BISS - CA Basic Interoperable Scrambling System

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TECH 3292-s1


Supplement 1:

Version 1.0

March 2018
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Tech 3292-s1 BISS – Conditional Access (BISS-CA)


This specification describes a conditional access mode for the Basic Interoperable Scrambling
System (BISS), based on asymmetric cryptography for use on digital contribution circuits (satellite,
DSNG, IP etc.).

It allows a dynamic, real-time and granular management of the stream entitlement whilst
remaining Interoperable and secure.

BISS – Conditional Access (BISS-CA) Tech 3292-s1

BISS – Conditional Access (BISS-CA) Tech 3292-s1

Abstract .................................................................................................. 3

1. Introduction .................................................................................... 7

2. Glossary ......................................................................................... 8

3. BISS Operational Modes ...................................................................... 9

4. BISS-CA ......................................................................................... 10

4.1 Overview ....................................................................................... 10

4.2 Protocol Component Description .......................................................... 11

4.2.1 Public and Private Key pair ........................................................................ 11 Entitlement Key ID (EKID) .................................................................................... 11 Session Word (SW) ............................................................................................. 12 Session Key (SK) ................................................................................................ 12 Entitlement Session Id (ESID) ................................................................................ 12 Original Network ID ............................................................................................ 13
4.2.2 Table Definitions ..................................................................................... 13 CAT ............................................................................................................... 14 Conditional Access Descriptor ............................................................................... 14 Scrambling descriptor ......................................................................................... 15 Generic private section syntax .............................................................................. 15 EMM and ECM tables ........................................................................................... 16 Table_id ........................................................................................................ 16 EMM section ................................................................................................... 17 Session data ................................................................................................... 18 ECM section .................................................................................................... 20

5. Normative Implementation Considerations ............................................. 22

6. References ..................................................................................... 23

Annex A: Use Cases & Credential Management Description (informative). ................ 25

A1 Entitlement Credentials Management ............................................................... 26

Annex B: Public Key Format Description (informative) ........................................ 28

B1 Binary DER structure ................................................................................... 28

Annex C: Component Examples .................................................................... 29

C1 Example of Public & Private Key pair ............................................................... 29
C2 Example of Entitlement Key ID generation ......................................................... 30
C3 Example of session data in EMM ...................................................................... 30
C4 Example of ESW......................................................................................... 31

BISS – Conditional Access (BISS-CA) Tech 3292-s1

List of Figures
Figure 1: BISS1 and BISS2 Standards & Mode Overview. ..................................................... 9
Figure 2: BISS-CA overview ...................................................................................... 10
Figure 3: Tables relational diagram. ........................................................................... 13
Figure 4: EMM & ECM Messages timing......................................................................... 24

List of Tables
Table 1: Conditional Access Section ........................................................................... 14
Table 2: Conditional Access Descriptor........................................................................ 14
Table 3: BISS-CA entitlement session descriptor. ............................................................ 15
Table 4: Scrambling descriptor. ................................................................................ 15
Table 5: Generic private section structure. .................................................................. 16
Table 6: Table Id Values. ........................................................................................ 16
Table 7: EMM Table structure................................................................................... 17
Table 8: EMM Cipher Type Table. .............................................................................. 18
Table 9: Session data descriptor. .............................................................................. 19
Table 10: Encrypted session key descriptor. ................................................................. 19
Table 11: Session key type values. ............................................................................. 19
Table 12: Entitlement flags descriptor. ....................................................................... 20
Table 13: ECM Table ............................................................................................. 20
Table 14: ECM cipher types values. ............................................................................ 21
Table 15: list of TS scrambling modes in BISS-CA. ........................................................... 22

BISS – Conditional Access (BISS-CA) Tech 3292-s1

Basic Interoperable Scrambling System
Conditional Access Mode

EBU Committee First Issued Revised Re-issued

TC 2018

Keywords: Security, Scrambling, Satellite, AES-128, DVB-CISSA, Conditional Access, Rights

Management, Contribution.

1. Introduction
This document describes the Conditional Access mode of the BISS protocol called Mode CA
(BISS-CA). It specifies an open, interoperable conditional access system allowing the operator to
revoke or allow, in real-time, the reception of programmes by a particular receiver.

The BISS (Basic Interoperable Scrambling System) protocol is a scrambling protocol based on the
DVB-CSA specification in its deprecated version 1 (BISS1) and on DVB-CISSA for the version 2 (BISS2).
The latest version, BISS2, was published in March 2018 as EBU Tech 3292v2. It uses fixed scrambling
keys called Session Words (SWs) to secure the stream. With the BISS-CA publication, the BISS
protocol is extended to 4 operational Modes (Mode 0, Mode 1, Mode E, and Mode CA).

The BISS Mode E, referred to as BISS-E, introduces a symmetric cipher to encrypt the Session Words
(ESWs) with a Session Key (SK). While it does secure the Session Word itself, it still relies on unsafe
transfer methods for the encrypted session words (ESW). Furthermore, it does not allow for a
flexible management of the entitled receiver base.

The BISS-CA mode is built on top of the mode E whereby the session word is encrypted. In addition,
it allows the operator to change the session key in-stream periodically in a seamless manner for the
entitled receivers, while at the same time revoking receivers that are no longer entitled.

This standard addresses the need of sport federations and any content rights holder who is looking
for a secure, transparent and traceable contribution and primary distribution system while being
vendor agnostic. BISS-CA is backward compatible with existing multiplexers as far as they comply
with the MPEG-2-TS [1] and DVB specifications. Furthermore, the protocol is designed to allow
additional customisation by reserving space for private data carriage.

