If you wish to study the Way, deeply reflect on things, considered in this book
Miyamoto Мusasi(1584-1645)
Gorin-no-syo (« The Book of Five Rings »)
Oleg Felgendreher (e-mail for communication Oleg and Lilli Felgendreher
[email protected])”
“Real Street Fight” is not just a book on self-defense. The progress of the
nation entirely and completely depends on the degree of spiritual perfection and
physical health of each citizen, from the aspiration to succeed in all things are
being done, to become a better personality, to reach certain goals in the career, in
absolute and unconditional acceptance of a simple thing, that he is the owner of
his destiny. And consequently this book – is not simply the next textbook on
hand-to-hand fight. It is the book on forming the Consciousness of Warrior,
the Consciousness of Winner in each separate member of society. The world
famous philosopher of business, Bill Gates’ personal "business-trainer", the one
who has developed the strategy of work for Coca-Cola, I.B.M., Xerox, General
Motors companies and besides owning a control stock share of Dodge company,
Jim Rohn said " If today you make what you made yesterday, tomorrow you will
have what you have today ". Do not waste your time! Improve yourself and in
your hands you have the textbook how to do it ! It took me fifteen years to
achieve what I have achieved. But my pupils practically from first days of
trainings are rather happy with their results. I went by trial and error, and today
the program is worked almost up to perfection. I am usually pleased with my
pupils’ results approximately after two years of trainings with periodicity of two
times a week for two hours (though changes in the body and fighting
techniques are noticeable already after a couple of months). And I tried to do
my best for you to have the feeling while you are reading this book, that you are
not alone and there is an experienced coach near you, ready to give you a piece
of advice, correct and in difficult time help you not to turn off the Path, the aim
of which is your perfect body and readiness to any difficulty Spirit of a real
warrior, the owner of his life.
Training a Warrior.
The person does not need to be afraid of anything, if his spirit is
cloudless, if there are no reasons for shame and if he doesn’t have doubts about
correctness of the chosen Way… I have come to conclusion, it is the absence of
a precise chosen Way in life is often the reason for wrecks of hopes.
So, for the beginning some words about the fighting systems offered today
by various sports groups and sports societies. In my opinion, they at once should
be divided into two big groups. Namely - a frank deceit of naive people and real
fighting systems. Unfortunately, the latter are way less in numbers. Why? There
are several reasons for it. Very often the person wants to learn to be able to
protect himself. But does not wish to suffer the pain during tough fights in full
contact during trainings.
Demand gives rise to the offer. From this small contradiction so-called «
contactless styles » were born which are absolutely useless in street fights, the
followers of which during sparrings (if IT can be named like this) as if with
large fans fan each other with their extremities and during the most part of
training are engaged in some formal exercises. To my mind, it is better to go in
for ballet, than to be engaged in such « contactless styles ». The essence is the
same , though it is clear, what people are actually doing. It is difficult to call
such types of "single combats» really working fighting systems. Hand-to-hand
fight is quite real and frequently fatally dangerous for the opponent.
Proceeding from this, I think, in the given question it is better to take for an
axiom, that, for example, the rifle М-16 is intended for a simple action - to aim
at the enemy and to pull the trigger . And if the person shooting will wind a rifle
with color ribbons and will start dancing with it, his opponent will be slightly
surprised, but afterwards will by all means shoot down a strange shot from his
quite effective and decorated with nothing weapon.
In case of « contactless styles » people buy illusions. And sometimes
people are simply deceived by the founders or successors of “strictly
confidential styles”. These styles are so confidential, that they can’t be shown to
anyone . Even to the hooligan intending to slap your face in the street. What if
he learns the secret? Ridiculously? Can be. But, unfortunately, it is very often
the reality.
And, at last, there is a small number of really working systems based on very
tough sparrings in full contact. It is also a unique way to development of any
effective technique of street fight, that was mentioned by the great master, an
expert and theorist of real fight Bruce Lee mentioned. But, as it seems to me,
all really working modern systems of hand-to-hand fight have one essential lack.
They do not have any powerful philosophical concept. Because of this absence
even the tenfold champion in fights without rules can suffer a defeat in a street
fight. Such cases are known. What is the reason of similar fiascos? On pages
of this book we will try to answer this and many other questions.
Part 1
Philosophy of RSF
I have been asked one day
"What do you think, can there be a happy person?"
”Happiness is impossible without life experience", I answered.
“ Then what is happiness?”
“Happiness is communication with people,
to whom it is not necessary to apply philosophy of death”
“And what life experience has to do with it ?”
“Life experience appears when you communicate with people
by whom you will be crushed if you will not
apply to them philosophy of death” , I answered.
Instead of the first epigraph
I continue - I do not create; I believe in antiquity and I love it sincerely.
Confucius, «Lunjuy» ("Sayings"). VI-V B.C.
The Sage accepts the Sky, the Worthy takes for the sample
the Earth, and the Wise man finds Teachers in antiquity.”
Three strategies of Huan Shi-gun
1.1 Comprehension of death
And now imagine - someone (not you), goes tired from work home along
the dark street. Suddenly from the shadow of the trees by the road three figures
move towards him. A knife glitters in the hand of one.
" Come on, bastard, turn your pockets out", grins one of them. Two others
with a laughter approach the victim, getting something from their pockets as
Close your eyes and imagine this picture very clearly. And now – what is
your first thought after you have imagined this simple story?
"It is the end of him" or something like that?
It’s very bad if it is YOUR idea. And in a similar situation ( God forbid
that something like that might happen to you), it will definitely appear in your
After this idea there comes a stupor - natural, primitive reaction of any
creature to danger . Any weak animal while being attacked by a stronger one ,
either runs away, or gets into a stupor ( the dead ones will not be gobbled up),
or, cornered, fights to the end.
The latter, unfortunately, is not peculiar to overwhelming majority of people
who are spoiled by a civilized way of life, who forgot the feeling of danger,
peculiar to a wild animal. In cases known to me people got into stupor and
obediently followed commands - to give money or perform different whims
depending on the mood of those, who met them in the dark street.
Once in the book of a known expert in hand-to-hand fight and self-defense
I read the following words belonging to its author : "Frequent questions about
how I would behave , if the gang of robbers demanded my purse, are simply
inevitable. This question is based on irreproachable logic: fighting arts represent
means of self-defense, and the ability to use fighting arts is considered an
essential element of preparing soldiers, serving in law enforcement bodies and
as bodyguards all over the world. A well prepared master of fighting arts, like
me, is, in the literal sense, a fatal weapon. Anyway, I always answer this
question : "If the gang of robbers demanded my purse, I would give them the
Certainly, the answer will be different if it is a matter of life and death . In
this case I will do everything. However, it is not necessary to risk one's life ,
health or health of other people, for the sake of contents of a purse.
Actually, real masters of fighting arts go through long-term trainings not to
become a fatal weapon...In the process of training I was getting more and more
self-assured and sociable, felt better both in physically and
emotionally...Fighting arts as physical preparation and philosophical view
helped me to reach success, and due to this success I could make a career in the
world of cinema..."
Certainly, for a well- trained master of fighting arts such an answer sounds
more than strange.
Firstly - for what reason on earth one should study fighting arts at all? For
the sake of physical and emotional well-being? If all is reduced to this, I think it
is better to spend time and money on a course of treatment in a health - resort,
and just anyone who wants it at any time will have a good chance to mock you .
Secondly - where is the guarantee, that the armed extortionists are not sadists or
drug addicts? And, accordingly, after getting your money they might want to
check the color of your spleen?
Nobody will give you such a guarantee . Moreover, the humility of a victim
frequently automatically causes in those who attack the desire to torture the
victim even more.
Thirdly – we see here the modelling of a common situation. And the most
dangerous for a real fighter is his thought "If they demand this I will make that
and if..."
There is no such a thing as "and if..." in a street fight . The person is either
afraid of a tiger or not . This is the main thing. And only in the second case the
victory of the person is possible. And for this purpose in the fighter's head there
should be a strong psychological motive expressed in the epigraph for this book,
belonging a Samurai living in times, when warriors did not know compromises:
" The main principle of fighting arts is to attack, not thinking of life and
death..." And I will add from myself- not thinking of what , this or that, your
opponents want from you.
And fourthly - even if you do give them your money, will this situation
ennoble you in your own eyes ? Or in the eyes of your girl (wife, sister) going
beside you, with whom (it is quite possible!), these three will want to have some
fun after that? So what is the way out?
I think that to study the art of war (or fight, that, however, is the same) is
necessary only from real warriors. Everything else is a waste of time.
For the beginning let’s address neither fantastic characters nor invented
founders of superconfidential styles. Let’s address a real Russian hero, a
strategist who has not lost any fight in his life - Alexander Vasiljevich
"The one is frightened is half defeated... Don't be afraid of death, then you
will win for sure. Two deaths will not happen, but you will not avoid one."
Ingeniously! You see, all ingenious is simple.
"Don't be afraid of death..."
A person who is not afraid of death is a great fighter. If you think about the
described situation, the most awful thing that these three can do is to kill you.
But all of us will die anyway. Today, tomorrow, in one year, in some years,
even if you will give a purse now, quite probably, exactly after that you will be
Even for the reason to get rid of the witnesses!...
But there is an alternative.
The one who speaks to you before starting to act is the main person. In this
case - the leader of the gang which attacked you.
Let's recollect "Thirty six stratagems"- a well-known Chinese treatise on
military art:
“Stratagems of offensive battles, stratagem 18.
To seize the robbers, it is necessary to seize the leader first.
To untie a firm knot, separate the leader first, and then everything will
be untied by itself”.
The situation described above is the situation really menacing your life
(see Special Lesson). And it means, that under the given circumstances it is not
simply necessary to beat, but to beat with the aim of destruction, applying a
simple set of techniques from Special lesson of RSF.
Namely, choose something from the following:
1) powerfully strike "through" the main attacking person with your knee in his
2) thrust the thumb into his eye;
3) taking advantage of your opponents’ stupor (now you are attacking, and they
are victims), take the weapon from the leader and apply it against the opponent
closest to you. Or take advantage of the weapon lifted from the ground (a stick, a
brick) or pulled out of your pocket. The remaining opponents will get into
stupor for sure.
Put yourself in their place .There is a sharp change of priorities, an unusual
situation, comprehension, that the following phase of events is going to bring
real injuries and, maybe, prison. It is not even necessary to read their thoughts. «
If he (or she) has so quickly knocked the boss down we are done for sure ».
But there is one more problem here.
Do you remember Stephen Spielberg's magnificent film « Saving Private
Ryan»? There is one episode there that is very true to life. When a huge fascist
kills a fellow, having knocked him down to the floor and slowly (!) plunging a
knife in him . Terrible, but very true to life. The guy could be saved, if he
applied a simple, but extremely effective technique - thrusting his finger in the
enemy's eye. But ingenious director Stephen Spielberg has not receded from the
truth on an iota. Too many people would prefer to die , rather than sharply and
deeply thrust their finger in the eye of the person who attacks them.
Well, the choice is yours. Very few fighters possess an impact in the jaw,
that can knock out a strong guy. Some hand-to-hand fighters can press in the
skull the nose of the attacking person with their palm or fist. Pupils, who
studied the system of Real Street Fight for some months , fold a boxing bag
double with a direct impact by the elbow at breast level (I broke with such an
impact a rigid protector on the person in a thick jacket under which there was a
thick winter sweater)...
But, alas , all this does not guarantee the termination of attack!
First, no pain from any impact will be compared to the pain from the beaten
out eye or the crushed genitals.
And, second, for other attacking the sight of the injured in fractions of a
second leader will be much more impressing, rather than the sight of the same
leader, but knocked out even with a supermasterful swing.
Most likely, after you neutralize the leader, the remained opponents will
leave. Though, maybe, they will be in a stupor. Then it is not necessary to wait
until they get back to normal. It is necessary to beat as severe as possible to the
groin, stick fingers in eyes, tear mouths, beat to the throat (see Special part).
The only desire which should own you in such a situation is to kill the enemy.
« Crossing the sword with the sword of the opponent, do not care if you
hit strongly or weakly; just hit and kill the enemy. Always aim to kill the enemy.
Do not try to hit strongly and, certainly, do not think of hitting weakly. You
should be anxious only to kill the enemy ».
These words belong to the greatest soldier of Japan Miyamoto Musasi
who lived in XVII century and is known in the Country of Rising Sun as
Censey - the Sacred Sword. His « The Book of Five Rings » ranks with such
greatest monuments to military art as « Sun Tzi », « Thirty six stratagems » and
« The Science to win » by Alexander Suvorov.
Surprisingly - the theme of an estimation of a real fighter by the level of
his attitude to death is traced practically in all military, strategic and
philosophical treatises known today. Alexander Vasilevich Suvorov wrote: «
Take as an example a hero of ancient times, observe him, follow him , equal
him, surpass him - glory to you!.. »
Well, we will follow the advice of a great warrior and will see, what
real great soldiers of the past left to us for inheritance.
The well-known Code of the Samurai «Budosyosinsiu» the author of
which was a well-known warrior of the past Yudzan Daydodzi Sigesuke (1639-
1731), begins with the words:
« To the one who has intended to take the path of a warrior , it is always
necessary to remember about death … Thinking about death every minute,
every hour and every day, you will avoid myriads temptations, protect yourself
from incalculable sets of disasters, save your power and health, and will live a
long and happy life ».
We find the same in Miyamoto Musai’s works (1584-1645):
« The path of a warrior is resolute, final and absolute acceptance of death
… The Samurai is obliged to follow the Path of the Warrior (Busido) … Under
the Path of a Warrior death is meant … If you live, having got used to the idea
of your possible death, and being ready for it, think of yourself as about dead,
having merged with the idea of the Path of the Warrior, and be sure that you will
manage to go through your life so, that any failure will become impossible ».
The well-known treatise of the Samurai and philosopher Yamamoto
Tsunetomo (1659-1719) “Hagakure” (“Hidden in Foliage”).
«I came to understanding, that the Path of a Samurai is death... If every
morning and every evening you will prepare yourself for death and can live in
the way, as if your body is already dead, you will become a real Samurai. Then
all your life will be faultless, and you will succeed in your field ».
Lao Tzi ( his real name Li Air, IV-III B.C.) “ Dao de jing”. «People
despise death because, they have a too strong aspiration to live . That is why
they despise death. The one who neglects life, that appreciates life ».
But the best saying on this topic , as it seems to me, was made by the
most mysterious mystic of the last century Carlos Castaneda in his work « Fire
from within ». « The soldier always lives side by side with death. The soldier
knows, that death is always beside him, and from this knowledge he gets
courage to meet everything. Death is the worst of everything that can happen to
us. But as death is our destiny, and it is inevitable, we are free. There is
nothing to be afraid of for the person who has lost everything … »
The first thing a real warrior should learn is getting pleasure from life
through acceptance of inevitability of death. Because, having accepted the idea
of death, you understand, that anything in the world has no value.
I will bring here a fragment from the novel « Branch of Yakudza » which
has been recently published in Russia, became a bestseller at once, and which,
as I hope, will be published soon in the USA as well.
"The pistol cooled the palm. Fingers as if in traps, laid down in apertures of
brass knuckle type plate on the handle.
“You doubt?" Stas grinned, rolling the bottom of the glass on the bar's
counter. "It is normal. It is the instinct of self-preservation. That is, each creature
on earth wants to live and, accordingly, does not wish to do things that
endanger its life. But actually this "I do not want" is the uttermost poppycock
and languor of spirit. And there is a good legend on this topic … Once upon a
time there lived tsar Kserks . He made up his mind to make a campaign against
Greeks, it seems to me. Kserks collected for this occasion a huge army. One
morning he left the tent that stood on the hill . Seeing his army made him feel
really good. There were lots of people under the hill. Those people covered all
the ground, like the sea, up to the horizon . And at this moment an idea has
come to his head , that in a hundred years from all those people there will be not
a single person alive ."
Stas fell silent. “And so what?” said Vityok in a muffled voice without
tearing off his sight from the killing toy, that felt so convenient in his palm.
“What about Kserks? Nothing special. Having got that idea he cancelled
the campaign. Then the thought to make the campaign returned to him and he
attacked Greeks. And got for it all right. But the main thing is not that. The main
thing is, Vityok, that in a hundred years neither me nor you, not even your Said
will exist. That is it. Well , even why in a hundred? Earlier, way earlier. So what
is the difference? In a hundred years or tomorrow?”
Strange, it is difficult to believe, but when I suddenly realized, that it
really makes no difference it has become much easier for me to live.
Somehow conflicts with people close to me came to naught, many minor
problems ceased to be problems and I understood, that life with the idea
forbidden for our mentality – what is the difference "when"? Now or tomorrow?
is not only the most effective technique to live in this world with pleasure and
without special problems, but also a unique and correct way of solving the
problem described in the beginning of this chapter.
1.2 Internal Core
I do not quite agree with the last postulate . Besides the idea of death the
Spirit of a Warrior is hardened by Training and Reflections, as techniques of
formation of the Internal Core. There is no need to waste time on attempts to
improve for a person who is not able to think and doesn’t want to. More often a
bottle of vodka and three drinking companions behind the corner make his
happiness (that, by the way, is also a Way, for the purpose of the way is to find
one's personality. But there is a Way up to the horizon one thousand li in length ,
and there is a Way which is shorter than one step, behind which there is a chasm
and emptiness).
« Training without any idea is of no use, the idea without training is
dangerous… Even a small way has definite advantages , but I am afraid, you will
get stuck on it, aspiring to a far purpose. Therefore a noble man does not spend
his efforts on it ».
There are people inside your Circle. These are , probably, your relatives,
teachers, pupils, friends, people whom you respect ,i.e. those who are dear to
you and whose opinion you consider.
And there are people outside the Circle. And their opinion is only their
opinion which can be not taken into consideration.
And as the opinion of people outside the Circle has no value …Some of
my pupils who have acquired a decent muscular weight … begin to stoop! They
hide their muscles! They hesitate to be « unlike all the rest »! This is an awful
complex born from the idea of « What other people will think of me».
« On a battle-field which soon will becomes a tomb for one of fighters ,
if soldiers fight to death, they will remain alive, and if they search for
opportunities to survive, they will die … The greatest harm which can be in
managing the army are hesitations, and the disasters falling upon three armies,
are born from doubts ».
U Tszi. The Chinese commander who never lost a single battle. IV BC.
4) Mutual relations inside the Circle.
Here also not everything goes always smoothly. On one hand these are
people close to you, on the other - it is a pack in which there is a leader and those
who obey him. And, even if you are the leader, there are those whom you don't
want to hurt. These are first of all, your wife (husband) and your parents
(children for the time being are obliged to study and obey. And if it doesn't not
happen, very soon they become the leaders in the family. That is, they will "sit
on their parents' necks” ).
So what can be done here? How can one avoid family quarrels and
Carlos Castaneda in his works operates with the concept of " feeling of
your own importance “, as of one of the most destructive feelings for the Internal
Core of the Warrior.
Why do you argue with close people ? Are you being stubborn ? Do you
aspire to confirm by means of words your status of the leader? But the leader
does not speak. He makes what he considers necessary.
Have mercy people close to you, overcome the feeling of your own
importance, agree with their opinion … and make that you consider necessary.
Confucius said: «The one who knows does not doubt ». If you know precisely,
that you are right, do not speak - act.
And if what you make, will be a mistake - admit, that it is a mistake and
make your conclusions. In fact these are the people of your Circle, whose
opinion is not indifferent to you. And, having made conclusions, change yourself
for the better . « Only the supreme wisdom and the greatest nonsense never
change», said Confucius.
And if you were right, the people of your Circle will have something to
think about. And even if they will not think it's ok. In fact in this world nothing
has value but death.
« The one who speaks much, often looses … The one who knows does
not speak. The one who speaks - does not know ». Lau-zi "Dao de jing"
Someone asked:
"And than how you will pay for the good things done to you ? Pay for the
wicked things in a fair way, and for the good things pay the good things
back.” Confucius , "Lunjui"
No comments.
The meaning of the Way of the Warrior is not simply the achieved victory
in a probable fight with the hypothetical opponent. It is a science to win always,
everywhere and in everything, including fights with the most terrible opponent -
yourself. It is the Way to a victory over your own fears, complexes, doubts, over
uncertainty in your strength and opportunities. It is the Way to create your
future by means of the strength of your Spirit.
1.3 Formation of the internal core
Meditation is the realization of coolness of your nature.
Bruce Lee
The condition in which there are no ideas is an ideal condition for fight …
Only reflexes work. Opponents are perceived as faceless and callous dummies.
You don't interact with them - you interact with space, which has been washed
away by means of the technique of an absent-minded sight trained up to
automatism …
This is an ideal condition for power training with heavy devices...
There are no ideas - there is a program which has been thought over even before
you crossed the threshold of a training hall. You, like the driver of a car, by
means of sensations supervise the body, which is carrying out the necessary task.
But as soon as thoughts come into your head - you start to twitch in a
sparring and, most likely, miss an impact. Or all of a sudden some weariness
appears and you find thousand reasons to put the bar off …
And now a natural question appears - in what way? How to achieve
control over your own consciousness so that all aforesaid wouldn't become just
a simple set of beautiful phrases, but the guide to action both during training,
and in any difficult situation of life ?
Here we will be assisted by meditation - the most ancient way of training
of Spirit and Mind, existing in this or that form among all people living on the
Probably, to someone everything I will speak about, will seem some
mystical delirium , but I do not insist on anything. Finally, to be engaged or to
not be engaged in meditation is your own business . RSF is a wide system meant
for any person, and everyone will find something interesting in it. And if
someone thinks that meditation is not his Way, well, it is your choice, and you
can painlessly miss this chapter.
Speaking about practical side of the question, I stopped smoking many
years ago and got rid of some problems with my stomach as a result of
meditative trainings.
From simple meditative trainings you learn:
1)to program your consciousness. And, as a result of it
2)to program the organism , even curing illnesses;
3)to be protected from negative power influences of your opponents;
4)to fill up your energy resources;
If it is more or less clear about consciousness , what does it mean « to
program the organism »?
If the person walking the rope will look downwards he, most likely, will
fall. Because his consciousness, his instinct of self-preservation gives a
hysterical command - Run! Save yourself!! You will fall!!! Though in the given
situation calmness and preservation of balance are required. And the person
They say, that the one who is afraid of oncological diseases, more often
dies from them. To put it briefly, if the person constantly thinks that should (or
should not) happen to his body and Spirit, sooner or later it happens.
It is self-programming. And if the person constantly thinks, programs the
Reason and the Body on positive result - the result will be positive.
I remember one occasion very well. When I just was going to buy my first
bar, my eyes fell on the advertising of a rather stupid portable device for
pumping up muscles named “ Power …” and something else there, I don't
remember exactly. And I - being at that time a complete nincompoop in power
training and body building - almost bought it. Thanks to a more advanced
schoolmate I didn't. But the body builder that advertised this device was very
impressive ! This picture is still in front of my eyes. It had been before my
eyes all years of my trainings with iron. But now it is not so necessary for me. I
can always see the same body in the mirror. I became precisely the same! What
is it, if not a latent form of self-programming about which, by the way, Arnold
Schwarzenegger wrote so much!
Program yourself for success! Do not pay attention to failures! Hunt for
positive emotions!
“A noble man is quiet, free, small people on the contrary are always
suppressed by grief“, fairly said the great Confucius.
If you want, meditation is an element of RSF magic. The Magic of
success, strength and health.
Did you notice, that after communicating with some people you feel like a
squeezed orange?
These sensations are most vividly felt after making love. Sex is an active
exchange of energies. And, if as a result of this exchange you feel bad - alas, it
will be most reasonable to leave that partner. You probably met so-called
“vampire”, the person, getting energy from other people.
By the way, this feeling never happens, if sexual partners love each other,
independently, who of them is a "vampire" and who is not. Love in a strange
way transforms the negative energy of each of the partners into positive. You
"recharge" from the one you love, and she "recharges" from you. It is the best
way to check if your feelings are mutual . It is a pity only, that the real mutual
love is so hard to find …
There are “vampires” everywhere. In public transport, at work, in the
street. Probably, you are one of them, simply you did not notice this before. In
this case, most likely, you experience certain difficulties communicating with
other people. They instinctively avoid you, rather reluctantly contact you,
subconsciously feeling, that you on the sly "exhaust" their vital energy.
What should one do? How to get protected from "vampires" or get rid of
this quality if you are one of them?
The answer is simple. Meditation is the key to solving of these and many
other problems.
Now, actually, we will stop on technics of meditation according to RSF.
In nature there are two ways of additional energy "charge" of an organism.
It is energy received as a result of food digestion and energy, received by an
organism from outside. And if the first way is more or less clear, about the
second many know only by hearsay. Meditation is the way to know the energy of
your organism. The purpose of meditation, as I said above, is accumulation and
distribution of energy in the organism, psychological and physical precept on
training or on the decision of problems of life, management of the emotional
and mental condition, protection against power impacts from outside. After
approximately half a year under conditions of sufficient persistence and
regularity of trainings it may be a protection against illnesses, treatment of
illnesses already existing, refusal from smoking and alcohol. 10-15 minutes of
meditation can give full recovering of your energy after a difficult working day
and, at last, always good mood in practically any situation. The essence of
correct meditative techniques was underlined by Bruce Lee: « Silence and
calmness are achieved when you are free from external objects and are not
disturbed. To be quiet - means not to have either illusions, or errors about
reality... » Sit down, cross- legged in an optimum place of the room, i.e. where
you feel yourself better. Relax completely, having put forearms of the extended
hands on your knees. Close your eyes. Try to “disconnect” yourself from the
noise of street and existing problems of your life. Slowly having lifted hands,
"build" around yourself by your palms a cocoon of protective energy. Strain
your imagination! Gradually your palms should feel the same, like they feel,
touching any smooth and firm surface, for example, a table. Having created
around yourself in your imagination a transparent cap, destroy inside it and
inside yourself all your negative energy - your negative ideas and emotions,
weariness and irritation which, finally, lead to illnesses of your body and soul
(recollect a well-known saying that all illnesses come from sick nerves). Create
vacuum, mentally concentrating yourself on breathing in, on the negative
energy in the form of a heavy black sphere, then exhale it. Close up the place
of the exit of the energy – the "hole" in the cocoon -by circular movements of
your palms. The number of exhalations is desirable to equal with your personal
lucky number. Your number is a figure which brings you success. Probably, you
already know it intuitively, probably, the knowledge will come to you later.
Having created vacuum, start slowly letting in space energy in the form of
a golden stream through the top chakra [1] (in some period of time you will get
to know the color of your energy and will feel it yourself).
If you think , that you are a “ vampire” and have problems because of
that, just imagine more often, as you "charge" yourself from the Sky, (from
space if it is more convenient to you ).It is possible to think of it everywhere,
where there is an opportunity to sit down and relax, for example, in public
transport (if you did manage to take a seat ) or at home , meditating after work.
But it is also quite good during a heavy working day to recollect sometimes the
bai-huey[4] point and about the energy constantly entering your body through
it from above.
As I already said above, mutual relations of the Leader and people outside
his Circle are determined by the principle “there is my opinion, and there is an
opinion of people outside the Circle which can be not taken into consideration”.
This statement is also fair because for people outside your Circle, you are
absolutely nobody (what do you think if ,let us say, the seller from the next
shop cares what you think of him?). As it has been rather precisely expressed
by earl Cagliostro from a Russian film “The Formula of Love”, “all people are
either those who want something from me, or those from whom I need
something”. Alas, in our world, if people outside your Circle pay attention to
you, it often means either they want to sell you something (unnecessary), or to
take away from you something (necessary).
Therefore, leaving your house, remember - you go to the jungle, where the
gifts of destiny are way more seldom than troubles. Examples? Here you are.
Things that I witnessed myself.
A thin short guy was slightly splashed with dirt by a passing by car. He
answered that using obscene language, shaking fists in support of his words. The
car slowed down and returned. Two guys looking very much like gangsters got
out of it, and splashed the man thoroughly both with dirt and blood. And
nobody from those who saw it stir a finger to help. All just stood and watched. I
did not stand and did not watch. I just left. Why didn’t I interfere, you ask?
Because by then I already had some experience of mixing with the business of
people outside my Circle.
At a bus-stop of a slightly drunk huge guy was beating a woman in the
face with his fist. I approached them, got the guy by the sleeve and asked: “Just
a minute, I guess maybe you should try it with me?” The guy stopped execution
and started thinking hard . And at this moment the woman, having wiped blood
from her face, shouted at me: “And why the fuck do you interfere?”
“Oh, I beg your pardon, man,” I, letting off his sleeve . “Continue,
please”. And the man, by the way, continued. In precisely the same situation a
guy I know, who more resolutely protected a girl unfamiliar to him, got into
prison for a rather long term. The girl during the trial said, that he all of a sudden
and for nothing from this attacked her boyfriend. No comment.
However, I am not sure at all, if I will follow my own recommendations
and neglect the situation when a bastard will mock a woman. I can understand
when two men are fighting but to show one’s strength on a woman…
I admit, that there was a similar situation approximately one year ago. The
woman peeped "thanks" and disappeared, the drunk who had attacked her
remained on the ground, and I have quickly left the place, being grateful to
providence that I can use the techniques of a "silent" fight, which don’t attract
the attention of strangers, and that there was no policemen nearby, who could
without doubting interpret the situation in their own way.
Sometimes I saw, how severely fight the drivers of the collided cars. As
groups of drunks unostentatiously and seemingly even without threats and
violence "beg" money from lonely passers-by. You know how chiefs, shaking
their fists, shout at subordinates (who on earth did not see such a situation?).
And who did not watch numerous criminal everyday reports?
All this is a city jungle waiting for us outside the walls of our house. All
these are mutual relations with people outside your Circle.
All the situations described above are deeply negative. It is not necessary
that they will happen to you as soon as you go out. But during my work as a
bodyguard one postulate formulated by me helped me very much:
Always, no matter what you plan to do, be ready for the worst! In this
case ALL the negative moments of your life will be perceived not as a misfortune
or trouble, but as something natural. And ALL small positive moments and
pleasures will be perceived as a big and unexpected holiday.
“There is no trouble more difficult , than to underestimate the opponent”,
said Lau-zi. And in any situation, even if it does not promise anything bad, it is
necessary to be ready for the worst. And if everything, that you wished to fulfill,
turned out well - be pleased sincerely and from the bottom of your heart. And if
people from whom you waited an impact, didn’t hit you, be happy because, you
met good people. Be pleased, but do not relax! Because this perfect situation can
change any moment.
And then you will have to be able to confidently strike back.
Part 2
Hand-to-Hand Fight
The possibility that we can fail in fight, should not prevent us from fighting
, defending the thing that we consider to be the right thing.
Abraham Lincoln
Trainings are a strengthening spirit part of your normal life … You will
become capable to knock the enemy down in fights and to win only by means of
your sight. With the help of trainings you also will be able to operate your
body, conquering people with your actions, and, being sufficiently trained , you
will be able to break the will of many by the strength of your spirit. When you
achieve this , won’t that mean you are invincible?
Miyamoto Musasi, « The Book of Five Rings ».
When warriors’ hearts are filled with victory, all, That they see is their
enemy. When their hearts are filled with fear, all , that they see is fear.
Syima Fa (« Methods of Syima »). IV B.C.
Let's begin with analyzing the question, is it necessary in general to study
hand-to-hand fight and if it is, what for? Maybe it is easier just to issue a
license for the weapon, get a pistol and in relative calmness walk along dark
streets ?
Yes, it is easier, way easier. But if you never in your life were engaged in
fighting arts, imagine once again and clearly the situation described in the
chapter « Comprehension of Death ». And honestly answer the only question -
whether you can GET your weapon OUT and APPLY it?
I will answer your question. 99 percent NO !
As I already wrote, the reaction natural to a city dweller in similar conditions
is a stupor. Frequently people obediently allow criminals to do with themselves
everything, that criminals would like to.
A vivid example of this is a well- known historic fact when robbers in 1918
stopped the car of Russian president V.I.Lenin , and having robbed him,
escaped in his car. And the bodyguard of the head of the state armed by a pistol
didn’t even try to get the weapon out at all. I doubt, that in those days leaders
selected sickly and cowardly fighters to protect themselves.
But facts are obstinate. A stupor - too. And to overcome it the person needs
to realize only, that the attacking persons are not invincible monsters, but
precisely the same people, as he is. With their own fears, complexes and weak
spots. They feel the blow in the same way as you might feel it. For those who
doubt I just suggest to easily press with your finger your eye or to press the
Adam's apple with your fist. What do you feel?
Trust me, the opponent feels the same. And what happens if you don’t just
slightly press the named spots but strike with all your might ?...But still you
have to be able to do it .
It is one of the reasons why I and my pupils created the technique of hand-
to-hand fight according to the system of RSF .
To study several really working things is simple. After less than a year of
trainings it can be mastered by anyone. I repeat - anyone, regardless of their sex
and age. The problem is if the person will manage TO APPLY all the skills
when it will be necessary. This aspect is the basic one during our trainings.
Everything mentioned above concerns the weapon of self-defense as well. I
assure you - without comprehension of vulnerability of the opponent and feeling
of your own superiority (don’t confuse it with underestimation of the
opponent’s opportunities ) you will never be able to use the weapon you got .
When I say - « After less than a year of trainings it can be mastered by
anyone », I periodically see in the Internet categorical statements - it is unreal
etc. To prove their words these people bring their own experience and
numerous legends about masters of the East, who spent many years preparing
their pupils.
Probably I will agree. However, not with my opponents, but with the fact
that the methods of ancient masters are not some inventions of unscrupulous
collectors of folklore. They are objective reality which quite possibly could
take place during that time.
Let's try to understand, why training a pupil at that time lasted for years,
even decades. For this purpose we will address the book “Legends, parables and
stories about masters of fighting arts”. I bring here word-for-word the text of one
rather popular legend from this collection:
“One of popular Zen stories which was entered into the collection “Flesh of
Zen, Bones of Zen”, tells us about the son of a known fencer who made up his
mind to learn the art of his father in perfection. However, his father thought
that the son fences as a mediocre and won’t reach real skills and that’s why
refused to train him. Then the young man – his name was Matadzuro found
another well-known fencer whose name was Bandzo, but that one refused to
teach him as well.
“Do you want to study fencing as my pupil? But you cannot execute my
requirements”, he said.
However the young man insisted .
“If I work persistently, how many years will it take me to achieve the
“All your life” , responded Bandzo.
“But I cannot wait so long,” said Matadzuro, “ and I am ready to overcome
any difficulties if you take me as your pupil. If I faithfully serve you, how
much time is required then?”
“Well, ten years ,” - Bandzo seemed to soften.
“My father grows old, and soon I will have to take care of him,” - continued
Matadzuro. “ If I work even more persistently, how much years will I need
“Thirty years then”, responded Bandzo.
“How come ?!” asked Matadzuro. “At the beginning you said ten years, and
now thirty. I am ready for everything, I am ready to overcome any tests if only I
could achieve the skills quicker !”
“ Well,” said Bandzo, “ In this case you will have to remain with me for
seventy years. In such a haste a person seldom reaches the result in a short
“Well, - the young man responded, having understood at last, that he
showed inappropriate impatience here , - I agree.
Matadzuro was told to not speak about fencing anymore and not to touch a
sword. He cooked food for the Teacher , washed dishes, made bed for him ,
cleaned in the yard, worked in the garden, and didn’t even try to speak about
Three years passed . Matadzuro continued his work. Thinking of the future,
he grew sad. He didn’t even start studying the art to which he has devoted
his life.
But once Bandzo crept to him behind his back and unexpectedly struck him
an awful blow with a wooden sword. Next day, when Matadzuro was cooking
rice, Bandzo unexpectedly attacked him again. Since that day and night
Matadzuro had to expect such sudden blows. Every day and at any instant he
remembered “the taste” of Bandzo’s sword. He absolutely lost his peace and
always had to be on alert.
Some years passed before he learned to fight the blow back, wherever it
would come from. But still the Teacher was not absolutely happy with him.
Once, when Bandzo was busy cooking and bent above the saucepan to stir
its contents, Matadzuro decided, that the moment he had to use had come.
Having seized a heavy stick, he struck a blow on his Teacher’s head. But the
stick did not reach the head - Bandzo fought the blow back with the cover of
the saucepan. Only now the pupil understood the secret of skill, hidden from
him until now, and for the first time appreciated incomparable kindness of the
Teacher. So Matadzuro became the greatest fencer in the country”.
Well, I strongly doubt the latter. Fantastically patient Matadzuro with such
an approach to trainings for many years actually would learn to avoid abrupt
blows by a piece of wood and that would be all he would learn. And only to
avoid a wooden instead a fighting sword.
Masters of a knight fight know the difference in reaction of the pupil to a
training knife and to a real one very well . Seeing a sharp steel blade in hands
of the opponent the pupil, possessing techniques against a wooden or a rubber
knife in perfection, practically always gets into a stupor.
However, a similar approach to training is observed in the majority of the
schools practicing this or that kind of self-defense. Only unlike in the legend
given above, pupils do not work as slaves for the teacher. Instead they bring him
money . In exchange they run one quarter of their training time around the hall,
push-up and squat (that , by the way, can be easily done without any teacher,
free-of-charge), the other two quarters of time - make formal exercises. And if
they get lucky, about twenty minutes they are engaged in actually doing what
they came into the hall for. That is, practicing self-defense techniques.
I do not argue - it is possible to train like that for years without any visible
results. It is profitable for the trainer to stretch trainings for as much time as
possible. And so that the pupil did not run away, to add some pseudo-mysticism
of doubtful quality, rituals and stories like the one, that I have brought above.
Reducing the warm-up to twenty minutes, and occupying the rest of the
time with hand-to-hand fight, training with heavy bags and sparrings in full
contact, provided that the person didn’t come to the hall for the sake of meeting
friends and RSF is really necessary for him, after a year of trainings he will
become quite a decent fighter.
Dwelling upon this subject I like a legend from another collection “Wisdom
of the Warrior” written by Pavel Fedotov , testifying that some ancient legends
can really teach something.
“Once to the impregnable master Tszi Shi came some Buddhist monks to
find out his opinion about the Great Limit. Tszi Shi helped the monks to get to
know his opinion on that topic. But one of the monks was not really a monk. It
was Bi Jing dressed like a monk.
“Tell me Tszi Shi, do you know, how long did our instructor spend in
severe ascetism before he became such a wise man?”- he asked :
“Forty years,” the impregnable master Tszi Shi said.
“ Long forty years,” corrected Bi Jing. “And many other of our patriarchs
even more than that . And here is a young upstart Tszi Shi dares to … Well , you
Monks started thinking. “Really, in fact all our patriarchs are grey haired old
people.” Therefore the monks asked the impregnable master Tszi Shi:
“What will you say to that?
“What will I say…” the impregnable master Tszi Shi said “The Great Buddha
acted wisely when gave this thing to one person and another thing to another
person. You say that some patriarchs learned to turn the wheel of the Great
Limit only just before their death? Well, we will praise their sacred hallows. As
it seems to me it is wrong to wait for death if I know how to turn the wheel of
the limit right now”, the impregnable master Tszi Shi said. And he thought : “I
guess, those patriarchs was bad carma if the Great Buddha taught them to rotate
the wheel of the Great Limit only before sending them to heavens”. But he said
nothing to the monks not to offend them.
The thing he told them was :
“And what about the guy who puts on your clothes and speaks insincerely.
Really, is this liar your Buddhist brother?”
“Well ,” the hurt monks responded, “What sort of a brother? It is Bi Jing in
Then, as usually, Bi Jing got his share and what is interesting, the
impregnable master Tszi Shi didn’t even protect him. His liberated
consciousness of the master treated Bi Jing in a philosophical way”.
It is better to see once, than to hear or read through ten times. But if at
present for some reasons you don’t have an opportunity to find a decent school
of hand-to-hand fight and a good trainer, try to work by yourself, using this book
as a manual. In it I considered and tried to correct all the drawbacks of my
previous book, though it recently seemed to me, that it had no drawbacks and
couldn’t even have. Find yourself a partner for trainings and start training!
And - by the way - if in the future you sometime will be engaged in trainings
according to my system with one of my followers, you won’t have to write
anything down - just repeat the text of this chapter.
The system of hand-to-hand fight RSF ,which took me and the group of my
pupils many years to be created, is a synthesis of simple, powerful, and really
effective techniques of a street fight. The program of trainings brought in this
book is divided into 50 theoretical and practical trainings , plus "homeworks"
which you will have to do independently. Of course, having fulfilled these 50
trainings you, certainly, will not become a universal fighter ready for a real
tough sparring in full contact. Each practical lesson should be practiced at
least 10 times, about 2-3 lessons for a training (100-150 trainings in all), that as
a result it will make a year or a year and a half about which I wrote in the
beginning of the book. And of course , I will repeat, you should add homeworks
here as well.
More often homeworks include repetition of the exercises of the previous
lessons, “a fight with a shadow”, with a boxing bag or with a sparring partner,
exercises on stretching, balance, movements, meditation and everything, that
the trainer or you will find necessary to do. For the trainer can only tell you
about your errors, and the task only you can fulfill is to learn to feel the body,
to operate it, to reveal its weak places and to make them strong .
I will repeat the common truth - there is no limit to perfection. And I, having
been engaged in hand-to-hand fight for about fifteen years, constantly return to
the simplest techniques. Тime and again I find in my techniques mistakes which
have not been noticed by me earlier.
It does not mean at all, that you won’t be able to apply this or that method in
the street, if you didn’t train for about ten years. No, just time and again
polishing your art, you make your blows automatical, you make them up to
the level of a reflex. You don’t need to think - so, here I clench my fist, here I
raise my hand... The body makes everything , without any participation of your
mind . And each time it makes it better and better.
So - train, train and train! You should also remember - hand-to-hand fight
techniques may not happen to be useful for you in your life. But you surely will
need confidence born in enumerable sparrings, endurance, strong health and an
ideal figure, all that you got during your trainings. These things will be with
you always and, trust me, will give you invaluable support both in life, and in
business. For, if you achieved everything I mentioned above, that means , you
believe in yourself and have developed the persistence and boundless strength of
mind which are typical only for a really formed personality.
2.1 Lesson 1. The main principles of the fighting.
More correctly, the malar bone, it is not the edge of the bottom jaw as many
think, it is the bottom part of an eye-socket. To put it simpler (if professors of
anatomy will pardon me), - a little bone, located three centimeters below the
external edge of an eye.
B) The forearm.
It is not the humeral bone at all (see below), and (forgive me once again, the
above-named stars! I will put it clearly ) it is the part of an arm between the
hand and the elbow joint, consisting of an elbow bone (from a little finger up to
an elbow) and a beam bone (from the thumb up to the bottom of the biceps).
C) The shoulder.
Usually “to hang the bag over the shoulder” is to throw the belt of the bag
over the area between the top part of a trapezoid muscle (body builders name it
trapeze, that is not absolutely correct - a trapezoid muscle is much bigger – but
the name is simple and clear) and a humeral joint. In bodybuilding “to work out
shoulders” (or “deltas”) means to work out forward, average and back bunches
of deltoid muscles. The deltoid muscle is located between the “trapeze” and the
top parts of a biceps and triceps. The humeral bone, accordingly, is located
between the above-named humeral and elbow joints.
D) The hip.
The hip (or femur) is the bone located between the pelvis and the knee joint.
The forward surface of the muscles of the hip is quadriceps, the back surface
is the biceps of the hip.
And now we shall dwell upon some concepts which you will meet further
in the text.
Metatarsophalangeal bones of the first phalanxes of fingers are,
actually, those bones of the fist with which you strike a direct blow by the hand,
a hook by the hand and a number of other blows.
The shin –is the part of a leg between the foot and the knee, consisting
from tibial and fibular bones. The hitting and blocking surface of the shin is a
surface of the tibial bones which further in the text for simplicity of recognition
will be called the shin.
The broadest muscles (according to the slang of body builders they are
called “wings”) - the muscles of the back which start approximately from the
inner parts of armpits and end in the area of the bottom costal arch.
The bottom parts of the backbone is a lumbar area (by the way, the most
subject to traumas during the wrong stretching and negligent performance of
some power exercises such as drafting and crouches ), the area of the sacrum
and the tail - bone.
Achilles tendon - the tendon going from the bottom part of the muscle of
the calf of the leg up to the heel.
2.3 Lesson 3. Basics of the physical preparation of the fighter.
(Power warm-up. The initial phase of the bow with a turn. The concept of "
the sight".)
Overcoming difficult things begins with overcoming easy things, carrying
out great things begins with carrying out little things, for in the world the
difficult is formed from the easy, and the great – from the little.
Lau-zi “Dao de jing”
A universal power warm-up is a complex of exercises useful for the
health of an individual that can be carried out in any conditions – at home, on a
business trip ,let us say, anywhere where there is no special equipment at hand
and there is no time and desire to search for a decent sports hall. Carrying out the
exercises as well as you can, a minute of rest between difficult exercises
(working out abdominals, push- ups, knee-bends) - and very quickly you will
feel quite a different person.
Later on, to the sportsman who has been studying the program of RSF for
about half a year, will need an excellent power preparation (see part 4 of this
book, “ Power Preparation of the Fighter”) . But before that within six months
the beginner has to learn in working approaches just to push- up from the floor
at least 10 times and slowly make 20 knee-bends during the warm-up which
simultaneously is the first step of power preparation of the fighter.
It is necessary to begin each training with a warm-up. First seven exercises
should be made without rest, one after another. So let’s begin!
1. Warm-up of the neck
A) Inclinations of the head
The body and shoulders are motionless. From the starting posture (picture
№1) slowly incline the head to the shoulder, touching the shoulder with the ear
. While doing this try to not pull your shoulders upwards. Inclinations are made
slowly, till you feel a slight nagging pain in the neck in the final point of
exercise. You should make 2 inclinations to each shoulder.
Pictures 1-3
B) Turning the head
From the starting posture turn the head till you touch the shoulder with
the chin. 2 times to each shoulder.
Pictures 4-5
C)Rotating the head
From the starting posture we make rotations of the head. Pay attention to
the extreme points of the amplitude of the rotation represented in the pictures .
3 full rotations to each side.
Pictures 6-9
2. Warm-up of the hands
a) Take 4 fingers of the right hand in the left palm, maximally pull them to the
external side of the right forearm 5 times ( the distance between the points “the
starting position of the hand - the extreme position of the hand” 3-5 cm). Make
the same exercise with the left hand (there are two pictures - the front view and
the view from behind to show it more vividly ).
Pictures 10-13
b)Pull the thumb of the right hand by the left hand to the internal side of the
right forearm 5 times as close as possible ( the distance between the points “the
starting position of the big finger – the extreme position of the big finger” is 3-5
cm). Make the same exercise with the left finger (on the pictures the front view
and the view from behind).
Pictures 14-17
c) Rotate your hand with fingers clenched in radiocarpal joint from yourself and
towards yourself . 10 times to each side. Pay attention to the extreme points of
the amplitude of the rotations presented in the pictures.
Pictures 18-21
b)Your legs are on the width of your shoulders, half-bent, hands are on your
knees. Make rotations of the knees inwards and outwards. During the rotation
outwards it is necessary to bring the knees apart with your hands as wide as
possible .
Pictures 24-25
4. Rotation of the leg in the knee joint
The leg is lifted, the hip makes with the body the angle of 90 degrees. The
shin hangs freely, rotate it in the knee joint inwards and outwards 5-8 times in
each direction with each leg. Hands are in front of you, fists clenched, imitating
the position of hands in the basic posture (see Lesson 5), that helps the fighter
simultaneously to train keeping balance. While performing the rotation the
foot doesn’t touch the floor .
Pictures 26-27
5. Warm-up of the ankle joint
Get into the basic posture (one leg is in front of you), the foot is raised on the
toes, the knee is as high as possible. The foot plays the role of an axis around
which the rotation is made. Rotate the shin inwards - outwards 5-8 times for
each leg.
Pictures 28-29
6. Turns of the body
The given exercise is an initial phase of all blows with a turn, about
which I will tell you later.
The legs are on the shoulders’ width. Make turns backwards with the
biggest amplitude possible, and at a turn to the left the right hand protects the
face (see the picture). The left hand is a little bent in the elbow joint, the
clenched fist is at the level of the face. Besides the block from the possible blow
of the opponent at all blows with the turn, this hand serves, also as a powerful
pendulum which helps to twist the body around its imagined axis.
At blows with a turn, your task in this first phase will be by all means to see
the target to which you beat and which is behind you ( Lesson 18, « A Side
Blow by the Leg with a Turn »). Therefore, performing the given exercise, it is
necessary “to see” the imagined opponent who is behind your back. The fist of
the left hand is “the sight”, i.e. in the final phase of the turn your fist “aims” at
the place where the blow will be rendered. The description of blows with a turn
will be given below, and for now make the turns of the body , simulating the
initial phase of an blow, 5-8 times to each side. Do not forget to change hands –
at the turn to the left the right hand protects the face, at the turn to the right - on
the contrary.
Pictures 30-31
7. Working out abdominals on the floor.
Then it is necessary to work out your abdominal muscles. This exercise
usually includes from 20 up to 50 repetitions. Besides the basic applicability it is
a perfect exercise for fast warming up of all the body before the training.
The upper part of the abdominal muscles is being worked out laying on the
floor, legs half bent, the chin in the starting position is pressed to the chest. Curl
up in the direction of the groin, lingering for about half a second at the top point
of the amplitude. Try to do the exercise slowly, your body forming an arch in the
area of the stomach and tearing off from the floor only one third of the upper
It is a very widespread error - to tear off from the floor all the back and in the
final point to touch the knees with the forehead . At such a technique work
everything : legs, the bottom of the back, the force of inertia, but not the
abdominals ( to which, actually, the exercise is devoted). The feet can be fixed
(for example, training at home, having fixed them under the bed), but also in
this case the exercise should be made only due to the work of abdominals ,
without straining the legs.
Pictures 32-33
The second part of exercise.
Having worked out the upper part of the abdominals , pull the feet out from
under the support, lift the legs up, then again bend the legs in your knees and,
without tearing off the chin from the chest , curl up now in the same way, as in
the previous exercise, but simultaneously pulling your knees to the elbows.
Pictures 34-35
From this exercise we enter into the training course the concept of a
repetition and a set, taken from body building.
Repetition is one movement in the exercise, from the first point up to the
final one. In this case - from the starting position up to touching the knees with
your elbows . All the exercise from the beginning until the burning feeling in
the abdominals becomes impossible and you stopped the exercise is called a
All in all it is enough 2-3 sets for each exercise for working out the
abdominals , and the first set should be the stretching. A warm up set is made
not to its fullest strength and includes about half of repetitions of the working
approach. The interval between approaches is one minute.
8. “Rolling”[6] the shins and bones of the forearm.
It is better during the minute between approaches to make the ROLLING of
the shins and the bones of your forearm with a wooden stick for strengthening
the periosteum. Just sitting on the floor with a little effort roll a round stick on
your shins, pressing it with the palms
Pictures 36-37
Or - after the following exercise - over “ the cutting part ” of the forearms,
rolling the stick between the hands put together and the surface of the hips (
the legs are bent at the angle of 90 degrees). Bones will become stronger
quickly enough so, that the extremities will not feel any pain even while
making rather strong blocks and blows.
Pictures 38-39
9. Pushups on the fists
Pushups on the fists are carried out in three sets (the first is a warm up set,
two others are working sets).
Making pushups, sharply push you body upwards and twice slowlier get
down, not lingering in the top and bottom points. In the first working set push
up on two metatarsophalangeal bones of the first phalanxes of the index and
the middle finger, in the second - on the bones of the middle finger, the ring
finger and the little finger. During any pushups from the floor, the obligatory
position of hands is at which the internal part of the triceps rubs the broadest
muscles of the back.
Pictures 40-41
Unfortunately, now there is such a situation often enough that a person
over thirty,
can neither pull himself up on a horizontal bar, nor push -up from the floor.
