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synthesis oE portuguese culture

José Manuel Fernandes



by Reginald Alben Brown
revised by Centro Nacional de Cultura




The aim of this essay is to show the evolution of architecture and

urbanization in Portugal, a small country in the extreme south-west
of Europe with a long history and defined geographical area.
The aim is to draw a picture of a «culture developed from Por-
tuguese roots» throughout a «long period of time», with all its natural
virtues and limitations.
But some questions must be asked beforehand, both regarding the
nature and the aim of the study and the method and contents fol-
lowed and recommended.
The first question is if we should deal with the subject «Por-
tuguese architecture» or only «architecture in Portugal». We opted for
the fonuer, as we think that it has been sufficiently proved (as will be
shown in the following chapter) that there is an original production
that is representative of Portuguese culture, rooted in time and in the
perfection of its own values. The farther afield one goes in dealing
with the architecture developed outside the country itself, in the
areas colonised by the Portuguese in the period of overseas expan-
sion, the easier it becomes to understand.
A survey of «Portuguese architecture», therefore, will in1ply a sys-
tematic and detailed reference to i'Ls historic development in the over-
seas territories, not only those that are still closely linked to main-
land Portugal, as is the case of the archipelagos of Madeira and
Azores and Macao, as well as a more summarised reference to other
areas that had these sarne links some years ago, such as Goa, Damão
and Diu in India and some African countries. The architecture of the
other large areas of «colonization» such as Marocco, Brazil, the Mid-
dle and Far East and India/Ceylon must not be forgotten. But it is not
our intention to deal with the type of colonization carried out by
6 ArclJitecture

the Portuguese, which was unique in its philosophy, both from the
point of view of the period of occupation and in the «multiplicity of
powers» and the miscegenation that was a part of it.
To sum up, we may say that a deep understanding of Portuguese
architecture and its evolution must be obtained through a global
approach to the subject, including the architecture of both mainland
Portugal and the rest of the world.
The second question is what one should understand by the con-
cept of architecture. Our interpretation will not place features of
architecture and urbanization in watertight compartments as they are
historically inseparable and complementary (although our wish is to
place more emphasis on architecture).
Neither do we intend to make any distinction between the cul-
tural features of erudite and popular architecture, as such a distinc-
tion cannot be legitimately made in many cases in Portugal, where
the two concepts and methods of building tend to articulate in the
evolution of each style.
Finally, we shall try, wherever possible, to strike a balance
between the study of «monumental» edifices which can be mainly
found in religious, military and civil architecture and the so-called
«current» buildings, especially those in the field of habitation. This
attitude is justified by the interest and importance that the latter has
been assuming and by the contribution that the study of housing
programmes makes to the understanding of places and the complexes
constructed, somewhere between the extensive theme of the city and
the isolated theme of architecture.
The third approach has to do with the reading given to the His-

tory, we are writing. It is, in the first place, OPEN to an up-to-date sur-
vey, in a time that we may name «Post-New History», in which we
must necessarily count on the usefulness of a chronological reading
as well as the importance of an «episodical» reading, i. e., applying
concepts by conjugating the theme «style» with the factor «typol-
ogy», 01', in terms of methodology, conjugating the role of «circum-
stances» with that of «structure» in the understanding of events and
It is aiso MULTIPLE, i. e. it accepts multiple approaches, so that it
becomes pluri-disciplinal, or, even better, interdisciplinal, as it draws
on the various areas of learning that are most needed: Geography
(relating the geo-morphological and climatic context with the
processes of urbanization and construction, 01' the environmental
Introduetiol1 7

materiaIs available with the buildings that are constructed); Architec-

ture (surveying and desigrung the objects being studied in a tridimen-
sional reconstitution 01' producing a visual and global representation
of urban spaces; Anthropology (comprising collective values beyond
their chronology - or the urban-architectonic elements that remain
immutable in time - on a basis of a «structuralist» interpretation
which is, after alI, the complementary «search for the invariants bet-
ween superficial differences» in the words of Levi-Strauss).
Other auxillary disciplines of History which are essential for the ove-
ralI coherence of this study must also be used, such as Archaeology
(which identifies the existing concrete material elements), Aesthetics
(which interpretes each object as a «work of Art'), and Bibliography (the
background and documental base, which is here presented according
to the theme of each chapter). The fundamental «anthropological»
orientation of our «historical» interpretation must also be stressed, as
we see these two fie1ds of knowledge as crucial and complementary for
a correct reading of the evolution of Portuguese Architecture.
As a material result of the sedimentation of knowledge and pro-
duction of successive historical periods in the present, the architecto-
ruc and urban heritage of Portuguese roots can, in our opinion, be
seen from different points of view and approaches that lnay enrich
our knowledge of it.
The sequence of the chapters of this work has been organized on
this basis. Following the introduction and an explanation of the
methods and concepts used in the first chapter of this work, the
second looks at the «Regular Features and Characteristics of Portu-
guese Architecture» from a systematized and conceptual point of view,
beginning with the authors that have written on the subject, within a
geo-cultural framework of the Iberian Peninsula and in the relations-
hip established with Portugal's overseas territories throughout the
centuries. It is within this framework that the regularity of certain fea-
tures and identifying factors can be seen.
The third chapter is to be seen as a basic and systematic point of
reference in strict chronological order, as it summarizes and sets out
the deve10pment of Portuguese architecture in three basic periods of
time: «From Pre-History to the End of the Middle Ages», «From 1500
to 1780» and «From Neo-Classic to the End of the 20th Century»,
Alternating between references to the context of the Iberian Peninsula
and the evolution in the overseas territories, it c1ear1y deals with the
architectural environment.
8 Arcbitecture

The fourth chapter is a deeper and more detailed selection of

«Great Works and Great Authors» that have left their mark 00 Por-
tuguese architecture, approached from a purely Iberiao point of view.
The emphasis is placed 00 the work itself aod on its author, although
there are some cases of authors «without work» and works «without
authors». It was decided to make a reading of the pieces chosen as
«works of art» or as «crucial themes» in the evolution of Portuguese
The fifth chapter, «Popular Architecture - a Regional and Tradi-
tional View of Portuguese Space», seemiogly ao antithesis of the
previous chapter, must be seen more as a means of calling ooe's atten-
tion to the importaoce of the vernacular and anooymous contribu-
tion of the constructions springing from Portuguese roots and the
way it has depended on and developed from the land, the geographi-
cal situation and its dispersion.
The sixth chapter, <(fhe House in Portugal - A Reading of the
Evolution of the Typology of Housing», is a basic iovestigation on the
theme of habitatiooal space, an area that is more and more crucial io
order to understaod the adjustment of space in collective terms aod
as a cultural meaos. The investigation follows the current chronologi-
cal scheme in the enumeration and characterizatioo of the successive
models used.
To dose this work, the seventh chapter also makes a chronologi-
cal readiog of «Urbanizatioo of Portuguese Roots», summarised io a
similar way to the third chapter (on architecture). It successively
refers to the origin of «A Characteristic Mode of Producing Cities»,
the apogee of the «Portuguese City io Expansions» aod the modernis-
• ing <(fransformatioll of a Model». Seen as a complement to the previ-
ous chapters, this one stresses the dimension and the value of the
«city as architecture», a very intrinsic aspect of space in Portugal,
which is altnost always «worth more as a whole» than for its
individual pieces.
As a final note, it must be poioted out that the images have been
chosen with the intention of «adding» values aod streogthening the
meaoing of the «spirit» of each chapter and oot simply as a mere
complementary illustration.



Several authors and investigators have given their opinions about the
possible characteristics and the originality of «Portuguese Art». As it is
a very subjective subject, nobody has yet managed to synthesize it 01'
find a unifying theory of the intrinsic values of «our character» that stand
out. They have instead tried to find clues 01' folIow trails at various cru-
cial moments of our history and, demonstl'ating diffel'ent degl'ees of
l'esistance to falIing into the trap of conceptual genel'alizations, they have
tl'ied to infel' a sense, fOl'esee a tendency, a spil'it, in short, a cultul'e.
The reasons for this research is deeply raoted in a constant need for
a «national identity» (the fruit of an old and colIective insecurity?) which,
in al't and architecture, as welI as in other fields, searches for a «space»
and a «time» that can be culturaliy recognised as ourS. This search has cau-
sed innumerable polemics, especial1y in the last 100 years, in books and
al'ticles, pamphlets and complete works, fram the «Portuguese House" to
the «PaneIs of St. Vincent» 01' the «Exposition on Raul Lino».
This search for the regular features of Portuguese architecture must
be inserted and understood in an indispensible grauping of authors and
the classification of thei1' conclusions and purposes. Statements on the
theme must be placed in the general context of Iberian architectul'e, ln
the contrasts between the «southern» and «northern», «western» and
«eastern» forms, as ali of them have reflexes in the case of Portugal.

The Iberian Context:

Analogies with Spain

Chueca Goitia managed to synthesize what he calIed «genuine inva-

riants» ln Spanish (Castilian?) architecture. Although the existence of
lO A J'cbitectu J'e

some clear contrasts between this architecture and the one with Por-
tuguese roots has to be recognised) as happens with the urbanization
of the two countries, there is an lberian and southern «common back-
ground» that cannot, neither should not, be cancelled out 01' forgotten.
It therefore makes sense to enumerate the regular features pointed
out by Goitia, who) in fact, preferred the word «invariant») taken
from the mathematical Theory of Groups, to «regular», because he
recognised in the former «on the one hand its amplitude, more than
mathematics, metaphysics, the concept of the invariant, and on the
other its fIexibility, its validity conditio1'1ed by certain situations, co1'1-
figurations, transformations) etc. Something regular, in mutation, is
something stable, something immutable that responds to no special
situation nor special calling».
As recurring themes of Spanish architecture, Goitia refers to the
«compartmentalized space» (which recalls the «cellular con1posi-
tions» that George Kubler speaks about in regard to Portuguese «plain
style» i. e., the constitution of a global structure with several spaces
that are autonomous but juxtaposed. He talks about «a particular sen-
sibility to create these interlinked and asymetric compositions of
fragmented lines» 01', in other words, the taste for creating spaces
without any clear sequence 01' continuity. He also says - in one step
farther in relation to the above remark - «an external volumetric
expression of great simplicity [... ] that, using a crystallographic term,
we would call macular architecture» (i. e. with an exterior expression
in dense and «fIattened» volumetry).
Goitia also talks about other invariants: for decoration, which he
considers to be «absolutely fIat» and «suspended» (where he sees
roots and i1'1fIuences of Muslim and Oriental origins); he mentions
«the sincerity and the truth of the volumes» inherited from the Medi-
terranean and lslamic architecture; he refers to the inherent notions
of proportionality, on pointing out the «value of the square as an
invariant in the Spanish architectonic proportion; that which we call
the squareness of our architecture» (and here we immediately recall
Lucio Costa' s statement regarding the static forms and the inherent
«squatness» of Portuguese architecture, a characteristic he termed
«carrure», which can be loosely translated as «squareness» Goitia sums
up the mentioned values with the words «fIatness, horizontality) cubi-
city». ln one way 01' another, all these expressions are directly 01' indi-
rectly inter-related with the «character» of Portuguese architecture) as
we shall see in the opi1'1ions of Portuguese writers 01'1 the subject.
Regular Features alld ClJaracteristics Df Portuguese ArclJifecture II

Some Regular Themes

ln the opinion of Manuel Rio-Carvalho, the INTEGRATOR and TRADI-
TIONALIST aspects of our architecture are important: «Although Portu-
guese art has evolved through a series of imported artistic move-
ments, I think that its specifie tone comes from a mental operation
through whieh an attempt is made to integrate the main streams into
an earlier context that has become known and controlled [... ] the
urge to preserve and to innovate and the urge to conciliate these
trends is the basis of the great originality of Portuguese art: origina-
lity is not an ab initio creation, but is achieved through an intellec-
tual alchemy [... ] the process by whieh a structure, which implies a
whole system of relationships, is tenuous until it takes on a form
reveals the urge to integrate the modem with the traditional, the
known with the unknown, thus giving it a new meaning that is diffe-
rent from the original.»
Rio-Carvalho makes these observations with arf nouveau as a
backdrop. But José Augusto França stresses the traditionalist character
- whieh he calls CONSERVATIVE - of our architecture, in a much
wider time context: «ln a country that had fused Gothie into its
Manueline and the 16th century and Mannerism into Baroque, with
good reason the European style of the 20's (of the 18th century) was
still cutting a fine figure as 'modem' 30 years later [ ... ] The basic cha-
racteristie of Portuguese architecture has always been its conservative
style [... ]» And, confirming the idea of the tendency to integrate
European artistie trends into our architecture, we can mention Pais da
Silva, who stresses the latter' s ADAPTIVE capacity in regard to Gothic,
in which «the models imported were soon rethought with originality
and such power that their adaptation gave Portuguese Gothic archi-
tecture a very special form».
The traditional and integrating character is aIso mentioned by
Maria João Madeira Rodrigues I in the context of the city as an
«object of art», thus establishing a link between the common com-
ponents of architecture and urbanism: «On the one hand (the popu~
lation of Lisbon), is integrated in a new industrial order and is its
own agent and motive powerj on the other hand, still tied to their
rural customs and due to the inherent contingencies of Lisbon' s
urban evolution on the outskirts of the city, the people cling to an
archaic inheritance of habits and customs that leads to a revival of
an old system [ ... ]»
12 A rc/J i tecI /Ire

Opinions are more varied in regard to the BAROQUE character of

Portuguese architecture, as there is a tendency to place that concept
against the idea of formal and spatial SIMPLICITY. ln the opinion of
Rio-Carvalho, it must be stressed that "this decorative arsenal is going
to be used to decorate the facades of buildings and the surfaces of
pieces [... ] in a plastic concentration that causes a violent contrast
with the background, a very inherent Portuguese Baroque feature in
artistic transformation». lt is interesting to note the role of decora-
tion, which functions as a kind of mediator between structure
(space) and form (surface). ln the poverty (or sobriety) of Portuguese
artistic production, the facade would assume a vital importance as an
"introduction» to the building, as if the surface wished to become
three-dimensional space and structure.
ln contrast, Pais da Silva points out the anti-Baroque character of
Portuguese art: "At various times in its history, Portugal was the
physical support of an architecture of notable personality in the con-
text of European art. It was endowed with special features [... ] [with]
forms submitted to a severe geometric and profound anti-Baroque
composition, therefore making it very national.n Speaking about the
late medieval period in another text, the sarne author says: "It is both
the simplicity of forms and the structural clarity that can best des-
cribe our Gothic churches from the 13th century on and our Manue-
line buildings.»
We think, however, that there is no real contradiction in the opi-
nions of these two authors. Rio-Carvalho speaks about the use of
decoration, which is "Baroque-like»; but it is implicitly understood to
be a contrast to a plain background, which is what, after all, Pais da
Silva considers to be anti-Baroque. Raul Uno sums it up thus: "Ano-
ther feature of our way of being is the tendency that we have to con-
ceive everything on surfaces [... ] for our disdain for the importance
of volumes and the little interest we show for light-dark.»
And the style that best bears out this statement is undoubtedly
Manueline - "Atlantic Baroque» (as it has been called) in its decoration,
but being of arare clarity and simplicity in structure - as a process and
agent of the decomposition of the construction of the Gothic organism
in the simple volumes and forms of which it was composed ...
A third component - besides the <<Íntegrator feeling» and the taste
for "structural clarity» - has necessarily more to do with the con-
tents of the material models in question, which have historically
appeared in our culture.
Regular Features and ClJaracteristics 01 Portuguese Architecture 13

ln fact, there is a long tradition of «opposition» among «visions of

the world» in Portuguese architecture that have been translated into
concepts and models and have produced a kind of «dialectic» creative
relationship. Speaking in a general sense about the Middle Ages, José
Mattoso explains the differentiating aspects of the cultural values of
the south (Mozarab, municipalist and urban) and the north (Chris-
tian, landowning and rural), respectively influenced by the Mediter-
ranean and the Latin and Muslim worlds and Northern and Central
Europe where Anglo-Saxon and Germanic values predominate.
Throughout history, this can be seen in both the use of space and
the architectonic production of the country. The division between
the north and south is either the River Tagus or Douro, Romans and
Ceits, Visigoths and Suevi, Mozarabs and Christians, Gothic and
Romanesque, courtyards-arcades and sanctuaries-stairways, the
works of Mardel and Nasoni, the architecture of «Lisbon» and
«Oporto». .. [ ... ]
Orlando Ribeiro expressed this opposition with a very clear geo-
morphological and territorial picture, speaking about a southern «clay
civilization», plastic and pliable, as opposed to a northern «granite civi-
lization», rough and «hard», and a «Mediterranean Portugal» against an
«Atlantic Portugal». Ir is, in fact, what Agustina Bessa Luis ironicaliy
termed the opposition between the spirit of the «Caliphate» and the
«Hanseatic League». ar, in the words of Raul Lino, that which repre-
sents the contradiction between a serene, luminous and balanced «pedi-
ment» and the teluric, dynamic and tense expression of the «swastika».
This BIPOLARlTY of values seems, since the beginning, to have fas-
hioned a collective understanding and sensibility - reflecting, after
ali, the reality of a peripheral country divided between «south» and
«north» - a fact that has left its mark on both architecture and the
cities throughout the centuries and may have been transposed «over-
seas» in the process of expansion.
This bipolarity is further emphasized by other clearly detectable
opposites, such as the contrasts in the relief of the country. The «Inte-
rior» is rugged and Iberian, centripetal and Hispanic (from the Trás-
-os-Montes to the Algarve Mountain Range), while the «Litoral» is
inviting, sheltered and sunny, like a «centrifugaI» force that encoura-
ges the idea of «traveI» or departure, as is seen in the material inter-
pretation of the models that are patent in the contrast between the
weight of the «vernacular feeling», of a popularising and simplifying
tendency of forms and spaces, against an erudite and elitist reading.
14 A I'c/J i tect /I re

It is exactly as AGGREGATING agents, of structural compensation

and redress, that the role of what might be termed «national styles»
can be understood. ln fact, the «Manueline» (a reaction against the
ambivalence of the preceding Romanesque and gothic), the «Plain»
style (against the opposites created within classicism from the Renais-
sance to the Baroque) and the «Pombaline» (the initiator and the van-
guard of a proto-modernity in the «century of enlightenment» and
which continued in civil construction programmes until the end of
the 19th century in order to attenuate the successive waves of
«Rocaille», neo-classicisms and even the «neos» of Romanticism)
annulled these territorial differences for a long time.

Some Conclusions

We can conclude with some synthesized observations that summarise

the above mentioned opinions:
- The social and cultural situation of the country is an individual
case, being «original» in the European context owing to its «fringe» 01'
«peripheric» position in relation to the main European centres where
the cultural «vanguard» movements are launched, thus creating a ten-
dency to maintain long-established traditional models, so that, toge-
ther with Spain, there is a tendency against revival, together with a
parallel trend for integration, as this is the only thing that can trans-
form and overcome the fatal conservative leaning;
- Imported modeIs have exerted a great influence on the evolu-
tion of artistic processes in Portugal in comparison to similar proces-
ses in other European countries and these continuaI influences can
be clearly seen: as a result, Portuguese architecture has been marked
by alternate phases of «imported» and «home-made» trends throug-
hout its history;
- ln this way, the fashions frequently imported from the above
mentioned cultural centres have not been directly applied to Portu-
guese architecture, except in an initial phase when they were still a
novelty; although accepted with an eclectic, 01' even aleatory, atti-
tude, they have been more often than not transformed (rethought,
adapted) in some way and finally integrated with a new traditional
feeling in which the «already known» is crucial;
Regular Features and Cbaracteristics of Portllguese Arcbitecture 15

- The application of an «elementary spatial structure», of «clear

and simple lines» and of the «decorative treatment of the suriace»
have been outstanding in this process of incorporation; the last-
named value maintains a dialectic relationship with the other two,
being a kind of decorative response to the desire for an architectural
complexity that limited resources l11ake alnl0st impossible in prac-
- Territorial differences and contradictions can be clearly seen in
both architecture and urbanism - especially if we take into consider-
ation the small area of the Iberian Peninsula that Portugal occupies -
in which the contrasts in the understanding of forms and spaces, and
even the oppositions created by these distinct influences, have played
a catalysing and dialectic role; the temporal alternation between the
«cycles of opposition» distinguished by an accentuated «bipolarity»
and the periods of «synthesis» and «aggregation» of languages and
models have solved this contradiction; - finally, the «open» charac-
ter of Portuguese architecture and the feeling and taste it has in being
the «transmitter» of previous]y elaborated modeIs must be stressed,
whether it be in the process of internal colonization 01', above all, in
the overseas expansion, in which an «inate taste for building» in order
to create a collective material base could always be seen. It is here, in
our opinion, that one should look for the «essential feeling» of our
architecture (an aspect that some people have wished to see as a
«Messianic» destiny guided by «esoteric» values). It must be noted that
Portugal is almost a «landless» country, so that the necessity to find
a national identity through departure «overseas» was a phenomenon
that soon made its mark on its cultural evolution.
We will end by quoting a speculative intuition of Fernando Pes-
soa: <<fhe value of a country lies in the degree of civilization with
which, by making thel11 national, gives a deep and new sense to the
general elements common to all the countries of the civilization to
which it belongs.»
«Portuguese Architecture and Urbanization seem to have looked
for this NEW SENSE - especially in their most expressive phase
between the 15th and 18th centuries - in a «simple vision of forms»
that led to a «lightness» and their application in a «diffusing capacity»
that is without equal in other cultures.


From the Beginning

to the End of the Middle Ages

From Pre-History to the Late Middle Ages

The first question that may be asked in dealing with the chronology
of Portuguese architecture concerns the appearance of the subject
being studied. From when can one speak about the existence of
buildings of architectonic dimension or value within the present
boundaries of the country?
ln the opinion of Jorge Alarcão, it seems to be «a mistake to speak
of architecture in relation to dolmens, tholoi Of menhirs». Even in the
Stone Age Celtic art, with its «pedras formosas» (beautiful stones), it
is difficult to find an artistie feeling of the conception of inhabitable
space and constructed forms.
Without going deeply into the question - as we understand the
process of the appearance of architecture to be a very slow «inven-
tion» of humanised space which was gradual1y forged and perfec-
ted - the extremely important role of relígion (the «figuration of the
divine» as the creator of the first architectonic works must be
stressed. ln fact, almost all the material vestiges that still exist from
this period, up to the romanization, are to do with funerary art, the
cult of the sacred, tumular constructions.
lt is essential that an analysis be made of these prehistorie con-
structions, about which we have very few precise details as documen-
tary evidence is scarce, difficult to date and almost unknown, which
often makes it hard to place them chronologically.
A retnarkable evolution took place from the time of the cave
wall paintings of Escoural (near Montemor-o-Novo in the Alentejo),
Portuguese A rclJitectl/ re - C!Jronology 17

dated between 13 000 and 25 000 BC, in the Late Palaeolithic age,
through the Mesolithic wall paintings in Muge and the Sado ValIey
(8000-3000 BC) to the Neolithic period with its first farmers and
«polished stones» and earthenware objects (up to 3000 BC).
The Megalithic Culture (4000-2000 BC), «The first prehistoric cul-
ture in Portuguese territory that possessed original characteristics»
a. A. Ferreira de Almeida), would start developing at the end of the
Neolithic period and continue up to the Copper and Bronze Ages.
Spreading throughout the Upper Alentejo, these Megalithic men built
impressive colIective tombs, calIed «antas» 01' «dolmens», and fune-
rary chambers composed of perpendicular slabs of stone (the props)
with horizontal slabs laid across them, the whole being covered with
earth 01' stones.
This «megalithic architecture», the earliest exatnples of which date
from the fourth milIenia BC (of the «first cultures of the southwest»
of the Peninsula, 3750 to 2500 BC), can be found alI oveI' Portugal
(in Monchique in the Algarve, Barbacena at Elvas, Vila Nova de Paiva
in the Beira), but the most outstanding examples are in the Alentejo
(the anta of Folha da Amendoeira in Odivelas, Beja, and the one of
Olival da Pega in Reguengos).
Coexisting with these megalithic constructions are the tombs cut
out of the rock (the so-cal1ed «artificial caves») that belong to the
powerful <<ragus Valley Culture», which had an initial phase from 3500
to 3000 BC and a period of consolidation from 3000 to 2500 BC.
Existent examples of this culture are the caves of Carenque and
Tojal de Vila Chã in Amadora (which has a corridor and a skylight),
where craftsmanship and natural materiaIs are mixed - as they are at
Monte Abraão in Queluz-Sintra and Quinta do Anjo in Palmela.
Another artefact of the sarne period, the tholos (a false-roofed
funerary construction consisting of a chamber and corridor covered
with earth and stones) appeared at the sarne time. Examples are to be
found at São Martinho in Sintra, Tituária in Mafra and at Tassos at
Ourique, this last-named being of the period from 2750 to 2000 BC.
Between 2500 and 1500 BC, the final Calcolithic (01' Eneolithic)
period, when the first fortified settlements and iron-smelting
appear, another culture was to make its mark on the Iberian Penin-
sula. This was the «Campaniform Vase» culture, which took its name
from the shape of the ceramic pieces that it produced. This culture
appeared in about 2250 BC and reached its zenith between 2000
and 1700 BC.

18 A rcIJifecfll re

The corridor sepulchres that are to be found in the Tagus Estuary

(Montes Claros in Lisbon, Alapraia at Cascais, Montelavar at Sintra)
are of the same time.
With the Bronze Age (1800-800 BC) and the subsequent improve-
ments in iron smelting techniques, there appear the first individual
tombs, such as the one at Atalaia at Ourique, and the "monuments»
(Roca do Casal do Meio, a large sepulchre at Calhariz, Sesimbra, prob-
ably built between the 10th and 11th centuries BC. The Argalic Cul-
ture (1700-1000 BC), which carne from southern Spain, and the
influence of the Tartessos in the late period of this age (1000-700 BC)
must be stressed.
The Iron Age, from the 8th to the 1st centuries BC, brings the first
and interesting differentiation in the dwelIings of the north and the
south of the country. The development of the so-calIed "Castrum Cul-
ture» , related to the coming of the HalIstatt culture of central Europe
with the migration of the Celts to the Iberian Peninsular, in the north
of the country contrasts to the settlement of the Phoenicians and
Greeks on the Atlantic coastline and the migration of the Turdulos to
the south of the country, alI of these bringing their Mediterranean tra-
ditions, between the 5th and 3rd centuries BC. Ossonoba, the present-
day Faro, capital of the Algarve, was founded in this period.
The Celtic castra, proto-urban settlements of round houses, con-
tain a certain decorative sophistication in the form of basreliefs on
"pedras formosas» and bathhouses, although the buildings were very
elementary and probably covered with thatch (Sabroso, Briteiros).
The first urbanization appeared with the Roman occupation, as
did the first complex architecture, which was a result of systematic
A peripheric area of the Peninsula and the Empire, the part of
Lusitania which is today Portuguese territory (excluding the capital
Merida, which was later incorporated into Spain) would, even so, be
doted with some remarkable constructions and amenities, some of
which still exist today. Some of the most outstanding examples are:
a theatre in Lisbon, which was rebllilt in 57 AD: a monumental spa
bulit into the side of a hill at Conimbriga from the time of Trajan: a
dam and an aqueduct between Belas and Amadora, the former being
a construction of the 3rd century AD; temples like those of the
«forum" of Évora (end of the 1st century AD), Miróbriga, near San-
tiago de Cacém, Faro, in the «forum» in the Cathedral sqllare, and
Santana do Campo, Vidigueira, over which a church has been built;
Porfllgllese ArclJifeCfllre - Cbl'O!1%gy 19

cryptoportics like the ones beneath the «forums» of Aeminium

(Coimbra) and Mértola, which seem to be platforms cut into a hill, a
style that seems to have been developed especially in Lusitaniaj and
public spaces, like the superimposed «forums» of Augustus and
Flavius at Conimbriga and the amphitheatres at Conimbriga and
Bobadela, Oliveira do Hospital, the latter being the only one that has
been escavated. Besides this, there are riverside settlements and fish
salting industries at Tróia, the Praça do Bocage in Setúbal and the Lis-
bon Ribeira (riverside area), today to be found in the 16th century
House of the Pointed Stones.
Other less important spas in Lusitania and Gallaecia, to the north,
such as those of Mirobriga, São Pedro do Sul, Freixo (Marco de Cana-
veses), in the «Colina dos Maximinos» in Braga and near the
Augustine walls of Conimbriga, all from the 1st to the 3rd centuries,
are worth of mention. A series of 1st century galleries known as spas
that are to be found below the Pombaline Downtown of Lisbon seem
to be more a cryptoportic 01' cistern than a spa.
There are also public baths in Tróia and near the «forum» in Mér-
tola and fortifications like the «castellum», the tower and the 4th cen-
tury outer walls of Mértola, walls and gates at Évora, Beja and Conim-
briga. There are aIso innumerable almost unknown «forums» at
Sellium-Tomar, next to the Church of S. Maria do Olival, and at Beja
and the foundation of the keep at Idanha-a-Velha, which was the
«podium» of the main temple in the «forum». Like the medieval
squares, the «forum» seems to have been a usual part of the Roman
urban system. This system seems to have tried to synthesize the local
type of fortification and in some cases abandoned the usual fIat areas
to build their settlements, as can be seen at Conimbriga.
Other important vestiges are houses, both rural, like the «villas»,
and urban, like the refined 3rd century «Cantaber house» and «house
of fountains» at Conimbriga, the humble two-storey construction of
the 1st century found under the ,Mértola Town Hall, the residencial
area of Tróia and the «house of the wel!» in Braga.
There are remarkable vestiges of rural «villas» in Portugal, out-
standing the opulent 4th century construction at Milreu, near Faro,
which has a temple that was transformed into a church by having an
apse added. The «villas» of São Cucufate (Vidigueira) and Marim
(Olhão) are of the sarne time and style.
Christianization, in fact, left frequent typological marks on these
buildings, maybe because of the need for initial discretion in isolated
20 A rclJifecl II re

01'rural areas. These marks can be seen in a temple that was adapted
as a basilica of a «villa» at São Miguel de Odrinhas (Sintra), vestiges of
a basílica at Tomar and of a palaeo-Christian chapeI at Tróia.
A final reference must be made to Roman buildings of uncertain
use, such as the «temple» (01' mausoleum?) of Almofala (Figueira de
Castelo Rodrigo), the enigmatie tower of «Centum Celas» (Belmonte)
and the sanctuary of Panóias (Vila Real), whieh was thought to have
been dedicated to the divinity Serapis.
ln the six centuries of the so-called Early Middle Ages (from the
5th to the 6th centuries), one may refer to Late Roman 01' palaeo-
christian art (5th to 6th centuries), Visigothie art (7th-8th centuries)
and the art of the Muslims, Asturians and Mozarabs (8th to the 11th
centuries). Ir is a confusing period with very few material vestiges.
The present-day Portuguese territory would once more be
divided by the Suevian occupation of the north between 411 and 585
(whieh was especially, stable to the north of the river Vouga) and a
continuation of ChJ:istian and late Roman culture in the south. The
Visigoths rellnited the area from the 6th century until the Arab inva-
sion in the 8th century.
ln the initial phase of this period, there was a continuation of the
Christian cult in Portuguese territory in the olltskirts of decadent
urban centres which can be seen in the vestiges of the palaeo-
christian basilica (5th-7th centuries?) near the old primary school of
Mértola, olltside the old town. The Visigothie presence in the sOllth,
linked to the Kingdom of Toledo, can be seen in several elements of
the 5th to the 7th centuries, such as capitaIs, aIso in the area of Mér-
tola. Although they have already been mentioned, the palaeo-
Christian basilicas of Odrinhas, Dume and Tróia, thought to be of 6th
century, can be included in this phase of chronological uncertainty.
The remarkable 6th century «basilica of opposito apses» built
alongside the «villa» at Torre de Palma, Monforte, with its vast hall
and cross-shaped baptismal font, is of the same style as others at
Málaga and Mérida in Spain. The «Visigothie cathedral» of the fonner
and decadent Egitania of the Romans (ldanha-a-Velha) is also remark-
able. The walls of this village contain a gate that is flanked by circular
towers, whieh was quite usual up to the 11th century.
Virgílio Correia speaks about a «Visigothic grollp» of artistie
works (7th-8th centuries), influenced by the Hispano-Roman
architecture with a mixtllre of Bysantine elements «worked» with
Germanie taste. The small church-mausoleums that he attributec\
POI'{LlgLlese ArclJitectul'e - ClJl'Ollology 21

to this tin1e, however, have been more recent1y dated by C. A. Ferreira

de Almeida as frankly Mozarab (9th 01' 10th century), which shows
just how uncertain the infonnation about this time is.
Small interlinked cellular spaces measuring something like
10 m x 13 m, these small, carefully built temples follow a symbolic,
cruciform shape of sacred space that can be almost compared to the
escavated cellular tombs of the Bronze Age owing to their composi-
tion and shape. Often drastically altered, the following temples can,
despite everything, be considered as a group more through theu'
typological affinities than through chronological certainty:
- The one of Vera Cruz de Marmelar, in the surroundings of Por-
tel, with shell-like decoration on the arch of the window. Windows
like this and with designs of animaIs show an eastern Christian
influence via Bysantium, as could be seen from the decorated stone-
work of the disappeared Convent of São Félix at CheIas, Lisbon;
- The one of São Miguel da Mota (Alandroal), already
demolished, studied by Virgílio Correia;
- The Church of São Gião in Nazaré, originally a part of a
monastery, which is generally thought to be of the 7th century but
which C. A. Ferreirà de Almeida considers to be of the 10th owing to
its «closed» construction, which is the opposite of the «open»
Visigothic style.
- São Frutuoso de Montelius in Braga, generally thought to have
been built before 656-665 but attributed to the 9th-10th century by
C. A. F. Almeida. It is the «most Byzantine building in the Península».
Of a cruciform plan, it is not known, despite prolonged restoration
work, whether it was a mausoleum attached to a church or a separate
edifice. Having a plan with three horseshoe-shaped arms, ali of
which are supported by horseshoe arches, it is usually compared to
the Gala Placidia mausoleum in Ravena;
- São Pedro de Balsemão in the surroundings of Lamego, clearly
10th century Mozarab.
All these constructions possess a refinement and an attention to
detail, expressed in intimate and welcoming proportions. Besides
this, they are an almost unique witness of a period that remains
obscure in many other architectonic fields.
Virgílio Correia divides the artistic expression of Portuguese terri-
tory between the 8th and 11th centuries into a «subjugated Mozarab
or Christian group», of predominantly Visigothic influence and Mus-
Hm in secondary elements, and a «Asturian or independent Christian
22 A rc!Jitectll re

group», which we may call «of the reconquest» and which is charac-
terised by artistic poverty and a decline of Visigothic models.
If São Pedro de Balsemão is representative of the first group, the
ChapeI of Senhora da Rocha near Armação de Pera, a sanctuary with
an hexagonal interior, which is of a later date, depicts a relationship
with Mozarab «images» and a Mediterranean sensibility.
There are isolated vestiges of this period, such as the decorated
stonework that was used in the Church of St. Torquato in Guimarães,
which depicts alternate friezes of «swastikas» and «six-petalled
rosettes» and the usual shells oveI' the arch, and the recently disco-
vered portal of the Convent of Costa, also in Guimarães and thought
to be of the 10th century. But the building that is most certainly
dated and is architecturally representative is the church of Lourosa da
Serra in Oliveira do Hospital, built in 912. Although it has been much
altered, having three naves separated by horseshoe arches, it is an
indelible mark of the Visigothic tradition in Mozarab architecture.
Although little is known about the architectonic n1aterials left by
the Muslims in our country, there is no doubt that the inheritance
was poor. Military vestiges are uncertain - the «Moorish Wall» in Lis-
bon may have been built on earlier foundations. The castles of Santa
Maria da Feira and Silves can be mentioned, the walls of the latter
being the most important of the Arab domination, with a tower dat-
ing from 1227 and a curious «wellcistern» of the 12th century near
the wall at the Almadina Gate. There are also vestiges in the castles of
Pombal, Soure, Montemor-o-Velho, as well as the old <(freason Gate»
in Coimbra, which has disappeared, and the main gate of the 12th
century Almoada Wall in Elvas. And in Mértola, near the old and
above mentioned «forUln-alcazar» which was built over the cryp-
toportic and which was used as a cistern in Islamic times, is t.he most
interesting lnonument of the time - a mosque that was transformed
into a church at the time of King Manuel I and still has the «mirhab»
encrusted in the wall. It had probably been reconstructed at the end
of the 12th century.

