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Jps Strategic Plan

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Goal: To manage the usage and allocation of water resources safely, fairly, equitably and in a sustainable manner consistent with Integrated Water Resources
Management (IWRM) principles

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
1.1 Adopt IWRM as a key enabler 1.1.1 Assisting NRE in formulating IWRM Framework Review of National Water Resources Q2 2010
to effective and efficient water a national water resources policy NWR Policy Study (2000-2050) and Formulation of
resources management through (NWRP) and comprehensive National Water Resources Policy
water resources legislation and NWR Model Law
Practising integrated water
resource management guideline.
Kedah Water Resources Q4 2007
Balancing withdrawal/use Enactment 2007.
and conservation of water
Protecting and allocating
water resources
1.1.2 Achieve capacity building Detailed and highly focused Study on Effective Implementation of Q3 2008
(CB) within water-related CB plan targeted to prioritized IWRM
institutions to promote fair and sectors (Agriculture, industry,
equitable water sharing among hydropower and domestic)
sectors. MSc in IWRM (Open University)

1.1.3 Institute efficient water Standardization of SIRIM‟s ISO 9001:2000 Certification Q4 2008
resources management. hydrological data (ISO
9001:2000 certification

Comprehensive water Guide to Water Quality Sampling and

quality data Analysis

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Goal: To manage the usage and allocation of water resources safely, fairly, equitably and in a sustainable manner consistent with Integrated Water Resources
Management (IWRM) principles

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action

Enhanced hydrological Establishment of Water Quality Indices Q4 2008

procedures to be used for Rivers in Peninsular Malaysia
as reference by other

Sustainable water National Study for the Effective

resources management. Implementation of Integrated Water
Resources Management in Malaysia

1.2 Maintain a dynamic rapport 1.2.1 Ensure water sectors Enhanced implementation of MyCapNet, MyWP (GWP SEA), M. Env Sc Q1 2008
with key stakeholders through networking (national, regional and Capacity Building (IWRM, OUM), Network of River Basin
effective management international) programmes Organisation (NARBO), AWGWRM
Promote political awareness
of the water sectors Establishment of ASEAN Water Quality
Mobile mass media/NGO‟s Database System
over water awareness
Develop multi-stakes Workshop on IWRM for ASEAN
discussion and dialogue on countries
relevant solutions.
To monitor the Effective Implementation of Integrated
implementation of agreed Water Resources Management in
solutions and amend the Malaysia
policies based on feedbacks

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Goal: To manage the usage and allocation of water resources safely, fairly, equitably and in a sustainable manner consistent with Integrated Water Resources
Management (IWRM) principles

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
1.2.2 Reinforce the water sector Reliable parameters on Integrated Water Resources Study for Q4 2009
database and make easy water quality identified the Northern Region of Peninsular
dissemination and standardized Malaysia
(July 08 – July 09)
Reliable groundwater
data and analysis Study of the Impact of Land
Development Activities on Water
Online information Resources of Sg. Kelantan and the
dissemination Development of the Conservation Plan
(Okt 08 – Apr 2010)

Preliminary Study on the National

Groundwater Potential in Peninsular
(Okt 08 – Mac 09)

Web base information

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Goal: To manage the usage and allocation of water resources safely, fairly, equitably and in a sustainable manner consistent with Integrated Water Resources
Management (IWRM) principles

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
1.2.3 Encourage dialogue among More focus on agencies Report on Stakeholder Engagement Plan Q4 2007
stakeholders at different level and roles with 5 focus areas
locations and publish the outcome
of the consultation
Enhance awareness Study on Effective Implementation of
among stakeholders IWRM in Malaysia

1.2.4 Promote wise water use of Equitable and fair distribution Study on Effective Implementation of Q1 2008
all users of water availability IWRM in Malaysia

1.3 Adapt sound water resources 1.3.1 Review and update Enhanced service delivery DID Manual Q1 2009
management practices to ensure guideline regularly system MSMA – River Engineering
adequate, safe and affordable
water services: Coastal Guideline – Coastal Engineering
Provide safe water to All ii) Pelan Induk Tebatan Banjir-BTB
Adopt water demand
Improve waste water
Improve governance
Go for capacity building
Promote public-private

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Goal: To manage the usage and allocation of water resources safely, fairly, equitably and in a sustainable manner consistent with Integrated Water Resources
Management (IWRM) principles

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
1.3.2 Introduce water related Awareness and capacity Hydrological and river Expedition Q4 2008
extra-curricula into the education building
system Reference manuals World Water Monitoring Programme 2008
(18 September – 18 October 2008)

1.3.3 Promote greater cooperation Effective enforcement and Water Resources Enactment 2007 Q4 2010
among stake holders compliance LUAS Enactment
1 State -1 River programme
Ops Lumpur & Ops Pasir

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Goal: To develop and implement IRBM Plan for every river basin for a holistic and sustainable development

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
2.1 To intensify river 2.1.1 Identify, plan, design and Improvement in river flow River rehabilitation Q4 2009
conservation program carry out river conservancy works and carrying capacity - 14 River rehabilitation projects
such as proposed
River desilting Enhancement of river 1. Sg. Perlis
River corridor landscaping regime. 2. Sg. Petani
River bank protection works 3. Sg. Pinang
Bring nature back to rivers 4. Sg. Kinta
in terms of „clean, living and 5. Sg. Penchala (Selangor)
vibrant rivers‟
6. Sg. Penchala (Kuala Lumpur)
7. Sg. Temiang
Improvement in river
8. Sg. Melaka
erosion control
9. Sg. Skudai
10. Sg. Galing
Compilation of best
practices in river 11. Sg. Hiliran
management 12. Sg. Pengkalan Chepa
13. Sg. Miri
14. Sg. Papar

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Goal: To develop and implement IRBM Plan for every river basin for a holistic and sustainable development

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
2.2 To promote the use of non- 2.2.1 To prepare blueprint for Completion of the IRBM Preparation of Sungai Kedah Basin Q2 2010
structural measures in river IRBM (the blueprint will be based blueprint. The framework to be Management Plan
management on two pilot projects, i.e. Sungai used for river basin
Selangor and Sungai Kedah) management and enhancement.

Standard IRBM Plan Study to prepare template for standard Q2 2010

IRBM plan preparation.

