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V -V VV V ~T

O j —jr

Tenses are very important
not only for students but
also for general readers.
This booh teaches you
tenses, active df passive
voice, direct & indirect
narration in an easy way.

iqbalkal mati blogspot.com

cu ,



Active Voice & Passive Voice

Direct & Indirect

M, Tariq Qureshi
v •



Published by;

Fatima Book House

Shop No. 3, Muslim Centre, Chattergee Road
Urdu Bazar Lahore. Ph: 7247374, 0300-945

iqbalkal mati blogspot.com

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Composed by: Sana* Process

18-Rattigon Road, Lahore.

Printed by: U.F.U Printers

IB-Rattigon Road, Lahore.

Published by: M. Tariq Qureshi

Price: 30.00

Fatima Book House

Shop No. 3,Muslim Centre, Urdu Bazar Committee Ctiowk
Chatterjee Road, Urdu
Bazar Ph: 021-2765036 Ph: 05M552929
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r — wieiiu^ verimciycv rwaug
Urdu Bazar Lahore. Ph: 7247374, O30Q44598B0
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Cr No.
Verbs 5
2. Three Forms of

& Passive Voice) 12

3j Introduction {Active

4. Present Indefinite Tense
5. Past Indefinite Tense
32 1

6. Future indefinite Tense

7. Present Continuous Tense
8. Past Continuous Tense

9. Future Continuous Tense

Present Perfect Tense 65 1

ii Past Perfect Tense 73

12. Future Perfect Tense 82

13. Present Perfect Continuous Tense 90

14. Past Perfect Continuous Tense 96


15, Future Perfect Continuous Tense


16. Revision of Tenses 107


17. Change of Voice 122

18. Direct and Indirect 145


[Tenses. Direct <6 Indira '

r 1
Verb (J^)

Sf'IT^!e_ d*<£- tK £J » , J*

u/-*=- itf^Verbum fitful ^L ;jd t'Verb tfJ'V-^^verb


i ^
tf l£ j£_ -
ti { Ve rb) ^ r jCl c_ r*r _-*> i £il>:i



ju/ Three Forms of Verbs
t-6r tenses^<Li*/ jiJif

Past/ nd Form- Present / 1st Form J Verb

Past Participle/ 3rd Fornw
ast Participle ^Pist /ifiedld^Zlij^VerbSBJ
ifj* ’

jy«v ji J. cf Verbs - trU l/ Regulai Verbs


-^ular Verbs Past Participle^ Past ^ <L,; c.


Past Past part.
Present j

t/ljAL abided abided


arose arisen 1

arise I

i/i awoke awoken i

awake i

bear tyCs^bv: bore |

t' f- 1 J.J VI ' - >
Tenses, ActiWJ.
JTT _ _

sank sunk
sat sat
slept slept
sleep ¥

smelt smelt
iS sowed sown
sow —
-———— “
spoke spoken
tfzL. spelt spelt

tZ&s spent spent


spit \f? spat spat

spread tifei spread spread

spring fcwWfl sprang sprung

stand tyV-jZ stood stood

steal stole stolen

sting tv L ._jf> stung stung

strike struck struck

sweep tvjvlf swept swept

tf swam swum
swing swung
Irfyf swung
ML. took taken
teach tu>T taught taught
— tvV tore
*f torn
cte tofd told

'j jnju's. Active & Passive Voice. Direct & Indirect
think t bought |

throw 1 hrew thrown

understand |
understood l mderstood

undertake undertook \ indertaken

upset tfj^S upset


w 3 ke woke woken

wear \£f_ wore worn

wove woven
we e ve tfc

wedded wedded
wed |

tu wept wept

wet tM wet (wetted

jwon 1
jWound wound
4 withdrawn
with draw
t fs
7 "

7 wrote |
,/pe,P -•..rjro'^Voice Lfi eH' it*/
- - " - WJ ~ ,
_^'^u;> ‘l'clUiVi'L>-K'Voice

(doerjJ'S (I)

rs 1
" w L

Atif learns
^ Z_jc2_ (receiver) Jjf’ (ii)

Lesson is learnt by Aiit

&£&/»*£*-** Active VoiCe ~

^ V,° ice
j ? *

Passive voice j Active vc^ce

-* 1

— ^

^* i
. ,
v w
(Intra n sitive Ve rb ^ }

(Transitive Verb) -2

1. Intransitive Verb; ^jdJ
^ t
vj .TV kf

He sleeps.

Atif laughs

The sun rises.


'-^v< , Passive Voice,
a- j-g
Direct & fnrfireci

''/ .^L • L.j

Passive Voice) Jj^

book i 7 *
He n?ads

Wit w
— oo
Jl to college.

,^d(* {$)&¥*f\j f

He rs invited.

He will be punished.


, yi tmjit-s***- i^wC^ i j

- ^ ^ C^
-1 ’
^j ^ Passive
Jif 1/ ^ d br

_ fcC_ c^L^- V dJ l/fV£<


1 was delighted.

He was bom in Lahore.

My home is situated on the \*^/£

Mall. 1s J-

My shoes are made of


v- c’'- O'— J v -Jh J ^
*- t,
J ‘

Z. 1) L b-»

-f - * V( J*i> ) uiji_^S(J^doer/(bfi^r^L/^
voicejjiActive voice

»ive voice Active voice
Teases, Aca w Passive IWri', Direct <tl
hi direct

Passive Voice ^

~L Active VoiGetL/^ Subject^

, S if bj e ct 4- tfjLjijZ Passive Voice fo ^ Active Voice 2

Passive Voice -3
Z-XJ L-^Srd Form of Verb

Passive Voice :4
Zll isi^lnird Person Singular^
Pa&s we*4?^ fc* U}^- S ubj e zlM \fi Active Voice :5

_ j* Obj e ctM jZ jM- Voice

U jj iJyi^O^O^Obi e cU< S u bjec^S X\fiSdi\S^/ r :6

Verb of Movement Voice

X.jifM Passive Voiced

Passive VolceXTemes^AXtAf^?^ :7

Perfect Continuous X\e Tenses h

^L.\eL-b.iJ? Passive Voiced
*(£.&/SbyJ^tyCOl^doer/i 8

-c^^XJ^ f
^^^^ ^ Pronoun^^doer^

Objects Subject X} 10
Z_ fXuXL Verbs }j jj£* (

^Give, Take, Bring, Fetch -c?

You are beaten by him.

He beats you.

He gives me a gun.

Tenses, Active <£ Passive Voice, Direct & hidfr^i

He gives a gun to me. am given a gun by


Passive Active Voice (for) Preposition I\

Jjrtji Passive Voice2^-^.rV- Active Vo ce )\j) Jlk i

o tee

jZ df\J* ^ Obje ct Subjects \j^

Active M \JL Lind Ire ct Obje cty^j jjj ^ D i re ct Obj set

- OJjr’U /^Passive Voices Voice i

D ^c t Object^ (jj

indirect Object (ti)

Ufl./UZl Indirect Object^ /X Direct Objector

J Indirect Object^jU&?Jt^!'( tot for) Preposition

iJ^- S* f
P repo sition
Atif gave me a pen.

a J^^-\ ndirect o bje ct e JL

Direct objectMjitpen

Ttmes, Active d Passive Voice. Direct d Indirect


Tenses ]
Active Voice

yAJ*~Uj Z_ ' L. " ‘L. J" ' i. t \j£ /Til

' U//W
- Jj'Tj'V I# Jjr| J* U*/*


^ ^ IS
(i^<X ( Ve rbj ^ il

(Singular c/St^ijJAlt, She, He $ (Third person singular)

A^r^^yoLss, ch, sh, x^VerbSij, ulZ_AuiiTes^s2^ncun)

- l/ /j w !
{ cl ./J U i
if es £T
S+ V(i) or V(i)s/es + O

The sun sets in the west.

Water keeps its level.

s r

Two and two make four ~\Ji

1 like mangoes. kj£

The dogs bark.

A man enters the room. fc> y'dtj 1

He pushes the table. X*i

kll Tenses Active & Passive Voice, Direct <fc IndiTTTl

She makes tea.

He invites me.

Mother prepares food. -bffuMUtfl

The baby drinks milk.

Mr. Atif teaches us.

1 write an essay. JL

They learn their lessons. - u£ Z-JaJf'izAm

Atif writes a letter.

f love you.

He likes rice. 1 St- *>

She wants sugar.

-f ? v

S + do / does not +V(i) + CX
Do / Does + S + V(i) + O?
tft/* y^f J[) jfyjM o
Ji£ \S r o\jM £L A
does ^LlfiTdo notP* L&U ^ esis^uZl^^ f

_ ^ esl es Jl'L- Uj L ^ /J L^f n ot

^Bti^tTj^L^!/^ not/£ JV^d oes l d o

^ <£ t~?

doesn't does noUfdond &j£</do

Utz£-\k iCir iiii. J,1 W \M&

Tensti. Active & /Wive Voice, Direct &

He sells milk.

He does not self milk.

— —^
Does he sell milk?
* — j ”
Does he not sell milk? l(
7- L$0>) ? 3 tf i [f
When he sells milk.
- 9 .] ,

When he does not sell milk.

When does he sell milk? t'-*—


When does he not sell milk? Gp {Jj& 3 t

Why does he sell milk? R;# j r' j \J

Why does he not self milk?

Where does he sell milk? jjUw

“ W 1

Where does he not sell Dp



How does he sell milk?

How does he not self milk? . ^-Dp

Which milk does he self?

Which milk does he not sell?

Du DVsj

. wTi^Xii-y L jj £/y\fl i

^ i


Change the following into Negative and interrogative:

1. He recites Holy Quran daily,

2> We work in this building,

3. They eat apple,

4. At if lives in this house.
• MS] ka mail blogspot.com
1 ,

5 The sun sets at 6 o'clock.

6. He goes to school on foot-
7. I read the novel.
8. He drinks cold drink.
9. They like bananas.
10. At! f takes tea.

1 1 . They fly kites,

12. We travel first class.

13. ft rams here.

14. We play at the cards.
15. She tells a fie.

16. Hens lay eggs. 'h Jfc

17. We go to office by bus.

18. Atif runs very fast. A '

19, They speak truth. \*** '

20 Huma works alf the day. • .

6- Translate into English:









** -10

iqbalkal mail blogspot.com

i 6 38

Tenses, Active & Pastil Voice Direct
. &

- ^/U5tfj -1 .


^vtZ-J'SiJ:*}'/ -i j




J\ ?V _ 2C

Passive Voice

4^ f^O/^S (Verb) i/U- ^ {subject;

am is

if (Ve r b ) not-tf ,1a re, a m -.

j£ „ *pL1 J" -2
r I
— 4^r

v ^ i J . -

\f~? il 1
1^ ^s( u bje ct ) l ' y / a re am s C Jip-'^y -Z

S + is/ are/ am + V (it;) + O,

S + is/ are/ am + not+ V (iii) + O.

!s/ Are/ Am * S + V (iii) + O?

£hf& <yU_ (Subject) J'i i/~ S ^ :il vj

J^/ Object C Active Voice (/Passive Voice J£±-'x

L^Aclive Voice JvL^ - . b, (Subject

-^(Subject) J*6ir Passive Voice/ '>v r ?/av4-»/»*.' -


J K’ {Jl'"' ij tj 5

If -vl? !
J' f '

-ut± 4 / tflS*' A i-i/'J( L- jfffj #[$, Y' - 4

Present „
f r /trfjli
A m! <L mf a/©/ mrt L <f i

MPvtt \p' I'.Or-s i,

Active: She loves me.
Passive: i am loved by her.
Active: He eats mangoes.
Passive: Mangoes are eaten by him
Active: He gives me a pen
Passive: A pen is given to me by him
Active: She gives me a ball
Passive: A ball is given to me by her
Active: She teaches me.
Passive: I am taught by her
Active: She advises me,
Passive: I am advised by her
Active: Zubair rebukes me
Passive: I am rebuked by Zubair
Active: Atif likes Usman,
Passive: Usman is liked by Atif.

Active: She gives me a ruler,

Passive: A ruler is given to me by her

Active: Atif gives me a blade.
Passive: A blade is given to me by Atif.

Active: Bilal teaches me English.

Passive: I arn taught English by Bilal

Active: Mother orders me.

Tenses, Active
#. /'g.v.y/w
"" " •
Passive: ! am ordered by mother.
Active: Atif give', us sweets.
Passive: We g re given sweets by Atif,

Active: Hum a give r

, them bread.
Passive: They are given bread by Hurna.
Active: He gives Adeen a tip.

Passive: Adeen is given a lip by him.

Active: Sohail brings me a car
Passive: 1 am brought a car by Sohail.
Active: She gives rne a bicycle.
Passive: 1 am given a bicycle by her.
Active: She brings rne a gift

Passive: 1am brought a gift by her,

Active: He brings me a ball.
Passive: 1am brought a bail by him.
Active: He gives me a gun.
Passive: !am given a gun by him.
Active: He brings me a cup.
Passive: [am brought a cup by him.
Active: Atif brings me a copy.

Passive: i am brought a copy by Atif,

Active: Asif gives me a pen.

Passive; J am given a pen by Asif.

Active: Adeen brings a cup of coffee.

Passive: A cup of coffee is brought by Adeen.

Active: She gives Atif a hankerchiei

Passive: Atif is given a handkerchief by her.

Active: People often offer coffee for breakfast

Passive: Coffee is often offerer! for breakfast.

iqbalkal mati bSogspot.com .


Change into Passive Voice.

1 We help their father.
2 She reacts a no vet.
3. They set! cars.
4. We worry too much about
5. You cook your own meals.
6. He brushes his hair every day.

7 . They pay the bill.

8. f know the answer.

9. Afif foves Amjad,
10. The gardener grow flowers.

11. You remember the address.

1 2 He plays chess very well.
13. She teaches English.
14. Atif Kashif plays cards,
15. He buys books every day


Active Voice

f" O’f'o Y 1


S + V(ii) + O-

S + did not +
'AzJ’ ^ tfc*£_/ij

V(i) + o.
Did + s + V(i) + o?
,^rlf ^triA-<L/jt^i rJ a
tffjir6 did noUi £ J* 6

tffj li ifctfj’’
6 do^'>did fe«

She toid me.

They got late.
Wte invited everybody.

j^UtJt ^jf^iJZl^^tlf !/t|l^li/&L £l l -ls' LriTense s .

She worked in that office for -y \

&tJ l 4 /V <L L/f f

three years.

She lived in Karachi for a

iohy time*

f studied in that school for - ^V “

[/ lJ Is .£
. L
“ 1^/™

five years.

IP . £_ t tUult*''! i/%L <C l2- UtflftA Te nse -

Tf>rt\~es Ac!i\i- tfr PusSivd Voted, [JiFECt

She alwa ys came late .

-<3 '

Atif never told a lie.

Zubair always helped me.

He washed the car.

He did not wash the car.

Did he wash the car?

Did he not wash the car?

When he washed the car.

When he did not wash the •

tfi-w L<

When did he wash the car?

'When did he not wash the *iW£*>yL/i4\


Why did he wash the car? - J f>\$ j 4 f

Why did he not wash the *J ) fjxL- J i


Where did he wash the car?


Where did he not wash the vfau&rfoiA-t/'


JHow did he wash t he car?

How did he not wash the


iqhalkalmati. blogspot.com
What car drd he wash?
What car did he not wash?
What day did he wash the

What day did he not wash

the car?

Who washed the car?

Who did not wash the car?

What did he wash?
— T-

What did he not wash?

Change into Past Indefinite Tense.
1. He recites the Holy Quran daily.

2. We work in this building.

3. They eat apple.

4. Atif lives in this house.

5. The sun sets at 6 o'clock.
6. He goes to school on foot.

7. I read the novel.

B. He drinks cold drink.
9., They like bananas.
10. Atif takes tea.
11, They fly kites.

12, We travel first class.

13. It rains here.

14, We play cards.
15. She tells
m I So mati bSogspot.com
I .
IS. Hens lay eggs.
17 r We go to office by bus.
18. Atif runs very fast,

19. She helps the poor.

20. Bashir goes to work.

Change into negative and interrogative

1. He saw your brother.

2. Spent Ps 50

3. He forgave her
4. He broke his arm.
5. They flew to Karachi.
6. 1 heard a noise.
7. They slept till 10.00.
8. Atif drew a map.
9. He found my watch.
10. 1 wrote a letter to my father.

Translate into Engfish:

r'&u-yf -I

f(L+t -2


rZ(/Jiri_c/Fl/ -4

, L- L1 w>- *_!!' U -5
B »

-tLjj&fis -s



J^AJUA - i0


Direct Sr Indirect


-kCiUjlL/Lln -13


iUj^L%>J - 16

?^f£icr .17

- tXu /A- o J
j^ ~20
Passive Voice

j! ^ ^ <3 (V er b) J*M £- (su bject) J*b „

ij ( Ver b) J**M <L j ^ $ n ot M £L wa s/we re u£ u*,/VI j*


if ^ (S u +
bje ct)J% /was/were <jf .3

-U (Spr t£j^

S + was/ were + V (ifi) + O.

S + was/ were + not + V (iii) + O.

Was/ Were + S + V (rii) + 0?

The car was washed.

The books were bought. rdT&i&V’

/ ,-kVfve tf- Paw JVC- TWce, Mired £ /wrf/riTT|

Work was finished

The fJowers were piucked.

He was helped.

Mother was waited for, -\f\

He was punished.

The clothes were washed.

He was told. -~\£^Xi£LJ

Truth was spoken.

Examples :
Active: She loved me.
Passive: was loved by her.

Active: He ate mangoes.

Passive:. Mangoes were eaten by him
Active:. He gave me a pen.
Passive: A pen was given to me by him.
Active: She gave me a ball.
Passive: A ball was given to me by her.

Active: She taught me.

Passive: f was taught by her.

Active: She advised me.

Passive: i was advised by her.
Active: Zubair rebuked me.
Passive: 1 was rebuked by Zubair,
Active: Atif liked Usman.
Passive: Usman was liked by Atif.
Active: She gave me a ruler.
Passive: A ruler was given to me by her.
.'crises, . ( ifoc S r.if.y, nil ri-f X indirect

Active; At if gave nio n hkidn,

Passive: A bkada w,is given to mei by Atif
Active; Bflal taught mu English.

