Consciousness in The Universe Is Scale Invariant and Implies An Event Horizon of The Human Brain PDF
Consciousness in The Universe Is Scale Invariant and Implies An Event Horizon of The Human Brain PDF
Consciousness in The Universe Is Scale Invariant and Implies An Event Horizon of The Human Brain PDF
K.F. Meijer D., Consciousness in the Universe is Scale Invariant and Implies an Event Horizon of the Human Brain...
Key Words: Life algorithm, Scale invariant consciousness, Human Brain Event Horizon, 4-Dimensional brain
modeling, Brain hypersphere, Supervening brain workspace, Universal Consciousness, Soliton-guided biology,
Toroidal modeling, Field-receptive workspace of brain, Electromagnetic frequency bands, Cosmology and
Consciousness, Fractal nested toroidal geometry, Bio-photons
Figure 1. Various modalities of toroidal geometry: A: Nested torus structure B: Torus trajectory (red)
C: Atomic structure as double torus, D: Filled space-time structure with singularity, E: Torus network,
F: Dirac spherical rotation showing toroidal trajectories in relation to time G: Donut model of the
universe, H: Knot structure in torus as metaphor for attractor/standing wave, I: cartoon of a twistor as
a supposed space-time unit.
Figure 2. A tentative cosmological torus model for describing the re-bounce of the universe in a circular universe
concept. This geometric approach models the information Universe at fractal scales. The surface trajectory of information
quanta is shown in grey patterns (see also inset left above), including their interactive processing in the inner core of the
torus with potential wave coupling/conjugation by superposition (see inset right middle). The nested (self similar) aspect 45
and 4-D dimension of the torus are indicated via the insets left below. The dynamics of the torus is implicit by an inherent
rotation axis and recurrent flow of wave information in a bi-spiral flow pattern. The integral state of the torus depicts a
supposed stage of our universe in which all information is collected and gravitationally compressed into a terminal black
hole, in which all information is holographically projected on a virtual screen (its event horizon). Information is projected
on the black hole horizon and proposed to be passed through a wormhole structure that is inherently connected to a
white hole. The latter is instrumental in dispersing the particular information into a next (nested) version of a cyclic
universe (Meijer, 2015). Aspect of time in the model is represented by the colored triangle planes: red plane depicts the
present time as a back projection of past and future waves, according to the transactional interpretation of quantum
physics by John Cramer, green plane below indicates the past time, and green plane above the future time, (figure
modified from Stan Tenen, 2002 as shown in a PPT presentation of Amoroso, on Dirac spherical rotation).
c) Thus, information always arises from into a coherent information matrix, that is
interactions and according to classical dynamic in time (Keppler, 2013, 2016). Some link
information theory, information/entropy this matrix with the so called zero point energy
represents the potential to ask yes/no questions field. (Laszlo, 2007, 2012; Setterfield, 2002;
in such an event with regard to a particular Nation et al, 2012).
system (Lloyd, 2007, Meijer, 2013). According to e) That we cannot directly perceive this
these concept information is in fact the sum of information aspect, is traditionally ascribed to a
expected information obtained from such yes/no hidden 4th spatial dimension (not the dimension
questions. An example is DNA in our cells which time!), which cannot be observed in our 3D
in itself contains a lot of potential information world, but can be mathematically derived. Such
(digitally expressed in Bits), yet is only clearly supposedly compact 4th dimension could also
expressed in the cell in relation with RNA and explain the creation of dark matter in our 3-D
proteins. world through selective wave exclusion in the
d) The intrinsic (hidden), information of an object ZPE field, according to the so-called Casimir effect
is therefore the result of the entanglement of the (Wongyun, 2013; Green and Levin, 2007).
stored (individual) information from the various f) Recently it has also become clear that even
constituting particles, providing a sort of global space-time itself may be derived from the above-
information by converting all of this information mentioned quantum fluctuation field and, in
Figure 3. Toroidal geometry shows identified structures in the whole cosmos, from macro-(left above) to
micro (right below) scales of the fabric of reality. The inset, left below, depicts the supposed nested toroidal
geometry of the human body, heart and brain.
