Aikido Terms

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合氣道正道塾·Aikido Seidojuku (于 2007 年 9 月更新 Revised in 9/2007) 合氣道正道塾·Aikido Seidojuku (于 2007 年 9 月更新 Revised in 9/2007)

合氣道常用词语 合氣道常用词语
以下是一系列经常在合气道练习时用到及听到的日本词语之文字翻译及图解,您或许会觉得 Arigato-gozaimashita 多谢指教 (在练习结束时说) Thank you (said at the end of class)
这些词语对您日后的合气道练习有帮助。 Hakama 段位学员穿著的裙袴 Split skirt worn by yudansha
The following is a list of meanings and pictorial guide for Japanese terms commonly used and heard Kamiza 置于道场前正中央,予练习者行礼的小神坛
in Aikido. You may find them useful to your aikido training. A small shrine located at the front of the dojo, where practitioners bow
日语一至十 Suburi 素振 (使用刀或杖做单式重复动作的个人练习)
JAPANESE 1 TO 10 A single repetitive movement using ken or jo; done as a solo practice
Keiko 稽古 / 锻炼 Training
ichi 一 one roku 六 six Embukai 演武会 Demonstration
ni 二 two shichi 七 seven Kiai 叫喊 (当施展技法或练习时,用以习中及投放内在能量或气)
san 三 three hachi 八 eight A shout (while performing techniques or exercises, intended to focus
shi (or yon) 四 four kyu 九 nine and project inner energy or ki)
go 五 five ju 十 ten Kohai 后辈 Junior
Sempai 前辈 Senior
常用词语 Uchi deshi 内弟子 Live-in students (disciples)
GENERAL TERMS Ma ai 施技者与受身者之间的适当距离
The appropriate distance between nage and uke
Ai 和谐 / 融合 Harmony Ukemi 受身技巧 The way of receiving techniques
Ki 东方概念之生命力或气 Eastern concept of life force or breath Nage / Tori 施技者 / 取方 The thrower or the person performing
Do 道 / 途径 Way the technique
Aiki 与气或生命力的融合 Harmonising of ki or life force Uke 受身者 / 受方 The throwee or the person receiving
Aikidoka 合气道练习者 Aikido practitioner the technique
Dojo 道场 / 练习武术的练习场 Training hall where martial art is Tachi waza 站立技法 Standing techniques
practised Suwari waza / Zagi 座技法 Sitting techniques
Rei 行礼 / 鞠躬 To bow Jiyu waza 自由技法 Free style practice
Budo 武道 The martial arts way Buki waza 武器技法 Weapons techniques
Bujin 军人 / 武士 Military soldier Waza 技法 Technique
Kyu 未达到段位前的初学者级别 Beginners’ grade, before reaching Dan Hanmi handachi 半坐半立 (施技者跪姿而受身者站立的状态)
grade Techniques where nage kneels and uke stands
Dan 黑带段位 Grade of black belts Seiza 正坐 Formal kneeling position
Yudansha 段位学员 Dan grade students
Fuku shidoin 助理指导员 (二段) Assistant Instructor (2nd Dan)
Shidoin 指导员 (三段或以上) Instructor (3rd Dan & above)
Sensei 老师 (四段或以上) Teacher (4th Dan & above)
Shihan 师范 (六段或以上) Master (6th Dan & above)
O’Sensei 大先生 (指合气道开祖 - 已故的植芝盛平先生) 正跪坐
Great Teacher, refers to Founder of Aikido – the late Morihei Ueshiba Seiza
Onegae-shimasu 请多指教 (在练习开始前说) Please teach or guide
(said at the start of class) (图解来源 Illustration source: Aikido FAQ. Oscar Ratti)

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合氣道正道塾·Aikido Seidojuku (于 2007 年 9 月更新 Revised in 9/2007) 合氣道正道塾·Aikido Seidojuku (于 2007 年 9 月更新 Revised in 9/2007)

合氣道常用词语 合氣道常用词语
Mokuso 默想 Exercise breathing with eyes closed in a Ura 里 / 背面进攻 Negative move, entering to the rear of
seiza position the opponent
Tatami 日式垫子 Japanese straw mat Uchi 内 Inside
Shu Ha Ri “守、破、离” 的三个境界 3 phases of internalization in martial arts Soto 外 Outside
Hara 中心点 / 下丹田 (约肚脐对下五十亳米的位置) Hidari 左 Left
指人的身体及精神之中心点 Migi 右 Right
One point or centre (lower abdomen, approximately 50 mm below navel) Tai sabaki 身体动作 / 步法 Body movements / Footwork
refers to both the physical and spiritual centre of a person Tai no tenkan 身体转向 Body turns
Misogi 禊 (净化身体及心灵的方法) A ritual to purify the body and mind Hai shin undo 背伸 Back stretch
Musubi 气结 (“心、体、技”之连系) connection between nage and uke
Bokken 木刀 Wooden sword 站式及进攻
Jo 约一百三十厘米长的杖 Staff approximately 130 cm in length STANCE AND ATTACKS
Tanto 短刀 Short knife
Ai hanmi 相半身
动作 (假设与对手持同一边的站式,握手方向,右手与右手,左手与左手)
MOVEMENT Assuming the same side stance as your opponent’s (shaking hand
position, right hand meeting right hand, or left meeting left)
Ukemi 受身技的常用词 General term for break-fall techniques Gyaku hanmi 逆半身 (假设与对手持相反的站式,如镜中影像)
Mae ukemi 前翻 Front roll / break-fall Assuming opposite stance as your opponent’s (becoming mirror image)
Katate dori 片手取 (抓对手手腕对上的位置)
Hand catch, catching just above the opponent’s wrist
Kata dori 襟取 Lapel grab
Muna dori 肩取 Shoulder grab
6 5 4 3 2 1 Morote dori 诸手取 (两手抓对手同一手腕)
前翻 Mae ukemi Two handed catch on one of the opponent’s wrists
Ryote dori 两手取 (两手各抓对手两手腕)
Ushiro ukemi 后翻 Back roll / break-fall Two handed catch on both of the opponent’s wrists