2.2.2 Carry out Master Plan 10 main river basin plan River basin studies Q2 2010
IRBM studies for river basin
based on priority area
Comprehensive program for
an implementation of IRBM

2.2.3 Prepare and implement More effective water resources Implementation of Sg. Kedah Basin Q3 2010
specific IRBM Plan management Plan

2.2.4 Promote IRBM and IWRM Well managed river basin. Sg. Kedah Q2 2008
Concept Set up of 4 RBO‟s

2.2.5 Prepare RBIS –River Basin Improvement in dissemination Phase II Q4 2009

Information System and sharing of information's Phase III

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Goal: To develop and implement IRBM Plan for every river basin for a holistic and sustainable development

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
Completed for Phase II, 4 1. Sg. Kuantan Q4 2009
rivers 2. Sg. Muar
3. Sg. Sarawak
4. Sg. Moyog/ Putatan

Completed for Phase III, 10 1. Sg. Perak Q2 2009

rivers 2. Sg. Selangor
3. Sg. Langat
4. Sg. Kedah
5. Sg. Linggi
6. Sg. Muda
7. Sg. Bernam
8. Sg. Perlis
9. Sg. Melaka
10. Sg. Terengganu

2.2.6 Create DSS – Decision Improvement in dissemination Phase II Q2 2007

Support System and sharing of information
Phase III Q2 2009

Completed for Phase II, 4 rivers 1. Sg. Kuantan Q4 2009

2. Sg. Muar
3. Sg. Sarawak
4. Sg. Moyog/ Putatan

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Goal: To develop and implement IRBM Plan for every river basin for a holistic and sustainable development

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
Completed for Phase III, 10 1. Sg. Perak Q2 2009
rivers 2. Sg. Selangor
3. Sg. Langat
4. Sg. Kedah
5. Sg. Linggi
6. Sg. Muda
7. Sg. Bernam
8. Sg. Perlis
9. Sg. Melaka
10. Sg. Terengganu

2.2.7 Review and develop Standardise guidelines and Prepare Guidelines Q4 2009
guidelines, procedures for river procedures to be used by all River Front Development
management and development of implementing agencies
river activities

DID Manual, Volume 2 (River Review of Manual Q4 2008


2.2.8 Carry out effective Improved best management BMP to develop effluent treatment Q4 2009
monitoring and enforcement on practice on river basin. methods for markets, restaurants and
river usage sewage treatment plants

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Goal: To develop and implement IRBM Plan for every river basin for a holistic and sustainable development

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
2.2.9 Establish database for river Effective river pollution Establish database for 4 rivers Q2 2010
total loading capacity monitoring and control Cyber City, Pulau Pinang

2.3. To promote interagency 2.3.1 Implement specific river Better coordination between Rehabilitation of: Q4 2008
collaboration in effective river cleaning program agencies for river Sg. Melaka
protection and enhancement enhancement.
program Sg. Pinang
Effective and sustainable
awareness efforts

2.3.2 Expand collaboration with Improved river water quality One State One River (DOE member of Q2 2010
the Department of Environment in Comprehensive State Steering Committee)
the control of river water pollution assessment of river water
Increase compliance to
environment guidelines and

2.4. To promote private sector 2.4.1 Promote „River Front‟ Value added river environment Formalized the guideline on river front Q4 2009
involvement in river development concept in property development
development and management development

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Goal: To develop and implement IRBM Plan for every river basin for a holistic and sustainable development

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
2.4.2 Promote private sector‟s Better coordination between Q4 2010 &
involvement in monitoring and public and private sector continuous
safe guarding of rivers Improved mutual
understanding between
government and private

2.4.3 Promote „River Adoption‟ Program reviewed Q2 2008 &

and „River Beautification‟ Program outcome and continuous
Schemes for participation/ impact measures in place
implementation by private sector

2.5 To build up staff 2.5.1 Review, upgrade, formulate Competent and knowledgeable Training of 10 people in Q4 2009
performance measurement and and implement training program human resources hydrodynamic modeling
career path for departmental staffs Training of 10 state staff in GIS

2.5.2 Procure adequate facilities Improve staff performance and Upgrade technical software's (Infoworks) Q3 2009
such as computers, software skill
packages and other supporting

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Goal: To develop and implement IRBM Plan for every river basin for a holistic and sustainable development

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
2.6 Increase river advocacy 2.6.1 Implement stakeholder Stakeholder engagement rolled Stakeholder engagement workshop Q3 2009
through effective stakeholder engagement plan and strategies out

2.6.2 Educate children, citizens Increased public awareness and Awareness Program carried out Q4 2010
and community leaders on the participation together with Members of
value of, and need, for river Parliament and state assemblyman
conservation Program River-Ranger

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Goal: To manage and regulate the implementation of SWM programs so as to minimise adverse impact on receiving water bodies

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
3.1 Inculcate culture for world 3.1.1 BMPs initiative with
class facilities and practices facilities provided by MSMA for
new development areas
Implement pilot projects SELANGOR Q4 2009
Showcase for developers to
implement MSMA 4 projects
10 projects
3 projects
1 project
5 projects
19 projects

Impose MSMA Land reserve and gazette for JPBD and PBT agreed to include Q4 2009
requirements during MSMA facilities are specified MSMA requirement in Structural and
Structural and Local Plan at planning stage Local Plan Studies

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Goal: To manage and regulate the implementation of SWM programs so as to minimise adverse impact on receiving water bodies

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
3.1.2 Improvise BMPs facilities
for existing developed areas
Introduce control at source Reduce flash flood and water KEDAH Q2 2010
facilities quality deterioration 2 projects
Implement pilot projects Environmentally friendly WILAYAH PERSEKUTUAN, KL
facilities with value added
1 project
properties to the community
1 project
1 project
1 project
14 projects
1 project
2 projects

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Goal: To manage and regulate the implementation of SWM programs so as to minimise adverse impact on receiving water bodies

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
3.1.3 Point & non-point source
reduction program
Install gross pollutant traps Reduction of rubbish and PULAU PINANG Q4 2009
for all detention ponds and sediment from developed 2 project Biomedia
drainage outfall areas into receiving waters
Install 2 nos CDS
Install 94 nos Log boom
Install 2 nos GPT & 6 nos FOG
Install 1 nos FRT & 2 nos FRP
Install 1 nos GPT.
Install 3 nos of MFRT
Install 3 nos GPT
Install 15 nos simpak
Install GPT and BMP
Install 7 nos GPT
Install 2 nos GPT

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Goal: To manage and regulate the implementation of SWM programs so as to minimise adverse impact on receiving water bodies

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
Install 2 nos GPT
Install 3 nos EM
Install 23 nos AFRT

Utilise bio-engineering for Reduction in organic pollution Targeting pilot project in Penang Q4 2009
water purification measures (From Class III to Class IIB)

3.1.4 Conservation and Reduction in water supply demand KELANTAN Q4 2009

sustainable utilisation of SW & for public buildings and major 4 projects
related resources towns
Promote rainwater
3 projects
harvesting system for
Government Offices, public, KEDAH
private and residential 3 projects
buildings PULAU PINANG
1 project
1 project
1 project

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Goal: To manage and regulate the implementation of SWM programs so as to minimise adverse impact on receiving water bodies

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
1 project
1 project
4 projects