Geograph~ Typolog~ MateriaIs

It is possible to speak about the fonnation of Romanesque architec-

ture in Portugal from the last quartel' of the 11th century. Throughout
Por(lIguese Archi(ec(lIre - CIJI'OIIO{ogy 23

the next two centuries, it became very strongly implanted in the north
of the country, especially in the Entre Douro and Minho provinces.
Most of the construction was religious, both monastic and parochial,
which accompanied and recreated a suongly rooted dispersed settle-
ment during the slow process of the Christian Reconquest.
On the other hand, this architecture is much less significant in the
centre and the interior of the country, in the Beiras and Trás-os-
Montes, while in the south there are only four churches that contain
Romanesque elements: Santa Maria do Castelo in Torres Vedras, the
Cathedrals of Lisbon and Évora and the now ruined Santa Catarina in
Monsaraz. One must not forget, however, the dynamic and crucial
role played by the centres that diffused this style. If the northem
centres of Tuy, Braga 01' Oporto can be cited, so can Coimbra, where
one of the most notable temples in this style is to be found, which is
perhaps one more example of the cultural contrast between the
Mozarab values of the centre and south of the country and the north-
em values that are a result of the invasions of the Christianised Bar-
After reaching its zenith in the 12th and 13th centuries, Roma-
nesque went through a phase of «resistance» (C. A. F. de Almeida)
in the 14th century in the north, while Gothic was developing in
the south.
The French influence was decisive in religious architecture from
the beginning, probably due to the crusades and certainly due to the
religious orders that were entering the country, especially the orders
of Cister and Cluny.
The monasteries played a crucial role in the settling of the areas
that had become more 01' less deserted by prolonged warfare. Fre-
quently isolated, like the one of Vilarinho, Santo Tirso, constructed in
the heart of posture lands and later in the most fertile agricultural
areas, it was mainly the Benedictines and the Cistercians who started
the movement. Their churches, would later become the parish
churches of new settlements, which shows the influence of the
monastic institutions in the occupation and the organization of the
country. The 12th century Benedictine monastery of Ermelo (Arcos
de Valdevez, near the Soajo Range) and the Cistercian monastery of
the same century at São João de Tarouca are examples of the con-
structions of these two orders.
The location of the monasteries aIso often obeyed the hermitic
traditions of the «sacred sites» in pIaces of panoramic beauty, as was
24 Al'cbitecture

the case of São Pedro das Águias at Tabuaço and Pitões das Júnias at
Montalegre. The setting up of monasteries near castles was also com-
mon practice (S. Miguel do Castelo, Guimarães).
According to C. A. Ferreira de Almeida, the following areas of the
country, from north to south, with differing features, can be consi-
dered as «Romanesque areas»:
- An «Upper Minho Romanesque», influenced by Tuy, in Galicia,
the most outstanding constructions being the Benedictine churches
of Ganfei and Sanfins de Friestas (both in the area of Valença), built
in the 12th and beginning of the 13th centuries, and the parish
church of Paderne and the ChapeI of Nossa Senhora da Orada, both
in the area of Melgaço and both mid-13th centurYj
- The area of «Ribeira Lima» (the banks of the River Lima), with
the church of the Benedictine monastery of St. Cláudio da Nogueira,
built from the 12th to the 13th centuries, the 13th century church of
Bravães (Ponte da Barca) and the ChapeI of São João Batista da
Comenda de Távora (Arcos de Valdevez) built in the late Romanesque
and a local taste j
- The «Bacia do Cávado» (the Cávado Basin), with the Church of
Abade de Neiva (Barcelos), the 13th century parish church of the
Collegiate of Barcelos, the Benedictine church of Vilar de Frades
(Barcelos) from the beginning of the 13th century and the church of
Manhente (Barcelos), built in 1117 j
- The area of the River Ave, with the parish church of São Pedro
de Rates (Póvoa de Varzim), a remarkable work of the second half of
the 12th century that introduced Gothic into the area, and Braga
Cathedral, constructed between 1185 and 1210 j
- The area of Guimarães, where the churches of São Miguel do
Castelo (1239) and Santa Cristina de Serzedelo (mid-13th century-
beginning of 14th century) are outstanding)j
- The zone of «Ribavizela» (the banks of the River Vizela), with
the Benedictine monastery of Santa Maria do Pombeiro (13th-14th
centuries) and the remarkable church of the monastery of Roriz
(Santo Tirso), built in 1228;
- The area of Oporto, where the most important works are the
much altered Cathedral of the city, the monastery of Águas Santas
(Maia) and the famous church of Leça do Bailio (Matosinhos) of the
beginning of the 14th century, the period of transition to Gothic;
- The «Bacia (Basin) of the River Sousa», with the church of
Paço de Sousa, which was built throughout the 13th century and
Porfllgllese ArclJitecture - CIJ1'Onology 25

inspired in the works of the Lower TImega area and Roriz, the
monastery of Cete (Paredes) fron1 the beginning of the 14th century
and the mid-13th century, church of São Pedro de Ferreira (Paços de
Ferreira), with the remains of the facade of the «cemetery church»;
- The Lower TImega, with the 14th century São Miguel da Ega
(Entre-os-Rios, Penafiel) and the church of Boelhe (Penafiel) from the
end of the 13 th century;
- ln the areas of Amarante and Bastos are the important and
original monastery of São Salvador de Travanca (Amarante), with its
13th-14th century to,,'er, and the 13th century church of Veade in
Celorico de Basto.
There is a much lower density of Romanesque buildings outside
the above mentioned areas. There is an area in Trás-os-Montes where
one can find the parish church of Chaves with a portal and a tower
and the church of AIgozinho in Mogadouro, both works of the 13th
century, besides the original, but incomplete, 13th century chancel of
the monastery of Castro de Avelãs in the surroundings of Bragança,
which can be considered as a «foreign» work in the Romanesque-
Mudejar tradition of the Douro and Castilian meseta. The church of
Ermida in Castro Daire, the much altered church of Barrô overlook-
ing the River Douro and the Burgundian Cistercian monastery of
Tarouca, built between 1154 and 1169, are to be found in the area of
Lamego. ln the Beiras are the church of Nossa Senhora da Fresta in
Trancoso, from the end of the 13th century and with a Lamego
influence, and the «old church» of Moreira do Rei.
Coimbra, the politicaI capital of the ti1ne, was automatically the
«pioneer» of Romanesque in Portugal and can boast some very old
works, such as the remains of the cloister of São João de Almedina of
the end of the 11th beginning of the 12th centuries, the vestiges of
the church af Santa Cruz (1132-1228), which was possibly influenced
by Cluny, and the «Old Cathedral», one of the country's most notable
Romanesque urban monuments. It was built between 1162 and 1180
and the facade, chancel, transept and crossing (wíth a lantern tower
of the 18th century) still survive. It was bulit under the orders of
Master Robert, who also worked on the Cathedral of Lisbon. The cir-
cular chapeI in Tomar, perhaps started ia 1195, and Lisbon Cathedral
are the only Romanesque constructions that can be found fatther
A typological analysis of Portuguese Romanesque reveals features
that are «a sign of simplicity and its limitations» (C. A. Ferreira
26 ArclJitecture

de Almeida). The churches are almost always in the basilica style,

with a nave, chancel and transept. Only rarely does the chance! con-
tain five chapels, like the ones in Braga Cathedral and Salzedas Abbey,
some have three chapeis, circular in the cases of the «Old Cathedra1»
of Coimbra, Rates (Póvoa de Varzim) and Castro de Avelãs
(Bragança), and square in the case of the Cistercian monasteries of
Ermelo and Tarouca. But the most common style is the church with
just one square apse, the oldest one being in Rio Mau, built in 1151.
The transept are the arms of a cross in the cathedrals of Braga,
Oporto and Lisbon and in the monasteries of Salzedas and Tarouca.
All these cathedrals have three naves. Oporto and Lisbon cathedrals
have roofs of stone, as has that of Évora, while Braga cathedral is
roofed in wood. Almost all the small rural churches, which are the
«sou1» of Portuguese Romanesque, have just one nave and a wooden
roof. The exception is the 13th century church of Cedofeita which
has a stone vaulting supported by circular pillars, similar to the circu-
lar chapel of the Templars in Tomar, which was possibly built in the
12th century.
The cathedrals usually have two towers flanking the facade. ln
São Martinho dos Mouros (Resende), however, the tower surmounts
the portal. Although it disappeared with the earthquake of 1755, the
remarkable lantem tower of Lisbon (Cathedral must be mentioned, as
must the separate towers of Travanca (Amarante) and Abade de Neiva
(Barcelos). The most common style, h owever, is the simple belfry, a
type of wall-tower above the facade.
Some churches have porches, illce the one at Serzedelo, Gui-
marães, while others have vestiges of porches, like the church of Fer-
reira, Paços de Ferreira. A characteristic feature is the portal that
stands on a solid square stone foundation that juts out from the
facade, which could have been a way of continuing with the old-style
porch. One of the most «decorative» examples of this style is in the
church of the monastery of Bravães (Ponte da Barca). The top of the
portal finishing in a triangle would evolve into the Gothic, as in the
church of Alporão in Santarém. Concentrated in remarkable architec-
tonic elements, the decoration sometimes resorted to themes that
were thought to be Celtic. ln the parish church of Barcelos, for
instance, the archivolts of the main portal are decorated with fleur-
de-Iys, swastikas, rosettes and friezes of lozenges. The typical open-
ings of the Romanesque tended to be rose windows, as in Ermelo,
another proto-Gothic «desire».
POl'fllgllese Al'cIJifecflll'e - CIJ/'Ollology 27

The material used was the granits that abounds in the north, plus
the soft limes tone of Coimbra and the "loiz» stone in Lisbon. There
was only one case in which brick was used, the chancel at Castro de
Avelãs, which gives it a Castilian style, and one in which cob was
used, at Castelo de Paderne, Albufeira. The building is constructed on
solid foundations and has thick, buttressed walls. Little use was made
of freestanding columns, as robust pillars and columns attached to
the walls were preferred. Most arches were round, although ogival
and horseshoe arches can be found.
Military architecture was somewhat backward at this time, being
limited to simple castles of an outer wall, like the one of Boivão,
Valença. The role of the military orders would be crucial in this field,
especially with the Templars in Tomar and at Almourol, the latter cas-
tle being built in 1171. It was then that "active defence» appeared,
with towers being built along the walls and a separate keep tower
standing in the middle of the castle, like the one in Guimarães. There
are Romanesque vestiges in the castles of Vila da Feira (11th-12th cen-
turies), Montemor-o-Velho, Soure and Pombal, as well as in the ones
of Alcobaça (1209), Sortelha and Sabugal, the last two being erected
by King Sancho II in 1228.
Little-known civil architecture includes 12th century bridges at
Canaveses, Amarante and Águeda and cisterns in the castles of
Lamego and Bragança, the latter being known as the "Domus
Municipalis». It is a work of the 13th-14th centuries and is a large
building with its roof supported on elegant arcades.

Gothic: Evolution;
the Rise of Civil Architecture

Geographically, the implantation of Gothic architecture in Portugal is

almost the opposite of that of ROf11anesque. Ironically, a central Euro-
pean style with a certain "Nordic» feeling found a wider acceptance
in the south of the country.
Nearly all the religious constructions were erected south of Leiria,
in the provinces of Estremadura, Alentejo and Algarve and very few
are to be found in the centre and north of the country.
Emphasis must be laid here on the role of the military and medi-
cant orders, mainly in the south, where there was an overwhelming
28 Arcbitectul'e

need to resettle 01' consolidate the territory reconquered fram the

Different from Romanesque (Pedro Dias) even in its origins, being
«freer and more Norman», the style was adapted to innumerable
buildings that had been started in the previollS period in Portugal so
that they would have a link with the «new Gothic order», which, as
it happened, leamed to coexist with Romanesque thraughout the
13th century. But it cannot be said that there was an «evolution» from
one style to another.
There is a special understanding of Gothic in Portugal, which
can be defined by its becoming enmeshed with the local islamic
tastes, by the lack of any Romanesque tradition in the south, which
facilitated its acceptance, by its late arrival in the country, by the
humility of the buildings erected, almost without the need to resort
to flying buu'esses, and also by the lack of any large-scale cons-
truction in the cities and by the few large religious houses that
The first important building erected in the new style was the
Cistercian Abbey of Alcobaça, built under the influence of the
architectural model of Clairveux in Burgundy between 1195 and
1252. The work was carried out in various phases and with succes-
sive interruptions. It exerted very little influence on the country at
the time. Owing to its enormous size, it remained apart from the rest
of the buildings erected.
Another «foreign» work, certainly executed by artists fram
abraad, like Alcobaça, was the cloister of the «Old Cathedrah of
• Coimbra, which was started in 1218. The church of Santa Maria de
Aguiar at Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo, built in 1200, aIso shows signs
of «Cistercian architecture».
The reign of King Afonso III saw a renovation in the arts which
corresponded to a phase between the coarseness of this reign and the
«European» refinement of the following reign of King Dinis.
The following churches can be cited as being the forerunners of
the new style at this time: São João de Alporão in Santarém, the roof
and luminosity of which are almost Gothic: the mid-13th century
Santa Maria do Olival in Tomar, which belonged to the Templars
and shows distinct Cistercian influence: the Cathedral of Évora
(1267-1325), which can aIso be included in the early Gothic in Portu-
gal, with its lantem tower of squinches and octogonal base. For this
POl'tuguese Al'chiteeture - Cbronology 29

phase, and in relation to the nuc1eus of Santarém, Pedro Dias men-

tions dates (beginning of the 14th century) that are later than those
suggested by Mário Chicó.
This important «nuc1eus» of Santarém inc1udes the Convent of
St. Francisco (1242-1315), with a 14th-15th century c10ister and a
portal surmounted by a pediment, like the above rnentioned church
of Olival, the church of the Santa Cruz, dating from 1280, and the
large church of the Convent of Santa Clara, built after 1259. Three
naves separated by arcades supported on slender pillars, a wooden
roof, transepts forming a cross and a vaulted chancel with parallel
chapels are common features of all three churches. The expressive
simplicity, together with a certain architectural poverty, shows the
inherent austerity of the mendicant orders. The churches of S. Fran-
cisco (Estremoz, 1255) and S. Domingos (Elvas, 1276) are aIso a part
of the transition to the reign of King Dinis.
From the reign oí King Dinis the Convent of Odivelas (1295-1305)
and the c10ister of the Abbey of Alcobaça (1308-1311) maintain the
initial Gothic forms. The cloister was built under the orders of
the architect Domingos Domingues, who built Santa Clara-a-Velha
(1316-1331) in Coimbra, where he introduced the vaulted roof, three
naves without a transept and illumination by means of three rose
windows, which seems to be the influence of the ribbed vaulting of
Alcobaça, although much simplified. The church oí the Convent of
Santa Clara (Vila do Conde, 1318-54) is of the salDe lines, although it
follows the northern tradition more closely, having a wooden roof,
one nave and rose windows.
Summing up this phase, Mário T. Chicó speaks about «a national
monastic architecture characterised by its simplicity and relative
elegance, as well as by its undoubted conservatism».
From the sarne time are the church of the Knights of Malta (Leça
do Bailio, 1306-1326), with a «military-Iooking» tower, and the
Monastery of Cete (1323), works that C. A. Ferreira de Almeida con-
siders to be Romanesque but which Pedro Dias c1assifies as Gothic.
They were possibly inspired in the earlier church of São Pedro (Paços
de Ferreira), which had a single rectangular nave, large chancel,
ogival arches and was greater in height. The Cathedral of Viseu
(beginning of 14th century), the church of Atouguia (end of the 13th
century) and the temple of Nossa Senhora dos Mártires (1333) of the
Order of St. James are of the sarne phase. Special reference must be
made to the «fortress-churches» of the Alentejo, Flor da Rosa (1356),
30 ArcIJiteetllre

linked to the Hospitallers, and Boa Nova de Terena at Alandroal,

which belonged to the Order of Avis and was built at the time of King
Afonso IV, owing to their originality and the fact that they were the
forerunners of the type of Franciscan «stronghold» that will be found
at Chaúl, in India in the 16th century.
Mention must also be made of the cloister of Évora Cathedral (up
to 1340), which expresses the perpendicular style and has more com-
plex arcades, Silves Cathedral (the work done before 1313) and the
cloister of Lisbon Cathedral, which was under construction in 1332,
at the time of King Afonso IV. The apse of this last-named cathedral
would be the most highly developed Gothic structure up to the build-
ing of Batalha Monastery, which was constructed between 1337 and
A new phase opened with the building of the Monastery of
Batalha, erected to commemorate the victory over the Castillians in
the Battle of Aljubarrota and constructed between 1388 and the 16th
century. Original and notable, it was inspired in the structural model
of the Lisbon Cathedral, the first architect being Afonso Domingues.
The church has three naves of differing heights, which followed the
traditional pattem of the country' s religious architecture, and a vault-
ing of stone. It was later influenced by the European flamboyant.
Huguet was responsible for the vaulting of the Chapter House and
the Founder's Chapel, as well as for the Unfinished ChapeIs (on the
orders of King Duarte), the decoration of the facade and the rose
window with its magnificent, esoteric six-armed swastika, which
would later reappear in Tomar in the cable moulding above the
famous window.
As it was the most important building that had ever been con-
structed in the country, it is important to stress its place within the
traditional trends of Portuguese architecture, which would be rede-
fined at this time: «Seen from a distance, on the tranquil plain on
which it stands, the church gives us an impression of horizontality in
its general appearance, in contrast to the perpendicular style of
northem European architecture... » Uoão Barreira, quoted by Mário T.
The following churches were also built while Batalha was under
construction: Nossa Senhora da Oliveira of the Collegiate of Gui-
marães (fram 1387 to the first quarter of the 15th century), built by
the architect João Garcia of Toledo and with three naves, transept
and a wooden roof: Santa Maria do Carmo in Lisbon, a «reduced fiodei»
Portuguese Architectul'e - ClJronology 31

of Batalha erected by the architect Gomes Martins on the orders of

D. Nuno Álvares Pereira at the end of the 14th century (it was badly
damaged by the 1755 earthquake). ln the north, the church of São
Domingos en Vila Real (1424-1451) has three naves and a wooden
roof, the church of São Domingos in Guimarães has a remarkable
old-fashioned cloister (begun in 1397) with a running arcade and two
parallel pillars (like São Bento in Santo Tirso) and the church of São
Francisco in Oporto follows traditional solutions with a simple woo-
den roof.
The most direct influence of Batalha can be seen in the Cathedral
of Guarda, which has a chancel that was finished in 1426 and a tran-
sept that was completed at the time of King Manuel I. As Mário
T. Chicó says, due to the influence of the mendicant orders and the
activity of the monasteries throughout the Gothic period Guarda
Cathedral proves that in Portugal, contrary to what happened in the
rest of Europe, «it was the cathedrals that tried to adapt their plans
and structures to those of the churches of the abbeys».
The chancel of the church of Nossa Senhora da Pena in Leiria cas-
tle also suggests a lightness of expression inspired in Batalha and the
magnificent church of Nossa Senhora da Graça in Santarém, a mid-
15th century Augustinian convent of traditional size and structure,
has an elegant rose window and a decorated portal. The parish church
of Lourinhã (1384-1397) is the simplest example of the sarne style
and the church of Santa Maria do Castelo in Loulé) the parish chur-
ches of Tavira (beginning of the 15th century) and Silves (1443-1499)
and the church of the Convent of São Francisco) also in Tavira, are
Rooted in their link to regional forms, it can be concluded that,
due to their overall expression, «the perfection of the structure of the
churches in the south does not cause an enlarging of the windows»
(Mário T. Chicó).
Three trends of religious architecture can be mentioned in the
second half of the complex 15th century in Portugal. The first is an
old-fashioned style) which is found in the Collegiate of Barcelos
(1464) and the parish churches of Monção and Ponte de Lima. The
second is a continued trend of exuberance) decoration and refine-
ment, found in Prince Henry's «cemetery cloister» in the Monastery
of Christ in Tomar and following the style of Batalha. The third is a
trend of simplification, seen in the crypt of the Count of Ourém in
the old Collegiate (1450-1487), in the Synagogue of Tomar, which,
32 A rclJitectllre

like the above mentioned crypt, has a groined vault, the proto-
Manueline parish church of Soure (1470) and the church of Santiago
in Palmela, wbich, according to Pedro Dias, is in «plain, linear,
Gothic». Through the works connected to the Jewish community the
intervention of the military orders and the special work of Ourém, it
can be said that tbe last of these trends was transfixed by a «cult» feel-
ing of architecture that was linked to «the initiators».
The so-called «Late Gothic» of the Alentejo had an influence in
transforming the Gothic models, which, after being accepted, were
then elaborated into an overall simplification and standardization that
was later used as the prototype in the Renaissance period and,
mainly, during the period of overseas expansion. This simplification
led, above ali, to more compact constructions and a search for
unidimensional space, as José Custódio Vieira da Silva noted: «this
simplicity and taste for the geometric, which we had seen in the
church of Santiago in Palmela and the single nave of the church of
Conceição in Beja takes on a permanent character in the temple of
Lóios in Évora, being a defining element both in the Alentejo Late
Gothic and af a Mudéjar sensibility.
The role of Évora, in fact, is crucial in this process, in works like
the church of São João Evangelista dos Lóios (1485-1491), the Her-
mitage of São Brás, with its volumetric originality, cylindrical but-
tresses and an «innovative» galilee-porch (1483-1490), and, above ali,
the church of São Francisco, which, with its enormous single nave
and galilee, is of prime imponance in order to understand 16th cen-
tury Jesuit architecture and which was rebuilt between 1476 and the
16th century. It was something new and would influence the local
16th century architecture, as can be seen in São Bento de Castris, the
Monastery of Espinheiro and the church of Lóios in Arraiolos.
Some «key buildings were also erected in Beja at this time, such as
the church of the Convent of Nossa Senhora da Conceição (1459-1473),
a type of «mini» São Francisco. ln the Algarve, the church of Santa
Maria of Faro must be pointed out. This church has a central tower,
which was possibly, the prototype for the 16th century churches that
had a tower surmounting the portal, like the ones of the Priory of
Rosário in Old Goa and the Cathedral of Baçaím, aIso in India.
Both military and civil Gothic architecture deserve attention.
Innumerable military constructions were erected during the period
of instability and conflict between the reigns of Kings Dinis and
Fernando I, such as the castle and walls of Trancoso (Upper Beira),
Portllgllese ArcIJitectllre - CIJl'0110!ogy 33

the pentagonal tower at Sabugal, new walls around Lisbon and

Oporto (14th century), the castle at Alter do Chão in the Alentejo
and the keep at Estremoz at the end of the 14th century.
Innovative circular towers appear in the 15th century, such as the
ones in the castles of Bragança and Beja. The construction of small
castles, like the one of Penedono, and the reconstruction of others,
like the one of Vila da Feira, in the same period also deserve atten-
Fortified residences are also a feature of the time, like the Epis-
copal Palace of Braga (1378) and the Royal Palace of King Dinis in
Estremoz, with a surviving 14th century galilee. The 15th century
crenellated «palace-castlesll must be mentioned, such as the Palace of
Ourém and the castle of Porto de Mós, both built on the orders of
D. Afonso, Count of Ourém, the palace in the Castle of Leiria, which
has an elegant verandah that is related to Batalha, and the palace of
the Dukes of Bragança in Barcelos. The first palace to really be used
as a residence was built by the Dukes of Bragança in Guimarães in the
second half of the 15th century. It was possibly of French inspiration
and has undergone a lot of reconstruction work this century. The
Royal Palace of Sintra must not be forgotten.
The «manor-like towers», an expression coined by Carlos de
Azevedo, like the one of Gomariz (14th century) also appear at this
time but they soon gave way to more complex manor houses - the
ones with an adjoining residential tower (Palace of Giela, 15th-16th
century), some with two towers and a central body (Manor House of
Pinheiros in Barcelos (1448) and others with one central tower
(examples of the 16th century). Reference must also be made to some
urban residencial quarters that have survived until our times, like the
)ewish quarters at Castelo de Vide and Tomar, plus some streets in
Évora and Guarda.
ln the field of public amenities and infrastructures, mention must
be made of covered fountains, lik~ the 14th century one of Figueiras
in Santarém and the Fountain of the Count at Ourém, bulit in 1435,
and bridges, such as the one at Mucela over the River Alva and, above
all, the one at Ucanha, in Salzedas, with a toll tower and built in the
15th century.

34 Arcbitecture

From 1500 to the End of the 18th Century

Being on the south-western extremity of Europe, Portugal began a

process of overseas expansion - the Discoveries - from the 15th
century that would take its architecture to different parts of the
world, namely the Middle and Far East, India, Brazil and Afriea,
besides the Atlantie archipelagos and Oceania.
This process, carried out with the exchange of influences and
miscegenation, went on until the 20th century and gave a seemingly
regional artistie production (within the context of western Europe) a
different and amplified universal dimension, whieh is a proof of its
originality and value.
As we shall also see in regard to urbanisation, it is impossible to
separate the architecture of this phase in Portugal to that developed
overseas from Morocco to China and Oceania.
Portuguese architecture would take to these areas its traditional
and conservative tendencies, its taste for simple and concret forms
and reduced dimensions and even its stubborn fondness to follow its
own course that was frequently in contrast with the rest of the artis-
tie trends of Europe.
If we consider the period from 1490 to 1990, the five hundred years
in whieh this art took root and became consolidated more coherently,
we can map out the different cycles and languages of production,
which alternate between phases of stability and autonomy and phases
in whieh international and regenerating influences were absorbed. The
former phases were the inimitable Manueline from 1490 to 1540, the
pertinacious «Plain Styles» from 1580 to 1680, the vigorous Pombaline,
especially between 1750 and 1780, and the inevitable Romanticism of
the 19th century. The latter phases were the Renaissance-Mannerist that
started around 1540, the Baroque from 1680, the Neo-Classic at the
end of the 18th beginning of the 19th century, and even the innova-
tive Modernism between 1890 and 1940.

