SLIP Slips and trips Spillages Dislocated body 1. Workshop working areas must be kept clear of
part, injuries obstructions and the floor must be kept free from
oil and any liquid.
2. Any spillages should be cleaned up immediately.
3. Any hazards such as trailing cables, defects to
floor coverings and faulty lighting etc. should be
reported immediately to the technician-in-
4. All areas well lit.
MECHANICAL Mechanical Contact Injuries such as 1. Access to the workshops is strictly restricted to
equipment entanglement, authorised personnel only.
drawing-in, 2. No one may operate workshop equipment unless
abrasions, cuts, they have received a sufficient training and
burns permission from the technician-in-charge.
3. Specific risk assessments for machinery and the
generic risk assessment for power hand tools
have been completed and safe systems of work
issued to operatives.
4. Guards on the machines must be used.
5. All workshop equipment must be regularly
maintained and serviced.
6. Long hair must be completely covered and
suitable eye protection worn.
ELECTRICAL Electrical Faulty electrical Electric shocks or 1. All portable electrical equipment must be tested
equipment equipment burns at for electrical safety at correct intervals and
labelled with the date of the test.
2. Electrical cables and plugs should be regularly
visually inspected by the user for damage.
3. Any defective equipment should be reported to
the technician-in-charge and taken out of use
until the repair has been effected.
4. Electrical equipment must always be operated in
accordance with manufacturers' instructions.
HAZARDOUS Hazardous Contact or Irritating vapours, 1. A Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) must be
Substances inhalation skin sensitisation, kept together with a risk assessment in the
dermatitis Workshop Safety File for future reference.
2. All containers used for storage of hazardous and
non-hazardous substances must be suitably
labelled indicating their contents.
LIFTING Failure of lifting -No operating or Crushing injuries 1. Routine inspection and maintenance done at
equipment maintenance and/or fatalities least every 3 months.
instructions 2. Safe Working Load prominently displayed on
located on trolley equipment. .
jack 3. Results of all inspections, servicing and
- No hoist maintenance are recorded in a log book and
inspection, available to users and maintenance staff.
regime in place.
- Electrical wiring
or equipment
HEIGHT Working at height -Unsecured ladders Fall from a 1. Users must be familiar with the risk assessment
used to reach stepladder and safe system of work for using stepladders.
items above 2. A stepladder should have a visual inspection by
shoulder height. the user prior to use for damage.
- Workers climb 3. Stepladders must be individually identified and
racking to formal inspections must be carried out and
retrieve tyres/parts records of inspection kept.
4. Any defective stepladder should be clearly
labelled and taken out of use until the repair has
been effected.