Bulletin APR 8 2018

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Sunday 8th April 2018 This Week’s Meetings...

Prayer Meeting: Tuesday 10th April 2018 1. Communion Service: We return at 5:30pm for the Lord’s
Call To Worship Leader: Walter Rochester Sr.
Topic: Sick & Elderly/evangelism
Supper. Please bring your gifts for The Shelter.
2. Sunday School: Open session. All are invited.
Prayer for the World: Japan 3. Ladies Meeting: On April 14th the ladies will have their
Bryan Chang 6:00-7:00 p.m. Sports and Fun Day hosted at the Chang's residence in St.
Opening songs “When we pray, God works!” Augustine at 3:30pm. Come dressed in comfortable wear and
Hymn 279 And can it be that I should gain be prepared for lots of fun! For catering purposes please sign
Hymn 41One day! up on the notice board.
Youth Group 4. Visionary Adults: Will be hiking to Salybia Falls
Consecutive scripture reading Friday 13th April @6:30pm on Saturday 28th April. North crew will meet at Grace Chapel
I Thessalonians 1 at 7:45am, east crew will meet at Sis. Stella's residence
Welcome & Announcements Sunday Worship Service - Sunday 15th April at 8:15am. Please sign up on the notice board by Sunday
Elder Dave Chang Leader: Marcus Ramdath 22nd April if you wish to attend. Transport will be provided.
Singspiration Speaker: Richard Aching 5. Dominica Collection: We are collecting non perishable
Ushers: Dominique Boodoo & Hannah-Marie Redman foodstuff- rice, sugar, pasta, canned goods etc.- to forward to
You are holy Dominica via ITNAC (Is There Not A Cause).
O how He loves us so Greeters: Rhett Chang & Eldwyn Phillip
Nursery: *Gayle Allick Solomon & Danielle Budraj 6. VBS 2018: Dates 16th - 20th JULY, 2018. Celebrating 10 yrs.
You deserve the glory VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED... Details to follow.
7. Camp Trinawana 2018: 50th anniversary? from the evening
Giving Thanks (Offering) Sunday Worship Service - Sunday 22nd April of Friday 17-AUG-2018 to the morning of Wednesday 22-AUG-
Leader: Peter Celestin 2018 and the venue is the Ridgewalk Campsite in Siparia.
Speaker: Elder Gerald Bernard *COUNSELORS WANTED!*
Reprise (Nursery) Ushers: Rebekkah Ramdath & Jadyn Aching 4. Pastor Walter Brian Rochester: Cell 779-1150;
Greeters: Rhett Chang & Eldwyn Phillip Church 622-4118; Email: [email protected]
Message Nursery: *Tonja Edwards & Donna Boodoo
Pastor Walter Brian Rochester Prayer Corner...
“Know your God is love” (Nursery age group is from 18 months to 8 years old)  Abroad Justin Richardson, Rhea Richardson, Wesley Solo-
I John 4:7-21 mon, Marie Guiseppi, Natasha Forde, Christian Guiseppi &
Closing song Lizanne Aching-Guiseppi, Kistian & Cassandra Flemming,
Lyndon Guiseppi, Drs.Simone and Satish Maharaj, Elise Cel-
estin, Damali Nichols, Vernelle Hamblet.
A new commandment
Benediction  Pray for healing and strength for brethren who are recov-
ering or not well Aminah Ramdath, Errol Vasquez , Suzanne
Lue Qui, Mrs. Lue Chee Kong, Cary Chan, Andrew Macintyre,
General Reminders Sylvia Fung.
 Kindly switch-off/ place on silent all cell-
phones during this morning’s service.  Pastoral Team Walter Brian Rochester, William Allum
Poon, Gerald Bernard, Dave Chang, Anthony Macintyre
 Please refrain from eating and drinking in
the sanctuary before, during and after this  Diaconate Leadership Richard Aching, Dr. Terry Ali,
morning’s worship service. Roger Chang, Florence Forde, Andrew Macintyre, Jack
Ushers and Greeters for today Pan, Opal Thomas, Marcus Ramdath, Warren Thomas
Ushers: Danielle Budraj & Jaden Solomon If you have any announcements to put into the bulletin, please
Greeters: Rhett Chang & Eldwyn Phillip  Youth Ministry Leadership Team Kareem Hernandez,
email them to Richard Aching at [email protected] OR Vernon Hamblet, Danielle Nivet, Daena Boodoo, Kelli
Nursery Roster for today
[email protected] Chang, Dr. Kaisha Rochester-Hamblet, Jeremy Macintyre,
Nursery: *Deanna Allum Poon & Danielle Nivet Lyndon Maynard II. Warren Thomas, Youth Director.
 SEA: Rianna Martinez, Samuel John Hines
Prayer for the World
Know Your God is Love (Selected Verses covering 1 John Chapters
Japan 2:1-5:5)
PRAYER REQUEST: Question: How to love like God loves?
Continue to earnestly intercede for Japan as this is such a difficult Answer: To love like God loves, love in principle, purity, performance
territory and we need God to work miracles if the work is to go for- and perfection. (From 1 John)
ward there. Pray for God to bless mightily in the preparations and

Please pray for God to draw young adults into the church especially Love like God,
in Japan, as there are very few members under the age of 50. Pray
that many young adults will accept the truth and become active 1. Love in .


Please pray for Japanese pastors as they lead out in evangelism and 2. Love in .
call their members to be totally involved for Jesus. We pray for their (Chinese Christian Fellowship)
faith and courage.
3. Love in .
Please continue to pray for the Japan “Youth Rush” program and the 49 Long Circular Road
young adult literature evangelists that are going door-to-door selling
books to reach people for Jesus. They are hoping to translate more
St. James
EGW books into Japanese so they can give out in mass numbers, but 4. Love in .
they need more translators and funding. Please pray that God would
provide the funds to do this.

Frontline Missionary Corner

 Creous and Elizabeth Ramdath—Serving in Peru
 Chris, Nicola, Joshua & Katie Hewitt—To serve in Germany
 Ronnie and Heather Yearwood A PLACE F O R E V E RYO N E
 Gilbert and Lydia Nigh— Serving in Canada
 Timothy and Fiona Fung—Serving in France
 Annie Chang—Serving in Rwanda Loving God . Loving People . Loving Life
 David Bernard & Elsa Hu—Serving on the Logos Hope
“The harvest is plenty, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of
the harvest, therefore to send out workers into His harvest field."
Matthew 9: 37,38 (NIV)

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