Passive: I was taught I ngliah by Bilal

Active: Mother ordered mo.
Passive: 1 was ordered by mother.
Active: gave us sweets.

Passive: We were given sweeis by Atif.

Active: Hum a gave them bread.,
Passive: They were given bread by Huma,
Active: He gave Adeen a tip,

Passive: Adeen was given a tip by him,

Active: Sohaif brought me a car,

Passive; was brought a car by Sohail


Active: She gave me a bicycle.

Passive: Iwas given a bicycle by her.
Active: She brought me a gift.
Passive: Jwas brought a gift by her.
Active; He brought me a ball.
Passive: !was brought a ball by him.
Active; He gave me a gun.
Passive: was given a gun by him.

Active: He brought me a cup,

Passive: I was brought a cup by him,
Active: Atif brought rne a copy.
Passive: I was brought acopy by Atif.

Active: Asif gave me a pen.

Passive: was given a pen by Asif,


Active: Adeen brought a cup of coffee.

Passive: A cup of coffee was brought by Adeen.
Active: She gave Atif a hankerchief.

32 TenuiS. Active dfr Passive Foice, Direct & h?,J

Passive: was given a handkerchief by her.


Active: Nobody opened the door

Passive: The door was opened by nobody.
Active: People often offered coffee for breakfast.

Passive; Coffee was often offered for breakfast by



Change the following into Passive Voice
1. 1 helped the widow.
2. He bought a book.

3. Atif broke the chair.

4. They watched the film.

5. She told her lesson,

6 I gave her a letter.

7. I offered my prayers.
8. Adeen took exercise.
9. He polled the chain.
10. Atif stole her ornaments.
11. He turned on the T.V.
12. They sold their house.
13. She made a phone call.

14. Then in for tried me.

1 5. He invited us to the party.


Active Voice

I (tjZ 7 fZl f
1 ^ f j r ^
Zc-jj.y.s, Active Passive Voice, Direct & Indirect
- ff ;
<£l sh al l/wi ll M £L ( S u bj ect) J*(i

Zl We j j r
jJ jf j j r wtlll s h a 1!\M £-

^w ' J
^O '

V?,*^ fctf J !/-> i

wi 1 1 JV<L G
f 1/ J t ^sha ll


S+ wiil/shal! + V(i) + O.

S + will/shall + not + V(i) + 0.

WilF/Shall + S + not + V(i) + O?
ji l<i- t lPijy^ AA? 1$ n LiZl wi I EL sha £L 4- 1 1

t U, y^r j ^J S ha FU Wil I

- n otA J* ^ £Wi I ll Shal liL

shan't^ L^J" shall n ot ^ wil not^ 4u ft

lTyou will* We' £_!*(/ We

II shall' HI J?i £ S s h a IU^~ JJ Z- /J
jj J mijfiT It will'She'lljf [T She will' Hb'\\J?S He wilTYou^ljf

-<*£22? They'll j\f They v-rili

t fcK jj*B*ilTense tf

: jJS% t txt t/Vf <L/

He will go to market

She will come here,

We shall play together.

: £!>_£_ t t
+ "
T e use ** £ \£ £-
j y j/**

_|[k_ r«i£
Perhaps shell come. ]

Tenses, Active A Passive Voice, Direct & Indirect]

She probably won't know.

Where will she be now?

H'e will read the .newspa- ki


She will write a fetter.

She writ help me.

We wiiJ speak truth.

She will take medicine. Jbi

You will not buy fruits.

We shall serve the country, - ^ \J_ i

They will not take exam- -PL }


Farmers will plough the


(Teacher wiJf advise us.

Atif will take tea.

Atif wifi not take tea.

v r

Will Atif take tea?

" * .

Will Atif not take tea?

“ *

When will Atif take tea?

__I 3LJ ^
Tenses, Active & f f* * htffSt


When will Atif take tea?
— -- - V /

Why will Atif take ton?

t 1

Why will Atif not take lea?



t/f* iM*-


if 1 1

Where will Atif tako fcn? '

- vji,f
Where will Atif not take tea? "it \jh VJif- at
How will Atif take tea?

How will Atif not take ton? '•<{ jfi.

Which tea will Atif lake?
““ 1 - < .*- * f !,
Which tea will Atif not take? •<A u/!i loJj-l,

What day will Atif take ten?

What day will Atif not take


Who will take tea?

a ?

Who wifi not take tea?

What will Atif take? tiffedOkk

What will Atif not take?


Change into Future Indefinite Tense.

1 . He recites the Holy Quran daily

2. We work in this building.

3, They eat apple.

4, Atif fives in this house,

5. The sun sets at 6 o'clock.

6, He goes to school on foot,

36 'lenses, Active & Passive Voice. Dim
7. f read the novel.
8. He drinks cold drink.
9. They like- bananas.
10. Atif takes tea.
1 1 . They fly kites,

12. We travel first class,

13. It rains here.
14. We play at the cards,
15. She tells a lie.
16. Hens fay eggs.
1 7. We go to office by bus.
1 8- Atif runs very fast.

19. She gets up early.

20, They came here on foot.

Change into negative and interrogative:

1- I shall go to office.
2. We shall help them,
3. They will play with their friends.
4. The dog will eat meat
5. She will open the door,
6. I shall have a cup of tea,
7. Atif will study,

a. They will speak the truth.

9- The crow will fly in search of water,
10. He will he ten next year.
Translate into English:

^l(tl-rjjljS) "3
•M T*

f '
Voice, Direct A fnJIrcci

- ^r^i’
If -5

- l?4- /j f f)

- |jfL_ I
F/l^p i f

-(CiX fl

- lC— Jlnr 0

vZlA>A (

VV r
^ ‘ 11


-J^L/lLj&JI* -13


- Su-^’U ’l}* 1 -IS

JSW ^16

-ICl-jVH /* * 1


W*-A)lf» -20
Passive Voice

F uture f ? >i ,

'/ Jx J" f be a^ Z1 sh al W wi tl *4 IL -

,b ^P
a s si ve Voice,- 1 nd efsni te

MbefLu'V binot^Zlshall/will..,^ </ -2

-\J[fi)^(j§6sZ6 (Verb)

j: / i Jff
L/ bri; ^ (Subject) J*1iZ shall/wil! ^ U>/^ * 3

-U." t5d^J ^ j

S + shalt/will + be + V (iit) + O-

0 l

Tenses, Acth-e & Passive Voice, DirecT&h^?

S+ shall/will + not + be + V (iii) + o„

ShaH/Will + S + be + V + O?

The newspaper will be read.

A letter will be written.

1 will h 4 helped.
Truth will be spoken. -fe-tiyg
| Medicine will be taken. -uEbljljj

Fruits will not be bought.

The country will be served. - lCjl

Examination will not be


Active; She will love me.
Pass ive; I
shall be loved by her.
Active: He will eat mangoes.
Passive: Mangoes will be eaten by him.
Active: He will give me a pen.
Passive: A pen will be given to me by him
Active: She will give me a ball.

Passive: A ball will be given to me by her,

Active; She will teach me.
Passive: I shall be taught by her,
Active; She will advise me.
Passive: I shall be advised by her
Active: Zubair will rebuke me.

Tenses, Active & Possive Voice, Direct A Indirect 39

Passive: 1 shall be rebuked by Zubair.

Active: Atif will like Usman.
Pass ive Usman will be liked by Atif.
Active: She will give me a. ruler.
Passive: A ruler wilt be given to me by her.
Active: Atif will give me a blade.
Passive: A blade will be given to me by Atif.

Active: Bilal will teach me English.

Passive: 1 shall be taught English by Bilal.

Active: Mother will order me,

Passive: 1 shall be ordered by mother.
Active: Atif will give us sweets.
Passive: We shall be given sweets by Atif

Active: Hum a will give them oread.

Passive: They will be given bread by Huma.
Active: He will give Adeen a tip.

Passive: Adeen will be given a dp by him.

Active: Soha.il will bring me a car

Passive: ! shall be be brought a car by SohaiL

Active: She will give me a bicycle.

Passive: J shall be given a bicycle by her.

Active: She will bring me a gift,

Passive: 1 shall be brought a gift by her.

Active: He will bring me a ball.

Passive: 1 shall be brought a ball by him.

Active: He will give me a gun.

Passive: t
be given a gun by
shall him.

Active: He will bring me a cup.

Passive: I will be brought a cup by him.
Actfcte: Atif will bring
me a copy.
by Atif.
Passive; 1 will be brought acopy

iqbalkal mali bIogspot.com.

"JtoismActfM rf Pawn DifVi :t <&

Tenix.'i, Act Ac A Passive Voice, Dina & Indirect

gwe me a pen.

shafl be given a pen by


of coffee.
Active: Atif wiir bring a tt

A cup of coffee will be brought by Atif,

Ex&rcisn (vcrbjJ^^ i
s/e relam.j'.'^-iC (subjera) J"ij

Change Into Passive Voice: P


_-£_ctf UjUill'lng^

They hire a taxi. jOi

1. will
-l£ $ing /bT / fi *£ (verb)
2 . We shall ream our lesson,
3 £he will get a prize.
S + blare Jam + V(i)ing + O.
4 . They wifi invite you,
5 . Acfeeh will post this care' in the morning.

6. My mother will say prayers. S + is/arefam + not + V(l)ing + 0,

She wilF play a double game.
IsJAreJArn +5 + V(l)lng + O?
3. She will see me at 6 o’clock.
L^tiy-iy. U' ?l£ j|G not Ml isfarefam o- 1

9, We shall forgive you.

10, He will switch on the light.
_ t if ?U it is/are/am A
11. People will raise siogous. .J Ji j ji not yj is la ref am £_ Zl i?
12, He will wash the car.
13, She wili make lea. 1
am /j i
aren't LJfitS are not isn't If if is
14, Tfiey will fake food,
ain't£~lftf not

Aterrc will write a letter,

He is doing his work.

He ss washing the dishes.

„ f

PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE She is inviting me, \0-jiLr-

I am learning the lesson.

Active Voice
She is telling a lie.

They are taking the
J- o 1 t/hz-
fA* ing J (verb) is/are/am A £ (subject) fy i
gf] Tenses. Active £ Passive Voice, Direct <£ Indirect]
[Tenses, Active £ Passive Kfliiltf Direct A- Indirect

(Atif is cleaning the teeth. - L jXj U^.- 1 t Where are the students not

We are eating apples. going?

Are we taking tea? Which school are the jV jAcL/ A 1

students going?

Which school are the i

. ^ ^ i

jibe students are going to ™ L + -

students not going?

What day are the student A- A |

The students are not going lA

gomg lo schoolf
to school.
What day are the Diu^''s :
C?f£- -T w’Aj/'\j3\jC A
Are the students going to <£_ j U jA A school?
not going to

Who are going to school?
Are the students not going to « « u
Who are not going to
school? .1 I
When are the students going '
“ 4L-
Lv? 4
j Lt
iJA i A
i. t

f to school?
Change into Present Continuous Tense,
When are the students not
recites Holy Quran
1. He daily.

going to school? 2. We work in this building.

Why are the students going 3. They eat apple.

4. Atif lives in this house.

(to school?
5. The sun sets at 6 o'clock.

Why are the students not 6. He goes to school, on foot.

going to school? 7. 1 read the novel,


8. He drinks cold drink.

Where are the students
9. They like bananas.
going? 10.. Atif takes tea.

11. They fly kites.

AA Active Voice . Dim Y d- ^
Indi } |
Tern A dive tfc Passive Voice. Direct & Indirect m
12. We trover first class, 1;
Jj± J ^J'XALr-’ w-v U*jt> 'U -9
13. It rains here,
f'f -10
14 We play at (he card's.
15. She teils 3 fie. j T f
16. Hens lay egg$. 42
We go to office by bos,
1 ?,

IS. A(if runs very fast.

~ l£ ^ sA Si b ijcf- $ -13

-A_ L ji/ -14

19. She helps every one.
Lj, 'i j 15
20. They go fo market,
Change Into negative and interrogative: - I®

1, The cat is eating meat. ^-4. T J

2 My brothers are going to islamabad,

b»l/ -IS
3. Rasa is ringing (he befi,
4 We are taking tea.
5. Birds are flying rn the air.

6. They are watching TV. Passive Voice

7. They are doing thier doty.

8. He writing for her, K


Dogs are barking in the street.

^ (M/i 6 (Verb) (subject) Jli -1

'being 4 is/aref am
10. Atif rs taking a bath,

Translate Into HngJish: ^ {Ve rb) 0nol«! £a re, am, ^

-2 lA/ t^^^iSubject)^/ are, am. ted^O*/

- tp j O i -3

Li -4 Syntax:

-t£i-j|/tu£j -s S + isi are/ am + being * V (lit) + O.

am + not+ belng+V (III) + O,

, ti, LA* i/j tf -S S+ ]sl aref

Am + S + being + V (lit) + O?
^ -7 Isf Aref

iqb0 lkalm 0 ti.blogspot.eom i
t-nses. lv
Tenser, Active & Passive Voice. Direct A Indirect PF1
Passive: A ruler is being given to me by her.
Active: Atif is giving me a blade.
being done.
1 „ —
JhTs wort is
passive: A bSade is being given to me by AW.
The clothes are being Active: Bilal Is teaching me English.
washed. Passive: 1 am being taught English by Bilal.

Active: Mother is ordering me.

|youi am being invited,
Passive: 1 am being ordered by mother.
[The lesson is being learnt. Active: Atif is giving us sweets,

being Eoid.
Passive: . We are being given Sweets by Atif.
Jibe he is
Active: Huma is giving them bread.
[The teeth are being cfeaned. - j J U-^ i ,
passive: They are being given bread by Huma.
[is tea being taken? Active; He j? giving Adeem a tip.
Passive: Adeen is being given a tip by him.
£Vamp/es; Active: Sohail is bringing me a car.

Active; She is loving me. Passive: 1 am being brought a ear by Sohail.

Passive: ) am being loved by her,
Active: She is giving me a bicycle.

Active: He is eating mangoes, Passive: i am being given a bicycle by her.

Passive:, Mangoes are being eaten by him. Active: She is bringing me a gift.

Active:. He is grving me a pen. Passive: 1 am being brought a gift by her.

Passive: A pen is being given to me by him. Active: He is bringing me a ball.

Active: She is giving me a bail. Passive: 1 am being brought a ball by him.

Passive: A ball is being given to me by her. Active: He Is giving me a gun.

Active: She is teaching me. Passive; 1 am being given a gun by him.

Passive: i am being (aught by her. Active: He is bringing me a cup.

Active: She is advising me. Passive: 1 am being brought a cup by him.

Passive: J am being advised by her, Active: Atif is bringing me a copy.

Active: Passive: am being brought acopy by Atif.

Zubeir is rebuking me. 1

Passive: J am being rebuked by Zubarr. Active: Asif is giving me a pen.

Passive: am being given a pen by Asif,

Active: Atif Is liking Usman,

Active: Atif is bringing a cup of coffee.

Passive: Usman is being liked by Atif.
Passive: A cup of coffee is being brought by Atif.
Active: She is giving me a ruler.
m Active:


J -if Fo^r^- 1

giving Atif a handkerchief..


\ Ttws. -ictny & Passive Void. Direct .< l^~7

r' - mg J
Passive: Atrf is being given a handkerchief by her.
Jjr J'“ !
(verb) J“/f di \
was/were »; ^(subject) ^

Change into Passive Voice:

cooking food.
S + wasfwere+ V{i)ing + O.
1. She is

2 We are dojrfo our work-

JriT {verfoyj^il w a 5 /we re J tYl ( s u bj ect) ^
3. He is reading her book. , i. t L-Uj wi t mg jV

-UT *^ing /fe/-E?^T e uC/'i(vert»lJ^

They are speaking the truth, i


5 They are having tea. '-Ji ^ tiL- ti Ijci j



Hum a washing her clothes. Syntax:

6 is

She is ironing her dress, S + was/were + not + V(l)|ng + O.


He [earning fe&son by heart. Was/Were + S + V[i)ing + O?

e is Ifiis

em drinking miJk. f if uit IT u')/ ? l/ jIG no t .-Vi f, /W wa s/we re ji *_ /-V

9 f

10. They are riding a bike. _ ^_ t u ^ Ji.

/' ~'j
_ '
G t- i/il — .
?' was /were, 1

11 am learning a poem.
He was doing his work,

12 She is writing a fetter.

the dishes - V jfi Or£ ! '
He was washing if

13, You are watching TV.

She was inviting me.
14, We are making a plan.
\ was learning the lesson.
15. They are p faying hockey.
She was telling a lie.

They were taking the ^ V"' ! '

f |
Atif was cleaning the teeth,

Active Voice We were eating apples. ..£^wCrf


Were v/e taking tea ?

t '//info/ '£.e-iv\jJL?'i£o>?!>j'
* 1 ^
Yemen, Active <£ Passive Voice. Direct & Indirect Cfl

Whure was Atif taking ? 1? i j Jl; L


Where was Atif not taking ?>L J


How was Atif taking


How was Atif not taking


What exercise was Atif ?L? Issl/j j Jijj'wi-- *


- L? j ^ What exercise was Atir not l&\ jfjfJh )

A fir uras taking exercise.

[ (j

ifijT ipzs. not taking

exercise. - ^ Sc
d sj£\Jm L

What time was Atif taking ? -A *zj ‘i_.'" i.

^/ac Atif latang exercise?
1/'\jJ 'j
Atif not faking
Jwas What time was Atif not T t3 L j/ij'S.Jjj j izAi ijT J
exercise? laking exercise?

When was Atif taking

Who was taking exercise? ?tP^ iJ r n
exercise? Who was not taking

lV L jJ tfi Lfjj) t
When was Alif not taking exercise?

exercise? What was Atif doing?

