Glass Specification
Glass Specification
Glass Specification
Wh at you n e e d to k n ow to B U I L D W I T H L I G H T ®
I n t r o d u c ti o n _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _1
T y p e s o f G l a s s __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2
Annealed Glass
Heat-strengthened Glass
Tempered Glass
Laminated Glass
Insulating Glass
Warm-Edge Spacer
Tinted Glass vs. Low-E Coated Glass
Spandrel Glass
Common Glass Configurations
Hurricane Glass
Bird-Friendly Glass
Turtle Glass
P e r f o r m a n c e Ch a r a c t e r i s ti c s o f G l a s s __________________________________________________________________7
Energy Conservation and Coated Glass
SunGuard Advanced Architectural Glass
Glass Performance: Spectral Graphs
Acoustical Information
How to View/Evaluate Glass Hand Samples
F a b r i c ati o n a n d G l a z i n g _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 7
Optical Distortion
Thermal Breakage
Construction-Phase Risks of Thermal Breakage
Statistical Probability of Glass Breakage
Wind Load
Bending SunGuard Coated Glass
Strain Pattern
Moiré Pattern
Glass Edge Types
Glass Handling, Storage, Maintenance and Cleaning
Coated Glass: Minimum & Maximum Sizes
Oversize Glass: Insulating and Heat-treatment Considerations
Glazing Guidelines
Quality/Inspection Guidelines
Oth e r R e s o u r c e s _______________________________________________________________________________ 2 6
Architectural Tools
Standards Used in Architectural Glass
Architectural Glass
Architects, designers and builders have more choices of glass today than ever before. Those
choices can make a tremendous difference in your project’s cost, energy efficiency and
environmental impact. So you need accurate, detailed information to ensure that you choose
the right glass.
This brochure provides technical information – including performance capabilities and glazing
guidelines – for all types of SunGuard Advanced Architectural Glass from Guardian. It also
contains instructions for the proper handling, maintenance and cleaning of the glass before,
during and after building construction. We believe that you’ll find most of the answers you need
in this brochure, but you’re always welcome to call us at 1-866-GuardSG (482-7374) to consult
with a SunGuard Advanced Architectural Glass specialist or to order a glass sample.
Types of Glass
Ty p e s o f G l a s s
Getting the right type of glass – or the right combination of types – can be critical to the success of
your project. This section defines the various kinds of glass, how they’re made, and their strengths
and characteristics. It also diagrams construction techniques to show how different glass types can
be combined for the desired heat, light and insulation properties.
Annealed Glass
Float glass (also called “flat” glass) that has not been heat-strengthened or tempered is annealed
glass. Annealing float glass is the process of controlled cooling to prevent residual stress in the
glass and is an inherent operation of the float glass manufacturing process. Annealed glass can
be cut, machined, drilled, edged and polished.
H e at- S t r e n g t h e n e d G l a s s
Heat-strengthened (HS) glass has been subjected to a heating and cooling cycle and is generally
twice as strong as annealed glass of the same thickness and configuration. HS glass must
achieve residual surface compression between 3,500 and 7,500 PSI for 6mm glass, according to
ASTM C 1048. Please contact Guardian regarding thicker glass standards. HS glass has greater
resistance to thermal loads than annealed glass and, when broken, the fragments are typically
larger than those of fully tempered glass and initially may remain in the glazing opening. Heat-
strengthened glass is not a safety glass product as defined by the various code organizations.
This type of glass is intended for general glazing, where additional strength is desired to withstand
wind load and thermal stress. It does not require the strength of fully tempered glass, and is
intended for applications that do not specifically require a safety glass product. When heat-
treated glass is necessary, Guardian Glass recommends the use of heat-strengthened glass
for applications that do not specifically require a safety glass product. HS glass cannot be cut or
drilled after heat-strengthening and any alterations, such as edge-grinding, sandblasting or
acid-etching, can cause premature failure.
Tempered Glass
Fully tempered glass is approximately four times stronger than annealed glass of the same
thickness and configuration, and residual surface compression must be over 10,000 PSI for 6mm,
according to ASTM C 1048. Please contact Guardian for thicker glass standards. When broken,
it will break into many relatively small fragments, which are less likely to cause serious injury.
The typical process to produce tempered
glass involves heating the glass to over
0 Stress 20% (t) Compression
1,000 degrees F, then rapidly cooling
to lock the glass surfaces in a state of Glass
Thickness 60% (t) Tension
compression and the core in a state of (t = 100%)
tension as shown in the diagram.
0 Stress 20% (t)
Approximate (t)
2 Guardian SunGuard
Types of Glass
Tempered glass is often referred to as “safety glass” because it meets the requirements of the
various code organizations that set standards for safety glass. This type of glass is intended for
general glazing, and safety glazing such as sliding doors, storm doors, building entrances, bath
and shower enclosures, interior partitions and other uses requiring superior strength and safety
properties. Tempered glass cannot be cut or drilled after tempering, and any alterations, such as
edge-grinding, sandblasting or acid-etching, can cause premature failure.
La m i n at e d G l a s s
Laminated glass is two or more lites (pieces) of glass permanently bonded together with one
or more plastic interlayers (PVB) using heat and pressure. The glass and interlayers can be a
variety of colors and thicknesses designed to meet building code standards and requirements as
necessary. Laminated glass can be broken, but the fragments will tend to adhere to the plastic
layer and remain largely intact, reducing the risk of injury. Laminated
glass is considered “safety glass” because it meets the requirements 1 2 3 4
of the various code organizations that set standards for safety. Heat-
strengthened and tempered glass can be incorporated into laminated
glass units to further strengthen the impact resistance. Hurricane
resistance, the need for bomb blast protection, sound attenuation
and ballistic or forced-entry security concerns are all primary uses for Exterior Interior
I n s u l at i n g G l a s s
Insulating glass refers to two or more lites of glass sealed around the edges with an air space
between, to form a single unit. Commonly referred to as an “IG unit,” insulating glass is the most
effective way to reduce air-to-air heat transfer through the glazing. When used in conjunction
with low-E and/or reflective glass coatings, IG units become effective means to conserve
energy and comply with energy codes. The most common architectural insulating glass unit
configuration is ¼" glass - ½" air space - ¼" glass (6 mm - 12 mm air space - 6 mm).
As low-E coatings have become better at reducing air-to-air heat transfer, spacer technology
has become the focus of incremental thermal improvements. Typical commercial spacers are
composed of formed aluminum filled with desiccant
to absorb any residual moisture inside the IG unit, Glass
thus reducing potential condensation. While this is a
structurally strong material, the aluminum-to-glass Air Space
contact point is a very efficient thermal conductor
and can increase the potential for temperature Spacer
Guardian SunGuard 3
Types of Glass
Wa r m - E d g e S pa c e r
Warm-edge spacer technology is another option for improving the thermal properties, reducing
condensation and reducing U-values in IG units. There are a number of warm-edge spacer
designs available, all of which thermally break the metal-to-glass contact point to some degree,
while offering varying levels of structural integrity that may or may not be suitable for commercial
applications. Warm-edge spacers can significantly reduce heat conduction when compared to
conventional metal spacers.
T i n t e d G l a s s (Heat-Absorbing) v s . L o w - E C o at e d G l a s s
Low-E coatings reduce the amount of direct solar energy entering the building. Before the
development of low-E coatings, architects relied on tinted (heat-absorbing glass) or reflective
coatings to reduce solar energy transmission. Tinted glass almost always requires heat-treatment
to reduce potential thermal stress and breakage and tends to reradiate the absorbed heat.
Reflective coatings are effective at reducing heat gain but also reduce visible light transmission.
Low-E coatings reflect solar energy away from the glazing, often without requiring heat-
treatment, and generally have lower visible light reflection.
