Baydoun Willett (2000) Islamic Corporate Reports PDF
Baydoun Willett (2000) Islamic Corporate Reports PDF
Baydoun Willett (2000) Islamic Corporate Reports PDF
1, 2000
This article develops a theory about the form and the content of the
financial information that should be contained in Islamic financial state-
ments. The theory suggests that the presence of the Islamic religion as a
cultural variable affects the way certain accounting measures are inter-
preted and the manner in which accounting information should be dis-
closed. Two important criteria for disclosure in Islamic accounting are
identified: a form of social accountability and a rule of full disclosure.
This leads to a modification of the form of the conventional Western set
of financial statements, which are referred to in the paper as Islamic
corporate reports (ICRs). The specific recommendations are that ICRs
should contain a value-added statement as the focus of performance of
the accounting entity and a current value balance sheet in addition to the
historic cost balance sheet. It is argued that ICRs, extended in this way,
would better serve the needs of users wishing to act in accordance with
the Islamic code.
Key words: Accounting theory; Islamic accounting; Religion.
Some recent research has shown an emerging concern with the relationship
between religion and accounting and, in particular, with the issue of what is the
proper form of Islamic accounting (Gambling and Karim, 1991; Hamid et al., 1993;
Karim, 1995). A number of Islamic societies (e.g., Pakistan and Saudi Arabia)
follow the Islamic code closely in many areas of life but continue to adopt the
essential features of Western accounting practices. This raises a number of ques-
tions: Is there something ‘cross-cultural’ about Western financial accounting state-
ments (WFASs) which makes them neutral with respect to different belief systems?
Or is it perhaps the case that the use of WFASs has been imposed on Islamic
societies from without by global forces of economic and political colonialism? Or is
the issue really an ethical one? Perhaps one should be asking not ‘what is’ but ‘what
should be’. Perhaps the level of analysis should be taking place not at the level of
the actual practice of accounting (nor even at the level of what users perceive to be
‘useful’) but rather at the level of what ‘ought to be’. After all, accounting is
essentially a normative discipline in the sense that accounting entails presentation of
financial reports designed to satisfy certain purposes (whether this is accountability,
N Baydoun
Accounting, is Professor
Queensland of Accounting,
University Dubai Polytechnic, and R oger Willett is Professor of
of Technology.
We would like to thank the participants at the Conference on Accounting, Commerce and Finance: The
Islamic Perspective hosted by the Faculty of Business and Technology, University of Western Sydney,
Macarthur, February 1997. We acknowledge, in particular, the advice and help of Mohammad Swaiti,
Russell Craig, Elsayed Ramzi, Dia El-Hashin and Frank Clarke.
decision relevance or some other reason). The question therefore arises as to whether
financial statements designed for the use of shareholders of large capitalist corpora-
tions need to be adapted to be more congruent with Islamic values, resulting in
what shall be referred to here as Islamic corporate reports or ICRs. 1
Here, it is argued that all of these questions to some extent have an affirmat-
ive answer. For instance, there are certain technical aspects of WFASs that have
a cross-cultural dimension. WFASs do represent technologies. They have been
imposed upon Islamic societies rather than assimilated and important ethical issues
are involved in considering the proper form of ICRs. Moreover, the main emphasis
of this article is on the purpose that an accounting system can serve and, in the
context of religion, this must be a moral purpose. Hence, the article focuses upon
deriving a form of financial statements that better accords with professed Islamic
principles than do WFASs. Further, it demonstrates that it is possible to adapt
rather than replace WFASs to achieve this goal.2
It is not intended to develop this proposition by attempting an in-depth study to
reveal previously hidden insights into Islamic values and it is not intended to give
an extensive review of alternative theories of social accounting that might lead to
more radically different forms of ICRs. Instead attention will be concentrated on
the fundamental constructs of measurement and disclosure practices embodied in
WFAS accounting technologies. These constructs will be used as the basis for
inferring the modifications necessary to WFASs in order to produce a form of
ICRs that is argued to be more in accordance with Islamic values.
It is important to appreciate that this thesis is a pragmatic one, proposed in the
theoretical context of an idealized Islamic organization operating in a non-Islamic
environment. By seeking to adapt rather than replace existing Western accounting
practices, it follows in the tradition established by (but departs further from conven-
tional practice than) the Islamic Financial Accounting Standards Board (IFASB) of
the Financial Accounting Organization for Islamic Banks and Financial Institutions.
In October 1994 the IFASB published Statements Financial Accounting Nos. 1
and 2, Objectives of Financial Accounting and Concepts of Financial Accounting
respectively, along with Financial Accounting Standard No. 1 on General Presenta-
tion and Disclosure in Financial Statements, documenting certain voluntary prin-
ciples which the IFASB stated financial statements of financial institutions could be
prepared to accord with Islamic principles. While the explicit scope of the IFASB’s
recommendations was limited to financial institutions it was the first significant
attempt to translate theory into practice in this area and much of what it stated
about matters of accounting seems to be as applicable to non-financial institutions
as to financial ones. The Statements and Standard were based upon a substantial
The role of accounting as an instrument of policy and the possibility that purpose and practice might
diverge has parallels in the study of the law. To what extent, for example, are the principles of law
consistent with commercial reality (see Baxt and Lane, 1998, p. 630)?