BISS – Conditional Access (BISS-CA) Tech 3292-s1

2. Glossary
Throughout this document, the following terms are used:

Scrambler Overall mechanisms required to meet the DVB-CSA1 or DVB-CISSA specification.

Unit Relates to a device for which this specification might apply.
Management Refers to an organization controlling or managing the conditional access
Centre system.
AES Advanced Encryption Standard, fast symmetric encryption standard.
BISS Basic Interoperable Scrambling System
BISS1 BISS version 1 with CSA1 for TS scrambling and DES for session word encryption.
BISS2 BISS version 2 with DVB-CISSA replacing CSA1 and AES128 replacing DES.
BISS-CA BISS Conditional Access mode allowing secure key transmission in the MPEG
transport stream.
bslbf Bit string, left bit first
CA Conditional Access
CAT Conditional Access Table
CBC Cipher Block Chaining
CISSA DVB-CISSA Common IPTV Software-oriented Scrambling Algorithm
CSA (DVB) Common Scrambling Algorithm
CW Control Word
DES Data Encryption Standard
DSNG Digital Satellite News Gathering
DVB Digital Video Broadcasting
ECM Entitlement Control Message
EMM Entitlement Management Message
ES Elementary stream
ESID Entitlement session ID
ESK Encrypted Session Key
ESW Encrypted Session Word
IRD Integrated Receiver Decoder
lsb Least Significant Bit
LSB Least Significant Byte
MC Management Centre
msb Most Significant Bit
MSB Most Significant Byte
PAT Programme Association Table
PID Programme Identification number
PMT Programme Map Table.
RSA Rivest–Shamir–Adleman asymmetric cryptosystem
SK Session key, key transmitted through the EMM
SW Session word, scrambling key transmitted through the ECM
Uimsbf Unsigned integer, most significant bit first.

BISS – Conditional Access (BISS-CA) Tech 3292-s1

3. BISS Operational Modes

The Scrambler shall support the following four (4) modes of operation:

 Mode 0: No scrambling is applied.

 Mode 1: Components are scrambled by a Session Word (SW), and the SW is transmitted out
of band in clear to the receivers.
 Mode E: Components are scrambled by a Session Word (SW), the SW is encrypted with a
fixed Session Key (SK) and the resulting Encrypted Session Word (ESW) is transmitted out of
band to the receivers.
 Mode CA: Components are scrambled with a Session Word (SW), the SW is encrypted with a
Session Key (SK), and the resulting Encrypted Session Word (ESW), along with the key
information is transmitted in-stream to receivers. Both SW and SK are dynamically changed
during the live event transmission

The scrambling mechanism, as defined in the DVB-CSA for BISS1 and DVB CISSA [2] for BISS2, shall
be applied at the Transport Stream level only. A Conditional Access Table (CAT) shall be present in
the multiplex for BISS Mode 1 and Mode E, although the table shall be empty as no Entitlement
Management Message (EMM) stream will be present in these modes. The CAT table is used in
conjunction with EMM and ECM messages in Mode CA.

A scrambler that only supports a subset of the defined modes of operation, for BISS1 or BISS2, must
do so according to an imposed hierarchy (see Figure 1). As an example, a Scrambler providing
support for BISS2 Mode CA must also support BISS2 Modes 0, 1 and E.

Figure 1: BISS1 and BISS2 Standards & Mode Overview.

BISS – Conditional Access (BISS-CA) Tech 3292-s1


4.1 Overview
BISS-CA is a conditional access system based on open cryptographic standards. It uses a combination
of symmetric and asymmetric ciphers (see figure 2) to protect the transmitted content and entitle
or revoke, in real-time any targeted receivers in an interoperable manner. It is registered as a DVB
service owned by the EBU, with the CA_SYSTEM_ID 0x2610.

Figure 2: BISS-CA overview

In BISS-CA, each receiver (IRDi) eligible to descramble the stream has an asymmetric key pair: a
public key, and a private key { PRIki , PUBki }. The public keys of entitled receivers are transported
to the scrambler out of band. The method of transporting the public keys are not defined in this
document, but example transport methods are described in the Annex A according to the relevant
use cases. An accurate entitlement list is maintained, consisting of a collection of entitled
receivers with their corresponding public keys. The list is used by the scrambler to generate the
Entitlement Management Messages (EMMs).

A Session Word (SW) is used as an input to the Transport Stream (TS) scrambling algorithm to
scramble individual service components in the TS. The Session Word is then encrypted with a
symmetric cipher (AES-128) using a Session Key (SK). The resulting Encrypted Session Word (ESW) is
transmitted to the entitled receivers' in-band in the TS via Entitlement Control Messages (ECMs)
(see §

The Session Key (SK), which is required to decrypt the ESW, is encrypted individually with an
asymmetric cipher (RSA-2048) using the public key of each entitled receiver (PUBki for IRDi ). Only
the receiver having the corresponding Private Key (PRIki ) will be able to decrypt that Encrypted
Session Key (ESKki ). The set of individual ESKki are transmitted to receivers' in-band in the TS via
Entitlement Management Messages (EMMs) (see §

The scrambled TS, and the ECM and EMM tables are multiplexed in the same TS. The EMM and ECM
table structures are not scrambled, and shall be transmitted on separate PIDs.

BISS – Conditional Access (BISS-CA) Tech 3292-s1

To maintain security of the BISS-CA session, Session Words and Session Keys shall be automatically
generated using a cryptographically secure random number generator by the sender/scrambler.
Neither the SW nor SK shall be available in clear text via control APIs or other management
interfaces of the scrambler. . In a redundant scrambler configuration, the scramblers are allowed
to share the SK and SW through a secure protocol established between the units.

The exact method of creating random numbers is outside the scope of this document, but an
example method using a Deterministic Random Bit Generator (DRBG) and a random or secret seed is
described in NIST Special Publication 800-90A [3].