From Manueline to Mannerism (1490-1580)

During more than three centuries of politicaI independence, the

small kingdom of Portugal saw the development of a sober, rural
Romanesque architecture and the flourishing of a «clear and simple»
Gothie, as we have seen.
A C/Jrol1ology 35

The stylistic components that carne from the art of the Europe
beyond the Pyrenees, together with the typological and spatial tradi-
tion of Mozarab roots (Mozarab denotes the Christian-Muslim culture
of medieval Iberia), would flourish at the end of the 15th and the
beginning of the 16th centuries. This corresponded to the economic
growth and social development of the time and gave rise to an origi-
nai and unique architectural style, not only because of its own inher-
ent features, but because of the universal diffusion it achieved over
the following two hundred years.
The so-called Manueline style, named after King Manuel I (1495-
1521), who reigned during the Discoveries and the golden period of
the Indian and African spice trade, has been considered in its several
dimensions by various authors and investigators (Robert Smith, Rey-
naldo dos Santos, Mário T. Chicó, Pais da Silva and others) as an
individual manifestation of Flarnboyant or Plataresque within the
final European Gothic, as happened to, and through, several coun-
tries around Renaissance Italy, as a transition style, blending struc-
tures of Gothic roots with Renaissance elements, or even as a «Luso-
Moorish» style, especially in the south of the country, a type of
«Mudéjar» reviving the old Mozarab tradition, and also as an «Atlantic
Baroque», redolent with naturalist forms of the Discoveries and
enhancing the decorative elements.
Besides being all this, we also believe that in its essence Manue-
line was also an experimental and innovative style, intuitive and prac-
tical, looking for new rules and proportions for a nationally con-
ceived rebirth in the «dismantling» of Gothic language in clear and
elementary geometric forms such as cylinders, cones and pyramids.
At the sarne time, it was a return to the world of «c1ear and luminous»
forms - cubes and spheres - of the common southern and Mediter-
ranean traditions, both Muslim and Italian.
A vigorous and «festive» style (in the words of Rafael Moreira and
Paulo Pereira) of a new sea-borne empire, Manueline style was used
in military, civil, religious and public amenity constructions in the
building and enlarging of edifices and cities in ali corners of the
Among the naturalist elements like cable mouldings, algae and
sails, and the complementary elements such as pinnac1es, cones,
bevelled battlements and cylinders attached to the walls, the clarity
of the structures that supported the excessive, but light, decoration
could be seen.
36 Arcbitectllre

The new style would bccome defined between 1490 and 1505 in
churches in the Estremadura and the island of Madeira (Funchal
Cathedral, 1493-1502-1517) and in fortl'esses in North Africa. The
most important works appeared by 1521: the Unfinished ChapeIs at
Batalha, near Leiria, with a portal built by Mateus Fernandes in 1509;
the Monastery of Jerónimos at Belém, Lisbon, with a church and
cloister built by Boytac between 1502 and 1516 and vaulting and ver-
andahs built by João de Castilho between 1516 and 1521, being one
of the most original Hall Churches in southern Europe; the nave of
the church at Tomar, built by Diogo Arruda in 1510-1511 and being in
perfect harmony with the earlier styles around it; and the Tower of
Belém, the fortified limestone «jewel» constructed by Francisco de
Arruda between 1515 and 1520.
The style spread alI over the country at this time, with the build-
ing of residential manor houses like those of Água de Peixes near
Alvito and the Palace of Évora, both in the Alentejo, of castles like the
ones of Évora Monte (1531) and Vila Viçosa (1537), aIso in the
Alentejo, Safim in Morocco and Ormuz in Pérsia, of small chapeIs and
churches, sometimes rebuilt or enlarged, like the parish church of
Caminha, in the north of the country, and ones at Alvito, in the
Alentejo, Silves, in the Algarve, and at São Tomé de Meliapor in
Madras, India. The influence of this Portuguese style, although
peripheral, has been recognised in Spain and the Canary Islands.
The style would persist until about 1540 with works overseas: the
church of Ribeira Grande in Cape Verde (1522); the parish church of
Ponta Delgada in the Azares (1533); the church of the Priorate of
Rosário in Goa (1540 01' 1543). It is also probable that the decoration
in the Palace of Audiences in Lima, Peru (1530), and the portal of the
church of Conception of Texcoco, México, were influenced by the
Manueline style. .
A new «foreign» current that introduced the Italian classic modeIs
was felt in the 20's and 30's of the 16th century. It took shape during
the reign of King João III (1521-1557) and the following regency and
reign of Queen Catarina and King Sebastião (up to 1578), in the midst
of a policy of severe restraints on public spending, administrative and
colonial crises, the spiritual tension of the Council of Trent and the
Inquisition and an atmosphere of austerity and the counter-
Flourishing alongside the Manueline in places like Lisbon, Tomar,
Coimbra and Évora, the first works in the new Italian style were small
POl'fllguese Archifecflll'e - Cbronology 37

buildings like the church of Conceição in Tomar (1530-1540), the

Manga Cloister in Coimbra (1533), the church of Santo Amaro in Lis-
bon (1549) and the church aI' Valverde near Évora (1550-1560) 01'
sculpural works applied to architecture such as the portaIs of the Old
Cathedral and the church of Santa Cruz in Coimbra, where masters
like Nicolau de Chanterene, Diogo de Castilho and João de Rouen
distinguished themselves. These works generally expressed a certain
experimental 01' transitory character.
The theoretic-architectonic work of the Portuguese that travelled
in Europe has its most famous representative in the person of Fran-
cisco de Holanda (1517-1584), who had a scholar ship to study in
Italy, where he had contacts with Michaelangelo, and who was the
author of the overall project for the engrandizement of the capital of
Portugal (<<aI' the Buildings That Are Lacking in the City of Lisbon,,)
with grandiose public works that were «modem» and utopian. The
best work of this period is Diogo de Torralva's King João III cloister
in the Monastery of Christ in Tomar (1554-1562), which impossed
Mannerism in the middle of the Manueline volume of the church and
the first experiments with Renaissance that can be seen there.
From the middle of the century, and with the Mannerist forms
already absorbed, the new style came into fashion and spread. New
«cathedrals" (churches in the seats oI' Bishoprics) were built at Leiria,
Portalegre (by Afonso Álvares), Miranda do Douro (by Miguel de
Arruda) and in Goa in India. All of them were built according to a
modernised version of the hall church (a typology which had been
tested in an earlier phase), in a classic design, but still with traces of
Gothic-Manueline lines. Started between 1552 and 1562, these tem-
pIes would influence the creation of a true regional style", that of
small Mannerist «columnar" churches (with free-standing columns in
the interior oI' the nave), entirely constructed in stone and brick,
mainly in the south of the country. This style would coexist with
another humbler and older one, that of churches with wooden roofs
in the provinces of Estremadura, Alentejo and Algarve.
Albrecht Haupt, Pais da Silva, Horta Correia, Chueca Goitia and
others have studied this complex transition period and they stressed
the following aspects: its formal originality, seen in concrete and
unusual works like the church ofGraça in Évora (1530-1560); the role
that treatises (I'ollowing the erudite Italian models, especially Sedio)
played in creating easily typified and repeatable structures; the role
played by architects with military training, such as Jerome oI' Rouen,
38 A rclJitectll re

who worked on the chance! of the Monastery of Jerónimos in Lisbon

in 1571, and Manuel Pires and Miguel Arruda, who worked on the
church of Santo Antão in Évora between 1559 and 1563, who would
be responsible for a utilitarian and austere conception of practical
architecture, constructing the barrei vaults that would later be
applied overseas, as in the Jesuit churches at Baçaím and Diu in India
and the church of São Bento at São Salvador da Bahia in Brazil; the
presence of two contrary models in religious architecture - the
Jesuit, with the church of São Roque in Lisbon, which was built at
the sarne time as that of Gesu in Rome (1565-1576) and which has a
single nave and a facade with no towers, and the «Herreriano" type
(named after Juan de Rerrera, author of the Escorial), with the
Church of São Vicente in Lisbon (1582-1590), built by Filipe Terzi and
Baltazar Álvares with two towers and a galilee. Some authors aiso
refer to the influence of the strapwork ornamentation of Flemish ori-
gin 01' inspiration and the conception of autonomy in the north of
the country, which can be felt in the Church of Salvador in Grijó,
built by Francisco Velasquez in 1547.
A final reference to this stylistic phase must be made in regard to
the ever-increasing use of glazed tiles in the lining of interior walIs of
religious buildings, like the Convent of Graça and the Church of São
Roque in Lisbon, and of palaces, such as the Royal Palace of Sintra
and Bacalhoa Manor at Azeitão. The first tiles used were the Hispano-
Moorish dry-cord 01' «aresta" type, first in chequer patterns and later
painted with gradualIy simplified and popularised Renaissance
themes which would assume great importance in the folIowing phase
owing to the way they enriched the spaces they occupied.

From the «Plain Style» to Baroque (1580-1780)

The prapagation and diffusion of Portuguese architecture increased

greatly in the country's Atlantic possessions, Africa, Brazil and, above
alI, in India and the Far East fram the second half of the 16th century.
Innumerable civic, residential, religious and military buildings were
erected in cities, factories and fortifications.
Reference must be made to the participation of Italian masters in
defence works and town planning. The first was Tommaso Benedetto
Portllgllese ArcIJitecture - Chronology 39

of Pesaro, who worked in Lisbon from 1559 to about 1576. After

1541 he had worked in Mazagan, Morocco, on the fortress where
Miguel de Arruda and Diogo Torralva constructed their spectacular
sistem. He was followed by Tiburzio Spanocchi, who worked on the
fortifications of Monte Brazil at Angra in the Azares from 1590 and in
Brazil after 1605, Vincenza Casale, who ca1'1'ied out the initial work
on the forte of Bugio in the Tagus estuary between 1590 and 1593,
the work being completed by Giovanni TU1'1'iano around 1646, Bat-
tista Antonelli, with forts in Rio de Janeiro and the nort-west of
Brazil from 1582-1597 and, the most important of all, Giovani Batista
Cairato, the «royal architect of the Indias». He left Milan for the
ürient, where he w01'ked from 1583 until his death in 1596. He
worked on the fort of Jesus in Mombassa in the present-day Kenya
and carried out works in Damão, Chaúl and Baçaím in India, as well
as probably working on the remarkable fortress of Diu.
Earlier works at Lagos in the Algarve (1553) and São Julião da
Barra in the Tagus estuary (1553-1575) are due to Miguel de Arruda,
«the master of f01'tification construction». The forts of Soar in the
Persian Gulf (1560) and the Fort of the Magi in the estuary of the
River Mandovi (1554-1556) in Goa were the work of Inofre de Car-
valho. The work in Goa was continued by António Rodrigues,
«master of the royal works and fortifications», between 1564 and
1590. Seventeenth century works are those of Forte do Pico in Fun-
chal, Madeira (1611) and the forts at Natal (1614) and São Salvador da
Bahia (1623) in Brazil.
Rafael Moreira says: <<fhis constant circulation of people, ideas
and forms between the three continents explains the parallels in con-
structions and urbanization that made military architecture the first
international styIe of modem architecture.» Reference must also be
made to the geometric layout of some newly-built and extensions of
some existing cities between the end of the 16th century and the
beginning of the following, some totally fortified, like Damão, in
India 01' partially fortified as at Angra, in the Azares, Bairro Alto, in
Lisbon and São Luís do Maranhão, in Brazil, the last-named being
planned by the military engineer Frias de Mesquita in 1616.
Meanwhile, the crowns of Portugal and Spain were united
between 1580 and 1640 under the ruIe of the Philips, who were
Catholic, austere and supporters of the counter-reformation. This so-
called «Iberian Union» would accentuate the interpenetration of the
art of the Peninsula. But Portugal's triumph in the War of Restoration
40 ArclJitecture

for the country's independence would bring the dialogue between

the Portuguese and Castilian cultures to a definite end and Portugal
would turn to alternative renovating cultural sources, mainly Italian,
French and English.
It was during this new «long period)) that a stylistic and typolog-
ical permanence became apparent in Portuguese architecture based
on values obtained through treatises and practice. This fact was
even more accentuated by the necessity to erect a lot of buildings in
the several continents in the face of ever-diminishing financial
ln fact, it may be said that a Mannerist-based architecture became
the order of the day, rooted in national models that were becoming
defined and formally simplified by way of a traditional, vernacular
influence over the erudite dimension - another subtle but perma-
nent vector among the Portuguese. This architecture was based on
plain, flat surfaces and clear volumes, purged of the excessive decora-
tion that international Baroque then accepted. Ir was «baptised)) as
«Plain Architecture)) by George Kubler. ln a celebrated work, this
author was of the opinion that it had existed between the periods of
formation and dissolution, between 1521 and 1706, Le. between the
zenith of the Jndian spice trade and the influx of gold from Brazil.
Resisting Baroque, the «Plain Style)) hung on as long as it could, over-
coming temporary renovating trends and attempts at change.
The period of spiritual contemplation, a crisis of faith, the
renewed effort of the Catholic religious orders against the «heretic)),
gave rise to an impetus of new ideas and the construction of new
churches and convents both in mainland Portugal and in its overseas
possessions from 1600.
The main examples of this period are the ]esuit colleges at Coim-
bra, the present «Sé Nova)) (New Cathedral) built by Baltazar Álvares
between 1598 and 1640, in Oporto, the Church of São Lourenço, 01'
«dos Grilos)), constructed between 1614 and 1709, and in Lisbon, the
Church of Santo Antão, erected by Baltazar Álvares between 1613 and
1653 and since destroyed. Besides these are the enormous Benedic-
tine constructions of the capital, which was built by Baltazar Álvares,
has since been much altered and today hOllses the Legislative Assem-
bly, of Oporto, constructed by Diogo Marques Lucas between 1604
and 1690 and since demolished, and of Coimbra, erected by Baltazar
Álvares from 1576 and by Diogo Marques Lucas from 1604. The
Porfllgllese ArclJifeclure - ClJronology 41

renovation of the order's former seats at Santo Tirso (1679) and

Tibães (1628-1661), by Giovanni Turriano, are the most impressive
rural monuments of this phase.
The mendicant orders also carried out a lot of construction work
in this period, the most important works being for the Barefoot
Carmelites, such as the Monastery of Remédios at Évora by the «Her-
rerian" Francisco de Mora between 1601 and 1614, an archetype that
would be often copied later on, with a saber facade surmounted by
a triangular pediment and a galilee of three arches, and for the
Dominicans, with a monastery at Benfica in Lisbon from 1613. For
the feminine orders, the Poor Clares' Convent of Santa Marta was
built in Lisbon by Pedro Nunes Tinoco in 1616.
The simplicity of formal options can be seen in all these works,
in an attitude of constant «stubbornness in the face of Baroque" in
the words of Pais da Silva. ln spite of everything, a relative difference
can be felt between the architecture of the northwest (Oporto,
Minho), which is more closely linked to the Flemish decorative tradi-
tion of the strapwork ornamentation, and that of the centre and
south, which is more stereotyped within the «Serlian ruIes and the
ordained influence of the architects of the King (Pedro Nunes
Tinoco, 1604-1641) 01' of the House of the Queens Qoão Nunes
Tinoco). Finally, one can see the influence of the theoretical teaching
of architecture, often received via Spain 01' Italy begun, and central-
ized, with classes in the Paço da Ribeira (Riverside Palace) in 1549
and continued throughout the 17th century.
The extremely important role of the decorative arts in the promo-
tion of this austere architecture must be stressed, especially in the
application of yellow-blue and white-painted glazed tiles on vast
interior surfaces, such as in the Church of Marvila in Santarém
(1635-1639), 01' on exterior spaces, as in the gardens of the palace of
the Marquis of Fronteira at Benfica, in Lisbon (1670), as well as in the
use of gilt woodwork in church ,altars and pulpits, as it is in some
way compensated for the excessive nudity of the structure.
As Yves Dottineau mentions, these religious modeIs were «trans-
ported" to the Atlantic archipelagos of Madeira and the Azares, as can
be seen in the Jesuit Colleges at Funchal, Angra (1658-76), Ponta Del-
gada (1625-66) and Horta, and in the innumerable Franciscan houses
to be found near towns and villages. A creative and unique exception
due to its Baroque lines is the mid-17th century facade of the Mise-
ricórdia of Ribeira Grande on the island of São Miguel. The rural
42 A rcb i teci /I re

and suburban manor houses, which in mainland Portugal has a

characteristic model with extensive parallelepiped volumes, two-
storey facades, with the upper storey, being braken only by a line of
bay windows, an elaborate portal and attached chapeI, contain a ser-
ies of regional variants in the islands, enhanced by the local volcanic
rock and by the decorative «anti-sismic» symbolism.
ln lndia, it was also the works of the ]esuits, plus those of the
Augustines, that launched the models that would later be imitated
and made popular in the suburbs of Goa, in the «northern stron-
gholds» of Baçaím and Diu and in the southern possession of
Cochirn. Among many works, the following are the most outstand-
ing: the Church of Bom Jesus in Old Goa (1594-1605), which was
built with a single nave and facade without towers (inspired in the
Church of Espírito Santo in Évora, constructed between 1556 and
1574), served as a modeI for the church of Margão and shows clear
analogies with the College in Baçaím (1636) and the Church of São
Paulo in Diu, today the Cathedral, erected by Father Gaspar Soares in
1601; the church of the Augustines (1597-1602), aIso in Old Goa, but
today in ruins, which had two towers and a five-storey facade and
was the inspiration for other works in the area that were already of
an lndo-Portuguese culture, such as the Church of Santana of Talau-
lim on the lsland of Goa; and finally the Church of São Caetano
(1656-1661), a curious example inspired in St. Peter's of Rome, with
a cupola and arare Greek Crass plan that would later give rise to the
little church with a false raof of scenic effect at Bardez in Goa.
Reduced fram the end of the 17th century to the vestiges of a deca-
dent commercial empire, Portuguese lndia would not receive an artis-
tic renovation comparable to that of Brazil at the sarne time, so that
its architecture continued with the style inherited fram Mannerism
until well into the 18th century, when it ceased to be an original and
vivacious style of its own.
ln the Far East, almost all of the Portuguese works in Malacca,
China and ]apan have disappeared and the only thing left is a series
of edifices in Macau the most outstanding of which is the ]esuit
Church of São Paulo (1602-1626), a curious, original work of Sino-
Luso-]apanese influence.
ln Brazil, contrary to the evolution that took pIace in lndia, it
was in the second half of the 17th century, after having expelled the
Dutch and reacquiring politicaI independence from the Spanish, that
a new phase of construction began, following the rules of the «Plain
Portuguese ArcIJitecture - ClJronology 43

Style» that was «imported» from Lisbon. Germain Bazin, who made a
deep study of this phase, refers to the church of the Jesuit College of
São Salvador da Bahia, rebuilt between 1654 and 1694 and today the
Cathedral, with its remarkable ceiling imitating the traditional barreI
vault but built in good Brazilian wood, as one of the many proofs of
the typological and technical synthesis achieved.
The «Jesuit style», which was started in Brazil with the Church of
Graça in Olinda, Pernambuco, built between 1584 and 1592, would
gather strength all oveI' the territory from São Paulo to the Amazons,
even in the 18th century. This can be seen in the churches of São
Paulo (1661-1671), of Recife, Pernambuco (1689-1690) and of Belém
do Pará (1700-1719). At the same time, parish churches, like the old
"Cathedral» of Salvador in Bahia, built in 1660-1674 but already
demolished, which followed the above mentioned model of Espírito
Santo in Évora, and the Benedictine monasteries such as those of Rio
de Janeiro (1668) and in Salvador (1679) also received a renovating
A new phase, the so-called «restoration architecture», began in
Portugal following the restoration of the country's politicaI indepen-
dence in 1640, a phase which marked the cultural transition from the
«Plain Style» to Late Baroque. The latter was mainly of Italian inspira-
tion. José Fernandes Pereira considers this phase to be an experimen-
tal period (1651-1690) that saw the return of the Greek Cross church,
such as the Church of Piedade in Santarém, built by Jacome Mendes
in 1664, the revival of theoretical teaching, with the «Lectures on
Fortifications» by Serrão Pimentel as from 1647, and the regional
influence in Vila Viçosa of the Court of the Bragança dynasty that
reigned from 1640, the pattern for which was set by the church of
the Augustinians, constructed between 1635 and 1677 and possessing
a wide, expressive arch in the facade.
This was a period of uncertainty, due to the economic and mili-
tary situation on the one hand aQ.d the desire for renovation on the
other. According to Horta Correia, this gave rise to the churches of
«transition 01' continuation», such as São João Baptista in Angra
(1642), Santa Clara in Coimbra (1649-1696), built by Giovani Turri-
ano, the Jesuit College in Santarém, constructed by Mateus de Couto
in 1647, and the College of Portimão in the Algarve (1660), probably
built by João Nunes Tinoco.
This was followed by a phase of stylistic definition from 1690 to
1717, the masterpiece of which - and perhaps the only true Baroque
44 A rc!Jifeetll re

work in the country, scenically placed overlooking the river Tagus

and the eastern hills of Lisbon - the Church of Santa Engrácia,
erected by João Antunes between 1681 and 1713, would remain
At the sarne time, and returning to the Greek Cross plan that was
so popular during the Baroque period, experiments were made with
octogonal naves in churches, as was the case of the Church of Bom
Jesus da Cruz in Barcelos, built by João Antunes between 1701 and
1704, and the Church of Menino Jesus in Lisbon, constructed by
Costa Negreiros 01' João Antunes from 1711 to 1737. This typc of
church would appear in the Atlantic archipelagos later, the Church of
São Pedro in Ponta Delgada being built between 1737 and 1748.
Experiments with the new language were made in sporadic works in
the north and centre of the country, like those made by Carlos Gimac
in the church of Arouca in 1703, the wall and stairway of the
Monastery of Tibães (1725-1734), also rather late, and by Claude
Laprade in the facade of Coimbra University Library, plus those car-
ried out in the ondulating facade of the Church of São Filipe in Estre-
moz in the Alentejo in 1697. Reference must also be made to the
Church of Nossa Senhora do Cabo EspicheI (1701-1704), designed by
João Antunes in order to consecrate the sanctuary that is to be found
not far from Lisbon.
The beginning of the 18th century saw the launching of the so-
called "age of the masters» in the application of glazed tiles in
architecture, with large works of individualistic expression executed,
and frequently signed, by artists of renown. This was the phase in
which Dutch tiles were imitated, but many tile factories opened
between 1725 and 1755. The best examples of tiles executed by
"masters» are those of the nave of the Church of Santiago in Évora,
with paneIs painted by Gabriel dei Barco in 1699-1700, and those
that line the vaulting of the Church of Mercês in Lisbon, a work
executed by António de Oliveira Bernardes circa 1714. From the time
that the style was spreading, reference can be made to the blue and
white tile paneIs that line of the landings of the College of Santo
Antão-o-Novo in Lisbon (c. 1730), in the present day São José Hospi-
tal, a Jesuit work of theatrical effect, and the magnificent paneIs in
the Convent of Vilar de Frades in Barcelos (1742).
Afrer 1717, there was a dispersion of stylistic trends, which had
meanwhile matured, accompanied by a "regional» diversity in architec-
tonic evolution. ln first pIace is the "Court Baroque» of Lisbon.
Portllgllese Arcbiteetllre - Cbrol1o(ogy 45

Opulent and grandiose, backed up by Brazilian gold, the urge of King

João V and the participation of invited foreign artists, innumerable
warks were erected. Among them were the Monastery of Mafra, built
between 1715 and 1750 by Ludovice, Custódio Vieira, Manuel da
Maia and Canevari, the Aqueduto das Águas Livres, the greatest work
since the Romans according to a saying of the time, the ensemble of
the Estate of Santo Antão do Tojal, constructed by Canevari from
1728 to 1732, the Opera of Terreiro do Paço, erected by Bibiena in
1733 and destrayed by the 1755 earthquake, the ChapeI of São João
Baptista, installed in the Church of São Roque by VanvitelIi and Salvi
between 1742 and 1750, the Royal Palace of Queluz, started by
Mateus Vicente in 1758, and the Palace of Necessidades at Alcântara,
Lisbon, begun by Tomás Caetano de Sousa in 1742. ln alI these works,
ltalianised forms are blended with vestiges of the traditional «Plain"
style, plus suggestions of «Rocaille" and even signs of neoclassicis11"I,
as in the Chapel of São João Baptista.
ln the autonomous «Northern Baraque", which lasted fram 1725
to 1769, are more exuberant works that are almost always linked to
the initiative of the clergy. The most outstanding architect of this
period was the Italian Nicolau Nasoni, who settled in Portugal and
carried out a lot of work, mainly in Oporto. He was responsible for
the Church of Clérigos (1732-1748), the ex-libris of Oparto, the
Palace of Mateus near Vila Real in the Trás-os-Montes (1739), the
former nucleus of the Church of Misericórdia in Oporto (1749) and
the Freixo Palace, an unusual building on the outskirts of the city.
ln Braga, the traditional religious capital of the country, mention
must be made of two architects who folIowed Nasoni, André
Soares, responsible for Santa Maria de Falperra (1753-1755) and the
«Casa do Raio" (1754), and Carlos Amarante, who designed the
«stairways" that lead up to the typical sanctuaries of northern
ramaries, the most outstanding of them being the one of Bom Jesus
do Monte (1776).
The period from 1755 to 1780 was one of decadence or, one may
say, of continuation of this style architecture. This is patent in works
in Lisbon like the Basilica of Estrela, erected by Mateus Vicente and
Reynaldo Manuel between 1779 and 1790, the Church of Santo Antó-
nio, also the work of Mateus Vicente fram 1767 to 1787, and the
ChapeI of Bemposta, built by Manuel Caetano de Sousa in 1793. This
regionalized tendency was felt in the pravinces in the struggle against
the new neo-classic trend in works like the Church of São Bento
46 ArclJitectllre

in Oporto, built by Manuel Álvares in 1784, and the Natural History

Museum of Coimbra University, constructed by EIsden in 1772.
The building of octogonal churches was reflected in Brazil, such
as the Church of Conceição da Praia in São Salvador da Bahia, trans-
ported stone by stone from Portugal between i739 and 1765, and the
Church of Nossa Senhora do Outeiro in Rio de Janeiro (1714). But a
local style that was autonomous in relation to its lberian counterpart
was already taking shape with the works executed with the wealth
produced by the Minas Gerais «gold rush». This autonomy is visible
in the brilliant work of «Aleijadinho» (The Cripple), from the hilltop
sanctuary of Bom Jesus de Matosinhos, in Congonhas do Campo
(1757-1780), to the Chapei of the Third arder of St. Francis in Ouro
Preto (1684-1692).
The crucial and innovative moment of Portuguese architecture of
this period carne in the reign of King José and his First Minister, the
Marquis of Pombal, with the new urbanization plans and the rebuild-
ing that took place after the devastating earthquake of 1755. ln fact,
the earthquake, which destroyed the centre of Lisbon and other cities
in the south of the country, the new cities that grew up in Portugal,
Brazil and, to a lesser degree, in Africa and the economic boom of
the city of Oporto via the English colony linked to the Port Wine
trade were determining factors in this processo
The pragmatic ideaIs plus the functional demands of the time
generated an architecture «without style» in the traditional sense, as it
followed the «plain» tendency of the military engineers, referred to
«Rocaille» ideaIs for detail, searched for a temporarily precocious-
ness, if seen in a European context, in neo-classicism and was steeped
in several different sources of influence.
A secular architecture of a utilitarian bent, aimed at building
dwellings and public amenities, would appear in the form of the
industrial area of Amoreiras, in the shadow of the «Mãe d'Água»
water works built by Carlos Mardel in the first half of the 18th cen-
tury, the geometrically-Iaid-out «Downtown» of Lisbon, completely
reconstructed from Rossio to Praça do Comércio, the port area of
Cais do Sodré and the elegant hillsides of Chiado and the Cathedral,
under construction since 1756.
This architecture was also applied to the small new towns that
were built in the provinces, the best example being Vila Real de Santo
António, in the Algarve, founded in 1774. The city of Oporto launched
a series of urban extensions and rules of occupation, through
POl'tllgllese Al'chitectlll'e - Chronology 47

both the initiative of Pombal's nominee João de Almeida (São João

Street, as from 1757, the Relação Prison, 1764) and the English, who
used an «imported» neo-classic style influenced by the Italian Andre
Palladio (Ribeira Square, 1765, the English Factory, built by the
English consul Whitehead between 1785 and 1790, and St. Anthony's
Hospital, projected by John Carr in 1769).

From Neo-Classic to the End of the 20th Century

From a general point of view, Portuguese architecture of the last

200 years does not show great creativity 01' the originality of the
previous period when seen in a European contexto
Despite this, reference can be made to the 19th century revival of
colonization in Africa and India and its consequences in urbanization
and architecture and the consolidation of a regional «schooln of
modem architecture of high quality in the city of Oporto since the
beginning of the 20th century.
The period between 1807 and 1852 was one of great instability
for Portugal owing to the Napoleonic invasions, the unilateral decla-
ration of independence of Brazil and the civil war between the
liberaIs and absolutists and the succcssive politicaI, t:conomic and
social crises that resulted from these events. It was only with the
«Regeneration» govemments of the middle of the century that the
country became sufficiently stable to enable the launching of a new
coherent and modemising architectonic projecto
Dp to that point, a predominantly intemational neo-classic ten-
dency subsisted in the few significant works that were undertaken.
The authors of these works in Lisbon I
were the two architects that
designed the then-unfinished Royal Palace of Ajuda, Costa e Silva,
responsible for the magnificent São Carlos opera house in 1793, and
Fabri, who built the Santa Clara Naval Hospital in 1797. ln the
suburbs of the capital, residences that were somewhere between a
«manar house» and a «small palace» (the Pombal Palace at Queluz,
1795, and the Seteais Palace at Sintra, 1787) were erected with a mix-
ture of the classic taste, elements of the «Rocaille» and Pombaline, but
already showing signs of «pre-Romanticism».
48 A I'c/J i leclul'e

The neo-classic style also appeared in the provinces, in the form

of the square and palace of Manique do Intendente in the
Estremadura, built by Fortunato de Novais between 1794 and 1807,
the Runa Old Soldier's Home, started by Costa e Silva in 1792, the
Observatory of Coimbra University, in Pombaline style, the impres-
sive Convent of Santa Clara at Vila do Conde, begun by the «mas ter
stonemason" Ventura Lobo in 1777, and the parish church of Tavira
by Fabri.
ln Oporto, continuing the tradition launched by the English, the
style appeared in works like the Church of Trindade (1803) and the
Naval Academy (1807), both constructed by Carlos Amarante, and the
Church of Ordem Terceira de São Francisco (Third Order of St.
Francis) (1792) by Pinto de Miranda.
Later works that remained faithful to the neo-classic taste but
which included some eclectic-Romantic decoration are the «Palácio
da Bolsa" (Stock Exchange Palace) in Oporto (1842), built by Costa
Lima, who was also responsible for the new Angra Town Hall in the
Azares between 1849 and 1879, the D. Maria II National Theatre in
Lisbon, constructed by Fortunato Lodi between 1842-46, and the Lis-
bon City Hall, erected by Domingos Parente in 1866.
Romanticism started in Portugal with the modernization
programme of the Minister for Public Works Fontes Pereira de Melo.
Seemingly antagonistic concepts, «modernity" and the «Romantic
ideal» gave rise to three emblematic works. The first was the grandi-
ose Pena Palace at Sintra, the only true Romantic monument in the
country. It was built between 1839 and 1885, around the nucleus of
an old monastery on top of a hill, by Baron von Eschwege on the
orders of King Fernando II. It is a kind of false, revivalist medieval
castle, evoking Gothic, Manueline and Oriental styles. The second
was the «Palácio de Cristal» (Crystal Palace) in Oporto, conceived
from the English «Iron Architecture» and imported from British facto-
ries between 1861-65. Made in Manchester for the city's industrial
association, it was the work of the architect T. Dillon Jones and the
engineer F. W. Shields. The third was the iron D. Maria Pia Bridge
that spans the river Douro at Oporto. It was designed by Gustave
Eiffel in 1876, within the scope of the policy to improve the trans-
port system of the country.
Through the dates and names mentioned it can be seen that the
importation of foreign artists and technology was patent in the
second half of the 19th century. This led to a certain separation
Portuguese ArcIJitecture - CIJrollology 49

of the country from the industrial evolution of the rest of Europe that
the reforming of the teaching of the arts, carried out with the found-
ing of the Academies of Fine Arts of Lisbon and Oporto in 1836,
could not attenuate.
It was the golden age of revivalism and it would continue up to
the beginning of the 20th century. It embraced the «neo-Arab» taste
which can be seen in the Arab Room in Oporto Stock Exchange,
decorated by Gonçalves de Sousa between 1862 and 1880, in A. T.
Fonseca's Relógio Estate in Sintra (1850) and in the Campo Pequeno
Bullring in Lisbon, constructed by Dias da Silva in 1892. The «neo-
Oriental» design can be seen in the Monserrate Palace in Sintra,
erected by James Knowles Júnior in 1863-1865, and in the small
Ribeira da Cunha Palace in Lisbon (1877). The «medieval-Gothic»
taste is to be found in the Countess of Edla's «chalet» in Sintra (1860),
in the feigned ruins constructed by Cinatti in Évora in 1865 and in
the parish church of Reguengos de Monsaraz, built by Dias da Silva at
the beginning of the 20th century.
Within the sarne mainstream of this «recreation of the past», the
«neo-Manueline» taste appeared in 80's of the last century in urban
constructions and redolent with nationalist sentiments. This is
manifested in the Rossio Railway Station in Lisbon, built by José Luís
Monteiro in 1886-1887, and in the Palace Hotel at Buçaco, erected by
Luigi Manini in 1888-1907.
At the sarne time, «architecture in iron» became common in urban
applications, beginning with the construction of amenities. At first
the decorative elements of constructions in the new material imitated
the traditional «c1assic» 01' «Gothic» forms that had until then been
used in stone and masonry. Then it progressively passed from a dis-
creet use in interiors and utilitarian buildings to a more urban and
«daring» application in facades and buildings in the centre of cities.
The evolution in its use can be c1ear1y seen in the capital - in the
«panoptic» and the wings of the Penitentiary in superimposed galler-
ies, constructed in 1874-1878, in the vast market built by the engineer
Ricardo Correia in Figueira Square (1875-85), in the Tapada da Ajuda
Exhibitions Pavillion erected by Luís Caetano de Ávila in 1884, in the
luxurious «Portugal Salon» in the Geographic Society, constructed by
José Luís Monteiro in the Portas de Santo Antão Street in 1897, in the
Auto-Palace Garage in Rato Square, by Vieillard & Touzet - Guil-
herme F. Baracho in 1906 and in the Paris - style department store
Grandella, built by George Demay in 1906-1907.

