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Ali Zaidhan Zahid TP030410
Kotaibah Mohammed Ali Al_Abi TP031163




A project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement

For the degree of

BEng (Hons) in Mechatronics Engineering




JULY, 2017



1.1 Introduction
Health monitoring system of physiological parameters is frequently
important for the assessment of health conditions, diagnostic reasons and the
recognition of life or health threatening events. Especially, for infants, who can't
give any feedback about discomfort or health complaints it is an important issue
to gather target data under everyday conditions. Infant health status is significant
feature and health monitoring system is final solution for that. The new era
wearable technologies can be easily adoptable for monitoring systems the number
of infant deaths occur according to improper care taken. Mothers with newly born
infant have to stay away from their infant due to several reasons. During such
situation, health status of babies is hard to detect. The surprising fall and growth
in physiological parameters may cause sudden infants deaths and may lead to
apparently life-threatening events (Peng and Weng, 2008). Common concern in
the family community members nowadays. The mobile application will help user
to get real time body temperature, motion and remote messaging system to parents
if infant is awake. It will also provide health and report analysis as well as
emergency notifications. The developed baby vest includes fully integrated circuit
for motion, temperature and remote messaging system to family member to shows
the status of infant people, for the continuous monitoring of infants under clinical
and home conditions. It will allow the early detection of potential life-threatening
events calling for rescue as well as the recognition of the development or
progression of diseases at an early stage. Health protection or even life-saving thus
will be enabled in time. A variety of principles for the measurement of the
parameters has been assessed for the integration into garments. In this project,
integrated system monitoring has been proposed according to health issues for
monitoring infant people at home. There are three various methods should be
combined in order to the system works completely. The first method is Graphic
user interface (GUI) which will show the status of the infant person and
monitoring as well. The GUI consists of blocks diagram and codes via MATLAB
software. The second method is communication part that is interfaced by using
GSM module with microphone sensor. Finally, Electronics parts consists of
Temperature sensor, motion sensor.

1.2 Problem Statement

The most challenging of this proposed system is to take care of the infant
people at home while their parent at work and it will be solved by this device is to
provide parents and caregivers with a supporting mechanism that helps to take
care of infants in a manner that is responsible and does not obstruct the work of
medical professionals. Nowadays due to the highly hectic and busy lifestyle of
parents, it is easy to overlook minute issues in baby care. Infant people health is
most concern in the family society member nowadays. On other word, it is hard
to take care of the infant people and working in the same time. However, if there
is a maid for taking care of the infant people it will be more costly and will spend
a lot of money for that. Sometimes, a medical issue with the infant is noticed a bit
late and it may result in negative outcomes. When baby is taken for medical care,
often times distraught parents won’t be able to give correct and accurate
information. Thus, this project can monitor temperature and motion by using
Bluetooth module, uploading data to thingspeak via MATLAB and send alert
messages by GSM module to parents when the infant is crying or shouting. Which
ensures that the monitoring process is not hindered even if one part of the system
fails. Moreover, this system it is inexpensive and it can severe for long term of

1.3 Aim and objectives

To design and develop a health monitoring system for the infants

1) To monitor the temperature and sleeping pattern for the kid’s people.
2) To design a suitable GUI for the system in order to shows the status of
kid’s people

3) Remote messaging system to parents if baby is awake or if high fever is

1.4 Justification of the Research

The high demand of health care monitors in the current market and the
positive response from parents and caregiver’s due to the extra help it provides is
the reason why this industry is booming. Moreover, emphasis is being done on
incorporating healthcare professionals in order to use these devices responsibly to
improve infant’s safety. This project is considered necessary and important in
many regards and factors. The most important improvement is the safety of the
infants that provides a correct and accurate information by using this system. It
was the aim of this project to incorporate multiple functions in a very small piece
of garment the infant vest to be more comfortable and light-weighted. In normal
cases, the product attempts to put the baby or infant back to sleep which will
preserve more time for the parents.

1.5 Organization of the Rest of Chapters

1. Graphical User Interface and IOT(Ali Zaidhan Zahid TP 030410)
In this chapter, the methodologies and solutions of the other researchers
are compared and analysed from the respective journals. Graphic user interface
(GUI) which will show the status of the infant person and shows the working of
the GUI, its programming and contribution towards the whole project with the
final results and monitoring as well. The GUI consists of blocks diagram and
codes via MATLAB software.
2. Communication part (Safwan Sadeq Mahmood Ali TP031249)
The second method is communication part that is interfaced between GUI
and system components. In this chapter, the organizations and solutions of the
other researchers are compared and tested on from the particular journals. The
chapter contains the microphone sensor and GSM module with C++ programming
of the both modules that used with the results shown in it. This part will also able
to provide detailed analysis and report of the state of infant by capture the voice
of the infant using microphone and then send alert message via GSM module to
the family member or for person who is monitoring.
3. Electrical Systems (Qutibah Ali TP 031163)

The specifications of the Electrical circuit are important to identify the
operation temperature motion and other parameters in order to ensure the system
will work in its optimal condition. The methodology used in the system is
proposed, designed and implemented with proper engineering calculations and the
results are shown. In this chapter, the methodologies and solutions of the other
researchers which work on the same project are compared and analysed from the
respective journals.
Implementation and Enhancement (Ali Zaidhan Zahid TP 030410)
In chapter 6, the implementation of the entire system of this project is
realized and clarified as all section of the project come together to determine the
Sustainability (Qutibah Ali TP 031163)
In chapter7, the sustainability of the infant health monitoring is analysed
and discussed in detail due to provide a clear understating of how this system will
stand the test of time. The sustainability of the system is explained with respect to
three important aspects of social, economic and environmental in detail
Project Management, Entrepreneurship and Finance (Safwan Sadeq
Mahmood Ali TP031249)
In chapter 8, the individual task of all members regarding the proposed system
is discussed in this report and classified and exposed with help of a Gantt chart.
The cost estimation of the components used as well as discussed in detail.
Moral Professionalism and Ethical Considerations (Qutibah Ali TP 031163)
In chapter 9, the professionalism and ethical matters considered in this
project by its members is discussed based on codes of conduct. The basic concepts
and fundamental principles of right human conduct while morals personal while
ethics stress a social system in which those morals are applied.
Discussion and Conclusions (Ali Zaidhan Zahid TP 030410)
In chapter 10 the results for every individual work done on the project is
discussed in detail with problems faced and solutions provided to solve the
problems with conclusion ending the report.

1.6 Summary
In conclusion, this task was introduced an infant health monitoring system
for infant which can enhance the quality of infant-parent communication. With
the help of short range GSM module communication hardware receives data from
hardware device alerts will be made available to the user on the mobile phone
application, Graphic user interface (GUI) which will show the status of the infant
person and monitoring as well and electronics parts consists of temperature sensor,
motion sensor. So, the system can reduce the communication gap between parent
and the infant. In future, extra services like medication reminder, health care
support, health management can be implemented.


Graphical User Interface and IOT

2.1 Introduction
The graphical user interface was done by connecting the Arduino
microcontroller and the other peripheral devices to MATLAB software.
MATLAB is a program capable of processing large amounts of data at very fast
speeds and moreover, has the capability to work with multiple devices at the same
time. The GUI was designed in such a way that all the sensor readings from the
infant monitor are represented in the form of a graph. The reason for using a visual
representation is that experts who understand the threshold set for readings such
as skin temperature, movement and sound can give expert opinions based on that.
Apart from using the Arduino toolbox in MATLAB, the thingspeak toolbox was
used as well in order to create an IoT application. The IoT capability is important
because this gives the caregiver or parent an opportunity to send the data to
healthcare professionals. Another aspect of using IoT application is that over time
when sufficient amount of data is collected from each individual, the changes seen
in the sensor readings can give a better idea of what the health status is. This will
also give the doctor or healthcare professional a great level of understanding of
the changes from the norm. This could make a difference as it eliminates the time
factor in terms of dealing with a disease or health concern, because it gets
recognized very quickly due to the vast amount of readings available. Another
reason for the data collection and processing via MATLAB is the convenient
interfacing it allows with Thingspeak. Thingspeak is an open source IoT
application which allows users to upload sensory data to channels. The readings
can be sent or received from Thingspeak in 15 second intervals. This is important
as the integrity and functional efficiency of the infant health monitor depends on
the amount of data collection and the ability to build a profile on the infant.

2.2 Literature Review
Research was done on the use of Graphical user interface incorporated in
health monitors and the application of IoT in such devices as well. In a conference
proceeding held in Rochester, (Hassanalieragh et al., 2015) discussed that
although the technological capability to use sensors for health readings has existed
for a while now, the impact it has had on the health industry has been minimal.
Furthermore, the paper discussed various possibilities in which cloud based or IoT
based health management can be implemented using up and coming technology.