4.2 Protocol Component Description

4.2.1 Public and Private Key pair

A set of public and private key pair is generated for the asymmetric cipher (RSA). The public key is
used by the scrambler to uniquely identify an individual receiver or a group of receivers belonging
to the same Rights Holder. The private part of the key needs to be known by the receiver (or group
of receivers), but shall not be retrievable from the receiver. The public part of the key need to be
known by the scrambler and shall be retrievable by an operator or control API.

The format of the keys should be unencrypted PEM files defined in PKCS#8 (see Annex B for more

The method of transporting public/private key pairs, and in particular transporting the public key
from receivers to the scrambler, is outside the scope of this document.

 The receivers shall have the ability to store several sets of key pairs generated externally
(injected key pairs – see Annex A).
 The receivers may implement a mechanism to automatically generate a set of key pairs
(self-generated key pairs). In this case, the manufacturer shall implement a mechanism to
certify the origins of the key pair (e.g. embedded certificate).
 Each receiver shall have a buried key pair, i.e. a public/private key pair buried in the
receiver by the manufacturer that uniquely identifies the receiver. Manufacturers shall
maintain an accurate register of these key pairs for verification purpose.

To facilitate common management of a group of receivers, the group of receivers can share the
same public/private key pair. Instead of sending an ESK for each individual receiver, the scrambler
will transmit only one ESK for the group. Note that operation of the scrambler is the same when
entitling an individual receiver or group of receivers. A compromised receiver that is part of a
group, and that needs to be revoked, implies revocation of the transmission for all receivers in the

Annex A describes different use cases for key pair management schemes.

Annex B shows an example of a public key format.

Annex C shows examples of a public and private key pair. Entitlement Key ID (EKID)

The Entitlement Key ID (entitlement_key_id) is a 64-bit identifier that shall be derived from the
public key. It is the leftmost truncated 64 bits of the 256-bit Hash of the public key for specific set
of key pairs. It is used to uniquely identify a set of key pairs and varies from a set of pairs to
another. The public key is processed using a SHA-256 hash function.

BISS – Conditional Access (BISS-CA) Tech 3292-s1

To generate the Entitlement Key ID from the public key, the following procedure shall be used:

1. Start with the binary public key DER structure according to PKCS #8, as defined in Annex B

2. Calculate the SHA-256 digest of the binary DER structure

3. The Entitlement Key ID shall be defined as the leftmost 64 bits of the SHA-256 digest string

Annex C shows an example of entitlement key ID generation. Session Word (SW)

Session words are used for scrambling of service components in the Transport Stream. The session
word (SW) format depends on the BISS scrambling algorithm in force. When the TS scrambling
algorithm used is DVB-CISSA, the session word contains the AES-128 [4] control word.

In BISS-CA, the Session Word is encrypted and the Encrypted Session Word (ESW) along with its
metadata is transmitted in the ECM tables.

Annex C shows an example of encrypted session word. Session Key (SK)

Session keys are used for encryption of data in ECM tables. For each individual receiver to be
entitled, the Session Key (SK) is encrypted, and individually Encrypted Session Keys, ESKki, are
distributed to the individual receivers in EMM tables.

The Session Key (SK) is required by receivers to decrypt and retrieve the Session Word (SW) from
the ECM table.

The Session Key (SK) may change over time, and the two versions that can co-exist at any point in
time in a session, are referred to as the odd and even Session Key. To revoke a currently entitled
receiver, the Session Key must be changed, and the individually encrypted ESKki for the receiver to
be revoked, must be removed from the EMM. Entitlement Session Id (ESID)

The entitlement_session_id shall be an administratively configured ID that uniquely identifies a
content protection session that is using a certain set of session keys (odd/even, and changing over

The entitlement_session_id shall be administratively set for every scrambler generating a BISS-CA
stream, making the generated stream unique in that administrative scope.

The entitlement_session_id shall be referenced in EMM and ECM tables that belong to the
entitlement session in question.

The entitlement_session_id shall also be referenced in any CA_descriptor referencing those EMM or
ECM tables. The latter is achieved by adding a bissca_entitlement_session_id_descriptor to the
private data part of the CA_descriptors. This mechanism makes it possible to multiplex BISS-CA
streams while keeping the session data separated.

BISS – Conditional Access (BISS-CA) Tech 3292-s1 Original Network ID

Fields have been allocated in the EMM and ECM private data sections that make it possible to trace
a stream back to the original_network_id values inserted at the stream origin – independent of any
changes to the transport_stream_id or original_network_id in current SI tables, or multiplexing that
might have taken place later in the transmission chain.

It is out of the scope of this standard to mandate specific use of these fields, except that their
values shall be set to the same values as the corresponding values inserted in PSI/SI tables at the
output of an encoder.

The use of the original_network_id also adds an administrative scope in addition to the
entitlement_session_id, meaning that the entitlement_session_id can be independently managed
within the scope of each original_network_id.

4.2.2 Table Definitions

Figure 3: Tables relational diagram.

The CAT and the conditional access descriptor are as defined in ISO/IEC 13818-1 [1].

The scrambling descriptor is as defined in ETSI EN 300 468 [5].

BISS – Conditional Access (BISS-CA) Tech 3292-s1 CAT
The CAT is present when one or more ES are scrambled. The CA_descriptor in the CAT defines
which CA system is used.