But it is not the problem of those people who cannot do that - in hands of a
competent trainer the situation is far from being beyond repair. How to correct
the situation as a whole, I will tell in detail below. For now the person who gets
trainings will need a partner or a trainer who will support him by the area of
pelvis by means of the belt from a kimono, or a special device for pulling up
the weight .
Picture 42
You should begin from the starting posture when the training person is on
his knees. The partner should mind the following – to raise the person who
makes push- ups only with the help of the legs , instead of unbending in the
Pictures 43-44
After the pupil will master 10 pushups on his knees, it is possible to pass to the
position shown in the picture
Pictures 45-46
10. “Rolling” the fists
Rolling the fists is carried out in one set
Lean on your fists in the same way, as in the previous exercise. Slowly
roll from two metatarsophalangeal bones of the first phalanxes of the index and
the middle finger to the middle finger, the ring finger and the little finger within
a minute. In two or three months of trainings try to push- up with jumping up,
each time at a sharp push of your body upwards in the air changing the position
the fists in the following way : the back side of fists “looks” to the right - to the
left - a push - the back side “looks” forward.
You should consider, that at the beginning it will hurt a little!
Therefore for the beginning within a month you may bandage your hands
or use special gloves.
But the game is worth the candle!
Approximately in half a year your fist will become so strong that you will
manage without any fear of a serious trauma with all your might strike blows
to dummies and training bags of any rigidity. And, by the way, once you have
“rolled” decent fists, during all your life they will remain prepared to strike
powerful blows even if you for some reason stopped your trainings.
Pictures 47-48
If the floor in your sports hall is not wooden (or if you train in a badly
equipped cellar, or there is a carpet covering, or the training takes place on the
asphalt platform), it is recommended to make push - ups and “rolling” the
fists on a wooden board. The wooden surface of a board (especially pine)
slightly springs under the weight of your body, protecting the working surface
of the fist from microtraumas of periosteum (especially it is true for the
beginning fighters). It cannot be said about concrete or asphalt. At the same
time, “rolling” the fists on a soft carpet covering makes this exercise practically
Pictures 49-52
11. Exercises on balance
Exercises on BALANCE simultaneously develop the muscles of the calf
of the leg up to the heel, the strength and endurance of which plays an important
role during the movement of the fighter in the process of a sparring.
Stand straight ,take your foot of the bent in the knee leg in your hand.
Your knees are pressed to each other, the fist of a free hand is at the chin, keep
your back straight. Saving balance, slowly rise on your toes and slowly get
down. Make 10 repetitions of the exercise.
Pictures 53-54
Without changing your leg press your knee to the chest and make 10 more
Pictures 55-56
Without changing your leg take your shin and move the knee aside as much as
possible. Make 10 more repetitions.
Pictures 57-58
Then 10 times unbend the leg to the side imitating a lateral kick (the
description of the impact is given in the lesson 17 “The Top Lateral Kick”).
Your free hand is extended along the unbending leg.
Pictures 59-60
Without changing your leg extend your leg aside and, keeping it in this
position, (one hand is extended along the leg, the fist is near the chin) raise on
your toes 10 times.
Pictures 61-62
Change your legs and repeat the exercise. Later it is possible to do it,
having taken a small dumbbell in the hand, the fist of which is near the face.
12. Squats
Squats are carried out in three sets. The starting position – your arms are
crossed in front of the chest, your knees are necessarily slightly bent so that to
feel the strain in the muscles of your hips.
The first set is a warm up set, the second and the third sets are carried out
using your utmost strength. We begin squats, slowly rising upwards and twice
as slowly getting down to the position when hips will be parallel to the floor.
Keep your back straight!
For you to have a better understanding of the exercise the front and side
views are shown in the pictures.
Pictures 63-66
Squats are a pretty difficult exercise, especially for the beginners. But,
doing a power warm-up, you should remember, that you train for the sake of
your health, strength, endurance and longevity. If during the training you lie to
yourself what is the purpose of training at all?
But here you are, finished the exercise - and understood, that could make
two or three more repetitions but felt pity for yourself…
No trouble! In a minute repeat the exercise once again until your legs
refuse to serve you, and you against your wish will get down to the floor. By the
way, this very unpleasant exercise is one of three basic exercises of power
lifting or power triathlon (squats, draft, pushups from the floor) and belongs to
the so-called “the gold three” of bodybuilding (the same three exercises),
deservedly considered most useful for the development of general strength,
weight and endurance of an organism.
By the way, someone from the stars of bodybuilding says , that it is
possible not to do anything else but “the gold three” and get an extreme
muscular weight and improbable strength.
After performing squats you should sit for a minute on the floor slightly
massaging your hips and knees and start stretching.
2.4 Lesson 4. Stretching.
If you wish to achieve in future a filigree work of your legs you will need a
good stretching , though for fulfilling the main techniques of RSF necessary for
a street fight, Van Damme’s split is not required for you. Therefore in advance
define for yourself the time that you consider necessary to spend on the
exercises given below. The necessary minimum is ten minutes for a training,
maximum - from half an hour a day and more.
To make the stretching is recommended right after the warm-up when the
muscles and ligaments are warmed up as much as possible and the danger of
trauma practically equals zero.
But be cautious!
Incompetence of the partner or the trainer, and also your excessive diligence
mismatching your training experience, can lead to a serious trauma! Therefore
while performing the exercises on stretching pay attention to your sensations.
Don’t let the pain become intolerable!
I believe, that many enthusiasts are ready to endure it and even more. But it
will not do any better! It will get worse. You should learn listen to your own
body and distinguish the pain which leads to productive results and the pain
leading to an inevitable and hard to be cured trauma .
1. Bends to the knee.
The legs are on the width of your shoulders, your knees are straight . A
bend to the left knee. The palm of the right hand lies a little bit above the left
knee, the left hand - on the left shin.
Do not make sharp movements! Slowly, gradually stretch in the direction
of the left knee, but do not round your back, as shown in the picture. It is a
mistake! At constant stretching that is carried out in such a way for a long time
, you risk to receive a serious trauma of the lower part of the backbone.
Picture 67 (incorrect)
The way of making the exercise that is shown in the picture 68 is the only
right one and safe for bends to the knee.
Picture 68 (correct)
Having felt a painful sensation in the biceps of your hip – the muscle
going from the bottom part of the cluneal muscles up to the popliteal bend,
you should stop, fix yourself in this position, wait, till the pain disappears -
and slowly continue the movement downwards. It is the main principle of any
stretching. Do the same with the right leg. Make bends for 1,5-2 minutes to each
2. Stretching the biceps of the hip while sitting.
Sit down on the floor. Your legs are straight and brought together. Throw a
cord or a belt over your feet and slowly bend to your knees. Mentally relax your
legs but don’t forget to keep your back straight! If you do not observe this rule,
as well as in the first exercise, you risk in the course of time to get a trauma of
the bottom parts of the backbone!
Picture 69 (incorrect) Picture 70 (correct)
By means of meditation switch off the pain, imagining it in the form of
drops disappearing in the floor. Breathe deeply, with each exhalation bending
lower and fixing yourself in this position.
It is also possible to pull your right leg under yourself (the heel as close to
the groin as possible) and, having thrown the belt over the left foot, make bends
only to the left leg. After 1.5 minutes of the stretching change your legs.
Picture 71
It is possible to make this exercise while standing as well, having put the leg
on a window sill, a gymnastic bar or a universal simulator of my invention. In
this case you won’t need a belt. Both for an advanced sportsman, and for the
beginner at such a variant of stretching the danger to hurt the bottom
departments of the backbone considerably decreases.
Pictures 72-73
3. Stretching the groin ligaments while sitting.
Sit down on the floor. Having put the feet together, pull them as close to
the groin as possible.
Picture 74
Having taken the ankle joints with your hands, with your elbows pull your
legs apart, stretching the groin ligaments within three minutes.
Picture 75
The note:
In this exercise it is useful, if the trainer or the partner will cautiously press
your knees, helping to stretch the groin ligaments as much as possible.
Picture 76
4. Stretching with the partner for a direct blow by the leg.
While stretching with the partner it is possible to put the leg on his
shoulder. If in such a position it is difficult for you to keep balance - lean your
back against the wall.
Your leg is straight, the partner fixes your knee with the hand, and you at
this time slowly bend forward, saving your back perfectly straight. In case of a
sufficient preparation of the person training, his partner can slowly rise on the
toes, increasing by doing that the intensity of the stretching. Making this
exercise it is useful to shake, slightly tap and knead popliteal ligaments and the
biceps of your leg being stretched.
Picture 77
6. Stretching on a block.
One more variant of two preceding exercises, but already without the help
of a partner. Make a simple device. Take a stick which is 50-60 mm in
diameter and 300-400 mm in length and drill in it two apertures trough, as it is
shown in the picture. You should attach a strong cord (it is better to get a
parachute strip) which is about one and a half meter in length with one end to
the stick through the drilled apertures, to its other end fasten a leather loop.
Pictures 79-80
The cord is thrown over a block or a horizontal bar, the stick is in your
hands, your leg is in the loop. Rotating the stick, reel the cord up on it. Pull
your leg upwards until you get painful sensations in the area of the biceps of
your hip. The same as and in the previous exercise, having reached the widest
possible angle between the centre of gravity and the supporting leg, make bends
to the knee, and also turn as if for a lateral blow by the leg and back to the
position of a direct blow by the leg, (see Lesson 15, “A Direct Blow by the
Pictures 81-82
7. A Split.
For beginners (and not only for them) performing a split is rather
problematic. To train a split lean on your fists against the floor, pull your legs to
the sides as wide as it is possible and in such a position, stepping on your fists
back, sit down on the floor.
Picture 83
So, you are sitting on the floor, your legs are as much apart to the sides
as possible. Take a belt or a cord, throw it over your foot and slowly reach for
your knee, keeping your back straight . After one and a half minutes of
stretching to the left leg, for one minute and a half reach to the right leg.
Picture 84
The help of the partner will be useful to you in performing the following
exercise. Sitting opposite ,you the partner, pressing with the heels the area of
your ankles, will pull you by your hands or by the belt in your hands, leaning
back. For both sportsmen it is important to keep backs straight!
Picture 85
One more variant of stretching with the help of your partner - he, standing
behind you, presses at your shoulders, providing the maximum bends possible
to the your knees.
Pictures 87-88
It is desirable, that your partner is either a skilled sportsman, or a qualified
trainer. Do not give your health to people who are not qualified! In fact during
the stretching, your muscles and ligaments are in an extremely dangerous
situation and it is enough for your partner to make a superfluous movement and
your leg will be seriously injured. Therefore if you are not sure of your partner,
it is better to make the stretching alone.
Now try to sit down in a longitudinal split. Certainly, to make this exercise at
once is hardly possible, therefore stretch little by little having rested your fists
on the floor and getting up and down at a very small amplitude. Half a minute to
each side.
Picture 89
After all the main exercises for stretching it is useful to make 8-10 moves by
each leg forward and upwards for the ligaments and biceps of the hips to relax.
Keep your leg straight and the toes extended. From the basic posture (Lesson
5) make a move with a “back” leg and return to the starting posture. If you
make moves after the exercises on stretching, next day your legs will hurt way
Pictures 91-92
Then you should gradually pass to moves by a “front” leg, and do not put it
on the floor after each move, leaving the foot in the starting position –holding it
in midair five-ten centimeters from the floor. Besides its direct purpose, this
exercise will improve your feeling of balance and, probably, will play some role
in forming the habit to work in a sparring by a “front” leg.
Relax your legs, make a light massage during 1 or 2 minutes, slightly beat
with the edge of a palm those areas which as you feel, have undergone the most
intensive stretching. And pass to the basic training.
In trainings on hand-to-hand fight the training time is distributed
approximately in the following way: - 30-35 minutes for a power warm-up and
stretching, plus 1 hour or 1 hour and 20 minutes for the fighting section (blows,
blocks, sparrings etc.)
Now some words about power training of the fighter.
After my book “ Real Street Fight” in which besides hand-to-hand section
there is a detailed course of bodybuilding, besides the overwhelming majority
of positive responses of my readers, in the Internet among the responses on my
book I met an opinion in which the author expressed a rather categorical
opinion on the subject that “the fighter doesn’t need bodybuilding”.
I would not underline this rather disputable statement if earlier I did not meet
a similar opinion that bodybuilding slows down the blows and the mobility is
For all my long-term practice I only saw about ten real fighters. They were
athletes weighing from 90 up to 120 kg, familiar with iron not by hearsay,
surprisingly mobile and … surprisingly peaceful in communication.
And terrible in their technique on the ring.
Certainly, occasionally there are also rare exceptions who during the
trainings pay more attention to the isometric power trainings (to shift objects
that cannot be shifted and tear off objects that cannot be torn off), but they only
confirm the general rule.
By the way, proceeding only from own experience, I can say, that the
persons who really can do something of value, will never try to prove their
opinion at any cost. They will state it once and if it will not be understood –
they simply will not consider it necessary to continue a useless dispute. What
for? And it is not only my opinion.
“A noble man is exacting to himself, a disgraceful man is exacting to
another one…”
Confucius “Lunjuy”
“ The one who knows, does not speak. The one who speaks, does not know”
Lau-zi, “Dao de jing”
I am sure , that for example to perform a really powerful hook by the hand
and keep the muscles or ligaments of your shoulder and the radiocarpal joint
safe , you will need if not professional bodybuilding, but at least power
preparation, about which I will tell you in more details a little bit later.
More detailed arguments in favor of bodybuilding and power preparation of
the fighter, and also its detailed description are given in a separate part of this
book devoted to this question.
Enthusiasm is a good thing. But not to overdo, it is necessary to strictly
keep to the schedule of trainings. And (especially at the beginning) to limit
trainings to two trainings a week on hand-to-hand fight and to one ( maximum
- two) - on bodybuilding.
Training on bodybuilding also lasts about one and a half or two hours, but a
warm-up shouldn’t take more than three-five minutes (Lesson 3, items 1-7) then
one should make exercises for the abdominals (see chapter “Bodybuilding and
power training”), which in itself simultaneously is also a good warm-up before
performing other exercises.
The training scheme of the starting fighter will look approximately like
Monday - hand-to-hand fight (1.5-2 hours),
Tuesday - rest,
Wednesday - bodybuilding, power training (1.5 - 2 hours),
Thursday - rest,
Friday - hand-to-hand fight (1.5-2 hours),
Saturday and Sunday - rest, as all normal people do (I would like to hope,
that everything is still not so bad). Thus trainings on hand-to-hand fight
simultaneously perform the function of cardio training ( the training of a cardiac
muscle) and aerobics, as means of deleting the surplus of hypodermic fat.
More advanced fighters with the experience of trainings from a year and
more can insert into the schedule one more training according to their choice -
hand-to-hand fight or bodybuilding.
It is better to train when you both feel your best (ask to yourself a question
who you are- “a lark” or “ an owl”?) and thus will not be nervous, being afraid
to be late for job or for any other important occasions. Switch off your
cellphone and for a couple of hours get away from the world, having plunged
into the most fascinating world of work at your Body and Spirit!
For the beginning during the first year of trainings three trainings a week
are enough to feel in a more or less decent form, to get rid of the surpluses of
hypodermic fat, complexes and low self-esteem.
But it is only the beginning!
Further - I am sure - trainings will become an integral part of your life. You
will want to become even better, stronger, more hardy. Self-improvement will
become your hobby without which you will not be able to imagine your life.
2.5 Lesson 5. The basic posture.
A big tree grows from a small, a nine-floor tower begins from a handful of soil,
a travel of one thousand li starts from one step.
Lau-zi, “Dao de jing”
There are no special postures in a street fight. For the beginning I suggest
to learn a single “posture” if it is possible to call it like that. You go forward
and suddenly, having made a step, remain in this position …Your legs are on the
width of the shoulders, the center of gravity is a little bit displaced to the leg
which is a little bit moved forward. Your body does not deviate neither
sideways, nor backwards. It only slightly moves forward, that is natural as if
during usual walking. All the blows, blocks and movements rotate around the
imagined axis which goes though the point , being on the trapezoid muscle (the
muscle being between the humeral joint and the neck) and also perpendicular
the floor. Later it will be called “ the axis of the back shoulder”.
For the convenience the hand (and the leg), that is closer to the imagined
opponent, that is called “front”, the farther one -“back”. The “back” hand
always protects the chin, the index finger of the fist always is in the field of
between the temporal and malar bone. The “front” hand is ahead, approximately
in half a meter from the “back” one. The fist of the “front” hand is at the level
of the middle of the chest . With changing the position of the legs, the hands ,
accordingly, change places. The right leg is behind - the right hand is at the
person’s face- and on the contrary.
The striking part of the fist of the “front” hand is the border of the
personal zone which in the fight should be protected in every way from the
penetration into it the extremities of the attacking opponent.
The main aim of any – I will repeat - any variant of hand-to-hand fight –
either real, or sports - is to get into the personal zone of your opponent and while
doing that try to keep the striking surfaces of his extremities as far from yours
as possible.
The centre of gravity of the fighter ALWAYS is a little bit displaced to the
side of the "front" leg regardless if he protects himself or attacks!
If you draw in your mind a straight line from the tip of your nose
downwards, it will pass precisely through the patella of the “front” leg !
I italicized two previous sentences not by chance!
Constantly, being already even a skilled fighter, check from time to time
these two major postulates!
The person, in fight who leaned back is already half defeated! He has the
“front” knee, the groin, the bottom of the stomach open for the attack of the
opponent and - the main thing –it is enough for the opponent to give him even
an insignificant push to the upper part of the body - and the fighter will
necessarily lose his balance, that in fight often is equivalent to a defeat …
Let us sum it all up.
1) Your knees are half bent and spring, as if you are a skier who is sliding
down a mountain (“a posture of the skier”).
2) Your heels are 1-2 cm from the floor.
3)Your elbows are pressed to the body.
4) The “back” fist is at the level of your eyes (but is located so that not to
prevent from seeing things ).
5) The “front” fist is at the level of the middle of your chest and is also
located so that it did not prevent from seeing the opponent.
6) The chin is pressed to the chest.
7) Your sight (out –of -focus) is directed to the area of the solar plexus of
your opponent.
Rehearsing the basic posture, let’s remember the posture of a duellist with
a pistol. He achieved the least area of defeat - the forearm covered the chest, the
“back” shoulder moved back, etc.
Stand in front of a mirror in the basic posture and see - if your heart, the
liver, the area of your solar plexus and the chin are closed -it is excellent. Now it
is enough a slightest movement around the axis of the “back” shoulder to protect
all the other parts of your body from a prospective attack of the opponent.
Pictures 93-94
By no means get into any posture before the fight!
It appears either during making the first blow(the leg slides forward), or
while protection, during making a block (accordingly, the leg slides back).
And one more of the basic mistakes which every starting fighter makes: at
moving forward and back (see Lesson №36 “Moving. Drifting from the Line of
the Attack”) your legs always slide as if on two rails relatively your aim. Never
put your legs on one line (the line of attack) in relation to your opponent or the
training device. This posture is extremely unstable and any - even a weak
enough - lateral blow will take you down together with your block. Movements
and protecting the “front” knee are also inconvenient enough in such a posture
Picture 95 (incorrect)
Picture 96 (correct)
This sharp displacement of the pelvis is the secret of powerful, sharp and
imperceptible impacts of small and light people from the East. At impacts,
blocks and movements the pelvis drags the hand, the leg and all the body of the
fighter. A jerk of the pelvis forward provides impacts, blocks and moving
forward, a jerk back – blows by the legs backwards, displacements of the body
backwards, etc.
I read lots of books on fighting arts and I am still surprised - why in none
of them nothing is said about this technique and if something is said, it is said
very briefly, though, judging by films, all more or less decent fighters actively
apply it. I will try to correct this mistake.
For the beginning we will dwell upon the basic movement by the pelvis
on the example of several impacts and consisting of them the fighting
combinations meant for a quick knocking the opponent down.
2.7 Lesson 7. A blow to the groin.
Before we start studying impacts in details, learn, remember, write on the
poster in big letters and hang up above your training bag the following words:
ANY movement forward - the EXHALING, ANY RETURNABLE
movement – the INHALING.
It means, that at absolute any blows, blocks or movements you powerfully
exhale. And during the moment of return, getting your extremities out from your
training shell or the body of the opponent – you inhale shortly and powerfully.
While moving the inhalation follows right after the movement (which, by the
way, often occurs together with a blow or a block).
So, the blow to the groin.
The striking surface is all the shin plus the upper part of the foot, that is,
with what you will hit - that will work. The main thing is- the blow shouldn’t
be like a “football” one, that is it shouldn’t be made only due to the unbending
of the leg in the knee joint. In this case, as soon as the leg is unbent in the knee
joint and rises on the anatomic block, the impact will end here, without having
developed the greatest destructive force possible.
To fully use the fighting potential of this blow , your leg should be slightly bent
and completely fixed in the knee joint. It should make as high move as possible,
moving only in the coxofemoral joint.
Pictures 103-106
Then it will be not a click, but a high-grade blow from which suffer both
genitals, and a bladder and even the bottom departments of intestines.
The blow will be much stronger, if an impulse, a jerk sending the leg
upwards, will proceed not only from the tightening of the muscles, but also
from a powerful jerk by the edge of the pelvis of the hitting leg forward. Thus
the foot of the supporting leg necessarily should rise a little on the toes and
during the impact turn 45-90 degrees. Do not forget - the body is inclined
After the blow do not pull the leg to yourself (a widespread mistake), you
should put it forward as if you simply made a wide step.
A little deviation from the subject:
In the situation of a near fight on a short distance a simple combination
of the impact by the knee or the bottom third of the hip of the “back”leg to
the groin (on a short distance in this case some space is necessary for a leg) and
attacking bent from the previous impact opponent to the face by the same
Pictures 107-112
2.8 Lesson 8. A direct blow by the elbow.
The DIRECT BLOW by the ELBOW – is a concept. Bend a “front”
hand in the elbow to the angle of 90 degrees so that also the humeral bone
made 90 degrees with your thorax. Actually, the chest of the opponent is broken
not by the elbow, but your humeral bone, in the first combination described in
the following lesson is brought down on the target during the moment when
you, having struck to the groin, fall forward. At working off such a blow mind
so that not an easily injured elbow joint entered into the target,but the so-called
elbow bone of the forearm (the one , that in on the side of a little finger) 2-3
centimeters from the joint (the projection of the humeral bone to the elbow bone
of the forearm). Remember – at a direct blow by the elbow the angle between
the humeral bone and the forearm makes approximately 100 degrees.
Pictures 113-114
A direct blow by the elbow is more than a dangerous technique.
Moreover –to my mind, it is one of the most real ways so to say by “bare
hands” to send to forefathers practically any person.
Lift the hitting hand a little bit higher - and the throat of your opponent
will be broken by a terrible impact. Only in this case the hand enters into the
target by the middle part of the elbow bone, that is, by the forearm (that bone
which you roll at a warm-up).
While working off straight blows by the elbow and the forearm with the
partner be extremely cautious! You should necessarily pay attention – when you
strike a direct blow by the forearm to the throat it is hard to miss. The forearm
as if slides along the chest of the opponent and is stuck precisely under his chin.
Pictures 115-117
At the moment of rendering the blow to the groin it is possible to make a
blinding blow by the back side of the palm to the eyes of your opponent.The
blow is rendered for a share of second before your leg touches the opponent’s
groin. Thus at good technique the hand should not strain at all - the impulse of a
jerk by the pelvis will bring it forward.
Picture 123
Pay attention!
In the following series of pictures the variant of the first combination in
style of working “on a contour” is presented. Protection of the opponent will be
swept away by a powerful direct blow by the elbow and he falls back together
with the protection. At fast and sharp striking this blow the breaking the bones
of the forearm of the opponent is quite probable.
Pictures 124- 128
On long - and in a real fight - average distance - I prefer to render strike
blows by legs to the from a “front” leg. At a correct technique they are only
slightly weaker than blows from a “back” leg, but it is much more difficult for
the opponent to block them. The "forward" leg is always located more close to
the opponent and for the achievement of the target should pass a way smaller
way , rather than to a “back” leg. Therefore blows from a “front” leg are much
more quickly, more imperceptible and, accordingly, more effective.
Pay attention!
On an average and a long distance (and also on a short in case the
opponent has fallen back after your blow), never return your leg in a starting
posture regardless what leg you struck with! It takes too much time!
It gives the opponent time and opportunity to come to senses and make a
counterattack! Even if you have struck from the “back” leg, always put it
forward and continue the attack. In the series of pictures as the continuation of
the attack direct
blows by the elbow to the chest are shown.
Pictures 129-133
And to the throat of the opponent
Picture 134
You should only expose the weapon when you are firmly going to apply
it !
And if you have begun a fight with a serious opponent, it means, it is necessary
to neutralize him completely, having deprived him of his ability to further
resistance! So, having rendered any blow by the leg , it is necessary to put it
forward and to continue a series of blows.
Before the full neutralization of the attacking. Remember, what even the
opponent who has fallen to the ground can get out a pistol while you will pull
your legs back in elaborate movements of formal exercises!
I also would like to direct your attention to a boxing bag and to the
equipment for hand-to-hand fight in general. For the beginning I will bring here
an old legend which I met in many sources (in particular, this very text is taken
from the book “Legends, histories, parables about masters of fighting arts”,
published by the Northwest Center of the school “Setokan-karatedo”)
“ Matsumura had lots of pupils and among them there was a pretty stupid
one. No matter how his teachers and senior comrades tried to explain him
combinations of techniques, ways of maneuvering, attacking and protecting ,
all was in vain. The only thing the fool knew how to do was to beat all day long
at his straw makivara (makivara – a special device for strengthening the
extremities through “beating” at it), and he didn’t want to listen to anything
else. After Matsumura’s death his best pupils went to different places and
opened their own schools. Only a few remained in Suri.
Once prince Simadzu invited them to his castle and announced, that he
wishes to watch a fight between a representative of the famous Matsumura
school with a well-known karateka Osima Hitosi, who till that time did not
suffer a single defeat.
Matsumura’s pupils grew sad and started thinking. They knew very well,
that according to the rules of such fights nothing could guarantee lives to the
fighters , and nothing could guarantee even safety. The only one who wanted to
participate in the fight was the long forgotten fool, fond of makivara.
He was allowed to fight with Osima. All expected Osima’s easy victory
and mocked the unlucky fool. Really, the fight ended just after the beginning.
When a severely beaten champion was lifted from the floor, he was
muttering to himself: “ Well, what can you do here! You strike him with the fist,
he chops off the hand, you kick him - he breaks off the leg !..” And the foolish
Matsumura’s pupil explained to the puzzled judges: “ I got very well from my
Teacher’s words the only one thing: if someone beats you by the hand –break
this hand. If someone beats you by the leg – break that leg. So I beat as if I beat
makivara …”
The training bag which you see in the picture 118, is made from the bull
leather, it is 4 mm thick, filled with rubber crumb and rags, it weighs 100 kg
,it’s density way exceeds the density of a human body. I ordered it without
regretting money for this purchase ( the cost of such a bag with a suspension
bracket is about 500 dollars) - and I was not disappointed in the purchase.
Despite my long-term engagement in hand-to-hand fight, after the first
impacts to the bag my skin got off the fists . And only after several months of
trainings I could work with this device with naked hands and legs in full force.
At the beginning my pupils who train with me individually, undergo the
same problems. But later …
By the way, you should take into consideration , that any even a training
bag of the best quality loses the density quickly enough .The stuffing gets
lower from blows and the top part of the bag becomes "empty". Therefore don’t
be lazy from time to time to stuff your training device time and again. Judging
from my experience I can say, that even in a very densely filled big bag in due
course you will be able to put one more wadded blanket cut to pieces. And only
then the bag ceases to loose its density, becoming similar to makivara,
described in the ancient legend.
2.10 Lesson 10. A blow by the palm to the nose.
Let's study the blow to the nose by the palm.
It is rendered by the "front" hand and in its technique differs from the
direct blow by the elbow only in the thing that the striking hand is unbent in
the elbow joint and you beat by the basis of the strained palm from below to the
area of the nostrils of your opponent.
Pictures 135-137
It is desirable to imagine that you are some sort of a fighting robot.
While “milling” the opponent imagine that your forearms, shins and fists
constantly “rolled” by you, are sharp edges and hammers with which you clear
the way for you.
The BASIC MISTAKES at developing the first two combinations.
a) The fists of both hands (except the variant of an blow by the palm) are not
compressed with the maximal force.
b)The body deviates backwards.
c)The “back” hand gets downwards.
The “back” hand always when it is not involved directly in the impact or
the block, should be pressed to the body by the internal side of the forearm, and
its clenched fist - I remind - is at the level of your eyes.
d)Your nose and the knee of the “front” leg are not on one line, perpendicular
to the floor.
e)putting the weight of your body to the “front” knee is insufficient.
f) the “back” shoulder goes way too backwards.
g)there is no “out-of-focus sight” and no exhalation at striking blows.
2.12 Lesson 12. The third combination.
During the conflict with the limited space (the lift, tambour of the car,
etc.) it is expedient to apply the third combination.
How to strike a direct blow by the forearm to the throat (a variant of a
direct blow by the elbow) is described in detail in Lesson 8.
Having struck the above-named blow, continue the movement and,
having pressed the opponent to the wall, beat him with the knee “on a contour”,
that is wherever you can. The muscle of a hip, a knee, a groin - any of these
places is extremely easily and painfully injured by sharp, short blows by the
knees. In the end strike a circular blow by the elbow (in detail see Lesson 25) to
the temporal area or the jaw by the same hand, by the forearm of which you
have struck the previous blow. The effect from the circular blow by the elbow
will be maximal if during the moment of striking the blow by the fist of the
striking hand will be strongly pressed to the biceps, and the jerk by the pelvis
will include in the blow the weight of the body.
In the series of pictures the third combination for a clearer understanding
is presented both from a left side and from a right side posture, three pictures
for each posture.
Pictures 146-150
2.13 Lesson 13. A direct blow by the hand.
Practically it is the same, as a blow by the palm, only is struck by the
fist. At striking the impact the fist enters by the “working rolled” part the nose,
the chin or the Adam’s apple of the potential opponent.
Let's see what a direct blow by the "front " hand is . The movements of
the body , the pelvis and the “front” hand are absolutely similar to the
movements at a direct blow by the elbow. Only the configuration of the
striking hand varies.
For the beginning stand 10-15 cm from a paw or a training bag, extend
your striking hand forward, completely fix it in the elbow and humeral joints
and sharply pull your body forward as at a direct blow by the elbow. Your hand
will hit the target all the same!
Pictures 151-152
When you master this movement, you will only need to stand in a basic
posture and to add to it unbending the striking hand in the elbow joint.
Pictures 153-154
A direct blow from the "back" hand consists of your twisting the pelvis and
throwing the fist of the “back” hand to the opponent. The essence of the
impact, as well as the essence of all RSF technique, is not in that, how well
your hand will work, but in the fact how correctly you include the weight of all
your body in the impact.
1. In the basic posture transfer all the weight of your body to the “front” knee
in the direction to the target.
Pictures 155-156
2. Keeping the weight of your body on the “front” leg, by a powerful jerk of
the pelvis send the clenched fist of the “back” hand to the target.
Pictures 157-158
You should train separately pulling the knee forward, the turn of the
pelvis and the unbending of the hand, after that unite these three movements
in one.
The elbow of the striking hand should not get sideways at the moment of
the impact, for because of that the energy of the blow will be lost
b)the opponent sees your blow.
It is easier for him to block your blow or avoid it.
For working out this blow imagine , that you fight in a very narrow
tunnel. All the impacts do not get beyond the border of your body. Only in this
case the energy of the impacts is not scattered in space and it is hard to see
them for the opponent (the principle of a “missile”).
For the elbow at a direct blow by the hand did not get beyond the limits of
the imagined “tunnel”, stand closely to the door jamb sideways and strike
blows to the air so that at the mistake the elbow hit the jamb. An hour of such
a training will be enough to forget for ever about an elbow getting sideways.
One more widespread mistake at blows by hands - raising the shoulder
upwards. Get rid of it in front of the mirror. The consequence of this mistake is
the same - the waste of energy of the blow on superfluous movements, rigidity,
plus the fact that the opponent sees your blow or the intention to strike it , plus
you unfairly open your liver (at the impact from the right hand) or the spleen (at
the impact from the left one). By the way, I will say here, that the blow to the
ribs is also rather an unpleasant thing for the one who missed it. Therefore
during the training you should constantly think whether your elbows cover
your sides. In a real fight you have no time to think about that.
Blows by the hands are struck by the most convenient for you surface of
your fist without any turns - as you stand in the posture so you should beat.
Superfluous “twisting”, “tucking” of the hand only scatter the energy of the
impact into space. In addition, “having overwound” the fist you risk to get to
the face of the opponent by the little finger not having the support on the
bone of the forearm in the point of the impact therefore at a strong enough blow
you, most likely, will receive a serious trauma of the hand.
At a direct blow offered by me, the fist is static and the resulting
“feedback” from the blow is in regular intervals distributed for all the hand,
that practically excludes the risk of a trauma. And it is absolutely all the same,
whether you get to the chin of the opponent by metatarsophalangeal bones of
the first phalanxes of the index and middle or middle, ring and little fingers.
Picture 159
Lift the extended arm in front of you, relax the hand. Now sharply clench it
into the fist. Pay attention to the correct clenching the fist - the thumb fixes the
index and middle fingers, the back side of the palm is on one line with the
Pictures 160-161
Approach the wall and press your clenched fist to it . The surface which
will touch the wall will be the basic “working” surface of your fist natural to
your anatomy. More often it is the middle - the ring finger and the little finger.
But in a fight the opponent moves, therefore on trainings you should strengthen
all the fist – you never know what “working” part of it will hit the surface in a
real fight.
Pictures 162-163
I will remind here – you should strengthen the fists as it has been described
above (Lesson 3), making pushups from a wooden surface (it is better if it is not
varnished) “rolling” the hitting striking “cutting” part of the fist while making
push- ups. For example you make 5 push -ups on the metatarsophalangeal bones
the first phalanxes of the index and middle fingers, the following five - on the
bones of the middle finger, the ring finger and the little finger. “Roll” the fists on
metatarsophalangeal bones of the first phalanxes of the middle fingers leaning
on your fists and without stopping the pushups. Get up and down slowly,
keeping your back straight.
Change the position of hands “ further forward - more close backwards”,
but do not forget, that at any push- ups the position of hands at which the
internal part of the triceps at push- ups rubs the broadest muscles of your back,
is obligatory.
Also you should remember one axiom.
At striking absolutely all blows by hands the fist is always clenched with
the maximal strength.
The same case is with striking blows by the legs - toes are always strained
and are as much as possible extended from the striking leg or, depending on
the blow, pulled to the leg.
If you do not observe this simple rule you sooner or later by all means will
injure your wrist or foot.
Especially at the beginning you should always carry with you in your
pockets five-rouble coins. And from time to time, passing in the street by any
comrade of a dangerous exterior, with a maximal force clench the coins in the
fists, mentally imagining as metal is being rumpled. While doing that keep
your hands in your pockets and apply the principle of the out-of-focus sight so
that your fists and impudent sight did not provoke any argument. At the same
time imagine, how you will behave , if that argument still takes place. And
even if it does (in the street everything is possible and often without any reason.
Therefore you chose to study RSF), the coins in your fists will add to your
every blow a couple of kilograms of power influence. Constantly performing
this exercise, you beside training your forearms, and also principles of the out-
of-focus sight and modelling, receive a steady reflex of clenching fists seeing
potential danger.
2.14 Lesson 14. Two direct blows by the hands.
Two blows, or a double straight one – means striking two direct blows at the
beginning from the “front”, and then - from the “back” hand.
I think, that it is not necessary to concentrate your special attention on this
lesson if you have laboriously worked at the previous ones. I will only say, that
it is desirable to strike the first blow to the nose of the opponent, the second – to
the opened after the first blow Adam’s apple.
Pictures 164-169
Both blows go “through”, on “carrying out ”, that is, pushing the target as
deep as possible, instead of tapping it by your fists without serious
consequences. It is natural that having “shot” at the first blow the front edge of
the pelvis provides a more powerful impact from the “back” hand due to the
effect of a pendulum.
Pay attention to the series of pictures - a jerk forward at the impact from a
“front” hand has to be performed with such a might , that you even have to slide
forward a little bit on the foot of the front leg by inertia .The next blow from
the “back” hand should be weaker - simultaneously with it the “back” leg is
pulled up to the basic posture . It is natural, that the hands not engaged in the
blows protect your face and your body.
Please, keep it in mind!
At a successful blow from a “front” hand the target will be displaced back.
Therefore, to get it by the second blow , you should “sit down” on the “front”
knee. While practicing these two blows on a paw or on a boxing bag try to
always strike both blows with identical force.
In boxing there is such a method – the blow from the “front” is considered
a distracting one or an impact-sight for the subsequent attack, and the main
blow is considered the one from the "back" hand.
A radically incorrect approach!
Watch all the videorecordings of the fights of brothers Klitschko. These
talented fighters basically “shoot” their opponents by the blows from a “front”
hand, not getting involved in any exchange of impacts, not letting them on the
distance of the dangerous near fight, and working by the “bunches” from both
hands only when the opponent is open for certain. And thus they often achieve
by the impacts from a “front” hand much more, than by these very “bunches”.
2.15 Lesson 15. A direct blow by the leg.
This blow differs from a direct blow by the hand only that by the jerk of
the pelvis and the forward movement of the body forward you throw your leg
at your opponent instead of the clenched fist. The direct blow by the leg
consists of two phases.
a)Carrying out of the leg forward
b) The impact.
Naturally, in fight both phases merge in one movement, taking only shares
of second.
At the blow from the “front” leg you, having struck, put the leg forward a
little bit further, than it stood in the basic posture then continue your attack.
At the blow from the “back” leg, the blow takes place with the change of the
posture, i.e.. after striking the blow you from a primary left side posture get into
a right side one.
Please, pay attention!
Many pupils make such a mistake - after the blow from the "back" leg
they get back in the starting posture.
By no means!
You attack, so you move towards your opponent, hence, after the impact
you make a step in his direction , changing the posture.
At the moment of raising your leg you pull your striking leg between
your hands, as a spear between two shields , turning the pelvis concerning the
axis in the "back" shoulder approximately on half of the amplitude which is
necessary for a good blow. Hands, as well as legs, change places, i.e. if in a
left side posture the right hand protected the jaw and was at the eye level now
it is ahead, the forearm covers the area of the thorax.
Carrying out the leg forward at the direct blow by the leg is similar to a
blow to the groin!
That is, by absolutely the same movement, as at the blow to the groin
you bring your leg on a necessary height then by the movement of the pelvis
roll your leg into the target, strengthening the impact by unbending the leg in
the knee joint till it gets straight .The blow can be rendered either by the heel,
or by the basis of the toe , that is , in my opinion, more preferable.
At the last moment , when the leg has already struck a blow and pushed it
further due to the movement of the pelvis, the legs form a 90 degree angle
which you practiced during the stretching with the partner and which is a
necessary condition for a direct and lateral blow by the leg. Put (necessarily
with a powerful exhalation, but not with a shout – you don’t need any
superfluous attention in the street, do you?) all the weight of your body to the
impact, without moving after the blow neither sideways, nor back - and success
is provided to you. Even Bruce Lee said, that only then the blow is effective,
when after it the target falls, instead of the one who rendered it. By the way,
some of my pupils who studied RSF for a short period of time told me , that
one direct blow by the leg was enough for solving the problems which they had.
Pictures 170-171
The BASIC MISTAKES while practicing both this blow and many other
ones :
1. During the moment of striking the blow your hands get
away to the sides .
The consequence of that - impossibility to get to the basic posture after
the impact, the loss of the “sight”, you are open for the opponent, the
energy of the impact is sprayed in space.
Picture 172
2. After the blow you loose your balance and fall back.
The reason is an insufficient putting of the weight of your body to the
blow . Instead of striking to bend forward, putting in the impact the weight
of your body, you deviated back. The energy of the impact returned to you
and threw you back. The consequence of that - see above.
Picture 173
2.17 Lesson 17. A top lateral blow by the leg.
Not a less powerful blow a little bit similar to the previous one , but
absolutely different in its technique.
You stand with your face to the target (a left side posture)
1. Carrying the knee forward is identical for a direct blow by the leg, the
toes of the striking leg are about 20-30 cm from the opponent’s groin.
2. Without getting your knee down and leaving it “targeted” at the opponent
till the last moment (!), by the powerful movement of the pelvis send the leg into
him , while doing this completely straightening your leg in the knee and turning
the pelvis and the hip till your body and your leg make one line.
The impact is rendered either by the edge of the foot or by the heel, that is to
my mind more preferable. While striking this blow you have a difficult task – to
make a jerk in the direction of your opponent and in a fraction of a second turn
your leg in the coxofemoral joint to make it a straight line (i.e. the body
shouldn’t be bent , the head and the shoulders move to the opponent.
Otherwise the weight of your body will not join in the impact). The heel is
being “rolled” into the target, the foot of the striking leg in on the floor. The
power of the blow includes 3 forces –
-unbending the leg, a jerk by the pelvis and the effect from the angle of the
between the supporting and hitting legs, i.e. from putting the weight of your
body into the impact.
Pictures 178-180
Bruce Lee in the film " The Way of the Dragon " demonstrating this impact
in a sports hall puts the fourth force here a “substep”, i.e. before the blow gives
the body some acceleration thus reducing the distance to the target.
From a right side posture the master pulls the pelvis in the direction of the
target, his left leg is put forward and becomes supporting, the blow is struck by
the right leg and the partner together with the training paw flies several meters
away, sweeping away a heap of boxes.
It not a cinema trick, it is a well practiced lateral blow by the leg.
Moreover, I am sure, that Bruce could strike this blow without any
acceleration with the same effect. But movies are movies and with a “substep” it
looks better.
The great master and the actor sacrificed to the cinema his art - and after him
many followers and fans began to beat this blow with a “substep” impoverishing
the technique for in its primary status in real fight a lateral blow , maybe a little
weaker is still much more effective. You lose a lot of precious time and energy
for making a “substep”, the blow becomes visible for the opponent. Though, for
the work against a group of attacking a “substep” is sometimes necessary to
quickly reduce the distance between you and the attacking, or for getting away
with a blow from the ring of your opponents trying to surround you.
Pictures 181-184
2.18 Lesson 18. A lateral blow by the leg with a turn.
There is no doubt that when a master performs it, it is a very strong blow
but difficult for the performing in a street fight.
a)The opponent is shocked by your sharp rotary movement,
b)Due to rotation of the body enormous additional energy is given to the impact.
The drawbacks of all the impacts with a turn:
A)For a fraction of a second you have to turn your back to the opponent
b)It take twice as much to strike a blow then for the same blow but without any
Remember the warm-up, turns of the body. It is an initial phase of all
impacts with a turn.
1. On the picture for a better understanding you can see a right
side posture, the blow is struck by the left leg.
The target is in front of you.
Turn against an hour hand (do not forget “ the posture of a skier”!) and from
the corner of your eye see the opponent or a boxing bag.
2.Your hands change places – now the right hand is at your chin, the left
hand like a pendulum goes back half bent , helping the body to twist and at the
same time protecting its upper part.
3. The left leg slides a little bit after the body, “passing” about 20 cm
arch, i.e. both legs are on the line of attack.
It is possible during the conflict or sparring put both legs on the line of attack
before the blow with a turn imperceptibly for the opponent, without forgetting
that it is not good to be in such a shaky position for a long time.
4. The classical lateral blow by the leg with a turn, brought here in the
series of pictures , in real fight seldom looks like that.
At high speed of the fight sometimes the blow turns into neither bottom
nor upper described above , they turn into something in between.( I will put it
frankly , in a real fight more often the blow turns out to be neither just a bottom
or an upper side blow by the leg but something in between, regardless if you
made a blow with a turn or without).Obeying the inertia of the turn, in a real
fight more often the leg takes off at the target from the position when the knee
of the striking leg is 30-40 cm from the knee of the supporting leg. The blow
is struck by the heel, and, as well as at a usual lateral blow , the foot of a
striking leg is parallel to the floor.
In striking a lateral blow with a turn there are 4 forces participating -
a) The force of inertia of the turn
b) The force of the jerk by the pelvis,
c) The force of unbending the leg,
d) The force of the angle between the supporting and the striking leg (putting
the weight of the body into the blow).
In this blow the work of the pelvis is rather interesting.
At the beginning the pelvis twists the body, and then sends it to the target ,
using also the energy of the turn. The trajectory of its work reminds a fishing
hook – at the beginning half a circle, then - a direct line. The technique of the
final phase of the impact is in its turn similar to the bottom lateral kick –a
powerful jerk of the pelvis sends the leg to the target.
Watch once again the scene from the film “ The Way of the Dragon”,
include in the blow additional energy of a turn (instead of a “substep”) and I am
sure, that time spent for practicing this impact, will not seem to you lost for
nothing. Even if you subsequently exclude it from the arsenal of your impacts
with a turn, the coordination of movements received during their working off,
will never appear useless.
Pictures 185-190
2.19 Lesson 19. A hook by the hand.
The basic difference of any hooks from direct impacts is that the body of the
attacking person is sent to the target not along the straight line, but along the
arch. A hook is made by the hand to the jaw, to the malar bone or to the
temple. To better imagine the picture of this impact, we will analyze for the
beginning a hook from the “back” hand.
In this variant as well as and in the direct impact by the hand, the “front”
knee is a little bent, the fist passes about half of the way of a direct impact and
during this moment the pelvis “twists” the body around the axis of the “back”
shoulder and the hand makes a “raking up” movement, striking a blow. At a
hook by the hand the position of a fist is like this - you necessarily should see
the nail of your thumb. The hand is a little bent in the wrist in the direction of
the internal side of the forearm so that the “working” , constantly “rolled”
surface of the fist entered the target.
Picture 191
After the blow from the “back” hand (as well as in all blows by the hands)
you return the hand to the initial position due to the return movement of the
“back” part of the pelvis in relation to the axis of the “back” shoulder. And
further it is possible to jerk the “front” edge of the pelvis with an blow , a
block or moving (depending on the situation), the effect of a pendulum will
work as well by the way, i.e. the force of the return movement of the “back”
part of the pelvis to the initial position will considerably help to jerk the “front”
part of the body in the direction of the target.
Exercises for practicing a hook by the hand
Exercise A
Stand in the posture "a hand-hook", as it is shown in the picture (the right
hand - the hook).
During all the three exercises the hands are fixed in radiocarpal, elbow and
humeral joints! Imagine , that the upper part of your body is cut from the
And now sit on your left leg, without including your pelvis in the
movement. Just sit down, having moved to the left. Pay attention - your fist,
naturally, moved to the left as well 20-30 cm in comparison with the initial
Pictures 192-193
Exercise B
The same posture. Without sitting down to the left leg, slowly rotate the
right edge of the pelvis relatively the axis of the left shoulder. Thus the
motionless right hand will make a raking up movement, and the heel of the right
leg will come off the floor and the foot will make a turn on the toes (the last
probably only in case you have not made a mistake and did not move the left
shoulder in the direction of its axes).
Pictures 194-195
Exercise C
And now combine both movements from first two exercises! It, actually,
will be a hook by the hand.
Picture 196
In the next three pictures a hook by the hand from the “back” hand is
shown in details.
Pictures 197-199
The cutting part of the fist should enter into the stomach of the opponent at
the level of the bottom costal arch (during the training cautiously probe by the
fist the ribs of the partner), or one centimeter below - into the liver ( it is on the
right) or into the area of the spleen (on the left). At a slight displacement from
the line of the attack train the bottom hook into the area of the solar plexus.
Pictures 202-203
When in the fight you strike a hook by the hand to the stomach of the
opponent, for example from the right hand, your head will be open on the right.
A) Strike a hook to the stomach only when you are 100% sure , that your
open part of the face will not be attacked .
B) A hook to the stomach is struck not according to the scheme: you
lowered the hand then struck, it is struck like that : you began to move the body
in the direction of the target, at the same time lowering your striking hand (for
example right) and during this process , rotating the right edge of the pelvis
concerning the axis of the left shoulder, struck.
2.21 Lesson 21. A return hook by the hand.
It is necessary to practice this combination on a paw for impacts by legs
which is held by your partner. While practicing you should pay attention how
deeply you carry the impact through the target and how quickly return to the
basic posture after striking both impacts.
Without stopping the rotation of the upper body , continue the
combination by the right "back" hand in the same sequence. Then – again by
the left "front" one.
The impacts should follow one after another without " hanging " in
extreme points. Increasing the speed, practice this combination up to
automatism, up to the level, when you won’t need to think how to turn the fist
of the striking hand so that it entered the target correctly (a widespread mistake
while practicing this combination).
Pictures 207-214
The return hook is easily combined with a direct impact by the elbow.
Basically, in this case the elbow has nothing to do with anything. The
blow is struck by the fist, or by the bottom or average third of the forearm.
Only the movement of the "front" knee forward and the position of the
striking hand in the final point are borrowed from the direct impact by the
elbow .At such a variant the striking hand becomes mobile in the elbow joint
(this is its difference from the direct impact by the forearm), and the blow can
be struck to the throat or to the nose of the opponent. In all cases the technique
of the blow remains constant, only the position of the fist varies.
Such a blow is called a return hook by the hand forward.
It is shown on two pictures below: the initial point/ the final point – the
impact to the throat
Pictures 215-216
And to the area of the nose of the opponent.
Pictures 217-218
2.22 Lesson 22. A hook by the leg
A hook by the leg is one of the most powerful and effective blows by the
legs, having in RSF essential differences from similar impacts of other groups of
single combats.
A hook by the leg is struck by the upper part of the foot or by all the front
surface of the shin to the area of the stomach and to the legs of the opponent
.The target is the bottom and the average part of the shin (“chopping”), the
knees, the middle of the hip.
Certainly, it is also possible to learn to beat by the legs to the level of the
head of the opponent (the technique of these impacts is brought below),
Picture 219
But in a street fight the blows by the legs to the head are used either
masters of a very high level or self-confident beginners who saw lots of
"action" films. However, in any case –whether you beat a hook by the leg to
your opponent’s legs or to the head – the principle of striking a blow remains
the same. On the series of pictures below the hook by the leg to the top part is
shown only for presentation, but not as an obligatory guide to action.
It is necessary to underline at once - having struck a hook by the leg, put
the striking leg so as if you have just made by it a step forward. Keep it in
mind - after striking this blow in a street fight it is necessary to continue the
attack and to make, for example, a direct blow by the elbow to the chest or by
the forearm – to the face or the throat of the opponent, then move forward,
and mill the opponent by the impacts already described above.
Specific features of the offered hook by the leg are the following - the leg,
in the blow to the groin, is completely fixed in the knee joint and only slightly
moves in the coxofemoral joint. But at the beginning while practicing this blow
try to not do even that . Imagine , that a curve sabre is welded to your
coxofemoral joint.
The leg is born to the target on the shortest trajectory, on its first third
reminding the blow to the groin, with the only difference, that the same with
the striking leg shoulder simultaneously with the pelvis starts a circular turn
around the axis of the "back" shoulder.
And now let’s compare two pictures . In the first there is a similar blow
applied in the majority of contact styles of single combats. In the second - a
hook by the leg according to RSF.
Pictures 220-221
In the first picture the final point of the blow is shown. The blow has
actually ended. It has no more energy. And if it is struck by not so skilled a
sportsman, it will be not an impact anymore , but a harmless click on the target
after which the leg is bent in the knee joint and gets down on the ground.
The second blow still has a huge potential. The photographer "has caught"
the average point of a trajectory of the blow , after passing which according to
the principle of the minimal swing and the maximal carrying out the impact
through the target (see Lesson 1, «The Main Principles of the Fighting Section
») the blow only begins. In the second picture you see only the first point of the
contact with the target after which the leg starts the destructive way through
the target.