Figure 1: cloud based health monitor

System architecture was proposed by (Hassanalieragh et al., 2015) as seen
in the above illustration and it consists of three main parts. The data acquisition
using sensors that gather data on skin temperature, heart rate, Electrocardiograph,
blood oxygenation level and various other biometric readings. The next step is
data acquisition which is done by a low level bluetooth device that allows fast
transmission of data to a mobile device. Once this data is aquired, it is followed
through to the next stap which is cloud processing. This is a clear implementation
of IoT interface in order to make the device more practical and efficient. Analytics
would be performed on the IoT interface such that the relevant sensor readings
can be visually represented such that doctors can utilize this meaningful data to
give their proffesional opinions and feedback. They concluded that health
monitoring devices that can collect data in real time and process them in order to
give a proper visualization can be vital in improving the healthcare industry as it
allows users to get check ups remotely and greatly reduce the costs due to the
elimination of travel costs and usage of medical facilicites. A similar system was

developed and discuessed by (Shelar et al, 2013) which focused on taking heart
rate and temperature readings wirelessly using ZigBee. The research was focused
on reducing the repercusions caused by heart patients not getting healthcare on a
timely manner. The resaerchers were from india where, heart patients die
frequently due to this issue. The main components used were the ZigBee module
for data transmission, LM35D for temeprature acquisition and a custom designed
heartbeat monitoring device using LM358. The device construction, although
simple, gives a treasure trove of data that can help patients to get the required
healthcare in a timely manner.

Figure 2: heart rate and temp monitor

The final device composition is as seen in the above illustration. The
wireless transmission of data is processed and graphically represented as well.
Further improvements discussed for the product include the usage of GSM
module to send out alerts to more than one person in order to alert that the patient
requires medical attention. Both studies indicate that in order for health
monitoring devices to break into the healthcare industry, they need to be reliable
and gain the trust of medical professionals as useful tools. In order to ensure this,
the incorporation of IoT interface and extensive remote communicative
capabilities were seen as vital in both the studies that were reviewed.

2.3 Methodology

Figure 3: System block diagram

The system design was derived from the research papers reviewed in the
literature review. The concepts used are similar, although some enhancements
were brought about to alleviate the shortcomings seen in the system architecture.
One issue that had to be taken into consideration was the fact that the product was
designed for usage by infants. The program works in such a way that the GSM
module and Bluetooth device send information to a caregiver or parent, and the
parent decides if data acquisition needs to be done in order to send information to
healthcare professional. Once the Arduino device is connected to the computer,
the MATLAB GUI automatically connects itself to the analogue outputs of the
Arduino device.

Figure 4: MATLAB block diagram

In the MATLAB Graphical user interface, there are four major

functions. They are to show the sound levels, the movement via the accelerometer
and the temperature readings via the LM35D sensor. The most vital aspect of
using the MATLAB to have fast rate of data processing and moreover the easy
interfacing capabilities with Thingspeak, Once the readings are taken from the
relevant sensors, they can be uploaded online by pressing an upload button. The
data is taken in 15 second intervals.

2.4 Investigation of materials/components

Table 1: Component comparison

Software for GUI IoT service

MATLAB Thingspeak
Labview IBM Watson IoT platform
Fortran Blynk server

The range of applications that were available for designing a GUI were
very vast. The best options were MATLAB, labview and Fortran. All three of
these programs are very nuanced in terms of functionality and had the capability
of running the required programming for the infant health monitor. Therefore,
further comparison had to be made in order to decide which program was the most
convenient to use along with the device.

LabVIEW is an engineering program that is specifically designed for data

acquisition from a vast range of sensors and devices. In LabVIEW, the design is
done graphically. Therefore, in a programming perspective, the data can be

processed with relative ease. In contrast, MATLAB programming requires
understanding of the programming syntax and application of mathematics in order
to get the required result. In terms of processing large amounts of data MATLAB
is superior to LabVIEW. Moreover, MATLAB provides a wide range of toolboxes
that allow the programmer to enhance the creativity and efficiency of the system.
Moreover, LabVIEW is more useful for signal processing, whereas MATLAB is
better for receiving multitude of analogue signals at a fast rate, which is the main
requirement for this project.

Fortran is a numerical processing software designed by IBM. The program

functions are similar to MATLAB. Although data processing is faster in Fortran
in comparison to MATLAB and LabVIEW, this software is far more complex and
is not necessary for simple devices. Therefore, after evaluating the programs,
MATLAB was chosen to design the GUI because of easy development and
relatively fast speed of data processing. Thingspeak was chosen due to the fact
that MATLAB has toolboxes that allow easy connective to this specific IoT
platform. LabVIEW has good interfacing with IBM Watson interface and not with
MATLAB. Blink service is an IoT platform that works with Wi-Fi modules. This
was not ideal as the device would become too bulky and make it uncomfortable
for an infant to wear.

2.5 Concept design derived from fundamental engineering principles

The GUI development has four main parts. The interfacing with the
Arduino microcontroller, data processing, data visualization and uploading data
to thingspeak platform. The two toolboxes required are Arduino toolbox and
thingspeak toolbox. Initially, the Arduino was interfaced with the MATLAB to
see the speed of data acquisition and how much processing would be required in
order to make data visualisation practical and useful.

Figure 4: Arduino interfacing

The initial step is to declare the Arduino device as a global variable. This
is done so that the variable can be used in different functions within the program.
The com port and the device type have to be defined as well. This syntax is done
according to the programming logic defined in the Arduino toolbox.

Figure 5: lm35d sensor

Initially, just the temperature sensor was connected to the MATLAB
program. The first step is to mention that the specific Arduino is connected to
which com port. Then readings are taken for 100 iterations. The next step was to
take the analogue voltage reading from the A0 output of the Arduino.

Figure 6: lm35d sensor processing

The next step was to process the raw signal received from the temperature
sensor. The signals were received in millivolts. LM35D sensor works by
proportionally increasing the voltage output once the temperature increases.
However, to get a discernible reading, the data has to be manipulated. The code
above is implemented to change the reading into degree Celsius. This was done
in order to understand how the data is being processed and to check if the program
is efficient in taking readings. Similarly, the same steps were tried for the

Figure 7: adxl335 accelerometer

The main difference for the accelerometer is that it has three outputs that
need to be processed. The MATLAB program allows to get readings
simultaneously. This is convenient as movement detection is more precise and
allows for more accurate results. Similarly, the same method is used to retrieve
analogue signal from sound sensor as well. In the full system integration, all the
coding for the different sensors are combined and presented in such a way that the
GUI can be used to visualize the data as well as sending it to the thingspeak

2.6 System implementation

Figure 8: GUI interface

The final GUI design is illustrated above. In the concept design, the
sensors were connected individually and tested in order to get the best possible
results. This was done so that before combining the whole system together, any
flaws in sensors can be identified. The GUI basically consists of three graphs. The
first graph is the movement sensor. The second graph is the temperature sensor
and the third graph is the sound sensor. All readings are graphically represented.
Once the Arduino is connected and start button is pressed, the user will be asked
to check the Arduino is properly connected. The graphs will become scaled and
properly labelled as well. After each button for the respected sensor is pressed,
the graph will show the required amounts of iterations. The temperature is
represented in degree Celsius. Boih the movement and sound is represented in
millivolts. Processing of these sensor data is not necessary as the only requirement

is to see fluctuations in the graph that indication motion or excess sound. Upon
testing the threshold for movement is found when the sensor is not moving. The
sound baseline is also found when the room is quiet. With these thresholds
Identified, user or medical professionals can know if the movement variation is
frequent or less. They can identify the frequency of crying and agitation as well.

Figure 9: Thingspeak

Once the channel id and write key is inserted into the MATLAB program,
the data can be uploaded to the channel. The GUI has an upload button which
immediately sends the data to the thingspeak channels. This is very convenient as
doctors can observe the readings in real-time

2.7 Summary
The program works perfectly and takes all the readings from the sensors
simultaneously. Due to the fast processing in MATLAB, the information is
represented on graph immediately and the data is uploaded to thingspeak in a
matter of seconds as well.