Sol Sol
ar ar
4% Absorbed 2% Absorbed
55% Absorbed 32% Absorbed
4 Guardian SunGuard
Types of Glass
S pa n d r e l G l a s s
Spandrel glass is the area of glass panels that conceal structural building components such as
columns, floors, HVAC systems, electrical wiring, plumbing, etc. Spandrel glass is typically located
between vision glass on each floor of a building.
Curtainwall and structurally glazed designs often require the use of spandrel glass to achieve a
designer’s vision of the finished project. Spandrel glass applications can be a complementary
or contrasting color with respect to the vision glass appearance. Spandrel glass must be heat-
treated to avoid thermal stress breakage. Guardian has extensive experience with spandrel glass
applications and can help architects and building owners achieve the desired appearance, while
reducing the risk of thermal stress breakage.
When high light-transmitting or low-reflecting vision glass is specified, achieving an exact spandrel
match can be difficult. Daylight conditions can have a dramatic effect on the perception of vision
to spandrel appearance. For instance, a clear, bright sunny day produces highly reflective viewing
conditions and may provide a good vision to spandrel glass match. A gray, cloudy day may allow
more visual transmission from the exterior and produce more contrast between the vision and
spandrel glass. Guardian recommends full-size, outdoor mock-ups be prepared and approved in
order to confirm the most desirable spandrel option for a specific project.
C o m m o n G l a s s C o n f i g u r at i o n s
The following images depict the most common glass configurations and identify the glass
surfaces with numbers showing the glass surfaces counting from exterior to interior.
Double-Glazed Triple-Glazed
Monolithic Glass Insulating Glass Unit Insulating Glass Unit Laminated Glass
1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4
Guardian SunGuard 5
Types of Glass
Hurricane Glass
Hurricane codes in coastal areas of North America help to prevent catastrophic building failure
during hurricane conditions. Initially, Dade County, Florida, enacted requirements that have been
used as a model for other areas
such as Texas and the Gulf Coast,
as well as up the Atlantic Seaboard.
The codes may vary regionally,
Small Missile Above 30’
so design professionals are
encouraged to research the local
municipality codes when beginning
new projects. The diagram
indicates basic Dade County,
Large Missile Less Than 30’
Florida, code requirements for small
and large missile glazing testing.
BIRD - F r i e n d ly G l a s s
The American Bird Conservancy (ABC) estimates millions of birds die in collisions with buildings
each year. ABC has worked with LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) to
incorporate solutions for bird-friendly architecture into its green building certification guidelines.
LEED now offers a pilot bird credit for those who design and build in a bird-friendly manner.
Turtle Glass
It has been discovered that light shining brightly from buildings within the line of sight of the
seashore attracts marine turtle hatchlings away from their natural environment at sea. Due to
this behavior, the design of projects along the Florida coastline requires adherence to the Florida
Model Lighting Ordinance for Marine Turtle Protection. The ordinance requires architectural glass
installed in coastal buildings to transmit no more than 45 percent of interior light.
6 Guardian SunGuard
P e r f o r m a n c e C H ARAC T ER I S T I CS
Performance Characteristics
What are the effects of wind and heat on architectural glass? What degree of light reflectance and
heat absorption can be expected? What optical and acoustical effects are normal? This section
shows how to get the maximum performance from SunGuard Advanced Architectural Glass.
E n e r g y C o n s e r v at i o n a n d C o at e d G l a s s
The use of coated glass and insulating glass units can have a significant impact on the energy
consumption of commercial buildings. A reduction in HVAC system cooling capacity reduces the
initial investment, and annual savings from reduced energy consumption for heating and cooling
requirements provides a return on glazing investment year after year. Studies have shown that
over a 10-year period, the energy savings from high-performance coated glass can be several
hundred thousand dollars for a typical six-story building, and the payback can be as little as two years.
Guardian Glass has invested substantial resources over the years in search of improved solar
heat gain and U-values of commercial coated glass products. The SunGuard product line is one
of the results of that investment – a wide range of performance characteristics to meet varying
local and regional energy codes as well as some of the highest performing, most energy-efficient
coatings available today.
S u n G u a r d A d va n c e d A r c h i t e c t u r a l G l a s s
The SunGuard glass product line is designed to deliver energy efficiency that will meet or exceed
energy code requirements and includes products offering a variety of aesthetically pleasing
color options. The SuperNeutral® Series presents the highest-performing energy characteristics
available in high light-transmitting low-E coatings from Guardian. Our High Performance Series
provides a range of light transmission, reflection and energy conservation qualities to choose
from. And our Solar product lets the design professional work with a traditional “reflective” coating
that is excellent at lowering heat gain.
All SunGuard Advanced Architectural Glass products are distributed through Guardian’s
independent Select Fabricator network. Guardian has established this network to promote
consistent quality and availability. Select Fabricators can provide glass samples for mock-ups and
can typically offer faster delivery than many competitors.
The following tables provide glass performance figures for a wide variety of SunGuard
products and glass makeups. Please contact Guardian at 1-866-GuardSG (482-7374) if you
need additional information.
Guardian SunGuard 7
1 2 3 4
P e r f o r m a n c e C H ARAC T ER I S T I CS
P e r f o r m a n c e C H ARAC T ER I S T I CS
