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Information extraction from Arabic as well as other languages text is commonly implemented over restricted text
domains. Approaching open text domains is challenging, because of the syntactic, semantic and pragmatics ambiguities
and variations in text. For the purpose of approaching more relaxed versions of Arabic text domains,
Fasha et al. (Fasha et al. 2017) presented a high-level description fora proposed work methodology that can establish a
model for extracting information from controlled text domains. In that work, controlled text domains were defined as the
text domains that are not restricted in their linguistic features or their knowledge types yet they are not very unanticipated
in these respects. In this paper, we discuss that work methodology and its implementation in more detail.
Our discussion includes the initial phases of the methodology which covers the corpus preparation processes including its
selection, analysis and annotation using a custom morpho-syntactic Part-of-Speech tagging scheme, we also discuss the
designing of the supporting knowledge-base model which will be used to represent and process the extracted information.
The information extraction algorithm itself shall be presented in a future work.
KEYWORDS: Narabic Natural Language Processing POS Tagging Ontology Based Information Extraction Description
Article History
Received: 13 Jan 2018 | Revised: 30 Jan 2018 | Accepted: 03 Feb 2018
Information Extraction (IE) from text is usually implemented on restricted text domains where the targeted
information and the category of text are tightly constrained. This restriction is forced by the need to confine natural
language variations to minimize the syntactic, semantic and pragmatics ambiguities it mighten compass.
For that reason, approaching more relaxed versions of text domains is challenging and efforts are rarely presented in these
Information extraction from Arabic text has additional challenges, these challenges are caused by some of
Arabic’s distinguishing features which includes its rich morphology, highly inflectional nature, free word order,
subjects dropping and the omitting of diacritics or short vowels in Mean Standard Arabic (MSA). These distinguishing
features increase the challenges for disambiguating text while the correct interpretation is inferred from the context
(Attia 2006; Sawalha et al. 2013).
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In an attempt to mitigate some of the previously mentioned challenges, Fasha et al. (Fasha et al. 2017) presented a
high level description for a proposed work methodology that can establish a model for extracting information from
more-relaxed versions of Arabic text domains. In that work, these relaxed versions of text domains were identified as
controlled text domains which were defined as the text domains that are not restricted in their linguistic features or their
knowledge types yet they are not totally unanticipated in these respects. The objective of that multi-step work methodology
was to examine all the key processes that might be involved in transforming Arabic text into formal knowledge
representations. Another objective of that work methodology was to present a framework that can be employed on different
types of controlled text domains while addressing all the involved keys steps for establishing the IE model and not making
any key assumptions for neutralizing any of the common challenges.
In this work, we examine that work methodology in more detail. Our discussion covers the initial phases of the
proposed methodology which includes the selection of a suitable corpus, the analysis and the annotation of the corpus and
the designing of the supporting knowledge-based model.
The contributions of this work include presenting the new concept of controlled text domains and we approach
children stories as a type of controlled text domains, and to the best of our knowledge this is one of the few works that
addresses IE from Arabic-based children stories, which is an important area that might assist in setting basis for
approaching other types of relaxed text domains. We also discuss a custom Arabic Part-of-Speech (POS) tagging scheme
that can better address Arabic’s distinguishing features including its rich morphology and its well-established declension
system. Further, we present an event-based ontology that can represent the main concepts and relations that are found in
short narratives such the selected text domain. Finally, we introduce a Java-based implementation that can be used to
annotate Arabic text with morpho-syntactic POS tags as well as the designing of supporting ontologies.
The remaining of this paper is structured as follows. In section 0we discuss some of the related previous work.
Section 0 presents the work methodology which we followed in this work. Section0presents a brief introduction about the
new concept of controlled text domains. In section 0, we describe the corpus preparation process including its selection,
analysis and annotation. In section 0, we discuss the designing of the knowledge representation model and finally the
conclusion and suggested future work are presented in section 0.
In this work, we discuss a model related to extracting information from relaxed versions of Arabic text domains
and we selected children stories as a type of text domains to be placed under investigation. Reviewing previous work
revealed a scarcity in work related to the extraction of information from stories in general and children stories in specific.
Nevertheless, work is occasionally introduced in related areas such as the work that was presented by
(Kim et al. 2016) who proposed a model for establishing basic understanding about news stories from a
timeline-summarization perspective. In that work, the authors argued that establishing an understanding about news stories
based on the dynamically changing relations between entities is simpler than reading the whole set of text blocks. To assess
that assumption, the authors presented a rule-based model that can establish Subject-Verb-Object (SVO) triples for the
temporal relations between the main events in text. The model was evaluated on FIFA 2014 World Cup news articles and
the results were found promising according to the authors.
Another similar work was introduced by (Samson and Ong 2014) which presented a model for extracting
conceptual binary relations from children stories. The objective of that work was to investigate a model that can
automatically establish semantic relations that can be employed later for automatically generating children stories.