Communication Part

3.1 Introduction
Firstly, the communication network is the most worldwide mobile
communication nowadays. In this case the GSM is one of popular communication
network that are including the initialization of terminal equipment, sending SMS
to group users, and the management on phonebook of SIM card, furthermore a
flexible solution on real-time reading SMS is proposed (B L, 2015). GSM based
on a health monitoring system for the infant’s project mainly works for allowing
family or relatives of patient to check the status of patient health remotely. The
system monitors the temperature and sleeping pattern for the kid’s people, if it
goes above certain limit then immediate informative alert message will be sent to
the registered number. The system also introduced a function through which a
relative of infants will able to check the status of patient by sending message. The
system efficiently updates a family member about health of patient as well as
accurately calculates the health parameter of patient. In other word, the
microphone system is using to monitor the health situation of human from the
shouting or crying sound generated by the human during attach the system in the
body of the kid’s people. The aims of this part are to develop wearable
technologies for healthcare monitoring purposes by an analysis of the sound
signals generated by kid's. The sensitivity of the microphone is enough to capture
the voice of a human being especially within close range while shouting which
reaches up to 100dB. The microphone is used to capture the voice of the user when
shouting for help and high sensitivity microphone is used (Chen and Ser, 2000).
Remote healthcare monitoring allows people to continue to stay at home rather
than in expensive healthcare facilities. It thus provides an efficient and cost-
effective alternative to monitoring

3.2 Literature Review
Several monitoring systems have been developed to monitor the situation
of the people. AlShu’eili, Gupta and Mukhopadhyay, 2011 proposed a monitoring
system that can detect the sound within a room. Home Automation system based
on the recognition of voice command that can fully work according to the speech

Figure 1: Block diagram of the handheld Microphone Module.

(AlShu’eili, Gupta and Mukhopadhyay, 2011)
Figure 1 shows the operation of the microphone module, through capture
the voice of the human to filtered, sampled and converted to a digital data by an
analogue-to-digital converter and send it serially as packets of binary data. Due to
figure that show above the microphone is captures human voice using a sampling
rate (fs) of 8 kHz and as known the heights frequency of human voice is 20 kHz.
Peijiang and Xuehua, 2008 proposed the remote monitoring system is an actual
process to obtain, analyze, transmit and feedback the remote goal information,
also it combines the most advanced science and technology field of satellite
positioning technology, communication technology and other areas. Safety is
most important needed of home for family. In this case, by combine two type of
technology such as microphone and GSM module they can detect the sound and
collect the data in its covering area and send SMS to the people who are
mentoring. GSM network technology has the benefits of wide covering area, able

to remote monitoring, fast network establishment, long communication distance
and reasonable cost. The remote monitoring system based on SMS of GSM is
obtainable. GSM is a digital mobile communication network which grows rapidly
in recent years. Short Message Service of GSM is a value-added service according
to the data packet switching provided by mobile communication. According to
(Peijiang and Xuehua, 2008), the GSM module is using as method of information
transmission that combine date of the remote monitoring station that used to
transmitted to the people who is monitoring. In this system is aimed to
establishing remote monitoring platform based on a GSM short message mode
that can monitor and control the remote communication between the kid’s people
and the family member who is monitoring. A GSM based health care device was
developed by (Adivarekar et al., 2013). The device had temperature sensor and a
heart rate sensor as the main components. The device consisted

The device schematic is as shown above. The device consists of the gsm
module which allows long distance data transmission as well as an alarm system
to give an alert upon emergency situations. The usage of GSM module had a lot
of advantages according to their research. Apart from the fact that the GSM
module has no negative health impacts, it is of significantly small size and this
allows easy integration. Moreover, the device also was seen to have low power
consumption as well. The device is very low cost as well. The research done by
(Adivarekar et al., 2013) concluded that developing healthcare devices with
remote capabilities would reduce the demand for emergency room trips and
routine checkups. Thus bringing about a lot of convinience to patients, doctors
and also has great economic benefit as well. (Shuvo, 2014) had done a similar

research as well. This research incorporated GSM systems as well as GPS. The
idea behind it was to get blood pressure readings and send the information directly
to the physician. This was advantageous due to the fact that medication can be
prescribed by the doctor immediately. Similar to the study done by (Adivarekar et
al., 2013) the same conclusion was reached which was, that such devices are
effective, user-friendly and moreover, the system would provide great help to the
healthcare deprived masses all over the world.

3.3.1 Introduction
This project is divided to three sections, the first section is the design of
GUI that shows the status of kid’s people, remote messaging system to parents if
baby is shouting, crying is monitored and the last section is detects body
temperature of the infant. The concept design of infant system was suggested for
the analysis as it is easy and quick for being dressed by the kid’s. The project is
to be methodically detailed with proper explanation of the materials selection and
the components that have been selected to build the infant system monitoring for
kid’s people which have been taken on the consideration of ideal materials in order
to get best accuracy and a reliable performance. The components that used in this
project are the necessary components used to control the system of this project
such as GSM module and microphone sensor. According to section the user will
be able to change the device settings via SMS.

3.3.2 Proposed methodology

In this proposed system, it describes the method to improve infants and
babies’ safety which involves identifying the physical activity a user is performing
within room. In this part of proposed system consists two main components which
are GSM module, that use to broadcast emergency message alerts to their parents
or a family member and the second part is microphone that defined as audio to
electric transducer or sensor that detects sound signals and converts them into an
electrical signal by capture the sound of the kid’s for monitor daily life of the kids
at home. By using microphone that used to capture the voice of the kid's and let
the parents know the situation of infant if the they are crying of shouting by

sending alert message using GSM module to family member. GSM module
connected to the Arduino that are used to send SMS to the user who is monitoring
and the Arduino software is used to control the whole system by sending instructions to
the components according to received data of the microphone. Based on this project, in
few year later will improve the robustness of the monitoring systems and increase
the reliability of the high-level in health care.

3.3.3 Flowchart of the project:

The main purpose of a flow chart is to provides a reference point when dealing
with a process. In this project, the flowcharts are used to identify the methodology of the
operating of GSM module and microphone sensor for infant monitoring system. It
describes what processes or what sequence are wanted to solve the given problem.

Figure 2: Flowchart of system

Figure 3 illustrates the concept of the infant to detects body temperature
of the infant, checks the movement levels and alerts sent to caregiver or parent via
GSM module. There is one Arduino controller that has been combine with GSM
module and microphone sensor that utilized to sense the physical quantities and

convert them into electrical signal. Firstly, utilize the voice of an infant if the baby
is crying or shouting the microphone will detecting the sound of the baby if there
is a sound will have captured the voice of the infant, after capture the voice will
start to be sampled and filtered to converted to digital data using an analogue-to-
digital converter. Than the Arduino will start to send the instruction to the GSM
module based on the data that has been received from the microphone. Finally,
the GSM will send SMS to the user who is monitoring or family member about
the situation of their infant. The Programming language that used is C++ language
to Arduino software to establish and control the path of the infant.

3.3.4 Block diagram of the system

Figure 3: The block diagram for GSM and microphone

Figure 3 shows the block diagram of the proposed system that will
presented the activity recognition method for the infant base on GSM module and
microphone sensor. To observe the infant and to show the activities of the infant
within a home. By using the microphone to detect voice of the infant and after
detecting the voice the alert message will be send by using GSM module to their

3.4 Investigation of components and material selection

To begin construction the prototype of the project the material selection
and components should be taken to be tested prior to initiating the designing stage
of the structure due to determine the reliability of the design to increase its
lifespan. Consequently, it must be assured that the material is up to the level of
being employed for the design before choosing it in order to improve the
performance in all possible aspects and achieve satisfactory performance of the
desired functions as well as to reduce the negative impacts and increase the service

3.4.1 Arduino Uno

Arduino Uno is defined as a programmed microcontroller manufactured in
a way to be effective and effortlessly integrated circuit. In this proposed system
used to give the instruction to the component and used to analyse the information
from the microphone and if the there is a sound, the infant person is crying or
shouting and will activate the GSM module to send an alert message to the family
member the infant is an emergency case please get a help. Arduino controllers are
going to be located behind the infant person’s with connected with microphone sensor
and GSM module.
Table 3. Arduino microcontroller type’s comparison
Types of the Operating Analog, Digital, Cost
Arduino Voltage I/O I/O in RM
UNO 5V 6/0 14/6 36
MEGA 5V 16/0 54/15 55

LilyPad 3.3 6/0 14/6 40

Fio 3.3 8/0 14/16 60

Table 3.1 the comparison table, it can obviously be recognised that

Arduino Uno is the cheapest one among all the other microcontrollers of its types
which can give the same output. As this project is concerned with providing
affordable and efficient product, the selection of Arduino Uno is therefore
justified. The Arduino UNO can work in 5V from the PC. The UNO has 6 analogy
inputs for analog devices, contain 14 digital inputs and 6 digital outputs. Arduino
is an open source electronics platform due to easy uses hardware and software.
All Arduino boards are completely open-source, empowering users to build them
independently and eventually adapt them to their particular needs. According to
the table, it shows the work situation of the Arduino Uno that the supply voltage
is starting work within from 5V to 12 V battery, this voltage is including high

capacity of charge to provides enough current around 40mA from Arduino to
make sure the system will be enough to charge battery.