Insulating Glass w/ Lami Inboard Data Exterior Interior
Transmittance Reflectance U-Value Light to
Outboard - Inboard Winter Solar Solar
Product Appearance Visible Ultra- Solar Visible Visible Solar Nighttime Heat Gain
Heat Gain Gain
Substrate Light violet Energy Light Light Energy Coefficient
% % % Out % In % Out % Air Argon (LSG)
SunGuard SuperNeutral Coating #2 Surface 6 mm/12.7 mm a.s./6 mm/.090 PVB/6 mm
UltraClear - UC/UC Ultra Clear 63 0 23 11 12 51 0.28 0.23 64 0.26 2.37
Clear - Clr/Clr Clear 59 0 21 11 12 39 0.28 0.23 64 0.26 2.25
Green - Clr/Clr Green 50 0 17 9 11 10 0.28 0.23 58 0.24 2.09
SNX 62/27 TwilightGreen - Clr/Clr Dark Green 45 0 15 8 11 8 0.28 0.23 53 0.22 2.04
CrystalGray - Clr/Clr Light Gray 42 0 15 8 11 19 0.28 0.23 53 0.22 1.94
Gray - Clr/Clr Gray 30 0 11 6 10 19 0.28 0.23 44 0.18 1.67
CrystalBlue - Clr/Clr Blue 38 0 14 7 11 25 0.28 0.23 50 0.21 1.87
UltraClear - UC/UC Light Blue 52 0 19 14 14 45 0.28 0.23 56 0.23 2.26
Clear - Clr/Clr Light Blue 49 0 17 14 13 36 0.28 0.23 56 0.23 2.14
Green - Clr/Clr Blue-Green 41 0 14 11 12 10 0.28 0.23 51 0.21 1.95
SNX 51/23 TwilightGreen - Clr/Clr Dark Green 37 0 12 10 12 8 0.28 0.23 48 0.20 1.89
CrystalGray - Clr/Clr Light Gray 35 0 12 9 12 18 0.28 0.23 47 0.19 1.81
Gray - Clr/Clr Gray 25 0 9 7 12 17 0.28 0.23 40 0.16 1.54
CrystalBlue - Clr/Clr Blue 32 0 12 9 12 23 0.28 0.23 45 0.18 1.74
UltraClear - UC/UC Ultra Clear 69 0 34 11 12 42 0.28 0.24 92 0.39 1.79
Clear - Clr/Clr Clear 66 0 30 11 12 33 0.28 0.24 89 0.37 1.77
Green - Clr/Clr Green 55 0 21 9 11 9 0.28 0.24 70 0.29 1.88
SN 68 TwilightGreen - Clr/Clr Dark Green 49 0 18 8 11 7 0.28 0.24 63 0.26 1.89
CrystalGray - Clr/Clr Light Gray 47 0 21 8 11 16 0.28 0.24 70 0.29 1.61
Gray - Clr/Clr Gray 33 0 16 6 10 16 0.28 0.24 59 0.24 1.35
CrystalBlue - Clr/Clr Blue 42 0 21 7 11 21 0.28 0.23 69 0.29 1.49
UltraClear - UC/UC Ultra Clear 55 0 24 13 18 44 0.28 0.24 68 0.28 1.94
Clear - Clr/Clr Clear 52 0 21 13 17 34 0.28 0.24 67 0.28 1.88
Green - Clr/Clr Green 44 0 16 10 17 10 0.28 0.24 57 0.24 1.85
SN 54 TwilightGreen - Clr/Clr Dark Green 39 0 14 9 17 8 0.28 0.24 52 0.21 1.82
CrystalGray - Clr/Clr Light Gray 37 0 15 9 17 17 0.28 0.24 55 0.23 1.64
Gray - Clr/Clr Gray 26 0 12 7 16 16 0.28 0.24 47 0.19 1.37
CrystalBlue - Clr/Clr Blue 34 0 15 8 16 22 0.28 0.23 53 0.22 1.54
UltraClear - UC/UC Light Silver 44 0 19 28 14 54 0.28 0.23 55 0.23 1.94
Clear - Clr/Clr Light Silver 41 0 17 28 13 43 0.28 0.23 55 0.22 1.86
Green - Clr/Clr Green 35 0 13 21 13 14 0.28 0.23 49 0.20 1.75
SNR 43 TwilightGreen - Clr/Clr Dark Green 31 0 11 18 13 11 0.28 0.23 45 0.18 1.70
CrystalGray - Clr/Clr Silver Gray 29 0 12 16 13 21 0.28 0.23 46 0.19 1.56
Gray - Clr/Clr Silver Gray 21 0 9 10 13 19 0.28 0.23 40 0.16 1.29
CrystalBlue - Clr/Clr Silver Blue 27 0 12 14 13 26 0.28 0.23 45 0.18 1.47
SunGuard High Performance Coating #2 Surface - except where noted (#3)
Neutral UltraClear - UC/UC Ultra Clear 80 0 60 13 12 23 0.30 0.26 168 0.71 1.12
78/65 (#3) Clear - Clr/Clr Clear 76 0 47 12 12 19 0.30 0.26 153 0.64 1.17
UltraClear - UC/UC Ultra Clear 79 0 60 13 13 21 0.30 0.26 158 0.67 1.19
Neutral 78/65
Clear - Clr/Clr Clear 75 0 47 13 12 18 0.30 0.26 143 0.60 1.25
Clear - Clr/Clr Neutral Blue 48 0 27 16 10 20 0.32 0.28 92 0.38 1.26
Neutral 50
Green - Clr/Clr Green 40 0 17 13 10 9 0.32 0.28 66 0.27 1.49
Clear - Clr/Clr Neutral Gray 39 0 21 20 11 23 0.32 0.28 76 0.31 1.24
Neutral 40
Green - Clr/Clr Green 32 0 14 16 11 10 0.32 0.28 57 0.23 1.39
UltraClear - UC/UC Light Silver 51 0 30 28 19 41 0.29 0.25 85 0.35 1.44
Clear - Clr/Clr Light Silver 48 0 25 27 18 34 0.29 0.25 80 0.33 1.46
Green - Clr/Clr Green 40 0 16 20 17 13 0.29 0.25 60 0.25 1.64
AG 50
CrystalGray - Clr/Clr Silver Gray 34 0 17 16 17 18 0.29 0.25 63 0.26 1.32
Gray - Clr/Clr Silver Gray 24 0 14 10 17 16 0.29 0.25 55 0.23 1.06
CrystalBlue - Clr/Clr Silver Blue 31 0 17 14 17 21 0.29 0.25 63 0.26 1.19
UltraClear - UC/UC Light Silver 44 0 27 30 15 40 0.29 0.25 79 0.33 1.34
Clear - Clr/Clr Light Silver 41 0 22 29 14 33 0.29 0.25 74 0.30 1.36
Green - Clr/Clr Green 35 0 14 22 14 13 0.29 0.25 55 0.23 1.53
AG 43
CrystalGray - Clr/Clr Silver Gray 29 0 15 17 14 18 0.29 0.25 59 0.24 1.22
Gray - Clr/Clr Silver Gray 21 0 12 11 13 15 0.29 0.25 52 0.21 0.97
CrystalBlue - Clr/Clr Silver Blue 27 0 16 15 14 20 0.29 0.25 60 0.24 1.09
SunGuard Solar
Clear - Clr/Clr Silver 17 0 11 30 28 26 0.36 0.32 53 0.21 0.82
Silver 20
Green - Clr/Clr Silver Green 15 0 7 23 28 12 0.36 0.32 44 0.18 0.83
P e r f o r m a n c e C H ARAC T ER I S T I CS
P e r f o r m a n c e C H ARAC T ER I S T I CS
Laminated Outboard & Inboard Data Exterior Interior
Transmittance Reflectance U-Value Light to
Outboard - Inboard Winter Solar Solar
Product Appearance Visible Ultra- Solar Visible Visible Solar Nighttime Heat Gain
Heat Gain Gain
Substrate Light violet Energy Light Light Energy Coefficient
% % % Out % In % Out % Air Argon (LSG)
SunGuard SuperNeutral Coating #4 Surface 6 mm/.090 PVB/6 mm/12.7 mm a.s./6 mm/.090 PVB/6 mm
UC/UC - UC/UC Ultra Clear 61 0 23 11 12 39 0.27 0.23 65 0.27 2.27
Clear/Clr - Clear/Clr Clear 57 0 20 11 12 24 0.27 0.23 65 0.27 2.12
Green/Clr - Clear/Clr Green 48 0 16 9 11 8 0.27 0.23 57 0.23 2.05
SNX 62/27 TWGreen/Clr - Clr/Clr Dark Green 43 0 14 8 11 6 0.27 0.23 52 0.21 2.01
CrystalGray/Clr - Clr/Clr Light Gray 41 0 14 8 11 12 0.27 0.23 53 0.22 1.87
Gray/Clr - Clear/Clr Gray 29 0 11 6 10 12 0.27 0.23 44 0.18 1.60
CrystalBlue/Clr - Clr/Cl Blue 37 0 14 7 11 16 0.27 0.23 51 0.21 1.78
UC/UC - UC/UC Light Blue 51 0 18 14 13 35 0.27 0.23 57 0.24 2.15
Clear/Clr - Clear/Clr Light Blue 47 0 16 13 13 22 0.27 0.23 57 0.24 2.00
Green/Clr - Clear/Clr Blue-Green 40 0 13 11 12 8 0.27 0.23 50 0.21 1.92
SNX 51/23 TWGreen/Clr - Clr/Clr Dark Green 36 0 11 10 12 7 0.27 0.23 47 0.19 1.87
CrystalGray/Clr - Clr/Clr Light Gray 34 0 12 9 12 12 0.27 0.23 47 0.19 1.74
Gray/Clr - Clear/Clr Gray 24 0 9 7 12 11 0.27 0.23 40 0.16 1.46
CrystalBlue/Clr - Clr/Cl Blue 31 0 11 8 12 14 0.27 0.23 46 0.19 1.65
UC/UC - UC/UC Ultra Clear 68 0 33 11 12 32 0.27 0.23 90 0.38 1.79
Clear/Clr - Clear/Clr Clear 63 0 27 10 12 20 0.27 0.23 85 0.35 1.78
Green/Clr - Clear/Clr Green 53 0 20 9 11 7 0.27 0.23 67 0.28 1.91
