Questionnaire Survey: For Identifying Most Cost Influencing Parameter in Case of Road Projects
Questionnaire Survey: For Identifying Most Cost Influencing Parameter in Case of Road Projects
Questionnaire Survey: For Identifying Most Cost Influencing Parameter in Case of Road Projects
ISSN 2250-3153
Abstract- Money is the prime importance in case of road with major efforts currently underway to modernize the country's
projects as huge amount of funds (in trillions) is involved in such road infrastructure. India plans to spend approximately US$70
projects. The construction industry in India suffers from cost Billion by 2013 to modernize its highway network. As of
overruns. Various parameters affecting the road project cost. October 2013, India had completed and placed in use over
These parameters affect the cost in vast manner so they are 21,300 kilometers of recently built 4 or 6-lane highways
responsible for deviation of cost of road projects. Regression connecting many of its major manufacturing centers, commercial
analysis is simple technique for determining the influence of and cultural centers. The rate of new highway construction across
these factors on cost of road projects. Identifying and evaluating India has accelerated in recent years. As of October 2011, the
the factors that influence cost are critical issues faced by country was adding 11 kilometers of new highways, on average,
construction managers. It is therefore important that factors every day. The expected pace of project initiations and
affecting cost of the road projects are well identified so that completion suggests that India would add about 600 kilometers
efforts can be made to improve the situation. So purpose of this of modern highway per month, on average, through 2014. Some
work is, to study the parameters that affect the cost of the road of the major projects that are being implemented include
project and to suggest regression analysis technique for the National Highways Development Project, Yamuna
evaluating these parameters from the point of view of judging Expressway and the KMP Expressway. According to 2009
their influence on cost. estimates by Goldman Sachs, India will need to invest US$1.7
trillion on infrastructure projects before 2020 to meet its
Index Terms- Influencing factors, Questionnaire Survey, economic needs, a part of which would be in upgrading India's
Questionnaire Survey and regression, Parameters. road network. The government of India is attempting to promote
foreign investment in road projects by offering financial
incentives. This has led the government to create ambitious
I. INTRODUCTION targets of building an average of 20kms a day, which according
to figures from the NHAI, only 12kms a day has been completed
India has a road network of over 4,236,000 kilometers
since April 2007. But meeting these targets is imperative in
(2,632,000 mi) in 2011, the third largest road network in the
accompanying the growing pace of the country. So the Indian
world. At 0.66 km of roads per square kilometer of land, the
government has moved to financing projects through PPPs – as
quantitative density of India's road network is similar to that of
their overseeing of projects using the government budget was
the United States (0.65) and far higher than that of China (0.16)
inadequate to assist the required growth. Poor cost performance
or Brazil (0.20). However, qualitatively India's roads are a mix of
of construction projects seems to be the norm rather than the
modern highways and narrow, unpaved roads, and are
exception particularly in most developing countries where the
undergoing drastic improvement. As of 2008, 49 percent – about
problem is more acute. Road construction is generally
2.1 million kilometers – of Indian roads were paved. Adjusted for
undertaken by private companies on B.O.T. basis. Cost
its large population, India has less than 4 kilometers of roads per
estimation is necessary for application of tenders to get a project.
1000 people, including all its paved and unpaved roads. In terms
Generally, the estimated cost of the project and the actual cost of
of quality, all season, 4 or more lane highways, India has less
the project vary to a large extent. This is because; road
than 0.07 kilometers of highways per 1000 people, as of 2010.
construction costs depend on a large number of parameters
These are some of the lowest road and highway densities in the
related to construction, climatic conditions, financial status and
world. For context, United States has 21 kilometers of roads per
many other. Questionnaire survey analysis is simple technique
1000 people, while France about 15 kilometers per 1000 people –
for determining the influence of these factors on cost of road
predominantly paved and high quality in both cases. In terms of
projects. As we know the most cost affecting parameter of road
all season, 4 or more lane highways, developed countries such as
projects, we can make feasible improvement in road alignment,
United States and France have a highway density per 1000
design features as well as in selection of site. As a result we can
people that is over 15 times as India.
reduce the cost of road projects. In India cost of road and
India in its past did not allocate enough resources to infrastructure projects is most overgrowing issue, due to our
build or maintain its road network. This has changed since 1995, economic status as a developing country significant cost
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2015 2
ISSN 2250-3153
overruns. Road construction is one of the major activities in the literature review. A questionnaire survey was performed
construction industry. to rank the considered factors in terms of severity and
frequency. The analysis of the survey indicated that the
top risks affecting time overrun in road construction
projects in Palestine are: financial status of the
contractors, payment delays by the owner, the political
The various papers that were referred for finding out the situation and segmentation of the West Bank, poor
factors are as follows- communication between construction parties, lack of
equipment efficiency and high competition in bids.