At striking a hook by the leg due to the inertia of the jerk of the pelvis
turn on your toes of the supporting leg so that in the final point of the impact
the shoulder and the compressed fist ("fist-sight") from the striking leg
“looked” in the center of your target - and the leg by itself will enter powerfully
into the purpose by the breaking hook.
Pictures 222-229
On the series of pictures of performing the hook by the leg it is seen , that
after striking a blow to the paw, I stand in a very inconvenient posture
relatively the opponent. But a light paw flies aside after the blow , it does not
have that weight of a training bag or the opponent! Therefore such an
inconvenient posture is the result of a hook by the leg if the blow got in a
training paw, or missed the target! And if in a sparring or in a real to fight you
suddenly missed the target and found yourself in such an inconvenient posture,
as it is shown in the picture, you should at once strike a lateral kick which was
described earlier.
The fist from the side of the striking leg makes a movement, as if you stick
the knife (the edge from side of the little finger) into the point to which you
strike a blow by the leg.
Do not limit the blow by a paw or a training bag! Beat through it, twist as
much as possible, imagining , that you are going to break the opponent’s both
legs at once. Your hands in a sharp movement as though tear off a sheet of
paper - if you beat from the "back" leg , the "front" hand tears an imagined
sheet and in the final point covers the person’s face. The toes of the striking
leg is pulled forward (at the impact to the legs of the opponent), the weight and
inertia of the body are directed forward and sideways.
Actually all the beginners make an absolutely identical mistake. The pelvis
rotates , throwing the a leg to the purpose - and the top part of the body rotates
inversely. As a result due to the mutual indemnification of rotations instead of
a breaking impact there is a harmless clicking by the leg at the target.
In the picture 230 this error at striking the hook by the leg is shown - the
hand by inertia has flown aside, and together with it went practically all the
energy of the impact. Such a hook by the leg will not break the target , it will
only click at it .
Picture 230
Therefore for the beginning practice a hook by the leg without any
participation of hands. For this purpose cross your hands at the chest as it is
shown in the picture 231. Then mentally strike the target by the shoulder. The
shoulder will drag behind itself the pelvis and the leg which, actually, will
strike the blow.
Pictures 231-233
But consider –the blow is struck not at all due to the inertia of the
movement of the shoulder! Here it is important to understand, what goes first. A
hook by the leg, as well as all other impacts by legs, is struck due to the inertia
of the movement of the pelvis which rotates both a striking leg and the body
of the fighter!
So the technique of practicing a hook by the leg without any participation
of hands exists only for you to get used to strike by all the body.
Having learned to strike a hook by the leg with the subsequent direct blow
to the chest by the elbow, you receive one more lethal combination for a
street fight.
Pictures 234-235
One of variants of a hook by the leg- having pulled the toes of the striking
leg maximally to yourself to strike the opponent to the ribs, liver or spleen by
the boot.
Picture 236
At striking a hook by the leg to the stomach and to the head, try to deviate
your body from the target as little as possible - as I already said , it leads to
loosing the inertia of the impact to space and does not allow to effectively put
the weight of the body into the impact. And it is especially difficult after
getting out of such an inconvenient posture to continue the attack.
And in general – meanwhile try to avoid to beat in fight by the legs to the
upper part of the body above the stomach. As I already said above to work
effectively by the legs to the upper level, you will need a corresponding
stretching and more than a year of trainings.
On the series of pictures brought above you see hooks by the leg for the
defeat of the opponent on a long distance (the distance of a fight by legs is
when neither your opponent, nor you cannot get each other by hands.)
The average distance is basically suitable for fight by hands.
The short one - by knees and elbows.
Certainly, this division is rather shaky , as in a real fight all three distances
frequently change with the speed of a newsreel.
But the hook by the leg for an average distance deserves a separate
Having learned to beat a hook by the leg described above, imagine, that by
the knee of the "back" leg from the basic posture you beat by the palm of
your "front " hand. The striking leg is bent in the knee joint under the angle of
90% and during all the impact represents an extremely rigid construction from
the toes up to the area of the pelvis. It also will be a hook by the leg for an
average distance. In the series of the pictures brought below, the practicing of a
hook by the leg for an average distance is shown , three pictures for the front
view and for the view from the side .
Pictures 237-242
In real fight a hook by the leg for an average distance has a very narrow
area of application . This is a defeat of the average third of the hip of the
opponent. All other attempts of modifying this impact are either a hook by the
leg for a long distance, or the hook by the knee described below.
The impact is good when it is unexpected. Often the opponent who doesn’t
know the technique of the absent-minded sight, in a fight at an average
distance distracts his attention at your hands.
Here an imperceptible and extremely painful hook by the leg at an average
distance will come in handy.
Pictures 243-245
And some more words about a hook by the leg.
One of my famous films about fighting arts is the film of 1989 " Best of the
best ". In this film there is a scene where the brother of the main character is
killed in a sparring by a masterful impact tulyo-chagi– a variation of a hook by
the leg at a long distance according to taekwondo technique (the Korean fight by
legs)-a variant of a hook by the leg at a long distance. By the way, quite a
possible scenario in real life.
A hook by the knee - extremely effective blow for a close (short distance)
fight, especially for situations with the limited space (an elevator ,a close
entrance, a tambour of the car). It is struck by the bottom third of the hip to the
average part of the hip of the opponent. It differs from a hook by the leg for an
average distance by the striking surface and by the fact that the heel of the
striking leg
for giving to the leg more rigidity is pulled to the buttock as much as possible.
The striking leg is strained. In all the rest the technique of performing the blow
is identical to a hook by the leg.
Picture 246
2.23 Lesson 23. A return hook by the leg.
A return hook by the leg is more often struck to the external and internal
part of a knee or a shin of the opponent ( the function of “chopping”). In other
cases this blow
is not especially effective, but necessary for practicing of a return hook by the
leg with a turn about which I will tell later. Though, if you already train for a
long time and by this blow successfully get your opponent in the head, having
turned the pelvis well , it is quite possible , that you will need no other impacts.
After striking a return hook by the leg in a fight do not stop, transfer the
weight of your body forward and at once continue the attack (in the series of
pictures as a continuation of the attack the hook by the hand is presented).
The leg is carried out absolutely in the same way as for a lateral blow by
the leg, with the only difference, that now you beat it half a meter more to the
right of the target (at a blow by the left leg). The leg passes three quarters of the
way up to this imagined point and, having unbent , due to the jerk by the pelvis
inwards, beats by the heel to the target. Then, having put the leg forward, and
not backward, strike a hook by the hand.
When you will practice this impact to the air, track the way of yours feet .
The scheme is approximately as following: half a meter - swing-target-one and
a half of meter of getting the heel through it. A fist ("sight") is the same, as in a
lateral kick.
Pictures 247-255
2.24 Lesson 24. A return hook by the leg with a turn.
A very beautiful and effective (if you hit the target) blow passionately
loved by all the producers of films about fighting arts. Practically it is the same
return hook by the leg, only with a turn. But here the turn doesn’t only give
the impact additional energy, but also enables the pelvis to be involved in the
impact as much as possible.
From the basic posture turn in the same way as and in a lateral impact
with a turn. And just after that strike a return hook by the leg. Do not forget
about the hand -"pendulum" and about the continuation of the attack right after
you put your striking leg on the ground.
Pictures 256-268
2.25 Lesson 25. A circular blow by the elbow.
Blows by elbows are extremely effective in a close ( short distance)fight,
including, also the case your opponent grabs you by your clothes.
The first phase of a circular blow by the elbow is absolutely identical to
a hook by the hand. In the same way the body moves forward (naturally, from
the basic posture), the "front" leg slides in a direction to the opponent. The knee
of a "front" leg is a little bent simultaneously with the impact.
Do not forget about “ the posture of a skier” - your heels are 1-2 cm
from the floor!
The blow is struck as it was already said , not actually by the elbow, but by
the external side of the forearm (the elbow bone), by the third which is closer
to the elbow joint (the same, as in a direct impact by the elbow).
1 phase - reduction of the distance up to the target,
2 phase - carrying out the elbow,
3 phase – the impact itself (the view from the front and from behind is
shown in two last pictures of the series).
It is possible to strike the blow both to the open face of the opponent (the
last but one picture of the series), and to the protected by the fist of a "back"
hand ( the last picture of the series). The impact possesses sufficient power to
knock the opponent down in both cases. Unless in the last variant of events the
opponent will also get a serious trauma of the hand.
Pictures 269-273
Be extremely cautious!
The power of the blows by the elbows is so great, that in a fight you can
kill the opponent on the spot , and during the training provide your sparring
partner with a displacement of cervical vertebra or a brain concussion.
Therefore you should practice the blows by elbows exclusively on training
bags and apply them only in the most critical situations of a street fight.
In the following pictures the combination of a return hook by the leg in the
area of the knee joint plus a circular blow by the elbow to the jaw of the
opponent is presented. For a better understanding you can see five pictures for a
left side posture and five – for a right side posture.
Pictures 276-285
Often enough in street fights there is a situation when the opponent tries to
seize you by your clothes with his both hands. In this case you should sharply
turn the pelvis , bring down by your shoulder (picture 287) or by the forearm
(picture 288) the hands of your opponent and, rotating to the opposite side,
make the combination: a return hook by the hand plus a circular blow by the
elbow (in the situation of a near fight on a short distance).
If the opponent from a return hook by hand flew too far , it is better to get
him by the hook by the hand (picture 292).
Picture 286-292
A little deviation from the subject of blows by elbows.
In case of capture you by the collar or the lapel of the jacket hold with
your hand the same hand of the opponent ( the right hand by the right hand )
and, powerfully having twisted the body, break the hand of you opponent in
the elbow joint, as it is shown in the series of the subsequent pictures. It is not
required from you to beat the opponent by the forearm to the elbow. Simply
strain the biceps of the striking hand and, twisting , extend along your chest
the hand of the opponent.
Pictures 293-296
Be cautious!
All the impacts by elbows are never beaten actually by the elbows!
They are just called so!
All the impacts by the elbows are struck either by the thirds of elbow or
humeral bone nearest to the elbow ( a return blow by the elbow, the following
lesson). The same as impacts by the knees are struck either by the bottom third
of the femur, or the top third of the shin. Otherwise there is a serious danger of
a trauma for the elbow and knee joints.
2.26 Lesson 26. A return blow by the elbow.
A return blow by the elbow as already was said before , is struck not
actually by the elbow, but by the bottom third of the humeral bone and
partially by the bottom part of the triceps.
This blow is applied in the situation if the opponent has crept behind or
from the side is it is struck to his temple, to the throat or to the area of the
thorax. Practicing the position of the fist is the same, as in the previous impact.
At a return blow by the elbow you simply powerfully twist the pelvis and all
the body in the direction of the impact, catching by your out-of-focus sight the
contour of the head of the opponent. This impact is also possible in the situation
when the opponent has seized you by the clothes by his both hands after you
have brought his hands down by the shoulder or by the forearm(see the previous
Pictures 297-299
2.27 Lesson 27. An axe-blow by the hand.
In both cases for increase in force during the moment of the blow it is
necessary to sit down slightly on a "front” leg (in the first case), or on both (in
the second).
2.28 Lesson 28. An axe-blow by the leg.
2.29 Lesson 29. Protection. Internal blocks.
Let's talk some about protection.
Sometimes I am being asked why unlike other schools I during my trainings
at the beginning practice with my pupils a certain number of blows and only
after that get to study the protection techniques.
There are three reasons.
The first:
In Real Street Fight practically all the techniques are based on one and the
same movement by the pelvis and all the rest is just being added to it.
It is more clear and easier to practice this movement in the process of
studying the techniques of blows.
The second:
We live in the modern world, not in ancient China or Korea where (if we
believe legends) when the Teacher has said to go for a year along the edge of
tatami (the rug for fighting), that meant that the pupil will go on that edge
without asking questions if he needed that at all and for what .
I think that the pupil should from the very first training feel the power and
the results of that Art that he is going to study.
That’s why at the very first training we practice a direct blow by the elbow –
one of the most powerful and at the same time simple for studying blows from
the PSF system. And also at the following trainings we practice some more
blows by the hands. And later on I am like an architect dissect mistakes in
performance. It is a very interesting thing both for a pupil and a trainer, a
Master, creating a masterpiece by his own hands. And only later when the pupil
will be more involved in the trainings I will explain to him less interesting in
studying but not less interesting in its importance technique of protection.
And the third:
Always, in any street fight the best way of protection is an attack.
It is fair, for in a disputed situation, especially, when there are several of
attacking, and it is clear, that you will not manage to get away without a fight
,is better as soon as possible to knock the attacking down before they knock you
But in the situation when another's fist already flies to your face, the most
effective protection is a well practiced block.
A skilled boxer can disagree, and say avoiding the blow will be as. I will not
argue, in sparrings I often enough avoid the blows as well. But only in the case
when I am sure that the opponent will not strike me a blow by the leg or by the
elbow to the head. There are no such blows in boxing, but they are pretty
common for street fights in which there are no rules.
So - blocks.
I am not too fond of a "rigid" protection when the hand of the opponent is
blocked by a cutting impact, equally capable to injure both his hand, and yours.
For such a blow to be really effective you will have to train daily, the trainings
often resulting in bruises , and even traumas of periosteum .
In the East centuries-old experience of such trainings provides the use of
various ointments, grasses, medications, special power, psychological and
physical preparation , which here in Russia is often substituted by thoughtless
beating at firm subjects for all possible and impossible parts of the body. (Once
I read a book, devoted to such preparation of extremities .There they advice to
the beginners in addition to it all some times a day to carefully knock
themselves with a stick on genitals in order to prevent the consequences from
the blow to the groin. Probably it is meant, that the advanced masters are
engaged in it in full force. I will leave it without comment ).
Perhaps, through long time exercising rigid practices will justify themselves.
Your hands and legs will cease to feel pain and will turn into bone outgrowths.
But where is the guarantee that the wrong practice closer to pension will not
turn into a number of diseases?
Our purpose – is not to risk health in the name of some illusive purpose, the
aim is to pass the course of self-defense equally accessible both to experts of
single combats, and to those who through this book for the first time touch the
secrets of Real Street Fight. Moreover, I will share my personal experience
with you. Practically painless “rolling” of the fists, shins and forearms plus
work on a rigid training bag will give the same result. Besides the back sides
of the palms will not be spoiled by callouses and bone outgrowths.
I offer a system of "soft" blocks which are not less effective, rather than
"rigid", and are based on the same basic movement by the pelvis. For the sake of
experiment on trainings we quite successfully block by the hands a direct blow
to the stomach, made by the rod of the bar. I am sure , that at the "rigid" block
of a steel rod the trauma of a forearm after any practicing would be inevitable,
as a bone as it{her} do not fill, nevertheless more fragile material, rather than
Pay attention to the basic posture.
The "front" hand is always closer to the opponent, the "back" one,
accordingly, further. The "front" hand provides the first line of protection, the
"back" - the second. It means, that if you had not time to intercept the blow of
the attacking by a "front" hand, hence, meet its{his} "back" protection on the
second line.
The internal block is put by a hand at a level of the face, chest or stomach
(depending on where your opponent strikes) and on technique of performance
remains constant in all set forth above cases. The block from impact in a
stomach differs from the block from impact to face only minor alteration of
position of a blocking hand.
Let's disassemble a situation when you a "forward" hand block the impact,
directed to you to face.
So, you see, that the shoulder of the opponent has gone forward, his fist is
going to your face. It is better to not wait, while this fist will appear from you in
dangerous affinity, and to meet it approximately on half a way passed by it. For
this purpose, it is a little having stretched forward a "forward" hand, meet
attacking hand attacking halfway to the purpose. Not beating off, and only
having contacted his forearm or a fist the palm or a forearm, it is powerful
крутаните a basin inside, carrying out that actually block. In case of your link
sided rack (the block the left hand) the basin rotates clockwise in relation to an
axis of a "back" shoulder. In a right-hand rack, accordingly, on the contrary.
One more small secret of the "soft" block. During that moment when you
have met a hand attacking, not interrupting movement of a basin by a forearm
and a palm, make sharp movement as though you twist a screw-driver a screw.
Due to this movement the effect of rejection of a hand of the opponent aside will
be much more powerful.
In photos it is not visible movements of a basin during performance of
blocks. Actually at appropriate working off this movement becomes so short and
imperceptible, that it is practically it is not visible. But effect from it{him} more
than we shall feel in a real situation. We have decided to not exaggerate, and to
show, how the classical block really looks{appears}. And you by all means will
feel effectiveness of movement of a basin when well will fulfill your protection.
Pictures 314-316
On the following series of the pictures you see an internal block with an
open palm.
Pictures 317-319
From the blow by the fist it differs only by grasping a greater area. And
one more advantage of the block by the open palm ( the professionals will
understand me): the fist during the moment of the block at the level of the
person’s face blocks a more important and of a greater area sector of the sight
owing to what there is a probability to not notice the second hand of the
attacking opponent flying at the target (i.e. at you). Someone can recollect
boxers with their huge gloves …
Do not mix one with another!
In boxing there is another strategy of fight especially providing the
presence of bigger gloves. And, accordingly, absolutely different protection.
Though in some cases blocks by the fist entirely and completely justify
themselves. Especially it is fair for the near fight when fractions of second
from the block before the impact become the tenth shares. Therefore I
recommend to equally practice both ways of blocking of the attacking hand of
the opponent.
In order to prevent a trauma the fingers of the hands always, at any
blocks by palms should be strained as much as possible.
Picture 320
So, you threw the hand of the attacking person aside and by that "
opened" his protection. Now, when in his defense there appeared a "hole", it is
necessary to send by the return movement of the pelvis to this "hole" with a
blow by the hand or a leg.
At the moment of a counterattack the "front " hand which made the
block, returns to the basic position (if only you by a return movement of the
pelvis have not decided to strike a return hook by the hand)!
This rule is necessary for practically for all the fighting combinations:
While one hand beats or blocks, the other covers the person’s and
stomach !
Practice the blocks on every training up to the level of a reflex irrespective
you experience of trainings . Frequently any sports sparring is reduced to the
task "to open" the opponent and to strike a breaking blow to the "hole" formed
in his protection. Therefore frequently the fights of professionals look so
ineffective - each of them knows the abilities of the sparring partner, his
“tricks”, and that is why they mark time, trying to discover "holes" in defense
of the opponent and waiting when the opponent will open himself. Sometimes to
bypass this rule help work “on a contour” ,but this principle should be also
applied clever enough, so as not to run into a counterattack of the opponent. It
is only in the cinema all fights look beautiful. But in real fight much more
often it is all happens in another way …
When you make internal or external blocks by the hands, it is not necessary
to remove your hand too far from the basic position - the combination of turns
of the pelvis and the forearm is capable to throw the attacking extremity far
from the opponent. Removing the blocking hand aside, you only create a
superfluous "hole" in your protection, not adding any efficiency to your block
at all .The impact is misdirected - and it is enough. And even if it passes in a
centimeter from your face, all the same it will pass by.
The internal block by the leg is the same movement by the pelvis inwards,
only with the leg taken slightly forward. Such a block demands a decent
“Rolling” of the shins (see Lesson 3 “The Basics of the Physical Preparation of
the Fighter”).
After you put an internal block by the leg, do not linger in one place,
counterattack the opponent at once (in the series of pictures presented below
you can see one of the schemes of such a counterattack).
Pay attention!
The lateral blow by the leg to the area of the knee of the opponent is
struck right after the internal block by the leg, without lowering the leg to the
ground. After striking the lateral blow by the leg , at once follows the hook by
the hand to the jaw of the attacking.
Pictures 321-325
2.30 Lesson 30. External blocks.
An external block by the hand is absolutely similar to the internal, with the
only difference, that the hand of the opponent meets the external side of the
forearm, and the pelvis and the forearm rotate in a underside, rather than at the
internal block. Therefore the internal block is most effective at direct impacts of
the opponent, and external - at hooks and return hooks. Though, certainly, all
depends on a situation.
Pictures 326-328
Further in the series of pictures you see an external block by the open palm.
Pictures 329-331
I will repeat here.
Never put any blocks by the open palm, do not move your big finger far
from the palm! Always hold its pulled. Otherwise even in a training sparring
you seriously risk to beat out your joint of the thumb. Other fingers of the
palm, as well as at the internal block by the open palm, are slightly bent and
also with the maximal force are pulled together. As well as in the previous
lesson equally practice both the block by the hand with the open palm and the
block by the hand clenched in the fist.
The external block by the leg is identical to the external block by the hand
movement by the pelvis and the leg, also demanding both good “rolling” of a
blocking surface of the shin, and the instant counterattack after performing the
block (in the series of pictures you can see one of the schemes of such a
counterattack. And - pay attention - the external block is struck by the left leg,
and impact to the groin is struck by the right knee).
Pictures 332-338
And one more one little nuance to the material studied earlier.
Once again pay attention:
In the combination brought in the previous pictures the finishing circular
impact by the elbow is struck to the fist of the opponent protecting his face.
I repeat it not without a reason.
It is a very important point which is necessary to remember and practice
up to automatism!
As I already mentioned at such a blow both the hand and the face of the
opponent are injured, and no protection will save it! It is an element of work «
on a contour » when at an advanced level the power of your impacts becomes so
significant, that any blocks of the opponent lose their efficiency – he gets
"carried away" with the blocks. And his blocking extremities by a ricochet
injure those zones which they should protect.
An obligatory condition of the work « on a contour » is the principle of out-
of-focus sight. And, practiced up to automatism not only in sparrings , but also
in a daily life. The out-of-focus sight as an element of daily routine in time
destroys the fear of the opponent, always transforming him during a fight to a
slightly dim contour equated by the consciousness not to a potential danger but
to the training shell. Thus the difference of a sports sparring from a real fight
is reduced for a skilled fighter only to the regulation of the speed and the
power of impacts with the same ease and calmness with which switches the
speeds of the car a professional race driver on a high-speed line.
2.31 Lesson 31. The bottom block by the hand.
The bottom block by the hand protects the groin area from one of the
most dangerous blows by the shin or the knee which the opponent can strike -
a blow by the leg to the groin.
For this purpose the "back" hand of the defending person goes
downwards, the knees are bent, the left edge of the pelvis (at a left side
posture) turns clockwise and the left hand a palm beats off the leg of the
attacking. At performance of this block in order to prevent the trauma of the
palm try to put your palm on the leg of the opponent as high as possible and
as soon as possible while the leg had no time to get the force of inertia,
sufficient to injure your palm.
Immediately after performing the block by a return movement of the pelvis
send both your hands to the opponent while he had no time to put his foot on
the ground and to restore his balance after the blow. If after an unfortunate
impact to your groin the opponent tries to attack your hands, (for example, by
a couple of direct blows) in the combination described above the left hand after
performing the block at a return movement by the pelvis will blow off the
hand or hands of the opponent, and the right will strike to the face (the
combination is shown in the series of pictures).
Pictures 339-347
Pay attention to change of the posture!
In a situation when the opponent unexpectedly began to attack, and you
feel, that you have no time to react adequately, change the posture (for the
insurance it is simultaneously possible the application of any block by the
hand). In such a situation even many of advanced fighters decline the body
back, opening the groin and the "front" knee for an attack of the opponent.
Do not repeat such a mistake by no means .
Having replaced the posture and simultaneously having extinguished by the
block the attack of the opponent, send your body forward and counterattack
him by a series of blows.
At a bottom block practice a high accuracy of putting your palm on the
attacking leg of the opponent and - I will repeat once again ( it is a too
widespread mistake!) –keep the fingers of your palm as strained as possible.
At a bottom block from the blows directed to the area of the right kidney,
the leg or a hip, you make the same movement, as in the case with the block of
the impact to the groin. The left arm falls and by the hand , or the internal side
of the forearm softly “switches off” and moves to the side the attacking leg of
the opponent (also in order to prevent a trauma of a blocking hand whenever
possible it is desirable to put the block in the field of a hip, instead of shins of
the attacking). Then your counterattack follows at once.
Pictures 354-358
2.32 Lesson 32. The blow by the edge of the foot inwards.
If you mastered the technique of blocks by the legs the subsequent two
blows will not seem especially complex to you .So:
1. The striking leg gets forward as if you strike to the groin.
2. Then as powerfully and sharply as possible the pelvis is twisted inwards!
The internal edge of the foot (a little bit below the ankle ) attacks the head or
the armed hand of the opponent.
3. After striking the blow by the edge of the foot inwards you should
immediately continue the attack!
Pictures 359-365
On the series of pictures you see an example of disarmament of the
opponent on an average distance with the subsequent counterattack due to the
return movement of the pelvis.
Against this and the next technique described in lesson №33, there exists
an argument of the masters of a knife fight – the attacking (it is meant, the
master) can avoid such an impact and cut the attacking leg.
I will disagree here .
In the given context it is better to return to the quotation from
“Hagakure” by Yamamoto Tsunetomo, that became one of the epigraphs of
this book:
“The main principle of fighting arts is in attacking, not thinking of life and
death. If the opponent acts the same , he and you are equals. In this case the
outcome of the fight is decided by the strength of mind and destiny”.
And something else.
I somehow doubt, that an advanced master of a knife fight will suddenly
decide to get involved in stealing purses from passers-by in a dark lane. I
think, that he for certain will have other, not less effective sources of income.
Proceeding from this, I still recommend to practice breaking a knife off
by the leg from the hand of the attacking, as it is :
a)More safe, than taking it away on a short and average distance;
b) More visualized for the attacking (this factor should also be considered);
c)Much more quickly, rather than performing captures with the subsequent
withdrawal of the weapon from the
Attacking And
d)Way less harmful for the person defending.
All the same the direct contact with the opponent armed by the knife,
and at a near distance, is not just for anyone. Especially it is actual for the initial
stage of developing the techniques of hand-to-hand fight when the results of
psychological trainings are still far from perfection.
2.33 Lesson 33. The blow by the edge of the foot outwards.
Blows by the edge of the foot can be beaten both inwards , and outwards.
In the previous lesson we have analyzed the blow by the edge of the foot
inwards. The Impact by the edge of the foot outwards differs from the internal
only by the direction of the movement of the pelvis and by the striking
surface. A striking surface at performing of this techniques can theoretically be
both an external edge of the foot and all external surface of the shin.Striking this
blow you shouldn’t make wide moves by the legs. At the moment of carrying
out the striking leg at performing both techniques at the last point the distance
from the striking leg to the target shouldn’t be more than half a meter.
Then the blow will be imperceptible and effective, though it cannot be
compared in its force neither to a direct blow by the leg, nor to a hook by the
I remind, that blows by the edge of the feet inwards and outwards are most
effective at disarmament of the opponent.
Also do not forget about the continuation of the attack after the blow.
Pay attention - in the last but one and last picture in the series presented
below as a continuation of attack you can see two variants of striking a hook by
the leg . In this case even at a corresponding skill level the hook to the head by
the boot in order to prevent a trauma of the foot should be struck only if your
shoes are strong enough , or if you can strike this blow by the base of a big toe.
Pictures 366-374
2.34 Lesson 34. The combination “The block by the hand – the blow by the
You more than once saw the performing of the combinations The block by
the hand – the blow by the hand in the previous pictures
Now we will analyze them.
The combination the block-the blow is not only simple, effective and takes
much less energy, than in other kinds of single combats, but also allows to repeat
it both on a training and in fight a plenty of times, without spending special
physical efforts.
And all this is due to the basic movement by the pelvis !
A sharp turn by the pelvis clockwise - the internal block, a reverse
movement by the pelvis –a blow , again clockwise – the block, the blow or
moving depending on the situation.
I made this combination into a separate lesson not by chance!
Perhaps, this is one of the most important lessons on hand-to-hand fight,
brought in this book!
Practice the combinations the block- the impact up to automatism so that
your reaction to the attack of the opponent was not a passive protection by the
block, but the combination of the block with a simultaneous counterattack due to
the maximal possible movement of the pelvis inside-outside (at internal blocks
by the hands)
Pictures 375-380
And due to the unique movements by the pelvis (at external blocks by the
Pictures 381-383
2.35 Lesson 35. “Grabbing” by the “front” hand.
If during performing an internal or external block by the bottom third of the
forearm (a variant of the block with the open palm) you in the end of movement
weaken the hand and the radiocarpal joint, the blocking hand will make a
”grabbing” of the hand of the opponent.
Pictures 384-386
Immediately after you made the grabbing at the internal block there are two
variants of the events following. It is either a subsequent a reverse movement by
the pelvis (the variant of the combination is presented on the series of pictures.
Thus after striking a direct blow by the hand to the eye or to the chin of the
opponent with the next movement by the pelvis he gets a hook by the leg to the
middle third of the hip).
Pictures 387-391
Or continue to move the basin inwards due to which you drag the opponent
on yourself and make him loose balance. Without stopping the movement, by
the same hand strike a return hook after which continue the combination by the
series of finishing impacts on a contour. In the pictures presented below :
a)Return hook a hand,
b)Two going one after another hooks by the hands to the stomach and to the
jaw of the opponent,
c)And one more one finishing return hook by the hand.
Pictures 392-401
After the “grabbing” at the external block, continuing the movement by the
pelvis, strike by the free hand a direct blow to the face of the opponent,
simultaneously depriving him of balance by the hand that made the “grabbing”.
Then by inertia the "back" leg itself will take off forward with the blow to
the groin or to the knee of the opponent. hen do not stop! “Mill” the opponent
with a series of blows before he is fully neutralized.
Pictures 402-408
It is necessary to notice here that “grabbings” are a little bit difficult for a
cold season, because your hands in the gloves will slide off the writs of the
opponent covered by the sleeves of the winter clothes. If you don’t wear gloves
there can be “grabbing” by the sleeves of the opponent.
2.36 Lesson 36. Movements. Displacement from the line of attack.
The line of attack is an imagined middle line which is passing between you
and your opponent. It is very important during the fight to be able to quickly
pass the distance between you and your opponent. It is not less important at
times to avoid the blow which you couldn’t block (for example a blow by a
baseball bat) so that later when the opponent opens , carried by the inertia of his
weapon, you could at maximal speed reduce the distance between you and him
and strike back.
Also, in the certain situations you will do without blocks and will be in a
more favourable position if you learn to move aside from the line of attack. The
blow misses, the attacking is maximally open , the conditions of your attack are
To get aside from the line of attack during the moment when the opponent
strikes make a sharp jerk by the pelvis (and with it by the whole body) aside.
Do it at the moment when the attacking
Passed approximately the first third or fourth of its attacking impact.
After you got aside, strike back at once. The similar technique is also good for
movements both back and forward. Remember " the posture of a skier” – legs
spring, heels are 1-2 cm from the floor. During the movements to all directions
do not jump, do not cross your steps, try to slide with your toes on the floor ,
without loosing contact with its surface.
Advance – a jerk by a basin, a "back" leg is tightened to the “front”, the
“front” slides forward.
Pictures 409-411
A movement back – the front leg is pulled to the "back", the back leg slides
backwards.These is a blow by the toes of the “back” leg at the heel of the
“front” with the following sharp movement of a “front” leg forward
Pictures 412-414
While moving forward the “front “ leg slides forward , the “back” leg is
pulled to it up to a basic position.
Pictures 415-417
At movement back, accordingly - the "back" leg slides back and the front is
pulled to it.
Pictures 418-420
Moving sideways.
First the “front” leg slides sideways, the "back" is pulled to it up to basic
Pictures 421-423
Or the same moving sideways, but the blow by the toes of the “back” leg at
the heel of the “front” with the following sharp movement of a “front” leg
(basically such moving (“substep”) is used for attacking of the opponent
standing at your side by a lateral blow by a “front” leg.
Pictures 424-426
Sliding is good because it is pretty hard for the opponent to see it and differs
from various steps and jumps, it is not only performed quicker but at a good
work by the pelvis demands way less efforts.
2.37 Lesson 37. “An inch blow”.
Stratagems of battles at a balance of forces
Stratagem 10. In your smile hide a knife.
Achieve the trust of the opponent and make him calm;
Then perform your latent plans. Having prepared all, as
it is necessary, attack without any hesitation and do not allow
the enemy to pull himself together
Thirty six stratagems
In his time Bruce Lee adored to show his so-called « inch blow ». Holding his
fist 2,5 cm from the target , he sharply twisted the pelvis together with the body
and without a swing threw the opponent by a direct impact by the hand for some
Try to perform this. Obeying the jerk of the pelvis the body should "blow
up" by the impact. As the shepherd by the switch, sharply jerk by the pelvis
forward. While doing that "do not hang"! After the blow at once draw the hand
aside from the target up to the basic posture.
Maybe you won’t get such an effect as Bruce Lee had but the blow will
be for sure a strong one. It is due to the fact that you already learnt to control
you body by the movements of the pelvis. In blows , blocks and movements it
plays the performs the main role now.
Pictures 427-429
Practice also "inch" blows from the “front“ leg. Though they are a little bit
weaker than the impacts from the “back” ( a less angle between the supporting
and the striking leg, the distance(passing which a hand or a leg get a sufficient
speed) between the initial point and the target is shorter, but are invaluable for
that simple reason that they are almost imperceptible and unexpected for the
opponent. After striking a blow by the leg do not “hang” in the final point and at
once lower the foot down, getting ready to continue a series of blows from a
basic posture.
Pictures 430-432
The essential advantage of such impacts is a practically full safety for the
one who strikes them.
Such impacts are always unexpected for the opponent assured of his force
and impunity. They are extremely difficult for noticing and it is even more
difficult to react on them effectively. And also after striking them it is possible
much more quickly then usual to neutralize the amazed attacking by a series of
the following impacts (if they are needed).
"Inch" blows are good in situations when the opponent has not begun the
attack yet, but you already feel, that the fight is inevitable. In that case not
getting into any posture , lift your hands in a conciliatory gesture (« Achieve
trust of the opponent and make him calm” and with the words “ well ,what is
wrong ?? It's OK …”, instantly strike an “ inch impact” by the hand to his face,
Pictures 433-434
Or by the leg to the groin with a subsequent quickest attack of the opponent’s
Pictures 435-437
I will repeat here - some talented modern fighters, as it seems, understood
the advantage of striking "inch" impacts from a “front” hand and successfully
use them in fight.
2.38 Lesson 38. Painful points of the opponent.
You learned to move, to protect and strike blows. Now let's find out,
where actually these impacts to strike to.
On a body of the person there is a number of points, the blow to which
either "will knock the opponent down” or will give him an essential trauma.
Powerful attacks of some points are fraught with a fatal outcome!
Nose bridge.
A direct blow by the fist, elbow, forearm, a return hook by the hand forward,
impacts by the head (see Lesson 48, “Special Lesson”) – these blows are struck
to this point.
Temporal area.
A hook by the hand, a return hook by the hand, an impact by the elbow. Also
possible a hook by the leg, a return hook by the leg, a return hook by the leg
with a turn, etc.
The area of nostrils.
The blow by the base of a palm from below upwards, a direct impact by a
fist, an elbow, a forearm.
The eyes.
Sticking by a thumb of a hand into the eye
(see “Special Lesson”)
The chin.
3-4 cm below the line of the mouth. A direct impact by a fist, an elbow, a
return hook by the hand forward. Direct and lateral blows are possible.
The jaw.
A hook by the hand, a return hook by the hand, a direct and circular
impact by an elbow. The majority of blows by the legs are possible.
The ears.
The impact to the ears by the palms brought together in a “boat” directed
to break the eardrums (the consequence- is a painful shock). Any accessible
impact to the
ear by the fist or by the leg. Tearing off the ear. (see “Special Lesson”)
Tearing the mouth by a thumb of a hand
(see “Special Lesson”)
The base of a skull
A direct impact by the fist, elbow, forearm, a return hook by the hand
(The Adam's apple).
A direct impact by the fist, or "plug" (see “Special Lesson”), a return hook by
the hand forward and a return hook by the hand, a direct blow by the forearm ,
by an elbow. The majority of legs are possible.
Carotid - a line from the fibrilla of the ear up to the middle of clavicle. A return
hook by the hand, a return hook by the leg
The clavicle.
To break this bone, a rather insignificant effort is required. Impact-axe by
the hand and by the leg.
The heart, solar plexus, liver
Are approximately on one line. Symmetrically to the liver at the left –the
area of the spleen. The blows in these points – it all was spoken about above.
Even very a slight impact to the liver for people with the attributes of a
chronic alcoholism can become the last owing to a painful shock! Persons who
get too much alcohol, from this bad habit the liver is increased and rather
painfully reacts even to very light blows.
For corpulent people the impact from top to down on the sticking out
belly (axe-blow by the hand and by the leg is very painful)
The kidneys.
The impact in the area of kidneys interrupts the breath, causes sharp pain
and can lead to heavy consequences. More often a hook by the leg or a return
hook by the hand or the leg.
The groin.
A blow by the leg to the groin , and also crushing and tearing off the
genitals (see “Special Lesson”)
The middle of a hip.
A hook by the leg and by the knee
The knee joint.
All blows by legs
The popliteal bend.
The blow from behind to break the ligaments .A direct, lateral blow by the leg.
The shin.
Practically all impacts by legs
The foot
A trambling down impact by a heel from top to down (a variant of a
direct kick by the leg)
Achilles tendon
More often a lateral kick from behind
Fulfilling with the partner the blows to the points, work in slight contact
and in protective equipment for even the most insignificant impact in these areas
can give
a serious trauma. In the underground, in the crowd, etc. try, using the absent-
minded sight to find these points on passers-by, get used to find them at once on
the body of potential opponents.
Now some rules which are constant in an extreme situation.
The most dangerous number of attacking - three, especially if they are
skilled in street fights and know, how with the maximal safety for themselves to
put out of action a potential victim. it is necessary to take this person in a ring
and to attack from three sides simultaneously. If there are more of attacking,
they will hinder each other. If less –not too pleasant as well, but then you have
to knock down the closest to you opponent. If they are three – the technique is as
The main thing is - to leave the circle, it is desirable while doing that to
the attacking the greatest damage possible!
Reduce the distance up to the nearest opponent and, simultaneously
knocking him down leave the circle to see the others. Then with a powerful
blow by the leg throw away one of the attacking rushed to you and quickly
knock down the second. If the third, thrown away by the kick is still capable to
strike you in the back knock him out.
I repeat - do not think of consequences. In the given situation to think in
general it is not good for your health. It is necessary to act!
2.39 Lesson 39. Free program. Sparring.
Experience is a school in which lessons are expensive.. But it is a unique
school in which it is possible to learn.
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790),an American statesman, scientist, one of the
authors of the Declaration of independence of the USA and Constitutions of the
You have learnt enough blows , blocks and combinations to cope with a
street hooligan (provided that you apply what you learned without hesitation in a
critical situation).
For practicing the ease of movements work with a boxing bag under the free
program more often. Let us say the hook by the leg “took off” . Twist the pelvis
and due to that make a hook by the hand. After a free hand, having tightened a
free part of a body by a principle of a pendulum, have struck a direct blow by
an elbow, etc.
The principle of milling the opponent also consists of a continuous series
powerful impacts. You can make any combinations here.
For example, the first combination on the contrary with the continuation of
the attack: the first direct impact by an elbow on a contour, it is unimportant
where; then a blow to the groin; after – a circular blow by the elbow to the neck.
Pictures 438-443
By the way, you should pay attention - applying this combination while
neutralizing the opponent armed by a knife, the situation when the opponent
will injure himself seriously by his own weapon is quite possible. In the series
of picture the combination is presented for a left side and for a right side
posture with the replacement of the blow by the leg to the groin for the blow
by the knee to the groin.
Pictures 444-456
Or the second combination on the contrary (all over again – the blow to the
groin, then - the blow by the palm to the nose).
Pictures 457-461
Or a hook by the "front " hand, a return hook by the same hand, a hook by
the "back" hand; and in the end - the technique which doesn’t require a
separate description.
Pictures 462-472
Just improvise!
But for the beginning practice those combinations, that I have listed. Let
them will enter your personal arsenal of hand-to-hand fight as an effective
weapon checked up in practice.
In the first months of training my pupils have sprarrings in helmets with
protective grids,
Picture 473
After they get the certain skills, helmets and bibs are removed, the teeth are
fixed with a boxing protective plate (I recommend bilateral).
Picture 477
There are specially arranged sparrings (one fighter attacks – the other
protects, three impacts by one fighter - three blows by the other), sparrings
only by hands and only by legs and a free fight against one, two or three
opponents, including the armed ones . The degree of rigidity of a sparring and
protection should be determined by you , without relying on someone's advice!
If the trainer will insist on a sparring in full contact, and you feel, that are
not yet ready for it you should politely explain the situation and refuse, not
being afraid to look worse in somebody’s eyes. In the given situation only the
trainer should think about his reputation! It all the same as in the situation of
suggesting to the person to jump out of the flying plane, without having
explained to him how to use a parachute. In case of misunderstanding and any
attempt to humiliate you , you should immediately leave this sports section!
Nobody has the right to accuse you of cowardice!
There are no prophets in their fatherland! The trainer not the god, he is the
same person, as you. Simply he knows a little bit more than you and
consequently you came to him to study . To study – but not to carry out
inadequate orders!
I think that if the trainer tries to humiliate his pupils (and I witnessed similar
cases repeatedly!) is not the Master, it is just an unworthy person getting
“greater”in his own eyes not by means of real personal growth, but by means of
humiliation of others. Hardly such a teacher can teach somebody anything good.
In fact a fruitful training is possible only in the atmosphere of mutual respect of
the Pupil and the Teacher . The Teacher should respect his pupil even only for
that that he despite of difficulties, finds in himself the strength to train,
understand and search fro his own way.
A good master always remembers that recently he was a pupil himself and
that the border between the concepts « the Master and the Teacher » - is rather
The talented trainer never stops at what he has achieved . He learns his art
all his life, including from those whom he trains. By the way, many techniques
of hand-to-hand fight and power preparation which you will find in this book,
appeared with the help of my pupils.
Do not try to reach stars from the sky and do not risk in vain!
Remember - first of all, you train to be able to save your life and health in
the street, instead of to losing them in a sports hall.
2.40 Lesson 40. Protection against the opponent armed by the pistol.
When the eagle is going to attack, he flies low and folds his wings. When a
furious wild cat is going to attack , she moves back her ears and nestles on the
ground. When the wise man is going to strike, he shows stupidity on his face.
Six confidential doctrines Thaw-gun
“ Protection against the opponent armed by a pistol”. Thus it is meant, that
you, naturally, don’t have anything with you similar to a pistol.Sounds a little bit
pretentiously, doesn’t it?
Whether it is possible in general for an unarmed person to protect from
the opponent armed by fire-arms?
Experts on single combats speak and argue much about it.
In a situation when the opponent is on a distance of one and a half meters
and more from you, someone suggests “ to swing a pendulum”, someone - to
hypnotize the opponent, someone - to throw something at him…
In this context of all this it is possible to apply the situation to the lion
who is going to eat you for dinner. Certainly, after the above named movements
there is a possibility that he gets frightened and run away . Nobody excludes the
of such an outcome. But, I think, the probability of the second of two possible
variants of events will be much higher.
In a situation when the opponent is 2-3 meters from you, holds a pistol in
both hands at the level of his face or the belt, having rested the handle to the
palm of the left hand, do not make sharp movements if you do not have an
opportunity to jump aside to the shelter or you are not sure, that it will be
possible for you. Depending on the situation try to make the situation less
strained, smile, play a fool (“when the Wise man is going to strike , he shows
stupidity on his face”), and do not forget to come nearer to the opponent. If you
managed to reduce the distance up to 1-1,5 meters, and you see, that you do not
have another can either risk or to receive a bullet – then you should risk.
I offer just some rather effective, to my mind techniques , though I will
admit without any shame that you should avoid such situations by all means ,
run away if you can. Well, if you don’t have such a possibility….
If they put a pistol to your forehead in the extended hand , is not too
terrible, for the person more or less tolerably being able to use this weapon will
never do anything like that.
It is enough by a jerk of the pelvis to get away from the line of the shot to
the left, simultaneously having grasped the armed wrist of the opponent and
having put the internal block. You should either break the hand of the opponent,
or just having disarmed him, knock him out. The pistol is better to throw the
pistol somewhere to the bushes, far away from the eyes of the opponent, who
can come to senses and try to get hold of the weapon again. (In the series of
pictures for a better understanding the view from the front and from behind are
shown, for a left side posture and a right side posture of the defending person, 5
pictures for each view).
Pictures 478-487
But a more prepared opponent, most likely, will hold the weapon
professionally - in the right hand, the handle is rested in left (the variant with a
lefthander should be practiced just in case as well). The barrel can be directed
either to your knee, to your belly , to your chest or head (the variants with the
head and stomach are presented in the pictures).Regardless where the barrel of
the weapon is directed to , the technique of actions will be the same :
1. "Slide” by your left leg to the opponent , reducing the distance.
Simultaneously with the sliding move the body from the line of the shot,
twisting it clockwise due to the turn by the pelvis.
2. By the hand of the right hand make a “grabbing” of the right wrist of the
(or perform a capture by the sleeve).
3. Continuing the movement by the pelvis , strike a circular blow by the left
elbow to the neck or to the head.
4. Seize the weapon by both hands and, continuing the rotation of the pelvis , sit
down slightly, extending the hands of the opponent who has seized the weapon
(he will necessarily seize it !)
The person with a weapon in most cases hopes not for himself but for his
weapon, and depriving him of this weapon you defeat not only the body of your
opponent but his Spirit as well.
The opponent deprived of the weapon in 99 cases from 100 is not capable to
resist to your further attack.
5. Breaking the elbow of the right hand of the opponent at your body take his
weapon away from him.
6. The finishing blow to the disarmed opponent in the given situation is a return
movement by the pelvis with a return blow by the elbow, or with a return hook
or by the hand, or by the handle of a pistol (in the series of pictures the latter is
shown). The technique can be performed both from the left and the right side,
depending on which side is more convenient. The variant from the right like the
mirror repeats the technique described above .
Pictures 488-494
During performing of all the techniques on disarmament of the opponent
armed by fire-arms, the main condition – to avoid the crossing of the line of
your body with the line of the shot.! Otherwise the technique looses its sense.
Having taken hold of the pistol in a situation when you were attacked by
two and more opponents, it is possible to use the a pistol (including the gas one)
as a brass knuckles in order to prevent the responsibility for application of fire-
arms. In case with the gas pistol, in my opinion, the series of attacks brought
below will be much more effective, than the application of this weapon
according to its direct purpose. At carrying out the attacking series described
below do not forget to check up, whether your weapon is on a safety lock!
1. Direct the weapon to one of opponents and click by the safety lock
downwards, getting the pistol in the fighting position . After that the opponent,
most likely, will run into a light stupor.
2. Put the weapon on a safety lock, simultaneously getting it to the position
of a brass knuckles.
3.Strike the opponent nearest to you by the hook with a barrel of the pistol to
the area of the temple (it is not out of place after that to add to the head of the
attacking something in between a hook by the leg and a blow by the leg to the
groin (picture 500) or by the knee to the nose depending on the situation (picture
4. Strike the second opponent a lateral blow by the leg to the stomach.
5. Then, in the given situation it will be logical to continue the attack of the
second opponent by the return hook strengthened by the handle of the pistol.
6. To continue attack according to the situation until all the opponents will
be on the ground.
Pictures 495-506
Pay attention!
In the technique of Real Street Fight there is no work with the weapon
separately from hand-to-hand fight!
Never, I repeat, never consider the weapon as a separate subject! It is only
the continuation, or weighting of your extremities.
Program yourself that whatever it is – a stick, an axe, a pistol, a knife , a
bottle , heavy boots or a ring on your finger – it is not a weapon, it is part of
your hands and legs. And thus from the weapon extremities should continue to
operate in fight the same as if you did not have a weapon in general!
Constantly remember this on a training and always hope only for your own
hands and legs. And even if in a real fight you somehow will be deprived of
your weapon, you should not run into a stupor, and should continue your
adequate resistance.
2.41 Lesson 41. Protection against the opponent armed the knife.
Now we will talk about the technique of protection against the knife.
In my opinion, the most effective and safe for the defending person against
the knife is the Technique for the person having a good practice of fight by the
legs is presented in Lessons 32 and 33.
Pictures 507-508
The one who not by hearsay knows the technique of a knife fight
,undoubtedly, knows a simple, but effective technique of work with a knife. If it
didn’t turn out at once to thrust the knife into the body of the victim, by short
and exact cutting movements to cut the face and hands and after that to finish off
the bleeding person.
(see Lesson №44, “ Basics of a knife fight”).
When you see, that the attacking is more or less acquainted with the
technique of a knife fight, it is better to keep from him at an arm's length and
whenever possible to make fast and sharp attacks by the legs to the armed
hand, knees and the open parts of the body of the opponent.
But this technique is good, when the opponent is at a far distance. And
what should one do in the entrance, in the car of a train or simply when the
opponent by the forward rush broke the distance?
So, let’s suppose, that the opponent is near you and tries to strike you to
the stomach (the opportunity to cut your hands for him in this situation is also
The knife is in his right hand, the edge is from the side of the thumb. In a
left side posture by the turn of the pelvis clockwise displace your body from
the line of attack, simultaneously performing the bottom block by the left hand
with a “grabbing” the wrists of the attacking. Then, twisting the pelvis
reversely , strike the blow by the palm or the fist to the back side of the palm
clenching the weapon. Having beaten out the knife, finish attacking off in all
ways known to you.
Pictures 509-512
If the blow is struck from above (the edge from the side of a little finger),
strike the external block with “grabbing” the wrists of the attacking then,
rotating the hand counter-clockwise, "turn out" the knife from the hand
attacking you. Thus the blade of the knife can slightly cut your forearm. But,
you see, that is it a rather small damage in comparison with what this
dangerous conflict can end with .
Pictures 513-518
2.42 Lesson 42. Working against a stick, a crow-bar, a baseball bat and an
Against a crow-bar there is no protection if there is no other a crow-bar.
Russian proverb
Fear has large eyes.
One more Russian proverb
“ Against a crow-bar there is no protection …”
I will add from myself : There is no protection even against a match if you
are frightened of the one who decided to stick it in to your eye.
Work against a stick, a baseball bat, an axe and even a crow –bar actually
are the clones of the techniques described above.
If the person thrust at you with one of these instruments, displace your
body from the line of attack, by the soft block with a “grabbing” "hook" on the
subject attacking you and pull to yourself the opponent who holds it,
simultaneously reducing the distance between you. Then by the series of
powerful blows finish the attack (in the series of pictures you see working
against a crow-bar or a pole).
Pictures 519-526
If someone raised one of these things at you , the main thing is not to be
Quickly reduce the distance, by the external block intercept the attacking hand
and strike by the fist or by the elbow to the head. Moving aside, a block and a
blow are performed due to one powerful jerk by the pelvis.
In the work against the opponent armed by an axe, a stick or a baseball bat
there is its specificity. The blows by these subjects are usually struck or
steeply from the top downwards , or on a tangent. in the series of pictures (in
four pictures for each situation) the sequence of actions of the defending in both
cases is presented.
Pictures 527-534
The main thing in the job against the weapon is to not be lost, believe in
your strength and in the fact that even an armed opponent will not resist
against the power of your spirit and your art.
I will put it frankly – to normally practice the first three combinations,
(lessons 9,11 and 12) it is enough a couple of months. Within a year of
trainings you will more or less master all the above given techniques .
If you don’t constantly practice them and to not have sparrings with the
other fighters, having believed your own invulnerability, your once mastered art
of hand-to-hand fight will be like a sword which rusts, gets dull in the shed
from idleness and gradually turns into a useless piece of iron.
Part 3
Weapons of Self – Defense
A little foreword of the author to the foreign reader
Beginning to prepare this edition for publication I was going to change
this lesson and this chapter considerably. But later on, after having analyzed the
situation, I faced the fact that absolutely all of my readers are interested in just
everything that concerns Real Street Fight regardless in what country of the
world they study RSF. I also got convinced that there is a considerable interest of
foreign readers towards things happening in Russia in general.