3.4.2 GSM 900a module

GSM compatible Quad-band cell phone which is working on a frequency
of 900a. In this project, GSM module 900a used for sending SMS to the mobile
phone in the emergency case. On other hand, it used to communicate between a
computer and a GSM-GPRS system. GSM module has the low-cost cellular
device which consumes low power with higher speed performance compare with
other types of GSM modules. The reason of chose this type module is due to its
affordable price than other modules that will not growing up to overall price of
the design. Tables 3.2 illustrated comparison of GSM module with others different
module devices.
Table 3.4: Table comparison of GSM module
Price in
Type of GSM module Speed performance Power supply

Low power
GSM module 900a High Speed 61

GSM module1800 Medium Speed Medium 89

GSM module 800H Low Speed High 120

3.4.3 Microphone
In this project, the microphone is used to capture the voice of the infant
when shouting for help and this microphone is high sensitivity, but in this case, it
can adjust the sensitive of the microphone by potentiometer detecting the sound
threshold can be changed and the Clockwise will make module sensitive to sound
while counter unclockwise will make module less sensitive to sound. When the
sound power of external environment surpasses the present threshold, the output
drives to the low and the green LED will turn ON and on the other hand When the
sound intensity of external environment less than the present threshold, the output
goes high, the Green LED will remain turn OFF. The microphone will be attached

near to the infant person for to be more easily accessible. The output of the
microphone will be send to the Arduino Analog input which consist of a 10bit
ADC and then the input will be converted to digital output and send to the
computer via serial communication system to send massage to the user who is

Table 3: Table comparison of microphone sensor module

Types of Sensitivity Voltage supply Cost
KY037 High 5V Low

HiLetgo KY-038 Medium 4 – 6V Medium

5PCS Low 3.3 to 5.5 Highest

Table 3 shows the comparing of different sound sensor and the criteria of
microphone selection among all other sound sensor refers to the sensitivity,
accuracy and small enough to be located on a human body. Also, the sensitivity
of the microphone is enough to capture the voice of a human being especially
within close range while shouting the infant and the last feature the price is
cheaper than other types of the microphone.

3.5 System Implementation

In this part, the proposed system implementation is clarified and discussed
with fully detail based on the construction of prototype itself. The system follows
a certain parameters and essential principles. At the end, a test will be presented
with all the outcomes showing the efficiency of whole system.

3.5.1 Constructional details of the communications system

The construction details of the communication system are more important
to know the rang of the system because in the inside communication it is

significant to know the range for keeping the system. To start this progress there
is a microcontroller is using to require for integrated circuit. One of the popular
microcontrollers that used is Arduino. In addition, Arduino is simple and clear
programming that library codes are available. Moreover, it is easy to use and
flexible enough for advance projects. The Arduino progress board easy to
program, due to the Bootloader which is already programmed in the
microcontroller and uploading the program code to the memory since the whole
project is innovative and requires multiple programming of the microcontroller
for every component added in the system until it achieves the required job of

The work principle of GSM module

The diagram above is showing work principle circuit of the GSM

module. In this task, the GSM module has been connected with Arduino for
receiving date from it and the Arduino is connected to the computer. The
computer will send data to the Arduino then the Arduino will send data to the
GSM module. This system is monitoring the infant person within a room and
send alert SMS by using GSM module to let their parent know about the
situation of the infant when they are at working. For example, if the infant
person shouting or crying, in this situation the microphone will sense there is
someone crying need help. Microphone will send data to the computer after
that, the Arduino will send the data to the GSM module finally the GSM module
will send a message that there is emergency case to the mobile phone of the
family member who is monitoring the kid’s people.
Working principle of microphone sensor

Pin definitions and rating of microphone sensor

Pin Name Function

VCC Supply Voltage Connects to 5V

V OUT Digital Output Connects to digital output interface 12

GND Ground Connects to Ground

Potentiometer Adjustment for clockwise and uncolockwise

Microphone is involved three pins which are supplying power within a
region of output voltage from built-in voltage regulator in the Arduino that
supplies 5 voltage DC and the VCC supply of the microphone is connecting
with 5V in Arduino Uno that will charge one of the microphone plates and by
talking to the microphone the capacitance changes hence the change in the
charge output, also the grounded of the microphone is connecting with ground
of Arduino. This microphone is more sensitivity that can capture the voice of a
human being especially within close range while shouting which reaches up to
100dB. When the infant person is crying or shouting the microphone sound will
capture the voice of the infant, after capture the voice will start to be sampled
and filtered to converted to digital data using an analogue-to-digital converter.
Than the Arduino will start to send the instruction to the GSM module based
on the data that has been received from the microphone to send alert message
to family member or to the user who is monitoring the infant.

3.5.2 Programming Codes

Arduino programs involved three main parts which are structure values,
variables and functions. C programming is one of thousands of programming
languages currently that used because it easiest language to learn and allows
developer to write, modify, compile, and upload the program into any type of
Arduino board. It is a bit more obscure in its style than some other languages.

Also, it is most common program for small microprocessors, because it
provides a good trade-off within development effort and program efficiency,
for this reason it will be easier to wide-ranging guides and ways to solve

Figure 4: GSM and Microphone module codes

Figure 4 shows codes of GSM and microphone module through
connected to the Arduino which are used to capture the voice of the infant and
send SMS to the user who is monitoring the situation of the infant person. The
codes start with library include “softserial” and GSM module is connected to
pin 9 and 10 for communication transceiver. The microphone is connected to
the digital pin of the Arduino pin 12 and loaed a program to capture the voice
of infnat. After that, select the pins as input for each pin that have been connect
to the Arduino. “unsigned long lastSoundDetectTime” this function was used
to record the time that we measured for a sound alarm.

Figure 5: Initialize variables for GSM module
Figure 5 starts with void setup that used to Initialize the serial
communication between the Arduino and computer for debugging drive of at
communication serial speed. The (void step) is the main function of any system
to make the program processing and all the process repeat many time to finish
the whole process. The second line that is serial communication code 9600Kbps
is the bus speed of the serial communication between the GSM and the Arduino.

Figure 6: Arduino code for void loop

Figure 6 shows the (while loop) was used to control flow statement that
allows code to be performed repeatedly unknown number of times until the
condition is met. It is necessary to assign each pin to the required application of

the GSM and microphone sensors pins. Hence, the function “soundDetectedVal
= digitalRead” allows to detect the sound when its exceeded a set point that has
been selected and when the sound level exceeds the set point, an LED on the
module is illuminated and the output is low. Sound is detected via a microphone
and fed into a GSM module. And (if condition) was used for if the GSM is
working with SIM, the function starts taking place to send SMS when the infant
shouting or crying. Other function is using to show and print the result on the
serial monitoring. Switch statement used when there are more than two option
it allows to choose several discrete option for microphone if the sound its low
will turn on LED and print send message in serial monitor to pass for a person
who is monitoring. Otherwise, in case High when there is no sound just keep
processing will turn the LEDs off and print off in the serial monitor.

This function is using to send a message directly of data to the counter

part as soon as possible. The Messages are queued serially and delivered in the

order in which you sent them and delivery the messages happens
asynchronously, so this method returns immediately. In this code, void send
Message is using to sets the GSM module in the text mode to be ready to send
the message to set phone number for whom can send SMS. Then loop is created
for checking the statutes of the GSM and microphone sensor. After that, (if
condition) was used to checking the statutes of microphone is working. In
addition, if the voice is low print “LOUD, LOUD” which was written for user
that can read the text message.

3.6 Testing
Once the process was finished, the system was setup and design circuit was
tested. The diagrams of PCB in figure 7 shown the connection of the GSM
module and microphone sensor with Arduino controller.