Install water extraction Pilot project I-DICODE

(pilot project) facilities from
detention ponds for non-
potable usage

3.1.5 Improve development

plan submission and monitoring

Improve submission Improve delivery system for Prepare MSMA checklist Q2 2009
checklist for Land JPS during development
Subdivision, Drainage application process
Layout Plan and Erosion &
Sediment Control Plan

Prepare checklist for site Compliance to MSMA Prepare checklist for Inspection and Q4 2009
monitoring purpose Maintenance Erosion and Sdiment

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Goal: To manage and regulate the implementation of SWM programs so as to minimise adverse impact on receiving water bodies

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
3.1.6 Strengthen legal,
regulations and enforcement
while improving coordination
with other Agencies
MSMA requirements made Prepare proposal OPS Lumpur in Q1 2008
Insert MSMA requirements national level.
in Local Authority
Development Plan
Requirement Compliance to MSMA e.g. Q4 2009

3.1.7 Prepare SWM Master Detailed plans for 20 major towns PERLIS Q4 2010
Plan for towns including ready to be utilised Kangar, Arau and Padang Besar
Parit Buntar dan Bagan Serai

Seri Kembangan
Bandar Sungai Buluh

Chukai, Kemaman

Kuala Rompin

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Goal: To manage and regulate the implementation of SWM programs so as to minimise adverse impact on receiving water bodies

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
Tuaran, Mengatal danTalipok

Kuching dan Kota Samarahan

Seberang Jaya
Tasek Gelugor

Tanah Merah
Pasir Mas

Johor Bahru*.
Batu Pahat*.
Kota Tinggi*.
Simpang Remggam*.
Pekan Nenas*.

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Goal: To manage and regulate the implementation of SWM programs so as to minimise adverse impact on receiving water bodies

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
Parit Raja*.
Parit Sulong*.
Yong Peng*.

Majlis Perbandaran Seremban

3.2 Create effective stakeholders 3.2.1 Public education and Bottom up planning and Joint implementation between DID Q2 2009
engagement outreach programs implementation Selangor and BSB – to be implemented
Develop a framework for Establish sense of belongings in Taman Botani, Kelang
stakeholder participation for MSMA facilities in the
(school, community community
association and etc)(refer
Stakeholders Engagement

3.2.2 Voluntary enforcement Stakeholder‟s engagement for Will be establishing in Taman Botani, Q4 2010
squad one project Kelang.
Establish community watch Reduce O&M expenditure
program in the form of BMP
for SWM involving

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Goal: To manage and regulate the implementation of SWM programs so as to minimise adverse impact on receiving water bodies

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
3.2.3 Recognition and incentive Attract more stakeholders MSMA Award Q4 2010
MSMA recognition for involvement in MSMA projects
To propose tax reduction to Public/private smart Prepare daft proposal Q4 2010
private sectors that fully partnership
support MSMA

3.3 Source for additional Funding 3.3.1 Establish policy on Improve operation and Prepare draft proposal for maintenance Q4 2010
from government and developers Federal grant and funds maintenance grant

3.3.2 Impose SW contributions Additional fund in providing MSMA Submit proposal to state government for Q4 2010
for new developed areas facilities approval

3.4 Consolidate and focus 3.4.1 Education and No staff shortage Seminar, dialogue, hands on course, Q4 2008
capacity building efforts professional development Abundance in local expertise expert talk, workshop and forum
Give training and with latest knowledge &
awareness to all technology ready to be utilised
stakeholders around the globe

3.4.2 Special program for Series of programs throughout Malaysia Q2 2009

design checking (inspection) for
DID and design Engineers
Conduct continuous
workshops, seminar and

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Goal: To manage and regulate the implementation of SWM programs so as to minimise adverse impact on receiving water bodies

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
3.4.3 Research and local SW Bio-ecological drainage system Q2 2010
knowledge development Resam erosion control
Give grants to local USLE Parameters
researchers and institution
to conduct SWM R&D
MSMA second edition Q3 2010
Update design tables and

3.4.4 Establish Virtual Resource Land development system has been Q4 2010
Center and Accreditation Center developed for JPS Negeri Sembilan. To
(Center of Excellence) expand the usage of the system for all
JPS States

3.4.5 Include NGO initiatives to Conference and lectures Q4 2010

support MSMA agenda

3.4.6 Establish linkages and Establish CPECS Malaysia Q4 2010

collaboration with international Collaboration with CPECS USA

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Goal: To ensure the protection of life and property from the risk of flood and coastal hazards trough an integrated approach

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
4.1 Inject innovation in design 4.1.1 Maximise exploitation of Production time of design and iCED in-house software for revetment Q3 2008
processes (to improve ICT tools In design process tender documents reduced by design in place.
efficiency of project delivery) Usage of software (e.g. 50%
MIKE 11, MIKE 21 etc.) Mike 21 used in 2D hydrodynamics
Develop skill to use modeling used in research.
application software
Surface And Nearshore Database
System (SANDS) used for data
storage/ management and data

Software usage for design or hydraulic Q4 2009

o Strengthening of Design unit
o Development modeler group

4.1.2 Implement pilot projects to Value added coastal protection Beach drainage technique Q3 2009
test innovative technologies scheme o Pressure Equalisation Module
Beach nourishment / (PEM)
drainage projects
Soft / green engineering o Beach Management System
techniques (BMS)

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Goal: To ensure the protection of life and property from the risk of flood and coastal hazards trough an integrated approach

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
Modular sea-wall: Labuan Blocks
implemented at over 15 sites

Geotextile breakwaters for mangrove


4.1.3 Form smart partnerships Sign MOU with local and JPS-NAHRIM-FRIM joint study on Q1 2010
with IHL and other technical international bodies.(1 per mangrove replanting behind geotextile
agencies year) breakwaters being investigated at Sg
Hj Dorani

Closer working relationship JPS-Perbadanan Taman Negeri Johor

with local and international (RAMSAR site) helps in preserving Tg.
bodies Piai mangrove shorelin

More focused contract JPS-Universities / ICHARM – Q2 2010

reseach projects intergrated & Multiddisciplinary
research on flood hazard assessment
in Johor (study on flood Risk
Established data sharing
assessment & management)
policy and mechanism

4.1.4 Implementation of ISO Achieve certification of work Certification one of the process – base Q3 2009
9001:2008 process in : KPI
design of coastal protection ISO Process for “Approval of studies /
planning and design of flood

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Goal: To ensure the protection of life and property from the risk of flood and coastal hazards trough an integrated approach

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
mitigation projects
evaluation of project proposal
improvement of delivery

4.1.5 Documentation of local Completion of DID Manual. DID Manuals on Coastal Management and Q1 2009
practices and guidelines (to Flood Mitigation
include detailed design

4.1.6 Review design of Improve infrastructure efficiency Physical modeling used in all Q4 2010
structures using physical model breakwater construction projects
testing for critical projects including Sungai Terengganu, Kuala
Kemaman and Kuala Pahang project

