Chapter 1 Lesson 3
Chapter 1 Lesson 3
Chapter 1 Lesson 3
The Big Idea: Students will learn about rules that we follow at home, school, and in the
community. Students will learn about votes (majority rules) and laws. Students will take a
classroom vote that demonstrates majority rule. Students will demonstrate mastery goal by
completing a summative assessment and participating in classroom vote with 80% accuracy.
My World – Social Studies Book
Direct Instruction:
Teacher will direct students to turn to page 24 in their My World social studies book.
Students will learn about rules that we follow at home, school, and in the community.
Teacher will explain that a vote is often used to make a rule or a law. Sometimes votes
are used to make a rule or a law.
Teacher will ask students if they have ever participated in a vote. Teacher will then
explain what a vote is and how it works. The teacher will explain that sometimes a
group votes to make a rule or sometimes to make a choice. The choice with the most
votes is what the group does.
Teacher will explain what a law is. A rule for a community is a law.
Guided Practice:
Teacher will ask students to underline two facts from their workbook. Example: Each
person has one vote.
Lesson Closure:
Teacher will provide students with statements. They will be asked to respond with a
thumbs up if correct and a thumbs down if incorrect.
- Laws tell us what we must do. – thumbs up
- Votes are to make a choice. – thumbs up
Teacher will introduce “take home buddies” to class. The class will be given 2 stuffed
animals to begin taking home and writing about.
Teacher will inform students that they will be conducting a classroom vote to name the
two “take home buddies”. Students will begin taking them home and writing about their
evening with the animal. More in-depth information about this activity will be given
next week.
Teacher will ask for name choices to vote on.
Teacher will explain that the choice with the most votes will be what the animals will be
Teacher will write choices on board and use tally marks on to record the votes.
Teacher and students will count votes together to determine the winning results.
Independent Practice:
Students will answer the following question in their workbook: ____________ help keep
people safe.
Students should respond with “laws”.
Students will underline 2 facts from the “Laws in the Community” passage in their
workbook. Teacher will read passage to students.
Students will answer the following questions from their workbook by recording their
answer in their workbook:
What is one rule you follow both at home and at school?
One rule I follow at school is:
Lesson Reflection:
This lesson is my favorite lesson that I have taught. The students liked learning about the voting
process and participating in a classroom vote. I feel that the classroom vote was a great way to
engage students. I feel that the students also learned by taking an actual class vote and seeing
results. The students all participated in the vote and understood the concept of the majority