September 15, 2010 Sports Reporter
September 15, 2010 Sports Reporter
September 15, 2010 Sports Reporter
Sports Reporter
The Nation's Leading Bowling Tournament Newspaper Since 1940
2010 WORLD MEN’S CHAMPIONSHIPS Paul Fair 300 Tommy Martino Blasted 946
Unterfohring, Munich, Germany At Stelton Lanes In Doubles at Majestic Lanes
Singles: Gold: Bill O’Neill, United States; 2. Choi Bok-Eum, HOPELAWN, NJ – Tommy Stolp 215-230-818, Walt Kronert
Korea; Bronze: Dominic Barrett, England & Chris Barnes, PISCATAWAY, NJ – Paul Fair Martino topped the scoring in the 217-277-816, Amanda Mermann
United States. took center stage spotlight rolling Handicap Doubles League firing 211-717, and John Kertesz 232.
a twelve-bangger 300 game to games of 236-279-233 for a high In the Guys and Dolls League
Doubles: Gold: Martin Paulsson/Mathias Arup, Sweden; Silver: lead all scoring while competing series of 946. Will Dellamanna hit 228, Steve
Alex Liew/Muhamad Aiman, Malaysia; Bronze: Patrick in the Wednesday Gentlemen’s Jay Pintus shot 213-235-266- Venito 224, Tito Ramos 208,
Allen/Rhino Page, United States & Bodo Konieczny/Jens League at Stelton Lanes. 902, Nelson Alves 279-236-876, Carole Lopez 205, PJ Mitilineos
Fair posted his perfecto between Anthony Martino 203-256-835, 215, Mike Kelly 207, and Lauro
Nickel, Germany.
games of 233 and 213. Bob Lampariello 242-207-832, Perez 203.
Chris Cintron was the closest fol- Eric Haltli 210-237-823, Paul
Trios: Gold: United States - Patrick Allen/Rhino Page/Wes lower rolling a 245 game followed
Malott; Silver: Mexico – Ernesto Franco/Jorge
Rosado/Alejandro Cruz; Bronze: Chinese Taipei – Cheng
by Kim Cornell rolling a 235 Victor Padilla is King of the Hill
Hsing-Chao/Hung Kun-Yen/Wu Hao-Ming & United States – For Season at Parkway Lanes
Bill O’Neill/Chris Barnes/Tommy Jones.
Ken Isom Hit 300 By Dennis Spoto
9/5/10ELMWOOD PARK, NJ - Victor Padilla will remain the King of
Team: Gold: United States; Silver: Finland; Bronze: Germany
& Colombia.
At Parkway The Hill at Parkway lanes until next summer an honor he earned when
he defended his crown beating Will Vidulich 264-253 in the final
ELMWOOD PARK, NJ – Ken match on the season’s last Sunday nite. Finishing In 4th place was
All Events: Gold: Bill O'Neill, United States: Silver: Chris Isom blasted his first careed 300 Dwight Godbee, 3rd was Larry Deangelo.
game while rolling in the John Illare was the high seed, he received a free entry he can use
Barnes, United States: Bronze: Jang, Dong-Chul, Korea.
Wednesday Nite Summer Mixed during the next King of the Hill season at Parkway Lanes. To make
League at Parkway Lanes. that final night special they increased the entry fee by $5 and paid
Masters: Gold: Chris Barnes, United States; Silver: Patrick Jip Winfrey took high series hon- everyone who made the cut, all 12 bowlers cashed.
Allen, United States; Bronze: Wes Malott, United States & Choi ors with a 799 set followed by Dennis and his wife Barbara along with Parkway Lanes thanks
Bok-Eum, Korea; 5. Wu Hao-Ming, Chinese Taipei; 6. Cheng Johnnie Ricks with 732, Kelly everyone who participated in this Summer’s King of the hill. All 628
Hsing-Chao, Chinese Taipei; 7. Osku Palermaa, Finland; 8. Sappington 716, Frank Lassiter bowlers over 14 Sundays will also remember the great job done by
Petteri Salonen, Finland. 708, and Rene Ruiz 703. Mary Ellen Krattinger and Anthony Alcade for showing up every week
to run the brackets and the eliminator, thank you as well.
