EPC - DPI and SON Performace Monitoring PDF

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Future Network and MobileSummit 2012 Conference Proceedings

Paul Cunningham and Miriam Cunningham (Eds)

IIMC International Information Management Corporation, 2012
ISBN: 978-1-905824-29-8

Network Monitoring Challenges in the

Evolved Packet Core∗
Bachar Wehbi1 , Jouko Sankala2 , Edgardo Montes de Oca1
Montimage, 39 rue Bobillot, 75012, Paris, France
Email: {bachar.wehbi, edgardo.montesdeoca}@montimage.com
EXFO, Elektroniikkatie 2A, 90590 OULU, Finland
Email: [email protected]

Abstract: The move towards broadband converged networks and applications is

increasing the need for advanced network monitoring. As the EPC will completely
overhaul the classic GPRS architecture by replacing it with a much flatter all-IP net-
work; it will become a single converged core handling all applications including the
existing telephony services. In this context, application performance monitoring will
be essential in order to measure the user experience and to get more insight into the
traffic trends and applications usage. In this paper, we will discuss the challenges
facing network monitoring in EPC and provide recommendations in this regard.

Keywords: Monitoring, performance, EPC, LTE, SON, DPI, KPI, QoS, QoE

1. Introduction
This paper considers network monitoring challenges in the next generation of mobile net-
works. The move toward broadband converged networks and applications will tremen-
dously increase the demands on the infrastructure. Wide-scale of applications including
mobile services (e.g. telephony, SMS) and Interned based heavy-traffic applications (e.g.
video streaming, file downloads, etc.) will be running on the same network. At the same
time, with the proliferation of multimedia enabled devices (e.g. smart phones, tablets),
end-users will be expecting a service quality in par with wired Internet. This raises a
critical question: how can network operators ensure that they deliver quality services?
One way is to overprovision, but a more viable way is to constantly monitor the perfor-
mance of the network along with the delivered applications. The focus therefore needs
to shift from the transmission and signalling plane to the user plane and applications,
requiring a deep view and ability to follow how the applications are performing and
obtain the necessary insight on the quality that each individual subscriber experiences.
This accentuates the need for Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) technology in network
On the other hand, Self Organized Networks (SON) [1] introduced as part of the
LTE consists a key driver for increasing the network performance and improving the
efficiency of operation and maintenance (O&M). However, the risk of un-tuned SON
functions is severe. In a multi-vendor environment, monitoring the impact of SON on
the network becomes essential to ensure it operates as expected.
This paper presents initial investigations on network monitoring in the context of
MEVICO [2] research project. MEVICO is a Celtic Call7 project that investigates

This work has been performed in the framework of the CELTIC project CP7-011 MEVICO. The authors
would like to acknowledge the contributions of the project partners.

c The authors www.FutureNetworkSummit.eu/2012 1 of 8
aspects of the 3GPP LTE-mobile broadband network towards its evolution in the mid-
term in 2011-2014 and beyond. The goal is to contribute to the technical drive and
leadership of the Evolved Packet Core (EPC) [3] network of the 3GPP, and thus sup-
port the European industry to maintain and extend its strong technical and market
position in the mobile networks market. The project follows an end-to-end (E2E) sys-
tem approach towards the evolution of the EPC. The technical research of the project
covers relevant topics in the areas of network architecture, mobility and routing, packet
transport, traffic management and engineering, network monitoring and management,
and techno-economic aspects. The project will include both conceptual research and
demo/trial system implementations.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: section 2. discusses performance moni-
toring topics and a set of advanced capabilities DPI brings to monitoring systems. Sec-
tion 3. presents a methodology and metrics for monitoring the impact of SON functions
using non-intrusive techniques. Section 4. presents the high level network monitoring
architecture before drawing a conclusion and an outlook of future plans in section 5.