As will probably become apparent, much of what is argued in this article to be more in keeping with
the Islamic faith could equally well be claimed to be more appropriate than are some present
accounting practices to the Christian faith, Judaism and, indeed, many social philosophies which do
not place the satisfaction of the needs of the individual before those of society.
There are three different literatures which are relevant to the topic of Islamic
accounting: literature examining the relationship between religion, culture and
accounting practices; published writings on the nature of Islamic society, insofar
as they bear on accounting questions; and the conceptual framework debate, in
particular that part pertaining to the nature of accounting measurement and dis-
closure. The first two are discussed in this section. The third will be discussed in the
context of the conceptual material examined in the following section.
See, for instance, the export and import data contained in the database of the Statistical, Eco-
nomic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRTCIC) at the website, (17 July 1999).
These are detailed in the next section.
there seems to be little that is explicit on this point even in the underlying (i.e.,
non-accounting) literature.
The main non-accounting sources of instruction regarding the question of the
relationship of religion and culture are the purely religious literature, psychology,
anthropology and sociology. Of these, the first two tend to emphasize the personal
dimension of religious belief. Some Islamic scholars (e.g., see Mannan, 1986) hold
the view that Islamic values are not necessarily commonly shared cultural values in
the sense used by Hofstede (1980, 1991). Under this view, Islam, irrespective of the
other shared cultural values of a community, prescribes a broad framework for life
and focuses on the religious context of a culture rather than on religious beliefs as
a subset of a wider set of cultural beliefs.5 Generally speaking, the religious scholar,
whether Islamic or otherwise, would consider the very concept of religion to be
more than simply a culturally conditioned response to events, either at the level of
the personality or at the level of society (e.g., Otto, 1917; Eliade, 1958).
The basis of the psychological approach to religion also proceeds through an
understanding of the personal motivation of individuals who profess a religious
conviction. However, in this case the reasoning process is usually based upon a
material cause and effect argument supported to a greater or lesser extent by
reference to a ‘scientific’ form of investigation. In psychoanalysis, for instance,
strong religious faith has been explained in terms of the need for security and in
cross-cultural psychology in terms of uncertainty avoidance (e.g., Hofstede, 1980).
Anthropology and sociology have identified explicit connections between reli-
gion and culture. Religion has traditionally been an important and central compon-
ent in the study of the primitive human groups with which anthropology is typically
concerned. There, it is often implicitly assumed that religion is a part of the belief
structure of society. For example, one of the most influential sociological works in
the twentieth century, Durkheim (1915), suggests religion is a manifestation of
social life (with religious figures being interpreted as projections of society and its
structure reinforced through ritual). This interpretation was instrumental in the
functional analysis of religion and culture. It possibly serves to explicate the relation
of culture to a large-scale world religion such as Islam better than the small-group
anthropological study approach. Geertz (1973) takes a different ‘phenomenological’
approach to the whole question of religion and culture. However, this is based
upon essentially the same underlying premise that religion is fundamentally a part
of a wider cultural system.
Clearly, none of these viewpoints is ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ in any absolute sense.
Which approach is taken depends upon the purpose of the analysis. Given that the
purpose here is to relate the arguments contained in this paper to the existing
accounting literature, the sociological-anthropological interpretation would appear
appropriate: that is, culture is a set of beliefs (which have a probable effect on
language are thusofcorrelated
members the definedwith it in a statistical
language community. sense) communicated
Religious in aa
beliefs are
subset of those total beliefs and are therefore a part of culture. If this seems too
The authors are grateful to an unnamed referee for this point.
Islamic Accounting
Gambling and Karim’s (1986) seminal article explores the possible impact of
Islamic user needs on financial reporting. It spells out most of the essential Islamic
characteristics in addressing the design of a set of ICRs: the importance of the
Qur’an and the Hadith; the lack of distinction between the secular and the reli-
gious spheres of life; the importance of the religious community (the ummah); the
prohibition on riba and its consequences for the forms which may be taken by
Islamic business organizations; and the special place in the scheme of things for
zakat, the obligation to give alms. 6 The Qur’an is often quite specific in the obliga-
tions and prohibitions it lays upon followers of Islam regarding matters which
impinge upon commercial and financial affairs. The best known, interpreted through
the Hadith (the verbal transmission of the Sunna, i.e., the actual practices of the
Prophet) and authenticated by Ijma (the consensus of the community) are the
prohibition on riba and the obligation to pay zakat. The special forms of organiza-
tion under Islam, the distributional problems to which they naturally lead, espe-
cially mudaraba, and the formal basis which has evolved for levying zakat led
Gambling and Karim to advocate not only the detailed disclosure of zakat funds
but also the production of a current value balance sheet, a suggestion evidently
srcinally due to Abdel Salam. 7
The refusal to accept a distinction between ethical behaviour in the spiritual and
secular spheres of life and the prohibition against usury is discussed by Karim
(1995). As is pointed out there, the Islamic insistence that the moral code of the
Shari’a8 is applicable to commerce is similar to beliefs once held about the applica-
tion of medieval Canon law in Western European society which were circumvented
by the rise of capitalism (Tawney, 1927; Gambling and Karim, 1991). Whether Islam
is more likely to be immune to the effects of the capitalist ethic than Christianitywill
be discussed briefly in the concluding section but the fact remains that the secular
The following point was made to the authors by Mohammad Swaiti: Zakat is not a tax in the normal
sense understood in secular Western culture. The devout Muslim who pays zakat does so out of a
sense of spiritual fulfilment and is glad to satisfy the obligation. Citizens of Western countries do not
feel so kindly disposed to pay taxes!