The proposed model utilized a rule-based scheme based on using GATE platform and custom extraction rules to extract a
set of predefined binary relations. The model was evaluated on (30) normalized children stories and it yielded low
accuracy (36%) on the precision, recall and f-measure scales. The main cause for the low accuracy of the extracted
information was justified by relating it to the over generalized and simplified extraction patterns.
In a similar area, (Wang and Zhao 2012) discussed an ontology-based model that can better represent the different
types of information that are related to news events while focusing on representing knowledge that can answer the(5W1H)
types of questions, i.e. what, who, when, where, why and how types of questions. To evaluate the proposed ontology,
a prototype Chinese news story was manually represented to assess the capability of the designed ontology to represent all
the required information.
Reviewing related Arabic literature on story understanding, we were able to identify the single of
(El-Salam et al. 2013). Which discussed a graphical model that can describe the animations in a story.
That work was mainly comprised of general discussions about the challenges that might be involved in extracting
information from Arabic text with some highlights on proposed schemes that can be applied to address these challenges.
The authors proposed using event calculus to represent and process the extracted knowledge, but no evaluation or results
were presented to demonstrate the implementation of that proposed model.
In brief, no thorough model for extracting information from children’s stories were found, most of the examined
work focused on a specific area of that domain, more importantly, its representation using an adequate knowledge
representation model.
As for Arabic-based information extraction work, most of the presented models implemented rule-based schemes
where the extraction rules were manually defined. This fact might be justified by the scarcity of proven and coherent
Arabic-based supporting tools and resources, including the different NLP libraries as well as the labelled corpora which are
required to enable the different machine learning based approaches. A relatively recent work in that area include the work
of (Omri et al. 2017)which presented a model for answering questions from a temporal perspective. That model was based
on searching for specific Arabic time-related keywords e.g. (when, day, date, since…etc.) that signal the presence of
temporal information related to events and consequently extract information that can answer time-related questions.
Similarly, (Mesmia et al. 2017) presented a rule-based model that employed finite state transducers to extract
semantic relations between Arabic Named Entities. (Bentrcia et al. 2017) presented a rule-based model for enriching the
construction of Quranic ontology based on Arabic conjunctive patterns.
In the same respect, (Sadek and Meziane 2016a) discussed a model that can detect explicit causal relations from
Arabic text. That model was based on employing a rule-based pattern-recognizer that can detect the cause-effect relations
in text. The recognizer operated based on around (700) linguistic patterns that were manually extracted based on a manual
analysis process on an untagged Arabic corpus. In (Sadek and Meziane 2016b) a model for answering questions based on
the work of (Sadek and Meziane 2016a) was presented. The objective of the model presented in
(Sadek and Meziane 2016b) was to answer nonfactual types of questions i.e. why, how vs. the factual based questions
what, who and where that are related to a given Arabic narrative.
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A model for extracting information related to future events from newspaper articles was presented in(Alruily and
Alghamdi 2015). The main theme of that work was to employ Arabic future verbal proclitic particles i.e. (س, sa, will or
ﺳﻮف,sawfa, will) to signal and identify future events in a “pre-normalized” set of news articles.
A model for extracting terms from special Arabic corpora was presented by (Al-Thubaity et al. 2014). That model
employed an algorithm that was based on two assumptions; the first one was that terms are frequently used in special
domain corpora and the second assumption was that special domain terms are bounded by special word types
e.g. prepositions, determiners and conjunctions or by orthographic signs such as numbers or punctuations.
A model for the automatic extraction of ontology relationships from Arabic text e.g. the cause-effect, is-a,
part-whole, has-a, kind-of relations was presented by (Al Zamil and Al-Radaideh 2014). In that work, (Hearst 1992)
algorithm was employed to implement a lexical-semantic based extraction process.
In contrast to the previously discussed models, the model that we are implementing work does not make any
assumptions for neutralizing any of the tasks that are commonly involved in extracting information from text, rather, all the
key steps that might be involved in the text-to-formal knowledge transformation are addressed. In addition, the domain of
interest in our study and the types of the knowledge types that we are targeting are more varied that the previously
discussed models, this includes explicit and implicit concepts and relations as well as atomic and composite ones. Finally,
the model we are implementing propose to employ Ontology Web Language (OWL) ontologies in practical
implementations using Java applications while exploitation the inferencing capabilities of Description Logics (DL) to
further extend the extracted knowledge.
In the next section, we present a high level description about the proposed work methodology that was initially
introduced in (Fasha et al. 2017)and we discuss its initial steps in more detail.
The work methodology that we are implementing in this work was initially introduced in (Fasha et al. 2017).
The motivation for proposing that detailed word methodology - presented in Figure below- was driven by the scarcity of
previous similar work for Arabic language. Hence, it was important to define a systematic work methodology that can
investigate all the key steps that might be involved in implementing and evaluating a model for extracting certain types of
information from a newly approached text domain. A main objective of this detailed work methodology was to avoid
making any assumptions for neutralizing known challenges that usually involve extracting information from Arabic text.
The implemented work methodology resembles a pipeline of progressive steps where each step receives input
from a previous one and delivers processed output to the next phase of processing.