2. Performance monitoring
QoS performance monitoring is based on the analysis of QoS performance indicators in
one or different points in the network. It is required for tracking and comparing the
network behaviour against a quality baseline in order to detect possible degradations.
It provides an input for fine-tuning the network resources in order to optimize the QoS.
Performance monitoring in EPC networks is a challenging task due to many factors.
One of these is that, in flat all-IP architecture, high value services such as telephony
compete for network resources (i.e. bandwidth) with the rest of Internet based services.
There is a need for high achievable bit rates in a more diversified application mix. In
this context, performance monitoring should provide the ability to:

• Monitor the performance and the QoS parameters on a per application basis (e.g.
Skype, YouTube) and on per-class of application basis (e.g. P2P, internet video).

• Monitor the experience of individual users.

This raises the need for a means to identify the type and the class of used applica-
tions. In the following subsections we will discuss these topics in more detail.
2.1 Application identification and classification
In network monitoring, we refer to application classification as the process of identifying
the type or the class of an application. This is necessary in order to monitor perfor-
mance on a per-application basis in a context where the operator provides a limited
number of services (but with high added value) compared to the Internet based ser-
vices. Unfortunately, port based application identification is not accurate since a high
number of applications use non standard port numbers. Thus, advanced techniques
such as Deep Packet Inspection and statistical methods are required in monitoring sys-
tems. It is a challenging task to classify applications accurately and no single method
can provide satisfactory classification of all applications. Therefore, combining different
complementary techniques is often necessary. Moreover, the application mix, with its
characteristic signatures and traffic patterns, steadily changes. This makes it also nec-
essary to constantly adapt identification methods to new or modified formats. Another

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essential factor in application classification is to reduce the number of false positives
and false negatives in order to achieve the necessary precision for acceptable usability.
2.2 Application and subscriber performance monitoring
The performance of a mobile provider’s services directly influences the subscriber’s
satisfaction level, which in return will have a significant impact on the operators’ future
revenues and churn rate. Services will become more complex due to network convergence
and consolidation. Handovers across different radio access technologies (outside the
actual EPC) might impact the application performance as perceived by the end user.
These users demand more quality and, at the same time, mobile applications consume
more bandwidth. Accordingly, it is critical to ensure that the delivered service quality
is respecting user expectations. Application and subscriber performance monitoring is
therefore essential in this context. This consists in measuring KPIs and metrics relative
to each application and subscriber. Application specific metrics are necessary in order
to assess the performance of the network with respect to application requirements.
Subscriber based performance monitoring consists in measuring the quality metrics of
the application sessions as perceived by the subscribers. Application and subscriber
powered performance monitoring system will thus allow operators to follow application
performance and to determine the quality experienced by subscribers. For this end, it
is essential to:

• Widen the monitoring and measurement focus from the transmission and sig-
nalling plane to the user plane and applications. This requires a deep view on the
control and data traffic and introduces the need to integrate DPI technology into
the measurement probes.

• Provide multi-granularity reporting for both the signalling and the user plane.
It should be possible to look at the network’s global KPIs, such as the attach
procedures, paging delays, context activations, etc.; and then drill down to a
detailed view of the control plane and applications whenever more sophisticated
troubleshooting is needed. Service and subscriber-based key quality indicators
(KQI), combined with the ability to see the services’ and customer’s QoS with
high accuracy, will help answer some of the mobile operators’ challenges by pro-
viding them with comprehensive data allowing the analysis of degradations or
errors and the determination of appropriate actions (e.g. determination of legal

2.3 Application based user experience estimation

With the proliferation of smart phones and the widespread usage of social networks
and multimedia services, the users have transcended requirements on connectivity and
quality. For service providers and network operators, it is very important to determine,
with reasonable accuracy, the mean opinion score (MOS) in order to measure user
satisfaction. This depends highly on the application class. In many cases, especially
when Internet services/applications are considered, providing basic network metrics
and some application specific metrics is sufficient. However, this might not be the case
for high value added applications and services like telephony, video, etc. Monitoring
systems have a big role to play in this respect by integrating methodologies and tools
that objectively reflect the user’s quality of experience.

