os HlGie,
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g so, Republic of the Philippines as
“Seat é
No. or
Series 2012
In accordance with the pertinent provisions of Republic Act (RA) No. 7722,
otherwise known as the "Higher Education Act of 1994," and for the purpose of
rationalizing the undergraduate education in the country pursuant to new policy
initiatives on outcome based education and harmonization of competencies with
global standards in specialized courses, with the end view of keeping pace with the
demands of local and international business environments to become even more globally
competitive, particularly in the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) industry, the following
policies, standards and guidelines are hereby adopted and promulgated by the
Section 1. The Philippine BPO industry has been evolving as the “sunshine industry”
for significant reasons. Steadily growing since the early 2000's, the industry
added over 100,000 jobs in 2010 growing faster than the previous year,
accumulating more than 500,000 full-time employees and more than a million
indirect employees by end of 2010. The industry also generated $8.98 in
tevenues, about 4.8% of GDP in 2010.
Supply and availability of qualified personnel, however, remains the biggest
challenge in order to keep the global competitiveness and leadership
Position of the industry today. Thus, the urgency for concerted policies
and programs focusing on building competency in human resource
development by way of cooperative partnerships among stakeholders in
government, academe and industry for planning, sourcing and
developing sustainable talent pool for the industry.
Pursuant to the national development plan for 2011-2016, the roadmap for
the BPO industry as prepared by the Business Processing Association of the
igher Education Development Center Bulging, CP. Garcia Ave., UP Campus, Oiiman, Quezen City, Philippines
Web Site: wwa.ched.gov.ph Tel. Nos. 441-1177, 386-4391, 441-1169, 441-1149, 441-1170, 441-1216, 392-5296Section 2.
Section 3,
Philippines (BPAP), the respective Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)
between the Commission on Higher Education and BPAP and similarly with
the Management Association of the Philippines (MAP), their members and
other partner associations, collectively collaborated to develop a specialized
track in service management focusing on the BPO industry.
The specialized track in service management following the CHED policy
for outcome based education aims to prepare students, from all types of
traditional courses, for a career in the BPO industry by equipping them with
the required competencies needed for entry-level positions and for further
career development.
The Service Management Specialization Track uses an integrated approach
and takes into consideration the interrelationships among the functional
areas of business, notably in information and communication
technology as well as sensitivity to the economic, social, technological, legal,
and international environment in which business must operate. The objective
of the program is not simply to impart basic business knowledge, but to instill
and nurture important qualities and skills in our students that are essential for
future business leadership and organizational success in the industry in a
global market.
All higher education institutions with existing permit and recognition to offer
the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration/Management need not
apply for a separate authority to offer the Specialization Track in Service
Management for Business Process Outsourcing. However, the HEI shall
inform CHED on its compliance with the minimum requirements for courses
in General Education, Basic Business Core, Business Education Core,
Professional courses and Electives as prescribed in CMO No. 39, s. 2006
The Service Management Specialization Track when embedded in existing
programs with valid authority to operate may incorporate the program
specifications as electives for compliance.
Program Name
The specialization track herein shall be called Service Management for
Business Process Outsourcing. Higher Education Jnstitutions (HEIs) whichSection 4.
Section 5.
will offer the Service Management shall adopt the “Service Management
Specialization Track for Business Process Outsourcing” (SM for BPO).
Program Description
The Service Management for BPO includes five areas, namely: Business
Communications, Service Culture, Principles of Systems Thinking,
Fundamentals of Business Process Outsourcing 101 and 102, and the full-
time Internship Program. The Service Management Specialization Track
Program Description, General Objectives, Curriculum and Course
Description may be referred to in Annex A.
Specific Professions, Careers, Occupations, or Trades
Entry-level jobs for voice sector
Sales support
Chat support
Travel support
Banking support
Technical support representative (TSR)
Customer service representative (CSR)
ntry-level jobs for non-voice sector
a. Back office data entry h. Mobility practitioners
b. Accounts payable practitioners i, Customer assistance center agent
c. Finance practitioners j. Benefits service practitioners
d. Financial accounting practitioner k. Learning practitioners
e. General accounting practitioner |, Recruitment practitioners
f. Travel and expense m. Employee Data Management
g. Payroll practitioners Practitioner
n. Medical transcriptionist
5.3 Entry-level jobs for information technology (IT)
a. Entry-level programmers
b, Help desk assistants
c. Desktop support engineers
d. Network administrators
e. Business analysis (trainees)
f. Healthcare associates
5.4 Entry-level jobs for support functions
a. Human resource associate
b. Recruitment associate
c. Training associate
d. Employee relations associate
e. Employee engagement associate
1Section 6.