Table 1: Conditional Access Section

Syntax No. of bits Mnemonic
ca_section() {
table_id 8 uimsbf
section syntax_indicator 1 bslbf
'0' 1 bslbf
reserved 2 bslbf
section_length 12 uimsbf
reserved 18 bslbf
version_number 5 uimsbf
current_next_indicator 1 bslbf
section_number 8 uimsbf
Last_section_number 8 uimsbf
for (i = 0; i < N; i++){
descriptor() 8 uimsbf
CRC_32 32 rpchof
} Conditional Access Descriptor

If any elementary stream is scrambled, a CA descriptor shall be present in the PMT for the
programme containing that elementary stream. If any system-wide conditional access management
information exists within a Transport Stream, a CA descriptor shall be present in the conditional
access table (CAT).

Table 2: Conditional Access Descriptor.

Syntax No. of bits Mnemonic
ca_descriptor() {
descriptor_tag 8 uimsbf
descriptor_length 8 uimsbf
CA_system_ID 16 uimsbf
reserved 3 bslbf
CA_PID 13 uimsbf

for (i = 0; i < N; i++){

private_data_byte 8 uimsbf

The meaning of CA_PID in the CA descriptor is context dependent. If the CA descriptor is in:

CAT: CA_PID refers to the EMM PID

BISS – Conditional Access (BISS-CA) Tech 3292-s1

PMT: CA_PID refers to the ECM PID

ES: CA_PID refers to the ECM PID

The CA descriptor defines the CA_system_ID, registered by DVB. For BISS-CA, the CA_system_ID
shall be 0x2610.

In BISS-CA, the private_data_byte field shall contain one or more descriptors on the form

Table 3: BISS-CA entitlement session descriptor.

Syntax No. of bits Mnemonic
bissca_entitlement_session_id_descriptor {
descriptor_tag 8 uimsbf
descriptor_length 8 uimsbf
entitlement_session_id 16 uimsbf
original_network_id 16 uimsbf

The list with pairs of an entitlement_session_id and an original_network_id signals for which such
ID pairs data can be found in the CA_PID referenced in this CA_descriptor.

The descriptor_tag for the bissca_entitlement_session_id_descriptor shall be 0x80. Scrambling descriptor

The scrambling descriptor, located in the PMT, defines the scrambling algorithm used.

Table 4: Scrambling descriptor.

Syntax No. of bits Mnemonic
scrambling_descriptor {
descriptor_tag 8 uimsbf
descriptor_length 8 uimsbf
scrambling_mode 8 uimsbf

For BISS-CA, the scrambling mode used shall be DVB-CISSA as specified in [4] section 6. Generic private section syntax

The generic PSI private long section syntax will be used for the following table definitions. The
generic syntax is defined in ISO/IEC 13818-1:2018 [1] section, illustrated in
ISO/IEC 13818-1:2018, Table 2-30.

BISS – Conditional Access (BISS-CA) Tech 3292-s1

Table 5: Generic private section structure.

Syntax No. of bits Mnemonic
private_section() {
table_id 8 uimsbf
section_syntax_indicator 1 bslbf
private_indicator 1 bslbf
reserved 2 bslbf
private_section_length 12 uimsbf
If(section_syntax_indicator =='0'){
private_data_byte 8 bslbf
else {
table_id_extension 16 uimsbf
reserved 2 uimsbf
version_number 5 uimsbf
current_next_indicator 1 bslbf
section_number 8 uimsbf
last_section_number 8 uimsbf
for(i=0;i< private_section_length-9;i++){
private_data_byte 8 bslbf
CRC_32 32 rpchof
} EMM and ECM tables

The EMM and ECM tables shall follow the generic private section syntax, with private data. The
following chapters only detail non-generic syntax elements.

A table is comprised of multiple sections with the same table_id. Table_id
Tables are identified by their table_id as defined in ETSI EN 300 468 [5]; we use the user defined
range to add table_id for the EMM and ECM tables.

Table 6: Table Id Values.

table_id value Description
0x80 ECM
0x81 to 0x8F EMMs

BISS – Conditional Access (BISS-CA) Tech 3292-s1 EMM section

The EMM section provides information on the session keys, how they are encrypted and by which
receiver, or group of receivers, they can be decrypted.

Table 7: EMM Table structure.

Syntax No. of bits Mnemonic
entitlement_management_message_section {
table_id 8 uimsbf
section_syntax_indicator 1 bslbf
private_indicator 1 bslbf
reserved 2 bslbf
private_section_length 12 uimsbf
entitlement_session_id 16 uimsbf
reserved 2 bslbf
version_number 5 uimsbf
current_next_indicator 1 bslbf
section_number 8 uimsbf
last_section_number 8 uimsbf
original_network_id 16 uimsbf
last_table_id 8 uimsbf
emm_cipher_type 3 uimsbf
entitlement_priv_data_loop 1 bslbf
reserved 8 uimsbf
descriptor_length 12 uimsbf
entitlement_key_id 64 bslbf
encrypted_session_data() 2048 bslbf
reserved 4
descriptor_length 12
CRC_32 32 rpchof

BISS – Conditional Access (BISS-CA) Tech 3292-s1

 section_syntax_indicator: a 1-bit field which shall be set to "1". It indicates that the
section uses the generic long table section syntax.
 private_indicator: a 1-bit field which shall be set to "1". It indicates the private_section
 entitlement_session_id: an administratively designated ID field that has a 1-to-1 relation to
a set of session keys (odd, even, changing over time). Shall be referenced in EMM, ECM and
CA_descriptors relating to that entitlement_session_id.
 original_network_id: this field shall be set to the same value as the original_network_id
field in PSI/SI tables in the TS being scrambled.
 last_table_id: this 8-bit field identifies the last table_id used for EMM data.
 emm_cipher_type: indicates which algorithm that is used for EMM payload encryption. In
the BISS–CA protocol the EMM messages shall use the RSA 2048 bits OAEP. RSA OAEP refers to
the implementation of the RSA protocol as defined in NIST special publication 800-56B [6]
and PKCS#1 [7] .