GSM module

Figure 7: PCB connection for Arduino, GSM and microphone

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial mySerial(9, 10);
char msg;
int soundDetectedPin = 12;
int soundDetectedVal = HIGH; // This is where we record our Sound Measurement
boolean bAlarm = false;
unsigned long lastSoundDetectTime; // Record the time that we measured a sound
int soundAlarmTime = 1000; // Number of milli seconds to keep the sound alarm high
void setup()
mySerial.begin(9600); // Setting the baud rate of GSM Module
Serial.begin(9600); // Setting the baud rate of Serial Monitor (Arduino)
Serial.println("GSM SIM900A BEGIN");
Serial.println("Enter character for control option:");
Serial.println("s : send message");
pinMode (soundDetectedPin, INPUT) ;
void loop() {
soundDetectedVal = digitalRead (soundDetectedPin) ;
switch(soundDetectedVal) {
case LOW:
Serial.println("Sending msg");
case HIGH:
if (mySerial.available()>0)
void SendMessage()
mySerial.println("AT+CMGF=1"); //Sets the GSM Module in Text Mode
delay(1000); // Delay of 1000 milli seconds or 1 second
mySerial.println("AT+CMGS=\"+601111787176\"\r"); // Replace x with mobile number
if (soundDetectedVal == LOW) // If we hear a sound
lastSoundDetectTime = millis(); // record the time of the sound alarm
if (!bAlarm){
mySerial.println("LOUD, LOUD");
bAlarm = true; }
if( (soundDetectedVal == HIGH)){
bAlarm = false;
delay(100); }
mySerial.println((char)26);// ASCII code of CTRL+Z
delay(1000); }

Figure 8: The coding of the Arduino

3.7 Result
The microphone is connected to the digital pin of the Arduino pin 5 and
the other pins one of them is connected to the grouned than the last one is
connected to the power supply for loaded a program. In this secotin, afetr
connected whole system of this task and by the voice or the shouting of infant
person. The computer will receive the data that coming from microphone then
the data start prepares to transfer to the Arduino which will start give the
instruction by the USB port to send the data to the GSM module to send SMS
to the monitor person.

Figure 9: connection of whole circuit

Figure 10: Message on mobile phone

Figure 10 shows the message that have been sent by GSM module based
on the number that have put on the programming code. The message that had
written on the program is (LOUD, LOUD). Therefore, the GSM module is done
effectively without any issues.

3.8 Summary
Overall, this part of task is introduced a function through which a relative of
infants will able to check the status of patient by sending SMS message by using GSM
module when the kid’s people shouting or crying the microphone sensor will capture
the voice that generated by the human and this system will attach on behind the kid’s
people. The aims of this part are to develop wearable technologies for healthcare
monitoring purposes by an analysis of the sound signals generated by kid's to updates
a family member about health of patient as well as accurately calculates the health
parameter of patient. The project will carry in finding a suitable monitoring system for
the kid’s people.

Chapter 4

Electrical part

4.1 Introduction
The healthcare industry (also called the medical industry or health
economy) is a combination and integration of sectors within the economic
system that provides goods and services to treat patients with curative,
preventive, rehabilitative, and palliative care. It includes the generation and
commercialization of goods and services lending themselves to maintaining and
re-establishing health. The modern healthcare industry is divided into many
sectors and depends on interdisciplinary teams of trained professionals and
paraprofessionals to meet health needs of individuals and populations. In our
project, we focus on the healthcare equipment and services that provide medical
equipment, and medical supplies.
A sensor is a device which has a job to produces a measurable response
to a change in a physical condition, such as temperature or thermal conductivity,
or to a change in chemical concentration. Sensors are particularly useful for
making in-situ measurements such as in industrial process control. A sensor is
used to identify a parameter in one type and report it in another way of power,
often an electrical signal. For example, a pressure sensor might detect pressure
(a technical way of energy) and turn it to power electrical signal for display at
a remote gauge (FARDEN, 2004).
The purpose of this project is to design, developed and test a project
which was able to measure body temperature and motion for infant by using
accelerometer sensor has been created for measuring involuntary human body
motion. Body temperature is one of the key physiological parameters in infant
monitoring. Body temperature are very important parameters that are routinely
measured whenever a patient arrives in a hospital which makes body
temperature one of the very significant property of cardiovascular system the
body temperature also changes from one person to another and varies

throughout the day, Body temperature is a measure of your body's ability to
make and get rid of heat.

This project presents the design of a very low cost and simplified. It can
be measure kid's movement and body temperature the measured data will be
appeared on the LCD display and via Bluetooth send data to android
smartphone application. Evaluation of the device on real signals shows
accuracy in body temperature measurement.
The project should be systematically detailed with a good explanation
of the collection of materials and components used to build an infant monitoring
system that has been taken into consideration from the ideal materials for the
best accuracy and reliable performance. The components used in this project
are the necessary components used to control this project system such as
Bluetooth module, temperature sensors and accelerometer sensors The
methodology for the programming section of the project will be subdivided into
three separate portions where the body temperature will be done using the
Arduino software and the accelerometer and Bluetooth section program will be
explained in detailed including the LCD display used and the desired output of
the system. The analysis of the project breakdown is explained with the aids of
flowcharts to satisfy the objectives of the overall system.

4.2.1 Proposed methodology

In this project, the main part of the circuit is Arduino Microcontroller.
Arduino board is a micro-processor and a storage, it is the brain and the decision
maker. Sensors are very important it's represents an evolution in technology
world. Sensors are used Temperature sensor LM35 and Accelerometer Sensor
Analog signal by using Arduino Analog signal converts to digital signal and
temperature sensor measures the temperature from the body where the data is
displayed in LCD monitoring for further processing and patient care.

In this part of proposed system consists components that will be used

which are Accelerometer sensor used to measure infant movement. the sensor

needs to measure acceleration along three mutually perpendicular axes to
reconstruct the total acceleration of the system Accelerometer is a measurement
of change in speed, or velocity divided by time,

in this project accelerometer used to measure the movement of the child

and Bluetooth module it will send the data of the body temperature reading and
motion to shows the measured result in android application the android device
will read the data and show the result of temperature in degree Celsius and the
motion detect. The system gives information of baby movement and body
temperature simultaneously acquired on the portable device in real time and
shows it through the connected Android application. The developed system is
more affordable with low price compared to other developed devices due to use
of easy available Arduino UNO and smart phone as Android device.

4.2.2 Flowchart
A flow chart is a graphical or symbolic representation of a process. Each
step in the process is represented by a different symbol and contains a short
description of the process step. The flow chart symbols are linked together with
arrows showing the process flow direction. In this project, the flow chart is
used to show the flow of the project like from the start to what will happen
while carrying out the entire project temperature sensor and accelerometer
sensor how to send data via Bluetooth to show in Android application for infant
monitoring system.

Figure 11: Flowchart of system
Fig. 2 shows the system flow chart. Firstly, placing the baby skin and
hand in the infrared sensors the microcontroller gets the Analog reading for
corresponding body temperature. the microcontroller read input voltage from
Analog pin than convert input voltage into temperature in degree Celsius after
that send the value of the body temperature display in LCD the Bluetooth
connection between the processing unit and microcontroller and the Android
device When the signals are digitized by the microcontroller sends the motion
and body temperature to the android “Arduino Bluetooth control” application
through HC-05 Bluetooth module. Through this approach it is now become
very easy for continuous motion detect and body temperature monitoring. The
Programming language that used is C++ language to Arduino software to
establish and control the path of the infant.

4.2.3 Block diagram of the system

Figure 12: The block diagram for the system

Figure 3 as we can see the block diagram for the system to
Accelerometer sensor to measure movement of the infant. A temperature sensor
has been used to measure body temperature. Arduino UNO microcontroller.
Here, we will measure the movement of the infant by the accelerometer sensor
and we will display the motion detected of accelerometer sensor in a 16X2 LCD
display But, the three outputs of 3-axis accelerometer sensor are analog in
nature and microcontroller cannot process the analog signal directly. So, first it
will convert the three analog outputs of ADXL335 accelerometer sensor to
digital values using its analog to digital converter and then it will display the
digital values in the 16X2 LCD display if there is any detected motion from the
infant than sending by Bluetooth to android device application. The
microcontroller of the Arduino UNO board is programmed to count the motion
and to measure the body temperature to convert the anlage value of temperature
sensor and send in degree and to send the information to the android application
via Bluetooth module block diagram shows the working diagram of the system.

4.3 Investigation of components and material selection

There are different types of each component such types of sensors and
microcontroller. The comparison between the materials used with the other
materials will be explained in this part.

4.3.1 The Microcontroller (Arduino UNO)
Arduino is an open-source platform used for building electronics
projects. Arduino consists of both a physical programmable circuit board
sometimes referred to as microcontroller and a piece of IDE (Integrated
Development Environment) which is responsible of the way the process runs
on your computer, used to write and upload computer code to the physical
board. Arduino is a microcontroller board which has the ability to interact more
of the physical world than the usual PC. Arduino board when connected to the
computer, can be used to control, by taking inputs from sensors, motors, LEDs
and other physical outputs (Arduino, 2014).

Table 1: Microcontroller Comparison Table.