Section 7.
Administrative associate
Quality assurance associate
Accounting associate
Facilities associate
Technical support associate
Article IV
Graduates of the Service Management SM Specialization Track should be able
Convey ideas clearly in English, both orally and written,
Prepare, analyze, and evaluate reports, proposals, and concept papers.
Demonstrate the values of fairness, transparency, accountability, hard work,
honesty, patience, diligence, innovativeness, risk-taking, and strong work
Apply the principles of the different forms of communication
Perform high-quality work.
Understand the concepts and principles of good interpersonal relations.
Participate actively in business associations and comply with their policies
and obligations.
Demonstrate leadership qualities, civic-mindedness, and responsible
Conduct environmental scanning.
0 Conduct feasibility studies and other business research and plans.
1 Explain the concepts, approaches, and techniques of environmental
2 Know and understand the country’s national development thrusts, concerns,
and socio-economic indicators.
Article V
Curriculum Description and Requirements
The curriculum for the Service Management (SM) Specialization Track is in
addition to the existing courses offered by the colleges and universities. The
Specialization track covers a balance of functional areas, which increases
competencies in critical thinking, communication, service culture, and
computer literacy. It broadens the knowledge and skills needed in both local
and international business environment.
The curriculum for the Service Management Specialization Track should be
consistent with the school's philosophy, and mission and vision statement.7,
All undergraduate courses should have prescribed textbooks, which should be
selected in the basis of acceptable criteria, preferably by an independent
textbook board or committee. The intelligent use of other instructional aids and
resources should be encouraged.
Access to computers and CD materials as well as the Internet should be
provided to faculty members and students.
Preferably, the maximum class size for each subject under the Service
Management (SM) Specialization Track should be forty (40); except in the
Business Communication subject, which must have a maximum class size of
twenty-five (25).
4 Curriculum Outline
‘SMFBPO1 Fundamentals of Business Process Outsourcing 101 | 3
SMFBPO2 Fundamentals of Business Process Outsourcing 102 3
SMBUSCO___ | Business Communication Il 3
SMSVCCU | Service Culture 3
‘SMSYSTH Principles of Systems Thinking 3
‘SMINTRN Internship Program 6
Section 8, Courses
General education and legislated courses shall follow existing requirements of
the program where the Service Management Track would be integrated. The
CHED Memorandum No. 04 series 1997 (GEC-B; 51 units) is the
recommended track for the Service Management track.
Section 9. Sample Program of Study (Minimum Units)
re ion
istSem | 2nd Sem | tstSem | 2ndSem | 1st Sem 2nd Sem | tstSem | 2nd Sem
Regular | Regular | Regular | Regular | Regular Reguiar | Regular | Regular
(3 units) {Sunits) | (units) | (6 units)
smBusco | SMSVCCU
(units) (units)
~ 5_
tetSem | 2ndSem | tstSem | 2ndsom | tstSem | 2ndSem | 1stSem | 2nd Sem
Reguiar_| Regular | Regular_| Regular | Regular Regular | Regular | Regular
smBusco | SMSvccu | SMFBPO1 | SMFBPO2 ‘SMINTRN
(units) | (units) | Gunitsy | (3 units) (6 units}
(@ units)
« SMBUSCO Business Communication may be credited as one of the required
English subjects.
+ SMSVCCU Service Culture may be credited as one of the required professional
Section 10. Practicum/internship Requirements
The internship component is essential for the outcome based education of the
Service Management Specialization Track. Internship is basically an
agreement between University / College and BPO Companies as Internship
hosts to select, pool, train and eventually hire graduates for the BPO Industry.
Internship or similar arrangement maybe part of a broader agreement
between a HE! and industry partners covering minimum curriculum/ faculty
standards as well as applicable government regulations for internship or
similar arrangements. Annex B is a sample of an internship agreement
between University / College and industry partner, as Internship host.
Section 11. The faculty members should possess the educational qualifications,
professional experience, and teaching ability for the successful conduct of a
school's program(s).