Figure 4. Current models of consciousness on the basis of long-range electromagnetic fields that may
explain the simultaneous binding of distant brain nuclei involved in integral perception processes
A dynamic electromagnetic network was that are normally rather refractory for external
earlier revealed bu us in a meta-analyses of 250 EM wave modalities, become very sensitive to
biological/medical studies that showed discrete such radiation via perturbation of cytosolic Ca2+
EM frequency bands that promote or sustain life oscillations. Rotating spiral Ca2+ waves have
conditions (Geesink and Meijer, 2015, 2017; been reported in many studies (see for references
Meijer and Geesink, 2016, 2017). The interplay of Zioutas, 1996) and photon energy is transformed
such discrete electromagnetic radiation in kinetic energy of the gyrating ion (gyro-
frequencies in the guiding of cellular function, resonance).
also makes clear that life systems can, in The pivotal role of Ca2+- ions as
principle, obtain sufficient external information informational second messengers in brain
to further explain their integral life complexity. A function, related these studies, have been
torus model was proposed in these studies for a described at micro and macro levels (Pereira and
coupled bio-photon/phonon/soliton guided life Furlan 2007; Pereira, 2017; Marcoli, 2015;
principle, (Geesink and Meijer, 2015, 2016; Hagenston, 2015). Neuron/astrocyte mediated Ca
Meijer and Geesink, 2016). 2+ flux lead to activation of Calmodulin
Since the particular EM field pattern was associated kinases (CMK11), calmodulin, NMDA-
recently fully confirmed analysing 110 reports on receptor/channel proteins and quantum
radiation therapy for a range of cancer disorders resonance within Ca-channels that may stimulate
(Geesink and Meijer, 2017), and also in traumatic synaptic neurotransmitter exocytosis (Fig.5)
brain injury, pain relieve as well as tissue and Calcium ions couple extracellular stimuli to
bone regeneration, a novel biophysical principle cellular responses and the generated Ca2+ waves
seems at stake, (see Geesink and Meijer, 2017). can carry encoded photon wave information (Rao
Moreover, the particular discrete EM field et al, 2008) and likely includes the generation
frequencies were also shown by us in inanimate and flux of biophotons and thereby provide a
nano-materials and sound induced geometric fundamental basis for a partially phonon and
resonance patterns (Geesink and Meijer, 2015) soliton guided conscious perception (Meijer and
and are compatible with music theoretical Geesink, 2016). 51
algorithms (Smoyer, 2005). Such a long distance Very similar EMF frequency bands were
EM field may provide the very basis for the detected in clay minerals that are known to
ordering and functional integration of cells, and possess semi- conducting and quantum wave
operate through an intrinsic connection with transforming properties (Geesink and Meijer,
physically defined universal information field(s) 2016), as well as in distinct sound induced
(Meijer and Raggett; 2015, Meijer, 2012). We geometric patterns as produced by Chladni and
postulated that this defined principle can also be analyzed by Ritz (see Geesink and Meijer, 2015,
instrumental in neural integration of the earlier 2016: Meijer and Geesink, 2016). This indicates
mentioned qualia and consequently in the that this biological/physical principle may
development of mental states and human (self) operate in both animated and non-animated
consciousness, Meijer and Geesink, 2016). systems. Such electromagnetic fields may also
have bridged information processing required for
Quantum states, as related to discrete far- the creation of first life (Davies, 2014;
infrared waves, therefore, can also be considered Farnsworth et al, 2013; Melkikh et al, 2014 and
as co-instrumental in the 2016).
astrocyte/glial/neuronal networks that may play Cellular plasma water is generally
a role in cognitive processes (see: Pereira and supposed to act as a transfer medium for internal
Furlan, 2007; Pereira, 2007, Fig. 5). In this and externally applied electromagnetic waves to
respect the inter- and intracellular Ca2+ biomolecules (Del Giudice, 2010; Sahu et al,
gradients and ion-oscillations may play a pivotal 2013; Fuxreiter, 2005; Zhang et al, 2009; Bono et
role since Ca2+, due to its electron constitution al, 2012). The cellular plasma exhibits a highly
can function as an outstanding information arranged 3-D geometric structure and under the
carrier (Pereira and Furlan, 2007; Meijer and influence of EM fields act as a liquid crystal, that
Geesink, 2016; Meijer, 2015). Especially the exhibits surface interactions with
established spiral wave movements of Ca-ions, macromolecular structures such as DNA and
called cyclotron modes, are highly promoted by proteins (Meijer and Geesink, 2017).
terrestrial magnetic fields (Zioutas, 1996). Cells
The absorption spectrum between 0.1 sounds. Interestingly, a water molecule was
THz and 100 THz of solvated bio-molecules is characterized by M=18 g·mol−1, leading to a
remarkably sensitive to changes in fast EM characteristic frequency F=54 Hz (according to
fluctuations of the water network. There is a long the octave hierarchy this is equal to 432 Hz).