The proposed work methodology is mainly comprised of two main parts, the first one is related to the preparation
of the corpus and the knowledge base supporting model and the second one is related to the implementation of the
proposed information extraction scheme.In this respect, (Fasha et al. 2017) proposed implementing a two phase
information extraction process where the first phase targets atomic types of information that are explicitly mentioned in
text while the second phase shall extend that initially extracted knowledge by employing the inference capabilities of
Description Logics.
In this work, we concentrate on the initial preparation phases of the proposed methodology (steps 1 to 5) which
include the identification of a compatible text domain, the selection of a corpus in that domain, analyzing that corpus
looking for main syntactic and semantic features and annotating the corpus using a suitable POS tagging scheme.
In addition, the initial preparation steps involve the designing of the supporting knowledge base supporting model that can
represent all the initially extracted knowledge and extend that knowledge by inferring new types of implicit and composite
concepts and relations. The outcomes of these initial phases provides the basis that are needed to establish the proposed IE
scheme later.
In the next sections, we provide a brief discussion about the concept of controlled text domains which are targeted
by the proposed work methodology and later we discuss the work we implemented to fulfill the model preparation phases.
Commonly, information extraction work in Arabic language is implemented over specific types of text domains
where the vocabulary and terminology, syntax and semantics are well defined and constrained e.g. medical, social,
legal, technical text domains etc. In addition, these conventional implementations usually target a specific and reduced set
of information that can serve a specific objective e.g. the recognition of named entities, identifying future events,
extracting causal relations, looking for specific keywords…etc.
In an attempt to approach more relaxed types of text domains from a wider perspective in terms of information
extraction, (Fasha et al. 2017) introduced the concept of controlled text domains which were defined as the text domains
that are not constrained in their syntax, semantics and pragmatics yet they are not totally unanticipated in these
respects.The objective of introducing this new concept is to present a generalized definition for a new category of text
domains that falls between the restricted text domains and the open free texts.
The items listed below presents some of the distinguishing features that can be identified about controlled text
In controlled text domains, the diversity of the targeted information is more relaxed and wider than the ones that
are usually targeted in restricted text domains.
The type of targeted knowledge includes the information that is explicitly mentioned in text as well as the implicit
ones that represent background knowledge. Also, the targeted information might include atomic concepts and
relations as well as composite and higher order ones.
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The objective of the information extraction from a controlled text domain is definable. This definition can assist
and serve in establishing general understanding about a coherent narrative vs. single sentence understanding.
The vocabulary, syntax, semantics and pragmatics in controlled text domains are not constrained.
Each new narrative can introduce new occurrences for any of these features.
Although the vocabulary, syntax, semantics and pragmatics might change, yet in controlled text domains there
exists some clear guidelines or patterns that can assist in establishing adequate representations for that knowledge
and consequently establishing rules that can extract these types of information.
Several domains can fall within this definition of text domains; this includes the different types of narratives that
discuss life facts or events such as the domain we selected in this study i.e. younger ages children stories.
In this section, we discuss the corpus preparation process in more detail. The fact that there was no previous
similar work in Arabic language and following the proposed work methodology, we commenced our work by preparing a
corpus that can be used to implement and evaluate the proposed work methodology and the proposed IE model.
The corpus preparation process includes the identification of a compatible text domain, the selection of a suitable
corpus within that domain, the analysis of the corpus to identify main syntactic and semantic features and the annotation of
the corpus using a suitable Part-of-Speech tagging scheme. More information about these tasks is presented below.
Several types of textual domains can be classified under the presented definition of controlled text domains and
one of them is children stories, which we selected as a candidate text domain to be placed under investigation in this work.
Children stories were selected, because they encompass different types of knowledge and their syntactic features
and semantic content are not restricted, each story can discuss a different moral or theme whereas new words and concepts
can arise without restrictions. In addition, the selection of children's stories was based on the assumption that their syntax,
semantics and pragmatics content are relatively simpler than elder ages open text since they target younger age’s audience.
Besides, stories in general and children stories in specific were identified as an important stepping-stone for approaching
wider and more relaxed types of text domains(Riloff and Riloff 1999). Furthermore, introducing work on children stories
was compelling because up to our knowledge, this is one of the few Arabic-based works that approaches children stories in
IE implementations. Finally, according to the early work of (Madar and Sarmistha 1989), understanding a story can be
defined as the ability to answer objective and subjective questions about the story and to be able to summarize that story at
different levels. This succinct and concise definition was used to guide our different efforts that targets the establishing of
the proposed IE model.
Reviewing Arabic literature for a compatible corpus, we were able to identify (Seyoufi 2014)younger ages
children story series as an adequate corpus that can serve our objectives. That story series was comprised of (24) short
narratives that are grouped into five categories where each category convoys a certain moral or theme e.g. manners and
behavior at school, with friends, with family, with parents and with neighbors.
Two main tasks were performed on the selected corpus. First, the corpus was manually analyzed to identify the
general syntactic and semantic features that are incorporated in text, and second, that corpus was annotated using a custom
(POS) tagging scheme as shall be presented later. The objective of analysis process was to identify the key features that
can assist in providing generalization guidelines which can be employed during the designing of the knowledge
representation model and the IE scheme later.