Industry practitioners, even without a master’s degree will be allowed to team
teach with a designated faculty member.Section 12. The BPO industry (BPAP and other industries) shall provide opportunities for
faculty development to enable faculty members to keep up with
developments and techniques in their field, improve their teaching skills and
course materials, continue their professional growth, and contribute to
research and other scholarly pursuits.
Section 13. Admission, Retention, Residence and Graduation Requirements
13.1. Admission, retention, and graduation requirements will be governed by the
institution's policy on the program.
13.2 As a general rule, transfers of students shall be governed by the institutional
policy on residence and transfer.
13.3. For students who go on leave, re-admission to the program will be subject to
the school’s re-admission policies.
Section 14. All pertinent rules and regulations or parts thereof that are inconsistent with
the provisions of this policy are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.
Section 15. These policies and standards for the Service Management for BPO shall take
effect beginning first somester of school year 2012-2013.
Quezon City, Philippines, Rebrnary 10, 2012.
Mow a JO
ChairpersonAnnex A
The Service Management Specialization Program
‘Course Name Fundamentals of Business Processes Outsourcing 101
Course Objectives The objectives of the course are:
1. Explain the rationale behind outsourcing and identify the
critical factors that affect the outsourcing industry
2. Describe the critical processes involved in the
engagement, development, and maintenance of,
outsourcing service
3. Be aware of the types of processes that get outsourced
and understand how processes are transitioned from the
internal organizations to external suppliers
4. Know and understand some of the key reasons for certain
countries (e.g., Philippines and India) being successful off
shoring destinations
Be aware of the risks associated with outsourcing
Apply different tools and methodologies in the
engagement, development, and maintenance of,
outsourcing services
7. Assess the impact of changes in technology, regulation,
and the business environment on outsourcing operations
8. Know how to plan and manage the off shoring of business
processes for competitive advantage
Course Description The course provides students with an overview of the
outsourcing industry, including the rationale for outsourcing,
critical factors which affect different outsourcing industries,
and the processes involved in engaging in, operating, and
maintaining an outsourced service. The course also introduces
different tools and methodologies used in outsourcing
operations and provide the students with opportunities to apply
these tools in simulations at a computer laboratory or “Game
Lab.” The course enables students to recognize areas of
opportunities in outsourcing, as well as to analyze and assess
how changes in technology, regulation, and business
environments may affect current industries. It also increases
the students’ awareness of the different processes critical to
maintaining outsourcing engagements, such as maintaining
client relationships in the context of a service culture, and the
effective management of costs and resources.
Course Credits 3 units
Contact Hours/Week 54 hours (3 hours per week)
Prerequisite Business Communication, Service CultureCourse Name
Fundamentals of Business Processes Outsourcing 102
Course Objectives
The objectives of the course are:
1. Conceptualize organizations as compendiums of
2. Analyze business operations as processes and understand
their value contribution to business performance
3. Improve process definition and efficiency by the application
of process documentation, modeling, and quantitative
analysis methods
4, Understand basic process operations management,
process improvement methodologies, and core concepts of
process quality
5. Recognize interdependencies of business processes
across organizational boundaries
6. Identify the role and value-add of information technology to
business process efficiency and management
Course Description
The course provides an introduction to fundamental business
process outsourcing concepts via an understanding of the
techniques for using business practices and methods to
create and improve business processes. The foundational
study of business processes provide a basis by which
performance improvements are identified and implemented
across business organizations. Business process outsourcing
is introduced as a natural evolution of business process
management. The student is exposed to a set of qualitative
and quantitative topics aimed to enhance process-oriented
thinking, in order to develop the knowledge and skills
necessary to appreciate and implement programs of process
reengineering, management, and excellence in organizations.
Course Credits 3 units
Contact HoursWeek | : | 54 hours (3 hours per week)
Prerequisite Business Communication, Service Culture, Fundamentals of
Business Process Outsourcing 101 (BPO 101)
Course Name Business Communications II (SMBUSCO)
Course Objectives
Course Description
The objectives of the course are:
1, Understand business communications and its general use
2. Know the factors which affect communications
3. Know the channels and directions of communications
4. Apply learning in the actual workplace
The course builds the students’ understanding of, and basic
competencies in, effective communication in the workplace. It
introduces students to key concepts of _ business
communication, methods, and techniques for its efficacy and
its impact_on organizational success. Actual businessapplications and scenarios are used to illustrate the
fundamentals of effective business communication.