range influence on the hydration bond dynamics Consequently, common inorganic ions in cell
of the water around binding sites of proteins, and plasma and other fluids, can be related to water
cellular water is also shown to assist molecular from a purely harmonic like viewpoint. The 432
recognition processes. Hz value of water molecules is remarkably
“Biological water” supports itself by similar to the central frequency in our earlier
coherent dipolar excitations and proposed sequence of coherent eigenfrequencies
terahertz/femtosecond infrared interactions and (Geesink and Meijer, 2015, 2016). In these
these dynamics extends well beyond the first studies, we identified 12 basic coherent EM
hydration shell of water molecules. (Chaplin, frequencies with discrete values of 256, 269.8,
2000; Johnson, 2009; Tielrooij, 2010; Mentré, 288, 303.1, 324, 341.2, 364.7, 384, 404.5, 432,
2012). 455.1, 486 Hz, in addition to 12 decoherent
Recently, Henry, 2016, derived the frequencies, that were positioned just in between
characteristic frequencies involving inorganic these coherent frequencies: 249.4, 262.8, 278.8,
ions in aqueous solution. This was done on a 295.5, 313.4, 332.5, 352.8, 374.3, 394.1, 418.0,
universal quantum-mechanical basis, by relating 443.2, 470.3 Hz. As mentioned above, all
the molecular weight M of any solvent or solute additional frequencies of the entire wave range,
species to a frequency F using the mass-energy either below or exceeding the above mentioned
equivalence coupled to the Planck-Einstein values can be derived by octave hierarchy (see
relationship. Expressed in quantum frequencies, for details of the calculations Meijer and Geesink,
F was transposed to 76 octaves, in order to get a 2016). It is of interest that Gramowski et al, 2015
frequency range corresponding to musical reported on the enhancement of cortical network
-ZPE field/ brain interactions. Dynamic Creation of matter and bidirectional flow of
coupling of the brain with ZPE field modes has matter. Recent studies (Dupays, 2013;
recently been proposed as a universal Wongyun, 2013 and Lamoreaux, 2007) indicate
mechanism underlying conscious systems, that virtual quantum wave/particles of the field
(Keppler, 2016), on the basis of stable attractor may be converted in real particles in so called
dynamics by which the ZPE, in fact, becomes a compacted spaces/cavities, in which a Casimir
substrate of consciousness. In this framework the effect leads to quantum wave squeezed states
brain, as a resonant oscillator, extracts or rather that produce various types of elementary and
filters a wide variety of phenomenal nuances dark particles (Fig. 6). Since ZPE and dark energy
from an all pervasive stochastic radiation field in fields are present throughout the cosmos they
the form of phase-locked ZPE wave information should also influence life systems and human
states, that are supposedly linked with or organisms. In our brain tissue compacted
correspond to conscious states (indicated in Fig. spaces/cavities are abundantly present, such as
6 and 9). Thus, Keppler envisions discrete long synaptic clefts in addition to micro-tubular, DNA
range EM frequencies, that are expressed in brain string and membrane compartments (Persinger,
in the well known gamma and theta oscillations 2008, 2014, see Fig. 6).
and according to the author are related to The latter schematic representation 57
coherent oscillations in cell water, resulting in illustrates this process and the generated
information integration as conceptualized by wave/particles involved. Apart from photons and
Tononi et al, 2008, 2015, 2016. ZPE field has electrons, also mixed states of these
traditionally be seen as the domain for quantum wave/particles (Solitons/polarons and
fluctuations of pairs of wave/particles and their polaritons) can be formed by toroidal coupling.
antipodes (Daywitt, 2009; Setterfield, 2002). Of Tachyons and Majorana particles that are
note, a virtual photon (electromagnetic) part, supposed to travel back in time, may be
that, among other effects, is instrumental in the responsible for supposed backward causation,
generation of van de Waals forces, and a observed in double split quantum interference
particle/antiparticle pair part (Dirac Sea) should experiments by Wheeler (see Meijer, 2015). The
be distinguished here. Both originate from the phenomenon of backward or retro-causation was
Planck vacuum, composed of dipoles that start to also critically discussed by Davies, 2014; Murphy
rotate due to interaction with moving charges, by 2011; Auletta et al, 2008; Hameroff, 2012;
which a magnetic induction field is produced. Sheehan, 2011; Torday and Miller, 2016;
Thus free charges perturb the vacuum by Tabaczeck, 2015; Campbell and Bickhard; 2010
polarization and exerting a van der Waals Wolf, 1989, and Shoup, 2011. Retro-causation
attractive force on the Planck particles (Daywitt, could play a role in the post-stimulus time delay
2009). in conscious detection as established by Libet,
Generally, neurologists are hesitant to 1993, that was explained by him through so-
accept an extra messenger system along with the called back-referral mechanisms (Libet, 1994,
prevailing related assumptions of the neuron 1996; Hameroff, 1999). As mentioned before,
doctrine. Yet in physics the photon is the future states of quantum waves can actually
generally recognized carrier of information influence past states, was experimentally
between atoms and molecules and (not only for demonstrated by Aharonov, 2010, in so called
this reason) perfectly fits into the context of a soft stimulation experiments, a procedure that
versatile and dynamic brain structure. This is prevents wave collapse by usual measurements.
