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Designing with glass – strength and loadbearing behaviour

However, damage to the microstructure within encountered in the building industry – float glass
the body of the glass and vents and scratches made from soda-lime-silica glass – exhibits
on the surface give rise to Griffith flaws (fig. 2.2.1) parallel surfaces free from distortion. According
with extremely high stress peaks when the ele- to DIN 1249-3, float glass is classed as polished
ment is subjected to mechanical actions. Glass plate glass. In the float glass process, the con- < 0.01 mm, 45 MPa
0.01 mm, 40 MPa
is different to many other materials in that these tinuous ribbon of liquid glass floats on a bath of 0.02 mm, 35 MPa
stress peaks cannot be dissipated by means of molten tin, which results in high-quality glass 0.05 mm, 30 MPa
plastic deformation. As surface flaws can never surfaces on the air side as well as the tin side. 0.10 mm, 25 MPa
1a > 0.10 mm, 20 MPa
be avoided at edges or around drilled holes, In the subsequent processing to form laminated
only a fraction of the real material strength can safety glass, it is sometimes necessary to take
be exploited in a building component (fig. 2.2.2). these sides (i.e. air side or tin side) into account.
Upon exceeding a critical (tensile) stress, the For example, when using the Sentry Glas® Plus
crack begins to grow at the tip of a notch or interlayer material, it is always the tin side that
crater. In some circumstances this growth only is bonded to the interlayer, whereas coatings
takes place in small steps, coming to a halt in on float glass intended to modify the thermal
between. In fracture mechanics this slow or insulation or radiation reflection properties are
“stable” crack growth is regarded as subcriti- applied to the air side in order to avoid uneven
cal, and is primarily determined by the duration colour effects in the finished coated panes. The a 2b 3c
of the load. Short-term loads lead to higher slightly milky appearance of the tin side under
allowable stresses than long-term loads. The ultraviolet light reveals the differences in the
subcritical crack growth is influenced by chem- surfaces. <
ical reactions at the tip of the crack; for exam- The thermal toughening of float glass gives rise
ple, a high ambient humidity accelerates crack- to small corrugations in the surface of the glass.
ing, but other “crack-healing” effects have also As the glass leaves the furnace it is cooled 2b
been observed. Once the critical crack growth abruptly while being conveyed on rollers and
velocity has been exceeded, a crack becomes cylinders, which produces these minor corru-
unstable, i.e. the widening process accelerates gations. In addition, the strong blasts of cold air
rapidly. This then leads to sudden failure of the used for cooling the glass cause localized
glass element. compaction which can manifest itself as dark b 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 [MPa]
As the subcritical crack growth increases with patches on the pane under certain lighting con-
long-term mechanical loads and as a result of ditions.
chemical reactions taking place near the tip of 3c
the crack, it is necessary to reduce substantial- Strength
ly the actual maximum stress of a component As already explained, the usable strength of a
that has been in use for many years to a value glass building component is not a pure material
well below that determined in short-term tests property but instead a variable dependent on
(fig. 2.2.3). the degree of damage to the surface of the 1a
glass (including edges and drilled holes). The
Surface structure probability that a local stress generated by a
Owing to the many different loads that can mechanical action coincides with critical inher- c 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 [MPa]
occur in construction, a glass element can be ent damage (crack depth) can only be allowed
expected to suffer damage from a variety of for in the design by way of statistical methods.
mechanical sources, e.g. scratches, cleaning, A corresponding design method, based on the
wind erosion, during its long life (fig. 2.2.4). Fur- probability of failure, has been worked out for
thermore, mechanical or chemical treatments, many relevant, practical cases. The size and 3
e.g. cutting, grinding, sand-blasting, acid etch- distribution of microscopic cracks play key 1a
ing, coating or printing, affect the surface struc- roles here. This is also made very clear by the
ture and hence the strength. More severe inher- evaluation of fracture tests. Even glass fresh
ent damage is caused at edges and especially from the production line exhibits a wide range
the sides of drilled holes; such damage cannot of strengths, but relatively high on average. Up d 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 [MPa]
be rectified by subsequent polishing because to the time of installation and throughout the life 2.2.4
the deep cracks responsible for failure, the of the structure, damage to the surface of the
ones where fracture of the pane originates, are glass “accumulates” so that the probability of a
not fully reached by the polishing operations. critical crack forming in a pane rises. There-
Cracks in the glass surface can be counteract- fore, glasses with inherent damage have lower
ed (“overcompressed”) by introducing a com- average strengths, but also considerably nar-
pressive prestress (see “Prestressing”, p. 92). rower statistical distributions, than those
The beneficial compressive prestress is only straight from the factory. The same relationship 2.2.4 Statistical distribution of glass strength due to
reduced by tensile or tensile bending stresses applies to the size of the (test) surfaces under surface damage
a Distribution of surface damage for
caused by external actions. Consequently, crack observation: although brand-new panes are
1 new glass
growth is restricted and the usable strength of often used for the experimental determination 2 weathered glass
the glass increased. The compressive stress of the strength of glass, it is, however, very 3 glass with inherent damage
can be introduced into the surface of the glass much better to examine older panes with inher- b Frequency distribution for strength of weath-
by way of external prestressing forces or ther- ent damage when assessing the reliability of ered glass determined in fracture tests
c Normal distribution curves for strength deter-
mal or chemical processes during manufacture. the strength forecast. If the inherent damage is mined in fracture tests
Thanks to modern manufacturing processes, realistic, i.e. corresponds to the most unfavour- d Cumulative frequency curves (integral of
the basic glass product most frequently able surface damage that can be expected, distribution)


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