That is why I didn’t delete from this book the chapters devoted to survival
in the Russian prison and the Russian army. For the same reason I didn’t make
any changes to the chapters about choosing and applying of weapons of self-
defense allowed for keeping and carrying in Russia. If any of the readers have
questions about anything concerning the Russian legislative base and the order
of keeping, carrying and applying weapons of self-defense in Russia and also in
case you have any other questions, I am always happy to give you a free
consultation by e-mail. I am waiting for your letters, questions and opinions. My
contact e-mails are :
[email protected]
[email protected]
Attention !
Regardless what country you are from, before purchasing any weapon of
self-defense it is necessary to consult the employees of law enforcement bodies
of your country about the legality of keeping, carrying and applying the given
kind of weapons of self-defense in your country.
3.1 Lesson 43 Choosing the Weapon
Real Street Fight techniques are undoubtedly effective under the condition
of their constant improvement and the appropriate psychological preparation of a
fighter. But how can protect themselves those, who have just began their
trainings and didn’t yet manage to develop in themselves the necessary skills?
Or those who due to the condition of their health cannot train?
In this aspect I found it necessary to give a brief description of weapons of
self-defense allowed in our country, their efficiency and the legal aspect of their
I will not dwell upon working with fire-arms. In our country where the
Law orders those , who have bought those long and extremely inconvenient for
using in any extreme situation guns for hunting with the aim of self-defense (!),
to keep them unloaded (!!), taken apart (!!!) and what is more – locked in an
iron box (!!!!), describing possession of fire-arms here looses any practical
So we will begin with the so-called weapons of traumatic action.
Now in the Russian market the most effective of the given kind of
weapons of self-defense is the one without a barrel, that can be loaded with four
bullets at once PB-4, more known as “Osa” (“Wasp”). This weapon has got not
only high enough estimations of consumers, but also a golden medal at the
Specialized International Exhibition “Innovations Salon. Moscow 2003”.
It turns out that PB-4 is awarded with such a high estimation not in vain.
Its bullet issued from 2-3 meters leaves a bruise on the person’s stomach close to
a tea-saucer in size, and is able to be the reason for sending a grown up man to
hospital with serious enough traumas (there have been even cases of lethal
outcomes because of shots in the head from a close distance).
Picture 535
As the role of the barrel in this pistol is carried out by its cartridge case it
is better to shoot from it at the opponent who is only in immediate proximity.
It seems to me, though, that the inventors of this pistol have been a little
more careful that necessary. The cap in the bullet of “Osa” (“Wasp”) is absent,
instead of it there is an electro igniter. It is done so that one could not put a self-
made or live cartridge into it. That means that you shouldn’t forget to charge
your weapon of self-defense together with your mobile telephone before you go
out. And don’t forget to change the batteries too once in half a year whether
you shot from it or not.
“Osa” (“Wasp”) shoots with a rubber bullet with the metal core that
provides its high enough strength in comparison with other similar models (as
for example, the pistol called “Makarich”, the bullets of which don’t have such a
core, that is why the pistol is more like a weapon of psychological action
because of its similarity to its fighting colleague).
Picture 536
You can buy a weapon of traumatic action in any hunting shop if you have
a license, for the sake of getting which it is necessary to spend several days
plying between a policlinic, a center of psychiatric health and a police station. I
don’t know whether the game is worth the candle, because I myself have never
used a similar weapon and not going to either.
On the second place of popularity among means of self-defense are gas
weapons. For carrying and keeping gas pistols the license is also required. It is
desirable to have it with you to prevent conflicts with law enforcement bodies.
By the way, if you have been stopped for checking your documents, warn
the employee of militia at once that you have with you the weapon and the
sanction to have it with you. Then do not make sharp movements, don’t try to
remove the weapon from your bosom. You should also mind your wording and
formulate the sentence like this: “I have an allowed means of self-defense
(model of the weapon) with the license for keeping and having it with me”. And
only after the demand to show the weapon slowly take your pistol out.
The efficiency of gas pistols, weapons of traumatic action and gas-
cylinders (the latter don’t require any license) is doubtless in certain cases. But
all the things mentioned above have two serious drawbacks. I have already
mentioned the first.
An armed person frequently doesn’t rely on himself but relies on his
weapon. Having lost the weapon, he may get into a stupor for some time and is
not so capable of active self-defense.
Pictures 538-543
The first is not a weapon by definition because it is made from plastic. The
second (the so-called dagger “Taganka”) looks pretty similar to it, in this
connection in the picture there is a document , certifying that the dagger
“Taganka” is a souvenir product and doesn’t belong to cold steel (that according
to the Law “On weapons” quite corresponds to reality).
Picture 544
Proceeding from that, you may hope that in case of a search, you will not
be deprived of it, of course if the search is carried out before the application of
this souvenir.
In the same shop there is a number of similar in the purpose of use
“souvenirs”, which can be also applied in case of emergency for self-defense.
Pictures 545-547
Picture 548
To the free end of the chain a little carbine is fastened for the convenience of
Picture 549
With such keys people are allowed in night clubs, they are not taken away
by employees of militia, but in skilful hands they easily turn into the weapon, not
worse than a slung shot.
Pictures 550-569
Proceeding from the things said above, I can recommend to choose a knife
for self-defense with the blade length not more than 9 cm.
And one more thing.
Of course , a knife can be bought in a little shop or big store, but it would
not be desirable, that suddenly at the most improper moment competent bodies
could recognize the knife bought by you as cold steel.
Therefore I recommend to buy knives for self defense in specialized shops
( the address of one of them is mentioned above). In such shops all assortment
offered is not cold steel by definition which is approved by the certificate which
goes together with the “souvenir”, the example of such a certificate was given
Actually in order any cold steel was considered cold steel, it should have
many characteristics which are not limited only by the length of the blade. The
hatchet with the length of its blade more than half a meter often may not be
considered a weapon. The manufacturers of cutting and stabbing souvenir
production know it very well. Therefore in specialized shops even the most
dangerous (to look at) knifes for some minor characteristics are different from
the standards according to which weapons in our country are considered
The price for a knife of a known firm, which will not let you down in a
critical situation, won’t jam, won’t break and will not open by itself in the
pocket, varies from 100 up to 800 dollars.
Pictures 570-573
The Chinese knife “Fortune” and its analogues can be bought in any
souvenir shop for the price from 20 up to 50 dollars without any guarantee of
Pictures 574-578
Picture 579
Take your other fingers off the handle and move the knife slightly away from
your palm.
Picture 582
Then weaken the pressure of the thumb and the middle finger. From an
easy movement of your hand the knife will move in your fingers by itself and
will fall with its blade down.
Pictures 583-584
Now you will only need to pull the knife towards your palm and clench your
fist according to position 2.
Pictures 585-587
A knife fight, a fight with a stick, a crow-bar, an axe or any other weapon
or thing is based on the same movements, as hand-to-hand fight without a
weapon! Therefore I will explain all the movements proceeding from the things
mentioned earlier.
There is one more rule.
The weapon is not meant to be shown to frighten your opponent.It is meant
to be used or your opponent will get hold of it and apply it against you.
Don’t be in a hurry to stab your opponent into organs which are of vital
importance. A murder is an extreme measure to be used only as an exception in
an extreme situation (for example when the opponent is going to use his fire-
arms against you or when there are several armed persons attacking you). In a
usual street fight it will be quite enough to make some insignificant cuts to the
hands and legs of the attacking person to keep him at arm's length.
Once I have been told about a case when a person defending gave only 3
cuts to the attacking person on the forehead and on both hands. “I guess he just
couldn’t use his knife well”, commented the narrator. “I guess he was quite a
good master knowing what he was doing”, I disagreed.
Really, there are a lot of blood vessels on the forehead. In case of a
longitudinal cut blood will stream into the eyes that undoubtedly will force the
attacking person to stop his attack. Another thing is that such a technique
demands a very high exactness of your movements and confidence that you will
not hurt his eyes, having caused indelible disfigurement to the face, severely
punished by the criminal Code.
Impacts by knife are subdivided into cutting and stabbing. They consist of
four movements:
А) movement of the pelvis;
B) movement of the hand in the humeral joint;
C) movement of the hand in the ulnar joint ;
D) movement of the hand in the radiocarpal joint;
And the basic are movements of the pelvis and of the hand in the
radiocarpal joint . Other movements are either auxiliary, or are applied
extremely seldom.
Let's consider a cut to the hand of the attacking person from position 1.
You are in the basic posture, the knife is in the “front” hand
(position1).The attacking person strikes a blow to your face.
And now just put an internal block with your “front” hand. The blocking
surface will be not the part of your forearm but the blade of the knife. And
during this, the main meaning will have the twisting movement of the hand,
due to which, actually, the cut is made.
Pictures 588-590
In case of a wide hook towards your head, put an external block by the
blade. Feel, that both in the first and in the second case the effectiveness of your
of the movement doesn’t depend on the strength of your hands but on the
strength and speed of rotation of the pelvis .In the pictures given below the
phase of twisting the blade into the hand of the attacking person is very clearly
Pictures 591-592
From position 1 it is possible also to make cuts to hips and shins of the
opponent in case he makes an attack with his leg.
Pictures 593-594
The basic fighting combination working with a knife in position 1 is a
combination of internal and external impacts with a knife differing from blocks
only by position of the hand. The scheme of movements is given in the
following number of pictures given below: the basic posture - internal impact -
external impact - basic posture. In the pictures it is seen , that from the basic
posture it is possible to make cutting impacts to the extremities of the opponent,
disallowing him to reach your “dead zone”.
Pictures 595-600
Try to aim all stabbing impacts by the knife at the extremities of your
opponent, instead of his vital points. Thus you will secure yourselves from
serious responsibility of the Law.
During all stabbing impacts the body works either during a direct impact
by the hand,
Pictures 601-602
or as at a hook of a pistol’s barrel.
Picture 603
Working with a knife never concentrate only on your knife!
Both in position 1 and 2 you may equally effective work both by the fist
of the armed hand and also by other extremities. During this the knife works as a
svinchatka (svinchatka - the simplest kind of a brass knuckle -a cylindrical piece
of metal ) adding to its weight more destructive power.
In the following two pictures you can see a hook by the hand and a direct
impact by the hand, weighted by the knife clenched in the fist.
Pictures 604-605
It is also necessarily to practice combinations “the impact - the axe”
Pictures 606-608
Pictures 609-614
For the time being it is sometimes expedient to not show to the opponent
that you have a weapon. For this purpose there is a latent position of a knife, if
necessary instantly transformed into position 2.
Pictures 615-616
From position 2 in the basic posture it is convenient to hit the opponent’s
extremities, combining cutting impacts with stabbing ones. The turn of the
pelvis inside – a cutting impact, return to the primary posture– a stabbing
impact. Pay attention, that here as well by making cutting impacts “the twisting
of a screw” movement by the hand with the weapon has a very important
meaning (a cut of a hand – pictures 617-619, a cut of a leg plus a return hook by
the blade into the leg – pictures 620-624).
Pictures 617-624
b) It is possible to strike direct impacts to the throat, teeth and nose of the
opponent with all weapons named above, holding their both ends. Thus body and
pelvis move as if at direct impact by the hand or elbow, and both hands are
simply sharply thrown out forward.
Pictures 630-631
I will bring here three combinations for a stick, an axe and a crowbar,
which do not demand a separate description. All impacts made by them is
a material of the previous lesson about working with a knife, only applied
to other weapons. In order to prevent any mess in understanding the
subject and its improvement in practice, I made combinations with an axe
and a crowbar separate lessons.
Pictures 632-642
3.4 Lesson 46. Working with an Axe.
3.5 Lesson 47. Working with a Crowbar.
Pictures 651-660
3.6 Lesson 48. Special Lesson.
Why did I put certain techniques in the chapter called "Special Lesson"?
I did it because these are very effective techniques able to neutralize the
attack at once, but at the same time they are the most cruel and their
consequences for your opponent are life mutilation or even lethal outcome. I
couldn’t stop myself from giving this material in the book though many
specialists on hand-to-hand fight are afraid to teach this their pupils. Then it is
quite possible to die having got into the situation described in the chapter
“Comprehension of Death” and well shown by Steven Spielberg in the film
“Saving Private Ryan”, for people who don’t know these techniques .
I do not want my pupils to die before time. May be, this book is read by a
soldier struggling in one of hot points. May be, it is the one who sometime will
becomes this soldier. And someone at night entering his house (not during the
war) will face the choice - to live or to die from the hand of a maniac or a drug-
addict. This book is devoted to Real Fight, which may take place both during the
war and in the street. So you should be as serious as possible about the
techniques described in this lesson . May be, sometime they will rescue your life.
It is natural, that to the techniques of Special lesson can belong in this or
that way the majority of techniques and combinations described above.
Undoubtedly, the first combination (Lesson 9), fulfilled well with the partner
and on a training bag and resolutely applied in an extreme situation, may result
for your opponent not simply in a mutilation, but also in lethal outcome.
But the techniques of this special lesson differ from standard techniques
of a street fight in the following things:
a) They are not just effective. They are showy. Having applied any of
these techniques on one of your opponents you may be 99 per cent sure, that
another one will not want to communicate with such a crazy potential victim.
b) They are difficult to be performed for the person performing them (the
defending person) both due to technical and psychological reasons. Speaking
about technical side – it is impossible to practice and to feel all the pleasures
from sticking your finger into the eye of your opponent or tearing his off his
genitals (who on earth would agree to be practiced these techniques on!)during
trainings .I have thought of the idea of such a training simulator long ago. Now it
is all about the price of it...
As far as psychological reasons are concerned I will not dwell upon the
scene from the film “Saving Private Ryan” again. It is all quite clear.
c)The techniques of this lesson should be applied only in a situation really
menacing your life. Having applied them using full strength, you either kill the
person, or make him an invalid for life. Speaking about the Law, if the given
actions will not be considered self-defense, they will be considered as “causing
very strong average harm to the health, exceeding the limits of necessary self-
defense…” (Article 114 of the criminal Code of the Russian Federation) which is
prohibited by restriction of freedom for the term up to two years or
imprisonment for the term up to one year), or – “A homicide, committed in
conditions exceeding the limits of necessary self-defense…” Article 108 of the
criminal Code of the Russian Federation (restriction of freedom for the term up
to two years, or imprisonment for the same term) [7]
Eyes are the most vulnerable painful points of a person. A person who has
received a penetrating impact to the eye is not capable for resistance. Therefore
be always morally ready to apply this technique in situations representing real
danger to your life. By the way, blows to eyes can be made by a pen, a long key,
a lighter and many other subjects.
Pictures 663-665
An impact by the head to the nose bridge.
It is made by the upper part of the forehead – the area from the beginning
of hair growth up to the middle of the forehead. It is quite effective in a close
fight? But demands practicing of a high exactness, because if you hit with your
forehead the forehead of your opponent you yourself risk to get a serious
Picture 671
An impact by the nape back.
It is made to the face of the opponent who seized you from behind. It is
very effective, but at the same time dangerous in case you hit by the lower part
of your nape to the opponent’s forehead (especially if your opponent is shorter
than you). If there is a choice, in this situation it is better to apply a hit by the
bottom part of a nape in a forehead of the opponent (especially if the opponent
below you). If there is a choice, in this situation it is better to apply a tramping
blow by your heel to your opponent’s foot (a modification of a direct blow by
the leg) and tearing the genitals off (see below).
Pictures 672-673
Crushing and tearing the genitals off.
The technique is especially effective in case the opponent tries to make a
capture from behind by your neck. In this case it is necessary to make a
tramping blow to his foot, after that when he weakens his capture a little bit you
should move aside a little bit , sit down, grasp the opponent by the genitals and
sharply jump up, making at the same time a jerk by the hand in the same
direction. After that you should continue the attack taking into account the
Pictures 674-680
I remind!
The techniques of Special lesson have a big destructive power and are capable
not only seriously to cripple a person but in some cases even to kill . That is
why you should use them only in case if the situation is really menacing to your
3.7 Lesson 49. Responsibility for Application of Hand-to-Hand Fight
Techniques According to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
It frequently happens, that a psychological brake for application of Real
Street Fight techniques in an extreme situation is the idea: “And what will I get
for it?”
For removal of this, by the way, quite explainable psychological brake at
times arising during self-defense, I considered it to be my duty to put this lesson
into the book.
Further I will speak about the responsibility for applying of hand-to-hand
fight techniques for the citizens of Russia according to the Russian legislation. I
think, that it is necessary for everyone who reads this book to consult the
employees of law enforcement bodies of the country concerning the legality of
applying self-defense techniques because not knowing the laws doesn’t mean
one is not responsible for doing something against the law, regardless what
country the person is in.
I will repeat once again the words of Yamamoto Tsunetomo , which are
made the epigraph of this book : “The main principle of fighting arts is to attack
without thinking of life and death…” And not thinking about the responsibility
before the Law .
You don't need to think, when actions required not thoughts!
But one thing is “not to think” in an extreme situation and quite another is
“not to know” at all other times –these are two quite different things.
And it is necessary to know the following.
The criminal Code of the Russian Federation acting since January, 1,
1997, to the present time has undergone some changes. There were also changes
made to Article 37 “Necessary self-defense”
Article 37. Necessary defense (in the edition of the Federal law from
14.03.2002 N 29-ФЗ).
1. Causing harm to the person encroaching in a condition of necessary defense
is not a crime, i.e. defending oneself and one’s rights or defending other persons,
interests of Society or state from socially dangerous encroachment, if this
encroachment was connected with violence, dangerous for life of defending
person or another person, or with the direct threat of such violence.
2. Protection against the encroachment which have been not connected to
violence, dangerous to life of the person defending or other person, or with
direct threat of applying violence, is lawful if thus it was not considered to be
exceeding the of limits of necessary defense, that is deliberate actions which are
obviously not appropriate to the character and danger of the encroachment.
2.1.Do not exceed the limits of necessary defense actions of the defending
person if this person owing to unexpectedness of the encroachment couldn’t
objectively estimate the degree and the character of danger
of the attack. (Part 2.1. ,entered by the Federal law from 08.12.2003 N 162-ФЗ)
3. The right for necessary defense equally have all the persons regardless
their professional or special preparation and and service position. This right
belongs to a person regardless the opportunity to avoid socially dangerous
or to address for help other persons or authorities.
Article 108. The homicide committed exceeding the limits of
necessary defense...
The homicide committed exceeding the limits of necessary defense is
punished by restriction of freedom for the term of two years or imprisonment
for the same term.
Article 114. Causing strong or moderate harm to health exceeding
the limits of necessary defense... Deliberate causing of strong harm to
health, accomplished while exceeding the limits of necessary defense is
punished by restriction of freedom for the term up two years or imprisonment
for the term up to one year.
It is necessary to pay attention to the following moments:
a) Is not a crime to cause to the person encroaching if the danger is
obvious and you began active actions not waiting for this very encroaching
person to start active actions. That is, if to you in the dark narrow street three
guys will come up to you with a classical question whether you have anything to
smoke and it became clear to you that those people are longing not only to spoil
their health but yours as well, you can without starting detailed talks begin
applying the necessary defense techniques. By the way I recommend you to
forget the thought “What if all they need is really only a cigarette?” As well as
you should forget the thought I mentioned at the beginning of this lesson. If you
are going to think like that they will take both your cigarette and your health.
They might want to get your life into the bargain.
b) In the criminal Code there appeared a distinct definition of exceeding
the limits of necessary self-defense. “Premeditated actions obviously not
corresponding to the character and danger of encroachment”. That is if you have
killed from your gun (even officially registered in your name as a means of self-
defense) your drunk neighbor who was trying to get you with his fists, that of
course will be exceeding the limits of necessary self-defense. And if in case of
such an attack you (preferably witnessed by some people) used this gun as a
crowbar (see Lesson 47) and then called police and ambulance, I think it’s going
to be all right for you.
c)A very important subitem 2.1 was entered into the Article about
necessary defense.
If the consequences of your actions appeared to be more serious than you
would like them to be, from the point of view of the law you are not a criminal
now, in case the attack was unexpected for you.
And the attack is almost always unexpected fro you excepting those cases when
you are sitting in a trench with a gun in your hands during the war. In all other
cases people live their more or less peaceful lives without expecting in most
cases any big troubles from their destiny.
Therefore, making possible patterns of critical situations, it is quite
possible to develop in yourself a distinct psychological precept : in case of
unexpected changes happening in your life because of some outsiders your
reaction should be very quick and unequivocal . It should be the applying of
Real Street Fight techniques. All the more so as absolutely all citizens of Russia
have the right for it.(Article 37,Item 3).
3.8 The Last Lesson
"The main principle of fighting arts is to attack without thinking of life and
Yamamoto Tsunetomo
"It is necessary to believe that the strength is always on the side of truth."
Abraham Lincoln
“Crossing your sword with the sword of your opponent don’t bother if
your hits are weak or strong, just hit and kill the enemy. Always aim to kill the
Don’t try to hit strongly and of course don’t bother about hitting weakly.
You should bother only to kill the enemy… If you live with the thought of your
possible death and you are ready for it, if you think of yourself as of dead,
having merged with the idea of the Warrior's Path , be sure you will go through
life in a way that no misfortune will be possible.”
Miyamoto Musasi
“The one who is frightened is half dead… Don’t be afraid of death then
you will surely win. Two deaths are not possible for one person but one death is
Alexander Suvorov.
The first picture - 1988, the first months in the army. The second - 1990,
the beginning of my sports career. The third - 2004, the present result of
Those were years of tests and mistakes. Now, when the system is already
completed and practiced , for achieving similar results a newbie needs twice,
and even three times less period of time.
But, as I already wrote, among hand-to-hand fighters there is a steady
opinion, that the muscular weight harms the fighter, he becomes slower and in
general, “a big wardrobe falls more loudly” as the Russian proverb says.
I would agree that it falls more loudly especially if it is empty inside . And,
hoping for his own strength , does not want to study the elementary basics of
hand-to-hand fight.
But the same concerns hand-to-hand fighters in the question of their
power preparation. For example, many strong enough by nature guys cannot
work in full force on a rigid 100 kg training bag owing to their weakness of
the humeral, ulnar and radiocarpal joints. The fighter starts to protect his hands
and the blow does not go "through" the target, but turns into a harmless click at
the training device.
Therefore today I suggest my readers and pupils exercises with weights
and with your body weight, familiar to all sportsmen - but frequently having
their own secrets which transform these exercises into both the tool and the set
of muscular weight, both development of strength, and strengthening the
muscles carrying the basic load at striking blows, practicing blocks and
responsible for a high-speed movement of the fighter during a fight.
Certainly, to the women studying RSF, it way more difficult to develop
the necessary power of blows due to their anatomic features of the organism
(though such precedents are known!). In most cases during the trainings of
women the main emphasis is made on overcoming psychological barriers at
performing the techniques of the Special lesson though nobody cancelled power
preparation for ladies . Simply in this case the training weights and the amount
of sets should be made 30-40 % less.
So, the main purpose of this lesson - TO SUGGEST to a SPORTSMAN
Thus I understand quite well , that this book will be basically read by
people, not aspiring to become professional sportsmen, but just wishing to get
rid of the surpluses of hypodermic fat and to become more fit, and also ladies.
The first chapter “ The Axiom of health” is devoted to the latter which, by the
way, I recommend to read to bodybuilders too. Probably, there they will find a
lot of useful things and for themselves too.
I want to state at once, that in our case neither bodybuilding, nor hand-
to-hand fight are not independent disciplines, and only serve as elements of a
uniform system of RSF, tools for preparation of a well trained person.
Bodybuilding as means of gaining strength and weight is necessary for a hand-
to-hand fighter. Hand-to-hand fight is necessary for a bodybuilder to kill the time
spared for aerobic training that with double benefit , to get rid of hypodermic fat
and at the same time having an extreme muscular weight not to suffer a defeat
in a street fight. It is necessary to have a powerful philosophical and
psychological everyday motivation for trainings. Because only understanding
the aim of the trainings, the person is capable to conquer really inaccessible
So you decided to study and practice bodybuilding according to the RSF
system. What should you start with?
At the beginning of your career in bodybuilding , and in the pique of your
achievements in sport you will train two times a week if bodybuilding will be for
you the main aim, not hand-to-hand fight. An hour – an hour and a half
exercises with weights, the rest of the time thirty - forty minutes according to
your choice - either hand-to-hand fight or aerobics. Both things practically
equivalent in decision of problems with the waist.
The first three months are entirely devoted to the trainings directed to the
strengthening of ligaments and joints, getting used to new movements and
exercises, and what is the most important, breaking yourself in your attitude to
your MEALS.
What you eat is 70% of success. And only 30 % is the qualitative, well
thought over trainings.
What to eat ? Food , rich in protein content and at the same time
containing minimum quantity of fats. Namely:
Low-fat cottage cheese. A 250-gramme pack contains a little bit more
than 40 gm protein. Just the amount your organism is capable to digest for one
reception . If to eat more protein, the surpluses simply are not digested and
leave the organism in the natural way. It is the physiology we have.
It is better to eat low-fat cottage cheese for breakfast and for supper. It is
easily digested and does not prevent from a good night sleep. It does have a
drawback – it is deprived of any taste. Therefore it is possible to add to a pack of
cottage cheese a couple of dairy ( but not fat creamy!) yogurts. Besides at the
presence of carbohydrates (yogurts) protein is digested much better.
Chicken, especially, chicken breast cuts.
Stewed on water mincemeat. Because of its fibrous structure meat
а) demands a lot of energy for digestion
в) is digested by the organism only for 60-70 %. Processed on a meat grinder
meat partially solves these two problems.
Fish, squids, tinned tuna (excellent salads) and other sea products.
And, certainly, sports feeds - albuminous cocktails and amino acids.
Some people confuse products of sports feeds with anabolic steroids.
Anabolics, or, more correctly, anabolic steroids, are the derivatives of a man's
hormone testosterone received by artificial way. Using steroids, you interfere in
the hormonal exchange of the organism and seriously risk the health. Some
possible consequences are impotence, problems with the liver and metabolism,
baldness, constant spots on the skin and boils. And, in addition, it is good blow
to your pocket - a normal steroid rate costs expensive. But the main thing - after
you end taking in anabolic steroids your hypertrophied muscular weight will
inevitably start get less, that frequently entails serious psychological problems.
Plus in many countries the use of anabolic steroids is equated to the use of
drugs and pursued by the law. As they say, the choice is yours.
Sports feeds are just special food containing the necessary amount of
protein and carbohydrates and extremely simple in manufacturing (you put the
powder in a mixer, added milk, a spoon of honey, mixed for 5 minutes - and it
is ready). It is possible to prepare an albuminous cocktail beforehand and to take
it with you to work. A way better decision, rather than instead of a dinner to
choke with any muck in various “fast foods”. Practically a full set of products of
a sports feed (contrary to anabolic steroids!) it is possible quite legally to find
today in all more or less serious sports shops.
I bring here the recipe of a simple albuminous cocktail - 700 gm 0,5 -
1,5 % of fat content of milk, one spoon of honey and two spoons of a powder
protein. To shake up in a blender or a mixer not less than five minutes, then to let
the cocktail to stay for 10 minutes so that the foam fall down. For hardy and
having superfluous time individuals it is desirable to put the cocktail in a
refrigerator for twenty minutes.
After the training you should necessarily take in 4 capsules of amino
acids ВСАА, taking in the carbohydrate cocktail at the same time. As far as
amino acids are concerned I for many years use the production of the firm "
Weider " which now produces amino acids together with the firm " Multipower
". Basically, because of the balance of its price and quality.
An elementary recipe of self-made, very delicious and inexpensive
carbohydrate cocktail:
Take 1 kg of fresh lemons, remove from every lemon its “tails”
approximately a centimeter in depth, then either cut off the skin from them, or
having left as it is to process in a kitchen combine. Then mix it with 2 kg of
sugar put the mixture into glass bowls. Use one spoon of the product for a
glass of water.
Before the training to increase the power results it is possible to take in
one teaspoon kreatin, washing it down with the same carbohydrate cocktail.
Without enough protein in your diet you will never have decent muscles
even if you work with all your might during the trainings. Our muscles consist
from protein and for their good growth it is necessary to consume not less than 2
gm of protein for a kg of the weight of the body. Accordingly, a bodybuilder
weighing 90 kg requires 180 gm of protein a day. Provided that for one course
of meal 40 gm is digested!
So , it is necessary to eat not less than 5 times day. This is a fundamental rule of
bodybuilding. And the basic inconvenience.
I often met people who are shy to eat at work. But there's nothing to be
done. Try to make your colleagues understand that you are a bodybuilder, that it
is NECESSARY for you and that is it YOUR choice and YOUR life. In fact
finally it is all the same for a leader, what others will think of him. He is a
LEADER, he the way he is. And let others if they want - accept him the way he
is , if they don’t want it these are their problems. See above - your heads will
understand you (if they are not absolutely stupid). And if they are , why do you
need such heads? And in general, think, whether it is time to become the main
person in your own business. Then you will have no problems with eating your
meals …
I will speak in more detail about the meals later. And now it is time to talk
about trainings with weights.
But first - about some disappointments.
The First Disappointment
Without applying anabolic steroids to you will never to be even
remotely similar to Ronny Colmen or Nasser-al -Sonbati. Even if you will
desert your family and work and move to the sports hall.
But is it really necessary for you to turn to a monster and thus seriously
risk your health? I think it is quite enough to possess a muscular body similar
to yet some stars of the past who didn’t use as much chemical stuff. For
example, in my sports hall there hangs a picture of Rich Caspari. I will never
hang there the poster, let us say, with Kevin Levron. And to the girls I would
very much recommend to pay attention to today's figure of Kim Chizhevsky
who , at last, came to her senses and, having ceased to make injections of a
man's hormones, got to usual fitness.
The Second Disappointment
There are three basic types of the constitution of a human body.
An ectomorph. A lean, often tall person with long hands and legs and
extremely fast metabolism. Eats much and practically does not get fat.
An endomorph. A person inclined to excessive weight and frequently
suffering from surpluses of hypodermic fat.
A mesomorph. A seldom enough type of a human constitution. A person,
muscular by nature.
Proceeding from my long-term trainer's experience, I will say, that an
ectomorph will need titanic physical efforts and a strong will to create a decent
figure. He should spend lots of money to a high-calorific feed including sports,
such as “Mega Weights 2000” or “Mega Weights 4000” and be ready to the
fact that his muscular weight will grow more slowly, than that of his partners
in a sports hall. Though, here all depends on the character of the person. In my
practice there were a lot of ectomorphs, who got a rather decent muscular
For an endomorph it is a little bit easier with getting more muscular
weight, but he has another problem. Very often people of this type cannot refuse
from so their favorite eclairs, hamburgers, cakes and "hot dogs". These people -
a titbit for all possible speculators selling stuff for loosing weight which
successfully make profit on the weak will of the person, selling them various
“fat burners” which, unfortunately, burn nothing, except for cash in the wallet.
And if an endomorph will manage to change his habits - well, the results can be
simply tremendous. Endomorphs frequently have incorporated by nature a huge
power potential which is requires developing by persistent trainings.
A mesomorph - as I already said , is not so frequently met nowadays type
of human constitution. Especially in cities. Among countrymen, since their
childhood accustomed to heavy physical work, there are way more mesomorphs.
And in a city, too much civilized conditions, at absence of physical exercises
any mesomorph, most likely, in the second - third generation will degenerate
either to ectomorph, or in Endomorphs. Besides strong and beautiful by nature
person frequently has no any complexes, and accordingly, no aspirations to
improve oneself. So the motivation and strength of mind of those ecto-and
endomorphs who have not reconciled to natural lacks and firmly decided to alter
themselves, works wonders and makes from them the real athletes -
mesomorphs. An example - the author of this book by nature having too a rarely
met mixed ecto-endomorph type of constitution (muscular legs at absolutely
undeveloped arms and the upper part of the body and a tendency to
By the way, if you were skinny by nature or inclined to extra weight , but
could alter yourself your children most likely will be mesomorphs. Bodybuilding
changes not only your body, but also your genetic code which you will pass to
the descendants.
The Third Disappointment
Bodybuilding is overcoming the pain. When you with all your might make
the last repetition , and your muscles ring from the pressure and ask for mercy,
you should know that the repetition was hardly the last. For certain you have
regretted yourselves and could make one more or two!
And you should do it , overcoming the pain.
But such trainings through the pain are possible only minimum after a
year of regular trainings. By then you can feel, what pain will lead to a trauma,
and what - to the productive termination of the set. There is nothing to hide,
there is hardly on the planet a decent bodybuilder who came to the perfection
without a single overstretching.
But! Let us agree , that is impossible to achieve in life anything essential
easily and simply. People get into car accidents , treat traumas - and go to a
motor show to get a new car. Fans of single combats before their main job
cover bruises on their faces, received on the training the other day , and in the
evening again go to the hall. By the way, in bodybuilding, under condition of a
sober and scientific approach to trainings the risk to receive a trauma is less ,
than in other kinds of sports.
The Fourth Disappointment
You work out, work out, work out - and there are no visible results.
I heard such words from some people. They say they tried – and nothing
turned out.
The answer is the only one.
All this simply was not necessary for them.
The Fifth Disappointment
If you stop trainings your body will gradually return to the state it had
before the trainings.
1)Loosing the muscular weight as a result of absence of trainings is not a
process of one day, it is the process of many months.
2) If you continue to train again your muscular weight will return in
WEEKS! Your body has a so-called “muscular memory”, and it fast and
with pleasure returns to the perfection it has lost.
3) Is there on earth an objective reason to stop trainings? Let bodybuilding
become your favorite hobby, beside pleasure from good trainings bringing
you health, beauty, strength, freedom from complexes and harmful habits and,
as a consequence unchangeable trust in yourself.
So, summing it all up, it is possible to say with confidence, that proper,
thought over trainings, that become for you a hobby for all your life, will never
disappoint you.
4.1 Motivation, club, the equipment
In bodybuilding there is one interesting nonsense. In expensive fitness -
centers equipped with the superexpensive equipment … you very seldom meet a
sportsman with decent muscles. The reason? There are few of them.
А) Motivation.
In expensive clubs the atmosphere is not for work, and it is more like a
fashionable "party". About it Arnold Schwarzenegger wrote in his “New
Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding”
“ Bodybuilders, as a rule, do not want to train in sports halls which they
count too “fashionable”. Eventually, training is a heavy work, sweat and
clenched teeth, instead of a refined tea ceremony. Having won the second title
“Mr. Universe” in 1968, I trained for some time in one of health clubs of London
(very stylish and magnificent) and found out, that I can not achieve any muscles
weight growth, no matter how strong I tried. The room reminded me something
in between a society drawing room and a modern hospital ward, with a
beautiful carpet covering and chromated equipment, which shone and smelt
with antiseptic, like at the dentist’s. I focused on exercises, simultaneously
trying to not pay attention to conversations about share market or about what
car someone is going to buy. In principle , it is possible to understand, that the
health club with such an atmosphere ideally suits the majority of people who
work together and simply want to keep fit, and maybe, to get rid of some inches
of fat on the waist. But all this is not necessary for those who wants to have
serious trainings on bodybuilding.”
There is nothing to add here.
B) Music.
If music plays during the trainings or not is your private choice. In
expensive clubs frequently it is the choice of the owners of the club. I think,
that in a normal sports hall for bodybuilding there should be no music at all.
Many bodybuilders (including me) prefer to train, having closed their eyes and
listening to the muscles, instead of someone's deafening church singing.
Eventually, if someone likes to work out listening to music nothing prevents
this person to carry with him a walkman and listen during the training his
favorite melodies?
C) People.
In fashionable clubs especially in the evenings there are too many people.
It is not even that you have to wait in the queue to get to some training device.
But if you see a blonde with huge silicone breasts passing by you , it will be
difficult to be get to the training . I may guarantee, that even having taken the
bar and having closed your eyes, you will imagine not your own growing
biceps, but something else.
Where the way out? For example, one of my pupils attended two clubs
simultaneously. To really train he went to my club, and to “World class” - to get
acquainted with girls. A normal approach to the question for a normal
Personally I cannot train in any other sports hall, except mine. All the
equipment, including the handles of the dumbbells, were made to my order
according to my own drawings. (By the way, these handles should fit your palm
so that your thumb and the little finger felt the internal “plates” of a dumbbell.
It is made so that the dumbbell, especially of a big weight, did not outweigh to
either side during the exercise relatively the hand. An incredibly convenient
thing. If there is no similar opportunity, try to find dumbbells with the length of
the working surface of the handle from an internal “plate” up to the internal that
equals 115 mm. This length is optimal practically for any palm.)
Certainly, it might seem too much of a good thing to somebody, but
eventually any advanced athlete starts to find almost in each training device its
drawbacks. Here there is a picture of a universal bench created by me and
universal racks for shoulder squeeze, knee-bends, pulling the body up, etc. In
the design of those racks there is opportunity for working with a bar laying on
the bench with a big weight without any help of a partner. All bodybuilders
know about the danger to be crushed by a heavy bar while performing this
exercise – even an advanced sportsman not always can calculate, whether or not
he will push out the training device during the last repetitions. In our case with
adjustable height safety probes make the performing of this exercise absolutely
Pictures 684-686
4.2 The program of trainings
The preparatory course lasts for three months. There are two trainings a
week. If you are a “lark”, it is desirable to train early in the morning when you
are still full of energy. If you are an "owl" - train in the evening. By the way, an
interesting fact. On week-ends an “owl” who slept well trains 30% worse, than
in the evening on work days , after a heavy working day.
The initial course is identical to all newbies and consists basically of the
main exercises making the foundation of bodybuilding, and power preparation of
the fighter, meant for the development of the large muscles and strengthening of
ligaments and joints. During the first rate communication{connection} a brain -
muscle is formed. You, as a newbie driver, who for the first time got in the car,
learn to work correctly with unfamiliar objects and in a new way to use the
You should necessarily start writing a training diary into which you will write
down, how many push-ups you, for example, made etc. during today's training
so that during the next one you could necessarily try to make a little bit more.
Do not trust your memory! The best supervisor is your diary, the permanent
resident of your sports bag together with a bottle of a protein cocktail, a vest and
During the first and second courses it is categorically not recommended to
use the technique of forced and negative repetitions of the third, fourth and fifth
courses. Otherwise you seriously risk to get traumas which for a long enough
time will take you back and which (even healed) will by all means have an effect
later. The first and second courses are designed not working out the muscles by
all means, they are designed just for the preparation for it ,without which you
never will take decent weight without a risk to be seriously injured.
And something else. Search for a good personal trainer or permanent, up
to fanaticism keen on bodybuilding the partner for trainings. Training without a
good partner is training without 50 % of success! The partner will secure you at
working with a heavy weight, his comments will help to avoid or get rid of
mistakes which are difficult to notice when the world is shaking, groans and is
turns over together with you and your heaviest bar. A good partner will call you
and ask, why the hell you have missed the training and will not be afraid to
explain, that after it you are anything but the leader. And will necessarily add,
that during the following training will be difficult to him without your help. As
well as it will be difficult for you without his.
4.3 The First Course (3 months)
Abdominals (on the floor )
2 working sets.
The first set. Your back is on the floor, your legs together, your hands are
behind the head. Legs are bent at the angle of 90 degrees , while exhaling pull
your knees to the elbows. After that do not lower your legs to the floor by any
means! Catch that moment when your abdominal muscles already do not strain,
and your legs are still in the air. It also will be a starting position from which it
is necessary to work out your abdominals. For the beginning- 20-30 repetitions
before there is a feeling of light burning in the area of your stomach.
Pictures 687-688
The second set. From the starting position (see the first set) pull the right
elbow to the left knee (20-30 times and more till you have a light burning
feeling). Then at once bring the left elbow to the right knee the same amount of
The interval between sets during all the training is 1 minute (you made 1 SET
of 15 REPETITIONS for your abdominal muscles).
Pictures 689-690
"Chinese" exercise on an inclined bench (my know-how).
2 working sets.
The ideal training device for the “Chinese” exercise is a bench which is used
for making exercises with your head down and legs up on which there is an
opportunity to put this bench in to the extreme bottom position. So, you sit on
such a bench where lying while doing other exercises your head is. Take hold
of the racks, lie, lift your legs to “the position of lotus” (therefore this exercise
for the abdominals is called “Chinese”). Then work out your abdominal
muscles , necessarily tearing off the coccyx from the bench surface and
simultaneously trying to pull your chest to the heels. 20-30 repetitions before
you get the feeling of burning in the area of the stomach. As soon as you felt it
you should finish the exercise at once. In a minute of rest repeat the exercise,
having changed the position of the legs. If the right leg was on the left one , in
the second set your left leg will be on your right one.
1. Do not help yourself with your hands. For this purpose take hold of the racks
so that your forearms were parallel to the floor or at an angle less than 90
degree to it, and your triceps are tight to the sides as much as possible.
2. Tear off the coccyx from the bench! In the given exercise the work of the
upper part of the body is minor. It can be raised up till you feel strain in the
upper part of the abdominals - and leave it in this way till you finish the
Pictures 691-692
Pulling up on a horizontal bar behind the head with an average hold.
1 warm up set , 2 working sets. (the amount of repetitions in the
description of sets will be always specified for working sets. For warm up ones
the amount of repetitions is always approximately twice less)
We work up to six-eight “clean” pulling ups. Those who can at once pull
up eight times with an average hold , I recommend to increase the width of the
hold till you can hardly pull your body up 5-6 times. This is the way for you to
Pictures 693-694
Pulling up is the basic exercise for the development of the broadest muscles of
your back. So, you come up to the horizontal bar, take hold of it with a catch a
little bit wider than your shoulders and here you go, till you touch the bar by
the back part of your neck. The problem is that at the beginning not everyone
can do it.
So it makes sense at the beginning to train at a block device which
imitates pulling up.
The weight on the block should make it possible for you to make 6-8
in a working set till you get the feeling of burning in the broadest muscles, but
not up to the point when you feel it is the limit of your physical
ability(“refusal”). Refusal during the exercises of the first course is when to
make a next repetition you have to twitch, bend, i.e. to sacrifice the technique
REMEMBER! And in the exercises of the first course , and later in performing
a set never be guided by the number of repetitions! Only your sensations are the
criterion of a qualitatively performed set.The number of repetitions is very
approximate and, especially in the beginning , there is no sense in sacrificing the
technique risking to get a serious trauma.
I remind!
A warm up set differs from a working one due to the fact that at
performing it the weight on the device should be 30-40 % less, than during the
working set.It has 2-3 repetitions less and it is carried out up to the feeling of a
light warmth in the muscles, but not till burning or doing your utmost. A
warm-up is a warm-up. In bodyweight exercises (pulling the body up, push-ups,
push-ups on bars, etc.) in a warm up set about a quarter of the whole number of
possible repetitions is carried out.
During the whole unit devoted to bodybuilding, under the name of each
exercise there will be a number of warm up and working sets. If there are no
special instructions, make the weight of the devices in warm up sets
automatically according to the formula – the weight of the device in a working
set minus 30-40%.
So, in our case in pulling the block behind the head the working weight
will be somewhere 20-25 kg ( girls should in all the exercises of the first course
automatically make the weight 10 kg less).I will notice though that at the
beginning the burning will be anywhere, except the broadest muscles . It is
because as I already said, the weakest muscles, taking part in this exercise will
be the first to get the main load . In this case these are both biceps, and triceps in
the negative phase, and also eyes, and ears (a joke. But you might feel this
Pay attention to the negative phase – the phase of letting the device go.
It should be is deliberately slow, time three times slower than pulling the
crossbeam to the neck. Exclude any jerks! These are exercises for developing
your muscles, not for crippling them. I will repeat here, do not forget that at a
warm up set the weight of any device is always thirty - forty percent less than
the working weight!
Pictures 695-696
Imitation - is imitation, and a substitute is always worse than a natural
product. Therefore choose such a horizontal bar, hanging on which your legs will
touch the floor. What for? I will explain.
A horizontal bar is a sports device as well as a barbell and dumbbells, and
later you will make both full and partial repetitions. How – I will tell you later,
during the first course it is not necessary for you.. And if you cannot pull
yourself up a single time then after one warm up and two working sets with the
block behind the head, come up to the horizontal bar, get hold of it with an
average hold , jump up - and slowly lower down. For this purpose choose a
device that is fixed pretty close to the floor.
Or, if you will fix the bar to the wall, choose the height at which you freely
stand on the floor with your hands extended upwards as much as possible.
Footnote for professionals.
Pulling up with a usual hold is an exercise for the broadest muscles, but not for
biceps, forearms, etc. For them there are other special exercises, and in pulling
up from the hanging position (especially in its bottom point) the loading gets to
these weaker in comparison with the broadest muscles .As a result hands get
tired quickly and the broadest muscles do not receive that optimum loading for
which pulling up is meant.
So, you jumped up then slowly lower yourself down. Make this exercise
5-6 times. Such training is called negative repetitions and is used by advanced
athletes after a normally performed exercise for the development of strength
and maximal workout of the muscle trained. In your case the negative work
with a horizontal bar will also help to develop the force necessary for normal
work with this device.
Pulling up on a horizontal bar to the chest with an average hold .
1 warm up set, 2 working sets.
The system is the same. The weights on the block device are the same (or 5
kg less).In case you cannot pull yourself up at least 5-6 times, work with the
block device by the principle 1 warm up set, 2 working sets.
For the initially advanced ones – the same system of the widening the catch as in
the previous exercise.
But remember!
Both pulling the block and pulling your body up are always performed up to
the chest, but not to the chin as you might have been taught at school.
Try to pull your body up so that the crossbeam was directed to the middle of the
thorax. Your blades are together. Only in such a position you will work out the
broadest muscles instead of tormenting your hands with a practically useless
Even if you could pull yourself up on a horizontal bar these 5-6 times, after
that you should necessarily make 2-3 negative repetitions, i.e. jump up and
slowly lower down.
Pictures 697-700
Lifting a barbell lying on a flat bench
2 warm up sets , 2 working sets.
One of the basic exercises in modern bodybuilding for the development of
pectoral muscles and indirectly -triceps. Though, it is possible to say, that, later
pulling up with a superwide hold on a horizontal bar, you will give the most
powerful push to the development not only the broadest muscles, but surprising
as it may seem, pectoral muscles too! But that will be later.
Now some words about two warm up sets.
You should remember that !
In the exercises when you lift weights lying, squats, exercises with a
barbell for the lower part of the back and exercises for the shoulders I apply
the scheme 60-80-100. It means, that no matter with what weight you perform
the working set, warm up sets are performed with weights of 60 and 80 %
accordingly from the working 100 % of weight of the device. This scheme is
valid during all your training process up to the fifth course inclusive.
The weight is 30 - 40 kg. Lie on a bench, the partner helps you to take the
barbell from the racks with a catch a little bit wider than the shoulders, take the
barbell from the racks, slowly lower it down in the direction of the middle of
your chest - and pushed it upwards. 5-6 repetitions. The negative phase
(lowering) is twice longer in time than actually pushing the barbell upwards.
That is the secret. Do not make jerks! Push upwards , instead of making jerks!
To put it short, you should keep to the main principles here too.
Sometimes there is a question - whether it is necessary to touch pectoral
muscles by the middle of the bar in the lower point of the exercise? I think, that
you should perform this exercise by slowly lowering the barbell and by
stopping it several millimeters from your chest then you should at once start
moving the device upwards. There are three reasons. The first – especially
during the initial stage some sportsmen start to putting the bar on the chest ,
relaxing their hands due to reflex. Then to move the device from the dead point
, they need the help of the partner. The second - if you keep to “the principle of
a millimeter”, your pectoral muscles and triceps will get the necessary workout
without any jerks during the whole exercise that will be really fruitful for the
training and will considerably lower the risk of a trauma. And the third -
stopping the bar in the point specified, you will avoid “beat off” the barbell
from your chest and will keep an ideal technique of performing this exercise.
Lifting weight lying on a bench whatever device you are training with - a
barbell or a dumbbell - do not linger the device neither in the top point, nor in
the lower one. It can influence your ulnar joints and, in addition, you spend your
energy absolutely for nothing.
And what is more. Performing this exercise I strongly recommend to use
the help of a partner. I will put it frankly – it is a very unpleasant business to roll
from yourself a barbell weighing 100 kg or so which you could not at the end
of exercise put on the racks, having gone beyond your strength limits.
A useful tip for the partner who is helping - helping the partner to
perform the last set, you should stay at the level of his shoulder if the
construction of the bench will allow it, get hold of the middle of the bar in the
following way – one of your palms directed to you, another - from you), with
you back straight you should sit down with some accent on your “front” leg
help your partner to push the barbell upwards (your legs work) and finish the
exercise. In this way you will protect your own back from a possible
Pictures 701-704
Pushups from the floor
1 warm up set , 1 working set
Under the condition of a correct performance it is a very good exercise
for the development of pectoral muscles and triceps. Later at more advanced
stages of training process this exercise is used for the finishing stage of working
out the pectoral muscles chest (“finishing”). My variant of pushups is much
more difficult for performing, than the one we were taught at school. And much
more effective. For example, on a business trip, when there is no opportunity to
visit a sports hall, for keeping fit it is enough to make three times a week a
number of simple exercises:
А) Working out abdominals on the floor ( two-four sets ,see 1 course)
B) Pushups from the floor. 1 warm up set , 2 working sets (see the picture
C) Lifting your case or a heavy bag to the biceps sitting from the thigh (1 warm
up set, 1 working set till refusal.
Pictures 705-706
E) Partial squats without a barbell. 1 warm up set, 2 working till refusal,
Pictures 707-708
And, though you will not have some special weight gains, but, at least,
during a couple of months it is guaranteed that you will not loose what have
achieved before that by regular trainings. Later I will tell you in detail how I
had to train in the conditions of prison fro almost half a year. In fact in any
circumstances the main thing is to not lose your courage and not to allow the
circumstances get you.
So, pushups. Lean on your fists so that between them there was a distance
equal to the width of your thorax. When you get down, your thumbs should
touch precisely the bottom of your pectoral muscles.
Now from the starting position slowly get down. Your chest should
touch the floor. And now by a fast, vigorous movement make a pushup. The
pushup itself takes twice less time, than the negative phase (getting down).
During rising and lowering your elbows should go strictly back, and the
internal parts of the biceps and the triceps should rub against the broadest.
Pushups are made either on the wooden floor, or, if on the floor there is a
soft covering, on the board especially cut for it. So besides the benefit from
pushups you in due course receive a trained enough surface of the fist which
will not be injured during the strikes in a street fight.
Pictures 709-710
Later, when you will be able to slowly pushup more than 10 times, I
recommend to try pushups from an average upper point without unbending
hands in the starting position. As they say, feel the difference.
Pictures 711-712
Under condition of if you in the beginning of the training process cannot
pushup more than two or three times, it is necessary to ask for the help of the
trainer or the partner by trainings. The principle is the same, as learning to make
pushups. The partner is above you, holding the ends of a belt or a special device
for pulling up with weights. The middle of the belt is at the middle of your
pelvis. You get down yourself, the partner helps you to rise. After you made
full pushups, get on your knees and make five more repetitions with the help of
the partner or if you manage, without it.
Pictures 713-716
Lifting a barbell by the shoulders while standing
2 warm up sets , 2 working sets
Quite a good exercise to workout of triceps and biceps and, probably, to
some extent shoulders (deltoid muscles).
I can imagine , what a roar this statement may cause. “How come, the
basic exercise for the shoulders is not the basic one? Hey, you probably don’t
understand a single thing in bodybuilding!..”.
OK. Maybe it is so. After all, it will be only someone else’s opinion. I
took into consideration my injured back deltas and decided, that my own
opinion is way more important.
Four years I trained according to the “classical system” , i.e. lowered a
barbell behind the head as it is recommend in all tutorials on bodybuilding.
And on one perfect day injured the left back delta. I thought that things happen.
