Quiz and Blueprint
Quiz and Blueprint
Quiz and Blueprint
Please read the entire question carefully, and provide complete answers in point form. Raise your
hand if any questions arise. You have 25 minutes to complete this quiz. Please work individually.
Target Outcomes:
B8–1 Monitor and analyze a personal nutrition plan that affects physical performance
B8-3 Explain fitness components and principles of training, and formulate individual plans for
personal physical fitness
B8-8 Describe and perform appropriate physical activities for personal stress management and
For the following question, circle the correct answer. (1 Mark/ Question)
a) Health
b) Aerobic
c) Anaerobic
d) Fitness
For the following true/ false questions, circle the correct answer AND if FALSE, write the correct answer
(0.5) for stating True or False, and (0.5) for making the statement true IF false. (1 Mark/Question)
5. T / F Keeping a fitness log book is one way to hold oneself accountable (B8-1)
Read the following questions carefully, and provide complete answers in point form.
9. In class, we discussed activities that can help you be successful with stress management. Based upon
this content, provide three logical goals you may set for yourself relating to stress management. (3
marks) (B8-8)
EDUC 3604 – Evaluation of Student Learning Name:_________________
Spring 2017 Date:_________________
10. Explain how formulating a personal fitness plan may help you reach goals you have set for yourself.
1 mark for stating a specific goal, and 1 mark for describing how you may reach this goal using a fitness
plan (2 marks) (B8-1)
EDUC 3604 – Evaluation of Student Learning Name:_________________
Spring 2017 Date:_________________
True/ False:
4. F- Exercise is proven to decrease stress levels
5. T
6. F- There are many positive effects while participating in yoga- decrease stress, flexibility, mindfulness,
7. F- To be physically fit you must also get sleep, consume healthy foods, drink water and participate in
physical activity.
Short Answer:
8. SMART acronym
S- Specific- I will get 20-30 minutes of moderate activity, 3-5 days every week.
M- Measurable- I will log my activity each day I exercise.
A-Attainable- I will take 5 minutes out of my day to write about my set goals
R- Reliable- Specific to the individual.
T- Timely- After 8 weeks, I will re-evaluate my goals and adjust as needed to meet my long term goal of
exercise 3 hours per week.
8 1 1 10 3 4 0 3 0 10