Cited in Karim (1995).
Islamic law based upon the Qur’an, Hadith, Ijma and to some extent the principle of Qiyas or
analogical reasoning. The importance of Ijma and Qiyas in the development of Islamic law is dis-
puted (see, e.g., Rahman, 1966).
West does not even pay lip service to the prohibition on usury or its underlying
rationale—the prevention of exploitation of the weaker members of the community.
The potential for abuse and the inequitable distribution of resources in society to
which this is thought to lead is ethically incompatible with Islamic principles.
According to Karim (1995), the prohibition of riba is related to the Islamic
attitude to the time value of money. Some Muslim scholars have argued that the
law against the charging of interest makes the time value of money an unaccept-
able concept to a Muslim (e.g., Gambling and Karim, 1991). This viewpoint is not
shared by all Islamic scholars (e.g., al-Abji, 1985). 9 Karim’s argument implies that
the acceptance of the time value of money concept might simply provide another
avenue by which the prohibition on usury could be avoided. Alternatively, the
denial of the time value of money concept is central to the approach to valuation
used in much (especially Western) accounting measurement theory and it would
seem to prevent the kind of theoretical support for theories of asset and liability
valuation often presumed by Islamic writers. An alternative viewpoint of account-
ing measurement which does not conflict in this way with the orthodox Islamic
position on the time value of money will be explained in the next section.
Hamid et al. (1993) discuss the possible complications to financial reporting
which arise because Islamic transactions and organizations seek to adopt forms
compatible with Islamic law. As was stated in the opening section, the Statements
recently released by the IFASB contained detailed recommendations on the form
of ICRs that attempted to address the matter just mentioned. The Objectives and
Concepts statements and the Standard of the IFASB were produced on the basis
that the legal, economic and social environment of an Islamic society causes the
needs of Islamic users to be different from those of non-Muslims. The approach to
the preparation of these Islamic accounting statements and standards, however,
was traditionalist. Existing non-Islamic accounting standards were reviewed, tested
against the Shari’a and adopted only insofar as they were consistent with Islamic
law. This approach was preferred to the alternative of starting from scratch, dedu-
cing practices from the explicit obligations, recommendations and prohibitions of
the Shari’a (IFASB, 1994). The framework for the financial reports of Islamic
banks consequently has a predominantly conventional flavour, the outline structure
of which is shown in Figure 1.
The main differences compared toWFASs are contained inthe detailed treatment
of certain items in the historic cost balance sheet. A major conceptual difference is
in the special treatment of unrestricted mudaraba and other investments as a separ-
ately identifiable category of assets and fund accounts, which have partly the char-
acteristics of equity and partly those of liabilities.10 Another major difference is the
addition of special statements detailing the sources and uses of zakat and qard
Tomkins and Karim (1987) comment on this point.
In mudaraba contracts the agent (e.g., a bank) receives a specified share of the ‘profit’ arising from
investing the funds provided while the investor bears any losses. Investments are considered re-
stricted if the supplier of funds restricts the use to which the funds can be put, otherwise the
investments are considered unrestricted. In the latter case the relevant assets are pooled with the
firms and not disclosed separately.
Figure 1
funds.11 The notes to the accounts also contain details of certain types of financial
assets and obligations which have special meaning in Islam, namely details of
changes in restricted investments; a note on the zakat base and the zakat due;
mudaraba and musharaka investments; ‘participations’ and Istina contracts; and
details of financial expenditure discharging the firm’s social obligations.
There seems to be relatively little to dispute in the recommendations of the
IFASB in terms of what ought to be included in ICRs. Perhaps the main criticism
could be levelled at what additional information ought to be included. The IFASB
state that their recommendations are implicitly rather than explicitly linked in a
piecemeal fashion to Islamic principles through a process of selection of acceptable
Western practices instead of being based upon reasoning directly from perceived,
basic ethical assumptions. In particular, Gambling and Karim’s proposed current
value accounting for assets and liabilities appears to have been ruled out not on a
matter of principle but on grounds of expediency, that is, the argument that market
values are unreliable (IFASB, 1994, p. 65). Moreover, no thought seems to have
been given to the potentially morally corrosive effect of basing the main perform-
ance measure of the firm on the traditional income statement. Baydoun and Willett
(1997) have argued that the Western profit and loss account overemphasizes the
criteria of good performance, being based on the specific benefits accruing to the
owners of the firm and not sufficiently on the benefits accruing to other members
of the community from their involvement with the firm. This question of what sort
of performance report is consistent with Islamic values is discussed below.