Why was Atif taking What was Atif not doing? - IX l jJ i H|

Why was Atif not taking Change into Past Continuous Tense.
exercise? 1 . He recites the Holy Quran daily.

iqbGlkGlm 0 ti.blogspot.com

Tenses, Mto_‘
-r^Tk' Passim
L "
SL. — Ybice. Direct

2 We wort in this
4? Pas si vc rpKV, Direct & Indirect
Translate Into English 1

a PP' e ’

3, They est
4 AtiflMes in Wits
house. wW £l If jfc* ’1

6 o c,0<*
5 The sun sels at ^{jd^jJjr-ij’d$
school on foot,
6. He goes to

7 ( read the novel.

B.' He drinks cold drink-
bananas, -5
q Thev like

ABf tea - '0 $ ifj L -6

They fliy kites. -7
11. * T“
12. We [ravel first

13. It rains here,

-0^ l / Jr- J -9
We play at the c&fds.

14 .

a *10
15. She tells lie.

I6 r Hens lay eggs. -11

We go to office by bu$- r
1 7. ,L5l,_/r? i7' -12
Atif runs very test
U If
j.± j\jK. —D -13
19. She helps eve ryone.
p uJi-
-JS *% -14
20, They go to market. __ph

interrogative: -15
Change Into negative arrd

1 Crows were flying In the mr. ,16

2. We were kidding.
- ii ,17
my safe return.
3. He was praying for
4. Atrf was ringing the bell

crying foudly.
^^gbiSafi-'ilL/hi .19
5. SohaiJ was
6. He was posting the fetter. .20

7. Dog was barking in the street. Passive Voice

8. They were going to mosque.
9. You were running after the pick- pocket.

10. Her baby was crying.

d^£ ok£ ^ (M/<S (Verb) ^(subject) j'15 -1

OrJ L'v being J\s£ was/were

£w3Sf*areuZ.u^£. J lens i'.e, A Cf; '-'l' A- Phssivi' Voice, Hired & IndiracS

mp#y M£ ’ i' '

-ie&YAds* Passiv&t, Mango-os- were being eaten by him.

.. /^^(Svbj^M
Actlva:. He was giving me a pen.
JL 7
~U&V^r Passive: A pen was being- given to me by him,
Active: She was giving mg a ball.
* beinfl + V (iii) + o. Passive: A ball was being given to me by her.
g + yizslwere
+ not+ fceing+V (iii) + o. Acttve; She was teaching me.
g + was/were
being * V (iii) + D? Passive: was being taught by her.
Was/Were + S +

Active: She was advising me.

passive: t was being advised by her.

being done" Active: Zubair was rebuking me.

was being - 0& If lTwUL-lOI yl), Passive: was being rebuked by Zubalr.
nfie Holy Quran
i I

recited. —
. . - Active: Atif was liking Usman.
Passive: Usman was being liked by
match was being
She w as
played. —

Passive: A rutef was

giving me a

being given to

me by her.
- t/LeJ b ij
heina punished.
Active: Atif was giving me a blade.
being -ifj'AySjjn
(The exercise was
Passive: A blade was being given to me by Atif.

I taken.
Active: Bilal was teaching me English.
Truth was being spoken, Passive: I was being taught English by Bilai.

Tea was being taken. Active: Mother was ordering me.

Examples: Passive: \ was being ordered by mother.

me. Active: Atif was giving us sweets.

Active; She was loving

was being loved by her,

Passive: We were being given sweets by Atif.
Passive; I

Active; Huma was giving them bread.

Active; He was eating mangoes
Passive: They were being given bread by Huma.
iqbalkal mati blogspot.com

,-k:rm: A Passive Vq\'ff. Dityvt

Students were playing cricket.

& Indirect m
being given a tip by him.
Atfe *n v/ere 5 .
The boys were making mischief.
was bringing me 3 caf* 6. Zubair was drawing a map.
Sofia IJ

a car by Sohaii. 7. Atif was speaking truth.
was berng brought

8 He was making a noise.

She was giving me a bicycle, .

Active: 9 .
Father was cooking food.
bicycle by her.
Passive: i was being given a to. She was washing clothes.
She was bringing me a gin.
11 .
We were reading the lesson.
e gift by her. 12. You were singing a song.
Passive: f was being brought
me a bell. 13 .
He was driving the car.
He was bringing
Active: 14 She was doing dishes,
by him.
Passive: I was being brought a bail
i am was making a plan.

He was giving me a guru,

Passive: I
was being given a gun by him.
Active: He was bringing me a cup. Active Voice

Passive: i was being brought a cup by him.

Active: Atif was bringing me a copy, /. ,j y f j/fj S* 0’LJ £ ’tVrLj.j" J*\L-

beu *<J>yL

was being brought a copy by At bel shall

if. r

Passive: f

Active: Asif was giving me a pen. \3aJ>$LX

Passive: J was being given a pen by Asif.

Active: Atlt was bringing a cup of coffee. shall belwill he^2l (subject)^
Passive: A cup of coffee was being brought by Atif.
JlrUWe jjiLtf tr?ing2 v-J e n: e jV TsL ‘t ing

Active: She was giving Atff a ha n kerchief. -jsLttwill be JvC( ij u > '

shall be

Passive: Atif was being given a handkerchief by her.

Exercise S +shatWwill+be+V(!)+ing + 0.
Change into Passive Voice;
1 They were play n g ho cJ^ey.
. i

S + $hall/will+ not +be+V(i) + mg + G*

2. I was eating food.

3. cattle were grazing the grass,

iqbalkal mati blogspot.com
TVni^J pTfJu^-^ -'Ic^ 1 1
-* ^ fmJ>w Cojfc. Direct JL JndtreLl
+ in 9 + 07
ShsWWffl* $*%>** V M
Hums be reading a > wiCTl,: l
+ tng + O?
ShAlWin+ s + not +be+V(f) book.
_ r ^ </VL £- 1 ^ sha

’& d

W £- b *
^4- J
/ not j‘
i/i/iH Horn a he reading a

Sh a Wrl .
l >'<£*-
I If i
1 i _

Hums will not he readings

-i, f bey&i I
n o\Aj J* j
i I


(The boy wtll be (earning Ihe Will Huma not be reading a 'i

Jpoem book?
The washerman wiJI be When will Hums be reading

f ironing the cfolhes. a book?

T lC; d^ 1£r > l?"^- k'
" '
When will Huma not be

I Mother wilJ be teaching ihe

ichifcf reading a hook

M^rgls weft be peeffng (he Why will Huma be reading a ? ^ 0 v't- ^ \

lappies. hook? 1

L~ \jy^r - if\jfj lk
Why will Hums not be t l? j* ? lW v l
-; h '

They will not be waiting for , V„'! j

reading a book?
rme "

v' u'W ^ 1

Where will Huma be leading 1


Whal wi rr you be doing

a book?
J today?
Where will Huma not be
The fisherman will be
reading a book? _i
catching the fish,
Ho iV will Huma be reading a 0 ^ l(l|

will be dean in g the room,

Ye shaii be taking meat,
How will Hums not be ^CtL^--^W4 id
W. T
reading a book?

tw.t. ,-ichvl
Aclivc iWvy Vok-L'. Direct A- Indirect
Hurraa nc>t
[WfrjcH book will
12. They (take) tea.

[be reading? Change into negative and interrogative;

1 I shall be seeing a picture.
Which day w?if Hema be .

2. He will be teaching us English,

[reading a book? We shall be wearing new clothes.
3 .

What day will Huma not be 4 .

He be driving the car
will himself.

book ’
5 .
We shall be eating food.
[reading a
6. They wilt be decorating the room.
Who wifi be reading a book? ?J*o v* >. ^C jJjr
7 .
They will be waiting for us.

Who wifi not be reading a g. We shall be prepairing to go.

g, Girls wilt be playing with the dolls.

10. He will be studying.
I What wriJ Hum a be reading? Translate into English:
fWfoat vvrff Huma not be *s>
- iSV: If-v^k' s j -2
[read ing?
_ Sw$-j Jt’j&is -4
1. Put the verbs In brackets Into the future
progressive tense.
1. i (use) the pen this afternoon. -6

2. f (see) him again. L>j -7

3. He ftvait) for me.

4. We (study).

5. He (put) the chifdren to bed.

^ ^
ij? — if tj ^ 8 } -10
6. We. probably (pick) fruit,
7. J (wear) uniform.
S. She (walk) again in six weeks
9. In future they (Jive) on pills,
c 5, f r

10, She (look for) bis pen. efcpt u&AU'^f
11- He (go) to school

"TvJu fy, ^CJjV'L

<ft Pt!.<;:-.! vc t pjVc. Difca t£ IndirccF

’IS Apples will be being peeled. I

’16 be being waited

j shall not
- t*W J r
L- V'
1 J

vynat wifi be being done

<J j-r^L. jJ\f^f$ _ 2q
Tbe fish will be being
Passive Voice
:4£>«2-l, , {yt\ j-Ij VlJU */
The room wild be being
R*TJ/^J,lbe being ^£$hallAvil!^;Zl J's .-,

^passive Voiced Future Indefinite l

- iV^>'uf Ll/"C U
The meal will be being
<JA,rbe hing^t/ |bot^^shl^li^^/Zl J* -2
-rffiF-iCMstS {Verb )JU'

The country will be being

tk ^(Subject) J*ti/ shafl/will ^ 0>?4 { >' -3
Syntax: She will be loving me.
S + shaJMI + be being + V (iii) + O. be being loved by her.
Passive: 1

S+ shalf/wUI + not + be being + V (iii) + O. Active: He will be eating mangoes.

V + O? Passive; Mangoes will be being eaten by him,
ShallA'Vfii + S + be being + {iii)

Acti v a : He wiki be gw! ng me a pen

l> me by him.
Passive: A pen will be being given to

Active: She will be giving me a bail.

Poem wf If be being Jesmt. - {£r(jb t iJ:L f

Passive: A bail will be being given lo me by her.

I The clothes ivifl be being - X Lb ; ^*Co ?' ^V Aottve: She will be teaching me.
[ironed. Passive: 1 shall be being taught by her.

Active: She will be advising me.

The child will be being T T
be being advised by her.
Passive: ( shall
Active: Zub air will be rebuking me

rebuked by Zubair,

“ “
vU-nVr & Passive Vaice. Direct
!“ ai

A htdirect M
Passive I shall be being passive: 1 Will be being brought a copy by Atif.

liking Usman. Asif be giving me a pen.

Alif Will be Active: will
Usman will be being
Med by Alif passive: I shall be being given a per. by Aslt.
She will be giving
me a ruler. Active: Alif will be bringing a cup of coffee,
being be given to me by her. passive: A cup of colfeo will be being brought by Atif
Passive: A ruler Will

be giving me a blade. Active: She will be giving Alif a hankerchlef.

Active: All Twill
be being given to me by Atif. passive: Alif will be being given a handkerchief by her.
Passive; A blade will

Bilal will be teaching me English. Exercfso

passive: I shall be being taught English by Oi la I,
Change Into Passive Voice:
Mother will be ordering me. 1. She will be flying a kite.
Passive: I shall be being ordered by mother. 2 . We shall bo singing a song.

sweets. They will be ,„ng his lather.

Active: Atif will be giving us 3.

be being given sweets by At He will be wailing for me.

Passive: We shall if. 4.

will be giving them bread.

5. The snake will be biting the rabbit.
Active: Huma
6 Students be doing homework.
be being g ven b read by Huma.

Pa ss veI : T hey will i

7. Atif will be eating a mango,

Active: He will be giving Adeen a tip.

by him. 0 .
We shall be reading a story.
Passive; Adeem will be being given a tip
9. They will be playing hockey,
Active: Sohaii will be bringing me a car.
10, Asif will be driving a car.
Passive: I shall be being brought a car by Sohail.
Active: She will be giving me a bicycle. I PRESENT PERFECT TENSe7|
Passive: I shall be being given a bicycle by her.
me a Active Voice
Active: She will be bringing gift.

Passive: J shall be being brought a gift by her.

Active: He wil! be bringing me a ball. iS-7*C-

Passive: [shall be being brought a bail by him.

(verb) jid L h as/bave^
Active: He wiJJ be giving me a gun.

Passive; shall be being given a gun by him.

Active: He

will be bringing me a cup. \^jsLj6(A^ jl^ihas/have mC (subject)^

have heyfYouf
-tJtL- iS has/uC He/She/lt*!

Passive: ! wifi be being brought a cup by him.

Active: Atif wifi be bringing me a copy,-

rf- ptiysivc v,ik c

{rcc ' tV


X Aclive Passive Voice* Direct <E Indirect

+0, This (able hasnT been
S +has/have+V{iir)
cleaned tor several months.
•.jjJ eX-
b<j >t \J*

Z- A) L-> T c nse -lS\A ^ >£ *JV/7

S + has/have+ not +V(1H) * 0,
: dii-^ <j: J

Has/Have + S + Vfiii) + O? !
How long have she been "'Xj -£U 7 X^ i /


r L, 0f i}\ 7X X not L /X ha s/h a va /: 1

J- - ^


i have been here for 2Q -ijxuljfic- Ji^ r\A 1

He has finished his work.

The teacher has taught us. - b> UV Vlr" 1 Have you ever been to
^ x 7V */v y ^ 1

Mother has prepared the -*

museum? _ J
(breakfast. LL>_c_^;Jl^' ense ^/yi U

He has bought the book. i have received Atifs letter. _<_

Lir Jjj X^ ^ -X
He has taken tea, 1 haven't written him a letter

The peon has rung the bell. for fj long time.

He has Te ns e i£ > j£ ~ l/Vi b 17

told you. -i-SjUuC^i : ttf Jl-^i f i


Atif has informed mother. _ &£— -’£ l7* l/\j f

_J7 L
Prime Minister has decided.
She has sung the song. AsTm

have rebuked Kashif.

Nadia has sung the song.

Nadia has not sung the - J?


: (.X XJ^Te n s e~.

L -
haven't seen Atif for ages.
Has Nadia sung the song?

Has Nadia not sung the

jyyjj.VLM; Active A rii VJ vr ftjjrir, JJjfi-ri?/ & /MtfJrircf
What has Nadia not sung? Ljt

song? Exercise

When has Nadia not sung Pul Iho vcft)& In brackets into the present perfect
1 ,
The dog (steal) the fish.
the song?
2, She Just (go) out.

Why has Nadia sung

t CL. |J"t b
y *7 3 ,
He Just (wash) that floor.

4, The bell (stop) ringing,

5, I (post) the Letter.
Nadia no! sung
y has $ She always {ret use).
the song? __ 7 ,
I{nol make) a mistake

the a. They (have) breakfast

Where has Nadia sung
9 .
Aiit (take) my bike.
song? 10, Kiran ^ i*y) a pen.

Where has Nadia noUung Change into negative and Interrogative:

1 .
He has finished his work.
the song?
2 . We have bought these books.
Wat the song has Nadia
3. I have bought a dozen bananas,
sung? 4. He has lost bis bat.

5. Sadia has sent her a card.

What the song has Nadia 'f
5 .
This doctor has tested my eyes,
[not sung? 7 .
My neighbour's dog has died.

Wat time has Nadia sung ^ (jr Jt B, I have applied for four days’ leave.

9, She has ironed my dress.

the song?
10. Mother has cooked food.

time has Nadia not ‘4U Jr j t

What Translate the following into English:

f sung the song?

Who has sung the song? L

'who has not sung the song?

IWfiat has Nadia sung?

- ^

,^jL'V-0 i_</f
p/^.u-.V. ii'ff'n-- A rtJ.-..i'j IV Iwl-. r
1 .4ircct_ zm
_ ^4- i C^oy: Syntax:
S + hasShave + been + V (111) + O.
.^J^ifii^V ^
s + hpsJhavo + not + been + V (ill! + G,

*4^4 rV -a
Hns/Havc S + been + V (M) + O?
_ ^ tj Ktr/l/ £, Jt' U .
^ &>

^4^* -io

-n Work has neon fiBinw. 1

-^s^VAf 7
? &e have been tkugh t. 1

- Um 4 AAJiW- U *f / 1 The breakfast has been 1

ore cared.
_l,;< -i4
- — 1

4/^ ^ c^W
^ j > .A—^ ^
^ L

»1s The book has been bought.

- <

^<s_Ljfei£fii_</i ,10 Tea has been taken.

-(JJ?^j!?UC - 17'
has been rung.
t 'h
jThe ring

_i£££juiju«j _ig _ ’t>'ui' L.b.uC"

[You have been told. 1

Mother has bee m nfor m ed . 1

The song has been sung. 1

</ ii"i*
passive Voice
jKgsnif has been rebuked.

Examp/e r

n has/rave Active: She has loved me.
Voice ^Present perfect Passive: have been loved by her.
^Passive I

Active; He has eaten mangoes,
jALaU^Cj^ltmAC passive:. Mangoes has been eaten by him.
(Verb)t/ given me a pen.
Active:, He has
Passive; A pen has been given to me by him.
jiJuiii/iSJd c-(Subject) i/ii/
Active: She has given me a bail.

A ball has been given to me by her.

J vn.wx - iL< m- Of raftmv Voice, {Jirecl Jftdimgl
‘~r.„c.*r Ac five & Pti\Sivr_Vvi£(;, Direct A Imdir? c :
Active: She has taught me.
have been given a gun by him.
passive: !

Passive: have been taught by her.


Active: He has brought me e cup.

Active: She has advised me. have been brought a cup by him
passive: I

Passive: I have been advised by her. Atifhas brought me a copy.

Active: Zubair has rebuked me. have been brought a copy by Atif.
Passive: I

Passive: have been rebuked by

Zubair, AsiF has given me e pen,
Active: Atif has liked Usman. passive: have been given a pen by Asif.

Passive: Usman has been tiked by Atif,.

