Voice Alarm (VA) Systems - Taking The Voice Sounder Route: Sidebar

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Voice Alarm (VA) Systems – Taking the Voice Sounder Route

Voice sounders are now an established and effective

contribution to voice evacuation systems in large public
and commercial buildings.

Here, James Jones of Vimpex Ltd explains how a BS

5839 Part 1 compliant fire system, incorporating voice
sounders as part of its design, can be a viable
alternative to more complex VA systems.

James describes how some quite complex systems have

successfully integrated voice sounders within their ®
design and how, with the approach of the new Fire- Fire-Cryer Plus seven-message voice
sounder with integral strobe
Cryer® Plus seven message voice sounder range,
Vimpex are initiating a new phase in the use of voice
sounder technology. He goes on to discuss how Vimpex’s expertise, gained over several
years at the forefront of voice sounder design, is now paying dividends and enabling them to
consult their customers on how to best integrate voice sounders into complex analogue
addressable fire alarm systems.

All Voice Systems Are Not Equal

Fire alarm consultants and system specifiers want an easy life.

It’s too easy to stipulate a certain standard when all it means to the specifier is a BS
standards number on the page. It is only when a fire system design company comes to cost a
job to that requirement does the real cost of careless specifications come to light.

This is our experience when it comes to the specification of voice alarm systems. It has
become too easy for specifiers to use British Standard BS 5839 Part 8 (Voice Evacuation
Systems) as a catch-all standard the moment it has been decided that voice evacuation is a
necessity. In fact, specifying voice sounders for use in a voice evacuation system designed
under the auspices of BS 5839 Part 1 can in many instances satisfy the key features of a
Part 8 system without the cost or complex design process associated with full-blown VA

Much to the disdain of VA system manufacturers, there are

many fire systems in the field with more than a hundred
voice enhanced sounders on complex systems giving fully SIDEBAR
synchronised, multi-message announcements in a clear, Failure to Comply?
unambiguous manner.
It is true that a voice sounder system
would not comply to all Part 8
Arguments against the use of voice sounders are
dissolving. With multiple sounder circuit synchronisation,
up to seven pre-recorded messages available and with Some systems call for live voice
growing ranges of voice sounders constantly being microphones, although, some say that
introduced, the message is clear-that voice sounders are not having that facility is a blessing in
disguise as it lessens the likelihood of
intelligible, loud enough and can easily be integrated into untrained or panicking staff confusing
both new and existing fire alarm systems. the public with inappropriate or unclear
It is important to note that piezo–driven voice sounders do
A voice sounder system is very unlikely
not provide nearly as clear and intelligible messaging as to pass the STI or RASTI intelligibility
those that use more traditional capsule-driven test. This is because instead of full
loudspeakers. This is because a piezo device is designed bandwidth loud speakers, voice
to maximise output at a pre-determined frequency and not sounders have a relatively narrow (800 –
3000Hz) frequency response. This is
a relatively broad frequency range as in products like the actually an advantage as limiting the
Fire-Cryer. frequency range does little to affect
intelligibility but goes a long way to
ensuring that voice sounders have low-
enough power draw to be installed on
standard 24Vdc sounder circuits.
Voice Sounder System Design
With seven messages and many available software configurations, it is important for the
installer to understand what can be done with voice sounders and how to integrate them into
a standard BS 5839 Part 1 system.

The first task of any fire alarm design is to agree the evacuation strategy and whether there is
any requirement for staged or phased evacuation. Then the designer must ensure agreement
with his client and the end user as to the choice of messages and preceding tones to be used
in the system.

The choice of messages is extensive and with seven messages available in a single sounder,
a fire alarm system can be expanded to include inputs for bomb alerts, terrorist threats, coded
warnings, water leakage alerts, class change announcements, system tests, ‘all clear’
announcements, machinery shut down warnings, health and safety reminders, general alert
messages, and of course ‘fire’ alarm messages. The potential is huge and with the trend for
fire evacuation systems to be used for general evacuation and public safety systems, the use
of multi-message voice sounders is set to boom.

Multi Message Switching

Although voice sounders are basically conventional fire alarm sounders that play pre-
recorded messages, the sounders need to know what message to play and when!

In order to switch from message to message, a switching interface is installed on the sounder
circuit. This is interposed between the control panel (or sounder module if on an analogue
system) and the rest of the sounder circuit. The bell circuit provides power for the primary or
‘life safety/fire’ message, whist an auxiliary power supply, sometimes from the panel,
sometimes external, powers the switching interface and the extra auxiliary messages. Both
sounder circuits and auxiliary power supply must be rated to provide current for all sounders
and any strobes on the circuit. Monitoring of the sounder circuits is not affected and the
panel’s recommendations on resistance should be maintained. Figure 1 shows how Fire-
Cryer® Voice Sounders are typically interfaced to an analogue loop.

Installation of a multi-message sounder system as an interface to a conventional fire alarm

system is straightforward as the switching interface is simply installed on the bell circuit. Volt-
free contacts are then required to operate additional messages. Sometimes a pre-wired voice
message controller will be used to ease installation and to provide the end-user with a simple
message selector.
Figure 1.

People who are used to the design and installation of VA systems are often concerned that
voice sounders can be synchronised. This concern is unfounded as it is easy to ensure
synchronisation of multiple sounder circuits.