Figure 6. Interaction of neural structures with the all pervading zero-point energy field. A neuronal synapse is 58
shown, with a synaptic cleft that exhibits compacted space dimensions that enable the spatial conversion of a
spectrum of matter/antimatter ZPE virtual particles (Casimir effect, inset right below) to various types of real
particles such as neutrino’s, bio-photons, electrons and dark particles. The latter enable extremely rapid
photon fluxes in a time reversed mode enabling backward causation. The toroidal background of a quantized
4+1-dimensional spacetime (middle below) can integrate repulsive and gravitational forces to
electromagnetic energy flux.
Figure 7. Quantum coherence in the human brain: quantum entangled phosphate groups (C) exhibit nuclear spin
that is remarkably resistant towards decoherence in wet and warm tissue of the brain. Ca- pyrophosphate complexes
(A) in extracellular space are endocytosed by neuronal transporters by which entangled spin information is 61
distributed throughout the brain (B). After uptake in neuronal space and breakdown of the complexes, massive
release of Ca2+is generated, that in its turn affects neuronal glutamate information processing in a non-local
entangled modality.
Magnetic fields have been shown to easily pass cannot be inferred from properties of its
skin, skull and brain tissue (Murphy and constituent atoms alone, since they also rely on
Persinger, 2011, Nummenmaa et al, 2013, photons that couple them to their surroundings.
Bonmassar et al 2012, Babbs, 2014) and this have With regard to the proposed ultra-rapid
been related to a toroidal computing process of photon/phonon mediated communication, the
neural oscillations and Ca2+ pulsing, in which all present model is in line with the recent findings
collaborative effort of glia cells also plays a role of Bókkon, 2009, Dotta, 2013 and Persinger,
(see also Pereira and Furlan, 2007; Pereira, 2015. Both the particular 4D-mental holograpic
2017). These aspects highlight the rising interest domain and the supposed universal consciousness
for electromagnetic correlates in consciousness field (defined as implicate order by David Bohm,
studies (Liboff, 2017; Prakash et al 2008), in 1980, 1987) and more recently as a ZPE
which, among other mechanisms magnetic stochastic electro-dynamic field by Laszlo, 2007,
activation of slow acting voltage-gated Ca2+ Keppler, 2016 and Caligiuri, 2015) should be
channels could play a prominent role (Bonmassar seen as crucial “steering” modalities that
et al, 2012). Interestingly mitochondria in general mutually communicate with the whole nervous
could play a significant role in propagation of EM system of the organism, including its neuronal
field propagation (Thar and Kuhl, 2004). networks with their conscious and non-conscious
aspects. Bidirectional communication between
-Photon/phonon/soliton-mediated the mind and such an extended mental
communication. Photons are intrinsically workspace (formed by multiple event horizons)
quantum objects and, by their nature, long- is proposed to occur by toroidal integration of the
distance carriers of information. Annila, 2016, abovementioned information spectrum in both
stressed their importance in relation to the physical and mental domains. Mutual
consciousness. Indeed, properties of a molecule communication is seen as being instrumented by
Figure 8. Field receptive, event horizon model of consciousness, depicted in various representations:
Main picture: postulated double-toroidal field integrating the 4D- hypersphere workspace with the event
horizon surface, projecting the integral individual information as an internal model of the self. Note that
the 4-D hypersphere is pictured within the skull, but that it can exhibit an extended localization,
surrounding the brain or even the whole organism (see also Fig. 9), due to fractal properties and can also
be positioned at a micro-scale at or within the brain cells or extracellular space. Embedding of the 3-D
toroidal domain of the brain within a 4-D hypersphere is therefore multidimensional and fractal at
various levels of organization. Symmetry breaking occurs from the 4-D hypersphere to the 3-D internal
brain torus, of which the traces can be detected by series of f-MRI scans of the brain as antipodal activity
domains in the brain tissue (inset middle below). Insets at the right A: Supposed broadcasting centers in
brain that may explain binding and global synchrony, according to Baars B: Fractal organization of
information scales in the extended brain. C: Hemi-spherical anatomy of the brain resembling a toroidal
Table 3: Current neurological and neural-correlate models (left) and quantum/spacetime models (right).