Table 1next presents a summary about the main findings of the corpus analysis process.
From a linguistic perspective, it was found that most sentences in the corpus were verbal sentences or sentences that were
centered around verbs. In addition, most sentences encompassed subjects whether they were explicitly mentioned or
dropped. Another main finding was that even for a relatively minimal corpus like the one we selected, it was noticed that
the linguistic structures were rich and variant and involved various syntactic and grammatical features of Arabic language.
For example, for any given story, we observed occurrences for different verb tenses, subject dropping,
co-referencing as well as free word order and the role of rich Arabic morphology and its word derivations and inflections
were present.
On the other hand, from a semantic perspective, it was observed that most sentences were discussing events or
activities that were related to story characters, and each story encompassed a set of atomic concepts and relations that build
up to compose more-general concepts that can convey a certain moral or theme to its audience.
Figure 2 next presents a pseudo representation of the implicit and composite knowledge types that were observed
during the analysis process. The illustrated assertions describe the actions that might be performed by a certain character as
well as the consequences of these actions.
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For example, a character might perform an event that causes another event, which results in some damaging
effects, later, that character confesses his actions, and acknowledges their consequences, apologizes and demonstrates
regret. Therefore, a conclusion can be reached that such a chain of events is tutoring children not to do such regrettable
events and to apologize when they do so, which also might imply that the character is a good mannered individual.
Different stories can be composed around this general principle or theme. In the same manner, a character might be
involved in a chain of events that ends in a positive outcome, and thereby educate children about good deeds.
The general finding concerning the semantic part of the analysis process complies with the notions that were
presented in (Samson and Ong 2014). In that work, the knowledge types of children stories were classified into main
categories, the operational knowledge that defines the sequencing of story plots and the background knowledge which
provides information about story characters, the world and the causal relations between events.
The general findings about the corpus analysis process we reemployed later to define the main features of the
corpus annotation scheme as well as the during the designing of the knowledge-supporting model. More information about
these tasks are provided in the next sections.
The model that was presented in (Fasha et al. 2017)proposed to implement the information extraction process in
two phases where the first phase targets atomic concepts and relations while the second one targets implicit and composite
concepts and relations. The implicit and composite knowledge is inferred based on the findings of the first phase of
information excretion as well as the background knowledge incorporated in the supporting knowledge base.
Hence, this high dependency between the first phase of the IE process and the second phase of IE indicates that failing to
accurately extract a given atomic concept or relation might affect the correct extraction of the targeted implicit and
composite concepts and relations later.
As proposed in (Fasha et al. 2017), the first phase of the IE process shall be implemented using regular
expressions and Part-of-Speech (POS) tagging which will be emplyed to extract atomic and explicit information from text,
therefore, it was important to use a rich POS tagging scheme that can enable the accurate representation and extraction of
In this respect, the results of the analyses process that was presented in the previous section revealed several
challenges related to Arabic’s linguistic features in the selected corpus. This includes occurrences for subject dropping
cases, free words order and the use of detached and attached pronouns. For example, the sentence
(ورﻛﻞ ﻛﺮﺗﮫ ﻓﺎﺗﺠﮭﺖ ﻧﺤﻮ اﻟﺰﺟﺎج ﻓﺤﻄﻤﺘﮫ, wrkl krth fitajahat naHowAlzjAj fahatamathu, and he hit his ball so it went towards the
window and it broke it) has three dropped subjects, the character that kicked the ball and the ball itself that went towards
the window and broke it. In addition, an enclitic is attached to the noun “ball” which references the subject i.e. possession
pronoun. Another attached pronoun is present in the verb (ﻓﺤﻄﻤﺘﮫ, so it broke it) which indicates a singular masculine object
referring to the glass. Consequently, it was concluded that an adequate morphology-aware Part-of-Speech tagging scheme
was needed to correctly and accurately POS tag our selected corpora.
In the next section, we discuss the work that we implemented to identify a suitable POS tagging library using the
available and accessible related resources as well as the resolution that we followed in regard.
To run the examination, we selected a number of Arabic sentences and we analyzed using these different
resources. Table below presents the main findings of the performed examinations for one of the examined sentences.
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Table 2 Contd.,
ورﻛﻞ ﻛﺮﺗﮫ ﻓﺎﺗﺠﮭﺖ ﻧﺤﻮ اﻟﺰﺟﺎج ﻓﺤﻄﻤﺘﮫ
7 solutions, 15 solutions, 14 solutions for 12 solutions,
different different subjects 4 solutions, different naHowa and 17 different subjects
subjects and objects subject inflections solutions for Al and objects
inflections inflections zujAj inflections
kur/NOUN+ap/N fa/CONJ+HaT~a
wa/CONJ+rakal SUFF_FEM_SG+ fa/CONJ+{it~ajah/P m/PV+at/PVSUF
Custom } ({RB+LOC})({ {VBD+SNG+FE
Tagging {VBD+SNG+ NN+MSC}) M+3rd}{SFX_O
+SNG+MSC}) 3rd})
As demonstrated in the table, a number of challenges that can affect the automated annotation process were
observed. For example, Stanford NLP (POS) tagger produced a set of over generalized POS tags since it uses the reduced
English Treebank tag set. In addition, the resultant POS tags of that tagger were not morphology aware.