The potential consequences of excluding the time value of money concept is one of
the specific issues which an Islamic theory of accounting must address. It provides
Qard is a non-interest-bearing loan made for charitable objectives (e.g., scholarships, etc.).
an example of the type of problem which such a prohibition would entail for the
kind of accounting framework upon which an Islamic system of accounting could
be based. Although it is not entirely clear that the time value of money as a
concept is necessarily in conflict with Islamic principles, it is certainly true that if it
were the case it would severely restrict the body of theory to which an Islamic
scholar could refer in finding a rationale for using, say, current values in financial
statements. This point relates to a basic issue of accounting measurement, which it
is worth reflecting on in more detail.
Accounting measurement theory relies upon one of two possible alternative start-
ing points.12 The most commonly adopted position in recent years in the accounting
literature has been the view that the accounting function is one of valuing assets
and compiling the main measure of performance (income) as the difference
between balance sheet values at the beginning and end of the accounting period.
This ‘balance-sheet oriented’ or economic valuation viewpoint is based upon the
theories of early- and mid-twentieth-century British and North American econom-
ists, arguably the most influential of whom has been Hicks (1946). It relies upon
the implicit assumption that there is a meaningful and practical way to measure
directly the value of an asset at a point in time. The alternative position is ‘profit
and loss oriented’ and sometimes called the ‘transactions’ viewpoint of accounting
measurement. On this interpretation, the matching of expenses and revenues forms
the starting point for understanding the practical processes of measurement and
the values of assets appear as leftover calculation or ‘balances’ of costs incurred in
unfinished activities (e.g., see Willett, 1987; Sterling, 1970; Edwards, 1962). This
older, and what we believe is a commonsense viewpoint has been less influential in
recent years in formulating ideas about what accounting numbers represent about
the real world (Beaver, 1981; Ohlson, 1987).
One of the problems which an Islamic theory of accounting, or more particularly
a theory of ICRs, must address, therefore, is whether the underlying rationale for
assigning values to assets is consistent with the Islamic ethical position. The eco-
nomic value approach to accounting measurement has two basic variants: asset
values as directly attributable market values of some sort; or asset values derived
from discounting expected future cash flows. Neither variant has much to recom-
mend it as a practical and consistent model of actual measurement procedure. The
former fails to explain which of a possibly infinite set of market values is the one to
use (i.e., whose value at what time, including value in use, exit and entry values).
The latter has a similar problem, with preparers choosing a discount rate that is
compounded by the well-known problems associated with unknowable future states
of the world (or impractical difficulties connected with establishing heterogeneous
expectations of individuals). Furthermore, from the perception of the Islamic
approach to ethics, such a future-oriented basis for values is probably unacceptable.
and theoretical
showing how,work
underhas beenunrealistic
totally carried outconditions,
to reconcile these(e.g.,
may coincide variants
arguments from perfect and complete markets and information, etc.). This, of
See (Willett, 1987) for details on this point.
course, is a totally unsatisfactory position from the point of view of describing and
analysing actual measurement processes and thus for the formation of ethical policy
regarding actual accounting practice. Discounting is the conceptual basis for the
notion of the time value of money (Fisher, 1930; Hicks, 1946). If it is not ethically
sound from an Islamic viewpoint to estimate future cash flows and discount them
by an implicit interest rate in order to value assets in the manner recommended by
some economists and accounting theorists, then the economic value approach to
accounting measurement must be rejected as a conceptual basis for interpreting
the measurements disclosed in ICRs.
The position taken here is that the economic valuation viewpoint is in any case
basically unsound as a fundamental model of the accounting measurement process
and adopts the alternative transactions-oriented viewpoint as a more accurate
description of actual accounting practice. Thus, it is also a better basis on which to
form an internally consistent ethical framework for the interpretation of financial
information. The validity of the transactions approach from both a descriptive and
ethical perspective is a theme which underlies the theory developed in the follow-
ing sections.
and Western accounting systems. However, there is also a great deal of choice
This consistency will be sought through ordinary reasoning processes that must at best be intuitive.
Alternatively, more formal and precise alternative approaches are possible through systems of
applied logic.
available in the kind of data that it is possible to focus upon and in the dissemination
and use of the information subsequently derived. It is the way this disclosure choice
is currently exercised in financial reporting in an Islamic society that is at issue
here. Specifically, does the importing of Western reporting practices compromise
fundamental Islamic principles?