SN 68 TWGreen/Clr - Clr/Clr Dark Green 48 0 17 8 11 6 0.27 0.23 60 0.25 1.91
CrystalGray/Clr - Clr/Clr Light Gray 45 0 19 8 11 11 0.27 0.23 66 0.28 1.62
Gray/Clr - Clear/Clr Gray 32 0 15 6 10 10 0.27 0.23 57 0.23 1.36
CrystalBlue/Clr - Clr/Cl Blue 41 0 19 7 10 13 0.27 0.23 66 0.27 1.50
UC/UC - UC/UC Ultra Clear 54 0 23 13 18 34 0.27 0.23 69 0.29 1.88
Clear/Clr - Clear/Clr Clear 50 0 20 12 17 21 0.27 0.23 67 0.28 1.81
Green/Clr - Clear/Clr Green 42 0 15 10 17 8 0.27 0.23 55 0.23 1.84
SN 54 TWGreen/Clr - Clr/Clr Dark Green 38 0 13 9 17 6 0.27 0.23 50 0.21 1.81
CrystalGray/Clr - Clr/Clr Light Gray 36 0 14 9 17 11 0.27 0.23 54 0.22 1.60
Gray/Clr - Clear/Clr Gray 25 0 11 7 16 11 0.27 0.23 46 0.19 1.33
CrystalBlue/Clr - Clr/Cl Blue 32 0 14 8 16 14 0.27 0.23 53 0.22 1.49
UC/UC - UC/UC Light Silver 43 0 18 27 14 42 0.27 0.23 56 0.23 1.87
Clear/Clr - Clear/Clr Light Silver 40 0 16 26 13 28 0.27 0.23 55 0.23 1.76
Green/Clr - Clear/Clr Green 34 0 12 20 13 11 0.27 0.23 47 0.19 1.73
SNR 43 TWGreen/Clr - Clr/Clr Dark Green 30 0 10 17 13 9 0.27 0.23 44 0.18 1.69
CrystalGray/Clr - Clr/Clr Silver Gray 28 0 11 15 13 14 0.27 0.23 46 0.19 1.51
Gray/Clr - Clear/Clr Silver Gray 20 0 8 10 13 13 0.27 0.23 40 0.16 1.24
CrystalBlue/Clr - Clr/Cl Silver Blue 26 0 11 14 13 17 0.27 0.23 45 0.18 1.41
SunGuard High Performance Coating #4 Surface - except where noted (#5)
Neutral UC/UC - UC/UC Ultra Clear 78 0 57 12 12 16 0.29 0.25 157 0.67 1.17
78/65 (#5) Clear/Clr - Clear/Clr Clear 73 0 42 12 11 12 0.29 0.25 134 0.57 1.29
UC/UC - UC/UC Ultra Clear 78 0 57 13 13 15 0.29 0.25 148 0.63 1.23
Neutral 78/65
Clear/Clr - Clear/Clr Clear 72 0 42 12 12 11 0.29 0.25 127 0.54 1.35
Clear/Clr - Clear/Clr Neutral Blue 46 0 24 15 10 13 0.31 0.27 85 0.35 1.30
Neutral 50
Green/Clr - Clear/Clr Green 39 0 16 12 10 7 0.31 0.27 63 0.26 1.52
Clear/Clr - Clear/Clr Neutral Gray 37 0 19 19 11 16 0.31 0.27 72 0.30 1.25
Neutral 40
Green/Clr - Clear/Clr Green 31 0 13 15 11 9 0.31 0.27 55 0.22 1.40
UC/UC - UC/UC Light Silver 50 0 29 27 19 32 0.28 0.24 82 0.34 1.45
Clear/Clr - Clear/Clr Light Silver 46 0 23 26 18 22 0.28 0.24 75 0.31 1.49
Green/Clr - Clear/Clr Green 39 0 15 19 17 11 0.28 0.24 57 0.23 1.66
AG 50
CrystalGray/Clr - Clr/Clr Silver Gray 33 0 16 15 17 12 0.28 0.24 59 0.24 1.35
Gray/Clr - Clear/Clr Silver Gray 23 0 12 10 17 11 0.28 0.24 52 0.21 1.08
CrystalBlue/Clr - Clr/Cl Silver Blue 30 0 16 13 17 14 0.28 0.24 60 0.25 1.21
UC/UC - UC/UC Light Silver 43 0 26 29 15 31 0.28 0.24 77 0.32 1.34
Clear/Clr - Clear/Clr Light Silver 40 0 20 28 14 22 0.28 0.24 70 0.29 1.38
Green/Clr - Clear/Clr Green 33 0 13 21 14 11 0.28 0.24 53 0.22 1.54
AG 43
CrystalGray/Clr - Clr/Clr Silver Gray 28 0 14 16 14 13 0.28 0.24 55 0.23 1.24
Gray/Clr - Clear/Clr Silver Gray 20 0 11 10 13 11 0.28 0.24 50 0.20 0.98
CrystalBlue/Clr - Clr/Cl Silver Blue 26 0 14 14 14 14 0.28 0.24 56 0.23 1.11
SunGuard Solar
Clear/Clr - Clear/Clr Silver 17 0 10 28 28 20 0.34 0.31 53 0.21 0.78
Silver 20
Green/Clr - Clear/Clr Silver Green 14 0 6 21 28 11 0.34 0.31 44 0.17 0.81
P e r f o r m a n c e C H ARAC T ER I S T I CS
1 2 3 4
P e r f o r m a n c e C H ARAC T ER I S T I CS
Triple-Glazed Insulating Glass Data Exterior Interior
Transmittance Reflectance U-Value Light to
Outboard - Inboard Winter Solar Solar
Product Appearance Visible Ultra- Solar Visible Visible Solar Nighttime Heat Gain
Heat Gain Gain
Substrate Light violet Energy Light Light Energy Coefficient
% % % Out % In % Out % Air Argon (LSG)
SunGuard SuperNeutral Coating #2 Surface 6 mm/12.7 mm a.s./6 mm/12.7 mm a.s./6 mm
UC - UC - UC Ultra Clear 59 7 23 15 19 52 0.21 0.18 59 0.24 2.40
SNX 62/27
Clr - Clr - Clr Clear 56 5 21 14 18 40 0.21 0.18 59 0.24 2.29
UC - UC - UC Light Blue 49 12 19 17 20 46 0.21 0.18 51 0.21 2.30
SNX 51/23
Clr - Clr - Clr Light Blue 46 9 17 16 19 36 0.21 0.18 51 0.21 2.19
UC - UC - UC Ultra Clear 65 36 34 15 19 44 0.22 0.18 86 0.36 1.79
SN 68
Clr - Clr - Clr Clear 61 25 29 15 18 35 0.22 0.18 82 0.34 1.79
UC - UC - UC Ultra Clear 52 20 24 16 24 45 0.22 0.18 63 0.26 1.96
SN 54
Clr - Clr - Clr Clear 49 13 21 16 23 35 0.22 0.18 62 0.26 1.91
UC - UC - UC Light Silver 41 22 19 30 21 55 0.21 0.18 51 0.21 1.95
SNR 43
Clr - Clr - Clr Light Silver 39 14 17 29 20 44 0.21 0.18 50 0.21 1.89
Coating #2 & SN 68 #5 Surface
UC - UC - UC Ultra Clear 50 4 18 13 14 52 0.16 0.12 57 0.24 2.09
SNX 62/27*
Clr - Clr - Clr Clear 47 3 17 13 13 40 0.16 0.12 56 0.23 2.01
UC - UC - UC Light Blue 41 7 15 16 14 46 0.16 0.12 49 0.20 2.01
SNX 51/23
Clr - Clr - Clr Light Blue 39 5 14 15 14 36 0.16 0.12 48 0.20 1.93
UC - UC - UC Ultra Clear 55 21 25 14 14 45 0.16 0.12 79 0.33 1.65
SN 68*
Clr - Clr - Clr Clear 52 15 22 13 13 35 0.16 0.12 75 0.32 1.63
UC - UC - UC Ultra Clear 44 11 18 15 17 45 0.16 0.12 59 0.25 1.77
SN 54
Clr - Clr - Clr Clear 41 8 16 15 17 35 0.16 0.12 57 0.24 1.73
UC - UC - UC Light Silver 35 12 15 29 15 55 0.16 0.12 48 0.20 1.75
SNR 43
Clr - Clr - Clr Light Silver 33 9 13 29 14 44 0.16 0.12 47 0.19 1.70
Coating #2 & Neutral 78/65 #5 Surface
UC - UC - UC Ultra Clear 57 6 22 14 16 52 0.16 0.13 58 0.24 2.33
SNX 62/27
Clr - Clr - Clr Clear 54 4 20 13 16 40 0.16 0.13 57 0.24 2.25
UC - UC - UC Light Blue 47 10 18 16 17 46 0.16 0.13 50 0.21 2.26
SNX 51/23
Clr - Clr - Clr Light Blue 45 7 16 15 17 36 0.16 0.13 49 0.21 2.17
UC - UC - UC Ultra Clear 63 27 32 14 16 44 0.16 0.13 85 0.36 1.74
SN 68
Clr - Clr - Clr Clear 60 19 28 14 16 34 0.16 0.13 80 0.34 1.75
UC - UC - UC Ultra Clear 50 15 23 15 21 45 0.16 0.13 62 0.26 1.92
SN 54
Clr - Clr - Clr Clear 47 10 20 15 20 35 0.16 0.13 60 0.25 1.89
UC - UC - UC Light Silver 40 17 18 29 18 54 0.16 0.13 50 0.21 1.92
SNR 43
Clr - Clr - Clr Light Silver 38 11 16 29 17 44 0.16 0.13 49 0.20 1.87
Coating #2, Neutral 78/65 #4 Surface, & SunGuard IS 20 #6 Surface
UC - UC - UC Ultra Clear 56 6 21 14 17 52 0.14 0.12 56 0.23 2.38
SNX 62/27
Clr - Clr - Clr Clear 53 4 19 14 16 40 0.14 0.12 54 0.23 2.30
UC - UC - UC Light Blue 46 9 17 16 18 46 0.14 0.12 48 0.20 2.31
SNX 51/23
Clr - Clr - Clr Light Blue 44 7 16 16 17 36 0.14 0.12 47 0.20 2.23
UC - UC - UC Ultra Clear 61 26 31 14 17 44 0.14 0.12 81 0.34 1.78
SN 68
Clr - Clr - Clr Clear 58 19 27 14 16 34 0.14 0.12 76 0.32 1.80
UC - UC - UC Ultra Clear 49 14 22 15 21 45 0.14 0.12 59 0.25 1.96
SN 54