2 SPORTS REPORTER September 15 - 21, 2010
J o a n Ta y l o r ’ s
Te n P i n R a p . . . .
If I hadn’t talked to these two bowlers myself, I Samantha “Sammie” Pearson saw her first 700
don’t know if I would have believed it when Anne series, a 713 at age 18 in the Tuesday Triples (adult)
Bilotti told me what they had done. Recently at League at Oakwood Lanes. Her games were 245-
Hanover Lanes on lanes 31 and 32, two men bowled 225-246.
a 300 game against each other during the second The best thing is that she had no idea she was The new fall league season is There was a run on tape,
game. It was so close for the total pins for the team headed for a new personal best as “I was just bowl- well underway. Strange things bandages, and wristlets, and
game, that one needed his eleventh strike to win. The ing for fun.” She averaged 210 in that league before happen on the opening night of the ball cleaning machine did
two Titans were Charlie Bianco and LD Oppici. her big series. Sammie credits Joan Mack with any league. Here are some of record business.
Bianco, a 55-year veteran of the game, said, “LD is being a “big help to my game.” them as reported by bowling There were many eyebrows
the anchor for my daughter’s team in the winter She would like to see a 300 game as her next friends across the nation. lifted, many thoughts kept
league, so I got to know him there. I also knew his bowling goal. She resides in Oxford with her par-
Five teams were assigned to silent and many spoken words
father years ago. We would always talk about bowl- ents, Mary, and Mike and older brother Mikey. All
ing. When we arrived at the lanes we discovered that three bowl, so that 700 was not only in the cards, but
the same pair of lanes. about the new bowler who
two nights previous we both had a 300 game, his at also in the genes. A league secretary failed to looked like Walter Ray
Hanover Lanes and mine at Lodi. So we started strik- Tom Marks posted not only his first 700, but also show up at a hastily called Williams Jr. in action, yet came
ing in our second game and he finished first. I con- his second 700 within a week of each other. On meeting was fired before in with an entering average of
gratulated him and knew I needed the eleventh strike. August 13 he posted a 730 in the Hanover Seniors starting. 132.
There were so many people gathered around.” League. One week later he rolled 702 in that league, A couple couldn’t find a A bowler rolled a 259 game in
“Charlie has around 20 sanctioned perfect games where he was averaging 175, but is now up to 203. baby sitter so they brought his very first game and
now.” He is averaging 228 in his Thursday league. Or He used a Storm Rapid Fire ball fitted at Pro Image their six kids to the lanes with attempted to quit, saying he
at least he was before that game. He is 63 and resides Pro Shop by Kenny Yokobosky. Ken has also them. And at another quick could now truthfully say he had
in Bloomfield. coached and worked with Tom. And now “the rest of
meeting the league requested averaged 259 for the season.
LD Oppici is having a great summer in his leagues. the story.”
At age 24 he is a 20-year veteran of the game. “We First, Tom at age 60 had gotten away from bowl-
cage facilities. Big sighs of relief were
were just having fun. It was a close game as we both ing, and only returned three years ago. Once he Too many bowlers in too heard when all teams got off
went back and forth, trying to win. We just kept going came back he says he wondered why he ever many leagues didn’t know and rolling with only minor
and it happened.” More recently at Hanover, LD had stopped. However, two years ago Marks lost 90% much about the USBC and the problems.
another 300 and scored his first 800 series with a 298 of the vision in his right eye due to a condition first lesson was to tell them that One bowler kept cleaning his
game for a total of 811. He was averaging 230 in his known as optic neuropathy (blockage of the blood it stood for United States ball after every frame and most
Thursday league. “I’m having a great summer,” he vessel supplying oxygen to the optic nerve) and he Bowling Congress. thought that strange until they
said. It’s no wonder…. since his winter league team- says his bowling deteriorated. “That is when I start- A team captain argued that learned it was his birthday
mate, PBA Champion, Kelly Kulick, has helped LD ed wearing a patch over my right eye. It blocks out all the bowling shirts were the present.