The principles that form the basis of WFASs are derived from the Western
philosophy of economic rationalism, that is, the Benthamite viewpoint, based upon
the doctrine of psychological hedonism, that social action should be determined by
individuals maximizing quantifiable, personal utility functions. For present pur-
poses the most relevant ‘principles’ that derive from this social philosophy may be
stated as: either a denial, or at least a clear separation from economic intercourse,
of religious considerations; the paramount importance of individual satisfaction
(explained, for example, through Benthamite doctrine); profit maximization as the
gauge of successful performance; acceptance of the ‘survival of the fittest’ rule as
the best long-term strategy; and a local focus on the results of process without
regard for its wider impact on the environment. These principles lead to disclosure
practices which might best be described as being based upon the criteria of ‘per-
sonal accountability’ and ‘the limited disclosure of financial information’ necessary
to achieve such accountability.
Western disclosure practices are closely allied to (and presumably derive from) a
secular concept of law, compatible with the philosophy of economic rationalism. It
is political and permissive, especially in respect of the general type of ethical duties
it places upon individuals towards other members of society. Rights rather than
obligations are stressed and those rights include privacy. The power of capital
in the capitalist West has traditionally sought to exploit this right and thus to
minimize the disclosure of information to other individuals. Users have tended to
seek specific bits of information restricted by their own power to obtain it. Little
information is disclosed because of the perceived needs of society except, perhaps,
where a political crisis has forced disclosure. The self-interest of the preparer,
regardless of society’s needs in this context, is considered a socially acceptable
position to adopt. Insofar as arguments have been put forward for satisfying the
needs of a greater variety of user groups, such suggestions are usually treated as
marketing opportunities as, for instance, in the case of reporting certain types of
‘environmental’ information.
As was explained earlier, there are perceived to be a number of basic elements
in an Islamic attitude towards business matters that differ from the Western view-
point. These stem from a religious belief in the Unity of God just as much as the
principles enunciated for Western accounting systems stem from the secular philo-
sophy of economic rationalism. The Unity of God is defined by the tawhid, which
requires a total commitment to the will of God and involves both submission and
a mission to
all-seeing follow
God thetoShari’a
brings in of
this way all thinking
aspects of
a life.
numberThe of
belief in an all
principles powerful,
which affect
the matter of information disclosure and may be contrasted to the Western prin-
ciples listed above: a lack of distinction between the significance of behaviour in
the spiritual and secular spheres of life; a focus on community interests in the
decisions and actions of firms (the principle of tazkiyah); the legitimacy of the
profit motive but not a sole focus on profit and not the making of excessive profit
which is tantamount to exploitation; equity between people, providing a fair share
for the weak and the strong; and explicit consideration of the environment, created
in pure form by God and so to be preserved.
The impact of these principles for the practice of accountancy might be summed
up in two basic tenets, comparable but opposed to the criteria adopted in Western
accounting systems. In contrast to the focus on the owners of the entity in WFASs,
the focus in Islam on the Unity of God, the community and the environment
demands a form of social accountability rather than the personal accountability
found in Western societies. Similarly, for the consensus to operate effectively, a
principle of full disclosure of accounting information is needed, not based upon the
outcome of a political process but upon what ought to be disclosed in order to
serve the objective of social accountability. Full disclosure is taken to mean, not
the disclosure of everything (a clearly impractical proposition), but rather the dis-
closure of any information that should be rightfully given to members of the com-
munity in accordance with the principles of the Shari’a.
Such criteria for the disclosure of financial information would be more in accord-
ance with Islamic law than the criteria used in Western accounting systems. Islamic
law is inherently religious and flows from the Shari’a as presenting a divinely
ordained pattern for human conduct. It is a system of prescriptions, recommenda-
tions and prohibitions rather than a specific legal code and the development of an
appropriate state of faith, intention and will is required in the exercise of judgment
to interpret the grey areas where the permissible might become the ‘not permiss-
ible’ and vice versa. This fact probably more than any other captures the essential
difference in what should be the Islamic approach to disclosure compared to what
is presently the Western secular approach to disclosure. Islamic disclosure prac-
tices should, like Islamic law, not be based upon expediency but on a moral sense.
To understand the Islamic position requires shifting from considering what is done
and whether an effective law has been broken to judging what should be done
(Rahman, 1966).
By traditions long established in the Hadith, moral judgment in Islam is exer-
cised through the consensus of the community, sometimes after much consultation
(and in practice guidedby experts). Great emphasisis placed upon the social welfare
of the community. Islam is however very realistic in its assessment of human self-
interest. Individuals are presumed to be self-interested but the Islamic code is
believed to give individuals an enlightened self-interest, which is associated with
working for the benefit of the community. The individual is then free to act indi-
vidually and the community is free to act collectively to benefit the Islamic commun-
ity through commerce. The specific requirement to pay zakat, however, and the
applied of riba
in the areofillustrative
pursuit commercialof the pertinent
activities. legalaccountability
Private principles thatand
should be
disclosure are insufficient criteria to reflect the ethical precepts of Islamic law.