Clr - Clr - Clr Clear 46 10 19 15 21 35 0.14 0.12 57 0.24 1.94
UC - UC - UC Light Silver 39 15 17 30 18 55 0.14 0.12 48 0.20 1.96
SNR 43
Clr - Clr - Clr Light Silver 37 11 15 29 18 44 0.14 0.12 46 0.19 1.92
P e r f o r m a n c e C H ARAC T ER I S T I CS
Glass Performance: Spectral Graphs
Today’s advanced architectural glazing products attempt to balance the demands of aesthetic
appearance, energy conservation and building occupant comfort. Theoretically speaking, an
“ideal” glazing would transmit 100 percent of the sun’s visible energy (light) and reflect, or block,
all of the ultraviolet and infrared energy – while providing an aesthetically pleasing appearance
from both the exterior and interior of the building. Guardian has scientists dedicated to finding
new technologies to achieve the best energy performance possible, coupled with desirable
aesthetics to help designers find that balance.
The graphs below show the spectral curves of Guardian SunGuard products on clear and green
glass substrates.
14 Guardian SunGuard
P e r f o r m a n c e C H ARAC T ER I S T I CS
A c o u s t i c a l I n f o r m at i o n
The acoustic performance of glazing assemblies is expressed in two terms: Sound
Transmission Class (STC) is used to measure the sound transmission loss of interior walls,
ceilings and floors; and Outdoor-Indoor Transmission Class (OITC), which measures the sound
transmission loss of exterior glazing applications. High sound transmission loss – good sound
insulation – is desired in many commercial curtain wall applications. Limiting sound transmission
through glazing requires review and testing of the entire glazing system. Laminated glass and
insulating glass tend to produce higher OITC ratings because the laminate dampens vibration
and the air space limits sound transmission. An important feature of the human perception of
continuous sound is that an increase or decrease in sound pressure level by 3 dB or less is
barely perceptible; an increase or decrease of 5 dB is clearly perceptible; and an increase or
decrease of 10 dB is perceived as a doubling or halving of noise level. For more information,
refer to the Glass Association of North America Glazing Manual. The following chart indicates
typical laboratory-measured sound transmission losses for various glass configurations.
H o w t o V i e w / E v a l u at e G l a s s H a n d Sa m p l e s
Coated glass is normally selected based on reflected color, as this is typically seen in outdoor/
natural lighting conditions. To see the reflected color of glass, it is best to view samples with a
black background. Position the sample so that someone can look at an image that is reflected
from the glass surface. This is the true reflected color of the sample.
Example: Place a piece of black paper, or other low-gloss black material, on a desktop or other
flat surface. Position the glass sample on the paper with the exterior side up, so that you can see
the image of the overhead lights being reflected from the glass surface. To view the transmitted
color, it is best to view samples using a white background. Evaluating glass samples with a white
background will not give a true indication of the exterior appearance of the sample. This instead
projects the transmitted color and is not what you will see once the glass is installed in the building.
Guardian SunGuard 15
P e r f o r m a n c e C H ARAC T ER I S T I CS
How To View Glass Samples - continued
Also, architects are encouraged to consider angle of observation, interior lighting conditions and
potential effects of glare when choosing glazing products.
When evaluating samples outdoors, we recommend viewing them during various time of the
day and under varying lighting conditions, e.g., cloudy versus sunny conditions. This will provide
a truer indication of what the glass will look like, as well as give you the opportunity to see how
varying light conditions impact your design intent.
We recommend viewing glass samples outdoors whenever possible. After removing the glass
from the sample box, place it in a vertical or slightly angled position. Viewing the glass with a black
background in the distance is preferred to replicate lighting once installed in the structure. Then
look through the glass to provide the best indication of the appearance of installed glass.
16 Guardian SunGuard
Fabrication and Glazing
What are the guidelines for optical distortion? What can contribute to the risk of glass thermal
breakage? How should glass be cleaned? This section provides more detailed information on many
important areas related to SunGuard Advanced Architectural Glass.
Optical Distortion
Many conditions may contribute to optical distortion, including glazing errors and fabrication
procedures. Minimizing optical distortion resulting from the heat-treatment process will greatly
enhance the appearance of the final product. Roll wave and bow and warp are sources of optical
distortion that should be carefully specified when design considerations are being evaluated.
Roll wave occurs as glass passes over the rollers in a continuous-operation, heat-treating
furnace. As the glass heats up, it may sag between rollers and become “frozen” in place during
the cooling (quench) process. This may produce roller wave distortion in the finished product.
Guardian recommends that:
• Glass should be processed so roll wave will be horizontal to the base dimension of the
finished unit, whenever possible.
• A roll distortion gauge should be used to measure roll distortion.
• A target of 0.07mm (0.003") with a maximum of 0.13mm (0.005") roll wave for any
commercial application.
Roll Wave
Top (measured) surface is the
+0.064 mm (+0.0025 in) Peak uncoated surface of the glass
Bow and warp occurs as a result of the heat-treating process and can be reduced
through the proper use of heat-up maximum temperature/cycle time and cool-down
cycle time/temperature.
• ASTM C 1048 addresses bow and warp and states that localized bow and warp
may be determined with the use of a straight edge spanning the concave surface.
The glass must be measured with a feeler gauge or dial ndicator.
• Guardian requires independent Select Fabricators to use half of the ASTM guideline
as a target in production.