Conduct a test using physical model to Q4 2010

see the efficiency of mathematical

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Goal: To ensure the protection of life and property from the risk of flood and coastal hazards trough an integrated approach

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
4.2 Expand usage of eco-friendly 4.2.1 Capture social and Produce more holistic planning Coastal erosion control in Tg. Piai Q4 2008
and non-structural methods environmental considerations in and design with added-value to Labuan block
planning and design local inhabitants
Usage of sandfill mattress
Prevent environmental
damage Relocation of resident
Include Environmental Impact Q4 2009
Preserve natural resources
assessment Study in Flood Mitigation
master Plan project
Include River Conservancy and river
corridor management Plan in flood
Mitigation Master Plan study

4.2.2 Monitor Project Accurate, complete and timely Monitoring is done through the system Q4 2010
performance to measure provided (BTB-L1)
success Monthly monitored – physical and
financial progress

4.2.3 Integrate non-structural Holistic approach ISMP is non-structural (preventive) Q4 2010

measures such as land-use strategy for erosion control (5 ISMP until
planning, flood proofing etc. with 2010)
structural measures ISMP Pahang.
ISMP P.Pinang
ISMP Negeri Sembilan
ISMP Melaka.

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Goal: To ensure the protection of life and property from the risk of flood and coastal hazards trough an integrated approach

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
Land use planning and Flood Risk Map Q4 2010
included in studies
Sg Damansara
RTB Sg. Batu Pahat
RTB Sg. Muar
RTB SG. Johor
RTB Sg. Mersing
Sg. Kluang

4.2.4 Carry out Flood risks Flood Risk Map Prepare Flood Risk Map for the:- Q4 2010
assessments, coastal hazard risk Flood hazard Map Sg Damansara
assessment and produce flood
hazard maps Coastal Vulnerability RTB Sg. Batu Pahat
Maps RTB Sg. Muar
RTB SG. Johor
RTB Sg. Mersing
Sg. Kluang

National Coastal Vulnerability Index for Q2 2009

Sea level rise (NCVI)
Tsunami modeling and impact study

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Goal: To ensure the protection of life and property from the risk of flood and coastal hazards trough an integrated approach

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
4.2.5 Flood damage Information for future planning Develop Damage Assessment model Q3 2008
assessments and flood Vulnerability on event basis
Carry out damage assessment after

4.2.6 Development of database Flood Management Master Provide a Database for flood scenario and Q1 2008
on floods, flood programmes Plan program
Preparedness for design of Sistem Pelan Tindakan Banjir (FAPS)
flood projects Sistem Peristiwa Banjir (FES)

4.3 Promulgate stakeholder 4.3.1 Engage stakeholders in Increased stakeholder Agencies and NGO‟s consulted for projects Q1 2010
engagement to strengthen project pre-project and post-project satisfaction and reduced number in environmentally sensitive areas
design and improve disaster consultations of complaints
prevention and preparedness
Projek Pemulihan Pantai Teluk Tekek,

Projek pengawalan hakisan pantai Tg.


Projek pemulihan Pantai Padang

Kemunting, Melaka (Phase 2)

Q4 2009
Flood mitigation projects
o Sg. Muda Flood Mitigation
o Sg. Johor Flood Mitigation Project

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Goal: To ensure the protection of life and property from the risk of flood and coastal hazards trough an integrated approach

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
4.3.2 Add-value (socio- Increased economic activity As part of ToR, ISMP recommends beach Q4 2010
economic) to engineering restoration and beautification and other
projects tourism promoting activities. Total solution
approach to tourist beaches
Projek Pemulihan Pantai

„Projek Penambakan Pantai dari Bagan

Pinang ke Tg Lembah, Port Dickson,

Landscaping in Flood Mitigation


4.3.3 Publish guidelines, books Published guidelines, books Guidelines for erosion control JPS1/97 Q2 2009
and pamphlets for all levels of and pamphlets in place.
society on flood preparedness, Improved disaster
flood machinery preparedness for target Tsunami modelling and impact study

Guidelines of Flood Proofing for

Basement CarPark

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Goal: To ensure the protection of life and property from the risk of flood and coastal hazards trough an integrated approach

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
4.4 Accelerate formulation and 4.4.1 Standardise critical Achieve one ISMP in each 4 ISMP studies to complete under RMK9 Q4 2010
implementation of Integrated components in ToR for state or covering 50% of ISMP Pahang.
Shoreline Management Plans and Integrated Shoreline shoreline
integrated flood management plan Management Plan ISMP P.Pinang
Reduction in number of
(to improve spatial planning ISMP Negeri Sembilan
critical erosion areas by 20%
initiatives) ISMP Melaka.

4.4.2 Prepare blueprint for Holistic plan Blueprint for Integrated Flood Management Q3 2009
Integrated Flood Management

4.4.3 Establish and enhance JPS erosion control guidelines Partnership with JPBD Q2 2008
smart partnerships with flood incorporated in JPBD
related agencies eg. JPBD and development guidelines

4.4.4 Organise briefings on ISMP Awareness and commitment ISMP for all states Q4 2010
and IFM to sensitize state from state government
IFM Q3 2009

4.4.5 Involve local authorities in More informed local Involving PBT at planning stage of project Q4 2010
solving coastal erosion issues authorities; improved
Enforcement of ISMP

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Goal: To ensure the protection of life and property from the risk of flood and coastal hazards trough an integrated approach

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
4.5 Create domain experts and 4.5.1 Organise regular and Increased intellectual discourse National conference Q4 2009
think-tanks (to generate innovation focused seminars and captured through proceedings,
and technology) conferences papers and publication.

4.5.2 Gives awards for significant Greater productivity and Participant in innovation competition Q4 2010
research and innovation continuous improvement Recognition for innovation

4.6 Modernise flood forecasting 4.6.1 Extend flood forecasting Improved early flood Integrated Flood Forecasting and Q1 2010
and warning capabilities and warning systems to cover forecasting and warning warning system for Klang Valley
major river basin system o Infrastructures of telemetry
system network
Reduced casualties and o System (Model)

Atmospheric Model Based rainfall and

Flood Forecasting for Kelantan,
Pahang & Johor River

Integrated Flood Forecasting and Q4 2010

Warning System for Muda River

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Goal: To ensure the protection of life and property from the risk of flood and coastal hazards trough an integrated approach

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
4.6.2 Establish smart Faster reporting of erosion JPS-MACRES Joint study on shoreline Q4 2010
partnerships eg. Joint projects control change at Pantai Cahaya Bulan
with MACRES to harness their identified (to review)
remote sensing capabilities, Joint project of Flood Evacuation Map
Jabatan Meteorologi Malaysia for
rainfall forecasting