Consistency of disclosure practices with Islamic law requires application of the
more all-embracing criteria of social accountability and full disclosure.
Table 1
The differences in Islamic and Western philosophy, principles and criteria are
summarized in Table 1. These and the aforementioned specific prescriptions
relating to certain transactions, lead to differences in the type of information that
should be disclosed in financial statements. One possibility for the precise form
that this might take is discussed in the next section.
The main suggestions so far put forward for the form and substance of ICRs are
the statements shown in Figure 1 and a current value balance sheet. Now it will be
argued that the type of proposed ICR that is envisaged in Figure 1 should be
revised to include not only a current value balance sheet but also a Value Added
Statement (VAS) and that the income statement should be relegated to the notes
to the accounts. The recommendation is based upon the criteria of social account-
ability and full disclosure referred to in the previous section and some basic prin-
ciples of accounting measurement theory, which will now be discussed.
To justify our proposed form of ICRs, it is necessary to explain, in the first place,
why historic cost data (which form the basis of the statements in Figure 1) are
pertinent to ICRs. Second, it is necessary to understand why current values should
be included in ICRs and, third, why VASs should replace the income statement.
With regard to the first matter the discussion of accounting theory noted that the
both a poorvaluation approach
description to accounting
of accounting measurement
measurement wasand
procedures criticized as based
for being being
upon an ethically unsuitable foundation for an Islamic theory of accounting. The
alternative transactions approach to accounting measurements does not have the
same dependence on the time value of money. It is, in contrast, highly descriptive
of accounting procedures and provides a natural and simple way of interpreting the
market value of assets without resorting to unrealistic assumptions. Since current
values have been claimed to be a necessary component of ICRs (e.g., Gambling
and Karim, 1991; Hamid et al., 1993) this point is of some significance in the present
According to the transactions viewpoint, financial statements are constructed
by classifying invoice costs into economic activities on the basis of physical and
legal input–output relationships (this applies equally to service and manufacturing
activities) and calling unfinished activity costs ‘assets’ and finished activity costs
‘equities’ or ‘realized profits’. Anyaccounting calculation can beexplained as afunc-
tion of these ‘fundamental’ measurements combined with other basic physical meas-
ures.14 Market values are defined within this framework as the expected values of
the distribution of transaction costs conditional upon time and other factors. Thus,
for example, the market value of an asset which is currently selling in one market
for $5 and in another for $9 with equal frequency is $7 (($5 + $9)/2).15 None of the
conceptual difficulties or the unrealistic conditions associated with the economic
theory approach to accounting measurement has to be imposed to make sense of
market values defined under the transaction viewpoint, nor does any appeal have
to be made to the concept of the time value of money.
The point of this brief discussion of a fundamental issue of accounting measure-
ment theory in the context of this paper is that historic cost data is the basis for all
accounting calculations, Islamic or non-Islamic, historic cost or otherwise. There-
fore, under the principle of full disclosure, it is appropriate to disclose data of this
sort in a set of ICRs and to focus in detail on those aspects which have particular
relevance to the social accountability principle—that is, thezakat and qard funds and
employment details. The significance and completeness of historic cost data also
provides further insight into the need for a current value balance sheet in ICRs.
With regard to the second matter, it will be recalled that the main arguments in
favour of current value balance sheets in the literature are that zakat is levied on
the basis of the current value of assets, surplus to the requirements of the firm, and
that current value information is necessary for the calculation of shares in mudabara
contracts. These are both persuasive, but perhaps not entirely conclusive, reasons
for the inclusion of a current value balance sheet in ICRs because of the full dis-
closure principle. However, consideration of the nature of market value informa-
tion in the light of the transactions viewpoint lends further support to this argument
on the basis of the social accountability principle. The essential character of the
This representation automatically produces accrual accounting rather than cash flow accounting
which, strictly speaking, is a subset of accrual accounting (since cash transactions are special types
of costs). Accounting on the basis of cash rather than accruals has certain well-known problems
associated with it from a measurement perspective, most notably its capacity to be manipulated
(by delaying payments at the year end, for instance). Accrual-based measurement is assumed in the
text but that is not to say information about cash flows should not be disclosed to users if it is
Exactly what type of market value is involved is determined by the population of costs upon which
the relevant probability distributions are conditioned (see Gibbins and Willett, 1997, for more
information in the historic cost balance sheet is that it is firm specific. The traditional
accounting system collects and records debts of the firm with outsiders. Due to this
fact it is a highly reliable source of information about private debts but contains
little information about the impact of the potential debt transactions of the wider
community. Market values on the other hand contain exactly that kind of informa-
tion. They are estimates of what other firms and individuals would be willing to
pay for the firm’s resources. Consequently, in addition to the argument from the
principle of full disclosure, market values can be said to be necessary for inclusion
in ICRs also on the basis of the principle of social accountability. The nature of
current values and of traditional accounting systems makes estimates of market
values relatively unreliable compared to historic cost data. However, the principle
of full disclosure demands the inclusion of a current value balance sheet with
provisos as to its accuracy.16
The third and final element of ICRs relates to the VAS and its relationship to
the principles expounded in the preceding section. The argument of the need for
greater awareness of the social impact of firm activities in Islam (which supports
the case for the current value balance sheet) also favours a VAS in place of the
income statement. In a VAS, greater emphasis is placed upon the cooperative
nature of economic activity and less on its competitive aspects. This is consistent
with the religious principle of fair and considerate trading contained in the Shari’a.
