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Nutrition and cancer 2 S159

MON-PP084 nursing staff were used to investigate the frequency of

ORAL GLUTAMINE SUPPLEMENTATION REDUCES THE complications. The number of HPN-patients was 387 (218
SEVERITY OF MUCOSITIS IN PATIENTS WITH HEAD AND NECK women; mean age 61±13.7). The patients underwent 195.6
CANCER DURING RADIOTHERAPY (±SD 143.9) catheter days on average. Of all patients 51.2%
D. Mirea1 , L. Mirea2,3 , D. Safta1 , C. Nitipir3,4 , M. Barna4 , had an oncologic diseases, 27.6% a short bowel syndrome, 4.4%
D. Pavelescu2 , I.C. Grintescu2 , R. Ungureanu2,3 , an inflammatory bowel diseases, 15.5% other diseases.
I.M. Grintescu2,3 . 1 ENT Department, Elias University Results: Most of the patients had a Port-system (70.5%), 12.0%
Emergency Hospital, 2 Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Broviac catheters, 8.2% a Groshong, 2.9% Hickman catheters
Clinical Emergency Hospital of Bucharest, 3 Carol Davila and 6.4% others. The majority of the patients (62.5%,
University of General Medicine, 4 Oncology Department, n = 242) had no complications, whereas 27.4% developed
Elias University Emergency Hospital, Bucharest, Romania complications, rest is missing. The majority had a superficial
flush (20%), other complications were sepsis (2.4%), pocket
Rationale: Radiation induced mucositis (RIM) is a complication infections (2.1%), occlusion (0.9%), dislocation (0.3%) and
for head and neck cancer patients (pts), and in severe form others (3.6%). Eighty-five patients with a Port-system, 10
(grade 3, 4 WHO Scale) affects nutritional status, leading patients with a Broviac catheter, 6 patients with a Groshong
to lost weight and malnutrition. The aim of the study was and 3 patients with a Hickman catheter developed a
to determine the risk and the severity of RIM and the complication, but with no statistical significance (p = 0.485).
impact on quality of life (QOL) in case of oral glutamine Home care services mainly managed dis-/connection of PN
supplementation. (76.2%); patients themselves (16.3%), relatives (5.5%) or
Methods: It was a prospective, observational study; pts in others (0.6%). Complications occurred in 85 cases provided by
glutamine group (group G) received 30 g of oral glutamine home care services, 16 provided by themselves and 2 relative-
daily, 5 days before starting and during the entire period managed HPN-cases, but without significance (p = 0.121).
of radiotherapy. We monitor weight loss, the severity of RIM Conclusion: The results suggest that the applied catheter-
(by weekly videofibroscopy), and quality of life (using EORTC system has no effect on complications as well as the
QOL H&N 35 questionnaire). In the control group (group C), person who manages HPN. We recommend individual patient
pts have received only nutritional advisory. application of catheter-systems for HPN, but proper care
Results: The groups’ demographic data were similar: age of catheters and PN application are unalterable for HPN-
58±11.04 y in group G (n = 21) vs 58.5±12.4 y in group C management.
(n = 20), p > 0.05; sex ratio M:F 16:5 vs 15:5. Weight loss Disclosure of Interest: None declared
was 1.56±2.71 kg in group G at the end of monitoring vs
4.15±2.63 kg in group C (p < 0.05). In group C 40% of pts MON-PP086
developed severe RIM, and 60% developed moderate RIM. SEVERELY IMPAIRED NUTRITIONAL STATUS IN PATIENTS
In group G 57.1% of pts developed only mild RIM and WITH LOCALLY ADVANCED PANCREATIC CANCER
42.8% moderate RIM. We noticed a worsening of QOL in J. Witvliet1 , C. Lochtenberg-Potjes1 , H. Scheffer2 ,
group C, median QOL score being with 15.5±4.8 p higher at G. Kazemier3 , N. Wierdsma1 , M. Meijerink2 ,
the end of radiotherapy, whilst in group G median QOL score M. de van der Schueren1 . 1 Section of Nutrition and
increased only with 9.6±4.7 p. Dietetics, Department of Internal Medicine, 2 Department
Conclusion: Patients receiving oral glutamine tolerated better of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, 3 Department of Surgery,
radiotherapy, maintaining a better nutritional status, quality VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands
of life being less affected.
Acknowledgement: This paper was co-financed from the Rationale: Although malnutrition is frequently described in
European Social Fund, through the Sectorial Operational Pro- patients with locally advanced pancreatic cancer (LAPC), little
gramme Human Resources Development 2007 2013, project quantitative data is available on the nutritional status and
number POSDRU/159/1.5/S/138907 “Excellence in scientific gastrointestinal functioning of these patients.
interdisciplinary research, doctoral and postdoctoral, in the Methods: Patients with LAPC included for experimental
economic, social and medical fields EXCELIS”, coordinator treatment by Irreversible Electroporation (IRE) were included.
The Bucharest University of Economic Studies. Weight loss in the past 6 months (kg), body mass index
(BMI), nutritional intake (4-d diary), fat free mass index
Disclosure of Interest: None declared
(FFMI), handgrip strength, resting energy expenditure by
indirect calorimetry (REE) and gastro intestinal functioning
MON-PP085 measured by intestinal absorption capacity of energy and
PATIENTS WITH HOME PARENTERAL NUTRITION: CATHETER- macronutrients (3-d faeces collection and bomb calorimetry)
RELATED COMPLICATIONS and exocrine pancreatic function by faecal elastase-1 (FE1)
L. Knauer1 , M. Drissi1 , K. Hengst2 , M. Masin1 . 1 Clinical were measured before IRE.
Nutrition, 2 University Medical Center, Münster, Germany Results: Sixteen patients (50% male; mean age 60.3±9.5 y)
were included.
Rationale: The purpose of this survey was to analyze catheter- Median weight loss over the past 6 months amounted 10.1 kg
related complications for different catheter-systems and [IQR 4.8 14.3], mean BMI was 23.9±2.5 kg/m2 . Energy and
management of home parenteral nutrition (HPN). protein intake were 27±10 kcal/kg and 1.1 g/kg [IQR 0.8 1.5]
Methods: A retrospective analysis of patients with HPN respectively.
was conducted at the University Hospital of Muenster In 7 patients the FFMI and in 8 patients the handgrip strength
from 03/2014 to 03/2015. Questionnaires completed by was Median REE as % of predicted REE by the Harris & Benedict

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