Microcontroller Programming Number of Price Researcher experience
Language with Microcontroller
Digital I/O
PIC16F877A C-programming 33 pins Medium Low

Arduino C-programming 12 pins Low High

Raspberry Pi Phyton 8 pins Medium Low

Model B

Table 2.2 the comparison table, it can obviously be recognised that

Arduino Uno is the cheapest one among all the other microcontrollers of its
types which can give the same output. As this project is concerned with
providing affordable and efficient product, the selection of Arduino Uno is
therefore justified. The Arduino UNO can work in 5V from the PC. The UNO
has 6 analogy inputs for analog devices, contain 14 digital inputs and 6 digital
outputs. Arduino is an open source electronics platform due to easy uses
hardware and software. All Arduino boards are completely open-source,
empowering users to build them independently and eventually adapt them to
their particular needs. According to the table, it shows the work situation of the
Arduino Uno that the supply voltage is starting work within from 5V to 12 V

battery, this voltage is including high capacity of charge to provides enough
current around 40mA from Arduino to make sure the system will be enough to
charge battery.

4.3.2 Bluetooth module (HC-6)

We used the HC-6 because it is more flexible than the others and it is
recommended for the user. HC-6 module is a serial port protocol used for
transmits and receives high data through wireless serial connection. The
microcontroller is connected to the Bluetooth module by jumper wires then it is
connected to the PC through the serial communication. This device is placed in
the main circuit which is placed in the wrist of the infant. The Bluetooth is used
to communicate between the main circuit send data to display in android

Figure 4 specification of the Bluetooth module (Datasheet, 2013)

4.3.3 Liquid crystal display LCD

Liquid Crystal Displays Liquid crystal display (LCD) is a flat electronic
display panel used as a visual display aid. It uses liquid crystals to create visual
effects on screen. Liquid crystal is a state of matter between solids and liquids.
LCDs do not generate light on their own but rely on sunlight or room light to
generate images with help of liquid crystal.


• 5 x 8 dots with cursor
• Built-in controller (KS 0066 or Equivalent)
• + 5V power supply (Also available for + 3V)
• 1/16 duty cycle
• B/L to be driven by pin 1, pin 2 or pin 15, pin 16 or A.K (LED)
• N.V. optional for + 3V power supply

Figure 5 : LCD pis layout

4.3.4 Temperature Sensor

The input of this system is LM35 sensor that defined as an accurate
integrated-circuit temperature devices with an output voltage linearly that is
proportional to the Centigrade temperature. The LM35 it provides a higher
generates output voltage. The linearity of this sensor is + 10mV/°C Scale that
means each one degree increasing in temperature the output of LM35 sensor
will be increase10mv/°C. Otherwise, if the output of LM35 is equal 120mv the
temperature will increase to 12°C. Also, it does not need external calibration to
process an instrument and keep an accuracy of +/-0.4 oC at room temperature.
LM35 sensor are include three parts which are Vin that have range between 4
to 30v, Vout and the grounded as shown below in the figure.

Table 2: Comparison of different types temperature sensor

Type of sensor Temperature
Input voltage Supply current Accuracy
range (typ)
LM35 sensor 5 to 30V
-50 to +300 °F 160µA +/-1 °F
LM34 4 to 30V
-55 to +150°C 114µA +/-0.5°C

4.5 to 10V
LM50 -40 to +125 °C 130µA +/-2 °C

Table 3.2 shows the comparison between three types of temperature

sensor. There is one famous type of this sensor which is LM35. The operating
voltages for lm35 sensor are same 5 to 5 V. The range reading in LM35 is more
accuracy as well as the temperature reading. However, in this project the
feature of the lm35 sensor is enough to complete the project and get the estimate
reading. Also, using this sensor will save the cost since they have same

4.3.5 Accelerometer sensor

An accelerometer is an electro-mechanical device that will measure
acceleration forces. These forces may be static, like the constant force of gravity
pulling at your feet, or they could be dynamic caused by moving or vibrating
the accelerometer. Range is the level of acceleration supported by the sensor’s
output signal specifications, typically specified in ±g. This is the greatest
amount of acceleration the part can measure and accurately represent as an
output. For example, the output of a ±3g accelerometer is linear with
acceleration up to ±3g. accelerometers are used to measure static acceleration
(gravity), tilt of an object, dynamic acceleration, shock to an object, velocity,
orientation and the vibration of an object.

Accelerometer ADXL335 Module Specification
Interface 3v/5v microcontroller
Voltage requirement 3-6V DC
Output format Analog output
Measuring rang -/+3g
Measuring values (-3 to +3) X (-274 to +325)
Y (-275 to +330)
Z (-275 to +310)

Table 3 show accelerometer Module Specification

 3V-6V DC Supply Voltage
 Onboard LDO Voltage regulator
 Can be interface with 3V3 or 5V Microcontroller.
 All necessary Components are populated.
 Ultra Low Power: 40uA in measurement mode, 0.1uA in standby@ 2.5V
 Tap/Double Tap Detection
 Free-Fall Detection
 Analog output

4.4 System Implementation.

Using the components chosen for the irrigation system, the system was
built. In this section, the block diagram and circuit of the HC-6 module will be
explained below.

4.4.1 Block Diagram

Connect the Bluetooth with Arduino as it shows in the block diagram in

figure 11 The ground of the Arduino is connected the the ground of the
Bluetooth module, 5V of the Arduino is connected to the VCC of the Bluetooth
module, the transmitter Tx of the Arduino is connected to the receiver Rx of

the Bluetooth module and lastly through the serial communication the
Bluetooth module will transmit the data to the computer where the GUI is and
show the result in android application.

Figure 6 connect Arduino with Bluetooth Module

4.4.2 Circuit

Figure 7 Circuit design for the Bluetooth module

Working principle of Temperature sensor

In this project, we will demonstrate how to build temperature sensor circuit

using a LM35 sensor. As a temperature sensor, the circuit will read the
temperature of the surrounding environment and relay the temperature to us
back in degrees Celsius. The IC we will use to measure the temperature is the
LM35 IC. We will integrate this with the Arduino to measure the temperature.
The Arduino will then read this measured value from the LM35 and translate
into degrees Fahrenheit and Celsius, which we will be able to read from the
computer from the Arduino serial monitor.

Connect the temperature sensor to board
 Connect the +Vs to +5v on your Arduino board.
 Connect Vout to Analog0 or A0 on Arduino board.
 Connect GND with GND on Arduino.

Figur8: Connecting Arduino with LM35

Working principle of LCD I2C display

An LCD display that can display a max of 16x2 characters. with the help of the
I2C bus converter and related libraries, you can easily use this module with
just 2 wires. I2C serial interface board Module for LCD Display is an Arduino
compatible module for any project to lessen the wire connections and to use
normal LCD shield after connected with certain quantity of sensors with this
we will be able to realize data display via 2 wires Concerning the package, it's
only a few millimeters thicker than the LCD alone. There is a useful 4 pins
connector for I2C (and another one if you need to connect something else on
the bus), and an adjustable for the contrast control. Just connect the ground
and the voltage (5V) to the Arduino then the data SDA on ANALOG 4 and
clock SCL on ANALOG 5. In fact, these pins are also digital for the TWI
hardware inside the micro-controller of Arduino. The LCD I2C is connected
to the Arduino as shown below.

Pin definitions and rating of LCD I2C connection with arduino

Table 4 show LCD I2C interface with Arduino





Vcc 5V

Figure 9 : Connecting Arduino with LCD

Working principle of accelerometer sensor

Figure 10: Connecting Arduino with accelerometer sensor

Table 5 show accelerometer interface with Arduino

Pin Name I/O Details

VCC Supply Voltage Connects to 5V

GND Power GND Ground

X O/P X Channel output

Y O/P Y Channel output

Z O/P Z Channel output

In figure show how to connect an Arduino to the ADXL335 Triple Axis

Accelerometer. The following picture describes which pins on the Arduino
should be connected to the pins on the accelerometer The X,Y,Z pins of the
sensor is connected to Port A of the micro-controller. Here X,Y,Z pins are
connected to A2, A3, A4 respectively. Connection diagram is shown below in

Final System Design

Figure11: final system design

Programming Codes
The program structure is separated into two distinct sections; the transmission
section program and the receiver section program. For each section, the program
structure is separately explained by parts, to provide a clear understanding of the
overall program structure. Once the code is written, the Arduino software is used to
test the codes written using the serial monitor. The figure 4.6 below shows the
Arduino software window with the respective features needed to upload and verify
the codes. The flowchart illustrates the sequence at which the program is uploaded
for the testing purpose. As shown, once the electronic circuit is assembled, the
Arduino board is connected to the computer via the USB slot. Once a stable
connection is made, the Arduino codes can be created, altered or deleted. The Arduino
IDE software must include the library functions and the serial connection; otherwise
the board will not be able to communicate with the computer using the serial
connection. Once the connection is established and basic program is written, the
troubleshooting can be done by testing the hardware output response and the serial
monitor output display.

