International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education - IΣJMΣ Vol.8, No.2-3
International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education - IΣJMΣ Vol.8, No.2-3
International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education - IΣJMΣ Vol.8, No.2-3
Reidar Mosvold
University of Stavanger
Janne Fauskanger
University of Stavanger
In his presidential address at the 1985 Annual Meeting of the American Educational
Research Association, Lee Shulman presented his theories concerning the different aspects of
teachers’ professional knowledge (Shulman, 1986). A number of attempts have been made by
researchers afterwards to build upon these ideas (e.g., Graeber & Tirosh, 2008). In
mathematics education, the efforts of Deborah Ball and her colleagues at the University of
Michigan (see e.g., Ball, Thames, & Phelps, 2008) are among the most promising (Morris,
Hiebert, & Spitzer, 2009). They have formulated a practice-based theory of what is often
referred to as ‘mathematical knowledge for teaching’ (MKT), and they have also created
measures of teachers’ MKT (e.g., Hill, Schilling, & Ball, 2004). The MKT measures—as
well as the MKT framework—have been developed from studies of mathematics teaching in
the U.S.
In the last couple of years, researchers have made attempts to translate, adapt and use
MKT items in other countries (for a review, see Blömeke & Delaney, 2012). Among the first
attempts was that of Delaney (2008), who adapted and used a set of MKT items for use in
Ireland. Researchers who have translated and used MKT items in other countries after this
normally build upon his results and suggestions (e.g., Mosvold, Fauskanger, Jakobsen, &
Melhus, 2009). Several researchers have—in their attempts to analyze the challenges of
adapting MKT items for other countries—pointed at possible cultural differences in the tasks
of teaching. Since MKT is conceptualized in practice, Cole (2012) argued, the question of
whether or not the tasks of teaching are independent of environment and cultural context is a
logical one to ask. In their study of Norwegian teachers’ perceived difficulties with the
adapted MKT items, Fauskanger and Mosvold (2010) also indicated that there might be
cultural issues involved.
One particular task of teaching that has received attention in previous research is that of
“choosing and developing useable definitions” (Ball, Thames, & Phelps, 2008, p. 400). In his
study of Indonesian teachers’ mathematical knowledge for teaching geometry, Ng (2012)
found that the MKT measures discriminated between teachers who adopted inclusive and
those who adopted exclusive definitions rather than between knowledgeable and less
knowledgeable teachers. He argued that there might be some cultural differences between the
use of inclusive geometric definitions between Indonesian teachers and U.S. teachers; he also
argued that using the measures were useful for providing a better understanding of what
teachers need to know in order to do the work of teaching in Indonesia (ibid.).
Mathematics teachers all over the world face demands related to choosing and developing
definitions that are appropriate for use among their students, and Zazkis and Leikin (2008)
suggest that teachers’ knowledge of mathematical definitions and their concept images affect
their instructional decisions, the explanations they provide in the classroom, the way they
guide their students, and how they conduct mathematical discussions. To plan future
professional development it is asserted that teachers’ beliefs about teaching knowledge may
influence their interpretation of their experiences (e.g., Ravindran, Greene, & Debacker,
2005). Given these results from previous research, we found it relevant to make an effort to
learn more about teachers’ beliefs about the mathematical knowledge needed for teaching
definitions in a different cultural context. With this as a background, we approach the
following research question: What do teachers’ reflections on MKT items reveal about their
beliefs concerning mathematical knowledge for teaching definitions?
In order to answer this question, we analyze the reflections given by Norwegian teachers
in focus-group interviews where MKT items were used to focus the discussions. Before we
approach this, however, we first need to make some clarifications about beliefs related to
teaching knowledge and how they relate to other types of beliefs. Then we need to discuss
how these beliefs relate to knowledge in general and MKT in particular. We also need to
elaborate on our focus on that particular task of teaching concerning definitions in relation to
the more general research on teachers’ knowledge of mathematical definitions. These issues
are addressed in the next section.