Adeen has brought cup of coffee,
Active: She has given me a ruler. passive: A cup of coffee has been brought by Adeen.
Passive: A ruler has been given to me by her. - She has given Atif a hankerchlef.
£ ctive
Active: has given me a blade. AtU has been given a handkerchief by her
Atif p 3 i^ivo:
Passive: A blade has been given to me by Atif. Nobody has opened the door
A ci a:
has taught me English. P a s s! v : The door has not bee n ope ned by anyone
Active: Bilal

have been taught English by Bilal Exercise

Passive: I

Active: Molher has ordered me. Change into Passive Voico:

Passive: j have been ordered by mother. 1

We have written a letter.
Active: Atif has given us sweets. 2. We have planted Iheso hoes.
passive: We have been given sweets by Allf.
3 ,
The students have learnt Iho
Active: Hurna has given thorn broad. 4 ,
They have shown him their

Passive: They have bean given

bread by Huma, 5 ,
Wo have shaken hands
Ahf has broken the cup.
ActlVb. He has given Ad oen a tip. G.
by him. He has solved this Mim.
Passive: Acfeer- has boon given a lip 7 .

has mode lea,

Srhail has brought me
a car. e Malla
Active: work.
car by Sohail. 9 They have completed Ihe
Passive: Ihave been brought a
10 She has done the dishes.
ctJvo: Sbe has given fns a bicycle,
by her.
'SSlvtA J have been given a
She has broughi me a
a gilt by her Active Voice
Passive: i have been brought
He hss brought me
m .
a ball,
>. S_r .i P' y 1

a bali by him.
Passive: l have been brought
He has given me a gun.
F '

M £.^ h ad, eTT^
EL ^ vr w »**»* tW.. — | *

- - '
_ . .. |
r,,r .. .

. , \PmSs* v i ve rt0 O ^
* jy*^ hxiUUa Li^%iAU Aid
had white- washed the

-JA. -£ & /
ro am.

You had spoken the truth.
$fc£ hwl

< iSiygi.?
l^L f ifu? r>;Jt>riL Cfte} Tense^
Syntax: +v(jii) +0 .

g + had
i vV J^ 1
Tense £_
f fttibi-Ujt

5 J hacf
+ not +V(iii)
+ O?
+ O. “
^ ^ jp
p a sn rad efinite T e
nse^f lTJ_ ji_ i

Had + S + V(iii) I
had reached home before j~ „i>/> 7 ^
/ LLi ,

, P a .L0 not ^ t/£had£_ *4-> ^ Atil came.

“ e '
f L’ cQ'rtr— i- tV L *}C <-// Had We had reft home before it £ 1


The patient had died before

the doctor came,.
Huma had #«*» m T ensei/i/^yT liiltbelorat already^
house. _ — — f t Vfi If
The teacher had called
She had already informed -o L.>j\

1 uIJi — — — — him.

They had solved the

sums. _ They had £c^lii v i/»sl
JiA/p i-i^ri comole'ed the work-
^Jj3W finished the work

before sunset.

had not su'd the house.


Atif I had not visited the museum Jt/yC/tf L^l

? .>. A-^ 1^2- i/i v
Had he bought the took?

Amjad had written the essay.

i3 e^ Jt'J?jjwjv
r _t0/A/fkiA
Ponce had arrested the thiet
Mr. Atif had written a letter

iqbelk0 lm 0 ti.blogspot.com
£ Ju&*-r -i — I*-!*

Mr. Allf hpdnolwl '

Which loil<tr had Mr Am n0 i
w- ‘Ur^_JiV
Notlor written^

Had Mr. AHfv" ,llon

a Wla — Wfthl tiny hat! Mi.

Had Mr. Attf not

wrfltort a
a lollur?
Atif uEfon
^^ eJ JiX_- u ',

to l tor? VVhfH day hi id Mr

yJL »h-

^— 1*
Atll not
a *
When had Mr. Aid wrUton written J1 loiter?

loiter? Who had written n tailor?

v£_£l — -U-J*L
When had Mr. Alif not Who hud no! wj Uteri a latter?
\ iP

written a letter? WhDl had Mr. Atif written?

£. /'
'1^^' V YiL^_AC 'UJAL
Why had Mr. Allf written
What Bind Mi Atif not

fetter? written?
^wii- 1*

Why had Mr. Atif not
a letter?
f£,4- If
Put tho verbs in brackets Into the present
a perfect tense.
Whom had Mr, Atif written 1 The dog (steal) the fish.
fetter? 2. She just (go) out.

PWhom had Mr. Atif not

<:£_ ^ (u**-r
y i*
3 He just (wash) that floor.
4 .
The bell (stop) ringing.
written a fetter? 5 . [ (post) the letter.

How hod Mr. Atif written a 6 . She always (refuse).

7. I (not make) a mistake.

8 . They (have) breakfast.
How had Mr. Atif not written 9 . Atif (take) my bike.

a tetter? 10, Kiran (buy) a pen.

/Vhich tetter had Mr* Atif

^ sisit* ^ vji ^ '

Change into negative and interrogative;

1. He had gone before came. 1

2. The rain stopped when they left the home.
iq ba I ka mati
I . blogs Tho Tinin lc,tt hefnrft he* rparhi^H lhp> S.tali nfi
a^ay. before the sun rose.
said foe F >

He had befofe sh& left for America.

6 Sh* had s# his
before the snow beaa ^
_ 20
7 Tney
Passive Voice
&N, ^fore the police came.
Ttietfflef.hao se i before his

3. ^ sisie r . i,

ft past :»> :
Jj ’
vJ A Jii been ^ £ had ^aJ ^
passed the M e3me

fflfe (he 0tjicer -^Passive Voiced Perfect


Translate Uic
foilo^mj .,. r.
-r - 1,1 been
^ ^n ,
Qt ^ A had

- l/ jys J" (vert))

J .

’2 uv ‘ 7 1 J '
'-- ^4? (Subject) J*lf/ had
L ,/j

7L . <•
/ J

-UUfOV-'l 3
-l£" t‘

_ LnjSj [
vs-'^w -4 Syntax:
-* 4*1 -^ -5 S + had + been + v till) + o
S + had + not + been + V (lii) + q.

-7 Had + S + been + V (iii) + o.
jPu^y^'TW The (able had been cleaned -W^L-lOuv
The roll hod been called in
^ U-^ r*
w--" U
iwfyr-flt class room,

Jl'^V^-*' ’— \fi
l -n
The sums had been solved
Jj_ -0- l, /l -12
IiJ' [

Work hod boon completed

MiutL SL(/> -13
The car had been sold

Hod the pen bean bought? lit "|

r/o'i uV’-- Fl
Hie essay had been written. _ijl

iq ba I ka I mati . blogspot.com
Active. Huma had
Pass ve They had bee ™ b read


He had
n ^ ^ Hu ™ a
given Ade^ -


Tnad c«en

Had eat en
kwed me.
roved by her.
Active; been eaten by him. Passive:
Mangoes had
pass' ve: -
v3n me a per1 '

. . He had 9'
Act,V ‘"
A oen had
been given to me by him. passive:
***** me a bell. Active: ‘r ?;r
He had
h brought me
by her.
She had given passive:
a ball
n iver1 iQ b > her

i ball h ad bee 9

me Active: ne had Given ire a

A ^.
h3<i teU9ht '
£he passive:
had been taught
by her. 9iV ^ 3 9Un by h m

passive: Active: bad brought line

She had advised Passive: I
a cup
had been brought
had advised by her. a cup by him,
Passive: 1
Active: Atif had brought
rebuked me, me a copy
Zutair bad Passive:
Active: I
had teen brought
had been rebuked by
Zubair. awpy by Atif.
Passive: I
Active: Asif had gave me
Usman, a pen.
Atff had fiked
Active: Passive; Ihad been given a
by pen by fast.
Passive: Usman bad been liked Atif.
Active; Adeen had brought a
She had given me a ruler
of coffee.
Active: CU COffea h3d b " a brought by Adeen
Passive: A ruler had been given to me by her.
Active: c h ^
bhe °l
had given Atif a
Active: Atrf had given me a blade. Passive: At ! ted fceen
9«en a handkerchief by her
Passive: A blade had been given to me by Atif.
Active: Nobody had opened the door.
Active; B 'tel had taught me English.
Passive: The door had not been opened by anyone.
Passive: I had been taught English by Bilal.

Active: Mothe r had ord e red m e. Exercise

Change into Passive Voice:
Passive: I had been ordered by mother.
^ She had already taken her dinner.
Active: Atif had given us sweets.
nnnn ! i r i n r - i_ _r . a -i. in an i-i ni.rftrti'f1 hi L t t '
iq ba I ka I mati . blogspotVve lad rhannaH /lil If r* I ril hi ft
===“ i?=s
pa^ed the
shall nave taken tea.

He had already
Tne doctor
^ pa6enl
before the clock

They wilt have played


, '
, hei( w orSs
Tfney ,had comp I

5 .

struck five have taken

done own„ wnrk
worlt. They will
-i- n*
6 We had already
They solved the sum,

a Asif nad te arnt m .

The cat will have caught the

€,J. I,

if i fF? g PERFECT TENSE: rat

He will have helped him. _i fT £>

j s 1

Active Voice
Mother will have prepared —j U j« IJ J 1

45^ c V* £ r4- -w£*4f^
™ have^-'-''Af’%
. I 1

have bought the -k 1

l” V
He will have finished the
Syntax: work.

7 / hav#*h«ll haw h! 4 (subject)^- ( t—f**

0 4. 1 j/t. c_ t Ui.j ,J v *- it,"^ i
t e nse
l'l^_ in tj> ,L- j:

(f2-k ij*
They will have reached the
S+shaH/yyill+not^' ave+V (
ili) * °-

+ O?
station before the train


We shall have got up before -L\JxlLSvfk.£_£Lh*r 1


sha,wi "
the sun rises.

He will have left before it -tfWl A^tJA"1 1

T ay

He will have written a fetter,
Which hell w tr Akbar have

we shaH SSS** L.

Which bell will .Akbar


Tftey w.ri have I?0 have rung?

What time Will Akbar have

rung the be! ?

What time wilj Akbar net

J; ,
f' I

have rung the beJ!?

be\ J.
I Akbar Will have rung tho i
Who wil l hakv: rung the

JAk car will nc?J have runrng Who will rot have rung the

I the beft bell?

jwifl Akbar have rung the What will Akbgr have runa?

Jbeil? What will Akbar not have

jvViJJ Akbar have not rung the Ti&r&to^fAr <

rung ?

bell? j

Iwhen will Akbar have rung Putth* verbs in
brackets into the future
perfect tense.
jthe beff? 4 1 fV 1. Gy the ere of the month he
(finish) (he book.
2. i he police [hear)
fwhen will Akbar not have of (he theft by this
3. He (complete) this work in ten minutes


(rung the be If? I

? b' j? bS If1
4. Sy this. ‘:me next year he
(save) Rs. 20,000.
1 Why will Akbar have rung 5. The train (leave) before they reach the station.
i 6- a month's time he (take)
jthe beJJ? our exam.
7. By next winter we (build) their house.
/wily wifi Akbar have not ? b*rt£ bn;
8 By Aprii 2005 he [pay) his debt.
(rung the be ft? 9. The sun (rise) before they resell the (op.
10. When you came back Sohail (do) all the house work.
[email protected]
* aKi, ‘ Uinvt
^ J3
Ch,’ n l home before (he (alh
m" have rosebud Kfr -feyffjfi-tf -is

" - H u*£. --
^ tjCv
U'Vj _ie
“’ n,
MVB spoken the truth
'™' k be,ort '
l*Min 9
Tha ^n
have fjls#l fo t
l Ttfr^k/tUij^ -18

r^n^haverieenheforewegetop. -19
her clothes before he g 0es ^ifr^LfUCjC -20
have changed h 1

s JJ» tfi

rafient will
have died before the doctor come, Passive Voice
e roe
pul out the light before he goes to bed
; Vto sft3 it have

have won the
match before the son sets. — «* ,

_ we shaft -htfj U <j --

Jl' 4^'have been ^ilahgiLI/wHl -1
I Students have gone before the teacher comes.
English: -^Passive VoLc*(f Future Perfect
following into
Translate the
beenZlji^ ^not^Zlshalliwil \Jtos/£\$ -2

~c£ XJ v ,
',' jG J/i d (Verb) JV: 21
-2 i

W ^4? ^ ' ^ -3
uC ^ {$ object) J*G / Shall/Will jl U > Xjv -3

-4 -c£ i&c'tfJv
? X— ^V -5
S + shallAvlU + have been + V (iVi) + O,
S + shalUwitl + not + have been + V (Vti) + O.
_ fjt{ (Jj/ P -7
Shalt/Will + S + have been + v (iii) + O?
_ &:£> ij_r'

^£- 1
fJ -9

f -10 The tetter will have been

_ f (jtr,/C|p t Uc,p
!f t>

-11 written.

i* "J
^ s
U' l> i -12 Coffee will have been taken.


jfjr/rxstve rOlCi
hit ir h


— — “ — — —- r

w« M» pnafllva; Uiman will h avia b<j en nj<

[Hockey cd by ah .

fpJayfcd _ — Acllvu. :>h4J Wll! have given rnn

A ruler will have boon
fU ,-j
| r, r

Letclif W» wen P**#*

Alii will have
<o m* by ho, 3U
Ac I| V 4j: given mo a blade

In ken
passive: A blade will have b een given
to mo by ah
Bil 0 wm have
Wen ag il vo lau ms e n Q |i»h
pnsfllvo: I shall have been
laughi English by
caughf Active: Moltim will have ordered
passive: shall hav« been ordered
^herfce wllFiwvebeofl

by melho.
Active: AW will have given
us Wets
paastvo: Wo shall have been given, sweets
j. — i, Vi i

i irnwe tn-en

& - en
- , L- *
« I

i vo
1 1 1 *
will have given

w in h ave
Ihein bread
been g ive n

ungoes Hum a
wjJ) t, re ad by
Active He will have given Adder, a tip
Passive: Adeen will have been given a tip
Example: by him
Active: Sohail have brought me a car

She will have foved me shall have been

cl We: Passive: I
brought a car by Sohail
stuff have been foved
by her. She will have given me a bicycle.
Passive: j Active:
\ctlve: He v# have eaten mangoes. Passive: I
have been given a bicycle
by her
, ;sJve. Mangcas will nave been eaten by horn,
Active: She will have brought me a gift
•cEivc: He ft have given .'il
me a pen
Passive: I have been brought a gift by her

:';sfve : A pan wffl have been given to me by him Active; He will have brought me a ball
ictive: She wiii have given me a ball Passive: \ shall have been brought a bail by him.

A t . . :
.,viii have- been given so me by her Active: He wil* *ave given me a gun
vetive: She wiJl' have (aught me passive: 1
snail have been given a gun by him
ssivc: shell have been tauph: her. Active: Hr- will *e h ought me
f L‘
a cup
Uve: She wifi have advised me Passive: I shall have been brought a cup by him

ossrve: f shall have been advised ty her. Active: At if will have brought me a copy.

Active-* Zuhair have rebuked me, Passive: 3 shail have been brought a copy by Atif

o ssk e: I
shaft have teen -ebuked by Zuhair Active: As if will have given me a pen.
active: At..' wifi have liked Usman. Passive: I shall have been given a pen by Asif.

iqbalkal mats blogspot.com


e brougf" by been L have

ing^tas beeru^
pa “J; :

'- ~


by her
PaX- opened She door. InBAJ-r-'t’^on/wf-has hsen.neve b&r.^TjEi
Active- Nobody will have
have been opened by anyone.
Passive: The door will no.
Exercise _(lor two year?)c_ Jt,„„i
( Sirlce 200 ^,, 20021*
into Passive
Voice: -.>.r/'i! polnl ° r Time) iij
£_ Tense
1. The boys Will have picked (he flowers before the ,i,f TensejiiJ WlTsy^A. Cjiy)y i/3 S p e[io(i

( o( Tmw)
gardener comes. Present Progressive uJtix&f
have ironed clothes before we Syntax:
2 .
The washerman will

return. 3 +has/have+‘been+V(i)ing +0 + since/for + (point of

finished his work before the sun rises.

time! period of time).
3, He will have
prayer before the sdn sets. 1

4, They will have said their bs^/y^u ?

before the mother
5, They will have made a noise S +has/have + not + been+V(i)mg +0 + sincolfor +

comes, (point of time/period of time)*

before November
will have started his factor/ HasJHave +S +been+V(i)mg +0 + sincelfor + (point
6 .

2005 .
of time/period of time)?

He will have invited him.

before the guests come.
8 , He will have prepared food „ £L- lr ^ j&f H as/Have Hb \J-

TENSeT We have been faking

PRESENT PERFECTCONTINUOUS exercise for one hour.
Active Voice
Dr. Alif has been treating the

= + ient since yesterday,

q ba ka mati blogspo
I I . *
t'.Z ~
r,rur 1 -
f f

“TT^ihave trough! a cup of

tTZ. f »iN have been bnntf* by

j ng M h bee n - 1
3 Ve be ^n mCJtk
^ J
Ade<" n
ha up divert Alif a hankerchief
* her U
M —^ na£
n- J* tc
^ .

Passive: rtc- door will have been opened by anyone.

for —
two years)^ Ju,„„
-tie^navt: been^.'lj^

Exercise (since 2Q02) ^. 2002li .

Change into Passive

Voice: n/' !,
(Point of Time) .=3,
0 >t £ Tense ^
1 .
The boys have plucked the
(lowers before the ^Tense^ of Time)

carries. -&«>. s Present Progressive

gardener uji.titztf
have ironed clothes before we
2 .
The washerman Will Synta* :

return. s +haslhave+been+V(i)ing +0 + since (for + (point of

finished his work before the sun rises.
time/ period of time).
3. He will have
their prayer before the sun sets.
4. They vail have said
before the mother
5. They will have made a noise S +has/have + not + been+V(i)ing +0 + sitice/for +

comes, (point of timefperiod of time).

his facte* before
6. Zobeir wi» have started Has/Have +S +been+V(i)’mg +0 + smcejfor + (point
2005. of timelperiod of time)?

7 He will have invited him. lT ^^ i_^nots4riChas/have^_^4 ^^ -J

before the guests come.

8. He will have prepared food Has/ Have -c-tv^

We have been taking

exercise for one hour.
Active Vorce
Dr. Ati f h a $ been tre ati ng the
- ^-\ Jh U* 5

ent since yesterday.