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2.4 Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) in network monitoring
DPI is a networking technology involving the process of examining the header and,
potentially, non-header content (i.e. payload) of a packet by a system that is not
located at the communication endpoints.
DPI offers a wide set of capabilities ranging from microscopic packet and flow level
analysis of user plane sessions to a more global aggregated application level traffic
analysis. With these capabilities, DPI fosters application and subscriber performance
monitoring where it will play the role of traffic information provider. Therefore, in
order to improve the understanding of the dynamics within the network, we recommend
powering monitoring probes with DPI functions that provide the following capabilities:

• Application type identification and classification (e.g. Skype/VoIP).

• Flow metrics and protocol attributes decoding consisting in extracting traffic in-
formation relative to the same data flow of an application connection. This in-
cludes i) quality metrics such as packet loss, jitter, RTT, response time, MOS,
KQI, etc.; and, ii) packet decoding to retrieve traffic metadata and content such
as the IP address, the TCP sequence number, the HTTP method, the RTP audio
codec, terminal type, etc.

• Subscriber based traffic inspection. The application identification/classification

combined with flow metrics makes subscriber based monitoring possible. It allows
detecting, for instance, the applications used by the subscribers, the relevant QoS
metrics and KQI of the subscribers.

• Application traffic events and statistics. In addition to the microscopic view of

traffic flows, DPI should provide also more application aggregated traffic informa-
tion. This should include the identification of the most common applications in
the network, the measurement of quality metrics (e.g. throughput, latency, res-
ponse time, packet loss), identification of popular content (e.g. YouTube videos,
file downloads), and subscriber analysis to determine KPI/KQI of delivered ser-
vices (e.g. Video on Demand).

In the MEVICO project, DPI will be involved particularly in the following use cases:

• Customer Mobile Data Experience (CMDE) that involves DPI capabilities such
as: application classification, traffic metrics extraction, QoS requirement mapping
and identification of popular content. To be able to do this, the monitored inter-
faces should include S1-U for GTP tunnelled user data and S6a for authentication
data. Customer identification (for reporting purposes) will be based on IMSI and
IP addresses acquired from the S6a interface. DPI analysis and data aggregation
will happen as early as possible in the network probe in order to manage heavy
traffic loads that the user plane generates. This DPI analysis will provide IP flow
and application level information per user, which will be translated and mapped
to KPIs/KQIs.

• Home Agent initiated flow binding intends to offload traffic flows from 3G/4G
networks to Wi-Fi in high loaded mobile network segments. The network initiates
flow binding based on resource availability and service policies (SLAs). This

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traffic management activity will involve the following DPI capabilities: application
class identification, QoS differentiation and measurements. DPI will provide the
necessary fine-grained measurements for the flow binding algorithm.
3. Monitoring of Self Organized Networks (SON) operation
SON functionalities are important components in LTE network management. SON is
a set of functions that intends to minimise operational costs by introducing self con-
figuration and self optimisation mechanisms in a multi vendor environment. Although
the network measurements required by SON functionalities are implemented internally
in the network elements (e.g. eNB), passive monitoring of SON operation is essential
in order to: i) measure the network impact of the SON functions; and, ii) test and
validate their behaviour in a multi-vendor environment. Monitoring SON using passive
non-intrusive methods is a challenging task due to a number of factors including:
• The passive nature of SON monitoring requires observing the interactions between
involved nodes or elements. All internal counters and statistics are simply invisible
from a monitoring point of view. Accordingly, finding the right measurement
points which depend on the network and SON solution architecture is crucial.
• Most of the SON use cases are still in an early standardization phase and many
points are left for the equipment vendors for further specification. However, the
interactions on standard interfaces (S1 and X2) are defined; this makes equipment
independent SON monitoring possible.
• The definition of KPIs for assessing the impact of SON on the network using
passive monitoring is not straightforward requiring thus innovative research work.
In order to define KPIs for SON monitoring, we applied the following methodology
and guidelines:
• First, we conducted a thorough analysis of existing SON use cases [1] [4] to identify
their objectives, expected results, and the way they impact radio parameters.
• Next, we classified the interactions and measures used by the SON use case into
observable and non-observable. Only observable interactions can be monitored.
• Finally, for every observable SON function, we defined:
– The different interaction scenarios (e.g. message exchanges over the X2 in-
– How the interactions map to the objectives and expected results of the func-
– A number of appropriate KPIs to measure the impact of the function on the
network. For every defined KPI, we highlighted the motivation for measur-
ing it, how it can be measured, where it can be measured, and when the
measurements need to be done. In addition, we also analysed at what point
in the network life cycle a KPI is more suitable.
These guidelines were applied on four different SON use cases. In the next section, we
shortly present the approach applied to the Mobility Load Balancing use case; further
details can be found in [5].