50 A I'cIJitectlll'e

lron was also applied in housing in the sarne period, being used
to construct galleries in working-class housing estates and courtyards
and to close the back verandahs of rented flats. These simple struc-
tural undertakings were almost always in opposition to the "presti-
gious» eclectic and revivalist facades.
Keeping in step with the opening of new avenues and boulevards
in the urban renovation and extension under way in Portugal's big-
gest cities at the tum of the century, a new generation of architects
that were trained in 01' influenced by the environment of the Parisian
"Beaux-Arts» 01' any other intemational eclecticism tried to impose a
certain stylistic renovation in architecture.
They resorted to the sobriety of neo-Romanesque (the head-
quarters of the Martins Sarmento Society in Guimarães, built by Mar-
ques da Silva in 1900), which was then considered by some to be a
possible archetype of the "true» Portuguese architecture, a thesis
backed up by the existence and significance of the Romanesque-
medieval "Domuns Municipalis» in the castle of Bragança. Others
were carried along by the "Art Nouveau» design of French origin,
turning it into a Portuguese "Arte Nova» of more sober lines (no. 57,
Rua Alexandre Herculano in Lisbon, built by Ventura Terra in 1903)
and supported by the application of the traditional glazed tiles. Raul
Lino diverged from this path when he reinvented the taste for the
old-style "casa portuguesa» (Portuguese house), Moorish and "plain»,
in the houses of "Monsalvat» in Monte Estoril (1902) and Cipreste in
Sintra (1912).
An improved integration of the new materiaIs with the architec-
tonic design was tried in public works such as the Luís de Camões
High School in Lisbon, built by Ventura Terra in 1907, in the sanito-
rium constructed at Parede by Resende Carvalheira between 1901 and
1903 and in the "A Voz do Operário» school built in Lisbon by Norte
Júnior in 1914.
The appearance of a new material, reinforced concrete, in the
20's coincided with the post-war financial crisis that the Republican
regime that had come to power in 1910 was unable to overcome. This
gave rise to some "structural» works that were enhanced by the
plasticity of the new constructions. ln the Nascimento department
store in Oporto, erected by Marques da Silva between 1914 and 1922,
the oblique lines of the interior stairway can be seen through the
glass facade. The "Clínica Heliantia» of Francelos, constructed in the
suburbs of the sarne city by Oliveira Ferreira in 1929, takes advantage
Porfllgllese ArclJilecfllre - ClJrol10(ogy 51

of the rythm and outlines of the system of buttressed and freestand-

ing pillars in an open-space. A remarkable and innovative system of
movable seating on rotating plaques of reinforced concrete (since
demolished) was concealed behind a Baroque-style facade of the
gymnasio theatre in Trindade Street in Lisbon, which was built by
João Antunes in 1923-1925. And in the Capitólio theatre in the Par-
que Mayer in Lisbon (1925-1931), Cristino da Silva launched the idea
of a big open-space theatre without internal supporting columns and
with a terrace that could be used for cinema. Ir has since been par-
tially altered.
The establishment of the so-called «second generation» of
«modern» architects (referred to by José-Augusto França), who would
define the «modernist» architecture of the 30's, happened at the sarne
time that the dictatorial regime of Salazar was set up (1928), thus
preparing the way for the institutionalization of the New State. The
dynamic minister Duarte Pacheco launched an intensive «policy of
public works») from 1932 to 1940 in order to combat the inherited
unemployment, to strengthen the politicaI confidence of the people
and as a means of propaganda. He ordered the completion of works
left unfinished by the First Republic and started many others, follow-
ing a programme of systematic modernization of the postal and tele-
phone services, roads, state banks, etc.
For all this, Pacheco counted on the support of architects and
other construction experts, who were looking forward to participat-
ing in the new age of modernization. Advantage was taken of cheap
labour in grandiose non-residential buildings, especially in Lisbon, in
an «eclectic-modernist» architecture on a grand scale and that still
accepted suggestions of Art Deco. The Engineering University and
the National Institute of Statistics, both built by Pardal Monteiro, the
«architect of public works», from 1927 to 1935, and the National
Mint, constructed by Jorge Segurado between 1934-1938, all three in
Lisbon, and the Massarelos Fish MarketI
in Oporto, built by Januário
Godinho in 1930, are examples of this age.
Throughout the 30's, private initiative architecture aiso adopted
this new abstract, purist language, which was transmitted through a
play on volumes, geometrically designed stained glass windows,
cylindrical iron tubes and neons. With works mainly in Lisbon and
Oporto, where the country's two schools of architecture, descen-
dants of the 19th century academies, were established, this aestheti-
cism of cosmopolitan taste would be impregnated into ali the new
52 ArcIJitectllre

non-residential urban constructions. There are two works of note of

this period in Lisbon, the Eden Cinema in Restauradores (1930) and
the Hotel Vitória in the Avenida da Liberdade (1934), both the
responsibility of Cassiano Branco, who was also the author of so
many facades of «modernist)} residential buildings in the capital. The
«Comércio do Porto)} garage, built by Rogério de Azevedo in 1930,
and the «Vitalia)} chemist's erected by Manuel Mendes, are of note in
As from the «Exhibition of the Portuguese World)} in 1940, and
keeping in step with the return to traditional values in plastic arts in
Europe, a historicist and neo-academic taste appears once more as a
reaction, supported by the New State, against «cubist international-
iSffi)}. Areeiro Square in Lisbon, designed by Cristino da Silva and
finished in 1948, constructed with a structure of reinforced concrete
formally disguised and distorted by neo-18th century forms and
reflecting a classical and «harsh)} Italian and German influence in its
arcades, cornices and roofs, is a symbol and agent of this turn-about.
After the 2nd World War, the adoption of the models defined in
the «Charter of Athens)} - the pattern and the basis for the expres-
sion of the «Modern Movement)} in architecture - was undertaken
very slowly owing to the survival of a regime that was politically
behind the times and increasingly reactionary. It would be gradually
introduced into the municipal housing programmes in Lisbon during
the 50's and 60's in the carrying out of the Alvalade Project of Faria
da Costa and later in a similar plan for North and SmIth Olivais that
was the responsibility of Carlos Duarte and Rafael Botelho. This was
a period when a new generation of architects carne on to the stage
and reacted against the «stubborn persistence)} of the «authoritarian)}
models of the state that their coleagues of the previous generation
had helped to establish. The «Survey of Popular Architecture)}, carried
out on the initiative of Keil do Amaral between 1956 and 1961,
helped to provide a new and «liberated)} view of the architectural pat-
terns to follow and brought a proposal «to return to vernacular
sources» as the basis of a new language.
The outstanding names of the dynamic «Oporto school» of the
50's and 60's were Carlos Ramos, its director and eminent peda-
gogue, and Fernando Távora, author of the Vila da Feira Market from
1952 to 1959, whose structural plasticity started a new trend for
this type of construction. They were followed a little later by Siza
Vieira, who was linked to the organicism of Alvar Aalto, with his
POl'tllguese Al'cbitectul'e - Cbron%gy 53

tea-rooms at Boa Nova in Matosinhos between 1958-1963. ln the area

of Lisbon, reference must be made to the work of Nuno Teotónio
Pereira, with his «Águas Livres» block of flats (1953-1955), the design
of which was a rupture with the traditional closed, four-sided block,
and the notable interior designer Francisco Conceição Silva, with his
«Rampa» shop (1955), and tourist undertakings like the Hotel do Mar
at Sesimbra (1963).
The period between 1964 and 1974 was a time of accelerated eco-
nomic growth and politicaI crisis, plus colonial wars in Africa that
would finally bring about the collapse of the authoritarian regime.
A tourist boom in the Algarve, in Vilamoura, Albufeira and Lagos, the
urban «explosion» in the services sector and office space in the
centres of the biggest cities and the phenomenon of suburban and
clandestine construction, side by side with social housing
programmes of the state Housing Development Fund, are visible signs
of this period.
New faces made their mark on this period, names like Conceição
Silva, Maurício de Vasconcelos and Tomás Taveira in the Hotel da
Balaia in the Algarve (1969-1971), Fernando Silva in the «Shell» build-
ing in the Avenida da Liberdade in Lisbon in the 60's and Nuno
Teotónio Pereira with «Franjinhas» on the comer of Braamcamp and
Castilho Avenues (1971) also in Lisbon.
Important undertakings were the Integrated Plans for Setúbal (by
Charters Monteiro) and Almada-Caparica a.nd the «new towns» of
Santo André, a satellite town of the industrial undertaking of Sines in
the Alentejo planned by Silva Dias and Câncio Martins, and
Vilamoura in the Algarve, planned by Costa Lobo.
Mention must also be made of the construction of public build-
ings carried out in the provinces, such as the new hospitaIs of Por-
talegre by Vasconcelos Esteves, of Beja by Chorão Ramalho and
Bragança by Viana de Lima, schools like the School of Agronomy in
Évora by Manuel Tainha (1965) and the standard design for grammar
school drawn up by Augusto Brandão. Churches were also buiit, like
the ones of Carvalhido and Nevogilde constructed by Luís Cunha in
Oporto in 1972 and the Sagrado Coração de Jesus by Teotónio
Pereira, Nuno Portas, Pedro Vieira de Almeida, Vasco Lobo and Vítor
Figueiredo in Lisbon between 1962 and 1970. ln the African colonies,
the personalised works of Vieira da Costa (1911-1982) of blocks of flats
and public works in Angola and the villas and small blocks of flats of
Pancho Guedes (1926) ln Mozambique are worthy of mention.
54 A I'clJitectllI'e

Following the democratic revolution of 1974 and the initial

period of politico-economic instability, a talented generation of new
architects carne to the forefront, especially in the 80's. These
included Tomás Taveira, with his polychrome blocks of offices and
flats like the Amoreiras centre and the headquarters of the Banco
Nacional Ultramarino in Lisbon, Manuel Vicente, in social housing
and public works programmes, mainly on Macau, Siza Vieira, of inter-
national reputation and with works at Évora, Lisbon and, above all,
in the area of Oporto and Minho, Luís Cunha, whose very personal
post-Modernist taste gave rise to curious works in the Azores (an
auditorium at Ponta Delgada) and Lisbon (the church at Portela),
Hestnes Ferreira with interesting public works in Lisbon like the Ben-
fica High School and cooperative housing estates in Beja in the
Alentejo, Alcino Soutinho, with the notable museum and library at
Amarante, and Vítor Figueiredo, with his social blocks of flats at
CheIas in Lisbon and at Zambujal.
Throughout the 80's, other younger architects demonstrated the
vitality and energy of the present phase of Portuguese architecture,
even though it is dispersed and fragmented a «myriad" trends and
territories. Without morrying about an exhaustive or systematic
presentation, the following names are worth of note: António
Miguel [Alcântara market and the facade of the «Casa dos Bicos"
(House of the Pointed Stones), both in Lisbon 1; Gonçalo Byrne
(SAAL housing estate in Setúbal, Caixa Geral de Depósitos at
Vidigueira), Arsénio Cordeiro (headquarters of the Caixa Geral de
Depósitos, the Torre do Tombo National Archive, both in Lisbon,
with Barreiros Ferreira), Nunes de Almeida (headquarters of Lloyds
Bank, Avenida da Liberdade, Lisbon), Alberto Oliveira (Campo de
Ourique market and its enlargement with Daniel Santa Rita and
Rosário Venade), Farelo Pinto (schools at Torres Vedras and Ponta
Delgada), João Paciência (Bombarral High School with Carlos
Travassos, blocks of flats at Telheiras), João Paulo Conceição and
António Braga (Lisbon Mosque), Eduardo Souto Moura (Braga mar-
ket), Adalberto Dias (public works in the Oporto areal), António
Lima (shops and houses in Vila Real, in Trás-os-Montes), Júlio Teles
Grilo (public buildings and housing in the area of Chaves), Manuel
Graça Dias (the «Golfinho" block in Chaves, the remodelling of the
«Espelho d'Água" in Belém in Lisbon, the latter with Egas Vieira),
and Carrilho da Graça (the Portalegre Social Security Centre, a bank
at Anadia).
Portuguese Arcbitecture - ClJronology 55

Other young artists who were either born or have settled in the
Atlantic archipelagos and Macao have been making a name for them-
selves in those areas. Among them are João Francisco Caires
(innumerable shops and public buildings in Funchal), João Maia
Macedo (the «Canto da Fontinha» building in Ponta Delgada), Irene Ó
and A. Bruno Soares (office blocks in Macao and a swimming pool at
Coloane), Adalberto Tenreiro (public buildings in Macau), and Paulo
Samnarful (housing in Coloane). This goes to prove that the open
and multifaceted «feeling» of Portuguese architecture has not been


Contents and Criteria

ln this chapter, it is intended to present a choice of outstanding

works and eminent architects in the history of Portuguese architec-
ture and establish a link between the two whenever possible.
Of the vast choice available, 17 works and an identical number of
authors were chosen, covering a period fram the 15th century until
nowadays, which, as we have seen, has been a phase of maturity and
the one that best portrays the architectonic production of the coun-
try. Although recognising the difficulty in making such a choice, an
attempt has been made to lay stress on authors and works that have
a collective and, wherever possible, an international significance.
Reference is made to original works, here described in some detail,
taking into account the overall scope of the chapter. Emphasis must
be laid on the large number of authors chosen who were of foreign
• origin but who settled in Portugal and managed to identify them-
selves with the traditions of our architecture.
As reference has already been made to overseas works in other
chapters, this chapter will be limited to buildings constructed in
mainland Portugal. This does not mean, however, that there are no
notable works overseas worthy of mention in these pages as a part of
Portuguese architectural tradition. It would be enough to refer to the
cistern of Mazagan (Morocco), the Jesuit churches of Diu (Índia) and
Salvador da Bahia (Brazil) or the Baroque churches Congonhas
(Minas Gerais, Brazil) and Ribeira Grande (Azares).
ln the sarne way, several authors mentioned worked in other
geographical areas and environments, both in the overseas colonies
(the Arrudas, Cassiano Branco) and in other European countries
(Francisco de Holanda, Siza Vieira).
Great lVorks and tbeir ArclJitects 57

An attempt has been made to point out the most outstanding

work of each author (in some cases, several of the authors mentioned
worked on the sarne building 01', in two cases, notable works that
bear the signature of more than one artist are mentioned.

Afonso Domingues
and Batalha

Afonso Domingues has been chosen to perform the "symbolic

opening» of this chapter. Linked to the work of the "Real Mosteiro
de Santa Maria da Vitória», 01' Batalha, in the suburbs of Leiria
(Estremadura), a vast ensemble that was erected to commemorate
the establishment of a new Portuguese dynasty and independence
in relation to Castile, he is generally considered to be its first
architect (1388-1402). He was also the first architect to stand out at
the birth of Portugal's modem age. He built the church, nave,
sacristy and Chapter House in traditional Portuguese Gothic. It is
thought that the daring vaulting of the Chapter House was the
work of Huguet.
His participation in the building of Batalha was enveloped in
legends that were exploited by the writers of the Romantic period,
such as Alexandre Herculano. Domingues divided the work of
Batalha with mas ter Huguet, who succeeded him in 1402 and
worked there till 1438. Mário T. Chicó claims that Domingues' work
was inspired in the Lisbon Cathedral, which "may have been one of
the main sources of inspiration for our most beautiful Gothic church
before the English influence began to be felt».
The building of Batalha, as it is generally known, was a long,
drawn-out affair. Reynaldo dos Santos refers to the phase of Kings
João I and Duarte, which lasted frpm 1388 to 1438 and which "pos-
sesses the harmony of a plan that was followed within the evolution
of a style». Following Domingues in this phase, Huguet executed the
"Capela do Fundador» (Founder's Chapei) and began the pantheon of
King Duarte in the famolls "Capelas Imperfeitas» (Unfinished
ChapeIs), the octogonal outlines of which, together with the mysteri-
ous origins of the architect, leads one to think that they could have
been of Oriental inspiration. This was followed by the period of King
Afonso V (1438-1477), during which a new cloister was constructed,
58 Al'chitectlll'e

and the Manucline phase (1480-1515), during which Mateus Fer-

nandes carried out some essential work on and executed the portal of
the Unfinished Chapels and Diogo Boytac probably put the magnifi-
cent finishing touches to the Royal Coister. Although building con-
tinued up to the end of the 16th century, these were the main phases
of the work.
Batalha is a collective work that was the beginning of a mature
«national» architecture and which was the link between the new
dynasty and the Discoveries. As such, attempts have been made to
symbolically interpret its formal and spatial structure as the «key»
to the sea-way to India. According to Manuel Joaquim Gândara,
Batalha is a «map in stone». The Founder's ChapeI is the peninsular
head, the nave is Europe and the Unfinished ChapeIs represent
India. Like this, from the mausoleum of the founder of the
dynasty one would have to walk around the outside of the build-
ing - the equivalent of circumnavigating Africa - and enter the
latter chapeIs by way of a concealed door as they cannot be
reached through the nave.

The Tower of Belém

and Francisco de Arruda
A «small jewel» of military architecture, the Bulwark of Belém, its full
name being «Castelo de São Vicente a par de Belém» (The Castle of
St. Vincent in front of Belém), was erected between 1515 and 1519
(01' 1521) by Francisco de Arruda, a master who carne from a family
of architects and engineers and who aIso worked in the Alentejo and
North Africa. It is his most notable work and is unique in the field of
military architecture.
Francisco de Arruda (d. 1547) had worked on the castles of
Moura, Mourão and Portel in 1510. ln 1514, he was at Azamor with
his brother Diogo de Arruda, with whom he carried out work on
several fortesses in Morocco, including Ceuta and Safim. The Castle
of Évora Monte in the Alentejo, built in 1531, is aIso attributed to
either Francisco or Diogo. The latter died in the sarne year and Fran-
cisco was appointed, according to Sousa Viterbo, to the three posts
that had been held by his brother - «Master of Works of the District
of Alentejo and of the Palace of Évora and Surveyor of Public Works».
Great lVorks and t1Jeir Arc1Jitects 59

Sousa Viterbo aiso refers to Arruda's appointment, in 1542, as

«Inspector of the Conduit of the Prata de Évora», the famous
aqueduct that provided the city's water suppIy.
One of the main exponents of the Manueline taste, Francisco de
Arruda perceived that he could blend Italian Renaissance motifs into
his decoration, contrary to his brother Diogo. The former was more
moderate in the use of his decoration, as Pedro Dias says: «We are
perhaps in the presence of two sensibilities: one of the traditional
master builder and the other of a 16th century neo-Vitruvian
architect. »
The «Baluarte do Restelo» (BuIwark of ResteIo) was probably con-
ceived as a compIement or a contrast to the Monastery of Jerónimos,
a kind of «ship in stone», a symbol of a transatlantic voyage. It was
originally in the middIe of the river and has onIy been connected to
the bank, which it probabIy defended symbolically, since the recent
silting up of the Tagus.
Possessing a nostalgia for its long-Iost military function, it was
almost obsolete at the time it was built due to the advances made in
artillery, the tower is a transition from the medieval concept of a
keep to a low-Iying polygonal bulwark with artillery. Rafael Moreira
compares it to the modeis of military architecture designed by Fran-
cesco Giorgio Martini of Florence in 1490, while its delicate decora-
tion reminds Reynaldo dos Santos of the Coutobia dome in Marakesh,
the famous 12th century Almuaden minaret that dominated the
region where the Arrudas worked for two years as masters of the for-
With its verandahs scuIptured in delicate white stone and possess-
ing no guns, the function of the graceful and original Tower of Belém
can be better understood «as a privileged stage the ceremonial depar-
ture of the fleets ... from where the monarch and the court could
watch and be a part of the scenes that were so popular at the time
and which were a part of the liturgy of Renaissance royal power»
(Pedro Dias).

From Diogo Boytac to João de Castilho
The «Real Mosteiro de Santa Maria de Belém», 01' Jerónimos, in Lis-
bon, is the «successor» of Batalha. It is a vast, incompIete building
60 ArcIJitectllre

and the fruit of successive phases in which several famous and

talented architects were "blended».
Diogo Boytac (1460-1528) was French. He had been in Portugal
since 1490, when he built the Monastery of Jesus in Setúbal. He drew
up the original plans for Jerónimos in 1498-1500 and it was here that
he developed to the full the style that would become known as
Manueline. Conceiving a building that was much bigger than the one
actually constructed, he designed the church and the cloister, out-
standing of which is the south portal with its magnificent ensemble
of sculpture.
Boytac was followed by João de Castilho (1475-1552), a Biscayan
from Santander. Between 1475 and 1530, according to Rafael
Moreira, "this brilliant, tireless architect introduced inovating solu-
tions that produced some of the best parts of the building: the vault-
ing and pillars of the church, the upper gallery of the cloister, the
sacristy». He used the transition style of a Manueline context blended
with the motifs of the Italian Renaissance and he left his mark deeply
stamped on the building.
Reference must aIso be made to two other architects who worked
on the building. The first is Diogo de Torralva (c. 1500-1566) consi-
dered by Rafael Moreira to be the "greatest architect of the Portuguese
Late Renaissance». He was the master of the works between 1540 and
1551. He worked on the choir, the upper gallery of the c10ister and
its platband, following apure Renaissance designo The second is Jer-
orne of Rouen (1530-1601), who was practically the last person to
work on the building until the restoration work that was carried out
in the 19th and 20th centuries. He worked in Jerónimos from 1563,
rebuilding the chancel in Renaissance style and completing the work
in the interior of the transept.
A symbol of the Discoveries and built to commemorate Vasco da
Gama's first voyage to India, Jerónimos is an "agent» of the architec-
tural language of transition, from the Final Gothic to the Classical,
with the maritime discoveries serving as the figura tive poetry that
permeates the decoration. And at the sarne time it is a structural and
spatial reflection on the essence of Portuguese architecture of the
age, a cross between the southern-muslim tradition - seen in the
static feeling of the enormous "frame» of the nave, reminiscent of the
pluri-vectorial space of a mosque - and the Central European origins
of Gothic - seen in the vertical and directional sense in the propor-
tions af the nave.
Creal lVorks and flleir Arcllifecfs 61

Tomar of the Templars:

The Cloister of Diogo Torralva

The Castle and Monastery of the Templars (later the Convento de

Cristo, Monastery of Christ in English) in Tomar was a long and com-
plex undertaking. It was the third of the «great Portuguese architec-
tural sagas» af the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the
Modern Age, the first two being Jerónimos and Batalha. The three
form a kind of «sacred triangle» in the Estremadura region.
Founded in the 12th century, a circular chapei of Mjddle Eastern
influence with an octogonal «passageway» araund it was erected,
which in the 16th century became the chancel of a new church of a
single nave and with a portal by João de Castilho dated 1515. The
new church, in turn, was enchanced by the Manueline Chapter house
which still today bears, in the north-east wall, the famous «Window»,
which is the maximum expression of the decorative capacity of this
style, especially when seen fram the outside.
Without describing the whole af the ensemble, reference must be
made to the João III Cloister, also known as the «Cloister of the
Philips», the master-piece of the above mentioned Diogo de Torralva.
He began the work in 1557, following the international norms of
Mannerism and based on the initial design of João de Castilho. But
on the orders of Quenn Catarina, regent after the death of her hus-
band João III, Torralva designed a cloister with two galleries. Thc
work was almost completed by 1562, but it was only at the beginrung
of the 17th century that it was finished by Terzi with the construction
of the central fountain.
The formal complexity of the cloister was recently stressed by
Robert Venturi in Complexidade e Contradição na A1"quitectura
(Cornplexity and Contradiction in Architecture) in which he draws
the reader's attention to the functional ambiguity of the cylindrical
I •
elements of the angles. The ensemble fol1ows the «Serlian» theory
with scientiflc rigour and denotes a remarkable capacity to reinvent
and combine elements, such as arches and columns, probably
inspired in the drawings of the courtyard of the «Vila Imperial» in
Pesara, which were executed by Francisco de Holanda and recal1 the
contemporary Basilica of Vicenza.
Torralva's work represents the height of the erudite Italian in-
fluence in Portugal of the time. Although being of «foreign» creation,
62 A I'cbitectu I'e

it expresses the origins of «Portuguese type» cloisters by following

the simplicity of the «Plain style».
Diogo de Torralva (1500-1566), probably fram Piedmont, carne
to Portugal at the time of King Manuel I and worked in Jerónimos.
Reynaldo dos Santos attributes the Church of Graça in Évora, a
remarkable, unusual Mannerist work executed in the 20's and 30's
of the 16th century, to him, as well as the Church of Conceição in
Tomar, of the middle of the sarne century, basing his thesis on the
decorative motifs used, namely rosettes. ln 1548, Torralva suc-
ceeded his father-in-Iaw, Francisco de Arruda, as mas ter of the
works of the Alentejo and the Palace of Évora. According to Sousa
Viterbo, he probably also worked on the Convent of Madre de Deus
in Lisbon around 1551.

Francisco de Holanda
and the «Buildings That Are Lacking. .. »

Innumerable works have defended contrary theses regarding this

architect. Some authors attribute to him the conception of important
Renaissance works in Portugal, others see him as a cultured and well-
travelled diffusionist and theoretician.
Francisco de Holanda (1517-1584) «was, however, an artist of
great merit [... ] painter, architect, miniaturist, the only thing he did
not use was the chisel [...] demonstrated his talent as a critic, writer
and archaelogist» (Sousa Viterbo). «Without ever having been a
painter 01' architect, he felt the prablems of painting and architecture
better than any other artist of his time.» (Rafael Moreira.)
He was bom in Lisbon, son of a Dutch artist. He travelled in
Europe and contacted the cultural elite of the Italian Renaissance,
including Michaelangelo in Rome, where he resided from 1538 to
1540. Supported by King João III, he wrote, among other things, a
treatise entitled Of The Buildings That Are Lacking in Lisbon in
1571, which was a vast ideal designed to make the capital a
monumental and modem city. It was only published in the 19th cen-
tury. It may have inspired the works on the cloister at Tomar, those
on the fortress of Mazagan and others.
His overall contribution to the field of artistic ideas is a truly
unusual and notable work. The vision of Lisbon that he proposed
Great lVorks and (heir Archi(ects 63

included the prediction and foresight of monumental works of infras-

tructures such as water supply and bridges and public works like for-
tifications, churches and palaces, seeing the city as traditionally Latin
and as the centre of an empire.

Filipe Terzi and Baltazar Álvares:

From St. Vincent's to the New Cathedral of Coimbra

The two most monumental churches that were built in Portugal in

the transition from the 16th to the 17th century involve two
architects of distinct birthrights and heirs of different traditions.
São Vicente de Fora (St. Vincent's Outside the Walls), built in Lis-
bon on the orders of King Philip of Spain, and Portugal, was started
in 1590, «certainly based on a 'Herrerian' plan, erected by Filipe Terzi
and Baltazar Álvares [... ] it represents the entry of a new type of
church into Portugal, the counter-reformation model of Roman Man-
nerism that was realised by Vignola in the Church of Gesu» (Horta
This model, which carne to Portugal through the Spanish aestheti-
cism of Herrera, was built on a Latin cross plan with a domed cross-
ing, which collapsed during the 1755 earthquake, was new in this
country and its impact was strengthened by its size and its spectacu-
lar location in the oldest part of the capital. On the other hand, its
facade is in the traditional H shape, a central body with two flanking
towers, a form which had been established in Portugal since the
medieval Romanesque.
It is thought that the initial plan of the church had been made by
]uán de Herrera or Filipe Terzi. The work on the church stretched
into the 17th century, the facade and nave were finished in 1629, and
were carried out by Baltazar Álvares, who, according to Horta Cor-
reia, «was the triumphal victor of the dispute between Herrera and
The New Cathedral of Coimbra, originally constructed as a ]esuit
church and aIso attributed to Baltazar Álvares, was begun in 1598 and
work continued throughout the 17th century. The temple «was built
foUowing the Vincentine mode!» (Horta Correia), with an even more
austere design and stockier proportions. The facade, which contains
some proto-Baroque elements, is of a later date, the two traditional
64 ArclJiteetllre

towers being more withdrawn in relation to the frontal plane, which

results in an ambiguity that expresses the hesitation between the
«c1ear» Roman standard and the local traditional taste in regard to
Although it is not a perfectly balanced work, it deserves mention
here as it is representative of two most significant archetypes of our
«Plain» religious architecture, owing to the formal simplicity and
austerity of construction that it achieves, which would have an enor-
mous influence on more 01' less identical building in innumerous
secondary urban centres in both Portugal and its overseas posses-
Filipe Terzi (1520-1597), was an Italian engineer and architect. He
studied in Pesaro and in 1564 he was working in Urbino. He came to
Lisbon in 1577 to work as a military architect. ln the following year,
he fought in the Battle of Alcazar-Kibir, in which the king of Portugal
lost his life, being taken prisoner and later ransomed.He was sent to
Coimbra in 1583 to inspect the bridge and the Monasteries of S. Fran-
cisco and Santa Clara. ln 1584, he was appointed master of the works
of the Monastery of Christ in Tomar and he built the aqueduct of that
city. According to Sousa Viterbo, Terzi «seems to have been the first
official teacher of architecture in our countryn, in 1594.
He met Juán de Herrera during a visit of Philip II of Spain to
Portugal and in 1581 he built the palace tower for this monarch in
the Terreiro do Paço in Lisbon, which was destroyed by the 1755
earthquake. The facade and roof of the Church of São Roque in Lis-
bon (1582-1586), the College of Santo Agostinho in Coimbra
(1593), the Monastery of Palmela (1596) and, possibly, the Castle of
São Filipe in Setúbal and the Convent of Cartuxa in Évora are
attributed to him.
Today, as Horta Correia mentions, there are «increasing doubts
about Terzi's role as an architectural planner and it is thought that he
may have been more active in the fields of pedagogy and administra-
tion than in architecture itself. There is no doubt that he was the
engineer in charge of public works and was directly responsible for
the construction of both military and public buildings».
Baltazar Álvares (d. 1624), possibly nephew of Afonso Álvares,
succeeded the latter as «mas ter of public works for the district of
Alentejo» in 1580. ln 1581, he was appointed master of the works of
the palaces of Santarém, Almeirim and Salvaterra, as well as of the
Monastery of Batalha.
G!'eaf lVol'ks and tlJei!' ArclJitects 65

Horta Correia wrote: «A key figure of his time, the royal architect
Baltazar Álvares blended the vernacular tradition that he had
acquired while working with his unde Afonso Álvares and the results
of his apprenticeship served in Italy in his decisive work in São
Vicente de Fora. The Society of Jesus would call on him for the con-
struction of its nlost important colleges.»
After succeeding his unde in the work on the Church of São
Roque in 1575, he worked on the new, grandiose college in the capi-
tal. His greatest work was to be the Monastery of Santo Antão-o-Novo
in Lisbon, work on which, although launched in 1579, onIy really
started in 1613, being finished in 1653. The only part of the church
that survived the 1755 earthquake was the remarkable sacristy, which
is today a part of the S. José Hospital.
Baltazar Álvares also designed the College of São Bento in Coim-
bra, started in 1576 and continued by Diogo Marques Lucas in 1603,
and the magnificent São Bento da Saúde in Lisbon (1598-1615),
which has since been profoundly remodelled and today houses the
Portuguese parliament. Sousa Viterbo said about the latter: «such is
the architecture, that it seems to be enough to make us believe in such
a superb master» .

João Antunes and Santa Engrácia

The Church of Santa Engrácia, started in 1681 by João Antunes, who

was chosen by the «Irmandade de Cem Fidalgos» (Brotherhood of the
Hundred Gentlemen), was mostly constructed by the sarne architect
between 1690 and 1712. It is the point of transition from the Por-
tuguese «Plain style» architecture to the acceptance of Baroque
motifs, as well as a monumental and balanced symbiosis of the tradi-
tional national form of construction and the spatial and formal inno-
vation achieved at this time.
Its contained, dense space radiates from the centre of a Greek
Cross plan, which is rare in Portuguese architecture. The tenseness
between the turrets on each of the four corners and the semicircular
apses placed between them was solved by linking them up by means
of a concavity that can only be seen on the exterior. This gives the
building an intense placticity that sets it in contrast with the rec-
tilinear aridity of the other surfaces.

66 TlJe ArclJitect/lre

Santa Engrácia is a white limes tone terrace that overlooks the

eastern part of Lisbon, face to face with São Vicente de Fora. It is
a building of "pure» volume standing on the side of a hill and, due
to its originality and size, is the only work of its kind in Portugal.
The church is a definite "Baroque landscape» option, which would
later be used in the Basilica of Superga in Turin, built by Juvara
between 1717 and 1731. But in its overall architectonic expression,
this work remains as an act of defiance in the face of the stylistic
"new wave» that carne from Italy, being based on the traditional,
austere "Plain Style» that merely accepted a certain "intrusion» of
some ondulating Baroque lines. The dome was only completed in
1966, when the church became the national pantheon, being the
result of a disputable and disputed revivalist project that followed
many different suggestions and designs of the previous decades and
were signed by such architects as Raul Lino, Ventura Terra and
João Antunes (1643-1712) was an apprentice of the Scholl of
Civil Architecture at Paço da Ribeira. He was appointed as architect
for the military orders in 1698 and royal architect, in 1699. He
designed the Convent of Louriçal in 1690, the church of the Con-
vent of Nossa Senhora dos Cardais in Lisbon in 1693 and
redesigned the Church of Santos, also in Lisbon, with two new beI-
fries in 1696.
Apart from his masterpiece of Santa Engrácia, his other out-
standing works include the sacristy of the College of Santo Antão-o-
-Novo (1696) in Lisbon, where Baltazar Álvares had worked and
• which is today the chapeI of the São José Hospital, the Church of
Nossa Senhora do Cardeal in Pombal (1697), the Church of the
Order of Santiago da Espada (St. James of the Sword) at Alcácer do
Sal (1700), the order of which he was architect, and the Church of
Nossa Senhora do Cabo Espichei for the House of the Princes at the
sanctuary near Sesimbra (1701). ln many of these works he fre-
quently used a "luxurious» interior decoration of stonemasonry and
inlay work.
The symmetrical octogonal churches he designed must be
referred to - the Noviciate of Nossa Senhora da Nazaré (1705),
which is the present-day Hospital of Arroios, in Lisbon, the Church
of Senhor da Cruz in Barcelos (1701), which is similar to Santa
Engrácia, and the Church of Menino Jesus (1711) in the capital.
Great lVorks and their Architects 67

The Aqueduct of Águas Livres

(Free Waters)
Built to supply Lisbon with drinking water, the aqueduct was a
notable undertaking of the reign of King João III and contains
equally notable works along the 59 kilometres of its length between
Caneças and Lisbon, including well-heads, inspection points,
branches, the triumphal arch at An10reiras, the reservoir of Rato and
The most spectacular part, however, is that of the arches that span
the Alcântara valley to Campolide, which «from the point of view of
grandeur, it is not inferior to any aqueduct left by the ancients» (op.
cito Murphy, in Guide to pOl·tugal, Lisbon).
The comparison of this work with the known models of Antiq-
uity demonstrates its unusual size: «the most magnificent and most
sumptuous undertaking of its kind, including those of the Romans
and the French» (op. cito José Augusto França).
Many people certainly had a hand in its construction, including
Manuel da Maia and Custódio Vieira, who erected the arches of
Alcântara, Ludovice and Carlos Mardel, who was responsible for the
triumphal arch, the Rato reservoir and the fountains. It was built,
with the help of a heavy tax, between 1729 and 1748, although some
of the branches were only concluded in the 19th century.