‘ _ .

rf^7^. At[±±}:
•• '
V "J
n71 -’-
iJrrctj A r^.-

J^long has Sohail been

iVoy have not been
^pfKlng 5!-.
'\jL- i^-jy !i ' 1

J -- t-' i v-j U f j |_
H o^ Iq *9 has Sahail not
[hss she been hanging u.P v
I 7
woihinafor? \
four /&a rs7 been
the c 'd for

wh y mas Sob ail been

|Nave hey -teen combing

vu^rKin g^ 511 16
'" morning s

their hair for ten

minutes? _

Lv -'"3^ *=- 0^' £_i w ? mas Sob ail not been

!( have been pia/^ng hockey

isjnce nty chj/dhr od — parking since morning?

— —4

I He has been ^Me- wash mg

, . J jV'J o' t c
' -
yynere has So hail been Vi ./(-bW^jr i

th.ee davs: markin g since morning?

[the house for

f^Lt***- 2005^,1/ v/nere has S oh

ail not been iVS'jr
| Has he been teaching you 4
" * -r

working since morning?

since 200S'9
| K
I She has been taking
V Hov^ mas So bail been £_ , JeT

examination for two days. working since morning?

| £
l^ ow has Sob ail not been

(sofiajf has been working

Who has been working since!
since morning
[$o! ar! .has not been working 1
Who has not been working
fSJjice morning
since morning?

Ha s S p baf f b &e n wo rik in g

What has Sohail been doing
I since morning?
since morning?
'Has So hail not been working 1 j/iJ& V' i-Ov 1 ''

What has Sohail not been I +

since morning?
doing since morning?
j 1

't- > hP& Sohait been

‘f'&Lr have nor noun
[since evening

bringing vp

'.^ _ [y-jjfyJstc O' 4— i— Lr -
1 fl
L*v b . ,<_/ ort g has Sohail not
Has she been working for?
d lor tou years
ihe ., r

So hail been
Why ny- j

Have they been comtung

since morning?
minute'? 7 wc rki r i

their hair for len t
- u/h 'L- ^ X’r *=- C(r'

w- has Sohail not been

r have been playing hockey
working since

ifr>ce my childhood

iHe has been wh'le- washing

— C-'V-m Whore hap Soti&il been VjV'rtW^jy 1

ae cfo .- working since ?

[he house for fh

has Sohaii not been r~ e'jr
'Has he been reaching
i since morning?
since 2005 ?
She has been (a king
- v- -'o't

— ijy? jj. .
How has oonoii ucpi

[examination for two days j

wo rkin g since morning?
Hov; has Sohail not been
Vi^l ic-~ <4 'Jr-
ur ” if'—i
'- 1
—L “ ^^ j
:: -

working since morning?

jsoh&rl has been working jff v ip i
Who has been working since 'I

since morning,
[SoJiaiJ has not been- working 1 '*
Who has not been working
since morning.
since morning?
Has Sphaii been working v^l
What has Sohait been doing
since morning?
since morning
Has Soharf not been working
What has Sohaii not been t

'since morning?
doing since morning?
1 .

L »

has been boiling an egg


You have been sitting idle since long,

the sentence The guests have been going since 6
. .
brac kets and change
brae kb j! o'clock.
Put the verbs fn
present perfect n has be on hailing since noon
&rt oerfeci or the
into the present

The otdmnn has crymg lor help since noon

progressive tense: |ato tho loll owing into English:
tr ^ nS
(make) cakes for two hours
1 I - c- Stfto t 1
tree s«nce
noon 1

2. He (cut) down a
3 we (Jive) here s«nce 2D05.
for « tong * -3
A. That pipe (teak)
5. ] (drive) for ten
years - <=- Mftt- i ^u 4
6. Ft (snow) for three days. -L -5

7 You (play) 3 ri r '9 ht

(speak) for an hour
- *j-
^ D& ^ Jt o^ 2 -7
9 We (5 hop) ait
far three years £- tj J SjJ 1

JO^ \£ -3
(Study) English

10 She
11. |
(walk) six silo meters 'JT j •_>,-> 1

12. I (walk) for one hour. ~r.£—i ^ £_. j j -10

13 He (sleep) since 8 J x I<q- ^

14. Hum a (make) Kabab.
- JvJT i_v‘i- £_r- t? -12
15. We (write) Setters,
hours. - i- ifji/V7 £l / -13
16. We (write) tor three f*

17. The boy (eat) ice cream. -14

He (eat) since f arrived. ''

16. ^fc r m
4^1 C-f J

19. J (work) for him tor five years.

20. She just (say) him good-bye.
Change into negative and interrogative:
_ \Jt «c- A jA^- it .17

this office for five years. .18

1. Attf has been working m _x^_l slc^c^ c^’j *

this cycle since noon.

2. We have been repairing .19

3. He has been running for haif an hour.

4 The dogs have been barking in the streets.
5, ihave been opening my shop.
iqbalkal mati blogspot.com
— ]
has been boiling an egg.

you have been sitting idle since Long.

1 } 69

ehapsie th * sen,ences The guests have been going since 6 o'clock

br , ckct5 and
m Braun
Put the verbs ln

present perfect has been hailing since noon,

Effect or the

present+ erfeC Q '

t he old man has crying fa r help since no an.

into the P
progressive tense- the following into English:
for two hours.
1 (make) rakes |
- 7"
t j ; h -1
down a tree since noon. f
2. He(c ut)
- Mj JSf ^i

£. 1 -C -2
3 We {live} here since 2005.
b long time. -3
4r That pipe (leak)
(drive) for ten
years. 0 A^/fc-4Sj U -4
5 . ]

6. It (snow) for three days. -Uj j tj -5

7. You (pfay) si* night. - ^

j » : i 4\-/ -6
He {speak) for an hour
" ^ 1

0 s- v, U tu 1
j -7
9 We (shop) all

for three >ear-.. ^2- LjJY'Jv.^- Li t/ a

(study) English

40 . She 1

H, t (walk) six Mo meters, r»

is_ ,
J/- p-r

12 f (walk) for one hour - rT£_ jiff 1

J P -10
13. He (sleep) since 8 f L^£i- -11
— c/f
14. Hama (make) Kebab.
- c- Lfvri yA i^Ij
Y- -12
5. We (write) Tetters.

We (write) for three hours. - Ijt £_ ,•/ Jjt \ P*' £^ -13


17. The boy (eat) ice cream,

fc 1
U yV= -'
j/ -14

He (eat) since I arrived. le - ^ " 1 &

13. fd?' r

five years.
1 9 ,
f (work) for him for _ b V.'c- st jj i> - 1

She Just (say) him

interrogative: _i^/f i- jlf 1
— - - t 7
Change into negative and

in thrs office for five

Years L C^n -1
1 .
Atif has teen wording
repairing this cycle since
2. We have been Jtr
3. He has been running for half an hour. -20
the streets,
4. The dogs have been barking in

5. f have been opening nny shop.

j j |

— ^

NU ° r£i
P AsTFiR fggl5^ had been living : .ere since V -i?^i^Ul^d-.2003jC\
Active Vofce


fj^e Mad been putting me off

U ~ for ID day 2 -

_i/L. J/if — C‘‘' -T~

_ Jrad tee"!
had ^en * £ ^ _
you had been reading that
>J j t ij P^sjS 1

,no novel for two weeks.

It had not been raining since

^ < ing JU(AMS*£ hatf been ^ evening.

fcr^X'*-* 'since &. £ c3 /- Had he been solving the ’

^ —
c. CJmU* 1

^ , 2002 i*s-_
, (J

paper for one hour?

_(fo.r two yesrs}.^ Jk-W (since 200?)

^ . „,,"• i (Point of Time) A >f<S- ^ £- T«« V Where had the children t-^L. \

(Period of Time) been playing since evening?

j# Tenle^'-.-?^/^’^^ 'V
.6d^Past Progressive It had been blowing since 6

o'clock. \ (

+0 + since/for + (point of T h ey had bee n protest! n g fori !*=_ CZ .

S +had+been+V(iJ)ng ,

time/period of time). three hours. \ \

^/L ^ 1

f Government had been 1


+0 + since/for + {point introducing reforms in the I'&J t

S *had + not + been+V(i)ing

of time/period of time). — country for many months.

L -1
(point of
had +S +been+V{i)mg +0 + since/for +
time/period of time)?
\ bad been helping the poor I J J£/^- f^^
Had -^l
J* for many years. 1 J
L-ilf- L>/£-

f #
iq ba I ka i mati . blogspot.com
4 Thai pipe (leak; for a St>r%g time
5 I (drive) for ten years

/poor X-^X- M^HcGcyr S n (snow) for three days.

r >1 jX*
E ' C P°° 7 You (play) an night,
g. He (speak) for an hour now
l_; many
i XX J ^r-fe- / g We (shop) all evening
tO, She (study) English for three years
(walk) six kilo meters.
many 1 1 . ]

fcr^^ ee '’ ne!pi " 9 12

(walk) for
(sleep) since 8
' clock,
poor for ° Huma (make) Kabab.
th e

nDj been
/XXjXX- wfjc 14

We (write) letters.
Low longed 1

16. We (write) for three hours.

fh efong

f L XX > JL ? /s=- U
l^Xt 17
. The boy (eat) ice cream.
He (sat) since arrived. I

19 (work) for him for five years.

many .

WhyWn^ been piping jr/X^^ ^ X b'tSX 20. She just (say) him good-bye
Change Into negative and interrogative:
many years?
toe po or for 1 .
He had been working for three hours.
f l> L ,X> /*s- J jV(Xi/
he 2 had been hailing since noon,
had been helping
< it

3 . We had been studying in this school since 2005

>oor for many years^
XA* Jl^X- X hX had been knocking
A I at the door for three minutes
Vho had net been helping 5 .
They had been playing cifcket since 8 o'clock.

many years? 6 t had been waiting for my friend for 3 hours.



£xerc/se 7 He had been ringing the bell since 6 o'clock

the sentences 6 My mother had been reading the Holy Quran for two
, hB verbs In brack** and change
Progressive hours
, he Past Perfect
or the Past Perfect
9 I had been living in this house since? 2005
tense: They had sitting there since evening
1. f (make) cakes for two
Translate the following Into English:
(cut) down a tree
since neon
2. He
. Q\ /W vAJ ^ J~
3. We (five) here since 2005

) 1

Jri\, o/ *£&£{ ££- t*ph 4 ^ 1 l jjk
^eing^i^shalVwill have been^£
J'j.rj^.,^ JJ
4 -4


VVj>t- *& lL
-4VV tf | rt
g>V.£l fj £sh all/ win have beern^ZL J*ts
?|jT|^J'L>T fj<c^ J^wfl U -? iJ^_ £_ XJ^ ^ J f or sL £. am/j if since £Lxl v/- d, t^cj u i

„ 4^ w U>' L
-{Tor two ye@rs)c-JW/ji {-since 1995)^^16
l/7^ j <
-9 J vf* l {Point of Tims) w> > ^ o/ C Tense J<
-10 Jlfle ns (Period of Time)
„ i J &=- ‘11 Future Progressive
-n Syntax:
- LHpsJtifj I *=->£> (3 ^ -13
S +shallfwitl +have+been+V(i)ing +0 + since (for +
_L?Jv^>yL>(^ ^V 1

(point of time/period of time),
^ S- j/i JJi fjjttZr c/J.ViJ -IS

_ 1)5 (,
jJ^r- ) l
^ I
f ,16
S +shall/will + not + have + been+V{i)ing +
_jL<^jf^c^cS'f l
since/for + (point of time/period of time).
„i^*L-jfdijr*=~ €^~ -la
ShallfWiM +S + have +been+V(i)ing +0 + smceJior +
j/ -19
(point cm -me/period of time}?
-20 pji

„ £_ t {? i/iS v"— ^ --' n'° +*'* r

[ — sh all/ will i— r^hjL <—/

^ v * _ y s/ic^ <L tv- u J/-C £U/ Sh ?


- . ; •

future perfect continuous L ^ j/'i/Ci Jrt, ^ c L '/Ji^ ^Lil U/ 4 T e nss c

'. ; *i
iT . 1

it will have been raining
Active Voice
since evening.
•vM 6o>?
f hyi} \/j* l?> bAjjZj'iC' U*/*
will have been T
Z3 hib

the class for two

tesc tiwg

vworfsing will col have been J,

zahid \

class tar two

teaching the

^ahi.d have been \

tfM ^ V* >T /=* U.
U ^ \f

aching the class for two

Huma win IJ

me. Rothes fo- r r/jtl

Zahid have not teen U> U l !
;>’ j U
wllf ttave
been pi;
tor two
They teaching the claes
rfirfcet for two
He Mil have been tj^Tiong vvill Zahid have
since evening 7
te aching the class
bee n
waiting 1

Zahid not ^ ij; ly ..U

jj ij^! -

long will
„ S*' iM Cy have been teaching the
cla ss for?

Who will have been

haw beef! reading
iey will '

teaching the class for two

ce eve ning. hours?

waiting for
ialf have been

i hours.
will have been

oJing him since Sunday iqbalKalmati.bU3gsp0t.com

yW (write) letters -

(write) for three hours.

oeen yye
'"° The boy teat) ice cream.
class fer t
(teach ins the (eat) since arrived.

hours?—— ^ ^ t
V ^- U ^-'>i;
10 -
(work.) for him

for five years.

W^ahM ,,aveBeen 19-


just (say) bin, good-bye.

IwohcjiSll- —
20 -

doing for negative and

V ifiri j*l;
Change into
not have
He will have been working for two hours.
. i
She will have been playing since evening.
cise 2

hs in
In bwoW* «"< cha09e We SEnlen ^ 3.
will have been
cattle will
raining since 8 a m.
have been grazing since noon.
Put the verbs the p utuT e Perfect

Future P«f Birds will have been singing since early morning.
into the 5.
tense: We Shall have beec> watching, the T.V for two hours.
Pros reserve 6.
for two hours have been barking an hour.
(make) cakes His dogs will for half
1 ..

He (CO down
• free ** noon-

His brother will have swimming in the rivet since

2 8.
We (live) Here since sunset.
tifne ’
(IMk) fora ld^ She have been sleeping for two hours.
4 ,
That pipe 9.

(drive) for
ten V eaf6 '

will have been hailing for twenty minutes.

day®- into English;
It (snow) for three Translate the following
ni9flt ‘
You (play) a[f

He (speak) for an
hour now.
- j O' c ^ s 1

We (shop) all
.{?\j\ il:d^e-fi t> w> 1*
for three
She (Study) English
(walk) six krfo

i (walk) for one hour

_ L. J
h> (sleep) since 8

Hui:ia (make) Kabab,

1Ci5 !

W© (write) for three hours.

The boy (eat) ice cream,

He (eat) since arrived,
^ I

a (work) for him for five years,

g i

20 She just (say) him good-bye.

ChanQe Into negative and Interrogative:

He will have been working for two hours.
She will have been playing since evening.

It will have been raining since 5 am

The cattle will have been grazing since noon.

5 Birds will have been singing since early morning.

§ We shall have been watching the T.V for two hours.

Hes dogs will have been barking for half an hour


His brother will have swimming in the river since

0 .


have been steeping tor two hours.

9 . She will

10. it will have been hailing for twenty minutes.

Translate the following into
106 femes. Active & Passive Voice, Direct^

^ i&t/ijZ b S^/ic-f2003j^* -7




~ ,£ - & (J -1


^4- -13
_ £~ U-X^- <i


^ -15
_ Jj<

^ _J

C^M -17

^Lu^O^WM^ - 19

- 19


Voiced Perfect Progressive

• "

l, Li
Iw L^Z]
6 :
(Pr ese „t Indefinite
Tense) j“*J W f>

she> it/does -^ t(fkrJ^Wil Subie ct/ not/does not

L we, you, they/ DojjL^i_/Jif>i^L

Atlf: Do you read English? y/i

Akbar: Yes, I do,

Attf: Does Huma come to

your house?

Akbar: Yes, she comes


Attf: Do other friends also

come to you?
0\ ^

Akbar: Yes r
others also -L \\Ji :


At if ; Do you stay in

Lahore. ^OytfyjS
Akbar: No, ! stay in

Continuous Tense)
<LLL.b ft/ 1 : (Present
108 TWt. Aclive & ° lrecl &
utoi ect
^i^C-y-isyarn/areiLzl Jiy-
Zlis/am/arei/J^-’l'/ noti—
she, it/ is-*. fulfil
we. you, /are^-X/lt/ srh-^he,

Iqbal: is this book you are J?'

looking for?

Maria; Yes, this is ll -i 'rr'

^ l?* U \ d J
: ^

Iqbal: is Sadia reading the Ot/ l/: JU r

same book?
Maria: No, that is different


Iqbal: Are you not going to SrffijfbU

market now?
* T

Maria: No, I am not -\Jr>$j\ir\J3j\j'ijL ij/u A

Iqbal: Is your father in
\£ fj&tfj Jt*

Government service,

Maria: No, he is a


tqbal: Is your broihei

preparing for some +


Maria: Yes, he preparing


'*Ai& u o l? c - 1 1

1 '

U u

for the P,G,S.

UV> :(p ressm Perfecl y^y
\t ,
*** ^^ '47^W >VJ^,jU^^SybjecW ^^^J^
J l

verbj: t /^L U jr£.j/^ not/have not

Sajid: Have you written any uyk> ir

tetter to Salma?
Khan: Yes, ! have written j£jj^

to her

Sajld: Has she replied to

your letter?

Khan: No, she hasn't -u u^Lj^c^

Sajld: Have you taken your


Khan: No, I had a heavy ~]f\/‘iiiz£


t <j£ d^ 1

breakfast in the morning.

Sajld: Did you go to his

Vic ^ ^^


Khan: No, I have yet to go.

Pstftct Continuous Tons.)

ttff .(Present
r c* Have been ji' as
beefnj^'ii^ 1

^ r,fv (1)
folly «*''
'"sJ vBrD.ntt
<’> ingu


~ r,

i, ,t Passive • lMrect_&Jndirect_

Has been/ Have been

Qasim: What have you

been doing since morning?
Khalid: I have been
reading this book since

Qasim: Has it been raining

here also since yesterday?

Khalid: Yes, ft has been

raining, but intermittently.

Qasim: Has the water been luy?

boiling for long?

Khalid: No, it has been

boiling only for a little time.

You are writing a letter.