refine his skills. “I learned a lot from her, and I’m the little vision I have in that eye. Fortunately, I
right size, until a 5’2”, 120 Another bowler switched to
going to start bowling (PBA) Regional tournaments in don’t need depth perception to bowl, so I was able
August.” He’s off to a great start! to improve over time.” He is enjoying two summer
pounder wearing a size 52 house bowling shoes after
leagues. bowling shirt tripped over his painfully discovering that the
*************** A retired business co-owner, Tom moved to collar as he rolled his first new shoes he was using for the
In these days of mega-scores, we tend to overlook Venice Florida, and lives and bowls there during ball. first time were a size too small.
achievements that may be less than a big 800 or the winter league season. “I bowl in the Seniors Ten bowlers were mad There were more mixed
even 900 series. And yet the 700 is something to be Classic League down there which includes several because their names were teams, men and women on the
respected. It means that someone averaged 233- ex-professional bowlers. I learned a lot watching spelled wrong on the rosters same team, than in the past,
plus over three games. them bowl.” Marks, and his wife, Priscilla, have and score-sheets. Ten other and the women more than held
“Back in the day” I remember hovering around the one daughter, Christina, and live in Denville during bowlers were madder because their own.
end pair of lanes at Rockaway Lanes, watching Doc the warm weather months. His bowling goals are to
there weren't any recap score- In the leagues in areas that
Russano complete his third game, trying for a 700 bowl a 700 series (check that off the list), average
series. He did it, and in fact made it look easy, but 200 for a whole season, and bowl a 300 game.
sheets. still allow smoking, the smok-
we knew it was difficult. Overcoming his vision disability was huge in get- There was much scurrying to ers got plenty of exercise run-
And now, two people at two ends of the age spec- ting to his first goal. “I thought of putting a parrot the rule book. ning off away from the non-
trum have achieved the septo-series. on my shoulder, too,” he joked. One bowler stuck on a lane smokers to grab a few puffs.
By the way, the Hanover league approach. Another bowler Many snack bars unveiled
Continued from page 1
Each of the four disciplines was run over six The 24 games played so far counted for the All
games and then the top four advaced to one game Events medals and also the top 16 qualified for the
play-offs for the gold, silver and two bronze Masters. The gold medal was taken by ‘strike
medals. machine’ Bill O’Neill of the United States with
The singles event was the opener with six games 5343 (222 avr.) and team-mate Chris Barnes
on medium oil and here the Americans struck their clinched silver on 5258. An American clean sweep
first treasure with Bill O’Neill defeating Korea’s was spoiled by Korea’s Jang Dong-Chul, taking
wunderkid Choi Bok-Eum, 242-202, in the play- bronze on 5091.
off final. In the semi-finals, O’Neill advanced after The 16 in the Masters were faced with best of
defeating England’s star Dominic Barrett, 187- five game matches, top seed against low, and the
170, and Choi Bok-Eum enjoyed beating Chris chock of the first round was Bill O’Neill’s depar-
Barnes of the United States, 217-191. ture, 2-3, at the hands of Finn Petteri Salonen. Also
The four teams to advance to the play-offs in the ousted was Korea’s Jang Dong-Chul. There were
doubles, played on long oil, were Sweden, four American qualifiers for the Masters and three
Malaysia, Germany and the United States. Here survived for the second round.
we saw the Americans denied a second gold medal All three won their next matches, Barnes taking
by the Swedish duo of Martin Paulsson and out Salonen, 3-2; Patrick Allen coasting home with
Mathias Arup of Sweden, the pair defeating a 3-0 win over Finland’s Osku Palermaa; and Wes
Patrick Allen and Rhino Page of Team USA in the Malott defeating Chang Hsing-Chao of Chinese
semi-finals, 449-373. In the other semi, Malaysia Taipei, 3-1. The fourth match between Korea’s
got to tackle Sweden for gold by beating Choi Bok_Eum against Wu Hao-Ming of Chinese
Germany’s Bodo Konieczny and Jens Nickel, 429- Taipei went the Korean’s way, 3-0.