The Pombaline «Downtown»

and Carlos Mardel
The most notable urban monument and ensemble of the country,
the so-called «Downtown» was reconstructed following the almost
total destruction of the previous area by the 1755 earthquake.
Three military engineers, Manuel da Maia (1698-1768), the «plan-
ner», Eugénio dos Santos (1711-1760, the «urbanist», and Carlos
Mardel, the «architect» (1695-1763), played a crucial role in its
It is made up of a geometric centre that stretches from Rossio to
Praça do Comércio (the former Terreiro do Paço), plus the hillside
areas of the Cathedral and Chiado and the port zone of Campo
das Cebolas and Cais do Sodré. Expertly conceived in urbanistic
68 A reMteet 11 re

terms, being practical and erudite at the sarne time, the new "Down-
town» maintained its formeI' functional and symbolic "spaces»
without losing its sense of perspective and formality, even indicating
that it would become the new axis of urban expansion to the north-
em interior of the city. On an architectonic plane, it resulted in a
building system based on apure and pragmatic "classical» design that
was technically prefabricated, anti-seismic and fireproof, the precur-
sor of a preindustrial modemity. ln the field of architecture, where
Eugénio dos Santos also played his part, the role of Carlos Mardel,
who possibly perfected new forms and techniques, must be specially
Carlos Mardel (1695-1763) was ofHungarian 01' French origino He
carne to Portugal in 1733. He was appointed as architect of the royal
palaces of Ribeira, Sintra, Salvaterra and Almeirim and of the Military
Orders in 1751. He designed the Royal College of São Paulo in Coim-
bra in 1751 and, as already mentioned, worked on the Aqueduct of
Águas Livres.
Among other works, Sousa Viterbo attributes to him the Palace
of Salvaterra, the Convent of São Domingos at Benfica in Lisbon,
the College of Nobles (1760), the palace and estate of the Marquis
of Pombal at Oeiras and the fountains of Esperança and Formosa
Street in Lisbon (besides the one of Rato). He aIso made the origi-
nal plans for the Palace of Lázaro Leitão at Junqueira in Lisbon
in 1734.
ln Oeiras, Junqueira and Rossio, Mardel seems to have perfected
the system of sloping roofs known as the "Pombaline 1'006>, in which
the two sides are of different inclinations, thus combining the central
European forms in symbiosis with the traditional slightly curved Por-
tuguese roof.
José Augusto França, who confers more merit on Eugénio dos
Santos, because of his "classic modernity», than on Mardel, who he
thought was bound to his «Rocaille» inheritance, refers to other
works that the latter may have executed during his "Joanine» period,
which· continued up to 1750. Almost alI of them are linked to the
vocation that Mardel demonstrated for secular and public works and
infrastructures, such as the transformations carried Ollt in the Mitra
Palace in Xabregas, the «House of Verandahs» alongside the HOllse of
the Pointed Stones in Lisbon, his (only) chllrch, of São João
Nepomuceno, built in 1737 and since demolished, the Quay of Stone
and the reconstruction of the town of Ourém.
Creat Works cmd their ArclJitects 69

Clérigos and Nicolau Nasoni

<<fhe Clerigos Tower is Oporto compressed upward» were the words

that Teixeira de Pascoais used to peotically define the monument that
even today is the ex libris of the city (op. eit. Guia de Portugal).
The master-piece of both Nasoni and of northern Baroque reli-
gious architecture, the ensemble of the church, house and tower of
Clérigos was started in 1732, the tower being begun in 1748 (01'
1754?) and finished in 1763. Nasoni had a perfect understanding of
the urban and architectonic traditions of the «lnvincible City» with
its traditional profile of churches strung out along its hillsides and
defining its overall outline and with the typical «slender, tall» facades
of the houses that filled the deep, narrow spaces of Gothic tradition.
The architect achieved a remarkable symbiosis of all these dis-
parate values of the city environment in his work. The excessive
slenderness of the tower stands out from and corresponds to the rest
of the ensemble owing to the neutrality and the length of the lnain
body of the church between the facade and the tower. Besides this,
and in a very Baroque attitude, everything is exacerbated by the use
of granite, which lends it an imaginary (and extraordinary) lightness
and elegance.
«Os Clérigos», as the ",-hole ensemble is known, has become a
«rockface» where climbers can show off their prowess, as if it were a
«natural» structure of organic existence, «welded» into the form and
history of the city itself, from which it has become indissociable.
Nicolau Nasoni (1691-1773) was born ln ltaly and learned his
trade in Sienna. He worked as a decorative painter in his homeland.
He arrived in Oporto in 1725, where he mainly worked in churches.
He spent until 1731 painting the chancel of the Cathedral, where he
also built the lateral galilee in 1736.
Gradually identifying himself with the northern and Portuguese
traditions of construction he modernised and innovated it with
works of a profound originality, mostly erected in Oporto and its
suburbs. ln the city he built the Church of Senhor de Matosinhos in
1743, the Church of Misericórdia in 1749, where the «graphic» feeling
of the facade superbly enhances the «restl'icted» location in the nar-
row streets of the old part of the cit.y, the vast Episcopal Palace in
1734 and the famous «Freixo Palace» on the banks of the Douro
around 1750, conceived with a composite «Rocaille» freedoln that
almost makes it a precursor of Art Nouveau.
70 His/ol]' of Por/ligai

The great order of the late sixteenth and seventeenth centuries

was inquestionably that of the Jesuits. They arrived in Portugal in
1540. They were 650 by the middle of the century. They owned
a university and several important colleges. Their priests swarmed
thraughout Portugal and overseas and were among the most popu-
lar of ali. Their main target was the youth, and in Portugal they
almost succeeded in monopolizing regular teaching. For almost a
century they were good allies of the Inquisition and the secular clergy.
Things started changing little by little as their power and wealth
increased. After the 1620's a hidden struggle opposed Jesuits and
Inquisition. They chose the cause of independence and were among
the chief supporters of John IV.
Yet neither Protestants nor Jews posed any serious menace to
the reiigious unity of the country. Consequently the Portuguese In-
quisition had to find a permanent target in order to justify its own
existence. The New Christians were sufficiently numeraus to pra-
vide a good one. By discriminating against them and accusing them
of Judaism, the Inquisition created a true ghetto and kept it alive,
instead of extinguishing it. The New Chirstians formed, in the main,
a middle class of merchants and capitalists, and they were not well
accepted by the small «Old Christian» Portuguese bourgeoisie, or
by the feudal nobility, neither by the poorer masses which saw in
them the heirs of the much-hated Jew usurers. A true state within
the state, the Inquisition burned, fram 1543 to 1684 at least 1,379
people at the autos da fé (<<acts of the faith»), an average of almost
ten a year. The total number of condemnations rase to a minimum
• of 19,247 in the sarne period, more than 136 each year. Hundreds
of people, of course, died in prision, where they were often kept
indefinitely without triai.
The expansion of long-distance trade favoured the grawth of a
Portuguese merchant class, which in the mid-1500's had prabably
reached its peak. But the foreign traders carne to Portugal in larger
and larger numbers, attracted by the good prafits and the rayal
privileges. The most profitable undertakings always belonged to the
Crown, the nobles, or the foreigners. The Portuguese funded little
and were not used to reinvest at a rapid pace. They got no help
fram the state, and the numerous petty bourgeois were another ob-
stacle. They were afraid of powerful trusts or big companies which
might absorb or destroy them.
Apogee anel Decline 71

The dual union with Spain was favorable to aPortuguese bour-

geoisie. The Madrid government was much more conscious of the
importance of a middle class in the structure of the realm. The New
Christians enjoyed some periods of ease and prasperity. But the revo-
lution of 1640 braught about a period of decline for the Portuguese
bourgeoisie. A good many foreigners settled down in Lisbon. They
inflicted the Portuguese traders a deadly blow. The lnquisition acted
freely and ruined a large number of firms and individual business-
men, preventing the joint initiatives of Portuguese living in Portu-
gal and Porruguese exiles abraad.
Artisans of most crafts remained gathered together in the cor-
porations and so they were kept firmly «in their place». ln cortes,
many of the people's deputies belonged to the nobility. ln the
municipal government of Lisbon most of the important administra-
tive jobs were reserved to aristocrats.
The number of slaves declined. At the sarne time, their pracess
of integration speeded up, mostly thraugh miscegenation. Several
rayal decrees forbade ar made difficult the importation of slaves to
Portugal, particularly fram Índia. Despite all this, a few thousand
still lived in Portugal by the middle of the seventeenth century.
ln the late sixteenth and seventeenth centuries government by
councils developed, small bodies of people, chosen fram the ranks
of the nobility, the clergy, and the bureaucrats. They advised the
king and his ministers on affairs of importance. Later on, after the
restoration of .independence, they limited and contralled rayal power,
often seizing power themselves. Fram 1662 to 1667, the escrivão da
puridade was revived by the Count of Castelo Melhor as a true prime
minister, an intermediary between king and secretaries. The rale of
the cortes very much declined in favour of rayal centralization. Af-
ter the Restoration their rale was for a while somewhat enhanced,
but afterwards the agony carne. I
The University became a state institution under the jurisdiction
of the rayal tribunal known as Mesa da Consciência e Ordens. The
Coimbra monopoly in university courses was threatened by the Jesuits,
who founded at Évora a new university. They obtained too that ad-
mission into the Faculdades of Canons and Law should depend on
a degree by the College of Arts, which they directed. Jesuits, lnquisi-
tion, and Crawn were at that time strangly united against heresy, cul-
tural bourgeoning, and deviations fram the Council of Trent policy.
72 ArcIJitecture

The Arab-influenced Manueline vestiges of the former monastery

may have inspired the imaginative and "free» reconstruction of stylis-
tic compulsion, which resulted in an amalgam of neo-Manueline,
neo-Gothic, neo-Arab and oriental motifs.
The first works began in 1839 and continued until 1849. A gran-
diose circular tower was erected in 1841 and the following year
galleries of Gothic arches and a tower topped by a "minaret» were
added. The portico with a drawbridge was built in 1843, followed in
1844 by the porticos of "the creation of the world» and "the Tritan»,
of Arab and Granadine reminiscences respectively.
Work was resumed in 1868 and went on until King Ferdinand's
death in 1885. The final result is an ensemble unbalanced in detail,
with a certain organic structure and a spectacular landscaped dimen-
sion. On visiting the palace in 1842, a certain Romantic author
wrote: "There are castles of kings and princes along the Rhine and in
the Bavarian Alps [... ] but how poor and imperfect they will appear
in their ornamentation if we compare them to the delicate tracery
and fantastic arabesques that are to be found in Pena [... ] its pure
white blending perfect1y with the dark blue of the southern sky and
producing the same impression as the Arab dreams and songs.» (Lich-
nowski, quoted by J.-A. França).

The «Portugal Salon»

and José Luís Monteiro

A grandiose metal structure of the so-called "architecture of iron»

• of the second half of the 19th century, the "Portugal Salon» was
built by José Luís Monteiro in 1898 as a part of the programme
that commemorated the 4th centenary of Vasco da Gama's arrival
in Índia.
A member of the Executive Committee, Monteiro, was entrusted
with the task of planning the premises for the administrative ser-
vices, the museum and the library of the Geographic Society. He
erected superimposed iron galleries (then in fashion in Europe) sup-
ported on pillars, with stairs at each end of the rectangular salon
thus creating a vast central space on, the upper floor of the Coliseu
dos Recreios. -
A global, multi-purpose space with overhead lighting that makes
it lighter and more elegant, it is a good example of spatial vision
Gl'eat lVol'ks and tbeh' Al'cbitects 73

and modern technology of the end of the 19th century that follows
the practical and functional «international style» that was in fashion
at the time.
José Luís Monteiro (1848-1942) was born in Lisbon of a family
of stone-masons from the suburbs of the capital. A delicate and
notable drawer, he studied at the School of Fine Arts and in Paris
with a scholarship from 1873 to 1878. Employed by the Lisbon City
Council from 1880, he was a part of the team that assisted
Frederico Ressano Garcia in his planning of the new areas of the
city at the turn of the century. He was appointed professor of
Architecture at the Lisbon School of Fine Arts in 1881, a post that
he held for many years.
He devoted his time to the planning of urban public works while
in the service of the Lisbon Council. His most important works were
the Market of Avenida da Liberdade (1880?), which did not go
beyond the planning stage, the neo-Manueline rai1way station of Ros-
sio (1886-1887) and the adjoining Avenida Palace Hotel in classic
French style (1890-1892), the fire-station in Avenida Dom Carlos
(1891), the Church of Anjos (1897-1910) and the delicate wooden
Froebel nursery school in the Estrela garden.
Monteiro executed several privately-ordered housing projects,
namely «chalets» in the suburbs of Lisbon. These included the
Biester chalet at Sintra, those of the Counts of Tomar at Cruz
Quebrada and the Count of Castro Guimarães at Torel, Lisbon, and
the one of the Countess of Cuba at Paço dlArcos. He also con-
structed the magnificent house on the Santos Jorge Estate at Rio
Frio around 1918.

The House in Rua Alexandre Herculano

and Ventura Terra
No. 57, Rua Alexandre Herculano, where its author Ventura Terra
lived, is located in the area known as the Lisbon Avenues, which were
adapted on the model oE the 19th century, Parisian, bourgeoisie
«boulevard» .
It won the Valmor Prize, awarded to distinguish the owners and
architects of the best buildings constructed in Lisbon, in 1903 and is
probably Terrals best work in the field of domestic architecture.
74 A rclJiteclll re

The building defines the architect's true style, which can be

recognised through certain characteristics of expression and detail: a
clear composition and decorative simplicity, which went against the
eclectic excesses that resigned in the architecture of the time, on a
clearly outlined facade in white stone; slender, elegant windows,
with the shutters that Terra almost always used and assymetrically
placed, which seemingly presages the compositional irreverence of
Art Nouveau; and an entrance at ground leveI, without steps, discreet
and not aligned with the vertical axis of the house, a principle
defined by the existence of balconies, and leading into a corridor that
gave access to the main rooms, which were at the front and the back
of the house, thus letting in a lot of light. A frieze of Art Nouveau
glazed tiles just below the cornice frames the whole building in a
colourful finish.
It is this decorative, geometric simplification that is to be seen in
works of austerity that may be called, with a certain propriety, "Art
Nouveau Lisboeta», even though it shows evidence of distinct French
Ventura Terra (1866-1919) was born at Seixas in the northern
province of Minho. He was a talented architect who, through force of
circumstances, achieved rapid success. He entered the Oporto School
of Fine Arts in 1881 and then went on to the Beaux Arts de Paris. ln
1886, he started working in the "atelier» of Victor Laloux.
A brilliant and distinguished student, he returned to Portugal in
1896. He was immediately entrusted with the remodelling of the vast
building of the Cortes (Parliament) of São Bento in Lisbon, the
former convent where Baltazar Álvares had worked 300 years before,
• a task he carried out following reliable classic lines.
Working mainly in Lisbon, Terra was the architect that, because of
the generation he belonged to (the internationalist 1870's, prior to
the British ultimatum), his training (Paris) and the work he c1id (his
taste for the cosmopolitan, urban programmes), could be classified as
the opposite of Raul Lino, as we shall see.
He built some notable houses in the capital, some of which were
awarded prizes, namely those of 25, Rua de Alexandre Herculano,
Valmor Prize, 1911, the Palace of Viscountess of Valmor, in the Ave-
nida da República, 1906, and nos. 18-20, Rua do Marquês de Fron-
teira, 1909.
He was also the author of several public works that were charac-
teristic at the end of the monarchy beginning of the republic, using
Gl'eat \l7ol'ks and their Al'clJitects 75

a proto-functionalism that made use of the «architecture of iron».

These were the Camões and Pedro Nunes High Schools (1907 and
1908 respectively), Politeama theatre/cinema (1913) and the Lisboa &
Açores Bank in the Downtown (1906). He died prematurely and
accidentally in 1919.

The «Casa do Cipreste» and Raul Lino

With this, his own house, built at São Pedro de Sintra in 1912,
Uno technologically, architectonically and graphically approached
what could have been termed an «Art Nouveau» of Portuguese
roots. He even designed and «manufactured» an improved roof tile
of traditional lines with mass production in mind - a mythical
and symbolic approximation of the industrial ideal of Morris and
Inthe building of «Cipreste» Raul Uno e;trried out a «tel1uric»
recovery of the uneven ground of a former quarry. And believing
that each house should possess its «own souln, created a unique
overall atmosphere of late Romantic, 01' maybe even trans-Romantic,
Landscaped to face the Sintra Range and its palaces, "Cipreste»
conceals a curved corridor in its interior that is the fulcral point of its
lay-out. It begins in a cloister-like courtyard, which is separated from
the road by a simple wall, and ends in an atrium lined with glazed
tiles that contain a «touch» of Jugenstil. It is illuminated by a glass
wal1 that affords a view of an exuberant garden in the foreground and
the Sintra range in the background.
Boro in Lisbon, Raul Lino (1879-1974) was a unique personality
of the Portuguese artistic scene in which he articulated the Por-
tuguese traditions with the innovative European currents at the
beginning of the 20th century. I
But, as the author of an extensive theoretical work, he at the
sarne time defended certain doctrines regarding the concept of
domestic architecture of a rural, Romantic physionomy that was a lit-
tle out of date at his time. And as held official posts, he was responsi-
ble for the very conservative, 01' even reactionary, orientation of Por-
tuguese architecture between 1930 and 1950.
Cultured and enlightened, Uno always cultivated a certain
intimacy with other arts such as music, literature and theatre, thus
76 ArclJitecture

widening his contacts to environments beyond the world of architec-

ture. Ris Anglo-Saxonic (Windsor, 1890) and Germanic (he studied
with Albrecht Haupt in Hannover from 1893 to 1897) education of
his youth was reflected in the spiritualist and deeply cultured vision
of his work.
After travelIing in Morocco (1898-1901), where he was very
impressed by the traditional Muslim construction, he designed a ser-
ies of villas in Arab and southern taste (Monsalvat, 1901, Silva Gomes,
1902, ü'NeilI, 1902, «Vila TInger», 1903, alI in Estoril), in which he
included courtyards, porches and balconies.
ln the urban projects carried out in Lisbon he was correct but not
very innovative. The house in Av. Fontes Pereira de Melo (1906, but
since demolished), the house of Elisa Vaz in the Av. da República
(1912, also demolished) and António Sérgio's house in Lapa (1925),
were his most outstanding works in the fie1d of housing. Re was also
responsible for public works and shops, such as the Tivoli cinema in
1924 and the «Gardénia» shop in Chiado.
With the advent of modernism in the 30's, his style became
austere and dry. The «Loja das Meias» in Rossio (1938) and his own
house in Rua de Feio Terenas (1939) are examples oi this.
Then carne a long period oi much theoretical and little practical
output and he became more and more out oi date in a world which,
according to him, «architecture has died».

The Eden Theatre and Cassiano Branco

The most significant work undertaken when modernist architecture

appeared in Portugal at the end oi the 20's was that oi the Eden
cinema/theatre in Restauradores Square in Lisbon.
Cassiano Branco's first project in 1929, a graphic and highly
inconsistent «Art Deco» design, seemed to be nothing more than a
reconstruction oi the already existing building which had become
obsoletc owing to the new regulations that governed auditoria. Re
then introduced a second project in 1930 that was based more on
local traditions and containing traces of heavy, «powerful» «Decora-
tive Arts», where one can already see the desire for a monumental
building that would be achieved with the master-piece that was
produced by the third and final project oi 1931.
Great lflol'ks and tlJeir Arcbitects 77

This final project brought forth a work that had been freed from
alI stylistic and decorative fetters and which was transported to a
clearly futurist scale and aestheticism that was reminiscent of the
Sant Elia «factories». It is a work of stone, glass and light, rising like
an alien in the urban ensemble of the square, with enormous, trans-
parent, vertical fillets from the top to the bottom of the building and
crowned by luminous pyramids that seem to predict the new cos-
mopolitan and night-life of the city.
FalIing out with his client, Branco was replaced by Carlos Dias,
who adapted and «reduced» the plan to the edifice that was finalIy
erected in 1933. Even so, it is stilI a remarkable building, above ali in
the two parts of the 1931 project that were left untouched, the foyer
with its crossed winding staircases, seemingly suspended in mid-air,
and the overhanging vertical gables on the lateral facades in iron
and glass.
Cassiano Branco (1898-1969) was maybe the most outstanding
architect of the so-calIed «first Modernisln» in Portuguese architec-
ture from 1925 to 1940. He took his degree at the Lisbon School
of Fine Arts in 1926 and it was in the sarne city that he executed
his best «art deco» work - the Eden cinema - and his most
imaginative within the purist and abstract lines of a more radical
modernism - the Victória Hotel in the Avenida da Liberdade in
1934. He also participated in the project for the Coliseu in Rua de
Passos Manuel in Oporto, another of the great modernist works of
the country, where Júlio de Brito and Mário de Abreu also worked
in 1939.
Possessing a powerful and conflicting personality, he was active
in left-wing politics from ao early age, which condemned him to a
certain isolation in regard to the Salazar regime and in his profes-
sional life. This resulted in him receiving hardly any work from the
state in the 30's, at a time when his colIeagues of his generation fre-
quent1y did so, which led him to accept numerous orders from the
private sector in Lisbon, in the housing programmes for the city's
new residential areas.
He designed his buildings along conventional lines and with
inventive facades (179-A, Rua do Salitre, in 1934, 44-48, Avenida de
Álvares Cabral in 1936, 3-9A, Rua Nova de São Mamede in 1937,
27, Avenida dos Defensores de Chaves in 1937), using to the fulI
the plasticity of the symmetrical balconies and the geometric
78 A I'clJitectlll'e

He also designed urban villas of a purist expression but of lively

spatial motion (nos. 10, 14, 16, 24, Avenida de António José de
Almeida in 1933 and 87, Avenida de Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro,
built in 1937 but since demolished). He also planned the mirror-lined
Café Cristal, 131, Avenida da Liberdade, which was constructed
between 1940-1942 but has aIso been demolished.
He was a man with a broad and daring mind and some of his
projects were way beyond the restricted investment possibilities of
the time. A «Portuguese Film City» at Cascais and a large-scale «Sea-
side City» to be erected at Costa da Caparica, both planned in 1930,
never left the drawing board. He imagined and designed a remarkable
bridge over the Tagus in 1958, thus anticipating the one that was
built shortly after.
At the end of the 30's, he ironically and unexpectedly turned to
using a revivalist language that was so much to the official taste and
which was taking shape at the beginning of the 2nd World War as
part of an international conservative trend. He first «played» at laying
out a didactic children's park, the «Children's Portugal» at Coimbra in
1937-1944, and the Hotel do Luso and its diversions in 1938. He then
executed more «serious» works in Lisbon, such as the «Império»
cinema in 1948 and a building in Praça (Square) de Londres in 1951.
He designed bridges and dams in the field of infrastructures and
undertook public works in Angola.

The Bank in Vila do Conde

and 5iza Vieira

One of the most outstanding of Siza Vieira's many works, the Banco
Borges & Irmão building manages to transfigure the local division of
land and the proportion of the traditional buildings with an enor-
mous impact of plasticity and poetic motion.
Like a UFO that has landed in Vila do Conde, on a normal plot of
«narrow, deep-set» land, the unitary volume conjugates the prismatic
and cylindrical forms with a remarkable simplicity and lightness that
is even more enhanced by the white exterior and by the use of clear,
veined marble.
With a small high-tech «touch» provided by the visible mechanism
of the lift at the back of the building and the wise and controlled use
of detail and «clean, solid» materiaIs, it is one of the most notable
Great lVorks anel their ArclJitects 79

works of this architect in his return to the modernism of the 20's and
30's. It was planned and built between 1978 and 1986 and was
awarded the National Prize for Architecture of the Association of Por-
tuguese Architects - Crédito Predial Português in 1987.
Born in 1933, Álvaro Siza Vieira is the most notable and well-
known of living Portuguese architects.
Initially taldng up sculpture, he studied architecture at the Oporto
School of Fine Arts. He worked with Fernando Uvora from 1958 to
1960, although his first project, a group of villas at 354, Rua de
Afonso Henriques in Matosinhos was executed between 1954 and
It can be said that there was a first phase of his work, linked to
the organic movement of Alvar Aalto, in the 50's and 60's with nota-
ble works like the restaurant of Boa Nova at Leça de Palmeira (1958)
and the swimming-pool, also at Leça (1961-66), of «uncurbed»
geometrical lines. Then comes a phase of «dryness» in the 60's and
70's, with the use of material that seems to be reinforced concrete,
such as the house in Avenida dos Combatentes in Oporto and Alcino
Cardoso's house at Moledo do Minho between 1971 and 1974. This is
followed by a period of progressively more complex and purist lines,
as in the bank at Oliveira de Azeméis from 1971-1974 and the Beires
house at Póvoa de Varzim from 1973-1976.
With the politicaI transformations of 1974, he dedicated himself
more to social programmes, using a simple, modular, neo-rationalist
design, as in the collective housing schemes at São Vítor in Oporto
(1974-1977), at Bouça, also Oporto (1973-1977) and at Évora,
Malagueira (1977).
After executing many works abroad during the 80's, such as the
building in Kreuzberg, Berlin, the plan for a casino in Salzburg in
1987, apartments in Schilderswijk, The Hague in 1987-89 and a plan
for Macau in 1984, Siza was finally recognised in his own country as
the great artist that he is and he l?egan receiving important orders.
These incIude the new Faculty of Architecture of Oporto (1985), a
school at Setúbal, which is at present under construction and, above
all, the plan for the reconstruction of the Chiado area in Lisbon that
was destroyed by fire in 1988.
At the sarne time, Siza continues to execute «small works» with a
great sense of space and fluent compositional freedom, as in the
house in Ovar (1980-84), which is reminiscent of Adolf Loos.
Siza was awarded the Alvar Aalto international prize in 1988.


Contents} Methods} Concepts

The approach to popular, also known as «vernacular» 01' «regional»,

architecture establishes the essential relationships between human
needs and the environment in which the human being lives.
These re1ationships can be placed in three different groupes:
a) The constructed occupation of the «land», in which it is possi-
ble to study the types of settlement, the rural 01' urban structures
e1aborated 01' the «fabric» of the construction on a macro-scale. The
small «individual» elements of the rural of urban environment such as
bushes and walls, bridges and paths, furniture and graphics can also
be inc1uded under this heading;
b) The house, 01' habitation, an organism to be related to exter-
nal e1ements, such as other habitations areas of production, public
spaces, and internal elements like the link between storage space
- living space, bedroom - kitchen, house - suplementary build-
ings. Types of houses, inc1uding morphological analysis of roofs,
facades and other details, and/or spatial analysis in relation to the
division 01' functionalism of the house can be inc1uded in this
c) The architecture that is complementary to the first two, con-
nected to means of production such as storehouses and granaries (the
outhouses of the habitation, the buildings linked to the working of
the land and those connected to the use of primary sources of
energy). These can be c1assified as architecture «of bread» (granaries,
mills), «of fishing» (boathouses), «of cattle» (animal-traction mill' hay-
lofts), «of wine» (cellars, presses), «of water» (springs, wells) and «of
craftsmen» (potteries, blacksmitheries).
Popu la r A rclJitectu re 81

Human and physical geography, from Vidal de la Blanche and

with the contribution of Orlando Ribeiro in Portugal, and anthropol-
ogy, with C. Levi Strauss and Amos Rapoport, and in Portugal with
the pionneering works of J. Leite Vasconcelos and Leite de Ataíde fol-
lowed by those of E. Veiga de Oliveira and Fernando Galhano, have
been the most important and «founding» sciences that have given the
study of Popular Architecture a scientific character.
Through monographic 01' multi-disciplinary studies that were
undertaken by Raul Lino in the 20's and 30's and by the National
Union of Architects in the 50's and 60's, Architecture and History,
through the works of Mário T. Chicó and Pais da Silva, have gone
hand in hand and at times have, as in the case of architecture,
been of prime importance in an effort to carry out objective
Starting off from a 19th century tradition that was based on
«determinist» interpretations, in which the environment totally con-
ditioned man's actions, i. e. the type of settlement 01' house, the
theses then evolved to a more «functional» reading in which a more
technical, detailed and active view of the environment became all-im-
portanto Finally, the «cultural» 01' «anthropological» interpretations,
while continuing to accept environmental influences and circum-
stances and functional needs, lay stress on the communities cultural
traditions, which constitute a «permanent background» for the peo-
ple's adaptive capacities.

Descriptions and Interpretations

Defined through opposition and complementarity, popular
architecture will refer here to a predominantly «Rural» environment
and separated from the «erudite» influence, which has its own
rules and specific chronology, although it is difficult to define a
clear boundary between the two in Portugal in many cases. The
urban environment, which is determined by more evolutive and
datable rules, will be dealt with in the chapter entitled <<fhe House
in Portugal».
Using his studies of history and geography as his props, Orlando
Ribeiro was the first person to make an overall classification of the
models of occupation to be found in Portugal. He referred to the
typical «granite civilization» of the north, articulated with the mor-

82 AreMteet II re

phological, dimatic and agropastural harshness of the region and

with a territorial occupation that oscilated from the agglomeration of
the Trás-os-Montes to the total dispersion of the Minho. The civiliza-
tion of the southern plains to the south of the river Tagus (Alentejo),
a region that possesses a luminosity that is linked to the «soft»
materiaIs that are fired and whitewashed, in keeping with an open-air
life that is doser to the soil, organised in concentrated and inter-
linked settlements, he called the «day civilization».
This reading refers to two big geo-dimatic regions, that of the
«Atlantic» (granite) and that of the Mediterranean (day). They are also
two separate historico-cultural regions, the celtic-suevi «Christian»
and the Romanized and Mozarab. More detailed readings make all this
much more complete and much more complexo
1 - The existence of a third geo-dimatic area, the «Interior».
2 - The greater variety of building materiaIs used, such as schist
in both the north and the south and wood for the houses called «pa-
lheiros» in the coastal areas.
3 - Archaeological data that refer to possible ancestral models.
Leite de Vasconcelos even mentioned a very ancient «palafitte cul-
ture» with houses built on wooden piles above the damp, swampy
soil in the north, possibly forerunners of the present-day haylofts.
Veiga de Oliveira studied the pre-historic «round houses» that appear
both in the Alentejo (Castro Verde) and in pre-Roman fortified settle-
ments (castra) in the Minho.