Table 8: EMM Cipher Type Table.

emm_cipher_type Algorithm used for EMM payload encryption
0b000 RSA 2048bits OAEP
0b010 to 0b111 Reserved for future use

 entitlement_priv_data_loop: indicates an entitlement_priv_data descriptor loop is present

in all the entitlement_key_id loop elements.
 descriptor_length: the length in bytes of the following descriptor loop.
 entitlement_key_id: This 64-bit field is a unique identifier of a public key pair used by a
receiver. It is based on EUI-64. It allows receivers to locate the right ESK in the EMM table –
encrypted with the public key given by the entitlement_key_id, for which they also have
the corresponding private key.

A key pair given by an entitlement_key_id may either be used by a single receiver, or it can be
shared by several receivers belonging to the same media rights holder.

 encrypted_session_data: The session data structure as shown in Table 9, encrypted with

RSA, using the public key given by the entitlement_key_id, and using the OAEP padding
algorithm as defined in PKCS #1 [7].

 For BISS-CA the hash function shall be SHA-256 and mask generation function shall be
MGF1-SHA-256. Session data

The session data contains the Session Key (SK) and the output stream control commands. The data
is formatted as a descriptor loop.

The stream control commands describe which actions a BISS-CA certified receiver must comply
with. For example, a receiver may not be allowed to forward a descrambled transport stream or it
may have to insert a digital watermark in the output video.

For the session data to be protected against a third-party modification, the session data is
encrypted with an asymmetric cipher.

BISS – Conditional Access (BISS-CA) Tech 3292-s1

Descriptor tags in the range 0x80 to 0xBF are reserved for EBU usage. Tags between 0xC0 and 0xFE
may be used to carry vendor- or operator-specific (i.e. proprietary) information to receivers.

Table 9: Session data descriptor.

Syntax No. of bits Mnemonic
session_data {
reserved 4 bslbf
descriptor_length 12 uimsbf

Annex C shows an example of session data in EMM. Session key descriptor

The session_key_descriptor shall contain information about the session key, as well as the session
key itself.

Table 10: Encrypted session key descriptor.

Syntax No. of bits Mnemonic
session_key_descriptor {
descriptor_tag 8 uimsbf
descriptor_length 8 uimsbf
session_key_type 7 uimsbf
session_key_parity 1 bslbf
for(i=0;i<N;i++) {

 descriptor_tag: the tag shall be 0x81

 session_key_type: the type of the session key, key length is given by type.
 session_key_parity: indicates if the transmitted session key is even (0) or odd (1).

Table 11: Session key type values.

session_key_type Key type
0b000 AES-128
0b001 to 0b111 Reserved for future use

 session_key_data: The session key used to encrypt session words.

The maximum number of session_key_descriptors in the session_data structure shall be two, in

which case the session_key_parity shall be different.

BISS – Conditional Access (BISS-CA) Tech 3292-s1 Entitlement flags descriptor

The entitlement_flags_descriptor shall always be present and shall contain flags indicating
parameters for how the entitled receiver shall behave.

Table 12: Entitlement flags descriptor.

Syntax No. of bits Mnemonic
entitlement_flags_descriptor {
descriptor_tag 8 uimsbf
descriptor_length 8 uimsbf
prevent_descrambled_forward 1 bslbf
prevent_decoded_forward 1 bslbf
insert_watermark 1 bslbf
Reserved 5 bslbf

 descriptor_tag: the tag shall be 0x82

 prevent_descrambled_forward: this is a 1-bit field which when set to “1” indicates that
the descrambled stream shall not be forwarded unscrambled. In the situation of a
transcoder, the transcoder shall not forward its output stream unscrambled.
 prevent_decoded_forward: this is a 1-bit field which when set to “1” indicates that the
descrambled and decoded stream shall not be forwarded unscrambled.
 insert_watermark: this is a 1-bit field which when set to “1” indicates that the
descrambled and decoded service shall be watermarked. The stream shall not be
descrambled, decoded, transcoded, if no watermark technology is available.
 reserved: must be set to ‘0’ ECM section

The ECM section provides information about the session words, how they are encrypted, and how to
retrieve the session key in the EMM table to decrypt them.

Table 13: ECM Table

Syntax No. of bits Mnemonic
entitlement_control_message_section {
table_id 8 uimsbf
section_syntax_indicator 1 bslbf
private_indicator 1 bslbf
reserved 2 bslbf
private_section_length 12 uimsbf
entitlement_session_id 16 uimsbf
reserved 2 bslbf
version_number 5 uimsbf
current_next_indicator 1 bslbf
section_number 8 uimsbf
last_section_number 8 uimsbf
original_network_id 16 uimsbf
ecm_cipher_type 3 uimsbf

BISS – Conditional Access (BISS-CA) Tech 3292-s1

reserved 1 bslbf
descriptor_length 12 uimsbf
session_key_parity 1 bslbf
reserved 7 bslbf
AES_128_CBC_enc_session_word_iv 128 bslbf
AES_128_CBC_enc_session_word_0 128 bslbf
AES_128_CBC_enc_session_word_1 128 bslbf
CRC_32 32 rpchof

 section_syntax_indicator: the section_syntax_indicator is a 1-bit field which shall be set to

"1". It indicates that the section uses the generic long table section syntax.
 private_indicator: the private_indicator is a 1-bit field which shall be set to "1". It indicates
the private_section syntax.
 entitlement_session_id: an administratively designated ID field that has a 1-to-1 relation to
a set of session keys (odd, even, changing over time). Shall be referenced in EMM, ECM and
CA_descriptors relating to that group.
 original_network_id: this field should be set to the same value as the original_network_id
field in PSI/SI tables inserted in the TS being scrambled.
 ecm_cipher_type: indicates which algorithm is used to generate the
encrypted_session_word. In the BISS-CA Protocol the ECM message shall use the AES-128
cipher in CBC mode. The corresponding ecm_cipher_type value is described in the ECM
cipher table (Table 14).