Later a sharp pain in the right delta appeared and the bottom of my back started
to ache a bit. In a while after cancelling this exercise when my deltas got more or
less better, I tried to return to lift a barbell by the shoulders, but already without
relying on recommendations of the authorities, but just listening to my own
body. I got to the conclusion that the barbell should be lowered not behind the
head, and on top of the head. The pain in my back disappeared and the training
weights have grown at once. However, I still did not feel loading actually on
deltas, the way I suspect, nobody feels it. Basically, in its dynamics the
exercise differs just a little from the lifting the barbell in the position lying on
the floor, just the chest does not work. And what does work then?
Triceps while lifting and biceps in the negative phase. To my mind,
shoulders get only indirect loading.
Nevertheless, for newbies this is really quite a good exercise for hands and
for development of the control over the bottom of the back. The only thing - in
order to prevent traumas I would still recommend to lower the barbell behind
the head, but on top, and either using the Smith's training device , or in the
device for lifting and pushups of my invention, the picture of which is given
above (and later). In case of the latter you will still work with free weights
which, as it is known, is much more effective than simulators in the way of
gaining muscular weight. And the risk to be injured comes to zero. To get sure
your bottom part of the back doesn’t get injured I recommend to use soft back
supports which do not constrain your breath and do not press on soft tissues,
unlike heavy athletics belts. Besides the rubberized supports to some extent
promote the burning of hypodermic fat. Therefore people with excessive fat can
carry such belts during all the training, tightening them so that they did not
constrain breath, but at the same time fixed the bottom part of the back.
All sports belts, including heavy athletics and back supports should be put
on only over the sportswear (a t-shirt). Otherwise you will get reddening,
attrition and inflammations of integuments fraught with the risk to pick up a
serious skin disease in the conditions of sports halls that maybe not too clean.
Occasionally on sale it is possible to find back supports possessing also
some medical action. They have little magnets possessing beneficial influence
on pains in the back and on all the organism as a whole. The question of the
medical action of such magnets is , certainly, disputable, but such authority in
bodybuilding as Mike Menttser spoke in a positive way , and I once , having
hurt my back during the training, used such a belt. I can not say for sure, but, it
seems that Menttser was not mistaken. Though two moments are possible here
- the psychological factor, plus real support of the back, removing the strain
from the long muscles and giving in this way some anesthetizing influence.
Verdict: if you have pains in the area of the waist (along with the
treatment appointed by the doctor!) it is better to apply the above-named belt,
than doubtful inventions of modern geniuses of commerce.
I remind of the scheme 60-80-100 for warm up sets , mentioned above.
The help of the partner( who will watch your barbell from getting way
forward or way backward) is possible but not necessary
Pictures 717-721
French lifting
1 warm up set , 2 working sets.
An excellent exercise for the development of triceps weight трицепса,
especially its inner part. The best way to make it is with so-called EZ-bar which
unlike a straight bar doesn’t out radiocarpal joints.
Picture 722
Put the weight of 10-15 kg, lie on the bench so that the middle of your nape
was at the edge of the bench . Your hands with a narrow catch are on the EZ -
bar. Lift the barbell from the racks till the upper point” then move your hands
backwards for about 10 cm (see the picture). And now slowly - I repeat, slowly
lower the barbell behind your head. Not lingering in the bottom point twice
faster than the lowering make the lifting up to the starting position. Watch that
that your hands didn’t move too far from each other to the sides and during all
the exercise were parallel each other. As well as in lifting while lying, it will
be certainly better , if your partner or trainer will watch you (especially during
later courses working with big weights).
Pictures 723-725
Pay attention to the pictures!
The hands are slightly bent in the radiocarpal joints in the direction of the
inner side of the forearm! You should constantly remember it and practice this
technique up to automatism! Thus you will not only keep yourselves from
possible trauma while working with big weights in future, but will also
considerably strengthen your forearms at the present time. Do not let your
hands “ break” outwards!
Picture 726
Lifting the barbell on the biceps while standing
1 warm up set , 2 working sets
The exercise for the development of the biceps. The weight is 15-20 kg.
Take the barbell with a EZ-bar with a wide catch and get into a starting
position, as it is shown in the picture. The legs are bent, the hands are on the
thighs, the body is slightly inclined forward.
Pay attention! The position of the hands is the same, as at the French lifting!
While lifting the barbell on the biceps you should remember three things –the
position of the legs, the position of the back and the hands are bent in the
direction of the inner side of the forearm!
Then, keeping your back and legs in the starting position, without jerks
lift the barbell up to the waist - and twice more slowly lower it to the starting
position. Hands under the weight of the barbell are slightly bent in the wrists
inside. In this case it is ok, as this angle of the bend is natural to the human
anatomy and thereof, there is no dangerous strain in the radiocarpal joint.
Pictures 727-728
Squats with a barbell or exercises for the development of the lower
part of the back(“draft”).
Two great exercises for the development of the general strength and
getting weight gains. Powerlifting is a separate kind of sports exclusively for
the development of strength. In powerlifting dominate the basic power exercises
- exercises for the development of the lower part of the back, lifting a barbell
while lying and squats . So pay to them your special attention. Though the
program offered, in general, has no direct attitude to powerlifting, but strength
and muscular weight is a necessary factor for any person.
As you train two times a week you will make exercises for the
development of the lower part of the back (“draft”), let us say, on Monday, and
squats - on Thursday. In both exercises one should make 2 warm up sets and 2
working sets according to the scheme 60-80-100.
Exercise for the development of the lower part of the back (“draft”)
2 warm up sets , 1 working set
The working weight is 30-40 kg. The scheme is 60-80-100. The legs are
on the shoulders width. Sit down, get hold of the bar with a catch from above
(directed to yourself) so that your forearms slightly touched the legs. Your back
is straight during all the exercise! Pay your special attention to this! If your
back bends under the weight of the device , immediately reduce the weight!
Otherwise you risk to get a serious trauma.
Your sight during all the exercise will be directed upwards, that will help
you to keep your back straight.
Ask your partner to stay at your side and see, whether your back is
straight. It is often difficult to feel yourself.
Take the barbell and lift it , as though slightly leaning back and
“dragging” the barbell right up against the shins. In the upper point of the
exercise slightly bend backwards and, keeping the back straight and the sight
directed upwards, lower in the starting position.
And here is my little discovery, as well as all my so-called "know-how", I
think, known to the advanced athletes, but for some reason not published in any
of editions. What is it? Notorious secrets which are not meant for general
public? I do not think , it is only me who guessed such more than significant
“trifles” in our business though I would be happy to think this way ! Anyway ,
here is one of these trifles.
Pay attention to the picture. In the starting position move your elbows
backwards, slightly bend your arms in the elbows and, lifting the barbell from
the floor, help yourself by your hands as in “draft” lying with an upper hold
(see below). This innovation will not take off the load from your legs the and
the bottom part of your back – but the weight will remain the same! - but will
make way easier the performing of the exercise + will give an essential load to
the upper parts of your forearms and the bottom parts of your biceps. In this
case it doesn’t “harm” the exercise (as, for example , during some types of
pulling your body up) because the exercise is meant for the development of
strength and weight of the whole body, instead of separate group of muscles.
Pictures 729-731
After every approach during the “draft” you should by all means take the
load off the bottom of your back. I name this exercise “pulling through”.
Approach the horizontal bar, hang on it , slightly pull your body up and,
without letting the bar off, sharply relax your hands and fall down,
simultaneously mentally relaxing the bottom part of your back. Do it 4-5 times
then draw in your legs and some times scroll the bottom part of your body to the
left - to the right, as shown in the picture . Don’t get frightened, if you hear
some crisp in your back . It is in a way some kind of the manual therapy which
brings your backbone in order.
Four-footed animals have no problems with the backbone as it is located
parallel to the ground and doesn’t have any special loading. The person during
the evolution has got on the back legs and though in this way he, undoubtedly,
stands above some animals , in addition he got a rather unpleasant disease -
osteochondrosis. The weight of the body presses the backbone therefore in
intervertebral disks often there are degenerative changes that brings a lot of
troubles to the human being . It is especially true for all sportsmen going
through increased loading on the backbone. Therefore it is quite useful to make
“pulling through” not only after the “draft”, but also after each set during all the
training. We will make hyperextension – a special exercise for working out the
bottom part of the back- since the second course. “Pulling through” will be
enough for now.
Pictures 732-734
Squats with a barbell
2 warm up sets , 1 working set
The scheme is 60-80-100. I make this exercise with the help of the
above-named device of my own design. Thus (unlike Smith's machine) the
effect of working with free weight is not lost together and simultaneously
you are safe from getting traumas. In case your quadriceps “refuse to work”
you simply fall down with the barbell on your shoulders - and device remains
in the fixers.
Whatever variant of squats you might choose - classical or suggested by
me - in any case in order to prevent any trauma of your knees you should squat
till your thighs will be parallel the floor. Squatting lower , you risk to receive a
serious trauma of the knees ! Locate the fixers in the device accordingly (see
the picture). In this way you will not be mistaken as far as the lower point is
So. The working weight for the beginning is 20-30 kg. Remember the
scheme 60-80-100. Not to injure the upper part of your backbone, get in a
sports shop a special protective pad for the bar or put on your shoulders a
folded towel.
Pictures 735-736
Place the barbell in the position hardly below your shoulders, take it off the
racks - and squat, keeping the same position of the back and the sight, as
during “the draft”.
In classical squats you squat from the position when your legs are
straight - and then return to this position.
Pictures 737-739
So in the course of time it is possible to master an essential weight.
Thus, making squats with the help of the device of my design you can squat as
many times as you can without risking to get a trauma in case you cannot rise
from the bottom point of a squat приседа. The barbell will simply lie on the
Picture 740
Advanced sportsmen for making the last repetitions till refusal will need
the help of a partner.
Picture 741
But take into account the following thing!
While working with heavy weights grow not only muscles of your legs
but, excuse me, buttocks as well. Therefore for myself I prefer half-made squats
with smaller weights, than accepted in classics. In this case the starting position
is an already half made squat .
Pictures 742- 743
To my mind in this way quadriceps are worked out way better, and
buttocks do not grow. Thus with a working weight you squat 3-5 times before
“refusal”! Accordingly, the scheme 60-80-100 looks approximately as follows:
60 % (5 repetitions), 80 % (4 repetitions), 100 % (3 repetitions). Further the
scheme remains the same, and the amount of repetitions depends on the
preferences of the training sportsman. The only thing - I recommend to select
such a weight on the barbell that you physically could not make more than five
repetitions in every set.
Otherwise squats gradually turn into an aerobic exercise meant for making
the muscles of the legs become smaller , instead of gaining muscular weight.
Exercise for the calves of the legs
1 warm up set , 2 working sets for each leg.
In general, I haven’t met many people who would like to work out the
bottom part of the human organism. I don’t like it too, maybe because at least
here I was given something by nature. While having an ordinary looking “upper
part” I initially had powerful legs. So in case of absence of obviously lean legs
and if you are not going to take part in competitions , perhaps, to keep fit it will
be enough to limit yourself to just squats with a barbell in the training device and
working out the calf muscles once in a week or two. It is possible to add here
working out the biceps of the thigh in the training device, but here you should
decide yourself, and it is in general not too difficult. You fix the weight, lie on
your stomach – and here you go. But for most of us will need just squats with
working out calf muscles.
Certainly, I don’t mean professional sportsmen here. This exercise has no
special difficulties.
It is possible to take the barbell with your legs straight in the training
device as for a squat- and slowly get up and down with it on your tiptoe. You
shouldn’t experiment with the position of your feet here. Put them parallel to
each other – it will be just it and you won’t get traumas working with a heavy
To stand with your toes on wooden bars is also pretty dangerous.
Pictures 744-746
It is possible to do the same with a heavy dumbbell in your hand standing on
one leg. Select the weight so that you could make 20-30 repetitions in one
Pictures 747-748
If the dumbbell is too heavy, use hand belts. It is also my invention.
Anyway, I did not see such belts in any sports halls. It just a very strong leather
or tarpauline belt 25 mm in width and 800 mm in length, tailored in a ring (the
ring makes 730 mm here).If there is no leather, a tarpauline leash will do. You
can buy it in any sporting goods store. No matter what other authors would
write, hand belts help me a lot during the trainings , especially in pulling up on a
horizontal bar with a superwide hold and heavy “drafts”
Pictures 749-750
Lifting the barbell lying on a inclined bench, flat bench and declined
The technique of lifting in the second rate undergoes significant changes.
Now you should write in your training diary, that one week you work out the
upper part of your сhest, another week – the middle part, the third – the bottom
part of the chest muscles. Then you repeat the cycle. I remind, that the scheme
60-80-100 is fair for all lifting while lying, squats and “draft” during all of your
Lifting the barbell on the inclined bench.
2 warm up sets , 2 working sets
The exercise is for the upper part of the pectoral muscles, simultaneously
it works out forward deltas pretty well. The weight is the same , as at the
beginning of trainings! Place the upper part of the bench a little bit over the
horizontal line, lie on it and make the same exercise, as in the first course.
We lower the barbell a little bit below the clavicle and lift it upwards
strictly perpendicularly to the floor. Let your partner watch the correctness of
making the exercise.
The principles of maintaining security are identical to the ones of the first
Pictures 759-760
Lifting the barbell on a horizontal bench
2 warm up sets , 2 working sets
The exercise from the first course. The weight can be put 10-15 kg more, than
what you worked with earlier.
Lifting the bar on a declined bench (headfirst)
2 warm up sets, 2 working sets
It is written in all tutorials, that this exercise develops the bottom part of
pectoral muscles. I will not argue, I will only add, that in my opinion this
exercise also gives a powerful power push in lifting lying on a bench. In this
exercise later you will be able to take weight 5-10 kg more, than on a horizontal
bench, that will later influence greatly both this lifting and lifting on an inclined
bench. For now do not hurry and with the same weight, as in the previous
exercise, master the technique.
If in your hall there is no special bench for lifting headfirst, place your
universal simulator in the position of the bench shown in the picture. Fix your
calf muscles by the edge of the bench and start lifting from the bottom part of the
pectoral muscles strictly perpendicularly the floor. At first such a way of lifting
will seem to you, to put it mildly, inconvenient. Therefore necessarily use the
help of the partner! In some exercises watching you by another person making
the exercise cannot be replaced either by a mirror, or by the most advanced
Pictures 761-762
Lifting the dumbbells lying
2 working sets
Take two dumbbells 12 kg each. Put their end faces on the thighs and sit
down on the edge of the bench for lifting. Then, keeping the angle of the
position of legs in relatively to your body, push off by your toes from the bench
and overturn to the bench to the position lying. Several times rehearse getting
into the starting position with light dumbbells for lifting them lying. Later you
will have to work with dumbbells of 40 kg each so you have to rehearse getting
into the starting position now, when the weight of the devices is not too
Pictures 763-766
Lower your legs to the sides of the bench. Holding the dumbbells on each
side of the body , lower the elbows down to the position when you will feel a
light stretching of pectoral muscles. This is a starting position.
Lift the dumbbells upwards, simultaneously turning them in the air till the
position when the bars will make one straight line. From this position
slowly lower the dumbbells to the starting position. Exclude any jerks! Having
got used to tearing instead of pulling or pushing the training devices , later you
risk, working with larger weights to lose balance and either crashing down from
the bench to the floor together with the dumbbells, or seriously injure your
hands and pectoral muscles.
Pictures 767-768
The help of the trainer or the partner at making this exercise will be good
at the initial stage and later working with heavier weights.
Pictures 769-770
Pulling the dumbbells apart lying
2 working sets
Take the dumbbells 8-10 kg each and get into the same starting position,
as in the previous exercise. Now move your hands away from your body a little
till the position specially shown in the pictures.
Pictures 771-772
For some reason many pupils for a long time cannot understand the
starting position for pulling the dumbbells apart lying. Pay attention to the
correctness of Making this exercise at the beginning , when the weights of each
dumbbell is not 30 kg or more each.
Don’t be surprised!
90 % of newbies, reading these lines, will skeptically grin – “As far as I
am concerned I will never achieve such results.”
Never, you say? It will take a couple of years most ,trust my word, without the
use of anabolics! Take into account, that all training weights specified in the
given book are for absolutely any men from 16 till 45 years old with a zero level
of preparation, without medical contra-indications for trainings (for men after
45-50 years and for the majority of women training weights are 20-30 %
So, get into the starting position. And now powerfully we bring the hands
half way together (relatively the possible amplitude), mentally connecting to the
movement our pectoral muscles. Imagine , that you press with your biceps a big
rubber sphere lying on your chest.
Picture 773
Why half way? In the majority of tutorials it is written, that it is necessary
to make the exercise at a full amplitude.
Let's think logically. Take in your hands very light dumbbells, lie down
on the bench and bring your hands together to a ring (the top point of the
classical pulling the dumbbells apart lying). What do you feel? That’s right, the
strain of the biceps holding your hands in a “ring”.
Picture 774
Lifting the barbell on the biceps while standing
1 warm up set , 2 working sets
Meanwhile it is all the same, as in the first course. It is possible to add the
weight of 5-10 kg to the barbell if it does not harm your technique. Do not try
to force the weight, leaning back and lifting the barbell by the back! Develop
the biceps, learn to feel it at work ! Do not hurry to put on the barbell very
heavy weights! Just wait for three months. Real work will soon begin.
Without a picture
2 warm up sets , 1 working set
Do you feel the bottom part of your back strain? You never had bending
in your waist during this exercise? The bar goes upwards easily and
habitually? Then in working sets you should add to your barbell 10 kg. But be
cautious, do not just pursue the weights. If the back began to bend forward
under the weight of the barbell, immediately reduce the weight. Also do not
forget about “pulling through” on a horizontal bar after performing this
Without a picture
1 warm up set , 1 working set
The exercise is meant for the development of the bottom part of the
back. It will not add you muscular weight that can be readily seen, but it will
essentially strengthen the muscles stabilizing the lumbar-sacrum part of your
backbone. Hyperextension is also a preventive measure against
osteochondrosis. You work out the long muscles of your back and they serve as
an original corset for the backbone, preventing the intervertebral disks from
deformation under the influence of training and daily work.
If in your sports hall there is no special training device for
hyperextension, it is necessary to use the bench for lifting and the help of the
Lie down on the bench, as shown in the picture. Press your hands to
your chest and, looking upwards, make 10-20 repetitions of hyperextension.
Pictures 777-778
Training B
Abdominal muscles
Without changes. 4 working sets in all
Without a picture
Pulling up on a horizontal bar behind the head with an average hold
1 warm up set , 2 working sets
Now, when you can pull your body up on a bar with an average catch without
problems 5-6 times, you can safely train without a bock device .
In sports shops sometimes you can buy a belt for pulling up with a
Picture 779
Having made the warm up set without a weight, fix to your belt a plate
from the barbell of 2,5 kg. Pull your body up as many times as you can in two
sets. After the last set quickly remove the weight and make three negative
repetitions, i.e. jump up - and slowly lower down.
Picture 780
If it is not possible to buy a special belt , the belt for a kimono will be
fine here with which you could pull up with a plate from a barbell fixed to it
and a usual dumbbell – you will choose what is more convenient to you. I think,
that fans of single combats will not take offence for treating their ritual clothes
this way. In fact finally, all is being made not for the sake of rituals, but for the
sake of making the person physically closer to perfection.
Pictures 781-783
Pulling up on a horizontal bar to the chest with an average hold
1 warm up set , 2 working sets
The technique is identical to the similar exercise of the first course.
Except the fact that if you already can pull up more than 6 times, it will ok to
put to your belt some additional weight.
Without a picture
Lifting the barbell lying with an upper catch (palms directed to you)
1 warm up set , 2 working sets
Put the fixer of the bench for lifting in the extreme bottom position, as it
is shown in the picture . Bring to it the barbell of 30-50 kg, lie down on the
bench so that your knees rested against the bend of the bench, ask the partner to
sit on your legs and, having taken the bar with a catch from above (palms
directed to you), make 5-6 repetitions. I make this exercise with a barbell ,
having especially bent bar, but it is not necessary. A usual direct bar will be
quite suitable here.
Characteristic features.
1) While making the exercise the bar of the barbell slides on the
racks of the bench.
2) The sight is directed upwards all time.
3) If you make the exercise correctly your blades should get as
close to each other as possible.
Information for professionals.
The given exercise is identical to “drafts” of the Т-barbells and “drafts” on
the device imitating a Т-bar.
The superiority of the exercise over” drafts” of T-barbells .
In the exercise the legs and the bottom part are isolated of the back that
excludes possible “cheating”, and also traumas of the back at work with big
weights. Undoubtedly, lifting a Т-barbell is quite a good exercise for the
whole organism, but it is hardly can be considered the exercise meant for the
target work out of broadest muscles. The distribution of loading to other
groups of muscles participating in the exercise is too wide, in particular to
legs and the bottom part of the back.
The superiority of the exercise over the training device imitating a Т-bar.
For some reason in the majority of training devices of such type there is a
very narrow support for the chest.
And if the newbie, probably, this training device will suit fine, - with my
weight of 80-90 kg the narrow support simply “breaks” the chest and because
of the pain it is impossible to normally make the exercise.
The advantage of the mentioned exercise is also in its universal character.
In conditions of a small “basement” work out or a sports hall at home it is
enough simply to move the fixer, to get the barbell and then just go ahead
and work out. To tell the truth, in this exercise the help of the partner is
desirable. But I already wrote, that without a partner your training loses at
least 30 % of its efficiency. So, trust me, at present the given exercise simply
has no analogues in its efficiency.
Pictures 784-785
“Draft” of the barbell lying with a lower hold (palms from you)
1 warm up set , 2 working sets
The technique of the exercise is identical to the above-named one ,
except for the difference in position of the hands.
Pictures 786-787
“Draft” of the dumbbells lying with a parallel catch
2 working sets (your broadest muscles are already worked out enough, therefore
a warm up set is not required).
Take two dumbbells of 17-20 kg, lie down on the bench as in the previous
exercise and make the lifting as it is shown in the picture
Characteristic features:
1)Hands go closely to the sides of your body (as during pushups)
2) As during the pushups you work not towards the chest and
even not towards the obliques but almost towards the pelvis. The further -
the better.
3) As in the previous exercises, at making the “draft” of the
dumbbells you should bring your blades together in the upper point.
Pictures 788-789
Getting the dumbbells apart by the shoulders
1 warm up set , 3 working sets
I simply do not have words to express the impressions concerning this
exercise. I have been practicing it for about 10 years together with various lifting
by the shoulders – and ALL FOR NOTHING! Certainly, maybe when a person
gets a lot of steroids and lots of other stuff, it doesn’t really matter what and
how to do – they
Say that muscles grow in any case (they say they grow even if you don’t train at
all). It is quite another thing when you try to work out honestly trying to get out
of your modest budget some money for proteins and amino acids. Then it is a
double disappointment when you do work out but your muscles don’t want to
It is about the training weights! I bring the dumbbells apart holding 28
KG IN EACH HAND. And not as it is shown in tutorials. I categorically assert
that it is
a disinformation and full delirium to lift hands up to the level of your shoulders!
The average delta is worked out only by heavy weights at a little amplitude - and
in no other way! At a Little amplitude because there is hardly anyone can lift the
normal working weight to the height recommended in popular magazines.
For the beginning take dumbbells of 10 kg in each hand. Stand as it is
shown in the picture, having put the dumbbells on your thighs. And now slowly,
very slowly bring your arms apart. Having lingered for a half a second in the
upper point in the same way slowly lower them on your thighs. If you got the
dumbbells up to the level of your shoulders (that is really unlikely for a newbie)
– you should increase the weight, otherwise the exercise will be practically
useless! In the picture I raise the working weight, but it does not mean, that you
too should take such dumbbells at once! The picture is brought so that you saw
the real height to which it is necessary to lift the working weight in this
Pictures 790-791
Lifting the dumbbells in front of you
1 warm up set , 1 working set for each hand.
The exercise for working out front deltas which, carried out according to
the classical approach is also practically useless.
Get to the starting position, the buttocks touch the wall, as shown in the
picture. The weight of each dumbbell is 10 kg. The hand with the dumbbell is
between the legs and slightly bent in the elbow, the biceps is strained. The palm
of a free hand is on the knee. And now very slowly lift the dumbbell up, keeping
the biceps out of operation, then slowly omit the dumbbell.
Pictures 792-793
1 warm up set , 2 working sets
We train trapezoidal muscles . To my mind , it is the simplest exercise that
can be learnt. Take a dumbbell of 15-20 kg in each hand and slowly lift and
lower your shoulders , rolling the dumbbells on your thighs . In the upper point
we linger for a second, in the lower point we don’t do that. Make the exercise
slowly, without jerks is carried out. The only thing you should remember –
lifting the dumbbells from the floor do it as during the “draft” in order not to
hurt your back.
Pictures 794-796
Squats with a barbell
2 warm up sets , 1 working set
It differs from the first course only in weights. If you feel, that it is easy
for you to make squats with the weight you are training , then you should add
10-20 kg. All the rest is the same.
Without a picture
Exercise for the calf muscles
1 warm up set , 2 working sets for each leg
The same, as in the first course. You can make the weight of the training devices
5-10 kg more.
Without a picture
Pulling up on a horizontal bar to the chest with an average hold for score
1 warm up set, 1 working set
This is an exercise for a long time familiar to you. After a light warm-up (2-3
repetitions) just pull up as many times as you can.
Without a picture
Three-phase pulling up on a horizontal bar behind the door with a wide
1 working set
All three phases are carried out without rest.
Get hold of the crossbeam more widely than usually as it is shown in the
The distance between your little fingers equals approximately 90 cm. At a full
amplitude pull up behind your head as many times as you can till refusal (the
first phase).
Pictures 799-800
Then jump up till your nape touch the crossbeam and make four - five
Repetitions at approximately one third of the whole amplitude (the second
Make 2-3 such jumps with partial pulling up.
Pictures 801-802
Then jump up again - and very slowly lower down (the third phase of
negative repetitions). 2 - 3 times.
Three-phase pulling up is difficult. Especially without a habit. Therefore
after the set have a rest for one and a half - two minutes. During the set it is
possible to use hand belts.
Three-phase pulling up on a horizontal bar to the chest with a wide hold.
1 working set
The same, only to the chest. Do not forget! To the chest instead to your
Moreover - at performing these pulling up bend as much as possible in
your waist and mentally pull the crossbeam to the stomach. Especially at pulling
up with a superwide hold such a technique will give a significant push to growth
of your broadest muscles.
In the picture you see the final point of pulling up with a superwide hold
for sportsmen of the fifth course.
Picture 803
Pushups on bars
1 warm up set ,1 working set
Make one warm up set. And now put on the belt for pulling up with a
weight , fix to it a plate from the barbell of 5-10kg. Pull up as many times as you
can, after that take off the belt and pull up some more times till refusal.
Pictures 804-805
Working with a weight it would be better to use the help of the partner.
Picture 806
If there is no belt as during the pulling up with a weight use a long belt or belt
for trainings in karate.
Picture 807
Lifting the barbell lying : inclined, horizontal , declined (headfirst)
2 warm up sets, 1 working set
The technique of lifting is the same as in the second course. Only the
training weights vary!
Now your working weight is the weight with which you can without
“cheating” to make the lifting lying for once (“cheating” while lying is when
you tear off your waist from the bench and curve like an arch, trying to push out
the weight unreasonable for you). But remember! Before making this very
working set for once, it is necessary to have 2 warm up sets (the scheme is 60-
80-100). This is how it looks like.
If, let us say, your working weight is 100 kg ,the scheme increasing the
weights from a warm up approach to the working one will look so: 60 kg (5
repetitions), 80 kg (3 repetitions), 100 kg (1 repetition). Then after a minute of
rest it is possible to make 3-4 more repetitions till refusal with a wide catch with
the weight of 70-80 kg (pictures 808-809).
Pictures 808-809
The above-stated scheme is fair for all kinds of lifting in the position
And one more thing. Even do not think to make the lifting lying with
such weights without any help of the partner! It can lead to more than just a
trauma. There are cases when the barbell pressed down the sportsman to death!
If the partner for some reason is absent on the training, make lifting with the
help of the special training device of my design.
Pictures 810-812
Lifting the dumbbells lying
2 working sets
The same, as in the second course. A warm up set is not necessary here.
In the first set we choose dumbbells with which we can make 3-4 repetitions . In
the second set each dumbbell is 5 kg less.
Without a picture
Bringing the dumbbells apart lying
2 working sets
The same, as in the second course. We choose dumbbells of 12-15 kg in
weight each and watch closely the technique of making the exercise. With
unjustified increase in weights the tendency to incomplete lowering your elbows
down and to infringement of geometry of the amplitude of movement increases.
To put it simpler, the elbows “go” to the sides and bringing the dumbbells apart
gradually turns into a certain parody to lifting the dumbbells. Therefore if at job
with the mentioned above weight exercise loses in its technique, return to the
former weights and work with them for a couple of months more.
Believe me, these months will not pass for nothing. After a while you will get
a strong connection the brain – the muscle, motor adaptation to the exercise will
be fixed and later, increasing training weights you physically won’t manage to
make the exercise technically incorrectly.
Without a picture
Biphase pushups from the floor
1 working set
One biphase approach for the “finishing” of the pectoral muscles. Push
up from the floor as many times as you can the same as and in the second course.
Let the partner by means of the belt for pulling up with weight help you to make
5 more pushups till refusal. He helps you to rise - you independently slowly get
down. The exercise very similar to the one the for development of pushups.
The note for the partner – lifting the person making pushups you should
use only your legs instead of unbending your waist . Sit down – lift using your
legs .
The second phase of exercise. Kneel and till refusal push up 5-10 more
times. Then the partner will help you to make 2-5 more repetitions (see pictures
The “draft”
2 warm up sets , 1 working set
The “draft” is a conservative enough exercise. The only thing that changes in it
are weights! Now you can try to come nearer to your single maximum. But,
before you make the draft with the limiting weight for once, by all means have a
warm up set according to the scheme 60-80-100, that looks as follows and
brought for the sportsman working with the weight of 100 kg.
60kg (3 repetitions), 80kg (2 repetitions), 100kg (1 repetition).
Remember, the “draft” is a rather dangerous exercise. Therefore by all
means use the help of the partner which will watch your back. In case of a
slightest incorrect bend of your back immediately reduce the weight!
Without a picture
1 warm up set , 1 working set
The warm up set has 10 repetitions. In the working set of
hyperextension we will use for the beginning a plate of 10 kg. Gradually during
one year the weight of the pancake grows up to 30 kg. Pay attention - gradually.
It makes about 2 kg a month.
After the working set (10-20 repetitions) put the plate on the floor and
make 10 more repetitions without any weight.
Pictures 813-814
Reverse Hyperextension
1 working set
Lie down on the bench with your head to the opposite direction, cross your
straight legs and make 10 repetitions of reverse hyperextension.
Change the position of your legs and at once make ten more repetitions. At
the correct performance of the exercise you will feel some strain at the very
bottom of your back and the upper part of the buttock muscles.
Pictures 815-816
Training C
Do not forget to alternate trainings of a biceps and a triceps. That is in
one cycle from three trainings (A, B and С) you in the beginning of the training
work out the biceps, and later - the triceps . Not to forget, what I worked out
in the beginning, and what - in the end, in the training diary I keep such a
Biceps: + + +
Triceps: + +
Where + corresponds{meets} to the training with the priority of the
biceps or the triceps.
Abdominal muscles
5 working sets
Without a picture
Three-phase pulling up on a horizontal bar with a return average catch
1 warm up set , 1 set for the score , 1 working three-phase limiting set
Get hold of the crossbeam with a catch directed to you (a return catch) –
and after the warm up set , push up till refusal.
Pictures 817-818
And now make the same till refusal. Then without a rest jump up - and make 4
partial repetitions (2 sets without a rest).
Pictures 819-820
Then at once jump up and very slowly lower down . 3 repetitions.
Quadriphase lifting the barbell on the biceps while standing
2 warm up sets , 1 working set . The exercise is made , standing by your back to
the wall in a step from it. Here is the promised real job!
Make the warm up sets with the weight about 25-35 kg. 1 set from 3-4
repetitions, the second - from 2-3 with the same weight. At making warm up sets
watch the correctness of the technique. If during the set you make a significant
effort and the last repetition has to be done with “cheating”, you should lessen
your ambitions, and reduce the weight. Eventually, it is only a warm-up before
the real work.
So, the working set. Add to the warm up weight 10-15 kg. Get into the
starting position and make one clean lifting on the biceps. Pick up such a
weight that you could make no more no less, just one pure lifting.
Pictures 821-822
Now from the starting position make 3-4 lifting with a “cheating”. That
is, push the barbell upwards with a jerk of the pelvis then while the barbell flies
upwards, sharply sit down under it - and very slowly lower it . The purpose of
the second phase is not actually “cheating” itself , but negative repetitions – a
slow lowering of the device. Look at the picture attentively! Before pushing the
barbell bend forward then by the jerk of the pelvis , instead of moving the body
back push the bar upwards.
Before you start “cheating” with the working weight you should by all
means train its technique with a warm up weight .
Pictures 823-825
To make the exercise safe your back should not deviate back from the
perpendicular to the floor in the upper point. Picture 826 shows this
widespread mistake.
Picture 826
The third phase. Having pushed the barbell upward by the “cheating”,
make a step back, lean your nape against the wall, as shown in the picture, and,
lowering the bar to your stomach, make 2-3 repetitions. In this case the bend of
the back does not represent any danger to your backbone.
Pictures 827-828
And the fourth phase. Holding the barbell on your stomach, make a start
by the head from the wall, bend in your waist a little and make 10 slow
“drafts” of the barbell to your belt at the third of the amplitude possible.
Pictures 829-830
It seems to be an interesting exercise. Lifting the barbell with a maximal
weight for once –is Mike Menttser's invention. Negative repetitions – the fruit
of genius Joe Weider . And mixing it all in one heap plus two last phases –is
already my idea. Someone will say – he made up some nonsense and put
himself on one line with such genius of bodybuilding. But it is not all names
and ambitions. The exercise turned out to be an excellent one.
Unbending the arms on the bench of Scott
2 working sets
The exercise is entirely aimed at escalating the force of the biceps (a
negative phase of lifting on the biceps as it is ).
Sit on the bench of Scott, as shown in the picture. Conveniently arrange
your hands on the desk so that your triceps completely laid on it. The position
of your hands - as the lifting on the biceps. And now ask the partner to unbend
your arms in three repetitions. In the first repetition resist 40 % from your
maximum strength (so called warm-up), in the second -70 %, and in the third –
100%, helping yourself by all your body.
Pictures 831-832
In the second approach the scheme is the same , only the position of hands
varies. Now your fists are brought together so that the thumbs touch each other
Pictures 833-834
Lifting the dumbbell on the biceps while standing
1 warm up set , 1 working set for each hand.
Pay attention to this exercise! Meanwhile learn and experience the
technique of its performance. In the next grade the three-phase concentrated
lifting will surely add to you a couple of centimeters in your biceps!
Now your task is to mentally “disconnect” all the other muscles except
your biceps. Stand in the starting position as shown in the picture. As the
support for your hand you should have bars or the wall. And now from the
starting position lift the dumbbell, using the work of your hand unbending it in
the air up to the position shown in the picture. Remember the difference
between the starting position and the position in the upper point. The turn of
the dumbbell (supination) in the upper point is necessary for the maximal
strain of the biceps at the end of the repetition.
Pick up the weight of a dumbbell so that you could make 3-4 repetitions in a
working set. Usually it is the weight of 15-20 kg.
Pictures 835-836
1 working set for each hand.
A complex exercise with a partner including action of many joints ,
developing not only the strength of the forearms, biceps and partially deltas,
but also having a great value for increasing the motivation of trainings. Even
insignificant growth of strength is felt at once in armwrestling. And if you are
in the company of strangers and suddenly for some reason there is a situation
of conflict , armwrestling is one of means to avoid a direct conflict without
means of hand-to-hand fight. For this purpose there is always a table or, at
least a window sill. Simply suggest the brawler to see who’s more tough. In case
of your victory he will hardly want to continue the conflict. And if he happens
to win - smile and suggest him to meet in half a year at the same table. I assure
you, in 95% of cases the conflict will be settled.
If your partner is stronger than you - you are lucky . I have such a partner
- a former fighter, a person of extraordinary natural power with the weight of
150 kg and the biceps of 55 cm. We work out armwrestling in four sets. During
the first two I unbend his arm two, connecting to the process all my weight.
Then, when he grows a little tired, he unbends my arm, and only then I can react
more or less adequately.
In the third course one set will be enough for you for armwrestling. The
exercise made according to the scheme brought for unbending on the bench of
Scott. 40-70-100 %. At first the weaker partner unbends the arm of the
stronger one . From the starting position you unbend his arm with your two till
the position shown in the picture. 3 repetitions. During the first repetition he
resists with 40 % of his might , in the second – with 70 %, in the third – with
100 %, helping himself by his body. Later - 3 more repetitions according to the
same scheme 40-70-100, but now he bends your arm which you support by the
free hand. Then exchange your places and let your stronger partner work with
you with his pretty tired hand.
Pictures 837-838
Then it is possible to measure your forces against each other.
Pictures 839
I present here four pictures showing the danger of lifting the barbell with a
narrow catch. Pay attention to the difference of positions of the hands in the
lower point of the exercise.
Pictures 841-844
Except for the EZ-bar and the position of hands the exercise is identical
to lifting lying on a flat bench. Lie down, make two warm up sets with weights
of 40 and 70 % relatively your working weight. Then make the working set,
having put on the barbell the weight with which you can make only 3-4
Pictures 845-846
The French lifting
1 warm up set , 2 working sets
The first working set in the French lifting is identical to the exercises of
the first and the second course . The working weight of the barbell changes
between 35-45 kg. In the first working approach we make 3-4 repetitions
without “cheating”.
The second working set is made with a wide hold , as shown in the
picture. The weight usually equals the previous minus 5 kg. Watch the position
of your elbows. Now they are brought apart more widely than usually, and your
task is not to allow them to go to the sides even more and keep them in this
position while making the exercise. There is one more reef here . In the French
lifting with a wide catch some sportsmen connect their pectoral and jagged
muscles, making some strange pullovers. It is better not to do it. It is the triceps
that we work out and consequently it is necessary to keep the elbows in the
same point of space in what they were in the starting position.
Pictures 847-848
Three-phase “draft” the block with a straight handle by the triceps
1 working set.
The exercise begins from the position sitting, therefore I prefer to make
it on a universal training device such as “Vasil” or “Antey”. We put the weight
with which you can make only 5-7 repetitions while sitting. The same technique,
as in the previous course. The elbows are pressed to the sides. From the
starting position pull the handle of the block down to the moment it will rest
against your quadriceps.
Pictures 849-850
After refusal get up and make 3-5 more repetitions standing.
Pictures 851-852
After that make 10 partial repetitions with half of the amplitude possible.
Pictures 853-854
Three-phase “draft” of the rope block by the triceps
1 working set
The technique of making the “draft” of the rope block by the triceps is
identical to the previous exercise. The difference is only in the position of
hands and in weights. Here, probably, the working weight will be 5-10 kg less,
than in the previous exercise.
Picture 855
Biphase pushups from the floor
1 working set
The technique of making the exercise is identical to the exercise from
the training A. But in this case pushups from the floor till refusal work out
not the pectoral muscles, but the “triceps”. The difference here is not in the
technique of making the exercise, but in sensations. If in the training A during
pushups your pectoral muscles hurt and cry for mercy, here under the condition
your training is intensive and according to the right technique, the maximum
load will be felt in triceps . Do not forget about the help of the partner.
Without a picture
1 warm up set , 2 working sets
We increase the weight of the dumbbells! It is time to try dumbbells of
40 kg in each hand. While making the exercise watch your shoulders to reach
the upper point.
Do not deceive yourself! If it does not occur, take dumbbells with less
While making the second working set after there has come refusal after 5-6
At a full amplitude, we make 3-4 partial repetitions (pictures 545-546). The
Shoulders slowly get up and down in the upper third of the most possible
amplitude of movement.
Pictures 858-859
Training C
Abdominal muscles
5 working sets
Without a Picture
Pulling up on a horizontal bar with an average hold for a score
1 warm up set , 1 working set
In the training diary by all means mark the growth of parameters in this
exercise which in this case serves simultaneously also as a warm-up before
pulling up with a superwide hold
Without a Picture
Three-phase pulling up on a horizontal bar behind the head with a
superwide hold
1 working set
Get hold of the crossbeam with a catch at which the distance between the
little fingers of your hands will make 1m 30 cm. In all the rest the exercise is
identical to pulling up behind the head with a wide catch , made during the
training A.
Consider this exercise very seriously. My deepest belief is that pulling up
on a horizontal bar, and especially with a superwide hold are the best exercises,
and not only for the formation of the broadest muscles. As soon as you learn to
pull yourself up on a horizontal bar with a superwide hold cleanly 5-8 times, you
will by all means will notice, that your pectoral muscles became much more
convex and massive.
Pictures 860-863
Three-phase pulling up on a horizontal bar to the chest with a wide
1 working set
Without a Picture
Three-phase “draft” of the barbell with an upper hold (hands are
directed to you) while lying
1 warm up set, 1 working set
The weight of the device is 50-70 kg. The first phase of the exercise
differs from the “draft” of the barbell given in the second course lying in the
fact that it is made at a half of the amplitude possible. That is, lift the bar from
the floor as it is shown in the picture. It also a starting position from which you
make 3-5 repetitions till refusal.
Pictures 868-869
In the second phase, after refusal, we lift the barbell as high as we can then
3-4 times bringing our blades together powerfully we bend backwards as during
hyperextension. Hands in this case work approximately one tenth of the full
amplitude. In order to prevent a trauma remember - we don’t make jerks, we
Powerful “ drafts”. As Vladimir Vysotsky said, these are two big
Pictures 870-871
The third phase – lingering.. In the upper point of the amplitude we linger
the barbell till full refusal.
Picture 872
Three-phase draft of the barbell lying with a bottom hold (the palm are
directed from you)
1 working set. (Later for the “drafts” the warm up is not required, as the broadest
muscles are already kneaded enough by the previous job).
The exercise is similar to the previous one except the position of your
hands. Probably, you will need to take off 5-10 kg from your barbell.
Picture 873
Three-phase “draft” of the dumbbells lying with a parallel hold.
1 working set
The exercise differs from the “draft” of the second course in the same way as
“draft” of the barbell while lying differs from the “draft” made in the third
The First Phase
Pictures 874-875
The Second Phase
Pictures 876-877
The Third Phase (lingering)
Picture 878
The third phase (lingering). Without a rest after the second phase, in two
repetitions slowly tear off the dumbbells from the thighs and keep them in the
upper point till refusal.
Picture 884
The second and third working sets are identical to each other.
Take in each of your hands a dumbbell of 20 kg and make with them the
third phase of the previous exercise till full refusal of the deltoid muscles. Full
refusal is when you under any circumstances cannot any more tear off from your
thighs the dumbbells.
The fourth working set completely repeats the first both in weights, and in
the technique of performance. I want to remind, that the weight of each
dumbbell is 15 kg. Only each phase of the exercise is made till refusal with a
short three-second rest on the thighs between the phases.
Yes, it is a killing combination! After which shoulders really hurt and for
a long time. And during this dreadful exercise the peaks of the average deltas
are being developed which actually makes the notorious width of the
shoulders. Why do we make this exercise in four sets?
For bodybuilders it is not a secret, that working out forearms and calf
muscles is a pretty difficult thing. These muscles belong to the class of
“difficult” ones demanding lots of repetitions and long , painful working out. I
found out, that the average part of the deltoid muscles demands for its growth
about the same amount of work , as forearms and calf muscles . Though the
result comes much faster.
For a long time I did not dare to go against immutable canons of
bodybuilding. But nevertheless as soon as I cancelled lifting by the shoulders
and entered three-phase exercise with bringing the dumbbells apart, the
shoulders of all of my pupils started to grow rapidly. I do not make lifting by
the shoulders for one year already. And during this time my shoulders didn’t
become less, but on the contrary considerably increased.
For those who doubts I suggest to compare my shoulders one year ago (all
the series of the previous pictures ) and what I have reached personally for the
last year.
Picture 885
Bringing the dumbbells apart by the shoulders in an incline
1 warm up set, 2 working sets
Exercise for the back part of deltoid muscles. Take in each of your
hands a dumbbell of 10-20 kg, rested your forehead against the bench of Scott,
put your hands in the position as if you are embracing the barrel - and start
unbending the arms , as shown in the picture. 6-10 repetitions.
Pictures 886-887
Characteristic features.
1) During the exercise there is often the following mistake. Your
elbows go back and the exercise becomes similar to “drafts” by the
dumbbells for the broadest muscles. Therefore at the beginning it is better
to work with rather light dumbbells, or to use the help of the partner who
during the exercise will support your hands in ulnar joints in the position
perpendicular to the body.
2) Your hands are rigidly fixed in the elbows, the biceps is intense and
Lifting the dumbbells in front of you.
1 warm up set , 1 working set for each hand.
Now this exercise is made from the starting position when the dumbbell is
already lifted to the half of the possible amplitude. Thus the forward delta is
constantly strained and performs the greatest work possible in an extremely
difficult mode. For a warm up set take a dumbbell of 10 kg, for a working set
for 15 kg.
Pictures 888-889
Squats with a barbell
2 warm up set , 1 working set
You should remember - the weight of the barbell in warm up sets
makes 60 and 80 % accordingly from your working weight. The same technique,
as in the first, and in the second course. The difference is only in weights.
Increase the weight of the barbell , but it is reasonable, not to exceed the
recommendations brought for the first course.
Without a picture
Calf muscles
1 warm up set , 2 working sets
Without changes, except for weights. The principles of increasing the
weights are the same.
Without a picture
1 working set
The weight of 30 kg made of two plates of 15 kg each, lying on each
other. One set includes both warm up and a working set
А) For a warm-up make 10 repetitions of the exercise without any
B) Then at once take two plates and make 10 more repetitions.
Pictures 890-891
C) Put one of the plates on the floor and at once make 10 more repetitions
with the weight of 15 kg.
D) Put the plate on the floor and make 10 more repetitions without any
Reverse hyperextension
1 working set
Without changes.
Without a picture
2. Pulling up on a horizontal bar with an average hold for score
1 warm up set , 1 working set
3. Pulling up on a horizontal bar behind the head with a superwide hold
1 working set of “clean” pulling up till refusal.
4. Three-phase pulling up on a horizontal bar behind the head with
a superwide hold
1 working set
5. Pulling up on a horizontal bar to the chest with a superwide
1 working set from of “clean” pulling up till refusal.
6. Three-phase pulling up on a horizontal bar to the chest with a
superwide hold
1 working set
7. Lifting the barbell lying ( on an inclined, flat , declined bench)
2 warm up sets , 1 working set
8. Lifting the dumbbells
1 working set
9. Bringing the dumbbells apart
1 working set
10. Pushups on bars
1 warm up set , 1 working set
11. Pushups from the floor
1 working set
12. “Draft”
2 warm up sets , 1 working set
13. Hyperextension
1 working set
14. Reverse Hyperextension
1 working set
Training B
1. Working out abdominals
5 working sets.
2. Three-phase pulling up on a horizontal bar with a reverse average hold
1 warm up set , 1 working set
3. Lifting the barbell on the biceps while standing
1 warm up set
4. Three-phase lifting the dumbbell on the biceps while standing
1 warm up set , 1 working set for each hand.
If you paid attention, there appeared essential changes in the training
program for the biceps. Yes, you are not mistaken. Three warm up sets with
different devices for maximal and all-round warming the biceps before familiar
to you from the third rate lifting the dumbbell on the biceps while standing.
Only now it will be carried out with a very heavy weight( 1-2 times for each
hand and in three phases)!
It is needless to speak about the productivity of this exercise. If you work
properly it will add you from one centimeter in size of your biceps
approximately in three months of trainings.
The first phase of the exercise is identical to the concentrated lifting from
the third rate.
Pictures 894-895
After performing the first phase of exercise till refusal, you, without a
rest get in the posture shown in a photo and by the same hand till refusal make
the second phase of the exercise. Thus you triceps lays strictly on the internal
surface of your thigh.
Pictures 896-897
Then you carry out three - four more repetitions in the third negative phase
of the exercise. That is, by the free hand lift the dumbbell to the chest then
slowly lower it to the floor. While making the two last phases of the exercise
watch your back to remain a straight line!
Pictures 898-900
5. Three-phase lifting the barbell on the biceps while standing
1 working set
The approach is made in the classical posture with the maximal weight
for 1-3 “clean” repetitions till refusal. Then make 2-3 lifting with “cheating”
Then “finish” in ten repetitions by the “draft” of the barbell to the belt.
6. Quadriphase lifting the barbell on the biceps while standing
1 working set
Take off from the barbell five kg. And now make a similar exercise from the
third course.
7. Unbending on the bench of Scott
2 working sets
8. Armwrestling
1 working set for each hand.
9. Lifting lying with a narrow hold
2 warm up set , 1 working set
10. The French lifting
1 warm up set , 2 working set
11. Three-phase “draft” by the triceps of the block with a straight handle
1 working set
12. Three-phase “draft” the rope block by the triceps
1 working set
13. Biphase bringing the dumbbell backwards
2 working sets
The first phase of exercise is similar to the same exercise from the previous
Pictures 901-902
After performance “clean” repetitions when up to the upper point it will be
impossible to hold the dumbbell, lower the elbow a little bit and continue the
Pictures 903-904
In the second phase without a rest and not changing your hands make partial
repetitions , lowering the dumbbell on the external part of the buttock muscles.
Pictures 905-906
14. Pushups from the floor
1 working set
15. Shrug
1 warm up set , 3 working sets
The working weight of the dumbbells has essentially grown. So to work
the trapezoid muscles well , you will have to get dumbbells weighing from 50
to 65 kg. While doing the exercise lift and lower your shoulders, thus rolling
the dumbbells over your quadriceps. Lifting and lowering the dumbbells in a
starting position is made from the floor like a “draft”, or from the bench for
lifting lying on which each dumbbell is thrown together with the partner. In
order to prevent the damage of the bench covering, I recommend to spread
beforehand under the dumbbells a towel. Necessarily use the hand belts!
Training C
1. Abdominals
5 working sets
2. Pulling up with an average hold for a score
1 warm up set , 1 working set
3. Three-phase pulling up behind the head with a superwide hold
1 working set
The scheme of making the exercise is the same, as for three-phase
pulling up with an average and wide hold , brought earlier. Classical “clean”
pulling up, partial repetitions and a jump with a slow lowering down (the
negative phase).
4. Three-phase pulling up behind the head with a wide hold
1 working set.
Often at this stage of trainings the sportsman looses the need for pulling
ups with a wide and average hold if only he doesn’t have a heavy weight fixed
to his belt. Certainly, they can be used as warm up sets , but, most likely pulling
ups with a “superwide” hold become your basic exercise for the development
of the broadest muscles. The further growth is only the replacement of your
horizontal bar for a longer, allowing to get hold of the crossbeam even more
Just in case I bring in this cycle pulling ups with a wide hold , but I hope,
that if you followed my instructions all the time , in this case you can replace
safely pulling up with a wide hold for pulling up with a superwide hold . By
the way, for the trained sportsman of a high level it will become obvious at once
the following law - as well as in lifting while lying, “draft” and squats the first
two sets – are warm up and only the third – is working. Only with very good
warmed the broadest muscles the skilled sportsman is capable to give all the
best on a maximum in pulling up with a superwide hold.
5. Three-phase pulling up to the chest with a superwide hold
1 working set
6. Three-phase pulling up to the chest with a wide hold
1 working set.
7. Three-phase “draft” of the barbell lying with an upper hold (your palms
to you)
1 warm up set , 1 working set
8. Three-phase “draft” of the barbell lying with a bottom hold ( your
palms directed from you)
1 working set
9. Three-phase “draft” of dumbbells while lying with a parallel hold
1 working set
10. Three-phase “draft” of the dumbbells while lying at the angle of 90
1 working set
11. The individual program to work out your weak spots
It means, that you should objectively estimate the weak places of your
body and give them 1-2 series of exercises according to your choice. You are a
skilled enough bodybuilder so you can choose yourself what is necessary for
you. I can give only approximate recommendations. If, let us say, your biceps
needs more work out it will be reasonable to make a usual , not a three-phase
lifting the barbell on the biceps while standing till refusal in three sets lags
behind. If your weak spot is your shoulders you should make bringing the
dumbbells apart in three working sets with the weight of 20 kg in each hand.
