Eep306 Assessment 1 Feedback

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EEP306 Assessment 1 - rubric

Student Name/Id: Brenton Hawken

Assessment HIGH
Designs and
creates an Designs and
Designs and Designs and
integrated, creates an
Demonstrate creates a creates an
synthesised, integrated, Designs and
ability to generally Indigenous
original and synthesised and creates an
design and integrated, education
creatively comprehensive Indigenous
implement synthesised and strategy lacking
comprehensive Indigenous education strategy
an effective comprehensive effective
Indigenous education with some elements
Indigenous Indigenous integration and
education strategy in of integration and
education education synthesis in
strategy in accordance with synthesis in
strategy that strategy in accordance with
accordance with established accordance with
integrates accordance with established
established curricula, established
ICT in established curricula, or not
curricula, applying curricula, applying
accordance curricula, applying
applying Indigenous aspects of
with applying Indigenous
Indigenous perspective in a Indigenous
established Indigenous perspective in a
perspective in a selected subject perspective in a
curricula, perspective in a selected subject
selected subject area, and acting selected subject
applying selected subject area, or without
area, and act on on the area, with some
Indigenous area, and acting demonstrated
the imperative imperative to ability
perspective on the imperative ability to act on
to involve involve demonstrated to act
in a selected to involve the imperative
Indigenous Indigenous on the imperative
subject area, Indigenous to involve
peoples in the peoples in the to involve
and act on peoples in the Indigenous
process. The process. The Indigenous peoples
the process. The peoples in the
selection and selection and use in the process. The
imperative selection of process. The
use of of Indigenous Indigenous content
to involve Indigenous Indigenous
Indigenous content shows incorporated in the
Indigenous content content
content skilfully awareness of the subject area is
peoples in incorporated in incorporated in
negotiates the complexities of accurate and
the process. the unit shows the subject area
complexities of identity, sources are
/15 research and wide is not accurate
identity, ownership, identified.
content and sources are
ownership, history and
knowledge. not identified.
history and location.
Uses Unique
appropriate resources
resources are/will be co-
Specific, local Local Indigenous Local
and developed with Local Indigenous
resources are input is Indigenous input
evidence to local Indigenous input is sought in
privileged over incorporated into is not sought in
support key people. selecting
generic or out- the selection of selecting
concepts Indigenous appropriate
of-country appropriate appropriate
and ideas. content resources.
resources. content. resources.
/5 positively
Assessment HIGH
of their own and
Excellent writing Good writing
writing which Writing does not
which which
demonstrates an Writing demonstrate a
demonstrates an demonstrates a
Expression exceptional demonstrates an satisfactory
excellent thorough
of key understanding understanding of understanding of
understanding of understanding of
concepts in of the key the key concepts of the key concepts
the key concepts the key concepts
Aboriginal concepts of an an integrated of an integrated
of an integrated of an integrated
education. integrated Aboriginal Aboriginal
Aboriginal Aboriginal
/15 Aboriginal education strategy. education
education education
education strategy.
strategy. strategy.
reference, Demonstrates
exceptional Demonstrates
literature Demonstrates some lack of
levels of excellent levels Demonstrates
cited in referencing which referencing
referencing of referencing referencing which
support of supports the which supports
which supports which supports supports the
the ICT presentation and presentation and
the presentation the presentation presentation and
presentation the rationale. Has a the rationale.
and the and the rationale. the rationale. Has
and the limited reference Has an
rationale. Has Has an excellent a reference list.
rationale. list. inadequate
an exceptional reference list.
/5 reference list.
reference list.

Brenton, what can I say?! The PPT presentation was brilliant … and the privilege you have
to use Wiradjuri language! Your focus on and challenge of racism was critical and by
presenting it ‘up front’ you lodged it in the space where it should exist. The slide on the
interrogation of teacher practice was superb. Brenton, you speak with authority and the
lived experience of being a Wiradjuri man … how can I judge that? You leave me in a
dilemna! However, the presentation was brilliant – covered all bases and more. The
speakers notes clearly articulated your intentions. With your permission I’d like to use it in
my work … (let’s talk, or email). Your rationale was equally as impressive Brenton. Your
Comments: work is of a standard of which you should be most proud. You have covered all the areas
listed in the rubric/matrix exceptionally well; your writing is planned, smooth, direct and
uncluttered. The referencing is to an appropriate standard. You have used your initiative
and your response is creative and most interestingly presented. Of course, you had the
enormous privilege of being a Wiradjuri man on Wiradjuri Country! May that always keep
you strong (and clever). Mambuwarra ngaa-mi-nya-gu. Wudhagarbinya wudha-dhuray-gu.
Winhangarra gulbali-gu. Janine.

37/40 (92.5%) = High Distinction

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