Guardian SunGuard 17
Th e r m a l B r e a k ag e
Thermal breakage can be influenced by a number of factors. A critical factor to consider in the
early stages of glass selection is whether the glass will be shaded. When glass is partially shaded
by building overhangs or extensions, it becomes cooler at the edges and stress in the glass may
occur, which can result in thermal breakage.
In areas where thermal breakage may be of concern, a thermal breakage analysis must be
completed to determine if heat-treating (heat-strengthening or tempering) may be needed.
Heat-treating may also be necessary due to high wind loads or safety glass code requirements.
The degree to which the central area of the glass becomes hot is largely dependent on the solar
absorption of the glass, which varies between different types of glass.
Some additional factors that may influence thermal breakage are listed below:
• Glass framing that is in direct contact with concrete or other materials that may contribute
to the cooling of the glass edge.
• Highly-reflective or highly-insulating framing.
• Excessive coverage of the glass edge by the frame.
• Tinted glass or heat-absorbing films attached to the glass after installation.
• Triple-glazing with elevated thermal loads on the coated lite(s) and middle lite.
• Spandrel glazing, especially the inboard lite.
• The use of internal shading devices such as curtains, drapes or venetian blinds – if shading
devices are used, they must be placed away from the glass to allow for a free flow of air at
the glass surface.
• The airflow from room cooling or heating vents must be directed away from the glass.
• Buildings not heated during the construction phase may experience an increase in
thermal breakage.
• Generally speaking, the greater the glass edge area, the greater the risk of thermal breakage.
The potential risk of thermal breakage can be estimated by a computer-aided thermal stress
analysis. Contact your Regional Technical Advisor for assistance with thermal stress analysis.
C o n s t r u c t i o n - Pha s e R i s k s o f Th e r m a l B r e a k ag e
There is a higher risk of thermal stress breakage during the construction phase of a project, and
such breakage may diminish once the building is closed in and heated.
Thermal stresses present during construction occur particularly when the building interior is not
heated, and the panes of glass are exposed to direct sunlight. In such cases, breakage can
occur as the sun heats the central portion of the glass, while the edges are cooled by the frame.
18 Guardian SunGuard
This type of breakage is possible even with the absence of overhangs or vertical extensions. The
risk is greatest for heat-absorbing glass, such as tints and reflective glass. In insulating glass, the
risk of thermal breakage is further increased when heat-absorbing tinted glass is used.
specifying heat-treated glass, either heat-
strengthened or tempered. This graph
shows the dramatic extent to which Silve
Thermal Safety
Glass will provide an analysis of the risk of on cle
thermal breakage during construction if Bronz
e IG U
the anticipated building temperatures and
SN 68
appropriate window details are provided. on cle
However, a thermal stress analysis is not a
guarantee against breakage. The analysis is
Clear IG
a service to our customers for the purpose
of product selection. The selection of
S t at i s t i c a l P r o b a b i l i t y o f G l a s s B r e a k ag e
Glass is a brittle material. It acts elastically until it fractures at ultimate load. That ultimate
load varies, depending upon the type and duration of the loads applied and the distribution,
orientation and severity of the inhomogeneities and micro-flaws existing in the surface of the
glass. Because of its nature, glass cannot be engineered in the same way as other building
envelope materials with a predictable specific strength. In those cases, factors can be (and
are) assigned to minimize the likelihood that breakage will occur at the selected design load.
Because the ultimate strength of glass varies, its strength is described statistically. Architects and
engineers, when specifying a design factor for glass in buildings, must choose the anticipated
wind load, its duration and the probability of glass breakage (defined as x per 1000 lites of glass
at the initial occurrence of the design load). Glass manufacturers can provide the appropriate
data for determining the performance of their products. However, the responsible design
professional must review these performance criteria and determine if they are suitable for the
intended application.
Guardian SunGuard 19
H e aT- S o a k i n g
All float glass contains some level of imperfection. One type of imperfection is nickel sulfide (NiS)
inclusions. Most NiS inclusions are stable and cause no problems. There is, however, the potential
for NiS inclusions that may cause spontaneous breakage in tempered glass without any load or
thermal stress being applied.
Heat-soaking is a process that may expose NiS inclusions in tempered glass. The process
involves placing the tempered glass inside a chamber and raising the temperature to
approximately 290ºC to accelerate nickel sulfide expansion. This causes glass containing nickel
sulfide inclusions to break in the heat soak chamber, thus reducing the risk of potential field
breakage. The heat-soaking process is not 100 percent effective, adds cost and carries the risk
of reducing the compressive stress in tempered glass.
Heat-strengthened glass has a much lower potential incidence of spontaneous breakage than
tempered glass. For applications where additional glass strength is required due to thermal
stress, and safety glass is not mandated, Guardian recommends heat-strengthened or laminated
glass to reduce the potential for spontaneous breakage.
Wind Load
Guardian follows the current ASTM E 1300 Standard Practice for Determining the Minimum
Thickness and Type of Glass Required to Resist a Specified Load. This information represents
in-service glass and supersedes the traditional straight-line graph as well as other wind load
charts. The ASTM wind load standard is applicable to projects built in the United States. Wind
load standards for other countries may differ, and this difference must be addressed in the early
stages of design. Contact your Regional Technical Advisor for assistance with wind load analysis.
Glass Center Deflection: An important consideration in the choice of glass is center deflection.
Excessive center deflection can result in edge pullout, distortion of reflected images and possible
glass contact with interior building components, e.g., room dividers and interior blinds.
Insulating Glass: The effects of wind on insulating glass units are, in many cases, complex and
require a computer-assisted wind load analysis to adequately consider some of the variables.
Design professionals must take into account the following variables:
• Load sharing other than 50-50.
• Air space contraction and expansion due to changes in temperature, barometric pressure
and altitude variation in weathering of the glass surfaces, e.g., surface #1 vs. surface #2.
• Edge condition – free or fixed.
• Asymmetrical loading, i.e., lites of varying thickness.
• Variation in sightline or airspace width.
• Thermal stress.
When all or some of these variables are taken into account, the maximum wind load may differ
considerably from the data taken from a wind load chart.
20 Guardian SunGuard
B e n d i n g G u a r d i a n S p u t t e r - C o at e d G l a s s
SunGuard heat-treatable coatings are thermally stable and have been utilized in bent glass
applications. SunGuard products used in bent glass applications maintain their aesthetic, optical
and performance properties. Bending constraints are based on coating thickness, radius and
concave vs. convex applications. The bending of SunGuard products must only be performed
by independent Guardian Select Fabricators. Guardian recommends a full-scale mock-up be
fabricated and viewed prior to final specification approval. Please contact your Regional Technical
Advisor for complete information regarding bent glass applications.
S t r a i n Pat t e r n
Strain pattern refers to a specific geometric pattern of iridescence or darkish shadows that may
appear under certain lighting conditions, particularly in the presence of polarized light (also called
“quench marks”). The phenomena are caused by the localized stresses imparted by the rapid air
cooling of the heat-treating operation. Strain pattern is characteristic of heat-treated glass and is
not considered a defect.
M o i r é Pat t e r n s
Moiré is an optical phenomenon that may appear as a wavy, rippled or circular pattern under
certain lighting conditions. Moiré patterns may be created when one semitransparent object
with a repetitive pattern is placed over another and the two are not aligned. The moiré patterns
are not defects in the glass or silk-screen pattern – they are a pattern in the image formed by
the human eye. This may occur when silk-screen patterns of lines or dots are closely spaced,
and a secondary pattern is created by the shadow of the ceramic frit on another surface of an
insulating glass unit, for instance, when a spandrel panel is installed behind silk-screened glass.
Another potential moiré pattern may be the result of light transmitted through the glass portion
not covered with ceramic frit.
Decorative furniture glass
Guardian SunGuard 21
G l a s s H a n d l i n g , S t o r ag e , Ma i n t e n a n c e a n d C l e a n i n g
Glass is a hard substance, but it can be scratched. It is resistant to many, but not all, chemicals.