Theoretical Influences
Philosophers have pondered about beliefs and knowledge—and the connection between
the two—for centuries. The result of the philosophers’ reflections on these issues is manifest
in the branch of philosophy called epistemology—which has a particular focus on discussions
concerning knowledge and beliefs. Within the field of educational research in general and
mathematics education in particular, there has been a vast amount of research related to
beliefs. In his overview of research in this area, Philipp (2007) presented some of the terms
that have been used when these issues have been investigated in mathematics education
research: affect (including emotions, attitudes and beliefs), beliefs systems, conceptions,
identity, knowledge and values. All of these concepts—including that of beliefs—have been
used with various meanings by different researchers.
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Beliefs About...
Before approaching the concept of beliefs about teaching knowledge—which is our focus
in this article—we need to make some clarifications concerning the more general concept of
beliefs. Mathematics teachers’ beliefs have often been grouped into beliefs about the nature
of mathematics, about mathematics teaching and about mathematics learning—as presented
in Table 1.
Table 1
Categories of teachers' beliefs (adapted from Beswick, 2012, p. 130)
Beliefs about the nature of Beliefs about mathematics Beliefs about mathematics
mathematics teaching learning
The three categories of Ernest (1989)—as presented in the left column of Table 1—have
been widely used as a description of beliefs about the nature of mathematics. In the
instrumentalist view, mathematics is seen as “an accumulation of facts, skills and rules to be
used in the pursuance of some external end” (Ernest, 1989, p. 250). The Platonist view sees
mathematics as a body of pre-existing knowledge. Finally, in the problem solving view,
mathematics is regarded as a dynamic human invention.
Almost three decades ago, Thompson (1984) claimed that the connection between
teachers’ beliefs about mathematics and their teaching practice had been largely ignored. She
called for research with a focus on this connection between beliefs and practice, and a
number of studies with such a focus subsequently emerged (e.g., Cooney, 1985; Raymond,
1997; Skott, 2001); several of these studies had a focus on inconsistencies between beliefs
and practice. Following Thompson’s initiative, there has been an increased interest in beliefs
about the nature of mathematics; there has also been a continually increasing focus on beliefs
about mathematics teaching and learning. Van Zoest, Jones and Thornton (1994)
distinguished between three important aspects in research on beliefs about mathematics
teaching (see the middle column of Table 1), whereas others (e.g., Ernest, 1989)
distinguished between beliefs concerning three aspects of mathematics learning (see the right
column of Table 1).
attempt to sort out the connection between teacher knowledge and teacher beliefs, Thompson
(1992) pointed out that the difficulties involved in changing teacher performance are
intimately connected with what teachers believe and know. Her approach has had significant
impact on the direction of research in this area. Furinghetti and Pehkonen (2002) emphasized
the close connections between knowledge and beliefs, and they argued that beliefs should be
considered as part of teachers’ personal knowledge. In another attempt to clarify between the
concepts, Kuntze (2011) used the term ‘professional knowledge’—in which beliefs were
included. Many researchers distinguish between these two concepts, but some argue that
beliefs and knowledge are strongly related. Beswick (2011, 2012) argued for the equivalence
of beliefs and knowledge; she also suggested that beliefs about mathematical content and
pedagogy should be included in the MKT framework. Philipp (2007), on the other hand,
maintained that beliefs are closely related to knowledge, but a distinction should be made
between the terms. In this article, we follow Philipp’s suggestion and distinguish between
knowledge and beliefs. We focus on the beliefs teachers have about knowledge needed for
teaching, and we consider this to be an aspect of teachers’ personal epistemology.
next section)—of importance in studies of teachers’ beliefs about teaching knowledge (Buehl
& Fives, 2009). Prior research emphasized the importance of studying teachers’ beliefs about
teaching knowledge, because these beliefs may influence how and what they learn from
participating in professional development (e.g., Ravindran, Greene, & DeBacker, 2005);
beliefs about teaching knowledge may also influence teaching practices (e.g., Sinatra &
Kardash, 2004). Fives and Buehl (2010) proposed that teachers’ beliefs about what they need
to know constitute a distinct domain. Bendixen and Feucht (2010) supported this, and they
maintained that this “provides additional depth to our understanding of teachers’ personal
epistemology” (p. 567).
