess their compliance to accreditation standards, provide technical advice
on how to comply with deficiencies, assist in the preparation of necessary documents and
expedite review and accreditation approval of critical facilities.
3. Assist facilities in improving the management of claims, payments and reimbursement; and
PhilHealth shall assist beneficiaries in availing covered services from accredited facilities by
providing IEC materials, requiring identified indigent families to submit supporting
documents for dependents and disseminate PhilHealth hotline for client inquiries.
PhilHealth shall adopt a benefit delivery approach that considers the whole cycle of
PhilHealth operations and continuously assess the delivery of benefits to its beneficiaries.
PhilHealth shall develop and implement this approach by ensuring that Filipinos are enrolled,
eligible to claim benefits, avail of services covered in accredited facilities, and whose health
care bills are fully reimbursed, particularly for indigents, mothers and children.
PhilHealth shall mobilize its regional offices to adopt the same approach and diagnose local
variations in PhilHealth benefit delivery, as well as determine approaches to reduce the gaps
by improving enrolment, accreditation, availment and support value.
PhilHealth shall prioritize the improvement of package for MNCHN services (e.g. higher
reimbursement fees for BEmONC/CEmONC services).
9.3. National Commission for Indigenous People
The National Commission for Indigenous People (NCIP) shall serve as liaison between the
Department of Health, Center for Health Development and the indigenous community pertaining
legal matters in the implementation of MNCHN Strategy to ensure the cultural rights, beliefs and
tradition of the indigenous peoples.
Managing the implementation of the MNCHN Strategy can be divided into 4 components, namely:
1) Oversight;
2) Technical supervision and resource mobilization;
3) Technical assistance and resource allocation; and
4) Field implementation.
Oversight functions shall be performed by the DOH EXECOM which shall also be the overall
implementer of the MNCHN strategy.
The technical supervision and resource mobilization functions shall be executed by the
various offices of the DOH with the Office of the Undersecretary for Health Sector Financing
and Policy, Standards Development and Regulation (HSF-PSDR) Clusters taking the lead. The
Office of the Undersecretary shall be supported by the MNCHN Technical Secretariat coming
from the Family Health Office (FHO) of NCDPC.
Technical assistance and resource allocation functions shall be executed by the Health Service
Delivery (HSD) Cluster that will supervise all aspects of technical assistance provision by CHDs
to LGUs and other partners as well as in resource allocation. Also included here are CHDs which
serve as primary technical assistance providers to LGUs and other partners as well as managers
for the MNCHN grants.
Lastly, field implementation is the primary function of LGUs that operate the MNCHN service
delivery networks and link with other partners like the private sector, donor agencies, and civic
A Department Personnel Order will be issued by the Department of Health containing the
management structure, arrangements and roles and responsibilities of various DOH units and
stakeholders in implementing the strategy.
The Technical Secretariat shall take the lead in convening orientation seminars on the MOP for
other DOH units, the CHDs, development partners and national level stakeholders. CHDs in turn
will hold their own orientation seminars on the MOP involving LGUs and other local partners.
The Technical Secretariat will convene technical working groups to draft the supporting manuals
of procedures/guidelines/protocols to facilitate the implementation of the various MNCHN
strategies and interventions.
All provinces are encouraged to develop their own management arrangement in reference to the
above mechanism. It should be clearly reflected in their Provincial and Municipal MNCHN
Executive Orders.
10. Monitoring the Implementation of the
MNCHN Strategy
The DOH shall establish a monitoring and evaluation system to be able to keep track of the
progress and status of the MNCHN Strategy implementation in the country. This monitoring and
evaluation system defines the overall set of indicators that need to be monitored and also specify
those that will be tracked at each level of operations.
To monitor progress in the implementation of MNCHN Strategy by LGUs, the DOH shall
monitor the achievement of health indicators and progress in establishment of the MNCHN
Service Delivery Network.
DOH shall use the following indicators to monitor progress in achieving target health indicators:
At the national level, NCDPC shall determine target health indicators using the latest National
Objectives for Health as basis. Yearly progress of the regions and provinces shall be compared to
the national targets.
At the regional level, CHDs shall use the target health indicators for the country using the latest
National Objectives for Health as basis. Yearly progress of the provinces in the region shall be
compared to the national targets. The CHDs shall consolidate data coming from the provinces and
cities in the region and submit the report to NCDPC within the first month of the following year.
Reduction of maternal mortality and Newborn Mortality are among the goals of the MNCHN
Strategy. The DOH shall track maternal and newborn deaths by having CHDs report occurrence of
deaths in their localities.
The CHDs should ensure that the province and involved providers conduct Maternal and Newborn
Death Reviews (MDR) of all deaths occurring in the region in accordance to the DOH acceptable
protocol. MNDR shall be the venue for providers and managers find local solutions and share
resources for the reduction of maternal mortalities.
The DOH supports LGUs in establishing capable MNCHN service delivery networks. Progress in
the implementation of the MNCHN Strategy shall use the following indicators:
At the provincial level, critical inputs to each of the above components shall be monitored by the
CHD to assess how provinces are progressing in providing the service delivery network for
MNCHN. Table 11 in the following page shall be used by CHD’s Provincial Health Teams.
The PHT shall submit the monitoring tool to the CHD on the first week of the succeeding
At the regional level, the CHD shall monitor the progress of implementation of the MNCHN
Strategy using Table 12. This shall be the basis of the CHD in identifying any technical assistance
requirement by the PHT as well as LGUs in the implementation of the MNCHN Strategy. The
CHD shall submit the monitoring form to NCDPC on the second week of the succeeding
At the national level, NCDPC shall monitor the progress of implementation of the MNCHN
Strategy using Table 13. NCDPC FHO shall consolidate all information from the different CHDs.
A unit shall be responsible in following progress in the development of MNCHN Service Delivery
in the regions. The collected data shall be the basis of NCDPC FHO in identifying technical
support needed by the CHDs in guiding LGUs in the implementation of the MNCHN Strategy. It
shall also be the basis of the NCDPC FHO in identifying support needed from other national
centers and bureaus in the central office of the DOH.
Table 11: MNCHN Monitoring Tool for CHD Provincial Health Team
Instructions: This monitoring tool should assist the Provincial Health Team to monitor progress in the implementation of the MNCHN
Strategy in the province. It will monitor process indicators of the MNCHN Strategy.
Indicate the number of priority populations for each municipality. Add columns as needed to accommodate municipalities in the province.
For each item, please fill-up by indicating the target number for the municipality and province as the denominator and the actual number
as the numerator. Some items though may not be applicable to the province such as priority populations, CHTs.
For the column called “Total”, add all numerators and denominators of all municipalities and cities and province.
For the column called “Percentage”, divide the numerator by the denominator from the column called “Total”.
Table 12: MNCHN Monitoring Tool for CHD
Instructions: This monitoring tool should assist the Center for Health Development to monitor progress in the implementation of
the MNCHN Strategy in the region. It will monitor process indicators of the MNCHN Strategy.
Indicate the number of priority populations for each province or independent or highly urbanized city. Add columns as needed to
accommodate provinces or cities in the region
For each item, please fill-up by indicating the target number for the province and independent or highly urbanized city as the denominator
and the actual number as the numerator.
For the column called “Total”, add all numerators and denominators of all municipalities and cities and province.
For the column called “Percentage”, divide the numerator by the denominator from the column called “Total”.
Table 13: MNCHN Monitoring Tool for DOH-NCDPC
Instructions: This monitoring tool should assist the NCDPC to monitor progress in the implementation of the MNCHN Strategy in the
region. It will monitor process indicators of the MNCHN Strategy.
Indicate the number of priority populations for each province or independent or highly urbanized city. Add columns as needed to
accommodate provinces or cities in the region
For each item, please fill-up by indicating the target number for the province and independent or highly urbanized city as the denominator
and the actual number as the numerator.
For the column called “Total”, add all numerators and denominators of all municipalities and cities and province.
For the column called “Percentage”, divide the numerator by the denominator from the column called “Total”.
Annex A: A.O.#2008-0029 (Implementing Health Reforms for Rapid Reduction
of Maternal and Neonatal Mortality
Annex B: MNCHN Core Package of Services and the Service Delivery Network
Annex C: Data Validation of MNCHN Service Coverage Indicators
Annex D: Assessment of Health Risks and Needs of the Family by CHTs
Annex E: Health Plans
Annex F: Monitoring Adherence to Health Plans
Annex G: Sample on Current Status on MNCHN Provider Competencies
Necessary for Adequate Delivery of MNCHN Core Package of Services
(Selected Municipalities from the Province of Abra, Cordillera Administrative
Annex H: Sample Current Status of selected Target BEmONC-CEmONC
Facilities on Standard Infrastructure Requirements (Province of Abra,
Cordillera Administrative Region)
Annex I: Current status of selected BEmONC-CEmONC Facilities on Logistics
and Supplies Necessary for Adequate Delivery of MNCHN Core Package of
Services (Province of Abra, Cordillera Administrative Region)
Annex J: Stock and Inventory Management System at the Municipal Level
Annex K: Contracting Private Providers
Annex L: Annual Operational Plan Matrix
Annex M: Sample Current Status of MNCHN Service Delivery Network
(Province of Ifugao, Cordillera Administrative Region, October 2012)
Annex N: Child Injury Assessment Policy and Tool (for CHT)
Annex O: DOH-A.O.# 2011-0014 (Guidelines on the Certification of Health
Facilities with basic Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (BEmONC)
Annex P: Micronutrients Supplementation – Highlights from the Manual of
Annex Q: DOH-A.O. 34-A s. 2000 – Adolescent and Youth Policy
Annex A: A.O.#2008-0029 (Implementing Health Reforms for Rapid Reduction of Maternal
and Neonatal Mortality
Annex B: MNCHN Core Package of Services and the Service Delivery Network
Community- BEmONC CEmON
Pre-Pregnancy Level - capable C-
Provider Facility Capable
Maternal Nutrition: Micronutrient supplementation X X
such as Iron/folate tabs
Oral Health X X
FP Services
IEC/Counseling on: X X
(i) Responsible Parenting;
(ii) Informed Choice and Voluntarism;
(iii) Four Pillars on FP;
(iv) All FP Methods;
(v) Fertility Awareness
Provision of FP services
Pills X X
Condom X X
(If RHU has
provider for
BTL (Mini-lap under Local Anesthesia) X
Deworming or antihelminthic intake X X
IEC/Counseling on Healthy Lifestyle: X X
(i) safer sex and prevention of HIV/STIs
(ii) smoking cessation
(iii) healthy diet and nutrition
(iv) physical activity;
(v) Adolescent and youth health services
including peer and professional counseling and
RH education;
Information on health caring and seeking X X
Prevention and Management of Other Diseases as
STI/HIV/AIDS prevention X
Anemia X X
Update master listing of women of reproductive age X
Assessment of health risks X
Assistance in filling up health need plans X
Organize out-reach services X X X
(MDs, (MDs,
midwives, midwives,
nurses as nurses as
part of part of
outreach outreach
or itinerant or
team) itinerant
Community BEmONC CEmONC
Pregnancy - Level - capable - Capable
Provider Facility Facility
Provision of essential Prenatal care services: X X X
Monitoring of height and weight X X X
Taking blood pressure X X X
Maternal Nutrition X X X
Iodine caps X X X
Iron/Folate tabs X X X
Vitamin A for clinically diagnosed with X X X
Deworming: mebendazole or albendazole X X X
Promotion of iodized salt X X X
Early detection and management of danger signs and X X X
complications of pregnancy (e.g. prevention and
management of early bleeding in pregnancy)
TT Immunization X X X
Prenatal administration of steroids in preterm labor X X
IEC/Counseling on FP methods especially LAM X X X
IEC/Counseling on Healthy Lifestyle: X X X
(i) safer sex and HIV/STI prevention
(ii) smoking cessation
(iii) healthy diet and nutrition; and
(iii) physical activity
IEC/Counseling on health caring and seeking behavior X X X
Support Services: X X X
Support from community (e.g. pregnant X
Prenatal registration with Mother-Child Book X X X
Assist client in filling-up birth plan X X X
Home visit and follow-up X X X
Safe blood supply advocacy X X
Transportation and communication support X X X
Diagnostic/Screening Tests
Blood typing X X
Urinalysis X X
Oral Glucose Challenge test (OGCT) X X
Prevention and Management of Other Diseases as
STI/HIV/AIDS prevention X X
Anemia X X X
Clean and Safe Delivery X X
Monitoring progress of labor using X X
Identification of early signs and symptoms Identification Management Management
and management of abnormalities: prolonged of early signs
labor; hypertension, mal-presentation; bleeding; and
preterm labor; and infection symptoms
Controlled delivery of head and active X X
management of third stage of labor
Community BEmONC- CEmONC
Delivery - Level capable - Capable
Provider Facility Facility
Basic Emergency Obstetric and newborn care
Parenteral administration of oxytocin X X
Parenteral administration of loading dose of X X
Parenteral administration of initial dose X X
of antibiotics
Performance of assisted delivery X X
Removal of retained products of conception X X
Manual removal of retained placenta X X
Initial dose parenteral administration of Dexamethasone X
Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric Care
Caesarean section X X
Blood transfusion X X
(for capable hospital
based BEmONC)
Care of the preterm babies and/or low birth weight babies X
Counseling and Provision of BTL services X X
Removal of retained products of conception X X
Community BEmONC- CEmONC
Newborn - Level capable - Capable
Provider Facility Facility
Immediate Newborn Care (the first 90 mins) - (please X X
refer to ENC Clinical practice Pocket Guide)
Dry and provide warmth to the baby
Do skin to skin contact
Do delayed or non-immediate cord clamping
Provide support for initiation of breastfeeding
Provide additional care for small baby or twin
Reposition, suction and ventilate (if after 30
secs of thorough drying, newborn is not
breathing or is gasping)
Maintain non-separation of the newborn for
early initiation of breastfeeding
Essential Newborn Care (from 90 mins to 6 hours)- X X
(please refer to ENC Clinical practice Pocket Guide)
Vitamin K prophylaxis
Inject Hepatitis B and BCG vaccinations at birth
Examine the baby
Check for birth injuries, malformations, or
Properly timed cord clamping and cutting
Provide additional care for a small baby or twin
Care Prior to Discharge (but after the first 90 mins) X X
Support unrestricted, per demand
breastfeeding, day and
Ensure warmth of the baby
Washing and bathing (Hygiene)
Look for danger signs and start resuscitation,
if necessary, keep warm, give first 2 doses of
antibiotics, give oxygen
Look for signs of jaundice and local infection
Provide instructions on discharge
Perform newborn screening (blood spot)
and newborn hearing screening (if
available in the facility or known service
delivery network)
Emergency Newborn Care X X
Ensure adequate oxygen supply
Resuscitation and stabilization
Treatment of neonatal sepsis/infection X X
Intensive newborn care for low birth weight (LBW), X X
preterm, IUGR, babies born with
congenital anomalies, and sick neonates
Kangaroo Care X X
BCG Immunization X X
Early and Exclusive BF to 6 months X X X
Newborn Screening or referral X X
Support Services
Birth Registration X X X
Follow-up visit and care X X X
Annex C: Data Validation of MNCHN Service Coverage Indicators
FHSIS or the Field Health Service Information System (FHSIS) is designed to provide the basic
service data needed to monitor activities of each health program, which includes MNCHN
health coverage indicators. It is the only information system that is implemented down to the
barangay level. It is expected to serve as a powerful instrument with respect to establishing
sound data as bases for the implementation of health sector intervention and responding to
different health sector challenges
However, significant concerns were raised with respect to the full and efficient implementation
of the FHSIS. Devolution has redefined the roles and responsibilities of both the LGU and the
DOH with respect to health service provision and management. New staff assumed positions
without a complete and full knowledge of the FHSIS, including that of the provincial health
staff, MHO, nurse, midwife and barangay health workers. Recording, validation and reporting
of data, therefore, was not exactly synchronized or harmonized among different LGUs,
particularly at the municipal level.