4.6.3 Conduct long-term studies Knowledge of long term Field research station identified in Q2 2010
on climate change effects and vulnerability of coastal region Pantai Cenang, Langkawi
natural hazards
National Coastal Vulnerability Index
Study-Sea level Rise completed in
February 2008 for Tg. Piai and

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Goal: To develop world recognised expertise in hydrology and stormwater, river and coastal zone management

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
5.1 Enhance human resource 5.1.1 Identify fields and pools of Database of expertise Training Needs Program prepared Q4 2010
development through training expertise required & training needs required
and education towards achieving List of expertise in
world recognized expert respective fields
Preparation of yearly

5.1.2 Identify and develop potential Database of potential JPS Search Committee Q4 2010
candidates for further studies experts. Identify sponsorship programs
Pool of expert with post ( JPA, Monbusho, ADB, IDB, etc )
graduate degrees with target
of 20% Msc and 3% PhD

5.1.3 Obtain local and or Professionally accredited Technical attachment programme Q1 2008
international professional experts towards obtaining PE
10% Professional engineers In-house training report for new Q4 2010
(PE). engineers towards obtaining PE

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Goal: To develop world recognised expertise in hydrology and stormwater, river and coastal zone management

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
5.1.4 Request for expert / specialist Recognised expert schemes of Department to recommend flexi post Q2 2009
scheme from Government service ( 41/ 44/ 48/ 52/ 54/ JUSA ) and personal to
holder for all identified specialist posts.

5.2 Enhance opportunity in R&D 5.2.1 Assess our past research and Realignment of R&D programme Compilation and assessment of information Q1 2009
in applied research for solving dev programmes including from respective divisions.
field problems innovations o MIHP Research Committee
Programmes. (IHP UNESCO
Phase VII (2008 – 2013)
o eScience Fund
o Departmental allocation for R&D

5.2.2 Assess our current capacity Identification of research To undertake SWOT Analysis. Q2 2009
and strength in research from focus areas
stakeholders‟ perspective Detailed and comprehensive
(e.g. NRE, MOSTI, KTAK, EPU) assessment report on R&D

5.2.3 Prioritise field problems and List of prioritize research for River Q1 2008
conduct research more effective solutions o Reviewing river basin boundaries.
o Initiate several R&D projects:
o Formulate procedures for conservation
of endangered species with respect to
water river quality i.e. Kelah Projects
o Formulate procedures for monitoring

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Goal: To develop world recognised expertise in hydrology and stormwater, river and coastal zone management

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
river water quality using Biological
Indicator and its correlation with
Biochemical monitoring.
o Carry pilot projects using bio-
remediation to improve river water
quality on polluted water bodies.

o Study on Effects of Logging in Sg Weng
o Urban Hydrology Study for Sg. Kayu
o Catchment boundary demarcations
using SRTM (DEM) and GIS for Johor

5.3 Acquire Research & 5.3.1 Identify facilities required Equipped with facilities. Coastal
Development facilities Equipment Able to maximize resources Open laboratory for Coastal R&D. Q2 2009
Laboratory hence well organized and
coordinated R&D. Q1 2009
Infrastructures Computer simulation and modeling
Software & Hardware laboratory.

Weather Station for all reservoirs. Q2 2009

High-end computers for atmospheric Q2 2009

and land based flood forecasting and
warning system.

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Goal: To develop world recognised expertise in hydrology and stormwater, river and coastal zone management

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action

SMART Q2 2009
Surveillance System,
Telecommunication for SMART

River Q4 2010
Computer simulation and modeling

HTC Q4 2010
Environmental Weather Station.
Learning Laboratory for Integrated
Urban Water Management System.

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Goal: To develop world recognised expertise in hydrology and stormwater, river and coastal zone management

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
5.4 Establish collaborative 5.4.1 MoU or strategic alliance with Collaborative programmes MoU between HTC KL and UNESCO Q2 2009
partners at local and international local and foreign research with local and foreign Paris.
level institution, institution or higher institutions and expanded
learning network established.
MoU between JPS and ANM

8 MOU‟s ( 4 MOU‟s signed )

MoU between JPS and MACRES.

MoU between JPS and REDAC USM.

Strategic Alliance with NIWA, New


Partnership with Category II UNESCO

Water Centres.

5.4.2 Organise and participate in 20 targeted conf/ws/etc 5th World Water Forum, Turkey. Q1 2009
workshops, conference, colloquium, organise/ participate where
seminars, etc engineers with at least 5
11th International Conference of Urban Q3 2008
years service should attend
in 1 int. conf. for knowledge
and technology exchange
and transfer ICCE08, Hamburg, Germany Q3 2008

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Goal: To develop world recognised expertise in hydrology and stormwater, river and coastal zone management

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
Every engineer should attend IOC Sub-Commission for the Western Q2 2008
at least 1 local conf once a Pacific (WESTPAC-VII)
Indian Ocean Tsunami early warning Q2 2008

3rd SEA Water Forum. Q4 2007

2nd International Conference On Q2 2007

Managing Rivers In the 21st Century.

5.4.3 Publish and disseminate Centre of reference established To publish more papers periodically. Q4 2010
research findings in established and images enhanced with 20 of
journals, proceedings, technical published research findings
documents and manuals etc.

5.4.4 Invite foreign experts for Transfer knowledge and Please refer to Appendix III. Q4 2007
conducting joint research and technology with at least 6 foreign
training experts invited for joint research
and training annually

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Goal: To develop world recognised expertise in hydrology and stormwater, river and coastal zone management

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
5.4.5 Participate in foreign expert Better networking for knowledge Active member of internationally recognized Q4 2010
groups and international scientific transfer. institutions in related fields.
organisation e.g. WMO/UNESCO,
Joint Committee on Urban Drainage

5.5 Generate source of income 5.5.1 Commercialization and New technology and enhance DID Penang Q2 2009
patenting research product image of department as centre of GeoProtect

Patent applied for Labuan Blocks for
coastal defence

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Goal: To ensure efficient and effective support services in facilitating JPS operations

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
6.1 Leveraging new technologies in 6.1.1 Extending high All JPS offices nationwide will be Establishing a single high bandwidth
ICT to support business processes bandwidth network infrastructure connected via NRE*Net network nationwide to support ongoing
and decision-making progressively to all offices. regionally. and future ICT initiatives.

Central NRE*Net will be extended to all JPS Q3 2009

Northern offices nationwide
Southern o Central
Eastern o Northern
o Southern
o Eastern

All the meeting rooms in HQ will be Q4 2010

equipped with wireless access.

Network bandwidth will be upgraded Q3 2010

from time to time depending on usage.