• Popular Architecture
in the Regions of «European Portugal»
With the «Survey of Popular Architecture» that was carried out by
itinerant teams of architects working with standardised criteria
between 1956 and 1961, the knowledge of the sub-regions of popular
architecture in Portugal was much improved. From the end of last
century until then, this knowledge had been confined to a romantic
view that was tied to the notion, defended by Raul Uno, that there
was just one type of «Portuguese House». Basing the survey on the
recent thesis of Orlando Ribeiro, the result stressed the relations of
the cultural and functional context, comparing the northern and
interior areas with the respective neighbouring regions of Galicia and
Popular ArclJitecture 83

the Spanish meseta and the southern areas with Andaluzia and the
Spanish Estremadura.
The «Survey» thus looked at things from an international point of
view rather than a «Portuguese» view of the regional architecture, as
the latter could have degenerated into support for the official
nationalist ideologies that the cultural vanguard of the time wished
to combato
It became clear that Portuguese vernacular architecture fitted into
the framework of that of the southern countries of the geo-cultural
Mediterranean area, although it was the «outer edge of the world» in
relation to them. Building materiaIs extracted from the earth, such as
stone and clay, and low buildings with slightly inclined roofs had
been the norm for centuries, although there had always been a
parallel penetration of both influences that were seemingly «Oriental»
and labelled as lslamic taste and others supposedly «Nordic», which
were the higher buildings with a wooden framework, especially in an
urban context.
By dividing the country in «zones» it was possible to characterise
a series of different types of houses:
1. ln the north-west, which is characterised by a dispersed occu-
pation, the houses are of granite, constructed on the sides of hills,
which are used to create intermediary floors, the ground floor is to
house the animaIs, they have a wide wooden verandah, a tile roof
and a stone maize-Ioft as a kind of outhouse, of which there are many
owing to the endemic micro-property-owning society;
2. ln the northeast hinterland, an area of isolated villages, the
houses are simpler and built in granite or schist, have two floors,
no exterior facing and a simple kitchen with no chimney, transmitt-
ing a feeling of the «open» or community life that is common in the
3. ln the central interior (the Beiras), the houses are also built in
stone, have a roof of ridged tiles, two floors, the lower one being for
the animaIs and farm implements, a wooden porch and an exterior
stairway that is sometimes closed with glass as protection against the
bitter winds;
4. An enormous variety of materiaIs, techniques and models are
to be found in the central coastal strip that stretches from Aveiro to
Setúbal. They include the «palheiro» type of house, completely built
of wood, that is to be found in the dunes of Mira, the house of adobe
01' cob of Gandara, plastered, having one floor and with the kitchen
84 A rclJitectu re

and outhouses separated from the main house and forming an imper-
fect courtyard, and the house of the «saloio» region of Sintra, Cascais,
Loures and Almada, built of limestone, plastered and whitewashed,
cubic, having two floors, with the kitchen on the lower, and an
interior or exterior stairway.
5. ln the south, in the province of Alentejo, is the «monte», a
descendant of the Roman villa, or the houses of the villages, white-
washed, with one floor, a big chimney surmounting the facade, small
doors and windows, worked eaves, coloured outlines around the
doors, windows and the base of the house, an oven that is either
attached to the house or separated and separate buildings for the
6. Finally, the house of the coastal strip of the southernmost
province, Algarve, is a single-storey, whitewashed building with cer-
tain refined details, smaller chimneys, coloured outlines and plat-
bands. A part of the roof is a terrace, suported by a small vaulting in
briclc The oven is attached to the outhouses. ln the interior, 01'
mountain area, the houses have either one-sided sloping roof or a
hipped roof similar to thouse found in urban suburbs, which Orlando
Ribeiro studied in detail.

Other Areas:
Popular Construction and the Diaspora
. From the 15th century, a process of miscegenation with African tra-
ditions and an adaptation to the local volcanic materiaIs and the
seismic phenomena began in popular architecture in the Atlantic
archipelagos, which led to the evolution of renovated models. The
architecture of the islands is the result of settlers of various origins,
a slow, secular local evolution that was isolated from its origins but
which at times suffered sudden influences, namely Flemish and
Brazilian. A recent study (Popular Architecture of the Azores,
1982-85, for the Association of Portuguese Architects) pointed out
the importance of the rooted cultural traditions of the «travelling»
It was thus that these traditions, cOlning from geographical areas
that were distant and of a completely different spatial and construc-
tional environment, were not lost. They were adapted to the distinct
Popular ArclJitecture 85

functional situations and sometimes a little irrationally, simply

because the newcomers insisted on «doing it as we know best», thus
resisting any change.
ln Madeira, a clear transposition of architectonic models of the
Lisbon area (Columbus's house on Porto Santo) and the Minho area
can be noted. The presence of several types of thatched roofs (San-
tana) must be mentioned. Chimneys are not very common and the
house is fragmented into several separate bodies, like the houses at
Caniçal, for instance, that have «separated kitchens». The dominant
type of house is rectangular, small single-storeyed and with a sloping
four-sided roof, which seems to be a descendant of the former thatch
roofing (see Orlando Ribeiro).
There is an immense diversity of houses in the Azores. ln general
the houses are built of stone, although each island has its own charac-
teristics: whitewashed, single-storeyed and with a «terrace», an apse-
like oven and chimney on Santa Maria; a window-door-window pat-
tern, colourful and with innumerable sub-variants on São Miguel;
refined designs in the basalt-framed doors and windows on Terceira
and Graciosa; rough two-storey houses, with inside oven and no
chimney, forming a whole with cisterns and cereal-Iofts, on Faial and
Pico; elongated, single-storeyed and colourful with whitewashed
stripes on Flores; severe, black, two-storeyed, with a place for the
animaIs and implements and the kitchen on the ground floor, on the
isolated Corvo. The original Flemish-style windmills (see Veiga de
Oliveira) and the polychrome «lmperios» (a kind of «chapei» for the
cult of the Holy Ghost) of Terceira, of unknown origin, must also be
ln the Canaries, where for centuries the second most important
community was the Portuguese one, there appears a curious fusion of
Portuguese vernacular influence, mainly from Madeira and Azores,
with the Andalucian type of house, with its patio, «distiladera» (a
small cistern) and balconies. This influence was very strong, above all
as far as morphology was concerned (roofs and eaves, door and win-
dow frames, modular construction) and is mainly to be seen on the
islands of La Palma, Tenerife and Lanzarote.
A «dialogue» took place in the Cape Verde Islands between the rec-
tangular European house with the window-door-window pattern and
a two-or four-sided sloping roof and the circular African-style abode.
This vernacular tradition would extend to the African mainland,
Brazil and India, each with its respective sphere of influence. ln
86 A reh i !ec! /I re

regions that possessed their own culture and characteristics, these

influences created an inevitable phenomenon due to the distance that
separated them from their Portuguese genes is, although they never
really lost touch with their origins. Among the innumerable examples
of the Portuguese vernacular inluence in nucleus of colonization, the
following pIaces can be mentioned as they still contain significant
vestiges, mainly in urban rather than in dispersed constructions,
obviously due to the type of occupation undertaken:
- On the African coast, the island of Goreia, in present-day Sene-
gal, the settlement of Cacheu (Guinea-Bissau), the old constructions
of Luanda (Angola) and the famous island of Mozambique;
- On the South American coast, Olinda/Recife, in Pernambuco,
the so-called "big houses» of Recôncavo da Bahia, rural agglomerates
on the sugar-cane plantations, the city of Salvador and its surround-
ing towns of Cachoeira and ltaparica, Alcântara do Maranhão, Parati
near Rio de Janeiro, and many others. The typical whitewashed
houses with the window-door-window pattern, the doors and win-
dows outlined in bright colours, eaves and characteristic roofs can be
seen in all these places. ln Brazil, mention must aIso be made of the
mining towns of Ouro Preto and Mariana, of the hinterland (Goiás,
founded at the time of Pombal) and the south (Laguna in Santa Cata-
rina, a state populated by Azoreans in the 18th century), where popu-
lar architecture has certain aspects that are identical to those men-
tioned above. Even farther south (in Uruguay, the old fortified town
of Sacramento is the southernrnost example of these constructions;
- On the coast of lndia, popular and manoriaI houses, with
• strong local influence in symbiosis with Portuguese physionomy, can
be seen all over Goa, the most outstanding being the ones in the
suburbs in Mapuçá (Bardez) and Margão (Salcete). A significant
architecture of this type is aIso to be found in Daman and Diu.
As examples, some definite characteristics of this architecture can
be stressed in more detail;
- As far as construction is concerned, the large number of
houses to be found in Ouro Preto and other towns of Minas Gerais
that have a wooden framework naively imitating the 18th century
stone manor houses of northern Portugal;
- The L-shaped house with a lean-to kitchen and trellised semi-
courtyard of Maranhão, similar to the Minho manor house;
- The triple eaves of the houses in Margão, which are a very
peculiar Hindu interpretation of Portuguese roofs. This Goan city
POjJulClI' Al'cbitectul'e 87

possesses a remarkable series of whitewashed houses that contain a

strong Mediterranean taste;
- The «karepas» of some old houses in Macao, mother-of-pearl
slats that replace the traditional wooden blinds at the windows and
which are possibly of a «second-hand» influence of a Goan tradition.
Both these detailed and general aspects enable us to relate the ver-
nacular constructions of the colonised lands with their Portuguese

TodaYJ Clandestine Building and the Emigrants

The environment of mainland Portugal described above has been

profoundly modified in the last few decades, as a result of both the
tremendous impetus of urbanization that has taken piace, which has
put an end to the traditional isolation and given rise to new types of
houses, and new building materiaIs and technologies. Emigration to
other European countries in the 60's and 70's and the extensive clan-
destine occupation in the suburbs of the biggest cities have radically -
and at times brutally - modified the colours, models and even the
landscape itself in the hinterland.
The initial cultural reaction of rejecting these new values, which
was motivated by the abrupt cut with tradition, has been gradually
replaced by an interest in trying to understand the causes and charac-
teristics of the changes. The situation may be analysed from three
points of view - the urbanistic (plans for clandestine plots of land,
intervention of the local authorities), the sociological (the socio-cul-
tural reasons for the types of houses built by returned emigrants) and
architectonic (the classification of the new types of regional-emigrant
house and their possible aesthetic improvement).

The theme of the family house, 01' the space of «domestic» habita-
tion, is one of the crucial points that characterize an already-molded
culture, because it is within this space that the expression «intimate»
and the real understanding of that space on the part of the commu-
nity is concentrated and confirmed, i. e. how that community feels
that this space should be used.
It is p1'Obably here that the traditional characteristics and 1'Oots of
Portuguese architecture are to be found rather than in looking at
architecture f1'Om ohter points of view 01' th1'Ough stylistic analysis of
the so-called erudite architecture. This is especially true if we have in
mind, as has already been mentioned, that these characteristics are
strengthened by the preference for elementary volumes and simpli-
fied plastic expressions, i. e. in a certain way against a respective
«complex» and «erudite» understanding of construction.
Besides the archaeologically-based research on the pre-Roman
• and Roman periods carried out in the last few decades by ethnolo-
gists and historians like Veiga de Oliveira and Jorge de Alarcão, who
pointed out the importance of the circular and rectangular houses in
the definition of the first fortified settlements (V. Oliveira) and the
features of the urban house in some Romanised settlements in Portu-
gala. Alarcão), reference must also be made to the first field wol'-
kers who used photography and dl'awings at the end af the 19th
century (Rocha Peixoto, Leite de Vasconcelos) in the study of this
subject and, at the sarne time and in the 20's and 30's of this cen-
tul'Y, the l'esearch and theory of Raul Lino. The cultural tendency
launched by the wol'ks of these last-named authors was dubbed as
the «Portuguese House» and was the featme of the first quartel' of
the 20th centmy. It assumed an idealogical character of nationalist
The House ín Portugal 89

leaning in an ahistoricals search for «regional types» of traditional

houses in the country.
Other more up-to-date theses mainly concentrated on the types
of rural house (Survey of the Union of Architects) or the erudite
house (Carlos Azevedo), so they are referred to in their respective
Through stilI-existent specimens and owing to the lack of docu-
ments, it is only possible to get an idea of the typological evolution
of the urban house from the end of the Middle Ages (14th-15th cen-
turies). The most important contributions in this field continue to
be those of Veiga de Oliveira and his team in regard to the tradi-
tional northern house that was later transposed to Brazil and, shoI'n
of its idealogical content, the theories of Raul Lino, who carried
out a tentative analysis of the oveI'alI evolution of «domestic
architectuI'e» .
Taking alI this into account and starting with a systematic analysis
of the organization of the interior volumes and the structure of
houses, an attempt can be made to enumerate a series of domestic
and habitational architectuI'al typologies in Portugal. The main focus
here wilI be on current urban aI'chitecture of a vernacular expression,
as rural environrnent was dealt with in more detail in the chapter on
«Popular Architecture» and erudite production in other chapters. ln
this context, the various structural, spatial and morphological aspects
that involve the definition of typologies and their temporal evolution
wil1 be dealt with.

From the Medieval Inheritance

to the Post-Renaissance Models
The first thing that must be done is to establish a typological and
constructive re1ationship between the Roman «vilIae» and «insulae» in
the Península, pre-Ronlan habitation and the medieval types that
appeaI' lateI'.
The vestiges of lnedieval houses existent in Portugal can be
mainly grouped in two types of construction - the building with
«overhanging storeys» and the one with «sharply-slanting roofs»
without being sure of their origin, it may be possible to place each
one in a shpere or influence - one in the «architecture of wood»,
90 ArclJitec/llre

which is characterized by beams in complex patterns in the facade

and resistant interior walls and comes from the north of Europe, and
the «architecture of stonen, based on thick walls of brick and mortal'
and which is original to the southern 01' Mediterranean regions.
Examples of the former are to be found in Oporto, Lamego, Gui-
marães, Vila Real and Chaves, while the latter is to be seen in Setúbal
and Alcácer do Sal. This division, of course, is rather schematic. ln
Lisbon, for instance, the two modeIs coexist quite naturalIy and it is
even possible to see the two styles in the same house. lt is also possi-
ble to see this blend in the north of the country, where a wooden
framework is almost always supported by a ground floor of resistant
walls made of granite 01' some other stone. The lattice-work used as
an exterior protection on doors and windows has become general-
ized alI over the country. This technical symbiosis can be explained
by the fact that Portugal was a commercial and cultural entrepot at
that time.
The situation of the buildings in the smalI towns and cities was
clearly a compromise between urbanism and medieval land manage-
ment (the Gothic plot), planned as a whole, even though it was
adapted and deformed according to the land available. It was the
«city-building n, typicalIy semi-detached and so physically insepara-
ble, which has caused one of the main problems in the attempt to
recover individual buildings.
The ground floor of the houses was for animaIs 01' commerce,
depending on whether it was near a rural environment 01' in the city,
while the other floors were either rooms 01' alcoves, the latter being
interior and unventilated. The kitchen was usually at the back of the
• house, giving directly on to a yard 01' the countryside. The floors
were connected by a «corridor-staircasen. The houses were usualIy
elongated, with a narrow facade. ln Alfama, in Lisbon, however, we
can still see houses that are practicalIy square, either to make the best
use of the land available 01' through some form of tradition.
This internal organization lasted throughout the 16th and 17th
centuries, the houses gradualIy becoming higher either through the
need to improve the use of urban space 01' demographic demands
01' through technological advances. Some houses had five 01' six
The Renaissance «Cultn model was introduced by way of urban
and rural manar houses of the landowning class. These houses were
bigger, had wider facades and folIowed rules of proportional compo-
TlJe House ;/7 Portugal 91

sition of erudite influence. This influence was passed on to the

«bourgeoisie» residences, in which the length of the facade was
greater than the width, which gradually led to a more individualist
view of urban space and an assertation of the itnportance of the
autonomous family within the urban contexto
With this attitude, the size of house became a gauge to social
standing and the ceiling height of each floor increased from approxi-
mately 2.20 m to 3.00/4.00 m. The post-Renaissance urban house,
which was of clear Jtalian influence, thus tended to have a fragmen-
tary effect on the city and would coexist with the above mentioned
medieval types of houses for a long time.
Meanwhile, the «modern» demands of the cities, which had begun
to grow, also brought about a series of changes. The streets became
wider, the old city gates were demolished to allow the passage of carri-
ages, greater attention was paid to the areas of access to buildings with
the introduction of the atrium and more care was taken with public
hygene and comfort with the building of covered galleries.
Parallels must be established here with the types of urban houses
of the different overseas areas that were colonised by the Portuguese,
mainly to study the local cultural influences on the tnodels trans-
posed, both in the cities of Jndia, Africa, and Brazil and in the Atlan-
tic archipelagos of Cape Verde, Azores, Madeira and the Canaries.

From the Pombaline Períod

to the Míd-19th Century

A new type of habitation, a four-storey building with a central stair-

case and two flats on each floor, became general in the cities in the
18th century. Taking root mainly in Lisbon with the reconstruction of
the city following the 1755 earthquake, this type of building was a
notable and modernising sythesis of the two earlier forms of buil-
dings - the narrow, tall house of the «Gothic» plot and the Italian-
style manor house - and the two most important forms of construc-
tion - in stone and with a wooden framework.
Innovative from the technological point of view, the Pombaline
building articulated the traditional construction of thick main walls
in stone with the traditional wooden framework, which now «func-
tioned» autonomously as an anti-seismic expedient - if the stone
walls collapsed, the wooden structure would remain standing.
92 ArclJifecfllre

The organization of space was aIso innovative. The building

maintained the rules of classical composition in the facade, but it
achieved a new expression as a collective habitation. The litter and
rubbish was dumped in the inner courtyard of the block. As in
earlier times, the ground floor was reserved for commerce, as was
the so-called «sobre-loja», which is an intermediary floor between
the ground and first floors. The «noble floor» of the manor house
continued to exist, although only formally, as the windows of the
first floor were the only ones to be furnished with wrought-iron
balconies. The attics, covered with a new type of roofing, helped in
the definition of the social heirachy of these new buildings, which
suitably sythesized the new urban middle class that was beginning
to appear.
The model that reached its peak at this time would last for over
a century, but would be gradually simplified and altered. It became
the popular urban house of the beginning of the 19th century and
influenced the alteration and reconstruction of older houses, which
inevitably received a window with a wrought-iron balcony. It served
as a basis for the first stylistic innovations of a Romantic/Revivalist
character, in the form of ceramic platbands, walls lined with glazed
tiles and windows with an ogival lintel. The structural basis and the
Pombaline model of interior space was maintained in all of them to
varying degrees.
With the increase in the awareness of hygene, light metallic
structures used as a support for rudimentary sanitary installations, a
wash basin in a wooden cubicle, began to appear at the back of the
house. The kitchen remained at the back of the house and the
• metallic structure was enlarged in order to close in the space next
to the kitchen. Piped water and drains started becoming more com-
mon at this time.

The 19th and 20th Centuries

The rapid technological evolution at the end of the 19th century
placed a series of new materiaIs - iron, steel, reinforced concrete,
industrial glass - and technical systems - the electrically powered
lift - at the disposal of the building industry, which allowed it to
introduce rapid and definite changes in construction processes. This
evolution led to a greater diversification of the types of buildings
Tbe HOllSe in Portugal 93

available, such as those of the working class towns, buildings for the
bourgeoisie and palaces with gardens, to a definite autonomy of
buildings for industry and amenities and to a sophistication of alrea-
dy-existing types like the bourgeoisie residence, which had more
floors, a greater functional complexity and more rooms. It was as if
there were a vertical «distinction» of functions - attics and top floors
for the poorer classes, the lower ones for the more privileged and the
ground floor for the portel' - as well as a horizontal distinction - an
area for the servants, including the closed balcony, kitchen and
bathrooms at the back of the house, a «private» area of corridors
(which was another innovation that helped in the specialization of
the functions of each division as it eliminated the «crossing» of
rooms) and bed-rooms, plus a social area of salons at the front of the
house where guests were received.
From then until today, three schematic phases of the technico-
spatial evolution of the urban house can be considered:
- The phase of «wooden framework» (1880-1930) with a gradual
increase in the dimensions of buildings and their ceiling height to
about 3.40 m, technological innovation in the form of iron, glass and
lifts, an abundance of decoration and structural debility due to the
use of poor-quality stone and partial wooden framework;
- The phase of buildings erected in a mixture of stone and rein-
forced concrete (1930-1940), still using an internal wooden frame-
work and a metal framework to close the back balcony, which was
the time of the so-called first «modernism». There was a reduction in
the size of the houses, a simplification and modernization of cons-
truction and finishing, such as flat roofs, and floors of tiles and rein-
forced concrete trusses, although only in the servants' quarters; the
ceiling height was reduced to 2.80 m and the decoration was of geo-
metric forms in concrete and stucco;
- The phase of buildings constructed in concrete but still using
resistant walls of brick (1940- 960), which in the 40's cor-
responded to the revivalist building of the «New State», with a
structure of pillars and beams in concrete, a material that was also
used at the back of the house for the construction of closed veran-
dahs and service stairs; Buildings were erected on a «fish-tail» plan,
which eliminated the closed central courtyard and allowed direct
ventilation for every room; vestiges of former decorativs forms per-
sisted, such as bas-reliefs and a pyramid-shaped construction crown-
ing the roof.
94 A reh iteetu re

The 50's brought the high, detached block of flats with abstract 01'
«modern» forms 01' a return to the four-sided block with an inner
courtyard, the houses in the latter being no more than 12-15 metres
in depth and having a very simple lay-out; social changes brought
about a reduction in the size of the servants' quarters and the outside
service stairs disappeared as the buildings were now non-inflam-
From the beginning of the 60's, housing received an enormous
number of spatial and formal innovations as a result of the interna-
tionalization of new concepts of urbanization and housing that carne
from Central Europe by means of the «Charter of Athens». These
include the blending of the service area and the lounge into the
kitchenette and sitting-room, the development of the duplex and the
disappearance of ground-floor shops. Buildings were raised on pillars
and the open «ground floor» became a parking space. The «habita-
tional machine» devised and publicised by Le Corbusier became com-
mon in the 60's and 70's in the form of highrise buildings with
exterior service galleries instead of interior staircases, especially in
social housing, and a gradual appreciation of living on the higher
The massification of this type of housing in a tourist, suburban
and «economic housing» context led to a drop in quality and, at the
end of the 70's and in the 80's, a reaction on the part of urban plan-
ners who advocated a «return to the towns» i. e. a preference for the
traditional blocks with few floors. But the «modern» models of hous-
ing, with many different types but a clear technological oneness
based on conerete remains, despite everything, dominant and replete
with future potential owing to the evolution in eonstruction and its
correlative systems of support, such as pre-fabrieation, the standardi-
zation of components and «intelligent buildings».




As a complement to architecture, the study of the cities helps to pIace

it in perspective and give it the sense of a whole in terms of space
and of continuity in terms of time.
The aim of this chapter is to focus some characterising aspects of
cities that are of Portuguese origin or inspiration and brief1y refer to
the most interesting urban communities that exist and which have
been consolidated throughout the centuries.
Looking at architecture from a complementary point of view, it is
not so much intended to write the history of the city in Portugal -
to do this the reader can consult the bibliographical references at the
end of this chapter - as to interpret the urban system «invented» 01'
perfected in the country and then continued in different continents
with its own peculiar features during the overseas expansion. The
intention is to look at the awakening of these phenomenons, its
zenith and its decline, 01', if one wishes, its modernization.
These characteristics are patent once we see the sites chosen for
the building of these cities, as is mentioned in the work «O Lugar da
Cidade Portuguesa» (The Location of the Portuguese City), which is
here once more referred to and developed.
ln fact, it has already been mentioned, 01' at least perceived, in
several historical and geographical studies that the urban areas of
Portuguese roots have a personality of their own 01', one may say, as
if an idiosyncrasy that began with its own «sense of place» was con-
firmed in its choice of a place to plant its roots. ln a precious synthesis
on the Portuguese city, the geographer Orlando Ribeiro says: <{fhere
96 TlJe A rclJ i tect /I re

are hardly any cities on the plains of Portugal [...] Some show a
preference for high piaces, on steep slopes and well defended, others
combine a rugged hill and a bay on the coast, typical of Mediterra-
nean urban sites. Whether they come from local isolated and archaic
civilizations 01' from a widening of maritime commercial relations,
this attraction for impregnable sites has been demonstrated more
than once in the course of our history, with the result that there are
few countries that boast so many hilltop villages as Portugal."
To these observations regarding the cities of mainland Portugal,
the references of other authors on overseas cities must be added,
especially those in Brazil. According to Robert Smith: «Like Lisbon
and Oporto and in accordance with Portuguese custom, Bahia was
founded on high cliff that dominated a large extense of water."
It is thus necessary to make a deeper analysis of the reasons and
factors that have led people to choose areas with certain geographic
01' morphological characteristics to set up Portuguese cities, as well as
to refer to the most outstanding features of this occupation and the
growth, evolution and transformation of the cities' structures from
the medieval burgs of Portugal to the ones settled overseas.
The word «city" is used here in the sense of urban space, without
worrying about the distinction between a town 01' an administrative
centre considered as a city, as this is the general sense of the subject
of this chapter. Reference must also be made to the confusion that
may arise between the «location" and «situation» of urban centres.
The main interest here is the interpretation of the two words. «Loca-
tion» is used in general overall terms of the territory, referring, for
example, to the tendency to set up cities in the coastal area of the
country. But a more concrete concept of «situation is required when
speaking about a smaller scale, such as the choice of a hill 01' a valley
to settle.
The need for defence, the proximity of water, the suitability of the
land for building and protection against the climate have always been
traditional factors in the choice of a site to settle. Politicai, administra-
tive, religious and economic necessity, the rendering of services and
the equidistance between the urban centres dictated by areas of
influence have always been overriding factors of location. Nowadays,
demands of accessability and adequate public transports have
acquired an ever-increasing importance due to the advent of industri-
alization and the omnipotent philosophy of economic growth, as
townships appear and grow at fulcral points of the transport system.
TIJe Portllguese City 97

ln one way or another, alI these factors contibute to the definition

of the picture of urban location in Portugal. Jorge Gaspar wrote:
«There may be several reasons for the choice of a certain site for the
installation of a community - magic, religion, military, economic,
recreational - but there is always a functional content.". A com-
plementary, anthropological reading that stresses the Portuguese col-
lective urban «temperament" must be added to this practical view-

Antecedents of Urbanism in Portugal

From the Culture of Hilltop Fortifications

to Romanization
«The proximity of the river gives more protection and assures the
convergence of all the paths along the valley. Such is the image of
the three main cities (Lisbon, Oporto and Coimbra), growing from
a 'germ' planted on the side of an isolated hill rising from the plain,
both as inaccessible and as near to the river as possible. [oo.] Where
a rugged hill dominates the bay, estuary or navigable waterway, the
city or settlement on the bank of the river maintains distant rela-
tionships either by means of the road to which it is connected 01'
by sea." FolIowing his synthetic description of the Portuguese urban
«locus", Orlando Ribeiro attempts to base its characteristics on the
existence of an andent «Castrum" tradition, 01' at least on the
presence of a proto-urban and pre-Roman culture in the west of the
lberian Peninsula, probably of Celtic roots, which the rationalising
urbanism of the Latin invaders Dever managed to completely extin-
ln fact, the lron Age Celtic culture produced welI-known centres,
like the one of Briteiros, a fortified settlement near Guimarães in the
north of the country, which remained occupied after the Roman
Ribeiro also wrote: «If it is true that many 'castra' were destroyed,
[oo.] others were transformed into ideal Roman cities, their lay-out fol-
lowing the current urban concepts of the Empire. The ruins of
Conimbriga [oo.] reveal a settlement with streets, squares, opulent

98 ArclJiteeture

residences, baths and industrial premises similar to the ones the

Romans erected in other places in their vast dominions. But the name
and the site (Celtic 'briga', Latin 'oppidum') show a fortified emi-
nence, a rocky, walled spur of land that rises above the fiat, fertHe
land through which the road ran.»
Santarém and Beja (then called Scallabis and Pax Julia) , two
important cities that were seats of «conventus» (as was Braga,
«Bracara Augustus», which had been founded ealier but was used by
the Romans) at the time of Vespasian, were founded by the Romans
on steep hills and seem to confirm the tendency for them to blend
their traditional geometric lay-out that was more suitable for the
plains with the rooted local taste for rocky hills and elevations. The
territorial picture of the time of the Empire clearly showed that the
Romans were better off occupying the interior rather than the coastal
area, as Ribeiro points out: «Apart from Salacia (Alcácer do Sal) and
the ports of the Algarve, it seems that sea-borne trade did not
increase. A powerful organization or the territory based on a perfect
system of land transport was in contrast to the certain abandonment
of the coastal area, which was swept by high winds and faced a sea
with no sign of any islands. This fact was one of the main reasons
that the administrative centres were in the interior [... ]»
It can thus be seen that most of the important roman towns were
in the interior, many of them in mountainous country. Besides the
three «conventus» centres already mentioned, other important exam-
pIes can be pointed out. There were eight «civitates» capitaIs in the
Alentejo, among which were Ebora Liberalitas lulia (today Évora),
Miróbriga (the ruins of which are to be found near Santiago do
• Cacém), Arucci (Moura) and Myirtilis (Mértola). Between the river
Tagus and Douro were the capitaIs of Sellium (Tomar), Egitania
(Idanha-a-Velha), Viseu, Aeminium (Coimbra), Bobadela (near Oli-
veira do Hospital), possibly Lamego and Sabugal, besides other of
uncertain location. The one exception on the coast in this area was
Felicitas Julia Olisipo (Lisbon). To the north of the Douro lay the ca-
pital of Aquae Flaviae (Chaves). The only other capitals that were on
the coast were in the Algarve - Ossonoba (Faro) and Balsa (Tavira).
This is evidence of a an active coastal life, although it was secondary
to that of the interior.
ln different ways, in the territory to the south of the Douro,
which would also feel the impact of the Muslim occupation from the
8th century, the burgs of the north were gradually occupied by the
TlJe P01·tuguese City

Germanic peoples from the 5th century and underwent a process of

«deromanization». At the sarne time there was a growth in Christian
religious feeling and a definition of fulcral towns and collective sym-
boIs. It was the beginning of the palaeo-Christian and Suevi-Visigo-
thic towns and their intrinsic instability and insecurity that would
lead to the process of the fragmentation af centralised functions.
This was aggravated by the conflict between the «civitas», centred on
the Cathedral, the innovative cemeterial basilica, seat of the power
inherited from the civil-religious «forum» and the bishop, who was
very often from the old, decadent senatorial class and the frag-
mented Roman administration, and the «castellum» seat of the recen-
tly-installed military power, which was less urbanised but more vio-
lent. This bipolarization, which was an innovation after the
centralised Roman administration, would continue, become consoli-
dated in medieval times and would probably be an important basis
for the structural characteristics of the future Portuguese city of the
overseas expansion.