The validity of data is important in planning, monitoring and evaluating program performance.
This tool to validate FHSIS data for MNCHN Service Coverage Indicators such as FP Current
Users, 4 Prenatal Care, Facility Based Deliveries, Skilled Birth Attendants, breastfeeding and
Fully Immunized Children is developed to ensure the quality of data produced and utilized by
health officials at all levels.
1. Are data on current users updated in the Need to update data to reflect most
last month prior to the assessment? recent month’s entries.
Is a comprehensive database with details If not, need to collect and get a copy
(e.g., name, age, address, type of client) of all of all the target client lists (TCLs) of
the target clients available at the Municipal the midwives; then assess whether
RHU? consistent with the reported total data.
2. Is the FHSIS formula below followed with If not, what formula was used? Data
respect to computing the number of current needs to be corrected using the FHSIS
users: formula. The LGU needs to go back
to the oldest data recorded on
current users and do a
recomputation if a different formula
was applied.
Current Users (current month) =
Current Users (as of end of previous month) Or if time will allow and personnel are
+ (plus) New Acceptors: (New user) of the available, an actual recount of existing
Previous Month current users can be made by reviewing all
the TCLs of the midwives or the individual
+ (plus) Other Acceptors (Changed
treatment record (ITR) at the facility. Such
Method, Changed Clinic & Restart) of Current
recounted data can be used as the initial
Month database for which to apply the defined
- (minus) Drop-Outs (Current Month) formula
Yes No IF NO
3. Are users of pill, DMPA, IUD, condom, LAM, and NFP If not, then the client is technically
being dropped out based on the following definition? considered a drop-outs (and should
a. Pill - a client is considered a drop- out from the be deducted from the current users),
method if she: unless a special arrangement with
respect to the next visit was made
a.1. fails to get her re-supply from the last between the midwife and the client
21 white pill up to the last brown pill (if the pills (In some cases, for instance, clients
have a set of brown tablets/iron); or within 7 are provided a 2- month or 3-month
days from the 21 st pill/ last pill (if the pills supply of pills given the distance of
contain only a set of white tablets) the client’s house and difficulty in
a.2. gets supply or transfers to another traveling).
provider or clinic: in this case, the client is listed
under the other acceptor (“changed clinic”) in
the clinic where she transferred and a drop-out in
her former clinic
a.3 decided to stop the use of pills for This may require the nurse and the
any reason midwife to review the
Note: The client should normally take the individual treatment record
1st pill on the very first day of her (ITR) or the target client list
menstruation, expected to occur with that (TCL), or wherever the follow- up
period. visits of client are recorded.
Note: The service provider should undertake a Any client that falls within the
follow-up visit of the client within this period before dropping “drop-out definition list” should be
her from the method considered a drop out and deducted
from the current users list.
b. Injectibles – a client is considered a
drop out if she:
b.1 fails to visit the clinic on the
scheduled date of visit up to the last day of 2
weeks after the scheduled date of visit for
DMPA and up to the last day of 1 week after
scheduled date of visit for NET-EN. The follow
up of DMPA is every 3 months and every 2
months for NET-EN.
b.2. gets supply or transfers to another provider; the
client is listed under the other acceptor
(“changed clinic”) in the clinic where she
transferred and a drop-out in her former clinic
b.3. stops receiving injection for any reason
Note: The service provider should undertake a
follow-up visit during the above period prior to
dropping her out of the method
c. IUD – client is considered a drop-out if:
Yes No IF NO
e. LAM – client is considered a drop- out if
any of the three (3) conditions are not met, as follows:
e.1 Mother has no menstruation or is
amenorrheic within six months. Spotting or bleeding
during the last fifty-six (56) days post-partum is not
considered return of menses.
e.2 Fully/exclusive breastfeeding means
no other liquid or solid except breastmilk is given to
the infant, and intervals should not exceed four
hours during the day and six hours at night
e.3 Baby is less than 6 months old
f. Voluntary Surgical Contraception (for
BTL) – drop out when client reaches age beyond 49 years
or experience others conditions as indicated in (g)
g. Other Conditions - client is
considered a drop-out if she reaches menopause; and other
conditions that the client underwent such as hysterectomy
or bilateral salpingo oophorectomy
For Standard Days Method - A client is considered a drop-out if
she fails to return on the follow up date to identify her own fertile
and infertile periods, has no indication of SDM
use through beads or no knowledge of first day of menstruation or
cycle length, or decides to stop the use of the method. The service
provider should undertake a follow-up visit during the
above period prior to dropping her out.
Yes No IF NO
Current Users
6. Is the MCT or Monthly Consolidation Table If not, a review of computations will have to
being reviewed and validated by at least two RHU be done; and a validation of data vis-a-vis the
staff (nurse and another staff) to ensure accuracy reports (monthly forms – M1) submitted by
of data? Do they conduct cross-checking of the midwife or BHS will have to be
possible double/triple counting of same client conducted to ensure accuracy.
who accessed 2/3 different service delivery
7. Is a computer available at the RHU? If no, another hard copy of the TCL can be
If yes, it would be best for the RHU to have an produced to ensure that data on both ends
electronic copy of all TCLs of (those being held by the nurse and that of the
the midwife to have a consolidated client list that midwife) are consistent and are updated
can be validated and reviewed regularly accordingly before submitting the Quarterly
Report (QF) to the FHSIS coordinator of the
For 4 ANC:
2. Using the assessment guide below, review the entries in the TCL
3. Check and count the listed number of clients provided with at least 4 prenatal visits (1 in
the 1st trimester of pregnancy, 1 in the 2nd trimester, and 2 in the 3rd trimester). Compare
the count from the TCL with entries in ST of each RHM.
4. If discrepancies are noted (Reminder: Only women who have completed the minimum
required 4 prenatal visits, following the schedule above, by the end of the reporting month,
shall be reported.), reconcile the entries in ST with that of the actual number provided the
service as listed in the updated TCL. If the number indicated in ST does not match (ie.
higher than the number in TCL), follow the number based on TCL. Update M1
5. Review entries in the M1 against the MCT for correctness. Update if necessary.
6. Review actual number of accomplishment entered in the MCT and reconcile with that
of the Q1
7. Review computation of eligible population for pregnant women (total population x 3.5%)
entered in the Q1.
8. Review computation of percentage accomplishment entered in Q1
Numerator = is number of pregnant women with 4 or more prenatal visits/care
Denominator = is eligible population (total population x 3.5%)
9. Revise Q1 report based on the results of the data cleaning and submit to PHO/CHD
For Facility Based Deliveries and Skilled Birth Attendants
d. Annual-BHS (A-BHS)
Assessment Guide for FDB and SBA Yes No If No
For a live birth to be counted as facility- based If live birth was not delivered in the health
delivery, place of delivery should be in hospitals facility (coded as HOSPITAL in the TCL),
(which includes health facilities such as hospitals, then deduct the entry from the number of
RHUs and birthing facilities both public and deliveries in health facilities
For a live birth to be counted as attended by a If live birth was not delivered by
skilled health personnel, delivery should DOCTOR, NURSE or MIDWIFE, then
have been attended by any of the following: deduct the entry from the total number of
births attended by skilled health personnel
3. Check and count the number of facility-based deliveries and live births delivered by
skilled health personnel (Reminder: Only those live births delivered in health
facilities and delivered by skilled health personnel by the end of the reporting month.).
Compare the count from the TCL with entries in ST under Natality.
4. If discrepancies are noted, reconcile the entries in ST with that of the actual count
listed in the updated TCL. If the number indicated in ST does not match (ie.
lower/higher than the number in TCL), follow the number based on TCL.
5. Update M1 accordingly.
6. Review A-BHS of each RHM and compare entries in the ST and M1 for correctness,
completeness and/or discrepancies
7. Review entries in the A-BHS of each RHM against the A1-RHU for correctness
8. Using the additional assessment guide below, determine if number of live births reported
in A1-RHU were included in the number of live births reported in LCR
9. Review computation of accomplishment:
10.Revise A1-RHU report based on the results of the data cleaning and submit to PHO/CHD
2. Using the assessment guide below review the entries in the TCL
Assessment Guide for FIC Yes No If No
Is the target client list for Get copies of the individual treatment record
children under 1 year old or masterlist of children under 1 year old if
updated? available and update TCL
Is the target client list Check entries in Column 11 (Date
completely and correctly Immunization Received) of TCL for children
filled-up? under 1 year old.
Assessment Guide for FIC Yes No If No
For a child to be If one or more of these antigens (BCG, DPT1,
counted as fully immunized DPT2, DPT3, Polio1, Polio2, Polio3,
child, the child has received ALL Hepatitis B1 {within 24 hours of birth or
of the following: after 24 hours of birth}, Hepatitis
B2, Hepatitis B3 and Anti- Measles Vaccine)
BCG, DPT1, DPT2, DPT3, Polio1, were not administered to the child (before the
Polio2, Polio3, Hepatitis B1 first birth date), then drop the entry from the
{within 24 hours of birth or count of the total number of FIC
after 24 hours of birth},
Hepatitis B2, Hepatitis B3 and If age of child (at the time he/she received the
Anti-Measles Vaccine last dose of vaccine) falls above 12 months,
then drop the entry from the count of the total
Only children who received the number of fully immunized children
above antigens before the
age of 12 months should
be recorded as FIC
3. Check and count the listed number of infants fully immunized for the month.
Compare the count from the TCL with entries in ST of each RHM.
4. If discrepancies are noted (Reminder: Only infants who have received 1 dose of BCG at
birth or anytime before reaching 12 months, 3 doses each of DPT, OPV and hepatitis B as
long as the 3rd dose is given before the child reaches 12 months old and 1 dose of measles
vaccine before reaching 12 months old should be reported for the reporting month.),
reconcile the number reported in ST with that of the actual number of infants who
received the last dose of the scheduled immunization as listed in the updated TCL. If
the number indicated in ST does not match (i.e. lower/higher than the number in
TCL), follow the number based on TCL. Update M1 accordingly.
5. Review entries in the M1 against the MCT for correctness. Update if necessary.
6. Review actual number of accomplishment entered in the MCT and reconcile with that
of the Q1
9. Revise Q1 report based on the results of the data cleaning and submit to PHO/CHD
For Exclusive Breastfeeding
a. Target Client List (TCL) for children under 1 year old baby
2. Using the assessment guide below review the entries in the TCL
Assessment Guide for Exclusive
Breastfeeding Yes No If No
Is the target client list for children under 1 Get copies of the individual treatment
year old updated? record or masterlist of children under 1 year
old if available and update TCL
Is t h e t a r g e t c l i e n t l i s t c o m p l e t e l y Check entries in column 13 (Child was
a n d correctly filled-up? exclusively breastfed) of TCL for children
under 1 year old, note if a check
is placed under the columns 1st, 2nd, 3rd,
4th, 5th. The check mark indicates that the
infant is exclusively breastfed for that
period/age month) if date of visit was
For an infant to be counted as Exclusively Review the definition of EBF – if entries were
Check entry on the last column
breastfed infants mean that only breastmilk made but not really following definition of
(6 th
and n o o t h e r f o o d ( including w a t e r ) i s EBF, then take out the entry for the total
given. However, drops of vitamins and number of infants exclusively breastfed
prescribed medications given while until 6 months (important to remind the
breastfeeding is still considered exclusive midwives to ask follow up
breastfeeding questions to validate entries in the
Only when the infant reaches 6 months of
age and has been exclusively Check (/ ) marks indicate that “mother was
breastfed from 1st to the 6th seen and asked if child is exclusively
month of age shall he/she be reported breastfed”, if not, then take out the
as exclusively breastfed entry from the total number of infants
exclusively breastfed until 6 months
3. Check and count the listed number of infants exclusively breastfed for the month.
Compare the count from the TCL with entries in ST of each RHM.
4. If discrepancies are noted (Reminder: Only when infants have reached 6 months of age
and are still exclusively breastfed shall they be recorded as exclusively breastfed for 6
months and reported for the reporting month.), reconcile the number reported in ST
with that of the actual number of infants who were exclusively breastfed for 6 months
listed in the updated TCL. If the number indicated in ST does not match (ie.
lower/higher than the number in TCL), follow the number based on TCL. Update
M1 accordingly.