VASs rearrange the information in the income statement, giving more weight to
the shares of groups other than the owners in the fruits of the firm’s activities. A
proforma VAS is shown in Figure 2.
A VAS has two main parts. The upper part of the statement in Figure 2 shows
the source of value added—the difference between sales and bought-in goods and
services. The lower part shows the sharing out of the value added between differ-
ent sections of society—employees, government, owners, etc. The emphasis of the
analysis, unlike the income statement, is on the recipient of the value added rather
than on the function the expenditure serves in the generation of profit. In an
Islamic environment, this seems particularly suitable. The profit of the owner and
the amounts paid out by way of dividend are disclosed and thus accounted for but
it can be seen much more clearly than with the traditional form of the income
statement whether such amounts are excessive compared to sums allocated for
other purposes.
The general advantages and disadvantages of VASs vis-à-vis the income state-
ment, other than the distributional aspect just referred to, have been discussed in
the literature (e.g., Belkaoui, 1992; Morley, 1979). However, from an Islamic per-
spective the distributional argument is paramount. A firm adds value to an economy
using the resources given by God through the efforts of past and present particip-
ants in that economy and it is that value added which should be distributed equita-
Figure 2
Sourcesofvalueadded $
Revenues X
items (X)
Revaluations X
Distributions: X
Beneficiaries (e.g., zakat) X
Government(e.g.,taxes) X
Employees(e.g.,wages) X
Owners(e.g.,dividends) X
Charities,mosques(e.g.,gifts) X
funds: X
Profitretained(note) X
Revaluations X
The flexible layout of the VAS allows its relationship to the earnings figure to
be appreciated and for much of the detail of the latter to be disclosed in notes to
the financial statements. The articulation of the historic and current value position
statements can be achieved through the device of a revaluation reserve. The VAS
is therefore a more appropriate measure of performance in an Islamic context than
is the traditional Western-based profit and loss account. This is because of its focus
on the benefits the firm brings through its commercial activities to the community
as a whole. The VAS contains little by way of information that does not appear in
the income statement. Consequently, the principle of full disclosure is of marginal
importance in supporting its inclusion in ICRs. The principle of social accountability
is, however, of considerable significance.
The importance of the VAS in terms of the principle of social accountability lies
not in the quantity of information or any specifically technical criteria, but rather in
the way it de-emphasizes those aspects of commercial behaviour which are incon-
sistent with Islam. It stresses entity performance from a community viewpoint as
opposed to focusing on ‘individualistic’ entity performance from the viewpoint of
the owners; it gives more attention to the general concept of value added, reducing
stress on that portion of the value added referred to as ‘profit’; and it draws
attention to the issue of the equitable distribution of a firm’s value added rather
than justinconcentrating
Islamic on dividends.
financial reporting so that itThese
is not matters
just totosupplement
the heart of
thewhat is
set of
financial statements shown in Figure 1 with a VAS (as is done in the corporate
reports of some large Western organisation; see, e.g., Henderson and Peirson,
1998). The income statement report should be replaced entirely by a VAS. The
Figure 3
Some suggestions are contained in the IFASB (1994), however.
tions made here form a conceptual middle ground between the relatively conserva-
tive position taken in the Objectives and Concepts statements of the IFASB and a
potentially more radical alternative position on accounting for Islamic firms. This
point will be discussed in the final section.
This article has argued that ICRs should include a current value balance sheet in
addition to the historic cost balance sheet and that a value-added statement should
replace the income statement. It was argued that certain specific additional items
of information concerning special aspects of Islamic relationships such as zakat and
qard funds should also be included. Cash flow statements should additionally be
contained in ICRs for reasons of full disclosure and equity. The basis of this argu-
ment was ethical. It was considered that what should be reported from an ethical
position based upon Islamic principles is more important at this juncture than what
it is expedient or convenient to do. The main criteria identified for ICRs to be
compatible with Islamic social philosophy and principles were social accountabil-
ity and full disclosure. These criteria were used in the context of the problem of
accounting disclosure to support the article’s recommendations.
The fact that the choices about what should appear in ICRs is a matter of
appropriate disclosure practices and not about what is the technically correct way
to measure something (or to interpret the measurement of something) is very
significant. The fundamental measurements of activity costs that form the basis of
Western accounting systems and which imply the use of accrued costs rather than
just cash flows as the basis of accounting measurement must also form the basis of
ICRs. However, the bits of information reported and the emphasis on the type of
information reported should be different from Western financial reporting systems
if Islamic ethical principles are to be served. The things that distinguish Islamic from
Western corporate reports relate to disclosure issues, not measurement issues.