5 4 3 2 1 后翻
Ushiro ukemi
Irimi 入身 (表) Entering move (omote) 片手取 相半身 片手取 逆半身 襟取 诸手取 两手取
Tenkan 转換 (里) Negative move (ura) Katate dori ai hanmi Katate dori gyaku hanmi Kata dori Morote dori Ryote dori
Shikko 膝行 Knee walking
Ryo kata dori 两襟取 Both lapels grab
Omote 表 / 正面进攻 Positive move, entering to the front of
Shomen uchi 正面打 (往正面头顶部) Frontal strike to the top of the head
the opponent
(图解来源 Illustration source: Aikido FAQ. Oscar Ratti)
(图解来源 Illustration source: Aikido FAQ. Oscar Ratti)
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合氣道正道塾·Aikido Seidojuku (于 2007 年 9 月更新 Revised in 9/2007) 合氣道正道塾·Aikido Seidojuku (于 2007 年 9 月更新 Revised in 9/2007)

合氣道常用词语 合氣道常用词语
Yokomen uchi 横面打 (往头侧 / 胫侧) Strike to the side of the head / neck Sankyo 三教 3rd immobilisation lock
Tsuki 拳突 (直拳往肚腹位置) Frontal thrust / straight punch, usually to Yonkyo 四教 4th immobilisation lock
the stomach Gokyo 五教 5th immobilisation lock
Shomen tsuki 正面拳突 (直拳往面部) Frontal thrust / straight punch to the face Rokyo / Hiji Gime 六教 6th immobilisation lock
Ushiro waza 后技 From the rear
Ushiro dori 后技熊抱 Rear bear hug
Ushiro ryo muna dori 后技两肩取 Shoulder grab from behind
Ushiro ryote dori 后技两腕取 Two hands grab from behind at the
Ushiro te kubi shime 后技手腕胫领取 Collar grab with one hand from behind
and grab at wrist with other hand 一教 二教 三教 四教 五教
Kata men uchi 襟取正面打 Grab one lapel and execute a straight Ikkyo Nikyo Sankyo Yonkyo Gokyo
frontal strike to the head with the other
hand 技法及投摔技
Hiji dori 肘取 Elbow grab TECHNIQUES AND THROWS
Ryo hiji dori 两肘取 Grabbing both elbows
Ushiro hiji dori 后技两肘取 Rear grabbing of both elbows Shiho nage 四方投 Four directions throw
Mae geri 前踢 Front kick Irimi nage 入身投 Entering throw
Atemi 手击 A strike Kokyu nage 呼吸投 Breath throw
Kamae 站式 Stance (指所有形式的呼吸投) (refers to all forms of breath throw)
Katame waza 固技 Immobilization techniques Kote gaeshi 小手返 Wrist throw / outer wrist twist
Nage waza 投技 Throwing techniques Kaiten nage 回转投 Rotary throw
Nage-katame waza 固技及投技混合 Combined immobilization and throwing Koshi nage 腰投 Hip throw
techniques Tenchi nage 天地投 Heaven and Earth throw
Kaeshi waza 反控制技巧 Counter techniques Juji garami / nage 十字绞 / 投 Crossed / entanglement of arms throw
Taiho jutsu 逮捕技巧 Arrest techniques Aiki otoshi 合气落 ‘Aiki drop’, a specific form of throw
Tanto tori 短刀取 Short knife taking techniques Sumi otoshi 角落 ‘Corner drop’, a specific form of throw
Taichi tori 太刀取 Sword taking techniques Kokyu ho 座技呼吸法 Usually refers to an exercise in seiza similar to
Jo tori 杖取 Staff taking techniques a breath throw
Futari gake 二人挂 Two persons attack
Tanninzu gake 多人挂 Multiple attack
Randori 乱取 Free style multiple attack


Ikkyo 一教 1st immobilisation lock 四方投 入身投 呼吸投 小手返 回转投 腰投 天地投
Shiho nage Irimi nage Kokyu nage Kote gaeshi Kaiten nage Koshi nage Tenchi nage
Nikyo 二教 2nd immobilisation lock
(图解来源 Illustration source: Aikido FAQ. Oscar Ratti)
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