5. Review entries in the M1 against the MCT for correctness. Update if necessary.
6. Review actual number of accomplishment entered in the MCT and reconcile with that
of the Q1
7. Review computation of percentage accomplishment entered in Q1
Denominator = total number of infants 6 months of age seen8. Revise Q1 report based
on the results of the data cleaning and submit to PHO/CHD
2. Using the assessment guide below, review the entries in the GP report
Assessment Guide for Vitamin A
Supplementation Yes No If No
Is the reported number of 6-59 months Check the GP masterlist of the health worker and
old children given GP Vitamin A check if all children listed were given Vitamin
consistent with the list of 6-59 months A; if not, then correct the number of
old children? children given Vit A
Was the projected population based on Show the DOH DC 2009-0129 as reference
2000 census used as the reference document for the use of 2000 census in the
population for the GP report? computation of the 2010 projected population.
Is the computation of target correct? Assist the health personnel in re- computing the
target population.
6-11 months = total population x 1.35%
12-59 months = total population x 10.8%
Is the target group disaggregated by age: Assist in disaggregating GP report by age
6-11 months
12-59 months
Are there barangays which reported less Conduct rapid coverage assessment of a cluster of
than 100% accomplishment? families with children 6-59 months old children in
the barangay and check if there are missed children
For infants 6-11 months old:
4. Revise GP report based on the results of the data cleaning and submit to PHO/CHD
Annex D: Assessment of Health Risks and Needs of the Family by CHTs
Assessment of health risks and identifying needs of families are primary functions of
members of the Community Health Team (CHT). Following are instructions on how to
conduct the health risk assessment and the necessary forms to record responses and assess
needs of families.
1. Explain to the family that you will assist them in determining their health risks and needs
so that they can be properly guided in developing their health plan. Explain to the family
the link between the health risk assessment and the health use plans that will be
developed after the assessment. This is to further involve the family into the
discussion of their health risks, as the family members present what their concepts of
“health risks” are. Explore on their understanding of health risks and how they cope with
risks. Whenever necessary, provide examples that the family can easily relate with. For
example, experiences by neighbors and/or well known cases in the community.
2. After making them at ease with the “risk” concepts, point them to forms that you will help
them with in filling up. Allay their possible apprehensions (if there are any) on the
forms reiterating the benefits of assessing health risks in the family.
3. Two forms will be used here:
The screening and follow-up questions will identify the health risks based
on awareness and health practices of the family. Reminder: Prioritize
immediate health concerns of pregnant mother and/or sick child.
Read each question and record the response of the family in the appropriate
space. Whenever necessary, repeat the question and clarify concepts that are not
readily understood by the family. Please refrain from arguing with the
responses of the family. Let the family give details of their responses while
noting the most appropriate response relative to the forms.
Allow them to tell stories and examples. Story-telling is the best way to
get appropriate responses. Whenever necessary do not interrupt as this may
be taken as rudeness.
Listen carefully on their responses and ask for suggestions. Continue these
post-assessment discussions until the family agrees to the risk profile.
The family’s “thumbs-up” is a necessary ingredient for your healthy
relationship with the family.
The first part of the form identifies the family’s health risks and needs (based on
the assessment), as well as the recommended health use plans that need to be
The second part shows the commitment of the family as they agree to develop and
follow the health use plans.
Household No.
Name of Head of Family: (Last name, First Name)
Name of CHT Member: (Last name, First Name) Date:
Q# Screening Questions YES NO Don’t Follow-up Health Risks Identified Health Messages to Emphasize
Know Questions
(NOTE: If the family profile If NO, If YES, what [ ] with sick infant (<1 Early detection of childhood
shows that there’s an infant in proceed to happened? What year old) who needs illnesses and early referral to a
the family, ask this question) Is Q2 is your baby sick immediate medical health service provider can
your baby sick? of? attention, as follows: help save your child’s life.
- Diarrhea (watery/bloody)
- Dehydration (sunken A sick child needs to be seen
fontanelles, dry lips and immediately by a health
mouth etc.) provider to prevent
- Frequent cough and colds complications and even
- Breathing fast (more than death.
50-60 breaths/minute) NOTE: Prepare a sick child
- Difficulty in feeding (less plan and prioritize
than 5x in 24 hours)_ immediate referral to a
- Pus in the eyes
health provider; Navigator
- Yellowing of the skin
may accompany the parents
- Convulsion
- Foul-smelling discharge to the health provider.
from the cord Give health messages on
- Fever symptoms and simple home
- Body rashes management of sick infants.
Q# Screening Questions YES NO Don’t Follow-up Health Risks Identified Health Messages to Emphasize
Know Questions
2 Is he/she being immunized? If YES, what kind? [ ] with an infant who A child who is not immunized, not
BCG; is not immunized or have breastfed and underweight is prone to
OPV1; irregular immunization diseases which may cause death. Give
OPV2; information on child immunization,
OPV3; exclusive breast feeding and proper
DPT1; nutrition which can be found in the
DPT2; Mother and Baby Book.
HEP- B1;
3 Is he/she being breast fed? For infant <6
months, is he/she
exclusively [ ] with an infant who
breastfed? may not be receiving
__YES ___NO adequate nutrition
4 Was your infant weighed If YES, was your [ ] with an infant
during the last OPT? infant found to be who was found to be
underweight? underweight and may
__YES ___NO require closer monitoring
5 Did your infant receive [ ] with an infant who
Vitamin A supplementation needs
last GP? Vitamin A supplementation
6 Do you bring your infant [ ] with an infant who may Early detection of childhood illnesses and
to a health provider when not be managed/seen early early referral to a health service provider
sick? by the health service provider can help save your newborn’s/child’s life.
when sick
A sick newborn/infant needs to be seen
immediately by a health provider to
prevent complications and even
2 Is he/she being immunized? A child who is not immunized, not
breastfed and underweight is prone to
diseases which may cause death. Give
information on child immunization,
exclusive breast feeding and proper
nutrition which can be found in the
Mother and Baby Book.
Q# Screening Questions YES NO Don’t Follow-up Health Risks Identified Health Messages to Emphasize
Know Questions
[ ] with sick
child/children <5 years old
who may have TB and needs
immediate medical attention,
as follows:
- recurring fever
- wound in the neck that does
not heal
-weight loss
8 Was your child weighed If YES, are any
[ ] with a child
during the last OPT? of your children
who is not regularly
List names: underweight?
[ ] with a child who was
found to be underweight
10 Was your child dewormed last GP? [ ] with a child (1-<5 years old) Parasites such as intestinal
List name & indicate status. who needs regular deworming worms may lead to malnutrition.
11 Do you bring your child/children 1 [ ] with a child who may not be A sick child needs to be seen
to <5 years old to a health provider when managed/seen early by the health by a health provider to
sick? service provider when sick prevent complications and even
death. Give health
messages on symptoms and
simple home management of sick
12 Are you Pregnant? If YES, when was your [ ] is currently pregnant All pregnancies are risky.
last menstrual period? Mothers should be seen and
attended to by SBA from
If NO, proceed to pregnancy to delivery.
Q # 21.
(If Don’t know, Recommended schedule for
refer to provider for prenatal check-up: 1 for 1st
confirmation of trimester; 1 for
pregnancy, proceed to Q 2nd trimester; 2 for 3rd trimester.
# 9)
13 Do you feel sick; or are there times when If yes, what [ ] Is currently experiencing the
you feel sick? are your symptoms? following: Provide health messages on
- Swelling of the legs, hands, and/or face identifying danger signs of
- Severe headache, dizziness, blurring of pregnancy and health
vision professional- assisted deliveries.
- Vaginal bleeding See Mother & Child book for
- Pale Skin the proper care of pregnant
- Vomiting mothers.
- Convulsion
- Difficulty in breathing
- Fever and chills
- Too weak to get out of bed
- Severe abdominal pain
- Foul-smelling/watery vaginal
- Painful urination
- Absence of or decrease in
baby’s movement inside the
_ 3rd trimester?
17 Do you plan to deliver your If NO/DON’T [ ] prefers to be delivered at home Complications may arise anytime
baby in a health facility? KNOW, why? by hilot only during delivery. To ensure safe
( ) No money delivery, mothers should
( ) Safer/more deliver in a health facility and/or
convenient at home should be assisted by an SBA.
( ) far from
health facility (
delivery by hilot
18 Do you plan to breastfeed? IF NO, DON’T [ ] prefers not to breastfeed One way to prevent common
KNOW, why? child illnesses
is through breastfeeding. It
- painful increases your baby’s defense
/uncomfortable against
- formula milk will infection. Breastfeed your
make my baby smarter baby for the first six months
- will destroy my of life,
breasts without water, milk
- others formula, juice, other liquid,
and food.
Colostrum is the
19 Do you plan to have post- If NO/DON’T [ ] most likely will not have Complications may arise during
partum check-up? KNOW, why? post-partum checkup for current pregnancy the post-partum period when
( ) No money ( mother can be put at risk.
) far from Emphasize importance of
health facility having Post-partum check-up.
( ) not a
common practice
20 Do you want your baby to have If NO/DON’T [ ] most likely will not have Full/complete immunization
immunization? KNOW, why? immunization for the baby prevents serious
( ) No money childhood
( ) far from diseases. Have your child
health facility immunized fully
( ) fear of before he reaches one
complications ( year old.
) lack of
( ) religious
22 How many pregnancies did you have? [ ] mother has more than 4 A planned family is a healthy
pregnancies family. Mothers are in greater
risk if: (a) they get pregnant too
young – less than 18 years old;
23 Do you want to have more (b) they get pregnant too old -
children? [ ] family has no definite plan when they are above 35 years
old; (c) the timing of their
24 How old are you? pregnancy is too close – less than
[ ] mother is less than 18 or more 3 years apart; and (d) they have
than 35 years old too many children already
25 How old is your youngest - more than four.
[ ] youngest child is less than (Introduce the different modern
2 years old methods of FP or correct
Q# Screening Questions YES NO Don’t Follow-up Questions Health Risks Identified Health Messages to Emphasize
27 Do you practice If NO, why? [ ] no modern any myths and misconceptions on FP)
"Modern" Family ( ) Afraid of side-effects method of family
Planning? If yes, what ( )costly planning used Correct use of modern FP methods
method did you use in the ( ) far from health can help you space births properly.
last provider
3 months? (Check) ( )don’t know
NATURAL FP ( Cervical where to avail
Mucus; Basal ( ) religious beliefs
Body Temp; ( ) lack of
Symptothermal; awareness
Injectable;_ IUD )
28 Are you using the method If NO, why? [ ] uses family
regularly? ( ) Stopped due side-effects planning method but not
( )costly regularly or has defaulted
( ) far from health
( ) missed the
How to complete the family health risks assessment form
1) Write the name of the family and navigator in this format: Last name, First name (ex.
Santos, Maria).
3) Check for health concerns needing immediate referral to health facilities, and prioritize
these in the assessment.
4) Begin by answering the screening questions on maternal and newborn health in column B.
5) Check the appropriate response (either YES/NO/Don’t Know) in Column C to E or fill in the
7) If mother is not pregnant, skip Questions 1 to 8 and proceed to the section on reproductive
health starting with Question 9.
9) Identify the health risks of the family by ticking the items in Column G.
NOTE:If the response to the screening question fall into a partly shaded area (either in
Column C, D, or E), it means that there is a health risk. Tick the corresponding health
risks in Column G.
10) Explain to the family the consequences for every health risk identified and what should
be done to avoid the identified risks.
11) Use the health messages in the GMP, and the Mother & Child Book, to emphasize key
health information and necessary actions.
b. The couple may go to midwife, nurse or doctor if they want to time and space
pregnancies through family planning;
c. They may choose among FP methods that are modern natural (breastfeeding,
thermometer, cervical mucus, symptom-thermal, standard days); other modern
(contraceptive pills, condom, injectable hormones, IUD); or permanent (bilateral
tubal ligation for women, non-scalpel vasectomy for men).
d. The mother should have at least four (4) pre-natal check-ups during pregnancy;
e. The mother should go to the nearest hospital if she experiences danger signs during
pregnancy (swelling of the legs, hands or face; severe headache, dizziness, blurring
of vision etc.) and after delivery (severe headache, pale skin, fever etc.);
f. During delivery, the mother should be assisted by a midwife, nurse or doctor who
can readily manage possible complications;
g. The parents should bring their neonate to the nearest facility if they notice danger
signs such as difficulty in feeding, convulsion, foul smelling discharge from the cord
h. The parents should prevent their child from getting sick through breastfeeding,
proper hygiene, giving Vitamin A and zinc, vaccine against TB, diphtheria,
whooping cough, tetanus, measles and hepatitis B;
i. If the child has diarrhea, the child should be given plenty of fluids; and the parents
should ask the midwife, nurse or doctor about giving zinc supplements;
j. The child should be brought to the health facility immediately if s/he shows signs
of severe dehydration in diarrhea such as sunken fontanelles, dry lips and mouth etc.;
12) Make sure that the family fully understands their health risks.
Such awareness prompts them to plan for their health and utilize health services.
13) Make sure that this form is accomplished with the family during the initial visit. Write the
date when the form is accomplished.
Part 1:
Health Health Needs Recommendations
Risk / Consequence
[ ] Mother is currently pregnant [ ] Pre-natal check up You need to develop
[ ] Mother and baby are not protected against tetanus [ ] Tetanus toxoid a birth pan
[ ] Home delivery by hilot may result to improper [ ] need to identify skilled
management of complications during and immediately birth attendant / health facility
after childbirth
[ ] may not identify post-partum and newborn [ ] post-partum check-up for
danger signs that will endanger both the life of the current pregnancy
mother and the newborn
[ ] Not breastfeeding the baby due to some [ ] counseling on exclusive
misconception and fears will not give the baby the breastfeeding
protection s/he needs to fight diseases
[ ] Newborn care [ ] immunization for the baby
[ ] not bringing the baby to the health facility for
immunization will make him/her at risk of catching
life threatening diseases
[ ] congenital anomalies that will lead to mental [ ] newborn screening for the
retardation may not be detected and corrected early baby
[ ] proper care for the infant You need to develop
[ ] with an infant who is not immunized or have [ ] immunization for the a well-baby plan
irregular immunization infant
[ ] infant (<6 months old) is not exclusively [ ] Vitamin A supplementation
breastfeed for the infant
[ ] infant is underweight [ ] counseling on nutrition You need to develop
[ ] with a child / children below 5 years old [ ] early and proper treatment a sick child plan (1
of the children sick child plan for
[ ] with a child who is underweight [ ] counseling on nutrition every child who is
and referral to a feeding <5 years old)
[ ] Vitamin A supplementation for the children 1 to [ ] regular deworming for the
<5 years old child (1 to <5 years old)
Part 2
I/We understand the health risks and needs of our family and I/we have decided to develop the following health
use plans”
______________________Well-baby Plan
_______________________Sick-child Plan
________________________Emergency Plan
How to complete the summary assessment form
1) Write the name of the family and navigator in this format: Last name, First name (ex.