Distinct beliefs about different aspects of teaching knowledge exists, such as the source of
teaching knowledge, the stability of teaching knowledge and the structure of teaching
knowledge (Buehl & Fives, 2009). In the present article we focus on practicing teachers’
beliefs about a fourth aspect: the content of teaching knowledge (as in Fives & Buehl,
2008)—in particular teachers’ beliefs about the knowledge needed to teach mathematical
mathematics; the mathematical tasks of teaching are also strongly connected with the MKT
items. Hill and colleagues (2004) elaborated on this when they explained how item writing
served different purposes for the researchers in Michigan. Item writing served the purpose of
exploring the nature and composition of subject-matter knowledge of mathematics for
teaching and MKT in particular. The item writing process was used to develop the tasks of
teaching. On a more practical level, they hoped that the creation of these measures would
lead to increased understanding of—and renewed interest in—the content knowledge of
teachers (ibid.).
Building upon the results from the MTLT project, the researchers at the University of
Michigan started developing survey measures of the content knowledge needed for teaching
mathematics as part of the Learning Mathematics for Teaching project (LMT). In Figure 1 an
example from the public released LMT items that focuses on definitions is presented. Among
the items that were discussed by the teachers in our study, one of the items had a focus on
whether or not 1 is defined as a prime number. The item in Figure 1 is not the exact same, but
we let it serve as an illustration since it also has a focus on the definition of prime numbers.
Figure 1. Item 2 from the released LMT items (Ball & Hill, 2008, p. 4).
discoveries were originally made—that De Villiers (1998) suggested that students should be
engaged in defining concepts rather than learning about definitions. Zazkis and Leikin (2008)
followed up on this when they argued that definitions of mathematical concepts as well as the
processes of defining are fundamental aspects of teachers’ subject matter knowledge. They
continued to argue that teachers’ knowledge of mathematical definitions and their concept
images affect their instructional decisions, the explanations they provide in the classroom, the
way they guide their students, and how they conduct mathematical discussions (e.g., Zazkis
& Leikin, 2008). Leikin and Zazkis (2010) found that prospective mathematics teachers’
knowledge of definitions is situated in the content domain of mathematics. They claimed that
it reflects the nature of school mathematics textbooks and of the school curriculum and they
found a gap between the mathematics learned in university courses and school mathematics.
It is therefore not surprising that Ball, Thames and Phelps (2008), in their presentation of
mathematical tasks of teaching, listed “choosing and developing useable definitions” (p. 400)
as one of the challenges that are distinctive to the work of teaching mathematics. This goes
beyond the ability to recite the actual definitions and into the area of understanding variations
of definitions—whether congruent or non-congruent (Usiskin & Griffin, 2008)—and
understanding mathematically accurate yet useful definitions and its trajectory.
In our efforts to learn more about teachers’ beliefs about the content of their teaching
knowledge, we arranged focus-group interviews. Focus groups have the potential to initiate
“concentrated conversations that might never occur in the «real world»” (Morgan, 1998, p.
31). Such focused discussions could give realistic accounts of what teachers think about the
adapted MKT items “because they are forced to think about and possibly revise their views”
(Bryman, 2004, p. 348). The initial aim with these interviews was to investigate whether or
not our adaptation of the MKT measures was successful by bringing in the voices of the test-
takers (Fauskanger, Jakobsen, Mosvold, & Bjuland, 2012). In our previous analyses of these
interviews (e.g., Fauskanger, 2012; Fauskanger & Mosvold, 2010), we learned that the
practicing teachers also discussed different aspects of the knowledge they found relevant and
irrelevant for their work as teachers—including aspects related to mathematical definitions
(Fauskanger, 2012). For the purpose of this article—and in order to learn more about the
Norwegian teachers’ beliefs concerning MKT definitions—we decided to make a new
analysis of the transcripts focusing on what was actually discussed related to definitions.