1) Abdullah Alhomidan (2013), had presented a paper on “
Factors Affecting Cost Overrun in Road Construction 4) Shri. B.S. Patil ,et all.(2011)// they had presented a
Projects in Saudi Arabia” He took 41 factors causing paper in international journal as “Factors Affecting The
cost overrun in road construction projects which were Cost And Quality Of Construction” they highlighted
defined through a detailed literature review. These some of the points which are very essential in reducing
causes were classified into 6 groups according to the the cost and delay of project and also remedies. Main
sources of delay: project, managerial, consultant, causes of time-delays in order are the number of change
external, construction items, and financial. Frequency orders, financial constraints and owners lack of
and severity of each factor is determined by the zone in experience in construction. The three main causes of
which they fell i.e yellow, green, red. The survey cost overruns on the other hand in order are contractor
indicated that the most severe factors affecting cost related problems, material-related problems and, again,
overrun in road construction projects are: internal owners financial constraints. to minimize, time-delays
administrative problems, payments delay, poor and cost-overruns and thereby ensuring quality? They
communication between construction parties, and delays should:: (a) ensure adequate and available source of
in decision making. The results show that most of the finance; (b) perform a pre-construction planning of
critical factors are managerial factors that could be project tasks and resource needs; (c) allocate sufficient
controlled and minimized by improving the managerial time and money on the design phase;(d) if cost-effective
skills of the construction teams by conducting proper (depending on the size of the project), hire an
trainings and workshops independent supervising engineer to monitor the
progress and quality of the work and ensure timely
2) Bent Flyvbjerg, et all (2004)// they had presented a delivery of materials; and finally, the most important
paper on “What Causes Cost Overrun in Transport factor of all, (e) select a competent consultant and a
Infrastructure Project “ .The study is based on a sample reliable contractor to carry out the work.
of 258 rail, bridge, tunnel, and road project worth
US$90 billion. The focus is on the dependence of cost III. METHODOLOGY
escalation on (1) length of project implementation
phase, (2) size of project and (3) type of project In this research work Questionnaire survey is
ownership. First it is found with very high statistical used as a tool to find out the various factors and most
significance that cost escalation is strongly dependant influencing parameter, also this survey hands a
on length of implementation phase because they systematic approach and an easy format through which
translate into risks of substantial cost escalation. all the parameter are covered and can be easily assessed.
Second, it is found that project have grown larger over
time and that for bridges and tunnel larger project have A) The procedure followed is as follows
larger percentage cost escalation . finally, by comparing
cost escalation for three types of project ownership— 1. As a first step, cost influencing parameters are well
private, state owned enterprises and other public identified thorough literature review, data collected
ownership—it is shown that the often seen claim that from various govt. authorities, contractors, site
public ownership is problematic and private ownership engineers, supervisors and labour supervisors
effective in curbing cost escalation is an 2. A structured questionnaire was prepared considering all
oversimplification. Types of accountability appears to the above factors and they were arranged in a
matter to the cost escalation than type of ownership.
descending order according to their repetition by
3) Ibrahim Mahamid (2013), he had presented a paper majority of people.
“Common risks affecting time overrun in road 3. Each factor was given a scale of 0 to 10, so that the
construction projects in Palestine: Contractors’ person could express the severity of impact by an
perspective” . His study aims at identifying the common individual factor on cost i.e. 0 being the lowest and 10
risks affecting time overrun in road construction being the highest.
projects in the West Bank in Palestine from contractors’
4. The whole scale was divided into two parts
viewpoint. 45 factors that might cause delays of road
construction projects were defined through a detailed 1) 0 to 4 - least influencing.
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2015 3
ISSN 2250-3153
2) 5 to 10 – most influencing.
5. A total of 85 questionnaires were distributed and
collected from various govt. authorities, contractors, site IV. STRUCTURED QUESTIONNAIRE
engineers, supervisors and labour supervisors. The structured questionnaire was prepared by taking into
6. The scale value obtained by the individual factors from consideration all the above 29 factors, along with few more blank
85 questionnaires was noted down in table I and II. points for any other factors which would be included by the
technical persons. The questionnaire is prepared with each and
7. These values obtained from the questionnaires were
every factors having a scale of 0 to 10 ( 0 meaning the lowest &
analyzed on the basis of mean and coefficient of 10 meaning the highest). The purpose of scaling the factor is to
variance. understand the intensity of impact that the factor would produce
on the cost of the project according to the respective person.
IV. FACTORS Below is the prepared structured questionnaire.
The Factors were collected from literature review Apart from
that, collected from various govt. Authorities like PWD, Zilla [ Q.S.;- ]
Parishad, PMGSY etc, local govt. and private contractor, site QUESTIONNAIRE SURVEY
engineers, site supervisors etc. list of 29 factors that were
PROJECT TITLE: Questionnaire Survey: For Identifying Most
included in the questionnaire is given below.