Santos, Maria).
3) Try to accomplish this form with the family during the initial visit. However, if the family
needs more time for orientation and health risk assessment, schedule a follow-up visit.
Write the dates of visits.
4) Based on the completed Health Risks Assessment for, tick the appropriate health risks and
needs of the family in Part 1 of the Summary Assessment form.
5) For every risk and need identified, tick the appropriate health use plans in the
recommendation column.
6) Ask the family if they understand their health risks and needs.
If yes, ask if they are willing to develop the recommended health use plans.
If not, determine which part they don’t understand. Re-emphasize key messages
and help family realize the importance of understanding their risks.
7) Once the family had decided which health use plans to develop, formalize the agreement
between you and the family.
8) Tick the appropriate health use plans in Part 2 which the family agrees to develop.
9) You and the family (mother or father or both) need to sign the agreement to show you and
the family’s commitment to one another.
Annex E: Health Plans
Once the health needs are identified by the CHT and agreements made between the CHT and
families, families should be assisted in developing appropriate health plans. Explain the
importance of health plans and discuss each section with the family.
Guide the family in filling out Part I of the health plans. Part ll will have to be done by
health service providers. Members of the CHT should be able to provide families details on
available services and providers in the area including emergency contact numbers.
Following is a set of instructions for the CHT and the forms for each type of health plans.
Explain to the family what a Family Emergency Plan is. It is crucial that you make the
family understand the link between the forms you are asking them to fill up with their goal
to properly plan health emergencies that may happen in the family.
You have to explain the need to identify who will take care of the family members
during emergencies or during consultation periods (Section B). At the same time, emphasize
the importance of listing down persons who can easily be reached in times of emergencies
(Section C).
You have to explain to the family what a Sick Child Plan is. It is important to make the
family understand the link between the forms you are asking them to fill in with their goal
to properly attending to sick children in the family.
Guide the family in filling up the name, name of husband, their ages and your name as
member of the CHT.
The most crucial information that the family needs to understand are the health goals found
in Section B.
Before you ask them to fill up the form, explain the goals listed. You also have to explain
each of the common illnesses/accidents listed in Section C. While sections C,
D, E, F, & G will be filled up by a health provider, it would be good to explain these
information to the family as well. This is your way of keeping the family more aware of
the significance of having a Sick Child Plan.
How to develop the sick child plan
Write the name of child in this format: Last name, First name (ex. Santos, Jose) in Box A
and her/his age in years.
Write the name of mother, father and navigator in this format: Last name, First name (ex.
Santos, Jose) in Box A and her/his age in years.
Check the appropriate health goals identified by the family.
Show the list of illnesses/conditions (in Box C) that needs immediate medical attention.
Instruct the family the need to bring the child to a health provider should the need arises.
Sample filled-out Sick Child Plan
Part 1: To be filled out by the couple with the assistance of the navigator
A Name of the Child (Last name, First Name) Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY)
Soriano, M. Feb. 14, 2007
Name of the Mother (Last name, First Name) Age (in years)
Soriano, G. 23
Name of the Father (Last name, First Name) Age (in years)
Soriano, L. 25
Name of the Navigator (Last name, First Name) GMP Family No.
Soriano, G.
B Health Goals [ x ] to bring child for early treatment of illnesses
needing medical attention
[ ] child to have nutritional assessment
[ ] family to have nutritional counseling
[ ] to receive Vitamin A
supplementation/deworming every 6 months
C Common illnesses/accidents that needs immediate medical attention:
[ ] high fever > 2 days [ ] malnutrition [ ] fall/accidents
[ ] convulsion [ ] severe vomiting [ ] snakebite/animal
[ ] watery diarrhea [ ] nose bleeding [ ] burn
[ ] bloody diarrhea [ ] difficulty in breathing [ ] poisoning
[ ] frequent cough/colds [ ] laceration/deep wounds [ ] presence of parasites
[ ] others
Part II: To be filled by health provider (midwife, nurse or doctor)
Due Date Drug/ Dose Date Given
Albendazole 400 mg, 1 tab,
April 2009 single dose
Albendazole 400 mg, 1 tab,
October 2009 single dose
If dependent - patient is
not listed yet in the MDR, submit
applicable proof of dependency.
For Direct Filing/Reimbursement:
PhilHealth Claim Form 2 (to nearest PhilHealth Office within 60 days after
be filled up by the hospital and discharged from hospital
attending physicians)
Official receipts or hospital and
doctor's waiver
Explain to the family what a Well Baby Plan is. It is important to make the family
understand the links between the forms you are asking them to fill up with their goal to
properly taking care of the health of their babies.
Guide the family in filling up the name, name of husband, their ages and your name as the
navigator. The most crucial information that the family needs to understand are the health
goals stated in Section B.
Before you ask them to fill up, explain the goals listed. Sections C, D & E will be filled up by
the health provider. However, you may still explain to the family the rationale for these
sections and how these will help the family.
Sample filled-out Well Baby Plan
Part I: To be filled out by the couple with the assistance of the navigator
A Name of Child: (Last name, First name) Date of Birth:
Solis, C. (MM/DD/YY)
January 4, 2009
Name of Mother: (Last name, First Age: (in years)
name) 26
Name M. of Father: (Last name, First Age: (in years)
name) 28
Solis, D. of Navigator:(Last name, First
Name GMP Family No.:
Alejo, T.
B Health goals:
[ x ] to receive BCG, 3 doses OPV, 3 doses DPT, 3 doses Hepa B,
measles before reaching the age of 1 year
Due Date Dose Given Actual Date Given Remarks
4. Birth Plan
Explain to the family what a birth plan is. It is important to make the family understand the
link between the forms you are asking them to fill up with the mother’s well-being during
Guide the family in filling out the name, name of husband, their ages and your name as the
In Section A, the most crucial information that the family needs to supply are the names of
their health providers (midwife, nurse or doctor; schedule of consultation and the reason (s)
for referral.
Before you ask them to fill out, explain the purpose of this information. In filling out Section
B, you have to explain all the goals listed.
You have to explain why at least four pre-natal check-ups are needed including the benefits
the mother and the unborn will get if the mother completes at least four pre-natal check-ups.
Explain also the suggested schedule of the check-ups and why this schedules need to be
You have to probe as well on who will perform the delivery and where they intend to
deliver. The role of the father, if present, needs to be emphasized. Ask the mother her
preferences and immediately consult the father. Do not leave the topic until a
commitment/agreement is firmed up on who will deliver and where the delivery will take
To assist the family in their decision, you have to explain the benefits of delivery via skilled
birth attendants (SBAs) which include doctors, nurses and midwives. Explain that the all
pregnancies and deliveries are risky; hence they should be attended by skilled health
attendants and in the health facilities. You may want to explain as well that although their
costs are higher compared with “OTHER MEANS” (we need not mention hilot/TBAs) but
deliveries are a lot safer. You can emphasize the thought that delivery via SBAs and health
facilities is the best protection for the mother and the child.
You have to explain to the family as well what post-partum care, newborn screening and FP
counseling/services mean.
By explaining all of these, more than just asking them to so you could fill up the form, you
educate the family about the value of Birth Plan and make the family learn about proper
maternal care.
Sections C, D & E will be filled up by the health provider. However, you may still explain
to the family the rationale for these sections and how these will help the family.
Part I: To be filled out by the couple with the assistance of the navigator
A Name of Mother: (Last name, First name) Age: (in years)
Rosario, G. 23
Name of Husband: (Last name, First name) Age: (in years)
Rosario, L. 25
Name of Navigator:(Last name, First name) GMP Family No.:
Cruz, D. 123
Referred to Health Provider:Scheduled date of Reason for referral:
(indicate name of Midwife, Nurse consult: [ x ] For Pre-natal
or Doctor) (MM/DD/Y services
Anita R. Y) Feb 20, [ ] for post-partum
2009 care
B Health goals: (pls. check) To have baby delivered by: [ x ]]to
newbornin acare
[ x] to have monthly [ ] physician health facility
pre-natal check up ( at least 4 [ ] nurse
visits); [x ] midwife
[x ] at least 1 visit during
the1st trimester;
[x ] at least 1 visit during the
2nd trimester;
[ x] at least 2 visits in the 3rd
[ x ] to receive post-partum [ x] to have our baby [ ] others, pls. specify:
care receive newborn
[ ] to receive FP Counseling /
Part II: To be filled by health provider (midwife, nurse
or doctor)
C Provider for Prenatal/Post-partum care: Anita Reyes Date of 1st PPC
(MM/DD/YY) Feb 19, 2009
Date of 2nd PPC visit:
Date of 3rd PPC visit:
Date of 4th PPC visit:
[ ] Official receipts or
hospital and doctor's waiver
5. Reproductive Health Plan
Explain to the family what a Reproductive Health Plan is. Help them understand how the
form can serve as an instrument for reaching their RH goal
Guide the family in filling out the name, name of husband, their ages and your name as the
navigator. Copy GMP Family number from the family ID.
In Section A, assist the couple in from among the list of health providers where they can
get FP counseling on the FP methods, the schedule of consultation and the reason for
referral. Refer to Part 3 Section C of this kit.
Explain the goals listed as you fill out Section B. Discuss with the family the importance of
spacing pregnancies.
Part I: To be filled out by the couple with the assistance of the navigator
A Name of Mother: (Last name, First name) Age: (in years)
Gomez, R. 27
Name of Husband: (Last name, First name) Age: (in years)
Gomez, R. 30
Name of Navigator:(Last name, First name) GMP Family No.:
Montes, L. 456
Referred to: (indicate name of Scheduled Date of Consult: Reason for referral:
Midwife, Nurse or Doctor) J. (MM/DD/YY) [ x ] For FP counseling
Martinez February 6, 2009 [ x ] for FP services
B Health goals: (pls. check)
[ x ] to limit
[ x ] to space pregnancy every 3 years the number of our children to
Part II: To be filled by health provider (midwife, nurse or doctor)
Standard Days Ligation
E SCHEDULE OF FP services/ resupply of commodities
accomplished PhilHealth Claim Prior to discharge from
Form 1 (original) Billing section
hospital/ clinic
Clear copy of Member Data
Record (MDR).
Operative record
for surgical procedures performed
Annex F: Monitoring Adherence to Health Plans
Below is a sample of a filled-up Family Call Sheet based on the Health Use Plans of the family.
Name of Head of the Family: (Last name, First Name) Soriano, L.
Name of GMP Navigator: (Last Name, First Name)_ Divina C.
Family Member Problems/ issues
Due Date Date Done
Month who needs Health Needs Identified Action Taken Remarks
services (MM/DD/YY) (MM/DD/YY)
February Grace PPC PPC 1-
3- PPC 4-
(for dates of visit
refer to page 3 of
Mother and
Child Book)
Marie Medical Feb 16, 2009 (date is Feb 16,2009 (date No available Navigator helped the The Brgy captain
check-up reflected on Part B of reflected on Part C the medicines in the RHU family asked helped the family get
:frequent cough the Sick Child Plan) Sick Child and the family cannot assistance from the assistance from the
& colds(this info Plan) afford to buy Brgy Captain MSWDO
is reflected on the prescribed
PartC of the Sick medicines
Child Plan
– the one
being marked)
Name of Head of the Family: (Last name, First Name) Soriano, L.
Name of GMP Navigator: (Last Name, First Name)_ Divina C.
PROBLEMS/ISSUES may include the following but not limited to: REMARKS may include:
Annex G: Sample on Current Status on MNCHN Provider Competencies Necessary for Adequate Delivery of MNCHN Core Package of Services
(Selected Municipalities from the Province of Abra, Cordillera Administrative Region)
This table is a checklist of services that each health provider should deliver for each life stage. Competency of health providers and
equipment/supplies needed to provide each service are included. LGUs shall use this checklist to assess capacities of health providers in the
service delivery network.
A checkmark is placed under a box of a health provider if it is expected to provide that service. Unless specified as otherwise, shaded boxes
mean that the provider is not expected to give the service.
Some equipment may appear repeatedly for each service. It is understood that a facility should at least have the equipment and it is not
necessary to provide these equipment for a particular type of service.
For the CHT, it is understood that it is composed of the midwife and health volunteers as well as the RHU which will provide services at the
community level. An explanation will accompany entries that would refer to RHUs or BHs alone.