ICRs advocated in thisarticle are a middleroad between the conservative position
of the IFASB and the radical position of social accounting theorists. It would be
possible to envisage, for instance, Islamic reports containing much more extensive
data about the social costs and benefits created by the Islamic organization. Such
an approach could also possibly be argued to be in accordance with the principles
adopted here, especially with regard to the ‘environmental context’ principle that
was contrasted to the Western accounting focus on ‘process’. However, insufficient
is known about the theoretical, technical and practical problems involved in rou-
tinely reporting social accounting data to make this a viable alternative now. The
recommendations made here, however, are viable. From a technical point of view,
the VAS is essentially a reorganization of the information contained in the income
is accepted,Current
are lessvalues, if the
reliable thanapproach to defining
historic costs (giventhis
thatconcept usedusually
such data in this has
be indirectly estimated rather than directly measured) but they are not so unreliable
as to make the information they contain valueless (if estimates are made honestly,
scientifically and are verifiable independently). Being more relevant, current value
balance sheets should be included in ICRs even if they are not considered suffi-
ciently reliable to provide information as precise as that provided in the historic
cost balance sheet.
The theoretical discussions supporting these recommendations raised a number
of further important matters, which will not be resolved here. They would form the
key elements in any research program attempting to address the issue of the proper
form of ICRs. The time value of money as a concept, for example, which possibly
has moral implications in Islam, was referred to without entering the debate as to
whether these may lead to the concept being unacceptable in principle. It is a moot
point. The Islamic position on risk, usury and the future may require the devout
Muslim to be wary of the potential of the ethical attitude towards investment and
the community which the concept might engender. Its consequences for the way
people behave towards one another may also require careful consideration. How-
ever, it is not clear if the calculation itself (as, for instance, in computing the
amount which would need to be invested to accumulate to a given sum at a future
date) is necessarily unethical from an Islamic viewpoint. Although this point was
not central to this paper (because, unlike the economic valuation viewpoint, the
transactions viewpoint does not depend upon the concept in any fundamental way)
it is an issue which has the potential to drastically limit the kind of interpretation a
Muslim can logically use with respect to the financial information contained in
corporate reports. Consequently, it is a theoretical issue that should be resolved as
quickly as possible.
Another point relates to the detail of the argument in favour of disclosing the
market values of assets. What sort of market values should be reported? These
could be current purchasing costs or selling prices. They could be based upon
retail or wholesale prices. Which markets should be used and should price indices,
if they are to be used, be specific or general? From the definition of market values
described in this article, it can be seen that they are a function of the population
for which transaction costs are measured. Current costs of assets are the expected
values of transaction costs realized or realizable with suppliers. Net selling prices
are the expected values of transaction costs with customers and the more general
concept of fair values are based upon both averages combined. Which market
concept is most relevant to ICRs has not been determined. Consistency with the
principles of community and the criteria of social accountability probably make the
more general concept of fair value the most appropriate of the various alternatives.
However, the arguments in favour of net selling price that have been advanced in
the literature have yet to be carefully weighed against this option.
There are also some more specific issues pertaining to charitable gifts and dona-
tions. How should charitable donations to community activities be reported? Should
zakah assessments be based upon unrealized increases in wealth, a basis that the
cient method
cash of accounting
or surplus, this mighthas the inequitable
prove potential to and
create? In situationselimination
the consequent of insuffi-
of productive capacity might be economically inefficient. Should zakah be payable
by individuals or firms or both and, if individuals, should zakah be payable on an
increase in the value of the firm? The important ethical issues embodied in these
questions and their implications for the detailed disclosure of information in ICRs
remain unsettled and, as with those raised above, provide a list of significant mat-
ters that need to be addressed in future research.19 More generally, future research
may need to delve much further into the subtleties of the textual and legal inter-
pretation of the Qur’an and Hadith to uncover significant new knowledge about
Islamic values that might be relevant to the design of ICRs. It may also need to
consider the now extensive literature relating to principles of social accounting that
have not been explicitly brought into this analysis but which might lead to more
radically different alternative forms of Islamic corporate reporting.
Much of what has been argued here in the context of the Islamic faith could be
equally well argued in the context of other religions which emphasize the obliga-
tions of the individual to society and not the rights of the individual. The technology
and the practices of accounting were developed in a European society that was once
not just nominally committed to the Christian faith. However, a division between
spiritual and secular affairs occurred that allowed an unchallenged ascendancy to
be given to the spirit of economic rationalism. Any philosophy of action when
taken to extremes can lead to unintended and socially unacceptable outcomes and
the present debate about the unity of application of Islamic ethics, commercial or
otherwise, may be seen as a reaction to this process. The proposed theory may be
understood as being a part of a movement that advocates the reconsideration of
the place of ethics in financial reporting.
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These topics for a future program of research arose out of correspondence with an unnamed