You have written a letter.
- ^^ (i n te rrog alive)

(Negative) (Interrogative)
K u are not writing a 1 Are you
writing a letter?

2 You have not written a 2. Have you written a

letter -
www.iqbalkalmati.hlogspol com
Tenses, Active & Fossil Voice. Hir^t aTTT^~ -
- —™ IjlTVi

are, haveJ^flrZL^jL^^j,
C>/<£&b. havej^
^(Present Continuous Ten se u/>_n rr^r C
^^ &\s fil Jb-jjJ
J 4 Present Perfect' Tense
£ -4s£u
Present Indefinite Tensed
You write a fetter,

I read English. -2

- 1 4^.. f

(Negative) (Interrogative)

1. I do not write a letter 2 Do you write a letter?

3. ! do not read English. 4. Do f read English'?

iDojZTensefl^ \f r Do 4 U L tjfj,

^ 4 Do 4 —f
i/ii Ce ijl 1

c£ jfi> 4- — tU L-? Xe Does


iJ/'tJiS ve rb ji t/f :(Past Indefinite Tense) \fij^

Bp^- . _4Z-XJ^rj ®

Teacher: Did you get up

early yesterday?
Direct & Indu^d_

Has heenf Have beori

?/T jj\' C.
Qasim: What /?ave you

been doing since morning?

Kh a f i d I
have been - \J & ^^ : jL

reading this book since

Qasim: Has it been raining .{S'jtf i

here also since yesterday?

Khafid: Yes, it has been ^fjjJjs \S^O^ JG

raining, but intermittently.

Qasim Has r the water been

boiling for long?

Khalid: No, it has been 'U&Jt

boiling oniy for a little time.

- ^-\X. >

You are writing a letter, _j

You have written a letter.

-f UJ^(lnterrog ative)

(Negative) (interrogative)

1. V ’u are not writing a 1. Are you writing a letter?


2. You have not written a 2. Have you written a

letter. letter? www.iqbalkalmiiti.blogspal.com
& Possi^T^Jj ,ygf A ,

are '.
havet/ ..

L’/^^ aT& have uXjt^


^ c^ nptj, f_
p rese n t Continuous Ten se JV>?
Lj’i/’ - l ^ Tji
jj i

i" ^^^ JJ, lP<=-

U-^f l?c_ ^ Present Perfect Tense
R Present indefinite
You write a •

T -y: -1

I read English. -Jjr -2

(Negative) (interrogative)

1 . f do not write a letter. 2 Do you write a letter?

3, I do not read English. 4. Do 1 read English?

l Do l£ Tense A-*~- \fUj? ^ Jr i

Do U-M til ,Jx z£i
Jl^tT Dot# i-lf ,3
'r^-<- rif Ij jit Does

(Past Tense) lAsU |

verbg^uH (Past ; Indefinite Tense) iAlT

liftT verbal Did
—Jir-t/f — -

Teacher: D/d you get up

early. yesterday?
I nrtt
got u u 1
Madia: Yes. madam.

up early

Did you have TtUc/^j'lj vj SI- f'V t}^ 1

bread and butter?

Nadia: Yes madam. did.


Teacher: Did Rani come to

you at noon? * . \
Nadia: No, she dldnl

Teacher: Did you write this

essay at night 7


didn't write _
1- O* ip/* J ^
Nadia: No, 1

but my brother did

(Past Continuous Tense) li'lfl /tJ*
j£ j\y weren’t jj> wasn't ZL £- iX'^ c?

w Were>jf*L£l, he. she. it was-i^i-tf^t/i/ was/were

,he y


Teacher: Were you out for

shopping yesterday?

Rana: Yes, sir, I was.

Teacher: Were you not

p _
reading a book while
walking? www.iqbalkalmali.blt>9^f>^s.c4m
' Adi ve A VmiVc ,
K>/cg jj/^.-j

pana: Yes sir, 1 was
reading a book while


teacher: Was Sadia also ?L&iv«3^g± jyfLwl/j|?-i

reading while walking?

Ran a: No, she was just


Teacher: Was your aunt {f'stfifidtfA/j:

singing at your house?

Rana: No, it was my sister, Juju t\^f' [$ h

Kashif: Were you studying v-£L£—jtsir

i t?


Saeed: Yes, we were

’ -*'••- r ,K •
• - r% - .

learning English.

i-^l^i/had Jbif JjUfjii/ 1

(Past Perfect Tense)

^/hadtAJ^'tiad notjitfU;

Kamal: Had you not gone

to cinema?

Sofia: No, I had not.

ft?lfcvCfceJ*Mr *k
Rana: Had he closed the


Sadia: Yes, he had.


not met
Rana: Had he
till yesterday?
si L^:

Sadia: No, he hadn

you not gone
Rana: Had
play yesterday?

saeed: No, I had not gone

to play yesterday

:(Past Perfect Continuous Tense)

Cfajtut- verb^2->J(r|Had beenj*

had<iJ'w' h ad not been£,

Had been
Rafiq: Had you been £?[»

studying for last two hours ^


Attiq: Yes, because I had :-i

been planning to watch a

movie after finishing my


Rafiq: But, why Atif also V-j

had been studying with <Vp

reuses. Active A /VtojVc Koice. Direti
_ ,( Indirect
Attiq: Because, he had Zl tL- L7 Ui^/1 ijT# iJ{J ^ iJC

also been insisting on noing

with me for the film,

Rafiq: But, your mother

was saying that you had
been planning to go out
with some friends,

Attiq: Yes, previously we

had been planning
something of the sort, but

later we changed our


Important Points
| |

tiift-UH k Jirvjf tf* ^ Past Tense

^ did (ji Past Indefinite

i .

Past Perfect jjiwas, were^T Past Continuous Tense

tjC notu! ^— had o^“ Tense

, was, werei/ Jjb j

Afflr: I ate bread and butter.

Did eat bread and
did not eat bread Int: I

Neg: |

and butter.
7— !
* P '™SiV<! VOlCl’ ^~
You were reading a
2 ‘

"1 Were you reading a
not reading

Nec. You were

, book?
a book.

Affir: r'ou had read a book.

You had not read a l"t: Had you read a



Affir You had been reading a

book since two hours.

Neg: You had not been int: Had you been

reading a book since reading a book since
two hours two hours?

[J- J-I (Future Indefinite Tense)

J (i)

l £ , eh
f we, he, she, it, they/wilU?
Rashid: Will you play?
Atif: No, 1 won?.

Will you come
Atrf: Yes, HI come.
Voire. Dirt’ , -t
$ hh hn’cf M
Rashid: Will you stay here V

V5 -'

Atif: No t
Vi! go back. J ^ V. '
W " '

^ -
L, -
L . 1 _
Rashid: Will you see Rana P < f "

on Friday?

Atif: No, I'll wait fo; you at


wtII l (Future Continuous Tense)

^ZlwilJ/shaJlo^ J'V
y +
j J'ringj be/shall be

Shall be/waf be
Nadeem: Wilt you .

in the ; ;
„ -
L j~> J

train at this time tor' rrow?

Sohaif: Yes. HI he no

to _6 \ ''Jbv-Jit
reach Jheluni v h um*
Nadifem: J/M;'

/. not he lj'-
^ 1

playing match at ,is time? C-jK

c-v: -0, k*
Sohail: Yes, of ourse ;ve7/ L>
L, ^ “

be /
Nadeem: Shall we be ‘
Ct tnr'i' L‘-A

coming to Lahore again and

- —
Sohail: No. we won (bbe.

(Future Perfect
Tense) J J ( 3 ,

will i/<

verbyj'i/T— '' 'have/ shall hav*

,, 'i'J'

have,' nol
6i/2 ,/ will/shall
, +# r‘

Shall have/Wilf have

Sadia : lAffl she have gone'?

Rabla: No she wouldn't


Sadia: Will you be back

from Multan by next month?

Rabia: Yes, I should be

back by then

Sadia: You will have taken

you" test by this time


Rabla: Yes, an important

chapter of my life would be

/fVL^iwTi ^
over 9

Sadia: Wifi you have

J L if sr >
(J uJC ^\f’$ ^
passed tenth class

examination by the next

www.lqhalkalmnti.hfDqsp dt.com
l imses. Active & Pass ive Voice Dh^n *
Rab ia: Yes, l
should have U \J l it—
i i_'L

passed it by that time.

Sadia: Will the elections be
u*4r ^
over by March?

Rabra: Yes, the elections -L- j'

wifi have completed by


Sadia: Witt your brother r : '

PJ Li \j 1-4 1-

have returned from

Rabia: No, he would not £~ \J^& J'b

have ,

V -’ &
(/J :{Future Perfect Continuous T se) J (4)

will/'s hall <L£ iS'.i'jt!-.' '--sns:. nave been J* J»U’v-

will' shall t.
- -• J. have

fo tv>) s i n ce 4. ^ 1
-*— 'ingj verbj' - L,~

Shall have been/WW have been

you _ jj - w C"

Bashara; IV///

been sleeping toniorr

this time 9
this time?

Basharat: And. what wilt

you r brother, Sajid have

be en doing?
jJ j kv-
Naveed; He will have been

preparing to leave for


Basharat: Will the 0"V^ J l/ i

\f ^^
policeman have been t
r r ~

interrogating the

pick-pocket at this time?

Naveed: No, he will have - & - [ 1- ^ )O —> '

been on his round

Important Points

(3) He will not play. (A) I shall not piay.^/y^y-'T^i


t T will Jl*C ' He' ifshall JT“|' j-iiiy

He, Sh . tirfl.wjr fU y -f.
^ will i'uZlyouyji.^, They, It, Atif

^Zl^They, You, He, She/tfw®*^
(1 )
I will not play J^TshBlI
You shall not return. tomorrow
7V)S5~- Active 2 JVrv.VM-f EWcp. D‘rUl-; -C- /i,rf,Vet f
J5 J0e 1-
1 ^ i£*«£t&
1- 1 will succeed or die in -i

the attempt

2- You shall finish with

your work before you Jrxf/c'i

leave the office

3- He shall obey. - , i/V^

y 1 * V V
sj ;

whether he 'Yes \i or .lL_|

" ”
^ t L? J (* J U^-X ‘ -

:< _
j-s willed wJjt’J’!
:i-. V£. ••eubjectL pronouns - willed
I'll, We'll, He'll, T

jwen'!/ :!& - not/will^i/iThev'll 'ffcu'll.

— Jr/ft# & Passive Voice, Direr! & Imftrea

Change of Voice

^Active Voice) wJj/'J’*

(passive Voice)Jj^ J*"*--
, j6j [> ffi d
Passive Voice LTvn$e$*;l£Uf\/J<zLi -1

j^ ,yrrZ-(f i_fc(Pass|We Voice) Tenses Vx

Passive Voiced Perfect Continuous

_ J jr 1

u, ^

P as s ve Voice
i -2

_ tZ— L

1? \J&A i Jr {J^i$J - ^ ^ “3

f-^ i£ Jp?yJ^L^ If doer ^ ^4

-o£i^ f
w4? J^vO^Pronou n ( J*U )doer/i -5

Iid t*C* U/V- 4- J J ~-- U> Ju ijf* 0 Te n sex -c-


1. Indefinite Tense
Active: He writes a tetter (Present)
Passive: A letter is written by him.
Active: He wrote a letter. (Past)
Passive: A letter was written by him.
Active: He will write a tetter. (Future)
Passive: A letter will be written by him.
2. Cont'rvj^us Tense
Active: He is writing a tetter
Passive: A tetter is being written by him.
Active: He was writing a letter (past)
Passive: A tetter was being written by him.
Active: He will be writing a letter. (Future)
wwwJqbttlkaimdii.hl 0 ys tof.com
passive: A tetter will be being written by him.
3. Perfect
Active: He has written a | etter
passive: A letter has been written by him.

Active: He had written a letter.

Passive: A letter had been written by him.

Active: He will have written a letter. (Future)

Passive. A letter will have been written by him.


tt* J JJ Zl :
'J?ii (jj- l :L C- iL > Vo LG'S



AW hit Asif.-feljCs^T

Asif was killed by Atif,-i/U^ui.

participle If J+tAfo^ 00

^/ujiLfZ-iexdonefiJtc-'/i^o, doing^^blf-J^ui

was, be, has, bgenJt

(Active Voice)
Tenses Ji ol-j

f g£ (Passive Voice)

A' 1 . Present Indefinite Tense

r S ifriJj'is^are/am

Active: She helps the poor.

Passive: The poor are helped by her.

Active: He Sikes mangoes,

Passive: Mangoes are liked by

Active: He makes- tea.

Tmses, Active & Passive Voice, Direct & Indirect

Passive: Tea is made by him.

Active: She invites me.

Passive: I am invited by her,
Active: She does not tell me.
Passive; I am not told by her.
Active: Do I post her the letter?
Passive: Is the letter posted her by me?
2, Past Indefinite Tense
: ^ <L A ft
GiX/£ i s/we re M
Active: We took food.
Passive: Food was taken by us.

Active: She washed the car.

Passive: The car was washed by her
Active: Sohail bought books.
Passive: Books were bought by Sohail.
Active: He washed clothes.
Passive: Clothes were washed by him
Active: They drd not see a tiger.

Passive: A tiger was not seen by them.

Active; Did I eat mangoes?
Passive: Were mangoes eaten by me?
3, Future indefinite Tense
tip % o<o jM £ ^ {J CjiSshall be/wili

Active: He will take tea.

Passive: Will be taken by him.
Active; We shall read the newspapers.
Passive: The newspaper will be read by us
Active: She will write a letter
Passive: A letter will be written by her
Active: She will help me. www.iqbalkalmati.blogspol.com
Activ? s
passive: I shall be helped by her
Active: We shall not build a house
passive: A house will not be built by us
Active: Who will p[ a y cricket,
passive; By whom will cricket
be played?
4. Present Continuous
‘fctiS2- %He^^lib^jPbeing^Ci^are/am^ ifi
Active: is playing chess,
pasive: Ches being played by him.

Active: He is doing his work

Passive: His work is being done by him.
Active: Huma is washing dishes.
Passive: "Dishes are being washed by Huma,
Active: She is inviting me.
Passive: I am being invited by her.

Active: They are not taking tea.

Passive: Tea is not being taken by them.
Active: Why are they knocking at the door?

Passive: Why is the door being knocked at by them?

5. Past Continuous Tense
: jfc. i£Z- ^

Active: She was making tea.

Passive: Tea was being made by her.

Active: He was writing a letter.

Passive; A letter was being written by him.

Active: was taking

Atif tea

Passive: Tea was being taken by Atif.

Active: We were playing cricket.

Passive; Cricket was being played by us.

Active: She was eating apples-
Tenses, Active & Passive Voice Direct
. &
being eaten by her
Passive: Apples were not
Active: Was Sohail testing a lie.
toid by Sohail?
Passive: Was a fie being
6* Future Continuous Tense

Active: They will be writing a letter.

Passive: A letter will be being written by them.

Active: We shall be reading the books.
Passive: The books will be being read by us,

Active: Atif will be taking tea.

Passive. Tea will be being taken by Atif.

Active: He will be telling a He.

Passive: A lie will be being told by him.

7, Present Perfect Tense

: $>_ jt ILffifAtS J
h a s/h a ve bee £. L:

Active: He has done his work.

Passive: His work has been done by him.

Active: Atif has eaten rice.

Passive- Rice has been eaten by Atif,

Active: He has taken tea.

Passive: Tea has been taken by him.

Active, I have helped him.

Passive: He has been helped by me.
Active: Umar has not shut the door,
Passive: The door has not been shut by Umar,

Active: How have you started the car?

Passive: How has the car been started by you?
8. Past Perfect Tense
jPc, Z- 1 had bee M £*

Active: I had invited my friend,

passive: My friend had been invited by me
Active: We had toid him.

passive: He had been toid by us.

Active: Kashif had taken tea.

passive: Tea had been taken by Kashif.

Active; Aisha had made food.

Passive: Food had been made by Aisha

Active: They had not done their work.

Passive: Their work had not been done by them.

Active: Why had he beaten her?

Passive: Why had she been beaten by him?

9. Future Perfect Tense

6/^'SJfA ^ {
shall have beenLwiil have beert^^?

Active: They will have taken food.

Passive: Food will have been taken by them.

Active: He shall have bought apples.

Passive: Apples will have been bought by him

Active: She will have taken tea.

Passive: Tea will have been taken by he

Active: We will have finished work.

have been finished by us.

Passive: Work will

Active: They shall not have played

have been played by ! hem

Passive: Cricket will not

Voice, Direct <6 Indira 7
fvUM'S Zici, e

cleaned the rooms


Active: yVii! He ha <!

by him?
Passive: Will the
rooms have been cleaned
--j jMij Passive VoiceilTensesfU"


S + is/ are/ an + V (iii) + G (Present)

S + was/ were + V OF* * O,

S + will be/ ghall be * V (iii) + G (Future)


S + is/ are/ am - being + V (iii) + O- (Present)

S + was; were + being + V (iii) + O. (Past)

S + shall be/ will be + bemg + V (Eli) + O. (Future)

S + nave/ has + been + V (iii) + 0, (Present)

S + had + been + V (iii) + 0. (Past)

S + Shall/ Wiii + have + been + V (iii) + O. (Future;

Perfect Progressive

S + have/ has + been being + V (iii) + since/ for + point of

time/period of time (Present)

S had + been being + V (iii) + since/for + point of

time/period of time. (Past)

S + shall/ will + have been being + V (iii) + since/ for + point

of time/period of time, - (Future)

(subject) ji
i f Object Active Voice jt Passive Voice jS/f-
Active & Passive Voice, Direct # Indirect 129

k 4* <)V*J/*«ctfAetiv© Voice l/C^l/^ i_ 1'

* ^
ts i/lslT Passive Voiced U
Jjf (J

fV S if/£ l/u^uKf t^u ^r^L^d/V Passive Voice

- U* h fJ*6> ^ 1
f .U s±f^> 2L > T e n 'se-^.
6 li

Present ^ {A \Sjr± SJ** £- is/ are/ am Zl (1)

Passive Voiced Indefinite

Past * j?j* j§jti <Jr^" if l/V 1

£l was/ were ^ <C Jf$ (2)

-^_ Passive Voiced Indefinite

Future shall/ wil!^*C (3)

Passive Voiced Indefinite

^ yjf fVts beings <C is/ are/ am <£l Jf\» (4)

Passive Voiced Present Progressive

b#1pg^ Zl was/ were ftjibCJ* (5)

Passive Voiced Past Progressive

shsill be/ will (8)

-^-tttJL* Passive Voiced Future Progressive^

been^Zl have/ hasA^ilJ^ (7)

^ 4^. Passive Voiced Present Perfect

Past ^ y^ j^U tfszSd^A J}i been ^^ ^ (


Passive Voiced Perfect


been^Zlshatl/ (9}

-^tx^Passlve Voiced Future Perfect

if Passive Voiced Perfect Progressive^ 1

HHH qbalkalmBti.blogspot.com
*r,h* & V0 ‘ Ce> U ^' %
- ,

Passive Voice Sentence?