From the Muslims to the Reconquest

The urban tradition - confirmed with Romanization and shaken by
successive waves of Barbarians (Visigoths and Suevi) - was resumed
by the Muslim invaders who, despite everything, would alter some
features of urbanization owing to their more individual, intimate and
fragmentary culture. Orlando Ribeiro wrote: «The Muslim cities
obeyed a concept that was in some contrary to that of the Romans:
houses that gave on to an intimate inner patio, narrow, twisting
streets where every corner afforded a refuge for attack 01' defence,
blind alleys that led to private homes and separated family life from
the bustle of the streets.» ln turn A. H. Oliveira Marques said:
«lnstead of the street, which was a dynamic element of communica-
tion, the house was the static element of fixation and, as such, was
considered to be the central cell of urban settlement in a Muslim
city.» The Muslim city therefore assumed a great importance in the
Peninsula, especially as a guarantee of the continuation of the former
urban tradition, which was done by taking advantage of the already-
existing cities. Although it distorted its lay-out and created some new
extensions (Alfama is its paradigm), it did not alter the main features
of urbanization.
100 ArclJiteeture

But the contents and symbols of the city underwent changes

owing to the introduction of a very distinct cultural universe that was
based on the traditions of the Middle Eastern civilizations. The fusion
of these values with their western counterparts would from then on
begin to penetrate the «sou1» of the Iberian burgs.
It was then that certain aspects arose 01' were enhanced, like the
appearance of separate quarters (each one with its own mosque), the
presence of «foreign» communities (which would later play an impor-
tant role in the coexistence of different urban groups), the «sig-
nificance» of the market (extremely important in both a rural and
mercantile system) and the geographic opposition between the
aristocratic city (the Alcazar, the «upper part») and the plebeian (the
Almedina, the «lower part»). Finally there is the part played by the
rural landowners who invested in urban property as a means of
realising their capital, contrary to the bourgoeisie mentality of invest-
ing in stock, and who would build the foundations of the future
social groups that would later live following this sarne «static»
The Muslim presence also helped to keep the cities functioning,
in a period, the first two centuries of the Middle Ages, when an
intense «disurbanization» was felt throughout Europe. This brought
about the signs of asymmetry between the urban tradition of the
north and centre of the Iberian Peninsula, which the Muslims
occupied for less time, and the south, where they stayed for centu-
ries. According to A. H. de Oliveira Marques: «Of the present 47
provincial capitaIs of Spain, 35 were founded by the Romans and
only 12 can be considered as medieval, only four of which were of
• Muslim origino Of the 11 provincial capitaIs of Portugal, not one was
of Islamic origino [... ] If the Muslims did not found cities, however,
accepting the ones they found as they were, this does not mean to say
they did not exert any influence on urban life. Of the above men-
tioned 47 capitaIs, some 20 reveal a clear Islamic stamp.» Twenty-
nine of the above mentioned cities were occupied by the Muslims for
four centuries' 01' more and significantly all of them are south of the
River Douro.
Thus while the urban centres in the north of the country between
the 12th and 14th centuries were few in number, small in size and of
little importance, the ones in the south had much more vitality. As far
as the present Portuguese territory is concerned, it can be said that
there was almost a «frontier», made up of the River Mondego and the
TlJe Portuguese City 101

Estrela mountain chain, between a predominantly rural society to the

north, an area settled by the Germanic barbarians, that tended to the
dissemination of the settlements and a basically urban society to the
south, with adense concentration of communities between the coast
of the Algarve and the Tagus valley. Orlando Ribeiro also mentioned
the fact that this contrast was long-Iasting, as the census of 1527
showed: ({Of the 33 urban agglolnerations with more than
500 houses (2000 to 2500 inhabitants), 25 were in the south, 3 in the
centre and 5 in the north [... ]. Thus only the Tagus valley, the
Alentejo, especially the eastern part, and the Algarve seem to have
maintained an uninterrupted 01' renewed urban tradition since anti-
quity [... ]»
Architectul'e itself strengthened this tradition during the Middle
Ages - as if it were {(re-finding» itself - with the construction, as
already mentioned, of Gothic {{urban» monuments in the south, in
contrast to the {{rural Romanesque» in the nOl'th, which was then
followed by the appearance of {{civic» Renaissance in the central-
southern areas, namely in the cities of Évora, Tomar and Coimbra.
Consulting the «Duarte D'Armas», an inventory of existing fortifica-
tions in the first hali of the 16th century, it can be seen that 22 of
the 55 castles along the Portuguese-Spanish border (from Castro
Marim in the south to Caminha in the north) are south of the
Tagus. This is almost a half, for a very small part of the frontier,
which confirms the importance of urban spaces in this area at this

The First Dynasty

and the Resurgence of Cities
But the first great impetus of urban growth after the foundation of
Portugal happened long before th~ 16th century, had a centralising
effect and expressed an urge to unify the territory. Following the
first efforts of King Sancho I to revive the deserted frontier towns
in the 12th century, the consolidation, 01' even a relaunching, of
urban life took place in the reigns of Afonso III (1248-1279) and his
son Dinis at the turn of the 14th century. The urban reforms then
ordered and undertaken, only in the area of the new bordel' with
Spain, covered 4/5 of the existing fortresses, strongholds and cas-
102 ArclJitecture

Besides the extensions planned in Lisbon (Rua Nova) and the

foundation of new townships. like Vila Real in the Trás-os-Montes
and Vila Nova de Cerveira in the Minho, in the reign of King Dinis,
many of the strongholds that were renovated 01' enlarged showed
signs, although simplified, of a recovery of a geometric urban tradi-
tion that had been long forgotten. This tradition curiously reap-
peared in its c1earest form in the eastern part of the Upper Alentejo,
where the former urbanization seems to have lasted with greater
intensity, maybe as a result of the long-past but still - felt influence
of Mérida, the old capital of Lusitânia.
ln fact, the lay-out of Óbidos, Monsaraz, Alegrete, Vila Viçosa and
Redondo suggest similarities with the northern towns founded by the
kings of Spain in the 12th century 01' the «bastides» that were con-
structed in the south of France in the 13th and 14th centuries. But
they differ from these in that they are built on high ground and have
a much simpler and more elementary structure.
Of the several townships that achieved a significant growth in the
Middle Ages, reference must be made to some differences in terms of
structure that prove the ever-increasing complexity of the urban
phenomenon of the time. Braga, Oporto, to some extent Lamego, and
Évora are c1ear examples of the radio-concentric type of growth that
is usually associated to this períod, with the burg spreading out in a
seríes of «circ1es», sometimes walled, sometimes noto The three north-
ern towns are related with the gradual increase in the importance of
the burg as the seat of a bishopric 01' county. which was a characteris-
tic of «Romanesque urbanism». Guimarães and Guarda are typically
elongated towns with a c1ear walled outline. Trancoso, Torres Vedras,
• Castelo de Vide and Silves are cases of towns growing in the «shadow»
of the castle, which remained at one of the extremities of the new part
of the town. Leiria, Santarém and Lisbon have a more irregular lay-out
that shows the influence exerted by their Muslim occupation. Finally
is the patem geometry of Chaves, Caminha, Viana do Castelo, Melgaço
and, farther south, Tomar, Montemor-o-Novo and Aveiro, formally
similar, but all somewhat different: the first-named because of the evi-
dence of its Roman lay-out, the following four because they were so-
called «royal» towns, which from the 13th century possessed new
areas for the increasingly powerful craftsmen and merchants (the
word «town» in its present sense appeared in the Romanesque period),
and the last two because of their late medievallay-out, already show-
ing signs of the pre-Renaissance urge for regularity.
TIJe POl'tuguese City 103

There are several other possible interpretations of the reason for

the existence of fortified towns in the interior of the country in this
period. On the one hand there are the studies of a mythical and eso-
teric character like those of Juan G. Atienza, who enhances the role
of certain religious orders in the founding of towns: (<fogether with
Galicia, Ireland and Brittany, Portugal was the secret testimony of a
civilization that was the bearer of the arcane tradition that quickly
extended into the interior of the Iberian Peninsula and left its mark
with its myths, rites and symbols [... ] King Afonso I assigned to the
Templars the protection of the Monastery of Alcobaça and the magic
county of Fátima and Tomar, where in 1160 they would build the
main seat of the Portuguese Templars and the subsidiary seats of
Almourol (on an island in the middle of the Tagus) and Bode, com-
plemented by those of Pombal, Penela, Castelo Branco, Idanha, Nisa,
Monsanto and Ceras, and even Óbidos (today 10 kilometres from the
sea). »
There are also more positivist works that were started by Fer-
nando Gonçalves and which refer to the urbanising role of other reli-
gious orders, including the urban occupation in Africa: «Besides the
undertaking that was clearly manifested by the arder of the Sword -
the conquest of the sovereignty of a city - it is also possible to dis-
cern a meaning that is related to w hat can be termed as a (building
instinct' [... ] Although it is not possible to put an end to the con-
troversy regarding the real existence of the arder of the Sword with
the elements available, further research is justified in the fact that it
could bring to light one of the paradigms of urban theory in Portu-
gal.» When all is said and done, they are contributions that also carne
from a Middle-Eastern culture, although in this case diluted by the
Christian religious philosophy, and converged with the Middle-
Eastern urban «apports» of the Muslims.
But it is above all the interpretation in general terms of the charac-
ter and evolution of urban settlement in the interior that interests us
here. And if this evolution today tends to follow patterns of settle-
ment in pIaces situated «on flat land» (as was the case of Barrancos,
Vila Nova de Ourém, Caldas da Rainha and Reguengos de Monsaraz,
which replaced Noudar, Ourém, Óbidos and Monsaraz respectively
when the latter lost their original defensive function and acquired a
mere «archaeological» statute), at the end of the Middle Ages fortifica-
tions acquired a less functional and more poetic role, as new models
104 A rcbitectll re

of urban life were created. The hill ceased to be an active military

bastion and became a memorial, a sign that the population did not
wish to lose the feeling of their old traditions.

A First Synthesis

A divergent trend, contemporary and complementary to the above

mentioned settlement of the interior, concerning the location of
towns and the structure of the territory was confirmed during the
late Middle Ages. This was the gradual displacement of the main
urban centres to the coastal strip of the country. Being on the
coast, they enjoyed a faster growth and increased their importance
in relation to the towns of the interior and it was in this period of
transition that Lisbon became the capital of the country. This trend
was not new. From the time that the «national» territory had started
being defined by the Reconquest along the eastern coastal strip of
the Peninsula, the new nation had searched for its own centre of
gravitation, one that would distiguish it from that of the Romans,
Arabs 01' even the Visigoths. We shall quote Orlando Ribeiro once
more: «Assailed by Moorish and Norman pirates, the northern coast
was the object of special care before and during the first years of
the monarchy: townships were restored and fortified, benefits were
granted to settlers willing to leave the interior, a defensive navy was
organised. »
But it was the increase in international sea-borne trade from the
• 12th century onwards that went hand in hand with the rebirth of the
cities and the rise in port activity. At the sarne time nature played its
part with the gradual silting up of the country's main rivers, thus
cutting off fluvial cities from the sea. Little by little, Silves, Alcácer do
Sal, Santarém, Coimbra, Lamego and Braga would be overshadowed
by Portimão, Setúbal, Lisbon, Figueira da Foz, Oporto and Viana do
Castelo respectively, ports that were on the estuaries of their rivers
and free from the silting up processo
These rapidly expanding towns were enclosed in new and more
complex walls, although they continued to have a certain similarity
with the former fortified burgs in that they took advantage of hills
and other natural elements and had a relatively regular internal struc-
ture, mainly because most of them derived from this type of urban
TlJe Portuguese City 105

centre. But a new type of coastal town began to appear and a spatial
and functional dialectic was created, that of the defensive «upper
town» and the commercial «lower town». The result of this slow but
steady transition on the coast and in the estuaries, especially to the
north of the Tagus, would finally become the city that can be consi-
dered as the model of the typical Portuguese urban centre that we
shall now discuss in more detail.
This still formal1y fortified city, already a port 01' coastal town,
was a centre of a dynamic and notable creative force of «places» and
original, constructed environments that the overseas expansion
would use to the full.

Features of Expansion:
An «Drban Diaspora»

At the end of the Middle Ages (14th-15th centuries), the Portuguese

city acquired facets that would crystalise it into a c1ear model of an
intemporal dimensiono We shall characterize it with the help of
Orlando Ribeiro's quotations.
It was a decisive phase especially at the beginning of the 15th
century, in which the country turned westward. The sea, bays and
estuaries become the cornerstone of a dynamic trade. <éfhe function
of the port is crucial and this was the reason that the three biggest
cities stood in sheltered estuaries and why only four of the ten big-
gest cities were not on the coast.»
Being ON THE COAST and almost compelled to be MARITIME (01' at
least fluvial), the city would also be characterized by a search for a
specific orientation, a taste for an adapted «TROPISM» which led it to
look south. «There are many cases of cities and towns that stand on
the right bank of a river, facing south and having suburbs on the

opposite bank - Barcelos and Barcelinhos, Amarante and the quartel'

known as Além da Ponte (Beyond the Bridge), Oporto and Vila Nova
de Gaia, Abrantes and Rossio ao sul do Tejo, Lisbon and the 'Other
Bank' [... l»
At the same time it became composite, BIPOLARIZED, the residen-
tial area, following the «castrum» tradition, being erected on the high
points that could be more easi1y defended when necessary, while the
business centre was placed in the flat «downtown» near the port and
106 A rclJitec/ure

the river 01' sea. «The area on the hill was where the most noble and
prestigious activities were carried out, while an area of commerce,
industry and circulation was developed in the flat area. Hence the
division between the Upper and the Lower, 01' Riverside as it is called
in some places.»
These basic features of the Portuguese city - coastal and com-
mercial, maritime and tropical and bipolarity - that appeared in the
14th-15th centuries were adaptable and would not be lost but
enriched in their contact with new environments, acquiring, if this is
the right word, new qualities as if they were mutations of their own
intrinsic and initial feeling.
This process became even more original in the 16th and 17th cen-
turies when, for various reasons, this model distanced itself from the
contemporary Spanish colonial town, even though they both
belonged to the sarne southern urban «family». These reasons had to
do with the politicaI autonomy and unity that Portugal had enjoyed
since the 12th century, which was unique in the Iberian Peninsula,
and the different urban tradition that had already been felt at the
time of the Roman occupation, the idea of «finisterra» versus
«Mediterranean». So while it can be seen that the Hispano-American
township was built in the interior, on a monumental scale and with
a centralist geometric structure, its Portuguese counterpart, in con-
trast, was built on the coast and was a continuation of their verna-
cular urban structure.
ln fact, the centric, static «sou!» of the Hispano-American town-
ship, the central point of which is the intersection of two axes of a
rectilinear network of streets at the «plaza mayor» (central square),
• which was the centre of power, contrasts to the «ex-centric» and
«erratic» Portuguese lay-out, which was a succession of squares (for
the Town Hall, for the church, for the monasteries and convents)
along an irregular «main road», which was its «umbilical cord» and
ran into the surrounding open fields, the «rossios».

The Atlantic Dimension:

Cities of the Archipelagos

,ifhe first mark of Portuguese expansion, the archipelagos of Madeira and

the Azores [... ] are a replica ofPortugal's human physionomy in a physi-
callandscape that is unknown to the mainland.» As Orlando Ribeiro
TlJe Portugllese City 107

points out, they were strange lands, made up of insecure islands, iso-
lated in the middle of the ocean, subject to avalanches, earthquakes
and vulcanic eruptions and frequently victims of pirates. It was here
that the Portuguese set up their first settlements outside the main-
land, and they would be immediately followed by ones in the islands
of the Canaries, Cape Verde, Fernando Pó and São Tomé.
The process of Atlantic urbanization has already been analysed in
previous studies: «[ ... ] Urban settlement certainly began as a reult of
the overall settlement of the islands nearest the mainland, which
were obviously the ones discovered and visited first, and in small
areas within the archipelago that could be more easily bleared,
which, after all, were more similar to the world the settlers knew.
Hence the settling of Porto Santo - Madeira and Santa Maria - São
Miguel.» This westward movement of urban occupation, confirmed
by the successive dates of the foundation of the Azorean and Madei-
ran towns, was cuminated with their elevation to the rank of city:
[...] if Funchal was the first Atlantic city (150S), it was soon followed
by Angra (1534) and Ponta Delgada (1542), the promotion of the las-
named changing the luck of São Miguel's natural capital Vila Franca,
which was prevented from continuing as such by a natural catas-
trophe in 1522. ln Cape Verde, where occupation was more difficult
owing to dimatic and morphological reasons, Ribeira Grande (1533)
on the island of Santiago was the only town founded in the 16th
The evaluation of Portuguese participation in the Canaries is
more complex, however, owing to its being mixed with the
predominant Castilian occupation. It seems that there was a direct
Portuguese intervention in the development of Las Palmas de Gran
Canaria, where there is a «Calle de los Portugueses» in the town's
oldest quartel' la Vegueta, and in Santa Cruz de la Palma, the situation
and structure of which are remarkably similar to those of Horta on
Faial. São Tomé and Fernando ~ó are part of a process of an
equatorial African urbanization and will be referred to later.
It is above all in the Azores and Madeira that a relation with the
above mentioned urban location can be felt, as has already been men-
tioned in regard to Funchal: «It is certain that the lberian mainland
tradition strongly influenced both the choice of the sites and the con-
struction of the new settlements and their internal organization and
general character - in other words, their urban personality [... ] with
a large percentage of the towns being on the southern coast, facing
108 Al'C!Jifecfllre

south 01' south-west, as was traditional in mainland Portugal. ln the

two archipelagos, only one town goes against this tendeocy -
Ribeira Grande on São Miguel - and only one important town faces
north - Santra Cruz on Graciosa. It is a true 'cultural tropism', which
the climatic conditions help to maintain and to which insular factors
give a renewed personality of its own. The settlement near streams 01'
in sheltered bays is almost systematic, as it was 00 the mainland in
the search for riverbanks and the pratection of an estuary.»
The possible parallelisms with the urban spaces of the mainland
are also innumerable fram the point of view of internal structure.
There are analogies between Vila do Porto on Santa Maria and Monsa-
raz in the Alentejo, in relation to the type of fortified town found in
the eastern area of the pravince, and locational and functional
similarities between Funchal and Setúbal in that they are of the more
advanced type of coastal towo that stands on an estuary. Other
similarities come to mind, like the one between Angra and Tomar and
their geometric lay-out and bipolarity established between the maio
street and the «wharf», 01' the one between Ponta Delgada and Lagos
in the general morphology of urban space and the adoption of simi-
lar types of buildings. It is interesting to point out that hesitating
between the adoption of urban modeis with a predominantly defen-
sive function in the interior of the country 01' waterside models, the
urbanization of these two archipelagos clearly shows that it was
formed at the time of the transition froro the medieval, 01' «closed»,
to the «modern», 01' «open» type of city.
ln the Cape Verde and Canary archipelagos, the sub-trapical cli-
mate led to the first distortion in the orientation of the settlements,
• as it became necessary for the townships to face north 01' west io the
former and frequently northeast in the latter in order to take advan-
tage of a refreshing breeze that blows fram that direction. It was on
those coasts, therefore, that the most important commuoities deve-
ln short, if the Atlantic city of Portuguese roots, as defined in the
15th and 16th centuries, transposed its mainland characteristics across
the ocean, it became enriched with a diversified series of values, fram
the new INSULAR dimension that permeated the urban spaces to the
«multiplication» of geographical orientations, which would not only
be a confirmation of its «tropicism» leanings but also an assumption
of its «traditionalist» oous - maybe as a reaction against a greater
impulse demanded in both settlement and development.
Tbe Portuguese City 109

The cities of the Atlantic islands, the growth of which became

more stabilized after the 18th century, have maintained a remarka-
bly formal and spatial balance until today. Examples of this are
towns of simple linear construction, such as Vila do Porto (Santa
Maria), Santa Cruz (Graciosa), Lajes (Pico) and Ribeira Brava, Santa
Cruz and Machico on Madeira, and the smali towns that intersect
the irregularity of their streets with a rather elementary rectilinear
network 01' other streets, as in 'Ribeira Grande and Ponta Delgada
(São Miguel), Praia and Angra (Terceira), Horta (Faial) and Funchal

The Luso-Brazilian G'ity

«Although the cities of colonial Brazil are in many respects different

from those the Portuguese constructed in their homeland, Morocco,
Southern Africa and Asia, they preserve, in many and diverse circum-
stances, the unmistakable stamp of the mother-country that regional
characteristics were never able to erase. They can, therefore, be justly
considered to be Portuguese cities in Brazil rather than Brazilian
cities.» (Paulo F. Santos).
Even when taking a criticaI look at the value of Brazilian urban-
ism as a cultural «apport», scholars generaliy take these affinities for
granted. There is a certain «purity» in these cities and at the sarne
time an analogy with the towns of Portugal that is evident and, up to
a point, attractive. Robert C. Smith, Mário T. Chicó, Leonardo
Benevolo, Ramon Gutierrez, Murillo Marx and others referred to
functional aspects such as the «rossios», the «main road» , the «upper»
and «lower» parts of the town, the structural characteristics like the
medieval-Renaissance type of «informal» lay-out, fairly regular 01'
geometric, the image of churches and convents integrated into the
landscape and the location, all of which help and strengthen the
The aspects of the geographic situation are pointed out by Murillo
Marx in the following manner: {<fhe map of Brazil denotes a notable
disequilibrium. Its urban agglomerations are concentrated along the
coast. [... ] The disproportion becomes even more evident if we con-
sider the population of these agglomerations. Almost ali the biggest
ones follow the norm and are located on the coast 01' near it. The
two biggest cities of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro are outstanding
110 ArclJifecfure

examples of this demographic disequilibrium and the situation is the

sarne in most of the state capitals from Belém do Pará to Porto
New analogies can be established if we look at the choice of sites
for the foundation of the Brazilian urban centres, once more accord-
ing to Murillo Marx: «The first towns were set up on the coast in
order to be in contact with the mother-country and the rest of the
empire, which was turned to, shaped by and linked to the sea. The
port, therefore, was essential and crucial for the setting up of new
factories. »
But the medieval inheritance must be added to this need of the
sea, both defining the already mentioned bipolarity of the Por-
tuguese township: «Like the defensive system of both (Lisbon and
Oporto), Bahia was surrounded by walls with towers and gates and
interspersed with forts. The best sites, on the top of the hills, was, as
in Portugal, reserved for churches and convents, public buildings and
manor houses, while commerce was carried out in the 'downtown'
near the docks.» (Robert C. Smith).
We would like to mention something here to back up our point of
view that Portuguese townships were located on the coast and on
hills owing to the aptitude and the PREDISPOSITlON of the colonialists
and not so much for defensive purposes of because they provided
good port facilities. The case in question is the town of Recife,
founded by the Dutch in the 17th century, who for exactly the sarne
reasons chose a fiat swampy site, just as the English did to build Bom-
bay. And various ports of Spanish America that functioned apart from
the main cities were located in the interior.
• This taste of the Portuguese, obviously linked to a specific under-
standing of the landscape, perplexed the Dutch invaders. ]oshua Cas-
tro referred to a criticism made by Barlaeus, at the time of Maurice of
Nassau, of Recife's neighbour, the typically Portuguese Olinda,
irregular and hilly: «Although he recognised that Olinda was remark-
able for its beautiful buildings and temples, he condemned its inade-
quate situation in the following words: 'The site, for the love of the
hills that surround it, is rather uneven and only by luck will human
industry be able to provide for it'» The Dutch thought it impossible
to defend and difficult to understand so they later purposely burnt it
to the ground.
ln fact, it is not easy to understand, as Paulo F. Santos said, that
«[oo.] in that apparent disorder, which leads one to admit [oo.] the
The Portuguese City 111

inexistence of a previous plan or coordinating idea, that there are

an organic coherence, a formal correlation and a unity of spirit that
confer a certain genuineness on it [... ] as a spontaneous and sincere
expression of a system of life which is so often lacking in a city
that has a regular lay-out that gives it the appearance of a chess-
But let's return to the choice of sites. The wealth of new geo-
graphic situations on the Brazilian coast provided new solutions for
settlement: in huge bays, where an authentic urban microcosm was
created, with several strata of heirachy inc1uding the «engenho» (the
buildings and n1ills of the sugar plantations), towns and big cities, as
happened at «Recôncavo» of Salvador da Bahia and at Guanabara of
Rio de Janeiro; the banks of and the islands in the estuaries of
immense rivers, as was the case of Belém and São Luís; on the
lagoons near the coast, as was the case of Porto Alegre and Rio
Grande in the 18th century; and even other frequent situations, in
the words of M. Marx: «Some islands, or better still' the channels that
separated from the mainland, sheltered from the currents and winds,
were propitious for the establishment of São Sebastião and São Fran-
cisco do Sul» - as later happened in relation to the city of Desterro
in Santa Catarina.
The size and the newness of the territory to be occupied by the
Luso-Brasilian city gave it, as we have seen, new facets within the
basic features already mentioned. It exalted and raise the city to
«American heights» giving it a LUXURIANT DIMENSION, the paradigm of
which is Rio de Janeiro. It discovered an orientation to the north and
west, a TROPICISM INVERSION of the southern hemisphere. From Prata
to the Amazons, it cOlnpelIed as urban heirachism of the territory,
giving rise to the huge areas of the Northeast (with its centre at
Bahia), the Southwest (Rio-São Paulo) and the extreme north and
south, with Belém-São Luís and São Vicente-Rio Grande, like huge
«countries» that were only governable in fragments on a CONTINENTAL
SCALE and never really managed to merge into an empire.

The Portuguese City in the India and the Par East

The taste for locating towns on the coast and perched on hilIs, now
main1y for strategic reasons, was also taken to distant places like Japan
(Nagasaki), China (Macao), southeast Asia and Oceania (Malacca, Flores)
112 ArclJitectllre

and even the Arabian peninsula. If the settlement in the Far East,
especially Macao, followed the pattern of the models mentioned
above, that in the Middle East was conditioned by military necessity,
by the urban areas that already existed and by the agressiveness of the
neighbouring territories, which meant that stettlements were erected
with warfare in mind and did not become what may be called mature
townships as they did in Morocco. This can be seen in the existent
vestiges of the fortresses of Soar, Muscat and Ormuz in the Persian
Despite encountering somewhat similar constraints in India, it
was in this area where the pracess of urban development really
flourished to its full potential, both fram the point of view of perma-
nence and planting deep roots, especially on the west coast.
Contraryto the theory defended by Mário T. Chicó that there
were «two types of city - the community implanted in Brazil, which
was deeply raoted in the history of Portuguese urbanism and inspired
in the ideal city of the Renaissance, and the one that appeared in
Jndia» there does not seem to be a great difference between the
Jndian city of Portuguese influence and its Brazilian contemporary, at
least as far as overall organization of the territory, location and inter-
nal structure are concerned.
Even if the obvious necessity to speed up building programmes
and to modernize military structures in Jndia due to urgent defen-
sive reasons makes them different fram their Brazilian counter-
parts, this does not seem to be reason enough for any alteration in
the deep-rooted typology of the cities, factories and fortresses
• If, therefore, the fortifications themselves are more «modern», in
16th century terms, than those of Brazil - Damão (to the north of
Bombay) and Meliapor (in the state of Madras) versus Salvador da
Bahia - an overall comparison of their urban plan shows that,
besides the apparent contrasts, the same regularity in both the lay-out
of the streets and the distribution of central functions. On the con-
trary, Baçaím has fortifications of a regular pattern and an elongated
irregular lay-out inside its walls, as have Chaúl, Cranganor, Cochim
and Cananor, the examples that Chicó refers to as having a «certain
regularity» .
Chaúl, near Bombay and today in ruins, seems to be a typical
example of a township that grew slowly. It was built on a linear plan
alongside the main road that led to the late-medieval-type stranghold
TlJe Portuguese City 113

that was lateI' surrounded by walls. And this without speaking about
the old city of Goa, which, despite the fact that it existed befoI'e the
PoI'tuguese occupation, was certainly reconstructed by conqueI'ors
who were thinking of Lisbon in terms of an archetype. On the other
hand, a clear morphological compaI'ison can be made between the
Brazilian towns of São Luís do Maranhão and Belém do Pará, which
have a very distinct geometry, and the slightly later Baçaím and
Damão. It seems advisable to view the Indo-Portuguese city within a
framework of greater diversity regarding patterns, types and variants
(structure, location and lay-out) and not by a simple comparison with
their Brazilian counterparts.
But let us return to the question of location and choice of sites.
From South Malabar to the Gulf of Cambay, the Portuguese looked
for the estuaries of rivers (Damão, Cochim, Cranganor), off-coast
islands (Goa, Diu), bays (Chaúl) and promontories and peninsulas
(CananoI', Baçaím) to establish their military-urban settlements from
1500 onwards.
As far as the 16th and 17th centuries are concerned, there are
sufficient analogies in the geographic environment a"nd settlement to
try and make a general case by case comparison between occupation
in India and Brazil (as has already been analysed in another text).
Both in Goa and Bahia a microcosmic territorial environment that
recalled the «distant» motherland was created, both in terms of the
hinterland and the city. <<This analogy in the choice of riverside,
coastal 01' insular environments for settlements that were introversive
but protected from pirates and the sea can be detected in the enclave
of Malabar and in the Recôncavo of Bahia, i. e. Goa along the banks
of the Mandovi and Bahia in All Saints) Bay. The picture is completed
by hundreds of churches and small rural premises, with some
medium-size settlements attempting to form a more densely popu-
lated area that would provide more cohesion and strengthen the
similarity with the environment o.f the motherland [... ]. The liking
for the occupation of off-coast islands is also curious. Such cases are
the Malabar triad of Goa, Bardez and Salcete up to the 18th century
and Itaparica and Frades in Recôncavo, always containing little cities
like Margão in India 01' Itaparica in Brazil.»
These two cities were considered as «central zones» and were
incorporated into the two vastest continental areas of these immense
spaces that «[ ... ] in confrontation with the scanty resources available
led to the need to break up into fragments that could be more easily

114 ArclJitecture

controlled, backed up by control of the sea, the reverse of which was

the existence of vast intermediate areas for settlement. Several of
these areas of permanent settlement were gradually defined in both
India and Brazil and in each case can be divided into three basic
zones: the 'North', or frontier land used as a military 'cordon' to halt
the advance of aggressive neighbours - the complex of Cambay,
from Diu to Bacaim and Chaúl in India and the area of Maranhão and
Pará with Belém and São Luís in Brazil; the 'Centre', or the main area
of domination, geographically equidistant from all the other enclaves
and so a natural seat of govemment and administration from a short -
or medium-term point of view - these were the regions of Goa and
Bahia-Olinda; and finally the 'South', the area of greatest instability
and of secondary interest, where, for one reason or another, settle-
ment was either difficult or less essential - from Cochim to Cananor
in India and from Rio to São Vicente in Brazil».
The structure of the cities of the two continents can also be com-
pared. Goa, occupied from 1510, and Olinda, founded in Pemum-
buco in 1534, were urban centres from wbere the surrounding areas
could be effectively controlled. They were constructed with care,
advantage being taken of natural elements like bars and coral reefs
and their walls being either replaced or completed by a more
«organic» or «freer» internal structure, which in turn was adapted or
distorted according to the local relief. Then there were the centres
like Margão (Salcete) and Ouro Preto (Minas Gerais) that were deve-
loped from the beginning of the 18th century. Although founded
rather far from the coast, they have the characteristic linear but
irregular structure of the «main road» and a series of «squares» con-
• taining churches that defined the medieval Portuguese town.

The Urban Spaces in Africa

Looking at Africa not as a single territory or as a goal to be reached
and colonised in the period that we are dealing with - the 15th to
the 18th centuries - but as a series of «staging posts» that would be
used to reach India and explore Brazil, its occupation in terms of
urbanization is not so clear or coherent. The following geographical
areas may be taken into account:
- The fortified cities or fortresses in North África. They were the
first places occupied by the Portuguese overseas, the very first being
TlJe Portuguese City 115

Ceuta in 1415, and although they were ali on the coast they seem to
have been inspired, probably for defensive reasons, in the medieval
walled towns of the interior of Portugal and not in the more «open»
structure of the Atlantic islands. The «reunion» of the Muslim and
Christian cultures, as mentioned in a previous chapter, would take
place in these fortified towns, the most lasting and significant being
the case of Mazagão (today EI Jadida), which contains notable works
or architecture and a highly developed urban structure (it was
occupied by the Portuguese from 1515 to 1769). Mention must also
be made of Safim, occupied from 1508 to 1542, Azamor (1513-1542)
and Mogador (today Essaouira), a «jewel» of an off-shore island that
was in Portuguese hands from 1506 to 1510.
- The West African coast from Mauritania to the Cape of Good
Hope, where the Portuguese set up many settlements, which may be
termed as proto-urban, as they made their way southward. These
include the ones on off-shore islands (Goreia, Senegal), factories on the
coast (Cacheu, Guinea-Bissau, which became a town in 1605, and São
Jorge da Mina, Ghana, which became a town in 1486 and was occupied
until 1637), off-shore archipelagos (São Tomé, which had a city of the
same name by 1535, Santo António on the island of Príncipe, Fernando
PÓ), inviting bays (Luanda, founded in 1574) and rivers (S. Salvador,
Congo). These were the modeis of fortified coastal cities that would
be the mainstay of the Portuguese sea-borne commercial empire.
- The East African coast, where the settlements, which in prac-
tice belonged to the «State of Jndia», closely fol1owed the sarne above
mentioned models. They were either towns built on off-shore islands
(Mozambique, occupied from 1506 and containing clear analogies
with the island of Diu in Guzarate, from where, in fact, the first
stonemasons of Mozambique carne) or fortified towns on the coast
(Mombasa, Kenya, occupied from 1527 to 1698).

From the 18th Century:

Transformation of a Model

The Evolution of the «Metropolis»

Although they showed neither the sarne vigour that they had pos-
sessed in the Middle Ages nor kept up with the growth rate of their
colonial contemporaries, Portuguese towns of the Iberian Peninsula
116 A rcbitecture

did undergo some progress between the 16th and 18th centuries,
especially in the land management of new urban centres or in the
creation of small planned extensions.
This slow growth is understandable in the fact that the country
had a small population and invested almost all its human resources in
its overseas expansion and in the land management of its colonial
With a phase of more pronounced growth in the 16th century,
these towns had their extensions that were then started graduallY
occupied in the following period and up to the 18th century with
successive architectonic contributions, initially Renaissance and then
those under the influence of the Counter-Reformation and the
Baroque ideaIs.
Urban works of great prestige left their stamp on three cities in
particular: Évora, a city that King João III thought of making the ca-
pital of the country, with its remarkable 16th century aqueduct and
respective network of fountains: Tomar, with grandiose works like
the new square in front of the Church of S. João Batista at the time
of King Manuel I and, later, the new cloisters of the Convento de
Cristo; and Braga, with the initiative, between 1505 and 1532, of
Dom Diogo de Sousa, who ordered the creation of the «campos»
(urban squares outside the city walls) of Vinha, Carvalheiras and San-
tana, besides the largo (Square) Carlos Amarante, which would later
be surrounded by enough public buildings such as churches, hospi-
taIs and convents to satisfy the needs of the city's expansion during
the whole of the 19th century.
ln general, towns of this time all over the country show signs of
.. the 16th century, the «Rua Nova», the restored or rebuilt convent or
the Misericordias giving the main square a nçw physionomy. Viana
do Castelo, aporto, Coimbra, Caldas da Rainha, Santarém and Tavira
are some of these towns. Lisbon must also be included, as besides a
large 16th century urban extension with a regular lay-out - Bairro
Alto - a big riverside square with the royal palace and the customs
house and the riverside area of Belém with its monastery and grace-
fuI military tower must also be noted.
Although gradually impoverished throughout the 17th century,
which is reflected in the lack of urban vigour and the hypothetical
European-style «Baroque» extensions then in fashion, the country
did strenghten a series of towns with notable networks of walls and
bulwarks as result of the War of Independence against Spain from
TIJe POl'tuguese City 117

1640 to 1668 and others that followed it in tbis period of great

Elvas, with fortifications built by Rui Correia Lucas and others as
from 1643, and Estremoz, surrounded by «Vauban-style» walls -irom
the end of the 17th century, can be pointed out in the Alentejo,
Almeida, with its «star-shaped» walls, some erected in the 18th cen-
tury, in the Beiras, and Valença in the Minho, interestingly having two
nucleus linked by a bridge. Although of less importance, other forti-
fied towns can be referred to, from Olivença, which was annexed by
Spain in 1801, to the coastal town of Setúbal, fortified in the 17th
One thing that must be noticed here is the importance the
«Classes of Fortifications», created by the King in 1647, must have
had, as did the work of Serrão Pimentel entitled «Método Lusitânico
de Fortificar as Praças Regulares e Irregulares» (The Portuguese
Method of Fortifying Regular and Irregular Strongholds) at the sarne
time and, in the 18th century, that of Azevedo Fortes and his «Enge-
nheiro Português» (The Portuguese Engineer) and Manuel da Maia.