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3.1 Monitoring Mobility Load Balancing (MLB) use case
MLB [1] aims to optimize cell reselection/handover parameters in order to cope with
the unequal traffic load and to minimize the number of handovers and redirections
needed to achieve load balancing. MLB is expected to improve system capacity and
load distribution, and minimize human intervention in management and optimization
tasks. For MLB, an eNB monitors the load in its controlled cells and exchanges load
information with neighbouring eNBs in order to decide on the appropriate candidate
cell for the load balancing. In intra-LTE MLB, load information is exchanged on the
X2 interface using ‘Resource Status Reporting’ procedures and the output of the algo-
rithm is a ‘Handover Trigger Threshold’ parameter that can be negotiated over the X2
interface by means of ‘Mobility Settings Change’ procedures. Based on these observable
exchanges, the following KPIs were defined for monitoring the MLB function.
Load balance indicator of the node: In an ideal situation, the load between neigh-
bouring cells should be balanced, but this is often not the case in practice. Based on the
resource status reports exchanged between neighbouring eNBs, it is possible to calculate
the load disparity (i.e. the balance indicator) among the different cells (for instance,
the weighted fairness index is a possible candidate). This indicator can be measured
by inspecting ‘Resource Status Reporting’ procedures exchanged periodically over the
X2 interface and the ‘Mobility Settings Change’ procedures holding the ‘HO Trigger
Threshold’ parameter expected to balance the load. By comparing the variation of this
index, the impact on the network can be deduced. This indicator is suitable for both
assurance and maintenance phases.
Handover (HO) ping-pong rate: This indicator is motivated by the fact that the
MLB algorithm should converge by nature (fundamental property for stable control
algorithms). In other words, assume we have two eNBs: eNB-A, that is highly loaded,
and eNB-B, that is less loaded. The MLB function should not produce a load balancing
ping-pong between the nodes; in other words, ping-pong HO occurrences between the
cells should not be detected. This indicator can be measured by inspecting the X2 inter-
face for HO related control messages (e.g. Mobility Procedures) to detect occurrences
of ping-pong HOs. By correlating the HO ping-pong to the ‘Mobility Settings Change’
procedures, the variation of the ratio before and after the application of MLB reflects
its impact. This index targets mainly the MLB algorithm itself. It is most suitable
for evaluation in a controlled environment (R&D phase) where access to all interfaces
is possible (including user side emulation and testing) or for on-field testing where the
operator might like to measure the impact of MLB on the ground (e.g. during the
roll-out phase).
Variation of the QoS of the impacted users: This indicator is motivated by the fact
that MLB should not negatively impact user QoS. Therefore, the evaluation of the
impact of MLB function can be measured through the variation of the user QoS prior
and following the application of the function. The user QoS can ideally be measured
on the terminal side (i.e. radio interface) or within the network on the S1-U interface.
In both cases, the X2 interface should also be inspected in order to correlate the QoS
variation with the MLB events (’Mobility Settings Change’ procedures). This index
is more suitable for evaluating MLB in a controlled environment (R&D phase) where
access to all interfaces is possible (including user side emulation and testing) or for
on-field testing as in the previous case.
Human intervention rate: This long term indicator is intended for measuring the

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impact of MLB on the number of human interventions in network management and in
the optimization of mobility parameters. This indicator is not observable using passive
methods. However, it can be calculated by the operator based on the relevant events in
the management system. It is suitable for both the assurance and maintenance phases.