Moreover, numerous errors were witnessed in the resultant POS tags such as incorrectly the following words as proper
nouns e.g. (وﻛﺎن, and he was; ﺑﮭﺎ, with it; وﻗﺎل ﻟﮫ, and he said to him…etc.).
Similarly, BAMA and AL-Khalil well-known rule-based morphology analyzers generated all the possible
interpretations for a given word while the user is responsible for identifying and selecting the correct interpretation
according to the context. Moreover, Al-Khalil library generates its results in plan Arabic text according to Arabic
declension system, which will require significant customization and processing to be able to employ its outcomes in
establishing POS based extraction patterns.
SAFAR framework was also experimented and found capable and can be integrated with other modules since it is
based on Java language. On the other hand, the framework was a collection of other tools i.e. BAMA,
AL-Khalil, MADAMIRA that were combined into the unified framework of SAFAR. Accordingly, this resource did not
present any unique or additional features other than the ones provided by the original libraries. Similarly,
NLTK provided support for training and running POS taggers but it is also uses English Treebank tag set and it was not
morphology aware.
MADAMIRA toolkit was also investigated and found compelling and capable, and similar to SAFAR it is based
on Java, which can be easily integrated into different implementations. Moreover, this tool is context-aware which implies
that words are analyzed and tagged according to their role in the sentence. Nevertheless, MADAMIRA also produced some
erroneous tags on different occasions, for example, the verb (ﻓﺎﺗﺠﮭﺖ, so it went) was inflected as a first person singular
masculine rather than a third person singular feminine while some other words were not resolved at all.
Such errors or short comes can affect the accuracy of the sought POS tagging scheme.
Another important observation that was noticed about the examined resources was that they could generate
overlapping between the characters of the generated POS tags. Such duplications or overlapping can cause complications
when employing any string matching mechanisms such as regular expressions.
For example, the sample tags presented below demonstrate how the same single character overlaps between an
atomic unit and a composite one e.g. F for Feminine and F as part of the SUFF keyword.
Similarly, it was observed that the same concept could be represented using different markers within the same
scheme. For example, in the sample tags presented below, we can observe that singular number was represented using the
SG marker in the first sample and using an S character in the second. The same is true for the feminine gender marker.
In this respect, it was determined that it is more convenient if we can use a consistent marker for eachsinge concept that
we need to represent in a POS tag in order to facilitate the definition of the matching patterns later.
Finally, the examination process of the related resources revealed that there was no standardized scheme for the
POS tagging process; some libraries employed general POS tags while others employed morphology aware tags.
Similarly, there was no standardized POS tokenization scheme and different formats might be used by the different
libraries to aggregate the composite tag markers. Consequently, different tag set were used by the different libraries,
some were generalized while others were more specific.
In conclusion, all the examined libraries included some short comes and manual intervention was required to
correct these errors or to fine-tune the results to incorporate any missing information. Consequently, it we defined a custom
POS tagging scheme that can facilitate the later processes of the proposed model. The purpose of that scheme was to
address the distinguishing features of Arabic language and it should be sufficiently accurate and precise.
In the next section, we present the custom POS tagging scheme that was prepared as well as the custom Java module that
was prepared to assist in implementing that scheme and annotating the selected corpus.
Based on the findings of the examination process that was presented in the previous section, we prepared a custom
annotation scheme that can support a “fine-tuned” Arabic compliant POS tagging process. The main objective of that
scheme was to allow users to commence with an Arabic compliant POS annotation process in a clear, simple and agile
In principle, the designed POS tagging scheme was based on consolidating the tokenization of words along with
the POS tagging process. This consolidation was achieved by employing different types of brackets which were used to
establish word level groupings of the word morphemes and the designated POS tags.
Two types of brackets were using within the custom scheme, the round brackets or parenthesis “( )” and the
braces or the curly brackets “{ }”. The parentheses were used to define word boundaries while the braces were used to
create aggregates or sub-tokens of the morphemes within each word.
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The listing presented below demonstrates the POS tagging of the surface word (wa sa nokhberu hum, وﺳﻨﺨﺒﺮھﻢ,
and we shall inform them) according to the proposed custom scheme:
The proclitic morpheme (wa, و, and, coordinating conjunction) is annotated as {RP+WA+CC}.
The proclitic morpheme (sa, س, shall, indicates a future event) is annotated as RP+SA+FTR}.
The inflection particle (nun, ن, indicates first voice plural speaker) is annotated as {PLRL+stV}.
The stem (khabara, ﺧﺒﺮ, tell, the verb itself) is annotated as {VB}.