Fifteen teachers participated in seven semi-structured focus-group interviews, and these
teachers were selected from a convenience sample of schools and teachers. All the
participants had a special interest in mathematics and mathematics teacher education. The
first two interviews were held at the university, whereas the other five were held at the
teachers’ respective schools. The first group consisted of two experienced teachers, whereas
the second group consisted of three inexperienced teachers. The participants in these two
groups were selected on the basis of their level of experience and special interest in
mathematics education, and were all from different schools. In the next five interviews, pairs
of teachers from five schools were selected for participation in collaboration between the
school principals and the researchers; these five schools were selected out of the total sample
of 17 schools that participated in our pilot study.
In the first focus-group interview (FGI1), Eric and Eve participated. Both were
experienced mathematics teachers. In the second interview (FGI2), three inexperienced
teachers participated: Ingrid, Ingeborg and Ingfrid. In the third focus-group interview, the two
teachers from Beta School were both responsible for mathematics teaching in their school.
Betty was teaching mathematics in Grade 6 at the moment, whereas Benjamin had an
administrative position and was not teaching that year. Both teachers in the fourth
interview—at Zeta High—had finished their teacher education not long ago. The teachers
from Zeta High were given the following nicknames in our data: Zachariah and Zelda. In
Kappa High—which was where the fifth interview was held—Karen and Ken participated in
the interviews. Matthew was one of the participating teachers from Mu School in the sixth
interview, and he had lots of experience as a teacher. His colleague, Mary, was less
experienced. In the seventh and final focus-group interview—which was held at Nu High—
Nigel and Nora participated in the interview. Nigel had 15 years of experience as a teacher,
whereas Nora had been working as a teacher for four years. Both had taught mathematics
every year of their teaching careers.
Data Analysis
The focus-group interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim; these transcriptions
were analyzed using a combination of two different approaches to qualitative content
analysis. As part of the data reduction—and in order to learn more about what the teachers
said about definitions—a summative qualitative content analysis was first applied to the data
(Hsieh & Shannon, 2005). We began by identifying all that was discussed related to MKT
items focusing on definitions, and all that was said related to definitions when discussing
other items as well. Both authors of this article carried out independent analysis of the data to
ensure reliability. One carried out content analysis with the aid of the computer software
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NVivo10 (QSR International), whereas the other carried out his analysis using open source
tools for text analysis. Both authors searched the transcripts for occurrences of the word
‘definition’ and derived terms. In this part of the analysis, we defined the utterance as a
coding unit; the context unit was defined as two utterances before and after the utterance in
which the key word appeared (Krippendorf, 2004). When reading the transcripts, we
discovered that words like ‘concept’ and ‘formula’ were used more or less as synonyms of
‘definition’. We therefore searched the transcripts for these terms as well. In our separate
analyses, we ended up with an almost perfect overlap of excerpts from the transcripts. These
excerpts (the context units) have been subject to further qualitative content analysis and
discussion below. In this second part of the data analysis, we used a more conventional
content analysis (Hsieh & Shannon, 2005), and categories were developed inductively. In the
results section some of the transcripts have been slightly adapted to avoid gap fillers and
When analyzing our interview data to investigate what teachers’ reflections on MKT
items reveal concerning their beliefs about MKT definitions, we ended up with two partially
overlapping categories. Some teachers seemed to believe that knowledge of definitions is an
important part of their MKT. Other teachers seemed more reluctant, and—although they
might believe that knowledge of definitions is important—they argued that teachers do not
actually need to remember the mathematical definitions or formulas in order to be good
teachers. Below is a presentation and discussion of the results from our analysis.
153. Interviewer: You suggest, in a way, more of the kind of tasks that focus on definitions,
and less of the kind of tasks that focus on calculations, then?
154. Betty: Yes, I think that is correct.
155. Benjamin. Definitions are incredibly important as a prerequisite, because if you don’t
have clear definitions and know a little about it, then you will easily be out of track.
156. Betty: And, what was said after the TIMSS study, what I have heard anyway, is that we
score low on concepts. So, I believe it is more important to be clear about this than to be able
to calculate correctly. [FGI3, Beta School, March 2, 2009]
Just prior to this, the teachers have been discussing the previous couple of items. In
relation to an item focusing on special cases in geometry (testlet 15), the teachers have just
argued that knowledge of definitions and concepts are important. When discussing item 17 in
the dialogue above, Benjamin argues that a teacher will be out of track if he does not have
clear definitions (155). These teachers’ beliefs seem to include knowledge related to defining
concepts as a prerequisite for teaching “on the track”.