Figure 12: Arduino program upload, verification and testing

Figure13: LM35 and LCD codes
Figure 4 shows codes of LCD connected to the Arduino which are used to
display the body temperature value of the infant and motion to the user who is
monitoring the situation of the infant person. I started by defining the libraries we
need for the LCD. Then we defined the variables needed by the LCD and the LM35
I added the variable temp to display the temperature in Celsius. We define the pin for
reading and assign this constant by pinA0.Our reading will be in Analog pin 0, so we
will use AnalogRead

Figure14: read accelerometer axis codes
Using this code we are reading output from X,Y and Z axis od accelerometer during

Figure 113: Initialize variables for Bluetooth module and LCD display
Figure 5 starts with void setup that used to Initialize the serial communication
between the Arduino and computer for debugging drive of at communication serial
speed. In the Void setup, I tell the Arduino that I am using a 16X2 LCD, turn on the
back lights and print some lines that will not change. serial communication code
9600Kbps is the bus speed of the serial communication between the Bluetooth and
the Arduino. the setup function will only run once, after each power up or reset of the
Arduino board.

Figure114: Arduino code for void loop
Before we can get a Celsius reading of the temperature, the Analog output
voltage must first be read. This will be the raw value divided by 1024 times 5000. It
is divided by 1024 because a span of 1024 occupies 5V. We get the ratio of the raw
value to the full span of 1024 and then multiply it by 5000 to get the millivolt value.
Since the output pin can give out a maximum of 5 volts (1024), 1024 represents the
possible range it can give out. The raw voltage over this 1024 (value) therefore
represents the ratio of how much power the output pin is outputting against this full
range. Once we have this ratio, we then multiply it by 5000 to give the millivolt value.
This is because there is 5000 Millvolts in 5 volts. Once this Analog voltage in
millivolts is calculated reading every 5 seconds.

In the first part, we read the accelerometer and keep the numbers within a
range analogWrite wants values from 0 – 255 so this keeps the values returned by
analogRead (sensorXYZ)

Testing and code

Figure 15: The coding of the system


Figure 16: connection of whole circuit

Figure 17: result display on mobile phone

Figure 10 shows the result message that have been sent via Bluetooth module
result show the corresponding android application display for both the motion
function and temperature of the infant. The temperature and accelerometer send via
Bluetooth module is done effectively without any issues. The figure above shows the
testing of the Bluetooth from the Arduino to the Bluetooth module then to the phone.
We download application called Bluetooth Arduino control for testing the receiving
the data. We connected the Bluetooth module to the phone through the serial
communication and did paring for it. However, as it shows in the figure above the
data is received to the phone correctly which means that this Bluetooth is successfully

4.5 Summary
In our first article, we have realized a simple circuit for body temperature and
motion by using accelerometer, starting from the components needed, the electrical
diagram of the circuit, to end with the writing of the C++ code and the test application.
In the next article, we will expand the project by entering the threshold values of
temperatures, showing the actions to be done depending on the temperature detected
by the sensor LM35. To sum up, the project objectives have been achieved.
The overall system operating just as expected, we could achieve the required
target with minimum programming, and minimum equipment, when the system is on,
it starts sensing the body temperature and motion than display it on the LCD screen
and showing result with android.


Integrated system and enhancement

5.1 Introduction
Overall, the system consists of three main parts. The GSM module that detects
the sound via analogue signal that is received from the sound sensor. The GSM
module is preprogrammed with a specific number which can be a healthcare
professional or caregiver. The second aspect of the design is the Bluetooth interfacing
with mobile phone. The user can see the temperature and movement of the infant via
the phone as long as the mobile phone is in close vicinity. The third aspect is that of
the GUI and IoT interface. Readings are graphically represented and the user can send
the data to thingspeak channel via a press of the button.

Figure 10: Full system integration

The full system works in two separate sections. Firstly, the GSM module sends
information to the user via text message. The second aspect of it is that Bluetooth
module sends the information to the user on the mobile application. This information
is sent to the caregiver or parent. At this point the parent determines if the child
requires medical attention. Once this stage is reached, the user has the choice to
connect the sensors to the MATLAB interface. The GUI shows a graphical
representation of all the data. Moreover, this data can be sent over to the thingspeak
channel immediately as well. This allows a medical professional to look at the
information and determine what the possible issue might be.

Figure 9 GSM module

The GSM module is connected to the Sound sensor. The sound sensor
threshold can be set. The sensitivity can be increased or decreased according to the
environment so that sound can be detected accurately. The GSM module is
programmed in such a way that a message is sent to the parent when the sound is too
loud. As this is an indication of agitation or some kind of disturbance in the vicinity,
the baby can get attention immediately. Moreover, the GSM capability allows the
message to be sent even if the internet is not working or if the Bluetooth mechanism
fails. This is an implementation done in order to enhance the safety of the baby.

Figure 10 Bluetooth
The Bluetooth module is also another feature that allows remote
communication to happen. The baby monitor is connected to the mobile application
via Bluetooth signal. The information presented on the interface is done via serial
communication. The data is sent on a loop. The skin temperature is consistently
provided as well as the motion detection. This a great tool as gives information very
directly and can be used in order to get information regarding the baby’s condition
while in nearby vicinity even though out of earshot or sight.

Figure 11 GUI results
The GUI shows the graphical representation of the sensor readings. The
volume, movement and the temperature readings are shown. Upon testing to find the
stabilized value for volume and movement, it was determined that there was a specific
baseline when there is either no sound or no movement. This can give an indication
of whether the baby is agitated or having an episode of SIDS.

Figure 12 Thingspeak code

The final step of the full system integration is to use the channel ID and write
the information to the channels in the thingspeak platform. A loop is repeated every
16 seconds as this is the maximum rate supported by thingspeak.

Figure 13 Final product

The final 3d design and the final product is seen in the illustration above. The
device is a thick vest which provides insulation from any possible electric shock. The
comfort of the infant is also taken into consideration. The vest has pockets in which
the devices are placed. An LCD display is also presented to give a visual
representation of the movement and temperature. The skin temperature is measured
by an insulated probe that touches the skin of the baby. This would give an accurate
result and the device was tested in order to ensure that it does not cause any physical
harm to human skin.

5.2 Summary
Overall, the system was fully integrated without any major flaws. However,
from time to time an error arises due to the multitude of signals being sent and
received. This issue can be fixed in further improved models of the same device.
Usage of printed circuit boards can be also a good improvement as it would reduce
the space consumed by the whole device. However, the current prototype has a wide
range of capabilities that make it a useful tool for infant health monitoring.



6.1 Introduction

Sustainability should be taken on the consideration for any project because if

the project is sustainable that means the project will be for long live and it is easy for
anyone to get it. The sustainability section of the entire project will include the
sustainability of the system in terms of environmental, economic and social
sustainability and the system enhancements.

6.2 Sustainability Development

The term sustainability refers to the capability of coping up with the needs and
requirements of the current generations without negotiating. (World commission on
Environment and Development, 1987). the system designed should be eco-friendly
and has no harm over human body, power consumption plays an essential role in any
project the low power utilized the more better the system can be in terms of energy
saving. Furthermore, to have sustainable system the system must meet certain criteria
which are economically, environmentally, societal and globally. A project in general
is a sustainable project only if all three aspects are met.

6.2.1 Environmental:
Environmental sustainability is one of the most important aspects to consider
when proposing an idea as the real-world application, whereby the device or project
must be sustainable in the sense that no negative effect is inflicted towards the
environment in any way to ensure that the future generation is not affected. The
environmental sustainability in terms of the infant health monitoring system designed
does not affect the environment as the system does not produce any harmful by

product. The only drawback is the electronic components. However, these
components can be recycled. The construction of the can be recycled and repurposed.
This shows that the project is entirely sustainable in terms of environmental

6.2.2 Economical sustainability:

Economical sustainability deals with the financial aspect of the project and
how well will the project perform in the market. The financial aspect of the system is
sustainable as the cost of manufacturing the project is extremely low and with
government aid for those in need and with large scale manufacturing of the project,
the individual cost for each individual project can be further reduced. Here the cost
of the project should be considered. The components of the project are low in the
costing and can be for long live. Furthermore, the quality of the components is
considered and we choose the good quality with low cost to make the project

6.2.3 Social sustainability

Deals with whether the targeted individuals will purchase the product or not.
Since the main concern is the cost, once the cost is reduced, with proper information
from the media and support, those whom need the product will be able to purchase
them at will. The radiation that harm the body should take in consider because it
affects the human being. It can kill the human or case diseases for them like cancer.
In this project, no radiation will affect the human being. This will help to monitor the
status of the infant.