The enclitic morphemes (hum, ھﻢ, them, an attached pronoun that indicates a plural masculine object) is annotated
The advantages of the proposed scheme over the previously investigated ones are the following:
The format of the proposed tagging scheme is customizable; it can support the generalized formats such as the one
used by Stanford library as well as the detailed ones which are employed by the morphology aware libraries such
as MADAMIRA. The user has the ability to customize the tagging details according to his needs while
distinguishing words segments using brackets.
The user can commence with the annotation process in an agile and seamless manner.
The tokenization prerequisite is eliminated as the user can perform tokenization and POS tagging in the same time
using the custom scheme and its enabling tool.
No single characters were used to convey meaning; rather, each individual concept e.g. gender,
number, tense…etc. is distinguished using a specific tag that can be aggregated with other tags using the plus sign
‘+’ character. This feature preserves the clarity of the meaning and it can facilitate any string-based matching
Having such dynamicity and simplicity in defining markers and aggregating them using the brackets allow users
to seamlessly introduce any specific makers that might be required to serve a specific objective,
a plug-in-and-play manner of operation. This includes syntactic based markers, morphology related ones or any
other types of markers such as special markers that might be related to Arabic language and its unique declension
To enable the annotation process, we prepared a custom Java-based module1which can be used to annotate any
Arabic language corpus using the proposed POS tagging scheme. In this respect, we also clarify that our initial survey
revealed that there is no available or accessible similar tool for Arabic language.
This tool – presented in Figure 3 below – can be used to accelerate and guide the corpus annotation process.
The tool starts it operating by accepting a delimited text file where it will automatically normalize words and POS tag them
using Stanford POS tagger.
All the source code for the presented modules is available at https://sourceforge.net/projects/arabicie/
This tool was used to annotate sample stories from the selected corpus and it demonstrated competent results.
Table 3 next presents annotation for a sample sentence using the custom annotation scheme. The outcome of the POS
tagging pocess is presented in the original format (column 2) as well as the Regex neutral format (column 3).
Table 3: Annotating a Sample Story Sentence Using the Custom POS Annotation Scheme
Sentence Custom POS Tagging Regex Friendly Version
0:({VBD+SNG+FEM+rdV}) <«VBD_SNG_FEM_rdV»>
2: ﺷﻘﯿﻘﮭﺎ1: ﻟﯿﻠﻰ0:اھﺪت
5:، ﺟﺪﯾﺪه4: ﻛﺮه3:ﺗﺎﻣﺮ
Layla gave her brother
tamer a new ball as a
4:({NN+SNG+ FEM}) <«NN_SNG_ FEM»>
As presented in the sample sentence, the proposed annotation scheme is a combination of conventional syntactic
POS markers as well as morphology related ones. The generated string for each sentence includes the words along with
their unique identification number while the composite words are segmented according to their constituent morphemes and
every segment is grouped using the curly brackets and the complete word is surrounded by a pair of parenthesis.
In addition, the user can use the custom annotation tool to incorporate new markers or define new formats that might not
have been defined by previous tools e.g. add gender markers for proper names, which can be useful in experimenting
different information extraction scenarios.
In the next section, we present the work that was implemented to define the knowledge supporting model that can
be used to represent the different types of concepts and relations about the selected children stories as well as inferring new
types of knowledge.
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78 Mohammad Fasha, Nadim Obeid & Bassam Hammo
A main feature of the proposed information extraction model that was initially introduced in (Fasha et al. 2017)
was to employ Description Logic to assist in enhancing the information extraction process.
Description Logics are a family of formal knowledge representation languages that are used to represent and
reason about concepts and relations in a certain domain and they provide logical formalism for different ontologies
languages including Ontology Web Language (OWL)(W3C OWL Working Group 2012).The main building blocks of DL
are concepts, roles and individuals. The relations between concepts, roles and individuals are defined using formal logical
statements called axioms, which are divided into two categories: the terminological axioms or (T-Box) axioms and the
Assertion Axioms or (A-Box) axioms. Terminological axioms are used to define the fixed facts about a certain domain
while the assertion axioms are used to define instance values or individuals that are instantiated under the different types of
concepts that are defined in the ontology.
The designing of knowledge representation models involves the definition of the taxonomy of the concepts and
relations i.e. the (T-Box) axioms, that can describe facts and rules about a certain domain of interest.
The designing of ontologies can vary according to the domain of interest as well as the objectives of the ontology
(Zhou et al. 2004), therefore, we employed the design guidelines that were presented by(Uschold and King 1995) to
establish the required ontology, these guidelines involve the following tasks:
Identify the key concepts and relations for the domain of interest.
The purpose of the knowledge-supporting model was to enable the information extraction process from the
selected controlled text domain i.e. children stories. More precisely, the sought ontology should be able to incorporate
knowledge that can answer the (5W1H) questions i.e. What, Who, Why, Where, When, and How, about the main events of
the story as well as identifying the main themes or morals of that story. Hence, the scope of the ontology was bounded to
the extent that can serve that purpose.