References to the neuro-correlate models can be found in Seth, 2007, and for Quantum models see Meijer and
Raggett, 2014 and references of the present paper.
The latter addressed quantum gravity mediated properties. Receptive here thus has a double
communication with information on the Planck meaning: that of receipt and recipe.
scale. The holonomic models mentioned in table - The toroidal coupling and integration of very
1 of Pribram, 2004, Mitchell and Staretz, 2011, different wave energies can produce strong
and Amoroso and DiBiase, 1999, largely attractor/standing waves that are powerful
stimulated our concept. enough to induce coherent resonance patterns
with cortical brain structures known to be
9. Final considerations correlated with conscious states
In the present paper we present the concept of a - The proposed mental workspace is regarded to
non-material, field-receptive, resonant, mental be non-material, but in relation to the individual
workspace, that is part of a universal mechanism brain, entertains a non-dual wave/particle
of rotational information flow that operates scale relation according to quantum physical
invariant at all levels of the fabric of reality principles: it is directly dependent on the brain
physiology but not reducible to it
We shortly summarize its backgrounds here: - The bidirectional flow of information between
-The extremely rapid functional binding of internal and external electromagnetic fields
cortical structures that have been demonstrated enables to build up a personal mental model that
requires a non-local, field-like, connective is instrumental in simulations of actualized
mechanism and cannot be explained by relatively representations of the individual status as a basis
slow neural transmission mechanisms for quality control of the whole organism
-Multiple external fields to which our brain is - The proposed mental workspace collects the
exposed and that may influence its function, complete experiential spectrum of information of
require an orchestrated receptive apparatus an individual, within a system of nested event
having both wave receiving and transmitting horizons as part of a 4-dimensional toroidal
hyperspace that enables continuous updating and
Figure 9. Modeling of brain/ mind relation in a 4+1-dimensional space-time framework (4+1 implies 4 spatial 67
dimensions and one single dimension of time, on the basis of energy trajectories in a nested toroidal geometry.
The opposing forces of Dark energy (diverging force) and Gravity (converging force) as well as discrete wave
frequencies of electromagnetic fields, are instrumental in the generation and compression of individual life
information. The human brain may receive quantum wave information directly derived from the Planck space-
time level (left above) through quantum gravity mediated wave reduction, as well as through resonance with
the ZPE field (right above). Our brain can perceive only 3+1 dimensions with a one-directional arrow of time.
The material brain and its 4+1-D supervening field-receptive mental workspace should be seen as an integral
whole, until bodily death of the organism. The 4th spatial dimension allows individual self-consciousness since
an extra degree of freedom is required for self-observation and reflection, while in the mental context the time
dimension is symmetrical, allowing to integrate past and future- anticipating events. The 4th spatial dimensions
is also assumed to accommodate the bidirectional flow of information between the domains of self-
consciousness and universal consciousness. Bottom-up information flow from the Planck scale, combined with
top-down information conjugation from the ZPE field, constitute the event horizon of the brain, also integrating
gravitational and dark energy related force fields, and supervenes the physical brain. Event horizons of brain
and whole body are depicted in red ellipse and circle respectively.
quality control of internal and external consciousness. The feature of quantum back-
information. propagation can effectively implement a form of
The particular holographic type of adaptive error correction (Goncalves, 2017), as
consciousness, situated in the particular event has also been shown in the generation of
horizons as a sort of bordering memory domains, cyclic/toroidal chaos by Hopfield networks
can effectively function as a nested information (Akhmet and Fen, 2014).
workspace, that in humans is instrumental in The present model thus postulates a
constructing a mental model of reality for internal mental workspace in close connection to our
use in each individual, thus functioning as a global brain. This raises a number of central questions:
reference system. It is instrumental in the overall 1) is there a physical basis for such a workspace
monitoring of each individual (of any intelligent or should it be seen as an intrinsic mind/matter
species that inhabits our universe). In addition, it dualistic approach 2) If such a disembodied
should therefore be involved in the fine tuning aspect of consciousness exists, how does it
with and updating of a supposed universal communicate with the physical brain? 3) If our