Upgrading the Local Area (LAN) in the Q3 2010


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Goal: To ensure efficient and effective support services in facilitating JPS operations

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
6.1.2 Narrowing the digital Every personnel will be granted ICT skills will be developed in JPS to Q4 2010
divide among all levels of access to ICT facilities; encourage an enabling culture.
personnel throughout all offices Consolidating hardware/ software
licenses (acquiring departmental wide
software licenses).
o AutoCAD : 40 licenses for
sharing among users.
o ArcGIS – 10 licenses for sharing
among GIS users.
o eScan antivirus to all PC‟s
o Centralized backup system
o Dewan Eja for P&P personnel
o Email system- migration to
Zimbra collaborative suite - 10%
o 2009 to consolidate networks
licenses for InfoWorks,
FloodWorks and InfoNet

Providing continuous training. Training

is provided to all system being
rolled out and implemented.
o Emolumen - 1 time training to
o Laman Web – 2 times training to
o Info portal – 2 times training to
division‟s and state officers.

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Goal: To ensure efficient and effective support services in facilitating JPS operations

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
6.1.3 Review ICT Strategic A comprehensive master plan to Develop a comprehensive master plan to Q4 2010
Plan (ISP) further improve coordination of adhere to.
Integrate and align ICT into ICT programmed that are viable
core business processes and workable.

6.1.4 Enhance ICT governance Strengthen the current ICT Adopt policies from the central agencies Q4 2010
Review and formulate governance framework to further and enforce.
guidelines and ICT policy improve coordination of ICT
Polisi Agihan PC
Dasar Keselamatan ICT
SOP (Standard Operating Procedure)
– Pengurusan Pusat Data
SOP – Pengurusan
Polisi E-mel JPS
SOP Penggunaan Perisian

6.1.5 Generic web based Standardised applications are Identify successful applications that can Q3 2010
applications to be rolled-out used throughout JPS be shared / rolled out to all JPS offices to
integrating spatial and non- Departments; improved service delivery through
spatial data. community applications initiatives..
ePelan Applications that were and in the
process of rollout are:
o MyAsset (Sistem Pengurusan

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Goal: To ensure efficient and effective support services in facilitating JPS operations

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
eAduan o ePlan
eSaliran o eAduan

6.1.6 Foster collaboration and A centralised knowledge Sharing of knowledge and experiences by Q4 2010
knowledge / data sharing among bank/repository . capturing information across department
all JPS offices and inter and across government
agencies/departments to support Implement main portals : Government-
collaborative decision-making. to employee portal Citizen centric and
business portal
o JPS intranet website (InfoPortal)
and JPS public website.

Enhance collaboration with other

government agencies especially with
NRE and our sister agencies as well
as the Central agencies .
o Work closely with NRE and
MAMPU on network securities
issues through GCERT.

Implement Knowledge Management

System (KMS)

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Goal: To ensure efficient and effective support services in facilitating JPS operations

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
6.2 Improvise towards 6.2.1 Continuous monitoring, Efficient and effective budgeting Implementations of Finance and Q4 2010
comprehensive program training and advice on budgeting and expenditure programs Account management Committee
budgeting and expenditure procedures in line with the (JPKA) and Government
tracking Treasury‟s Instructions (AP) Removable Assets Committee

Holding a Budget Examination

Meeting every year with Treasury‟s
Budget Review Officer (BRO)

Having quarterly meetings with all

PTJ and division on budget

Constantly check the issues and

problems on finance and account
through monthly Finance
Management Section meeting.

Sending the staff to suitable finance

and account courses every year to
refresh and enhanced their
knowledge and skills particularly to
new instructions and

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Goal: To ensure efficient and effective support services in facilitating JPS operations

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
6.3 Providing and ensuring 6.3.1 Continuous monitoring on Zero complaint from JPS Maintenance project of JPS : Q3 2007
logistic matters for JPS personal building maintenance, water and personnel
are well taken care off electricity supplies
Air-conditioner System ;
- Suggestion of installation &
replacement of existing „window unit‟
to „split unit‟ air-cond

- Installation of „Switch Board Control‟

for all AHU unit‟s which is centralized
at Maintenance Unit

Electrical System ;
- Suggestion of installing decorative
lights , P.A system & Spot light at

- Installation of „security camera‟ at all

main offices of JPS

Fire alarm system ;

- Repairment of existing „host-reel‟

- Installation of „Emergency Alarm‟ for

fire system at all main JPS block‟s

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Goal: To ensure efficient and effective support services in facilitating JPS operations

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
Telephone & Fax system ;
- Installation of additional telephone
set „Boss Secretary‟ for Grade 54 and

- Additional Installation of phone lines

- Monthly maintenance TM-Centrex &

Fax machine

Water supply & Wastage System;

- Reinstallation of new water pipe
system at all buildings

6.3.2 Implementing Card Access Entry of visitors can be (a) Develop a systematic monitoring and Q3 2007
System for security purposes monitored efficiently inspection to ensure & enhance the
security level in the building to be

(b) To establish a mechanism for

effective implementation of Card
Access System

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Goal: To ensure efficient and effective support services in facilitating JPS operations

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
6.4 Ensuring the implementation 6.4.1 Identifying and short-listing of Proactive and efficient Proactive & efficient personnel are Q4 2007
of the JPS Succession Plan are all personnel with great potentials personnel of JPS given rewards for their excellent
well planned and co-ordinated performance

Personnel that express moral

values through various activities
such as counseling, religion
guidance and report corruption &
misbehavior were given letter of

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Goal: To ensure efficient and effective support services in facilitating JPS operations

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
6.5 Timeliness, cost effectiveness 6.5.1 Adopt best project Effective and efficient To establish procedures and mechanism Q4 2010
and quality in project delivery management practice and tools implementation of development for effective monitoring of project
for monitoring project projects implementation
o Create project information
monitoring system.
o Implementation of Quality
Assurance and Quality Control (QA
& QC) procedures for technical
auditing of every major projects.
o To acquire and enhance capability
in application of Critical Path
Method (CPM) in project

To create a capable and competently

strong project management team.
o Competent staff in relevant
technical knowledge and
experience through continuous

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Goal: To ensure efficient and effective support services in facilitating JPS operations

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action

To become a reference centre for project


o Provide expert technical

advice/support on construction
o To develop guidelines,/manual /,
checklist for quality assurance of
construction works.

