Joint at Unsupported Edge

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Construction details

Joint at unsupported edge

3.1.36 Joint detail, single glazing

3.1.37 Joint detail, laminated safety glass
3.1.38 Junction with partition, insulating units
3.1.39 Joint detail, insulating units

Horizontal sections
scale 1:1

A prime characteristic of point fixings is the dis- 1 4 3 5 7

tinction between fixing and sealing.
Figs 3.1.36, 3.1.37 and 3.1.39 illustrate options
for seals between glass elements without
frames. The sealing gasket – EPDM or silicone
– is pressed into the joint; it should have a cer-
tain prestress so that it fits tightly. Such joints 1 4
can be closed rapidly during installation; an
injected sealant can be applied later.
The covered rebates of insulating units, lami-
nated safety glass and wired glass must remain
free of sealant so that vapour-pressure equali-
zation and drainage are guaranteed. A backing 3.1.36
cord should not be included here as it would
block the open rebate and hinder the vapour-
pressure equalization. Moisture escapes to the
outside via the drainage system. 2 5 6 3 4 7
When using laminated safety glass, the sealing
gasket must cover the joint between panes so
that, as with insulating units, the edge seal and
the exposed PVB interlayer or casting resin are
in the area of the vapour-pressure equalization
and hence no moisture builds up and remains
trapped there over a longer period. 2 5 6
Fig. 3.1.38 shows a frameless connection
between a glass partition and a double-glazed
external wall.


3 5 7 3 4 7

1 Single glazing
2 Laminated glass
3 Double glazing
4 Sealing gasket
5 Permanently elastic joint
6 PVB interlayer
7 Drainage channel

3.1.38 3.1.39


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