Benjamin here—arguing that knowledge of definitions is important—appears to be in line
with research on mathematical definitions (e.g., Zazkis & Leikin, 2008). He contends that
knowledge of definitions is an important prerequisite for teachers, and this is also in
concurrence with the way Ball and colleagues (2008) present the task of teaching related to
definitions. The actual task of teaching is formulated as “choosing and developing useable
definitions”. In order for a teacher to be able to do this, knowing the actual definitions is
2) Remembering definitions is not important. Although teachers in all the interviews
appeared to believe that knowledge of definitions is important for mathematics teachers, not
everyone seemed to agree with Benjamin’s views. Several teachers maintained that
remembering the actual definition is less important for them, and some of the teachers said
explicitly that knowing the formula or definition is not an important aspect of teachers’
When discussing a testlet focusing on student-made definitions and how they would meet
the students’ suggestions, the teachers from Zeta High said:
193. Zachariah: Yes, there you have definitions again (…). How do you define polygons and
parallelograms versus rectangles [inclusive definitions] (…) What is the established
194. Interviewer: Mmm.
195. Zachariah: The point is, I do not have [know the definition] (…).
196. Interviewer: So you are uncertain about the definition (…) Like, what is the formal
197. Zachariah: Some [definitions] are OK (…), like equilateral right-angled triangle…
198. Zelda: When I, yes… If I study these students’ proposals [presented in the MKT items
discussed] to plan my teaching the next day, I would have looked it [the definitions] up in a
book (…) I do not go round remembering this. Maybe when I have taught for 20 years I will
have looked it up enough times to remember it, but right now I do not have room for this
information. [FGI4, Zeta High, March 5, 2009]
The teachers at Zeta High seem to believe that remembering definitions is not an
important part of their MKT (198), and Zelda’s apparent base for this argument is that she
can always look up the definitions in books when preparing her lessons (198). On the other
hand, Zachariah seems to believe that it is beneficial to remember some definitions—like that
of the equilateral right-angled triangle (197). A possible explanation might be that
Zachariah’s belief that it is not important to remember the definitions is related to his lack of
knowledge on this—and the belief might then be interpreted as a kind of defense mechanism.
Another possible explanation is that he says: “some are OK” because they are easy to
remember or because they are relevant for his students.
53 R. Mosvold & J. Fauskanger
This brings us into a discussion concerning the nature and properties of knowledge (e.g.,
Hofer & Pintrich, 1997), and it initiates a discussion of whether or not it is possible to know a
definition without actually remembering it (Zazkis & Leikin, 2008). Some of the other
teachers in our study had a clear opinion about this.
To be able to engage students in defining concepts rather than learning about
definitions—as emphasized by De Villiers (1998)—teachers need to know definitions of
mathematical concepts as well as the processes of defining (Zazkis & Leikin, 2008). If
teachers hold the belief that knowing definitions is not an important part of their MKT, they
might struggle to learn the definitions and engaging students in this particular way might be
76. Karen: I think they [the MKT measures] should have been differentiated... As an example
if one can have a rectangle that is not a parallelogram and that stuff [definitions of
quadrangles]. (...). But we do not have [teach] it [definitions of different quadrangles] for the
younger ones [students] we teach.
77. Ken: No, exactly. [FGI5, Kappa High, March 9, 2009]
(e.g., Ng, 2012), and such cultural differences in the content domain might also be reflected
in cultural differences regarding teachers’ beliefs about the content of teaching knowledge.
2) Inclusive definitions are confusing. When discussing whether or not the suggested
definitions of quadrangles would be useable among their students, the teachers from Zeta
High argued:
204. Zachariah: Hmm, in the case of our students, I would never have said that a
parallelogram could—in any kind of definition—be mixed with a rectangle. When I
immediately say that they’d be completely confused. Whether that is the right definition, I
don’t know that. I don’t know the answer to that right now. But when I explain what a
rectangle is, then I say that: this is a rectangle where you have two sides/edges that are equally
long, two [more] sides/edges that are equally long, but the ratio between the two are not
always the same. In a parallelogram you have the shift (…) If I start to bring in definitions
claiming it might be like this, and it might be like that—but not always like that—but if we
touch it from this angle....