The problem with the broadest muscles can be solved by pulling up with a
superwide hold , with the chest - bars and pushups from the floor, triceps - bars
and bringing the dumbbells backwards. Later I will in detail tell you about
working out the neck and the forearms and I will describe the technique of
aerobic training which also can be included in the program for working out
weak places.
Training D
1. Abdominals
5 working sets
2. Three-phase bringing the dumbbells apart by the shoulders
1 warm up set , 4 working sets
The exercise is identical to bringing the dumbbells apart of the third
course, except that we take The dumbbells of 20 and 30 kg each.
3. Bringing the dumbbells apart during the inclination
1 warm up set , 2 working sets.
4. Lifting the dumbbell in front of you
1 warm up set , 1 working set
5. Squats
2 warm up sets , 1 working set
6.The calf muscles
1 warm up set , 2 working sets
7. Hyperextension
1 working set.
8. Reverse Hyperextension
1 working set
9. The individual program for working out weak spots
Now the time has come to pay attention to such groups of muscles as the
muscles of the forearm and the neck, and also come closer to working out the
waist. Earlier it was inexpedient for the following reasons:
1) Your forearms became stronger automatically at working out
your biceps and while making the various “drafts” demanding a strong
hold. Now, most likely, they already demand a separate training as in due
course the biceps considerably increased in volume, creates unprofitable
contrast with rather thin forearms.
2) The neck also became stronger from making shrugs and other
heavy “drafts”, but now, on the background of the worked out shoulders
and trapezes, it probably, doesn’t look it’s best.
3) Exercises with iron though are not inherently aerobic, but,
nevertheless, demand significant power expenses promoting the reduction
of a fatty layer. Soft rubberized supports for the back, as I think, also
promote eliminating the deposits of hypodermic fat. You should judge
yourself - you work out your abdominals or make the “draft”. Naturally,
the muscles of your stomach and the bottom part of your back strain, get
more blood and increase in volume. Hypodermic fat is squeezed between
the muscles and the belt and are automatically massaged due to the
movements of your body! Isn’t that the massage against cellulitis? At the
same time a significant amount of heat is allocated. It is enough after the
training to look at the t-shirt wet through the belt. So - it is the warmth ,
plus mechanical influence. Some modern anticellulitis devices which in
elite beauty salons successfully shake out considerable money from people
are based on this principle, Whether it is necessary to give such money
when it is quite possible to spent them once for a rather inexpensive belt
and simply not to be lazy attending the sports hall, receiving thus both a
magnificent body, and force, antistressful, and, at the same time,
anticellulitis program as they say, all in one bottle?
Concerning the neck and the forearms I will say by the words of a
legendary Arnold Schwarzenegger words – “if it doesn’t hurt, it don’t have to
be treated”. I often enough met people, who have powerful necks or
forearms as the part of their constitution. So, if these groups of muscles do not
make a large contrast in comparison with other muscles it is not necessary to
give them a lot of attention. They receive powerful enough indirect loading
during the trainings with the iron. It is better to include in the program to
work out your weak places things that really require “treatment”.
Another thing is aerobics. The problem of excessive hypodermic fat is the
problem of the century. Two chapters of this book – “ Healthy food of a
usual person” and “Aerobics at home” are devoted to aerobics and dietary
food. Here I will only list the exercises which are necessary to carry out after
the trainings with iron to people troubled by the “ problem of excessive
weight”. The detailed answer to this question you will find below.
By the way, “the problem of excessive weight” is an absolutely illiterate
name of the problem. Any bodybuilder judging by various fashionable
nowadays formulas of the ratio of height and weight should be anxious about
this problem. And he is anxious – how to get ten or more kg of muscles? I
think, that is necessary to call things by their names, even if it can offend
someone. Hypodermic fat - is hypodermic fat, and not excessive weight. The
problem of hypodermic fat and “the problem of excessive weight” are two
big differences. “Superfluous” kilograms of muscles never harmed anybody.
And in the conclusion of this little deviation from the topic I will bring
here the only correct formula for eliminating my own fat which I have
formulated for the years of trainer's job:
“If you want to get some fat - eat more and move less. If you want to get rid
of fat - eat less and move more”.
Here is all the wisdom.
The Neck
2 working sets.
During three months you will be engaged only in negative repetitions.
Thus, your muscles of the neck will become stronger and will be ready to
more serious loading later.
Get into the starting position as shown in the picture. Your partner locked
his hands on your nape and rested his forearms of his crossed hands against
your chest. Your hands are locked on the stomach. The legs are half bent
and lean strongly against the floor. Your partner starts to slowly pull your
head to himself. You resist, regulating your effort in the following way. The
first repetition - 30 percent from your maximum, the second - 60, the third –
100 percent. The familiar scheme , isn’t it? The First two repetitions is
warm-up, the third - working.
Pictures 907-908
Then, without a rest, we start the second part of the exercise. The same starting
position, your hands are still in a lock. The partner takes you by the shoulder by
one hand. The fingers of another one are strained and clasp your head as
shown in the picture. Now the partner begins a pressing movement, connecting
his pectoral muscles as at the bringing the dumbbells apart while lying. Three
repetitions for the right and left side part of the neck according to the scheme
Pictures 909-910
The same starting position. The partner stands behind, having locked his fingers
at your forehead and having leaned his chest at your back in area of your
blades. Then he makes three “drafts” of your head towards himself according to
the same scheme - 30-60-100.
Pictures 911-912
The exercise is made . Now it is possible to change your places and work out
your a partner’s neck.
In three months of negative repetitions add dynamics. For each side of the
neck (according to the same scheme 30-60-100) you press by your head your
partner’s hand and make three negative repetitions, that is, resist to his pressure.
1 warm up set , 3 working sets
Prepare two barbells of 15 and 30 kg accordingly or two dumbbells of 10 and
20 kg. Sit down, as shown in the picture, take a 15 kg barbell by the hold from
above and deliberately slowly work out the external part of your forearms.
Then, without a rest take the barbell of 30 kg with a hold from below and work
out the internal part of your forearms. The same exercise is not less effectively
made with dumbbells. Make 8-10 repetitions. Later you will regulate the
weights of barbells and dumbbells yourself, gradually leading up the amount of
repetitions in the third working set up to 4-6.
Pictures 913-918
After a couple of months of trainings start to train with a debalanced dumbbell
the weight of which is more from the part of your little finger. Thus try to
combine two movements - the rotation and the “draft” of the dumbbell towards
yourself without fixing your attention only on rotation (a widespread mistake).
Pictures 919-920
Some words about the exercises brought below.
Do you really want , without any chemical stuff and excessive loss of time to
get rid of your fat and to make yourself a magnificent waist?
Forget about all pills for loosing weight , jogging and other nonsense. Only
500 moves by the legs upwards a day will give you what did not give you years
of persistent and - alas - useless work. Measure your waist before the beginning
of trainings , every day make from 500 to 1000 moves by the legs, and in 3
months compare the results.
It is a heavy job. But those results which wait for you cannot be bought for
any money! Besides this job takes away much less time, than any cardiotraining
and does not demand any purchase of the special equipment. This is my gift to
you – a simple , but the extremely effective secret of eliminating your
hypodermic fat. It is my discovery to which I have come after 15 years of being
in sports.
But certainly, do not forget about your diet! If even daily you make 1000
moves by your legs and after that you eat a pack of mayonnaise a day, all your
efforts will come to nothing.
I wait for your letters! And if there will be no results - you deceived both
yourself and me!
The only condition – you needs to make the moves vigorously, on the
maximal height, t hat your extension allows. Just approach the question
reasonably and do not tear your inguinal ligaments from excessive enthusiasm.
1. Tranquist
1 working set. 80-100 inclinations to each side.
2. Moves standing by a straight leg to the side and backwards
1 working set. 100-150 moves for each leg.
3. Moves standing by a straight leg to the side and forward
1 working set. 100-150 moves for each leg
4. Moves standing by a direct leg forward
1 working set. 100-150 moves for each leg.
5. Moves by the leg to the side while lying
1 working set. 100-150 moves for each leg.
6. Twisting on the floor
1 working set. 100-150 repetitions for each leg.
7. Moves by a straight leg backwards lying.
1 working set. 150 moves for each leg.
The note: sets 5, 6, 7 are made without interruption for each leg. That is, for
example 150 moves by the left leg then without a rest 150 twistings for the same
leg then, without a rest, turned over to your stomach and make 150 moves by a
straight leg backwards for the same leg.
The detailed description of aerobic exercises you will find below in the
chapter “Aerobics at Home”
4.7 The Fifth Course (all your life)
So, we have come a long way - three years are behind. You became not
simply a bodybuilder - the person with a muscular body and great physical
strength. You became a Person. I think, that if any ancient Chinese philosopher
practicing the zen - Buddhism, suddenly got from his time to our days, he,
having seen you, would decide for certain, that at last he met the person, who got
to know Dао ( the way).
Take a look at yourself.
Not only your body changed.
Your attitude to life has.
You are sure in yourself, and as a consequence of that, you are quiet and
judicious. You cannot so easily loose your peaceful peace of mind (and not
everyone will dare to make you do it ). Your physical health can be envied. In
fact “all the illnesses are from nerves”, is there on the whole earth a reason for
you to loose your peacefulness and try your nerves tempered in fights with iron?
Someone will say, secretly envying – “ He is just a stupid bodybuilder, what can
be expected from him?”
Let them say.
It only the opinion of those who has not yet found his Dao, and hardly will
ever find. Because the one who searches for it, judges himself, not others and.
And you have already found the Way, and nothing in the world is capable to
prevent you from following it further.
But it is possible, that now on your way you have a significant problem.
You ceased to grow.
And no matter how you increase the weight of your training devices , it
turns out for nothing. Even at insignificant increasing the weight in a familiar
exercise, the device just gets very heavy. What's the matter?
There can be a few reasons.
The first reason – you had too much work out
You, as they say are , pumped over. your body needs rest .And, a rather
significant one. That is - for two - three weeks try to forget about trainings no
matter how hard it might be for you. I think, rest from your training will be less
melancholy somewhere on a resort if, certainly, your time and means allow it.
The second reason - you are sick and tired from bodybuilding
Yes, you are just tired going to on and the same place and to see the same
persons, sweating and groaning in the same training devices.
Change your sports hall. Even for a while. If you are sick and tired to the
degree that you are slowly coming to the decision to give up bodybuilding
altogether, think that in a very short time you will return to your initial state.
Those who were fat, will become fat again as earlier. Thin persons will loose
their muscles. And as the stomach of the bodybuilder got used to significant
portions of food it is quite possible that in a while you will get a huge spherical
You should wait with making radical decisions and apply the way
described in the “first reason”. Have a rest, for a while forget about
bodybuilding. But - only for a while. In fact it will be a pity to lose the muscles
worked out by such a hell of efforts! And they, alas, in the course of time grow
smaller, without receiving the loading due to which they actually grew and
The third reason - plateau.
You reached a certain physiological limit incorporated in the person by the
Here is an approximate list of some exercises and training weights,
characteristic for “plateau”(for the man of average physical standards of 25-35
years old , not using anabolic steroids and who passed four training courses).
Lifting the barbell lying-100 kg
The “draft”- 130 kg
The French exercise - 50 kg
Lifting the barbell on the biceps – 50 kg
Pulling up on a horizontal bar for a score - 10-12 times
Pushups from the floor for a score - 25 times
It is an approximate scheme because there will be more of something and less
Something else due to having weaker and stronger groups of muscles.
What should one do ?
To have a rest for two or three weeks and TO START ALL OVER
AGAIN! That is, to return to the exercises … of the first course.
You should work for a month with the basic exercises of the first course, with the
weights 30 percent lower than your working ones , but with a maximum amount
of repetitions. Yes, it is a job, characteristic for the red muscular fibers
responsible for aerobic loading. But in this case the technique works! It is not a
training principle for the whole life remaining . It is a forced measure to get
going. It’s ok if you will lose in size of your muscles a little bit. But the shape
will be better and the white muscular fibers responsible for the strength and the
biggest share of muscular weight , will receive essential rest.
In a month – the program of the second course. Then - the third with the same
intervals and the same principle of reducing the working weights for 30 percent.
In three months you will reach the program of the fourth course. And
gradually, within a month increase the weights up to those figures that appeared
earlier in your training diary. In overwhelming majority of cases your training
weights will grow by 5-10 percent. The advanced bodybuilders will understand
me, these are very essential results.
It would be a hypocrisy to ignore the topic of anabolic steroids. Yes, many
bodybuilders take artificial hormones. I will in detail examine this subject below.
But! These hypothetical bodybuilders are far and unreal. Here and now there
are me and you and this book. And probably your passionate desire to break
through the plateau at any cost, even at the cost of your own health.
All my life I worked out in a natural way. My method is a method of a long,
heavy job and, despite of it, I will never have muscles of Dorian Yats or Rich
Caspari. But I am pleased with the results I could reach and I am not going to
stop here. The plateau
Is a thing with a very shaky borders and if you will train methodically for a long
time sooner or later you will break through the damned “plateau” and your
training weights maybe not way more , but will grow. Together with your
muscles, of course.
There is a so-called cumulative effect. You work out with all your might with
the same weight, cannot take more and suddenly ….! I remember precisely – it
was with me recently in the concentrated lifting on the biceps when my working
weight from 20 kg sharply jumped up to 28. So here is my advice to you –
having reached the fifth course, do not pursue weights and volumes, just get
pleasure and the charge of vivacity from heavy training. Weights and volumes
will gradually grow as though by themselves.
But I know precisely, that some my readers will not be content with these “ for
a long time, methodically” and “sooner or later”, but will simply search in the
Internet and will find a steroid dealer, who (for a rather essential price) will
suggest “quickly and right now”.
Due to my work I am obliged to pay attention to this subject, even
competently to answer the questions of my pupils. I read a lot, communicated
with "chemists" much and on the basis of these researches I will risk to give
some advice to those who, despite of real enough danger, still wants “ quickly
and right now”.
1) Never address an unfamiliar dealer. First well meet the advanced
sportsmen who will recommend you their dealer, who will not sell you a fake or
what is worse - a poison.
2) Never use cheap steroids such as metnadrostenol , retabolil ,testenat or
metiltestosteron because they will lead you directly to the hospital or to the
3) Try not to be fond of steroid in pills.. Under the influence of the gastric
juice the effect of steroids is considerably lost and at the same time appear by-
effects. never swallow the pills , get them under the tongue for a slow
dissolving. In this way the stuff will at once get into your blood, passing the
liver and causing minimal damage to this natural filter of an organism.
4) Steroids - as well as drugs - are also subdivided into "easy" and "heavy".
Even the "advanced" "herb" addict will think a hundred times before making an
injection of heroin.
Don’t get mad !Do not start with "heavy" steroids!
If you did decide to do something like that , start with medical dozes of
nandrolon (that, by the way, according to the responses of some bodybuilders, is
quite enough for getting off the “plateau”). And something else- steroid therapy
is meaningful only after a certain training experience. Otherwise your
unnaturally grown muscles at a certain stage will start to tear the ligaments still
weak enough and injure joints which are not ready for such a quick growth of
the muscles. Therefore I strongly recommend to go through all four training
rates and only after that to think, whether it is necessary to deal with steroids.
And I very much hope, that for any reasonable person it will be quite enough
what he will achieve for this time by his honest work.
4.8 Anabolic steroids
Anabolic steroids or anabolics – is a sore question not only of bodybuilding,
but also for all world sports. All the time they catch on using anabolics
bodybuilders, football players and even swimmers, who apparently, even don’t
look like the champion of many Olimpic games Dorian Yats. My opinion is -
sports of big achievements is double-faced and hypocritical, as a known Roman
The international Olympic Committee terribly and publicly struggles with
using steroids. And all big sports obediently assents- and continues to make
injections. You don’t believe that ? Here is an example.
An author of articles about bodybuilding in a known magazine “Muscular
development” John Romano writes, for example, in May edition for 1998, page
118: “everyone knows already , that steroid pumping iron has no sense: the muscle
impregnated with rubbish quickly looses its size. Really there is no alternative to
to natural training of alternative. Only it gives weight that is called, forever …
No matter how far you got with the use of steroids it is still possible to stop the
steroid dependence. And the earlier, the better”.
Well, well ,well. And now we open the same magazine, № 6 for 2001, page
96. The same author. We read, saving the language and the spelling of the
“ However, moderate dozes of some steroids with a low androgenic effect, plus
a little bit of the hormone of growth, really, can help to make the muscles more
relief without special efforts, training on the running track device without
dangerous by-effects.
Actors and models prefer deca-durabolin or “Deca”. 200- 400mg a week is
their usual doze. In addition(!), they usually use the hormone of growth - three -
four international units (IU) a day. I know many people (including me) who use
Deca and the hormone of growth for years - and without any consequences …
There are also others fatburning steroids. They are beta-antagonists (clenbuterol)
, thyroid hormones, such as Sintroid(Т4), Cytomel (Т3) and dietary pills
Fentermin. But they are usually used before competitions, but not during the
courses. And as I personally am more interested in long-term influence, if you
really want to you can make some experiments…”
By the way, at insignificant overdose of “Cytomel” a person can become an
invalid. His own synthesis of hormones of the thyroid gland stops working and
the person for all his remaining life has to make injections , as the diabetic with
insulin. But it is just an example.
And it is published in the magazine in the subtitle of which it is written
“Modern Life style”. At the end of such an article it would be logical to write
“Sending steroids by mail. Cheaply and reliably”
Frankly speaking , it was not so pleasant for me to mention John Romano's
name on pages of this book. And what can be said about the person, who
mocked the elderly founder of bodybuilding Joe Weider who had an operation
on his heart , and to draw under a humiliating article (January, 1998, page 91-
92. The same magazine, only at that time it was called “All natural muscular
development ”. But, probably, the modern style of life dictates other rules …) a
picture (caricature) of Joe Weider with a crookedly darned thorax. Well, I
understand all, business is business. The company “Twinlab”, the owner of the
magazine, one of the most powerful in the world market of manufacturing food
additives, competes with a powerful company “Weider”. But using such
And who is he in general, this Romano?A famous bodybuilder? Then publish
his picture! And the picture of Stuart McRobert (“Think!”) in addition. Because
these people write a lot of different things but what sort of sportsmen are they -
it is not clear.
So what should one do – to make injection or not to make ?
The question similar to Shakespearian « To be or to not be? ». If you want to
look like professional bodybuilders decorating covers of magazines then the
answer is unequivocal - to make .But take into account - the way of a "pro" is
similar to the way of a tightrope dancer, without any insuring going on a rope
above a precipice. And at the other end of the precipice there is not always
glory, money and favorable contracts.
I am almost confident, that those several dozens(!) of known bodybuilders
who got lucky and found at that other edge of a precipice what they had
searched, have their own skilled doctors who are watching each gram of the
chemical products they eat and inject into the muscles. But till now people
remember Andreas Munttser's terrible death who died from excessive dozes of
steroids. Recollect a victim of diuretics Paul Dillet, who fell to the hands of the
doctors behind the side scene of a podium on hands of doctors from the
dewatering of his organism. Or known now for the furious struggle for natural
training Nasser al Sonbati who during one of prestigious competitions on
bodybuilding received an empty envelope instead of a money prize as judges
found out in his analyses the traces of diuretics. Where is the guarantee that
you will be lucky , and taking in steroids, the destiny of Munttser and Benaziz is
not waiting for you later ?That in the black market you will not get a fake and
instead of desired retabolil you will not pump up your buttock with a
beautifully, but hardly in sterile conditions packed vegetable oil? And that, at
last, your law enforcement bodies according to 234 article of the Criminal code
“Illegal circulation of strong or poisonous substances with the aim of selling
06.03.2001 The committee for the control of drugs accepted the order
according to which practically all anabolic steroids now are considered as strong
substances the selling of which due to the above-stated article is punished by
three years of imprisonment, in case of the preliminary arrangement or
repeatedly - from two till five years, and selling in large size - from four up to
eight. You might need to prove that not with a view of selling you have a couple
of courses of “Deca”or “Winstrol”.
Is it still possible to get huge muscles without applying anabolic steroids?
“Only a crazy person can seriously disagree against using of “ magic pills”
in our sports. Dear functionaries, please stop to look like patients of the “
house of grief”! Do you really want to see on the stage “complete naturals”? If
cannot do without such shows – please go to the nearest public sauna. Do not
drink the blood of the real athletes …” Konstantin Dmitrov, magazine “Work
out your Muscles” № 5-6 2002, p. 35.
At least, fairly. And, unfortunately, it is the truth. You shouldn’t even dream of
getting to the competitions on bodybuilding without steroids.
Are they so necessary, these competitions?
Decide, at last – if you work out for the sake of another's opinion or for the
sake of your own pleasure, health and admiring looks of representatives of the
opposite sex? From my own experience - for all my sports career no girl said,
that she liked guys from the covers of magazines on bodybuilding. Noone!
Strange as it may seem they like the gold NATURAL middle. If you don’t
believe me you should ask them.
Alas, but very many people just having entered the hall grab a syringe and
“saving” pills.
At the initial stage of your trainings you have both weak muscles and
ligaments. Anabolic steroids in overwhelming majority promote only the growth
of muscles, and do not influence at the strengthening of ligaments! Therefore
beginning bodybuilders so often have traumas. Their muscles brought up on
anabolics can lift a greater weight, but weak ligaments are not prepared yet. So
before you start using steroids , you should work out without any “chemistry”
for at least a year! Your muscles will grow during this period magnificently
without any steroids. And it is possible, that having understood what is what ,
you will decide to work in a natural way. In fact this is the most fascinating
occupation - to search and find your exercises, to listen to the body and to grow,
without getting in psychological and physical dependence from drugs of a
doubtful quality.
Yes, the growth of muscles before you are 25 years old is different from
that when you are older. When you are older the synthesis of sexual hormones
falls. But it is quite real to strengthen it by training! During the active physical
job the muscles have to remain constantly in tonus, and at the increase of
loading - to grow in weight. And without presence in the organism of sufficient
quantity of sexual hormones the growth is just impossible. The interrelation is
evident. My pupils continue to grow, even after 40!
But nevertheless till twenty five years old the sexual hormones are present
in the organism in abundance , giving their owners acne ( young people’s spots
), thirst of movement, more often shown on discos and the hormonal fury that
finds its realization in fights. Could it be better for the state to direct this
vigorous energy to some positive direction? Maybe it is better for the youth to
go in for sports, rather than to rage on discos and beat each other in the dark
streets? Not so much needed to that, trust me…
4.9 The program of physical development for children from 7 till 14 years
« Don’t be afraid of enemies – in the worst case they can kill you.
Don’t be afraid of friends – in the worst case they can betray you.
Be afraid of indifferent ones - they don’t kill and don’t betray, but only with
Their tacit consent treachery and
Murder exist in this world”
Robert Eberhardt “Tsar the Pithecanthrope”
(an epigraph to the novel of Bruno Jasenskiy “The Plot of the Indifferent
It is just necessary to offer the youth an alternative.
In mass media the problem of difficult teenagers is constantly discussed.
They speak about the growth of the curve of children's criminality, narcotism,
alcoholism etc. It all increases . And it will increase further. Why?
Let's recollect our own childhood. What makes the teenager who for the first
time to smoke a cigarette, to drink a glass of wine, to make an injection of
Not the desire to get some pleasure. I remember quite well, when I began to
smoke in the eighth grade and then have been ruining my health with the
nicotine for as long as six years. I also remember my first glass of vodka in
the company of coevals. “ Aren’t you a tough guy?” “Me? …”
Does it look familiar? A Cigarette, vodka, and now drugs too among modern
young people is the criterion of courage and being tough. And then how difficult
it is to get rid of these “criteria”!
And all these doubtful pleasures require money. Especially big money are
required for drugs. And as there is no place to get this money, the teenager,
naturally, sooner or later follows up the road of criminality.
Let's sum it up. What forces the modern teenager to step over the borderline
behind which illnesses, prison and at last untimely death are waiting for him?
There are four reasons for that
А) the Desire to be different
B)To prove to everybody , that he is already an adult because he can do
things adults do.
C)Because it is fashionable in their group of young people
D)Because it is boring and there is nothing to else to do.
And we only condemn. We make a helpless gesture, suggesting nothing in
exchange to a cigarette, a wine-glass or a needle. And in fact the result of similar
inactivity can be terrible, dear ladies and gentlemen!
Degradation and degeneration of the nation is the result of our indifference.
“Be afraid of indifferent ones - they don’t kill and don’t betray, but only
Their tacit consent treachery and
Murder exist in this world”
Turning away from the youth, we betray our nation! We kill its future,
dooming our grandchildren to degeneration. The curve of narcotism, alcoholism
and children's criminality continues to gain height. And we still condemn... And
the teenager still wants to become different, look like an adult and get popular in
his group. And he still feels bored.
Also there is no alternative.
None yet!
Any teenager respects strength. In any company are respected those who are
strong and can protect themselves, regardless sex. And not everyone knows (and
those who heard - do not believe!), that at this age is not too difficult to become
big and strong. The surplus of sexual hormones peculiar to this age, can work
wonders with the body of a young man or girl if a competent training program
is applied to this body instead of what is called physical training at school.
Moreover. What is created at this age, practically does not disappear in the
course of time! The father of one of my schoolmates was a professional boxer.
Since early childhood he taught his son to love trainings . As a result of that the
guy in the eighth could pull his body upwards above the horizontal bar for 10
times! In the course of time this love to sports grew a little less and he is not
going in for sports seriously, but he is in an excellent shape , has remarkable
physical strength a biceps of 44 centimeters!
And to achieve such results you don’t need a lot.. It is enough to equip a school
sports hall with a universal bench for lifting, a universal training device for
lifting and pushups , a horizontal bar and bars. And, naturally, add to all this
the training scheme which I bring below. And, probably, teach a little bit the
teacher of physical training. And, certainly, take the process of physical
formation of the youth under a strict state control.
Teenagers always fight. It is an indisputable fact. To understand it, no proofs
are needed. Simply remember about your own childhood. Hormonal revolt of an
organism generates the sea of energy and aggression which demands some
output. And this output is either in fights among themselves, or in the slaughters
among the crowds of young people manipulated by the leaders of various sects
and political parties.
Is it better for young people to get an output of their energy not on football
or political slaughters, but in sports halls, under the direction of skilled trainers?
Certainly, to teach a new scale of values is necessary since early
childhood. Since first till third grades each lesson of physical training should
begin with the lessons № 3 and 4, brought in the chapter “ Hand-to-hand fight”.
It is possible to exclude strengthening fists, but I recommend to make pushups
only on fists. Pushups on palms stretch the ligament of radiocarpal joint and can
lead to its trauma. It is necessary to teach children to pushup at the beginning on
the soft covering , gradually passing to more rigid surfaces.
Training to pushup even if the child cannot execute any repetition , first on
the knees, then – with the help of the teacher (the detailed description see in the
chapter “Bodybuilding. The first course”)
In the training program of physical development for children it is necessary to
include power exercises which are not giving essential pressure to the
This is the program :
Working out abdominals on the floor
Pulling up on a horizontal bar
Pushups on a bar
Lifting the barbell lying (the training begins with an empty bar no more than
3 kg in weight )
The French exercise( the conditions of the training are the same)
Lifting the barbell on the biceps leaning against the wall ( the conditions of
the training are the same)
Bringing dumbbells apart by the shoulders (the weight of dumbbells starts
from 0,5 kg)
Partial squats without any weight (from 12 till 14 years - with an empty bar on
the back)
After performing this simple program - for those whose parents are against
training hand-to-hand fight – running, developing games etc.
The program offered is a springboard for further employment in
absolutely any kind of sports. Both fitness, and tennis, both sailing, and
equestrian sport and even golf – “the game of millionaires”- demand endurance
and physical strength which are developed due to the program suggested above.
All kinds of fights
from judo to Greece-Roman - include throws, many of which are nothing else
but the same basic movement by the pelvis described in the chapter “ Hand-to-
hand fight”.
The main thing at this age - to show the Way to the child, to convince
him that everything is in his hands. And if he is weak by nature and has no
respect from his coevals- you should explain to him, that is it not forever. That
all in this life depends on him.
4.10 The program of physical development for the youth from 14 till 25
years old
It is a wonderful age! The age of “hormonal revolt” and active growth of
an organism.
I already mentioned that if at this age a young man or a girl start to go in
for sports actively, the shape of the body they get in this time (under the
condition of a balanced food ration and a healthy lifestyle) remains with them
for many years. Even if they give up sports! It is enough only to eat correctly not
become too fat (see “ Axioms of health” ) and to support the muscles in a
tonus, whenever possible one or two times a week visiting a sports hall.
Let's continue the subject of the previous chapter. Under the condition the
child from 7 years is already engaged in the program suggested above, then
when he is 14, he can be offered according to his choice the following variants:
А) Specialization in “Hand-to-hand fight”,
B) Specialization in “Bodybuilding”,
C) Specialization in RSF (the direction of psychological and physical
development of the person)
The school program of physical development and the program of all colleges
and higher educational institutions can and should include these three disciplines
according to the choice of a student, maybe for the beginning together with the
obligatory today program of physical training. Which can be left as an
experiment for interested in it students (if there will be such students). But on
the background of the first three disciplines this dreadful retro will look rather
poorly and shortly, undoubtedly, will die off by itself.
The program of hand-to-hand fight is just a chapter “Hand-to-hand fight” ,
brought in this book. In the warm-up there are almost all power exercises
necessary for the fighter. The trainer should add only to pulling up on a
horizontal bar (including the one with a superwide hold), pushups on bars,
lifting a barbell while lying and lifting a barbell on the biceps. This simple set
of exercises will be quite enough for maintaining in tonus the muscles of the
The chapter “Bodybuilding” represents detailed programs for persons who
seriously want to go in for this kind of sports. But I will say here once again,
that without application of anabolic steroids a sportsman will have nothing to do
at prestigious competitions. And it is always a serious risk for health.
Certainly, “natural” training without application of hormonal preparations
deserves the highest respect. But at this age a person wants everything, a lot of
it and at once that does not unfortunately happen in life. And natural
bodybuilding will demand sincere work and giving all of your moral and
physical strength, fanatical persistence and remarkable will , which also needs
to be brought up.
Therefore I think, that the synthesis of hand-to-hand fight and
bodybuilding doesn’t only supplement each other during the formation of
physically harmonious person, but also are two most powerful disciplines
speaking about the development of the Person.
RSF is the synthesis I mean.
Certainly, there should be always a choice. But if a young man or a girl
makes this choice, then in some years of trainings they will not just be
wonderfully fit and have applied skills of hand-to-hand fight, but also will
generate a great strength of Spirit which will help them overcome any
difficult situations having no attitude to the world of sports rings and podiums of
bodybuilding. I want to finish this chapter with a citation from “Dialogues” –
the creation of my pupil Alexey Lagutenkov, who has the 7th degree according
to the version of RSF.
“Teacher, why when I get into fury - everyone laughs?”
“Your body is imperfect, you are weak. The fury of a weak person is funny”.
“Teacher why now everyone wants to fight with me, but nobody is afraid of
“Now you are strong, but only your body is strong. Your spirit is weak, people
see, that you have a weak spirit, and that means, you can be defeated easily.
Who will give up such a pleasure ?”
“Teacher, I followed your manuals but why now all without exception are afraid
of me?”
“You have both a strong body and spirit. You are a fighting machine, but you
rush to fight without reflecting about the consequences of your actions. One can
see it in your eyes. Your mind is not strong enough and you are still at the
beginning of the way.”
“Teacher, tell me, whether I am perfect in fight now?”
“Yes, my Master!”
4.11 Axioms of health.
This chapter is written for people, who for some reasons don’t want or
have no opportunity to go in for hand-to-hand fight or bodybuilding. Both
disciplines require a more or less equipped sports hall, a competent trainer, and
presence free time for trainings.
Sometimes it is difficult to get all these aspects together (especially if there
is no corresponding state of mind for it. As I already wrote above, training of
Will and Spirit also demands desire and powerful motivation.) Besides, the
modern style of life dictates its rules. People go for business trips, don’t have
regular working hours. We have a family, children and thousand reasons
preventing us from dealing with our health seriously. But the way one thousand
li long begins with one step. And this chapter is the first step on the way to
your health.
Under the program of “home aerobics” (which can be also called a
fashionable word “fitness”) many exercise not only at home , but also at the
office or in a room of a hotel. This training minimum, made two - three times a
week and occupying from fifteen minutes up to half an hour in a combination
with the diets described in this chapter, will help you to get rid of surpluses of
fat and, probably, will become a springboard for more serious trainings.
So, we will begin with a question, what is health? A strange question, isn’t
it? Health is … And what is further? Further … is .To answer objectively,
probably, this difficult question, it is necessary, having looked through the
medical card from a polyclinic, for a long time and tiresomely to list lots of
figures – blood pressure, the amount of erythrocytes and leukocytes, the
presence or absence of sugar in urine and helminth eggs in another a little less
popular analysis. It is possible to look for black spots on shabby x-ray pictures
and to try to disassemble an artful cuneiform writing of the attending physician
concerning these mysterious spots. It is possible to go once again to that very
doctor who, having looked at you with a wise sight and having listened through
the stethoscope the beating of your disturbed with strange questions heart, will
“ You are healthy,” at the same time recommending you something fashionable
in pills or mixtures for maintenance of the notorious health, sold on the ground
floor of the polyclinic at the price of the Yakut diamonds.
Healthy … Really healthy?
Approach the mirror.
Just approach the mirror and undress.
Do you like what you see?
If the answer is yes – don’t read further. Most likely, you have a healthy
smooth skin, proportionally shaped muscles, no superfluous fat and - the main
thing - your eyes shine with LIFE and desire to live further the same as you
lived before this simple experiment. Put on your clothes , and I wish you all the
But maybe not everything is so wonderful.
Not everything? Well it is ok! The main thing that the most terrible didn’t
happen to you.
The most terrible is when in your eyes there is no life.
The most terrible is when you decided - that is the end. I am already 30
(40, 50, 60 …), my life has passed by, all is behind, the bio is not that good, is
time to write the will and to look for the place on a cemetery.
Age – is not in the passport, it is in your head!
As Carlos Castaneda put it in his book “The Strength of Silence” was,
“the strength of the person is boundless … death exists only because we are
going to die from the moment of birth …”
Pay attention to the elderly foreign tourists examining in the underground
mosaic and columns, the beauty of which we for a long time do not see. Look
into their eyes! Look more attentively! People live! Live, regardless their
age. And do not simply live, but go to the wild (according to their opinion
country to get some exotic and the feeling of danger slightly tickling the
A professional sportsman - bodybuilder Ed Roots in his 65 got to the
podium and did not hesitate to show his magnificent body. 70 year old Kelly
Nelson participated in competitions together with her 42-year old daughter
Kolin. In 70!!! And a little more famous Tina Turner – she will leave behind
many pop-stars. And not only regarding her voice. It is enough to see how she
looks like!
Miracles of plastic surgery, you will say? Hm … However, many rather rich
people cannot boast such an appearance. I think, it is not so much money and
miracles, but WILL and CHARACTER.
But miracles happen.
“ Some day body Lazar from Viphany was sick …”
And he died. And even started to stink. But there came Jesus and said:
“Everyone living and believing in Me will not die for ever …”
And Jesus made a miracle - the person revived.
Believe in miracles - they happen - and do not die while you are alive. And
even if your life began to stink slightly - still wait.
The miracle is possible - and now it is in your hands.
So let's make it!
So, what it is - HEALTH?
I think, it is :
1) The desire to live and enjoy life.
2) The ability to live and enjoy a life, that is, ability to act.
А) What you don’t have to
Let's take a bar of chocolate. Beautiful, tasty, in tv ads they kill each
other because of it. We will look at what is written on the pack. Really – just
get shot. “100 gm of the product contain:
Fibers - 4,4 gm, fats - 35,4 gm, carbohydrates - 54,7 gm.
Power value - 548 calories. »
Well so what? We ate this , and not just one bar - and still we are alive.
Yes, really. Nothing special. If to take into account, that a
daily power requirement of an adult person is about 2500-3000 calories. And
if to count , how many calories are in your favourite pie …
But we will start from the beginning. Strange enough, but
overwhelming majority of people very vaguely imagine, what it is like -
carbohydrates, proteins, calories … So lets begin.
PROTEINS are building material for muscles and internal organs. To
put it briefly, we basically consist of proteins (if, certainly, surpluses of fat do
not prevail).
CARBOHYDRATES are energy. During digestion the organism
decomposes carbohydrates and at the expense of this decomposition we
move, breathe, speak and so on. Accordingly, a calorie is a unit of
measurements of this energy. And, I will remind, that practically each
superfluous calorie which is acting in an organism and is not used to what it
is meant for , turns to hypodermic fat.
FATS - we have already found out this. Fats make our ugly power
depot. But besides fats are raw materials for manufacturing by an organism
of hormones and “greasing” of joints. Deficiency of fats can lead to traumas
of joints and decrease of hormonal secretion. Without participation of fats the
digestion of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, Е and K is impossible. Each cell of a
body contains fat without which the body simply would collapse. So we
cannot do without fats. Another question - how much? How much of this
stuff mentioned above to use so that not to starve and at the same time to
look fit?
I will repeat - for the person of about 80 kg there will be enough 2500-
3000 calories per day, and 60 % of calories we should receive from
carbohydrates, 30 % - from proteins and only 10 % - from fat.
And now re-read the parameters of the chocolate bar. There is a
slight discrepancy. And this is the case with overwhelming majority of
What should we to do? It is the easiest way to give up and say - well
and the heck with it. How much we are measured to live , we will live that
much, even with a huge belly. As if I have nothing to do but to count , how
much and what stuff is there! I have a big family and they didn’t pay me my
salary for two months.
It is quite logical. It is today. But tomorrow again we will want to be
slim and attractive. And – what is the most interesting thing – it is not so
necessary to wither above each piece, calculating, how much it contains and
how it will influence your figure. It is necessary only …
PRODUCTS or for the beginning just TO REDUCE their USE:
А) Mayonnaise and fat salad sauces (the contents of the sated fats in them
exceeds 50 %).
B) Confectionery products - pies, rolls, etc. (approximately the same amount
of fats there).
C) A white loaf (too much carbohydrates. Get to eating black or - what is
much better - crispbread from the whole grain).
D) Alcohol (the same reason. For example, one half-liter bottle of beer
contains 250-300 calories. Besides ,the use of alcohol during meals essentially
raises your appetite, that at all does not promote getting rid of surpluses of
hypodermic fat).
E) Smoking (I’d better keep silent – it is clear, including radioactive polonium
- 210.) By the way, recently scientists have found out, that, in addition to
everything else, tobacco has on the brain of the smoker precisely the same an
effect, as heroin and cocaine, only in a weaker degree. The cigarette causes
strengthening the local exchange processes in the brain that results in easy
turbidity of mind. At the same time during smoking is formed the substance
called dopamin, accelerating the passing of electric signals through the
nerves, in this way causing the sensation of pleasure and forces the smoker
time and are again smoke a cigarette. Chain smokers in due course acquire
features, characteristic for drug addicts - forgetfulness coming close to the
loss of memory, worsening in reaction and intelligence. The personality
gradually and imperceptibly degrades, a little bit more slowly, than under the
influence of strong drugs, but anyway inevitably.
F) Food prepared by the method of roasting outside the house. Cooks do not
especially like to wash baking sheets on which many portions are fried at
once for visitors of cafe and restaurants. It is even possible to understand
them - all the time all the same and tomorrow fats will again cover the
surface of a baking sheet. But it doesn’t make things better for us ! As a
result the stuff that remained from fats is exposed to repeated heating that
transforms the molecules of fat in carcinogens.
G) Sausages and other products of deep processing. First of all – how do you
know, what they are made from ? For the same reason, avoid to get in shops
ready forcemeat. Fat in it is seen to the eye, and – let us be logical without
accusing anyone and try to guess - where does the meat that hadn’t been sold
at once of the (not that fresh already) disappear?
H) Lard. It is absolute100 % fat going straight to its destination, where it has
to got , that is, to our ugly power depot.
I) Sour creams, butter, fat cheese (especially smelt, for example, in pizza) and
fat milk.
J) Sugar and salt. A person requires about 5 gm of salt per day. And a daily
ration already contains more than 7 gm - and it is provided that we salt
nothing! And if we do salt - that it is better to salt ready meals and to use
and iodized salt - to prevent problems with the thyroid gland.
And, at last, some hints.
Before cooking a chicken or a duck take off the skin from them ( a
storage of hypodermic fat and cholesterol).
Buy only low-fat meat.
When you make soup and it is ready - put it in the refrigerator, wait,
while it will get cold and take off from it the above thick yellow covering
– that notorious fat.
Some more words about FAT.
Fats, as it appears, are also different. They are divided into
saturated and nonsaturated.
The molecules of the saturated fats have lots of atoms of hydrogen.
In molecules of nonsaturated fats there are essentially less of such atoms.
Molecules of the saturated fats if we look at them through the microscope
remind straight sausages. These sausages are conveniently and strongly
stacked in stacks under our skin, and to destroy them is rather problematic.
The molecules of nonsaturated fats remind bent sausages, because of what
connection between them is fragile. Therefore nonsaturated fats are rather
easily digested by an organism, practically not being stored in the
notorious depot.
It is possible to melt saturated fats conveniently arranged under our
skin. But not in a sauna – they melt at the temperature higher 60 degrees
Celcium, that is, together with hypodermic lard we might be cook alive. In
a sauna an organism doesn’t lose fat, it loses water which later will be
quickly restored in a natural way. For the destruction of fat besides a diet
there is one more way - aerobic training. During aerobic training our
organism reaches saturated “sausages” and starts to decompose them.
The effect of aerobics can be strengthened. Buy in a sports shop a
“belt of slimmness”. It is such a wide cloth strip rubberized from one of
the sides. Put it around your waist - or the place where your waist is
supposed to be - and go ahead! This belt should be put strictly on your t-
short. And (for example, for me) besides all other things it shows the
intensity and the effectiveness of the training. If after the training the t-
shirt over the belt is wet-through , it means, that the training was a
successful one. It is possible to put on at once two belts - one under the
chest , the other – just under it on the bottom part of the stomach. To tell
the truth, it is not necessary to wear these belts the whole day. It is
recommended to wear them not more than an hour per day, then it is
necessary to go and take a bath at once in order to prevent problems with
the skin under the belt places of the body and, besides the reasons of
hygiene not to get cold.
SATURATED fats in huge amounts are present in the named above
products and by their look on our body poison our life. And though they
are also necessary - cellular partitions consist from derivatives of these
fats - their surplus rather regrettably influences our heart and the liver,
kills libido (sexual appetence) - corpulent men have the level of
testosterone (a sexual hormone) 50 % below the norm - and creates lots of
other problems for the organism. For example, the overabundance of the
saturated fat acids causes the increase in the contents of cholesterol in
blood, that often is the principal cause of an insult and ischemic illness of
the heart.
UNSATURATED fats are simply necessary for us. They are present
first of all in fish and … in capsules with cod-liver oil. The pleasure is a
little bit expensive, but, in my opinion, is better to spent some for
preventive maintenance, than in some years to pay for an expensive
treatment. Unsaturated fats are always in the form of liquid, do not harden,
are not stored under the skin and do not mix with fatty blood clots blood
system. They reduce the level of cholesterol, promote increase of
immunity , growth and regeneration of the bones, joints and ligaments
and the removing of toxins from an organism that slows down the
process of ageing.
As it is known, the organism of a person is completely renewed
about every four years. That is, absolutely all cells change completely.
The old ones die off, instead of them new ones are synthesized. Till
twenty five years of age the organism grows, that is, the growth of cells
surpasses their dying. In the following ten - fifteen years of human life the
position is stabilized a little - as many cells die , about the same amount is
generated. Further comes the age of old people. New cells are generated
less and less, the dead old ones, naturally, do not fulfill their the function
anymore. To make this process less slower – a person needs to keep to a
special diet and get some physical activity. The more you move - the more
intensively works the process of metabolism – the faster happens cellular
synthesis. You as though put a new program in your organism, and it is
simply obliged to create a lot of new, healthy cells and, accordingly, to get
rid of all the dead stuff.
A person who actively goes in for sports, always looks younger his
lazy coeval. Why? For the same reason. The intensity of exchange
processes. All organs , including the hypophysis (the gland of a brain,
secreting hormones) work much more productive, than in case with usual
people. And, accordingly, there is more DHEA formed – the substance that
is called “the hormone of youth” . And something else. The more sexual
hormones, the more strong you are in sex. There is a direct dependence, by
the way. Sexual hormones are chemical compounds at the expense of
which people look sexually attractive and have a sexual desire. There is
something to think about …
So, we found out what is not NECESSARY to eat and why. Now we
will talk about what is necessary.
What you now will read now , will seem to you a little bit strange. It is
necessary … you can eat just anything. Yes, that’s right.. As soon as you
start feeling hunger, your mood worsens, all your thoughts are about food
and the fridge and sooner or later any normal person just won’t manage go
on like this and will return to the previous normal state of things.
Except the products described above. There is a huge amount of very tasty
things which don’t have superfluous calories and saturated fats.
So, I will repeat again.
A normal meal of a usual person (not an advanced sportsman) is 2500-
3000 calories a day, 60 % of carbohydrates, 30 % of proteins and 10 % of
fats. And now some biochemistry. Suffer a couple of pages - I will try not
to overload you with scientific terminology. But trust me – things that are
written below should know everyone who takes care of the health.
COMPLEX CARBOHYDRATES - starches, fiber, glycogen are found
in such products, as potatoes, rice, porridge, bread from whole grains
(these are round flat cakes sold sealed - in polythene packs). These are
products, in which there are lots of vitamins and mineral substances. Such
products strengthen the feeling of sating, are digested more slowly and
consequently for a long time provide the organism with energy.
SIMPLE CARBOHYDRATES - glucose, fructose, galactose,
saccharose, lactose, maltose are basically in fruit (lactose - in milk),they
possess a more labile checkered structure therefore are digested instantly
and in half an hour we again want to eat. Such products should be used an
hour or two before the dinner, so that the feeling of famine did not
torment our nervous system .
And, at last, PROTEINS. A building material for muscles and
internal organs. The richest in protein products are :
А) Chickens
B) Eggs (boiled). Only the white part is even better . Yolks contain a
little bit superfluous amount of cholesterol.
C) Tinned tuna.
D) Sour-milk products (curdled milk, yogurt)
E) Fish
F) Lean meat
G) Liver.
Some more words about EGGS.
It is the richest in proteins product in the nature. It contains almost all
vitamins and the mineral substances necessary for the person, and they are
balanced in ideal proportions. The white part of the egg is extraordinary
easily digested. Why? The egg is ONE CELL. In it there are no cellular
shells and shells of muscular fibers - as, for example, in meat - and to an
organism it is not necessary to spend energy on their digestion. It is
necessary to eat boiled eggs. So they are better digested and the danger of
infection with a salmonellosis disappears. For the same reason an omelet is
better than fried eggs. It’s better to cook eggs as follows:
Put eggs in the pot, put it on fire, when the water starts to boil - at
once taken it off from fire and, having covered the pot with a cover, leave
it in this way for 20 or minutes. In these twenty minutes eggs continue to
be cooked, but not overcooked. Around the yolk is not formed a green line
and they don’t burst, as don’t beat against each other in the boiling water.
The daily need in proteins for a usual person (not a sportsman) is
about 1 gm per kg of weight. Don’t be too lazy – count how much
proteins you use daily. If you don’t get enough compensate it by using
eggs. Many parents force their children to eat everything “ with bread”. If
you have such a habit, replace it for eating everything “with an egg” . It
will be much better, even for the figure.
Eggs are the FIRST among other products in their characteristics of
digestibility by an organism. They are digested practically 100% .
On the SECOND place are sour-milk products - yogurt, cottage
cheese, cheese which are well digested even by those who is one of those
25 % of the population of the earth , suffering from intolerance of lactose
and who get sick from pure milk.
On the THIRD place are fish and other sea inhabitants - shrimps,
crabs. Sea fish is in addition rich in phosphorus necessary for the bones
and normal work of the brain, iodine (reduces the risk of diseases of a
thyroid gland), other microcells necessary for the person (fluorine,
bromine, copper, iron) and, naturally, an extremely useful cod-liver oil.
And on LAST place of digestibility among albuminous protein
products are proteins of meat (up to 15 % consumed meat protein is not
digested at all) as meat has a very difficult structure hardly digested by an
organism. Together with porridges and potatoes (carbohydrates), from
the products named above one can cook a large number of different meals
which are not overloaded with fats and superfluous calories. I suspect, that
supporters of a separate eating might want to put me to death, but
different people have different opinions and for the present nobody for
100% proved what to chew first the chop, and then the garnish is better,
than both at once.
Try to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions, having shared the
reconsidered diet for 5-6 meals ,released from excessive fats .
It is difficult, I don’t argue. And for whom is it easy now? My pupil
who for the first time came to the sports hall with the weight of 120 kg
in four months on divided meals decreased his weight up to 90!
What’s the secret? It’s simple.
А) Frequent eating accelerates metabolism and burning of the
hypodermic fat.
B) Provides constant and continuous supply of nutrients to the
organism and do not overload the digestive system.
C) Allow the organism to reduce the caloric value of a diet (it is not
perceived by an organism as a catastrophe. Any catastrophe, for example,
extra diet, overload for the nervous system, causing feeling of trouble and
as a consequence, making us lick the fridge with a lewd sight.)
D) It is useful gradually and imperceptibly to increase the intensity and
duration of aerobic trainings a little, by 2-5 minutes and, accordingly, 1-2
sets per training (you will find the complex later in this book in the chapter
“Domestic Aerobics”).
Undoubtedly, it is difficult to change to way of life to which you were
used to for years . A strong stress for mentality as well. But do you want to
live 10-15 years longer and look 10-15 years younger ? So let's suffer a
little. The first three months it will be difficult, but then all this gradually
will become a habit , that notorious healthy lifestyle.
So, we will sum up everything and remember the common truths.
1. Do not overeat. Each superfluous calorie is stored in fat. As the
old French proverb says: “ A second on the tongue – all life on the
2. Never miss breakfast. Great Persian doctor Ibn-Sīnā Avicenna
4. Eat often, but in little portions
without which you will get old before time , suffer illnesses and
will be slowly dying alive.
(for people who practically don’t go in for sports)
Low-fat cottage cheese or yogurt 200 gm. - approximately 200 - 260 cal.
Cheese 30 gm. Approximately 100 cal.
Cooked eggs of 2 pieces approximately 150 cal.
Green tea without sugar with honey
(2 teaspoons for a glass) approximately 20 - 40 cal.
The second breakfast:
Porridge on milk, a big plate approximately 100-150 cal.
Mashed potatoes (instead of butter
it is possible to add a little milk) 200 gm. Approximately 150 cal.
The beef chop 200 gm. Approximately 500 cal.
Vegetable salad with 1 cooked egg
and vegetable oil. Approximately 170 - 200 cal.
Fruit juice. Approximately 50 cal.
5 o ’ clock tea :
Green tea with honey . Approximately 20-40 cal.
Yogurt, curdled milk with breads . Approximately 30-50 cal.
Boiled rice on milk, a big plate approximately 100-150 cal.
Yogurt, curdled milk approximately 30-50 cal.
Green tea with a small slice of chocolate approximately 100-150 cal.
Total: 1720-2040 cal.
In translation from Latin "Vita" means “life”. Why so significant? And
what is it in general - vitamins? Ask about it your close people or acquaintances.
“ It is useful …”- will mumble them and, most likely, will be able to add
Why are they useful ? Useful for what ?We will try to fill in this annoying blank.