Services COMPETENCIES Community Community BEmONC- Community Community Community
Level Provider Level capable Level Level Level
(Manabo Provider (San facilities (Sam Provider Provider Provider
Quintin, Quintin, (Bangued, (Langiden, (Tayum,
Assessment of health needs of Able to assess health needs and
women, mothers and children assist clients in filling up health
FP services: Knowledge on reproductive
1. IEC/Counselling on: health and peer counselling
Informed Choice and
Basic and comprehensive
Voluntarism; Responsible
Knowledge on modern
methods of FP and
Availability of a broad-range of
managing side effects
family planning methods;
Able to encourage and
empower patient to
Services COMPETENCIES Community Community BEmONC- Community Community Community
Level Provider Level capable Level Level Level
(Manabo Provider (San facilities (Sam Provider Provider Provider
Quintin, Quintin, (Bangued, (Langiden, (Tayum,
make an informed decision
Services COMPETENCIES Community Community BEmONC- Community Community Community
Level Level capable Level Level Level
Provider Provider (San facilities (Sam Provider Provider Provider
(Manabo Quintin, Quintin, (Bangued, (Langiden, (Tayum,
Maternal health, nutrition, and Prenatal maternal care
micronutrient supplementation Able to measure height and
weight, and identify malnutrition
or obesity (BMI)
Able to counsel patient on proper
Knowledge on maternal
nutritional needs during the
prenatal period
Familiarity with dosing, timing ,
and benefits of iron/folate,
therapeutic dose of Vitamin A
(i.e. xerophthalmia), and iodine
Tetanus toxoid immunization Knowledge on timing, dose, and
method of vaccine administration
Deworming Healthy lifestyle promotion able to
explain its importance to pregnant
Counseling on healthy lifestyle Able to counsel patients on
· Safer sex and STI/HIV importance of healthy lifestyle for
prevention the pregnant woman
· smoking cessation Able to explain thoroughly the
· healthy diet and nutrition effects of poor nutrition,
· physical activity smoking, and alcohol on the
· alcohol intake development of the fetus
Knowledge on prevention of
Services COMPETENCIES Community Community BEmONC- Community Community Community
Level Level capable Level Level Level
Provider Provider (San facilities (Sam Provider Provider Provider
(Manabo Quintin, Quintin, (Bangued, (Langiden, (Tayum,
Able to counsel patients on
when to consult provider
Counseling on health Knowledge on modern methods
caring and seeking behavior of FP and managing side effects
Counseling on FP Able to discuss with the
especially LAM; birth patient the most appropriate
spacing, contraception, return to method for her
fertility Able to thoroughly discuss the
benefits of LAM
Gender sensitivity
Services COMPETENCIES Community Community BEmONC- Community Community Community
Level Level capable Level Level Level
Provider Provider (San facilities (Sam Provider Provider Provider
(Manabo Quintin, Quintin, (Bangued, (Langiden, (Tayum,
(e.g. pregnant women) Ensure presence of social support for
6. Birth registration/ registration patient
of women in reproductive age Civil registration of maternal
death using the Maternal Death
Reporting form
Organizing outreach activities and x x
community-based blood donation
activities as necessary
Make preparations for obtaining x x x
safe blood supply for patient
Diagnostic/Screening Tests Pap smear and visual inspection x x x x x x
· CBC acetic acid (VIA) wash technique
· Blood typing Knowledge of the essential x
· Urinalysis diagnostic and screening tests
· VDRL or RPR Able to request that the patient
· HBsAg take these tests at the
· OGCT appropriate time (from outside
· Pregnancy Test laboratory if not available in their
· Cervical cancer screening facility)
using VIA or pap smear Interpretation of laboratory results
· Oral health or refer to one able to do so
1. Screening for adequacy of Knowledge on normal progress of
fetal growth pregnancy and signs of maternal and/
2. Assessment of fetal fetal complications
well-being and Able to examine all necessary
prediction of fetal compromise parameters and record and
monitor maternal and fetal
well-being throughout pregnancy
Performance of Leopold’s
maneuvers to estimate fetal growth
and determine adequacy for
gestational age
Services COMPETENCIES Community Community BEmONC- Community Community Community
Level Level capable Level Level Level
Provider Provider (San facilities (Sam Provider Provider Provider
(Manabo Quintin, Quintin, (Bangued, (Langiden, (Tayum,
Knowledge of normal fetal
Can auscultate fetal heart tones
Referral to higher-level
/specialty facility if complicated
3. Prenatal diagnosis of congenital o Knowledge on ideal x X X X
anomalies timing of prenatal
ultrasound to detect congenital
o Able to perform congenital X X
anomaly ultrasound scan and
interpret it
o Able to provide appropriate
prenatal counselling
INTERVENTIONS COMPETENCIES Community Community BEmONC- Community Community Community
Level Level capable Level Level Level
Provider Provider facilities (Sam Provider Provider Provider
(Manabo (San Quintin, Quintin, RHU) (Bangued, (Langiden, (Tayum,
using partograph o knows when to refer based on the
partograph recording
1. Identification of early o Familiarity of signs and X
signs and symptoms symptoms of abnormalities/
and management of complications of labor;
abnormalities o Ability to refer complicated
o preterm labor cases to appropriate provider
o hypertension
o bleeding;
o infection
o malpresentation;
o prolonged labor;
2. Monitoring maternal and Knowledgeable of normal
fetal well-being during labor parameters of fetal well-being
3. Continuous support during Knowledgeable on counseling
labor for both the Patient and companion in
providing continuous support during
4. Induction and augmentation of o Knowledgeable on the indications of x x X x
labor induction and augmentation of labor
o Able to perform caesarean section if
induction/ augmentation fails.
5. Controlled delivery of o Knowledgeable on normal stages of
head and active management of labor
third stage of labor o Skillful in controlled delivery of the
fetal head
6. Delayed cord clamping Clamping and cutting the umbilical
cord and knowledge of benefits
of delayed cord clamping for
1-3 minutes or until cord
pulsation stops
7. Episiotomy and repair Performance of restrictive episiotomies
- Controlled delivery of the head (when indicated) and episiorrhaphies
- Perineal support
INTERVENTIONS COMPETENCIES Community Community BEmONC- Community Community Community
Level Level capable Level Level Level
Provider Provider facilities (Sam Provider Provider Provider
(Manabo (San Quintin, Quintin, RHU) (Bangued, (Langiden, (Tayum,
8. Expectant and active Familiarity with stages of placental
management of third stage of labor separation and performing controlled cord
traction while preventing uterine inversion
and retention of products of conception
Knowledge of methods of bleeding control
and uterine contraction promotion after
placental separation
Use of uterotonics for active x
management of 3rd stage of labor
10. Pain relief o Knowledgeable on methods x
of providing analgesia and possible
adverse effects.
o Able to manage possible complications
Management of abnormalities o Familiarity with identifying x
1. Prolonged labor prolonged labor or dystocia by
interpreting the WHO partograph
o Knowledgeable on indications for
emergency caesarean section
2. Hypertension Familiarity with hypertensive x
· Gestational hypertension, disorders of pregnancy and able to
chronic classify as gestational hypertension,
hypertension, mild preeclampsia chronic hypertension, chronic
hypertension with pre eclampsia, mild pre
eclampsia, severe pre eclampsia and
Familiarity of appropriate medications x
to manage hypertension
Knowledgeable on anti-hypertensive
medications to avoid and able to
counsel patient on medications and diet
Severe pre eclampsia Familiarity with management of x x x x
- Administering corticosteroids preeclampsia: medications to control
in preterm at risk for delivery hypertension, prevention of
convulsions, identification of
end-organ damage, diagnosis and
management of HELLP syndrome
INTERVENTIONS COMPETENCIES Community Community BEmONC- Community Community Community
Level Level capable Level Level Level
Provider Provider facilities (Sam Provider Provider Provider
(Manabo (San Quintin, Quintin, RHU) (Bangued, (Langiden, (Tayum,
o Able to conduct emergent x x x x
delivery if term
o Able to prepare fetus for possible
early delivery
o Knowledgeable on the
management of eclampsia:
o Providing oxygen,
anticonvulsants, control of blood
pressure and emergent delivery
Malpresentation Able to diagnose malpresentation x
- Performance of external Able to emergent breech deliveries and x x x x
cephalic version caesarean sections
Bleeding Diagnosis and differentiation of x x
pathologic causes of bleeding: Placenta
previa and abruption placenta
Able to do blood transfusion x x x
Able to do caesarean section x x x x
Preterm labor Knowledgeable on signs of preterm x
- Dexamethasone if preterm and labor
at risk for delivery Familiarity with the use of tocolytics x x
to control preterm labor (dose and
Familiarity with administration of x x x
steroids to promote fetal lung maturity
Able to manage premature neonates or x x
refer to appropriate provider
Infection Knowledgeable on methods to prevent
perinatal infections; Handwashing
Able to diagnose infection or risk
factors for infection (ex. Premature
rupture of membranes)
Familiarity with appropriate antibiotics
INTERVENTIONS COMPETENCIES Community Community BEmONC- Community Community Community
Level Level capable Level Level Level
Provider Provider facilities (Sam Provider Provider Provider
(Manabo (San Quintin, Quintin, RHU) (Bangued, (Langiden, (Tayum,
to use during pregnancy and
Basic Emergency obstetric care Knowledgeable on dose and timing of x
Parenteral Administration of oxytocin or other uterotonic
oxytocin in the 3rd stage of labor administration
Parenteral administration of Able to administer initial x x x
loading dose of anticonvulsant anticonvulsant dose then refer to
for severe preeclampsia and CEmONC capable facility
eclampsia Ability to observe necessary x
CEmONC capable facility: Able to x x
perform emergent delivery, administer
anticonvulsants, control blood pressure
and diagnose and manage
Parenteral administration of Knowledgeable on indications of x
initial dose of antibiotics as parenteral antibiotics
indicated or as needed Familiarity with appropriate x
antibiotics, contraindicated antibiotics
and dose and timing of antibiotics
Performance of assisted delivery Able to recognize breech deliveries x
during imminent breech delivery Knowledgeable on imminent vaginal
breech delivery
Removal of retained products of o Able to identify retained products
conception of conception
o Able to remove retained products
Medical and Manual removal of o Able to manually remove retained
retained placenta placenta without causing
o Able to perform possible x
procedures necessary to manage
INTERVENTIONS COMPETENCIES Community Community BEmONC- Community Community Community
Level Level capable Level Level Level
Provider Provider facilities (Sam Provider Provider Provider
(Manabo (San Quintin, Quintin, RHU) (Bangued, (Langiden, (Tayum,
Knowledgeable on and with facilities x x x x
for regional analgesia
Knowledgeable on general anaesthesia x x x x
Safe blood supply and o Familiarity with indications for X (manual: x x
transfusion blood transfusion by trained
o Safe blood collection, testing, MD only in x
distribution extreme
o Recognition, management, emergencies
reporting of blood transfusion and in areas
reactions difficult to
Comprehensive emergency Knowledgeable on indications for and x x x x
obstetric care on performing caesarean section
Caesarean section
Anaesthesia Knowledgeable on and with facilities x x x x x
for general anaesthesia
Counselling and Provision of Able to counsel patients on benefits
BTL services and disadvantages of bilateral tubal
Able to perform procedure x x x
INTERVENTIONS COMPETENCIES Community Community BEmONC- Community Community Community
Level Provider Level capable Level Level Level
(Manabo Provider (San facilities (Sam Provider Provider Provider
RHU) Quintin, Quintin, (Bangued, (Langiden, (Tayum,
infection) Familiarity with management of
infection and causes of post-partum
hemorrhage or able to refer patient to
appropriate provider
Latching on/early newborn Knowledgeable on benefits of latching
contact on and ability to facilitate it within
the first hour
IEC counselling on breastfeeding Knowledgeable on technique and x
benefits of breastfeeding
Family Planning Able to counsel patient on proper birth
IEC Counselling on: spacing, responsible parenting
o Responsible parenting Knowledgeable on the expected return
o Informed choice and to fertility after a term pregnancy,
voluntarism preterm delivery or a miscarriage
o 4 pillars on FP Able to encourage and empower
o Fertility awareness patient to make an informed decision
o Birth spacing
o All FP methods
Provision of FP Familiarity with different methods of
Services/contraception family planning
o Pills Able to counsel patient on method best
o DMPA for her
o Condoms
o IUD Able to proper IUD insertion x x x
o BTL, NSV Able to do NSV and BTL x x x
Encourage LAM exclusive Familiarity with the benefits of
breastfeeding up to 6 months lactational amenorrhea method
Prevention and management of Familiarity with different types of
abortion complications abortion, complications and
Removal of retained products of appropriate management or able to
conception refer patient to proper provider
INTERVENTIONS COMPETENCIES Community Community BEmONC- Community Community Community
Level Provider Level capable Level Level Level
(Manabo Provider (San facilities (Sam Provider Provider Provider
RHU) Quintin, Quintin, (Bangued, (Langiden, (Tayum,
Treatment of Infection x
Correction of anemia
Tetanus toxoid
Return to fertility and birth Familiarity with different methods of
spacing counselling family planning; able to counsel
patient on method best for her
Diagnostic Test: Breast and Familiarity with breast examination x
cervical cancer screening (acetic and cervical cancer screening methods,
acid wash) timing and interpretation of result
Maternal Nutrition Knowledgeable on nutritional needs of
o Iron/Folate mother post-partum, particularly while
o Vitamin A breastfeeding
o Iodine
IEC Counselling on Healthy Able to counsel patients on importance
Lifestyle: of healthy lifestyle for the mother
o Safer sex and HIV/STI during post-partum period and
prevention breastfeeding
o Smoking cessation
Physical activity Able to counsel on importance of
Moderate alcohol intake smoking cessation and alcohol intake
especially during breastfeeding and
good physical activity
Knowledge on prevention of
INTERVENTION COMPETENCIES Community Community BEmONC- Community Community Community
Level Level capable Level Level Level
Provider Provider (San facilities Provider Provider Provider
(Manabo Quintin, (Sam (Bangued, (Langiden, (Tayum,
RHU) BHS) Quintin, RHU) RHU) RHU)
symptoms of newborn problems symptoms of newborn problems and
(eg. Respiratory distress, severe illness
change color, etc.)