Table 14: ECM cipher types values.

ecm_cipher_type Algorithm used for encrypting SW
0b000 AES 128 CBC
0b001 to 0b111 Reserved for future use

 descriptor_length: the length in bytes of the following descriptor loop.

 session_key_parity: indicates if the session key used to encrypt the
encrypted_session_word is even (0) or odd (1).
 AES_128_CBC_enc_scrambling_word_iv: the Initialization Vector used when encrypting
the following session word. This value shall be randomly generated by the sender every time
the ECM payload is updated, and the value shall not be equal for two entries with the same
session_key_parity (unique IVs when the same session key is used for encryption of two
session words).
 AES_128_CBC_enc_scrambling_word_0: a 128-bit field. The ESW containing the SW of
parity even (0).
 AES_128_CBC_enc_scrambling_word_1: a 128-bit field. The ESW containing the SW of
parity odd (1).

BISS – Conditional Access (BISS-CA) Tech 3292-s1

Table 15: list of TS scrambling modes in BISS-CA.

TS scrambling mode AES_128_CBC_enc_scrambling_word interpretation No. of bits Mnemonic

5. Normative Implementation Considerations

At the start of an entitlement session, or when the list of entitled receivers change, the scrambler
generates a new set of random session keys and session words, and start transmitting the updated
EMMs and then the ECMs. When the EMM with the new individual ESKs have been transmitted to all
entitled receivers, specifically for the duration of time given below, SWs in the ECM are encrypted
with the new SK.
This ensures that receivers that were entitled for the previous entitlement session cannot
descramble the new feed. It also ensures that revoked receivers are no longer able to descramble
the TS.
 Session Words (SW) should be changed regularly. In BISS-CA mode, the Session Word shall be
automatically generated by the sender and conveyed to the entitled receivers according to
the protocol even in the DSNG use case.

ECM and EMM tables are repeated regularly with a period TEMM and TECM respectively with TEMM >
 The minimum ECM repetition interval TECM_min = 100 ms
 The minimum period for ECM change TECM_change_min = 10* TECM_min = 1 second

 The minimum EMM repetition interval TEMM_min = 2* TECM_min = 200 ms

 The minimum period for EMM change TEMM_change_min = 10* TEMM_min = 2 seconds

ESK shall to be transmitted at least twice before SWs are encrypted with the new SK. This is done
to increase robustness against packet and table corruption. In addition, a minimum period of a
second (i.e. half the minimum EMM change period) shall be observed to give the receiver enough
time to manage the new keys. Then the maximum time before a receiver can acquire and use an
EMM is TEMM_acq_max = 2 * TEMM + TEMM_change_min/2

Similarly, the ESW shall be transmitted at least twice in addition to a minimum period of half the
minimum ECM change period, before TS is scrambled with the new SW. Then the maximum time
before a receiver can acquire and use an ECM is TECM_acq_max = 2 * TECM + TECM_change_min/2.

The periods of SK change (TEMM_change) and SW change (TECM_change) may vary during a transmission but
must be longer than TEMM_acq_max and TECM_acq_max respectively.

TEMM_change > TEMM_acq_max > TECM

 The EMM bitrate is limited to a maximum (BEMM_max) of 1 Mbit/s.

 The ECM bitrate is limited to a maximum that can be inferred from the minimum ECM
repetition interval (TECM_min)

A BISS-CA compliant transmitter shall comply with the following rules:

 The maximum number of SW encrypted and transmitted in an ECM table is two (in which
case the SW parities must be different).

BISS – Conditional Access (BISS-CA) Tech 3292-s1

 The number of SK encrypted and transmitted in an EMM table is two.

 Only one SK shall be used at a time to encrypt a SW.
 The SK must be transmitted TEMM_acq_max before being used for encrypting the SW.
 The SK used for encrypting the SW must be currently transmitted in the EMM.
 The SW must be transmitted TECM_acq_max before being used for scrambling the TS.
 The SW used for scrambling the TS must be currently transmitted in the ECM.
 The TSC field in the TS header of the scrambled TS alongside EMMs and ECMs tables shall
indicate which key is currently used.
 When a SK change is executed, both the currently used SK (by the ECM) and the next one
shall be transmitted in the EMM for a minimum duration of TEMM_acq_max. Until this duration of
time has passed, the next SK cannot be used by the ECM. After this duration, the new SK can
be used by the ECM, and when not used in the ECM, the unused SK should not be transmitted
in the EMM anymore.
EMM and ECM message timing is illustrated in Figure 4, overleaf.

Tech 3292-s1 BISS – Conditional Access (BISS-CA)

Figure 4: EMM & ECM Messages timing.

Tech 3292-s1 BISS – Conditional Access (BISS-CA)

6. References
[1] ISO/IEC 13818-1:2018 Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information –
[2] ETSI TS 103 127 V1.1.1 (2013-05) - Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB); Content Scrambling
Algorithms for DVB-IPTV Services using MPEG-2 Transport Streams :
[3] Recommendation for random Number Generation Using Deterministic Random Bit Generators;
[4] Federal Information Processing Standards, Publication 197 - ADVANCED ENCRYPTION STANDARD
[5] ETSI EN 300 468 v1.13.1 ; DVB document A038 ; Specification for Service information (SI in DVB
[6] NIST 800-56b; Recommendation for pairwise Key-Establishment schemes Using Integer
factorization cryptography;
[7] RFC2437 : RSA cryptography specifications Version 2.0;
[8] RFC 5280 : PKIX Certificate and CRL Profile;
[9] PKCS#8
[10] RSA OID algorithm, RFC 5698
[11] OID algorithm registration at IANA;
[12] PKCS#1 RFC8017,

BISS – Conditional Access (BISS-CA) Tech 3292-s1

Annex A: Use Cases & Credential Management Description.