Course Credits 3 units
‘Contact Hours/Week | : | 54 hours (3 hours per week)
Prerequisite None:
Course Name Service Culture (SMSVCCU)
Course Objectives The objectives of the course are:
1. Acquire the framework of personal and social competencies
that serve as the foundation of performance excellence
2. Develop analytical skills when assessing work and
performance habits of a service professional
3. Acquire the basic knowledge (e.g.., principles, practices) of
service excellence practices in organizations and by
individual service professionals
4. Integrate key learning (e.g., theoretical and practical
concepts of service culture) in designing a service
Course Description The course builds the students’ personal and social
competencies (values and attitudes) necessary to executing
and delivering excellent service in any professional endeavor.
It introduces students to various service companies and
industries and key concepts in being a customer-centric
organization. It enables students to practice practical customer
setvice skills and to manage a project.
Course Credits 3 units
‘Contact Hours/Week_|": | 54 hours (3 hours per week)
Prerequisite Business Communication
Course Name |_| Principles of Systems Thinking (SMSYSTH)
Course Objectives The objectives of the course are:
1, Increase awareness of the importance of architecting and
implementing business systems that consider the
organization as a whole
2. Develop analytical skills to identify issues in organizational
systems and recommend system-optimization solutions
3. Acquire practical knowledge of evaluating organizational
systems, modeling optimized solutions, and championing
4, Gain familiarity in industry trends for systems hardening and
certification (e.g. 180, CMMi, P-CMM, Six Sigma, etc.)
Course Description The course aims to prepare the student for the twenty-first
century workplace by building their foundations in systems
thinking, enabling them to examine business systems, identify
the inter-dependencies of specific systems within an
organization, and recommend suggestions to improve
€&systems performance within organizations. it introduces
students to concepts in systems architecture and systems
optimization, with the intent of developing the students’
analytical skills in identifying and resolving issues in business
Course Credits 3 units
Contact Hours/Week 54 hours (3 hours per week)
Prerequisite Business Communication, Service Culture
Course Name Internship (SMINTRN)
Course Objectives
The objectives of the course are:
4. Immerse students in real corporate environment, providing
them with comprehensive hands-on training relevant to
business practices in their chosen specialization, to enable
readiness towards strategic job-fit and eventual
employment in BPO companies
2. Produce graduates that will address the BPO industry's
needs; at least 70% of Interns hired by BPO Companies
3. Perform assessment processes as a means to provide
BPO industry information on pre-employment baseline
competencies and skill sets of Interns
Course Description
Internship engages students in their last year of study in real
industry practices that will prepare them for their eventual jobs
and careers in their chosen fields of expertise. Students are
required to work full-time for an industry partner, rendering a
minimum of 600 hours.
Course Credits
6 units
Business Communication, Service Culture, Principles of
Systems Thinking, Fundamentals of BPO 101, Fundamentals
| of BPO 102Annex B.
Draft memorandum of Agreement between University / College and
Industry Partner as Internship Host
Know All Men By These Presents:
This Agreement entered into this _ day of , 2010, at
by and between:
, an educational institution duly organized and existing under
Philippine Laws with principal offices at , herein represented by
its President, , and hereinafter referred to as “”:
, a corporation duly organized and existing under
Philippine Laws with principal offices at herein
represented by its , , and hereinafter
referred to as "” or the Industry Partner.
WHEREAS, offers in its curriculum the Service Management
Specialization Track intended to expose the its students to the challenges of the IT-BPO
industry environment as well as provide business and academe the opportunity to
collaborate in the education of future professionals;
WHEREAS, under the said program, senior students of , also
referred to as “Intern or Interns’, are assigned to sponsoring companies where they
perform projects, activities and tasks along their lines of specializations for a period of two
(2) trimesters or 1 semester, approximately 6 months;
WHEREAS, desires, and agrees to become a sponsoring company
(or Industry Partner) under such terms and conditions as hereinafter agreed by the parties;
NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing premises, the Parties
have agreed as follows:
1. Responsibilities of
1.1 shall request from the its checklist of
requirements for The Service Management internship Program.
4.2. For scheduling and availability purposes, shall request the
to choose its sponsorship of students under any of the
following the batch schedules:
1.3. After receipt of the Requirements Checklist, shall provide
with a list of senior students qualified to undergo
Internship, which shall be accompanied by individual Student Fact Sheets.
Upon written advice from , shall notify
and request the students to report to for the screening
and selection processes.
