Lesson Plan KSSR Year 2 Week

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Focused Skills Listening and Speaking

Date 11.09.2017

Time 0800-0900

Class 2A

Number of Pupils 20/20

Proficiency Level Intermediate to Advanced

Theme World of Knowledge

Topic Unit 7 : Hobbies

1.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to pronounce words and
speak confidently with the correct word stress, rhythm and intonation.
Content Standard
1.3 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will be able to understand and respond
to oral texts in a variety of contexts.

1.1.4 Able to talk about a stimulus with guidance.

Learning Standard 1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral texts by:
(b) giving True/False replies

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

i. list down the hobbies stated in the video correctly
Learning Outcomes ii. circle the things or objects related to the hobbies correctly
iii. answer true/false questions correctly
iv. write 5 sentences about their hobbies
PowerPoint Slides – Pictures on how children spend their free time
Video – Hobbies Song
Hobbies Flashcards
Audio – Listening to conversation on hobbies
5x5 bingo board
Teaching Aids Worksheet 1 – Circle the things or objects related to the hobbies
Worksheet 2 – Answering true/false questions
Worksheet 3– Write 5 sentences on their hobbies
Remedial Exercise – Write 5 sentences on their hobbies based on the examples provided
Enrichment Exercise – Crossword Puzzle

Educational Emphases
i. Thinking skills Relate, Identify main idea, Generate idea, Draw conclusion

ii. Multiple Intelligence Visual-spatial, Musical, Verbal-linguistic, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Bodily-kinaesthetic, Logical-
iii. Values
Moral Value Spend time wisely

Cross Curricular
Element (CCE)
Stage/Time Teaching and Learning Strategy / Activity Remark

Set Induction 1. Teacher greets the pupils. TA :

(+ 5 minutes) 2. Pupils respond politely. PowerPoint Slides – Pictures on how
3. Teacher cleans the white board and writes the date/day on the children spend their free time (refer
board before starting the lesson. Appendix 1)
4. Teacher shows a PowerPoint slide on how children spend their
free time. MI : Visual-spatial, Verbal- linguistics
5. Teacher asks questions to pupils based on the PowerPoint
slide. CCE : ICT
6. Pupils answer the questions orally.
7. Teacher introduces the topic of the day – Hobbies. Examples of Questions:
What do you see on the slides?
What are they doing?

Presentation 1. Teacher plays a video entitled Hobby Song. TA :

(+ 15 minutes) 2. Pupils listen and watch attentively to the video. Video - Hobbies Song
3. Teacher asks the pupils to list down the hobbies stated in the Worksheet 1– circle the things or objects
video. related to the hobbies (refer Appendix 2)
4. Pupils list down the hobbies on a piece of paper. Enrichment Worksheet – Crossword
5. Teacher selects pupils randomly to present their answers. puzzle (refer Appendix 3)
6. Teacher discusses the answer with pupils and writes it out on
the white board. TS : Relate
7. Teacher distributes worksheet 1 (circle the things or objects
related to the hobbies) to pupils. MI : Visual-spatial, Musical, Logical-
8. Pupils answer the worksheet. mathematical
9. Teacher provides enrichment worksheet (crossword puzzle) to
pupils who finish worksheet 1 earlier.
10. Teacher discusses the answer with pupils.
Stage/Time Teaching and Learning Strategy / Activity Remark
TA :
Practice 1. Teacher shows the Hobbies Flashcards and asks pupils to Hobbies Flashcards
(+ 15 minutes) name the hobbies. Worksheet 2 – Answering True/False
2. Pupils answer the questions. Questions (refer Appendix 4)
3. Teacher distributes worksheet 2 (Answering True/False Audio – Listening to the conversations on
4. Teacher asks the pupils to listen to the audio and answer the
5. Teacher plays the audio. TS : Identify main idea
6. Pupils listen attentively and answer the worksheet.
7. Teacher discusses the answers with pupils. MI : Musical

Production 1. Teacher divides the pupils into groups of 4. TA :

(+ 20 minutes) 2. Teacher distributes a 5×5 bingo board and asks the pupils to fill 5×5 bingo board
in the board with any hobbies they have learnt or know. Worksheet 3 – Write 5 sentences on their
3. Teacher may also provide the list of hobbies for pupils to fill in.
hobbies (refer Appendix 5)
4. Pupils fill in the bingo board with hobbies.
5. Pupil from each group takes turn to come out and demonstrate Remedial Worksheet – Write 5
their hobbies by doing actions. sentences on their hobbies based on the
6. Pupils from other groups guess the hobby and cross it out if examples provided (refer Appendix 6)
they have written it down in the board.
7. Teacher rewards the first group of pupils who complete 2 lines TS : Generate ideas
of the bingo.
8. Teacher distributes worksheet 3 (Write 5 sentences on their
MI : Bodily-kinaesthetic,
hobbies) to pupils.
9. Teacher distributes remedial worksheet (Write 5 sentences on Interpersonal, Intrapersonal,
their hobbies based on the examples provided) to weak pupils. Verbal-linguistic
10. Pupils answer the questions.
11. Teacher gives guidance if necessary.
12. Teacher selects some pupils randomly to present their
13. Teacher discusses the worksheet with pupils.
14. Teacher praises the pupils.
Stage/Time Teaching and Learning Strategy / Activity Remark

Closure 1. Teacher recaps the day’s lesson by asking the pupils on what TS : Draw conclusion
(+ 5 minutes) they have learnt in the lesson.
2. Pupils answer the teacher. Moral Value : Spend time wisely
3. Teacher advises the pupils to spend their leisure time by doing
beneficial activities. Examples of Questions:
4. Teacher ends the class. What do you learn today?
Can you name some hobbies that you
Do we need to spend our time wisely by
practising hobbies?

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