Glass is generally a durable material, and if properly maintained, can last almost forever.
One of the most harmful materials to glass is glass itself. When glass is stored prior to fabrication,
it should be separated by an airspace, separator or paper. When removing glass from storage,
avoid sliding one pane over another, as they can be scratched or abraded. Glass edges should
not contact the frame or other hard surfaces during installation. Use rolling blocks, as necessary,
when moving glass.
Glass should be washed frequently to remove surface dirt and also to protect the glass from
staining. Glass staining occurs when the sodium within the glass reacts with moisture in the air.
Sodium, when combined with small amounts of water, can create sodium hydroxide, which is
corrosive to glass. If this sodium hydroxide is left on the glass surface for a prolonged period
of time, the glass will be permanently damaged and may have to be replaced. The sodium
hydroxide is easily removed with water and normal glass-cleaning solutions, e.g., alcohol and
water, or ammonia and water. Installed glass is less prone to sodium hydroxide damage due
to the natural cleansing of the glass surface by rain.
22 Guardian SunGuard
FLO AT & C o at e d G l a s s : M i n i m u m & Ma x i m u m S i z e s
Minimum and maximum glass sizes are determined by float glass and coated glass
manufacturing capabilities. The maximum coated glass size currently produced by Guardian
is 102" x 168"; not all products are available at this maximum size, please contact your Regional
Technical Advisor for complete manufacturing capabilities. To determine the minimum and
maximum sizes available for finished glass products, the glass fabricator must be consulted.
Physical/mechanical capabilities and constraints of the fabricator will affect the final finished
glass size availability.
Maximum glass sizes are dictated by the size of glass available from the primary manufacturer,
the fabrication equipment limitations, the capabilities of the contract glazier to install the unit,
availability of specialized shipping and handling equipment to deliver the unit, and the specific
glass makeup, such as coated glass, silk-screened glass, heat-treated glass, laminated glass,
insulating glass or some combination of these items. Generally speaking, glass that is 60" or
less in width can be heat-treated on a high-speed furnace, which will make the glass more
economical and more readily available. Glass from 60" to 84" in width is available from a number
of fabricators, and some have capability up to 96", but the cost may be higher. Once the total
size of the insulating unit exceeds 50 square feet, the number of potential glass fabricators
will diminish, and the cost will go up significantly. Many fabricators have a standard practice of
heat-treating both lites of an insulating glass unit when the unit size exceeds 35 square feet,
and unit sizes over 50 square feet will almost always require this practice. Fabricators providing
heat-treated glass may also recommend oversize glass to be tempered rather than heat-
strengthened to better control overall flatness. Guardian recommends the specific glass makeup
be reviewed with a glass fabricator so that the availability of glass to meet project lead times and
budget can be confirmed.
Glazing Guidelines
All glass products are to be glazed in a manner that ensures the glass is free-floating, non-load-
bearing and glazed with a material that remains resilient. An adequate weep system, or materials
which totally repel the passage of water, is necessary to avoid premature failure of fabricated
glass, opacified spandrel and laminated glass. Adequate clearance for bow and warp of heat-
strengthened and tempered glass must be provided as specified in ASTM Standard C 1048.
For complete industry-accepted information about glazing guidelines, please review the
Glass Association of North America’s Glazing Manual.
Guardian SunGuard 23
FA B R I CA T I ON AND G LAZ I N G Dry Glazing
Glazing Guidelines - continued Dry Glazing
Conventional Glazing: Exterior
Dense Wedge
• Framing must be structurally sound, with Soft Closed
Cell Gasket
sufficient strength to support the glass weight
without any sagging, twisting or deformation
that may impose a load on the glass.
• No framing member should deflect more than
1/175 of its span, with a maximum deflection
Setting Block Heel Bead (air seal)
of ¾" when under load. Framing exceeding 15'-6" Wet Glazing
is limited to deflection of L/240 + ¼".
Wet Glazing
• Appropriate setting blocks, face gaskets,
wedges and edge spacers must meet current
requirements of ASTM Standards C 864 and Cap Bead
Structural Mullion
24 Guardian SunGuard
Quality/Inspection Guidelines
The following quality standards are offered as suggested guidelines for the evaluation of coated
glass products, based on ASTM 1376.
• Normal viewing distance is 10 feet for vision glass and 15 feet for spandrel glass. The
viewing angle should be 90º. Vision glass is viewed against a bright, uniform background.
• The area of most importance is the central viewing area, which is defined by 80% of the
length and 80% of the width dimensions centered on a lite of glass. The remaining area is
considered the outer area.
10 Feet Light
Scratches (viewed in transmission): Source
• Scratches longer than 50 mm (2”) within the 10 Feet Light
central viewing area are not acceptable. 10 Feet Light
Guardian SunGuard 25
O T H ER R e s o u r c e s
Other Resources
Architectural Tools
Guardian offers a full line of architectural glass products. We also offer several tools online
designed to help architects find solutions and specify Guardian products, including:
• Our PRODUCT MASTERSPEC™ is based on Section 088100 from the AIA MASTERSPEC®
library, and it helps simplify the preparation of specification documents.
• USGBC LEED® brochure for architects looking for LEED certification through the use of
high-performance glass.
• Glass Analytics online suite of engineering and analytic tools for glass. These online tools
offer a comprehensive suite of engineering and analytical reports that demonstrate the
advantages of high performance glass in building facades and include:
• The Building Energy Calculator uses the make-ups created in the Performance
Calculator to compare energy cost, consumption and financial payback information
based on hourly simulations of glazing options, building parameters and project
location. This tool offers architects and other project specifiers a comprehensive tool to
evaluate commercial glazing options and their impact on energy use and design. Users
can perform energy analyses of various combinations of glazing products, including
products from other manufacturers. This free, web-based service helps users set up
a project with prototypical building type and building details. The calculation engine
applies utility rates and specific weather data for 52 cities in the U.S., Canada and
Mexico to generate energy cost and consumption data.
• The Guardian BIM Generator provides thermal and optical performances of the
project specific custom IG makeups. It is highly detailed content with visibility settings
to control the level of detailing depending on the scale of the view. The content is
created for Revit to take advantage of the material analytics for project specific energy
simulations. Parameters give the ability to control the dimensions of the spacer
systems, the glass bite of the unit and to calculate the weight of individual insulating
glass units. Any fabrication needs for heat treatment or lamination can be specified
which allows for a more detailed glazing schedule and material takeoffs.
• Smartphone apps that allow interaction with hundreds of projects worldwide and
demonstrate energy conservation concepts.
26 Guardian SunGuard
O T H ER R e s o u r c e s
Nat i o n a l , R e g i o n a l a n d L o c a l B u i l d i n g C o d e s / S t a n d a r d s
The evolution of building construction has led to the development of codes and standards that
mandate structurally sound, energy-efficient and environmentally conscious buildings. Many
of these codes and standards apply directly to glazing components and should be thoroughly
investigated prior to design finalization. A few of the applicable standards include:
• ANSI Z 97.1 Glazing Materials Used in Buildings, Safety Performance Specifications and
Methods of Test
• ASTM C 1048 Standard Specification for Heat-Strengthened and Fully Tempered Flat Glass
• ASTM C 1376 Standard Specification for Pyrolytic and Vacuum Deposition Coatings on
Flat Glass
• ASTM E 1300 Standard Practice for Determining Load Resistance of Glass in Buildings
• ASTM E 1886 Standard Test Method for Performance of Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls,
Doors, and Impact Protective Systems Impacted by Missile(s) and Exposed to Cyclic
Pressure Differentials
• ASTM E 1996 Standard Specification for Performance of Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls,
Doors, and Impact Protective Systems Impacted by Windborne Debris in Hurricanes
• ASTM E 2188 Standard Test Method for Insulating Glass Unit Performance
• ASTM E 2190 Standard Specification for Insulating Glass Unit Performance and Evaluation
• ASTM F 1642 Standard Test Method for Glazing and Glazing Systems Subject to
Airblast Loadings
Guardian provides a coated glass products warranty to our direct customer, typically the glass
fabricator, for a period of 10 years. This covers the coated glass only – the insulating glass units
will typically be covered by a warranty provided by the fabricator. Similarly, Guardian laminated
glass products are covered by a 5-year warranty. Contact your Guardian Sales Representative
for a copy of specific product warranty documents.
