IGCSE MUSIC Lesson Overview Year 11 Term 2

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IGCSE MUSIC Lesson Overview Year 11 Term 2

No. Date Focus/Objective Content

1 Mon 08/01 Ensemble 2 Start  pieces chosen/assigned. Working on Individual parts to be learned.
 Discussion on who else will be needed to perform with them:
 HW to find and prepare these other students if needed.
2 Mon 08/01 PCT T2 Revision 1  Content in order starting from Baroque

Weeks 1 and 2 of Term 2 are Y11 Exam - lessons will resume on 22/01. With Y11 Mock preparation a priority until 25/01 (Exam Date)
Individual Sessions will still run, with students encouraged to come to any music lesson which do not clash with Mock Exams/JoS Invigilation.
Ensembles will be the main practical focus.

After 25/01 normal lesson to resume with a focus on coursework.

Until them, the lessons below will be approached on an ad-hoc basis, ready to run at any time all (or the majority of) students are in attendance.

3 PCT T2 Revision 2  Content in order starting from Classical

 Include comparison tasks to distinguish from Baroque + check understanding of prev.
4 Ensemble 2 check-up 1  Assess student competence on individual parts.
 All ensembles will have had one break/lunch session with me.
 Review notes from these and work on parts further.
 Assign targets for rehearsals – timetable these rehearsals and one more session with me
and whole ensemble this week.
5 PCT T2 Revision 3  Content in order starting from Romantic (no set work)
 Include comparison tasks to distinguish from classical + check understanding of prev.
6 PCT T2 Revision 4  20th Century part 1 (not including impressionism)
 Start with Expressionism
 Minimalism
7 Ensemble 2 check-up 2  Review targets from last lesson
 Students to work on individual parts
 Prepare rehearsal targets for coming week
 All students to set a time for me to see them and their full ensemble during break/lunch
8 PCT T2 Revision 5  20th Century Part 2: Jazz
 Background (spirituals, slavery and into blues)
 Conventions of Jazz
 Spotting it in 20th century art music (e.g. Gershwin/Bernstein)
9 PCT T2 Revision 6  Pop Music
 Structure
 Instruments
 Vocals
 Technology
Lessons After 25/01
10 30/01 Ensemble work:  Ensemble 2 Recording – for Some students - others using performers from outside the
class may need to record in break/lunchtime.
11 01/02 Ensemble Work 
12 05/02 Ensemble Work 
13 05/02 Ensemble Work 
14 07/02 Ensemble Recording 1  Once recorded, students to work on either solo performance, or composition editing
15 08/02 Ensemble Recording 2  Once recorded, students to work on either solo performance, or composition editing

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