HOW to Identify

^ ^ f^ T ® n ^f ^ ^ Ai n S6K^

iS tiHA-ut indefinite o~"4? Ast-^

^jt£Psr1ectJ£iAA^ Lfi£Progres$i\f£ l

lT assive Voice sClenses jt

£~yi d *?s
— u/A iC-* t/V^ L^cSS U~"

\a if&t L<

Example (i)

We are invited.
We were invited.

We shall be invited.

We are being invited.

- <z- t9j [p
We were being invited.
** i/t/vif (JV
We shall be being

We have been invited.

- S-K W U iSfiZs/j \J^

We had been invited.

We shall have been

- S# J? if {jj \jd

Example (ij)
tense* Active £& Passive Voice. Direct & Indirect Rf|

Atif is helped.

A tif was helped. - l/j^ S U

Atif will be helped. ^ S*— If cf^ & t*

Atif is being heiped.

J&U Jli Jljk u
Atif was being helped. - lTl? j (f S** i#

Atif will be being helped.

Atif has been helped.

Atif had been helped.

Atif will have been helped. - S*S- if >6 b

Example (iii)

We are waited for. _<=_t-UlXl£-l

bln *

We were waited for. -tA0i£%iii

» M

We shall waited for. JL^uPioji ...

We are being waited for. £ i » "4

We were being waited for.

We shall be being waited

We have been waited for.

“ **

We had ^ t? \p [fj Usf f b In

been waited for. 7 «

We shall have been -6rK>kU/l£‘lbtT

* - *

waited for.

iqbalkalmsti. blogspo1.com
L'lV" F

Howto change
assive Voice
/ t? f Active Voices- ^ v
- -

Passive Voice,

pvamole (i)

Active: He [ike mangoes.

liked by mm.
Passive; Mangoes are
Active: make tea.

Passive: Tea is made by me.

Active: She invites me.
Passive; I am invited by her

Active; Atif does not tell me.

Passive: 1 am not told by Atif,

Active: Does he post the letter?

Passive: Is the letter posted by him?

Active: Zubair washed the car.

Passive: The car is washed by Zubair.

Active: We did not see tiger.

Passive: A tiger was not seen by us.

Active: Did mangoes?
Atif eat
Passive: Were mangoes eaten by Atif?

Active: Aisha bought books

Passive; Books were bought by Aisha.
Active: Huma washed the clothes
Passive: Clothes were washed by Huma
Active: We shall read the newspapers.
Passive: The newspapers will be read by us
Active: I shall write him a letter,

Passive: A letter will be written him by me.

Active: Anwar will help me.
Passive: I shall be helped by Anwar
UnM ActiVe y Pa*^e VoicTn^ct & indirect
Active: He will not build a house,
passive: A house will not be built by him
Active: He is doing my work.
Passive: My work is being done
by him,
Active: Who wifi play cricket?
Passive: By whom will cricket be played?
Active: They are not taking tea.
Passive: Tea is not being taken by them.
Active: Why are you knocking at his door?
Passive: Why is his door being knocked by you?
Active: He
washing dishes.

Passive: Dishes are being washed by him.

Active: She is inviting me.
Passive: ] am being invited by her
Active: i was writing a letter.

Passive: A letter was being written by me.

Active: She was taking tea.
Passive: Tea was being taken by her
Active: We were playing cricket.

Passive: Ciicket was being played by us.

Active: Atjf was not eating apples.

Passive: Apples were not being eaten by At if.

Active: Were he toiling a lie?

Passive: Was a lie being told by him?

Active: He had eaten rice,.

Passive: Rice had been eaten by him.

Active: Akbar had taken tea.

Passive: Tea had been taken by Akbar.

Active: I have helped Atif.

Passive: Atif has been helped by me.

Active: mar had not shut the dooi.
mmM shut by Umar.
not t»en
Passive: The door had
started the car

Active: How had he

been started by
Passive: How had the car
Active: I had told him.
by me
Passive: He had been told
Active: Akbar had taken tea.
by Akbar.
Pass Ve: Tea had been taken
Acti\ c- AJsha had made food.
Passive: Food had been made by
Active: Wehad not done our work.
by us.
Passive: Our work had not been done
Active: Why had you beaten him?
Passive: Why had he been beaten by you?
Active: [shall have bought apples.
Passive: Apples will have been bought by me.
Active: He will have taken tea.

Passive: Tea will have been taken by him

Active: They will have finished work
Passive: Work will have been finished by them.
Active; We shall not have played cricket.

Passive: Cricket will not have been played by us.

Active: Will she have cleaned the table?
Passive: Will the table have been cleaned by her?
Active: Adeen learns his lesson.
Passive: Lesson is learnt by Adeen,
Active: We love Pakistan,
Passive: Pakistan is loved by us.
Active: Adeen bought a pen.
Passive: A pen was bought by Adeen,
Active: He is washing clothes
Passive: Clothes are being
washed by him.
Tenses, Active c£ Passive Voice „ Due cl & indirect

Active: We were doing sums.

Passive: Sums were being done by us.

Active: I has eaten rice

Passive: Rice has been eaten by me,

Active: Aqeel has broken a glass.
Passive: A glass has been broken by Aqeel,
Active: The teacher will teach us the lesson,
passive: The lesson will be taught us by the teacher,
Active: She will be doing my work.
Passive: My work will be being done by her.

Active: She will have helped me.

passive: I shall have been helped by her.

Active: f am doing his work,

Passive: His work is being done by me.
Active: He helps me.
Passive: I arm helped by him.

Active: She took tea.

Passive: Tea was taken by her.

Active: Akbar drives the car

Passive: The car is driven by Akbar

Active: We
have won the match.
Passive: The match has been done
by us.

Active: Shemake cake,


Passive: Cake will be made

by her.

Active: I had written a letter.

had been written by me.

Passive: A letter

Active: I beat him.

was beaten by me.
Passive: He
Active: He will be repairing T V.
by him.
Passive: T.V, will be being repaired
Active: They inform www.iqbalkBlmati.blogspot.com
Passive: We are informed by them.
Active: AIJ the boys like him.

Passive: He is liked by all the boys.

Active: Mr. Bilal taught us.

Passive: We were taught by Mr. Bilal

Active: A dog has bitten the boys.

Passive: The boys have been bitten by a dog.

Active: She eats mangoes.
Passive: Mangoes are eaten by her.

Active: Atif made century.

Passive: Century was made by Atif

Active: They do not help us.

Passive: We are not helped by them
Active: Do you tike mangoes?
Passive: Are mangoes liked by you?
Active: Why does he tell her?
Passive: Why is she told by him?
Active: He has sold his house,

Passive: His house has been sold by him.

Active: He took tea.
Passive: Tea was taken by him.
Active: Who my pen?

Passive: By whom my pen was stolen?

Why did you him?


Active: invite

Passive: Why was he invited by you?

Active: They are playing oacds.

Passive Cards are being played by them

Active: i
shall invite her to dinner.

Passive: She will be invited to dinner by me.

Active: Atif was teaching us.

Passive: We were being taught by Atif.

Acti ve d- /Wive o irec! & tn( ]irev{ 137

Active: HDma will not do it carefully.

Passive: It will not be done carefully by Huma.
Active: He was lighting the fire.

Passive: The firev&s being lighted by him.

Active: Help him, in this matter.
Passive: He should be helped, in this matter
Active: Did you ring the bell?
passive: Was the bell rung by you?

Active: We picked flowers,

passive: Flowers were picked by us.
Active: Why did the teacher punish us?
Pf. sive: Why were we punished by the teacher,
Acti /e: Let him write a tetter

Passive: Let the letter be written by him.

Active: The police arrested him.

Passive: He was arrested by the police.

Active: The damaged the crops,

rv 'he food.
passive; They crops were damaged
Active: The peon will ring the beii

Passive: The bell will be rung by the .peon.

Active: He will not do this work.

Passive: This work will not be done by him.

Active: The girls are singing a song.

by “ie
Passive: A song is bA{ lsuf| 9

Active: Was he driving a bus?

by him?
Passive: Was a bus being driven
Active: Who winds the watcl v?
whom the watch is wound?
Passive: By
Active: Let them play
be played by
Passive: Let the cricket
you light the lamp?
Active: Will
Passive: Will the lamp be lighted by
Active: I look after the house.
Passive: The house is looked after by me.

Active: Who teaches English?

Passive: By whom is English taught?

Active: She cannot do this sum.

Passive: This sum cannot be done by her.

Active: Does he say his prayers?

Passive: Are his prayers said by him?
Active: She has done her work
Passive: Her work has been done by her.
Active: Akbar set up a factory.

Passive: A factory was set up by Akbar.

Active: Do you laugh at me?
Passive: Am 1 laughed at by you?
Active: Atif married a poor girl

Passive: A poor girl was married by Atif.

Active; Atif helped me.

Passive: Iwas helped by Atif.
Active: Who will teach me?
Passive: By whom will t be taught 7
Active: Who solved these sum?
Passive: By whom will these sum be solved?
Active: When does he ring the bell?
Passive; When is the bell rung by him?
Active: Where do we play the game?
Passive: Where is the game played by us?
Active; Why was be writing a letter?
Passive; Why was a letter being written by him?
Active: I had told him.

Passive: He had been told by me

Active: He
learns his lesson.
passive: His lessor is learnt by him
Active: We love Pakistan.
passive: Pakistan is loved by us.
Active: He bought a pen.
Passive: A
pen was bought by him.
Active: She was washing clothes,
passive: Clothes were being washed by
Active: They are doing sums,
passive: Sums are being done by them.
Active: We had eaten rice.
Passive: Rice had been eaten by us.

Active: He had broken a glass.

Passive A glass had been broken by him.
Active: The teacher will teach us the lesson.
Passive: The lesson will be iaught us by the teacher.

Active: He will be doing my work.

Passive: My work win be being done by him.

Acitve: She will have helped me.

Passive I shall have been helped by her.

Acitve She is doing her work.

Passive: Her work is being done by her.

Acitve: She helps me.

Passive: I am helped by hen
- - - - Atif
r mm., m took
-m— tea.

Passive: Tea was taken by Atif.

Acitve: Manzoor drives the car.

Passive: The car is driven by
the match.
Acitve: Our team had won
had been won by our team
Passive: The match
Acitve: Huma will make cake.
Teases, A eft v<? a: / -asst \ 'e v o * cc, r-'irt a t v: mo t re t

Passive: Cake will be made by Hums.

Acitve: Atif had written a tetter.

Passive: A letter had been written by Atif.

Acitve: Adeen beat him.

Passive: He was beaten by Adeem
Acitve: Zubair will be repairing T,V.
Passive: T V. will be being repaired by Zubair
Acitve: Usman inform us
Passive: We are informed by Usman.
Active: Ail the boys like Amjad.
Passive: AmjaeJ is liked by all the boys.
Active: A doo has bitten him.
Passive: He has been bitten by a dog.
Active: Manzoor made century.
Passive: Century was made by Manzoor
Active: Does Khurram like mangoes?
Passive: Are mangoes liked by Khurram?
Active: Faisal has sold his house.

Passive: His house has been sold by Faisal.

Active: She took tea.

Passive: Tea was taken by her.

Active: Why did you invite Karan?

Passive: Why was Kiran invited by you?
Active: I shall invite her to dinner.

Passive: She shall be invited tA dinner by me.

Active; Kiran will not uo u carefully.

Passive: It will not be don,, carefully by Kiran

Active: He was lighting

the fire.

Passive: The fire was being lightened by him.

Active: Did you ring the bell? ^
Passive: Was the bell rung by you?
www.iqbalkalmati. blogspol.com
vSGZdS* *
Acrtve: Why did the teacher
pynish us?
passive: Why were we punished
by the teacher?
Acftve: The police arrested
Passive: He was arrested by
the police.
Acitve: The peon will ring the
Passive: The bell will be rung
by the peon,
Active: 9’ rls We re singing a song.
Passive, A song was being sung by the girls.
Active: Is he driving a bus?
passive: Isa bus being driven by him?
Active: Let us play cricket.
Passive: Let the cricket be played by us.
Active: he looked after the house.
Passive: The house was looked after by him.

Active: He cannot do this.sum.

Passive: This sum cannot be done by him.
Active: \ wind the clock.

Passive The clock was wound by me.

Active: J lend him my camera.
Passive: He is lent my camera by me.

Active: Atif married a poor girl,

Passive: A poor girl was married by Atif..

Active: Who will teach us?

Passive: By whom will we be taught?
Active: When does he ring the beilr
Passive: When is the bell rung by him?
Active: Why is he writing a letter?

Passive: Why is a letter being written by him?

Active: Mr. Khurram taught
Passive: We were taught by Mr.
Active: She eats mangoes. www.iqbaikaimati.biog5pot.com
M2 Tenses, Active & Passive Vtrice. Direct cfc Indirect

Passive: Mangoes are eaten by her.

Active: They do not help us.

Passive: We are not helped by them.

Active: Why does he tell her?
Passive: Why is she told by him?
Active: She kr, its sweaters.
Passive: Sweaters are knitted by her.

Active: Who stole my pen?

Passive: Sy whom was my pen stolen?
Active: They were playing cards.
Passive: Cards were being played by them.
Active: He is teaching us.
Passive: We are being taught by him.
Active: I do not waste my time.
Passive: My time is not wasted by me.
Active: He solved this matter.

Passive: This matter was solved by him.

Acitve: We pick the flowers.

Passive: Flowers are picked by us.

Acitve: Let him write the letter.

Passive: Let the letter be written by him

Acitve: The flood damaged the crops.

Passive: The crops were damaged by the flood.

Acitve: He wiil not do this work.

Passive: This work wit! not be done by him.
Acitve: He has sold all the mangoes.

Passive: All the mangoes have been sold by him

Active: Will you switch on the lamp?
Passive: Will the lamp be switched on by you?
Active: Who teaches Urdu?
Passive: By whom is Urdu taught?
!&** Aaive
voice, Di^nrh^r
^ n.
Active. Do you
Jl E li j JP%. i
say your prayers?
**1 1 j-a . .

Passive* Are your prayers; said by

Active: Faisal sets up a factory,
passive: A factory is set up by Faisal
Active: Do you laugh at me?
Passive: Am l laghed at by you?
Active: I helped Huma
Passive: Huma was helped by me.
Active: Who solved the sum?
Passive: By whom was the sum solved?
Active: Where do they ptay the game?
Passive: Where is the game played by them?
Active: I have told him.

Passive: He has been told by me.

Active: i drink milk.

Passive: Milk Is drunk by me.

Active: We take exercise early in the morning
taken by us early in the morning.
Passive: Exercise is

Active: He does not like these shoes.

Passive: These shoes are not liked by
Active: We do not waste our time.
Passive: Our time is not wasted by us

Active: Who rang the bell?

whom was the bell rung?
Passive; By
speak the truth.
Active: Good children always
always spoken by good children.
Passive: The truth is
Atif often
deceives him.
by Atif.
Passive: He is often deceived
his parents.
Active: Atif obeys
obeyed by Atif.
Passive: His parents is

knows your name.

Active: Does she
www.iqbzilkalmati. blogspol.com
name Known by her ?
t$ your
Everybody can do
Everything can be
done by everybody,
was speaking truth.
by Bilal.
Truth was being spoken
Akhtar was doing his work.
by Akhtar,
His work was being done
Who was calling you?
By whom were you being called?
What was biting you?
What were you being bitten?
Active: He will take tea tomorrow.
Passive: Tea will be taken by him tomorrow.
Active: She was not taking meal
Passive: Meal was not being taken by her.
Active: The baby was asking for milk.
Passive: Milk was being asked for by the baby.
Active: We shall learn our lesson by heart.

Passive: Our lesson will be learnt by heart by

Active: You had ruined me.
Passive: had been ruined by
I you.

Active: God will help is.

Passive: We shall be helped by God,

Active: He knocks at the door.

Passive: The door is knocked at by him.

Active: I do not befool Sobia

Passive: Sobia is not befooled by me.

xjpf www.iqbalkalmati.blog^pol.com
Tensw, Active & Passive Voice, Dirac i & Indirect

Direct & Indirect Narration
. i

. t ti_/S£lgl/-: Narration
Indirect Narration -2 Direct Narration 4
riy Direct N a r ra tic n b t ',r $?i
$ L- y. J?L
' ^ r0 (1)

Indirect t//u j£ J&tff'SjJ -j* Jt J (2)

_^irjj/ Narration
want new clothes.’

e.g. Direct:- He said to me, " !

indirect:- He told me that he wanted new clothes,;

a£if&\*Cj*i/ C
") inverted Commas (l)


inverted -i Reporting Speech (2)

Jk/jl/l Reporting speech hi? U^L ^Commas

Reporting speech/ 1 said to htmj^Jp
inverted Reported Speech (3)

4^ Reported speecb^L^tKi/O- Commas

Reported speech/"] want new clothes,"

4^ 1^ Direct speech^/ Reported speech-L/?

inverted Commas-: Reporting Verb (4)

ff Verb^Lb^L^J^r^fReporting speech)^
,said^g^ ^/Reporting Verb
Inverted Commas Reported Verb (5)

\fc~tjr£L Reported verb/ verbi-b^j*Ju^r^£^<LJj

Direct *L <£ L- \>ji\jsb&C Inverted Commas
(,J Comma^ilmeui Jfc-^lrb Jfj( a )
comma ii Speech

Tewes. Active Passive Voice. Direct & Indirect

Indirect Narration if Direct Narration
_ /l£^la I n directs Direct

(^^^f^OChange in Pronouns CD
(tf'VV-^O)Change in Tneses (

(o^'u-^^0 Change in Words (3)

Change in Pronouns (
1 )

We s
st M, my (mine), me fh>i£ Inverted Commas (D
(subject) Commas^J\X fours, us

e,g ~£-\£f\X
Direct:- He says to me, 'It is rny book."
Indirect:- He says to me that it is his book.