To enforce guidelines ii to v, we followed a custom approach that was based on employing Protégé along with a
custom tool that we prepared to facilitate the designing process of the ontology. Mainly, the applied method involved
examining the selected corpus sentence by sentence to identify concepts and relations and to define an OWL compliant
representation for them. The objective of that detailed process was to identify and represent as much information as
possible in order to create a highly accurate information extraction process later.
The purpose of the custom tool demonstrated in Figure 4 next was to eliminate the need to iterate back and forth
between the text and protégé since doing so turned to be cumbersome especially when the ontology grew in size.
The custom tool presents a view for both the text and the OWL representations in the same screen where the can perform
any modifications directly using this tool.
To illustrate the working of scheme, we consider the sample sentence (اھﺪت ﻟﯿﻠﻰ ﺷﻘﯿﻘﮭﺎ ﺗﺎﻣﺮ ﻛﺮة ﺟﺪﯾﺪة. Layla gifted
(gave a gift) her brother Tamer a new ball). This sentence includes the following explicit concepts and relations:
Event: Give.
The time of the giving event, which is a past tense in this case.
Accordingly, the custom tool was used to draft prototypes of these concepts and relations,
including their taxonomy and naming, and to assure that no conflicts or overlapping are created with any previously
defined concept or relation.
Later, we used the same tool to label words in sentences with their semantic roles. This labeling process
established a golden-rule dataset that can be employed later for validating the accuracy of the information extraction
A main consideration that we maintained during the designing of the ontology was to keep the defined concepts
and relations as general as possible and not to create any specific concept or relation unless it affects the flow of the story.
This direction was important in order maximize the potentials of sharing the generated ontology between the different
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80 Mohammad Fasha, Nadim Obeid & Bassam Hammo
For example, if the previous concept (give) does not affect the flow or the theme of the story,
It can be instantiated by the information extraction algorithm under the generalized concept class e.g.
Event Concept. On the other hand, if that event does influence the flow of the story or if it exhibits important implicit
knowledge, then it was defined as a unique class under the general Event Concept class and it is augmented with additional
specialized assertions that can better serve the inference process. As an example for this situation, if a given story is woven
around the concept of lying, and the event of lying had some consequences within the context of the story, then that event
is defined as a specific concept Event Lie under the concept Event Concept. In addition, that concept can be defined as a
subclass of another concept that identifies its uniqueness by indicating the type of knowledge, it conveys e.g. Badin order
to explicitly provide the required additional knowledge.
Using the method briefed above, we concluded to the general taxonomy demonstrated in Figure 5 below.
As demonstrated in the diagram, the core concepts of our selected corpus were related to events and characters as well as
the set of concepts and relations that are tailored around these two main concepts. This taxonomy complies with the initial
findings that were presented during the corpus preparation process that was discussed in section0.
Mainly, the designed ontology was comprised of the following three main categories of concepts:
a. Atomic Concepts
Atomic concepts or unary classes were used to represent the concrete and abstract concepts that were explicitly
mentioned in text i.e. world knowledge. Concrete concepts include the physical objects that were referenced in stories e.g.
Boy, Ball, Window…etc. while abstract concepts include information about different types of events that were mentioned
in stories. In this respect, events were classified into the following categories according to their semantic relatedness:
Physical events: Events that have tangible physical consequences in real world e.g. {(ﺿﺮب, hit), (اﻋﻄﻰ,
give) }.
Sensory events: Events that are related to the character’s sensory apparatus e.g. {(ﺷﺎھﺪ, see), (ﺳﻤﻊ, hear) }.
Verbal events: Utterance made by characters. This includes character’s demands, assertions, requests,
and inquiries e.g. {(ﻗﺎل, said), (ﺳﺄل, Asked) }.
Emotional events: Events that exhibit character emotions e.g. {(ﺷﻌﺮ, felt), (ﺧﺎف, Feared) }.
Mental State events: Events that express the hypothetical state that corresponds to the thoughts,
feelings or intentions of story characters e.g. {(اﻋﺘﻘﺪ, thought), (ﻗﺮر, decided) }.
All actions mentioned in the stories were defined under the general concept of Event or one of its sub classes.
This is true for deliberate and a deliberate event, including characters’ actions, feelings, thoughts and emotions which were
all considered as events according to the designed ontology. This taxonomy was found simple and capable of representing
all the types of event-based information that was incorporated into stories.
b. Binary Relations
Binary relations include the roles that define relations between different concepts, which includes the relations
between events and their different constituents, more importantly the type of the relations that answer the (who, what, why,
when and where) types of questions.
The following list presents the most important binary relations that were defined according to the observed facts
in selected story corpus:
IS The Agent Of Event (Agent, Event): Represent the agent or the story character that performed a certain action or
IS the Object Of Event, IS The First Object Of Event, IS The Second Object Of Event (Object, Event): Represent
the object/s of events i.e. transitive verbs.
IS The Location Of Event, IS The Begin Location Of Event, IS The End Location Of Event (Location, Event):
Represent the location information of events.
IS The Time Of Event, IS The Begin Time Of Event, IS The End Time Of Event (Time, Event): Represent the
temporal information about events.