The BISS-CA Mode is a conditional access mode of the BISS protocol that enables real-time addition
or revocation of a receiver. Depending on the use case, the receivers may be submitted to different
registration and credential exchange processes. This section describes, for information only, how
the BISS-CA mode can be implemented in two generic use case scenarios: a managed and
unmanaged network of IRDs.

 A managed network of IRDs refers to a network where all receivers are administratively
controlled by a central authority i.e. a management centre. In this particular case, the
management centre shall have a method to control the receivers. This can be a physical
access after delivery from the manufacturer before dispatch on the network and/or it can
be secured remote access to the IRDs for upgrades.
 An unmanaged network of IRDs is a network where receivers are managed independently by
different authorities. A third party SNG falls into this category.
This section will provide information on the keys and session credentials management process.

A1 Entitlement Credentials Management

There are 3 unique identifiers that are used during a transmission.

1. The Injected ID or Buried ID (mainly used in BISS-E modes) which is a 128 bit unique
identifier generated by the manufacturer (buried ID) or inserted by the management
centre (Injected ID) on premise before dispatching the receivers. This ID remains
unchanged and inaccessible to the operators once inserted.

2. The Entitlement Key ID (entitlement_key_id) is a 64 bit identifier derived from the

public key. It is the leftmost truncated 64 bits of the 256 bit Hash of the public key for
specific set of Key pairs. It is used to uniquely identify a set of key pairs and varies from
a set of pairs to another. The public key in processed using a SHA-256 hash function.

3. A set of Public/Private key pairs that will be used during the transmission to encrypt and
decrypt the messages containing the transmission session key. The public key is
retrievable by any operator while the private key is not. A receiver can host 3 types of
key pairs:

◦ Injected Key pairs are keys generated by the management centre and injected in the
receivers before dispatch. The keys database is managed by a management centre. A
receiver can host several injected key pairs.
◦ A buried Key pair is a unique set of public/private key injected by the manufacturer. It
can be used together with a serial number, the buried ID or any other unique identifier
(example a license number in the case of a software implementation to uniquely identify
a receiver.
◦ Self-generated key pairs are key pairs generated by the receivers for its own use. The
private key remains buried and inaccessible to the operator. In this particular case, it is
necessary for security purpose, to implement a mechanism that certifies the origins of
the self-generated key (e.g. certificates managed by a trusted central authority).

These identifiers are managed differently depending on the use case. While the injected ID and
Injected Key pairs are managed and maintained by the management centre, the buried ID and Key
pairs are managed by the manufacturers. The manufacturers shall maintain an accurate database

BISS – Conditional Access (BISS-CA) Tech 3292-s1

of the buried key pairs. A session is characterised by:

 The entitlement_session_id
 A list of entitled IRD characterised by the entitlement key ID and the corresponding public
key of each entitled receiver.

In the case of a managed network of receivers, the entitlement list is provided and updated by the
management centre. The list will be composed of injected key pairs corresponding to receivers or
group of receivers managed by the centre. The list can be provided to the transmission operator by
any means (email, USB, etc...) deemed secure by the management centre.

In the case of an unmanaged set of receivers, the receiver for which a stream entitlement is
requested, should be identified and added to the entitlement list. The receiver operator has the
following options:

 Option 1: The operator of the receiver communicates (via email or other communication
means) the receivers' buried public key and serial number or any unique identifier such as a
licence number (in case of a software receiver), to the operator of the
scrambler/transmitter. The operator of the scrambler should verify the origin of the public
key, i.e. that it were genuinely created and is still endorsed (not revoked) by the receiver
 Option 2: If available as a receiver functionality, the receiver self-generates a key pair and
generates a self-signed certificate from the public key. The resulting certificate, which
includes the public key, is communicated to the operator of the scrambler. The operator of
the scrambler should verify that the key originates from a genuine manufacturer and not
from a malicious 3rd party receiver. The operator should verify the certificate issued before
entitling the receiver.

BISS – Conditional Access (BISS-CA) Tech 3292-s1

Annex B: Public Key Format Description (informative)

The RSA Public Private Key pair used in this specification is stored in the receiver and the Public
Key is communicated to the BISS-CA scrambler. While the method for communicating the public key
is not defined herein, to foster interoperability between various implementations of BISS-CA, it is
useful to provide some information about the format of the keys and how they could be distributed.

The file format used for storage and distribution of Public Keys are typically unencrypted PEM files
as defined in PKCS#8 [9]. PEM files are text files containing a header, some binary data, and a
footer. When representing a Key, the binary data is the ASN.1 DER-encoded Public key.

The contents of a PKCS #8 PEM file are formatted as follows:


-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

This format is well suited for representing Public Keys, and allows simple transport of Public Keys
between various software systems, either as file transfer, e-mail or other messaging system, or a
more sophisticated protocol.

A single PEM file can hold more than one Public Key. PEM files according to PKCS#8 are not limited
to RSA keys, but can contain keys for any kind of cypher.

B1 Binary DER structure

The Base64 encoded top level DER structure is defined as the data structure
SubjectPublicKeyInfo from X.509 [8]:

SubjectPublicKeyInfo ::= SEQUENCE {

algorithm AlgorithmIdentifier,

AlgorithmIdentifier is referenced by PKCS#8 [9] and is defined in X.509 [8]:

AlgorithmIdentifier ::= SEQUENCE {

parameters ANY DEFINED BY algorithm OPTIONAL

The algorithm OID for RSA is defined in RFC 5480 []

and RFC 5698 [10], and registered with IANA at [11]. The RSA public key algorithm OID is
[1.2.840.113549.1.1.1]. There are no optional algorithm parameters for RSA.

