Smart Parking System Based On Cloud Computing Using Android and Iot
Smart Parking System Based On Cloud Computing Using Android and Iot
Smart Parking System Based On Cloud Computing Using Android and Iot
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- Cloud computing is one of the most widespread To resolve the aforementioned problems and take
technology in recent time which has vigorously changed advantage of the significant development in technology, the
the nature of a business. Internet of Things is another Internet-of-Things technology (IoT) has created a revolution in
technology which has impressed the day to day of human many fields in life as well as in smart-parking system (SPS)
being. Improvement in Cloud computing and Internet of technology. The present study proposes and develops smart
things can be united and functional for solving real-time parking system solution based on the Internet of Things and
difficulties. In our research work, we have combined the Cloud computing. Our system constructs each car park as an
Internet of Things technology and an Android application IoT network, number of free slots in car park areas will be
using cloud computing to design an enhanced intelligent transferred to the data centre. The SPS is based on various
parking system. Overview for designing an Intelligent innovative technologies and can monitor and manage car parks
parking system has been narrated in this paper with an on its own. Furthermore, in the proposed system, each car park
architecture diagram. The difference between this can function independently as a traditional car park. This
mechanism and the other existing systems is that we intent research also implements a system prototype with wireless
to make our system as less human dependent and less access in an open-source physical computing platform based
physical actions as possible by automating the cars and the on Raspberry Pi using a smartphone that provides the
entire parking lot. To solve the traffic congestion difficulty, communication and user interface for both the control system
we require a superior mechanism in the parking area to and the vehicles to verify the feasibility of the proposed
measure empty space, Services and show the information system.
to the people who looking for the empty space for Parking
lot. The reservation process is happening only by the user.
Hence the user discovers the unfilled parking lot and II. LITERATURE SURVEY
makes the action of booking through an internet access by
an Android Application with driver's own knowledge
Parking Lot. In the paper titled “A Cloud-Based Smart-Parking
System Based on Internet-of-Things Technologies” published
Keywords:- Internet of Things, Android Application, on IEEE Xplore on 09 September 2015, the authors have
Raspberry Pi, Smart Parking, Cloud Computing. presented how to use of RFID and Arduino through manage
parking lot and algorithm of the system operations to obtain a
proposed system in real world.
In the paper titled “APPARKING: Smart Parking
In the development of traffic management systems, System based on Cloud Computing using Android and IoT”
published in International Journal of Emerging Technology
an intelligent parking system is needed to reduce the
and Advanced Engineering, the author have presented how to
complexity of parking and for optimal use of resources for car-
park owners. Currently, the common method of finding a use of Dijkstra’s algorithm and MD5 algorithm and the
parking space is manual where the driver usually finds a space android app which is used to implement the parking system
in the street through luck and experience. This process takes and it is attached with Raspberry Pi.
time and effort and may lead to the worst case of failing to
find any parking space if the driver is driving in a city with III. PROPOSED SYSTEM
high vehicle density. The alternative is to find a predefined car
park with high capacity. However, this is not an optimal
solution because the car park could usually be far away from The project smart parking slot booking system is designed
the user destination. by the combination of hardware and software. As per the
software part is concerned it is done in the Android application