UN Cities Data Booklet: Megacities Webquest

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Megacities Webquest

PART ONE: UN Cities Data Booklet

1. In 2016, What percentage of the world’s population lived in urban settlements? What is the prediction for 2030?

2. What is the definition of a “megacity”? How many exist in the world? Use the map (pg. 4) and chart (pg. 6) to identify
some trends in where megacities are located.

3. Find your country profile country in the chart starting on pg. 12. What is the largest city in your country? What was its
population in 2016? What was its annual rate of change from 2000-2016?

PART TWO: The Growth of Megacities

1. What was the world’s first megacity?

2. Use the article to describe 3 ways megacities can cause environmental and health concerns, citing specific examples.

3. Use the article to explain 2 advantages to concentrated urban living, citing specific examples.

4. Choose 1 megacity from this story map and explain the history of its growth and some of its associated problems.
PART THREE: The Problem With Megacities

1. According to the article, how should megacities actually be viewed? Why does the author say most ‘slum-dwellers’
actually move to megacities?

2. Describe some of the health challenges faced by residents of megacities, especially those who live in the slums.

3. The author believes that instead of megacities, where should migrants move to? Why?

4. Look at these pictures of Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America’s first megacity. What can you learn about this city based on
the pictures?

PART FOUR: Urbanization Since 1950

1. In 1950, what percentage of the world’s population was rural?

2. Generally describe the distribution of cities in the world in 1950.

3. Press the “Play” button. In what year did the world’s rural population fall below 50%? What percentage of the world’s
population is projected to live in cities by 2030?

4. On what continent is urbanization happening the fastest?

5. Generally describe the projected distribution of cities in the world in 2030. How does this compare to the distribution
in 1950? IN 2016?

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