Basic Emergency Newborn Assessment of neonatal status at birth
Care and initiation of resuscitation within 1
minute if neonate is bot breathing or if
Newborn Resuscitation gasping until with stable breathing
Treatment of neonatal sepsis Able to choose and load appropriate x x
initial antibiotics for suspected cases of
neonatal sepsis then promptly refer to
CEmONC or higher level facility
Oxygen support for neonates Provision of oxygen support x
Safe blood transfusion o Safe blood collection, distribution, x x
o Recognition and management of
blood transfusion reactions
Administration of steroids Knowledge of the timing and dose of physician x x x
during preterm labor steroid administration in preterm labor
Advance Newborn resuscitation Detection of need for further x
Skill on advance newborn resuscitation x x x x
following guidelines recommended by
the Essential Newborn Care Clinical
Practice Pocket Guide
Management of sick newborns Able to management infants with severe x x x x
with severe illness (prematurity, problems such as prematurity, breathing
breathing difficulty, sepsis, difficulty, sepsis, severe birth trauma and
severe birth trauma and asphyxia and severe jaundice
asphyxia, severe jaundice, etc.) Skill in newborn resuscitation
Routine newborn Care Basic post-partum care
Knowledge of benefits and techniques of
INTERVENTION COMPETENCIES Community Community BEmONC- Community Community Community
Level Level capable Level Level Level
Provider Provider (San facilities Provider Provider Provider
(Manabo Quintin, (Sam (Bangued, (Langiden, (Tayum,
RHU) BHS) Quintin, RHU) RHU) RHU)
o Early latching on within proper breastfeeding
the 1st hour Properly weigh infant after delivery
o Weighing of infant Knowledge of timing and method of
o Eye care application of erythromycin ointment on
o Cord care both eyes
o Thermoregulation Perform proper cord care
o Vitamin K injection Knowledge of ways of thermoregulation x
o Delayed bathing to 6 and properly and adequately provide it
hours of life Knowledge on benefits, timing, dosing,
o Hepatitis B and BCG method of administration of vitamin K
vaccination Knowledge on benefits of Hepatitis B
vaccine birth dose and BCG, the timing,
dosing, method of administration and
9. Newborn Screening within Knowledge of importance and timing of x x
48-72 hours method of sample collection and
submission of blood samples for
newborn screening
Coordination with NIH for newborn
Advice on danger signs, Knowledge on signs and symptoms to
emergency preparedness and watch out for to prompt consult and of
follow-up discharge instructions; Able to advice
parents regarding these and the
importance of follow-up
Kangaroo Mother Care Knowledge on the principles of
Kangaroo Mother Care and its benefits
Treatment of mild to moderate Knowledge on the management of local
local infections and birth infections of the skin, cord and eyes and
injuries of birth injuries such as lacerations and
INTERVENTION COMPETENCIES Community Community BEmONC- Community Community Community
Level Level capable Level Level Level
Provider Provider (San facilities Provider Provider Provider
(Manabo Quintin, (Sam (Bangued, (Langiden, (Tayum,
RHU) BHS) Quintin, RHU) RHU) RHU)
Post-resuscitation/Pre-transport Skill in pre-transport stabilization x x x
stabilization following the guidelines of the STABLE
(STABLE: sugar, temperature, program of infants who are very preterm,
airway, blood pressure, with very low birth weight, severe
laboratory work-up. Emotional complications or malformations
Retinopathy of prematurity Knowledge when ROP screening is x x x
screening indicated and skill on ROP screening
Support services (MCB and Properly fill up information in Mother x
birth registration within 30 and Child book
days) Properly and accurately fill up
information needed in birth certificate
Post-partum Care Package Newborn assessment
Counselling on newborn care and
o Assessment of infant’s nutrition
wellbeing and Knowledge of proper breastfeeding,
breastfeeding assessment of adequacy of breastfeeding,
and management of problems
Information and counselling on Knowledge on routine home care
home care and immunization instructions, schedule of routine
immunizations, importance of
Additional follow up visits for Knowledge on the signs and symptoms
higher risk babies that warrant further evaluation and
Counsel on importance of regular follow
Child protection and injury Knowledge on the management and
prevention prevention of childhood injury
Vision screening Skill in vision screening x x x
Newborn hearing screening Skill in hearing screening tests x x
Expanded Program on Knowledge on the timing, dosing,
INTERVENTION COMPETENCIES Community Community BEmONC- Community Community Community
Level Level capable Level Level Level
Provider Provider (San facilities Provider Provider Provider
(Manabo Quintin, (Sam (Bangued, (Langiden, (Tayum,
RHU) BHS) Quintin, RHU) RHU) RHU)
Immunization method of administration and storage of
Integrated Management of Able to manage mild to moderate illness
Childhood Illnesses such as acute respiratory illness, diarrhea
and malaria using the guidelines under
Annex H: Sample Current Status of selected Target BEmONC-CEmONC Facilities on Standard Infrastructure Requirements (Province of Abra,
Cordillera Administrative Region)
Province of Abra
Annex I: Current status of selected BEmONC-CEmONC Facilities on Logistics and Supplies Necessary for Adequate Delivery of MNCHN Core
Package of Services (Province of Abra, Cordillera Administrative Region)
This table is a checklist of services that each health provider should deliver for each life stage. Competency of health providers and
equipment/supplies needed to provide each service are included. LGUs shall use this checklist to assess capabilities of health providers in the
service delivery network.
A checkmark is placed under a box of health provider if it is expected to provide that service. Unless specified as otherwise, shaded boxes mean
that the provider is not expected to give is not expected to give the service.
Some equipment may appear repeatedly for each service. It is understood that a facility should at least have the equipment and it’s not necessary to
provide these equipment for a particular part of service.
For the CHT, it is understood that it is composed of the midwife and health volunteers as well as the RHU which will provide services at the
community level. An explanation will accompany entries that would refer to RHUs or BHS alone.
Service EQUIPMENT/ SUPPLIES Community Level Community BEmONC- Community Community Community
Provider (Manabo Level Provider capable Level Provider Level Provider Level
RHU) (San Quintin, facilities (Sam (Bangued, (Langiden, Provider
BHS) Quintin, RHU) RHU) RHU) (Tayum,
Assessment of health Health needs assessment forms
needs of women, mother Information materials on provider
and children in the area, available services and
cost of these services
Forms for health plans
FP services:
IEC/ Counselling on: IEC materials on FP
Informed Choice and Iron Supplementation
Voluntarism; Responsible Deworming
Parenthood; Availability Healthy life style
of a broad-range of Oral Health
family planning methods; Folic Acid
Service EQUIPMENT/ SUPPLIES Community Level Community BEmONC- Community Community Community
Provider (Manabo Level Provider capable Level Provider Level Provider Level
RHU) (San Quintin, facilities (Sam (Bangued, (Langiden, Provider
BHS) Quintin, RHU) RHU) RHU) (Tayum,
Provision of FP services Adequate supply of pills, DMPA,
Pills, DMPA, condom, condoms, NFP, IUD
NFP FP Form 1
TCL for FP
IUD IUD kit drape for the patient, x x X x
clean cloth to place
BTL, NSV Between client and exam table,
Management of gloves, light source (droplight or
complications resulting flashlight), bivalve speculum, uterine
from FP tenaculum (12”), uterine sound (12”),
IUD, sharp Mayo scissors, sponge
forceps (12”), bowl containing
antiseptic solution for cleansing
cervix (chlorhexidine or povidone
iodine) and guaze or cotton balls, dry
guaze or cotton balls, narrow
/alligator forceps (10”) for guaze
5cc syringes x
Sterile Gloves
Lubricating Jelly
Face Mask
Micropore tape
Povidone Iodine
Sterile Cotton
Sterile gauze
Lidocaine 2% 50 ml
Cut down on minor set
Scrub suit
Service EQUIPMENT/ SUPPLIES Community Level Community BEmONC- Community Community Community
Provider (Manabo Level Provider capable Level Provider Level Provider Level
RHU) (San Quintin, facilities (Sam (Bangued, (Langiden, Provider
BHS) Quintin, RHU) RHU) RHU) (Tayum,
Women’s/ maternal IEC materials on ENC and X
health, nutrition and Breastfeeding X
micronutrient Therapeutic dose Vitamin A (for X
supplementation case of xerophthalmia) X
Iron / Folate 60 mg elemental iron X
/ 400ug folic acid tabs X
Iodized salt X
Pregnancy tracking form X
Mother and Child Book X
Maternal Death Report Form X
Stethoscope X
Sphygmomanometer X
Weighing Scale X
Measuring tape/ height chart X
Food table/ pyramid X
Patient Registry
Tetanus toxoid Tetanus toxoid ampoules
Immunization Syringes with needles
Patient registry
Vaccine Carrier
Vaccine refrigerator
IEC/ Counselling on IEC materials
health caring and seeking
Updated master listing of Record book for master list
women of reproductive (Target client List)
Service EQUIPMENT/ SUPPLIES Community Community BEmONC- Community Community Community
Level Provider capable Level Provider Level Provider Level
level (San Quintin, facilities (Sam (Bangued, (Langiden, Provider
Provider BHS) Quintin, RHU) RHU) RHU) (Tayum,
Support Services: Calendar X
Prenatal registration with Prenatal registration card X
mother – child book Patient record X
Birth Plan Pen X
Home visit and follow – Pregnancy tracking forms X
up Mother and Child Book X
Safe blood supply Community Health Team X
Support from community Maternal Death Tracking Reporting
(e.g pregnant women) Form
Birth registration / Registry of Births and Women of x
registration of women in reproductive age
reproductive age Computer x x
Blood testing and storage facility (blood
Diagnostic/ Screening For VIA test: x x x
Test Light source x x x
CBC Speculum x x x
Blood Typing Sterile cotton pledget
Urinalysis Boiled water or normal saline
VDRL or RPR solution
HBsAg Acetic acid 3-5 %
OGCT Syringe without needle
Pregnancy test Patient registry
Cervical cancer screening Microscope x x x
using acetic acid wash Slide, cover slip, stains
and pap smear Centrifuge
Oral health Syringes with/without needle
Sterile urine vials
EDTA and plain test tubes
Well – equipped laboratory that x
Service EQUIPMENT/ SUPPLIES Community Community BEmONC- Community Community Community
Level Provider capable Level Provider Level Provider Level
level (San Quintin, facilities (Sam (Bangued, (Langiden, Provider
Provider BHS) Quintin, RHU) RHU) RHU) (Tayum,
can run there tests
Screening for adequacy of Tape measure x
fetal growth Stethoscope x
Lubricating jelly
Assessment of fetal well – Examining table
being and prediction of Weighing scale
fetal compromise Sphygmomanometer (non -
Thermometer (non - mercurial)
Patient registry
Prenatal diagnosis of Ultrasound machine x x x x
congenital anomalies
Service EQUIPMENT/ SUPPLIES Community Community BEmONC- Community Community Community
level Level Provider capable Level Provider Level Provider Level
Provider (San Quintin, facilities (Sam (Bangued, (Langiden, Provider
(Manabo, BHS) Quintin, RHU) RHU) RHU) (Tayum,
Monitoring progress of x
labor using partograph
Identification of early signs Partograph form
and symptoms and sterile gloves
management of lubricant
abnormalities povidone iodine solution
Preterm labor stethoscope
Hypertension thermometer
Bleeding; speculum
Infection Ambulance/ transport facilities
Malpresentation; facilities for labs (e.g CBC) x x
Prolonged labor; Ultrasound x x x
Tacometer (CEmONC)
Monitoring fetal well – Stethoscope x x x
being during labor Fetal Doppler (BEmONC,
Tacometer (CEmONC )
Continuous support during Possibly instruction materials on x x
labor the role of the companion during
labor, maintaining asepsis
Introduction and Oxytocin x
augmentation of labor IV needs
sterile gloves
povidone iodine solution
Controlled delivery of head Sterile gloves x
and active management of Sterile gowns
third stage labor guaze
Properly timed cord cord clamp
clamping and cutting scissors
Kelly clamps
Service EQUIPMENT/ SUPPLIES Community Community BEmONC- Community Community Community
level Level Provider capable Level Provider Level Provider Level
Provider (San Quintin, facilities (Sam (Bangued, (Langiden, Provider
(Manabo, BHS) Quintin, RHU) RHU) RHU) (Tayum,
Repair laceration local anaesthesia x
Sterile scissors
sterile gloves
sutures (absorbable); Chromic 2.0
suture needles
needle holder
Expectant and active Kelly/cord clamps x
management of third stage sterile gloves
of labor Uterotonics: oxytocin, ergotamine,
oxytocin – ergotamine,
methylergotamine , prostaglandin
tabs (misoprosols )
Pain relief IV needs, epidural set, analgesics, x
parenteral agents (e.g meperidine,
Management of Partograph
abnormalities sterile gloves
Prolonged labor lubricant
povidone iodine solution
sphygmomanometer (non -
Thermometer (non - mercurial)
Facilities for labs (e.g CBC)
Tacometer (CEmONC) x
IV needs
Hypertension As in above (1), plus X X x
Gestational hypertension, Ultra sound (CEmONC)
chronic hypertension, mild Antihypertensive medications:
preeclampsia nifedipine, hydralazine, methyldopa
Service EQUIPMENT/ SUPPLIES Community Community BEmONC- Community Community Community
level Level Provider capable Level Provider Level Provider Level
Provider (San Quintin, facilities (Sam (Bangued, (Langiden, Provider
(Manabo, BHS) Quintin, RHU) RHU) RHU) (Tayum,
Severe preeclampsia As in hypertension above, plus : X x
Facilities for labs (e.g., CBC,
urinalysis, blood chemistries)
Magnesium sulphate
Face Mask and tubing
Malpresentation As in prolonged labor above (1), X x
plus X X
Ultrasound X x
Piper forceps
Bleeding As in prolonged labor above (1), x X x x
Ultrasound x X X x x
Blood transfusion set X x
Preterm labor As in prolonged labor above (1), x X X x x
Ultrasound x X X x x
Tocolytics x X X x x
Dexamethasone or Betamethasone X X x
Infection As in prolonged labor above (1), X X x x
plus x
Dexamethasone or Betamethasone X X x
Essential Newborn Care 2 Linen X x
Glass room thermometer
Vitamin K
Delivery bed
Basic Emergency Obstetric Oxytocin x
care Needles and syringes
Service EQUIPMENT/ SUPPLIES Community Community BEmONC- Community Community Community
level Level Provider capable Level Provider Level Provider Level
Provider (San Quintin, facilities (Sam (Bangued, (Langiden, Provider
(Manabo, BHS) Quintin, RHU) RHU) RHU) (Tayum,
Parenteral administration of Normal saline solution
oxytocin in the 3rd stage of IV set, venocath
Parenteral administration of Magnesium sulphate vials x
initial dose of antibiotics as Syringes with needle, 30cc
indicated or as needed Diazepam
Intravenous / intramuscular
IV needs
Intravenous antibiotics (ampicillin, x
Syringe with needle
IV needs
Performance of assisted Piper forceps x
delivery during imminent
breech delivery
Removal of retained Curettage sets x
products of conception