Sígns of Change
PoliticaI stability finally returned to the country at the end of the
17th century, during the reign of King Pedro II. A new impulse was
given to the colonization of Brazil at the sarne time, which in turn
gradually gave rise to a new growth of urbanism that used different
ideas and themes. Preparing the ground for the 18th century ]oanine
and Pombaline phases of a Europeanised and enlightened phys-
ionomy, a transformation of the traditional Portuguese city would be
started here. It would gradually lose its character and give way to a
type of hinterland town, with the clearing of land 01' control of terri-
tory and the urge to explore in both the rnother-country and in the
colonies. A rigid geornetric structure, spreading out from the «found-
ing square» and with a regular lay-out became more common. Ir is
also a sign that international urban themes of a classical physionomy
asserted their influence on the former «riverside-Iandscape» pattern,
which obviously tried to blend in with the new trends, thus some-
times creating «synthesized» urban situations, as will be seen.
A traditionalist attitude asserted itself in the transatlantic urban areas
of Brazil in the middle of the 17th century, following the expulsion
118 ArclJitectllre

of the Dutch invaders. More importance was given to the public

places that already existed in the main colonial towns and big
buildings were systematicaliy restored. This happened in Recife
Oesuit church, 1686-1690), Rio de Janeiro (São Bento, 1668) and,
above ali, in Salvador da Bahia, where notable buildings like the
Jesuit church (between 1654 and 1694), which is today the
Cathedral, and the former Cathedral (1660-1674) were recon-
structed. The sarne thing happened in one of the few possessions
that were left in India, namely Old Goa, with the reconstruction
of the Church of São Francisco (1668) and the building of São
Caetano (1656-1661). At the end of the sarne century, some new
pioneer towns were founded in a fresh impetus of expansionism in
America, such as the colony of Sacramento on the River Plate in
Uruguay in 1680, built with a regularly-out. The most important
events in Portugal were the failures to lay-out a new "main square»
in Oporto in 1687 (and again in 1715 on the initiative of Dom
Tomás de Almeida) and to introduce a "monumental and land-
scaped» Baroque architecture with urban impact into Lisbon
through the construction of the Church of Santá Engrácia from

The joanine-Pombaline Period

A «modem», urban and global understanding of 18th century Lisbon

began with King João V (1706-1750), who tried to attenuate the old
• problems and the new anxieties of the city through the construction
of the remarkable Aqueduct of Free Waters (Águas Livres), with its
arches spanning the Valley of Alcântara, its monumental arch at
Amoreiras, its gigantic reservoir (Mãe D'Água) at Rato, its branches of
São Bento and Necessidades and its network of fountains, such as the
ones of Rato and Santos.
Reference must be made here to the isolated complex of Santo
Antão do Tojal (1728-1732), the residence of the Patriarch in the
suburbs of Lisbon. It was designed in Italian style by Canevari and
was made up of the residence, fountains, aqueduct, church and its
facade overlooking a square - a perfect example, in its simplest
form, of the crucial themes of Roman Baroque with its pre-urban
TIJe Portuguese City 119

Although being restricted to Lisbon, as far as public works were

concerned, and within a certain architectonic dimension (the new
Opera attached to the Royal Palace) 01' projects (a new Patriachate),
the outstanding event of King João V's reign in terms of urban sym-
bolism is the gigantic Monastery of Mafra, a type of Escorial in the
suburbs of the capital that gave rise to a new town that grew up
around it, a network of streets somewhat similar to a Roman trident.
This symbolic dimension would only happen once more - out of
date and never completed - with the construction of the neo-
classic-style Manique do Intendente near Santarém, which was an
«ideal settlement» comprising a hexagonal square, church and palace
and left incompleted by Pina Manique, the Chief of Police at the time
of Queen Maria I (1794-1807).
FolIowing the Joanine period, without any break in the evolution
of the urban ideal but already with a dimension of colIective utility
and backed up by theoretical techniques, carne the Pombaline period
(1750-1775) during the reign of King José. This brought the notable
reconstruction of Lisbon after the earthquake of 1755 - the «Down-
town» , with its appropriate «rnain square» facing the river and being
a continuation of the formeI' Terreiro do Paço (Palace Courtyard and
riverside rnain square) - a plan for an innovative industrial cornplex
alongside the water works at Amoreiras, also in the capital, and the
incentive for the industrialization of Covilhã in the northern interior
of the country.
ln Oporto, under the direction of the Almadas and supported by
Pombal, a grid of rectilinear streets giving on to the traditional
centre, in this case the Rua de São João, was planned in 1757 (the
«rnain square» system had failed in this city earlier, as has already
been mentioned). And the English-influenced Neo-Classic Praça da
Ribeira (Riverside Square) was laid out in 1765, in a city where not
long before, above alI betwwen 1732 and 1749, the architecture of
Nasoni, whose Baroque church towers changed the profile of the
city, had reigned supreme.
ln the rest of Portugal, srnalI towns with the dual airn of controlI-
ing and peopling the bordel' areas, like Vila Real de Santo António in
the Algarve, founded in 1774, 01' supporting the local economy, such
as the fishing towns of Olhão in the Algarve and Porto Covo in the
Alentejo, are rigidly laid out in a geon1etrical blocks grouped around
a central square. The post-earthquake reconstruction carried out in
Setúbal and Nazaré completes the «global view» of the occupation
120 ArclJifecfu re

and management of the territory, a subject that was so dear to the

enlightened thinkers of the time.
A clear intention to continue with an up-to-date and well-concei-
ved urban programme in the colonies could aIso be seen in the
Joanine-Pombaline period, especially in Brazil. This is proved by the
rayal decrees issued at the time and by the plans that are known, all
of them having a rigoraus, geometric physionomy.
The following towns in the «sertão» interior that were founded in
this period can be mentioned: Vila Boa de Goiás, (1739) by royal
decree of 1736; Mariana in Minas Gerais, (1745) following the plans
of Brigadier Alpoim; Vila Bela da Santíssima Trindade in Mato
Grosso, (1752 or 1757) by royal decree of 1746; Vila Nova de São José
in Rio Negro, by royal decree of 1755; Oeiras in Piauí, by rayal decree
of 1761. ln the area of the Amazons, Nova Mazagão in Pará was built
in 1770 to settle the people coming from Mazagão in Morocco fol-
lowing the plan of Inácio Mariz Sarmento.
When Sacramento in the south of Brazil was threatened it became
urgent to halt the advance of the Spanish colonisers. Several towns
were built with this aim in mind, among them being Desterro, today
Florianópolis in Santa Cararina, constructed between 1747 and 1752,
Laguna, of an uncertain date, São Pedro do Rio Grande, founded in
1747 and consolidated fram 1752-1755, and Porto Alegre, the present
capital of the state of Rio Grande, which was founded in 1743 and
restructured in 1772.
ln all these cases, the respective decree refers to the creation of a
«square» and its respective rectilinear streets. ln regard to the south of
Brazil, the Royal Decree of 9th August 1747 declares that «[ ... ] a square
• measuring five hundred palms (22 centimetres or 8 inches) on each
side will be laid out, and a church will be placed on one side. the
street ar streets will be marked out with the sarne width of at least
forty palms, and along them and on the sides of the square houses will
be built in good order [... ]», thus confirming the search for geometric
rigour and a clear centralising conception of the urban centre.
Not all new towns, of course, were built according to this plan
and there were still some that grew up spontaneously. ln many
respects, Ouro Preto revived the linear model of the «main street»,
laid out on the hills and valleys of the Minas Gerais hinterland. But
even there, a regular-shaped central square, the centre of administra-
tive and military power, seems to be an attempt to strengthen the
main centre of the town.
TlJe POl'tllguese City 121

ln the other possessions that were less important than Brazil, an

effort at urbanization was at least made in Angola and Goa. ln the
former, Novo Redondo, founded in 1769 and restructured in regular
blocks in 1785, Benguela, refounded by Sousa Coutinho between
1764 and 1772, and the unsuccessful construction of the Nova
Oeiras Foundry near Luanda at the sarne time can be referred to. ln
the latter, Pombal attempted the «irnpossible» reconstruction of the
ruined Old Goa between 1774 and 1777, with plans that were never
carried out, and the setting up of New Goa - Pangim, with a plan
that was made in 1776 but only put into operation in the 19th cen-

The Portuguese Cíty

01 the 19th and 20th Centuríes
Being on the outskirts of the general, accelerated growth of European
cities in line with the equally accelerated industrialization of the first
half of the 19th century, Portuguese cities underwent a very slow
transformation during the sarne period, due to a succession of politi-
caI crises and the resulting instability. The initial growth was seen
around the first industrial agglomerations, usually in valleys and
alongside the waterways, and in the humble landscaping of and the
planting of trees in the old squares.
As in rnost things in Portugal, Lisbon was in the forefront in the
development of industrial areas, mainIy in Alcântara and CheIas. This
gave rise to an urban proletariat that would little by little settle and
construct popular quarters in the above mentioned valleys. At the
sarne time, the defining of a «bourgeoisie image» in the capital's
former public places led to their being planted with trees and land-
scaped with gardens. The rnost outstanding examples of this was the
Passeio Público (Public Promenaqe) near Rossio, which had been
stal'ted in 1764 and was a kind of fenced-off avenue used by the
Court in the first half of the 19th century, and the garden of São
Pedro de Alcântara, a hillside platfol'm alongside the old «Bairro Alto»
that was landscaped in 1839 and which demonstrated that, despite
all the signs of change, the centre of the city continued to be Chiado
and the Downtown.
This centre, meanwhile, built on the orders of Pombal after the
1755 earthquake, would open the way to a geometric and potential
122 ArclJitecture

urban expansion to the plains to the north of the city and in the mid-
dle of the century Lisbon «hesitated» between continuing its tradi-
tional link to the River Tagus and its secular riverside «spirit» (the
embankment between Cais do Sodré and Santos, built in 1860, could
have allowed the construction of a new «Boavista residential quarter»
along the river bank) and a more «European» growth by spreading out
to the vast open spaces away from the water.
The experiments of the time were the launching of new exten-
sions that were limited in area and in the possibilities of growth, like
the «chequered» quarters of Campo de Ourique (1878, 1906) and
Estefânea (1880).
The city decidedly opted for the latter choice, with the north-
ward opening of the Parisian boulevard-style Avenida da Liberdade in
1879. This was continued by the huge, fIat extension of the New
Avenues (1888-1910), planned by Ressano Garcia, which still today is
the main business area of the capital. A very functional and practical
decision reserved the whole of the river bank for a modem port and
industrial area. The reverse side of the coin of this expansion was
housing for the working classes. It was first grouped around the
«patios» of old palaces and later in residential quarters built by private
initiative and segregated from the general urban fabric, such as the
'<Íslands» of Oporto.
Thus, the 18th century mercantile premisses and the old tradi-
tion of a mariners'town would be replaced, both in Lisbon and in
other Portuguese towns, by the new capitalist and liberal vigour of
the 19th century. This change was imposed by an industrial
Europe and was confirmed in urbanistic terms by the application
of plans for reticulate and functional extensions that could be
reached by the new means of transport, first the train and then
the tramo
The planning of grids adapted to the mechanical transport net-
works and laid out in monotonous and endless rectilinear blocks
happened in some of the smaller cities of the country after, 01'
even at the sarne time as, Lisbon, often repetitively and, at times,
limited, with only one long, straight avenue. Good examples of
this are the Avenida da Boavista in Oporto and Avenida dos Com-
batentes in Braga. The rapid growth of small provincial cities
thanks to the railway was common at the time. The railway station
was always a long way out of town and the two were linked by
means of a long avenue, which often gave rise to a small roadside
Tbe Portuguese City 123

grid of houses. Typical examples of this are the ones of Viana do

Castelo (Av. dos Combatentes), Figueira da Foz (Rua da República and
Bairro do Norte) and Aveiro (Avenida Central).
Very few new towns were founded in Portugal during this period.
A certain poverty can be noted throughtout the century, which
resulted in a weak growth, a dependence on other nations and the
country assuming a secondary economic role in relation to the coun-
tries of North and Central Europe. Espinho, an extensive, the coun-
tries of North and Central Europe. Espinho, an extensive,
monotonous grid in the suburbs of Oporto, is a planned example of
this. A seaside resort, it became a municipality in 1899 and, although
on the coast, represents the definite abandonment of the tradition-
alIy intimate and «landscaped» Portuguese urban centre.
The international-pattern grid, merely functional and lacking
formal pretensions, was the system adopted in the colonies at the
end of the century whenever the foundation of a new city or the
expansion of an existing one was ~nvisaged. Mention can be made
of Mindelo on the island of São Vicente (1858), the desired new
capital of Cape Verde, Praia on Santiago, also in Cape Verde (1882),
Bissau in Guinea, planned in 1919 by José Guedes Quinhones,
Moçâmedes in Angola (1880), Beira and Quelimane in Mozam-
bique, Pangim, New Goa, and Vasco da Gama, Mormugão, an
Indian industrial port under Portuguese administration, and in
Macao, a planned extension branching off Avenida Almeida Ribeiro
(1910). But the most interesting case of alI, owing to its dimension
and equilibrium, was Lourenço Marques (today Maputo) in Mozam-
bique, a vast regular grid that transformed the former prison
colony into the capital of the colony and even today is almost the
whole of the city. It was planned by António José de Araújo in
FolIowing the crisis of the first quarter of the 20th century, with
the implantation of the republic in 1910 and the first World War, and
from the beginning of the authoritarian government of the «New
State», there was a speculative growth of middle classe residential
areas in Lisbon, served by a fair1y modern and conventional architec-
ture (Bairro das Colónias and Bairro Azul in the 30's) and lacking
general planning. This was only undertaken with Duarte Pacheco,
Minister for Public Works and Mayor of Lisbon from 1932 to 1943,
who started the modern phase of urban planning, backed up by sys-
tematic legislation and appropriate official organisms.
124 ArclJitecture

Based on the idea of the «garden-city», some residential areas for

the lower classes, whieh were never really integrated into the fabrie
of the city and were little more than ghettos, were constructed.
Alvito (1938) and Encarnação (1948) by Paulino Montez are examples
of this.
The «Lisbon Urbanization Plan» (1938-1948), whieh confirmed
the theoretieal and technical influence of the French expression in
Portugal at the time, was drawn up by the urbanist De Groer, who
continued the work started by Alfed Agache in the 20's. Inspired in
a tradition of eclectic urbanism between the academic monumental
design and the theories of the lay-out of the Saxonic «garden-city»,
the plan gave Lisbon the dimension, transport system and public
works that still define its physionomy today - motorways, the
university city, areas expropriated of state social housing schemes,
parks and the airport. Thanks to the strenght and ability of the
government of the time, the plan was applied fairly systematicalIy
and rapidly. Special reference must be made to the parcial plans for
Restelo and, above alI, for Alvalade by Faria da Costa, the first Por-
tuguese urbanist. Their building began in 1948 and continued
throughout the 50's, demonstrating a notable balance between the
ideaIs of cclIular zoning (with the «neighbouring units») and articula-
tion with the «city of bloeks» that had been built in the areas of the
avenues of the 1900's.
ln the period between the end of the 30's and the middle of the
50's, the number of urbanization plans executed was remarkable,
both in almost alI of the cities and towns of Portugal and in the
colonial urban centres, through the Overseas Urbanization Office, of
• the Atlantic islands, Afriea, lndia, Macao and Timor. ln some cases,
however, these plans were not put into practice. After the 2nd World
War and throughout the 60's and 70's, the general trend in the big
cities was, as in the rest of Europe, to apply the new concepts of
international urbanism inspired in the «Carter of Athens» of the so-
calIed «Modern Movement». This implied the construction of
individual high-rise bloeks supported on a system of pillars, with
intermediate greens spaces and a separation of traffie and pedes-
trians. ln short, a watered down and fragmented city. This type of
land management was adopted for Olivais (1959), CheIas (the 60's)
and Telheiras (the 70's) in Lisbon - some of them are still under con-
struction - as welI as for zones in the suburbs of the capital, like
Nova Oeiras in the 50's, in Oporto (Ramalde and Pasteleira) and other
TlJe Portuguese City 125

towns of the provinces. 50, by the inevHable adoption of an

improved «European» model, Portuguese towns moved even farther
away from the traditional riverside urban centre, a move that was
confirmed and accentuated by the vast suburban growth from the
50's to the 80's that created the «Metropolitan Areas» of Lisbon and
Oporto, a growth that was a general worldwide phenomenon.
The change to this «large scale» urban scheme, however, has led to
a global rethinking of the city since the 80's. There is a trend towards
the enhancement and recovery of the old historie quarters of cHies,
such as Alfama, Mouraria and Bairro Alto in Lisbon, the riverside
areas of coastal cHies like Lisbon, Oporto, Viana do Castelo and
Tavira and the rise of the cultural importance of the centre of the cap-
ital with Siza Vieira' s plan for the recovery of Chiado, which will
give H a new international dimension and a new belief in the func-
tions of the capital.

Cmlstatlts a"d Cbaracteristics

1. Convent of Christ in Tomar: the cloister of Dom João III, or of «the Filipes. (1557-1562), man-
nerist work by Diogo de Torralva, attached to the body of the Manueline church (1510-11), by Diogo
de Arruda, which incorporated the medieval cbarola, an octogonal chapei: example of the conjuga-
tion of distinct and contraditory styles, within the traditionaJist, integrative sensibility of Portuguese
Constants and Cbaracte,'tsttcs

2, Conuenlin!Jo (<<Little Convent») of Valverde, in the environs of Évora, from approximately

1550-1560 (in the foreground, a school by Manuel Tainha, from the 1960s): simplicity, rurality, land-
scape sensibility.
3. Church of São Paulo, Macau, China (1602-1626): classical patterns filled out by]apanese artists,
or the eclectic sensibiJity and absorptive capacity of Portuguese architecture .

From the Primordiais to the fmd of the Mlddle Ages

4. Chapei of Senhora da Rocha, Armação de Pêra, the Algarve: Iruit of the Moçárabe (Moslem
- c10minateel Spanish) traclition, elerivecl from the Visigothic, Moslem anel Christian influences workeel
out over the course oI the Mielelle Ages.

5. Church in the northern village oI Covas elo Barroso, region oI Trás-os-Montes: the Poftuguese
Romanesque, rural, simp1e, small-scale.
From lhe Primordiais lo lhe elld of IlJe Middle Ages

6. Church af Graça, in Santarém, from the mid-) 5th Century: the spread af the Gathic thematic,
within the «Batalha cycle., originated by the church af SI. Maria da Vitória, in Batalha.
Erom lhe Primordiais lo lhe end of lhe Middle Ages

7. Penedono Castle, Beira: small fortification reconstructed in the 15th Century: the difficult settling
of the Portuguese interior.
F,'o", 1500 to 1780

8. Mother church of Mértola, the Alentejo: ove r the interior of a Moslem masque (from the end
of the 12th Century), the graciolls decora tive grammar of the Manueline (remodeled at the beginning
of the 16th Century).
9. Hill chapei in São Tomé de Meliapor, in the environs of MadL'asta: the same Manueline presence,
ln a 16th-Century lndian sanctllary (1547, altered in the 18th Century).

From 1500 to 1780

10. MOlher church ofRibeira Grande, São Miguellsland, lhe Azares: lhe «Allanlic Baroque", regional,
decoralive, basallic and rough, from lhe mid-17lh Cenlury.
From 1500 to 1780

11. Façade of the church of the Jesuit College in Baçaim, environs of Bombay, India (from 1636):
the classical tradition of chão ("plain, unadorned) architecture. with yearnings for 1110numentality.
From 1500 to 1780

12. Façade of the ]esuit church of Diu, in the Guzarate, India (constructed in 1601 by Gaspar Soares):
whitewash and colour.

13. Church of São Francisco, Diu, in the Guzarate, 1ndia: the austere Franciscan image of the triple-
arched porticos in a Hindu context.
P,'om 1500 to 1780

14. High Altar ar the Church ar Mãe de Deus, in Damãa-Praça, in the environs ar Bambay: gald
engraving with Inda-Partuguese inspiratian.
From 1500 to 1780

15. Church of the Espírito Santo and monumental stone cross in Margão, Salsete, Goa: perhaps best
described as «Indo-Portuguese chão architecture»,

16. Mother church ofNossa Senhora do Rosário, Cachoeira, environs of Salvador da Bahia: the cIJão
design of Northeast Brazil, at the tum of the 18th Century (1693-1747),
P"O", 1500 to 1780

21, «Água de Peixes» manor house, in the environs of Alvito, in Alentejo (Iate 15 th century): the
manueline style in domestic architecture, or an inicial portuguese «renaissance» - root style, with
mudéjar (dominated moslem) inspiration.
22. «Cloister of the Gerais», University of Évora (1566-74, by Manuel Pires, António and Afonso
Álvares, altered in the 18th Century).

From 1500 to 1780

23. Necessidades Manor House, Livramento, São Miguel Island (18th Century): the rural Atlantic
«farmhouse., fram the era of Dom João V and Brazilian gold.

24. «Casa Grande. of the Freguesia plantation (mid- 18th Century), overlooking the bay of Todos-
-os-Santos, near Salvador, Brazil: the Portuguese «farmhouse. as headquarters of the sugar business.
The 19th lmd 20th Celltll1'tes

25. Neo-Manueline railed window in lhe Palace-Holel of Buçaco (1888-1907, by Luigi Manini), near
Coimbra: lhe mosl characlerislic Portuguese romantic revivalism.

26. Alrium of a residence in Aveiro, with liles, iron, and Art Nouveau-influenced furnilure: Euro-
pean models in Portuguese archilecture .

The 19th and 20th Centuries

27. Elevador of Santa justa (1902, by Raul Mesnier du Ponsard), in downtown Lisbon: industrial
«iron architecture. at the service of the Lusitanian «city of hills>.
Tbe 19th alld 20th Cellturies

28. "Vila Bertha» (1902-1908, by Joaquim Tojal), a residential housing block in Lisbon: iron and
brick at the service of prato-modem urban programmes.

29. "Farmers' Market», in Funchal, Madeira Island (1940, by Edmundo Tavares): modernist architec-
ture in the early days of reinforced concrete influences city modemization .

Tbe 19th and 20th Centuries

30. Pousada (<<Inn») of Valença, in the Minho (1950s, by João Andresen): modem architecture m-
spired in the models and materiais of the vemacular tradition.

31. Pavilion of the Architecture School in Oporto (1987, by Siza Vieira): purist design, stripped down
and abstract, a symbolic image of the architecture of today - and the future.
Great Works alld Great C"eators

32. Façade of the church of the Jerónimos, in Belém, Lisbon (begun in 1498-1500, by Diogo Boy-
tac, continued by João de Castilho and Diogo de Torralva): the masterpiece of the ManueJine.
Great Works and Great Creators

33. Terreiro do Paço (by Eugénio dos Santos and Carlos Mardel), the royal plaza integrated into
the Lisbon's new downton after the 1755 earthquake: the chão sensibility revisited by the Portuguese
iluminismo (enlightenment).
34. The arcade of the Aqueduct of Aguas Livres, Alcântara, Lisbon (1729-48, by Manuel da 'Maia,
Custódio Vieira and others): the grandiose dimensions of Dom João V's public works.
Great Works and G,'eat Creators

35, Church of Santa Engrácia (now the National Pantheon) (1681-1712 by João Antunes): the fu-
sion of «Roman-style» Baroque dynamism with the traditionally national «carrure».
Great Works a"d Great Creators

36. Detail of the façade of the Éden Cinema, Lisbon (Cassiano Branco and Carlos Dias, 1931): be-
tween Art Deco and Futurism, the city's greatest modernist work.
Popular Arcbltecture

37. «Empire of the Holy Spirit», Terceira Island, the Azares: a small altar-tempie for festive rituaIs,
of medieval origin but still alive on the «Atlantic lslands•.
Popular Arcbitecture

«Balcony" af a Goa-slyle house
(in Santa Cruz),
probably an evolulion
from lhe Portuguese manerial
varanda in India.

Wooden varanda
aI lhe rear of a dwelling,
Alcântara, Maranhão, Brazil:
lhe back yard
adapled 10 lhe lropics.
Tbe HOllse /11 POl'/lIgal

40. House with «multiple., «trussed. roof tiles, in Tavira, in the Algarve: the meridional house, of
whitewashed masonry, with oriental overtones.
The House in Portugal

41. Rural aggregation in Salzedas, near Lamego: structures surrounding patios, connected to each
other by «bridges» (galleries): the northern house, stone and wood.
The Portllgllese City

42. Mértola, adjacent to the Guadiana River: evidence of an urban tradition implanted beginning
with lhe Romans and eXlended by the Moslems, strongest in the south of the country.

43. Lisbon, «blueprint. for the genesis of overseas Portuguese cities: the riverfront model, on the
banks of the Tagus, among hills and valleys, crealing «heighls. and .downtowns•.

Tbe Porlllguese City

44. Tomar, in the Ribatejo: the most exemplary geometric city, following the medieval, Templar
model, spreading from the castle down to the banks of the Nabão River.

45. Angra do Heroísmo, city on Terceira Island, the Azares: founded in the 15th Century, with
a planned, geometric extension from the 16th; a typical transatlantic commercial settlement.
Tbe Portllguese City

46. Óbidos, medieval walled town: the layout e1ictateel by a rua direi/a (<<main street») anel squares,
typical of Portuguese urban style, anel subsequently transposeel overseas.

47. Tavira, medieval city that .sought the sea», spreading out from the waterfront .downton», as
a consequence of the Portuguese discoveries.

Tbe Portuguese City

48. Olinda, in the Pernambuco, Brazil: 15th-Century city, agrarian and "organic., whose structure,
among hills and valleys, calls to mind that of the city of Goa.

49. "Vila Rica. in Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Brazil: founded almost spontaneously by explorers for
gold in the 18th Century, it took its layout from the style of the northern cities of Portugal.
Tbe Portllgllese City

50. Walls of Chaul, near Bombay, India: founded in the 15th Century, originally Moslem, it was
a typical fortified spice-and-commerce post of the uNorthern Provinces>.

Chapter 1

PANOFSKY, ERWIN - L'OEuvre d'Art et Ses Significations, pub. by Editions Gallimard,

STRAUSS, CLAUDE LÉVI - Mito e Significado, pub. by Edições 70, Lisbon, 1979.
MENDES, JOSÉ M. AMADO - A História como Ciência, pub. by Coimbra Editora, Coim-
bra, 1988.

Chapter 2

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FRANÇA, JOSÉ-AUGUSTO - Lisboa Pombalina e o Iluminismo, pub. by Livraria Ber-
trand, Lisbon, 1966.
SILVA, PAIS DA - «Nota sobre a Arquitectura dos Jesuítas no Espaço Português», paper
presented at the Congress oí the History oí Medieval Portugal, Braga, 1959.
- - , «Arquitectura e urbanística em Portugal continental», in the magazine
ArquitectU1'a, no. 134, Lisbon, 1979.
RODRIGUES, MARIA JOÃO MADEIRA - «Tradição, Transição e Mudança - A Produção do
Espaço Urbano na Lisboa Oitocentista», in Boletim da Assembleia Municipal de
Lisboa, no. 84, Lisbon, 1979.
LINO, RAUL - L'Évolution de L'At"chitectur'e Doméstique ati Portugal, Lisbon, 1937.
PESSOA, FERNANDO - «Ibéria», first published in the magazine Raiz e Utopia, nrs. 7-8,
SANTOS, REYNALDO DOS - «Carácter da Arte Portuguesa através dos Tempos», in the
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TÁVORA, FERNANDO, and ALVES COSTA, ALEXANDRE - «Algumas hipóteses para uma carac-
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162 ArclJitectul'e

Chapter 3

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Chapter 5

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166 TlJe Architecture

Chapter 6

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Chapter 7

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ARCHITECTURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
The Iberian Context: Analogies with Spain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Some Regular Themes 11
Some Conclusions 14


From the Beginning to the End of the Middle Ages 16

From Pre-History to the Late Middle Ages 16
Romanesque: Geography, Typology, MateriaIs 22
Gothic: Evolution; the Rise of Civil Architecture 27

From 1500 to the End of the 18th Century . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

From Manueline Style to Mannerism (1490-1580) 34
From the «Plain Style ll to Baroque (1580-1780) 38

From Neo-Classic to the End of the 20th Century . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47


Contents and Criteria 56
Afonso Domingues and Batalha 57
The Tower of Belém and Francisco de Arruda 58
Jerónimos: From Diogo Boytac to João de Castilho. . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Tomar of the Templars: The Cloister of Diogo de Torralva 61
Francisco de Holanda and the «Buildings That Are Lacking ll 62
Filipe Terzi and Baltazar Álvares: From St. Vincent's to the New
Cathedral of Coimbra 63
João Antunes and Santa Engrácia 65
The Aqueduct of Águas Livres (Free Waters) 67
The Pombaline «Downtownll and Carlos Mardel 67
Clérigos and Nicolau Nasoni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
The São Carlos Theatre and Costa e Silva 70
Pena Palace in Sintra 71
The «Portugal Salon» and José Luís Monteiro 72
The House in Rua Alexandre Herculano and Ventura Terra o...... 73
The «Casa do Cipreste» and Raul Uno o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
The Eden Theatre and Cassiano Branco o..................... 76
The Bank in Vila do Conde and Siza Vieira o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78


Contents, Methods, Concepts o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Descriptions and Interpretations 81
Popular Architecture in the Regions of «European Portugal» o..... 82
Other Areas: Popular Construction and the Diaspora o.......... 84
Today, Clandestine Building and the Emigrants o............... 87


HOUSING o................................................ 88
From the Medieval Inheritance to the Post-Renaissance Models .. , 89
From the Pombaline Period to Mid-19th Century o........... . . . 91
The 19th and 20th Centuries o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92


Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Antecedents of Urbanism in Portugal 97
From the Culture of Hilltop Fortifications to Romanization o..... 97
From the Muslims to the Reconquest 99
The First Dynasty and the Ressurgence of Cities 101
A First Synthesis 104

Features of Expansion: An «Urban Diaspora» . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

The Atlantic Dimension: Cities in the Archipelagos o........... 106
The Luso-Brazilian City ........................ 109
The Portuguese City in India and the Far East . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
The Urban Spaces in Africa 114

From the 18th Century: The Transformation of a Modelo . . . . . . . 115

The Evolution of the «Metropolis» o......................... 115
Signs of Change .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
The Joanine-Pombaline Period 118
The Portuguese City of the 19th and 20th centuries 121

BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
This edition of
by José Manuel Fernandes, architect
from the colleetion
Synthesis of Portugnese Clllture
Ellropiília 91 - Portllgal
was composed ancl printed
by 11Ilpre!JSa Nacional-Casa da Moeda
in Lisbon.
Graphic orientation: Julieta Maros - INCM
Cover: Lígia Pinto
with a detailed reproduetion of the
Chegada das Relíqllias à Madre Delis
by the Masters of the Santa Auta altar piece, 16th century,
at the Museu Na ional de Arre Antiga.

This work was printed in Ocrober

. .
ntneteen ntnety-one.

ED. 2i 110 659

COO. 220 033 000
DE? LEGAL NO. 50825/91



Guilherme d'Oliveira Marrins

A. H. de Oliveira Marques

Maria Leonor Carvalhão Buescu

Coordination by
José Mariano Gago


Maria Adelaide Miranda
Víror Serrão
José Alberro Gomes Machado
Raquel Henriques da Silva

José Manuel Fernandes, Architect

Rui Vieira Nery
Paulo Ferreira de Castro

José Sasporres
António Pinto Ribeiro

Luiz Francisco Rebello


João Bérnard da Costa

António Sena

1111111 1111
aset of texts that, according
lo asimultaneously theoretical
and historical perspective, help to idenli~
lhe main features of aculture
in alanguage spoken on lhe various
continents of lhe \l'orld, an inlellectual
and artistic conlenl, deeply rooted
in lhe european memory



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