Argina XL 40a PDF
Argina XL 40a PDF
Argina XL 40a PDF
- where fuels with sulphur >3% are in use Extra high Base Number (50)
Longer oil life in engines where life is limited by
Medium-speed engines burning residual fuel need very depletion of Base Number (BN). In many cases a
specialised lubricants. Heavy fuels contaminate the oil satisfactory equilibrium BN level can be maintained,
with asphaltenes, requiring special types of in conditions where this would be impossible with a
detergency to avoid sludges. The combustion of high 40BN oil.
sulphur fuels produces sulphur acids, which cause high Very good Base Number retention
wear rates of piston rings and cylinder liners unless Resists secondary loss of Base Number due to
neutralised by a high basicity reserve in the oil. The oil
is in service for very long periods, so centrifugal
Suitability for centrifugal separators
separators are used to remove water and combustion
contaminants from the oil. Medium-speed engine oils high detergency/low dispersancy formulation
must be specially designed to release these releases contaminants and water readily in
contaminants in the separator. centrifugal separators.
Modern engines are more demanding than ever. Oil Full compatibility with Argina family
consumption has been drastically reduced by the use Argina XL can be used to top up engines already
of "flame" or "anti-polishing" rings. Lower oil running on any other member of the Argina family,
consumption reduces the rate of renewal of the oil giving immediate control of BN without the need
through top-up. This means that the average age of the for an oil change.
oil charge is far greater than it used to be.
Consequently the oil is exposed for much longer than
before to the stresses of high temperatures, Specifications and Approvals
contamination and acid combustion by-products.
Argina XL is approved by Wartsila and meets the
Argina XL has been specially designed for very high
engine test criteria for API CF.
stress conditions, found most often in modern Wartsila
engines in power plant or ship propulsion
applications. Health & Safety
Argina XL is unlikely to present any significant health
Note: Due to its high base number, this oil has a high ash or safety hazard when properly used in the
content. To avoid excessive ash deposits, do not use with recommended application, and good standards of
low sulphur fuels, or engines with high oil consumption. industrial and personal hygiene are maintained.
Avoid contact with skin. Use impervious gloves with
used oil. After skin contact, wash immediately with
soap and water.
For further guidance on Product Health & Safety refer
to the appropriate Shell Product Safety Data Sheet.
Protect the environment
Take used oil to an authorised collection point. Do not
discharge into drains, soil or water.
Argina XL 40
Kinematic Viscosity
@ 40°C cSt 135
100°C cSt 14
(ASTM D 445, IP 71)
@ 15°C kg/l 0.921
(ASTM D 4052, IP 365)
Flash Point °C
(Pensky-Martens Closed Cup) 229
(ASTM D 93, IP 34)
Base Number
mg KOH/g 50
(ASTM D 2896, IP 276)
Sulphated Ash
% wt 6.1
(ASTM D 874, IP 163)
S00147PW.00E 0895