IS The Manner Of Event (Manner, Event): Represent the manner that describes how an event was performed.
IS The Instrument Of Event (Object, Event): Represent the information about the instruments that were involved in
performing a certain event.
IS The Cause Of Event(Event, Event): Represent the cause-effect relation between events.
IS The Feeling Of Character, IS The Belief Of Character, IS The Intention Of Character: Represent emotions and
mental states of story characters.
IS The Property Of (Property, Thing): A general relation that can be used to represent properties about different
Figure 6 next presents the same taxonomy of the ontology from Protégé’s perspective. Using this taxonomy,
the designed knowledge model was able to represent the knowledge that was required to achieve the defined objectives i.e.
answer the key(5W1H) questions about a story.
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82 Mohammad Fasha, Nadim Obeid & Bassam Hammo
In the previous section, we presented the set of atomic and explicit concepts and relations that were identified and
defined during the ontology designing process. These atomic concepts and relations were generic and recurrent in every
story of corpus.
On the other hand, children stories incorporate other types of knowledge that is necessary to fulfill the meaning
and semantics of the story; these are the composite or higher order concepts and relations as well as the implicit ones.
Composite concepts are the ones that aggregates other concepts and relations within their definition i.e. conjunctions,
disjunctions, negations of other concepts or relations. For example, the concept BadEventis defined as a conjunction or
union between the two classes of Event and Bad:
In addition, the composite concept Bad Event is also an implicit type of knowledge that was not explicitly
mentioned in text, yet it can be inferred based on the atomic concepts that were explicitly mentioned in the text as well as
the previous knowledge that is incorporated within the supporting ontology i.e. the T-Box assertion.
Similar to the designing process of atomic concepts and relations, it was necessary to opt for generalization when
defining the composite and implicit oncepts and relations. This was important to ensure that the generated ontology is
portable and sharable between the different stories. In addition, the generalization requirement complies with the initial
findings of the corpus analysis process that were presented in section 4 . These initial findings concluded that the stories in
our selected corpus were discussing actions that were performed by characters as well as the consequences of those events
on story characters and the general theme or moral of the story.
For the purpose of this study, we narrowed the scope of the composite concepts and relations toones that can
assist in informing whether a given character has performed or caused an event that resulted in pleasant or regrettable
consequences. In addition, the defined (T-Box) assertions for the composite and the implicit concepts and relations should
be able to infer if the character is good mannered or the opposite as well as the certain chain of events that are regrettable
or not. Table 4 next presents some of the general class axioms that were defined in the ontology to satisfy the targeted
composite and implicit concepts and relations. The table presents the seaxioms using DL syntax, Manchester syntax as
well as (ROWL) format (Sarker et al. 2016)Which might be more intuitive to users.
The defined composite and implicit concepts and relations are a subset of the knowledge types that can be
established based on the extracted explicit knowledge. The purpose of this succinct definition was to assist in assessing the
potentials of using DL in such scenarios while the alternatives for extending the defined composite concepts and relations
can be covered in a future work.
On the other hand, Description Logic has some limitations in terms of representing assertions that have two
variables in the second part of the proposition i.e. the consequent part. For that purpose, we employed Semantic Web Rules
Language (SWRL) to deliver the required types of assertions. SWRL was selected because of its convenience as well as its
support within Protégé that seamlessly incorporate SWRL rules within the reasoning process. Table 5 below demonstrates
two SWRL rules that were defined to infer causal relations between two related events or chain of events.
SWRL Rules
Character(?c) ^ IS The Cause Of(?e1, ?e2) ^ Event(?e1) ^ Event(?e2) ^ IS Performed By(?e1, ?c) ->
IS Performed By(?e2, ?c)
IS The Cause Of(?e1, ?e2) ^ Character(?c) ^ Event(?e1) ^ Event(?e2) ^ IS The Agent Of Event(?c,
?e1) -> IS the Agent Of Event(?c, ?e2)
These rules indicate that the agent of a given event e.g. Event1, is the agent of a second event e.g.
Event2 if and only of Event1 caused Event2.
In this paper, we presented the implementation of the information extraction model that was initially presented in
(Fasha et al. 2017). In that work, the authors presented a high-level description for a proposed model that can extract
information from more relaxed versions of Arabic text domains. In addition, that work presented a work methodology that
can be followed to implement the proposed information extraction model. In this work, we examined the initial steps of the
proposed work methodology which include the selection of a suitable corpus, the analysis of the corpus and annotation it
using a custom POS tagging scheme. We also discussed the method that we employed to design the supporting knowledge
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84 Mohammad Fasha, Nadim Obeid & Bassam Hammo
representation model that shall be used to represent the extracted information. In addition, the initial preparation steps were
enabled by a preparing Java-based modules that can facilitate the implementation of the corpus annotation process as well
as the designing of the support OWL-based ontology.
The efforts presented in this work set the basis for our future work which includes implementing the other steps of
the proposed model in (Fasha et al. 2017), which includes the designing of the two-phases information extraction process
based on the established POS annotations and the supporting OWL ontology.
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