A wide range of documents, including 3-part specifications in CSI format, product flyers,
brochures, AIA/CES presentation information and other technical documents are published
online. Please visit or call us at 1-866-GuardSG (482-7374).
Guardian SunGuard 27
C o l o r R e n d e r i n g I n d e x ( CRI )
The ability of transmitted daylight through the glazing to portray a variety of colors compared
to those seen under daylight without the glazing. In illumination, general color rendering indices
above 90 are very good and between 80 and 90 are good. For instance, a low CRI causes
colors to appear washed out, while a high CRI causes colors to appear vibrant and natural. In
commercial glass, CRI indicates the effect the specific glass configuration has on the appearance
of objects viewed through the glass.
H e at G a i n
Heat gain is heat added to a building interior by radiation, convection or conduction. Building
heat gain can be caused by radiation from the sun or the heat in hot summer air convected/
conducted to the building interior.
H e at T r a n s f e r M e t h o d s
Heat transfer occurs through convection, conduction or radiation (also referred to as “emission”).
Convection results from the movement of air due to temperature differences. For instance,
warm air moves in an upward direction and, conversely, cool air moves in a downward direction.
Conduction results when energy moves from one object to another by direct contact. Radiation,
or emission, occurs when heat (energy) can move through space or an object and then is
absorbed by a second object.
H y b r i d : L o w - E / R e f l e c t i v e C o at i n g s
A combination of medium outdoor reflectivity and low-E performance qualities. These coatings
allow the designer to combine low U-values, reduced solar heat gain and visual aesthetics.
Guardian offers SNR 43, AG 43 and AG 50.
I n f r a r e d ( l o n g - wa v e ) E n e r g y
Energy generated by radiated heat sources such as electric coil heaters or natural gas-powered,
forced-air furnaces. Also, any object that can absorb heat and radiate it is producing long-wave,
infrared energy. NOTE: When short-wave energy from the sun is absorbed and radiated by
glazing, it is converted to long-wave energy.
L i gh t- t o - S o l a r G a i n ( LS G )
Ratio of the visible light transmittance to the Solar Heat Gain Coefficient. LSG=Tvis/SHGC. A
higher LSG ratio means sunlight entering the room is more efficient for daylighting, especially for
summer conditions where more light is desired with less solar gain. This ratio is the measurement
used to determine whether the glazing is “spectrally selective,” which is defined by the U.S. Dept.
of Energy as 1.25 or higher.
28 Guardian SunGuard
L o w - E C o at i n g s
Relatively neutral in appearance, low-E coatings reduce heat gain or loss by reflecting long-wave
infrared energy (heat) and, therefore decrease the U-Value and improve energy efficiency.
Current sputter-coated low-E coatings are multilayered, complex designs engineered to provide
high visible light transmission, low visible light reflection and reduce heat transfer. SunGuard
SNX 62/27, SNX 51/23, SN 68, SN 54, Neutral 78/65, Neutral 50 and Neutral 40 are low-E
R e l at i v e H e at G a i n ( R H G )
The total heat gain through glass for a specific set of conditions. This value considers indoor/
outdoor air temperature differences and the effect of solar radiation. The units are Btu/(hr.ft²).
RHG = [(89.6°F - 75.2°F)(Summer U-Value) + (200 Btu/hr.ft²)(Shading Coefficient)]
R - Va l u e
A measure of the resistance of the glazing to heat flow. It is determined by dividing the U-Value
into 1, (R-Value = 1/U-Value). A higher R-Value indicates better insulating properties of the glazing.
R-Value is not typically used as a measurement for glazing products and is referenced here to
help understand U-Value.
Sha d i n g C o e f f i c i e n t ( SC )
An alternative measure of the heat gain through glass from solar radiation. Specifically, the shading
coefficient is the ratio between the solar heat gain for a particular type of glass and that of double-
strength clear glass. A lower shading coefficient indicates lower solar heat gain. For reference, 1/8"
(3 mm) clear glass has a value of 1.0. (SC is an older term being replaced by the SHGC).
Solar Conversions
• Direct Solar Transmittance: Solar Energy Transmittance
• Shading Coefficient: Solar Heat Gain Coefficient/0.86
• Indirect Solar Transmittance: Solar Heat Gain Coefficient - Direct Solar Transmittance
• Absorptance: 1 - Direct Solar Transmittance - Solar Reflectance
Units of Measure:
Note: These conversions address units of measure. For information on performance properties
calculated by methods other than NFRC standards, contact your Regional Technical Advisor.
Guardian SunGuard 29
Solar Energy
Radiant energy from the sun having a wavelength range of 300 to 4000
nm, which includes UV (300 to 380 nm), visible light (380 to 780 nm)
and near infrared energy (780 to 4000 nm). ar
S o l a r H e at G a i n C o e f f i c i e n t ( S H G C )
The percent of solar energy incident on the glass that is transferred indoors, both directly and
indirectly through the glass. The direct gain portion equals the solar energy transmittance,
while the indirect is the fraction of solar incident on the glass that is absorbed and re-radiated
or convected indoors. For example, 1/8" (3 mm) uncoated clear glass has a SHGC of
approximately 0.86, of which 0.84 is direct gain (solar transmittance) and 0.02 is indirect gain
S o l a r / R e f l e c t i v e C o at i n g s
Typically, highly reflective coatings that reduce solar heat gain through reflection and absorption.
Though very effective at reducing heat gain, visible light transmittance is generally low and
U-Values are not as energy efficient as low-E coatings. Guardian offers SunGuard Silver 20 in
this product category.
S p e c t r a l ly S e l e c t i v e G l a z i n g
High-performance glazing that admits as much daylight as possible, while preventing
transmission of as much solar heat as possible. By controlling solar heat gain in summer,
preventing loss of interior heat in winter, and allowing occupants to reduce electric lighting use
by making maximum use of daylight, spectrally selective glazing significantly reduces building
energy consumption. The United States Department of Energy has established a Light-to-Solar
Gain Ratio of 1.25 as the minimum measurement to be classified as a “Spectrally Selective
Glazing.” The calculation of spectrally selective glazing follows the formula described in the
Light-to-Solar Gain definition on page 28.
30 Guardian SunGuard
T r a n s m i t t a n c e PERCENT
Percentage of incident energy that directly passes through the glass.
Ultraviolet radiant energy from the sun having a wavelength range of 300 to 380 nm with
air mass of 1.5. Long-term exposure to UV light may result in fabric and pigment fading, plastic
deterioration and changes to the appearance of many types of wood.
U - Va l u e ( U - Fa c t o r )
A measure of the heat gain or loss through glass due to the difference between indoor and
outdoor air temperatures. It is also referred to as the overall coefficient of heat transfer. A lower
U-Value indicates better insulating properties. The units are Btu/(hr.ft2.°F).
V i s i b l e L i gh t
Radiant energy in the wavelength range of 380 nm to 780 nm with Ill. D65 and
CIE 2° observer.
• % Transmittance (Tvis) – percentage of incident visible light directly transmitted
through the glass.
• % Reflectance Indoors – percentage of incident visible light directly
reflected from the glass back indoors.
• % Reflectance Outdoors – percentage of incident visible light
directly reflected from the glass back outdoors.
Guardian SunGuard 31
32 Guardian SunGuard
BUILD WITH LIGHT ® • 1-866-GuardSG (482-7374)