Cost Influencing Parameters in case of road
The 29 factors are as follows;-
1) Terrain Condition
DATE : / / 2014
2) Land Acquisition
3) Road Length
4) Soil & Rock Suitability / Drillability ( To be filled by concerned Authority)
5) Traffic Intensity Following are the Cost influencing Factor in case of Road
6) Material Related Problem (Transportation, Cost, Projects. Give the Rating in between 0 to10 as per your opinion.
Handling Etc.)
7) Project Size / Phases 1. TERRAIN CONDITION
8) Payment Related Problem From Owner Side
9) Poor Communication Between Construction Parties 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
10) Lack Of Equipment Efficiency (Efficiency Of
Operator, Suitability Of Particular Equipment To Site 2. LAND ACQUISITION
11) Climatic Condition 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
12) Drainage Problem
13) Road Width 3. ROAD LENGTH
14) Financial Status Of Contractor
15) Lack Of Experience & Knowledge Of Construction 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
17) Labour Availability
18) Involvement Of More No. Of Parties ( Contractor) In 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
19) Lack Of Efficiency Of Contractor To Achieve Time
Goal Of Project 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
20) Availability Of Modern Equipment & Methods
21) Alignment Of Road 6. MATERIAL RELATED PROBLEM ( Transportation,
22) Technicality Involved ( Method of Construction ) Cost, Handling etc.)
23) Time ( Delay In Project Completion Affect Overall
Procurement Cost, Labour Cost, Equipment Cost Etc.) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
24) Thickness Of Various Layers In Case Of Flexible
25) No. Of Cross Drainage Works
26) Application Of Geotextile Membrane In Road 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
28) Conflict Among Project Participants SIDE
29) Re Work Due To Poor Material Quality Used Before
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0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Re Work Due To Poor Material Quality Used Before 4 1 6 9 13 92 1.08 0.12 10.78
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Re Work Due To Poor Material Quality Used Before 8 10 7 9 7 7 354 4.16 0.45 10.8
Table III: lower scale analysis
Scaling coefficient
FACTORS 0 1 2 3 4 AL AN σ
Conflict Among Project Participants 2 3 2 20 13 119 1.40 0.15 10.78
Poor Communication Between Construction Parties 5 6 9 13 13 115 1.35 0.15 10.78
Project Size / Phases 1 3 1 16 15 113 1.33 0.14 10.78
Involvement Of More No. Of Parties (Contractor) In
1 8 8 12 11 104 1.22 0.13 10.78
Single Project
Payment Related Problems From Owner Side 0 1 12 13 8 96 1.13 0.12 10.78
Drainage Problems 1 7 6 8 13 95 1.12 0.12 10.78
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ISSN 2250-3153
Lack Of Experience & Knowledge Of Construction
1 3 5 7 15 94 1.11 0.12 10.78
Road Width 4 6 8 17 5 93 1.09 0.12 10.78
Re Work Due To Poor Material Quality Used Before 4 1 6 9 13 92 1.08 0.12 10.78
Financial Status Of Contractor 4 5 7 9 11 90 1.06 0.11 10.78
Lack Of Efficiency Of Contractor To Achieve Time
0 3 5 12 10 89 1.05 0.11 10.78
Goal Of Project
Climatic Condition 1 1 5 10 11 85 1.00 0.11 10.78
Terrrain Condition 0 3 8 7 11 84 0.99 0.11 10.78
Local Issues 1 3 7 13 7 84 0.99 0.11 10.78
Soil & Rock Suitability / Drillability 0 3 4 9 11 82 0.96 0.10 10.78
Technicality Involved ( Method Of Construction) 0 2 10 3 12 79 0.93 0.10 10.78
Road Length 4 5 8 12 5 77 0.91 0.10 10.78
TIME (Delay In Project Completion Affect Overall
0 2 0 2 16 72 0.85 0.09 10.78
Procurement Cost Labour Cost, Equipment Cost Etc.)
Lack of equipment efficiency (Efficiency Of Operator,
0 1 7 11 5 68 0.80 0.09 10.78
Suitability Of Particular Equipment To Site Condition)
Availability Of Modern Equipment & Methods 0 2 5 9 7 67 0.79 0.08 10.78
Poor Site Management 0 2 6 3 11 67 0.79 0.08 10.78
Material related problem (Transportation, Cost,
0 3 3 7 9 66 0.78 0.08 10.78
Handling Etc.)
Thickness Of Various Layers In Case Of Flexible
2 5 0 9 8 64 0.75 0.08 10.78
Pavement (WBM,BBM,BM)
No. Of Cross Drainge Work 3 1 7 4 9 63 0.74 0.08 10.78
Alignment Of Road 1 4 1 4 11 62 0.73 0.08 10.78
Application Of Geotxtile Membrane In Road
4 4 6 5 6 55 0.65 0.07 10.78
Land Acquisition 0 4 6 7 4 53 0.62 0.07 10.78
Labour Availability 2 3 6 3 7 52 0.61 0.07 10.78
Traffic Intensity 1 3 2 7 4 44 0.52 0.06 10.78
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ISSN 2250-3153