325. The situation now with thee Americans and a
It was no walk-over for the Swedes, but they lone Korean in the semi-finals meant that two
took gold from the Malaysian pair of Alex Liew Team USA members would face one another for a
and Mohamad Aiman, 398-379. place in the final. That draw saw Patrick Allen
The Trios were scheduled in two blocks of three against Wes Malott whilst Chris Barnes played
games on consecutive days, the first three on Choi Bok-Eum.
medium oil, the second With three games of 201, 212 and 279, Allen had
on long. The four teams going into the play-offs an easy 3-0 win over Malott, but Barnes had a
were both of the Team USA threesomes, Mexico stubborn Korean who took the match all the way,
and Chinese Taipei. Barnes getting the edge 3-2.
Topping the preliminary table in first and fourth The semi-finals and final were filmed for later
places meant that the United States had to play transmission on Eurosport as well as having live
each other whilst web stream and many fans will treasure video
Mexico faced Chinese Taipei. copies of the epic finale to a wonderful champi-
Bill O’Neill, Chris Barnes and Tommy Jones onship.
won through to the final after a 590 tied game and Barnes took the first game over Allen, 213-188.
the 50 – 27 points in the ninth and tenth frame roll- Then he upped the pace to take the second game,
off, leaving Patrick Allen, Rhino Page and Wes 257-236. The third game had everyone on the edge
Malott with bronze. Mexico’s Ernesto Franco, of their seats as Barnes rolled the first nine strikes.
Jorge Rosado and Alejandro Cruz defeated Allen finished with a humble 212 and the stage
Chinese Taipei’s Cheng Hsing-Chao, Hung Yun- was set for Barnes to roll the championship’s third
Ki and Wu Hao-Ming, 607-576 to advance to the 300 game, a dream ending. Barnes delivered the
final. first ball of the tenth frame – a strike – then what
Patrick Allen led his trio to a convincing win and looked like a perfect pocket hit and had Barnes
a second gold by defeating the Mexicans, 607-576. leaping feet into the air, resulted in a stubborn 9-
Team USA has won gold in the past two World pin. He spared that for 289 and a 3-0 win for gold.
Men’s Championships, in Busan, Korea and 2006 “Certainly, the Masters title has always been
and two years later in Bangkok, Thailand and this high on my list,” said Barnes. “I've always thought
year the team gold was the ultimate aim. that when I lost to Raymond (Jansson) back in
As the United States qualified in first place and 1995 that I was never going to have a chance at it
Colombia were fourth, those two were to play one again. I knew I was going to turn pro at some point
semi-final, the other came between Finland and and I was devastated when I lost that game as I
Germany, second and third respectively. thought I would never be back in this position
The Americans went through to the final with a again. The difference between now and 15 years
1048-970 win over the Colombians and Finland’s ago s that I remember how nervous I was and how
996-941 victory over the Germans brought them much drama I had built up about winning this. I
within a chance of defeating Team USA and spoil- remember about the fifth or sixth frame and the
ing their chances of three team golds in a row. crowd going crazy. I looked around this wonderful
And that team final was easily one of the most place and took a moment to enjoy. Who knows
exciting matches ever staged, holding the packed whether I will be back in three years for the next
center in awe as the pendulum swung to the advan- World Championships. That was a great time to be
tage of one team then the other. It went right down where I was at that moment.”
to the tenth frame as Finland held a slight lead and When it was all over, the Americans went home
that left Team USA anchorman Tommy Jones the with eleven medals. Second were Korea with two
task of having to double in the final frame for victo- silver and a bronze and Germany booked two
ry. That he did and both teams received a standing bronze. Seven other nations had one medal each,
ovation. The score, Team USA 1073, Finland 1057. Sweden the remaining gold.