There are two ways of ensuring that all circuits are synchronised:

1. by ensuring that sounder circuit controllers are synchronised on the loop

2. by ensuring that all switching interfaces are linked

Most switching interfaces will only provide outputs for two or maybe four sounder circuits.
Should more be required, additional interfaces should be used. Some switching interfaces
make the job of extending circuits very simple by providing zone extension cards. Whatever
the method of synchronisation and switching, it’s important to ensure that the power supply
rating is sufficient for all sounder circuits.

Many voice sounder systems in the field are installed as
an interface to an addressable loop, with remote power
supplies providing power and addressable I/O units used
to switch from message to message. Here are some
examples of successful installations using this

Rolls Royce Barnoldswick site in Lancashire, which

produces specialist components for the company’s jet and
turbine engine business. Rolls Royce’s site safety
manager needed to find a solution to the confusion of ®
Rolls Royce use Midi and Maxi Fire-Cryers to
beeps and tones heard on site to allow the staff to remove the confusion of beeps and tones heard
on site to allow the staff to differentiate between
the general fire/evacuation alarm and the life-
critical acid spill/extractor fan failure alarms.
differentiate between the general fire/evacuation alarm and the life-critical acid spill/extractor
fan failure alarms. Vimpex supplied a combination of standard, Midi and Maxi Fire-Cryers® in
a special hi-visibility yellow finish. This allowed a fully switchable four-message system to be
interfaced with the existing sounder loops on site.

Bowling Alley Complex - Twenty-eight Mini Fire-Cryer® multi-message voice sounders have
been installed as part of a voice evacuation upgrade at Exeter’s bowling complex operated by
Tenpin Limited. The Mini Fire-Cryer® incorporates all the advanced features of the Fire-Cryer®
family housed in a low profile base sounder which mounts between the fire sensor and the
ceiling. The Fire-Cryer® voice sounders and fire sensors were mounted together allowing a
4-core cable to be used for the loop and sounder circuits - further reducing installation costs.
This combination proved to be a significantly less expensive solution than installing a full
VA/PA system.

Bridgewater Place, Leeds, is the tallest building in the North and is the premier business
premises in Northern England comprising of over 23,000 sq. ft. of office space located side-
by-side with 200 high-rise apartments, retail outlets and leisure facilities in a prestigious
development. Over 300 Mini Fire-Cryer® multi-message voice sounders have been installed in
all office accommodation at the new site, providing building-wide voice evacuation in the
event of a fire. The Mini Fire-Cryer® is a slimline base sounder, which meant that it was very
easy to install, fitting discreetly beneath the fire detector bases and creating an overall
detector/voice sounder combination with a very low profile – important in a building with such

London Underground - No-one in the fire industry can doubt the commitment over the past
decade of London Underground to improve its fire alarm systems. They have not only
introduced leading-edge detection systems but have probably the greatest challenge in
evacuation terms. Whilst below ground they have found the need for fully integrated
centralised systems, above-ground they have found that voice enhanced sounders meet their
criteria. Acknowledging their need to alert and warn passengers as soon as possible, they
also have the responsibility to avoid panic. The use of coded messages, as a pre-alarm to
staff to take up positions and investigate an alarm immediately without initially alerting
passengers, was a pre-requisite of the Fire-Cryer® installation. It was also vital that the
instruction to passengers to evacuate the station was given within a pre-determined time
unless the initial alarm was found as false or malicious and the alarm muted.

Kettering General Hospital - Fire-Cryer® multi-message

voice sounders have been installed in Kettering General
Hospital as part of the facility’s commitment to comply with
the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA). The application of
Fire-Cryer® voice sounders however, has done more than
bring the site up to DDA standards. The project has
transformed a traditional installation of bells and strobes to a
much more sophisticated evacuation system with multi-
messages, twin strobes and most importantly, a clear,
unambiguous evacuation message for all. Each unit has
been programmed with the bell tone which precedes the
voice message to ensure compatibility with the rest of the
site’s fire alarm system. To aid the hearing impaired, the
voice sounders have been installed alongside Fire-Cryer®
twin strobe modules, which differentiate between alert and
evacuation – amber strobe for ‘Alert’, Fire-labelled clear
strobe for ‘Evacuate’. Use of the Fire-Cryer’s® special
automatically generated ‘All Clear’ facility gives an automatic
‘All Clear!’ message once an alert is cancelled. The To aid the hearing impaired, the voice
sounders have been installed alongside
combination of the common bell tone, clear and ®
Fire-Cryer twin strobe modules, which
unambiguous voice messages and twin strobes ensures that differentiate between alert and
there is no confusion when building evacuation is required. evacuation

Kettering General Hospital is an excellent example of a well-designed system culminating

from a non-BS 5839 Part 8 voice specification integrating both multi-message voice sounders
and strobes to provide a DDA compliant fire evacuation system.
New Developments
New developments to the Fire-Cryer® range mean that customers can now stipulate which
messages should be accompanied by strobes and which should not. A good example is the
alert message at Kettering General which gave a flashing amber strobe on alert with a bright
clear strobe on fire. ‘All clear’ and ‘test’ messages have no flash at all so as not to confuse
staff or patients.

A recently designed gas suppression interface makes the use of multi-message voice
sounders even easier for gas extinguishant systems. Voice lends itself perfectly to these
types of application as failure to evacuate can be fatal. Moreover, the implementation in the
Vimpex unit of a hold-off function makes the Fire-Cryer® solution a very attractive one for
suppression installers.

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