Friction Stir Welding and Optimization of Its Parameters For Maximum Tensile Strength With Two Dissimilar Alloys
Friction Stir Welding and Optimization of Its Parameters For Maximum Tensile Strength With Two Dissimilar Alloys
Friction Stir Welding and Optimization of Its Parameters For Maximum Tensile Strength With Two Dissimilar Alloys
Abstract:- It is solid state welding process which is used in various applications in aerospace, marine, automotive industries. It is used for joining
the various similar and dissimilar materials. Friction stir welding has better mechanical properties in comparison with other welding process in
the zone. The present work focus to find the optimal combinations of parameters for maximum tensile strength of the weld joint of two
dissimilar alloys of Aluminium i.e. Al 5052 and Al 5086. Rotational speed of tool, traverse speed of tool and tilt angle of tool are the important
factors or parameters of interest. The present work aims to find out feasibility of process using the two dissimilar alloys i.e. aluminium 5052 and
aluminium 5086 and to find out the tensile strength of using different combinations of parameters. A modified vertical milling machine has been
used to setup the welding and a group of welding parameters. Various properties of welded joints were evaluated using various tests of
mechanical includes the tensile testing. In the present work it is found that the tensile strength is majorly influenced by rotational speed of tool
than tool tilt angle than tool traveling speed.
Keywords: Friction Stir Welding; Charpy test; Tensile Strength; Taguchi Analysis; Welding; Welding of Dissimilar metals;
I. Introduction
Some difficult metals are not able to join using conventional methods of welding. So for such metals we can use the friction stir
welding such many alloys of aluminium and magnesium which are too soft can be easily welded. The process is basically used in
industries like automobile, ship, building etc. The FSW is emerged as new joining solution for welding the number of different
combinations of alloys and materials. The friction stir welding a purely mechanical process and as it takes place in totally solid-
state phase, in this process the entire solidification problem related to melted material are avoided. So it becomes necessary to
optimize the use of this welding. The Welding Institute of UK in 1991 (TWI, 2009). In the Friction Stir Welding a cylindrical
non-consumable tool having-shoulder rotates at constant speed with its probe that fed with a constant rate into the butt joint
formed by combining two clamped work pieces. The length of tool probe is some shorter than the depth of weld joint required.
The shouldered tool rides at the top of the work surface. Due to friction between work piece and wear-resistant welding
components heat is generated at the junction. The heat generated due to mechanical intermixing and the adiabatic heat of material
melts the stirred material. With the forward movement of the pin, profile of the leading tool face forces the melted plasticized
material toward rear end for forged consolidation of the joint to be welded weld. A solid state deformation occurs in the process
when tool traversing which results dynamic recrystallization of the base material.
IJFRCSCE | February 2018, Available @
International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering ISSN: 2454-4248
Volume: 4 Issue: 2 172 – 176
Haşim Kafali et al. (2011) has observed the processing parameters effect on tensile strength, crack behavior and fatigue of
aluminum alloys. It was found that parameters of process in FSW have lot of effects on the temperature, heat input and defects,
microstructure and residual stresses of the weld bead. In general, the force of welding decrease with increase in the revolutionary
pitch of the tool, the force of welding increases with decreasing in the inclination angle of tool.
N. T. Kumbhar1 et al. (2012) A friction stir welding is used to weld an aluminum alloy having magnesium in steel. In this case, he
observed the effects by pin rotation speed of the tool and due to pin offset on the tensile strength after this joint structure was
investigated. It is observed that by changing rotating pin position to compensate the hot surface of the steel between steel and an
aluminum alloy. The Welding was performed by keeping the alloy of aluminum on the joint retreating side. To make a sound joint
he use optimum rotation speed of the pin. A low speed of rotation gives rise to increase in temperature of the weld, therefore the
pin of tool wore out in a short time. With increase in rotation speed, the temperature of weld bead increase so excessive that the
oxidation of materials take place and resulted in an unsound joint.
Qasim M. Doos et al. (2012) investigated that Aluminum alloy (6061-T6) are weldable using different (FSW) parameters giving
different welding efficiencies. FSW defects as indicated on nondestructive tests are related to the welding parameters, defect free
weld of FSW obtained by using optimum welding parameter. Fine grain size microstructure obtained on weld nugget of all FSW
joints. Microhardness drop was observed in the weld region of FSW joints and an increase in values of microhardness when
increasing welding speed.
II. Experimental Setup and Design
In the present work of friction stir welding process, a conventional PACKMILL manufactured vertical milling machine was used
which applicable for high duty. Aluminum alloy 5052 and 5086 are the two dissimilar metals to be joined, Table 1 shows the
chemical compositions of the work piece materials to be joined, and Table 2 shows the mechanical properties of material in use.
Specimens of 127 mm (length) × 72 mm (width) × 5 mm (thick) size were used as work piece material.
First pilot experiments were done on the workpiece using random values and then from those pilot experiments the suitable values
of these parameters were selected. Based on observations from the pilot experiments these levels were found suitable for the
III. Tool Design
The tool requires a material which can withstand the process and offer enough frictional heat generation. Material to be welded
must be considered before selecting a material to manufacture the FSW tool the This tool material must be wear resistant and the
material to be welded and must also have a higher melting temperature and sufficiently stronger. A basic and conventional design
for a FSW tool is shown in Figure 1. This cylindrical probe design will be compared to other more complex tool variants. FSW
tools that follow the same trends in terms of their shapes and geometries. The tool generally comprised of basic three generic
IJFRCSCE | February 2018, Available @
International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering ISSN: 2454-4248
Volume: 4 Issue: 2 172 – 176
features: shoulder section, probe and any external features on the probe. Although the probe makes the initial contact with the pre-
welded material the shoulder has a larger contact area and produces more friction.
Based on these observed levels of process parameters welding is done on work material using Taguchi L9 orthogonal array and
nine were done using four levels of three parameters.
After a successful welding of the samples at vertical milling machine the sample were analyzed for removal of any defect present.
The samples having defects were welded again on the same configuration same as that of defected one. To find the tensile
strength, the small samples suitable for UTM were cut from the weld bead.Universal Testing machine was used to calculate the
tensile strength of the welded joint.
1 1200 45 1.5 98
6 2300 65 1.5 95
8 3080 55 1.5 77
9 3080 65 2.5 88
IJFRCSCE | February 2018, Available @
International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering ISSN: 2454-4248
Volume: 4 Issue: 2 172 – 176
After all the observations done, then all these observations are used for doing analysis and finding the results with the help of
Minitab software. The calculations and graph plots for different element are discussed in detail in the next chapter.
Similarly, the tensile strength is largely affected by the tool travelling speed. The tensile strength of the welded joint decreases as
the tool traveling speed increase from 45 mm/min to 55 mm/min. the tensile strength shows a slight increasing trend as the tool
traveling speed increases from 55 mm/min to 65 mm/min. The trend is observed to be the same for both plots.
It is concluded that Tensile strength is seemed to be increase up to some extent with increase of tool rotational speed than it
starts decreasing.
Tensile strength is decreasing with increase of tool traveling speed.
Tensile strength is increasing with increase of the tool tilt angle.
IJFRCSCE | February 2018, Available @
International Journal on Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering ISSN: 2454-4248
Volume: 4 Issue: 2 172 – 176
Table 7 Optimal combination for Tensile Strength
Physical Optimal Combination
Requirements Speed(RPM) Feed Rate (mm/S) Tool Tilt Angle (o)
2300 45 3.5
Maximum Impact Strength
Level-2 Level-1 Level-3
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