For a public RSA key, the PublicKey field in the SubjectPublicKeyInfo structure will consist
of the RSAPublicKey data structure, defined in PKCS#1 [12]:

RSAPublicKey ::= SEQUENCE {

modulus INTEGER, -- n
publicExponent INTEGER -- e

BISS – Conditional Access (BISS-CA) Tech 3292-s1

Annex C: Component Examples

C1 Example of Public & Private Key pair



-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

BISS – Conditional Access (BISS-CA) Tech 3292-s1

C2 Example of Entitlement Key ID generation

Base64 decoded / DER of the Public key in the section above

30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01 05 00 03 82 01 0f 00 30
82 01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 be 42 03 08 45 94 8d a8 8f 78 db 91 3a f4 e2 18 e0
21 b6 87 4d 40 0c 81 78 85 ba e8 38 ac 70 43 9d 75 1d 42 8a 48 f8 36 e5 bb
2a 35 b9 3a 27 3d fc 61 6d d2 70 ab da b6 06 56 c1 e9 58 e7 4f be 44 8b c9
b9 ad 5f 99 dd c6 78 bd 0b 1a 26 75 c5 10 34 d2 fd f7 8f 1c 5c 1b 8d 31 38
5c e9 13 d0 94 7d 4e ee 42 fa 07 f1 13 05 7a cd 24 b4 d5 41 40 01 56 72 15
8e bd 38 3c 43 1f 8b 87 33 b4 64 fd eb 8b a5 39 0e 5e fd d4 09 52 9c 5b 1b
76 8b e4 1c 45 4a 75 fc f4 9c 12 1e 07 67 d5 dc 2d a4 e0 bd 14 6a c4 5f 72
38 d7 0c 5d 47 43 b0 2b 32 39 92 52 af c2 07 6c 8a 9a 1f 8b fd c9 50 8f 6b
3a e0 be ba 18 04 4f 8d 2e 43 1a f6 ec a2 f9 63 ed 8d 8c 42 a8 a2 8a 94 65
30 f4 43 ee 42 49 66 17 9b a8 6a b4 77 81 24 1f 76 ff 10 f7 0e 8d 19 10 30
2b 43 98 95 8b 2b 07 ef 5a b4 39 b8 cc a3 02 03 01 00 01

SHA-256 of DER:

1d 68 e8 a4 52 15 55 23 05 60 c4 6f 2b 69 0e 18 fe 6b 62 46 1a 96 e7 7d 51
50 7a 86 94 82 72 71

Resulting entitlement key id:


C3 Example of session data in EMM

SK parity=0

SK: 29 82 38 be 84 ae 1d 6c d6 2a e9 52 90 64 9d f1

Entitlement flags: 0

Session data:

0000 00 16 81 11 00 29 82 38 be 84 ae 1d 6c d6 2a e9
0010 52 90 64 9d f1 82 01 00

Encrypted session data:

4f df a9 8a 0a b5 5f 68 1f 6f ec 2b 38 f4 69 7f 46 0f c9 20 8e a2 bb c5 1b
16 84 f5 01 18 7f 6e 09 d5 24 30 07 54 9f 22 43 71 87 ff a8 2d 2b b5 3e d5
ba ed 02 d6 bd 1d 0b 58 07 41 1a e0 60 23
cb 92 3b 4f 89 5f db 5f 61 1f 39 70 99 40 8a d1 75 66 21 a0 56 90 9b a8 0a
6f c5 9e 68 a7 1d e5 6a ac 60 eb dc 24 e9 3b 1a 0b c8 7e 16 00 fe 75 ea cf
e0 6a 2d 66 73 9f 16 cb c9 e7 4b 7b cb 08
88 df 17 77 ca c5 8e 0d 14 44 e5 5f 4c 80 2b 39 d8 f4 16 37 20 e6 dd 50 5c
6d ca 7c a2 d3 95 6d 45 7e 82 e6 8e c3 98 0a 6e ad 3c fe a8 88 d3 c2 5a 4e
c8 8f 60 73 7d e8 f3 a7 b3 d4 07 e2 9a 5c
39 14 06 3f cb 14 04 bf 33 37 16 2e dd 04 b7 0c d7 30 2a 07 cd d1 0e e1 84
5d af ea a8 4c c6 92 43 66 ad b2 59 3c 58 43 cd e5 1c 37 58 52 10 1f 02 e4
d1 65 a6 27 28 e6 1b 99 21 8f 12 3a 8e 24

BISS – Conditional Access (BISS-CA) Tech 3292-s1

C4 Example of ESW
IV = 6d fd bf 58 b0 39 4b 4a aa a4 ef 86 5f 63 bf 86

SW0 = 9d 42 c2 ec d2 de 5b 15 f2 27 ae a7 db a5 f8 f0

SW1 = 1c 27 3f c4 bd 66 4b 40 fd 8c d3 b0 5b 26 d3 42

Using SK from last section:

ESW0: 21 8b f6 fa c3 9f ac e8 25 cd 1e de b7 bf 6a 17

ESW1: 10 f9 3b 6e 5d 94 f5 cc 38 52 05 74 b1 4b 19 40


00 6d fd bf 58 b0 39 4b 4a aa a4 ef 86 5f 63 bf 86 21 8b f6 fa c3 9f ac e8
25 cd 1e de b7 bf 6a 17 10 f9 3b 6e 5d 94 f5 cc 38 52 05 74 b1 4b 19 40


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