Dr. Cook
EDSE 584
9 April 2018
Program Standard I Synthesis: In depth Subject Matter and Content knowledge
I look at the History standards to hold myself accountable and ensure my lessons
are tightly intertwined with them. I make use of this standard in my daily teaching by
always providing my students with a variety of sources, so they learn to recognize
patterns, make connections, make sense of contradictions, and interpret multiple
historical points of view (Wineburg, x). Instead of giving my students terms to memorize,
I focus on helping students uncover the past and make it relevant to their personal lives
and experiences (Loewen). The first artifact I chose is my unit plan on "The Dust Bowl"
from EDSE 558. This demonstrates how I give my students a variety of sources to guide
them to interpret and analyze multiple historical and contemporary viewpoints. The
second artifact I chose is my unit plan from Internship B. This demonstrates how I was
able to integrate stories of specific dictators to help students form a holistic conception
as well as introducing my students to a set of conflicts and guiding them to form
connections and recognize patterns of historical change and continuity.
o Artifacts: Unit plan (cooks class), Unit plan (internship B)
The Civics standards help me to think about my teaching by focusing on teaching
my students how having a knowledge of civics benefits them as human beings. Civics
provides learning opportunities for students to learn skills that they can use to
participate in a civil society (Saye, 33). I make use of this standard in my daily teaching
by going above the basic features of America's political system and guiding my students
to analyze rights and responsibilities of citizens and evaluating how individual behavior
connects with global systems and public policies. The first artifact I chose is my final
paper from Political Science 591. This paper demonstrates how I understand and apply
the concepts of role, status and social class to describe the connections and
interactions of individuals, groups, and institutions in society. My second artifact is the
jigsaw presentation on teaching government and civics to ELL's from EDSE 729. This
demonstrates how I guide my learners in understanding their rights as citizens and how
the use of primary sources can assist students in understanding basic concepts of our
o Artifacts: Political Science final paper, government and civics jigsaw
The Geography standards help me to think about my teaching by making sure I
am going above basic geographical terms and concepts and reaching what the
indicators cover. I make use of this standard in my daily teaching by guiding my
students to make connections between people, places, regions, and environments. The
first artifact I chose was my geography unit plan from Internship A on migration. This
artifact demonstrates how I was able to give students the opportunity to analyze
characteristics and migration of the human population as well as human needs, values,
and culture, through a series of lessons. The second artifact is a collection of short
papers from Geography 598. This artifact demonstrates how I can explain connections
between historical events and geographic concepts and analyze interactions of people
and their environments.
o Artifacts: Migration Lesson Series, memo from class
The Economics standards help me to think about my teaching by evaluating the
connections I am making in my lessons to economic concepts. I make use of this
standard in my daily teaching by making historical connections to the indicators as well
as highlighting how my students can apply economic concepts to greater historical
events and themes. The first artifact I chose is a series of lessons about
Industrialization, specifically highlighting the "book making" activity. This artifact
demonstrates how I was able to make connections with economic concepts to greater
historical themes before and during the Industrial Revolution, such as individual artisan
production, division of labor, and labor unions. The second artifact I chose is a series of
lessons about the interwar period and totalitarianism. Specifically highlighting the
totalitarianism project, this artifact demonstrates how I was able to assist my students in
analyzing totalitarian dictators and answering the fundamental questions of production.
o Artifacts: Industrialization book making activity and lessons before/after,
interwar period/totalitarianism lesson/ project
Social/Behavioral Science
The Social Science standards help me to think about my teaching by reflecting
on my lessons to ensure I am including the components that the indicators cover. I
make use of this standard in my daily teaching by providing my students with a variety
of resources and tools to explore different perspectives about events and plan
discussions that illustrate appreciation for diversity and unity in society. In the Social
and Behavioral Science classes, there are sometimes difficult topics that we will have to
cover such as slavery, gangs, genocides, etc. Lee Ann Potter explains in "Teaching
Difficult Topics with Primary Sources", that the best way to get around difficult topics is
to use primary sources to engage students and alleviate the discomfort of emotionally
charged topics (Potter, 286). The artifacts chosen are a lesson plan created in
Sociology 598 along with my final paper. In my lesson plan I encourage students to
develop a different perspective on integration by examining a variety of resources and
statistics about the topic. The discussion exposes students to a variety of firsthand
accounts and teaches the importance of learning about diversity and different cultures.
The final paper demonstrates my in-depth evaluation of the discrimination that
individuals and groups of people face in the South Carolina school system and its
o Artifacts: Lesson taught in class (midterm), final paper