Medical and Manual Syringe X (manual: by x
removal of retained placenta Normal saline trained MD,
only in extreme
Oxytocin emergencies and
IV infusion needs in areas with
difficult to
Must have means of transporting x
patient to a CEmONC facility
Regional analgesia needs
Anaesthesia machine (CEmONC ) x
General anaesthesia needs
Sterile gowns
Safe blood supply and Blood donor and distribution x
Service EQUIPMENT/ SUPPLIES Community Community BEmONC- Community Community Community
level Level Provider capable Level Provider Level Provider Level
Provider (San Quintin, facilities (Sam (Bangued, (Langiden, Provider
(Manabo, BHS) Quintin, RHU) RHU) RHU) (Tayum,
transfusion registries
Blood storage
Lab facility for blood typing
Blood transfusion sets
Comprehensive emergency Caesarean section kits including x x
obstetric care sutures
Caesarean section Antibiotics x
Sterile gowns and gloves, masks
IV needs
Povidone iodine solution
Sterile gauze
2. Anaesthesia2 General anaesthesia needs x x x
Counselling and Diagrams on BTL x
Provision of Tubal ligation sets including
BTL services sutures
Sterile gown and gloves
Sterile gauze
Service EQUIPMENT/ SUPPLIES Community Community BEmONC- Community Community Community
level Provider Level Provider capable Level Provider Level Provider Level
(Manabo, (San Quintin, facilities (Sam (Bangued, (Langiden, Provider
RHU) BHS) Quintin, RHU) RHU) RHU) (Tayum,
Identification of early Possibly charts or posters
signs and symptoms of enumerating the early signs of
post-partum complications hemorrhage and infection
(haemorrhage, infection) Stethoscope
Thermometer (non-mercurial)
Ambulance/transport facilities
Latching on/ early Educational materials on benefits
Service EQUIPMENT/ SUPPLIES Community Community BEmONC- Community Community Community
level Provider Level Provider capable Level Provider Level Provider Level
(Manabo, (San Quintin, facilities (Sam (Bangued, (Langiden, Provider
RHU) BHS) Quintin, RHU) RHU) RHU) (Tayum,
newborn contact of latching on
IEC counselling on Educational materials on
breastfeeding breastfeeding
Family Planning
1. IEC counselling on: Educational materials to aid in
· Responsible parenting counselling patients on the
· Informed choice and importance of birth spacing and
voluntarism responsible parenting
· 4 pillars on FP
· Fertility awareness
· Birth spacing
· All FP methods
2. Provision of FP Educational materials on
Services/contraception different family planning methods
· Pills
· Condoms
· IUD Intrauterine device (copper T) x
· BTL, NSV Lubricant
NSV and BTL sets x
Sterile gown and gloves
Povidone iodine solution
3. Encourage LAM Educational materials on
exclusive breastfeeding up lactational amenorrhea method
to 6 months
Prevention and Curettage kit x
management of abortion
Removal or retained
products of conception
Service EQUIPMENT/ SUPPLIES Community Community BEmONC- Community Community Community
level Provider Level Provider capable Level Provider Level Provider Level
(Manabo, (San Quintin, facilities (Sam (Bangued, (Langiden, Provider
RHU) BHS) Quintin, RHU) RHU) RHU) (Tayum,
2. Treatment of infection Appropriate antibiotics preferably x
intravenous, syringes, IV access
3. Correction of anemia Iron supplements 60mg/tab x
Facility for haemoglobin/
haematocrit determination in facility
or in local area
Needs for blood transfusion
Anti-tetanus Serum (ATS) Anti-tetanus serum
injection Syringe with needle
Alcohol 70% Isopropyl/Ethyl
Return to fertility and Educational materials on different
interpregnancy interval family planning methods
Diagnostic test: breast and Light source x
cervical cancer screening Examination table
(acetic acid wash) Acetic acid 3-4%
Vaginal speculum
Big cotton balls
Boiled water or normal saline
Chlorine solution
Colposcopy x
Maternal Nutrition IEC materials
· Iron and folate Iron/ folate 60mg elemental
· Vitamin A iron/400ug folic acid tablets
Vitamin A 200,000 IU capsules
IEC/Counselling on IEC materials
Healthy Lifestyle Weighing scale (adult)
· Safer sex and HIV/STI Height chart/tape measure
Service EQUIPMENT/ SUPPLIES Community Community BEmONC- Community Community Community
level Provider Level Provider capable Level Provider Level Provider Level
(Manabo, (San Quintin, facilities (Sam (Bangued, (Langiden, Provider
RHU) BHS) Quintin, RHU) RHU) RHU) (Tayum,
prevention Patient registry
· smoking cessation
· physical activity
· moderate alcohol intake
Maternal Death Reporting Form
INTERVENTION EQUIPMENT/ SUPPLIES Community Community BEmONC- Community Community Community
level Provider Level Provider capable Level Provider Level Provider Level
(Manabo, (San Quintin, facilities (Sam (Bangued, (Langiden, Provider
RHU) BHS) Quintin, RHU) RHU) RHU) (Tayum,
Care laryngoscope
1. Newborn resuscitation Sterile gloves
Firm and padded resuscitation
Oxygen source
Oxygen tubing
Suction equipment
Aspiration bulb
Mechanical suction and tubing
Suction catheters
Devices for thermoregulation
(radiant warmer, droplight, warm
blankets or linen, plastic wraps or
zip lock bags)
2. Treatment of neonatal Thermometer (non-mercurial) x
sepsis IV antibiotics
IV needs
Instruments and supplies for
umbilical cannulation
3. Oxygen support for neonates Appropriate ambu bag for term x
and preterm neonates
for positive pressure ventilation
4. Safe blood transfusion Blood transfusion set x
Blood donor and distribution
Blood storage
Lab facility for blood typing
5. Advance newborn Stethoscope x
resuscitation Oxygen source
INTERVENTION EQUIPMENT/ SUPPLIES Community Community BEmONC- Community Community Community
level Provider Level Provider capable Level Provider Level Provider Level
(Manabo, (San Quintin, facilities (Sam (Bangued, (Langiden, Provider
RHU) BHS) Quintin, RHU) RHU) RHU) (Tayum,
Bag and mask or equivalent
equipment for positive
pressure ventilation
Intubation equipment
Instruments and supplies for
umbilical cannulation
Devices for thermoregulation
IV fluids
Blood glucose monitor
Resuscitation medications
(Epinephrine, Sodium bicarbonate,
volume expanders, D10W,
6. Management of sick Same as needs for advance x
newborns with severe illness newborn resuscitation, plus:
(prematurity, breathing Parenteral drugs
difficulty, sepsis, severe birth Inotropes
trauma and asphyxia, severe Blood products
jaundice,etc.) Chemical and microbiological
Radiography (x-ray, UTZ)
Pulse oximeter
Sphygmomanometer (paediatric
set, non-mercurial)
Blood glucose monitor
7. Newborn screening within Needles, newborn screening x
48-72 hours kit, cotton balls, micropore tape,
correspondence to a facility who
does newborn screening
8. Newborn hearing Otoacoustic emission test x x x
Screening (in BEmONC machine (if available)
INTERVENTION EQUIPMENT/ SUPPLIES Community Community BEmONC- Community Community Community
level Provider Level Provider capable Level Provider Level Provider Level
(Manabo, (San Quintin, facilities (Sam (Bangued, (Langiden, Provider
RHU) BHS) Quintin, RHU) RHU) RHU) (Tayum,
CEmONC facilities)
9. Eye examination of Opthalmoscope x
newborn (done in BEmONC/
CEmONC facilities)
10. Advice on danger Checklist of danger signs x
signs, emergency preparedness Calendar
and follow up Medical record
Immunization card
Discharge slip
11. Kangaroo Mother Care Information materials on KMC
Treatment of mild to Topical or oral antibiotics x
moderate Pain relievers
local infections and birth Antiseptic solution
injuries Sterile sutures and needles
Sterile gauze
Post-resuscitation/Pre-transport Same as needs for advance x
stabilization newborn resuscitation,
(STABLE: blood sugar, plus: x
temperature, airway, blood Pulse oximeter x
pressure, laboratory work up, Sphygmomanometer (pediatric
emotional support) set, non-mercurial)
Thermometer (non-mercurial)
Laboratory (ABGs, CBC, chest
Management of correctable Operating room X x v
malformations Surgical instruments X
needs for surgery X
Same needs for newborn X
INTERVENTION EQUIPMENT/ SUPPLIES Community Community BEmONC- Community Community Community
level Provider Level Provider capable Level Provider Level Provider Level
(Manabo, (San Quintin, facilities (Sam (Bangued, (Langiden, Provider
RHU) BHS) Quintin, RHU) RHU) RHU) (Tayum,
resuscitation X
Retinopathy of premature Indirect ophthalmoscope x x
Support services (MCB and Mother and child book
birth registration within 30 Birth certificate
Newborn Care Package Soap
1. Assessment of Water
newborn Information materials on
wellbeing and breastfeeding breastfeeding and newborn care and
2. Information and counselling Immunization schedule
on home care and Immunization cards
3. Additional follow-up visits Information materials
for high-risk babies
4. Child protection and injury Information materials on Injury
prevention Prevention
Expanded Program on Vaccines
Immunization Vaccine refrigerator
3cc and tuberculin syringes
Cotton balls
Immunization schedule
Immunization cards
Patient registry
INTERVENTION EQUIPMENT/ SUPPLIES Community Community BEmONC- Community Community Community
level Provider Level Provider capable Level Provider Level Provider Level
(Manabo, (San Quintin, facilities (Sam (Bangued, (Langiden, Provider
RHU) BHS) Quintin, RHU) RHU) RHU) (Tayum,
set, non-mercurial)
Oral antibiotics
Oral rehydration solution
Zinc supplements
Iron supplements
Vitamin A capsules
IMCI manual
Patient registry
Annex J: Stock and Inventory Management System at the Municipal Level
This system operates only within the health units and does not require any new reports. It
may be thought of as a good housekeeping tool. For units that are already making logistics
reports to specific programs such as TB or EPI, this system will facilitate the generation of
information necessary for filling out their forms.
The tool includes instructions and forms for undertaking the following tasks:
Overview of DOH/LGU Logistics System
The DOH/LGU logistics has four levels, as shown in the diagram below. The system
operates through a cycle of product selection, financing, procurement, storage and transport.
The levels are DOH central, CHD, Province and Municipality. In some countries, logistics
systems are very centralized with product selection, financing and procurement taking place
almost exclusively the central level. In these countries, the lower levels handle only
transport and storage. The Republic of the Philippines is different. The public health
logistics system is highly decentralized and all functions including financing and procurement
are performed at all levels.
Department of
Local Program Stock
Central Office
Non-program Stock
Centers for
Other Sources Information
As the diagram shows, the logistics system produces a downward flow of stock that is
ultimately headed to the health services delivery points, such as hospitals,
RHUs and Barangay Health Stations. The system is also designed to produce an upward
flow of information on stock levels and consumption for all products. It is the availability
of this information that enables decision makers at each level to decide what to buy and how
much. The upward flow of information originates in the health facilities. If the data at
this level are inaccurate or non-existent, it makes it difficult to order or purchase the correct
quantities of new stock. The purpose of this manual is to help assure that stock coming into
health facilities is handled properly and that the facilities are able to provide accurate data
about that stock at all times.
1. Receiving Drugs and Medical Supplies
Receives stock and verifies the condition of all products in the shipment.
Counts incoming stock against the invoice and notes any discrepancies.
The facility keeps one copy of the invoice and gives a second copy to the
Municipal Health Officer.
Enters the amounts received for each drug in the appropriate Daily Stock Record
Book (Attachment 1, Form A). Each program that provides drugs will have its
own book. Drugs and other products that are purchased by the LGU, that are not
part of a DOH program, are stored together as “Other Essential Drugs.” Below
is a list of well-known programs operated by Department of Health (DOH).
Assures that all drugs are placed in a secure, clean and dry place that is free of
rodents and insects.
Places drugs and supplies on shelves or in cabinets and groups them according
to program or other source
To the extent possible, drugs are placed in the same order that they are listed in the
Daily Stock Record Book.
All containers of liquids, such as bottles, vials or ampoules, are placed upright.
A list of these and other points for good storage practices is provided in
Attachment 2.
The MHO records the products to be dispensed to each patient in the patient
chart/record, including the generic name of the drug, dosage and number of units
to be dispensed.
Next, the prescriber writes out a prescription slip, that shows the patient’s
name and all of the information listed above.
The dispenser uses the prescription slip to determine the type of product and
number of units to dispense.
When more than one lot of any drug is in stock, always dispense first the drugs
with the soonest expiration date.
At the time drugs are dispensed, record the quantities dispensed to each patient in
the Daily Dispensing Record Book. This is Annex 1 Form B.
At the end of each day, using data from the Daily Dispensing Record Book,
update for each drug, the stock balance in the Daily Stock Record Book. (The
Invoices and Issue slips are also used for this step) There will be one book for each
program, plus a book for LGU purchased supplies, as noted in Section 2, above.
When more than one lot of any drug is in stock, always issue first the drugs
with the soonest expiration date.
At the time drugs or medical supplies are issued, fill out the Stock Issue
Record (Attachment 1, Form C) including the date, name of product dispensed, quantity
issued, name of receiving facility and the signature of the recipient.
Also at the time drugs are issued, record the quantities issued to each midwife or
Barangay Health Station in the appropriate Daily Stock Record Book.
It is already stated above, under “Dispensing Drugs to Patients” that the Daily Stock
Record Books will be updated at the end of each day. Because the
quantities issued are recorded in the book at the time they are handed over, these data
will be automatically included in the daily update.
The monthly physical count verifies the numbers of units of each drug or medical
supply. It provides an opportunity to verify that the data in the Daily Stock Record
Books are correct.
Physically count the number of units of each drug and medical supply and record the
results on the Monthly Physical Inventory and Drug Expiration Record (Attachment 1,
Form D).
In cases where there are differences between the physical count and the Daily Stock
Record, inform the MHO of the losses in order to address the reason/s behind it.
Expiration dates of drugs are also checked and recorded during this same activity.
For newly received stocks, check each product's expiration date and record it
on the same form.
Whenever any lot reaches six months until the expiration date, take note of this fact
and make a decision about whether or not it will be used before it expires.