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Goal: To ensure efficient and effective support services in facilitating JPS operations

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action

6.6 Modernization and automation 6.6.1 To formulate assets

of infrastructure assessments categories
Inspection on availability of Asset Management System Data verification of Federal Asset for Q4 2009
all the Assets Efficient assets management M&E equipments and machineries
Identification and segregation system
of infrastructure to NRE &
MOA Data of assets categories Data collection from ME states Q4 2007
Implementation of Technical
Identification, categorization, Q4 2007

M&E Infrastructure technical Auditing Q4 2010

6.6.2 Enhance and upgrade Modernized, best and good Upgrade Mechanical infrastructure to Q4 2010
all the infrastructure to meet infrastructure management and category 5
design objectives facilities with remote monitoring o Upgrade Gate infrastructure to
Retrofit, upgrading and and control system category 5 (target 20% in RMK 9)
automate of all infrastructure
Replacement from manual to o Upgrade Pump infrastructure to
electrical system category 5 (target 20% in RMK 9)
Engine driven facilities to

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Goal: To ensure efficient and effective support services in facilitating JPS operations

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
electrical powered facilities 25 new SUV transportation
Incorporate SCADA system for 5 new lorry/ heavy transportation
remote control and monitoring
15 new boat
Operation, Repair and Maintainance of
Dredger and it‟s utilities

6.6.3 Preventive maintenance To detect problems early and Technical auditing Q4 2010
Perform Scheduled make sure no breakdown for the Periodic testing
maintenance system and infrastructure during
crucial moments Coordinate meeting with ME states –
Periodic Maintenance

6.6.4 Upgrade operational and Pump test centre Upgrading of pump test bay Q4 2010
performance research centre
Continuous research and Trained Technical committee
Creation of new ideas and innovation discoveries in
products Implementation to upgrading the performance of
all states FRP Trash Screen & Grating
infrastructures and in
providing services
FRP Flap Gate & Screw Down Gate
R&D Centre for
Hydromechanical HDPE Flap Gate and Screw Down
infrastructure Gate

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Goal: To ensure efficient and effective support services in facilitating JPS operations

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
Replacement for hardwood timber and
music nod materials

Data logger (Mizan Logger)

Pump Expert System

Reliability test for new pump

Model test for pump sump

New Materials for Gate using


Aluminium Gate Coating for corrosion


Solar powered tube well ground water

Winsplatform – standard SCADA


6.6.5 To promote and Promote and implement MS Registration of Electrical installation Q4 2010
develop energy Management 1525; Electrical energy with Suruhanjaya Tenaga
Management Regulation
Promote and implement Established guideline for Electrical Q4 2008
renewable energy program Operation and Maintenance

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Goal: To ensure efficient and effective support services in facilitating JPS operations

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
Established guideline for energy Q4 2009

Auditing 5 pump house and installation Q4 2010

of Energy Gadget (VSD – Variable
Speed Drive)

6.6.6 To provide safe OHSAS certification Implement OHSAS 18000 at JPS state Q4 2010
operation and healthy working office with ME personnel (18)
condition and environment
Compliance to regulation
AKKP 412 Monitoring of Minutes of SHC meeting

Managing Flood Disaster 80% of all new M&E installation comply

with AKKP 412

Forming 4 zone ERP Team

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Goal: To ensure efficient and effective support services in facilitating JPS operations

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
6.7 Enhancing quality programs 6.7.1 Focus on ISO Achieving certification from Promotion on the application of Q4 2010
recognized bodies management systems; MS ISO
9001:2000, MS ISO 14001:2004 and
OHSAS 18001:1999 from 3rd party
certification bodies.

Emphasis is to be given to MS ISO

9000 onto all core processes.

6.8 Win Prime Minister‟s Quality 6.8.1 Coordinate Dept‟s Complete documentation Information acquisition dan Q3 2009
Award preparation in entering the preparation of documentation
AKPM competition
Establishment of working committee. Q2 2009

Audit JPS against criteria. Q4 2009

Submission of AKPM application and Q1 2010

preparation for assessment panel visit.

Acknowledgement of AKPM results Q4 2010

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Goal: To ensure efficient and effective support services in facilitating JPS operations

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
6.9 To focus on promoting and 6.9.1. Inculcate and promote Improvement in the operational, Develop a systematic monitoring, and Q3 2010
enhancing value added value added engineering serviceability and durability of inspection and rehabilitation of all major
engineering on all existing and knowledge in the design, structures JPS structures to enhance durability and
new structures built, operated and operations and maintenance of service life of structures through:-
maintained by JPS JPS structures amongst the
Re-vitalize & upgrade existing asset
management system of JPS

Perform Conditional Assessment of Q3 2010

Setting up of CSI Team
Acquiring technical know-how in
durability of concrete structures
through appraisal, repair &
rehabilitation of structures by:-
2 Repair projects/year
2 appraisal projects/year
Hand-on training and attending
courses in basic forensic and
assessment work

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Goal: To ensure efficient and effective support services in facilitating JPS operations

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
Bringing aesthetical value Identify and develop jointly with Q3 2010
and added attraction to all stakeholders on projects related to
sites. beautification and attraction of JPS
site and infrastructures

6.9.2 Collaborate and monitor O & M performance auditing, Implement standard structural Q4 2009
with the stakeholders in enhancing remedial and restoration monitoring and assessment
the practice of value added planning and design Guideline/ checklist to all
engineering in the O & M of JPS states/project offices

Categorization of Structure
conditions for rehabilitation and
repair priority

Condition assessment and evaluation

problematic structures

Program to identify and implement

functional enhancement /
improvement of JPS structures
(1 product /year)

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Goal: To ensure efficient and effective support services in facilitating JPS operations

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
6.10 Building capacity in the field 6.10.1 To acquire skill and Competent JPS Engineers Relevant Softwares to be used in Q4 2009
of structural, geotechnical and knowledge in the use of related o (Minimum of 2 Technical works (10 per year)
hydraulic engineering relevant to technology / software) competent engineers at
JPS environment. all times for each Schedule Software Training (In-house
commonly used + outsource training).
o StaadPro = 6 engineers Dec
o Plaxis = 4 engineers/TA
o Hec Ras = 4 engineers (2009 -
o Slope W = 5 engineers/TA
( 2009 – 2010)
o SeepW = 3 engineers/ TA
( 2009 - 2010 )

Efficient & effective technical Acquiring new/upgrade software

output in term of (3 new + 3 upgrading proposed)
comprehensiveness, quality,
economy & safety

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Goal: To ensure efficient and effective support services in facilitating JPS operations

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
6.10.2 Acquiring sound Expert advice on In-house review and interpretation of Q3 2009
understanding and knowledge in (engineering) problems SI reports for planning and design
soil investigation & its works
interpretation o 5 projects per year
Reliable and good SI data for
design & decision making in
problems solving Technical personnel to be attached
to Contractor during SI works ( 2 per

Participate in soil investigation test

such as load bearing, PDA, etc ( 2
per year)

Strengthening of Site Investigation

Team (S.I.T.E)” that act as a Quick
Response Team to collect
preliminary data especially in
emergency cases
o No of projects = 8 per year

6.10.3 Upgrade capacity & level of All Unit to carry-out hand-on design Q3 2009
competency through in-house projects (min. 2 project / Engineer
design works (J44 & below) / year

Quality Assurance of Design Works

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Goal: To ensure efficient and effective support services in facilitating JPS operations

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
o Review of Arahan Teknik for
documentation of design

o Develop design guides and

manual for standardization and
quality design works

o Nationally integrated digital

drawings database for ease of
design works (e-Plan roll-out)