During the internship, shall monitor the Intern’s attendance
and compliance to the prescribed work hours with the Company.
Likewise, shall monitor the Intern’s performance through the
Intern’s submission of a report of performance, a copy of which shall be
provided to for its reference.
For coordination purposes, designates its Career and
Placement Officer as the point person on its behalf, and who shall act as
liaison between the partners,
Responsibilities of Industry partner
Upon receipt of the request from , shall
accomplish and submit the Requirements Checklist to < Schoo! Initials >.
Thereafter, shall then choose from the list of senior
students qualified for Internship submitted by and,
thereafter notify of the selected students. It is understood
and agreed that shall have the sole discretion and
prerogative to select and choose the students who will undergo the
Internship Program through its screening and selection process, in
accordance with its requirements and based on its standards/qualifications or
shall undertake the following:
2.3.1 Assignment of work, tasks or projects, as well as determination of
work schedules;
2.3.2. Screening and supervision of the interns vis-a-vis work assignments;
2.3.3. Periodic monitoring and rating of the Intern's work, behavior or attitude
and performance through the Internship Performance Evaluation
2.3.4 Recommend to the final rating of the Intern following
the grade submission dates scheduled and advised by .
Upon the completion of the Intemn's training, shall issue,
through its Human Resources Division, a ‘Certificate of Completion” showing
the number of hours rendered by the Intern, the period covered, the
department assigned and other pertinent details relevant to the said
internship training.
‘As counterpart, shall appoint its point
person, who shall coordinate with, and act as liaison with for
this Internship Program.
Other Provisions
The Parties understand and agree that Intems are not
employees of and therefore no employer-employee
relationship exists between them and . However,
may grant subsidies, allowances or stipends to Interns,
at its sole prerogative, in accordance with and subject to the company’s
Policies, procedures and practices.
Likewise, interns are subject to the rules and regulations, as
well as policies and procedures of . Upon acceptance of
their internship, shall advise all Interns of these Company
rules and regulations and policies and require from each of them their
compliance with said rules and regulations.
In case of any breach of the rules and regulations,
, upon prior written notice from the shall
withdraw or cause the withdrawal of the Intern from the Internship Program
under this Agreement. The withdrawal of the Intern from the Internship
Program shall be without prejudice to such other legal rights and remedies
that from imposing any disciplinary action on the Intem as it may
determine by reason of such breach or violation,
All Interns shall strictly abide by the principles of confidentiality with respect
to any restricted material or confidential information of the company. For this
purpose, and shall ensure that Interns
shail be properly briefed and advised on the prohibition against disclosure of
Confidential or restricted information acquired during his internship as well as.
the consequences of such violation. Any liability arising from the violation of
this provision on confidentiality shall be the responsibility of the Intern to
In addition, all Intems shall exercise due diligence and care in handling
company equipment, materials, resources or any other company property
which they have handled or used in connection with or in the course of their
internship with the Company. For this purpose, and
shall ensure that Interns shall be properly briefed,
reminded and advised on the proper handling and use of company
equipment, materials or resources. Any liability arising from any violation of
this provision shall be responsibility of the Intern to and
As an Industry Partner, shall be entitled to the following:
(i) permission to use name and company logo in the
former's marketing efforts via advertising and promotional campaigns,
subject to prior approval for every event; and (ii) free accessto the graduates list for possible hiring, upon prior written
4, This Agreement shall have a term of one (1) year, commencing from and may be renewed under such terms and conditions as may be agreed
upon by the Parties. Each Party, however, shall have the right to terminate this
‘Agreement for any reason whatsoever, upon prior written notice at least fifteen (15)
days from termination date.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have signed this Agreement on the date and
place first above-mentioned.
By: By:
Position Position
Position PositionACKNOWLEDGMEN
BEFORE ME, a Notary Public in , Philippines, this ___day of
,2010, personally appeared the following:
Name Community Tax Cert. Nos. Date/Place Issued
Known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing
instrument who acknowledged to me that the same is their own free and voluntary act and
deed and that of the corporations represented
This Memorandum of Agreement, consisting of ___ pages, including the page where this
Acknowledgement is written, has been duly signed by the parties and their witnesses, as.
well as on each and every page thereof.
WITNESS MY HAND on the date and in the place herein above written.
Notary Public
Doc. No.
Page No.
Book No.
Series of 2010