205. Interviewer: Yes. Do you agree with what he said?
206. Zelda: Yes, I have skimmed the cream a little now, no need to go deeper into it than what
is usually needed to solve the tasks. That might be something you explain individually to
those who handle it... [FGI4, Zeta High, March 5, 2009]
Concluding Discussion
Research on mathematics teachers’ knowledge has been thriving for decades, and a large
amount of studies build upon the foundations laid by Shulman (1986). The attempt by Ball
and her colleagues at the University of Michigan to develop a practice-based theory of
mathematical knowledge for teaching (Ball, Thames, & Phelps, 2008) is widely
acknowledged, and their theory represents an important extension of our understanding of
mathematics teachers’ knowledge. The theory has been criticized, however, and one issue
that has received criticism is the lack of inclusion of beliefs (e.g., Beswick, 2011, 2012).
Despite the large amount of research concerning beliefs and knowledge, researchers have still
not reached a consensus regarding the relationship between the two. Some argue that the two
are closely connected (e.g., Furinghetti & Pehkonen, 2002), whereas others propose that a
distinction should be made between the two (e.g., Philipp, 2007). In this article, we have
followed Philipp’s (ibid.) advice and distinguished between beliefs and knowledge.
55 R. Mosvold & J. Fauskanger
When regarding beliefs and knowledge as two distinct categories, it makes sense to
investigate beliefs about knowledge. Beliefs about knowledge—often referred to as
epistemological beliefs—have been studied by researchers for a long time (e.g., Perry, 1970;
Schommer, 1994). We build upon the suggestion by Buehl, Alexander and Murphy (2002)
that epistemological beliefs are domain specific, and we thus argue that it makes sense to
study teachers’ beliefs about MKT. Fives and Buehl (2010) proposed that teachers’ beliefs
about knowledge they needed as teachers represented a distinct domain of teacher beliefs. We
support that, and we have tried to take this idea one step further in this article.
Previous research on mathematics teachers’ beliefs have often focused on teachers’
beliefs about: i) the nature of mathematics, ii) mathematics teaching, or iii) mathematics
learning (Beswick, 2012). In this article, we propose an extension of these categories, and we
suggest that beliefs about the knowledge needed for teaching mathematics should also be
included (see table 2).
Table 2
Extension of Beswick’s (2012) categories of teacher beliefs
Beliefs mathematics Beliefs about Beliefs about Beliefs about MKT
mathematics teaching mathematics learning
In our analysis, we have focused on teachers’ beliefs about the mathematical knowledge
needed to teach definitions. Most of the teachers in our study expressed beliefs about the
importance of such knowledge. In their discussions, however, differences appeared regarding
their understanding of what this meant. One teacher, Benjamin, argued that teachers need to
“have clear definitions and know a little about it”. “Have” and “know” means different things
for different teachers, and this relates to Ernest’s (1989) categories of beliefs about
mathematics learning (second column from the right in table 2). Some teachers expressed
beliefs supporting the idea that knowledge of definitions includes remembering them,
whereas others, like Zachariah, did not seem to believe that knowing the actual definitions is
Teachers like Zachariah might hold beliefs that indicate an emphasis on understanding the
content more than simply mastering the skills and remember facts. Zachariah and his
colleague Zelda also seemed to be more concerned about adjusting the definitions to their
particular groups of students. Zachariah argued that some definitions—like inclusive
definitions—can be confusing for students, and we can interpret this as a belief concerning
MKT that implies a focus on adjusting and differentiating the content. Ball, Thames and
Phelps (2008, p. 400) presented “choosing and developing useable definitions” as a
mathematical task of teaching, and this might include adjusting them in order to be more
appropriate to students. This also fits well with the beliefs expressed by Karen and Ken. They
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