6.10.4 Upgrade capacity & level Dissolve all technical problems in Competent Technical advices/support Q4 2009
of competency through Technical quick, professional and in line in Structural & Geotechnical (20 no.
advice services in engineering with best practices/Standard per year)
works Emergency works
Technical design Hydraulic (Flood Mitigation, river &
/construction problems (both storm management studies/design)
Dept and Consultant design) and Dam (Consultant‟s Design) – 50
No. per year

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Goal: To ensure efficient and effective support services in facilitating JPS operations

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
6.11 To develop, promote, and 6.11.1 Carry out automation of Establishment of dam Establish Dam Automation System for Q2 2009
enhance dam safety surveillance instrumentation data delivery automation electronic data every dam monitored by JPS Dam unit.
system system and performance delivery system from dam
measuring device operator to the Dam Unit in

6.11.2 Carry out dam isotopic Establishment of permanent Yearly collection of isotopic data in the Q4 2009
characterization baseline data. field
Able to determine source of
uncontrolled seepage
Support analysis with regards
to seepage problems

6.11.3 Carry out catchments Establishment of system for Yearly acquisition of satellite images for Q4 2009
monitoring system using remote monitoring intrusion, all JPS dams and continuous monitoring
sensing encroachment, land opening
activities in the catchments area

6.11.4 Carry out monitoring of Support analysis with regards to Facilitate ANM (Agensi Nuklear Q4 2010
sediment loading trend of incoming sediment into Malaysia) in establishment of monitoring
the dam storage. procedure

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Goal: To ensure efficient and effective support services in facilitating JPS operations

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
6.12 To promote the services in 6.12.1 Carry out design and Better image for JPS Enhancing capability to handle Building Q4 2010
the design and construction of construction services to other Completed construction of Related Projects for other Department
building for other departments department building that complies with (10 projects per year )
best standard & specification.

6.13 To put up engineering 6.13.1 To prepare, review and Standard technical guides Development of Design manuals as
guidelines relevant to JPS works update technical guides/ /specification to be adopted follows: - (4 No. by 2010)
specifications for use by the Department
Specification of works and guide to
Q4 2007
Provide up-to-date technical repair and rehabilitate age / problems
guidelines on design of structures
hydraulic structures
Guideline on the design of culverts Q4 2007
Provide up-to-date
information on the use of Standardization and guideline for the Q4 2009
construction material design of Arch Bridges
Guide to estimation of scour depth in Q2 2009
Quality technical outputs in river bend
terms of consistency, safety,
effectiveness and cost
Preparation and review of DID Q2 2009

Revision of Guidelines (Arahan Q4 2009

Teknik) for documentation of design

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Goal: To ensure efficient and effective support services in facilitating JPS operations

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
6.14 Prospect for new and 6.14.1 To continuously source for Improved effectiveness and Identify, develop & enhance products Q3 2010
improved construction technology new, innovative or improved efficiency in the application through. literature study, pilot project,
and materials construction technology and of new or improved and laboratory test etc
materials construction o Min 5 new/improved materials

Establishing network with all relevant Q3 2010

Better products that meet the industry stakeholders (private and
requirement of stakeholders. public sectors)

An establish Active engagement /participation in

forum/mechanism for organisation/institution formulating Q3 2010
creating, studying and standard, guidelines or approval of
reviewing new or improved construction technology/ materials.
construction technology and
Study and recommend any new Q3 2010
products before full adoption by JPS
o 3 No. per year

Pursuing intellectual property rights Q3 2010

to JPS innovative ideas and
o No. per year

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Goal: To ensure efficient and effective support services in facilitating JPS operations

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
6.15 Staff training and career 6.15.1 Conduct and review Well planned and relevant Annual training program (local & Q4 2010
development via planned programs and courses programs / courses oversea)
Develop competencies of Impact assessment on selected
individuals via training and courses
non-training interventions
Building in-house capabilities
and capacities through 6.15.2 Introduce supplementary Ad-hoc and urgently needed 2009 Q4 2010
extensive and focussed programs / courses to meet courses are conducted Special Management Course ( Grade
training programs specific needs from time to time 48 and above)
Media Course for JUSA , Division
Directors and State Directors
Cash Flow Management
Public Relation Techniques for PRO

6.15.3 Adopt external best Competent staff Dissemination of knowledge through Q4 2010
practices to assist in competency “Brown Bag” concept
development PPLKK program (Engr < 5 yrs service)
Facilitate in-house design Competency Index
Counterpart attachment in Development of Engineer‟s Database
consultancy firm and Support Group I Database
TNA for Technical Staff (1)

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Goal: To ensure efficient and effective support services in facilitating JPS operations

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
6.15.4 Facilitate staff in matters Competent and motivated staff Conduct PTK Q4 2010
pertaining to confirmation, Conduct Dept. Exam. / Special Exam.
promotion & career development
Conduct Induction Course

6.15.5 Enhance training facilities A conducive learning Upgrading of hostel‟s facilities Q4 2010
& improve conduciveness of the environment and up-to-date Upgrading of sport and recreational
learning environment training facilities fascilities
Upgrading of learning fascilities

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Goal: To ensure efficient and effective support services in facilitating JPS operations

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
6.16 Improve effectiveness of 6.16.1 Contract Enhanced efficiency through Upgrading SMATRAK System (online) to Q3 2009
Procurement and Contract administration processes to automatic generation of produce standard forms and certificates
Management through the use of be web-enabled certificates and documents automatically:
innovative Best Practice
Automatic updating of Letter of Acceptance
contract information
(SMATRAK) through use of
Certificate of Delay And Extension of Time
online forms

Variations Order & PHK

Certificate of Practical Completion

Certificate Making Good Defect

Interim & Final Payment

MRK01, MRK02 & MRK03 Forms for

submission by States JPS to PKK

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Goal: To ensure efficient and effective support services in facilitating JPS operations

Strategies Action Expected Outcomes Programme/ Project/ Strategic Action
6.16.2 Consultancy Services Accessibility of information SMAP (online) Q4 2007
Information to be available on Consultants
List of Awarded Consultants
Automatic updating of
Consultant‟s information
List of Consultant Profile
(SMAP) through use of online
Online Profile Updating by Consultant

6.16.3 Establish Integrated Enhanced accessibility to Preparing Procedure and Guidelines using Q2 2009
web-based procedures and current procedures and Web based flowchart
guidelines system guidelines Procurement
o „Garispanduan Tatacara Perolehan‟
Efficiency in contract
Contract Administration
o DID Manual (Flow Charts)
Consistency in project
management & supervision

6.16.4 Standardize Reliable database for Preparing of:- Q3 2009

Specifications and Bills of contract rates (SMATKOS) Standard Specification
Uniformity of Standard Standard BQ
Specifications/ Bills of

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