^-b/rljl you, you!' (y o u rs ) ,

iv> :

\C n ve rt© d
1 Commas ( 2 )

S*C l£ XX Jfj. I^Zl s3*

Direct:- I said to her, "You can't help me."
Indirect:- i told her that she could not help me.
-6k J l/X£ tft«t ej ij (3)

0^\J [
^ l i 2- J U fi /*- £-> kj^vc ; t ij —Third Pe rs on


1 1

2 3
1 My (Mine) Me
We Our (Ours) Us
You Your (Yours) You
He His Him
She Her (Hers) Her
it Its It

They Their (Theirs) Them

Direct:- Saqib said to me, "l am doing work."
Indirect:- Saqib told me that he was doing work.
2. Direct:- Saqib said to her, "I am not teasing you."
Teases, Active & Passive Voice. Direct & indirect

indirect:- Saqib told her that he was not teasing

3- Direct: They said to me, "We have done your
1 '

lndirect:- They told me that they had done my
U~ (Amjad) t/l3/ 1£ 1 i&fr 4
O'. teC yo u ji h e O'. 0*0- {Zafa r ) .JAy \
:J~ 2.0J 'O- y oO
Yo u r jj he y 0*0 {th ey ^ /V he

) J*li/ 3/^J ft- r



/l/j -k Jl^-J J p ron o u ns rjjsy _> Zl i ’w-T

,-v.^ijt' Ik'Zl Jy
Ij/j com ma s
L i—

^?they<£ /iStirjt 1 Of ^Cn # t/uf Od\ O'O J* li / we jt zOj 0 ip

- y\ *AX OJ~ m y AJ

2/^ s'Zt 0-0 J/K' you f j I\\J L >J J_ O

Change in Tenses (2)
| Present Terse Inverted Commas (1)

St- fjSt1 Ad‘0- te n s e Al ^><L

- fFutu re T ense w 1


Direct:- She says to you, "I love you.

Indirect:- She fells you that she foves you.
Direct:- The teacher will say to the boys, "I offer my
prayer regularfy."
Indirect:- The teacher will tell the boys that he offers his
prayer regularly.

Inverted Tense^^tl^L^Commay'i (2)

- \J Si u O lSiI Lyd-T ense h/O O Commas

Present indefinite Tense into Past Indefinite Tense

Present Continuous into Past Continuous

Tense Tense
Present Perfect Tense into Past Perfect Tense

Present Perfect Continuous
Continuous Past Perfect Tense
Past Indefinite
into was, (were)
fs, 3m, (are)
into had been
Was, were
into had
Have, Has
into would
Shall., will
into might
into could

Direct;- I sard to him, my work daily

"I do .

Indirect:- told him that

did my work daily.

Direct:- She said to me, h am going to coliege."

Indirect:- She told me that she was going to college.
Direct:- Atif said to Kiran, "I have taken tea."
Indirect- Atif told Kiran that he had taken tea.
Direct:- He said to you, "I have been living here since
Indirect:- He told you that he had been living there since
2003 .

Direct:- she said to Tariq, "They are students. 1 '

Indirect:- She told Tahq that they were students.

Direct:- Sadia said to Tariq, met you yesterday
"I .’

Indirect:- Sadia told Tariq that she had met him the
previous dav
» _
- - —&
— Voice, —Direct
I — &. Indivcri
— -
this becomes that
today becomes that day
yeste rday becomes the previous day
last night becomes the night before
tonight becomes that night
tomorrow becomes the next day
now becomes then
next becomes the following
these becomes those
here becomes there
ago becomes before
thus becomes so

esent/Future Sentences
Direct:- i
say, do not waste my time."

Indirect:- ! say that do not waste my time."


Direct:- Irfan says to me, ”1 shall go to Karachi,"

Indirect:- Irfa n te \\s me that he v. Ht go to K a r acfi

Direct:- The teacher says to me, "You are very hard

Indirect:- The teacher says to me that I arn very hard
Direct- The oldman will say "You shouYJ -peak the

Indirect:- The oldman will say that I shoui :

speak the

Direct- I -say, "He is leaving for Lahore,"

Indirect - isay that he is leaving for Lahore
Direct:- She will say to me, "I cannot solve sum."
Indirect:- She will tell me that she annot solve this sum.

Important Points
jX\ hi F uture T ense L Present ji <£ L Cc nma J i
— ^e
Vo '
•--- huh >-^

" (Verb)
- (j

( 2)

C(, ™l;^that
- - -
jC- *• iP4- 1


Assertive Sentences
Dirt ct- She said to her son, "You are only wasting my
time these days."
Indirect:- She told her son that he was only wasting her
time those' days.
Direct:- "Now it is my turn," said he to them, "to sit on
the chair."
Indirect:- He told them that it was then his turn to sit on
the chair.
Direct:- "No Usman," said they, "you did not lose the

game, yesterday.
Indirect:- They told Usman that he had not lost the game
the previous day.
Direct:- She said to him, "Sir, my brother was 111."
Indirect- She told him respectfully that her brother had
been ill.

Direct:- "Things are not what they seem" said the wise
indirect:- The wise oldman said that things are not what
they seem.
Direct:- "The earth/' said the teacher, "is round."
indirect:- The teacher said that the earth is round.

Imortant Points

-cDj Indirect/^ /' 1

your highness, your majesty, your honour, /JW' (1)

it' nses\ ,1ns\-e rv- .
Voice, I Hrect & Indirect 151

with L respectfully/l/^y^ sir

- f- ^ 'f ^J 1

J#***) i s a id Ji 'i- >*M great


— Commas^ Uv mL~ {jr^A
\mjC >c_ Corn m as S' P)
Q** 2-'j j-£'A »<*&, tih^l
1 cL Commas J£ if' -A i—k 1
J Sif
, •

6lxM{JfS said?^ J<A (3)
- lr fense£l(Universal Truth) •30P ‘^ltS

r (4)
- said/f fj-i (5)

Imperative Sentences

Direct- The master said to his servant, "Polish my
Indirect: The master ordered his servant to polish his
Direct- The boy said to the teacher, "Sir, grant me
leave for one day."
Indirect: - The boy requested the teacher respectfully to
grant him leave for one day.
Direct- The teacher said to the boy, "Don't tell a- lie."
indirect:- The teacher forbade the boy to tell a lie.
Direct- He said to his friend, "Good-bye,"
J nd Erect- He bade good-bye to his friend.
Direct:- He said to his servant, "Get out of the room,"
Indrrect:- He ordered his servant to get out of the room,
Direet;- The teacher said to his pupils, 'Work hard,"
Indirect:- The teacher advised his pupils to work hard.

lndirecty^U^J(fdiv^J i

~n\7.s-vw Voice. Direct <* Indirect
Tenses, Artire

.^/J^Ottiered^Jed Said^f r (

- j/J ^'Advised cL £- (

l s"
-Lj_ /J^>^crba6e^L‘C. l-/ (4)

Jl^ifbrbade to L ordered not to5*r^ vC~- \A^~? (5)


ihA^L. rx proposed L suggested <j- '/ — l? -'•

6 )

^ “ -
Ij. 1. . *t _J 1 j^ T
erb.— h
_,r-t tshou

Examp les
Direct^ Javaiu said to Rizviran. "Have you finished your

Indrrect -
Javaid asked gizwan if he had finished his
H rect> : sold to my
"Where are you going? brother,

r • .
ked my
'Other where he was going. t

Direct:- -le ssid rne. "Do you have a pen?"

En djrect> He asked me had a pen. if 3

Direct? The ofdman said to the lady, "Will you marry

irrect; 3 h' okf.. i
asked the lady if she would marry
ecb- he ' h E:
Saiu to Serbia, "Who is knocking at
the door?" .

Jirecb The f t ! i .r . ,/'j bebia wno was knocking at

the door.
direct.- Adeen said to Atif, "Where were you
Jirect> Acleen inquired Atif where he had been the
previous day.
f7V^?.v, Active <« / Wvirg IW, Hfrfgf ,C fni ;,>gcJ 153

Important Points

lnqufre(s)iAsk(s) j 3ay(s),jic_ trtqyiredl Asked- ss :

m ,• fr k£" *•

^ _ •"

-rt^c* J^'^'That (2)


Is, Are, Am, Was, Were, Will, Shall,

f ~'

J 1? ft *
i ?
- - C a n M ay S 'C - ;

d Co u d

-^Cirl- 1 '

^ AVhetherJf^- w -t

fDoLDid. Does wOC j : ? (5

^JiAHWhethe f qo
ideas, did (Verb) * . t*
* >

How, Whom, Whose, What, When, . - L : '

Whether l If i£ -=- J^ p -’
C-W'we Why A nc
Is, Was, Were, Will, Shall, Am, May. Car _ ; -<

/'?/&& Did, Verb -'-,!

* *
* - CM 2'

* ^

Direct; Father said to Atif, "May God bless you .v 3

. e
might c ; ss
Km i
^ridi^ect> Father prayed for Atif that

with a son.
you live lone-
Djrect:- Mother said to me, "May
me) (hat might l.ve long
Indirect;^ Mother prayed (for I

the match
Direct- They said, "May we sin match.
prayed that they might win the
Indirect- They
Direct;- We said, "Would that we were WWW.iqbBlkalmafi.bl0g5p0t.CDm
Indirect:- We wished that we had been soldiers.
"Would that were young!’

Dfrect- The old lady said, I

Indirecf:- The old lady wished that she had been young.
Direct: - Mother said, "May you succeed,. SobEa!"
Indirect: - Mother prayed for Sobia that she might

Important Points
: iL fj_ jf\Ji nd re
! i l/f Er tj L Mji & 1

Wis h es) l P ray ( s) / S ay { §J jdJH Wished L Prayed i said

( {1

L>(J> \£
_4utr(f Uj^thaL^^ /' ( (2)

l/U^MightlMay^/;li2lVerb^fj^t^£c|6/ May (3)

. rv
( 4)
wished 1 W, / would thatiX .z. $L- b \ji 1/ (5)

~j=- bf Jt^ithatviZl

Exclamatory Sentences
Direct- The boys said, "Hurrah! we have won the
Indirect:- The boy exclaimed with the joy that they had
won the match.
Direct:- The otdman said, "Alas! am undone. J

Indirect:- The oldman exclaimed with sorrow that he was

undone. *
Direct- The boy said, "what a pretty flower is!" it

Indirect:- The boy exclaimed in a great surprise that it

was very pretty flower.
Direct: They said h "How foolish this girl is!"
Active <fc l-'asxive ~Voice Direct <£ indirect

indirect:- They exclaimed with wonder that the girl was

very foolish.
Direct:- Aslam said, "How sweet these mangoes, are!"
Indirect:- As lam exclaimed joyfully that those mangoes
were very sweet.
pirect> Umeij said, "Father has come." 1

indirect:- Umer exclaimed with joy that father had come,

Important Points
i/Au i

p Ex c m ato ry

, jrz£ *;£<>/?}

J L> V L \X 1~ fij_ Indirect^ Di re ct |/V :

c *

Exclaim(s) CW-Jj/T<=- inverted commas T'

(great J!^'U^trUljJ>uCExclalme<JLVerb
- J -
'surprise said

e-ljCcT how whatcl— i/’ii


BP ^indirect

exc!aim(s/ed fXg^^Excl amatory Sentence/ (3)


7S'/ lt Exclaim(sted) with sonl^iX (With joy

Exdaim(s/ed) sorrow fully^'Exclaimfs/eci) joyfully


Hurrah Jjf Aha, Alas! -^rV^^Commas (4)

_jt i_U V Indirecti;

Sentences Of "Let”

Direct.- Sobia said, "Let me go.'

Indirect- Sobia requested to let her go. OR

Terms. Active & Passive Voice, Direct & Indirea

Sobia requested that she should be allowed to

Direct: Tariq said, "Sohail, move. let's

Indrrect;- Tariq proposed Sohail to move. OR

Tariq said to Sohail that they should move.
Direct:- Sobia said to me, ’'Let him do work."
Indrrect- Sobra proposed me to let him do work.
Directs ’'Brother," said Faisal, "Let us take food."
Indirect- Faisal said to his brother that they should take
Direct: - "I shall not you do anything wrong " said Atif

In direct; - Atif said that he would not let him do anything

Important Points
\S- Jr*/ Z. l
' I e tJ^W (1

Let us go now.

Let us study.

Let me go.

Let him work. .nL-J

suggest l propose \f- d- M Jl^i Ji y / let J\ fa)

l3 ujl- i iM 0 jMiC should i/f ji

request^ ^ 4? ^ :
J- ^ i
let f\ (b)

’^A[5/±6ty&d- should be/£ l ^ /J ^ let^ Z. toy L'Z


Dir: I said, "I go to school daily."

Ind: I said that I went to school daily.

Dir: I said, "I shall go there T

TffH.wr. a raxxive Voice, DirectX !r r iir,„ .

I said that I would go there,

i He said, 'The sun rises in the East "

He said that the Sun rises in the East.
- He said, "I am ill/'

|nd: He said that he was ill.

Pir: Nabeal said to me, "Where are you going? 1 '

Ind: Nabcal asked me where was 5 going.

Dir: Laika said, "l am too ill to speak now,"

Ind: Laika said that she was too ill to speak then.
came here

Zafar said, "1 yesterday.


Ind: Zafar told that he had gone there the previous day.
Dir: He said, "This book is mine/
Ind: Ho told that that hook was his.

Dir: He said to me, "Thank you."

Ind: lie thanked me.

He said to her, "Do you like this picture?"

Ind: He asked her if she liked that picture.

Dir: Rabia said to me, "Did you see my sister?

Ind: Rabia asked me if I had seen her sister.

may come in?

said to the teacher, "Sir.
Dir: He
he might come in.
asked the teacher respectfully
Ind: He
She said, "Who are you?"

Ind: She asked who he was.

said to the students,
"Show me your home
Dir: The teacher

students to show him their

Ind: The teacher ordered the

home task-
said to him, ’"Am
Dir: I

ind: I asked him if I was wrong.

Active & Passive Foic^nirect & hn/irect


officer said to servant. 'Bring a glass of water

Dir: The ,

glass of
Ind: The officer ordered the servant to bring a

.Dir: The father said to his daughter, "Give up the company of

bad girls,"

ind: Hie father advised his daughter to give up the

company of bad girls.


Dir; The dot; tor said to the patient, How are you now?
11 1

Ind: The doctor asked the patient How he was then?

Dir: The officer said to clerk, "Get out from the office.

Tnd: The officer ordered the clerk to get out from t lie


Dir; The General said to las soldiers, "March on, Victory is


Ind: Tiie General commanded his soldiers to march on and

assured them that victory was theirs.

Dir: I said to my sister, "Please bring a glass of water."

Ind: I requested my sister to bring a glass of water.
Dirr My father said to my brother, "Do not smoke."
Ind: My father forbade my brother to smoke.
Dir: He said, "Let us go out for a walk.”
Ind; He proposed that they should go out for a walk.
Dir: He said, "Let me go there."

Ind: He said that he might be allowed

to go there.
Dir: He said, "Do it.

Ind: He orderd to do it.

Dir: I said to you, "Give me your ”

Ind: I requested you to give me your book.
Dir. He said. Let him try so hard, he cannot succeed."
jSi7g.v, Active Passive Voice Direct , tft Indirect

^d; He said that lie could not succeed however hard he

might try.

He said to the servant, "

Have you done this work?"
D£ r:
hid: He enquired from the servant it' he hud done that

Dir: Azeem will say, "Robert has come."

hid: Azeem will say that Robart has come.


Dir: I said, "The train arrived late..

Ind: I said that the train had arrived laie*


Dir: Rani says to him, '“You are clever .

Iiiti: Rani tells him that he is clever.

1 '

Dir: I said to'Mujahid, "Where will you stay?

hid; I asked Mujahid where he would stay.

Dir: I said to her, "Do you want this pen?"

Ind: I asked her if she wanted that pen.

Dir: The captain said about you, "He is certainly one of our
best players .

Ind: the captain told about you that you were certainly
one of their best players*
Dir: Habib said, "May he live long!"

Ind: Habib wished that lie might live long*

Dir: I said, "May his soul rest in peace!"

Ind: I prayed that his soul might rest in peace*

Dir: She said,

Alas! I am rubied.

Ind: She exclaimed with sorrow that she was ruined.

Dir: Me said, "Alas! how foolish I have been!"
Ind: He confessed with regret that he had been very

Dir: He said, "Hurrah! we have won die match.

Tenses, Active Passive Voice, Direct & Indh^.
Ind: He exclaimed joyfully ‘hot they had won the matt f

Dir: Boys said. "Hurrah! Our examinations have finlshci "

Ind: Boys exclaimed with joy that their examinations h d


Dir: Aieeq said, "How charming the scenery is!"

huh Ateeq exclaimed with joy that scenery was very

Dir: Shazia "Hurrah! I stand first in the class/

Ind: Sharia exclaimed joyfully that she stood first in the


Dir: He said, "No t it is not my fault."

fnd: He denied that it was not his fault.

Dir: He said to me, "Do you know him?" I replied, "No."
Ind: He asked me if I knew him. I replied that I did not.
Dir: He said to me* Rest assured 1 will stand by you. 11

Ind: He assured me that he would stand by me.

Dir: He said, "Hello! are you here?"
hid: Fie was surprised to see him there.
Dir: Amir said, "Hello! Do you live here"?!
ind-. Amir was surprised to see that he lived there.
Dir: Adeel said to his sister, "Where are you going?"
hid. Adcei asked his sister where
she was going.

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