4. Monitoring architecture

External IP


DPI User Plane

PDN GW Potential Observation points
Performance monitoring

Potential Observation points
Subscriber activity monitoring
S10 S1-MME S1-U Correlation with performance

eNodeB eNodeB

SON Monitoring
Potential Observation points

Figure 1: Mapping between monitoring measurement points and network standard interfaces.

In an abstract view, a monitoring system is composed of a number of network probes,

one or a multiple of correlation and analysis units, and a central monitoring system.
Measurement units (probes) will collect data at different points of interest in the net-
work in order to obtain comprehensive understanding of network and service behaviour.
Correlation and analysis units will inspect collected data to calculate KPIs, KQIs and
all other metrics of interest. With KQI information, network monitoring systems are
capable of showing network quality information and service quality levels with one-
glance views, enabling ease of use operator applications. As KPI information is often
multi-level, several KPIs can be aggregated and processed to get network-wide KPIs.
The central monitoring system will process collected data to provide service status in-
formation, SLA reporting and Business Intelligence (BI) information like historical and
trending reports. Collected information and data can also be stored to databases for
future analysis or to be made accessible to third party external systems. The selection
of observation points is therefore critical in network monitoring. This selection process
should take into account the monitoring needs (e.g. network monitoring, application
performance monitoring, subscriber monitoring, user experience monitoring) to select

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the EPC interfaces where measurement probes should be installed. In addition, the
network deployed architecture imposes new constraints. The network monitoring archi-
tecture must be flexible and adaptable to the network architecture. In the MEVICO
project, three different architectures are subject to study: central, distributed and flat
architectures. These different network architecture variants will impact where physi-
cally the measurement points will be placed, what are the processing requirements of
these measurement points and so on. However, the interfaces subject to inspection will
not change. Accordingly, we have defined, in Figure 1, the network interfaces subject
to inspection and measurement in the context of network monitoring. User and cont-
rol planes on the S1, SGi, S5/S8 (if physically present) and S10 will be inspected for
application and subscriber performance monitoring. On these interfaces, DPI will be
performed to enrich data collection. SON monitoring, on the other hand, will consider
S1-MME, S1-U and X2 interfaces. In controlled field or R&D testing, SON monitoring
might need to consider the radio interface as well.

5. Conclusion
This paper presented the initial work performed in the context of the MEVICO project
in the field of network monitoring. Two main network monitoring challenges have
been identified. In the first, performance monitoring needs to shift its scope to the
application and subscriber level. In this context, DPI provides advanced capabilities
that can highly enrich measurements and indicators. In the second, passively monitoring
SON operation is crucial, particularly in multi vendor environments, in order to assess
its impact on the network. We have defined a methodology to analyse and determine
the appropriate performance indicators that can reflect the impact of SON. So far this
methodology has been applied on four different SON functions.
Our future work consists of extending the SON monitoring methodology to addi-
tional use cases. We will be working as well on validating SON monitoring on a real
testbed. The performance monitoring as well as the DPI capabilities will be subject to
evaluation and validation during the last phase of the project.

[1] E. T. 36.902, “LTE; Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); Self-
configuring and self-optimizing network (SON) use cases and solutions,” V9.3.1 Re-
lease 9, May 2011.

[2] “Celtic-Plus MEVICO Project (Mobile Networks Evolution for Individual Commu-
nications Experience), homepage: www.mevico.org [Accessed: Dec. 8, 2011].”

[3] M. Olsson, S. Sultana, S. Rommer, L. Frid, and C. Mulligan, SAE and the Evolved
Packet Core: Driving the Mobile Broadband Revolution. Academic Press, 2009.

[4] E. T. 36.300, “LTE; Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA) and
Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN); Overall descrip-
tion; Stage 2,” V10.4.0 Release 10, Jun. 2011.

[5] J. Sankala and B. Wehbi, “Network Monitoring in EPC,” MEVICO public deliverable
D5.1, Nov. 2011.

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