Vitamins are substances which are necessarily should be in food
because the organism cannot independently synthesize them from other
Vitamins for our organism are about the same, as ignition for the
automobile. They start and support in an organism the major biochemical
processes and, first of all, its power interchange, the maintenance of activity of
skeletal muscles and biosynthesis of proteins.
Vitamins are divided into two groups - fat-soluble and soluble in water.
Fat-soluble - vitamins A, Д, Е and K are stored in fatty cells of an organism. It
means, that the person does not have the necessity to use them with food every
day. If there will be a deficiency of the above-named vitamins - the organism
will shake up our depot and find as much, as necessary. Moreover,
overabundance of these vitamins, (hypervitaminosis) leads to heavy enough
consequences, for example, intoxications.
Other vitamins are soluble in water and consequently are not capable to
stored in cells. Because of this ability the person got in a serious enough
dependence from all these fruit and vegetables. Vitamin deficiency results in
terrible diseases and, at last, in death. Colorfully enough and terribly the process
of death from vitamin deficiency is described in Jack London’s story “The
Mistake of God” where the population of the whole settlement dying from
scurvy rescues a fresh potato .
So, vitamins and their sources.
Vitamin A (Retinolum acetate). In brackets is given the name of the
vitamin under which it is sold in drugstores.
It takes part in synthesis of muscular cells and glycogen, that is, adjusts
power interchange and regenerative processes, promotes metabolism, growth
and development of an organism. Provides normal functioning of the eyes ,
grease and sweat glands, raises the immunity. It not too well digested in the
form of pills form and easily decomposes under the influence of the air and
solar beams. Therefore, if we want to look brawny and vigorous, it is necessary
to accept it in a clean form, that is, in usual food stuffs, rich in this vitamin (
liver, egg yokes and cod-liver oil).
Vitamin В1 (Thiaminum bromide).
Participates in carbohydrate exchange. At the lack of Thiaminum
the eaten carbohydrates are not digested, moreover, the organism stores toxic
products of carbohydrate exchange. To avoid this, use liver, rice, milk which
contain В1.
Vitamin В2 (Riboflavinum).
Participates in albuminous and fatty metabolism. Any physical activity
results in overexpenditure of Riboflavinum, therefore all people occupied with
physical work, and especially sportsmen, are simply obliged to accept it
additionally. The following products contain it : liver, eggs, groats (buckwheat,
porridge), milk.
Vitamin В3 (calcium panteonat).
It takes part in more than 50 exchange processes connected with the
extraction of energy by an organism. In case of a sharp deficiency the organism
itself is capable to synthesize В3 from amino acid tryptophan, but not to lead up
to that , it is necessary to use such products as milk, fish (tuna) rich in proteins,
Vitamin В6 (pyridoxine).
Directly participates in all processes connected with the growth of
albuminous tissues and, first of all, muscles. Sources - sour-milk products
(cottage cheese, yogurt), cabbage, potatoes , rice, buckwheat and a vitamin
panacea - liver.
Vitamin В12 (cyanocabalamin)
Supports the ability to live of nervous cells of the spinal cord
through which the brain operates the activity of an organism. Influences
albuminous exchange, growth of muscles, promotes maturing in blood red blood
corpuscles -
Erythrocytes. Products: beef, chicken meat, eggs, sour-milk products. By the
way, consumption of a yeasty white loaf makes more difficult the digestion of
В12, therefore it might be ok to start eating crispbread from the raw grain or
yeasty black bread mentioned above.
Vitamin C( ascorbic acid)!!!!!!
1) Participates in biosynthesis of collagen, the glue which is not
4) Strengthens bones.
5) Promotes prophylaxis and treatment of colds.
Doctors have a private precept – “do not harm!” …
But almost all medicines have contra-indications, many of them have rather
appreciable by-effects, from the series “we cure one thing –we cripple another”.
Vitamins and stimulators about which I wrote, in comparison with other
preparations, are harmless enough preventive measures. However, they can be
taken in after a consultation with your doctor. But there are simple means
about which we know almost all - and, it appears, we know nothing.
The substance dialil tersulphate is capable in a day after injecting it in a
cancer tumour suspend the division of almost all cancer cells. And … this
substance contains ordinary garlic. And though it is still a long way before the
medicine against cancer will be created, quite probably, that it will be produced
from this most ordinary-looking with kind of a vegetable, known to everyone
since childhood.
We know from the cradle that garlic raises resistibility of an organism to
diseases, The fact that the regular use of garlic reduces the level of cholesterol in
blood, the French scientists have discovered just recently. So is garlic a panacea
from all troubles? Well, not from everything, but from an essential spectrum of
diseases. And the main thing is it has no by-effects. Maybe it’s better just use
more often products known for their medical properties, than later to rush to
hospitals and to swallow pills?
It is necessary to say some words about the green tea. Its magic properties
were known in Ancient China and in Central Asia the use of it became a
tradition. And not without a reason.
A tea leaf contains about 300 biologically active substances: fibers,
carbohydrates, vitamins (В2, With, To, Р).The complex of active substances in
tea normalizes the work of the heart, prevents formations of stones in a gall
bladder ,
due to vitamin Р improves the status of vascular walls, thus being a preventive
measure of an atherosclerosis. In addition green tea protects teeth from caries.
Green tea has all these properties only if it is made in the right way.
Rinse a porcelain teapot 2-3 times with boiled water, put in it 2-3 teaspoons of
tea leaves, at once pour the boiling water so that it only covered the
leaves.Cover the
teapot and leave it for two minutes, then pour the water into the teapot to its half.
In 2-3 minutes pour the water to the top of the teapot leaving about 1cm up to
the cover. Now close it with the cover and the hole in it close with a fabric
So that the fabric absorbed the steam getting out from the teapot and
simultaneously hold the aroma.
It is possible to speak a lot about the advantages of onions, fruit, fresh
vegetables ,only whether it is necessary? We know all about it Almost
everything as we have just found out. But to know it is not enough. We should
consider it our DRUGSTORE. A preventive herb drugstore protecting our life
from illnesses and weakness…
6. Home Aerobics
1) Working out abdominals on the floor
6) Moves by the leg sideways laying
1 working set for each leg.
Lie down on the floor, turn the right leg under yourself, extend the left one
parallel the floor. Make up to 150 repetitions by each leg.
Pictures 936-937
7) Twisting on the floor
1 working set for each leg.
Lie down on the floor, turn your right leg up under yourself, bend the left
in the knee. Make twisting, as shown in the picture, quickly pulling the left
knee to your head. Make up to 150 repetitions for each leg.
Pictures 938-939
8) Moves by a straight leg backwards laying
1 working set for each leg.
Lie down on the stomach, extend your straight left leg backwards parallel
to the floor. Make moves backwards, as many as possible bending in your
waist and mentally pulling your nape to the heel of a working leg. Up to 150
repetitions by each leg.
Pictures 940-941
The note: further exercises 6, 7 and 8 become more complicated due to
reduction of working amplitude (the picture is shown for moves by the leg
sideways laying).
Pictures 942-943
9) Pushups
1 warm up set, 1 working set
Lie down leaning on your fists so that they were at the waist level. The
internal surface of your elbows during the exercise should touch the body.
Slowly lower down till your chest touches the floor and twice quickly push
the body upwards up to the starting position. The first set - a warm up set, 5-10
repetitions. The second – a working set , till refusal. Those to whom this
exercise will seem difficult, can do it independently or with the help of the
partner, or the knees.
Pictures 944-947
8) Squats
Unfortunately, in life it is not possible to forsee all the situations
beforehand. One of the most terrible consequences of our self-conceit,
carelessness, recklessness from which nobody is insured is imprisonment.
Certainly, in a critical situation it is desirable to do the utmost not to get there,
but if you did get there - it is necessary to survive in these conditions, and to
survive so that to return from there a normal person, instead of an embittered
creature “whose roof went down” (words and expressions accepted in criminal
environment I will put in quotation marks).
So, let’s assume for a second, that you “were accepted by cops”. More often
“the acceptance” is accompanied by beating and threats “to spend your life in
prison at least up to the pension age” . Certainly, as comrade Suhov said, it is
unlikely, but it is better not to say your doubts outloud – they will beat you less.
In general, it seems to me, that it is better to pretend, that you are terribly
frightened of the “uncle militiaman” and are ready for a frank confession,
which, as it is known, “softens the fault, but does not reduce the term of
In the bodies of law and order there is such a post – operative authorized
militiaman (here and later – “operauthorized” - transl.). It is the uncle who,
besides actually arresting the suspected, before the appearance of a lawyer and
an inspector, before stating accusations, let us say, prior to the beginning of
lawful investigatory actions by any ways “is authorized” to get from you
confessions against yourself (by the way, that is against the Constitutional
rights). All this occurs right after “the acceptance” when the person is in the
state of stress from his misfortunes. It is important during this moment to not
lose your presence of mind and not to do much harm to yourself since the court
first of all will take seriously THESE confessions, instead of what you say later
during the presence of an inspector and a lawyer. By the way, it is better to find
a lawyer at once, and it is even better (certainly, depending on your occupation
and financial position) to think of the legal protection while you are free as it is
accepted in civilized countries. Then it will be enough to ask the most
compassionate (or greedy) militiaman to let you make a call to the lawyer and
you will be 90% protected from the arbitrariness of authorities.
So, you sit in front of the operauthorized or investigator, behind him stands
his assistant with a “bludgeon”, or without it , the lamp shining in your face and
you are being asked different tricky questions.
The first question - whether you will answer the questions – it is better to
answer it in the affirmative in order not to get superfluous punches. And then,
weakened from satisfaction of his talent of a great detective and psychologist
the investigator will start to write the report of interrogation, it’s best of all to
describe the place and time of “ the incident”, looking at the attendants of the
law and order with your eyes fair and full of repentance, as you were (or at all
weren’t) there (or not there), and thus, naturally, didn’t make anything illegal.
When your “confessions” will fill the first page of the report, it’s possible not
to be especially afraid of a subsequent beating – who needs to rewrite the stuff ?
Be careful !
Think about every word! It is possible, that a “bludgeon” will be used and not
once. Probably, not only this device . Just wait! It is better to suffer a little bit
here, than to spend additional years in the “zone”.*
*Zone – in Russia imprisonment can mean both staying in prison and in the
Both an investigatory department and an especially strict measure of punishment
in Russia can be called “prison”. After the verdict of the court a convict can be
put to the zone of a usual regime, zone of a strict regime or to the prison for life
imprisonment (according to the crime committed).
It is possible to try to offer a bribe, but only confidentially with the investigator
or an operauthorized, saying something like : “ Comrade lieutenant, what for do
you need all that ?.. Maybe we will agree upon…” Upon what we “will agree”
the clever lieutenant will understand, have no doubt.
Probably, someone will reproach me of excessive bias. But, first of all, I
describe ONLY real facts and situations which witnessed I or my acquaintances
whom I have no reason not to trust. Believe me, as soon as I happen to witness
a correct civilized attitude of our militia to an arrested person, I will with a
greatest pleasure describe this fact in my next book. But, unfortunately, very
often the red document of a militiaman serves as a covering for sadists and
psychopaths who take pleasure in sufferings of a human being. Though, I
should be objective, there are also exceptions. I met very few of them, maybe
someone will be more lucky…
You had no luck again or the case appeared to be too serious and the
lieutenant didn’t get the bribe, or they have a dead-line for some paper at
To put it briefly, it is always necessary to be ready for the worst.
The cell at a police station is usually a cold cellar with a wooden floor and
with “a stage” - a plank bed 10 cm higher than the floor that can be hardly
named “place for rest”- the same wooden floor, only higher.
Don’t tell too much about the reasons of your being arrested to the guys kept
in the cell, you’ll be together a couple of days not more (you shouldn’t do it later
as well!). The militiaman can ask your cellmate what you were talking about
on a long sleepless night. Take into account, that such “mates” in cells
sometimes can be “dummies”. Don’t exhaust yourself with unnecessary
sufferings, think of how to escape from here and quicker. All passes, this minute
will pass also. Life has thrown you to a severe university and what you will
learn here depends only on you.
If in a day or two you didn’t get your freedom, you will be brought to ITK
(the Isolator for Temporary Keeping), or that is named more widely among
people - CIT ( the Cell of Imprisonment before Trial). The ITK in which I spent
a week, did not shine with a special cleanliness or luxury of conditions. A close
double “room” with a damp “fur coat” on the walls. A “fur coat” is a rather
original invention, identical both for ITK , and prison. On a concrete wall the
cement is pasted so, that the wall becomes similar to the back of a crocodile,
only even more rough. If you happen to touch it carelessly – your skin will be
peeled. The official version of this architectural invention is to prevent
prisoners from drawing on the walls. I don’t know about drawing, but they
say, that in Petersburg “Crosses” (local investigatory isolator) maniac Dzhaga
possessing extreme strength had been kept in a special cell and “brought up”
pig-headed prisoners who were delivered to him by the administration
regularly, by rubbing their faces against the “fur coat”, crippling people. I
wouldn’t be 100% sure that this legend is true, but technically it’s quite
possible. By the way, in case you injured your skin against the “fur coat”, you
should at once disinfect the wound since it’s not possible to wash such walls,
therefore sterility isn’t one of their qualities.
One more “lovely” invention – “parasha” or “dalnyak” (i.e. the toilet) with
the “upper” and “lower” water. The “upper” is for drinking and washing, the
“lower” - for washing off excrements. Both pipes with water are at a rather
small distance from each other and only when you ask the attendant about it,
the water is turned on. And as it is sometimes very difficult to get him in the
cell, quite often you have to inhale the aromas of your own excrements for a
long time.
At the window besides the lattice there is a piece of plexiglass in which
through a little hole , a five-kopeck coin in size the pipe leads to freedom.
Through the pipe air gets to the cell (at least, it’s its purpose), frankly
speaking , there is no sense in it. When they open the “feeding trough” - an
aperture in the door through which they pass to the cell bowls with “balanda”
(prison meals) - in the cell there is a certain draft. If it is possible to make the
attendant leave the “feeding trough” open - it is more or less ok, if no - choke in
damp closeness and aromas of your own evaporations. “Conveniences” include
a mattress (if there is one), impregnated with moisture and stink, an iron plank
bed with metal strips instead of springs (a “shkonka”), a slightly rotten pillow,
though this little smelly sack with the remaining of cotton wool can hardly be
named a pillow. It is not less disgusting to put it under your head. But the
person adapts to everything. Moreover, in my cell on the heating pipe by some
kind soul, who was there before me, it was written: “If you want a smoke - have
a look under the bed”. Under the bed, there really were two cigarette butts and
some matches – an invaluable gift for a smoker (good that by then I have
already gave up this habit).
If you have relatives or close people you might get a “dachka” (a parcel
with food etc.). Usually, the attendants from ITK and IIC take a little to
themselves – good, let it be, after all they chose to themselves the involuntary
“imprisonment” in four walls. Basically, during my being there I saw some
normal attendants, but one had conscience to bring “the parcel from my
mother” – a half of a chicken’s leg and two crumpled tomatoes. The thing is
not in tomatoes at all. But why don’t those think who at the expense of
someone’s misfortunes grow huge bellies. How their actions will be judged in
the better world? Their acts directed on “maintenance of legality and order ” and
their stealing lard brought to someone ?
After 7-10 days in CIT you have two ways. Either to freedom, or to IIC
(Investigatory Isolation Cell), i.e. in prison. Strangely enough, in our country
prison inherently is not punishment. It is means to keep the person during the
investigation from running away while militia decides what to do. In the West
people suspected even in murders, having paid a certain sum of money are set
free. And in the cells of our investigatory isolators there are frequently 3-4
times more people, than it is necessary according to the law. It means, that the
room designed for 30 persons, (accordingly, with 30 plank beds) contains 100-
120 prisoners. Only after a verdict of the court “GUILTY” the person is sent to
the zone, though many of those who were there, say that prison is much worse
than the zone. And before the trial, the verdict, etc. – it’s a usual business,
when people not guilty in anything are kept imprisoned for more than a year.
And then, in 2-3 years of the imprisonment they are let out getting sincere
Wouldn’t it be more profitable for the state, to set essential sums of a
pledge for the some people who didn’t commit especially dangerous to the
society kinds of crimes to let people during the investigation free, and use the
money obtained from it to increase salaries and make the equipment of the staff
better ? No wonder, that militiamen take bribes and shut their eyes to obvious
infringements, receiving from the state fifty dollars (!) a month. The fact is not
taken from nowhere. It is the salary of my schoolmate - a captain of militia with
a higher education...
After CIT next goes prison. If during the first week of the “horror”
described above you frankly pled guilty, “were loaded, as an Indian elephant”
and cut off all ways to retreat - well, the person creates problems himself, and
then is tortured by them. Your trip to the “zone” will not keep you waiting. But,
as the inspector from a known novel said: “ If you say much – they will give
you much, if you say nothing – they will give you nothing...” If you said
nothing – a long “rest” in prison is waiting for you, visits of the lawyer,
sleepless nights and gloomy dawns when, waking up, you ask yourself – Why
am I here? Is it for a long time?..
And you will have no answer to these questions.
Some time ago I happened to read the book “How to Survive in the Soviet
Prison”, by the way, still sold here and there. I don’t know, where and how the
author of this book was in prison, but there is an impression, that the task of the
above-named work is to intimidate people, who haven’t yet tasted “the delight”
of being in prison. And in my fellow sufferers (including me) this book “How
to survive...” caused only bewilderment, to put it mildly. To call “bratva” (close
in meaning to “brothers”-transl.) all the cellmates? To look around, keep mum,
do the same, as everyone does, let even it seems to you abnormal and
ridiculous...” (Citation). Strange. Such a behaviour would seem even more
strange if someone else sees it. “Propiska” ( acknowledging a newcomer by
trying how tough he is – transl.)? “When you fix a thread to your genitals and
are forced to jump somewhere”? If there happened to be such a thing in my case
I would fight to death (as any normal person, I think). Shortly, I don’t advise
you to read such books when you are outside the walls. And in the cell they are
even more ridiculous. Nobody is going to intimidate you or mock you without a
reason. What for? Unless an abnormal sadist only, but if you were practicing the
courses of the first part of this book during several years or for a long time and
persistently studied some other fighting arts - both the prisoner, and the
supervisor will become thoughtful, whether it is necessary to mess with such a
guy? With your cellmate you still will have to spend a long time, and the
attendant might think “When this sportsman will be set free, once he might
wait for me near the exit from the prison.” It doesn’t mean it will happen for
sure, but there were such cases also … Is it necessary to play with destiny?
But let’s start from the beginning. Now I will describe “Matrosskaya
Tishina” (“Sailor's Silence”) in which I had been kept for four and a half month,
though they say, in other prisons it is the same. By the way, in the “sborka” I
was told both a beautiful and a terrible legend, where “Matrosskaya Tishina”
got its name from . When sailors due to the order of the Russian empress
Ekaterina were building this prison, they made some underground tunnels, with
the help of which prisoners who knew the secret could run away. The empress
found out about it, but even under tortures the sailors didn’t give out the
arrangement of the tunnels. Then Ekaterina ordered to wall up forever the
rebellious sailors in one of the cells. The prison got its name, and from what
cells there are tunnels leading outside , nobody knows till now. Later I learned
that before “ Matrosskaya Tishina” became a prison, in it there was something
like a shelter for homeless sailors who had left on pension, here is where the
name came from . But for some reason I believe the legend more, because one
had to hate heroic pensioners to force them live in such a dreadful place for a
long time at such an old age…
So, you are brought to IIC, that is to prison. First – a “sborka” - an
enormous cell with narrow benches along the walls in which prisoners wait till
they are distributed to different “huts” (cells). A tiresome registration of
different papers, a capture of the analysis of blood taken from the vein with a
blunt needle, a “frisk”, photographing, “piano” (getting fingerprints), etc., things
not pleasant in themselves. Then, the “sborka” itself. Moist, darkness. In that
“sborka” where I got, waiting to be distributed to “huts”, we stayed the evening
and all night long. At night water began to leak. By the morning the “sborka”
was flooded and water rose above the ankles. Groans and cries of “kosars”
and “lomovoys” acted on our nerves all night long. “Kosars” are those who
“play” loonies hoping instead of prison to get to a mental hospital. Usually
these are guys suspected in rapes, seduction of juvenile, etc., who know, that in
prison and in the zone there will be no life for them. “Lomovoy” is a person
who couldn’t get along with his cellmates in the “hut”, and is asking the
administration to put him in another cell. Not a very pleasant contingent
At daybreak they started to put us to different “huts”. In prison there are
three levels of distribution. In the “obshak” the majority of prisoners is. There
are various people there. From peasants, who stole a bag of potatoes to serious
authorities of the thieves' world. Though, in the “obshak” you can meet really
“serious” people way less often, than in the “spets”. The “obshak” is a rather
big “hut” with two - or three- level beds - “shkonkas” (metal plank beds with
several narrow steel strips instead of springs). In the “obshak” instead of 40
persons, stipulated by the law, the administration often puts 120-130 prisoners.
Stink, heat, people are like herrings in a tin, changing each other 3-4 times a
day to get a possibility to sleep in the “obshak” are usual things .
The second level in the hierarchy of distribution of prisoners is the “spets”.
In the “spets” sit more serious people. Like people, like their articles .
Robberies, murders, extortion are the main crimes for the inhabitants of the
“spets”. The cells are smaller, there are less people , and more attention of the
administration and more air. In all the rest - prison is prison.
But there is one more level. The fourth isolator. Prison in prison. Severe
isolation. People who can “affect badly the basic contingent of convicts” (the
phrase of one of the attendants on duty (“cop”, “musor”, “vertuhai”, “muhtar”,
“rex”. They are the administration.). The convicts address them “commander”,
“starshoy” ( the latter is close in its meaning to “chief” – transl.). In general,
between the administration and prisoners established some original symbiosis –
“vertuhais” try (in their majority)not to mess with prisoners, and convicts deal
with them only in case of emergency. In the fourth level (the fourth isolator)
you can meet rather uncommon people - clever and educated . I do not know
about the “obshak” and the “spets”, but I think, there are also more than
enough normal people there. Frequently convicts are neither turncoats, nor
vermins of society as we used to be taught since childhood. In fact these are
very few. In overwhelming majority these are just people. Ordinary people, the
same, as me and you, with whom there are lots of things to talk about, from
whom there are things to learn (I don’t mean learning criminal professions). It’s
a pity only, that you start to understand all this, only after you yourself get in
Someone will say “What are you writing about? These are criminals
dangerous to the society!” “And who are the judges?” - I will answer by the
words of a Russian classical writer (Griboyedov is meant here– transl) . A thief
should be in prison? Who has proved, that exactly this person is a thief? Have
you proved it? And did you come to the cells, spoke to those who for years
live in inhuman, primitive conditions of imprisonment? You cannot imagine,
how many innocent people sit in IIC and in the zone with falsified proofs of
their guilt farfetched? And how many people similar to Mavrodiy (a well-known
swindler , the founder of a global financial pyramid in Russia in 1990-s) live
abroad in luxury or feel free to drive around Moscow in smart limousines?..”
But we will return to the subject. The things that are written about
“propiska” in “How to survive...” are pure nonsense. They say , that such a
thing exists in prisons for minors. But children are children, it is possible to
understand it as some kind of entertainment. So don’t think, anybody will hang
you for the genitals and will ask you idiotic questions described in the above-
named book. Though I heard, that somewhere there is still a custom to throw
under the legs of a newcomer a towel. Quite scientifically proved psychological
test. Potential “six” (a person potentially tending to serve and humiliate himself
in front of a stronger one- transl.) will lift it, a normal person will step over it,
and the one who is already familiar with the prison etiquette will rub his legs
against it and throw it to “parasha” (“dalnyak”) by his leg.
It is good, if you got lucky to be in the “hut” with worthy people, i.e. with
those who are not “casual passengers” in prison, but sit for robberies, racket etc.
In such “huts” usually reigns “ a thieves' order”. It means, that prisoners adhere
to the unwritten laws of the thieves' world directed to order and protection from
“bespredel”(chaos without any just rules or hierarchy whatsoever- transl.) the
life of any (!) person who got to prison. To tell the truth, it does not mean
equality. Any law – if it is the law of the state or thieves’ – watches the interests
of the strongest, ruling clique. Cleaning the “hut” by an authority of the thieves'
world (as it is described in “How to survive in the Soviet prison”) is possible
only when all people are equal in the cell in their “suit” ( position in criminal
hierarchy). Questions of equality and all other questions are solved not by the
fist, as in the army, they are solved at a general meeting at the “dubok (the
table), all members of the “hut” having the right to vote. These are, as a rule,
“bratva” (or “tramps”) - people, whose craft lies outside the frameworks of
legislation and, in general, corresponds to the articles of the Criminal Code
listed in the fourth chapter, and those who are considered “worthy”, as well as
the author of these lines in his time, i.e. people having no direct attitude to
“bratva”, but close to them in spirit, who found with them common language
and common interests.
Then there are “muzhiks”. They are representatives of “hegemon”, those
who work all their life in sweat and got in prison more often either because of
a minor theft (a bag of nails from the factory) or some other thing. The attitude
of “bratva” to “muzhiks” is quite normal, though if there is a question who
should wash the floor in the “hut” – a “tramp” or a “muzhik”, the decision,
certainly, will be not for the benefit of the latter.
The following in hierarchy are “businessmen”. Shopkeepers, businessmen,
etc. If the person of this “suit” “doesn’t spread his fingers apart” ( doesn’t put
themselves too much above others ) as, basically, these people used to do while
being free, the attitude to them will be normal (especially, in case of a plentiful
“warming up”, coming to such persons from outside the prison walls and which
these citizens have to share with others). Though , if the “businessman” starts
to forget his place, he will be always reminded, who he actually is, sometimes
not especially tactfully .
Then - always dirty “chushkas” (close in meaning to “baby-pigs”- transl) -
basically, in their majority former vagabonds making the dirtiest job in the
“hut”. The lowest category - the “goats”( “lowered”, “mashkas”) ,though
“mashka” is called a mattress as well.. I caught a glimpse of these two
categories of people only in the “sborka”. It was not a very pleasant sight. In the
fourth isolator there are none of them, and in the “obshak” they sleep under
“shkonkas”, eat near the “dalnyak”. To touch their things, even to sit on their
place is considered a great shame and can lead to very unpleasant
consequences. These are people who are even while being outside prison
lowered to the level of animals, having nothing sacred, ready to do anything to
save their life. But the most amazing thing is that for centuries of existence in
Russia of the thieves' world , its unwritten laws almost excluded force methods
of compulsion. Nobody, I will repeat, nobody will lift his hand even on a
“lowered” without a good reason. If the prisoner, even one of “bratva” will
make a significant offence before the cellmates, from him it “will be asked”, or
( the most terrible), he will be separated from the common table.
They can “ask” differently. From a blow in the face to a death penalty, that,
naturally, happens extremely seldom.
Separated from the table loses all rights and privileges. His cellmates don’t
notice him, don’t communicate with him. You don’t imagine, how hard it is
for a person in the cell. Though, after a certain time, the separated can ask
“bratva” about a “skachuha” (a discount, a pardon) and if they didn’t observe
any special offences made by him lately, the guilty is often rehabilitated.
As to the intimate moments with “lowered”, those to whom it is necessary,
do not force them, just talk into doing it. Sometimes for small a pack of
cigarettes etc., sometimes - during the conversation. There were no “ lowered”
in our “hut”, but talking on this subject with the cellmates in the “obshak” and
“spets”, I understood, that very few use the services of “lowered” (though it is
not considered against the rules). “ I am not a supporter of similar
entertainments, for me it is better to jerk off behind the curtain on the
“dalnyak”, if absolutely necessary not to go bananas,” – not once I heard such
an opinion from many prisoners. By the way, masturbation in prison is also
not against the rules , and is only a measure of necessity due to the absence of
the opposite sex. So, girls, do not believe gossips that all men come back from
prison having become pederasts (I heard such an opinion among the weaker
sex). There are more of them now outside the prison. And if the person behind
the bars didn’t degrade and didn’t go mad – you are most likely to get a
reliable man , with a strong spirit. Remember Shukshin in his epoch-making
film “The Viburnum is Red”. He knocks on the door of his “Ninon”. “She has
left with the same criminal as you”, shouts the neighbour from behind the
door. “So, she should be ok”, Shukshin responds.
In prison “the thief in the law” is engaged in all really serious affairs, and
solving global problems. Usually prisoners know, in what “hut” the “thief” is
(now the long “the thief in the law” is shortened to the honourable “thief”, and
the person who makes his living by stealing is called “kradun” (the one who
steals – transl). In thieves' “huts” by the “roads” (the cords stretched through
windows from “hut” to “hut”) go “malyavas” (notes, messages).The “thief”
solves problems which “bratva” cannot solve.
Sometimes “huts” get thieves' “progons”( manuals on how to live and what
to do). A word of the “thief” is the law for any prisoner. I could read a
“progon” of a known “thief” who visited his friends in Butirskaya prison and
was “closed up” for it in “Matrosskaya”. The “progon” was written in a
calligraphical handwriting, and by a competent and educated person. So the
character of “the thief in the law”, played by E.Leonov in “Gentlemen of
Success” and thrust by mass media to put it mildly does not correspond to
reality. The thieves' world is ruled by strong, courageous, competent people
equally well using both a pen and a pistol. In the “hut” I trained “bratva” hand-
to-hand fight. In exchange during four and a half month I learned so much, as I
would not learn for ten years. Many thanks to you, guys, and a quick freedom to
all those, who are now behind the walls! Only in prison I understood, that I can
and should write a book which will help young guys avoid my mistakes and
learn to survive in any situation. This book is in front of you, and one more
time thanks to those who were sitting in the “hut” 938 from July till November
in 1994.
When you enter the “hut”, a usual “Hello , muzhiks (“muzhik” is used
where in English they might say “guy”-transl. )!” is unacceptable here. The
answer to it is “Muzhiks plough the ground in collective farms” , since, as you
understand, “muzhiks” are a “suit” which, coming for the first time in the “hut”
the one who applies for the supreme levels of criminal hierarchy is inexpedient
to greet. If you feel “worthy” and don’t wish to be anywhere in the last lines,
say: “Hello, “bratva”!, and “bratva” will greet you. Or: “Let peace be in this
After the acquaintance it is accepted to give something (tea, cigarettes,
sugar) to the common table. If you have nothing , “bratva” will supply you
with what is necessary (!) from the same “obshak”. Necessarily take an interest,
how people live in the “hut”, whether there is “ a thieves' progon”. Take an
interest (!), instead of ask, for the word “to ask” in prison gets a little bit
different meaning. They “ask” from a guilty one. Also the word “simply” is not
recommended. “Simply” means “a butt”, to play “simply” means to play for
someone’s butt. And if to someone is suggested to play “simply” there is a high
probability that in case of a loss the looser will automatically become
“lowered” with all the consequences following from it. Without rates they play
“ without interest” or “ for nothing ”, the game “with an interest” is already a
game for something.
People will tell you about the life in the “hut”, what is what, what are the
rules. Then it will be necessary to say, according to what article you are
considered guilty and who you were in normal life. It is better not to tell lies. If
you try to tell lies (“fuflo”), they will calculate you during the first days, and
they consider a liar worse than a gay. If you had nothing to do with “bratva”
before, you don’t consider yourself a “muzhik” , a “businessman” etc, it is
better to say approximately the following : “In the circle (“bratva” is meant)
didn’t communicate, made my job myself, I don’t consider myself a “muzhik”
etc.”. If besides all that your article “doesn’t stink”, that means everything is all
right about you. Questions concerning the circumstances of your case are not
put in the “hut” and considered indecent, since all the prisoners (not without a
reason) are afraid of overhearing devices and “dummies”.
In prisons and “zones” there is a custom to drink “chifir”. “Chifir” is a
drink made from tea. They make it like that. One should put tea leaves in the
cup (approx. one third of the cup), fill the cup with water and boil it until the
drink will start to “run” as coffee . Sometimes for this purpose there is a special
huge mug “chifirtank”. Undoubtedly it tones up, but if you drink it for the first
time it will surely seem too much. In the hut we drank “merchant” . For a cup
of boiling water put 1-2 match boxes of tea leaves, cover it with another cup
and cool for 3-5 minutes.
The most authoritative prisoner begins the ritual, sometimes saying a toast like :
“Be healthy and free!” then the mug goes along the circle. They drink chifir
with “worthy”, and if you “ feel something about yourself”, it is better not to sit
down to the circle (the word “to feel” in itself has a bad meaning here. One
“feels dick in the ass”).They invite to drink chifir only for the first time and
after that one comes to the ritual without any ceremonies. It is necessary to
make 2 gulps, then pass the cup to the neighbor.
The fact that chifir is drunk from one cup probably speaks for the antiquity
of this custom (as the pipe of peace with Indians), the symbol of equality and
unification of prisoners in front of the common trouble. Even if you didn’t like
chifir, all the same sit in the circle, make two gulps , then you can pass the cup
without drinking. People will understand you correctly. Only it is not
recommended to drink chifir in the “sborka” with those about whom you know
nothing. If you happen to do it with unworthy, later your cellmates will know
about it for sure and may not understand it in the correct way.
In the “hut” the saying “my tongue is my enemy” gets a special value. For
almost half a year I still haven’t learned as it is necessary to juggle with words,
to cope with the conversation, the way skilled convicts do it. You will not catch
this person “by the word”, though this is one of hobbies of the inhabitants of the
cell. To talk so as not to not hurt another, to remain at a height, not to invent
accidentally some lie (and if you do , so that it didn’t get exposed) is a high
art. A prison conversation is not only exchange of information, but also a
powerful training of intelligence. It is impossible to describe all traps and
whirlpools of a dialogue of two skilled prisoners. One should hear it. Therefore
they unmask rather quickly those who pretends to be a “tramp”. If you are not
able to communicate, you have no slightest relation to “bratva”. And it is not
only the knowledge of slang, but in the style of a dialogue. Therefore at the
beginning listen to conversations, study, take interest. Only in the way so it did
not look as if you “ heat ears” (overhear).
Special value in a conversation have things which have to be pointed out in
advance. It means, if, for example, talking to a person, you speak about him and
it can be taken as an insult (by the way, the word “insult” should be also
excluded from your speech for "they f… the offended ones "), it is necessary
to insert the following: “ Do not take it as a damage” (means “do not take
offence”). Any opinion “can be taken as a damage” in a most insignificant
occasion and it can bring lots of problems later. Then , speaking about any
questionable issue, it is necessary to say: is just my opinion. Your opinion -
well, you could be mistaken. And if you expressed your opinion as the only
possible one, they can ask: “ Prove it ! If you can not prove - you have only
yourself to blame, you can be exposed in such a light, that it will not seem
little. Though, persevering attempts to bring in contention among prisoners by
specially arranged cavils can be measured as “intrigues”, and then a zealous
observer of prison customs may not feel too healthy.
They say , that two authoritative cellmates argued for fun – why does the
pencil lay here, instead of there. The dispute spread all over the “hut”, “tramps”
hotly argued, who is guilty, that the pencil lays on the TV, instead of the other
place. It reached the stage when they began to argue on thieves' “concepts” –
the basis of the thieves' world, and all these global questions span about a pencil
problem. “Muzhiks” and “businessmen” were hiding on their “shkonkas”, and
pretended sleeping so as only to not be involved in the argument. Funny?
Certainly, but sometimes similar things develop into serious conflicts. I will
bring here as an example two prison jokes which really could take place in real
Prisoners sat down to drink “chifir”. Suddenly the rat jumped out of a hole,
stole from the table a piece of sausage and ran away. A young convict took a
boot, threw it in the rat and killed it . The old thief asked :
“Has the rat stolen the sausage?”
“Yes, it has”, responded the young man.
“ That means, he is our comrade if he earns this way?”
“Means so.”
“So , you have killed our comrade? You know, what is demanded for it ...”
The young kept silent .The authorities conferred and decided – let him
think till the morning. In the morning they asked him : “ Well, what have you
decided?” And the young guy responded in a low voice : “Well if the rat was
our comrade, what for did he run away? Was it against his rules to sit with us at
the table and drink chifir?”
There is one more typical joke about fooling a “loh” (a stupid person).
There sit in the “kich” (the “kich”- a punishment cell, a crude cellar where
the administration sends guilty prisoners. “To lower to the “kich” - to send to
the punishment cell) two old buddies – thieves . One says to the other: “Hear,
dude , we have been sitting with you for twenty years together. It is so sad
without women so let me f… you, then you will f… me. Here are just two of us
, and nobody will find out ... Well, the other one thought and agreed. His buddy
had him. Then he says : “Well, now it is my turn.” “ How come, I’ve been 20
years in prison already , and for the first time see such an impudent gay”, he
heard in reply.
The joke is a joke, but things happen too. One prisoner to another: “Listen,
friend, put in my jacket the cigarettes , and when we go for a walk we will
smoke, because I don’t really want to get up from the “shkonka” right now. The
friend puts the cigarettes. And then the owner of the jacket shouts: “Hey ,
friend, I had a hundred dollars in my pocket. Where are they? You put
cigarettes there , it means, it’s you who got the bucks...” There were no dollars
to begin with, but the person " was got on money ".
Don’t play cards “on interest”, if you are not able, don’t whistle in the
“hut” and don’t steal anything from your cellmates , don’t go to the
“dalnyak” when people eat and do not eat, when someone is on the “dalnyak”,
wash your dishes, don’t try to “serve”, don’t mess into someone else’s conflict,
ask, if there is something you do not understand - everyone will explain you and
help. Certainly, there might be bastards as everywhere, but it is possible to put
them into their place if your “correct actions” will be met by “bespredel” of your
cellmates. The thieves' law is severe to infringers (especially in places of
imprisonment) and in an extreme situation it is necessary to address “ the
supervisor of the “ huts ” - the authority who is watching the order in the
chamber, or, as a last resort, to write a “malyava” to “the thief in the law” or the
person authorized by the “thief” to watch the order. If in prison there are no
crowned “thieves in the law”, such a person observes keeping to the “ thieves'
A “malyava” to the thief in the law” is written approximately like this. “We
welcome you, Senior Brother (the “thief”), let peace be with our common house
and a soon freedom to all of us. Write you… (the names of the people who
write the “malyava”). We ask you to help us solve some problems”. The
“thief” will always answer and will help whenever possible. By the way, if you
promise something, add “whenever possible”. If you could not execute - well,
there was no opportunity. Though, certainly, if you are not sure , it is better not
to promise.
From every “dachka” it is desirable, whenever possible, to send in the
“hut” of the “thief” the “warming up” (through a representative of the
administration whom you have to talk into it ) or through the “road”. And the
“thief” himself will place your “warming up” to the “obshak” which then as
required is distributed between the “huts”. Usually the “warming up” is tea,
matches, cigarettes. The rest - whenever possible.
By the “roads” there is an active exchange of information and “warming
up” between the “huts”. If you have no more sugar - your neighbors “will
warm you up”. If their cigarettes finished – you will share. And will live.
If finally you don’t get lucky again and after prison and court they will
send you to the zone – don’t get in despair. All experienced convicts say :
“Not the freedom, so the zone”. I was not there (for what I am rather grateful to
Destiny), but, according to the words of experienced convicts, in the zone the
conditions are better , than in prison.
Remember! Always and everything depends on you, be it in prison, in the
army, in the street or in any collective. As you show yourself - you will get
treated accordingly. I will not wish anyone a test by prison, but I will say
frankly – when I got out from prison I understood, how grew my art of the
dialogue, intuition, skill to understand people, the desire to live and survive in
spite of anything.
Just in case I ask to excuse my possible discrepancies - I was not too long in
prison, but I sincerely hope, that this chapter nevertheless will be of essential
help for those people who for the first time got behind the bars.
It сan happen, that in your “hut” there are only those who “sit” for the first
time. How to plait a cord, shoelace for the boots (they are taken away during
the “frisk”), how to make an small stove , boxing paws for trainings and many
other things - for a “newcomer” is a riddle. This chapter also is devoted to
solving these problems. So, we will begin from the CORD.
First of all it is necessary that your trousers did not fall and boots felt ok.
Without a cord you will not make a “road”, you will not send a “malyava”, you
will not hang up a curtain on the “dalnyak”. For making a cord it is necessary to
untwine socks or a sweater. Untwining socks is more often, therefore through
the lawyer (or your neighbor’s lawyer ) pass the request to bring in the
“dachka” some new socks, made from natural cotton (in the old socks the
thread is fragile). In the sock it is necessary to make a cut in that place where
the big toe should be and slowly untwine it . Do it into 2-3 threads which are
reeled up on matchboxes. If the thread tore off - connect it, no trouble. When
thread are winded, you should get the thickest out of them. The first prisoner
gets in one corner of the “hut”, the other - in the opposite corner as far from
the first as possible. The cord is tied in a ring, the thread goes off from the knot
with a ball on the end. Start to go through the cord along the circle, the thread
is taken up from the ball. When the knot will pass a full circle, the ring will
already consist of two threads . Then from three - and so on. The more
revolutions, the thicker will be the cord. Don’t let knots confuse you - you will
cut off the sticking out threads from the ready cord.
So, two prisoners hold in their hands 20-30 rings from thin threads. Later -
we weave from them a cord. The threads are torn in one place, the third
prisoner takes the torn off end. To the torn off ends one fixes pens. Two
persons start to twist pens by a principle of a propeller clockwise, braiding the
thread as tight as possible. When both ends are braided in regular intervals, they
are brought together, one pen is attached to them and it turns already in the
opposite direction. The cord is weaved by the following principle – at the
beginning it is braided in one direction, then ,as though due to the force of
inertia, in the other.
If the strong thread is necessary, it is made in the following way. Take
several thin threads equal in length and bring them together. All of them
should be put through the needle, the needle is put in the middle of the threads
brought together. Then two prisoners, keeping the ends of these threads, braid
them one clockwise, another counter-clockwise. When the thread will be braided
tight , it is fold double (the tension of the thread at the moment of folding is
necessary, otherwise it will get all lumps ). One prisoner keeps the needle, the
other, having taken two ends of the thread combined together, braids them to the
side , opposite the previous direction. By the same principle you receive a
strong, reliable thread with a needle. The needle usually is very politely asked
from the sister - mistress periodically visiting the “hut”.
To fence off the “dalnyak” from extraneous sights, cords on which
bedsheets are hung are stretched above it. Cords are fixed to the staples
hammered in walls. The staples are made from the wire which has been broken
out during the walk from a grid of a walking court yard, stretched above the
head on the distance of the extended hand. Instead of a hammer a heavy
winding is used which has been broken out from a fluorescent lamp.
For the construction of the “ROAD” with the lower cell it is necessary
from the lattice call for the neighbors and, having adhered to the cord a stone
for the load to lower it down (the stone is broken out from the “fur coat”). If
motionless metal jalousie at the window besides the basic lattice prevent doing
that , the upper jalousie is unbent downwards by means of a twisted bedsheet.
The upper jalousie is hooked by the bedsheet , then you drag your sheet with
the weight of all your body
Take into account, that the “roads”, unbending jalousie, etc. are necessary
things, but dangerous. Therefore before making all that it is necessary
beforehand for one of the prisoners to close by his body the peephole. In case
of a “chickie” the “commander” is actively being said rubbish to while other
prisoners cover up the traces of the crime.
When the neighbors are in the cell from the side, act as follows. The
prisoners of the next cell agree through the lattice and in due time, expose from
the window a “fishing rod” (a stick for fastening the glass taken out from the
window frame), and you make a “gun” and shoot from it by the thread, aiming
at the “fishing rod”. Then the neighbours get the thread into the “hut” behind
which a thicker cord of the “road” goes.
The “gun” is made in the following way. Turn in a tube a newspaper, fix it by
a thread so that it didn’t unwrap. Having bent the “gun” a little , pull through it
a thread with adhered to it paper cylinder . Then push the “gun” between the
jalousies and strongly blow through it . The cylinder takes off and pulls behind
itself the thread which should be hooked by the “fishing rod”. A hit - one from
a hundred, but in conditions of prison the game is worth the candle.
By the “roads” go not only “malyavas”, but also “warming up”-cigarettes,
tea, etc. The “cargo” is wrapped in the newspaper so that it could be dragged
through “jalousie” and be attached to the “road” by two loops from above and
from below.
A “WASHER” – a razor ( for clipping the nails, trimming the edges of
cards, etc.) is broken out from disposable shaving sets.
A SMALL STOVE made from a boiler. For the beginning the boiler is
unbent up to the form of the letter “M” in a signboard of “McDonald's”. It is
made in the following way. One should put gloves on or wrap the palms in
with clothes. Then the boiler is warmed up without water within 20-30 seconds,
switched off from the socket and unbent by a millimeter. The second prisoner
periodically plugs in - unplugs the boiler. It is necessary cautiously to unbend
the spiral since the boiler can “shoot”, i.e. simply blow up. Then the joint of the
boiler and the wire are isolated by the strip of the polyethylene package heated
up on fire. The stuff made is walled into the cement bar in the following way.
In the liquid cement, poured in a box from sugar, the unbent spiral is put so that
its metal surface slightly went above the surface of the cement, and isolated
ends got out from the borders of the box. After the cement gets dry the stove
is ready. To tell the truth, the cement from the heat is quickly crumbled, but, due
to the cardboard box, the stove does not break. The meal is cooked and
warmed in prison aluminium bowls (“shlenkas”). It is possible to get the cement
in this way.
Some tiles come off the floor. Then by the “bug” the attendant on duty is
called ( a “bug” is a lantern above the door of the cell. The prisoner presses the
button - in the corridor the lantern lights up – the attendant comes). He, having
seen the problem, calls “bulls” (condemned, left to serve their time in prison,
instead of the zone and making all sorts of jobs). The “bulls” come with a
bucket of cement. The rest is the business of your technique.
Clocks in prison are not allowed (I do not know as for now, but in 1994 it
was like that ).It means, it is necessary to ask the lawyer to bring a children's
pocket electronic game on batteries that are sold in abundance in the shops
selling calculators, electronic clocks , etc. In such games there are very little
clocks in the upper part.
Money in prison are necessary also. Once a month there is a sale - the
administration sells butter, sugar, tea and some more products for the clever
prisoners, who managed to save money during the time of “frisk” or to get
them from the lawyer and who managed to carry them in the “hut”. To carry
money by is possible in an insole (not under it!), in the lining of clothes (by the
way, in prison you wear what you “have been accepted in” or could get from
outside the bars. Therefore it is better to think over beforehand places in your
clothes where you can hide something). And then the money is given voluntarily
to the representative of the administration (upon receipt!), they open an account
for you, on this money you buy products (without involving cash), and they
give you out the rest when they set you free.
Certainly, a good lawyer can help. Naturally, it costs considerable money,
but freedom is more expensive. Besides the basic job in the interests of your
protection, he will bring you in the parcel something delicious, will pass
messages from behind the bars , money etc. It is , certainly, misdemeanour on
his part and not every lawyer will do that but you can try to talk him into that,
it’s worth trying.
In general, the skill “to talk” people into doing something you need is a
necessary thing in prison. The lawyer will do something , a “vertuhai” will
bring the “warming up” and the latest news to another "hut", a “balander” ( a
“bull”, bringing food) will give you a superfluous portion if, certainly, it does
not infringe the interests of other “huts”. A “balander” is also a prisoner and 5
extra cigarettes will not hurt him. And in court the skill to defend your point of
view and to show yourself from the necessary side is useful. The life is not a
sparring , it is a severe fight without rules, in which it is necessary to learn how
to win by any acceptable for you ways.
The first-aid set has a considerable value. First of all it is vitamins.
Whenever possible use a full complex of vitamins daily (see “Axioms of
Health”). It is necessary, that in your first-aid set there was aspirin
(acetylsalicylic acid) from the temperature, antibiotics (Oletetrinum,
Sulfadimethoxinum, ampioks), tablets from a headache (Citramonum,
Pentalginum), from diarrhoea (activated coal, sulfaguanidine), spasmalitics
(Nospanum from any kind of spasmodic pains), mustard plasters (by the way,
from one can get quite a good mustard if it is accurately scratched by the
“washer” and mixed with salt, water, garlic, spices). If it is possible to get
Indomethacinum ointment and the ointment “Lorinden –C” it will be a success.
The mixture of these ointments in equal proportions cures herpes, skin
inflammatory diseases, abscesses, etc. Indomethacinum ointment is also
irreplaceable at treatment myositis (an inflammation of the muscles, got in the
result of a cold), osteochondroses, bruises, etc. Grinding by this ointment is the
first means, and not only in prison.
They treat other diseases in the prison hospital. I will not judge the quality
of treatment - but according to the words of those who was there the abundance
of blunt needles and the absence of medicines, as well as in many free hospitals
will be provided to you.
An essential problem is how to “kill time”. It is possible to sit grieving
or sleep the whole days, it is possible train all day long if you want (that is what
we did , see the next chapter), it is possible to play cards or backgammon. For
making cards it is necessary to make glue first. A handkerchief is stretched on
a “shlenka” ( a bowl), the ends of it are tied under the bottom of the bowl. On
the handkerchief you put a the piece of wet black bread which is vigorously
rubbed in it by the spoon. 3-4 pieces of bread should be used until from them
there will remain a thin layer of a brown dirt on the surface of the
handkerchief. Then the handkerchief is removed. On the bottom of the
“shlenka” and on the back surface of the handkerchief there will be a thick
layer of excellent glue. Then on both sides of the newspaper the clean white
paper is glued (the paper can be brought by the lawyers). When all this stuff
will dry out, the cards are cut out from it. For this procedure it is possible to
elicit scissors from the doctor or from the sister - mistress (it is surely better
not to say what do you need scissors for ). To have hair cut - and also to cut out
the cards ( also called “stos” or “stirs”). The “washer” suits this purpose badly,
but at the worst it is possible to suffice with it. When the cards are cut out, one
should spray the “shirt” with iodine or something else giving color. Dip a
toothbrush in iodine and by the finger splash it on the cards spread out on the
newspaper. When the “shirt” will dry out, draw on the other side kings, aces,
etc. Though, if the attendant on duty will notice the game, the cards will most
likely be taken away. But in prison there is more than enough free time and
cards are drawn time and again.
Backgammon and checkers are made from bread. The mold - a fuse, the
internal side of which is smeared with soap so that the chesspiece did not stick.
A white chesspiece is a usual white loaf, black - any bread mixed with soot.
Cubes - fused and put to the mold polythene from packages with points from a
toothpaste. The playing board is lined directly on the table.
The question of training in prison is more than difficult, but for the
convinced followers of my technique is rather essential. These trainings,
naturally, are not so effective, as in usual conditions of normal life . The
narrowness, closeness, the absence of normal food and sports equipment affect
it . But they distract from gloomy ideas, kill the time, improve the mood and,
naturally, help to keep healthy. Having got out from the prison and continuing
to train you will very quickly get your former sports form. Before I got to
prison my weight was 78 kg (at that time I was actively engaged in single
combats and had a pretty vague idea about bodybuilding in comparison with
the information I have now). When I left prison my weight was less than 70, in
a month after that , training actively, I weighed 82 kg already. I doubt, that such
a result would possible be in case I stopped the work on myself during the
Certainly, if in the “hut” there are too many people as it happens in the
“obshak”, the trainings are hardly possible. Unless only during the walk. They
let prisoners for a walk every day for one hour, sometimes for one and a half
hour in a small “court yard” – a cell without a ceiling on the roof of the
prison. A ceiling protected by steel armature and tightened by a metal grid the
slices of which are on the sly broken out for different needs. Above the head
on special bridges the guards walk. But even in such conditions fresh air and a
piece of the sky above your head is a big deal. Though, many prisoners don’t
go for walk for months , “having loaded” up to the limit and grieving . What
for? That should happen will surely happen , there will be always time to bury
yourself alive. I managed to get my cellmates interested by my technique. We
had two trainings a day, one or two days a week had a rest, sometimes trained
only once a day, depending on essential problems. Most often we had a rest on
Monday (a special day for taking a bath and washing). By the way, speaking
about the bathroom, it is necessary to admit - in the fourth isolator it is quite
clean and decent.