6.3 Summary
In conclusion, the proposed system which is in this project is
environmentally sustainable in the sense that no negative effect is inflicted
towards the environment in any way to ensure that the future generation is not
affected as well as. The system is widely socially accepted and approved by
different nations around the world and would be very useful in populated modern
cities of the globe. The Sustainability should be taken on the consideration for
any project before starting to design or build a system.



7.1 Project management

The project management section will be divided into two sections. The first
section will be discussing the timeline for each project component presented in a
Gantt chart. The scope of the project timeline schedule will include the individual
work component and the group component work. The second section will be
discussing the estimated cost analysis which will include the estimated cost per unit
of the components, the actual cost per unit of each components and the total cost for
all the components combined providing a clear budget spend for the construction of
the entire system.

7.2 Gantt Chart

A Gantt chart, commonly used in project management, is one of the most
popular and useful ways of showing activities (tasks or events) displayed against time.
On the left of the chart is a list of the activities and along the top is a suitable time
scale. Each activity is represented by the bar, whereby the position and length reflects
the start date, duration and end date of the activity. It also allows to see what other
activities are there, when each begin and end, how long each activity is scheduled to
last, where activities overlap with other activities and by how much, and the start and
end date of the whole project. (, 2015) the Gantt chart as shown in table 8.1
below follows the same structure. Chapter was primary the idea selection and the real-
world application of the proposed system. A combined group presentation was
presented to finalize the project idea approval. Once the idea was approved, the tasks
were separated based on the circuitry component, communication component,
programming component and the GUI component. For each component breakdown,
the introduction to the component, literature review of previous research conducted
which is related to the individual components, the methodology of the proposed
system design, the materials used and finally the system design or implementation
was detailed. Once the individual components were completed, the system integration
was conducted to integrate all the individual components of the system. Chapter 6
and the following chapters will cover the sustainability aspect in terms of
enhancements, project management and finally the discussion, conclusion and future

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Electrical System            
Title selection
Title Proposal
Prototype Mechanical Part
Literature Review
Communication System
Select the material
Literature Review
Proposed methodology
Innovative Idea
Components & Concept Design
Build the Prototype Part of
Communication System
Programming of the Communication
Result 74
Graphical User Interface Integration (GUI)
Literature Review
Idea of GUI for the Project
Innovative Idea of the GUI
Select the Software
Concept Design
System Implementation
Testing the GUI
Mid-Point Presentation
Project Report Writing
Final Presentation
Poster Presentation
Submission report

7.3 Estimated Cost Analysis
The estimated cost analysis for the project components used will be done by
components used for the project. Table 8.2 below shows the details of all the
components used, with the respective quantity of each component used for the project
construction and the estimated and actual cost of the entire list of components. The
total cost of the system was a total of RM424.5.

Table 7.2: components cost estimation.

Name of the component Cost Total price (RM)

Quantity Price for One Piece (RM)
Arduino UNO 3 70.00 140.00
Accelerometer sensor 1 28.00 38.00
Lm35 Temperature 1 4.00 4.00
HC-06 HC06 Bluetooth 1 15.90 35.00
Jumper Wire 40 0.20 8.00
Microphone 1 4.50 4.50
IIC 12C LCD 1602 1 15.00 15.00
Display module
GSM Module (SIM900) 1 60.00 60.00
RF Transmitter 433MHz 1 4.00 10.00
RF Receiver 433MHz 1 4.00 70.00
ESP8266 Arduino 1 25.00 25.00
Breadboard 3 5.00 15.00
Total (RM) 424.5



8.1 Moral Professionalism

In order to achieve the highest standard of moral professionalism and ethics
was taken into consideration during the conduct of the project to ensure the project
did not violate any rules. The five main clauses of BEM Code of Professional Conduct
were related to the project and discussed. The followings codes of BEM will be
embedded with this project.
Clause 1.0 “A Registered Engineer shall undertake assignments only if he is
qualified by education and experience in the specific technical fields in which he is
Everyone in the group is qualified for education and expertise in the specific
technical areas in which they are involved in this project and knowledge of the
fundamentals is essential for this project because it includes prototyping and
simulation. Therefore, the group members are from various engineering fields such
as electrical, mechanical and electronics together with telecommunications to achieve
project objectives.
Clause 2.0: “A Registered Engineer shall undertake assignments only if he is
qualified by education and experience in the specific technical fields in which he is
All components, method and principles have been used in the project were
studied before the project was started. All members of the group were selected with
related tasks and specialized engineering background. Any additional information or
technology required with the professionals was also consulted prior to
implementation in the project.

Clause 3.0: “A Registered Engineer shall issue public statements only in an
objective and truthful manner.”
all workings and information in addition to the topics in the report were
mentioned from reliable sources such as journals, conference papers and reference
from valid sources such as periodic reports and academic reports. Moreover, basic
engineering principles are used. As a result, all results are as accurate as possible.
Clause 4.0: “A Registered Engineer shall act for each employer or clients as
faithful agent or trustee.”
All members of the group were work together as a team in this project to carry
their parts in a responsible and ethical manner. Members share their ideas in order to
ensure all of this under the acceptable conditions set by the administration and the
leader of the group provided sound instructions, and the other members followed and
supported the leader. Discussions were held in the presence of all members and the
idea of each member was respected. Group meetings were held within an appropriate
period to update all members with each other's progress.
Clause 5.0: “A Registered Engineer shall conduct himself honourably,
responsibly, ethically and lawfully to enhance the honour, reputation and usefulness
of the profession.”
All group members are carried out their parts in a responsible and ethical
fashion. with respect to the Code of Professionalism Conduct. All tasks assigned were
completed within the given time period, without violating any professional codes, nor
breaking any laws. The project was finished under the obedience of laws and proper
consideration of ethical as well.

8.2 Ethical Consideration

In this project, all information required for the project were obtained from
open sources. The software required were also free software that was available in the
internet. Therefore, there were no ethical issues involved in the project. Harvard
referencing method was also used in the project to avoid plagiarism.

8.3 Summary

In conclusion, the infant health monitor system discussed different aspects of

sustainability and how these aspects are involvement in the project. The system is
widely socially accepted and approved by different nations. Further the project
management part is managed with the help of a Gantt chart consists of Gannt chart
whereby it helps us in management of the time to carry the project. Also, the moral
professionalism and ethical consideration is also done where this section involves the
BEM Code of Professional Conduct.



9.1 Discussion
The main system functions were analyzed via routine testing over a long
period of time to ensure the integrity of the baby monitor. This is important as a failure
of the device may result in a catastrophe. The data transmission speed to the
thingspeak channel was also checked. As this would ensure a fast response from the
doctor. The data transmission speed to thingspeak was one data point per every 15
seconds. This was the maximum speed and it was deemed to be sufficient. The full
system consists of a GSM module, Bluetooth module, temperature sensor, movement
sensor and a sound sensor. These devices are integrated in such a manner that it
provides maximum information to the user. The main purpose of the product was to
provide caregivers with a sense of security regarding the health of the infant. The
device focuses on data acquisition and transmission in three main ways. As discussed
before, these methods are via the MATLAB interface, GSM and Bluetooth. The
device also gives the user an option to send information to the health care professional
as well.
Moreover, the economic aspect of the device is impressive as well. The device
takes readings from three different sensors, sends information via three different
communication devices which means that even if one communication portal is
hindered, there will be two other backup devices. This is a great feat to achieve under
the low budget that was decided for the project.
Future enhancements that can be brought to the system include the addition of
more sensors to give more information regarding the patient’s condition. Another
improvement that can be brought is the inclusion of wireless transmission to the
thingspeak channel. The existing design concept can be further developed without
bringing any changes to the existing code or the system infrastructure.
The development of printed circuit boards could also make the device more
marketable. However, the current device is designed for fitting into a vest. Therefore,
further improvement was not required in terms of size reduction. However, this
improvement can be brought about to later models of the infant health monitor. The
LCD display can also be programmed to show more information and real-time data
that can give a better idea of the health condition.

9.2 Conclusion
In conclusion, all the objectives that were set before hand in the project were
achieved. The device was required to detect temperature and movement. An
additional feature was added in the form of sound detection. Moreover, the system
was modified to make it more sensible in terms of functionality. This was done so by
making parts of the system working independently to each other. This gives an
advantage to the user as this essentially means the device has failsafe mechanisms in
place. This is done so to ensure the purpose of the product, which is to give a sense
of security to the parent or caregiver.


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