If any lot of any product cannot be used before expiration, it should be sent back to
the PHO so that it can be sent to other units that can use it immediately. In the case
of drugs that are purchased by the LGU, notify the Municipal Health Officer for
appropriate action.
◦ Remove them from the shelves and place them in closed carton.
◦ Deduct them from the balance shown in the Daily Stock Record Book under “Losses”
Column, with the annotation “expired”. Stock quantity should also be noted in the
Monthly Physical Inventory and Drug Expiration Record with “expired” written on
the Remarks column.
◦ Assist the MHO in the correct disposal of the expired stocks according to
Commission on Audit regulations.
Any other “Losses” noted indicating either expiration or other conditions that
render the stock unusable such as damage (sun exposure, discoloration,
infestation, etc.) or are missing (unaccounted losses, pilferage, etc.) are noted
and carried over to the Daily Stock Record to update the current balance at the
column of “Losses” and the row indicating the date the inventory was done.
When: During the first week of January, April, July and October
Before ordering new stock from any source, make sure to bring the Daily Stock
Record Books up to date and complete the monthly physical inventory.
There are two basic sources of drugs and medical supplies. One is the program
stock provided by the DOH via the PHO and the other is purchases executed by the
For requesting program drugs and other supplies from PHO, use the Stock
Replenishment Request Form. This is Annex 1 Form E.
For requesting that the LGU purchase drugs, the Purchase Request Form is used. This
is Annex 1 Form F.
Determine for each product the amount needed for the coming quarter.
This task is often easier said than done. It can be complicated by absence of key
information about consumption and stock levels. (Implementation of this storage and record
keeping system is intended to fix this problem.) It is also complicated by the fact that some
stock is often stocked out, making it very difficult to estimate monthly consumption. Annex
3 provides information on how to deal with these problems.
There are already in place forms for reporting to DOH programs concerning the stock
that they distribute. Officially, the reports should be quarterly, though this may vary
in practice. Programs requiring reports include: TB, EPI, Malaria and Nutrition.
Many LGUs’ Family Planning Program discontinued reporting several years ago, but
DOH is starting this practice again.
While the different program reports have different formats, they all require about the
same information. This manual accepts whatever reports are already being
submitted. In the case of Family Planning, the new report is provided in Annex 1
Form G.
The main types of information required are balances and consumption. At reporting
time these items can be taken directly from the Daily Stock Record Book, if it is up to
o Take the physical inventory and make any required adjustments in the Daily
Stock Record.
Monitoring visits of Rural Health Units should be headed by the technical staff of the
Provincial Health Offices (PHO). A SIMS assessment team may be organized by the PHO
for this purpose.
Visits should be conducted at least once a month during the pilot-testing phase, starting
a month after its commencement. If feasible, especially during the first year of
implementation, regular monthly monitoring visits should be conducted by the PHO. This
activity can be incorporated into the regular monitoring visits that various program coordinators
conduct at the RHU.
These visits will not only be for data gathering. Feedback should be given to
RHU staff on the visit’s findings and recommendations. These same feedbacks should be
documented and checked if acted upon on the following month’s visit.
Monitoring Tool
I. Initial Implementation
Has SIMS data been used for preparing requests for replenishment of
o For stock procurement by LGU? (Yes/No)
o Can RHU tell you their average monthly consumption for EPI and
NTP commodities? (Yes/No)
Is the RHU using SIMS for other activities (aside from FP, NTP,
EPI)? (Yes/No)
o If yes, how?
During the visit, it would be likely to encounter personnel who have completed a form
incorrectly or incompletely or who do not understand a specific procedure for its completion.
Although this may be the perfect teaching moment, you should not interrupt your assessment to
provide training. You probably will not have time to provide extensive training. Additionally,
you want to encourage local staff to provide open, honest answers to your questions; correcting
their work may make them less willing to share their insights with you.
At the end of the visit, you may take some time to explain or correct mistakes. Feedback
should ideally be given in the presence of the head of the office. All negative responses to
any of the guide questions should be probed further to seek an explanation for it. The
question may need to be restated or clarified in case it was misunderstood. Negative responses
may point to potential problems that would affect SIMS implementation. A course of action to
solve this problem may be suggested including the person/s responsible and the time frame for
this activity.
Attachment 1
Form A
Daily Stock Record Book
Stock name and preparation:
Units of Stock:
Day Stocks Received Quantity Received Quantity Dispensed to Patients in RHUs Quantity Issued to Midwives Losses Balance
Form B
Daily Dispensing Record Book
Drug Names/Preparation
Form C
Daily Stock Issue Record
Name of Program:
Drug Name/Preparation
Form D-1
Baseline Physical Inventory and Drug Expiration Record
Personnel in charge:
Date accomplished:
No. Product and Manufacturer Expiration Check (√) if Physical count Losses Remarks
preparation Lot Number Date stocks expire of
within the usable*
next 6 stocks
Form D-2
Monthly Physical Inventory and Drug Expiration Record
Personnel in
Date accomplished:
No Product and Manufacturer Lot Expiration Check (√) if Physical count of Balance of stocks Losses Remarks
preparation Number Date stocks expire usable* stocks based on the Daily
within the Stock Record**
6 months
Form E
Stock Replenishment Request Form
Product name and Stocks consumed Date of last Current stock Quantity
preparation since last request request level Requested
Form F
Stock Purchase Request Form
Product name and preparation Stocks consumed Date of last request Current stock Quantity
since last request level Requested
Authorized Signature:
Forms G
Family Planning Program Reporting Form
Authorized Signature:
Attachment 2
2. Medicines and supplies are stored and organized according to first-to-expire, first-out (FEFO)
counting and general management.
3. Cartons and boxes are in good condition, not crushed due to mishandling or wet or cracked due to
The facility makes it a practice to separate damaged and/or expired medicines and supplies from
4. usable medicines and supplies and removes them from inventory.
5. Medicines and supplies are protected from direct sunlight on the day of the visit.
6. Cartons and boxes are protected from water and humidity on the day of the visit.
7. Storage area is visually free from harmful insects and rodents. (Check the storage area for
traces of rodents [droppings], insects and bats.)
Storage area is secured with a lock and key, but is accessible during normal working hours.
8. Access is limited to authorized personnel.
Medicines and supplies are stored at the appropriate temperature on the day of the visit,
9. according to product temperature specifications.
10. The roof is maintained in good condition.
Storeroom is maintained in good condition (clean, all trash removed, sturdy shelves, organized
11. boxes)
The current space and organization is sufficient for existing medicines and supplies including
12. room for reasonable expansion.
14. Products are stacked at least 30 cm away from the walls and other stacks.
Attachment 3
Basing reorder quantities on consumption can only be done for products that are in full
supply. Currently this can be done for logistics like EPI vaccines and TB drugs.
o For a 3 month period from the Daily Stock Record Book, add up the numbers of
all units of the product (1) dispensed to patients; and (2) issued to midwives and
BHSs. This gives the “total quarterly consumption.” To get the average monthly
consumption, divide this number by 3.
o Determine the total number of months for which you wish to order and multiply
the average monthly consumption by that number to get the order quantity.
o Consumption and reordering continues from quarter to quarter and the cycle will
repeat itself. Replenishment of stocks should not wait until stocks reach zero. This
is illustrated by the graphic below.
Drug Drug
Stocks Stocks
Below are some illustrative calculations:
o Assume for NTP that the consumption for Cat 1 medicines is calculated at
8 boxes for January, 9 boxes for February, 8 boxes for March, 7 boxes for
April, 7 boxes for May, and 5 boxes for June. The RHU gets replenishment
stocks from the PHO every 3 months.
◦ Total consumption for 6 months is calculated as
8+9+8+7+7+5 = 44
◦ Average monthly consumption can be calculated as
44/6 = 7.33 or 7
◦ Minimum stock to be requisitioned from PHO:
7 x 3 (months until the next requisition) = 21 boxes of Cat 1 drugs
◦ Buffer stock should be another 21 boxes or equal to another 3 months of supply
of commodities.
When stock items are not in full supply, it is not possible to usefully calculate
average monthly consumption. This is because during periods of stock out
no units are dispensed and just calculating the totals actually dispensed during
the month will underestimate needs.
One simple method for estimating needs in these cases is to ask yourself, “What are
the serious health problems that we must always be prepared to treat, NO MATTER
WHAT. Examples of conditions that would be on such a list are:
Next pair these conditions with the drugs of choice as defined by DOH
treatment guidelines. For the conditions listed above, the pairing will be:
o Dehydration/ORS
o ARI/Cotrimoxizole
o Asthma/Salbutamol
The next step is to make an estimate of how many cases of each of these conditions
are seen monthly, by age group. The most efficient way to do this would be to
consult the morbidity and mortality data summarized in the Field Health Services
Information System (FHSIS)
Finally, by age group, the numbers of units of each paired drug are multiplied the
numbers of cases to get an overall estimate of the amounts of each product required. If the
numbers of cases are aggregated for the year, then the product of this multiplication will be
divided by 12 to get an “estimated monthly consumption”.
Below is an illustrative calculation for ORS for children 5 years and under:
Real consumption should then be monitored using the information in the Daily Stock
Record Book for 3 to 6 months. More accurate average monthly consumption can be
estimated based on the data gathered.
Annex K: Contracting Private Providers
LGUs may expand delivery of MNCHN services in areas underserved by the public
health facilities by tapping private practice midwives (or private facilities) that are already
providing or can provide MNCHN services. LGUs could hire a private practice midwife
(or a health facility) to provide MNCHN services in remote areas or those not covered
by existing public facilities. This could be done through public bidding as the general
mode of procurement or through alternative methods such as negotiated bidding.
Planning for procurement of consultancy services of private midwives involves the
following steps:
The health officer will need to specify the terms of reference or scope of work
expected for the private practice midwives that will contracted. General
guidelines in preparing the Terms of Reference (TOR)shall include the following:
specific services that should be provided to identified priority population groups,
roles of the LGU and private midwife practitioners such as initial support to improve
facilities, improve capacities of midwives, installation of a support
system for LGUs and provision of services, participation in training activities,
participation in a monitoring and reporting system in LGUs, application for
accreditation to PhilHealth for private midwife practitioners.
Ensure that arrangements for the following are also put in place to assist private
midwife practitioners: allow private practitioners to receive publicly procured
commodities, drugs and supplies for distribution to poor clients, continuous
provision of quality services by having a (1) feedback mechanisms from clients and
(2) ensuring compliance to standards by private midwife practitioners.
Determination of the mode of procurement,
Qualified candidates are the following: Midwives who are engaged in private
practice and who have been trained to provide MNCHN services or has been
providing MNCHN services for at least 1 year, private practice midwives who are
willing to be trained and become part of the MNCHN network in the area.
Determination of the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC)
Annex L: Annual Operational Plan Matrix
Annual Operational Plan
Province: _______________________________________
No. of ILHZ: ____________________________________
No. of Municipalities: _____________________________
PROGRAM / PROJECT / Activity / Time Resource LGU National Government Grants Loans
ACTIVITIES Target Frame Requirements
Unit Cost
Guide in the Accomplishment of the Annual Operational Plan
Annex M: Sample Current Status of MNCHN Service Delivery Network (Province of Ifugao, Cordillera Administrative Region, October 2012)
Annex N: Child Injury Assessment Policy and Tool
Annex O: DOH-A.O.# 2011-0014 (Guidelines on the Certification of Health Facilities with basic
Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (BEmONC) Capacity
Annex P: Micronutrients Supplementation – Highlights from the Manual of Operation
Annex Q: DOH-A.O. 34-A s. 2000 – Adolescent and Youth Policy
This Localized Maternal, Newborn and Child Health and Nutrition (MNCHN) Manual of
Operation was developed by the Center for Health Development – Cordillera Administrative
Region (CHD-CAR) using the 2nd Edition of DOH-MNCHN MOP dated March 2011 and within
the context of Indigenous People Republic Act of 1997 or R.A. 8371.
CHD-CAR, through the OIC-Regional Director, Dr. Valeriano Jesus V. Lopez, and
OIC-Assistant Regional Director, Dr. Amelita M. Pangilinan, would like to extend special thanks
to our former Regional Director, Myrna C. Cabotaje, presently assigned in Region 1 who
initiated in making this MNCHN MOP appropriate to CAR.
We acknowledged with deep gratitude the following for their invaluable technical inputs and
Dr. Virginia L. Narciso, CHD-CAR Dr. Glenn Lamsis, PhilHealth-CAR
Dr.Clarita Marquez, NCIP-CAR Wendy Mana-a, NNC-CAR
Roland Eric G. Macanas, JICA-SSC Zenaida Patal-e, CHD-CAR
Marlyn de Castro, BCYA Agnes Casia, PHTL, Abra
Dir. Rose Fortaleza, PopCom-CAR Rose Alunday, Prov. MCH Coor., Kalinga
Frederick Contic, FPOP-Baguio City Dr. Mercy Calpito, PHTL-Benguet
To all the Provincial Health Officers (Dr. Thelma Dangao of Apayao, Dr. Godofredo Gasa of
Abra, Dr. Mary Jo Dulawan of Ifugao, Dr. Penelope Domogo of Mt. Province and Dr. Romulo
Gaerlan of Kalinga) and their Municipal Health Officers and Chief of Hospital for providing
significant inputs during the conduct of consultative workshops for the localization of MNCHN
Strategy in August 2012 to September 2012.
To Director Dr. Honorata Catibog, Dr. Diego Danila and Ms. Zenaida Recidoro of National
Center for Disease Prevention and Control-Department of Health for providing technical
direction on the content of this Localized MNCHN Manual to make consistent within the
national policy.
To Cheston Ceriaco, Christine K. Dirige, Francisca B. Liclic, Melanie June Caleno, Femy Joy
Bumay-et, Charisse Teodely Apelado and Rey Sagandoy of CHD-CAR, and Amando A.
Francisco Jr. of JICA-SSC, for their persistent administrative support.
Lastly, we would like to thank the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and System
Science Consultants, Inc. (SSC) through their Project Chief Advisor, Dr. Makoto Tobe, and
Deputy Project Advisor, Ms. Fude Takayoshi, for the technical and financial support in
developing this manual through the project, “Cordillera-wide Strengthening of the Local Health
System for Effective and Efficient Delivery of Maternal and Child Health Services”.