We started a diary in which on the side of the sheet we wrote the kinds of
exercises, in the upper part - days of the week. We marked the amount of sets
and repetitions . A morning training began with jogging ( to be able to do this
one should ask the guards for a better courtyard).
Then – a warm-up, 3-4 sets of deep, slow squats , as many pushups on
the fists from the bench as you can (it is not recommended to pushup on the
naked fists on the cement floor), 3 sets - working out the upper part of
abdominals on the bench. One prisoner sits down on the bench, another – on
his legs and, inclining back, sitting on the bench slowly works out the
abdominal muscles. Then - working out blows on a “paw”. The “paw” is made
in the following way.
From two identical pieces of a strong fabric (it is better from a canvas) the
bag is sewed, i.e. two patterns are put together and from three sides their edges
are stitched. The bag is turned inside out, to its upper part is sewn a handle
(turned in a tube and sewed of a matter), to the bottom - 2 straps on the bottom
corners of the “paw” and 2 loops so that the distance between loops
corresponded the width of the forearm. Then one should take a plywood
dustpan, tear from it the handle off, the dustpan is inserted into the bag. The “
paw” is tightly filled with cloths and is sewn up from the open side. The straps
should be pulled through the loops and tightly fastened on the forearm of the
sportsman’s hand, who holds the “paw” by the handle. During my
imprisonment they took “ paws” from us five times , but the next day we had
a new one already.
A small boxing bag is approximately made in the same way. A big piece of a
canvas is sewed to the edges in the cylinder, the round bottom below is sewn
below. To the bottom is fixed the handle, to the top - a cord which is pulling
together the mouth as in a soldier's holdall. The bag is filled with jackets, shirts,
etc. is fixed by a wire hook to the armature above the door of the “hut”. One
prisoner holds the sack by the cord in the upper part and by the handle in the
lower part, and the second beats at the sack as long as “vertuhai’s” patience
will bear it . If the patience does not bear this for a long time and the
Department of Militia of Special Functioning (DMSF, the analogue of the
American SWAT) the assistant on duty of the Chief of the isolator will come,
the bag will be necessarily taken away , but the administration has no right to
take the things away from it. To sew a new bag and to fill it with the same
things will not be especially difficult.
The device for stretching (see the chapter “Hand-to-hand fight”) is a hook to
which a wooden peg is fastened, which has been ripped off from a hanger in
the bathroom, corrected by the “washer” up to the necessary form and drilled
in the middle. The drill is flattened by the “hammer” and sharpened on the bar
of the floor. It’s better strongly to soap the cord thrown through the block ,
since the peg due to its primitiveness of manufacturing often doesn’t want to
Instead of a weight and a barbell we used a bag, filled with more or less
heavy things such as soap, boots etc. An evening training in the “hut” began
with pushups with a narrow, average and wide hold on the fists. We pushed up
not from the floor, but from the library books (as I already said one shouldn’t
push up from the stone or concrete floor). One - two warm up sets. Then one
limiting set for each position of hands. Then 1 warm up and 1 limiting set of the
“draft”in an inclination for the broadest. It is better to wrap the bar with a
handkerchief, then work out the biceps of the hip. Our table (“dubok”) stood
near the radiator. You can sit down on the table, your legs are on the battery, the
triceps of the hand which holds the dumbbell (and the “barbell” – all in one)
lays on the hip as close to the patella as possible.
We work out the biceps in 2-3 sets for each hand. Then – the biceps
standing (2-3 sets for each hand). After the biceps – working out the upper part
of the abdominals.
Lie down on the “shkonka” so that your buttocks were at the edge, and legs
were in midair. Lift your straight legs upwards, in the upper point bend them in
the knees. Then work out the abdominals as it is described in the chapter “Home
Aerobics”. At the end of the training – make stretching in all known ways.
Two equal in weight bags are dumbbells for three-phase bringing the
dumbbells apart by the shoulders.
In case of the presence in the cell a cellmate equal to you in physical
strength it
becomes possible to make such exercises, as arm-wrestling and working out
of the neck. In general, at presence of sufficient training experience, desire and
imagination it is possible to use practically all the arsenal of bodybuilding
brought above. (The complex is edited according to the modern achievements
of the program of RSF).
It is possible to work on a boxing bag right at the beginning or at the end of
the training - only not when the attendants on duty change. There are lots of
different supervisors and the noise of striking blows can provoke their
unplanned visits .
In conclusion I want to say many thanks to mothers, wives, beloved ones
and friends of prisoners, who time and again go to the courts, lawyers’ offices,
bring parcels and day and night think of those whom the destiny has thrown
behind the bars. Many thanks to you and the best regards!
5.2 Survival in Russian Army
I hope that it is not a secret to anybody that in the army prosper the law of
the fist and “dedovshina” (the term denoting relations between servicemen,
when those who serve for a longer time humiliate those who just started the
service – transl.) Somewhere these phenomena are not so evident (in some
special authorized divisions) , somewhere it flourishes and prospers. Certainly,
to serve in Russia is easier, than it was somewhere in Lithuania, especially so
because now it doesn’t happen anymore. But if in prison reigns “a thieves'
order” , in the army the one who has bigger fists is practically always right.
During my service in the
army I got so many bruises , that after the demobilization my primary goal
was to learn to distribute these bruises to others upon requirement. I learnt my
lesson well and grateful for it to my “invincible and legendary”.
In all the rest if to compare the army and prison – well the conditions of life
in “Matrosskaya Tishina” were way better, than in the famous seventh Baltic
division in which I happened to serve. It is possible, that such a difference in
impressions could be due to the fact that to the army I came a sickly but with a
very high self-esteem “muscovite” . Citizens of the capital were greatly disliked
by citizens of other regions of Russia at that time (now, by the way, nothing has
changed), and in prison I got already having some experience in single combats
and bodybuilding. And with a self-esteem it became a little bit better. But the
absence of the “scale” (fear of the arbitrariness of officers and “dedovshina”)
and the army (I am sorry for my language, but it is called like that in the army)
fucking nonsense (such as painting grass before the arrival of the military
authorities) , speaks in favor of prison.. The “balanda” is also much better than
what we were fed with in Baltic.
The army rules were generated by the Soviet regime, the ugly machine of
suppression of the person, in many respects similar to prison. But if in prison
any arbitrariness of the authorities can be met by a hunger-strike, discontent of
healthy experienced in many ways men and, as result, significant troubles for
the administration from the higher heads, behind the fences of military units
often there is uncontrollable and severe “bespredel” both on the part of officers,
and on the part of colleagues. Undoubtedly, “dedovshina” is denounced and, as
it would seem at first sight “is stopped” by officers , but in practice these things
are secretly encouraged by supervising officers because to any commander it is
easier if physically advanced “grandfathers” ( those who serve for a longer term
and consider themselves worthy to humiliate others) will spread the policy of
the fist and to stop disorder inside divisions.
What for do they need more supervisors if in divisions this function is
carried out by “prisoners”? The soldier watches the soldier, a “grandfather”
watches a “spirit” (a soldier who serves during the first half a year) who in one
year will humiliate snotty recruits themselves. “Divide and dominate!” is an
ancient principle, working both earlier and now in the ranks of our army. And,
unfortunately, there is nowhere to get from it .
You do not believe ?
In the beginning of the 1990-s in mass media there was published a book
under the title “Hundred Days before the Order”. A good story, topical, they
somehow loudly and artificially got indignant about it in mass-media, made a
film based on this book , in which “spirits” cheerfully swing “grandfather’s”
bed, representing his trip on “demobilization”. “Dedovshina” in some way
reminds of children’s game in snowballs , when they unintentionally get into
somebody’s forehead by the grenade. It more insults than hurts. We understand
that “dedovshina” exists and it is necessary to eliminate it… But you see , our
children play in the army … So maybe let them play, and it is not necessary to
make mountains out of a molehill?..
In 1994 in Kiev publishing house “Tramvay” they published the book of a
young writer Valery Primost “Staff Bitch”. The book surprising and terrible.
Surprising because during the perusal the idea appears “How could the
censorship let it be printed in our country?” And terrible for those who served in
the army by its naked truth that seems to tear off the skin from the old scars…
I will not retell the contents of this book. I will only say that it stands on
my bookshelf next to “ Fighting machine” by Anatoly Taras, and not as fiction
but as a tutorial on survival, and not only in the army.
I will bring two citations from there.
“The main thing is not to think. That is, in general. The main thing is to obey
only instincts. If it’s cold – get warmed. If you want to eat – just eat. If they
strike you – strike as well. It is not necessary to think. Whether it is possible to
strike a person? What measure of authority do you have above him? Whether it
hurts him? Why does he hate you? Leave all this lisp to the shit who are not in
the service. To think is not necessary. The thinking person always loses. You
should not lose. You do not have luxury to think. If each time you will try to
weigh on weights of reason hatred and compassion – it will be the end of you.
Then you will not have time to strike, you cannot strike strongly and will not
want to strike painfully. You should beat without thinking, automatically. And as
severe as possible. Because you do not have luxury to regret. You should
survive. Therefore do not think, brother!”
Perfectly! But so that in an extreme situation to beat without thinking, that
is, reflexively, it is necessary to learn at least for a year or two. Because you will
attack a bad “grandfather” with your fingers clenched from fury, without any
understanding where and how you should strike, time and again getting a cool
well mastered blow.
Fury, hatred are good when they are professionally controllable. In that case
they make a person ten times stronger, increase the accuracy and power of
impacts. Otherwise it happens the other way. Impacts miss, you are running out
of gas , your strength being spent on useless jerks and cries, and, finally, in fight
against two – three or four opponents you will inevitably lose.
“Your opponent, always very well feels, if you are ready to beat to death or
not. It is felt not even by the eyes or the voice – you feel it with your guts , as a
dog by smell. And if he felt weakness he will get into fury and nothing will
stop him.
Well, and if he sees that in front of him is just a stone, he won’t mess with
you and will be glad to change the topic, just to get away. And here the main
thing is
to overcome yourself , to keep motivated, to harden your soul. Then no bullet
will shoot you.
And I think, that in everyone there is such a stone, and if you manage to get
it from the depth and hold it , not to let it fall back in the bog, didn’t drown in
the liquid of fear, you have won and nobody will defeat you. Cut your stone so
that it was more stable on the surface. It is not necessary to make lots of little
sides - ideas, feelings, all this intelligency, the cutting should be large, simple
and rough, that is reliable.
Everyone is afraid of death. You should have a thought that you will die like
fighter, not tomorrow, not later, but now; imagine, that you hang with your
opponent above a precipice and you can kill him, only if you fall together with
him. Feel, what a pleasure it is to die, having choked with the blood of the
enemy, and then you have won.
In fact almost everyone fights in order to survive. And if you fight to die
together with your opponent, for you it’s a huge advantage. You will be a fool ,
if you don’t use it . You will see, how your enemy will shiver , when you say to
him: “Give me your hand. Let’s go.” – “Where?” – “To the better world.” –
“Not me !” – “Come on!” – “Never!” And here you can do with him what you
want … Therefore I fight seriously, seldom and reluctantly. But if I fight, I fight
to death. Not to win the opponent, but to kill. TO KILL. I am also ready to pay
for it all. And to pay my life too. Otherwise what for to fight?.. With animals,
with mongrels you behave the way they understand , i.e. brutally. They don’t
understand another language …”
And, unfortunately, all this is true. One more confirmation of the subject
which we in detail considered in the chapter “The Philosophy of RSF”, which
gave a modern writer who went through the same school, as the author of these
lines. In the army you SHOULD fight and fight so severely as it was never
possible before. Otherwise you from one till two years of your life will creep in
dirt and shit in all the meanings of these words. Humiliated and despised by
everyone , but first of all – by yourself.
Certainly, a hired army and an alternative service is a radical therapy against
“dedovshina” and, I hope, that sometime it will come into being. For now in the
underground one can often see leaflets such as “Rescue your child from the
army!”, and the books with instructions how to avoid the honorary duties of
serving in the army sell just fine.
They can accuse me of preconception. Maybe it was only me who got
unlucky? Maybe , I will not argue. Though , that fact, that the author of these
lines was made almost an invalid by “grandfathers” and due to them I for half
a year stayed in hospital. The fact will hardly add to my patriotic feelings. I
remember the face of the officer of the medical (!) service beating me in the
kitchen, the face of the captain who was taking away the raped in our regiment
lad to serve in another place, the face of my brother-soldier - Georgian who
jumped off headfirst from the lorry after he had been struck by an officer.
“Dato, what for did you do it ?”, I asked him when the guy has come to
senses after a brain concussion and an extensive haemorrhage in the eye.
“You know, Dimka, when he struck me, I had either to kill him, or kill
myself to wash off the shame - otherwise what sort of a man am I?”
Nonsense and youthful behavior, you will say? No, national pride which,
alas, we sometimes lack , when we are being put face in the dirt , and we only
spit and think, how not to choke next time.
I justify nobody. It is possible to understand the embitterment of the officers
living in smelly, uncomfortable houses for officers; “grandfathers”, who in their
time went through the same hell that gave them the sea of dissatisfied hatred to
everything alive. It is possible to understand the authorities anxious only about
the fact that none of the army crimes come up to the surface, because these
authorities can oppose nothing to the organized system of arbitrariness. I just
want people on whom the destiny and the safety of the state depend, to think
whom will shoot a young, tortured by “grandfathers” and officers soldier if
suddenly something serious will begin and this soldier will get a fighting
weapon. If I ,while serving in the army, had a gun and knew, that during a
severe fight nobody will notice and punish me later for my actions, I would
without thinking shoot down a dozen of colleagues and some officers. I am
sure , that the overwhelming majority of former military men of the urgent
service had similar feelings.
How to survive among the army “bespredel”, especially during the first
There are two ways out . The first is in detail described in the pacifistic
brochure about which I spoke above. The second is that if you got in the
atmosphere of “bespredel”, it is necessary to respond in the same way. If a
“grandfather” hits, hit him back, so that he never again tried to do such things
with newbies. Certainly, they can gather and beat you. Then you should settle
the business with everyone separately. I am telling you , that after a couple of
such experiments “grandfathers” will think ten times , before messing with an
impudent “spirit”. Only don’t overdo , or for mutilations that you made to
your colleagues, you will be put in the army prison.
By the way, such impudent “spirits” subsequently become sergeants and
foremen. Officers understand, that such people of unrestrained and strong will
make the best “rudders”, i.e. younger commanders, capable to force others to
carry out the will the heads. Nineteen-year guys with a strong spirit don’t go
deep into the matter, and so newly made sergeants begin with enthusiasm bring
up the newbies. Though, sometimes informers become sergeants or persons
close to the authorities - the clerks etc. It is also a way of survival, but that is
already quite another thing.
The picture drawn by me is gloomy enough. But, first of all, these are only
my personal impressions, not a common rule for all branches and
establishments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and military units (though I
very much doubt it). And second, if you get lucky and will be distributed to a
police station or a military division, where reigns peace and harmony like in
sanatorium - not too bad. It is always necessary to be ready for the worst, and
the best will come.
From all the things said it is clear, that for the person practicing RSF,
boxing, kickboxing (moreover plus to all of this - bodybuilding!) or something
similar for about 5 years , in the army it will way easier than for those who
know about it only by hearsay. But people prepared physically and spiritually
for “difficulties and deprivations” of the life in the army are very few. So what
should the rest do?
It is necessary to begin with answering the question, what for does the army
in general?
The answer, apparently, lays on the surface. The army is the guarantor of
safety of the State. Ponder upon these words. The GUARANTOR of SAFETY!
So it is supposed, that the person who has served in the army for two years
becomes a professional soldier properly prepared both physically and morally,
capable at any moment to protect the country. And what is there in reality?
What do soldiers in the army do?
I will answer this question. Soldiers in the army in their overwhelming
majority of time are engaged:
А) In different occupations such as doing things in the kitchen, cleaning,
working with the technical equipment, sweeping of the parade-ground and other
asphalted and not asphalted sites and so on).
B)In performing absolutely nonfunctional in fight duties, such as
standing on a bedside-table of the man on duty (imitation of a fighting post),
imitation of physical training - run, run and run plus drill. Practical value of the
latter is still a puzzle for me. It is considered, that drill unites soldiers. Here!
And then in the evening “united grandfathers” amicably mock “spirits” with
whom an hour ago shoulder to shoulder they marched in the column.
Drill had practical value in the days of Alexander Makedonsky and Juliy
Caesar. Then the outcome of a battle directly depended on solidity and
coordination of the actions armored manipula or cohort. But excuse me! Since
those times twenty centuries have passed! And presently drill reminds very
much formal exercises, for the reason unknown to me predominating in
overwhelming majority of schools of single combats. They are in their essence.
There is no practical value in them, even the great fighter Bruce Lee pointed
that out. The only sense from these exercises is visual. Undoubtedly, it was
beautiful, when five (ten, twenty, hundred, one thousand) fighters made identical
blocks - impacts precisely and harmoniously in front of a medieval emperor. A
parade carries out the same function for which the drill, certainly, is necessary.
But in real fight nobody dances formal exercises and doesn’t march.
During the war soldiers need physical strength, inflexibility of spirit,
resoluteness, unity, discipline and, if you want, patriotism. But does the modern
army give all this to the soldier? Many times no!
The discipline is replaced by “dedovshina”. Hearing the word
“patriotism” today many would laugh. And as far as unity goes - well, there are
lots of examples when really resolute “spirits” weapons and shot sleeping
“grandfathers” - their prospective comrades in arms in a hypothetically
probable war. For the preparation to which, actually,the service in the army
What is there to do?!
My book “Do You Want to Survive?” was published in 2000 in the
publishing house “Armada – Press”. I started to get letters from my readers into
my post box. I want to bring here one letter of an eighteen-year old guy which
at the moment studies in one of the most prestigious military universities of
Russia (the spelling and the style of the letter are saved, my comments are
limited by double brackets).
“ Hi, Dmitry. My name is Vitaly ((the name is changed)), I am 18 years old. I
want to thank you for your book. You just do not imagine, how it helped me. It
helped me to overcome all ((“all” is underlined)) my misfortunes and
difficulties in life, helped me to believe in myself , to get confident and to find
purpose in life. I have almost ((!)) committed suicide, but read your book just in
time. It gave me confidence in tomorrow's day and that all in this life depends
only on me, and I will not miss my happiness, I … will always fight for my “
place under the sun”. I understood, that life is a fight, and fight without rules,
that in life it is always necessary to remain humane and always to be yourself...
When I entered the university, I was only 16 years old , and the majority of
those who was there, were senior than me, also in our company there were
cadets who came after service in the army. I want to say at once that I come
from a simple family, and those who studied there were in the majority the
sons of tough generals and colonels. They were allowed anything from
“dedovshina” to the use of drugs. My answer to their actions and the answer of
some other “simple” guys were punished very strictly. I think, that I shouldn’t
explain to you what was going on there. A complete “bespredel”, you don’t
even write about such things in your book. The rules there resembled the ones
in the zone though the company was considered an elite one … I was an
excellent student, a good sportsman, but actually each time going to the sentry
I thought that I should kill someone or shoot myself. I tried to do something,
but nothing turned out, I came to the conclusion, that if I can make nothing, it
is better to shoot myself. The commander of the platoon, seeing all this, advised
me to go to the psychologist. There came the summer holiday and I followed
his advice. But the psychologist was a young girl and she could not advise me
what to do, and I did not tell everything either. The summer holiday came to an
end, and I still didn’t leave the idea about suicide. But once …”
Further goes the detailed story how the guy bought in the shop “Do You
Want to Survive?” And it changed his whole life. He got to another faculty and
there showed himself as it is necessary, responding with a word on a word and
with a blow on a blow. The letter end like this : “Thank you for the book which
returned me the confidence, thank you for the words which returned me to
There were published ten thousand copies of the book “Do You Want to
Survive?” Not all the technique of RSF is given there , and to tell the truth, this
letter is one of the main reasons for my writing this very book that you hold in
your hands. Certainly, if I managed to rescue one person who lost faith in life ,
even this only thing shows that the book “Do You Want to Survive?” was
written not in vain. But what is ten thousand copies for Russia? A drop in the
sea. And how many are there such guys in our country? What is going on
behind the fences of military platoons if “bespredel” and “dedovshina” prosper
at an elite military university?
Sirs with big stars on your shoulder straps! Is it time to radically change
the program of preparation of soldiers and officers which seems to be two
thousands years old ? Yes, in young organisms storm hormones, provoking
young guys to fights, cruelty and “dedovshina”. It is as it is. But all this can be
given an exit!
It is necessary to occupy the time instead of painting the grass with real,
not “ostentatious” hand-to-hand fight and bodybuilding! Believe the sportsman
with the twelve-year experience – nothing unite people more than joint
trainings! And when a “grandfather” will help a “spirit” in lifting the barbell,
even if indulgently giving him advice, I guarantee – he will never at night in
the barrack raise his hand at this “spirit”. Because he will feel himself the
Teacher, the Trainer, and it will ennoble him in his own eyes, rather than
mocking at the weaker ones!
Hand-to-hand fight in gloves and protective helmets is a perfect means of
formation of military spirit and diminishing the consequences of hormonal
revolt - aggressions and cruelty. And even if a “young” one will pick up
punches from a more advanced “grandfather” - without it nobody and never can
become a real fighter. But, at least, he will see the way out ! Train - and sooner
or later you will become the same, as this huge “grandfather”! It is not
necessary to shoot in the sentry, to hang oneself up in the toilet or steal the
weapon, forever breaking your own life and ruining a dozen of others. Train -
and everything will turn out!
To make it you don’t need a lot ! Simply to spare some time in the program
of preparation of soldiers and officers ONE AND A HALF HOUR PER DAY!
for bodybuilding and hand-to-hand fight , supply the barrack of every company
by a couple of boxing bags, two complete sets of protective helmets and gloves
plus four simple, but the extremely effective training devices - and that’s all!
And order to make this one and a half hour the OBLIGATORY PROGRAM
In exchange Russia will receive healthy, with a strong mind and body
generation of really professional soldiers, capable to protect both themselves in
the street and the country during the time difficult for it.
Bonus. The chapter from the new book by Dmitry Sillov “Self –
defense for Women”.
“You may like or dislike to fight, but in any case it’s better to be able to fight”
Kotlyachkov A, Gorin S. “The Word as a Weapon”
I won’t go deep into the matter about the fact, that self-defense for women
as a topic is practically neglected in informational sources – it is clear to anyone.
Frankly speaking, while preparing this edition I looked through a lot of
literature looking at least for something on the given topic, but I haven’t found
anything. In some magazines and books slim girls make blows by their legs, сut
big guys with knives, and also defense themselves desperately from hooligans
with gas-cylinders, electro-shockers, umbrellas, knitting needles and other
things absolutely useless for real self-defense.
First let us see, why the question of self-defense for women is still open.
The answer is clear. Specialists on self-defense don’t know what to write about.
Because for a woman it is practically unreal to give a good rebuff to the
attacking man.
It was considered like that until recent times.
And there are several reasons for that.
The first reason.
A woman is practically always physically and morally weaker that the attacking
An average woman due to her nature basically weaker than an average
man. I don’t take into consideration some ladies who devoted their lives to kick-
boxing, heavy athletics or fighting without any rules – there are not so many of
them. An average woman physically is not able to cause real harm to a
hooligan or a rapist by the most of fight techniques, which are quite appropriate
for the man. Nature itself created a woman for different things – to be a mother
and a hostess. A man has quite a different role – to be her defender. So, dear
gentlemen, your first and most important task right now is to take care of your
wife or girlfriend and for the beginning at least give her this chapter to read.
The first rule comes from here:
The man should guarantee the safety for his woman.
This rule is both for men and women. Because things happen and alas
there are cases when a man forgets who he is and that he must protect his female
companion, and a very emancipated woman thinks that nothing will happen to
But we live in a real life and perfectly understand that a man cannot 24 hours a
day stay by his beloved one. That is why we’ll see later what a woman can do in
an extreme situation when there’s no one to protect her.
For the beginning it is necessary to understand that for any aggression
towards a woman very often exist factors contributing it, such as:
1)no man by her side;
2)provoking behaviour of the victim;
3)provoking clothes etc;
4)being in the zone of high danger (a dark lane, the way to/from a club/bar/disco
At the same time I am perfectly aware of the fact that for a woman to be
beautiful is a must lying in her nature. And on matter how many books I might
write, they went and will go to clubs in skirts looking more like wide belts
wearing lots of jewelry. As far as I think every woman should mind not only her
own beauty but also the fact that not only gentlemen in smocking will pay
attention to her but also some not very intellectual males without either too
much worry about morals or too caring about their own behaviour towards
Taking this as a starting point, let’s try to define, what should a woman do
facing real danger, for example in the dark lane, who sees one or two males, who
don’t even hide their nasty intents.
То begin with, every aggression that happens in the street can be either
spontaneous or planned
(it should be noted, that this rule is correct for any street aggression regardless if
it is a male or a female).
The scheme of a spontaneous aggression:
The person infringing upon a woman saw her; realized her attraction for
himself (a beautiful woman, expensive jewelry, her half open handbag with a
sum of money); evaluated surroundings (a dark lane, no witnesses); started his
The scheme of a planned aggression:
The person planning the attack came to the place of his future crime?
Having evaluated the surroundings? Or having prepared the place beforehand
(for example – broke the street light) and having seen a suitable victim, began to
It’s rather simple to distinguish between the types of aggression.
In the first case the person attacked due to some random thought that came to his
mind under the influence of conditions that favor a crime (he’s drunk, there’s a
lonely victim, no people around, a “why not” thought). In this case the attacking
person most often speaks to his victim first, because the situation is not typical
for him and in this way he, so to speak, “warms himself up”, looking for the
confirmation of his intents in the answers of his victim. By the way, this form of
«a prelude» before an “unprofessionally” committed crime seems to be typical
fro Russia. Our people are rather sincere in this way, the mentality obliges to get
into the soul of the victim, talk to the victim before mocking her. Or to “talk the
uncertainty away”.
In such cases one can do without using any fighting techniques, using some NLP
techniques (neuro-linguisic programming), the examples of which are given in
the book by A. Kotlyachkov and S. Gorin “The Word as a Weapon”. Some of
them can be pretty handy.
Here’s an extract from the book : “Let’s do an exercise. Relax the muscles
of your lower jaw. Now lower it down and sideways: the mouth is twisted
diagonally. The upper lip becomes taut, the lower is sticking out, the lower teeth
are seen through the half- opened mouth. The eye-brows are raised. The skin of
the forehead gets into wrinkles. Slowly bend your head to glower. Now look at
yourself into the mirror and say “I-i-i-i”
How do you like yourself? Good for frightening children! But you
shouldn’t frighten them, you should teach them to react in this way if a stranger
suggests them “going for a walk together” or “to take some sweets”, it’s a good
technique of self-defense for a child from possible abuse. We learned about this
technique during one of the seminars on hypnosis according to Ericson. The
most interesting thing is that shortly after the seminar, from a woman who
participated in it we heard a story, that she used this technique twice to frighten
away the men who tried “to get acquainted” with her. In both cases the result
was just stunning. According to her words, the men didn’t just leave her alone,
but ran away! We asked her to demonstrate her “art”, she did it and we believed
her at once. The desire to run away appeared at once.
Surely, using this technique both the look and the expression on the face matter.
So this pretty simple technique (after some training) can be very well used to
frighten people away”.
I would agree that “play stupid” in some cases is quite an effective
technique, because people have some mental precepts and one of them is to pity
crippled. Nobility is in our blood. That’s why before sticking the fingernail into
the eye of the attacking person, you might want to find out if there is a
possibility that he is a “deeply religious” person. There are such cases described
in the literature.
So we go further. One more quotation form the same book. “One of my
acquaintances is a big joker. Having become a colonel in militia, he didn’t only
preserve his natural sense of humor but
Managed to develop it. For example, there was such a case. He walks
along the street, it’s dark, there goes a group of young people towards him. As
usually: “Do you have a smoke?” No fantasy at all. Having put the hand behind
his lapel, he barked: “Just a moment. Come here!” The guys lost their desire to
smoke at once”.
I doubt that this technique is the result of the natural sense of humor of the
colonel of militia. The technique that is practically identical to this one is
demonstrated by Vasily Makarovich Shukshin in his famous film “The
Viburnum is Red”. By the way I will notice here that the technique is rather
effective. Especially if the victim really has a knife or a pistol (as far as I
understand, the colonel of militia had the latter). This theses perfectly coincides
both with the precepts of ancient wise men (“If you take a knife, you should cut.
If you hold an ax, you should attack”- Six secret doctrines of Thai-gun, The
Civil Secret Doctrine, X1 B.C.) and with the laws of the criminal world – “A real
vagrant won’t take out his lash for no reason”.
But not all the recommendations of that book can be applied literally. For
example, in the quotation given below the authors made a very rude mistake,
connected with not knowing the specifics of the criminal world. Try to find it
“The main thing while breaking the stereotype – to do the thing that is not
expected from you. When in the street a hooligan is attacking you he has a
certain “scenario” – a mental model for his future behavior and the behavior of
his future potential “victim” (it’s quite easy to calculate the contents of this
“scenario”, as a rule). While doing this the hooligan figures out beforehand how
to behave in case you don’t give him a smoke (…..??). There is a “scenario” for
the case if you do give him a smoke (“Why do you give me a damp one, rat?”.
There is a scenario even for a most uncommon case (“Whom did you send to
hell?”). That’s why you should tear any possible “stereotype” of
Here’s a real case:
-Do you want an awl in the eye?
-Get away, “goat”. I have cops chasing me.”
First of all in case of a spontaneous attack in most cases the attacking persons
do not have a certain scenario. There is a desire either to mock or to get the
thing he liked from the woman that he suddenly wanted to get.
Secondly, I will give you a hint – in the case described above a potential
victim met either a real “goat” (i.e. a person, who spent some time in prison,
where they call “goats” passive homosexuals) or a person who really didn’t
know anything about the criminal world. I will remind something here: calling a
person, who was a convict in the past “a goat” or “a sod” you risk to get both an
awl in the eye and a knife in the heart. In criminal world these words are
answered for “according to the full program”. Whether this cruel rule will be
neutralized by a not less cruel about cops is a doubtful question. Any
experienced “vagrant” who went out to commit a theft is perfectly aware that
“cops” will be way more interested in the corpse of the one, whom they are
chasing, than the person who has just killed him and disappeared in the darkness.
Though I admit, this method is effective, in case one changes the word “goat”
for more neutral
“man” or more concrete “bratuha” (i.e. “brother”). It’s quite a different case,
when the attack is planned beforehand. In this case the attacking person more
often acts without talking. He takes away the bag, tears off the jewelry, rapes,
practically in all cases having beaten the victim , so that she couldn’t cry for
help. Most often a frightened depressed woman is unable to resist the attacking
person. During a spontaneous attack there is a chance to persuade the attacking
person or the group of the m out of their intentions. In case of a planned attack
that is practically impossible.
So the “second reason” why an average woman cannot fight back the man
who attacks her is: the attacking person by accident or intentionally is in
condition when the victim cannot fight him back or cry for help. I will repeat –
the attacking man is either very strong or drunk, or there are several persons
attacking the woman. The place where it happens is very convenient for it all.
So the second rule :
The woman should recognize the potential danger of such places and either
avoid them or go there with a man who is able to protect her (see rule #1).
In case something of the sort happens and there is no such man around I do
recommend to use only power techniques in an extreme situation.
Why? I will explain that.
To begin with, any attacking person during any attack has a certain aim. In case
when he attacks a woman there may be 5 main reasons:
While mockery can be only words, that can be ignored without answering
– these are only words which make you neither warm nor cold – all the rest is of
real danger for life and health. And that’s why when you get down to thinking
which of NLP technique to use, the attacking man will most likely hit you in the
face by his fist. Then very calmly will start putting into life one of four
remaining aims of attack, i.e. rape, theft, beating or murder. Very possible that
there’s not just one aim but all of them.
That’s why we’ll add the first rule to the second:
Beat first! Don’t wait till they start mocking you! It doesn’t in any means
contradict either human values or the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
(see Lesson 49).
There’s a third reason as well – psychological precepts. Somehow not only
in our country but in the whole world there’s a widespread opinion that you
shouldn’t fight the attacking person back. Someone will be surprised – how can
that be? There are lots of books written on the subject of active self-defense, and
you yourself, Dmitry Olegovich, have made a contribution to it all. Yes, I wrote
about it enough. But I am perfectly aware that the vast majority of victims in an
extreme situation will think that he (the attacking) will get angry that will make
things even worse”.
Think yourself, imagine a superextreme situation, when you are alone and
there are four of them. Have you got such a thought? You have! That is fear!
Or if you like it more – the instinct of self-preservation, which should be nipped
in the bud!!! If you want to survive by all means. Here’s a wonderful quotation
from the book by Anatoly Taras “Fighting Machine” : “In a well prepared fighter
any threat, any danger, any antagonism should cause not horror, but positive
emotions. To make this possible, it’s necessary to solve in the process of
psychological preparation two main tasks.
To get rid form the fear of death. To learn fighting without any use of
consciousness, on “autopilot”. Then in any situation, even facing death, the
person will be able to act unconstrained, without unnecessary strain, i.e. by
means of the most effective for his abilities method. Even on the verge of one’s
To put a long story short, the first aim is solved by means of programming
the personality (including self-programming); the second - by means of
visualization (meditation) and self-hypnoses. Let us analyze both ways.
To get rid from the fear of death forever, a person needs first of all change
his personal values.
If life is the most precious thing of all, then attacks of fear in situations
threatening it, will be practically inevitable. To put it differently, it’s necessary
for a person to have an idea above the animal instinct of self-preservation.
People understood it long ago. Japanese samurai had a real cult of death not by
chance. As one of their poets said:
“A warrior should learn
The only thing-
To look into the eyes of death
Without trembling!”
That’s absolutely true. Dun only for a man. It’s way more difficult for a
woman to break imposed upon her stereotypes of behavior. The stereotype is
widely known. Do you remember?
“A question to the American radio : What can a woman do if she is being
“The answer of the American radio:
“Relax and get pleasure”
Judging by the reports from the places of where the crimes were
committed, it is a doubtful pleasure, which have some bastards, who cannot in a
normal way be of any interest to a woman. The results of such stereotypes –
hundreds of broken lives, centers of rehabilitation for the victims of rapes,
physical damage and even lethal outcomes, because such “pleasures” a maniac
get from torturing the victim. You will ask why do I describe it in so many
details. Here’s my answer. During self-defense training lessons ladies very often
treat the process of learning very lightly. Probably in a sport hall techniques
that damage the genitals of the attacking person look funny. But anyone who
was in a real fight will admit that for victims in 100% cases it’s not so funny.
Here we come to the main thing – real self-defense for women. Even the
great Bruce Lee said that eyes and genitals are the most vulnerable zones of a
human organism. There’s nothing to add here. Only probably, that even a woman
can attack these zones without using any weapons. What’s more. A real street
fight for women includes learning to attack these zones and nothing but that! All
the rest – just a waste of time which can be used for work with weapons, that
also is special for women (we’ll speak about it later). By the way, it’s necessary
to notice the following. Nature gave the woman a possibility to shout loudly and
this cry is generated when she sees a spider or a rat, but is suppressed when she
sees a real danger. So I recommend to learn to shout loudly during the lessons of
self-defense, because shouting should always accompany your attacks. First of
all, in this way you will cause stupor in your opponent, secondly – you acquire a
real chance, that someone will hear you and help you.
So if for a man learning to damage the eyes of the opponent he should
pay attention to the work of his fingers, that includes training their strength and
rigidity, a woman, who is from the beginning weaker than he, should train first
of all the exactness of damaging the eyeballs of the attacking person by the nails.
Now it is fashionable among attractive girls (who are attacked often) to fix false
nails. In the aspect of self-defense it’s useful to remember the experience of
Japanese kunoiti, nindja-girls , who are able to cut with their nails that are
specially worked on and sharpened the arteria of a grown up man.
To demonstrate this technique I will bring here the quotation of my novel
“The Branch of Yakudza”, published in “EKSMO” publishing house in 2005:
“Vityok noticed that Alexandra’s breath became so still and unnoticeable that if
she stopped talking, one could think that that there is a statue in front of him,
sitting on the bench. Her breast stopped heaving, even her eyes stopped blinking,
staring somewhere through the face of Afanasy who sat in the armchair…
And suddenly her body came into motion. It slowly got from the sitting
position to the position with her legs half-bent and started moving towards the
arm-chair. It seemed, just the body moved, not a living being. Living beings
cannot move in such a way, when legs move separately from the body. Her legs
with unbelievable speed crossed the distance between the bench and the arm-
chair, and the body remained absolutely motionless, as if she herself was still
Everything happened very quickly. Afanasy threw up the gun and sent a
row of bullets in the direction of the vague shadow into which Alexandra
turned… But the bullets didn’t reach their aim. The girl’s body moved behind
the armchair and her arm slightly rubbed Afanasy’s neck. Like gave him a
caress. But because of this “caress” there came a fountain of blood from behind
of his left ear. He didn’t loose his presence of mind. With the gun still in his
hands he turned in the armchair looking for his target. With his other hand he
simultaneously tried to press the injured arteria. But probably the injury was too
serious – the blood was still running between his fingers. “The target” went
around his arm-chair, by her palm gently moved the barrel of the gun aside and
by the nail of her thumb easily as before cut the arteria under his right ear.
It was an awful sight. From the neck of a strong man the blood was
streaming like a waterfall, staining his shirt, trousers, armchair and he, having
dropped the gun, was grasping his neck, trying to stop his life that was running
out of him in bumps.
Alexandra stood behind the armchair, having bent her head sideways and
looking and what she has done without blinking.
In several seconds it was all over. Afanasy’s body became soft in his arm-
chair, on his square face there was an expression of complete bewilderment and
absence of understanding of what was going on in this world. His face was like a
poster to the cry “How could that happen, this bitch has done me with her
manicure all over?” Only he himself could no longer be indignant, shout or
torture himself with useless questions…”
It’s not necessary to reach this level of skill but it’s necessary to sharpen
the nails and train the exactness of blows on a hanging sheet of paper with a
human face drawn on it. While doing that don’t forget about modeling (see
Picture 950-953
During trainings of self defense it’s possible to blindfold the opponent by
a thick bandage with foam rubber inside and work with it, without using full
Picture 954-955
By the way, I will remind that any training on self-defense for women as
well, should be conducted only under the instruction of a competent trainer to
avoid serious traumas. Unlike the existing opinion, trainings on self-defense for
women according to the system of RSF without a serious trainer guidance can
cause traumas (in the picture you can see a fighting technique of blows to the
eyes without a bandage – you should understand yourself, what can happen if a
girl jokingly will try to use this technique on her partner).
Picture 956-957
While performing this technique one should imagine that the fingers are eagles’
Picture 958-960
After conducting the attack by the fingers into the eyes of the opponent,
it’s better to continue the attack to the groin. After the attack to the groin it’s
better to strike him a blow by the fingers to the eyes. Women should remember
these two combinations. And that’s all! I think that it will be unnecessary to say
that even men in a critical situation can use such technique of self-defense.
Now let’s analyze the attack to the groin. This is a series of tough, cruel
techniques, as well as blows to the eyes neutralizing any male opponent at once
– and at the same time causing roars of laughter among ladies while practicing
them in the hall.
Dear ladies!
Trust me, not without reason I spend both your and my time typing this
article. I get hundreds of letters a month and from women as well, who suffered
from the attacks of bastards. And now I suggest you a real and the only correct
technique without any weapons to protect psychological and physical health, and
probably the life itself.
So break the stereotypes, concentrate and attentively read what is written
in textbooks of self defense of some countries… meant for special troops and
prohibited for public use among civil people.
Blows to the groin can be made
by the upper part of the foot or toes
Picture 961-962
by the shin
Picture 963
by the knee
Picture 964
by the forearm
Picture 965-966
by the thumb straightened and strained
Picture 967-968
by the fist
Picture 969
by the palm with the following catching and jerk downwards and on itself
Pictures 977-979
by the arm
Picture 981
by the nails (if the nails are sharp and strong)
Picture 982
Now I show some real fighting stages
picture 983-988
Tearing off the genitals is conducted strictly downwards or in the direction
towards oneself. Twisting the genitals out as during the catch by the right hand is
made either clockwise (as if twisting the screw, see the picture above). Practicing
the attacks to the genitals by the hands is made on a tennis ball that the partner
holds at a corresponding height, or at a training paw (while practicing the blow
to the groin by the leg, see Lesson 7).
Here comes rule number three.
Dear ladies! Treat trainings on self-defense with all possible seriousness!
Maybe some day they will save your life, as they saved it to many people using
my instructions, given by me in the previous books on Real Street Fight.
I will allow myself to say a few words about using weapons of self-defense by
women. I analyzed this question in the chapter “Weapons of Self-Defense”. I
will just say one more time that hoping for gas-cyllinders, electro-shockers, gas
pistols and things that are simple to that, is nothing but self-deception. In 99
cases of 100 these weapons will remain useless without serious practicing to take
them quickly out and then use the above-named weapons decisively. Why? I will
From ancient times men fought, protecting their homes or attacking the
houses of their neighbors. That’s why using different things as weapons is more
characteristic to a man than to a woman, who in critical times took the most
precious that she had – a child, and hurried to get either on the tree or run away
or scratch the face of the opponent deafening him with a loud cry. From this we
conclude that the ability to catch, nails and voice are natural weapons of a
She only has to learn them skillfully.
Picture 989
As a master of fighting arts, I don’t fight
To get or lose... Getting
There, where the sky and the earth weren’t divided
Where yin and yang haven’t appeared yet
I reach the purpose
Quickly and inevitably.
Takuan Soho
The Chronicles of the Sword Taya
In XVII century the greatest fencer of Japan Miyamoto Musasi wrote the
book “Go Rin No Sye” (The Book of Five Rings). In it , it seems , is given only
the technique of kendo (fencing on samurai swords) and nothing else. But why
then the name Miyamoto Musasi is known and is esteemed until now not only
among admirers of kendo( that lost its fighting value and became an exotic
kind of sports), but also among sportsmen, businessmen, politicians of all the
world and just those who happened to get this book by chance?
All is extremely simple. The life is a fight, a sparring without rules and
restrictions in time. The great master of the sword doesn’t simply teach to fight
on swords. He teaches to struggle for life, for the victory, to win the place under
the sun and to be able to keep it. In a fight, in business, in love, in an extreme
situation the strength of your mind and the desire to win – it is your sword , to
use which the great Japanese master taught. “ The person should not depend on
the length of the sword” ,these words can be understood differently. If by nature
your mind and body are weak - train both, and your short sword will become a
terrible weapon for your opponents , will clear you the place in this restless
Who knows, where the destiny will bring you. I want the extreme situations
described in this book to remain for you only black letters on white paper.
But I hope, that if the destiny will throw you in a severe fight for life and human
dignity , this book will help you to confidently fight back the strokes of bad luck
by the sword of the will, strength and reason.
In my email and the post box I often get letters form my readers. They
are different, these letters, as well as people, who wrote them. And re-reading
them, I realize, that my titanic work was not for nothing. Even only one letter
from the guy who due to one of my books left the idea of committing a suicide
makes all the time and strength I and my pupils put in creating this works.
I try to answer all my readers whenever I can do it. But I decided to bring here
the following letter not without a reason. This letter is not simply a cry from the
heart of a representative of the young generation of Russia. It is a slice of
biographies of thousand and thousand young people which tried to follow the
way of the Warrior … and gave up.
Because it is difficult. Because it is not quickly. Because there was not
enough Will and Character. And in fact Will and Character do not come from
nowhere and are not given at birth. They are result of Overcoming and the
victory over the most terrible enemy which the Warrior can meet on the Way
the person itself …
Here is this letter (the spelling and style of it are saved without changes).
“ Hello Dmitry Olegovich,
I am 100 % ectomorph (a thin, often tall person with long hands and legs
and extremely fast metabolism. Eats much but it is hard for such a person to gain
weight - author). By my 19 years old I am 195 cm and somewhere 72-73 kg.
you should agree, that with such a body it is not especially comfortable to live,
especially in North Caucasian region (I am from Pyatigorsk).
I started to go in for sports from 17 y.o.. And by 19 has not achieved
ANYTHING. I practiced kickboxing for half a year, changed 3 trainers but they
didn’t teach me anything valuable (and all of them were afraid to train in
sparrings). To tell the truth, I understand, that as an ectomorph I am doomed for
torments with selecting clothes and sticking out bones, but it is necessary to live
somehow, and I would like to live a life with some pleasure, instead looking
around at more “meaty” people.
I would very much like to learn your opinion, whether it is possible to change
something or not? I do not want to win a competition on bodybuilding, or to
receive 15-th dan in ushu. I simply want to be a strong, self-assured person.....
Well and it is desirable a beautiful one :)
What is it possible to do with such characteristics? How is it correct to
train? I am not afraid of pain (though, I have no animal spirit, but did not refuse
from sparrings), I stopped smoking as soon as I started training , I practically
do not drink, I don’t eat mayonnaise (though I adore it), I do not drink coffee …
in general, I live without pleasures, one by dreams of a wonderful body. I tried
to pump up iron, but, to tell the truth, the belief has already abandoned me and
the envy was eating me up. There everyone differed from me by constitution,
and probably they want to feed me
Also what would you advise in the fighting section? I have very long legs
and hands, mavashi are not too bad (though, my coordination as of a drunk
person), a low-kick (with the right), a direct kick (though I feel, that something
is missing here), and also upper-cuts(the trainer paid attention to the right, and I
like the left more). I can by the left straight bring a mosquito into shock, and
the right is ok. I manage to put the body into the blow not too bad, but probably
only from the third attempt (working with “paws”). Also I like impacts by the
elbows and knees very much (it is a pity there is no Thai boxing in our town
and nobody can help me to practice these blows). The biggest lack I think is the
absence of power (and where can it be taken from if my weight equals the
weight of a not very big dog). I think whether I should give everything up in
general …
In your book “Real Street Fight” I liked the language, and also the moral
Here I am finishing the letter. Thank you very much for your answer.
Alexey (the name of the author is changed).”
Now I will bring here my answer.
“Hello Alexey.
I think, your mistake is that you don’t search where you should . In your
case it is necessary to search not for someone, changing techniques and trainers,
but in yourself. And not for a suitable style of fight or a good trainer on
bodybuilding, but Spirit. And if it really is necessary to you – you will have all
But hurry up!
You have 6 more years of the “ hormonal revolt” . It will be more
difficult to start later. For you I strongly recommend only exercises of the first
course (in this book - the program of the second course , -author), a cheapest
barbell at home, a most inexpensive training device (such as the one I brought
in the book), two or three pairs of dumbbells and the best sparring partner with
whom you struggle inside yourself.
I didn’t like how you write about yourself. You do not respect yourself and
after that you want that you were respected by others? You will never be able to
achieve anything until you say – I will do it !!!
Say it - and by particles, by millimeters start to create yourself. Not for
some great achievement, but because you will never be able to live differently.
The most terrible thing is to stop respecting yourself.
And the most difficult - to start to respect yourself.
For what you have achieved.
And for what you will by all means achieve.
And if suddenly you miss a training because of your own laziness or a
bad mood you are in or would want to pity yourself take a look in the mirror
and tell the guy you see there : “ WELL, you...” - and everything you think
about him... And clench your teeth and make what you have not made.
Patience to you and Success on the Way of the Warrior.
Dmitry Sillov” .
In conclusion I want to bring a legend which I read on the pages of the
remarkable book of A. R. Basov “Samurai. The Spirit of the Warrior” as a
variant of the answer to thousands of my readers who till now still think – if it is
necessary to try to choose this difficult and wonderful Way of the Warrior or to
leave everything as it had been before they started reading this book
“ Once to a great preacher came a great warrior and addressed him:
“I am tired of fighting, of seeing death and destruction. I hear all the time how
people condemn the war. I am tired from the pain and suffering of people, tired
from all … I want to renounce the world, to go to the woods, to live in the
wood like you. Let me to be with you, to wander, to fast, to beg, to meditate,
sitting under the tree …
The warrior continued to speak, but the preacher did not listen any more.
His consciousness drew inside, comprehending the essence, inexpressible even
in many words …
The preacher silently heeded speech of the warrior, looking in his brave,
sad eyes. His acute sight didn’t miss any detail: the preacher saw a powerful,
created by years of trainings figure, felt, how fast and perfected the reactions of
the warrior were, what strength hid in him. He saw him through, saw his soul,
understood what the warrior did not say.
The warrior stopped, he felt awkward. It seemed to him, that the preacher
didn’t listen to him , and was absent-minded. The warrior decided to go away,
but the preacher addressed him:
“Certainly, you can become a wood hermit. But before that answer my question.
Remember in the childhood when boys tried to offend you, what did you
“I fought with them. Gradually I became stronger and faster than they were, and
they did not want to mess with me.”
“Do you see many defenseless people here ? Imagine , that now tigers will
appear and will attack them. What will you do?”
“I will immediately seize the bow and shoot. And while there will be an
opportunity, I’ll fight with them as I can.”
“And what would you do, if a fire started in this quiet wood?”
“ I would struggle with fire and tried to rescue the people.”
“ That's it. You won’t run or pray. You will fight and struggle. Few people are
brave by nature. You are from those whose destiny from their birth is to be the
Warrior in this life. You are fearless, you will struggle up to the end. You cannot
escape, you will behave how the Warrior should behave. All your long-term
preparation, all the discipline of your life has been directed to that. It is your
internal essence. It is what you have been preparing for all your life. You are
meant for that. Do not leave the world. It is not you who begin these wars. The
plan of the Providence is not clear for mortals. The world is difficult and
inconsistent. The life is balance of the contrasts, of incompatible things. You are
the Warrior. That is, so God wants it to be. In it your mission. To be the Warrior
is your duty. It is impossible to run from your duty, from your essence. Be
yourself. This is most important. It is dangerous and harmful to follow things
that you don’t have. Let others sit under the tree and look, how it grows. It is
necessary for them, but not for you. The true religion is what grows from the
depth of your heart. Your religion is to be the Warrior. Follow it up to an end”.
Picture 990
Special thanks to Alexey Lagutenkov for the invaluable help in the
organization process of computer processing of this book.
Also to the owner of the second degree of RSF Sergey Sokolov and the
owner of the fourth degree of RSF George Todua, who talently played “bad
guys” for a series of the pictures devoted to hand-to-hand fight, and also to
Oksana Korchunenko for the help in computer processing of the pictures.
[1] Chakra (Hind.) - places of a body where gathers and through which passes the energy. There are 7 chakras - the top of the head,
гипоталамус, the thyroid gland, the heart, the solar plexus, the zi-hai point , the area of the coccyx.
[2] Middle-front meridian - the energy channel used for replenishment of energy in an organism. Approximately corresponds to the
location of a gullet.
[3] Zi-hai point (Chin.) - in translation corresponds to " the sea of energy ".
[4]Bai-huey- the point located in the place of crossing the saggital line of your head (from the nose bridge up to the line of cervical
vertebras) and the line connecting your tips of ears. It corresponds to the top chakra.
[5] In his book “Djit Kun Do” Bruce Lee recommends to look in the face of the opponent during the fight. The same advise is given
by trainers of many schools of single combats, who motivate it by the fact that by the movement of the eyeballs the opponent
shows you the place where he is going to strike .
Only the beginner having a rather small experience of real hand-to-hand fights can "show" that by his eyes . If your sight
will be sliding quickly from one part of the opponent’s body to the other, you will miss the blow during the first seconds of the
fight. As far as Bruce Lee is concerned, in our country his book “Djit Kun Do” was translated in 1996 and its later editions were
only clones of the first one . I suspect, that here there is either a mistake in translation, or maybe Bruce Lee being a pretty good
businessman as well and, at that time a monopolist in his business (especially in the field of cinematography), was hardly interested